Extracurricular event "Entertaining games in the Russian language." Didactic games and entertaining exercises in the Russian language

Interesting tasks in Russian lessons

Work with vocabulary words.

Work with vocabulary words is mandatory at every lesson of the Russian language. This work can be made more efficient and interesting.

I write down on the board 10 of previously studied dictionary words, I read them in the syllables. I give the guys to memorize 1 minute. I close the board, I give 2 minutes so that the children will be recorded (optionally in order) and calculated the number of recorded words (the digit is put on the notebook fields). Then I open the board and the guys are checked by yourself or mutual test (it is important. Quantity and literacy). For 9-10 correctly recorded words, I put 5. For 8 correctly recorded words or 9, but with 1 error - 4, for 7 correct or 8 with 1 error - 3.

Sleeping crosswords with vocabulary words. Sometimes such crosswords are preparing children themselves.

Crossword number 1. . Radding the crossword, in the highlighted line you will receive a new vocabulary word (numeral) to be planned.

1. A book with a list of all days a year (calendar).

2. Group of pack animals (caravan).

3. Old, experienced warrior, participant of the war (veteran).

4. Gaseous shell surrounding land, some other planets and stars (atmosphere).

5. Officer's title or Chin (Lieutenant).

6. Elevation for the speaker (tribune)

It turned out numerical two hundred.

Crossword number 2. Guess new vocabulary words, write them down, make a phrase.

1. Residential premises in a house having a separate entrance (apartment).

2. Urgent message transmitted by phone (telegram).

3. Dance performance in the theater (ballet).

4. The title of the highest commanders of the army (General).

In phrase Railway The main word is the road. (one)

Check, disassemble errors.

An alphabet dictation.

This work can be used if necessary, quickly recall what is subject to both.

Task: Write in the order of the first letters of the grammatical foundation.

Moscow m.agistral aboutcredited all night.

L.yunka quickly abouti was glanced d.sculpt the girl for the pigtail.

Forest e.zhevika c.arapala hand.

It turned out the word well done.

You can choose such proposals so that the result is: a) the word for further parsing; b) the subject of the lesson; c) Word Word.

Didactic games.

The educational process includes various types of activities, and each of them raises and activates students, develops their independence, memory, attention, creative thought, a common horizon. In my opinion, in the lessons of the Russian language, it is more often used to use such activities that attract children, are familiar to them - that is, the game.

The game is the main activity of younger schoolchildren, but it can be successfully used in training schoolchildren of middle and high schools, it is important only, based on the purpose of the lesson, find the form of the game, organically to have it in the fabric of the lesson in order to help assimilate the material and develop the creative possibilities of children.

Many doedactic exercise game can be used when studying the topic "Lexik".

1. The game "Translator". There are several options for this game.

1. Who will find foreign-language words faster and will replace them with Russians?

A) When checking a lot of defects were detected. B) He writes memoirs. C) your arguments are convincing. D) everyone worked with enthusiasm. e) we are proud of our goalkeeper.

2. Who will faster finding old elements and replace them with Russian words?

A) Fresh labonts are burning. B) the old man frowned by the man. C) Grad is great over the Neva.

2. The game "Revolutionary".

1. Replace in phrases The main word so that the dependent has become used in the portable value.

Iron nail, ruddy girl, curly kid, sleeping beauty, sweet cake, deaf dog, steel beam, Golden Watch, Spiny Yozh.

2. Replace in each pair of words synonym with antonym, and antonym synonym.

Sadness, longing, joy. Darkness, darkness, light. Close, far, near. Brave, coward, brave. Praise, censure, approval. Heat, cold, heat. False, truth, fiction.

3. Game "Shero".

Run synonyms in ascending order of the feature.

Fierce, rigid, lynny, ruthless, heartless, evil (enemy).

Abusive, offensive, sharp, rough, tactless (deed).

Didactic game gives nice results Combined with other methods.

Game "auction".

During the time allotted by the teacher, students record as many words as possible (couples of words, phraseologism) on a specific topic.

Who will make more couples Antonyms, synonyms;

Who will write down words in which two, three soft consonants;

Who will recover phraseological units in which the word would meet Head (eyes) or number seven.

Who will recover nouns (adjectives, communities) in which it is not a prefix.

Game-relay "Chick and the Glass".

The class is divided into commands that match the options (first and second). One team is conventionally called chic, and the second is the floor. The teams are given a piece of leaf, where they recorded words with missed letters in suffixes - Chik - and - Kloch. At the Teacher's team begins the relay. Each student finds one word with the necessary suffix and at the point of pass enters the letter "h" or "u" depending on its option. That team, whose sheet will be on the teacher's table faster, receives 20 points, the second 10. Each made mistake - minus 1 point. Defeats the team large quantity Points.

The baton is more convenient to start with the last part of the long-distance part of the series.

The game is "adding words."

The class is divided into two teams (or by rows, each student restores one word). Purpose of the game: Expand the skills of spelling the deaf and calls before the deaf.

Installation: This morning I got maritime mail, and it, as you know, comes on the water in the bottle. Part of the words blocked, and I can not read them. Help me restore words.







Tale game. "Tin soldiers".

In each word there is only one stress. Do not break the word with an emphasis. The emphasis helps to speak correctly, write and correct errors. Read the fairy tale and dispel the stress in the selected words.

Along the walls stretched long shelves.They were standing on them shelvestin soldiers. They frozen at night. Ahead of the messenger commander on horseback. Luke 1.the patterned saddle is bent like luke. But here arrows The clock showed eight. Liche arrows Raised guns, and a friendly volley rang out. Gunsfired and over the field rose white guns Cheek. Morning came.

Luke1 - protruding bending of the front or rear edge of the seat.

Find the same written words and explain how to find out what are they different?

Development of sense of humor and fantasy.

Let us dwell on one of the ways to form the interest of schoolchildren to the subject. This appeal to the humor in the lessons of the Russian language and the desire of the teacher to develop the fantasy of children.

Almost every child acutely feel funny, comic. Even in the dramatic, according to an adult, the student can see a humorous detail that causes a smile or even laughter, which is understandable only to his peers. It was subtly notified in the book "From two to five" and V. Dragunsky in humorous "Denisian stories."

1. Humor is an excellent assistant in a variety of situations. Consider some of them.

There are days over the day, and every Monday can more tense than the previous one. I support children with a humorous poem M. Weitmanna

Monday day cheerful.

Flaming school windows,

Do not give him offense!

He promises a lot of worries,

Blessed water.

We are satisfied with this day!

But light and heat.

Monday day heavy?

I'll see something again,

Originated from him

I will never believe!

Again, I understand something!

All good things.

If they took me to the forest.

3. The spelling of the floor - with the names of nouns.

Unprofitable consonants.

1. There are consonants such in, D, T, L.

Not in all words are heard

But everywhere they need.

To know where to write them,

It is necessary to check the word.


Sad - sadness,

I will not be sad.

Sad - "T" is not forbidden.

Late - check late,

In the word late "D" wrote.

In the word Sun "L" we do not hear.

In the word sun drink.


Star - check the star.

Star - "d" write always.


In the word Hello "B" is not heard,

Check the word to health.

Health to all wish you

And in the word Hello "B" do not forget.

4. To create a comic effect at the morphology level, morphological errors are often played in modern children's verses.



Although I laughed quieter all,

(from the poems of a talented dudeller)

But from laughter under the desk came.

Here are not mocked

Because silent laugh

And sore governorates

The strongest of all laughs.

Because to the womb

(O. Grigoriev)

Microbes are closed.

After all, microbes, too, baby,

Hands with soap wash rarely!

(S. Eastov).

The use of "cheerful" material may be associated with an educational task, for example, riddles - concise and bright - beautiful didactic. Riddling riddles not only and not so much a game as a positive background on which the learning task is solved.

We will listen to the riddles,

Difficult task it:

But we will write only to the deposit,

And riddles guess

And then read the answers.

And write without errors.

1. Do not bush, but with leaves,

2. Who always walks

Not shirt and sewn,

And the places do not find?

Not a man, but tells (book).

3. It is Egor

4. In the field stood,

In red ermolka,

In bags rested

Who won't go through

In the furnace sat,

Any bow gives away. (strawberry)

People fed. (bread)

5. Iron horse with gasoline,

6. Box on the knees dances,

Retained rubber. (car)

That sings, it cries loudly. (harmonic)

7. Past of groves, past Yara

8. I blocked blinkers

Rush without smoke, rush without couple

Tirelessly day and night;

Sisters locomotive.

And helps help

Who is she? (train)

And I want to help you. (traffic light)

Task: In the gays to emphasize "mistakes", draw up with them phrases or suggestions, or make a parsing.

Tongue Twisters.

My first syllable is a pretext,

I agree sign - my second syllable,

My third syllable is evil,

All together - in the holiday we get.


The first syllable for the measuring circle is needed

Two seconds jointly mean the "century".

In general - firearms,

Better b did not own a man.


Here the crow screamed -

We heard the beginning.

On the swamp - completion.

Overall - Masters Creation.


A special variety of Sharad is the type of puzzles, called " Why not say ...?" A word is selected that can be divided into parts in such a way that it is possible to get a grammatically correct phrase or proposal, for example: novoselnew downtown. Then, each of the words included in the resulting phrase is replaced with another, having the same grammatical characteristics and associated with the initial in meaning (synonym, antonym, etc.), for example: nov.old, donkeyass. The riddle is ready. It is proposed in this form: Why not speak« star Ishak"? Answer: Because they say« novosel" Examples of similar Sharad:

Why not say:

wizard yes you? (magic)

ceiling Saraja? (half)

eating, rudder? (pill)

she quit? (foam)

after Chess? (bit)

The type of puzzles can be adjacent to charaks that can be called " two in one": This word is invited to add another word so that in general the word also got a word, for example: the floor ...  Paul wasp , bar ...  bar suk ... window  vol window ... stranded  ka stranded. For this variety, Sharad is used not any words, but nouns in the nominative case.

In some cases, it is possible to pick up another word for a whole group of words so that it is supposed to be ahead or behind each word from the group, formed a new word with him, for example:

Word in words- So you can call a whole series of puzzles, the essence of which is that the word (usually noun in the nominative case) "hidden" in other words. Several varieties of this series stand out.

Start and ends.It is proposed to find such a word that would also serve as the end of the word for letters standing in front, and the beginning of a word for letters standing behind, for example:

i.e. we get three words: bow, heel, lukshko;

The word can be "hidden" in the middle of another word. It is usually proposed to find a few words in which "hiding" the same word. For example, a word mouth can be detected in such words as mole, Grotto, Rota, Dart, Gate, Rothmistra, Orphan etc.

The word can "hide" and at the junction of other words. The text is drawn up, in which the beginning of the sought word coincides with the end of one word of the text, and the end - with the beginning of the next word, for example, in the proposal Angle, oval, circle is geometric figures You can detect a word head. For encryption words can be involved and more than two words, for example, the word Portugal You can accommodate in four words: Tomorrow at the airport, Gali I will not stay for a long time.

Another way to "hide" one word in the other is to find such a word in which the letters of another, shorter, words are located in the right order, but with a possible interruption by other letters. As a task, it is usually suggested to find a few words with the same "hidden" word. For example, a word mole can be found in such words as resort, Croquet, Beauty, Fortress, Speed, Foxtrot, Partridge, Short, Electric Style.

Rebus(from lat. Rebus, literally "things, items; with the help of things, items") - a way to transfer the word or phrase in the form of drawings in combination with letters and signs. Now we perceive the rebus only as a puzzle, painting our leisure. Meanwhile, the principle of sound rebus played important role In the history of the development of the letter, when instead of difficultly located with the help of the drawing, the concept has painted similar on the sound, but the objectively unrelated concept.

To solve modern puzzle plas, you need to know some rules:

1. The names of all drawn items must be read in the nominative case. For example:

Some drawings can be interpreted ("read") in different ways. This is the main difficulty of solving the plas. You need to select a suitable reading. So, sign 1 in the rest R 1 BUT Reading as "one": homeland, and in the rest Sh 1 BUT As "count": school.

2. If the left of the drawing is a comma, then you need to discard the first letters of the word (so many letters as the commas). If the commas stand on the right of the drawing, you should drop the last letters.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image018_4.jpg "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 504 height \u003d 279 "height \u003d" 279 "\u003e

3. If the figure is the figures, it means that the letters must be read in the order that figures are specified.

4. If the picture is depicted on the drawing, it means that this letter must be removed from the resulting word.

5. If another or used arrow, showing the transition from one letter to the other, then, should be replaced by the letter in the word.

6. If the letter is inserted over the drawing between the numbers, this means that this letter should be inserted into the resulting word between the letters in the places specified by the numbers.

7. If the drawing is turned upside down, the word corresponding to the drawing must be left to the right left.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image023_1.jpg "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 600 "height \u003d" 303 src \u003d "\u003e

10. If the image of one letter is made up from another, many times repeated letters, then read it:

11. If the letters are standing near and together taken hands, read so:

12. If one letter is located next to the other, read this:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image028_2.jpg "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 513 height \u003d 636 "height \u003d" 636 "\u003e

14. If one letter is located on top of another, then various readings are possible. This mutual location of the letters can be conveyed using the prepositions "on", "over", "under". Examples:

15. If one letter is shown in front of another (accordingly, this other turns out to be at first), then reading with the pretexts "for" or "before" are possible.

Pun(from Franz. Calembour) - the game of words; The joke based on the same sound, but the different meaning of words. Often these words are recorded differently.

Kalabura are widely used by writers and poets, for example:

You, puppies, go for me!

Will be to you by Kalach

Yes, watch, do not talk,

And not that generation.

(A. Pushkin)

Do not shoe, buddy, the

What is your excess topics.

Products know those we

Where the best themes died.

(S. Shevtsov)

Once a cat burst into a parrot:

"Now you are, brother, parrot ..."

But the parrot from the cage shouted: "Brees!"

What a gray cat, here fled the b lyr!

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

Many joke riddles are built on Kalamburas:

Why does a man walk, and the turtle crashes?

(On earth.)

Why is the hunter carries a gun?

(Behind the shoulders.)

Who does the head of the road?


When are the dresses from grass?

(When they are empty.)

When does a person be trees?

(When he is from sleep.)

Three calf. How many legs will be?

(How much calf nor three - he will have four legs.)

1. Decipher the inscription By dividing it to words.


Why did the word "without" wrote separately? Prove.

2. Classified words and suggestions .

A) Sold down the word out of 5 letters. To solve the word take:

Apple | - 3rd consonant of the 1st word.

Cherry | (...... ..)? - 3rd consonant of the 2nd word.

Plum | - 1st vowel from the 3rd word.

Pear | - 1st consonant of the 4th word.

Watermelon | - 1st vowel from the 5th word.


3 . Focus with words.

Is it possible to turn into the ox? You can: COM-DOM-WHAT. Changing in one letter and intermediate word should exist.

Turn: Bow Cancer (Luck Crack)

flour River (flour-hand river)

garden Juice (garden-court-juice)

kok Mak (Kok-like-Mac)

kum Vol (Kum-Com-Cole)

This task of the child should not just perform, but to do with the goal. For example: Emphasize the word in the chain with unstressed vowels; Or emphasize the letters denoting steam sound sounds.

4 . The task : From each word take only the first syllables and make a word:

1) car, brake (av-tor)

2) Kolos, Rota, Vase (Ko-RO)

3) Milk, spawning, cockroach (Mo-non-Ta)

4) Bark, Lotto, Boxer (Mo-No)

5) Baran, Rana, Banchik (Ba-Ra Ban)

5 . The task : From each word take the second syllables and make a word:

1) Nightingale, ceiling (LJ)

2) Snake, Rama (I-MA)

3) Button, hammer, lava (go-lo-va)

4) Ukore, Buzina, Tina (Cor-zi-on)

5) Rotate, powder, ditch (in Ro-n)

6. The task: From each word to take the latest syllables, make a new word:

1) Furniture, Ruzho (Bel-E)

2) straw, it's time, stranded (ka-raf-stranded)

3) Fox, Belmo, Booklet (SA-MO-LET)

4) Pullover, coat, ticket (ver.)

5) Milk, relay, takes (co-le-s)

6) resin, searches, takes (la-retaent)

7. The task : From each word, take one to one to any syllable so that the word happened:

1) Plate, picture, Peacock (Plas-Ti-Lin)

2) shepherd, dam, camp (PAS-Ti)

3) boots, parachute, fantasy (sa-raf fan)

4) Cosaries, frosts, pilot (sa-mono)

5) Flour, Ragu, Sofa (Ka-Raen)

6) card, web, raid (car-th)

7) water, road, sample, nemid (in-up-water)

8. Words-Matryshka.

A) Find the words inside the data and write them down. Examples of the proposed words:

Victory (trouble, food, yes)

Beads from Lukoshka

slippers machine

pomine Mr.

fishing rod

fisherman shivering

precipitation atom

trubil rubber

B) Divided the word into two short.

For example: horizon \u003d burn + umbrella of the top \u003d ____ + _______

cypress \u003d _____ + _____ Makushki \u003d _____ + ______

gazelle \u003d _____ + _____ fiber \u003d _____ + ______

sail \u003d _____ + ______ band \u003d _____ + ______

C) take out the word one letter. It can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. The remaining letters must form a new word.

Spark - Ikra

shelter Heat

slope Krasnaya

screen vinegar

bed lamp

sprove tutorial

D) And now, on the contrary, the letter must be at the beginning and the end of the word is different.

Dar | Points | B Rosa | G.

Table | B duck | w mustache | B.

Ball | F pairs | to fur | from

Laziness | Oh Shel | to Osa | to

9 . Anagram and logarithm .

Anagrammy- Riddles with the permutation of letters in the word for the formation of another word. Logarithms - riddles in which the intended word is obtained from throwing or adding the letter.

A) anagrams and logarithms in verses.

1. Easy breathing in my shadow,

You often praise me in summer,

But let the letters stop

And the whole forest you dump me. (Lipa-Saw)

2. The tree in the native country,

You will find me in the forests you everywhere

But stop the syllables in me -

And I will feed the water. (pine pump)

3. On the way, on the way


And with the end I read

My knife is a nasual. (donel)

4. Along the wire rush

Night me and days

And from the end I will read -

Tigra I am akin to. (current-cat)

5. I'm lying on Earth,


But stop letters -

In a saucepan, I will climb. (Spala-noodles)

6. Geography with me

Learn in school children

Let the letters of the letters other -

And you will find me in the buffet. (Atlas Salad)

7. Take off, grief star in the night,

But it is very early to Ugasay

And change "E" on "and" -

And I am a bush of green. (rocket-rocket)

8. Famous me dish,

When you add "M",

Fly, buzz I will be,

Barehighted everyone. (ear-fly)

9. I crumble, demolishing the path,

All that I need to destroy.

And with the end I read

I am marine waves award. (scrap)

10. The task you will decide freely,

I am a small part of the face,

But if you read me from the end,

In me, you can see anything. (nose-sleep)

11. My fruit is hiding

Shadinist foliage.

And let the letters stop -

I will be a river. (Drying Vistula)

And pick up so comical

But insert us "l" - and sound

Then rather melodiously. (Gusi-Gusli)

B) make an anagram.

Change the order of letters in the word so that the new one is: summer body

Karp - Lighthouse -

Atlas - Boat -

Swamp - Fox -

Carea - Canopy -

C) Find initial words, if it is known that in all of them the same permutations were made.

1) Lbco 2) Ryai 3) UPX 4) Erasshn 5) RCDITI 6) Ashnrry

(block, aria, start, revenge, credit, hinge)

1) Wenty 2) Okamdnri 3) Lkbuinak

(flower, commander, strawberry)

10. Crosswords.

11. Logic tasks in the Russian language.

BUT). Puppy fidget.

The dog's dog had four puppies. Bim, Rex, Ball and .... And the fourth puppy constantly disappeared somewhere. What was his name? Guess and write down: Bobby, Friend or Tuzik?

(Bim- 3 letters, Rex- 4 letters, ball - 5 letters, which means the fourth called the friend - 6 letters.)

B) what word?






a fox



Guess the word I read from the data. Tip: There are two syllables in it, and there are more sounds than letters. (Raccoon)

The task may be another. Tip: This is the word on the end with a soft sign and it is 2 declines, etc.

IN) Generalization of concepts.

Name in one word: bag, bucket, doctor ....... (Nouns names)

fun, good, at random ...... (adveria)

slips, green, earth ... .. (words with verifiable

unstressed vowel).

D) The game "In Definition".

Children are given cards with the name of items (for example: bus, apple, lake, chamomile ...). The apprentice who took one of the cards, for 1 minute to tell about his object so that everyone understands what the speaking. It is impossible only to call your word and gesticulate hands. Later you can limit: tell about the object, calling the verbs or only adjectives.

12. Knocking out a word.

Words are offered:

building solved

run painted

she sees writes

Children should alternately need to remove the words, calling the distinctive sign of the word that other words.

For example:

1) Running only this verb in an indefinite form.

2) Painted only it has a plural.

3) Decided- only he has past time,

and the rest - in the present.

4) Writes only from the remaining 1 conjugation.

5) sees only this verb exception.

Only the verb "builds" remains. But the deposit options in this case can be different. Children can notice a variety of signs of verbs.

Similar work is possible with other parts of speech:







1) the danger is a noun, and all the others


2) beautiful - only this adjective in female


3) cheerful - only it does not contain unprofitable


4) known - only this adjective contains


Stay: honest and sad.

Such tasks allow you to attract all students and repeat the large volume of the material studied.

A group of words on the spelling of the consoles: D..Leshel, pr .. Gorok, z .. said, pr .. smoked, n ..vetl, etc., s.

The code: and - 1, e - 2, o - 3, a - 4

Children task: write only the missed letters in order by encrypting them with numbers.

Children in the notebook an entry appears:

3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3.

This game can also be used very differently. Orphograms can be diverse. You can encrypt case, kind, the number I.T.D.


Members of the sentence

H and with t and re h and


























-Well and write a proposal for the cipher: 9, 13, 1

(Cold winter has come.) Call the grammatical foundation.

13 . Always in regularity .

We need to fold the word on regularity. The word in brackets is obtained from words around the edges. Radding 1st regularity - you will find a word from the second pair.

Mushroom (tag) asset

Gray (.......) Atom (this is the word "card" because, from the first, they took 4.3, 2, letters, and from the second 2, 1)

There are many such patterns:

baggore (dew)

garage (... ..) Tobacco (missed word "toad")

book (Stork) Salad

threshold (... ..) Omelet (Grotto)

pie (field) tear

market (......) siege (dew)

sarry Sare

announcement (......) Ogrech (Snow)

wax (Sokh) Freight Cattle (......) Front (window)

stop (salt) whip

pause (......) steppe (path)

You can list them for a long time, as well as tasks that can be offered.

14. Word game .

Insert the word in brackets, which would be the end of the first and beginning of the second. In the word so many letters, how many points in brackets.

Cameras (... ..) ka (tea)

Me (.......) Olad (shock)

× ... ..) yy (way)

APO (......) B (table)

AM (.......) AN (bar)

Run (......) OR (ILO)

Svir (... ..) Nick (spruce)

Ne (.......) Ol (juice)

Tasks: - Make a phonetic analysis

- Outfigured

- invent related words

- Simulate word according to the scheme:

Write as many proposals as possible, whose words would begin with the specified letters. Observe these proposals for members and parts of speech.

B ____ _______ ________ b ________.

With ____ _______ n ________ from ________.

To ____ E _______ l ________ to ________.

Are given Words: Author, Comrade, Motor, Billiards.

From each word take only the first syllables and write down the resulting word (Av-Mo-Bill).

Danae words: crop, soiling, gardener.

From the first word, take the first syllable, from second- second, out of third third. Write down the word (y-che-nickname). Slogs can be taken anything and words to give a variety.

15. Restoration of words and suggestions .

A) Help the patch.

Piglet got into trouble. He wrote a letter, but it was blurred with water. Restore letter Pigma.

"SP.SH..D .., p..m..g..t ..! M..y d..m z..t..p..l .. in..d ..!

I'm in b..d ..!

P..t..ch..k. "

Since the main part of the orfogs is vowels, such tasks make it possible to repeat a large number of rules.

B) Signs.

Once a hurricane flew to the city. He ripped off the signs of the signboard, and on others, torn separate letters. Restoring the name.

Message..l .. Col..y

Xle .. de ..... ... ...

C) in front of you words, but with missing letters. One point corresponds to one letter. Write words.

m.. . . Die . . F.

in. . . . . d b. . . . . T.

s. . C.

D) mysterious letter.

Chestka denotes that the letter is passed here. What words could we get?

------ A W A

------ and y k a

Cheerful grammar

topic: Spelling of hissing Libe-Shi, Cha-sch, Chu-Schu.

    Board loudly.

the cat lives on the roof

And in Chulana live ...... (mice)

won't go without gasoline

No bus nor ... (a car)

    Make words from syllables.

Li Cha Pru Ma Ma on Sha Schi Shea Tea Sha Nick Chap Wael

3. Dopsy word: .... Suits, ... .ka, ... .nik, ... Gun, meeting ..., Pi ..., Cha ..., Tu .., got .., RO ..

4. In these poems, 12 words with combinations of Libe-Shi, Cha-sch, Chu-Schu. What words are these?

A bare komans,

Loose lake in silence.

Reflects in it live:

clouds in the lake float

Bor pine, like alive,

Dorming the book head.

Seagull rooted the kettle,

Invited eight chaps:

- Come all for tea!

How many chapters, answer!

Pike in the lake lived,

Brushed bottom she chalk

Sch was cooked for guests,

Dared to Pescare.

5. Fill the cells.































6. Crosswords.






    They do not bargain, but tosses, do not silent, and the words will not say, go, and they will not move from the spot. (CLOCK)

    Frowned, go out, in tears will hit - nothing will remain. (Cloud)

    The tail is wagging, a toothman, not barking. (PIKE)

    I wore me a beast, and got on people. (Fur coat)

7. Charm.

Rearing the letters in places to form new words

loaf (stocking) handle (chock) manica (machine)

skach (AUD) Niche (tire)

8. Charade.

With s we rush you what is urine

With y - we wet you legs. (Ski-puddles)

9. Rebus.





Riddles on topics:

    The spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word.

    The spelling of the consonants in the root of the word.

    Spelling combinations of Libi-Shi, Cha-sch, Chu-Schu.

    Spelling of separation soft and solid signs. "

    The composition of the word

    Specifying a soft sign after noun happiers. "

    The spelling of unstressed vowels not checked by stress. "

    Spelling of the wrong consonants in the root of the word. "

    Double consonant.

    Spelling of a soft sign denoting the softness of consonant sound.

Riddles on the topic "The spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word".

1. The grass glitters dew,
The girl came out - the Beauty,
Grass cuts and puts,
All forward-back floats. (Spit)

2. Holy cheerful, redhead head,
Fluffy tail - the beauty!
And her name is ... (a fox)

3. It loves to fuck,
In the garden ride
She shakes a beard
Derezoy itself calls. (goat)

4. Sites grandmother in glasses on walnut bitch.
Oh-ho-ho and ah-ah-ah - Hood grandmother in glasses.
Sees at night in the dark and bugs, and spiders,
And no zpi sees in the afternoon, neither without glasses. (owl)

5. I and cloud, fog, and stream, and ocean,
And fly, and run, and glass can be. (water)

6.Intered tracks, rooted the windows,
The joy of children gave and rode on sledding. (winter)

7. Messenger fun, in the summer there
Autumn feeds, winter warms. (wood)

8. On the beginning, not the end, nor a nor, nor face!
They know everything - and young, and old, that she is a big ball. (Land)

9. The sea goes, goes,
And to the shore comes up -
Here and disappear. (wave)
10. In the morning in the yard,
Many beads on the grass. (dew)

Riddles on the topic "The spelling of pair consonants in the root of the word" .

1.To Mountain, and in the mountain
Two deep holes.
In these badges, the air wanders,
That comes, it turns out. (nose)
2. Starik - joker
It does not stand on the street,
The nose is drawn home. (frost)
3. Clever - Wedge,
Expand - damn. (umbrella)
4. For you, he woves,
Though in place remains. (track)
5. LED, lying,
Yes, the river ran. (snow)
6. That I am in a cage, then in the ruler,
Write for me Sumy-ka,
You can draw and draw
I call me ... (notebook)
7.nevous and Coreland
I decided to look at us
Raising in the morning under the trees
Sheet with green needles. (mushroom)
8. Poda pines, under the christmas trees
Lies a bag with needles. (hedgehog)
9. Top bottom - full, downward bottom - empty. (cap)
10. Powered by Pup, lies under the ear. (pillow)
11. If I am empty,
I forget about you
But when I am going
I will not go past my mouth. (the spoon)
12.Unaya old woman
Lives in a forest hut,
The same thing says
One syllable all life is told. (cuckoo)
13. In white dresses, yellow eyes ...
You will call them without any tip. (chamomile)
14.With where the girlfriend hid.
Under the sheet sits ... (Wave)
15.Date and snow, thunderstorm and shower.
In short, how to call,
So that the riddle to guess. (precipitation)
16. The chicken was walking,
Fresh grass pinching,
And behind her guys -
Their names are … (Chickens)
17.stroy tip - Oh, oh! On his foot one.
In the village wants to live, on top it is necessary to beat him. (nail)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of combinations of Libe, Shi, Cha, Schu, Chu, Schu."

1. Where the tail will be strengthened
Will be a hole later. (awl)

2. Mountain - Konyashka,
Mountain - Dores (skiing)

3. For the asterisks such
On the coat and on the scarf?
All through, cut,
And you take the water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

4. Ta is growing on the slopes
And on the Khollikov Green.
The smell of strong and soul
And her flower and leaf
We and you go to tea.
What kind of grass, guess! (oregano)

5. I look like a rose
Isn't that good
But my fruits
All are suitable for food. (Rosehip)

6. The head of the pillar, and there is no smoke. (candle)

7. Eagle the eagle on the blue sky,
Wings molten, the sun is stuck. (cloud)

8. The right will say, since go.
Stop - Sorut. (clock)

9. not shit, not kroen,
And on the thread. (stocking)

10. I saw in my mouth,
Under water, she lived.
Frightened everyone, all swallows,
And now I got into the boiler. (pike)

Riddles on the topic "The spelling of the separation soft and solid signs".

1. In the forest at the stump of a blunt, running:
People working all day cotton
My city is building. (ants)
2. King in the ground, body on the will,
To the Sun stretch a lot of hands - you will not break out! (trees)
3. Ded - Piglet, rear - hook.
In the middle of the back, and on it is a bristle. (pig)
4. The Giant: That is a huge,
Multididian slab
I, like a tile chocolate,
In the middle rising in height.
And if I have a mighty lap
Elephant or camel silent,
I both will be happy
Raise like small kittens. (lifting crane)

Riddles on the topic "The composition of the word".

1. I argue, not white - me, brothers, simpler,
I usually in a birch grove. (Podberezovik)
2. Snow blooms,
Previously all the spring meets. (snowdrop)
3. In the red hat ragu
Among the roots of aspen.
You will see me for the mile,
I call me ... (Support)
4. Own, at noon, at dawn,
He carries the service secret.
On the trail, on the shore
Blocks the path of the enemy. (border guards)
5. Master, Master, Help -
The boots were tested.
Score switching nails
We will go to visit today. (shoemaker)
6.Ell work in the depth, at the bottom,
His work in the dark and silence.
Let the work of his hard and not easy,
As a cosmonaut, he sails among the stars. (diver)
7.This in the sky flies,
Evenly so buzzing.
Wings she does not wave
The white track behind it will fall. (plane)
8. According to the people of the people, he takes,
In cities, he comes to the port. (motor ship)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of a soft sign after noun happiers".

1. Shop Bird wing
And covered the whole light in one pen. (night)

2. Invost in the yard, nose in a cone.
Who will turn the tail, that the house will go. (key)

3. Male ball under the bench shine. (mouse)

4.Who two weeks greenery,
Two weeks to expose
Two weeks fights
Two weeks pours
Two weeks dries. (rye)

5. Valid over the water, shakes a beard. (reed)

6. Not like a little man,
But he has a heart.
And work round year
He gives hearts. (pencil)

7. He does not cry from beating
And jumps and jumps. (ball)

8. Marten birds of blacks,
Brushes a lot of worms.
Back and forth in a lot of scroll.
And the bird is called ... (rook)

9.chelovka in a bathrobe white
Busy very important thing.
His health is trusted
And hope is hoping. (doctor)

Riddles on the topic "The spelling of unstressed vowels not checked by emphasis."

1. Like, buzzing, two eyes looks,
And it will become - bright red eyes look.

2. From the edges of the city to another.
There is a house under the arc. (tram)

3. In the penny of the hemp
Many thin stems.
Each thin stalk
Holds a scarlet light.
I trigge the stalk -
We collect lights. (berries)

4. The field was born,
At the factory was cooked,
In the glass was dissolved (sugar)

5. Russian beauty, we all really like.
Bela she, Slim, clothing Zelen. (Birch)

6.This on the branches of the group,
Shell-covered. (nuts)

7. Children's child in a hundred diaper. (cabbage)

8.Surry red nose
On the top of the top in the ground.
Only sticking out in bed
Green strands. (carrot)

9. Buses are hanging, out of bushes on us.
Very love beads these children, birds and bears. (raspberries)

10. He chickens on the roof and climbing it above.
The courtyard in the court, the feed is picking there. (sparrow)

Riddles on the topic "The spelling of unrepringly consonant in the root of the word".

1. The day and night knocks it as if he was headed.
It will be bad if this knock suddenly stops. (a heart)

2. When I am lying on my back,
No benefit any in me
But lean me to the wall -
There will be a case right to me. (stairs)

3.No, who of you will answer:
Not fire, but hurts
Not lantern, but shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bake. (the sun)


As a rule, schoolchildren are much more advocated to perform an entertaining task than ordinary, because unusual is always attractive. Quiz is also from the category of entertaining: it's nice to feel yourself a connoisseur, to succeed in an honest competition.

Thirty interesting tasks For quiz in Russian, taken from my work experience. Of course, all tasks with answers.

Questions jokes

1. In what word forty vowels?

2. In which words a hundred consonants?

3. For what consonant sound you need to hide another consonant sound, so that the simultaneous shot of several guns?

4. What word complains that he lacks up to hundreds?

5. What alphabet consists of only six letters?

6. How to turn high grass growing along the shores of the reservoirs in a small rodent?

7. What pronoun will turn into an alliance if you read it right left?

8. What is the numerical order contain?

9. Sometimes he is hanging, they go away, everywhere they are, and sometimes they remain with him. What is it?

10. In what word 100 denies.

Questions are serious

11. What is the difference in the meaning between the words Hindu and Indian?

12. What is the origin of the word Capital?

13. What is the difference between the meaning of words to diminish and smume?

14. What is the origin of the word bag?

15. Word Wednesday has two meanings: "Day of the week" and "what is around, surroundings." What is the case and exactly what does the difference between these two meanings do?

16. Determine the discharge of the adjective hare.

17. What is a charting case?

18. Explain the semantic difference in phrases for two hours - two hours.

19. What kind of women's pronoun turned into a noun - sports term?

20. Name 3 verbs that are not used without.

21. Form the perfect view from the verbs to speak, catch, take.

22. One student in the composition wrote: "Unbreaks and necessary, the expanses of our country are necessary." What was his mistake? What did he mean in fact?

23. Is there any adverb in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Sail". Reply explain the answer.

24. How did adverbs formed today and tomorrow?

25. What is the uncertain form of the verb cure?

26. Is it the same when reading from left to right and on the contrary, the words of the grandfather, the Cossack, Chalash, income?

27. In the word easy Letter g is pronounced as x. Remember 2 more words having the same feature

28. In which existing 7 letters about?

29. Guess the riddle in verses:
With the letter about I Circle buddies,
With the letter A - event.

30. And here's another poem. What does it remind about?
Watch, hear everything, see
Depend on hate
Vertete, keep, breathe,
To tolerate, offend, chant.


Questions jokes

1. Forty.

2. Table, moan, stack, stop.

4. will be.

5. Alphabet.

6. Ka-mouse - mouse (swam signs of syllables).

7. He - but.

10. Steak.

Questions are serious

11. Hindu is a resident of India; Indian is a representative of the indigenous population of America.

12. B. ancient Russia The word table meant the throne, throne, chair on which the prince sits. Therefore, the main city of the principality was called a capital hail or capital.

13. Imprint - slightly decreased (the prefix takes the value of incomplete). To be understood - it is very reduced (pre- \u003d very).

14. The word bag happened from the word fur, as first the bags were made from the skins and had fur.

15. In the vinegenial case, the emphasis falls on different syllables, for example: to take place in Wed e.do - put in alkaline media w..

16. Press and relative, depending on the context: (Whose?) Hare tail - (what?) Hare Tulup.

17. The charming case in antiquity was used for appeals: Prince - Prince, Father - Father, etc. We still use the form of a charting case, and even in conversational speech, for example: My God! Lord!

18. Two hours - time; Two hours are two subjects, the device measuring time.

19. Draw.

20. Laugh, fear, be proud, try, etc.

21. Say, catch, take.

22. The student did not understand the lexical value of the communion necessary, so it used it wrong: I wanted to say "it is impossible to look around and bypass", and it turned out "unawrs and very necessary."

23. No. The word light is a comparative degree of adjective light.

24. This (this) + day \u003d today. For + Morning \u003d Zouch \u003d tomorrow.

25. Two verbs have such a form in the 1st face of the singular: departure and cure.

26. The same sounds, i.e. They have the same sound composition from left to right and right to left only the slas [Chaolars] and the Cossack [Cossack]; Grandfather [D'ET], income [Dahot] When reading right to left, have a different composition and sequence of sounds. If we take into account the stress, then no word sounds equally left to right and right to left.

27. God, soft.

28. Defense capability.

29. Company - Campaign.

30. The fact that these verbs have to have to have the second lifting.


1. Arsiriya A.T., Dmitriev G.M. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. Part 1. - M.: State. Educational and pedagogy. Publishing house, 1962.

2. Arserie A.T. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. Part 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 1967.

3. Vartanyan E.A. Traveling into word. - M., 1982.

4. Ivanova V.A., Potich Z.A., Rosental D.E. Integrated about Russian. - L., 1990.

5. Mekrezhinskaya E.K., Gurevich A.Yu., Zarutsky S.A. Entertaining grammar. - Kiev: Radyancy School, 1968

6. Sidorov S.V. Organization of literature in school: Guidelines. - Kurgan: IPKIPRO Kurgan region, 1997.

7. Trembali Ya.L., Chekalov I.V. Your word, erudites! - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

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Elena Lebedeva
Entertaining gaming tasks in the Russian language

Entertaining Russian.

1) Gaming tasks aimed at developing spelling standards.

The game "Word Lotto"

Each child receives a card on which 8 vocabularies are written. A teacher or a student pulls out a card box and reads words. A child who has such a word on the card, closes his chip. At the end of the game, we reveal the winner, that is, who the first of the children closed the words. Then the teacher gives the task: write off the words, perform a mutual test, raise your assessments to each other.

Cards for play

fun cucumber

dog vegetable

shop Topor

birch yield

quickly cucumber

milk student

shop teacher

birch car

The game "Smooth landing"

When working out any topic or spelling, this game encourages interest, activating the entire class. Children do not know whom the ball will fly and what word or question will sound. For example, the topic is studied "The spelling of unstressed vowels". The teacher throws the ball and calls the word "Earth". The student catches the ball and calls the test word "Earth". Answered the question correctly can sit in place, the one who did not cope with task, continues to stand and trying to correct the situation.

The game "I work the wizard"

Guys get tasks: Turn the nouns names in the names of the adjectives of the female genus the sole number.

Table - Dining room

Furniture - furniture

Sofa - Sofa

This game is carried out in pairs. At the end of the game, the results are summed up, the couples are revealed - the winners - wizards who not only correctly formed words, but also wrote them without mistakes.

The game "Who quickly?"

Rearrange the syllables. Write down the words obtained, divide them to syllables.

Download Chaika

Reich Mouse

Spring Spring

Early Nora

Our tire

Pump pine

2) Gaming tasksaimed at the development of orthoepic standards.

The game "Make the text and voice it"

Students are offered a set of words that can represent some difficulties in pronunciation. Words are recorded on the board. A task Pupils - for 2-3 minutes Make a connected text (using these words) and read it, observing the orthoepic standards. The teacher can designate experts who should carefully listen to the text and conclude compliance with the pronunciation standards. Example: Dana words - kilometer, driver, centner, nettle, beet, centimeter.

The game "Invite a friend for lunch"

Pupils are offered a list of lunch menu to invite a friend. In the menu, of course, recorded the words: Sorrel, cakes with cottage cheese, plum or pear compote, meatballs. Children need to contact your friends by reading them the menu without errors. You can beat the situation of the meeting of friends.

The game "Speaker Competition".

Students need to read the proposed text, paying attention to the selected words. "Supervision group should be created for monitoring and control. It is assumed that it will be formed in the period from the 3rd decade of the current month until the end of the quarter. "

3) Gaming tasksaimed at developing speech.

Graduate 1st Class are very useful such games, since they develop speech, cognitive interest, imagination, motility hands.

The game "We write a fairy tale"

The teacher reads the children a fairy tale or story (to begin with a small, consisting of 4-5 major episodes, then propose to retell the text. It's pretty complicated: Almost all children have connected retells. Calm the child and suggest it to record a fairy tale, so that later it could be read. And you can write a fairy tale with the help of pictures. Children draw several squares on a leaflet. Together with the children I remember what was mentioned at the beginning of the fairy tale. For example, about the girl who left the house. In the square paint a girl near the house. Then also draw a continuation of the fairy tale. The teacher helps to share a fairy tale on the semantic parts.

As a result, children sketch in pictures the entire plot and retell a fairy tale in their illustrations.

The game "Let's compose!"

Offer children to write a fairy tale. Determine the topic - come up with fairy tales about bunnies. Then discuss in which role will be a bunny in fairy tale: He can live in the forest and be friends with the beasts, and maybe a toy that the boy was presented, a bunny can perform in a fairy tale like a panty and, on the contrary, like a brave. Or maybe come up with a fairy tale about how difficult it is to notice a white bunny on the snow? A few minutes later, children tell fairy tales that are discussed and evaluated. High rating gets the most consistent, detailed and original fairy tale.

The game "Magical forest"

Each participant of the game receives a sheet of paper and pencils. An unfinished image is made on the sheet. (see below).

Children need to draw a magic forest, and then tell about him interesting story. Then consider drawings, listen to stories and mark the most complete, original.

The game "Complete Word"

Lead calls part of the word (book.) And throws the ball. The child must catch the ball and supplement the word (ha).

In the role of a leading child and adult can speak alternately.

Make up from the proposed set of letters as much as possible words: a, k, s, o, and, m, p, m m, sh, a, n, and, y, g, with

Call words opposite to meaning: Thin - sharp - clean - loud - low - healthy - victory - etc.

The game "Who is bigger?"

Make as much words as possible (nouns) From the letters forming any word.

for example: Photo - Reef, Tir, Mountain, Bargaining, Grotto, Tract, Graph, etc.

Add other letters is prohibited!

You can use others options:

Proposed root word: table, cat, house, etc. It is necessary to find as many derivatives as possible in perhaps a short time. for example: House - House, Domysch, Domok, House, Home, Home, Domny, Home, etc.

4) Gaming tasksaimed at systematizing knowledge about speech parts.

The game Domino (on this topic "Verb")

Each participant of the game receives a card that is divided into two parts. In one part it is written the beginning of the rule or wording of the question, to another continuation of the answer. Children must connect on the principle of dominoes all the cards.

What suffixes have verbs last time before suffix-l-? Hinding verbs is a change in verbs on persons and numbers.

The most commonly the verb is expressed in the offer? Verbs are the present, past and future time?

What is the end of the surveillance glasses? In the sentence, the verb most often happens to be sure.

The game "Zebra" (on this topic "Noun")

The game can be carried out in groups. Each group gets white and black paper strips. On the white stripes, questions are written on the topic, and on black children it is necessary to record the answers. Alternating strips among themselves, children make up drawing "zebras". That group wins, which is faster and correctly will record answers to questions.

The game "We collect a crop" (on this topic "Adjective")

This game can be carried out at the end of the lesson or at the end of the study of this topic. The teacher distributes the pictures of apples, pears, drain, cherries, apricots (you can a few pieces each child, there is a basket on the table. Invites children: "Let's collect harvest. It is necessary to formulate a rule on the topic. "Adjective" And lower the picture in the basket. The wording of the rules should not be repeated. Let's see who is most of all putting fruits and berries in the basket. "

The game "Clean board"

Children really like this game. For her organization, before explaining a new material at different ends of the board, questions are recorded, which can be expressed both in normal shape and scheme. They should be built on the material of a new topic. The teacher reports that in the course of the explanation of the material, students will participate in game: "Look at the board, it is filled with various issues. Answers to them are contained in my explanation. I will ask from time to time, whether you are ready to answer any question. If you give the correct answer to it, then the question is erased. A task This game is that by the end of the lesson the board turned out to be clean. "

Another variant (When the game is not held for the first time) games can include a small competition: "What a number of students will help to remove more questions from the board?" If some questions remain unanswered, they automatically become for the guys home task.

5) Lexico-phraseological games.

The game "Gather, explain, prove"

The game can be carried out both individually and in teams, groups, in pairs. Children are offered a set of words on paper strips. During a certain time, it is necessary to compile phraseological turnover, explain the meaning, result from life, or a literary work. for example: How, Makar, whistles, on Language, Wind, spinning, in pockets. In the mittens, calved, calves, in the water, did not drive, hero.

The game "Guess-ka!"

The teacher throws the ball a child and calls phraseological turnover. Pupils catch the ball and explain the meaning. One who is not mistaken never wrong.

for example: skin yes bone - thin; Breathing memory - forgetful; On all sails - quickly. Stabbar - discuss; Though the blood out of the nose is necessarily; hand to file - close; How fish in water is confident.

The game "On the contrary"

This game is an analogue of the previous one, only on the contrary. The teacher calls the words to children, and the guys should be replaced by phraseological circulation.

for example: Male - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Suddenly - like snow on the head. Closely - no place to fall apple. Dark - even an eye of chosen.

The game "Auction"

In this game, the one who lasts the latter will call the phraseological turnover, in which the names of animals, birds, insects are found.

for example: Buy a cat in a bag, every kulik praises his swamp, Martushkin work, take a bull for the horns, the mosquito of the nose is not pumped.

6) There is another type of games, distinctive feature which are external rules. They are called trainings. To them relate:

1) board games; (Domino, Lotto);

2) games based on specified algorithm(rebuses, crossword puzzles, characters, puzzles).

Teachers and psychologists proved that the compilation of interactive games themselves contributes not only to the best assimilation educational material, but also the development of written speech, systematization of knowledge on topics, develops attention, thinking, the ability to allocate the main, develops cognitive activity

In lessons you can offer children a decision of crosswords, compiled as a teacher and children.

On this topic "Noun" 3rd class

On this topic "Pronoun" 3rd class

Didactic games and entertaining exercises in the Russian language

Sounds and letters

Alphabet and alphabet

Who knows better alphabet?(Everyone.) Each player must call all the letters of the Russian language in order. The class evaluates the work and defines the winner.

Read without sticking!(Everyone.) On the board 2 groups of consonant letters are recorded, the names of which cause difficulties in children:

K, x, sh, sh, y, p, t, h, c, l, m, n, r, with

Y, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, u

Playing goes to the board with couples. Everyone calls the letters of both lines. The class evaluates the quality of the answers.

What is missing?(2 people) on the board in 2 columns is recorded alphabet with letters of letters:

Abdek Gdesk


H sh u sh u i

Playing insert missing letters and read the entire alphabet. The class determines the winner.

Whofor whom? (2 com. - 2 girls and 2 boys.) Girls must arrange the alphabet of the cards with the names of boys, and boys - cards with the names of girls: Dima, Kolya, Alyosha, Ilyusha, Vitya, Grisha, Boria, Petya, Fedya, Lenya, Senya, Misha, Roma, Tim; Galya, Anya, Zhanna, Ira, Dasha, Zina, Vera, Nina, Masha, Klava, Light,

Olya, Lida, Fields.

The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

Deciting the word.(5 people) on the board are recorded "enchanted" words with a changed order of letters:

Hopla Cotton Cow

You need to "awake" the word, putting the letters in alphabetical order. Playing, the first "spent" the word given to him is considered the winner.

Answers: Burning, bridges, wilderness, bandages, maybe.

whatper word?(Class.) The task of playing is to decipher and write 3 words, the letters of which are marked by numbers on their place in the alphabet: 1, 13, 22, 1.3, 10, 20; 2, 21, 12, 3, 1, 18, 30; 4, 18, 1, 14, 16, 20, 1.

Three student are considered the winners, the first to decipher all three words (alphabet, a letter, gram).

Around the order.(3 people) each participant of the game is a list of 5 words starting with the same letter, but differing in second letters: secretary, lubricant, storyteller, welder, gardener; Herring, sugar, sour cream, bunch, frying pan; Delivery, samovar, word, bundle, signal.

It is necessary to place words in alphabetical order by second letters and write them to the column on the board. The class checks and evaluates the work of the players.

The game can be repeated with the words sign toll, sniper, collector, locksmith, sapper; Syrup, sauce, beets, cream, snob; Seeds, resin, assembly, fairy tale, fold.

Review the alphabet.(Class.) In 5 minutes you need to choose one word for each letter of the alphabet and write them in the notebook. Three people are considered the winners, picked up words to the largest number of alphabet letters.

By the order is becoming!(Class.) Every player card with the initial letter of his last name. On the team, children are built in alphabetical order, holding the letters in front of them.

. Note.If one letter in the class is somewhat surnames, then the order of arrangement is solved collectively on the second, third, etc. Letters up to the name and patronymic (if all other letters coincide).

Slog and Schoratory

Whowill gather faster? (3 people) On the board, the subject pictures are exhibited on the board with one-, two and three-sided names of items: whale, ax, bridge, pencil, bus, cancer, saw, glass, pigeons, sparrow, tiger, horse, frame, balls, Drum, owl, table, chickens, parrot, elephant, swallow, poppy, doll, plane,

Kettle, ruler, bow, house, spoon, forty.

One of the players picks up pictures with single names of items, the second - with two-linked, the third one with three-sided. The class checks and evaluates the results of the work.

Note.The game can be repeated, replacing completely or partially the composition of the subject pictures.

Offers a syllable.(Class.) Slogius offers children 3 tasks:

1. Change the words so that each has two syllables:

House, garden, oak, leaf, bush, poppy, bridge, mole, rain.

2. Change the words so that each has only one syllable: pancakes, mushrooms, beasts, doors, horses, stakes, nails, bruises, friends.

3. Form from these words Three-siled words: cat, mouse, leaf, knife, oak, rose, VAZ A, goat, cock, feather,

For each correct answer, the player gets the point. Wins the one who scores the greatest number Points.

Kry and Cres(2 com.) It is necessary to make up for 3 minutes as much words as possible with the syllables of the Wiel and Crea in the beginning of the word.

The 1st team makes up words with a syllable of the Wiel, and the 2nd - with a syllable of crack. At the end of the team members read recorded words. For each uninforced word, the team gets a point. The team who scores more points is defeated.

Possible answers: gooseberry, wing, porch, rat, roof, roof, indoor; Flint, cream, pretzel, kpped, strong, fortress, fastening, chair, crosses, peasant.

Confusion.(Class.) On the board recorded words with a changed order of syllables: RO-CO, BA-CO-KA, TE-KO-NOC, Ple-Tsi-Nok, Ko-Va-Ro, Kuza Ri, those -No-le. You need to write down the words in the notebook, restoring the correct order of the syllables. The first 3 students won, correctly recorded all the words.

Additional tasks:1. Find among these words is an excess word. 2. Create three words with a changed order of syllables.

Who secrets guess, the surprises receive.(Class.) On the board are recorded "enchanted" words, each of which is inserted by an extra syllable: a sapohler, peracted, Hadulva, Vasry, Sugrohari, Goraryshi, Barrycao, Ceranfate, Patuncia, Balianca, Bunlyheads, Ords.

You need to "argue" the word, reading it correctly, without a unnecessary syllable. He reads every word the one who will first find an extra syllable. After reading correctly, the winner receives a "delicious" word, which is a surprise.

Transfer Words

Find your place!(2 com. 9 people) 6 people from the 1st team make up the word sister from the letters of a split alphabet and face the class. Three other team members receive cards with a red dash for transfer and in turn find all three possible places To transfer this word. Class choir reads transfer options. Then the same task executes the 2nd team with the word tomorrow. The class evaluates the operation of the teams.

How to transfer?(3 people or 3 com. 6 people) Each player receives a card with the word that it should write on the board, dividing to the transfer to the transfer. The team wins, which first fulfill the task correctly.

Words for the game: boy, bunny, letter, kettle, animals, streams; Coat, Mike, Schoolboy, Read, Okunky, Seagull; Corches, awek, wrestling, bunny, bed, skates.

The same game is carried out on a more complex material with the words: a gun, a bonus, attack, sister, neck, chairs; Bonfires, undertaking, snake, spear, duck, judge; Corners, zoya, underwear, fast, stakes, army.


Where is the emphasis? (3 com.) Lead calls 2-3 complex

words with emphasis on different syllables, for example: River, Wall,

Swallow, milk, dog, tree, trees, work, wheel, scissors, pencil, lesson, grades, etc.

Players raise cards with a number - the sequence number of the shock syllable. Wins the team that allowed fewer errors.

Embroide the words.(Class.) You can "embroider a cross". For this, the shock syllable needs to be portrayed with a large cross, and the unstressed is small, for example: X x - school, x x x - cock and others.

Playing under dictation designate shock and unstressed syllables in words school, mom, desk, hand, goat, board, window, cow, lamb, ducklings, kittens, kitten, dog, rooster, bun, goat, duck, kitty, bear, turhesonok , Pig.

Fast dictation.(Class.) Under the dictation, you need to write down not all the word, but only one vowel letter of the shock syllable. For example: the word is dictated, and only the letter O.

Leading dictation words: cardboard, paper, book, notebook, alphabet, pen, pencil, album, party, briefcase, board, chalk, rag, painting, flowers.

After dictation, the lead calls only the drums, and the players change notebooks and check each other. The winner is the one who did not allow any error.

You can write words on the board: hedgehog, fox, hare, bear, tiger, boar, badger, kangaroo, nutria, crocodile, turtle, deer, monkey, squirrel, zebra.

Children should write out of every word only shock vowels. After completing the task, one of the students emphasizes the drums on the board, and the rest of the mutual touch find out the correctness of the task.

Right or not?(Class.) On the board is recorded Proposal: One hundred forty and hundred forty will two hundred forty.

The winner is the one who is the first to answer the question correctly.

Strong and weak points of vowels

Strong - weak.(4 people or 4 com.) Three-sided words are recorded on the board:

Knee feeder beard mustard

Runners Business Heart Cloth

Clock bravery older Trest

Wintering purity acid writer

Players need to be denoted a strong position of the vowel in each word a sign of emphasis, and emphasize vowels in a weak position. The class checks and evaluates the work.

ThreeABOUT. (3 people or 3 com.) On the board in 3 columns, three-sided words with missed vowels are recorded:

It is necessary to insert missed vowels, note the strong position of the vowel emphasis in the words obtained and emphasize the vowels in weak positions.

Duel.(2 people) players are awarded lists of single words:

Table screw

Each player in turn reads the word from his list, and the "opponent" in response changes this word so that the shock vowance is in a weak position. The class determines the winner.

Relay race.(Class - 3 com.) Commands are given cards with three-sided words by the number of players: hour, well, raspberry, village, swamp, old woman, cleanliness, canvas, tree, sunshine; Crow, forty, brush, birch, steamer, plane, pan, nettle, breeze, milk; Head, loaf, chill, beings, pillow, swamp, bladeing, place, leaves, pies.

Each player denotes in one word a strong position of a vowel accent sign, emphasizes vowels in a weak position and transmits a card to a neighbor on the desk, etc. The latter transfers the card leading. The team wins the smaller number of errors.

Who is bigger?(3 com.) You need to pick up as many words as possible with three vowels O. Teams are called and write down on the word board, indicating the emphasis and emphasizing vowels in a weak position. Defeats the team called the greatest number words.

Possible answers: swamp, fiber, hairs, town, voice, dear, gold, gold, spikelets, cohotok, lokotok, hammer, ceiling, rhino, ham, canvas, interopolo, good, milk, young.

The game can be carried out and so: pick up as many words as possible with three vowels, a, write them on the board, mark the emphasis and emphasize the unstressed vowels. For each correct answer, the team gets a point that is marked on the board. For the wrong answer, one point is removed. The team defeats the greatest number of points.

Possible Answers: Apparatus, Drum, Branca, Vataga, Fun, Riddle, Task, Hardening, Bookmark, Melting, Caparaway, Caravan, Pencil, Tent, Dad, Sarafan, Rope, Tarakan.

Where were the sounds?(Class.) It is necessary to count how many letters about and how many sounds about in the sentence: call to all the bells.

Children write an offer to the notebook and write in brackets,

how many letters about and how many sounds of O. The winners are the first 3 students who recorded the correct number of letters and sounds and explaining the cause of the difference among them. (In a sentence of 5 letters about, and there are no sounds, since all sounds about are in a weak, unstressed position and are replaced by sounds A.)


Pronounce right!Jokes - Day, Bowl - Teddy, Six - Some, Shake - Shtyk, Stalit - Solish, Sasha-Shashka, Var-Walled, Fry - Jallery, Spoons - Horns, Sleep - Cut, Repka - Lrak, Folded - Shot, Shaka - Sayka, disputes - spurs, latitude - orphan, be able to make noise, eat - bite, sorry - Zhar, Cancer - varnish, drank - feast, bog - boot, floor - time, thief - ox, light - color, heron - saber, Clear - sat down, settles - aim, the price is -set, sheep - oats, Svetla - Color, Czek - Sel, faces - Fox, Circus - Cheese.

Tongue Twisters.Bull stupubub, a stupid bull, the bull Bela's lip was Tup. Water carrier drilled water from under water supply. Mom Soap Mil. Malania-talked milk chatted, but did not bother. Near the cola of the bell. Penka again five again. GRASS IN THE YARD, FIREWOOD ON THE GRASS. Once - firewood, two-products, three - firewood. Three firewood in three courtyards firewood. They spoke about Lari, about the stall, about the Larina of the case. Shouted the archup, the archup hoar; No need to shout the archup to Christ. Thirty-three ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate. Serum from the prokobyvashi. Pig stupid half doors spent. Missed Senka with Sanya Sonya on sleds. Seni and Sani in Som networks with a mustache. From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field. Tver tank tank truck on tan. Scratching in a pinchka, a bristle in the banks. Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying. Two puppies, cheeks to the cheek, pulls the brush in the corner. All patters will not forward, do not re-vomit.

Solid AND Soft Consonants

Catch a soft consonant!(Class.) The lead calls words with pair consonants on hardness-softness, for example with consonants in - VI: POLL - VAL, VAL - Vygl, Wolle - Vyul, Vyule - Slide, High - Temple, WHO - VIZ, VAZA - Vyazy, Pull up.

Children clap your hands if in the word soft consonants. Wins a number that allowed fewer errors.

Note.To secure the concept of soft consonants, the game should be repeated with other consonants, steam hardness and softness:

L-L "- Mol -Mol, bow -Luk, Dal-Dahl, soap - soap, became steel, fervor - dust, poplar - soiled, angle - coal.

N-Ny - Kon -Con, Bank - Balca, he - they, Vanya - Bath, Rana - Harbor, stand up - I will stand, nose - nut, foam - hemp.

P - PJ - Saw - Saw, Sink - Sheaf, Sleeping - Sleep, Syboal - Ray, writes - Pyshin, Dust - Pick, eat - try, shove - sleep.

Rr - Zhar - Zap, couples - bars, a slide - bitter, glad - a row, marriage - Bryak, Rada - Rows, Zork-Zorko, Chicken -Curist, Cora -Churica.

S-sm - Kosy - Kosy, Lynx - Rice, Juice - Sec, Weight - All, Nose - Nose, Osia - Axes, Shepherd - Masters, Voice - Casual, Question - Question.

T-th - Tuk - Bay, Tech - Current, Brother - Take, empty - Let him eat - eat, flow - drip, cat - cat, mouth - Rotik, bridge - bridge.

To each his own.(3 com.) Leading dictates words with solid and soft consonants: fox, stump, nose, head, whale, shadow, elk, mouth, zebra, spruce, day, tiger, leg, ferret, laziness, eyes, hippo, forehead, Ash, cock, tulle,

Heat, lilac, hand.

The 1st team records words in which all consonants are solid, the 2nd team - the words where all the consonants are soft, and the 3rd team are words with solid and soft consonants. Then one of the players of each team reads recorded words, and team members complement his answer. The team who missed less "his" words (8 words of each group) is defeated.

Calculate!(2 com. 3 people) For each team on the board recorded on one suggestion:

On birch and oxide on birch in the edge
In the morning they hang around the two cuckoo
Sinking. Ki.

In each team, one player counts in his offer all the soft consonants, the second - all the solid consonants, and the third - all vowels. The team wins, which is faster and correctly considers the sounds in its proposal (consonants: 10 soft, 10 solid; 16 vowels).

Note.You can spend this game with the whole class. At the same time, the winners are considered the first 3 students who correctly calculated all the sounds in the sentence.

Entertaining squares.(2 com. 4 people) On the board, two square frames are drawn, each of which is divided into 16 cells.

The girls team writes in the cells of their square such names of boys in which all the consonants are soft, and boys are such names of girls in which all consonants are solid. The team is defeated, which will first fill its square.

Possible answers: Petya, Lenya, Vitya, Mitya; Lara, Masha, Dasha, Sasha.

Solid - soft- solid.(2 people or 2 com. 6 people) on the board are recorded in 2 columns of words with solid and soft initial consonants: onions, nose, glad, soap, was, WHO, BOUK, led, Bear, Vil, Mall, Tech .

Players change words so that the solid consonant becomes soft, and soft - hard, and write them on the board. The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

Find the same sounds and letters.(3 people) On the board were recorded 3 pairs of words close to sound and writing. You need to compare the words of each pair, find the same sounds and letters in them and write them in the table:

Was - beat [l] b, l

Sang - saw [PJ, l] p, l

MIL - soap [l] m, l

The class checks and evaluates the work. You can repeat the game using other couples of words: Senya - Sonya, onions - Luke, saw - dust, rice and dr.


Who considers better?(Class.) Each student has 2 signal cards: with sign \u003d and\u003e. All signs of equality of the same color, and the signs of inequality - the other. Lead calls words: house, horse, cheese, rice, trot, spring, coat, corner,

Letter, table, salt, bridge. Children must count how many in the word sounds and how many letters it is necessary for writing it. If the number of sounds and letters coincides, raise the card with the sign of equality, if it does not coincide - raise the card with the sign of inequality. In color, the leader determines the number of errors in each row and notes on the board. It wins a row that allowed fewer errors.

Hockey.(2 com.) At the edges of the board, on the right and left, hockey gates. Before each gate - a large washer. On the left washer is written "Soft sign at the end", on the right - "soft sign in the middle". The class is divided into two teams: left and right. The task of the players is to throw as much puck as possible into the opponent's gate, i.e. write on the word board with a soft sign at the end or in the middle of the word. According to the signals of the judge, the team begins: team members who want to score the washer, that is, to write down the word with a soft sign, raise hands. The captain of the team indicates the attacker, he goes to the board and writes the word, after which another member of the team comes to the instructions of the captain, etc., until the signal of the judge comes to the end of the match. The washer, abandoned in his gate, is not counted. Players who violate the order, the judge can delete from the field. The game takes 3-5 minutes, after which the judges check the correctness of the results for each team and declare the winner.

Guess a riddle.(Class.)

1. He wanders in red boots, it turns out of the water dry, the neck is wounded, the cry-ha-ha meets.

2. I was left in the forest, made the whole century forced. In a white man, I am in winter, and in the summer with a shaved head.

3. He overturned under his feet, stretched along the road, she looked like me as if I was walking.

4. The red beast in the furnace sits, the red beast is angry at all. He from anger eats firewood for an hour, and maybe two.

5. Walks smoothly back and forth, and the floors do not reach. Who is leaving Ile will enter, she will always hit her handle.

6. New house carry in hand, door door on the castle. In it, residents are paper, all terribly important.

7. Who grows down his head, not in summer, and in winter?

8. From the water in the frost, it grows, but not sinking, but sailing. With the sun meets - turns into the water.

Raddows: goose, stump, shadow, fire, door, briefcase, icicle, icefit.

Entertaining squares.(2 com. 4 people) You need to fill empty cells so that we get words with a soft sign in the middle.

Sonorno Consonants

I agree, l, m, n, r - special. They are pronounced with great voices, and there are very few noise in them. The deaf paired sounds do not have. And they themselves in all positions sound clearly and clear. Therefore, consonants of th, l,

M, n, p - not just ringing, but very angry, always sounding,


Sonorny consonants

The most beautiful:

Everywhere is clearly heard,

It sounds almost like vowels.

Check the sound of the sonar.Let's spend a small study: check how sonorny consonants sound in various positions:

before vowels

Rose, onions, poppy, nose, iodine

in front of the sonorn

Throat, darkness, hill, temper, mystery

before paired bellows

Washer, Solve, Salmon, Team, Corzhik

in front of paired and unpaired deaf

Grade, pace, bandage, flight, silk, borsch, fingers, up,

in the end of the word

Ball, goal, house, sleep, tea

Conclusion: sonornal, l, m, n, r in all positions are pronounced and hear clear. When writing, they do not need verification.

Where are the sonorny?(Class.) On the board recorded words: park, water, elephant, wardrobe, seagull, newspaper, school, goat, fairy tale, party, riddle, shovel, bush, glass, board, nightingale, gazebo, cherry, cat, fish.

Only the words in which there are sonorous consonants should be written. After recording, a mutual test is carried out. We defeat students who discharge all 10 words with sonorous consonants.

Possible answers: park, elephant, seagull, school, desk, shovel, glass, nightingale, cherry, fish.

So always hiding in front of the vowels A, E, Oh, in the letter I, E, E, Yu, and in his letter he is not denoted, except for foreign words: iodine, major, district.

But after the vowels, the sound is always indicated by the letter. May, tea, swarm, sing, Lai, Mike, Chaika, Lake.

Pick a word.(3 com.) You need to pick up per minute asit is possible more words where I "hiding" by letters I, E, Yu. The 1st team picks up words with the letter I, 2nd - with the letter E, 3rd - with the letter Y. defeats the team correctly focused on the largest number words.

Find sound y.(2 com) on the board recorded words: airfield, fighter, together, veil, gouache, duet, snake, cabin, cocoa, melting, rubber, meow, go, science, soldering, peony, sing, poet, piano, jet, Theater, sing, spy, stand.

The team of boys discharges words in which there is a sound between vowels, and the team of girls is only those words in which there is no sound of J.

The winners are the first 3 student from each team, correctly recorded words with th: Fighter, two, snake, cabin, melts, go, soldering, sing, piano, jet, sing, stand (12 words); Without th: airfield, veil, gouache, duet, cocoa, rubber, meow, science, peony, poet, theater, spy (12 words).

And - and! (2 com. 6 people) On the board 2 words columns are recorded:

One - a lot of many -

PARROT - . . . Trams -. . .

Glue -. . . Lisha -. . .

Case -. . . Lazy. . .

Shed -. . . Layers -. . .

Swarm -. . . Teas -. . .

Rotosa -. . . Fights -. . .

You need to change the number of these nouns and record them on the right. At the same time, players should monitor the change in the number of syllables in the word and indicate why the syllables became

more or less. (And - vowel, it forms a syllable, and in consonant, he does not form a syllable.)

Consult deaf AND Ringing,

PArnyAnd N.E.Paired

Deaf or ringing? (Class - 3 com.) Each student has 2 cards with letters g (deaf consonant) and 3 (ringing). Lead calls words with initial pair consults: beam - stick, beat - drink, right - brave,

Barrel - kidney, shine - splash.

Children raise the corresponding signal cards. Wins the team that allowed fewer errors.

Note.The game should be repeated with other couples of words: Vata - Fata, Flage - moisture, style - Vazan, Fanya - Vanya, Venya - Fena; Bones - guests, year - cat, hill - Corrik, bark -Gora, bushes - thick; Dame - There, Tom - House, Oak - Stupid, Dima - Tima, Firewood - Grass, Case - Body; Lived - sewed, shawl - sorry, Zhar - Sharp, Wasy - alkali, pussy; Winter is a Sima, a layer - a little, merge - angry, bunny - Sayka, Zakhar - sugar.

Name pair!(2 com. 6 people) Players 1st teams in turn call ringing sound sounds (randomly), and the players of the 2nd team should only be called dump trucks. Then the commands change roles. The class determines the winners.

Change the word! (2 com. 8 people) teams get 8 cards with words: beam, guests, slide, beat, bunny, shine, firewood, lived; Dust, Tom, longing, soup, Sima, Tim, Shawl, six.

Players of the 1st team in turn speak their words with initial ringing consonants, and the players of the 2nd team must replace the initial consonant pair and to say the result received. Then the commands change roles. Wins the team that allowed fewer errors.

Not mistaken!(3 com.) On the board are recorded words with deaf and ringing consonants: Alphabet, teeth, porridge, newspaper, bouquet, toad, soup, coffee, lips, fur coat, leather, soup, dough, will, drying, carnation, paddy, mystery , Dishes, living, ear, two, smell, arc, nails, food, branch, coughing, knitting, sausages.

The 1st team disclaims words in which all consonant calls. 2nd - words where all the consonants are only the deaf, and the 3rd team is words with deaf and volatile consonants. Players of each team, the first to perform the task, go to the board, read the words discharged and put on them the number of their team. The remaining team members complement and correct errors, but for each addition and correction, the team gets a penalty point. The team wins the team that has received fewer penalty glasses.

Find unpaired!(Class.) On the board recorded words with pair and unpaired consonants: tea, oak, hut, hill, pike, six, cock, firewood, grove, stove, part, hunting, stick, chain, cat, river, fur coat, food, Bushes, ball, chips, sheep, flag, plowing, bunny, cast iron, sled, sorrel, tree, cunning, rose, heron, braid, cleanliness, wall, shape, digit, wolf, heat, well done.

It is necessary to write down in a notebook word with unpaired deaf consonants. At the end, a mutual test is performed. The winners are the disciples who recorded 20 words with unpaired deaf consonants. (Tea, hut, pike, rooster, grove, stove, hunting, chain, river, food, chips, sheep, plower, cast iron, sorrel, cunning, heron, cleanliness, digit, well done.)

Strong and weak position of paired consonants

Who is the most attentive?(Class - 3 com.) On the board in 3 columns, words are recorded:


Screw book

Cashechka notebook

Swashing portfolio

Glass pen

Definent bookmark

Need to write off and mark the sign + only pair consonants in strong positions.

Members of each team, the first to fulfill the task, go to the board, put signs + under consonants in a strong position and explain why they consider these positions strong. The class checks and evaluates the work.

Seven words.(2 com.) Team of girls picks up 7 words with paired ringing consonants in a strong position, and the team of boys - 7 words with pair of deaf consonants in a strong position. Possible words: house, judge, treasure, length, park, courtyard, grirc, mole, bottom, snake, cook, bumblebee, drink, rod, wave, smooth, gum, beat, rent, rod, brother, know, shift, yours .

Committed to the players of each team in turn goes to the board and write down their words in the respective graphs:

in front of vowels. . ; Before J. ; in front of L. ; before

M.. ; In front of N. ; Before R. ; Before B.

The class checks and evaluates the operation of the commands.

Weak position of pair consonants.

Paired consonants B - P, B - F, G - K, D - T, F - W, 3 - at the end

words and before all the consonants, except for th, l, m, n, p and in, do not differ, mixed together, are pronounced the same, replace each other, only one of them is pronounced. This is their weak position:

in the end of the word:
Soup wardrobe juice rod mouse nose
Tooth sleeve horn pond chizzy

front pair of deaf:

Roga roga crumb mask

Fish Girling Spoon Tale

before unpaired deaf:

Kosters Racket Locker Complex

Cutters Stacker Svetle Rubble

before paired belligers, except in:

Hoave Building Carving Wedding

Sdob, please sparkle

Paired consonants in weak positions with a letter must be checked.

Only minus.(Class.) On the board are recorded in the passage word with pair consults in strong and weak positions: fees, thunder, hike, sail, wind, island, glade, birch, tent, stump, grass, steam, maple, fish, boat, reconnaissance, Poplar, trees, crumbs, crucian, shirt, road, threads, floats.

We need to write off only those words in which there are paired consonants in weak positions, and designate such consonant families.

Four student, the first to perform work, go to the board and mark the weak position of the consonants -, 4 words each.

Plus - minus.(Class.) On the board are recorded words: meadow, grass, oak, forest, mushroom, berry, leaves, walkway, hail, rain, groove, rods, sunshine, branch, bush, flower, reed, pond.

It is necessary to write off all the words and designate pair consonants in a strong position sign +, and in a weak - sign. After completing the task, 2 student comes out, the first to perform the task, and noted by the corresponding signs of consonants in a strong and weak position. The class evaluates the work.

Strong- weak.(2 com. 6 people) Each player prepares in advance a few words with pair consults in a strong and weak position, such as a boat - a boat. Members of the 1st team in turn call words with pair consults in a weak position, and the players of the 2nd team should call words with these same consonants in a strong position. Then they change roles. The class evaluates the operation of the teams.

Say the opposite.(3 people or 3 com.) On the board are recorded 3 columns of words:

Kul -. . . Cube -. . . Slave -. . .

Crab -. . . Box -. . . Bargaining. . .

Year -. . . Husband -. . . Dog -. . .

Zero -. . . Marriage. . . Worse -. . .

Bream -. . . Yar -. . . Horb -. . .

Spruce -. . . Eat -. . . Ice -. . .

It is necessary to pronounce the sounds of each word, in the reverse order and write the resulting words next to the data. The team is defeated, correctly and before the other task.

Answers: hatch, park, current, laziness, gap, lei; bunch, vice, noise, carp, paradise, neck; Couples, Mole, Cat, Ship, Job, Tol.

You can spend the game with the words cube, Len, Lei, forehead, hatch, year, Ši, walked, bream, crab.

The game participates in the whole class. It is necessary to pronounce the sounds of words in the reverse order and write the resulting words in the notebook. The task is given for 5 minutes. The winners are those who correctly record the greatest number of words.

Answers: bunch, zero, spruce, floor, cul, current, eat, lie, gap, park.

How many sounds sh?(Class.) On the board recorded a poem V. Prikhodko:

Walking mice on a narrow track from the village pawns to the village of the spoon. And in the village of spoons they have tired legs. Back to the pawns of the mouse arrived on the cat.

And sang along the path, and clicked nuts - from the village of spoons to the village pawn. It's not close to walk when you go back, but on a fluffy pussy and gently, and nice. If the cat on the way is not to pass.

ComesAnnia Libery, Shi

Skators.(Class.) Children write in a line of stratums, ko, la,

Lu, lies, but, in, Wu, Ri, Chi and 2 columns of 5 syllables.

Need, attributing to the right and to the left to the syllables of vibe

sounds from a set, dial 10 words. The winners are the first three student, the correct "score" 10 words.

Note.It is also a game with a combination of Shi and syllables of Ba, whether, lo, we, on, us, pi, py, re, su.

Write - do not rush.(3 com. - 3 rows.) Leading dictation words:

Roof, puddle, ski, burrow, salas, march, pencil, knife, valley, baby, pear, ear, chiz, leather, floor - children change words so that they end

slags and Shi, and write the resulting words. It turns out who and what mistake allowed. The row wins the smallest number of errors.

In combination, Shea only and always write.(Class.) For lotto, cards are harvested from dense paper 15x9 cm in size by pupils. Each card is divided into 9 cells, the rule is written in the central of them: "Li, Shi write with the letter and", and in the remaining 8 cells are written various words with combinations of sea. In addition, each student must have 8 chips - pieces of thick paper to close the cells. For a watering, a bag of 2x5 cm cardboard is needed, on which all words encountered on the cards of players should be recorded. The drive pulls out of the bag card with words, calls the word, and those who have such a word on the cards, close it with a chicken. Who will close all the card cells, raises the hand. The game continues until it finishes 3 student. Approximate content of cards:

In a leading, I option: Top, your, embroider, be friends, fragrant, keep, hedgehogs, life, giraffe, animal, fat, liquid, pencils, roofs, buckets, jug, roofs, skis, lies, lilies, puddles, mice, Baby, car, driver, walruses, knives, indestructible, ours, awl.

II Option: Fluffy, Redhead, Straw, Stew, Freck, Hut, Chizhik, Shalashi, Passenger, Solve, Serve, Silence, Dinner, Rosehip, Spring, Ryzhik, Snowflake, Ears, Look, Watch, Shinel, Puffcint, Wide, Shipping , Tire, alien, leather, water lily, lived.

At playing, I option

1. Top, keep, be friends, ours, hedgehog, life, bucket, valley.

2. Pencils, machine, skiing, animal, mice, walruses, knives, puddles.

3. Your, machinist, fragrant, awl, giraffe, jug, roofs, reeds.

4. Lies, liquid, friends, kids, indestructible, walror, embroider, puddles.

5. Keep, pencils, animal, skis, bucket, mice, life, valley.

6. Top, machine, fragrant, awl, jug, hedgehog, puddles, roofs.

7. Machine, pencils, fat, ours, hedgehogs, walruses, valley, canties.

8. Liquid, your, sewn, reeds, buckets, kids, life, indispensable.

9. Keep, lies, animal, skiing, fat, mice, reeds, embroider.

10. Top, machine, fragrant, liquid, hedgehog, giraffe, valley, dignity.

11. Shilo, fat, top, your, walruses, jug, life, roofs.

12. Pencils, driver, fragrant, animal, kids, buckets, hedgehogs, yours. Lies, liquid, fragrant, awl, giraffe, mice, indestructible, embroider.

13. Hold, machinist, sewn, fat, roofs, jug, knife, roofs.

14. Machine, knife, skiing, fragrant, giraffe, indestructible, puddles, embroider.

II option

1. Fluffy, couch, redhead, hut, haircuts, chizhik, stew, chalashi.

2. Passenger, dinner, decide, rosehip, serve, spring, silence, Ryzhik.

3. Snowflake, sew, ears, similar, withering, haircuts, chinel, wide.

4. Wide, Freck, Spikes, Ryzhik, Tire, Jig,

skin, water lily.

5. lived, fluffy, passenger, living, watching,

chizhik, Shinel, silence.

6. Snowflake, wide, hut, rosehip, fluff, spring, water lily, stew.

7. Dinner, ears, solve, similar, haircuts, alien, Ryzhik, leather.

8. Passenger, lived, redhead, spikes, serve, tire, shala, wide.

9. Freck, fluffing, rosehip, sew, Chizhik, Watching, Stew, Shinel.

10. Fluffy, snowflake, solve, similar, spring, fluff, silence, leather.

11. Dinner, lived, hut, spikes, haircuts, tire, rhyger, water lily.

12. Freck, lived, red, sew, serve, alive, salash, sinel.

13. Passenger, Snowflake, Rosehip. Similar, spring, watch, stew, ears.

14. Freck, leather, hut, fluff, serve, alien, fluffy, water lily.

15. Fluffy, dinner, decide, spikes, Chizhik. Tire, Shalashi, Ryzhik.

Note.If in the class of students more than 15, then the cards are repeated.

Combination Cha, SHA

Catch the word!(Class.) To play each student must be cards with combinations of cha and schA. To make it easier to see a mistake, all combinations of cha must be of one color, and the combination of the other.

Lead calls words: tea, food, clock, embarrass, candle, sorrel, hour, kettle, meeting, farewell, gloves, area, tea, grove, seagull, teapot, meeting, students, watchmaker, head, watch, chainkle, playground, Thicken, finish, board, task, goodbye, shepherd dog, bunch, promise, convert, stamp, mercy, grandchildren, say goodbye, thousands, forest, squeak, galls, crack, beginning, promise, consultation, cottage, scream, often, confuse, Sadness, farewell, tea, horse, cloud, sad, promised,

Contact, spare, I promise to print, whose.

Students show signal cards.

The number of errors made in each row is marked on the board. Wins a row that allowed the smallest number Errors.

Skators.(Class.) On the board they wrote syllables: TU, SY, YES, KU, SH, PI, PO, PU, \u200b\u200bCHAIN, VEL, and 2 STUDIKS ON 5 SLATES OF CHA AND POST. It is necessary, attributing to the right and to the left of the combinations of the cha and schu syllables from the set, make up 10 words with combinations of cha and schA. The winners are the first 3 student who correctly fulfill the task.

Combination Chu, Schu

Catch the word.(Class - 2 com.) The game is carried out in the form of a selective dictation. The 1st team writes words with a combination of Chu, 2nd - with a combination of Schu.

Leading dictates words: pike, cast iron, plump, thaw, shouting, lettuce, flair, sad, swallowing, crank, pure, sensitive, looking, fucking, I want to cool, stranger, pull, stocking, miracles, burn, miracle, hide, Chulad, sensitivity, I will look, the monster, to touch, forgive, the stubble, I will grow, the chub, the scarecrow, we grow up, squinting, chubban, puffy, suck, feeling, chock, I will start, cast iron, let's let go, I will stop.

Wins the team that allowed fewer errors.

Skators.(Class.) Children write in a line of syllables before, ho, then, Ma, Ta, Pi, and, ka, and 2 columns of 5 syllables of Chu and Schu. Attribute to the right and left to the combinations of Chu and Schu sylons from this set, you need to make up 10 words with combinations of Chu, Schu. The winners are the first 3 student who correctly fulfill the task.

Puzzles(on words with combinations of zhi, Shi, Cha, Schu, Chu, Schu).

1. Black snakes, yellow necks crawling, shook, feed with mice.

2. Small little animals, pink ears, sulfur coats, sharp teeth, black eyes, tensile tails, sit in mink, crusts.

3. What kind of miracle runners of the same length on the snow to birch pulls two stripes?

4. White asterisk from the sky fell, I lay down on my palm and disappeared.

5. To which it is easy, lighter wing Moth. Throw - will return again, you will do it.

6. We go at night, go for the day, but we will not leave anywhere. We beat it regularly every hour, but you, friends, do not beat us.

7. Nose - like a trunk at an elephant, on the back hand one. We remove it from the slab, treats all of it in tea.

8. The tail wags, the Tubast, not barking.

9. Without legs, and stands, the garden will fit, the sleeves waves, with the wind dances. Birds are afraid, they do not sit on the bed.

10. Black, puzzled, friendly with grasp, was in the stove, it cooked potatoes.

Raddows: Freck, Mouse, Ski, Snowflake, Puffcint, Clock, Teapot, Pike, Scarecrow, Castle.

Combination of CC, CN

Large - small. (3 com. 8 people) on the board are recorded 3 columns of words of 8 words in each:

Cloud -. . .

HAND - . . .


River -. . .

Heap -. . .

Sheep -. . .

Fox -. .

Sitin -. . .

Night -. . .

BAKE - . . .


Bulka -. . .

Duck -. . .

Vase -. . .

Goat -. . .

Stick -. . .


Flowers -. . .

Shawls -. . .

Socks -. .

Players of each team in turn goes to the board and to the words denoting large objects, write on the right through the word invascence, which denote the same, but small items, for example: chicken - chicken. Each player records only one word. The team is defeated that faster and correctly performs the task.

Whomore? (Class.) On the board recorded rhymes:

Accurate, urgent, personal, eternal,
Boring, comic, heartfelt,
Counter, tiny, river,
Double, petty, night.

You need to remember and write down the memory as many words with combinations of the CN. The presenter closes the text, and children write words from memory. Wins the one who will record the greatest number of words.

What is what?(3 com.) On the board are recorded in 3 pinches of the names of items:

Milk -. . . Andok -. . . Mustard -. . .

Flour -. . . CREAM - . . . Egg -. . .

Brick -. . . STORY - . . . Rag -. . .

Cucumber. . . Bottle -. . . Night -. . .

COUNTRY HOUSE - . . . Ceiling -. . . BAKE - . . .

HAND - . . . Boredom -. . . River -. . .

A BOAT - . . . Stocking -. . . LOCK - . . .

LUCK - . . . A MEETING - . . . Century -. . .

Players in turn goes to the board, form adjectives with a combination of CN and write them to the right. The class estimates their work.