Seychelles: where there are dreams. Seychelles on the world map: Where are the Seychelles

This wonderful country received its name in 1756 in honor of the French state and politician - Jean Moro de Sheshel. In those times Seychelles belonged to the French East India company.

Where are the Seychelles' map

This island state in the Indian Ocean, which is located south of the equator, in thousands of six hundred km to the east of African mainland, northeast Madagascar. Read more and find out where Seychelles are located, you can see the map below.

State Square is small - 455 km?. The largest island is MAE. It has an international airport. In total, the state includes 115 islands, but most of the islands are coral, and large, with paradise resorts, just a few. These are islands such as Praslin, Silhouette, La Dig and others. All of them are distant from about. Mahe is 50-70 km.

The official language of the state is Creole. However, they are also talking in English and French. State currency - Seychelles Rupee. One rupee is equal to a hundred cents. According to the data for 2009, the population of the paradise state is about 90 thousand people, it is 193 people per square meter.

The climate on these Paradise Islands is a subequatorial marine. For a whole year, there is a wonderful weather (26-28 ° C) - bright sun, light breeze, which, thanks to the ocean, contribute to the absence of heat. In general, everything you need for an unforgettable holiday.

Nature on Seychelch

Due to prolonged island insulation in the country's vegetable world, there are a lot of different animals, reptiles, birds, plants found in this archipelago. In the inside of large islands, unique forests are preserved, in which grow rare species Palms, ferns, ramps. On small coral islands, Flora has long been replaced by coconut palm trees because of the drought, brought by monscons.

One of the main attractions of the nature of the archipelago - Seychelles Palma. Her fruit can weigh up to 20 kg, of course, being the largest fruit in the plant world. On the island of Praslin there is a wonderful park "Valle de ME", where you can see a whole grove of such palm trees.

Also on Seychelles you can store giant turtles. Some of them can reach weight 250 kg and live up to 150 years. Many and rare birds, such as black cockatoo and nightingale bullbul.

More photos can be found by looking at the article. If you want to visit this country with a working visit, then you need to know. Have a good trip!

The Republic of Seychelles is a state located on 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, of which only 33 are inhabited. The country of Seychelles is located in East Africa near Madagascar. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe state is 455 square meters. km, and the population is 88 thousand people. The city of Victoria (the capital of Seychelles) is located on the largest island - MAE, where the international airport is also located. The state languages \u200b\u200bSeychelles is Creole, it speaks about 92% of the population.

Climate of Seychelles

Seychelles - to the truth is a paradise place. Air temperature here round year above 26 degrees, sun, A light sea breeze saves from the heat, but there is a separation for the cool period - June-November and hot - December-May. If you are interested, where are the Seychelles And when it is best to fly there to relax, then our advice to you is the most favorable months for vacation planning - May and October-December.

Nature Seychelles

Not only the climate makes the data of the island special, but also oh yeah. Unusual exotic plants, rare animals create a unique atmosphere, which has rest. Only in the Seychelles, the famous palm trees is growing - "Sea Coconut", the fruits (kelo-de-action nuts) of which are reached 15-20 kg., Sometimes they are called the forbidden fruit of Adam and Eva. Palm tree height reaches 30 meters! It blooms for 8-10 years! The removal from the country of Coco de measures is strictly prohibited.

Animal world islands

It is here, in Seychelles, you can see long-livers of Giant Aldabrian Sea Turtles weighing up to 250 kg., Whose age reaches 150 years. Rare species of birds live on the islands, including a black parrot-vase, nightingale bullbul. Many migratory birds fly to wintering on the famous island of birds. The state economy lives at the expense of the tourist business, in which 30% of the population is busy and which brings 70% of budget revenues. The second most important branch is fishing, export of frozen and canned fish. The legislation of this state determines that any tourist has the right to relax on any island and on any beach.

Where to go to the Russian tourist? Among the popularity of destinations - Seychelles. On the world map, they can already find many of our citizens. To visit this country, you do not need a visa, and the journey itself promises to be very fascinating. Here are the main facts about this wonderful place.

general information

Visa regime for Russia

For Russians, a visit to the Seychelles does not require a visa (for up to 30 days). To enter the country, we need a passport, a valid minimum of 3 months from the day of the alleged departure, a ticket back, as well as confirmation of solvency at the rate of $ 50 per day.

Upon arrival at the airport, you will need to pay a tourist collection of $ 40. Children can enter the Seychelles only accompanied by parents. If one of them goes, then the second is a power of attorney.


The customs legislation of the state does not limit the import and export of currency. It is impossible to enter the country with weapons (including pneumatic), fruits and vegetables, meat products. Particularly strict policies of the authorities regarding the importation of drugs. In the arrival halls of the airports for tourists, warnings are awesome - if someone tries to import drugs, he threatens deprivation period to 30 years.

It is impossible to export (if there are no official certificates) some types of marine flora and fauna.


The geology of the country is represented by two types of landscape - granite (to them, in particular, the largest island of MAE) and coral. The bulk of the population lives on the granite islands. In the central regions of some of them there are forests where palm trees grow, ferns, pandanuses grow. In the coastal zone, there are mainly coconut palms and artificial plantations. By the way, also located mainly on the granite part of the archipelago.

Coral islands are atolls, the height of them above the oceanic water level is 4-8 meters. They are arid, because coral limestones almost do not hold the air moisture. From the flora, there is mainly coconut palm trees.

Unique fauna

In the Seychelch lives a large number of endemic bird species. The reason for this is a rather long habitat in isolation relative to other world ecosystems. Among the most recognizable birds of the Seychelles are frigate. The swings of his wings - up to 3 meters, can be in the air without a break to 7 days in a row!

On the island of birds are going to nesting a variety of feathered species that fly in winter from other parts of the world. Another attraction of the island is giant turtles. Some individuals weigh up to 250 kg.


And how did the world know about the existence of Paradise on Earth called Seychelles? Where they are and what they imagine, navigators were told from Portugal even at the beginning of the 16th century. Then the archipelago was practically uninhabited. Over the next centuries, the sea pirates sometimes looked at the islands.

The first settlements appeared there in the middle of the 18th century - on the islands of Mahe and Praslin. They were founded by migrants from France, which began to grow here some types of crops here. The name of his own land was received in honor of Moro de Seshel, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. The colonists were covered here from Africa. At the end of the 18th century, military seizure of the archipelago was carried out by Britain, which some time began to stimulate the settlement of the territory of the territory from India. At the end of the 19th century, the Chinese began to settle on the Seychelles with the British Colony of Mauritius, and at the beginning of the 20th century - immigrants from Arabia. In 1976, Seychelles received independence from the UK, and in 1977, the party of France-Alber Rene came to power, following the ideology of Marxism. In 1993, democratic transformations occurred in the country.

State device

Seychelles - a country with a republican form of government. The President and Prime Minister are elected by the people for a period of 5 years. Each of the representatives of the executive power can take up to three times in a row. The chief legislative body is a parliament where 34 deputies are sitting (25 are selected directly by citizens, 9 from the parties).

The largest political associations are a progressive front, the National Party.

The Army of Seychelles is represented by ground troops, sea patrol, as well as the National Guard. Service - on a contract basis. The state budget spends about 3% for the needs of the army.


The basis of the economy of Seychelles - tourism (70% of currency revenue, 30% busy), fisheries (the basis of exports - fish in frozen and canned form). A little developed agriculture (main cultures - coconuts, cinnamon, batt, bananas. The birds are divorced in households.


The place of interlacing cultures of the whole world is the Seychelles where samples of the heritage of the national flavor of Europeans (French, British), Africans, Hindus, Madagascar residents are located. In the islands, women are especially revered - many play a leading role in the management of households, in the jurisdiction of family accounting, in raising children. The role of men in family life is sometimes minor. In some families, the rule is practiced: the more a man earns, the more right he is right.

In the Seychelles, it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of 10%, give small amounts to the maid. Taxi pay, as a rule, according to the meter, but tips are also welcome (especially if the trip is long).

To take out some of the household items of indigenous residents of Seychelles (for example, a spear for catching fish) illegally.

Strong winds and cyclones bypass Seychelles. Mahe Island, True, characterized by frequent heavy rains, so, planning his visit, you can capture an umbrella.

The bulk of the archipelago is coral formations (133, with a total of 155).

Granite Islands Seychelles are considered the most ancient of existing on Earth.

Aldab Island, which by many geologists is recognized as the largest in the archipelago, is under the protection of UNESCO.

The main square of Seychel is occupied by the National Park.

The administrative center is the city of Victoria, is considered one of the smallest capitals.

Citizens of the Republic of Seychelles often travel to other countries, despite local beauties and beautiful climate.

Seychelles (briefly they are also called Seychelles) - this state, which consists of individual islands of the Indian Ocean (the group is in its western part, east of the African continent).

Seychelles are about a hundred islands of different sizes, as well as reefs located in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean. People are populated only thirty-three islands. Archipelago Square - 455.3 square meters. km.
Their composition allocate two large groups: the inner islands (have, for the most part, granite) and external (in this group are represented mainly by coral islands).
The entire granite islands consisting of Seychelles forty two. Their area in the amount is approximately 243.7 square meters. km. It is here that the main settlements, farms, infrastructure are located. The most notable and large islands: MAE (142 sq. Km), Praslin (45 square meters), La Dig.
On the island of MAE, the highest point of Seychelles is 905 m above the ocean level.
The population of these islands entailed changes in the natural environment. Closer to the shore coconut palms planted with people, other cultural plants predominate. Alternatively, there were only areas of forests with rarely encountered species of palm trees, fern, located deep in the central regions of the islands belonging to this group.
The coral islands are flat on the relief, their height above the water level does not exceed 8 m, the land area is approximately 211.3 square meters. The KM, towering over the ocean only 4-8 m. Here there are often arid periods, and except coconut palm trees from vegetation. The soil islands is not too fertile, since in the bulk consists of coral limestone.
Since the islands for a long time existed enough isolated from the rest of the sushi, here you can find a large number of species of animals and plants that are found only here. In scientific, such species are called endemics. Especially a lot on the seismic of unique species of ants.
As for neighboring states, the Seychelles are located in close proximity to the borders: Kenya (northwest from the islands), Zanzibar, Tanzania (in the west direction from Seychel), Comoros, Mayotte (south-west), Madagascar (located South archipelago), Mascarensky Islands (in the South-East), Maldives (northeast).


The Seychelles Owner is considered to be the navocanner of Vasco da Gama, who discovered them in 1502, making his second large journey. Even earlier visits of ships from Arab states were committed, according to the remaining historical evidence, about 9-10 centuries took place. From these travelers, burials are preserved, inscriptions.
In 1609, the British had landed for the first time on the archipelago and conducted an expedition to study it. In 17-18 centuries. The islands were used by pirates and robber, as a place of residence and shelter. In 1756, the archipelago, after several long expeditions sent by the French, becomes their possession. The islands were assigned the name of Seychelles - by the name of Visconta Moro de Seychell, who served as the post of Minister of Finance in France. A thorough settlement and construction of settlements, cities here will begin only in 1794.
Here, the center of the slave trade is organized, they sell slaves from Madagascar and nearby lands of the African continent. When France was weakened by revolutionary unrest, and then wars who were led by Napoleon, the British, using the situation, repeatedly captured the islands. In 1814, following the results of the Paris Peace Group, the Seychelles are finally becoming English.
In 1835, the slave trade was officially prohibited. Seychelles began to settle the Arabs, out of India. In 1903, the Seychelles were assigned the status of a separate colony of the United Kingdom. The population of the islands fought in the two world wars of the XX century. On the side of Great Britain. During the war, the soldier of the soldiers - immigrants from Seychelle was performed by the feat, with whom they were able to cope thanks to the excellent abilities for swimming, including underwater. When, during one of the military operations, the aviation was dried out the stocks of fuel, the Seychelles took from the sunken tanker tank with a flammable, who were protected by combat aircraft.
In 1958, England was acquired by Glorioso Islands.
In 1964, the first batch appears in Seychelles - the United Peace Party of Seychelles (ONPS) - and the political struggle begins for recognizing independence and the formation of a sovereign government. The frequent cases of strikes and protests were forced to Britain to make concessions and in 1967 on the islands were established by the election law for all residents, and after three years, a legislative assembly was created, which formed a separate constitution of the Seychelles. In 1974, the OPS and the Democratic Party, the former two major political movements, both began to advocate independence. On June 28, 1976, after a long negotiation process between the political leaders of Seychelles and Britain, the independence of the desicious seishlene was declared, which, however, remained a member of the British Commonwealth. The islands transmitted by the New State at that time remained the property of the UK.
D. Manech becomes the first president of the republic. On June 5, 1977, when Manech was departing, a state coup happened to the country. His outcome was the coming to power of the former Prime Minister F - A. Rene. In 1979, he left in the government only one party, consolidating such a system legislation. During his stay at the head of state, several serious attempts of the coup were committed in order to overthrow the established regime, but none of them was crowned with success.
In 1992, obeying the onslaught of international forces and inner resistance, Rene again organized a multi-party system. In the same year, the first president Manech returns, and both former enemies conclude a truce, having called the population to stop conflict and national consent. In the subsequent democratic elections, the Rena party won, gaining the majority of votes. Since then, several different political parties are invariably participating in the elections in the Seychelles. In 2004, Rena in his will leave the president's post, appointing instead of himself D. Michel, who was then chosen to this position by most votes of voters.

State system

The form of the device Seychel - Republic. Heads the country and the government president. At the moment, D. Michel occupies this position. The term of the powers of the president is 5 years, and he can be re-elected twice.
Thirty-four deputies are seen in Parliament, most of which are chosen by residents, and the remaining places are occupied by representatives of parties overcoming a decade-free barrier proportionally to the votes.
Currently, the Parliament includes members of two parties: the People's Party and the National Party, adhered, respectively, left and right views.
Military service in the Seychelles contract.
On the state flag depicted stripes painted in the colors of the main political forces, which symbolizes political pluralism.
The coat of arms represents the shield on which plants and animals are drawn, which live only in the territory of Seychel: Sea Coconut, under the leaves of which there is a giant turtle, over the shield is a Bird Belohal Fayton, and under it - Sailboat fish. The expression in Latin, drawn on the coat of arms, is translated as "the end - the case of the crown."


The sea subequator climate of the Seychelles is the softness. From the fall in the middle of the spring, it is humor here, monsoon blows from the north-west. At this time, fishing is well fishing. The second half of the spring and the beginning of the autumn the weather is thinner, the south-eastern monsoon comes, the water in the ocean often can become restless. Temperature at night is usually not lowered below the value of 22ºС, whatever time of year. The temperature is usually not rising above 30ºС. The humidity averages 80%, often rain. In 1862, the only typhoon happened here, after which such cataclysms were not observed. The water temperature is an average of 26 to 30 ºС, depending on the time of year.


The endemic representative of the Seychelles of Seychelles is the Seychelian palm tree, the fruits of which have huge sizes and are recognized as largest in the world. They can reach 20 kg in weight. In the local mythology it is believed that this is the forbidden fruit, because of which the first people were expelled from paradise.
Once, even before the land, they learned about the islands, which nailed to the shores of the Maldives Coconuts, according to legend, fell from the palm trees, which grew right in the ocean. The fruits and the shell were attributed to various medical propertiesThey were considered as aphrodisiac. They were then very expensive. However, now, in order to protect, the government of Seychel has introduced a monopoly on the sale of the fruits of these palm trees and sells them on a fairly expensive price.
In the height of the trees can reach 35 m. The oldest palm trees are currently about 800 years old. In 1948, the state bought the May valley in which most of the fan palms grow to prevent their destruction. Now tourists can visit this place, but there can not be for a long time and pick up the palm trees. Now the Valley is guarded by UNESCO as the World Heritage Object.
Bamboo, dragon, cinnamon and bread trees, lianas, ferns and anywhere there are no longer encountered magazine plant are also growing on the islands.
Famous and rare representatives of the Seychelles archipelago are giant Aldabr Turtles. They can live to age 150 years, and at the same time they type 250 kg and more.
On the island of Praslin (Palm), rare birds are found - parrot-vase and nightingale bullbug. Many feathers live and periodically arrive during seasonal migrations on the island of birds. At such periods, it attracts many tourists. Attend reserves are permitted only accompanied by local guides. In the evening and at night, the island of birds (or the island of Berd) is not illuminated by almost nothing, so as not to interfere with the birds to sleep and knock down the turtles from the right path to water.
Here at the moment the oldest Turtle worldwide lives, which was called Esmeralda. Its age is approximately 170 years, and the weight is 304 kg, which is also a global record.
On the island of La Dig inhabit the paradise flies - birds, which are no longer found anywhere, so they carefully protects the state.
In addition, the islands are famous for its beautiful landscapes, views: small bays, rocks on some islands, forests with bright, exotic plants And animals and, of course, the purest ocean water, - all this makes the local nature unforgettable picturesque. In general, the islands like Seychelles are no longer found in any place on earth.


For tourists, Seychelles are many pastime features that are not limited to beach holidays. Many attractions, mostly natural, can be examined during the stay in Seychelles.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful cities in the Seychelles is the capital - the city of Victoria, located on the largest island of Mahe.
The Street Market is the main street of the capital, as promises its name, is a concentration of trade, here you can find goods for every taste. But, in addition, it is worth paying attention to the architectural attractions: the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, erected at the beginning of the last century, the hourly tower of the same period of construction, the Museum of Natural History, the Historical Museum.
Also there are several interesting temples of different religions and other building attention. The colonial past resembles reduced copies of British attractions such as Big Ben, on the streets of the city.

Here, on Mahe, there is a picturesque reserve, the bulk of which is occupied by a tropical forest, relict plants, hills, formerly long volcanoes. From one of them, the highest, and the name of the reserve occurs. You can walk along the reserve on specially organized tourist trails.

On the slopes of the MORN Blanc Islands Mahe is a Seychelles Tea Factory - the only enterprise of a similar profile on the Seychelles. It was created in 1962 A distinctive feature local tea is to use natural flavors: Vanilla, citrus, cinnamon, mint. Tourists are invited to inspect the terraces of tea plantations, familiarize themselves with the manufacturing technology, try and acquire various varieties Tea.

Amusement park "Village of artisans"

There is perhaps, in almost any country, entertainment is a park, which simulates an old settlement with various folk crafts, traditional cuisine, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the details of the life of peoples inhabiting the state. In the Seychelles, such a place is located close to the Royal Bay on the island of Mahe. In this case, travelers can get acquainted with the colonial traditions and the National Spirit of Creoles, who mastered this area after the relocation from Europe. The main attraction is the renovated estate of 1870.

The Royal Garden is also one of Mahe's attractions. He was broken by the French who had arrived on this earth in 1772 for growing spices. The garden owners are private individuals, but they arrange excursions in the garden, renovated by the estate. Tourists can buy souvenirs, eat in a restaurant, and as a gift to each visitor is offered to take any exotic plant for landing.

The already mentioned May valley on Praslin Island is the most famous landmark of Seychelles. This reserve is based on the protection of sea coconut palm trees, is protected by the state and UNESCO. This place has long begun to compare with a paradise garden, it is so beautiful. Here are the most rare and characteristic only for seitsella plants. But the main place is occupied by sea palm, there are about seven thousand of these trees.
Special tourist trails are laid in the reserve, travelers accompany guides.
There are also many beautiful rare birds and animals here, for example, Seychelles Bat, who actually - a very large bat.

Gallery of George Camille

The exhibition of works of the local artist, the name of which she is also named, is located on the island of Praslin. The artist works in various techniques - watercolor, pastel and others. In his works are reflected bright colors Local nature and Creole national flavor. His paintings can be purchased by tourists.

Park "Yunon Istita"

Park is located in the Yunon settlement on La Dig Island. It is founded in the XIX century. A rich family of Hossen on their own land. Their estate is one of the oldest buildings in the Seychelles. The building itself is currently the property of the former President Rene.
The park also has a landmark of a natural nature - it is a mountain from a granite rock, which appeared as a result of the frozen of magma, therefore has unusual outlines. Her age has, according to research, 75 million years. Also here can be viewed on giant turtles living on a special fenced area.

Marine National Park St. Anna

An interesting seabed can be organized by visiting six islands that are included in the territory of this park. Usually, the excursion is carried out on the boats, the bottom of which is transparent and allows you to see everything that happens on coral reefs. On some islands there are ruins of historical structures, ancient burials.

Botanical Garden Mont Fleury

The garden appeared on the island of Mae in 1901. His creator was the Dupont Planter, who tried to grow plants brought from other countries here. At the moment, approximately 200 species of plants grow on the park. Mostly it's palm trees. Guests for a reasonable fee are allowed to plant their palm trees.


Of course, first of all the Seychelles are famous for their beautiful beaches. Clean sand, no less clean and transparent water, beautiful nature around and good weather is excellent conditions for a relaxing holiday. By the way, the state regulated that all beaches on Seychelles are public. Therefore, even on the beaches of any hotel can be resting to everyone who wants.
Hotels in Seychelles do not use the rating assignment system (stars). Therefore, tourist firms usually approximately arrange estimates at hotels.
Many come here not only in honeymoonBut also organize exotic wedding ceremonies. Stunning nature creates a special romantic environment that makes the most modest wedding luxurious and bright.
There is here and a field for golfing for lovers of this unhurried sport. Hotel Efelia on the island of MAE allows you to try your strength in rock climbing, as well as such an attraction is organized here as zipline - with the help of a special device for which a person is holding hands (there is also insurance), he "drives" on special ropes stretched over the rainforest.
For more active pastime lovers, it is possible to engage in underwater diving, windsurfing, water skiing, go fishing.


Interest for divers of local water spaces is due to the presence of a large number of bright, rare fish: fish-butterfly fish, cardinal fish, shark-hammer, Picasso fish, Blue Marlin, Sea hedgehog, sword fish, Moray, sea turtles. Underwater shooting and photos from these places should turn out to be unforgettable beautiful.
In the water, everything that happens at a distance of thirty meters is clearly visible. In the Seychelles, it is equipped about seventy places in which you can safely dive into depth. There are special stations that can take tourists on a dive boat in a certain place, here you can also take equipment and equipment for rent, use the services of an instructor.
The most favorable time for this lesson is: from April to May, and then from September to October.

Popular places are considered:
L'Ilot Island is a small granite island, which grows only a few palm trees. Nevertheless, in the picturesque coral reefs around it a wide variety of fish, including large ones.
Shark bank - cliffs under water near Mahe, here you can find pretty big fish And sharks, as well as Barracud, who feel safe behind these rocks, go down to a depth of about 45 meters.
Ennerdale Rocks - Rocks, named after the tanker "Ennerdale" in the 70s. last century sunken here, encountered with one of them. On the vessel, which remained to lie on the bottom, boils the marine life. Divers like to penetrate the ship logging, which is located at an affordable depth. Here you can find large eels, winters (Lviv-Fish), Barracud, Shark, giant cod.
Another three ships are specially flooded next to Mahe near Fisherman's Cove bay and serve as a place to visit divers. There are blue striped snappers, Moray.
It is also interesting for diving the water area around the Aldab National Park, but there can not be planted on land, and in general the visit is associated with the fulfillment of a number of rules, so divers do not often go there.
Trompeuse Rocks - Underwater Single Rock Not far from Mahe. There are many types of water inhabitants, the truth is not the largest.
Mamelles Island is a small island with a bay and a through cave. On coral forests are found great amount a variety of maritime residents.
Brissare Rocks - Two small islands with cliffs. There are a lot of species of beautiful little fish, and large copies are also coming across: reef sharks, rivals.
The diving places here can find both newcomers and an advanced amateur: different depth, complexity of flow, landscape, a variety of representatives of the underwater world - all points differ from each other by many signs. Those who are the first time in the Seychelles, local instructors will tell about the features of different places. The most popular diving schools can be booked long before the start of the season, so you should not postpone the choice of school and the course before arriving at the place if you accurately need the help of the instructor.


Another popular type of entertainment and relaxation on Seychelles is fishing. The most rich in the street is the summer summer. At this time, you can catch the largest and variety of fish. On the archipelago there are several places where you can go deep-water fishing.
Catching fish here is taken from water vehicles - boats, boats. Caught prey can prepare local cooks in hotels or centers that organized fishing.


Surfers chose the place of their exercises of the island of Mahe and Praslin. Favorite the beach is Grand Anse on the island of Mae - there are the highest waves that can reach up to two meters. In general, on the eastern beaches of MAE, the sea is very calm than from the west side.
The season suitable for surfing lasts here from November to April, the summer can be too turbulent and dangerous.

Disco and casino

Since all on the archipelago is subordinated to the desire to preserve the unique nature of this place, then noisy entertainment, which involves the participation of a large number of people, is not very responsible for this purpose. On MAE there are three casinos, on Praslin - one. There are few clubs and not all of them differ something special. We can highlight such institutions as the "Lovan Club" in Victoria, "Katio" - a disco in a small hut, a democratic institution "Barrel".

Farm "Black Pearl"

On the island of Praslin is the farm "Black Pearl" where the mollusks producing the precious pearls of black color is bred. They are not a local species and were brought only about ten years ago to Seychelles. Visitors can explore the stages of producing pearls and breeding of mollusks, visit the store, which sells decorations from the local pearls and purchase there beautiful decorations for memory.
Also here are giant mollusks, which are then sold to the owners of aquariums, whose species is very popular. For them come even from Europe and the United States. But here mollusks are contained with various representatives sea Mira - Turtles, crabs and other.

Resort Islands

Island Mae.

One of the most famous and popular with tourists. There are more than seventy comfortable beaches here. Also on the island is the capital of the state - the city of Port Victoria. In Victoria, you can find many venues with local cuisine, various entertainment and cultural institutions, shopping centers, shops. The city is distinguished by a beautiful Creole architecture, green plantings on the streets, impressive types of hills around him and forests.
A few rivers flow on the island, tropical plants grow. The only international airport is located here.

Praslin Island

Praslin in size is in second place after MAE. There are also mountains, hills, along the coast there are many bays, coral reef. Thanks to the last, the sea is more relaxed. The island, despite the second place in magnitude, is quite small and inspecting it is quite possible in a short time, even drove along it by bike from end to the end.
The most famous reserve of the Seychelles Islands is the Valley - it is located here and is protected by UNESCO.

Silhouette island

Ranked third in size. Here you can walk only on foot, no roads for transport on it are not provided. Nevertheless, there is a hotel here, and tourists chose this place as an item for diving, fishing and other water species Strengthening.

La Dig Island

On this island you can move on the sledding, in which the wheels are harnessed, bicycles. There is no other transport. But here you can spend time in solitude, away from noisy vacationers. Recreation and hotels on the island are located so that a large cluster of tourists is not observed in any of its parts. Beautiful beaches, quiet bays are located here, beautiful views of the surrounding nature are opened.
Also different is the island of the variety of fauna and vegetable world, comfortable and beautiful places for diving and fishing. You can find here and an old renovated estate, which, however, is private property.

Felicite Island

Felix is \u200b\u200bconsidered one of the most picturesque Seychelles granite islands. Here are granite rocks that can be seen almost on all postcards representing the types of seishel. They are a symbol for tourists, thanks to which Seychelles are easy to learn in any tourist booklet. For bathing there are many bays, to which you can swim in water transport or go down through the mountains. Such images, rest here is also secluded and quiet. The beach on the island is only one, just like the hotel. The room reservation will cost quite expensive, but staying on this island will remain in memory for a long time.

Alfons Island

Alfonso is in private property, but divers like the underwater world around the island, and they often visit here from other islands, where they stop in hotels. The name was obtained by Alphonse de Pittleza, a famous traveler who searched the buried pirate treasures, including on this island, on which he landed in 1730.
It is also popular to use the bike as a vehicle, but, unlike the previous island, there are many different beaches. As already noted, the beaches in the Seychelles archipelago are common, so it is impossible to prevent rest on them. Divers meet in aqueous depths around Alphonse large turtles, various rare fish, huge crabs. In the fall, you can see various types of whales, which can become an unforgettable impression that will be preserved for life. Also, there are centers that organize leisure divers and fishermen who study them by the secrets of these classes, including. But their services are so popular that they need to take care long before the trip.

Anonymia Island

Anonymous belongs to the daughter of the President of the Seychelles and is named after the Flight Sailing Ship. Very beautiful and bright nature of the island makes it attractive for vacationers.
On the island built an elite resort, which, in the presence of a sufficient amount of funds, can be held for rent in a completely single group of vacationers, perhaps family. If you manage to persuade the owner, that is, the probability that it will be possible to completely limit an extraneous presence on the island while the client rents the resort.

Berd Island

Berd, or the island of birds, is located close to deep depressions in the ocean, thanks to which lovers of deep-sea fishing are often resting. The island received its name, as it is not difficult to guess thanks large quantity birds. There can be about 100 varieties here. Until the middle of the twentieth century Birds did not fly to the island, as cotton began to collect. But then it stopped, and the state began to protect the ecology of the island and restore it. Then the birds returned.
Here is only one hotel, which is built where there used to be a plantation.

Island Denis.

This is a small island of coral origin with the only hotel, a small runway. Also there is a local settlement in which no more than 50 people live.
The man's hand practically did not touch the local nature, and the island has been preserved in natural form. It is very good to catch fish, including a large and inhabitant.

Kuzin Island

Granite island with many hills and stone sticks. there is nice beach. Owners of the island are striving to preserve his pristine nature living on birds and animals, so staying on the island of guests is limited, there is only one hotel. But funds received from vacationers are sent to maintain an environmental situation on the island. The international organization engaged in bird protection also supports the owners in their desire to preserve nature in the cousin of untouched.
Also local attractions are considered old giant turtles - George and Georgina.
Guests also should not disturb the ecology of the island - here it is strictly forbidden to smoke, litter, tear plants.

Saint Ann Island

This island once loved pirates, then colonizers rated a quiet, beautiful nature, clean beach White sand and settled here.
Not far from the island is the sea reserve, in which there are more than 150 different types of marine animals and fish. Here you can not swim on vehicles equipped with a motor, fish.
Here is the only hotel providing high quality services, a luxury level for very big money.

Island Fregat.

Frigate Island is surrounded by legends, according to which many treasures buried here. But so far, none of them is found, and it remains only attracting tourists a fairy tale.
Here, as in many of the islands, you can only move on a bike or on foot. The nature of the island is distinguished by unique beauty and diversity.
Sand on the local beaches is slightly pinkish tint. And around there are high hills covered with bright greens, which creates very beautiful combination flowers.

Aldabon atoll

According to their size Aldab, ranks second among all the atolls in the world. On its territory there is a reserve of the same name, to which you can not get, not having a skip. Finding here people are practically prohibited, since the state and UNESCO seek to preserve its unique natural environment.
Divers can still explore the territory near the atoll. Here you can find a lot of species. marine inhabitantswho are not found anywhere else. Also, the largest accumulation of giant skulls live here.
The creation of the reserve contributed to the visit in 1954 the famous Zhaka-Iva Kusto explorer. Then, however, he was not so famous, and it was here that he managed to remove the first film, who brought him a recognition, and to the aldabon attracted the attention of scientists and international commits. Shooting under water, imprinted giant turtles then made a great impression on the audience.

Features of national culture

To communicate with the local population, you can use englishwhich is recognized as official. But most of the inhabitants will rather understand French, on the basis of which local Creoles have been formed. In tourist centers and hotels, however, should not be with English problems.
On the peculiarities of the local culture influenced the fact that for many years the islands were French, then the English colony. In addition, there is also an influence of African and Indian cultures, brought by the representatives settled on the Seychelles.
Main types of folk crafts are associated with national natural wealth - traditional crafts and products from tight shells, vegetable fibers, coconut shells and fruits of local palm trees.
The archipelago hosts many bright festive events, festivals, carnivals. All this is directed, first of all, to attract and entertain tourists. Holidays devoted to national language and national culture occupy an important place in culture. Many families with Creole roots come to Seychelles at this time and celebrate holidays all together.
June 29 is celebrated independence from the UK. The main Christian (Catholic) holidays are also widely marked. The overwhelming majority of local residents (more than 90%) confess Catholicism. However, Seychelles are superstitious enough, and Catholic religion can be combined with many of them with faith and African magical practices.
In Seychelles, it is not considered a decent walk outside the beach in bathing suits or too open and causing clothes.


At the heart of local culinary traditions - Creole National cuisine, the overwhelming part of the dishes make up, of course, eats with seafood, fish meat. Absolute popularity among the garnings belongs to the rice.
It is also recommended to try dishes with shrimps, filed with different spices and seasonings, sauces. Soups from all kinds of fish and marine animals also very much like tourists. From extremal dishes you can offer to try a grudge bat under sauce.
Desserts are mainly based on local fruits and fruits: bananas, citrus, coconuts.
If you do not like too sharp food, you should turn to the waiter so that he gives the cook your preferences, since traditionally local dishes contain many spices. Usually B. major cities The restaurants present and familiar food for Europeans.
Local alcohol is presented, first of all, tinctures, who overdoor drinks from coconut juice, juice sugar cane. There is also a local drink by saibry, which is a national type of beer. Wines that can be bought in local establishments are imported from African countries.
To eat is not too expensive, it is worth choosing an institution in the city, on the coastline. The restaurants prices are usually high enough.

Popular restaurants on Mae Island:
8 lounge - can offer a large selection national dishes and beautiful view;
Cap Lazare - a popular restaurant, a place in which you need to book in advance, in the menu - Creole dishes, around - a beautiful fruit garden and sea view;
Chilli Bar & Steakhouse - a good selection of dishes of various kitchens of the world, excellent ocean view;
INDIAN TANDOORI CUISINE - specializes in Indian cuisine, suits vegetarians.
Restaurants on the island Praslin:
Les Laurier Restaurant - a large selection of Creole dishes, fresh fish, unusual cocktails;
Coco Rouge is a family-friendly institution, a lot of fish dishes in the menu, Creole cuisine.
Island's institutions of La Dig:
Villa Authentique Restaurant & Bar is one of the most popular local restaurants, and this is explained by the good quality of the treats, the place here is better to booke in advance;
Veuve Restaurant - institution with Creole cuisine and interior made in the national style.

What should be feared to tourists?

The crime on the Seychelles is quite low. The country's population is not so big, and to hide a large crime here it would be very difficult.
Animals that would see a serious danger to travelers, there is also no. Even sharks do not swim to the shore too close, therefore there are no information about their attacks ending with a fatal outcome.
It is worth taking a means of mosquitoes, but, according to available data, they are not carriers of dangerous diseases. There are some types of snakes and scorpions, but there are no poisonous among them. There are no mandatory vaccinations to do before visiting the archipelago. It is not prohibited from the water from the crane, but it is better to buy for the drinking mineral water to drink.
It is necessary to fear one of the species of fish that are found here is a stone-fish. If you come on it and put in the foot of the spike, which is on her back, death from poisoning poison will inevitably come. Therefore, it should be studied as this fish looks like and avoiding meetings with it, doing diving. And also carefully walk along the beach, especially after the low tide of the water. It is better not to walk around the shore of barefoot and look under the feet. Near the reefs there are several types of poisonous or burning maritime residents, so all the information about them is better to study in advance before the trip.
Even experienced swimmers risk drowning, bathing during the tide periods. At this time, underwater flows begin to act, which can carry a person to depth, they have such a great power. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the coast guard, not to violate the prohibitions to find in water in dangerous moments.
Difficulties for motorists can be caused by terrain - here are many roads running in the mountains, serpentines. Also, the quality of the road surface is low. In general, there are not so many vehicles on the roads. It is necessary to take care that you have the police number, they quickly come to place in the event of an accident.
It is not worth violating local laws prohibiting the hunt to rare fish, birds, tear plants and fruits. Usually, all prohibitions are explained by employees of certain institutions, tourists are given a memo, it is worth examining the information presented in them. Fines for poaching here are very high here, and the security agencies work very effectively, so it is most likely to deceive them. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the restrictions on the removal of various items from the country.
Exchange local rupees are not in official points, and from the hands is prohibited by law.
Communicating with the local one, you should not provide too much about yourself and do not need to be afraid to abandon unnecessary products that they can try to sell the tourist. Moreover, among these goods may also be even lungs, but still drugs.
The essentials of the essentials and drugs are better to take their own on the Seychelles, since periodically there are periods of the deficit of the most necessary, right up to the means of personal hygiene.
Copying assistance in the archipelago can be caused around the clock. Hospitals are in the capital, as well as on Islands Praslin and La Dig.


The main income of the state form tourists (about 30% of the workers' population are occupied here, as well as more than 70% of the state's revenues in currency), as well as the export of mining fish and seafood goods.
With a large separation, the scope of services is the main article forms the country's GDP. In second place is the industry, on the third - construction.
Among the exports leading positions at tuna and shrimp.
In 1972, there was a discovery of an international airport in Seychelles, and a national airline appeared after six years. Seychelles are members of the act.
Seychelles are a large offshore zone since 1995. Registration of companies leading international business began.
In 2014, Seychelles agreed, starting in 2017, to provide tax authorities on customer property.


Most of the agricultural activity is the cultivation of coconut, spices, fruits, bananas.
Interestingly, on a plantation where Vanilla is grown on the island of La Dig, her pollination takes place manually - these are local women and children. In Mexico, where this plant comes from, this process makes a special kind of bees that are found only there. Then the pods who have reached maturity must dry up for four years before selling them.
From local products agriculture Make tobacco products, beer, tea, juices. Also a little practiced animal husbandry in order to produce dairy and meat products. The most popular garnish - rice - will be taken from other countries.
From the juice of coconut palm, the process of fermentation is obtained by a local alcoholic drink Toddy, the so-called palm wine. Each tree, giving juice, has an owner, and the tree has an original number. Another alcoholic Seychelian drink is to calves, it turns out after distillation of the same Palma Juice that has already been overgoing.


How memorable souvenirs on the Seychelles can be purchased many different curious things. It can be garments and accessories in a national style, wicker hats, interior items, crafts and works of art of local masters, spices, tea of \u200b\u200ba local factory, decorations, various utensils made from corals, coconuts, a shear shell and pearl.
The most obvious symbol of Seychelles will be the fruit of the Coco de Mer coconut palm tree, which can only be bought in special places, as the sale is monopolized by the state. The buyer will give a special certificate, without which remove the nut from the country will not work. Annual harvest of these trees is approximately 3000 nuts. Each of them is assigned a number to which the certificate is also issued. Purchase such a fruit - expensive pleasure, and what he bigger size, the higher the price. Souvenirs are made from the shell of walnut - boxes, objects of dishes.
Also, the official evidence must be required when buying corals, shells, things made from the black shell. If the seller does not provide such a document, most likely he trades illegally. In this case, there is a risk of leaving your souvenirs on the archipelago if they detect them when departing, and even pay a fine.


Between the islands fly airplanes local airline. Between the major islands, the flights follow the schedule, charters can be recruited.
Private company organizes movement on helicopters.
Perhaps the most popular can be considered water transport - boats, ferries, boats running between all the islands. Their schedule and other information can be obtained from the receptionist in any hotel.
Water vehicle can also be rented. On the islands there are several companies that provide this service.
On the islands of Mae and Praslin, there are bus transport with several routes. A detailed schedule can also be available at the hotel. Transport works not all day: from 5 am to half the ninth to MAE and from six in the morning to six in the evening at Praslin.
On the same islands there is a 24-hour taxi. The tariff for their services is fixed, but at night he is higher than during the day.
Reached 22 years travelers with international rights and bank card Can rent a car. On the archipelago little references, it is worth considering, going on a trip by car. There is a left-sided movement in Seychelles, but the local population is not too neatly in compliance with the rules of movement.
It is impossible to move on the transport on most of the islands. The exception is the bike, which can be leased usually in any hotel.

Seychelles are 115 islands of unthinkable beauty located in the Indian Ocean, in the east of Africa. This is the place of absolute peace, privacy and measured life. This is idyll. Probably, that is why the Seychelles islands - the favorite place of newlyweds around the world, coming here in his honeymoon. If you do not yet know where the Seychelles are on the world map, you can consider them below.

The Seychella Archipelago is outside the zone of cyclones, so there are always quiet and only 2 climate: dry and wet. Seychelles, perhaps, the most leisureous people, are not in a rush anywhere, and relaxed relaxed against the background of violent hibiscus, ginger and coconut palm trees.

Mae Island and Victoria

The islands opened the famous Navasian navaste da Gama, when he walked through the Great Silk Road to India in 1502 through the Cape of Good Hope. Mae is one of the three largest islands of Seychelles (27 km long and 12 width). Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, is located on the island of Mae, and before he was called Port Royal. Victoria The capital began to be called when Seychelles switched to the control of England, - Yes, so forever and remained Victoria. Although a small town is the smallest capital on Earth (25 thousand people), but the construction there has long been forbidden: seeking to limit the boundaries of the city, the state cares about its ecology.

The main attractions of the capital:

  • museum of Local Lore;
  • st Paul's Cathedral;
  • cathedral of immaculate conception;
  • indian temple;
  • centre applied arts and crafts;
  • Mont Fleuri Botanical Garden (near the city, in Valley).

The cultural life of MAE is concentrated south of the capital, on the east coast. It is interesting to visit the Creole Institute, who studies Creole culture and language. Seychelles are the only country where Creole is recognized as state. If you visit the archipelago in October, at the end of the month you can see the annual Creole festival with national dances, fashionable defile and exhibitions.

Botanical Garden

The main exhibit is the Lenocea - the famous Seychelles palm with huge fruits in the form of appetizing female thighs. This is Coco de Mer - the sea coco weighing more than 20 kg, having the shape of the human heart. In the May Valley, the National Park Seychelles, 7,000 Palms of the Sea Coconut grows. Tree in height reaches 30 meters and lives a few hundred years! Fruits with a very solid and thick shell ripen 10 years, in the old century, ships from Europe were specifically designed for them. The fetus is expensive, approximately $ 100, and it is possible to export it only for a special resolution.

Also tourists are attended by the Black Pearl Farm farm, the main profile of which is the mining of pearls.

Located next to Victoria, Intendanse Bay is famous for wonderful coral sand beaches, modern hotels with excellent service, trendy restaurants, bars and discos.

Praslin: Coconut Island

Praslin is only considered the second largest island of the archipelago, and in fact he is tiny: it can be circumvented in an hour. However, there are many tourists here, as Praslin is the location of famous Seychelles Côte d'Or And Lazio. In addition, it is here that fans of privacy stop at rest: the wild beaches of Ans-Georgette and Ans-Consolason are used to their services.

The natural attraction of Praslin is Coco de Mer - the sea coco weighing more than 20 kg, having the shape of the human heart. In the May Valley, the National Park Seychelles, 7,000 Palms of the Sea Coconut grows. Also tourists are attended by the Black Pearl Farm farm, the main profile of which is the mining of pearls.

On Praslin, there are three diving-center - Octopus, Bleu Marine and Whitetip Divers, offering immersion near coral reefs near the islands of the entire archipelago.

Not far from Praslin is the island of Kurez, where it is very curious to visit the excursion in the maritime reserve and on the farm of giant turtles.

Silhouette: Full Privacy

Silhouette island enters the top three largest islands of Seychelles archipelago. Snow-white beaches, the blue of the ocean, thick coastal thickets, flowers, birds - this is the world that will be the environment for each tourist who came here to spend his vacation here. Accommodation may be in the only island of Silhuette Island Lodge 5 *. Guests of the resort can be guaranteed to count on a luxurious vacation rest on the rain nature.

La Dig: Pink Beaches

The beautiful tiny island of La Dig is also among the most "tourist" Seychelles. Calling silence, pink beaches Grand Anse, Pet-Anse and Anse Coco, Yunon-Istita Park - that's all the advantages of La Dig, but just for this peaceful calm on the ocean so love this island tourists around the world.

Popular dive sites of La Dega, among whom - Channel-Rock, White Bank, Gran-Ser, West Sister-Rock, Ave-Maria, Coral Garden, allow fans of exotics to swim in the maze of coral atolls and see the underwater inhabitants (Big Barracuda, Gray Aclaut, etc.).

Deniz: Fascinating Diving

The island is two kilometers long, Deniz is unusually popular with diving fans. It created all the conditions for deep-water dives, opening tourists a completely different world. Especially all the divers like to watch the sea turtles, as well as engage in deep-sea fishing. The local Hotel Denis Island Lodge 4 * provides tourists with any budget, since the resorts are provided by bungalows different categories.

Saint Ann: the island of newlyweds

A considerable territory of Saint-Ann is the territory allows you to competently organize a full privacy zones, that's why newlyweds and loved couples are eagerly here. Villas and chalets of different price levels increase the possibilities of those who want to relax in comfortable conditions Without serious damage to your wallets. On the island there is also a hotel that is deservedly recognized as the best on the archipelago, is Sainte Anne Resort, and, although the hotel is worth very notary, the hotel is never empty. At St. Ann, in addition to romantic youth, many divers of all ages are resting: rare species of fish and the incredible beauty of corals in coastal waters are bait for them.

Saint Ann Island


An attractive feature of Seychelles - the presence of islets, on which only one-only hotel suite is constructed. Comfortable service eliminates tourists from all domestic worries, and they are completely given to a serene rest, literally dissolving in nature and experiencing unlimited delight from the merger with the surrounding world.

One of these islands is Berd. He is excellently suitable for those who are looking for isolation from the outside world at least for a while and plans to live on the shore of the turquoise lagoon, in palm thickets. On the Berde there is only the Bird Island Lodge 4 * Hotel with attendant personnel, and more than anyone. The feeling of privacy is maintained by the lack of all signs of civilization - televisions, the Internet, phones (up to air conditioners).

If you also dream of relaxing on the ocean coast, forgetting everything in the world and enjoying freedom, buy a tour to Seychelles! Give yourself a bright world of tropical nature.