Project on the topic of the sea and marine inhabitants. Project "Marine Inhabitants" Project on the environment (preparatory group) on the topic

Project "Marine Inhabitants"

Preparatory group A.

Sorokina Galina Nikolaevna

educator of 1 square. categories

d / Garden №5 "Alenushka"

from. Lad-beam

Krasnogvardeysky district

Stavropol Territory

2018 year

Project type : Information and creative

Project participants:children, educators, music leader, parents.

During the project:3 weeks ( 01/10/2018 - 31.01.2018)


Around us beautiful and mysterious world. I would like to introduce children with him. During the project, children will gain knowledge of the inhabitants of water expansion. We instill a sense of love for nature, desire to take care and guard it.

Problem ( at the level of the child): an insufficient supply of knowledge in children about marine inhabitants.

Purpose: Creating conditions for the education of the environmental culture and development of cognitive and creative abilities Children.


Expand the presentations of children about marine inhabitants,

Form the ability to think;

Development of logical thinking, skills based on the comparison of facts, results, observations to draw conclusions and conclusions;

Develop the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see beautiful;

Develop cognitive interest, creative abilities;

Use various non-traditional artistically visual technicians;

Bring up friendly relationships and interest in the inhabitants of sea depths;

Contribute to the formation of parental interest in the educational process.

Expected results:

Own the concepts of "animals of the seas and oceans";

Have the simplest ideas about some features of the body structure due to their lives in water, ways of their movement, on the uniqueness of each species, disguise methods;

Know about relationships with other inhabitants;

Have ideas about the interaction of man and ambient;

Form the skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature,

To be able to draw up a descriptive story about the marine inhabitant using the reference scheme.

Forms and methods: Observations, conversations, experiments, viewing and showing illustrations, pictures, encyclopedia, presentations, reading fiction, riddling mysteries, memorizing proverbs and sayings on the topic

explanation, "Persistent Error Method", Didactic, Movable, Scene, Role, Node, Listening, Music, View Cartoon.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development, socio-communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1 . Preliminary work (project development).

Stage 2. The implementation of the project (organization of collaboration of children, parents and teachers).

3 stage. Summarizing.

Stage I. Preliminary work:

Purpose: to form primary presentations and a positive attitude on the topic "Marine inhabitants".

Search work on the selection of illustrative material, on the topic "Marine inhabitants", "Sea".

Resource provision.

Illustrations, Photography, Videos, Slides, Books, Artwork Works and Materials, Camera, Computer, Materials for Fine and Design Activities, Shells different sizes and shapes, plasticine, cast material.

Stage II Project implementation.


Intensify cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the sea depths;

Consolidate knowledge of children about diversity underwater world;

Encourage search engines;

Enrich children's speech;

To form careful attitude towards nature.


Quiz "Marine Inhabitants"

Quiz "Journey to the underwater kingdom

Drawing "At the bottom of the sea"

Lajk "Marine inhabitants" Constructive activities "Fish", "Boat" (origami from paper).

Riddling mysteries; Explosion of proverbs.

Conversations: "Sea plants", "Treasures of the seas", "All about shells"

Finger games:

"Chaika", "Boat".

Viewing Presentations:

purpose : Develop the cognitive abilities of children.

"Submarine plants. The world of corals "," the diversity of residents of the seas and oceans - 1 "," the diversity of inhabitants of the seas and oceans - 2 "," extraordinary fish "," masking masks ".

Consider illustrations of albums and encyclopedias:


Explain how important in the book drawings;

Show how many interesting things can be found by looking at the illustration.

"The diversity of the seabed", "coral reefs", "Sea and his world", "fish that are glow", "sea turtles", "starfish and sea hedgehog"," The Red Sea and its inhabitants "," Black Sea and its inhabitants "," Dolphins "," Sea Predators "," deep-water inhabitants "," Algae - Habitat "," The Ancient Residents of the Seas and Oceans "," Medusa " , "Fishes of the seas and oceans."

Viewing reproduction of paintings:


Acquire children to the beautiful world of painting;

Teach carefully to consider the picture, talk about its content;

See and understand expressive meansthat artist uses;

Feel the beauty of the work.

Artists paintings: Ivana Aivazovsky, Alexey Bogolyubova, Georgy Dmitriev, Sergey Lyakhovich, Bato Dugarzapov, Alexey Adamova, Dmitry Annenkova, Andrei Aranshva, Alexey Zaitseva, an artist depicting the underwater world of the painting of Mark Szzino.

View cartoons:


Expand the ideas about the world around

Introduce new words, phenomena, situations;

Show examples of behavior, which contributes to socialization,

since children learn, imitating;

Form evaluation relations to the world, the development of thinking, understanding

causal relationships;

Develop aesthetic taste, sense of humor;

Cartoons help implement the emotional needs of children.

"In the blue sea, in white foam", "Stories of an old sailor", "Who lives at the sea", "Proud boat", "Girl and Dolphin" Multicolored Family "," Tale of fisherman and fish "," Mermaid ", "Finding Nemo".

Reading fiction


To form interest in the artworks of various genres, - to disclose the relationship between the fabulous and real world;

Learning to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Reading fiction: G. H. Andersen "Mermaid", A. S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish", Scandinavian folk fairytale "Magic Fish", the Norwegian folk tale "Why Water Salted", S. Sugarnov "How Crab Whale from Bad", Kosovo "Alphabet of the underwater world", S. Baranov "Dolphins", V. Orlova "For what the sea outfits ? ",

"What are the sea stones talk about", "People and Fish", "The Tale of a Little Lonely Fish and about the Huge Blue Sea"

Experimental activities.

Objectives: the development of the intellectual sphere, creative abilities, to acquaint with the properties of water; Help understand the features of the organisms living in water, their fitness to the water habitat.

"Where does the water come from?"

"Does water have a taste?"

"What items are held on the water, and what sorts?"

Didactic games


Clarify and consolidate and knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea;

Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention;

Develop the ability to prove the correctness of their judgment.

"The little Mermaid"

"Fourth extra"

"Whose silhouette"

"Guess the sound of an animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect Dolphin"

"Decorate aquarium"

"Who lives here?"

"About com" tell "


Purpose: Develop attention, progress, ability to follow the rules, friendliness.

"Parent pictures"

"Find out what has changed"

"Find the same"


"Connect points"

Verbal games

Purpose: Develop the ability to describe with water, its inhabitants in description.

"Describe Animal"

"Guess a riddle"

"Who hears?"

"Whose kids?"

"Find the subject of the description"

"Name, in one word"

"Who will notice anyillites?"

Plot role-playing games:


Understand the imaginary situation and act in accordance with it;

Develop the communicative qualities of children through a dialogue during communication with each other.

"Travel by ship", "Underwater Expedition"

"Journey on a ship to a fabulous country"


Outdoor games:

Purpose: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

"Fisherman and Fish"

"Ocean is shaking"

"Fish and pebbles"


"Karasi and Pike"

"Fishing rod"

"The sea is worried - once!".

Musical Games:


Develop stability of attention, accurate execution of verbal instructions;

Develop motor-auditory coordination;

Learn to distribute attention;

Teach rhythmized speech, diction, auditory attention.

"Merry fish";



Musical activity


Learning to perceive the nature of animals with the help of musical works;

Exercise children in creating expressive images of marine inhabitants;

Visit love for various musical genres.

Listening songs about the sea;

Hearing music: "Sea sounds", "Dolphin sounds", "Seagulls and Waves".

Interaction with parents


Seeks to develop their interest in the manifestations of their child;

The desire to know your capabilities as parents;

To engage in active cooperation with the teachers of the child development team.

Consultations for parents: "How to interest children by the secrets of the unusual maritime world"

Selection of puzzle on marine topics.

Organization of the exhibition drawings "Marine inhabitants"

Selection of the material required for project implementation

To learn the poem by I.Tokmakova "Where is the fish sleeping?"

III stage. Summarizing.

1. Open occupation on unconventional drawing "Octopus"

2. Preventation "Marine inhabitants"


During the implementation of the project, the children got acquainted with the marine inhabitants and with what significance the sea has in a person's life.

As a result of conversations, cognitive classes were improved by speech communication skills. Children independently mastered the main concepts of "marine inhabitants", "mollusks", "corals", "mammals", which also helped them communicate during the project.

Children on the results of observations there was an interest in the work of sailors on the ship and professions related to the sea.

The knowledge gained independently during the project, the guys were used during drawing, modeling, making appliqués and origami. They learned to depict external structure Fish, tried to use that color gamutWhat an animal has in nature.

Parents were involved in educational activities. Thus, during the thematic project, the goal was achieved.


1. Avdeeva N.N., Stepanova GB Life around us. Environmental education Preschoolers: teaching manual. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003.

2.Bondarenko T.M. Environmental classes with children 6-7 years old: a practical manual for educators and methodists to DOU. - Voronezh: ChP Lakopennik S. S., 2009.

3.Shigina T. A. Fishes What are they? Book for educators, parents. Moscow, 2008.

4. Voronekhevich O. A. Welcome to the ecology! - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press", 2004.

5. Volcchova V. N., Stapanova N., V. Abstracts of classes in the senior group kindergarten. Ecology. Practical manual for educators and methodists DOU. - Voronezh: ChP Lakozennik S. S., 2008.

6.Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist. System of work in the preparatory school group D / s. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010. Selikhova L.G. Integrated classes. Familiarization with nature and the development of the speech of children of 5-7 years. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis 2005

Kulmanakova Galina Aleksandrovna

MBDOU #17 Tomsk

Project "Marine Animals"

Project type: information and creative

Participants: Children of the Preparatory Group

Teachers interaction: Educators, parents

Project implementation period: 1 Week

Problem: "What are the inhabitants of the sea"

Game motivation: "Journey to the underwater world"

Purpose: Creating conditions for the education of the ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.


  • expand the presentation of children about the inhabitants of the sea depths, form the ability to reflect;
  • development of logical thinking, skills based on the comparison of facts, results, observations to draw conclusions and conclusions;
  • develop the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see beautiful;
  • develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;
  • develop cognitive interest, creative abilities;
  • use various non-traditional artistically - graphic techniques;
  • learning to protect the environment;

Expected project results

  • own the concepts of "marine animals", "fish", "mollusks";
  • have the simplest ideas about some features of the body structure due to their lives in water, ways of their movement (floats, crawling), disguise methods, on the uniqueness of each type;
  • know about relationships with other inhabitants;
  • have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship of human and the environment;
  • form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;
  • make a descriptive story about the marine inhabitant using the reference scheme.


Many around us still unexplored and beautiful. I would like to introduce children with this mysterious and mysterious world. During the project, the children will gain knowledge of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling love for nature. Desire to protect and protect it.

Stages of the project:

Goaling (identification of the problem).

Project development.

Project execution (organization of collaboration of children and teachers over the project).

Summing up (presentation).

Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material, on the topic "Marine inhabitants", "Sea";
  • acquaintance with literary works: Kosovo "Alphabet of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish", G. Kh. Andersen "Mermaid";
  • worker of poems V. Orlova "What is the sea of \u200b\u200boutfits?", "I draw the sea", Yu Dulepins "Octopus", S. Baranova "Dolphins", proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics "Seagull", riddling mysteries, word permission;
  • consider the reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky "Night. Blue Wave "," Ninth Val "," Black Sea "," Hurricane at the Sea ", A. Flylov" Sea. Stones "," Blue Spacious ", A. Bogolyubov" Sailboat in the Sea ";
  • listening to the song "Dolphins" on the verses of S. Kozlov from the cartoon "in the port"; Debussi K. "Sea", sketch for the symphony orchestra, "Wind conversation with the sea"; Ravel M. "Game of Water";
  • view cartoons "Multicolored family", "Fishing about fisherman and fish", "Little Mermaid", "In Search of Nemo", "Underwater Lutton".

Collaboration with family:

Photo exhibition: "Recall the sea blue!", "I'm in the oceanarium!" ;

Parents are recorded invented by a child, a story about the sea inhabitant, help to arrange drawings;

Resource security:

Illustrations, photo materials, videos, slides, books, artworks and materials, cameras, computer, materials for visual and design activities, seashells of different sizes and shapes, plasticine, leaving material.

Can a person live in water? Why?

What marine animals do you know?

What do you know about the inhabitants of the underwater world?

What special devices use some seafood inhabitants?

What do the inhabitants of the sea eat?

Who is Neptune?

What invention a person suggested marine inhabitants?

What animal is the biggest, smart, fast, musical?

Project implementation

Joint activities of children and teachers.

Purpose: Intensify cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the sea depths. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search engines; enrich children's speech; To form careful attitude towards nature.

Conversations: about fish, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Consider illustrations (encyclopedia "Sea and his world", "Fish which are glowing";

Consider the "Marine World" video. "Underwater World", "Mammals in the Zoo: Speech by Dolphins, Marine Cotes, China Beluhi." Cartoons: "About fisherman and fish" A. S. Pushkin; "Nemo". Videos: "Fish Nemo", "Zebra Fish", "Fish-Cool";

Album S. species diversity animal vegetable world, their habitat;

Viewing paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of the painting brand SUZINO;

Reading fiction

Purpose: to form interest in artworks of various genres, to disclose the relationship between the fabulous and real world; Learning to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;

Explain how important in the book drawings; Show how many interesting things can be found by examining books illustrations.

H.-K. Andersen "Mermaid".

Creative stories: "How I went to Dolphinarium" (selectively).

Evening of mysteries, poems about the maritime world.

Measuring poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Didactic games

Purpose: clarify and consolidate and knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of their judgment.

"The little Mermaid"

"Fourth extra"

"Whose silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect Dolphin"

"Decorate aquarium"

"Guess which reservoir"

"Who lives here?"

"About com" tell "


"Parent pictures"

"Find out what has changed"

"Find the same"

"Connect points"


Purpose. Develop the ability to describe with water, its inhabitants in description.

Expanding Children's Dictionary: Medusa, Octopus, Shrimp, Fish-Saw, Crab, Marine Konok, Kambala.

"Describe Animal"

"Guess a riddle"

"Who hears?"

"Whose kids?"

"Find the subject of the description"

"Name in one word"

"Who will notice anyillites?"

Productive activities:

Exhibition of drawings and crafts from natural and casting material "Sea and sea secrets".

Objective: Teach children to various techniques for working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, operate with the concepts that indicate spatial characteristics. Develop small motor Hands and eye meter, artistic taste and creative abilities. Briefing the culture of labor, the communicative abilities of children.

Applique "At the bottom of the sea"

Collective Applique "In the Sea Depths"

Plastielinography "Unusual Fish"

Drawing with finger technician "Magic underwater world"

Painting Stones "Golden Fish"

Lajk from the dough "Fish clown"

Paper Design - Sea Layout

marine decorations (Pendants and bracelets from seashells)

Origami "Marine Fish"

Production of an album with illustrations "How beautiful is the underwater world ..."

Interaction with parents

Photo albums "How we rested on the sea";

Consultations for parents: "How to interest children by the secrets of the unusual maritime world";

Help in organizing leisure to marine topics.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts "Sea and sea secrets" The joint work of parents and children, educators.

Registration of game Didactic Games

Selection of puzzle on marine topics;

Split pictures "marine animals";

Scene - role-playing games:

"Travel by ship", "Underwater Expedition"

(experiments and experiments);

"Journey on a ship to a fabulous country"


Purpose: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

"Fisherman and Fish"

"Ocean is shaking"

"Fish and pebbles"



Registration of the Gaming Corner "Marine World"

Lyuba Berezovskaya

Subject project:

« Marine life»


Berezovskaya L. N.


A type project:

cognitive-research, creative.

Participants project: Children senior group, teacher, parents.

Duration project: 1 Working Week

Problem project: The biggest gap in children is found in the knowledge of the Water World of Our planet.: Flora and fauna seas and oceans. "What are there sea inhabitants» Inadequate knowledge of children about marine inhabitants.

purpose project:

expanding kids about the underwater world and his inhabitants.

Tasks project:


To acquaint with a variety of underwater world, with its significance for everything alive on the planet.

Introduce a building and livelihood inhabitants of the underwater world.


Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, research of natural objects.

Enrich vocabulary Children and their knowledge of the underwater world.

Develop the ability to transfer their feelings from socializing with nature in drawings and crafts.


Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Educating communicative skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity to everything.

Expected Result:

Possess concepts « Sea creatures» , "Fish", "Mollusks";

Have the simplest ideas about some features of the body structure due to their lives in the water of the methods of their movement, disguise methods.

Know about the relationship with other inhabitants

Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship of human and the environment;

Children's products (drawings, crafts, stories);

Work with parents: Production (baby books) "Magic world of the seas and oceans".

Relevance project: The underwater world is very colorful, bark, but is not directly accessible to the study of children. Modern means and teaching methods allow this to do what promotes "Immersion" children in an interesting topic for them and makes them active participants educational process. This makes it possible to educate children - "Figures", but not "Performers", develop village qualities Personality, partnership skills. Offered theme project Provides children the opportunity to identify the problem at each occupation; independently search for the right solution; choose from existing ways the most adequate and productively use it; independently analyze the results obtained. Also develops their creative abilities. This topic is very interesting and exciting for children of senior preschool age.

Stages project:

1Tap - preparatory

Development project.

Detection of a problem.

Selection of methodical literature.

Creation of an appropriate developing environment in a group;

Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic project

2 Stage - Implementing

Update and enrich the developing subject - spatial environment in the group.

3 Stage - Total

Analysis of the results of implementation project, Summing up, exhibition of children's creativity.

Educational regions: Socially communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic - aesthetic development.

Joint activities of children and teachers.

purpose: Intensify cognitive interest in inhabitants of sea depths. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search engines; enrich children's speech; To form careful attitude towards nature.


Conversations: On fish, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Consider illustrations, encyclopedia "Sea and his world";

Viewing videos "Underwater world.

Pilot experimental activity

Reading fiction

purpose: To form interest in the artworks of various genres, to disclose the relationship between the fabulous and real world; Learning to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;

Explain how important in the book drawings; Show how many interesting things can be found by examining books illustrations.

Kosovo "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";

Learning poems

V. Orlova "I'm drawing the sea", Y. Dulepins "Octopus".

View cartoon

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The little Mermaid".

Verbal games

"Guess a riddle", "Who hears?", "Name in one word".

Purpose. Develop the ability to describe with water, its residents in description.

Expand Children's Dictionary: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, crab, sea \u200b\u200bHorse.


Didactic games: "The little Mermaid", "Fourth extra", "Whose silhouette", "Collect Dolphin", "Decorate aquarium", "Guess which reservoir".

purpose: Clarify and consolidate knowledge about inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of their judgment.


"Cutting pictures"

Productive activities:

purpose: Teach children to various techniques for working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, operate with the concepts that indicate spatial characteristics. Develop a shallow motility of hands and eyes, artistic taste and creative abilities. Briefing the culture of labor, the communicative abilities of children.

Applique "At the bottom naval»

Lepak "Unusual fish"

Painting "Magic underwater world"

Origami « Sea fish»

Physical development

Outdoor games "Ocean is shaking", "Fish and pebbles".

purpose: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

Interaction with parents

Selection of puzlov by marine topics;

Cutting pictures « Sea creatures» ;

Homework for children and parents - drawing up a book - Baby about sea inhabitants With children's drawings

Result project

Knowledge gained during implementation projectThey helped to increase the level of pupils of pupils about fish.

The pupils mastered the simplest ideas about some features of the body structure due to their lives in water, the uniqueness of each type.

Children own a concept « sea \u200b\u200bcreatures» , "fish" "Mollusks".

Make up a descriptive story about marine inhabitants.

By comparison form conclusions about what everything is similar fish: Mental habitat, the presence of fins, way of movement.

The pupils have a skill of environmentally competent behavior in nature, the level of knowledge about the relationship of human and the environment has increased.

Kratpivina Elena

View project: Children's pedagogical, group research project with elements of creativity, short-term

Duration project: 2 weeks.

Participants project: Children preparatory group, Parents of pupils, educators, music leader, Phys. Instructor

The relevance of the problem: Many around us still unexplored and beautiful. I would like to introduce children with this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation project Children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling love for nature. Desire to protect and protect it. In order to realize the uniqueness of this natural object and education of environmentally competent behavior and developed educational project« Magic world of the sea» . Participation of children in this project Allows you to maximize the knowledge and ideas about the sea as an ecosystem, marine inhabitants, develop the creative abilities of children.

Model of three questions:

What do we know? What do we want to know? What needs to be done to find out?

IN seas And the oceans live fish, whales, dolphins, sharks, octopus. (Nikita S., Zhenya M.)

IN seas and oceans salty water. (Artem R.)

The sea is dirty. (Ilya Z.)

What do the marine inhabitants do and what do they eat? (Ksyusha A.)

How are they moving? (Artem P.)

How do they hide? (Ulya S.)

What else is under water? (Ira D.)

How can I see that there is deep-deep on the seabed? (Dasha M.) - View cartoons "The little Mermaid", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Finding Nemo", "Octopus". (Sasha B., Vika K.)

You need to go to the sea and take a picture, and then tell. (Seryozha M.)

View in Encyclopedia. (Karina K.)

Let mom or dad look on the Internet. (Artem R.)

purpose project: Creating conditions for the education of the ecological culture and development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementing creative project« Magic world of the sea» .

Tasks project:

1. To form in children's ideas about the sea as an ecosystem

2. To acquaint with various non-traditional artistically visual technicians

3. Expand the presentations of children about the inhabitants of sea depths

4. Develop logical thinking, ability to draw conclusions and conclusions

5. Develop cognitive interest, creative abilities, communication skills

6. Rail care of nature, learn to protect the environment

Expected Result:

have the simplest ideas about some features of the body structure due to their life in water, ways of their movement (floats, crawls, masking methods, on the uniqueness of each type;

know about relationships with other inhabitants;

have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship of human and the environment;

form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;

make a descriptive story about the marine inhabitant using the reference scheme.

Preliminary work:

Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic

Acquaintance with literary works

Hearing and learning of poems

Viewing reproduction of paintings

Listening to music, songs and sounds of nature

View cartoon

Interaction with family:

Photo albums "How we rested on the sea";

Consultations for parents: "How to interest children by the secrets of the unusual maritime world";

Consultation "Environmental education of a child during the rest of the sea";

Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts "Sea and sea secrets" Joint creativity of parents and children, educators.

Stages of work project

1. Preparatory

Formulation of the problem (Model of three questions)

Plan development project

Creating an appropriate developing environment in group

Collection and accumulation of material on the topic

Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic project

2. Main

Attracting children to participate in the implementation of the outlined perspective plan

Creating an interaction of adults and children

3. Total

Final event

Description of activities during project:

Joint activities of children and teachers.

purpose: Intensify cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the sea depths. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search engines; enrich children's speech; To form careful attitude towards nature.


Conversations: About fish, o seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Consider illustrations (encyclopedia "Sea and his world", "Fish which glow";

Consider video "Sea World". "Underwater world""Mammals in zoo: Speech by dolphins, sea cats, China Buruhi. "

Album with a species diversity of animal, plant world, their habitat;

Viewing paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of the painting brand SUZINO;

Pilot experimental activity

Reading fiction

purpose: To form interest in the artworks of various genres, to disclose the relationship between the fabulous and real world; Learning to allocate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;

Explain how important in the book drawings; Show how many interesting things can be found by examining books illustrations.

H. -K. Andersen "Mermaid", Kosovo "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", H. Andersen "The little Mermaid";

learning of poems V. Orlova "What is the sea of \u200b\u200boutfits?", "I'm drawing the sea", Y. Dulepins "Octopus", S. Baranova "Dolphins",

View cartoon: "Multicolored family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The little Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", "Underwater fraternity".


Creative stories: "How I went to Dolphinarium" (selectively).

Evening of mysteries, poems about the maritime world.

Measuring poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Verbal games: "Describe Animal", "Guess a riddle", "Who hears?", "Whose kids?"

"Find the subject of the description","Name in one word", "Who will notice anyillites?".


purpose: Clarify and consolidate and knowledge about the inhabitants seas. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of their judgment.

Didactic games: "The little Mermaid", "Fourth extra", "Whose silhouette", "Guess the sound of an animal",

"Whose shadow?", "Collect Dolphin", "Decorate aquarium", "Guess which reservoir", "Who lives here?", "About com" tell ".

Pictures: "Parent pictures", "Find out what has changed", "Find the same", "Lotto", "Connect points".

Scene - role-playing games: "Travel by ship", "Underwater Expedition".

Productive activities:

Exhibition of Pictures and Crafts from Natural and Sound Material "Sea and sea secrets".

purpose: Teach children to various techniques for working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, operate with the concepts that indicate spatial characteristics. Develop a shallow motility of hands and eyes, artistic taste and creative abilities. Briefing the culture of labor, the communicative abilities of children.

Applique "At the bottom of the sea"

Collective applique "In the naval depths"

Plasticography "Unusual fish"

Paper Design - Sea Layout

Marine decorations (Pendants and bracelets from seashells)

Origami "Sea fish"

Production of an album with illustrations "How beautiful is the underwater world ..."

Physical development

purpose: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

Outdoor games: "Fisherman and Fish", "Ocean is shaking", "Fish and pebbles", "Water", "Diver"

Musical development

purpose: Learn to perceive the nature of animals with the help of musical works. Exercise children in creating expressive images of marine inhabitants. Visit love for various musical genres.

Listening songs about the sea; songs "Dolphins" Poems S. Kozlova from cartoon "In the port";

Hearing music: "Sounds seas» , "Dolphin sounds"; Debussy K. "Sea", sketch for the symphony orchestra, "Wind conversation with the sea"; Ravel M. "Water game";

Musical Games: "Merry Fish"; "Mermaids";, "Fishermen";

Elena Yuryev

Project type: Information and creative.

Project participants: children of the middle group. The project also provides for the participation of parents of pupils.


To date, environmental issues are very acute. One of the reasons for this is the absence of environmental literacy and culture. The foundations of environmental culture are laid in preschool age. Many around us still unexplored and beautiful. I would like to introduce children with this mysterious and mysterious world. During the project, the children will gain knowledge of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling love for nature. Desire to protect and protect it. The participation of children in the "Sea, the sea - the world is bottomless" will allow maximum enriching the knowledge and ideas about the life of the fish and the inhabitants of the sea and the ocean, to develop a coherent speech, creative abilities of children.

The goal of the project: the creation of conditions for the education of the ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementing the information and creative project "Sea, the Sea - the world is bottomless."

Project tasks:

Introduce children with the names of water vehicles, their component parts, teach to compare water vehicles and describe it.

Expand the presentation of children about the inhabitants of the sea depths, form the ability to reflect;

Development of logical thinking, skills based on the comparison of facts, results, observations to draw conclusions and conclusions;

Develop the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see beautiful;

Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;

Develop cognitive interest, creative abilities;

Use various non-traditional artistically - graphic techniques;

Learning to protect the environment;

Preparatory stage:

Pick up illustrations, paintings, slides, gramzapsy on the subjects of classes;

Pick up children's literature on the subject of the project;

Develop abstract classes;

Prepare material for visual activities.

Conduct classes to familiarize themselves with the surrounding and development of speech;

Organize the creative activity of children: games, drawing, applique, etc.

Project implementation:


Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

Topic: "Water transport" - to acquaint with the names of water vehicles, their components, the history of the arms of ships; Teach to compare water vehicles and describe it.


Topic: "Journey through the sea depths" - to expand the ideas of children about the sea, its inhabitants, their structure and ways to protect against enemies; encourage the desire to ask cognitive questions; Educating love for nature, careful attitude.


"What can I swim on the water?" - to expand the knowledge of children about water transport and swimming facilities, to acquaint with the history of the arms of ships. (Computer presentation)

- "Seas are different" - to acquaint children with the names of the seas and oceans, consolidate the ability to maintain a conversation, express their point of view.

- "Queen-Voditsa" - to educate interest and love for his native nature, to expand the knowledge of the lives of water, its role in the life of a person, to learn to draw conclusions, to intensify the dictionary.

Obzh "Adventure lighters on the ship" - help children remember the main groups of fire-hazardous items, clarify the rules for the safe handling of these items.

- "Sea plants" - consider the album "World of Algae"; To form an idea of \u200b\u200bhow algae is arranged, where they can grow; Encourage the desire to ask cognitive questions.

Conversation about the profession of diver - to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba compliance of a particular profession of adults and needs in it.

Familiarization with art: considering the reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky "Wave", "Hurricane at the Sea".

2. Fine activity Children:

Drawing: "Which stream is longer?", "Fish - toys".

Laper: "Marine inhabitants."

Application: "Fishermen boats came out into the sea."

Designing: "Ship from Walnut Shell."

3. Gaming activities for children:

Didactic Games: "Cut out the contour", "What is superfluous?", "Buy for the ship the right detail", "Machered a maritime resident", "Find the subject of the description", "Riddles and Family", "Name Right", "Whose Silhouette "

Moving games: "Crossing", "take the subject", "on the waves". "The sea worries once", the relay with the kegs of water "by winding track"," Fishermen and Fish "," Rouh "," Diver "," crab "," Fish and pebbles ".

Scene - role-playing games:

- "Sailors";

- "Sailors", plot: "Preparation for long-sworn swimming";

- "Boat trip";

- "Family", plot: "Mom goes to shop to buy fish."

Building Games: "Build a raft", "on the sea expanses of the boats float, the necessary cargo is carried by unfamiliar shores."

Theatrical activity:

Physical leisure time "Jung Maritime School";

View the Slideshow "Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Planet Earth";

Theatre. Etudes "Residents of the underwater kingdom".

Horovodna Game: "On the River Kamyshey."

Finger game - Imitation: "Seagull".

TRIZ: Probl. Sit. : "If the lighthouse does not shine?"; "Sea journey - what is good, which is bad."

4. Experimental activities:

Game "Experimentation with natural material"- to offer children after inspection to determine which container is sand, clay, stone, soil, argue your answer;

Experience "Cutters";

The experience "water ability to reflect objects."

5. Reading fiction:

Reading and discussing the literary work: G. H. Andersen "Mermaid";

Heading the poem V. Orlova "What is the sea of \u200b\u200boutfits for what?";

Usage the poem of S. Baranova "Dolphins";

Proverbs about the water: "Water and land sharpening and stone is hammering," "with fire and water will not argue," "Water and the king will not uymet", "from great water Wait for troubles ";

Acquaintance with literary works: V. Eagles "Ships", A. Tony "On the seas, ships, sailors."

6. Music:

Listening to the song "Dolphins" on the verses of S. Kozlov from the cartoon "in the port";

Song listening " Young captain"Sl. O. Belyaevskaya, music. Homonova E.;

7. View cartoon passages "In search of a Nemo" - to activate the postn. interest in the inhabitants of sea depths;

8. Target Walk to the store - Offer children, think what products can be bought in a world trip?


- "Adventure lighters on the ship" - help children remember the main groups of fire-hazardous objects, clarify the rules for the safe handling of these items.

- "Understand with water" -dovier, cultural and hygienic skills.

10. Participation of parents in project implementation:

Consultation "Environmental education of a child during the rest of the sea;

Suggest parents with children to watch cartoons "Mermaid", "Fishing about fisherman and fish", "Octopus";

Conversation with parents on participation in the design of the leisure of the Jung School.

Arrange the exhibition joint work (children and parents) "inhabitants of the underwater world."

The result of the project:

1. To make an exhibition of joint work (children and parents) "inhabitants of the underwater world";

2. Collage theme: "Aquarium" (collective work);