Discounts in finland. When does the winter sales start in Finland?

Finnish goods cannot be called cheap, but currently there are great amount loyal customers and even fans of Finnish products, as Finnish products are famous for excellent quality... If your stay in Finland is limited to the capital, but you still want to shop, we recommend that you read the article "Shopping in Helsinki".

When you arrive in the country, try to immediately find the shopping catalog - Shopping Guide. This free almanac is distributed at border crossings, hotels, tourist offices, major shopping centers, and is intended for both Finnish and foreign buyers. The catalog contains information about shops, boutiques, shopping centers, as well as tourist organizations, restaurants and hotels.

Most often, visitors to Finland buy dishes and glassware, textiles, wood and fur products. The most famous Finnish brands are Arabia for ceramics and porcelain, Nuutajärvi, Iittala and Riihimäki for glassware, Artek (furniture), Marimekko (textiles), gold Kalevala Koru and Lapponia, Pentik, producing porcelain and textiles. The company Aarikka is also popular, operating in the market of jewelry, gift items, board games and toys, Christmas tree decorations and even cell phones; manufacturers of sports equipment and clothing Karhu, Järvinen, Luhta, Rapala. And, of course, the world famous brands Finlandia and Nokia.

Ale » , "Alennus » , "Sale » sales are announced in store windows. The main discount time in Finland comes in winter, after Christmas (Christmas sale) - from December 25, and in summer, after Midsummer's - from about the 20th of June.

Discounts can be 30%, 50% and 70%. The price tags may say “Maksa 4, saat 5”, which means “Pay 4, get 5” or “Ota kolme, maksa kaksi” - respectively “Take three, pay two”, and you can also see “1 kpl - 5.5 € , 4 kpl - 20 € "-" 1 pc. - 5.5 €, 4 pcs. - 20 € ".

In Finland, there are outlets (outlets) - sales shops of trading companies and large manufacturers. Prices in such stores are much lower than in regular retail outlets. However, after the New Year, all shopping centers in Finland turn into outlets for two weeks. For information on outlets in Finland, please follow the links below.

Also in all cities in Finland there are so-called flea markets, or in Finnish kirpputori ("kirppu" - flea, "tori" - market). They can be used to buy used goods, the prices of which are very affordable. Finland also has a ton of second-hand kirpputori series second-hand stores. By the way, second-hand stores in Finland are marked with the inscription “UFF”. In general, the UFF is an association that collects used clothing. Most of this clothing goes to retail and wholesale, the rest goes to help residents of the third world countries as gratuitous aid.

Today in Finland there are many shops selling luxury goods of famous world brands. The latest example is the opening of a Louis Vuitton haberdashery store in Helsinki.

Shopping centers and shops in Finland are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 21:00, on Saturday - from 9:00 to 18:00. Small private shops are open from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 9:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays. During the summer and Christmas sales period, most shops are also open on Sundays, from approximately 12:00 to 21:00.

Designation of inscriptions in shops in Finnish:

ALE, Alennus - discounts or price reduction
Loppuunmyynti, poistohinta - sale
Uusi, Uutta tavaraа - new collection, new items
Tasarahalla - all for one price
Alkaen 5 - cost from 5 Euro
Tarjous - offer
Sovitus - fitting room
Kanta-asiakkaille - for regular customers
Plussakortti, Etukortti - for holders of discount cards

Shopping centers and shops in Finland *

* Excluding the city of Helsinki

Other shops in Finland

  • Lidl - cheap pan-European stores (food, manufactured goods, clothing).
  • Alko are monopoly stores selling spirits.
  • S-Group is a whole service for searching various goods in Finland. Available at English language.

Helsinki and Rovaniemi shops

Unfortunately on fashionable clothes and high-quality electronics, discounts are rare and very small. Also, when shopping at a discount, do not forget about the opportunity to apply for tax-free. (savings about 12-16%, from food - 10%). Refunds are made upon leaving the country upon presentation of a check, which is valid for three months. Purchases must be presented in the store packaging and must not be unpacked or used until leaving the country. Tax-free is not issued when buying books and tobacco products. On the Global Refund website, tourists can apply for a plastic card to make a purchase in a duty-free shop - this will significantly speed up the process when issuing a tax free check.

Finland sales 2019

A great option to pamper yourself with real European shopping, while not spending astronomical sums and not going far from your homeland, is to go to Finland during the period of grand sales, which are usually arranged twice a year - after Christmas and in the summer months after the Johannus holiday, held in end of June. You can find out about the sale by the inscription ALE or Alennusmyynt.

In all department stores and shops in the city, prices are reduced by 50-70% of the original cost.

Tourists shopping in Finland should be aware that some shops have their own off-season sales. For example, the Stockmann department store chain has been holding Crazy Days for almost 20 years - sales in April and October with discounts of 50-70%, and Sokos department stores have been holding 3 + 1 promotions twice a year, in spring and autumn (for more information, see on department store websites).

Christmas sales in Finland start on the 20th of December, just after Christmas, usually on the 27th, when goods start selling at huge discounts. The range of discounts is impressive - from 10% at the beginning of sales and up to 70% towards the end. Moreover, discounts apply not only to general goods such as clothing and shoes, but also to cars and various services. In total, seasonal discounts can be valid for two months. Russian shopping lovers fill the Finnish border towns at this time - Lapeenranta, Kotka, Imatra. Here, discounted goods are sold out instantly. If you wish, you can go to shopping centers in Helsinki and other cities far from the border - Turku, Lahti, Tampere.

A large number of our tourists often ask themselves when there are discounts in Finland? In this article, we would like to tell you when discounts and sales occur, as well as which months are the most profitable to go shopping. Many of you have probably already heard from your friends about low prices in Finnish stores. You need to understand that discounts are seasonal and special, the latter are valid in Finland throughout the year. If we talk about huge seasonal sales, then they are in holidays in winter, during Catholic Christmas and in summer, when Midsummer's Day comes.

I must say that this is the most the best time for purchases and acquisitions. The biggest sales in Finland take place during the Christmas season and continue until the end of January. It is safe to say that all retail chains during the Christmas holidays provide such prices, from which one can really be very surprised. But you need to remember that there are a lot of people who like to buy cheaper goods, and here the most important thing is to be in time the right place and at the right time.

The most favorite slogan of clothing stores when there are discounts and sales: two shirts / T-shirts of the same style for the price of one or three for the price of two. It must be said that price reductions can reach up to 70%. Note that the situation with national holidays in Finland is quite acute as well. You can come to shop and all shops will be closed. But it is worth noting that recently, some shops and large retail chains that are located near the Russian border began to work on some holidays.

In Finnish stores located near the border, there is almost everywhere a seller who speaks Russian, and almost all of the service staff speaks everyday English. Therefore, you should not have any problems with language barriers and you can always ask your questions. In addition to seasonal sales, almost all stores arrange their own special promotions and offers.

Special discounts in Finland

Arriving in this country, you can get to the standard discounts that occur every day in stores and retail chains. When you see the "TARJOUS" sign it means that the store is offering a special offer or a price reduction for a specific item or markdown. These discounts can be arranged daily or before various holidays. You can always see such signs on the shelves. You can also get a discount on a particular product when paying with discount and Etukortti.

Photo: website

Large retail chains periodically hold their special promotions. The store can discount the item if the expiration date is close or there are minor defects. Moreover, the prices for such goods can also be significantly lower. To save your money even more, you can always buy goods for more than 40 Euros.

Seasonal discounts in Finland

1. Christmas sales.

When you see the signs "ALE", "ALENNUSMYYNTI", "SALE", it means that the store has a system of seasonal discounts or sales have begun. As we noted earlier, seasonal discounts happen 2 times a year and this is the largest price reduction that can be during the year. Winter sales in Finland start from December 26th and continue until the end of January. The reduction usually starts from 20-40% and by the end of January can reach 50-70% of the initial price of the product. The closer to the end of January, the lower prices for products become. But by the end of the season, most of the goods are already sold out and there is no longer much choice.

2. Summer sales.

This sale is dedicated to the Finnish holiday of Johannus. In Russian, this is the day of "Ivan Kupala". Summer discounts in Finland start from June 23rd to 26th and in some stores continue until around mid-August. Discounts can be up to 40%. Note that this is also a rather profitable time when you can buy many many things according to good prices... In our next material, we will tell you. You will learn where to go shopping and what is the most profitable to buy at this time of year.

In this article, we will tell you about the winter sales in Finland. Winter in this country is amazing in every way and nature itself has taken care of mitigating the oppressive effect of the harsh northern climate. Wonderful landscapes, wonderful winter trails and the opportunity to celebrate Christmas and New Year in a cozy country cottage attracts numerous tourists here. And immediately after the Christmas holidays, winter sales start in Finland and every self-respecting buyer tries not to miss this event. The quality of Finnish goods is known all over the world and it would be unreasonable to miss the opportunity to purchase them at great discounts. If you see the signs "Ale" and "Alennus", it means that you have arrived on time.

This is how the concepts of "sale" and "discount" sound in Finnish. Another magic word is called "Tarjous", which means that there is a special offer for any product. There are also the so-called crazy days, which are organized twice a year for its customers by the largest department store Stockmann in the city of Helsinki. Summer days of big sales start right after Midsummer's day, and winter days after Christmas. Inscriptions on price tags -30%, -50%, -70% attract many people who want to buy a treasured item at a reasonable price. In addition to the traditional percentage discounts, there are offers to buy five items for the price of four or three for the price of two. Note that there is not a single store that does not have winter sales.

In Finland, even the smallest shop in a small village is trying to please its customers with some kind of surprise. The largest price cuts are announced for clothing, footwear, cosmetics and electronics. Now let's talk about the peculiarities of Christmas shopping in different parts country. Let's start. As befits the Finnish capital, it is always crowded here. Moreover, many tourists are in a hurry to celebrate Christmas and New Year in this country. However, the winter sales in Helsinki are the most diverse and informative, and there are several explanations for this. All the main large shopping centers and supermarkets are concentrated in the capital. Also here you can always buy unique designer items.

All the main ones are located in the central part, not far from the railway station. Note that in this ancient city, shopping is perfectly combined with the cultural program. It is also important that the main Christmas and New Year performances are held in the capital. Tampere is located far from the Russian border and getting there is a bit difficult. But this is precisely the main plus for real shopping lovers. Even towards the end of the discount period, when the winter sales in Finland helped free up the shelves of most stores in other cities of the country, the assortment is still quite large. Note that all the largest European shopping centers are also represented here.

Photo: Tiia Monto / Wikimedia Commons

The city of Kouvola is located 130 kilometers from Helsinki and it does not belong to the large centers. But the list of shops here is quite impressive and there are not so many tourists. Therefore, very decent things can be bought at very good prices. But where experienced tourists are reluctant to advise to go during the winter sales in Finland, is this. The explanation is simple: since this is a border town, there are many times more travelers from Russia here. Already in the first hours of trading, most of the goods disappear from the shelves. And the owners of retail chains, seeing such an influx of buyers, are in no hurry to make a big price reduction.

Photo: website

Located near our border. The most convenient route will be through the Svetogorsk border checkpoint, as it is located only 7 kilometers from this settlement. Imatra is also very popular among our fellow citizens and here you can buy a variety of products from well-known brands and brands with a worldwide reputation, but due to the large flow of tourists, the assortment is quickly sorted out.

When to go shopping?

Winter sales in Finland begin on December 27, although some retail outlets begin to lure customers as early as December 22. But serious discounts these days only on Christmas tree decorations, and the rest of the goods are sold cheaper by a maximum of 15%. From December 24, almost all shops are closed and Finland celebrates Christmas. Starting from January 27, a gradual decrease in prices begins and there are a lot of people who want to take advantage of them. Until the end of January, the decline sometimes reaches 50%, and only at the beginning of February a real holiday begins for buyers.

Photo: website

The number of tourists has decreased, and there are still a lot of goods. Winter sales end in Finland at the beginning of March. True, during this period, the range is already extremely narrow. Many of you have heard of the so-called crazy days or Hullut päivät in Finnish. Their Stockmann department store runs in October and April. The peculiarity of these sales is that not stale or goods subject to markdown, but collections prepared for this purpose, become promotions. However, this madness hides one not all perceptible secret.

Stockmann is one of the most expensive hypermarkets. Therefore, it may well turn out that the markdown product costs the same as in the neighboring store. Our tourists should not forget that they have the opportunity if they buy goods for an amount of 40 euros or more. And a few more tips that you may need during the sales. Be sure to try on or carefully check the item you are buying, because in most cases, items purchased at a sale cannot be returned.

During sales, it is often difficult to choose exactly what you need. The biggest price reductions for furs in all of Europe are offered by Finnish brands. You should not take a large amount of money with you and sweep away everything in your path. Give preference better things practical. Happy shopping and we hope you find our tips helpful. In our next material, you will find out that take place twice a year and with the help of which, you will have an excellent opportunity to purchase many products at very significant discounts.

The Finns themselves jokingly say that immediately after Christmas in Suomi, another holidays begin - the winter Christmas sales in Finland. They are really worth a visit. At this time, you can not only buy goods with a discount of 80-90%, but also admire the fabulous New Year's windows and Christmas decorations in Finnish cities.

Where to go?

No Finnish city is spared Christmas sales. We decided to find out where at this time it is worth going for bargain purchases, and where it is better not to go.


Despite the fact that during the Christmas sales there is a real pandemonium in the shops here, in winter it is best to go shopping in the capital of Finland.
Stores in Finland - Lappeenranta, purchases, discounts, reviews

Christmas Helsinki

Firstly, it is here that the most a large number of shops. Second, several of the largest shopping centers Helsinki is located in the very center of the city, not far from the Central Railway Station - Forum, Stokmann and, of course, the Kampi shopping center.
VLOG: Finnish New Years discounts started, what we eat, our purchases.

Thirdly, shopping in Helsinki can be easily combined with cultural entertainment by visiting a museum or a Christmas show in one of the Finnish theaters.


Get to it big city, located almost 500 km from St. Petersburg, is not very convenient, but for real shopaholics it is rather a plus. Even at the end of the Christmas sales, the assortment of discount goods in stores here remains quite large.

The largest shopping centers in Tampere are famous for a wide range of goods: Ideapark, Stokmann, Anttila and Sokos.

Sale at Anttila Department Store


The small town of Kouvola, located about 130 km from Helsinki, is also the administrative center of Southwestern Finland, so there are plenty of shops here.

In the largest shopping centers of the city of Manski, Hansa and Veturi during the winter sales period there are not too many people, but discounts on goods often reach 80-90%.


Alas, this is perhaps the worst choice for a trip to a Finnish sale. There are not so many shops here, and the influx of Russian tourists is huge due to the proximity to the border. As a result, goods at favorable prices disappear from retail outlets in just a few hours. Moreover, shops, seeing such demand, are in no hurry to reduce prices for goods.


In one of the shops in Imatra

Despite the fact that this city is located only 7 km from the Russian border, it is not as popular with Russian tourists as Lappeenranta. So the "sale" assortment in local stores is quite large. The only drawback is that shopping centers in Imatra are quite small in themselves and many brands are simply not represented in them.

When to go to the Christmas sales in Finland?

Christmas sales in Finland run from December 27th to early March. What is the best time to go shopping?

December 22-23

Despite the fact that winter sales officially start only after the Christmas holidays, some stores open the "discount season" 2-3 days before them. True, with a significant "markdown" at this time you can only buy new Year decoration... For other goods, the discount will be no more than 10-15%.

27th of December

This is the very beginning of the sale. Please note that all shops in Finland are closed for Christmas on December 24-26. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that on December 27, queues line up in front of the doors of shopping centers in the morning. It makes sense to stand in them only if you really want to buy a certain thing. Discounts at this time are usually only 15-30%, and there are a huge number of people in stores.

Season of discounts

End of December - mid-January

Discounts on most goods during this period reach 40-60%, but New Year's paraphernalia and Christmas souvenirs can already be bought with a 90% "markdown".

End of January - beginning of February

Optimal time to travel to sales in Finland. There are not so many people in the stores, the assortment of goods is still quite large, and discounts are 70-85%.

Early February - early March

This period of sales can be called "leftovers are sweet". The assortment of goods is no longer too large, but the prices for them are really attractive. At this time, shelves and hangers with posters "Everything for 5 euros", "Everything for 2 euros" and even "Everything for 50 cents" usually appear in stores.

7 secrets of Finnish Christmas sales

Christmas Stockmann

Do not forget that during the sales you can also get Tax Free if you buy goods in the same store for the amount of 40 euros and more. Look out for additional promotions that take place during the Christmas sales. Finnish stores often offer customers when buying two items to get a third as a gift or make an additional 5-10% discount when purchasing several items. Before taking your purchases to the checkout, check if there is a sticker on the price tags indicating the discount. Usually it looks like a bright sticker with the inscription -50%, -70%, -90%. If there is no such sticker, it is better to check with the seller how much this item costs. The fact is that sometimes things for which the discount does not apply to the "sale" rack by mistake fall. Please note that custom (i.e. the largest and smallest) sizes can usually be purchased even at the very end of the sale. But the owners of the most common women's sizes S and M will be left without purchases by this time. Don't forget to check out the grocery supermarkets during Christmas sales - there are good discounts at this time of year too. Pay attention to the weather. If the winter is warm, discounts on ski clothing, down jackets and warm boots may peak in January. But if it is frosty, then the prices for these goods may not decrease until March. Prices for new equipment in Finland are usually 20-30% higher than in Russia. But during Christmas sales, even these things can be bought at favorable price, as discounts on old models of cameras, computers, vacuum cleaners and washing machines sometimes reach 40-50%.

material on the topic

Sales and discount seasons in Finland

You can often hear that shopping in Finland is best done during periods of discounts. This is true, but let's figure out what a sale in Finland for Finns is, when it is held and when there is a chance for a Russian to get it.

Dictionary of Christmas sales

Discounts up to 70%

During sales, special inscriptions appear on the windows and doors of Finnish stores. What do they mean?

Ale, Alennus - there are discounts on goods in the store. Ale jopa 70% - discounts for goods are up to 70%. Tarjous - there is a special offer for the goods in the store. For example, 2 items for the price of one. Tasarahalla - all for the same price. Loppuunmyynti, poistohinta - sale.


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Sales in Finland: bright photos and video, detailed description and feedback on the 2019 Finland Sale 2019.

  • Tours for May to Finland
  • Last Minute Tours Worldwide

A sale is a great reason to buy the desired items at affordable prices. The sales season in Finland occurs twice a year: at Christmas and in the summer.

During the discount period, signs with the words Alennus, Sale and Ale jopa appear in stores. Ale and Alennus mean "seasonal discounts". In stores, you can also find the tarjous sign (special offer), it means that the discount applies to this particular product.

Winter sales season usually opens on December 27th as most shops are closed on and after Christmas Eve. However, this is more a tribute to tradition than a rule. Each store sets the terms independently, so somewhere prices can be kept in full until the holiday itself. On the contrary, prices for the most relevant goods (Christmas decorations, items for decor and serving) are reduced a couple of weeks before Christmas, which allows you to significantly save on preparations for the holiday.

Winter sales season usually opens on December 27th as most shops are closed on and after Christmas Eve. However, this is more a tribute to tradition than a rule.

Prices for clothing, footwear and sports equipment are determined by weather conditions. On irrelevant in currently goods stores are forced to cut prices. Therefore, do not be discouraged if the trip turned into a slushy reality: you will have a real chance to buy ski equipment at a discount. But as for household appliances and electronics, you won't have to count on a bargain purchase, all new items are more expensive than in Russia. But the models that were popular last season delight the eye with their pleasant price tags.

Summer sales are timed to coincide with the day summer solstice and more often fall on the period 20-26 June. This time of year it is profitable to purchase jewelry, souvenirs, summer clothes and sports goods. And in some stores unsold collections are displayed at a discount even a few weeks before the holiday.

Discount season at the popular Finnish store "Stockmann" begins in April and October. This period is called crazy days - the excitement among buyers reaches its climax. It is on these days that tickets from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Helsinki can be purchased at a significantly low price. It is interesting that it is not the residual goods that are sold at a reduced price, but the collections specially released these days. But do not forget that Stockmann is an expensive store even with discounts.