The most popular board game. Best board games

The history of board games begins during the development of ancient civilizations. Modern studies have shown that all their varieties have common roots, and mainly in the countries of the East (India and China).

The first desktop game appeared about 5500 years ago. In those days, people played the simplest game in the bone, and instead of cubes for this purpose were used wooden sticks And pebbles of different shapes. Throughout the history of humanity, the game developed and improved.

We decided to make a selection of traditional games for the whole family in different parts Lights: Some of them spread far beyond the native country!

1 Mankale (Africa)

Board game for two players originated in Africa and spread through the Arab countries, and then in India and Asia. In the word "Mankala" called a group of games, which is based on one principle - the board is divided into wells. In these wells there are pebbles that need to be captured by the opponent. The number of holes, stones and methods of the game may differ, but the meaning of all varieties is the same. In terms of distribution in Africa and Asia, Mankal can be compared with chess.

2 Backgammon (countries of the East)

It is believed that the history of this game began in the countries of the East, and in each of them there were analogues. For example, Senet in Ancient Egyptsimilar games in Iran and Mesopotamia. The game spread to Europe (in Ancient Rome called "tabula"). The meaning of the game in the backgammon is simple - there is a board, divided into two halves, bones and checkers. Throwing the bones, you need to move the checkers on the board in order to get to the house faster than the enemy. There are so many kinds of backgammon games, but the two main are long and short.

3 Paccishes (India)

This game appeared in India about 4 thousand years ago and is still considered a national game there. Traditionally, the playing box for Pacisa looks like a cross, in which players move chips. The name happened from the word "grace" in the language "Hindi", which means "twenty-five". It is a maximum of glasses that can be earned in the game in one move. The task of the player is to get ahead of the opponent in the number of points.

4 Halma (USA)

This game was invented in 1883-1884 on the basis of the game in the corner. Here uses a field with squares and checkers of two colors, which are traditionally located in the corners of the board. The essence of the game is to arrange your checkers in the courtyard of the enemy faster than he does. There are two varieties of the game by the number of cells: a classic version and with the possibility of diagonal stroke.

5 Chinese checkers (Germany)

Despite the name, this board game does not have anything with checkers or with China. The game appeared in Germany in 1892 and looked like a simpler version of the game "Halma", which was invented several years earlier. The field looks like a six-pointed star, and each player has 15 checkers. In this game, you can not remove checkers from the field, but you need to move your own in the opposite corner of the star.

6 go (China)

This old game originated in Ancient China Approximately 2-5 thousand years ago. Only in the 20th century she went beyond East Asia and immediately became popular worldwide. Now the game is considered the most popular intellectual game by the number of players. Attributes of the game - blackboard with cells and pebbles of two colors, black and white. The goal of the game is to burn the territory on the blackboard with its pebbles than the opponent. There are many subtleties of the game, because the main thing in it is a logical thinking.

7 Mikado (Japan)

This game appeared in Japan and then spread all over the world. It consists of a set of sticks, usually bamboo, which are painted in different colors. There are many varieties of the game, but the main meaning is one of the pile of sticks from a heap, trying not to touch the other. Colors of sticks can give additional moves and other advantages.

8 Taki (Israel)

This game is widespread in Israel and is similar to the game "Uno". It is played with the help of a deck of cards, each of which has its meaning. There are action cards that can give advantage or change the course of the game. Each player takes on eight cards, and the main goal is to stay with empty hands. Also, some options suggest a game of glasses.

9 Desktop Bowling (England)

This game has almost no differences from the classic bowling, only the size. With such a desktop game, you do not need to go to bowling, you can stay with friends right at home. The game consists of a path, kegles and balls for knocking. As in a big bowling, in the desktop task to knock down as much as possible kegs for one throw.

10 Kulkuto (France)

This game was invented in France, and its name comes from the word "Neva". The game set includes a special countertop and eight balls. The goal of the game is to roll the balls into the well by moving the worktop with holes. The secret of the game is a cone-shaped stand that allows you to easily move the playing field.

11 Zhulbak (Holland)

This game originated in Holland in the 18th century on the basis of english game shuffleboard. It refers to the category of sports board games. Entertainment assumes availability wooden board And the washers that need to be driven into the wells. Each player has 30 opportunities to score the washer into one of the four holes. The one who scores the most points is wins.

12 Sea Billiards or Novus (Latvia)

This Latvian game is recognized as a national sport in his homeland. For the first time it appeared in 1925-1927 and was popular among the sailors. For this game, you need a special table that is made from real wood. The entire surface of the table is divided into four zones, there are two colors of chips and four wells. The task of players - with the help of cius, drive their pawns in the wells the first.

13 Chess (East, Asia, Europe)

Similar to chess games appeared worldwide about 1500 years ago, therefore there are different names of Chess - Byzantine, Indian, etc. The meaning of the game is the same, on the cell board to rearrange the figures to the victory of one of the rivals. Traditionally, two people play this game. Since 1924, there is an international chess organization and the World Championship is held. Chess is a complex logic game, in which analytical thinking and tactics are important.

14 Monopoly (USA)

This game in the genre of the strategy is now popular all over the world. She was created in 1934 in the US Charles Darrow, and in 1936 he became the best-selling game in the country. Today, the games in the monopoly are held championships with good money awards. Board game is based on the knowledge of the economy and strategy - you need to walk along the field using a playing cube and perform tasks. Monopoly is suitable for a large company and evenings with friends, because even eight players can play it.

15 Sea Battle (USA)

The game "Sea battle" is designed for two players and is ideal for passing time. Each player on his field has ships, and the field is a square 10 * 10 marked with numbers and letters. The enemy calls the coordinates and tries to destroy the ships. Wins the one who sinking all the rival ships. The game is popular all over the world.

16 Skrabl (USA)

This game is distributed in different countries With its names - Erudite, Scrabble, Vododel. The essence is simple - on the field 15 * 15 you need to make words from chips with letters. At first, the player receives 7 letters for 7, and then folds words and gets glasses and additional bonuses. The more chips you use, the more points you get. Four people can play at once, so the game is ideal for family and friendly sites.

17 UNO (USA)

The game was created in 1971 by Merlov Robbis, and since then has spread throughout the world. UNO from Italian means one. It contains 108 cards, each of which has its own color, purpose and number of points. During the game, the participants pull the cards, and the points are calculated at the end. Playing "Uno" can be even ten!

18 Mafia (Russia)

This game was created in Russia by the Moscow State University Student Dmitry Davydov in 1986. Since then, it has become popular worldwide. The essence of the game is simple - there are civilians and mafia, and during the game you need to calculate who is who. The psychological and detective story came to players, and the ability to play even in a large company did a very popular among schoolchildren and students.

19 checkers (the whole world)

There are many varieties of this popular worldwide game. There is a special chashnery type of board games, which includes all the options for the game with checkers between two or four players. The idea is pretty simple - on the board 8 * 8 (the main variety) is two groups of checkers. Opponents need to perform a specific task that is required when this type Games - for example, locked the rival checkers or remove them from the field.

20 Domino (India, China)

Another desktop game, which is known worldwide. It is difficult to tell where it originated, most likely in India or China. Special plates with dots different color appeared in those places. rules modern game Simple - from knuckles (dominoes) you need to build a chain. Each plate is a specific numerical value that helps to build their sequence. The goal is to get rid of their plates faster than other players.

Board games Were popular at all times, their history goes deep into the ages. Now everything is played in computer gamesBut few will refuse a fascinating board game in the company of friends and loved ones. And age here does not matter!

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The game is an integral attribute of the life of every person. Someone gives preference team games Akin to football and volleyball, others are immersed in the virtual world, well, and others prefer to spend leisure games for desktop games. A plus of such entertainment is the fact that the game process "Top" is equally fascinating both for children and for the experienced experience of people.

Most desktop games, despite the seeming simplicity, makes the players seriously reflect on the next move. Distractive maneuvers, bluff, an attempt to help or, on the contrary, to harm the opponents accompany each playful party. Despite hundreds of annually produced "tags", hiding behind the bright covers and unexpected turns of the plot, some games were and remain "classic genre." That is why we decided to make the rating of the best desktop games in the world, considered classic.

Today, the top ten most popular desktops of the planet suitable for players of any age includes:

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10. Alias.

In Russified versions, this game, which united millions of fans, is widely known as " Say differently" or " Elias.» (« Alias.»).

The plot of the game is extremely simple and reminds the game " Crocodile" One of the participants of the game pulls the card with a certain set of words, pictures or rebs and is trying to emotions and gestures show their meaning opponents. One who can explain in 60 seconds as much as possible words from the card for 60 seconds.

This game is often used by psychologists and organizers of events to integrate groups from the unfamiliar people.

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9. Imaginarium.

On the ninth line of the ranking of worldwide popular "tags" there is a game called " Imaginarium».

According to the idea and the game process, this masterpiece is similar to another bestseller " Dixit" A walking player looks at the image card, comes up and describes the image with which this drawing is associated. Next, the playing card is placed on the table "shirt up", and the remaining participants in the process are trying to choose from their set of the map, which, in their opinion, is most suitable for the voiced description of the lead. Difficulties often arise due to the fact that the drawings on the maps are very non-standard and need to strain the imagination in order to close as much as possible to the correct answer.


The most popular card and salon game is, of course, Mafia. The essence of it is as follows. Players are distributed cards on which their roles are written. Someone is a civilian inhabitant, someone - Mafia, someone - a doctor, someone - by the Commissioner, etc. Every night "Mafia" kills one civilian inhabitant. And peaceful peace is trying to calculate who mafiosi, and kill the suspect. The purpose of peaceful is to survive, the goal of the mafia is to kill all the peaceful. And in the game there may be a maniac, who eliminates one inhabitant every night and makes every batch completely unpredictable ... modifications of the rules of this exciting salon board game a great set, it will be suitable even to those companies in which there are tagne opponents of the "classic" desktop games.

"UNO". The name of this game comes from the Latin name "One" numbers. "UNO" is a little like a "three hundred" card game. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards, laying out the same color or dignity on the table. Intrigue will add such cards as "passing the opponent", "Taking 2 or 4 cards by an opponent", "Change of color", "sharing decks" or even "reverse direction". And when the player finds himself in a step from victory, that is, when he has 1 card in his hands, he should shout "UNO." If you forget - two penalty cards takes. The game is great for any company, the more players, the more interesting. Yes, and the rules can be modified.

"Double" is another game for the reaction and intelligence. The presenter distributes players by one card, then begins to drop the card from the main deck in the center of the table. On each card, 8 images are drawn, and some of them coincide. The goal of the players is to find on their card and discharged the same images. Even children play this exciting, dynamic and simple game with pleasure. The main thing is not to remember the cards in the gust of Azart!

"Chameleon" is a bit like "Double". But cards are completely different. Each card is present four elements. The goal of the players is to collect a "copy" of your card, finding similar elements in a dropped similar elements. The more sets gather the player, the more his chances of winning.

"Set" is not such a cheerful and awesome game, like previous. It requires a little strain brain. Players need to collect certain sequences from the cards posted on the playing field. In the sequence, as follows from the name, there must be 3 cards. This game develops mathematical thinking and is suitable for an intellectual company.

"Erudite", he "Wander", he "Scrabble" (Option: "Scrappy"), on the contrary, a very philological game. It has become popular after one of the series of the animated series "Smeshariki". Players try to post on the word board from their letters and get as many points as possible. The game is significantly expanding vocabulary And allows fun and with benefit to spend time.

"Macchin" is one of the most famous "classic" desktop card games in the role-playing genre. Perhaps this is the simplest, cheerful and exciting from a number of similar games. She is easy to learn, and even those who have never played in the "Boards" can play. Your goal is to create the "steep" and pumped character who can go through any dungeon shaped with the most terrible monsters. Usually, "Machcheckkin" more like boys, but among there are a lot of beautiful warriors.

"Evolution" - a game invented by the Russian scientist-zoologist. It simulates the process of evolution of the animal world. Players will have to grow the most adapted to the life of the creature - here and climatic changes, predators, and disasters like a fire and ... Players by definition fight with each other, but you can create peaceful "ecosystems" in which various creatures live in harmony, And players support each other. However, no one bothers to grow mega-predatory and devour these greedy herbivores! Everyone as in real evolution ... Of course, this game is already intended for sophisticated players who mastered any card games.

"Pottery" is another game for cooperation and also Russian production. Now players can feel like real alchemists. From the "cabinet of elements" they take elements and form different potions of them, and even mythical animals, and, of course, seek to get a philosopher's stone. For each action, the player is accrued with glasses. In the final wins the one who scores the most points. The game requires a certain concentration, but it loved many millions of players for their originality and logic.

"Game" - a game made according to the famous book and television saga, exists in two versions: strategic and in the form of a collectible card game (KKA). Kki absorbed the best features of Magic: The Gatherin, "Berserka" and a number of similar games, while introduced the original mechanics based on the collection of points. Like not only the passage fans of the series, but also to all the lovers of Kki.

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 9 minutes


Most. best way Communication support with children are board games. And although many believe that this method of entertainment is only suitable for children, in fact it is not. After all, modern board games are role-playing gameswhere different are displayed life situations or the specificity of one of the professions.

10 board games for the whole family

    Macchin is a fascinating card board game. She is a full-fledged parody of role-playing games. It combines the qualities of resource type games and collectible card games. The players faces the task, to make that their hero be the best and reached 10 level levels. This entertainment is designed for people aged 12 and older. At the same time, 2-6 people can play.

  1. Board game Uno for the company

    UNO - a simple, dynamic and cheerful board game for a large company. It can play from 2 to 10 people, aged 7 years and older. The main goal of the game - quickly get rid of all of his cards.

  2. Exciting and cheerful activist game

    Activities are the best game for creative and funny company. All players should be divided into 2 teams and choose the task queue of different levels of complexity. One of the team members explains the specified word with synonyms, pantomime or drawing. For the admitted task, the team gets glasses and gradually moves through the playing field. Won the one who first reached the finish.

  3. Intelligent game Monopoly

    Monopoly - This board game has been pleased with adults and children for more century. The main purpose of this economic game becomes a monopolist, while running out other players. Now there are a lot of versions of this game, but the classic version implies a buyer land plots And the construction of real estate on them. The game is designed for people aged 12 years and older. At the same time, 2-6 people can play.

  4. Card game Swints for a funny company

    Swints - a cheerful card game, in which 2 to 6 people can participate simultaneously. This is a humorous Russian version of the famous UNO game. The main goal is to get rid of all cards that are in your hands as soon as possible. At the same time, 2 to 8 people aged from 10 years can take part in this entertainment.

  5. Traveling around Europe - Cognitive game for the whole family

    Traveling around Europe is a competitive exciting game that teaches Europe's geography. At the same time, 2-5 people can take part in it, from 7 years. The goal of the game is to become the best, typing 12 points and collect facts of victory. To do this, you must correctly answer questions from cards.

  6. Erudite - Fascinating Board Game

    Erudite or Scrabble - this table game in words is an indispensable attribute of family leisure. At the same time, 2-4 people can take part in it. Ira works on the principle of crossword, only words are compiled on the game field. The main goal of the game is to dial the most a large number of Points. This entertainment is designed for the age category 7+.

  7. Detective game Scotland Yard

    Scotland Yard - a fascinating detective board game. In it, one of the players takes on the role of mysterious Mr. X, and the rest become detectives. Before them is a difficult task, to find and catch a criminal who can freely move around the city. The main task of Mr. X - to remain not caught until the end of the game. At the same time, 2-6 people aged from 10 years take part in the game.

  8. Exciting Dixit game

    Dixit - inspirational, unexpected and very emotional board game. Cards for her were drawn by the famous artist Maria Cardo. The game is well developing abstract and associative thinking. It can take part in it 3-6 players aged 10 years.

  9. Cheerful crocodile game for big company

    Crocodile - cheerful game For a big company. It needs to explain words with gestures and guess them. Tasks in this game are not simple, because the card can be a very unexpected word, phrase or proverb. The number of participants in this game is not limited. The age category of this game is 8+.

Ten best games According to our customers - the simplest, fun and kompaniy. Choose them was not easy: sales statistics speak more about the fame of games than about their versatility. Therefore, making up a rating, we also focused on your feedback. Let's check if you played all the games of our charts.

1. Imaginarium

How nice to put the Russian game on the first rank place! In "" You need to invent associations to strange drawings on the maps, trying to guess your card at least someone, but not all. The creators of "IMADZHINARYUM" Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov were large fans of the Western Game "" with similar mechanics, but they did not completely repeat it, but changed the scope of points and added several new rules. Pictures in "Imaginarium" are also original - Russian artists painted them. Maybe to understand in the depths of the domestic subconscious, more interesting? And therefore "Imajinarium" is so popular with its western counterpart?

"Wonderful game! Children and adults are playing with pleasure! During the game, all participants are better revealed as individuals, so besides an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other. "


"A great game, it is always interesting to play it, despite the fact that the cards in the set do not very much, they are not bored, because various associations come for a different mood \u003d)"

2. Activiti

"The game of Elias for us is not Nova," Pop "played in her with friends at home, in the country. When the question arose as we entertain the invited guests, the answer was only one Elias and Activities! "


4. UNN.

"The Swints game liked not only to children, but also adults. I advise you to get a game if you want to spend time with friends "

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Cooch

In "" will have to quickly figure out, as indicated in the title. Each move must be opened two cards from the stack: the situation is indicated on the other - the letter. Who first come up with the word with specified conditions, he takes himself a card with the letter. At the end of the game there is a counting, and wins the player who invented the most words.

Why is it fun in a big company? Just imagine how you open the cards "weighs more tons" and "F", and your friend joyfully screams "ass". By the way, you should agree in advance what words in the game are banned.

"Fun game. Played B. new Year's Evemaybe therefore we did not think very quickly. But the game is cheerful, I recommend buying "

8. Munchkin

The best proof of popularity "" is the number of versions and additions. For example, we have a section with the games of this series takes two pages of the online store. What is good this game? By the fact that if you delve into the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes a maximum), then you can play the day in the Machcina, the clock is so excitious and rejarby. Each party depends on the nature of the players at the table and gaming situations Extremely rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of additions (we have already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who first hear about "" - this is a card game in which you need to be taken to the clothes and measure force with monsters. For victories over monsters, you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others harm rivals, and universal can both. For victory, you must first get to the tenth level, and this oh, how not just and terribly fun!

"The game will hooked you and you will want to play in other manches, to try it all and replay them! Keep in mind - I warned you)) "

9. Bang.

"" Looks like a sense to the mafia, that's just the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark, the roles: sheriff, his assistants, gangsters and renegades, which plays for himself. Now you need to walk in turn - pull cards from the deck and activate their capabilities. For example, a weapon shoots into enemies, Mustang allows you to go to the distance of the shot, you can hide beer behind the barrel healing properties, Indians harm everyone. To win here you have to show eloquence here (at the beginning of the game, no one knows who for whom, only the sheriff is revealed), and the smelter.

10. Dobbl

And we close the selection of we are a very simple and fast game, in which you will use all your attentiveness and the ability to quickly think. Different characters are drawn on round cardboard discs - on every two there are at least one common item. You need to open the discs and compare with your own: who first saw the coincidence, he takes the disc. Wins the one who has more!

"" "One of the best family games, but we added it to an adult selection, because adults play it with pleasure. And on alcohol parties, this test for attentiveness becomes even more difficult!