Methods for selling for sale on the Internet of things, intellectual property, services and affiliate programs. How to learn to sell goods? Psychology buyer

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From this article you will learn:

  • How to offer goods shops
  • How to offer goods in social networks and by phone
  • How to propose goods to the sales representative

The domestic economy did not have so long ago on the rails of market relations, from now on each of the sellers are given a fundamental issue: how to offer a product or service so that the buyer is interested in. Consider key aspects of this issue.

How to offer goods to bought it

Of course, the success of the business depends largely on sales, it is probably one of of essential factors. Production capacity can be increasing pretty quickly, but the market capacity does not always make it possible for the implementation of the laid potential. Advertising budgets can be 20-50% of the cost, the firms are doing everything possible in order to bypass competitors.

All these factors indicate that the entire sales chain is the marketing department / sales department / store is important. Answer questions: "How to propose a product" and "how to sell the goods to the client" - the needs of the buyer becomes.

  1. Before you offer the goods to the buyer, thoroughly study all the questions with it related. The more extensive and deep information about the product you have (exploitation, scope of application, the presence of options and their differences, etc.), the more reasonable you can convey to the buyer, why he need him.
  2. Take care very carefully to the question of the psychology of a possible client. You need to clearly understand who in front of you: a student or an intellectual, young or elderly, man or woman. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the potential client, it will be easier for you not only to offer him a product, but also to build a productive dialogue with him, to establish a competent strategy in the relationship "Buyer - Seller".
  3. Offering goods, do not forget about the emotional component: let the potential buyer feel himself the owner of a non-purchased product. Show what the goods are in action, let it touch, swell, sniff. Create all the conditions for making a purchase so that the client wanted to purchase this particular product right now.

How to offer goods wholesale

There are several uncomplicated rules in how to sell the goods wholesale. In this case, you need to focus on the future, i.e., on a constant search for the customer. The scope of the client's company depends on the volume of supplies (large it will be orders or small). Categories such as delivery, price, deadlines are a temptation for the buyer and a large plus supplier.


  • do our best to "put the client" from the start of the client to the supplied orders and low accounts for logistics;
  • keep track of compliance with the terms of the contract - never break them;
  • deliver timely and regularly;
  • remember, that wholesale trade - This is an equal sale.

How to propose the goods to the buyer in the store

Samoa the main problemWith which retailers are faced by retail chains, including and large, this is the problem of a set of personnel, as the employees of most shops are not ready for effective sales (residual phenomena of the Soviet Education). But this has another side - the retailers themselves often do not pay due attention to the training and motivation of sellers, belonging to them as a third-rate "working force", which is constantly changing. Such an attitude leads to the absence of needed learning. The seller offers the goods to the buyer not particularly effectively, because it does not know how to do it. After all, trained employees with due motivation may well be the key to the success of any trading point.

A successful seller can be called someone who:

  • easily determines the client's problems;
  • can evaluate consumer priorities in the context of solving these problems;
  • it may seek to help acquires in finding solving these problems as convenient, efficient, innovative and timely way, and for an adequate price for the buyer.

Most often, if the seller is able to determine fundamental problems for the client, the client will be ready to pay for their solution.

The key to success can be knowledge about the methods of promotion among potential buyers of their abilities in solving problems. It is necessary in order for customers to be aware of what you are able to do for them and what will be the benefit from the use of the solutions proposed by you.

Sellers leaders are not just focused on how to offer goods (or how to sell it), but they expand the horizons of their customers. In order to become a seller-leader, you need to respond periodically to the following questions:

  • What are the buyer problems I decide?
  • What is the point of view of buyers for these problems and the solutions offered by me?
  • How does the buyer put priorities when searching for solutions for these problems?
  • What other problems of the buyer can I solve?
  • What kind of hidden or future problems are not suspected of buyers?

The buyer comes with a huge number of problems. Your task is to indicate them and give them a detailed description, but not from your point of view, but from the client's position. Make an emphasis on those problems that need to be solved first, and for this it is necessary to formulate the right questions and carefully listen to the buyer's responses. And after that, to offer its decisions (\u003d offering the goods).

3 councils on how to talk to the buyer, offering goods

Experts share useful tips with the realizers on how to talk to the buyer to achieve success, how to offer goods as efficiently as possible.

  1. Knowledge of goods.

Despite the fact that we have already mentioned this fact, repeat once again: to trade you need to start training before the sales yourself, in particular, we are talking about to get all possible information about the product. What it can be: Before offering the goods, specify the nuances of different manufacturers, the specifics of use, price corridors on the wholesale / retail, on different outlets and in the place where you will sell. However, much more significant can be called a psychological aspect.

The task of any seller is to offer goods, while giving answers to all the questions that have arisen. Such a realizer inspires confidence, the buyer understands that a professional before him, and not an amateur. There is another moment: if the client receives an exhaustive answer, he begins to feel obliged, and in some cases it can affect his decision to bring the goods here, this seller. However, in the inverse situation, when the seller responds without enthusiasm, extensively - the consumer understands that it is not a professional.

The only exception: the buyer for any circumstances has information about the product, for example, he participated in the production of similar goods. Then you need to offer the goods more carefully, you should not exercise a stick: it is important and show your competence in this matter, and respectfully treat the knowledge of the interlocutor, and maybe even something else to ask him, ask some questions. Such a model of behavior will increase the importance of the buyer in his own eyes and in parallel will increase the seller's assessment.

  1. Good mood.

In fact, the seller's mood is a working tool, as he is an actor who cannot afford an arbitrary mood. His task is to "hold a person" regardless of what he has in the soul. After all, the buyer immediately catches the mood of the seller and reacts to it: a good mood is transmitted, but also bad too. If the buyer came to the store in a blessing mood, and the seller spoiled him, then the buyer subconsciously (and may be consciously) wants to take revenge on the seller without buying anything at him.

  1. Respect for the buyer.

Respect for the buyer is manifested in respect for his desire and choice.

That is, if the buyer wants to buy tea, then you should not try to sell him lemonade. Of course, it is permissible to offer a substitute product, but "scold" is fraught with consequences. The buyer is increasingly sinking psychologically, often he also works well in the product. Therefore, the fact that instead of a substitute goods, he is beginning to be very strongly offering something completely different, even when such a replacement seems to be the seller relevant, causes irritation and negative. This is regarded as a manipulation, and punishment should be followed for its disclosure: and this is already a loss of the client, because he is unlikely to ever return to the place where he was deceived or tried to fool.

Trading in something is akin to fishing: it is impossible to force the fish to peck, but it can be drawn by high-quality bait. The buyer likes quality service, and respect is an important component. And even in the case when you do not have some product, send the buyer to the place where it is, is also a positive effect on your assessment by the buyer, and the likely that he returns to you.

It is necessary to respect not only the problems of the buyer and his desire, but also a refusal. Buyer, who nahamili or heated after the failure, you are unlikely to see again in your store. And even if there was no obvious rudeness, then the sharp change of the behavior of the seller (from the Lebesching / attentive to indifferent / negative) will also plunge the buyer in shock, and he is unlikely to come to this store.

  • in no case are not talking about negative nuances of the goods, so as not to spoil the positive;
  • even if you know how to offer goods correctly, but do not own the rules of ethics, it will be difficult to succeed. Be charming, friendly, respectful - this will help sell the goods, but avoid panibrates, familiarity, holding the right distance.

How to offer goods to the sales representative

The novice sales representative always faces failures, this is explained by the fact that retail outlets Against working with new suppliers or new goods - in the store and so the shelves are broken from the goods. However, there are akin principles in sales and good methods, how to offer the goods to unfamiliar customers.

  1. Make an illustrated directory.

If the woman decides - to work with you or not, that is, one useful method: creating a catalog with illustrations. This is relevant for women, since usually women are prone to choose products by catalogs: such a form of shopping causes confidence in them. To offer the goods this way is an option of a more winning form: the directory view takes less time than viewing the price, and look at the pictures more nimble than on the numbers.

  1. Go around all the outlets in entrusted territory.

Be prepared for getting a failure in most of the places when you offer the goods, but it should not disturb you: this is normal for the psychology of the seller - checking a new person (whether it will appear again and as much as he persistent?). Do not be discouraged if you refused. Just tell you that you will come another time, when something interesting will appear. From this the seller will refuse hardly. Focus on finding your first client - it is difficult, but really.

  1. Repeated to shops located next to the first client.

Return after some time with the message that you have news. In the conversation, give a reference to the first client and let your goods will be represented in its store. Buyers Everyone notice: if one store will offer your goods, and this one - no, the store with new items will come more often. And that's important criterion for many.

  1. Collect statistics and reviews.

Contact customers with a question about how they are doing business in the trading point with your product. Do not miss their answers by ears - fix and pay attention to it.

  1. Visit the remaining stores.

Notify that your product is already available in 15 stores. But do not deceive, but say as it is. Wheel the words of customers who are satisfied with your product. It can be an impetus to start working with you. FROM successful people I want to work, people who are tuned in this way, it is easier to offer the goods.

How to offer your goods to shops

This question is always asked for newcomers, because the head of the outlets refuses new products, arguing that the stores are already crowded with goods. Therefore, there is one feature in how to offer the goods store: it is necessary to offer not only the goods, but also more, for example, the best service than the competitors, the best solution of working moments. Your task is to offer the goods, in parallel, convincing the client in the fact that it will not spend the time in vain if it starts working with you.

To sell your goods successfully, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200ball stages of a client visit:

  • preparation;
  • approach to the outlet;
  • presentation;
  • make a deal;
  • merchandising;
  • analysis of the visit.

There are a number of important tips in how to offer the goods:

  1. Remember that store executives perceive a new supplier as new problems. This is due to past negative experiences of contacts with unreliable suppliers, for example. Therefore, any new proposal is perceived by them wary. Do not forget about it: the sale of goods includes two parts: first you must "sell yourself" as a conscientious business partner, and only then you focus on how to offer goods and sell it. If you look at the situation and from this position too, you will be easier to negotiate and find the right words.
  2. When you go to the store offer a product, focus on a slightly different goal: Learn about the problems of your potential partners. Notify that you are planning to work in this market, however, today you came to find out what problems the store is facing, working with suppliers. Carefully attribute to the answers received and tell me that you can return when you can offer the solution of these problems.
  3. Spend the analysis of this conversation: Identify weak points in the work of competitors, create a traffic point service scheme that will exceed the proposal of competitors suppliers. Focus on how to effectively demonstrate this difference to the store managers, when you begin to offer the goods.
  4. Organize some more negotiations, but again do not talk about your products, focus on how comfortable will the buyer work with your company.
  5. Get your first order for the delivery of goods. Let it be small - because this is a kind of check, but clearly say, what should be the minimum order of ordering in the future.

Remember: Competitors will immediately pay attention to the decline in sales level, which is associated with your market access. Response actions of rivals can be, for example, improved service quality. Your task - from time to time to return to the steps listed above and repeat them.

Important recommendation: Go to the trading room after delivery was carried out, find out whether everything is fine. The fact that you take care of your partner - This is an extra bonus that will play in favor of working with you.

How to offer goods in social networks

SMM, or marketing on social networks, is now increasingly gaining momentum. There is not a single company that would not understand the importance of promotion in social networks. At the same time, far from everyone knows how to offer the goods here correctly and most productively.

Statistical data say the following: for example, specialists from GFK Ukraine conducted an analysis of which goods, where and how often Ukrainians acquire via the Internet. Here are the results: In 2016, more than 39% of Internet users bought goods or ordered services using social networks. And, for example, in 2013, buying through the social networks made only 12%.

Most Popular Goods: Clothes, Accessories, Gifts, Shoes, Cosmetics and Perfumes. Most of the buyers, of course, women.

Such statistics once again emphasizes that in social networks it can really be sold.

But how to do it?

Everything is not so difficult, you only need to consider important factors:

  • the audience of your company coincides with the audience of the social network;
  • there are no barriers to buying your product through a social network (no additional registrations, requests are processed slowly, etc.);
  • you really develop your community: there is the right content, a sufficient number of participants and you were able to reach an average or even a high level of involvement;
  • users trust you (for example, thanks to quality feedback);
  • you are aware that time needs to sell on the Internet (minimum - 3 months).

When you can put a plus next to each point, then you really confidently move in the right direction: you can safely offer your goods.

  1. Specify the actual price.

Do not create unnecessary barriers on the Path of the acquirer to buy your product: Let it see the price right away. Do not doubt that potential clientsFor which the price named will be inappropriate, in any case will give up the purchase of goods.

  1. Simplify the order procedure as much as possible.

You need to offer goods in online stores in such a way that the client can have the opportunity to buy the goods you like almost instantly, without unnecessary manipulations of the transition to the site, registrations, etc., the harder to make an order, the more chances that the buyer will blow up. Your task is to make the customer understand the purchase scheme, and this scheme should be simple.

  1. Regularly update the range so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Remember the Women's Shopping: hour walks on shopping malls, the ability to choose, understanding that one of these things sooner or later becomes their property. The same principle should work on social networks: users must have a choice. It can be albums with goods where you can see everything that is, compared, and then purchase. Plus - the larger range you offer, the greater the number of customers (and their needs) will be satisfied.

Remember both about such a factor as the relevance of the goods. Let you have an album "in stock", which will be regularly updated and replenished, do not forget to periodically offer the goods from this album. Because it is often a rejection of the purchase provoked by the need for a long expectation of the receipt of the goods or in general its absence (despite the fact that in the album / on the site it is presented).

  1. Keep track of trends and beat them.

Trends are an excellent way to earn quickly and a lot. Pay attention to what users say on the Internet, what happens around, which is interesting to people. Apply the knowledge gained to offer your product. Things that are in the trend are usually more popular than the standard range.

  1. Regularly update community information.

It is important for you to convey to your buyers the fact that your goods are updated all the time. However, it is not necessary to do it too zealo, otherwise there is a risk of bleaching a ban (in the news feed). Do it in moderate quantities, when the user needed something from what you sell, he immediately remembered you.

  1. Repeactively react to comments.

Timely responses to comments increase the likelihood of making a purchase. Slowness can lead to the fact that the buyer will go to competitors.

  1. Do not neglect community management.

Community management - almost the key component in working with your community. He gives you the opportunity to create a trust relationship with users who can become your customers. Let's give public answers to negative comments, do not delete them and die to recognize your mistakes.

Remember the importance of feedback and reviews: their presence will increase the loyalty of the audience, which in the future will be able to recommend your shop to friends and acquaintances. But only do not falsify the information, the reviews should be honest and real, and the fictional feedback will never play your hand.

  1. Let's advertise on interesting offers, discounts.

Pay attention to your customers for various interesting offers, promotions and discounts in advertising campaigns. Such messages increase the efficiency of advertising, which leads to an increase in sales.

Good day, readers of our site. Do you know what the level of sales depends? Someone can say that from the quality of goods, from the brand, from the fame of the company or from advertising. Also sales depend on the successful location of the store, from marketing moves and work with clients. All this is right, dozens factors, but few know that you can sell even the most intact thing, the buyer can be made to buy what he is absolutely not needed.
Scientists from around the world No one year already analyze the behavior of the buyer, study various scientific methods of influence on our desires to buy a particular thing. It turns out that we are a very simple biological view that it is easier to manage than it seems. Here you might think no, I'm not like that, I will not introduce a different scientific trick. I want to upset, because you, I, and more millions of people around the world every day in stores, restaurants, supermarkets face well-worked sales techniques. Sometimes we do not even notice them, but somewhere, on the subconscious level, everything is postponed, and the desire to pay attention to a certain group of goods, to stop near the shelves, to buy one or another product, arises.
Today the article will be precisely the 5 most common scientific methods that help sell the goods. Be sure to read the article carefully, draw conclusions, and use these techniques when building your sales schemes.

How to sell goods: Rule number 1 - Buyer predict

The next time you go to the big grocery store, then pay attention to the right. Remembering Kiev supermarkets, I can say that many of them immediately on the right is the department with fresh fruits and vegetables. Some are trying to place and baking. It is noteworthy that almost the entrance doors are located so that entering you will be forced to collapse. This construction is not accidental, and everything obeys strict rules and long scientific research.
As it turned out, people are very predictable, practically as animals during migration. We choose the same way of the shop. Scientists who studied the behavior of buyers in different countries came to the conclusion that we prefer to bypass the store counterclockwise.
Modern markets are designed in such a way that you involuntarily, but go through a well-thought out route. Knowing that going to the store, you will definitely get the right, marketers try to place there the most fresh, seductive and attractive goods. He first hits his eyes, and you want to or not, think about it, consider the need for such a purchase. As a rule, the goods are not set by the most running, those that you need to sell quickly. They understand that if at the entrance to place a shelf with chips, or refrigerators with beer, then you just grab them and go to the checkout, and without seeing all the offers of the store.
Another trick is that the first thing you see forms the impression of the whole store. Going into the market, and seeing fresh greens, bright and beautiful fruits, you will automatically be loyal to treat this store, it will be associated with freshness, bright colors and pleasant smells.
The order of the "show" of the goods to you is also thought out to the smallest detail. Seeing the palette of colors and freshness from fruit, you move on, see other goods, but absolutely not those that buy most often. Bread, milk goods, meat, eggs - all this is located at the most distant end of the market, and as long as you come down, then you will throw a lot of any nonsense into the cart, which was not going to initially buy.
Remember! The most important thing is to force the buyer to stay in the store as long as possible, bypass the maximum number of racks and view many products. Man never buy "Honey Pepper Hospore" if it does not know about its existence.
Why does it work?
Walking in a circle, this is a familiar occupation for herd animals, but this is why people behave like this until it is clear. As studied, buyers of England, Japan and Australia have shown, prefer to get around the store clockwise, possibly due to the left-sided movement in their countries. If you are accustomed to ride on the right side, the high probability that in the store will also go to the right, along the wall.
No matter how it was, it can be said that this impulse is really strong. In the US, they even tried to put an experiment. The store opened the right door, and wanted to make buyers go clockwise, that is, turn to the left. What was the surprise when buyers came through the right door, but they still went to the left entrance, to start moving counterclockwise. It is already laid on the subconscious, so people are comfortable.

How to sell goods: Rule number 2 - more brilliant

All brilliant and beautiful is automatically perceived as something new, fashionable and valuable. Many drivers can confirm that after a good sink and polishing them even it seems that the car goes much better. "It can not be my Zhigul 1990, which I have previously drove. Look at how glitter, already the engine works otherwise. "
That's precisely this in good and expensive shops everything sparkles, glows, shifts with different colors of the rainbow.
Envirosell Inc. He conducted a large-scale study, and found out that the brilliant showcase makes passing to unwittingly slow down, and some even stop to consider the goods presented to the details. And it's hard to fight with it.
Why does it work?
In 1990, a rather interesting theory was put forward by researchers from England. They believe that our love for everything brilliant takes its beginning since the first people. It was then that the first people were looking for a good, clean and suitable water, focusing on her shine.
Scientists conducted a study, and offered people to choose vessels with the best, in their opinion, water. Many girls, without hesitation, chose the one that is stronger than glitter. The argument was that this water causes more trust and should be clean, tasty and pleasant.
Next, the experiment was with children, very small, which did not have time to fall under the influence of society. Before they put two plates - white and shiny. Almost everyone was chosen brilliant, they were squatted and tried to lease her. With a white one, no child did.
The research results allowed us to nominate the hypothesis that before people were looking for water and recognized her in the brilliance, this ability remains in the subconscious, did not disappear for thousands of years. Under this, seeing something brilliant, we involuntarily stop, try to consider and understand what it is.

How to sell goods: Rule number 3 Getting a pleasure from shopping

In Europe, and recently in our country, on all great holidays, Rodgency, New YearMany shops are satisfied with the Grand Sale. In the US, there is a whole season of sales, which begins with a black Friday. People take on the work of the round, take line in stores with deep nights, stand, crowd at the entrance, are waiting for the opening of the store and ambitious discounts. Do you think all this is from what they need to buy some thing, or from the desire to save? 95% of buyers for the sale season just get a buzz from the shopping themselves, from shopping, from shopping and buying something to buy something, and even cheaper than yesterday. Skillful sellers know about this weakness of a person, and can be soldered in warehouses for several days.
Many of you laugh at the shopaholic, whose girls are not bread, give a new sweater or blouse. But wait, this reception is used not only for things and shoes. According to statistics, many gamers have about 10% of the games they bought, played several times and all, drives dust on the shelves. Some buy books, and then they do not read them. Yes, a person can be made to buy anything, and he will think that it is necessary. Understanding that the thing is useless, comes much later.
Look around, you do not have such things that you bought, and now do not understand why? My friend has a lot DVD discs, with a variety of films. He will not see them for sure, but every time it buys, says that he replenishes the collection. Pleasure is the process of finding a good film and buying a disc.
Why does it work?
Here the old Dopamine is entering into business. This substance is produced by your brain during love when you eat delicious food or do your favorite thing. Dopamine affects all body functions that are responsible for behavior, knowledge, movement and other important things, for example, the ability to keep saliva in the mouth.
Dopamine action becomes stronger if you go to a new store, or come to another city. New emotions, new desires. No wonder scientists note that we do most of all senseless purchases while traveling. And, of course, that thing, in essence, we do not need. We want to feel the emotion, get a dose of dopamine.

How to sell goods: rule number 4 - Numbers are not your horse

In 2010, Steve Jobs introduced the world a new miracle of technology - iPad. And the price of it was pretty low, only $ 499. This is a very good price for ... Although stand, and for what? Before that, there was no tablet in the tablet market, no one could say the price, but everyone thought she was excellent, and even very low. The price was more than the phones and most laptops, so where does such confidence, what is it good?
And one more thing, why still continue to put nines at the end of the price tags? Buyers have long understood that 499 is almost $ 500, so put the normal price that this dollar is already. Many are confident that they missed this marketing stroke, and are not underway. But is it? Not a fact, far from fact. To know that in this way you manipulate and not get to the fishing rod - these are different things.
In fact, people are badly friends with numbers. Units can only consider real benefits, understand the real price of the goods. Suppose you wait until the discount on the sweater that I liked you, then go to the store and pay a credit card. The bank consists of a percentage for the use of money, and it happens that the sweater bought with a discount is more expensive than he was originally.
Also, many fall with loans. No one considers real sums, seduced on small monthly payments, draw up a loan for a long row, and at the same time overpaying can reach 100% of the amount.
Sellers understand that the price of the goods depends on them. Even when you see that the goods are cheaper by 50%, then from the price that they invented. I specifically watched the prices for household appliances with a 30% discount in one large store, and then I found a similar offer on the Internet, without a discount, and even at a lesser price. It turns out that you save 30% of the price taken "from the ceiling."
Let's go back to a very low price on an iPad of $ 499. Where did the belief take that the price is really good? A few months before the presentation, many leading magazines and Internet sites, commissioned by Apple, spent a good marketing stroke. They allegedly published information from reliable sources, about a new tablet, about its functionality, and hinted that having such characteristics, the gadget will cost at least a thousand dollars. At the presentation, Jobs also emphasized this fact that the price was planned significantly higher. So people have the impression that 499 is very cheap. Perhaps the price was overestimated, but people thought otherwise.
How it works?
Imagine 3 tennis balls that lie on the table. Presented? Now try presenting 4037 of the same balls. I am sure that it will be practically unrealistic, and the table on which they will fit are difficult to imagine. The brain of many people is simply not adapted to work with such numbers, because nature did not lay such functionality to us, and natural selection did not take into account mathematical abilities.
History with $ 499 and 500 is an excellent confirmation that the numbers are not our horse. Even if you understand that the difference is meager, just one dollar, then the subconscious mind perceives otherwise. This is happening for one simple reason - you are reading prices from Lev to the right, and remember, to a greater extent, only the first. 499 dollars you will rather call "four hundred with something", and not as "almost 500". Sometimes I ask how much a product cost. I answer, I melt a hundred with something rubles, and then I catch myself thinking that he was worth 199. Even knowledge and understanding of this marketing stroke Does not save the price perception errors.
Also studies show that those who try to count the costs right in the store, save on purchases, spend no less, and even more. The notorious nine at the end of the price tag do not give us the opportunity to accurately and quickly calculate the price. Answer the question how much will 5 avocado cost for 30 rubles per piece? I am sure you instantly gave the answer. Now, consider the price of the same amount of avocado, but already on 29.89 per piece. I think that problems arose.

How to sell goods: rule number 5 - familiar logo can deceive the taste

Incredible trust in the brand is justified, but only to a certain extent. If you had a BMW car, I buying a new one, you will prefer exactly this brand. Apple products are unlikely to once be changed on Samsung. BUT B. certain moment The corporate sign can play a cruel joke with you. You begin to idealize the product, exaggerate the pleasure that he is able to deliver. Immediately I will say that I do not mean fashionable to chase the Gucci shoes and prada handbags. For them, the brand is some label that brings the maiden data to the highest layers of society.
I am completely different:
In 1970, Pepsi conducted one interesting experiment, calling him "Peppi challenges". The same glasses were spilled by Cola and Pepsi. People were offered to choose which drink is tastier, and that they are more suitable. Most Americans chose Pepsi. This experiment ended with staggering success, many of the media about him were told, and it would seem, the Cola had to choke in his sugar syrup, selling to a minimum, and the company would leave the majority of the market. But, as we see, Coca-Cola is selling better pepsi to this day. And it does not care about the fact that many and now they say that Pepsi is much tastier.
What is even more surprising, so this is the fact that when there were logos on glasses, then people seeing familiar white inscription on a red background, chose a cola. This phenomenon was called Pepsi Paradox.
A similar experiment was carried out with wine. One test group was called the price of the drink (90 dollars and 10 dollars) and almost everyone said that expensive is better. But the second price group did not know, and the answers about the quality were divided 50 to 50. By the way, in China there is a very expensive beer (the price of a bottle of more than $ 40), and it looks like a cheap borde that in the States is not more than $ 3. The whole secret is that enterprising Chinese pasted a beautiful label, conducted an advertising company and inflated the price.
Why does it work?
And again it's all about our brain, more precisely in the hemispheres. One responds to visual perception, and another for taste. When you do not see the logo, you trust solely to taste, real taste. When a person sees a logo, then the memory comes into effect, which associates the logo with something good, better and well-known, and therefore products under this brand will be better.
Without logos, the brain tells you that Pepsi is significantly better and tastier, choose it. But as soon as you see the logo, the brain says - "When it is super, you have to drink it." Dozens of years of advertising company, and lifting data into a person's head made their own. Companies are actually washed by buyers' brains and make not loved what is better or more useful, but what they want to sell.

The Russian economy relatively recently stood on the rails of market relations, when a problem arises to any seller to complete growth - how to sell a product or service. This theme is so extensive and multifaceted that its complete lighting simply cannot be the subject of this article.

How to sell goods correctly

Here and now we will talk only about B2B sales. This is such a business when some companies are trying

something to sell to other companies.

Knowledge of seller errors Here is one of the secrets of successful sales:

    the seller does not know what its product is better than competitors;

    a selling organization is trying to implement his product or service, and it is necessary to sell its status, the status of an expert, a specialist in his field, causing a sense of confidence from the buyer and with whom it is inconvenient to talk about the price;

    offering to buy goods or service not enough thoroughly studied the true needs of the buyer;

    the seller forgets to make Deadline (time limit, by quantity);

    inability to work competently with the objections of buyers;

    presenting presentations for persons who do not accept the final decision;

    lack of energy and positive from the seller.

Consider work with objections in more detail. They can be true and false. Very often the buyer hides true objections for false. One of the main true objections is "expensive" how to deal with this "evil", what to oppose?

    Even before the start of the presentation, negotiations, etc., you need to know how much the buyer is calculated and offer the goods in its price range.

    Attitude to the price. A question is asked to the buyer that they are supposed to have a product you need at such a price, whether to tell you in more detail. And in the intonation of the answer to determine its attitude to the price, and therefore, the very opportunity to sell for this price.

    Reputation. Was in the presence of goods approximately with similar characteristics, but with a smaller price from another manufacturer, but it had to abandon it, since the quality of the goods left much to be desired, and there were numerous complaints about buyers. There were reputational costs. We are interested in our customers to be satisfied and recommended us with their colleagues. Therefore, the reputation does not allow to offer a cheap, low-quality product.

    There is cheaper. The buyer says that he recently offered "the same" product, but, much cheaper. You can answer as follows. We do N-it number of sales per month and 50% - new buyers, 50%. - on recommendations. Is it really possible if the market really was the same product for a smaller price.

Everyone knows that it is easiest to sell the goods when the buyer wants to buy it. That is, some problem arose, solved by purchasing the necessary product or service. How to be in other cases, you should always sell sales and as often as possible. There is an interesting technique that allows you to answer the question - how to propose the goods to the buyer.

Its essence is to help the buyer see the problem, realize and plunge into it, therefore, form a need to buy a product or service. Schematically, you can imagine this technique in the form of a funnel, in fact it is just a number of questions to the future buyer. Consider on specific example. Suppose we are trying to sell such a service as sales training and head of sales department and the company manager do not understand what they need this training.

The first type of questions is situational, they are given in terms of the situation and are general:

- What is the number of sales department?;

- Who is your customers now, B2B or B 2C?;

- Do you have an incoming circulation flow or managers call it cold?;

General issues related to the sales department.

The second type of question is problematic issues whose goal is to bring the client to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem:

- How many cold calls makes the sales department manager per day? Trying to answer this question, the client begins immersion in the problem;

- What is the conversion of these calls? If the answer is an accurate digit, then this is a problem, since the conversion will certainly be low. If it is difficult to answer, then it is also a problem, the authorities do not know what the sales department works;

- How many new customers found your managers last month? The purpose of the issue is focusing on the problem. The client can know about the problem, but it does not focus on it.

Third type of questions - extracting. The main goal will deepen, strengthen the problem and strongly depend on the problematic issues and answers to them.

- whether the buyers often arise, how managers proceed with these objections, how many sales were after processing objections;

- Last month there were 100 incoming appeals, and how many of them were sales?

- How do you evaluate your managers on a ten-ball system?

- When answering a question - how many new customers have found your managers in the past month, for example, three, we can say that after our trainings in such a company, their managers brought this value up to eight. There is a strong immersion in the problem and extraction from the future of the buyer of concrete, so that the problem is not easy to designate, and was quite obvious, concrete and expressed in numbers.

The fourth type of question is leading. The purpose of these issues is to bring to the idea that everything can be changed. In fact, it begins to sell.

- How much did the sales increase if the manager did not do ten calls a day, and fifty calls a day?

- If your technology manager handled all the typical objections of customers, such as "you are expensive", "I need to think", "now there is no money," "We are already working with others", how many additional customers would you get?

- If your sales department will increase sales by one and a half times next month, do you have enough goods in stock?

When answering answers, the client is even more immersed in the problem and the questions he himself has already begins to arise, which he asks. From now on, he is ready for the presentation of your product or service.

Guided by the main sales rules, it is impossible to do without such a tool as "cold" calls. They are needed if we want to answer the question - how to sell the goods to the buyer? Very often, many do not pay due attention to this tool and thus deprive themselves from profits. Below are some ideas for improving the efficiency of "cold calls".

    Determine the goal of the call. "Cold" call, like the entire active sales strategy, is a sequence of blocks leading to profit and purpose of the first call

it is not necessary to sell. Possible goals are the preparation of the client to familiarize themselves with the commercial offer, identifying the needs of the client in goods or services of the company.

    Do not use when I first call the phrase "We want to offer you", "We are selling", in otherwise conversation fail.

    You will try to stand out of the total numerous mass of the caller vendors, it is not about to talk about yourself, but about them, go to their site, turn information (with whom they work, what they do) an example. "As far as I know, you are engaged in cargo transportation in Russia and Europe, mainly by road freight and are now actively expanding the staff of the staff, because I saw an extensive list of vacancies on your site. So?" Possible answer "Yes, so. What? " The client is already a little interested and clinging for it you can continue the conversation.

    To strengthen loyalty, we can say that you are currently working with its specificity or start working. Example. "We are now starting to work with road haulage companies central Russia. Just your company is suitable and we would like to discuss the options for cooperation. "

    There are cases when the client is simply inconvenient to speak (he lies behind the wheel, he has an important conversation and so on). It is necessary to ask about the rest of the conversation.

    It is clear and picky, if the client does not understand from the very beginning, the caller and most likely faults, contact will not work.

    When talking, you need to pause.

    All of the above items are the first block, the establishment of contact with the client, in order to somehow mark the position, to get acquainted with each other, then the second unit is asking questions. But it is not recommended to do this immediately, you can find misunderstanding and rejection. To go to questions, you need to make a logical transition, to make the client wanted to answer and understood what he does to what it is appropriate and are in its competence.

    It will be convinced that the conversation comes with a decision maker.

    The secretary is your friend, but can become an irresistible obstacle.

From whether the entrepreneur knows how to sell the goods, its income and earnings of the implementer also depends. Consider the main marketing nuances in several "projections".

The advertisement is engine of the trade

From the practice it is known that most purchases by people in the store are carried out impulsively (inadvertently). An important value has an appearance of the goods, its packaging or the seller advice. Therefore, the role of such a specialist in this field acquires a certain diversity.

How to sell goods correctly? Of course, the first point of response to the question must be a friendly buyer meeting in the store. The seller should also be able to offer the thing you need. They may also be asked to acquire some associated goods. So, for example, purchasing a suit, the buyer chooses and the corresponding tie.

The seller, deciding for himself, how to sell the goods to the buyer, after all, the method must put the method of belief. Analysis of sales processes has shown that the crucial impact on the buyer is to use such tools as speech, manners and knowledge of merchant goods of goods.

The advantage of oral advertising in front of its other types is individually communication with buyers. In fact, these two trade entities are independent personalities with various needs, characters, requests and temperaments.

The nature and mood of a person determine his desire to buy goods

In order to decide how to sell the goods, the seller needs to recognize not only the mood, but also the nature of the buyer. The second quality is a combination of the main and fairly essential properties of the personality, thanks to which a person is different from other members of society. In character, all people are divided into decisive and indecisive, volitional and dry, passive and active, etc. It is often directly dependent on temperament: melancholic, a sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic. The seller is easiest to determine the nature of the buyer in the process of conversation with him.

Therefore, the implementer, defined, how to properly sell the goods to this or another person, must select the appropriate method of approach. For example, inert buyers need to be serviced more actively, and cholericly annoyed too quickly, so you need to be particularly preventive with them.

Motivation shopping

Shopping motifs may include such factors: quality, efficiency, seasonality and certain dates. The seller needs to find out all this, and only then offer a product that meets the needs of a person. These factors cannot be considered isolated from each other. Often, several factors have an impact on the purchase at the same time. Sometimes there are motives that are based on emotions. Therefore, the seller, determined how to sell the goods, takes into account the data on the person he is intended.

On the motivation of the purchase, both external and internal factors affect both external and internal factors. External factors include a store reputation and recommendations of acquaintances. The internal factors consist in the characteristics of the goods itself. Often the buyer makes a decision on the purchase of one or another product under the influence external view The latter.

Sale of goods of foreign production

Today the market is quite diverse and saturated with goods both domestic and foreign production. At the same time, many copies, unfortunately, cannot "boast" their high quality. Solving the question, for example, how to sell goods from China, the store must have in stock all allowing documents and certificates for this product. Only in this case is possible successful implementation and obtaining the desired profit.

How to sell goods via the Internet?

Studies have shown that about 35% of all buyers perceive the goods through vision, 15% - by rumor, 20% - through sensations, 6% - the taste and 4% - through the sense of smell. It is also necessary to consider that a person is able to remember only one fifth heard.

Therefore, the seller, defining how to sell the goods over the Internet, cannot but take into account these results of observations. The prerequisite in online stores should be the presence of high-quality product snapshots, its full characteristic and, preferably reviews. Of course, if the buyer decides to call the contact phone, then the competent operator must be answered.

Basic rules of trade

In modern trade sector, it is very often possible to meet such concepts as marketing, merchandising and cold contacts. Any self-respected seller needs to know the basic rules of how to quickly sell the goods and get money in full for it. So, let's try to deal with the concepts listed.

To obtain a successful sale of goods, you can try techniques that use sales representatives (specialists engaged in promoting goods in retail outlets). Their work is based on the product catalog, which they bring to the store and subsequently conclude a contract for implementation.

Modern large companies engaged in selling several groups of goods oblige sales representativesThey consist of them in the state, to undergo special trainings on "How to learn to sell goods", the main direction of which is to study the tools for ensuring sales volumes by expanding the client base.

It is these specialists in the future become marketers, i.e. professionals for the sale of goods to the consumer.


Today, this term is no longer surprised. In major trading companies there are whole departments whose employees are engaged in merchandising. The profession "Merchandiser" in the West receives in the process of learning not in one year.

So, Merchandising - actions aimed at the increase in turnover volumes. The main tools in these actions are: availability of price tags, beautiful display and compliance with the standards of a particular company on representation. As you can see, there is nothing new here. This rule worked in Russian trade and earlier, but did not have such a beautiful name.

An important component in all this is a price tag, which is some kind of product document and carrying information about the manufacturer and cost. If suddenly the price inconsistency is revealed in it with the amount in the cash check, this is a gross violation. Merchandiser is replied in large trading networks for it, in small stores - the seller, and in online stores - administrator.

Cold Contacts

This term is still known as "cold sales". In this case, there are the same rules as with any other sales, however, with some additions. So, the rules of greetings, a presentation and definition of needs should also be followed, and the conclusion of the transaction will occur already at a personal meeting (if it is not about the online store).

The conversation structure has some differences from personal communication. The seller does not see the eye of a potential buyer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a successful conclusion of the transaction.

How to sell goods by phone? This question interests many people today. This type of sales often requires tremendous patience and readiness for the fact that the expected success can come not to the second, not even for the fifth call.

One of important moments Telephone sales - the ability to lead a conversation. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the interlocutor can lead a large number of Excuses and arguments not to buy goods. Therefore, it is necessary to be confident one hundred percent as a product and be able to competently describe its advantages.

How to sell expensive goods?

If the company is engaged in the implementation of expensive goods, then in this case there are some nuances that need to be taken into account.

First, before offering an expensive product, it is necessary to pre-collect information about the customer's solvency.

Secondly, if we are talking about cold sales (by phone), you need to inquire how convenient to talk to the interlocutor with the manager. If a potential buyer is currently busy, then it is necessary to know the time in which you can react to it.

Thirdly, the manager must thoroughly know his text, literally by heart. That is, to own full information about the components, price list, warranty period and possible discounts.

Summarizing the material set out in this article, it is necessary to note the following. For the goods to be successfully sold, you need to know several uncomplicated rules, have specially trained workers (managers, marketers and merchandisers) and, of course, the desire to work.

Many people subconsciously surround themselves with things: in common opinion, the accumulated property symbolizes consistency and indicates the owner around him. At the same time, with financial difficulties, citizens are primarily trying to get a loan or loan, without thinking that the solution of the problem is already in their hands.

Indeed, before a visit to the bank it is worth thinking about what can be sold to earn money. Almost every person has material or intangible assets, the implementation of which will help:

  • Improve personal financial position;
  • Cover the costs associated with treatment;
  • Accumulate funds for a large purchase;
  • Find starting capital to run business.

What can you sell from home?

Studying possible methods The survey of the required amount, people primarily assess the material assets affordable to them - things, property or real estate. However, choosing that it is beneficial to sell from homely trash, it is necessary to remember: unnecessary items in any house are early or later end, and therefore such a way of earning is disposable.


Old furniture people put in a garage or export to the cottage, reasonably assuming that no one needs cabinets with discharged doors or sofas with a rubbed upholstery. However, in the presence of some skills and the minimum set of tools, things are easy to put in order to then sell it profitable.

Will additionally increase the cost of the subject Creative approach: there is a network great amount examples of designer furniture processing. Of course, you will have to do grinding and painting, study the basics of texturing and decorative processing Surfaces, however, as a result, the cost of an old cabinet or chair can exceed the price of a similar new product.


Trying to avoid inflation and depreciation of your savings, citizens buy products from precious metals. Choosing that you can sell expensive from home, you should pay attention to your collection of gold rings, earrings and chains.

It is easy to implement these decorations: Lombards and jewelry workshops constantly acquire jewelrs at the price of scrap. However, such a price is hardly arranged by the seller, and therefore it is more expedient to try to find a client among individuals.


Advertising and the desire for prestigious often make people buy new devices, although old others are still well functionable. Smartphones, laptops and tablets in good condition acquire private clients and service workshops: for a powerful laptop of a well-known manufacturer in Moscow give up to 15,000 rubles, and on the wizard parts will take it for 5-6 thousand rubles. What can be sold expensive:

  • The first generation iPod player in good condition on eBay is sold for $ 15,000;
  • Mobile legend of Nokia 3310 in normal condition estimated at $ 300;
  • The original Virtual Pet Tamagotchi costs up to $ 500.


The demand for used household appliances is invariably high: in old, but serviceable refrigerators, TVs, washing machines and microwave ovens Students, young families and entrepreneurs who rent apartments are needed.

How to find that you can sell from home: almost every person has devices that are rarely used or simply obsolete. For technique famous manufacturers Really get up to half the cost of new products. Separate enterprising citizens stand on this business: they buy faulty equipment, repair it, and then resell more.

Ancient coins

Rare and vintage coins are interesting primarily for collectors: for the most unique specimens the latter are ready to pay over half a million dollars. Of course, such treasures are extremely rare in the houses of ordinary citizens. At the same time, more common coins are sometimes detected in the grandmother's chests or parental piggy banks. Russian Empire Or the USSR, which experts are estimated at 400-1000 rubles per piece.

Deciding that it is possible to sell for big money, you need to find suitable coins channels. The most obvious buyers are:

  • Specialized stores. Acquire coins of different species - the epoch of the USSR, pre-revolutionary, foreign, investment and collectible;
  • Clubs of numismatics. There are high demands on the state and uniqueness of the coin, require evidence of ownership;
  • Banks. Periodically conduct shares to buy rare coins of modern chasing;
  • Private collectors. Ready to pay a high price for a rare instance;
  • Internet auctions. Allow you to safely conclude beneficial transactions.

Old and collectible things

Sometimes a person is not even aware of what treasures are stored in his house: a praised statuette or a plate, bought by a long time, the great-grandmother, in our time they can have a huge collective value. However, an unprepared by the owner of the antiques is unlikely to adequately appreciate its value: in such cases it is better to take advantage of the expert. What can be sold dear from old things:

  • Porcelain figurines of the Leningrad and Dulis factories made in pre-war time according to the sketches of famous artists. Stand up to 10,000 rubles;
  • Busts, ashtrays and figurines from bronze, cast on a special recipe in Casli Chelyabinsk region. Cost up to 5000 rubles;
  • Books and serial editions. It is evaluated not only by the year of release, but also by tearing, graduating inscriptions, illustrations. There are an average of 4,000 rubles per copy;
  • Postcards of pre-war and pre-revolutionary epoch. Mass editions are estimated at 300-500 rubles, while rare copies sell 5,000 rubles;
  • Vintage stamps of piece and mass series. The sets of the pre-war period are up to 1000 rubles, while the rare stamps of Tsarist Russia are about 10,000 rubles;
  • Vinyl plates of the time of the USSR. The rare specimens released after the war are up to 4,000 rubles, and the common editions are within 200-300 rubles;
  • Soviet icons made until 1950. The average price for them is 1500 rubles, while rare products with documents are estimated at 50-60 thousand rubles;
  • Vintage mechanical toys. Children's pedal car made in the USSR can easily sell for 6-10 thousand rubles;
  • TVs KVN-49. Pioneer of domestic television in non-working condition costs about 15,000 rubles, a serviceable apparatus - up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Radio SVD from the first batch. Even in a malfunctioning, such a device is sold at auctions for 30000 rubles;
  • Christmas toys of pre-war and post-war era. Depending on uniqueness, such a toy can cost 400-1200 rubles per instance.

Children's products

Children grow and grow up with a huge speed, as a result of which parents are forced to constantly buy them new things. At the same time, the mountains of old clothes and boring toys accumulate in the cabinets and boxes: among these stocks it is easiest to find that you can sell from the house to earn.

There is a steady demand for used children's products: not every young family is able to purchase a new multifunction carriage or a cot from safe materials. Therefore, 50% of the initial cost literally within a few days can be easily implemented:

  • Top children's clothing and shoes;
  • Toys in good condition;
  • Manege, walkers;
  • Strollers, chairs for feeding;
  • Tables for swaddling, cribs.

Products own production
Countryside residents are easier to find goods for sale, since the presence of its own sites allows them to grow different agricultural crops, breed birds. Farmers hand over their own food products or implement themselves through markets and shops.

However, the assortment of the subsidiary farm is not limited to vegetables, fruits, milk or meat.

What can be sold in the village to earn:

  • Forest and field herbs and flowers. Supporters healthy image life buy them as raw materials for bravers and herbal tea;
  • Household products. In winter, rustic residents have time to knitting, sewing, making souvenirs or weaving furniture from the vine;
  • Flowers. Not only live plants, but also dried field inflorescences, which are used as components of home cosmetics are used in demand.


The service life is limited. Therefore, every few years, the motorist is forced to think about buying a new car; The old time is left to rust in the garage or right in the open sky. Meanwhile, an unnecessary vehicle can still bring profits: such cars often buy adolescents without driving experience or for operation in rural areas.

Of course, before selling the car should be put in order - wash, replace the most important faulty aggregates, perform dry cleaning of the cabin. Experts say that a pure neat car can be sold by 25-30% more expensive than a similar model with an unsightly appearance.

The property

Sale of residential real estate is the last way to find the right amount: this option is usually resorted only at extreme necessity, when all other sources of income have already exhausted themselves.

It is advisable to prepare for this operation in advance: find removable housing for the substitution, transport things, bring the room in order. It is also necessary to understand that real estate implementation by market price takes up to six months: even tips on whether to reduce this period in best case up to three to four months.

What can be sold on the Internet?

Since most of the solvent citizens actively use the worldwide network capabilities, you should not ignore questions about how and what can be sold on the Internet to earn. People who do not have experience in creating and promoting online stores, the easiest way to publish their offers on free classified ads and in social networks. It remains to determine which goods here are in demand.

Information products

A modern person understands the value of information, and therefore willingly pay for knowledge that will help him improve the quality of his life, save or get an additional income. Using your own or experience, you can make a detailed guide to any popular topic - from the repair of the car before creating the site. If there are no suitable skills, you should take advantage of the proposals of other authors and make the implementation of their products for the commissions. What to sell to earn money:

  • Training courses;
  • Master classes, videos with instructions;
  • Consulting services.

Chinese goods

In foreign online stores, interesting products are often found, which are not available on domestic trading platforms. The largest assortment of such products is presented on Chinese portals. Here entrepreneurs buy things in small wholesale for realization in their city. Taking advantage of their experience, it is easy to determine what to sell on the Internet to earn:

  • Smartphones, smart bracelets, gadgets;
  • Covers for mobile devices;
  • Souvenirs and unusual gifts;
  • Haberdashery, bags, belts, wallets;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Educational toys.

Computer games

Tens of millions of owners of computers and laptops around the world are enthusiastic playing multiplayer online games. This community combines special game services and platforms like Steam, allowing an enterprising person to find that sell to earn:

  • The rules are allowed to implement game items. For virtual armor and weapons on trading platforms offer quite real money;
  • Games are often set on discount sales. You can buy one of them inexpensively, and then sell the account for the full price;
  • Finally, experienced players often "pump up" their character to a high level, and then implement it along with the account.

Internet resources

Resources S. large quantity Visitors are expensive: thousands of site views or millions of group members in a social network are easily converted into big money due to advertising. You can achieve such results by two ways: to create a resource on your own and engage in progress, or purchase an undervalued site and bring it to the first page of search engines. To determine what is profitable to sell on the Internet, you need to focus on the following numbers:

  • Information site with 3000 visitors per day costs 200,000 rubles;
  • VKontakte Group with a million subscribers costs 500,000 rubles;
  • Account in Instagram with 300,000 subscribers costs 200,000 rubles;
  • Canal on YouTube from 200,000 subscribers costs 220,000 rubles.


When commissioning, search engines take into account the uniqueness of not only texts, but also images on the site. Draw a quality illustration or make a good picture much harder than writing an article of four paragraphs, and therefore graphic materials are constantly in demand on the Internet.

Faster you can learn to take pictures: the number of detailed manuals on this topic is measured dozens. Conventional pictures are sold through photobanks and photos, while documentaries appropriate to offer news portals.

Handmade goods

Why goods handmade So popular? Similar things are absolutely unique, because customers willingly complement their wardrobe or apartment interiors subjects existing in a single copy. Among the hundreds of directions of applied creativity, everyone can find a craft for itself and realize their talents. What is in demand:

  • Decorative candles. Many are engaged in the production of candles at home, and therefore attracting the attention of buyers can be possible only due to unique design;
  • Handmade cosmetics. Women use creams, masks, soaps and handmade shampoos, as the contents of factory bottle causes doubts about them;
  • Dolls. Exclusive porcelain, textile or wood dolls are nonsense toys, and expensive collectibles;
  • Wooden souvenirs. From wood make different crafts - from pendants to furniture. The material is inexpensive, and for its processing does not require complex tools;
  • Products from beads. Modern fashionista prefer unique decorations, and therefore willingly buy bracelets, necklaces and handmade pendants;
  • Knitted products. Experienced wizards knit not only scarves and caps. Jumpers, sweaters and costumes are popular with exclusive things;
  • Sewing. At home you can sew anything - clothes, accessories, pillows, bed linen. Such products in certain circles are valued above factory;
  • Bijouterie. For the manufacture of decorations use any available materials - wire, beads, skin, wood, steel, clay.


In foreign online auctions there are constantly electronic devices in good condition, which owners are aslendance asleep for a penny. Thanks to virtual payment systems, such goods can be redeeming and ordering its delivery to Russia for resale. However, when working with foreign suppliers it should be remembered that the threshold of duty-free import in 2018 is only 1000 euros per month.

What can be sold fast? Buyers are popular with:

  • Laptops and tablets;
  • Gadgets and quadcopters;
  • Smartphones;
  • Cameras and video equipment;
  • Gaming consoles.

Own services

It is most profitable to sell our own services: the performer's experience is an inexhaustible asset that only grows in the process of conducting activities. Each person has some professional or practical skills that can be used to create a source of income. In the end, even the unqualified work of a minor allows you to get a certain profit. What can you sell a teenager to earn money:

  • Services walking dogs and animal care;
  • Courier services or announcement pillar;
  • Experience administration and promotion of groups in social networks.

Other people's services

Enoneling people know that to sell to earn quickly and without investments: cooperation should be arranged with specialists who provide qualified services and make a search for customers for them for remuneration.

When choosing a direction of activity, you need to consider the size target audience: Obviously, finding customers for elite auto repair shop is much more complicated than for a construction brigade that replaces ordinary apartments. The amount of the check is also important: 5% of commission from an order in 100,000 rubles look more attractive than 30% of the order in 10,000 rubles. Finally, it is necessary to take into account the preparation of the intermediary: to make a correct ad and negotiate with the client, it is necessary to understand the subject of sales at least at the initial level.

Where can I sell things?

There are several sites where anyone who wants to sell valuable items can urgently earn money without investing. However, it should be remembered that most of them are not suitable for the sale of vintage and antique things: such goods are better to exhibit specialized auctions:

  • Commission shop. Passing things to the store, you should first figure out the rules for their sale. For example, some outlets are allowed to set the price to the owner, while others are attracted to evaluate their experts. There may also be a store commission for the sale and storage of the subject;
  • The Internet. The publication of ads on the network allows you to cover a wide audience and sell things that are only a few connoisseurs in demand. The client may well live in another city and even in another country, but thanks to the delivery services, this problem is easy to solve;
  • Local newspapers. Free editions with great circulation covers the whole city and fall into postal boxes of thousands of potential buyers. In this way, it is better to sell utilitarian things of everyday destination: the collectors of antiques are rarely looking for sellers through the media;
  • Buyer. In the market there are entrepreneurs and organizations that buy certain items in wholesale and pieces - old wrist Watch, electronic devices, household appliances, mobile phones. You can find ads of such buyers at the entrances, in free newspapers or on the Internet;
  • Acquaintances. You can attract buyers by distributing information about the product through acquaintances. Perhaps some of them need a baby carriage, inexpensive clothing, furniture or household appliances: in the desire to save people often acquire used things through friends or relatives.

Video on the topic

How to quickly sell things?

Knowing that you can sell to earn, most citizens immediately start looking for buyers. However, experts are advised not to hurry the events: some preparatory activities allow you to further increase the cost of things and is guaranteed to get the flow of profitable proposals. So, you need:

  1. Cancel a thing in order. Clothes should be wrapped and stroke. Furniture - to repair and launder. Electronics - Clear dust and spots. The buyer must make sure that the owner belonged to things carefully and neatly;
  2. Photograph the subject. It is recommended to choose a neutral background and scattered lighting. For a small thing, there are enough 3-4 photos, while large furniture or a car must be submitted in detail;
  3. Create an ad. In the text, it is necessary to describe in detail the thing: from which material it is made, what dimensions has what functions performs. Focusing attention on defects is not necessary, but it should not be silent about their availability;
  4. Determine the cost of things. Too low price will force the buyer to doubt as a subject, but too high - will scare him. The cost of things is determined by its real state, the year of production and the level of market demand;
  5. Place suggestions. First of all, you should use free methods - bulletin boards, social networks, dating. After the publication, it is desirable to analyze the statistics of client calls from different platforms;
  6. The ad must contain maximum contact data. Some people reluctantly use the phone, as a result of which they try to find out the details by email or through Skype;
  7. Answer calls and letters should be promptly. There are quite similar proposals on the market, and therefore the potential buyer who has not received a response within a few hours is unlikely to try to contact the seller re-;
  8. Communication by buyers at any time of the day should be correctly and politely, truthfully answering their questions. If you choose about the defects of the thing, then the truth will still open at the meeting. As a result, both sides will only lose time;
  9. Customers love discounts and gifts. If you initially overstate the price and foresee the possibility of bargaining cannot be added to the proposal some minor bonus - for example, an inexpensive accessory or free shipping.


Price analysis on various trading platforms and ads of ads shows that even the sale of absolutely all unnecessary things in the house (excluding antiques, the car or real estate itself) will not bring a tangible amount. On the other hand, the revenue money is enough to buy a long-awaited smartphone or to pay for training courses about