The cultivation of basc cultures in the central regions of Russia. Growing Northern Melon and Watermelon - Tips and Personal Experience

Who has a desire to enjoy sweet and juicy melons and watermelons? These fruits will be more tastier if they are engaged in themselves. But not to all lovers, and even more novice bacchivodam, it is possible to achieve glorious yields. Often they are unhappy with damaged and spelled shoots. To avoid many mistakes, it is worth listening to the advice of experienced farmers.

In Ukraine and in the south of Russia, planting watermelons and Melon usually begins by the end of April and ends at the first May decade. Usually by this time they begin blowing dry, and the upper layers of the soil have already frown well. Pay attention to the features of planting these crops. The most common and easy way is manual. This is a very interesting process.

Planting watermelons and melons

Before diging up the hole, it is necessary to rotate the upper dry layer of the soil and deepen the soup blade at a certain angle into the moistened soil. The well is done so that one of her edges go deep into 10 cm, and the second was on the same level with the surface of the soil. The bottom of the hole in length should be no more than 30 cm, width - from 5 to 8 cm. From the removed soil you need to make a mound from the northern side of the wells and save it until the next weeding to get the best soil warming.

A handful of complex fertilizers or mixed ordinary fertilizers pour into the cooked well. Fertilizers are mixed with soil. After that, evenly, from small to the deep edge, placed from 7 to 10 seeds, it is possible and more. Next, the seeds fall asleep with a layer of moistened soil (two or three centimeters) and be covered with foot or tamper with palm. On top of the intake layer, another six or seven centimeters of moisturized soil are poured, and after the ground is fully storm. Do not take too tightly, it will make it difficult for the appearance of sprouts. Landing the watermelon in open ground occurs in the same method.

Landing watermelons in the Urals

Such a seasonal culture as watermelon is grown in different places in Russia, and the Urals are no exception. It should be paid to the fact that watermelons are very fond of heat and grow best in southern sunny places.

To begin with, we take into account the fact that for not all varieties are suitable, but only early, because warm days there is not enough, but hot and less. These varieties like "light", "sugar kid" and "scary" maturation time is not more than 70 days. During such time, even in the Ural climate, watermelons manage to grow and hide.

Before boarding the seeds you need to warm up. Envelopes with seeds should be decomposed in a fairly warm place for a period of time. The most suitable period for landing comes in the last few days of April.

Planting watermelons and melons best justifies themselves in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The sequence is the same as under normal conditions. It should be done well and plant a few seeds into each. The depth to which seeds omit is from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. After landing, the well need to pour. As weeds appear, they should be deleted.

Watermelon and Melon are associated with the taste of summer, and each gardener dreams of growing delicious fruits on its site. Watermelon has long been used as a healing diuretic medicine for cleaning the body. Muffin cultures are warmly loving and grow in warm climate, so for their cultivation and planting watermelons in open soil We need to own special knowledge.

It is necessary to know whether you can find it if you can plant a muddle if the cucumber, pepper, pumpkin or zucchini grows nearby.

Bacchis belong to the pumpkin family. Cultures are very helpful and contain great amount Vitamins. If you learn how to correctly grow these plants, you can get high yield delicious fruits.

Melon is quite suitable for the "Neighborhood" with watermelon. Plants tend to grow. It is not recommended to land them together too close..

Bacchis are prone to infection with various identical diseases. Therefore, if you can sit nearby, you need to understand the risks of distribution of diseases from one culture to another.

Correct seed seeds at home

Seeds at seedlings are planted approximately 60 days before landing in open ground. So, in mid-March, seeds must be bought. You can buy them in any specialized store or ask those who have already managed to grow high-quality watermelon and melons.

From the seeds of last year's watermelon it is impossible to get good harvest. The best seeds To put 5 year old ago. It is important to understand that only any early grades with a maturity of up to 70-85 days are suitable for our climate. It is better to give preference hybrid varietieswhich are more adapted to unfavorable conditions.

When preparing seeds, you need to make sure that they are not empty. To do this, seeds are immersed in water container all that came up, you can safely throw away. Seeds of watermelon germinate slower than melon seeds. Therefore, watermelon seeds are recommended to scream with boiling water, for better germination and then sow.

Preparation for landing and soaking

  1. Soak. Everyone private view seeds need to wrap and soak into fabric rags and maintain in a wet environment to germination. You can soak in special napkins.
  2. If the seeds have already proceeded, but there is no possibility to plant them in a timely manner, you can leave seeds in the refrigerator.

Sustained seeds are planted at home in separate small pots with a diameter of 10 cm, better peat. The soil must be a mixture: a humus, a derinous land 3: 1, add peat, sawdust, humid 3: 1: 0.5.

Each pot is planted 2 semen depth 5 cm. Earth moisten the sprayer. On top of a container cover food film And put in a warm place +25 degrees.

For the cultivation of seedlings of watermelon, it will take 40-45 days, and for melon 30 days.

  • when the seeds are germinate, transfer them to sunlight At temperature +22 degrees. Film to remove;
  • the best place for seedling is a windowsill on the south side of the house;
  • a week after sowing to feed the seedlings mineral fertilizersIn another week - the infusion of a cowboy with superphosphate.


When landing in open ground, you need to focus on climatic conditionsSelected Culture Grade, Capture Preparation.

Choosing soil

Before planting a muddle in an open soil, you need to choose a landing space. Exotic plants Love solar places where there is no shadow and wind.

Melon and watermelons need rich soils, as well as those that are well withstanding moisture. Perfect option - Sand and sampling soil with a hydrogen indicator 6-7 units.

Preparation of the site is made in the fall. At Popile, 4-5kg manure is made on a square meter, superphosphate 40g., Potash salt 30 gr. and ammonium sulfate.

Preparation of seedlings of watermelov

When the seedlings appear 5-7 leafsShe is ready to transplant into open ground. Best timethe end of May. However, you need to focus on weather conditions so that at night the air temperature remained +15 degrees.

A week before the landing in open ground, the seedlings need to be taken out for the daily temperature of + 16 + 20 degrees.

Landing Scheme in Open Soil - Depth and Distance

For landing in open ground, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. There should be a hole in the garden at a distance 0.5-0.7 meters from each other According to the scheme in a checker order. Between the rows leave the gaps in 70cm.
  2. Seedlings are placed in the wells so that the surface remains only a few top leaf. The soil should be accepted, and sprinkle with sand around to protect the plant from rot.
  3. Vintage after planting need to pour summer or slightly heated water.
  4. To protect a young plant from the scorching sun, you need to close the sprouts by the moistened caps of plastic or paper for 2-3 days.

10-14 days after landing, it is necessary to feed the crop with a solution of ammonium nitrate 20g on a bucket of 2 liters under each bush. During the appearance of buds, you need to feed the muddy infusion of a cow.

Features of growing Bakhchyev

To ensure free oxygen access to roots, the soil must be constantly bare to a depth of 10 cm. With the development of lateral loops, culture is emphasized. In order for the plant to not spend all the forces on the set of mass during the growth period, you need to pinitate the main stem. For the full development of the Bakhchev, three shoots are enough.

With the appearance of fruit barriers, they leave 2-6 of the strongest and large instances on the bush. To reduce the load on the plea, the fruits are recommended to linet in the grid and hang on support. Fruits are placed on foil linings so that not appeared.

If watermelons are later used for storage and transportation, it is better to take the berry not completely rissed.

Advantages of landing in open ground:

  • with warm weather you can achieve maximum ripeness fruits;
  • daily watering of culture is not required;
  • you can enhance the yield when complying with the basic rules for the selection and planting seeds for seedlings.

Grow watermelons and melons on cottage plot is quite real. Some even grown them in bags or greenhouses. If you follow all recommendations, then by the end of the summer you can enjoy sweet, sugar fruits. The main advantage of the cultivation of the Bakhchyev on his garden is the lack of chemicals.

Bahch culture demanding to the composition of the soil, humidity and air temperature. Deep root system Does not tolerate loved ones groundwater, starts to start. Late frosts, often in the regions with a cold climate, will not leave the seedlings chances for survival.

Rainy summer harvest will not destroy but will affect taste. Fruits will be unstecified, watery. When growing watermelons and melons in the greenhouses listed problems can be avoided.

What kind of greenhouse to choose?

Frame and observer material can be any. So, growingmelon and watermelon more and more finds their supporters. Cozy feel and under the cheap.

Pay attention is only a number of moments.

  • the greenhouse should be high. Ideally, at least two meters. The shoots of watermelons and melons, tied to the trellis raising high;
  • eliminate the penetration of cold air. The construction should not have slots, cracks, rupture;
  • to eliminate the development of fungal diseases (they are particularly sensitive to them).

    In the spring to disinfect the frame and the ground in the greenhouse bordeaux with a mixture or a solution of copper sulphate.

Moisthed cucumbers and Bulgarians will not be the best neighbors. Adherents of hot dry climate, watermelons and melons suffer from diseases ( puffy dew, angular spotting, perronosporosis) at moisture from sixty percent.

What varieties to choose?

For growing in a greenhouse you need to choose a zoned variety with small fruits of early or secondary maturation. Melon varieties: "Sunny", "Sweet Pineapple", "Russian Garden", "thirty-day", "Rainbow", "Autumn" give lovely harvest in greenhouses. Popular varieties Watermelon: "Sibiryak", "near Moscow Charleston", "Gift of the North", "Spark", "Cinderella", "Ultra Early".

How to prepare soil?

Melon and watermelon love fertile soil with weak or neutral acidity. It must be loose, breathable. Can not be allowed water. Good start the preparation of soil for the future harvest from autumn. Stay in beds from tops, cutting grass, overwhelmed manure.

What layer should Be manure in a greenhouse under watermelons and melons? Approximately 30 centimeters will be enough. Important! Refuse fallen leaves.

They love winter hazardous garden. In the spring you can make a straw manure or humid with mineral fertilizers.

To improve the soil structure for each square meter of the square, the bucket of river sand is poured and barbed beds. To reduce soil acidity calcium and magnesium compounds are added.. They feed plants and improve their growth.

Equipment of the acid balance will help sulfur or sulfate ammonium. By the time the seedlings landing should be warm. To do this, remove the soil layer to the depth of the shovel, put a mixture of herbal material and humoring, pouring large quantity hot water. Top putting the land and hide the film.

What you need to know about the seedlings?

For a strong, healthy seedlings are influenced by two factors:

  1. Properly selected seeds. They should be large and high specific mass. The solution of the cooking salt will help not be mistaken. Seeds are lowered into a liquid (teaspoon on a glass of water). The pop-ups are thrown. At the sowing taking those at the bottom. Before rinse from salt residues, dry.
  2. Nutritious ground. It is sold in stores, but it is easy to prepare themselves. Three kilograms humoring to mix with a kilogram of the turf. Add 200 gr. wood ash And a small spoonful of potassium sulfate. Sometimes mix peat or river sand . The soil must turn out loose, lightweight, well to skip moisture.

How to grow in the greenhouse watermelons and melon? Seedlings are beginning to grow usually in early April. From sowing seeds to the formation of a plant, ready for relocation to the greenhouse, takes 25-35 days for watermelons and 20-25 in Melon. Based on this, calculate the exact date of the start of work.

Seeds for quick germination machine B. warm water For two to three hours. It will not be superfluous to lower them into a weak mortar of manganese to protect against disease.

In peat pots for seedlings (can be replaced by plastic cups or cut bottle), they cheer one seed to a depth of up to three centimeters. Top covered with film. The temperature is maintained at least 25ºC. When shooting shoots, the film is cleaned. If, the pots with future watermelons and melons are transferred there. If the temperature is low, grown on the windowsill.

To ensure high viability of young plants will help several tips.

  • seedling needs B. large quantities Sveta. To prevent plant pulling, preferably create them an extended day (at least 14 hours);
  • watering exercise carefully. If water gets into the leaves, they can be understood;
  • plants are sensitive to "personal space". The pots should not stand close to each other;
  • do not neglect mineral feeders.

In the greenhouse, seedlings are transferred under two - three real leaves. Earth must warm up to 14ºC. Night air temperature is not lower than 5ºC-8ºC heat, and daylight above twenty.

With sudden decreases of air temperature, seedlings in the greenhouse should be covered. Plants do not postpone even short-term frost.

Sprouts gently remove from plastic Tara Together with a closer land and lowered the wells into the spilled warm water. The depth of them is 10 cm. Saplings are placed at a distance of 50 - 70 cm apart in a checker order. From above the earth mulch sawdust.

You can put two plants into one hole. The shoulders in this case are directed to the sides opposite from each other. In order to avoid the rotation of the root neck, do not plunge the plant in the soil. Whop must rise above the ground by 2 cm.

How to care?

Workupon receipt of a decent harvest not laboriousBut requires compliance with certain conditions.

  • Good fruiting will give a correctly formed plant.
  • How to grow melons in a greenhouse from polycarbonate? When growing melon over the fifth leaves, the point of growth is added (like on cucumbers). Two weeks and a half - two will appear the processes of the lower row. Weak immediately need to remove. At all strong shoots to stop the growth point. Important! If you want to get sweet, juicy major fruits, one berry should grow on each shoulder.

    To do this, wait, when the wound will grow up to five centimeters. Select the largest right form. Rest warie and flowers will have to removeEven if they are pretty you. Otherwise, you will get a lot of small unsweetened fruits with a herbaceous taste.

    Watermelon has a height point over the fifth sheet. Later, two lower escapes are removed (the flowers grow late on them, the fruits do not have time to grow). Subsequent launches are tied to the trellis on both sides of the main sprout. Shootless shoots are removed.

    Side shoots with barbells stop over the third sheet above female, over the seventh above male flowers. For Arbuzov optimally leave on one plant n e more than five - six fruits.

  • Watermelons and melons need to provide a lot of sun and heat.
  • Favorable for development bakhchy culture The temperature is 30ºC. With a long heat, the greenhouse is ventilated, opening the vents or doors. This measure prevents the formation of condensate. Important! Melon will easily transfer any heat. Watermelons from the scorching heat should be covered with protective material. You can plant a snack plant (for example, the curved beans).

  • Humidity must be reduced.
  • Watermelon and Melon have a deep root system, allowing to extract water underground. When converging, the roots will refuse, cracks will appear on the fruits. The lack of moisture will be reported to the plants themselves. If the leaves were led, watering time came. Well proven itself drip system Watering, excluding water from entering the leaves.

  • Need a garter to the trellis.
  • It is necessary to do this when the plants are still low, under the second or third sheet. As the scourge grows, screwed up.

  • The appeared yellow flowers inform about the need to go to the next stage - pollination.
  • It is important not to miss the time. Male flowers will fall in a few hours. Women are capable of pollination for three days. Major can be polled independently. But for this you need living assistants - bees.

    With their absence, you will have to take the process of pollination in own hands. Find men's flowers. They are large and without getting. Take them and remove the petals.

    Do it very carefully. Do not shake pollen. The stamens of men's flowers several times attached to female pestles.

  • Bakhchy cultures growing in the greenhouse require mandatory feeding of wood ash.
  • She gives berries a sweet taste. Especially important asking for melon. Mineral fertilizers contribute once a month. Every ten days of the plant, it is recommended to water the ammonium nitrate diluted in water (15 gr. By 10 liters of water). Important! As soon as the fruits begin to ripen, the feeder stop.

  • Bakhchy cultures should not touch the Earth.
  • You can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Ripening fruits are placed each in a separate grid and tie to the trellis. it best Method Save watermelons and melons.
  2. Put under watermelon or melon a plate. This method is good only for the lower fruit (or you have to bend the leaves to the ground). To minuses should be attributed need to regularly turn the berries For uniform maturation.
  3. Make a shellf from any material, fasten them on the walls of the greenhouse. Fruits will also have to turn over.
  4. Sometimes cardboard boxes are used instead of grids. They are difficult to fasten to the trellis, it is difficult to monitor the development of the fetus.

About the maturity of watermelons will report shiny bark with a clear pattern, triggering fruit and characteristic deaf sound when hitting a berry. Ripe melons make a unique fragrance. Store Vintage B. cardboard boxes. It is desirable every fruit in a separate container.

How to avoid mistakes?

In some cases, bulk berries are not tied. This is due to the mistakes made.

  1. Wrong seed selection. Buy them better in specialized stores. Pay and the admissibility of growing in a particular region;
  2. Violation of the conditions of growing seedlings and fructing plants. Formation of a wield, garter, pollination affect the formation of uncens;
  3. Low temperature ambient. In cold rainy summer need to provide additional heat heating and plants highlighting by LED or sodium lamps.

In compliance with the simple conditions of landing and care, mudflows in protected ground will grow no worse than under the southern sun. Environmentally friendly, free watermelon and melon nitrates we will delight Ogorodnikov abundant harvest and excellent taste.

Useful video:

Green striped watermelons and fragrant yellow melons are an excellent summer delicacy that adults and children are hardly waiting for both adults. These southerners feel great in a hot dry climate, but in middle lane It's not so easy to grow. However, this does not stop the land lovers living in this territory. Today, dear subsidiaries and we will talk about growing watermelons and melons In the open ground in the middle lane.

The subtleties of growing melting crops in the unsuitable climate

First, it should be noted that not all varieties of mesh cultures can be raised with the same success in the middle lane. Leading agronomists advise such varieties of watermelons for this region: Obury, Bream, Gift of the North, Black Sea, Dima, Moscow Region Charleston, Borisphen, Borchansky, Borisphen. From Melon it is better to stay on such: Bereginka, Cinderella, Titovka, Serpian.

In regions with a more harsh climate, than in habitats familiar to watermelons and melons, agronomists advise to grow these cultures through seedlings. To do this, landing seeds need to do in the average of April. In the warmest areas of the middle band, you can try to grow melting cultures without seedlings, straight sowing in open ground. Suitable terms for this event - the last decade of May.

For basic crops, the subpetues are suitable better fit. Ideal daytime temperature indicators for crops are in the range from 25 to 30 ° C, night - not lower than 18 ° C. Details on planting watermelons and their unmeasured companion will talk further. These tips will be useful to you if your site is in the middle strip.

Eat: from sowing before moving to open ground

For fans of watermelons and melons living in the middle strip, growing seedlings - beautiful way Get large and delicious fruits. Sowing in mid-April, after conducting training, which includes:

Preparation of glasses for seedlings with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
Ensuring air temperature not below 25 ° C.
Substrate preparation: peat / nerd land + humid (perfect peat pots).
Soaking seeds per day.

In each pot placed two germinated seeds. Twice for the entire period of growth before landing in an open ground, seedlings are fed by mineral fertilizers. It is not necessary to freely. At the time of the landing on the sprouts should be 3-5 leaves, and the temperature on the street is up to 18 ° C. 7 days before the planned event, young plants should be booted, well by venting the room.

In the middle lane until mid-June, the garden is desirable to cover the agricultural or film on arcs. Periodically, the shelter needs to be removed for the purpose of ventilating and for watering.

Melon seedlings for further cultivation in the open ground in the middle lane

Direct way: Growing without seedlings

Before boarding mudflows, immediately in open ground, their seeds should also be prepared by soaking. Watermelon seeds deepen at 5-6 cm, and melons - by 3-4 cm. Each hole is lowered five or six seeds. When sprouts appear, it is necessary to leave only one or two strongest in every well. The recommended distance between the plants is given in the description of the cultivation of seedlings. At first, the beds should be covered to complete rooting.

Tip! With insufficient nutritional nutrition on the bottom of each well, you need to put fertilizer and sprinkle its land.

Watermelon Care and Melons in Open Ground

When two pairs of real leaves appear on young sprouts or immediately after removing the shelter, the aisle must be exploded, and the plants are dipped. Before the screens begin to settle down on the ground, it is necessary to carry out one more loosening together with the dip. Shaped shoots should be evenly distributed over the area.

Watering watermelons and melons only in cases of extreme drought. In no case should not do this during the ripening of fruits. It is impossible to pour water into the leaves of plants nor under the root - for this, special grooves are breaking between rows. Remember, the convergence can lead to a deterioration in yield and to the development of fungal diseases of crops. During periods of rainy, frozen cultures are desirable to cover the film.

After forming 2-4 stocks (than the north of the region, the less) the watermelon's vacuums in the middle band pinch, leaving after the last launch of 3-4 leaves. The shoots on which the fruits are not tied, you need to completely remove.

In the case of melon, you need to do differently. This culture has no fruits formed on the main, but on the side stems. To stimulate their development, after the formation of the fifth sheet, delete the growth point. As a result, you need to leave four lateral escapes on each vacation, choosing the strongest. Each such shoot, leave one healthy fetus when they are sized walnut. The rest of the wound and the flowers need to be removed, and second order shoots, leaving 2-3 sheets after the saved fetus.

Only residents of the southern regions can abandon the formation of melon and watermelons. There, light and heat will be enough to have all the fruits formed on each plant.

When growing melons and watermelons in the middle lane, take care so that the fruits do not lie on the ground

From overheating and supercooling, melting cultures protect mulching. You can use peat, humid or compost. The recommended layer is 4-6 cm. In order for melons and watermelons to be better heated by the Sun and did not give in to the effects of raw land, a piece of chalkboard, tiles should be put on each fruit. ceramic tile. Such a measure will also protect cultures from pests such as a wire and a bear.

The cultivation of watermelons and melons in the open ground in the middle lane can be quite successful. True, it is necessary to take some additional measures to get a rich harvest of these thermo-loving crops. For example, it is better to grow seedlings in advance. With disembarking to open ground, you can not rush, performing an event in the late spring. At the beginning of the development of plants in the open soil, they are better to hide them. From heavy rains, mudflows are also covered with film.

Scorch. The land for seedling should be good, we need peat with pH\u003e 5.5, which necessarily contains agroperlitis, perlite or vermiculite. The earth needs to buy in advance and before the main landings check how watermelon is growing in this soil. If the watermelon is grown to 3 leaves, then most likely everything is in order.

  1. April 15.
  2. April 16-17, pelleen, or plant seeds of watermelon / melon in vermiculitis
  3. April 18 begins
  4. April 20-21 Pelane, or planting Lagenraian seeds in vermiculitis
  5. April 23-25 \u200b\u200bmake
  6. On May 10-15, watermelons \\ Melon should have 5-6 real leaves.

Seedling must be like this:

or such

It is extremely not desirable to plant plants into peat pots, with them constantly problems, the earth will dry, then the mold, then the roots in the walls are absorbed. It is necessary to plant in plastic cups, ideally 0.5 liters, minimum 0.2 liters

Good horse system, age seedlings 18 days:

Class volume for seedlings

The question is complex. On the one hand, the more topics better plantsbut at the same time takes more places and heavier to replant, because The roots will not have time to form a dense lump of roots. But if the roots go back too much, then such seedlings will start a long time when disembarking.

For example, in 2016, I planted on April 25 in a greenhouse two watermelons in cups 0.2 ml, 1st of May landed two watermelons in 0.5 ml cups. Seedling was one age, about one increase strength. As a result, on the state of mid-May, seedlings landed on May 1 overtakes the planted 25th. Watermelons from cups 0.2 ml days 10 simply did not change in size, and from 0.5 ml began to grow the next day. Please note that everything is planted in heated greenhouse, heated soil.

Now I see the following picture

Better, if 1000 ml cups are elongated.

Preparation of beds

In late April - early May, when the earth warms up, you can begin to prepare a garden. Watermelons love lung, air-permeable soil, i.e. Such in the middle lane and the suburbs usually not. Therefore, in Standard Suglocks, at a peroxide, you need to add a minimum of 6 sand buckets and 0.5 buckets with a square meter. The pH of the soil is optimal from 6 to 7. If necessary, add ash and dolomite flour.

I plant watermelons according to a scheme of 0.9 x 2.5 meters. It is not necessary to jump over the whole earth, it is enough to plow the rows of 1 meter width.

The beds need to be covered with black mulching material or black film.


May 15-20 landing plants on the garden. A week before the plant disembarking, it is necessary to start hardening, for example, to make a balcony.

When landing in the ground

  1. Pour Kornvin
  2. Spray epin \\ zircon.
  3. In the wells we introduce a comprehensive fertilizer, according to the instructions, for example,
  4. We hide with the concerning material 40 or 60.
  5. If the forecast is promised freezing, it is necessary to strengthen in two layers, 40 + 60 or 40 + 40. The most warm option Shelters is an agrososphere + film, withstands freezing to -4 degrees.

I watch the forecast on the website, in my opinion he is there the most accurate. Please note that at all sites the temperature forecast is indicated at an altitude of 2 meters, in May on Earth will be 2-3 degrees below. In May, the cloudless nights are especially dangerous. In May, when forecast in + 2 degrees, watermelons can be frozen under the material 40.

For one watermelon must be at least 2 square meters Square.

Shelter Arbuzov

Watermelons need to be kept covered before the onset of stable warm weather. In the agrospan, 40 watermelons feel perfectly well in 28 degree heat, nothing will be with them. For shelter it is necessary to make arcs, the cheapest and simple version is fiberglass fittings 8mm diameter, sold on building markets, in Obi, in Lerua. In mid-June, plants are already too huge and the material has to be completely removed.

Normalizing plants

Watermelons planted in ogs do not need to form, the more greenery, the greater the harvest. Week should be so much how much will grow. But with fruits more difficult. If the main whip is shorter than meter, all the zerozyes need to be mercilessly removed, it is definitely. Ideal when the first watermelon begin to tie on 2 metering weaves. For getting maximum yield Most of the varieties need to leave 3-4 fetas if you want a large watermelon leave one fruit. I consider the optimal time of the fruit tying on June 20-25. Watermelons faced after July 20 will not cause.

Melons are increasingly harder. In contrast to watermelons, they need to form them, the main stem is pumped after the 7th sheet, the second order stalks (grow from the main thing) are pumped after the fifth sheet. I don't do the normalization of melon fruit.

Under the fruits necessarily put the bakery, so as not to rot.