Program "Perspective Primary School": reviews, textbooks, planning. Program "Perspective Primary School"

Developing personal-oriented learning system - This is an educational and methodical kit (UMC) for elementary school. Project "Perspective Primary School" - Result perennial work The team of the staff of the Russian Academy of Sciences, APK and PPRO, Moscow State University, MGPU. UMK "Perspective Primary School" produces a publisher "Academkniga / Tutorial" .

Conceptual provisions Programs "Perspective Primary School" are correlated with the requirements of the federal state educational Standard Primary general education (GEF NOO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

The main content of the learning system "Perspective primary school" it consists of educational areas like philology, mathematics, informatics, natural science and social studies, art, musical education. Training program Each subject is based on an integrated basis reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

CMD "Perspective Primary School" includes includes the following completed subject lines of textbooks:

- Russian language.
ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. Authors: Chuhrakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya OV, Baikova TA
- Literary reading. Author: Chuhrakova N.A.
- Mathematics. Chekin A.L.
- Informatics and ICT (2-4 classes). Authors: Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.
- The world. Authors:Fedotova ON, Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L. A.
- Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics(4th grade).
The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Basics of secular ethics. Authors: Vasilyeva TD, Savchenko K.V., Tulaeva T.I.
- Art. Authors: Kashaova I.E., Kashekov A.L.
- Music. Authors: Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V.
- Technology. Authors: Ragozina TM, Greeneva A.A., Golovanov I.L., Mylova I.B.
- Physical education. Authors: Shishkin A.V., Alimpiyeva O.P., Brehov L.V.
- English"Favourite" (2-4 classes). Authors: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Shut-off D.S., Sukhina E.I.

All textbooks umk, In addition to the textbooks "Enough Peace" Fedotova O.N. et al., inthe key to the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of having state accreditation educational programs initial general, basic general, secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 31, 2014 N 253).

Textbooks "Environmental World" for 1-4 classes Fedotova O.N. et al. Are excluded from the list by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 28, 2015. N 1529.

Textbooks UMC "Perspective Primary School" successfully passed an examination for compliance with the 2009 GEF of 2009. The textbooks were included in the federal lists of the textbooks recommended or the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to use educational process in educational institutionsFor 2013/2014 academic year.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe program "Perspective Primary School" - The optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the context of specially organized training activities, where the student acts as a student, then as a training situation, then as an educational institution.

Basic principles concept "Perspective primary school" :
- The principle of continuous common development Each child.
- The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
- The principle of accounting for individual opportunities and abilities of schoolchildren.
- Principles of strength and visibility.
- Principle of protection and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of the program "Perspective Primary School":
- Completenessprovides for the unity of setting the formation of such general training skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), skill business communication (Work in pairs, small and large team). In addition, this is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining a new material. Exit outside the tutorial in the dictionary of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
- Instrumentality- These are subject to methodological mechanisms that promote practical application Received knowledge. It's not just the inclusion of dictionaries miscellaneous destination To all textbooks, but also the creation of the conditions for their use when solving specific training tasks or as an additional source of information. This is a permanent organization of special work on the search for information within the textbook, the set in general and beyond.
- Interactivity- Internet addresses in the textbooks of the kit are designed for promising development of the terms of use of the computer in all schools. However, since for many schools, the use of Internet addresses is a perspective, UMC builds an interactive communication system with schoolchildren through systematic exchange of letters between the characters of textbooks and schoolchildren.
- Integration - This is a desire for the creation of synthetic, integrated courses, giving schoolchildren an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic picture of the world. The integrated "surrounding world" course was developed, in which the ideas and concepts from such educational areas, as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, Obzhi, organically coexist. The current course of the literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such people are integrated. educational regions, as language, literature and art.

Basic Methodical Features CMD "Perspective primary school" :
- CMD for each academic subject, as a rule, includes a textbook, hostess, notebook for independent work, a methodological manual for a teacher (methodologist).
- Each methodological manual consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, which can be used by a teacher as a theoretical basis for improving its qualifications. The second part is directly occurring the thematic planning where the course of each lesson is painted, its goals and objectives are formulated, and also contains ideas of answers to all questions specified in the textbook.

Official site.

In 2015, the 1A class is engaged in the Program "Perspective Primary School". What is this umk? I present to your attention a generalized information about this program.

The conceptual positions of the training system "Perspective Primary School" are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (GEF NOO), which is based on a systemic and activity approach.

Main content CMD "Perspective Primary School"it consists of educational areas like philology, mathematics, informatics, natural science and social studies, art, musical education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

UMC "Perspective Primary School" includes the following completed subject lines of textbooks:

  • Russian language.
  • ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
  • Russian language. Authors: Chuhrakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya OV, Baikova TA
  • Literary reading. Author: Chuhrakova N.A.
  • Mathematics. Chekin A.L.
  • Informatics and ICTs (2-4 classes). Authors: Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.
  • The world. Authors:Fedotova ON, Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L. A.
  • Art. Authors: Kashaova I.E., Kashekov A.L.
  • Music. Authors: Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V.
  • Technology. Authors: Ragozina TM, Greeneva A.A., Golovanov I.L., Mylova I.B.
  • Physical education. Authors: Shishkin A.V., Alimpiyeva O.P., Brehov L.V.

All textbooks of the UMC are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of government accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 31, 2014 No. 253).

Textbooks UMC "Perspective Primary School" successfully passed an examination for compliance with the 2009 GEF of 2009. The textbooks were included in the federal lists of the textbooks recommended or to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to use in the educational process in educational institutions, for the 2015/2016 academic year.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe program "Perspective Primary School" - The optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the context of specially organized training activities, where the student acts as a student, then as a training situation, then as an educational institution.

The basic principles of the concept of "Perspective Primary School":

  • The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
  • The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
  • The principle of accounting for individual opportunities and abilities of schoolchildren.
  • Principles of strength and visibility.
  • Principle of protection and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of UMK "Perspective Primary School":

  • Completenessit provides for the unity of setting the formation of such general training skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simplest equipment), the skill of business communication (work in pairs, small and large team). In addition, this is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining a new material. Exit outside the tutorial in the dictionary of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
  • Instrumentality- These are subject-to-methodical mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the knowledge gained. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries of various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of the conditions for their use when solving specific training tasks or as an additional source of information. This is a permanent organization of special work on the search for information within the textbook, the set in general and beyond.
  • Interactivity- Internet addresses in the textbooks of the kit are designed for promising development of the terms of use of the computer in all schools. However, since for many schools, the use of Internet addresses is a perspective, UMC builds an interactive communication system with schoolchildren through systematic exchange of letters between the characters of textbooks and schoolchildren.
  • Integration - This is a desire for the creation of synthetic, integrated courses, giving schoolchildren an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic picture of the world. The integrated "surrounding world" course was developed, in which the ideas and concepts from such educational areas, as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, Obzhi, organically coexist. The current course of the literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such educational areas are integrated as language, literature and art.

The main methodological features of the UMC "Perspective Primary School":

  • The CMD for each training subject, as a rule, includes a textbook, readbook, a notebook for independent work, a methodological manual for a teacher (methodologist).
  • Each methodological manual consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, which can be used by a teacher as a theoretical basis for improving its qualifications. The second part is directly occurring the thematic planning where the course of each lesson is painted, its goals and objectives are formulated, and also contains ideas of answers to all questions specified in the textbook.
  • The main installation of the kit, - attention to practical tasks. Knowledge is a part of life, not something abstract.

Tasks in textbooks are aimed at activating cognitive activity, the development of independence and initiatives in training, the formation of conscious interest in the subject. The child feels that the doctrine is the joy of small discoveries.

They are decorated in such a way that not only children, but also adults immediately attract. I want to flip them, consider, just to hold in your hands. Availability large number Illustrations attracts attention, children live life moments together with heroes, empathize and help them, illustrations to solve certain didactic tasks.

In the textbook of Mathematics A.L. Checkin clearly traced a system of various exercises for the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes ("Enclose into the Red Frame, in the Blue Pencil", step by step fulfillment of tasks, etc.), daily development work small Motoriki ("Color, circle, draw"). Acquaintance of children with basic geometric concepts is based on the vital experience of children, ideas about the forms of items. A diverse geometric material, schemes and drawings in the textbook, the entire task system is significantly developed in children visual-shaped thinking.

The presence of two points of view on the problem under study allows the child to try their opinion, his own life experience to one of them, children learn to prove the correctness of their own judgments. Already no one surprises the presence of several faithful solutions in the task.

The textbook of the Russian language at first glance he and the textbook is not like it. In grade 1, children with fabulous characters simply travel along the magic forest, they save his inhabitants, help them, thereby comprehend the secrets of the tongue and solve certain language problems. The textbooks of the textbook fascinate with their fabulous atmosphere. But all the tasks of the textbook are simulated in accordance with the basic principles of the program. With the help of marking, one for the textbook and notebook, the guys are already freely oriented into the manuals, find a new topic, return to the studied, use the prompts, work in groups and carry out verification.

The course of literary reading solves many tasks for all set: the formation of the ability to find the necessary information in the book, focusing on the "Content" page; The ability to determine the content of the text by its name. Tutorial, Reader and notebook for independent work Related structurally circle ideas. All four years along with the children travel Masha and Misha - the heroes of the entire course. This creates a feeling of continuity, training sequences. The textbooks of the literary reading laid a colossal art historical material, there are amazing qualities of artistic reproductions, disks with musical works.

Especially I want to say about work in miniGurizers. Children of this age are characterized by a certain proprietary position. They do not even like when a neighbor in the desk looks in their notebook, and they will not allow anyone to paint or paint the picture in your tutorial. Children are closed with palms performed work, move away. Tutorials UMC "Perspective Primary School" already using pictograms aims children to work in a group, offer to see the neighbor, exchange notebooks. Such daily work contributes to the formation of the moral foundation of the personality: teaches children to establish contact, trust the neighbor in the desk, plan overall work, Discussion.

Children really like the textbook "Arrive Mir": colorful, bright, with great pleasure work in notebooks. Texts and tasks in the textbook and notebook are favored personally to the disciples and are designed to work in groups. All tasks are designed for multivariate answers. The study of the surrounding world goes on comparison. Watching and comparing, children make the first independent conclusions. Tasks are aimed at search engine activities (for example, plant division into groups)

In the selection educational material, development of the language of the material, the development of the methodological apparatus of the kit took into account the following provisions:

  • the age of the schoolchild (first-grader can be both 6.5 years and 7-8
  • different level of its development (schoolboy who did not attend kindergarten, often comes to school with unformed sensory standards);
  • schoolchild topographic activity. This is not only a city, but also a rural schoolboy;
  • different level of language proficiency (not always is the carrier of one language or has speech therapy problems);
  • features of a schoolboy worldview, who often communicates with one knowledge carrier - teacher
  • different occupancy of classes was also taken into account.

A well-thought-out system of tasks and questions, experiments encourage children to be observant, attentive to all that is happening, children are glad to involve parents in this process, are looking for additional information in reference editions, thereby learn to work with additional literature.

The educational and methodological kit "Perspective Primary School" includes a huge staff of teaching aids such as a textbook, Reader, workbooks for independent works, notebooks for knowledge control and skills. Developing the independence of the child from the first steps in the school, "promising elementary school" is achieved good results learning to read, writing and account. Children are quickly mastering the skills of fluid reading, letters, and the solution of logical exercise does not cause difficulties in students. The UMC "Perspective Primary School" was built on the principle of complication of educational material, many interesting and creative tasks, developing thinking and memory of the child.

Firstly, these textbooks draw children a full picture of the world, while relying on the life experience of the child himself. This in the educational literature will meet infrequently. Secondly, they teach talk (on the development of speech there are not only literature and Russian, but even mathematics and the "surrounding world"), observe and ... read. Do not view the pages diagonally, namely reading - greedily and with passion. In general, the child may have the impression that there is no textbook in front of him, and an entertaining adventure story about a smart girl Masha, her younger brother Misha, about their friends, classmates and a wonderful teacher Evdokia Vasilyevna, whose explanations are simple and intelligence. This story line Captures the reader immediately and for a long time: who does not want to divide all their tests with his favorite heroes? Such a "felting", by the way, there is another serious plus. If, Cause, the child misses the classes, then now this is not a tragedy for parents: they read, disassembled, carried out together and are not behind the program.

The task of the school is not just to give children a complex of knowledge, but to teach them these knowledge to extract yourself. I believe that the entire set of textbooks with this task successfully copes.

Teacher 1A Class Bouwlavieva Marina Valerievna

From the experience of the program "Perspective Primary School" and comparative analysis with the methodology of teaching the program "School of Russia"

In Bobelohovskaya Central secondary school I worked for 22 years in primary school teacher, from them 19 years old I worked under the program "School of Russia".

To work on this program, a lot of time was leaving for the search. additional material, selection of fabulous heroes, various game moments. Therefore, I needed to stock additional literature. Over time, tutorials began to change for the better methodical manuals. In mathematics, the Russian language surrounding the world was issued notebooks for independent work. But still wanted something new, more cognitive and interesting. Therefore, when 3 years ago, I clicked the first classes with Biyushkin Lidia Petrovna, we were offered a new program of UMC "Perspective Primary School". At the beginning, it was terrible to take something new, but we were not very satisfied with literary reading, I wanted some changes in mathematics and the surrounding world. I think that this is what prompted us to work on the work of the prospective elementary school.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe UMK "Perspective Primary School" is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inconsistencies, development) in the context of specially organized training activities, where the student acts as a student, then as a student, That is the role of the organizer of the Educational Situation.

The system of tasks of a different level of difficulty, a combination of individual educational activities of a child with his work in small groups and participation in club work allow us to provide conditions under which training is ahead of development, that is, in the zone of the nearest development of each student on the basis of accounting for its actual development and personal Interests. The fact that the student cannot perform individually, it can do with a neighbor on a desk or in a small group. And what is the complexity for a particular small group becomes an accessible understanding in the process of collective activities.

What subjects are included?

All that are put on the basic curriculum. The main content of the UMC "Perspective Primary School" is made up of such educational areas as philology, mathematics, informatics, natural science and social studies, art, musical education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

What includes a set for each subject?

For each of the items, a whole set of educational publications was created, which includes a textbook, a workbook, for most items created a textbook. In order to ensure as a whole, the educational process and the provision of the teacher were made methodological manuals and collections of work, allowing to organize control and appraisal activities in general. This is not so much the former texts of test independent work, how many technologically developed systems allowing the teacher to organize and pre-work, and subsequent correctional work on the results of its writing.

In mathematics (Avt. Alexander Leonidovich Chekin) there was a lot of new and interesting, which is not (). Many unconventional tasks, which helps to approach the topic from different sides and the Olympics are not terrible, because children get used to such tasks. And everything began with brief schemes. When solving tasks, children met with various schemeswho helped them solve problems.

In the adaptation period, when the child is "learning" to be a schoolboy, it is very important to create an educational environment for him corresponding to its age and opportunities. The children of the seventh year of life with difficulty retain attention and can produce not more than 5-7 minutes. This condition requires special planning of the lesson time and organizing its content, and not just the organization of dynamic pauses in the middle of the lesson. For example, in a lesson, one of the tasks may be such that all children without exception should take place to approach the board, and the experimental task is allowed to perform standing. The transition from frontal forms to work in a group or in pairs also allows children to move. At each lesson in the class, a dynamic moment is carried out, which is woven into the subject of the lesson. For example, in the lesson of studying various diseases and methods of transferring them from one person to another, a game is performed illustrating the transmission of the disease through a handshake. Children become a circle. The hands of one of the students are lubricated by the gel for the body with sparkles. This student shakes hands to several children, and they are the rest. Then the children consider their hands and see the shine on them. The conclusion is made: like brilliance, with the hands of one person, microbes that cause diseases are transmitted to other people. Students are invited to wash hands with soap. This simple way will quickly teach children to take care of their health.

And how many studies have been conducted in grade 3? We learned that the bodies are: natural, artificial and celestial. Each body consists of substances. And substances from the smallest particles: molecules and atoms. We learned to distinguish solid, liquid and gaseous substances. We learned about the properties of water, air, minerals.

New items appeared:

Technology (auth., Greenieva A. A., and friend ...)

Informatics (auth.,)

In this school year, we met the multi-level lists, with the block diagrams of the algorithm and its branch, simple and complex statements, with performers of algorithms - "Certificate", "Firemen" and "Drawer".

A few words about the classroom. In class 19 students. Of these, 9 students from full families, 5 students from families in a divorce, 4 are brought up by the mother - loneliness.

In class 3 -excellent , 4 student on "4 and 5", 2student with one "3" -in English language .

I would like to note that not all children can master this kit, I mean socially launched children who do not pay due attention, and the teacher has no opportunity due to the lack of hours for additional classes.

Some complain that there are a lot of textbooks, and some that the kit is expensive.

And yet I like this program.

It pursues the same goals and objectives as other programs, and the result end in the end is the same. Just the order of that changes, the approach of other, methods and techniques.

Every teacher of the Will-Neils is still from other programs takes the form of work familiar to him, the same control, which is not enough. I think from everything there is a way out.

Another thing, I believe, to release into the world, you need the program when all the materials are already there, for the teacher especially.


1. The first lessons on the new study kit "Perspective Primary School"

Newspaper "Primary School" together with the publishing house "Science"

2. "The promising elementary school is waiting for its new students" Professor of the Department of Preschool Primary Education Academy of Education Administration (APCRO) "Perspective Primary School" Professor.

3. "Written computing: relevance or tribute to tradition"

The developing personality-oriented training system "Perspective Primary School" is an educational and methodical kit (UMC) for elementary school. The project "Perspective Primary School" is the result of many years of work of the team of employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences, AIC and PPP, Moscow State University, MHPU. CMD "Perspective Primary School" produces Academknig / Tutorial publishing house.

Conceptual provisions of the training system " Perspective elementary school"Correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (GEF NOO), which is based on a systemic and activity approach.

UMK "Perspective Primary School" for 1-4 classes Includes includes the following completed subject lines of textbooks:

- Russian language.
ABC. Authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. Authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya OV, Baikova TA

- Literary reading.


Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics (grade 4).
The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Basics of secular ethics. Authors: Vasilyeva TD, Savchenko K.V., Tulaeva T.I.

English "Favourite" (2-4 classes). Authors: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Shut-off D.S., Sukhina E.I.

All textbooks of the UMC are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of government accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 31, 2014 No. 253).

Tutorials UMK "Perspective Primary School" Successfully passed an examination for compliance with the 2009 GEF of 2009. The textbooks were included in the federal lists of the textbooks recommended or the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to use in educational institutions in educational institutions, for the 2013/2014 academic year. Newly published tutorials There are marks "second generation standards".

Main idea programs "Perspective Primary School" - The optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the context of specially organized training activities, where the student acts as a student, then as a training situation, then as an educational institution.

The basic principles of the concept of "Perspective Primary School":

  • The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
  • The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
  • The principle of accounting for individual opportunities and abilities of schoolchildren.
  • Principles of strength and visibility.
  • Principle of protection and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical properties of UMK "Perspective Primary School":

- Completeness It provides for the unity of setting the formation of such general training skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simplest equipment), the skill of business communication (work in pairs, small and large team). In addition, this is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining a new material. Exit outside the tutorial in the dictionary of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).

- Instrumentality - These are subject-to-methodical mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the knowledge gained. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries of various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of the conditions for their use when solving specific training tasks or as an additional source of information. This is a permanent organization of special work on the search for information within the textbook, the set in general and beyond.

- Interactivity - Internet addresses in the textbooks of the kit are designed for promising development of the terms of use of the computer in all schools. However, since for many schools, the use of Internet addresses is a perspective, UMC builds an interactive communication system with schoolchildren through systematic exchange of letters between the characters of textbooks and schoolchildren.

- Integration - This is a desire for the creation of synthetic, integrated courses, giving schoolchildren an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic picture of the world. The integrated "surrounding world" course was developed, in which the ideas and concepts from such educational areas, as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, Obzhi, organically coexist. The current course of the literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such educational areas are integrated as language, literature and art.

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Umk perspective elementary school

In the selection and presentation of the educational material, the following provisions were taken into account: the schoolchild age; different levels of its development; topographic activity of a schoolchild; different level of ownership of the Russian language; Different class cities.


Lumen learning

Literary reading

Russian language

The world


My 4 "in" class


Hello, dear parents. (Slide 1) My name is, Sturchak Victoria Viktorovna. I would like to tell you about the program promising elementary school.

This program was introduced in in order to ensure the variability of education at the initial stage of training. The PNS program is developed in accordance with GEF (Slide 2)

What is so special differ from the OTC "PNSH" from others alternative Systems? I think that very many. Namely: the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthis CMD is the optimal development of each child based on pedagogical support of its individuality (age, abilities, interests, inconsistencies, development) in the context of specially organized training activities, where the student as an equal participant in the learning process.

The project "PNSH" is interesting for both teachers and students in that there are interdisciplinary connections. All textbooks are interconnected by a single intrigue. In the center of "PNSH" is the subject " the world"(Slide 4). It grows roots to all other subjects. The child "needs to" knock over "into the world around the world so that it becomes a competent and developed person," the authors of the project are considered.

Next to students, the life of their peers (older sister and younger brother Masha and Misha Ivanovy) unfolds. Heroes of the UMK have a specific place of residence with the title, history, parents, school, teachers, classmates and friends.

Misha and Masha grow, change, perform various samples of tasks. Following them, this is done by our students develop public skills. Children are very interesting.

Tutorials "PNSH" teach a child to work with all sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, libraries surrounding people, computer and the Internet. Already from 2 classes, children in Russian lessons get acquainted with five types of dictionaries and constantly use these dictionaries in other lessons. In all the textbooks "PNSH" many drawings, illustrations and diatic schemes. Everything is thought out, there is nothing superfluous. The textbook from the end of grade 2 of grade 4 is a tutorial for a child. The whole method of conducting lessons is laid in textbooks. Children look at the table of contents, answer questions, open dictionaries, study the topic, draw conclusions. The teacher sends the work of children, coordinates their actions, gives children a tool to children - (textbook) and teaches to work with him. Let's consider UMK MNS: (Slide 6)

All subjects on subjects have a continuation - working notebooks on printed BasedIn which the child independently or with the help of a teacher, parents perform the appropriate tasks.

1.Mathematics (slide 7) is built very strictly, solves traditional questions with unconventional methods. The authors recommend not to retreat from the methodology of the subject of the subject and believe that, thanks to this system of filing the material, students will develop truly mathematical thinking.

2. Education learning, (slide 8) of the Russian language (Slide 9) and literary reading (Slide 10) take into account the real norms of pronunciation in Russia, speech therapy problems of primary school students, neurological psychotype modern child. The textbooks are thought out by a work system that encourages the schoolchildren to extract information and operate it. To build a holistic picture of the world and on the development of speech in UMC, a system of work with picturesque works is posted, there are reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

3. Poor like the Children object around the world. (Slide 11) They are always waiting for this lesson and are preparing for him with desire. By the end of the year, even very compound and squeezed children began to feel comfortable. Parents report that the children go to school with pleasure. No less interest causes children a subject - technology, (slide 12) where the guys can prepare a variety of handicrafts with their own hands.

Now my students in grade 4. For these 4 school years there was a lot of different. There was not only one thing - boredom. Children studied with interest and pleasure.

The guys really liked the textbooks - colorful and illustrated. They became for children relatives and loved ones. The guys fell in love with the cross-cutting heroes Misha and Masha. Began to consider them their friends.

As a teacher, I can say with confidence that this program gives a positive result.