All you need is home renovation. Overhaul in the apartment - technological sequence of works

Overhaul of a house or apartment is not only a responsible event, but also extremely troublesome. Many people begin to panic even at the preparation stages, as a result of which some important little things are overlooked, and chaos and confusion settles in the house.

We will tell you how to prepare for the repair and carry it out thoroughly in just a few steps. Following our advice, you will start arranging your home fully armed.

So, if the repair involves the demolition or erection of partitions, walls, do it first. Then make a list and purchase what you need to repair. It doesn't matter if you miss something: in our time of diversity and accessibility building materials buying something in addition during the repair process will not be a problem.

One more point: do not start repairs from a corridor or a walk-through room. V otherwise you will have to constantly walk through it, which can negatively affect the work already done.

Now that the main points have been taken into account, the full preparation can begin.

Stage 1

At the very beginning, you need to get rid of the old finish, namely: knock down the tiles, wash off the whitewash and thoroughly remove paper wallpaper... If your plans do not include apartment renovation or floor replacement, just carefully cover it with oilcloth, securing it around the perimeter with tape or masking tape. Remove the platbands from the doors, do not rush to install new doors - this type of work is performed at the final stage.

Stage 2

When all old finish removed, we proceed to chipping the walls for electricians and wiring other communications. This is the dirtiest job, so it should be done first. First, think over exactly where and what you will have, make markings on the walls, fill in the passages and holes and lay the wiring, close up the grooves.

Stage 3

Perhaps the most time-consuming part of the work, which includes replacing old windows with new ones. After which the windows should be covered protective film... Next, we prepare the walls and make the slopes. This includes plastering, spatula and sanding.

Stage 4

Ceiling. It depends on what exactly you have in mind: installing a tensioner, plastering and whitewashing, and so on. If it is still tension, then it is necessary to install them only after finishing the walls.

Stage 5

Priming walls and ceilings. This process will help to make the surface more durable, it promotes better pasting and painting. To check the quality of the primer - run your hand over the surface: if there is nothing left, the work is done as it should. You can proceed to painting.

Stage 6

Now we turn to the floor, if it was planned to replace it. If the floor remains old, you can skip a few steps and go straight to the seventh or ninth. Screed or grouting is in progress. After drying, proceed to a new stage.

Stage 7

Pasting or applying liquid wallpaper, painting walls or plastering them. At the same stage, we put decorative rock etc.

Stage 8

Finishing the floor: laying parquet boards, laminate, carving or tiles on the prepared surface. However, it is worth remembering that the tiles are laid only after all work with the ceiling has been completed.

Stage 9

Finally, it's time to replace the doors or return the frames to the old ones, install the thresholds.

Stage 10

Moving on to the assembly and installation of furniture. It is best to start with a massive, big size, then move on to decorative interior decorations.

Stage 11

The renovation is fully completed. All that remains is to brush off light dust, wash the floors and you can enjoy the beauty and comfort of the room.

The usual everyday business: the apartment clearly needs repair, but there is little money. How to make inexpensive repair apartments with your own hands? Seemingly the simplest, obvious way: superficial redecorating... That is, plywood wallpaper, ceiling whitewash, painting, fixing squeaky floors; possibly - replacement of windows.

However, if we calculate the labor costs and the consumption of materials, it turns out that by increasing the labor costs by half, and the expenditure of money by a quarter, you can give the apartment a completely different look, and for a long time. How much you need to invest specifically - depends on the prices in the region, but general methods, which can make an apartment cozy and elegant inexpensively, are the same.

Saving money when repairing an apartment with your own hands costs, like the Earth in ancient legends, on three whales and a slowly hurrying turtle under them:

  1. We are not afraid of work. Nothing happens out of nothing. Or money or labor.
  2. Wherever possible, we do not change the old, which has lost its appearance, but renew it.
  3. We attribute the maximum savings to the place where it will not affect the quality of work and will not be visible.
  4. We distribute the costs of labor and money in time: having conceived repairs in the summer or autumn, we spend a year on preparation, and then we pile up and quickly do everything. To lay out 200-300 thousand rubles at once is a problem, but breaking them up in parts for a year is quite possible. In addition, there will be time for seven times measure - cut once.

Where it is difficult to save

The only area where you will have to invite a specialist is alteration and strengthening of electrical wiring, if it is old and weak. Here, the only way to save money is to negotiate with the DEZ electrician. He will do the work in pieces, in free time, but the likelihood of hack work will be even less than that of "branded" specialists: after all, he will then serve all this.

It is better not to save on electrics and wiring, but some points, such as installing sockets, can be done independently.


A good specialized tool makes the job much easier and cheaper. But buying it is expensive. Therefore, it is better to rent a tool as needed. In terms of costs, it will come out a little if you decide in advance on the design and draw up an approximate plan for the production of work for yourself.



A sore point for cheap self-repair is the replacement of plumbing. If it is still "alive", only filthy, then it can be cleaned and painted. How to do this will be described below. But if there are chips and cracks, then whether you want it or not, you need to change it.

For such a case, here is information for you: new settlers, especially in houses above the budget category, often start immediately upon entering overhaul and excellent, brand new faience and cast iron plumbing ends up in a landfill. Landfill operators (simply landfill scavengers) have long turned this circumstance into a profitable business.

They do not make direct contact with strangers by office phone, but it is quite possible to reach them using word of mouth methods. The rate is from one third to one half of the factory price for a household item. And do not think that you will be taken to the dump and shown where it lies. In the back room you will be offered a choice of clean, carefully washed products, which you can sit on even right away.

Construction garbage

The next sore point is the removal of construction waste. The operation is not cheap and requires a lot of paperwork. Exit: a basement, a barn, a summer residence or a closet and a few used bags of plastic sackcloth, bought for a penny. Construction waste does not sour and does not rot, it can then be poured into a container in a house trash can. There is nothing illegal in this.

Have you finally made a decision to renew the interior of your home? Then the knowledge of what stages of apartment renovation await us and how to observe their sequence will come in handy. So many, at first glance, imperceptible nuances can arise.

If you determine the sequence of actions in advance, the result will only please.

  • This is a chance to significantly save your budget, because you don't have to redo anything and buy in a hurry, while overpaying.
  • The duration of the work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a faster completion of the case.
  • The repair will be really high quality.

The first mistake of the owner, who decided to start construction work, is the thoughtless purchase of building materials. Often, due to haste, he buys a lot of excess, but what is actually needed, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even for groceries, it is better to go with a well-thought-out list.
Read on where to start your renovation.
It all starts with an estimate. In this case, it is advisable to invite a specialist for consultation, even if only independent work.

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to develop a project and draw up an estimate

With a well-defined plan and a competent list of everything you need, you can start.

Work order

We draw your attention once again: in order to avoid mistakes, alterations and downtime during the repair process, be sure to adhere to finished plan.

Step by step renovation

Dismantling the old interior

It all starts with total preparation. Such jobs include:

  • removing old wallpaper;
  • dismantling of plaster;
  • destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
  • removal of floors;
  • dismantling of surfaces intended for replacement.

Skip the dismantling stage and go directly to the next step.

Dismantling the interior

Installation of communications

First of all, they carry out work on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all the operations that can destroy new coatings: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. Also, pipe wiring can be attributed to this stage.
Read more about this in our articles:

All old electrical wiring is removed and a new one is installed. The safety instructions for the placement of outlets will help you to position the electrical components correctly and use wires with a sufficient cross-section. For example, you should take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding at the point to which the washing machine will be connected.

Creating partitions

At this stage, you can change the entire layout of the apartment, bringing novelty and additional comfort to the interior.

With the help of partitions (especially if the extra walls are removed), you can create an office, a nursery, divide a bathroom.
Most often, bricks or foam blocks are used for such purposes, less often drywall. Cover new wall soundproof plaster, you can achieve greater comfort. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the squaring of the premises, sometimes it is better to leave one large room than doing five little ones. In addition, the creation of unnecessary partitions can lead to a violation natural ventilation apartments. So when erecting additional walls be sure to consult with professionals.
Articles on our site on the topic:


For plastering works it is recommended to use ready-made cement-sand mixture(DSP) or gypsum plaster that will get rid of possible mistakes in self-mixing proportions of sand and cement. If there is not enough experience in such work, it is still better to hire specialists. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, you do not have to redo unsuccessful work.
More details:


Pouring concrete, equalize the floor. The quality of these works will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Probably more than once faced with the problem of leveling a table, chest of drawers, armchairs and, more significantly, washing machine... A good screed will help avoid such difficulties in the future.
More details:.

Plasterboard installation

At least a week should pass between the screed and the installation of drywall for the room to dry out.
We install the iron sectional base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then we mount the drywall sheets.
More detailed articles on this topic.

So, main question, to which you will have to answer, if you are thinking of renovating an apartment - where to start? This article is devoted to this issue and reveals it in full. We will help you build a plan for your repair, calculate all costs and find out in what order to carry out major or cosmetic repairs.

To begin with, it is best to start repairs at the end of spring. It's already warm enough outside the window, the masters, if you want to call them, are not yet so busy. In contrast to the end of summer, after all, it is then that many repairmen begin to "rush". Let's take a closer look at the issue of apartment renovation together.

Preparing for repair

Imagine your apartment after renovation

If you come to our site, then you have conceived a renovation, the beginning will not be easy: you need to make sketches of exactly how your house will look after the renovation is completed, where the furniture will stand, what kind of chandelier will be in the hall or bedroom, where you will be or the tiles, where they won't be at all, etc.

One of the ways that will help you determine the location of the furniture sounds like this: take a centimeter, measure all the corners of your apartment thoroughly and draw in a reduced size on a piece of Whatman paper (do not forget about doors and windows). And then - on separate sheet their furniture, observing its approximate size and shape, using the same scale as in the case of the apartment. Then you cut out your "paper" furniture and move it along the sheet of whatman paper, thereby determining its location.

What are you planning to remodel in your apartment

Continuing the topic of where to start the repair, I would like to advise you to clearly define what exactly you would like to redo in your apartment: doors, re-glue wallpaper, carpet or linoleum, replace baseboards, stick or toilet, etc. Do not forget to decide on the locations of future outlets.

Estimating repairs

In order to avoid unexpected costs, you should clearly draw up a cost estimate for the renovation of your apartment.

And for this you need, as it was written above, to decide what exactly you will be repairing. So, let's say you want to glue the wallpaper in the hall, lay the bathroom, and also glue the tiles on the ceiling in the bedroom.

We take in hand such a useful object as a tape measure, and we begin to measure the area of ​​the walls in the hall, the floor in the bathroom and the ceiling of the bedroom. Knowing the area and approximate prices for 1 square meter the right material, you can calculate how much money will need to be invested in apartment renovation. Do not forget that in order to glue the tiles you will need to use special glue. And if under your wallpaper uneven wall, then you will also need a putty ("primary", "secondary", etc.).

Do not forget that not all types of renovation works You can . Some part of this work should be entrusted to professionals in their field. For example, hardly everyone knows how to smoothly fill a wall or lay parquet on the floor. What can we say about replacing windows and doors? Thus, find yourself people who will do this or that work, find out the price for it and add it to your cost estimate. Remember that repairs are done for a long time, so you need to save on it, but do not overdo it too much, so as not to regret it later.

Preparation of all instruments

This is also an important part of the preparation before renovating an apartment.

Depending on what you plan to do, you should prepare the toolkit. If you are going to glue the wallpaper, and before that level the walls, then do not forget to get some kind of even rail (there are, of course, more professional devices based on lasers), spatulas, and, in the end, a broom. The meaning, I think, is clear to you.

Time to repair

As already mentioned above, it is important not only the time spent on the repair, but also the time of the year in which it is planned. Ideal option Spring is considered when the temperature outside is warm enough to ventilate the rooms, and the repair teams are not so overloaded. At the end of summer, repairmen have a rush: it is very difficult to call them at home, you have to wait for weeks, and the prices for the work are too high.

Repair sequence

Having started to renovate the entire apartment, you should carefully consider in which room it will start, where it will continue and where it will be completed.

We start renovating the apartment

Room preparation

Of course, having decided to start repairing one room, all questions related to the move will be immediately discarded. If you need to repair the entire apartment, then decide - either you live in this apartment, where you are going to make repairs throughout the entire time and move from room to room, or you move to your mother (sister, brother, etc.) and make repairs in all rooms in parallel, which, firstly, will save your time, and secondly, you will not have to rest in the mud.

Let's figure out why. Everything is very simple, if you went through the first stage of preparation (you know what exactly you will do in the room, calculated your future expenses, prepared tools, bought materials), then you will need to clear the room of everything that is in it. Take the furniture to the next room, remove all paintings, chandeliers, etc. Despite the fact that this room is about to be very dirty, before repairing it should be vacuumed (swept) and washed from dust.

First of all - the "dirtiest" work

As the name suggests, the dirtiest jobs need to be done first. First of all, if you are going to change windows and doors, take care of them, including window slopes... The door and the windows themselves can be omitted, it is enough to put the frames and door frame... Leave all other actions until the end of the repair.

In case of major repairs, you should start stripping off wallpaper, old parquet or linoleum, etc. When all this is done, then start putty and other work from the ceiling, then go on to putty on the walls, and if there are no dirty work is not planned (for example, you have to lay linoleum), then you can glue the wallpaper on the walls. At the very end, the skirting boards should be hammered. Before filling the walls, we advise you to once again remember where exactly the sockets will be located, whether there is a socket for the Internet. You may need to run wire through the room that you can hide in your walls. Of course, if the wire goes down, then it can be removed into the baseboard.

All walls, no matter how smooth, should be leveled a little. Measure them using a corner (rail). If the irregularities are small, they are detected only with the help of a special device, then they are not catastrophic. Then just get some plaster or putty. In the case when the walls have strong irregularities, indentations, then use cement mix.

Floor repair

Everything, the size of your budget - whether or not to make a new screed, or do without it, immediately laying a new covering in the form of linoleum, carpet or parquet. Here you make a decision, or resort to the service of masters.

Ceiling repair

The best thing we can advise you is installation stretch ceilings... They have built in lighting, you don't have to hang up any chandeliers!

Repair of windows and doors

Apartment windows should be plastic with improved thermal insulation. All old-style windows should be replaced with new ones!

Kitchen or toilet renovation

It is best to start repairing the listed rooms by replacing the plumbing! Old rusty pipes, though not on the outside, but on the inside, must be replaced with new plastic ones. The riser pipe should also be replaced. To do this, however, you have to negotiate with your neighbors from below and from above. Why should the pipes be replaced? Imagine that you have invested a lot of time and your efforts on repairs, spent a rather large amount of money, and the pipe took and burst, flooding half of the kitchen. It's a shame. But also the neighbors from below will suffer and you will also have to pay for repairs.

Video on how to start repairing an apartment


We hope we managed to reveal the whole essence of the topic of starting repairs in an apartment. Now you must easily cope with all the difficulties that await you in the process of apartment renovation. If you have any additional questions, before proceeding with the renovation of the apartment, ask them below!

The repair cannot be completed, it can only be temporarily stopped. So they say about apartment renovation, but what if a private house or cottage is to be renovated? After all, here, as a rule, everything is much more complicated. First, here more space- on average, a cottage has a large living area. Secondly, the private house has its own communications - heating from its own boiler, the electrician is laid with their own hands, like water, sewage and so on. Thirdly, a cottage is not only an internal living space, there is also an external part of the walls, a roof, basements, etc. The age of the house and the materials from which it is built are important.

If you nevertheless decide to start, and plan to do the repair of a private house with your own hands, then of course you expect that it will not turn into an endless one and will not take all the money out of you. And for this, you need to carefully plan the repair and finishing work and take into account a number of features, which we will discuss in this article.

So you've started a renovation. Where is the best place to start? If you have a specific breakdown or repair requires one specific room - everything, of course, is extremely simple. We take and repair. But if repairs need to be done everywhere? This is true, for example, when renovating an old house. Let's consider the most difficult case, that is, when you need to carry out major repairs. How to properly plan such work? The principles are as follows.

It's pretty universal rule, suitable for almost any renovation and finishing work. In practice, this means the following.

  • At first, you should start repairing from the beginning upper rooms gradually descending below. Why? Because renovation in general and renovation of a cottage in particular is a lot of rubbish, and it will be much more convenient for you! The only exception is renovation basement... It's almost like the second floor, only down underground, and for some reason, much more dirt is formed during basement repairs. So if the basement needs renovation, it is best to schedule it as one of the first items.
  • Secondly When repairing a specific room, first you do work on the ceiling, then on the walls, and only then do you make the floor. The reason is simple - if you start painting the ceiling with wallpaper and parquet floors already glued on, you can get it all corny. Imagine how upset it will be if your new wallpaper is splattered with paint?

And, finally, it is necessary, following the principle “first the ceiling, then the walls and the floor”, bring the room to the same degree of readiness, and then proceed to the next stage. For example, if you have bare walls in your room, then first you carry out all communications, do the wiring, etc., then putty the ceiling, then the walls, then level the floors (fill, make a screed, etc.). That is, you get a room with a completed rough finish. And only after that do you move on to painting the ceiling, gluing wallpaper, laying the flooring, and finishing it. And then - decor and furnishings. The reasons are the same.

Second rule First, we repair communications, then the premises itself

As a rule, all utility lines are hidden. Electrical wiring, Internet and television cables are hidden under the putty and wallpaper, laid in the baseboards, they pass to the lighting lamps under the putty and ceiling paint. Heating pipes pass through walls, and sometimes are also hidden in them. Warm floors - in the thickness of the floor, under the screed and parquet. Imagine, you have already made repairs to the walls and ceiling, and suddenly remembered that you need to do the wiring. What, you will hammer pits for laying the electrics in the newly finished walls, and then repair them again? Agree, this is not rational.

The third rule We split all repairs into stages

The main thing is not to start repairing the cottage in all places at the same time. For example, first we select a specific room or floor, then the next part of the house, and so on. This is especially true if you live in this house and are doing repairs at the same time. Moreover, it is best to be the first to repair distant and hard-to-reach rooms - upper rooms, basements. If, sooner or later, you still have to repair the walk-through room, try to select a section in it that you can walk on without the risk of getting dirty.

Fourth rule First, we repair what is critically necessary for a normal life

If there are problems with plumbing, they need to be solved first. If autumn is approaching, and your roof is leaking, this is the most critical problem and must be urgently eliminated. If winter is coming, and your house does not keep heat well, we urgently insulate it, and then we do everything else.

Fifth Rule Focus on the Season

If you need to repair a private house both inside and outside, of course it will be more correct to perform interior renovation in winter and in the off-season, and work on the facade should be planned for the warm season. This is especially important when repairing wooden house or at home made of other non-moisture resistant materials.

It is also important to consider when and what materials need to be delivered, where to store them (for example, you should not leave cinder blocks or boards under open air on winter period, and keep combustible materials inside the house), think over who can help you in those stages of repair when it is impossible to cope purely physically alone.