Ancient conspiracies - attract love, money and eliminate enemies. Vintage conspiracies and rites for love, prayers for job search

Magic always seemed attractive for a person, because with the help of her rites, it was possible not only to shit a loved one, but also to cure from any disease. Magic force So strong that many years ago people did not appeal to doctors. The signs and sorcerers were increasingly popular. Most magical secrets reached our time. Vintage conspiracy People were used to appeal to higher powerwhich could help in any situation.

Older workers were so strong that it was impossible to break it. As a result, only at the end of the nineteenth century faith began to gradually fade. But modern humanity is again increasingly referring to the highest forces. Magic has a coming and outgoing property, so it must be constantly maintained. There is no difference between holding a rite in the afternoon or no night. You can do it when it is convenient for you.

Ancient conspiracy

If you carefully consider the old conspiracy for money, then some features can be noticed in it. Them the main feature is that the components included in the rite must be in huge quantities. It is believed that this way the person will be able to multiply its financial position. If the case concerns words that sound during a conspiracy, then you can hear the following:

  • fish in the reservoir;
  • stars who are on the night sky;
  • bird plumage;
  • much.

Sometimes you can meet Babkina spells that use things increasing in size. Such item can be a suitable dough, or a growing flower or broom. These items also work to increase profits to a person. Old books contain many different vintage rites. They can be found from our grandmothers. If you get a plant called " money Tree", Then it is not necessary to title it. His properties and so are aimed at increasing wealth.

Rite using anthill

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to the forest. Now squeeze big size Anthill, and put several coins there. The more coins, the more you can make a profit. Wait for the ants to get tread on coins.

"Higher Forces, see how many amusements here. Count their number unreal. Letters in the alphabets a lot, so I ask you to fulfill my request. Let me have a lot of money that will never be able to end or disappear. I am the slave of God (your name), I ask for help, and I hope for a sincere understanding of my feelings. Remove my plot is very difficult. Amen".

Attracting profits using church

Do not consider this method as an independent means. Often, it is used in the tendem with other ways that can bring home wealth. On the eve of Christmas, donate the churches a certain amount of money. Their number should be proportional to the money that you would like to get in response. At the time when you send a donation, read certain spells.

"Who does not consider the church by their mother's mother, I will never be a father. The church must be an integral part of our life. We ask help from God, but in response never give him anything. It is clear that he does not need anything. But faith must be present in man. Although a little bit, but should. I want my wallet to close from a large amount of money. The prayers of the words are very strong, and unchanged. Amen".

This vintage conspiracy for money is quite simple, but at the same time, quite effective. The result will not wait long for a long time. Soon you will find the necessary and desired profit.

Efficiency from Slavs

You can also use effective Slavic rituals that use money. To do this, you need to title a coin, or bill. Over the course of a certain time you need to spend it, but instead they will speak another. Quite often you can meet entrepreneurs who are not allowed to use the first revenue. She is considered to be a kind of talisman, which will continue to attract the following buyers.

You should not forget that the effectiveness of the ritual is affected by the Phase of the Moon. If you need to attract money, then spend the rites during the growth of the moon. If you need to get rid of debts, then use the decrease phase. For multiplication of wealth, spend the next rite. During the growth of the Moon, you need to bake baking. It doesn't matter what exactly it will be. The main thing is that the dough is used.

The dough is spoken using special prayers:

"I made a dough that could increase in size, so let my income increases exactly. My position in society albeit also grows quickly and efficiently. Glory about my abilities let it scatter on a lot of kilometers. So it should stay forever. Amen".

Old rituals for love

Thanks to white magic, old conspiracies for love will help you not only to attract the desired object, but in principle to establish relationships with people around you. Their popularity has no boundaries. If you think that only women are addressed to such ways, then your opinion is erroneous. No less often used men. Now you need to consider the most popular rustic rites for love.

Love spell on your favorite guy

With it, you can return my husband home if he went to another woman. Such a spell is better to spend during the growing moon. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the sun will fully go beyond the horizon, and read the conspiracy in complete darkness. Commier in advance about not to be outsided soundsAnd you should not be distracted by other affairs.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

"Lord God God, help me in my difficult situation. I ask your blessing to the minds of the spiritual. Pour me to the sacred water. Let it be a faithful companion in my life. Deview's daughters, bring before me. Remove from your hair, from your body the problem is everyday. Fever from your body should go to the slave of God (the name of your chosen one). Let him all day panting, breaks and destroys in those moments when he is without me. I wish my beloved blood boil in those moments when he was with me. Treatment does not work back. Let him no longer sees anyone, besides me, the slaves of God (your name). Let him suffer for days and nights without me. Amen".

Love spell

The wind is considered the strongest of natural symbols. His power is so strong that it is used in most of the magic rites. Usually conspiracy is read in an open window, so that the wind fall into the room. To enhance the result, you can exit open space. Ideally, of course, if you are in the field or in another, well ventilated place.

The choice of a certain place should fall in such a way that it does not pass on it a large number of of people. After all, if someone sees or hear you, the efficiency of the rite will significantly decrease. Wait for the sun when the sun goes beyond the horizon, and during the growing moon, read the necessary conspiracy.

"Strong-strong wind. What is your true direction? Announce your plans, and go to the place I appoint. Send you to a man of my dreams, Slave God (name the name of your chosen one). Take his heart, and put me in my place for longing for me. I am a slave lady (your name), I really ask you to help me. Let him sleep will not be able to sleep, it will not be able until it will consist of me in a relationship. Let his body does not accept the water until he is with me. Let his life without me be dim, sad, and terrible. Thoughts of your beloved let them be occupied only by me. I am sure in my words, I'm not going to change them. Let it be the way I ask. Amen".

Ancient Russian rituals attracting good luck

With the help of conspiracies for good luck, our ancestors could fix any situation. Each life aspect has been corrected using magic impact. The most universal are those Russian rituals who are aimed at attracting good luck. Most of them allowed a person to increase its financial capabilities, execute desires, and improve personal life.

"Oh, Virgin, Most High. Please clean me from the sins of yesterday. See all dreams with me bad, and incomplete things. Let with the onset of a new day, beauty, strength and improvement of everyday needs will break into my life. Amen".

Now you need to settle down in such a way that the sun rays fall into your face.

Read the following plot:

"I woke up with the first sunny rays. The first thing I did was crossed it, and prayed to our Lord. I decided to rise to a high hill, and look at how the sun rises. It illuminates us with your clean, and bright warmth. Each man burns with sincere love for our luminaries. Plants bloom with the Sun, blooming flowers begin, people begged when looking at the sun. Let the Sun affect the living of the slaves of God (your name). So that my life began to bloom, beauty will improve, and joy germinated in my heart. My words are of great strength that do not break, and do not correct. Fire is not melted, and do not break the stone. Amen".

Never spend rituals in Annunciation. This is important religious holidaywhich is forbidden to conjure. It is better to wait for another day to hold a conspiracy.

Nowadays, vintage conspiracies that our ancestors used are very popular. Such rites may have several hundred years, but their magic is still effective. With their help, the ancient Slavs protected themselves and their family from evil, called for money and good luck, or solved personal problems on the love front. You may not doubt that if they decide to use and you, then success you are guaranteed.

Such spells existed in a huge amount, but time made their own adjustments and until many conspiracy should not get to us. Below are the most popular rituals that are preserved due to the fact that they were fixed on paper in magical treatises.

Ancient rite for women's beauty

The effect of this old conspiracy on love applies to the woman itself, increasing her attractiveness in the eyes of the people around us. In ancient times, unmarried girls often resorted to him, seeking to create their family happiness as soon as possible.

It is also popular in our days: such a love spell will offer you to spend any professional magician, as the result from this rite is guaranteed high. But to spend such a spell is easy and independently at home.

Such an old conspiracy is comprehension that it should very carefully pick up time. It must necessarily comply with the following criteria:

  • You must have free access to only blooming pink bushes.
  • The ritual itself is held a sunny day, but at the new moon phase.

When all the conditions are taken into account, go to the bush pink flowers And stop near him, stroking the leaf gentle movements. Besides you, there should be no one there.

Making these actions, say these words of prayer:

"As you, the rose blooming, all the colors of the queen - so I will be the queen of beauty."

When you complete the spell, carefully cut down from the bush several of the most beautiful, already blooming flowers, and go home. There you need to convert petals from them and dry them on the sunlight.

When the procedure is completed, fill them with boiling water and give it in a dark place. The resulting pink water can be resounded or left in this form. It should be used to wash the face, and each time performing it, these words of prayer should be pronounced:

"Pink color, there are no more beautiful. Rose me must, share my beauty so that there was a slave of God (call your name) a clear month of clear, more beautiful than the Sun of the Red! "

Infusion should be used all, its pouring is unacceptable. The longer you enjoy similar ancient magic, the more beautiful and more confident in yourself will become.

Ancient love spell

Love magic has always been popular, as it allowed to solve the problem for which traditional methods They simply did not act: to tie a man to him and achieve mutual love.

Most. strong spell Our great-grandmothers were considered the words of prayer:

"Lord, help me, Lord, bless the slave of God (the name of his beloved), the water of his saint. Herods daughters, stand RATE RATE, I first appeal, shake with your kids, yes from Likonov, yes from the elbow, feverish girl, the fever with a dense, burning. You shake you by the slave of God (the name of your loved one), shake his heart, blood, let his love flare up in his body. So that at night he did not sleep, so that the slave of God (name) suffered for one for me. What is said, will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Make such a ritual was followed solely during the period of the arriving month, so that he would reinforce with his force and a man's love-growing for you.

To achieve the greatest powerThe love spell was carried out in absolutely secret from other people in an empty room after sunset for the horizon.

Vintage conspiracy

Special respect for our ancestors were tested to protective magic: in the go there were numerous charms and spells. They used them from damage, and from the love spell.

For example, if it was required to communicate with a person who could know how to harm you and bring love spells, then when leaving the house, our ancestors began to talk to a small pinch of salt with such words prayers:

"From Dali to Dali, the river flows, wide and deep, he walked around, I walked me, from a witchcraft, he guards, from any spell, from love conspiracy, from the prison spells!"

Such a enchanted salt was put in his pocket and during communication with a crucible squeezed it into the palm. The words of the spell followed mentally to pronounce about herself and in the soul to donate himself with a godman.

Ancient rite for money

Humanity has always sought to have a steady financial situation, but not all have succeeded. In the event that the money was catastrophically lacked, any means went into the move, and not the bad of them were vintage conspiracies for money. With their help, it was possible to bring to themselves a certain amount of money, and improving their financial situation in general.

Ancient rites for money differed from modern terms used in spells and objects. For example, pronouncing the text of the prayer for money, the ancient Slavs necessarily used words denoting many in nature: fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, stars in the sky. They compared the level of future income to give him the infinity of understanding.

The same meanings also applied in conspiracy: for example, yeast dough, increasing in the amount, or a plant stretched to the Sun.

The most popular and simple performed was a ritual with the use of an anthill. For this, it was necessary to go to the deserted forest and find the biggest forming house there. There were several coins on it, which were then read by such words of prayer:

"As in this pile there are many ants, as in an anthill, residents or I have, and I, the servant of God (name) will be going to be money, never will be translated. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, it followed home and wait for the results.

In addition, once a year, the Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ, every respectful believer had to donate the church some money. From such a sentence you could also make a ritual that allows a whole next year Do not know needs.

"To whom the church is not a mother, the Father and I am."

It should not be missed for the amount, because in this case the rule is valid: the more give, the more you get.


Other an important aspect The life of our ancestors was a cure by conspiracy. It binds to the fact that the doctors in past times were very small, especially in the Russian outback. And if some kind of birth happened in the family, they treated it to the signs and healers who used a complete list of magical techniques. Such rites necessarily knew by heart in every family.

For example, if a large wound has happened with significant blood loss, it was uttered such a spell, heavily tightening the edges of the wound to the fabrics to be heal faster.:

"The Earth is flattened, Dern Turning, and the slave of God (name) should be the blood. As the earth falls asleep his wounds and aligns, so let the wound of the slave of God (name) will delay. May it be so. Amen".

This rite was known in each family, and he could spend him like a wounded man himself and his loved ones.

Ancient ritual for severe illness

If a person struck a serious ailment, who caught a patient to bed, he could only heal this conspiracy.

To read it and help the patient, usually called on a special meaning, which conducted a follower with prayers and spells. But somewhat often the family was and on their own.

In this case, a close relative became from the head of the bed and took in hand orthodox icon, which was called Troochitsa. For several days over the patients, such words of prayer were read over the patients:

"Pretending Holy Mother of God Virgo Maria, I fall, and bow before you, before the holy icon. Remembering the famous miracle is yours, as you healed the truncated land of St. John Damaskina, a miracle that you were revealed to people from your icon. The sign then to this day on the icon apparently, in the image of the third hand is depicted. Help and me, Troochitsy, help to heal the hand of your servant of God (name). Hear me, the Most Holy Mother of God, do not help me help her. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They pronounced at dawn and with the sunset, while the patient did not become significantly better.

A strong conspiracy

Rituals for good luck have always been popular, they do not lose their positions they are in our days. The old rite below was carried out by our ancestors only once in his life, as it had exceptional strength and power. Therefore, this ritual should be approached very responsibly.

To correctly hold a conspiracy for good luck, you need to prepare three thick woolen threads in advance of different colors:

  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • Blue.

After sunset, remaining in complete loneliness, it was necessary to weave the threads of Kosh, talking on her with such words for good luck:

"I will stand at the dawn, pouring out of the house, crossing it, go down, calmly on the mountain high, I will take a bit down, the surroundings on all four sides far. As on the Eastern side on the green meadow, the horse is grasped by the trunny, and a wild nor. Nobody has ever saddled him, no one has ever risen on him, either striving, nor the reached that horse did not know the century. I am the horse of dicoch troops, and the horse of the buynoga will force. It will be under me obedient to walk me, where I want to carry it obedient. Will my strong, like a stone. My word is faithful as prayer. Amen".

Such a craft for good luck should be worn with you constantly on my left hand a certain period of time. Upon its completion, the threads were filmed and indulged: it was considered the right ending of the conspiracy. After all, in the event that you lost or rupture a braid, you could begin to pursue failures.

Subject: I have more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(SV ****** [Email Protected])

To whom: Responsible site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: a house, work, children, concerns .... and a constant lack of money. Neither children once again toys, not buy new things, you will not please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money.

In general, every month just think-planning how to stretch the budget to make money for current needs.

Of course, we learned to live in the family to live in our finances. But in the shower there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for themselves. Why, I asked myself a question. Won, others have money, bought a new car, the cottage built, it can be seen that there are wealth.

I have already started losing hope for a good life. But one day came across on the Internet.

You just wonder how much positive changes happened to me! I did not suspect that the article would change my life so!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, and really normal income!

Per last year We made great repairs in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent children to the sea!

But all this was not, if I did not get on this site.

Do not scroll by. Find a couple of minutes for of this information.

Yes, so that no one has heard about her burning. Pregnant most often behind the gardens or in the forest. Only in a cup was scary, because the conspiracy is read after sunset.

Now you can simply close in the room. Only dissolve the window wider so that the heavens heard you.

"Veles - God, I apologize, I beg, I spell thunder! Take the fever, yes not destruction, stars from the sky light, sun ray heat, dawn joy, fogs sweetness. We are good-friendly (name). Listen to the body of fever, so that I was thinking about me (name) I was thinking of a backup, so as not to forget until noon, so that I would dream before midnight! Let him not sleep, let him not eat, only dreams of love, waiting for me as heaven! Amen!"

Ancient ritual for a coin

When the family came in new house, then you must have twisted the old man's coin under the stove. They said:

"You, Zlata coins, wandered around the world, drove friendship, Delil's roads. Now the house has gained, do not leave the yard. You call Zlato, so that there was a rich hut, you are advocated for merchants, let them bring a loaf, you are wealth of a support, you will not leave soon. Words we talk, I cut the house, I spell the light, I type in the dark! Amen!"

This rite is not prohibited at any time. You yourself can put a coin into the "Dark Angle" and speak the necessary words. Just keep in mind that the place should be really "distant". It is impossible to touch the coin.

For kids

If the kids were worried, often cried, they were afraid (and not only babies), then they spent the next. Before bedtime, it was necessary to get a corner from the SIT.

  1. The child was put in the center of the room.
  2. Around him drew closed lines (seven times) and read the words:

"Angel love, maternal blood, we cut, protect. From the line of Lyuto, from the eye of the evil, from the Baby of the Body, from the soul disease, from Luchanka, from terrible Padoch, from the black strength of the mighty. Get out fear, trouble, hollow, lubrication, blindness, nightmares, fires, conspiracles and conspiracies. All pass by passing by, dance under the stove yes burn. Water by hatch, mislear. Amen!"

For good luck

If the case was difficult, associated with risks and hazards, it was necessary to go to the river. It was such a kind of "rite of warriors."

By the way, this old conspiracy was previously read only men who were engaged in providing a family.

But, this does not mean that it is not allowed to apply it.

If you have a deal that requires help (not love, but material), then it can be asked to be described by the rite.

Conspiracy is read on the current waters. Consider the more powerful stream, the biggest forces will help you.

You need to say, looking into the water.

"Water owner please. My sins of my sins, let my enemies go with them. Let your power of the powerful, will take me there, where my luck is waiting. May it be my mind to argue, and the houses are fire and grain are not translated. Let the way go smoothly, let him succeed! Amen!"

In ancient times, the Slavs had his gods, including the genus, the custodian of communication between generations. Thanks to the strength of nature and blessing ancestors, the life of the ancients was filled with all kinds of magic. They conducted mystical rituals and rites, read the conspiracies of Holy Referring to help the gods and in their execution. And inherited, vintage conspiracies and spells who work were inherited.

Folk vintage conspiracies who have passed the test of time

Ancient magic covered all spheres of life. With it, they were solved by cases of heart and merchant issues. Urged the power of nature for abundant harvest And to protect the house and family. With the help of herbs and spells treated various aids And put protection against enemies.

Folk conspiracies and rites are the witch rituals of the ancients, who over the centuries helped our ancestors and still continue to help, but we are already.

Even before coming to the world of a single God and Orthodox faith, many communities appeared, which were against the adoption of a new lifestyle and remained faithful to their faith. Therefore, they were named - antimonians. Old Believers were closely connected with magic and mystical rituals, using natural forces:

  • The Earth is a protector, who gave food, clothes and helped in sowing and harvesting;
  • Fire is a source of heat and light. With it, it was possible to heat the dwelling and cook food. Protection against wild animals and with it made weapons;
  • Water - moisture without which life is possible on Earth.
  • The air is not less than water.

These elements are the main components for the magic of older. The magic of the ancients was filled with the force of at once all four elements, which formed the basis of modern practice. Therefore, ancient conspiracies, very strong and effective.

To cure

One of the most severely considered ancient conspiracy, the magical actions of which are aimed at treating disease or illness.

IN ancient magic There are rituals that are aimed at improving well-being and for the general restoration of the body - they are considered universal. There are targeted rites that are able to cure a specific disease.

There are ancient spells aimed at the treatment of children's ailments. They healed not only leaders and sorcerers, but any mother knew them by heart.

In rituals for health, especially if it concerns the child, it is important to pronounce words correctly, because the entire power of the spell is in them. It is very important to believe in what you read, faith - the basis of recovery.

Positive and self-confidence, as well as purity of thoughts and lack of negative, another important component of the rite. Only with a clean soul and open-hearted, you can bring relief and recovery to a sick person.

From blood loss

Here are the old Slavonic conspiracies that will help when bleeding.

If the wound is present on the skin of a man, from which blood flows, and at hand there are no funds for its stop, clamp the wound with your finger and read the plot. You need to read three times and nothing to be distracted.

"The Earth is fixed, the grass is rushing, and (name) blood is stopped. Like the Matushka Earth, his wounds herself and aligns, and at (name) let the wound will heal. May it be so".

Another conspiracy:

"As from the birch in the fall, the leaves dry out and fall off, so let the (name), the wound dried, and the disease fell off. The word is my hard. Amen".

From drunkenness

Rite spend better on the birthday of a person who suffers from alcoholism. But there are cases when urgent help is needed, for this you need a glass with which a person drank on which the spell will be superimposed. A glass must wash the used, not soot. At dawn, until the sun climbed, pour a little alcohol in a glass and pour into the threshold with the following words:

"On you, the thistle is a brother, the potion goel. From (patient's name) spupid. Never drink him again, but to walk healthy and sober. "

Vintage rites for prosperity and well-being

If the family has problems with finance or the horizon of family happiness suddenly black clouds appeared, then the ancient conspiracies should be honored. Which helped restore prosperity and well-being before and will now help.

Sleeping spells and well-being are different, aimed at attracting money, for example. After this rite, a person could easily find a coin on Earth.

People's ritual for wealth

For this rite, it will be necessary to buy apples on the market (12 pieces). You do not need to rent the seller. So, prepare a pre-approximate amount.

Rite to spend within three days. On the first day, take all the apples with you, but distribute only half. When meeting a beggar, give each second apple. The second half in the amount of six pieces to bring home. The next day, repeat everything as in the first. On the third day, apples that remained from the second day three things, attribute to the church and put on the memorial table, while saying the following words:

"I remember his poverty, I read it for her rest. Remember you people good poverty my (name) and read it for it. Let us arrive with me wealth and money and now, and confessed and forever. Amen".

So that the family came big money

Conspiracy make five rubles and five kopecks.

"Let the money large in the house come and bring good luck with them. Amen"

Vintage conspiracy

This conspiracy is read on food and drink.

"To her husband face, to the opponent's back. Let him only love me. Let him look only for me and do not look at me. Let him speak only with me, but will not speak. Let me kisses only me. How hungry about food suffers, so let my husband dries on me. My words let them be a zam. Key. Lock. Water. May it be so."

Strong rite for love

Conduct a rite of burning firewood. Open the door of the stove and speak:

"Smoke Dymovich, help to earth do not fall into the water do not look. Fall on (name) on the heart of his worn. How smoke goes into the oven, so let both (name) see me near me. My words are strong and sticky. Let it be".

Attract a girl

If you want to pay attention from a girl who really likes, with her whisper read the following:

"God created the father of a woman for a man. I want this girl, I love this girl and I attract. Amen".

"Water water, God's assistant. You go from the east to the west, with paradise to the ground. We will do everyone, you give everyone to give everyone, everyone drinks you, all you love you, all of you are about, all you are told. Fathers will hurt you in baptism, children drink in annunciation, the old women are asking for forgiveness in forgiveness Sunday. Mother water, God's assistant, forgive us, help you. No number of your drops, waves, a lot of you in the sea da in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in the well, in the key. You are working, not knowing the distribution, without a break, without a breather, without the edge and end, out of time, and out of day. You go to the day and at night, and on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on the fourth, and in the heels, and on Saturday, and in the bright Christ Sunday. So we would have flowed to me without knowing the Ridge, without a break, without a breather, without the edge and end, out of time, and out of day, we would flow to me day and night, and on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and in Quarter, and in heels, and on Saturday, and in the bright Sunday. I closed the amine, I wrap my aminea, I fix the aminem. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Age-old conspiracy for good luck in money

"The Jordanskaya River flows with under the mountains of Siaiyan. Mother of God went over the river, he spoke with the river. Mother-river, you go random quickly and yaro, shoe gold, wash the herbs, drip the root, so wash away and tear off the slaves of God (name) all patterns and prize, all trouble and care. Sawn her good, her gold-silver. Whether my good is invincible, unpretentious, go to me, the servant of God (name), soon, for a quick, defilely. How the fish against the water is not going, and do not go against me, go straight into my hands, in the morning dawn, on the evening, for every day, for every hour, per day under the sun, on the night of a month, under the stars frequent, Clear, under the world of God. To my words, the key and the castle, the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, forever of the ages of Amen. "