How to make yourself a mount for a chandelier. Practical advice on how to hang a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Hello dear readers and site visitors.

After buying a chandelier, the question always arises of how to install it. In this article I will tell you how to hang a lamp or chandelier without calling specialists.

There is nothing difficult in this and you can easily cope on your own. But some of the subtleties and nuances need to be mentioned.

There are several ways to mount and install a chandelier in the ceiling:

  • on a metal hook
  • on a bracket or rail
  • directly to the surface

Let's consider each mounting method in more detail.

Installing the chandelier with a hook

This is the simplest and convenient way fixing the chandelier. We hang it on a metal hook pre-installed on the ceiling. In my example, an old-fashioned metal hook is shown, installed during the construction of a house.

1. How to hang a lightweight chandelier

If the chandelier is not heavy and weighs up to 3-4 (kg), then you can use such a threaded metal hook.

Using a punch, we drill a hole in the ceiling, insert a plastic dowel into it and screw in the hook. The chandelier mount is ready.

Also, using a threaded metal hook, you can install a chandelier in the ceiling with wooden floor... The hook just needs to be wrapped (screwed) in wooden base ceiling.

I would like to draw your attention to the following. Installation of a hook into a plasterboard ceiling is prohibited. In this case, the metal hook must be secured to the concrete base ceiling.

2. How to hang a heavy chandelier

If the chandelier is heavy and weighs more than 5 (kg), then it is better to use special anchor bolts with a diameter of 10 mm2 or more. with a spacer hook.

We drill a hole in the ceiling of the required diameter. After that, we insert the anchor into it and tighten it all the way. This fixing of the chandelier is very reliable.

Chandeliers that are designed to be mounted on a hook have a special decorative cup.

The cup moves freely in height and locks in the upper position to hide the seats.

Mounting the chandelier using a bracket (strip)

Now we will look at how to install a chandelier without a metal hook. I find this method of fastening somewhat more difficult than the previous one, but not so difficult to resort to paid services specialists.

Included with the purchased chandelier is a special metal bracket or strip. We install 2 screws in this bracket or strip, adjusting the distance between them, and then tighten them with nuts. After that, we fix the bracket to the ceiling using a punch and two dowel nails.

Earlier, a chandelier on a metal hook was installed at this place. The purchased new chandelier is attached with a bracket, so I bent the hook to the ceiling, which you can see in the photo. You can generally cut the hook, but it does not bother me at all in this position.

Tighten the two decorative fastening nuts.

The chandelier is installed and ready for use.

Now I will not dwell on this, because this is a topic for a separate article. Read in upcoming issues.

P.S. So, in this article we got acquainted with how to install a chandelier using metal hooks, brackets and directly to the surface. Now let's move on to connecting it. Read about this in my next articles.

How to hang a chandelier on a hook if the chandelier has a bar?

During the replacement process, it may become clear: the old lamp was hanging on a hook, and the new one is attached to the bar. Such a retainer is usually equipped with modern designs... In this case, it is more difficult to hang a chandelier, but it will receive an additional shoulder of strength.

Modern chandeliers are equipped with slats. Brackets are screwed to them, which hold the lighting structure. The screws move in special slots. Before mounting on the ceiling, you should empirically determine their best position, which will provide an easy attachment of the lamp bowl. Optimally positioned screws must be tightened with nuts and proceed to installation.

Advice. For installation, use ordinary self-tapping screws with dowels. Often there are no fasteners included. Reinforce self-tapping screws with a small head with washers.

On a regular flat ceiling hanging a chandelier is easy:

Advice. It is difficult to hold the chandelier and connect the wires at the same time. Invite an assistant.

If a hook is built into the ceiling at the suspension point, which is located in a small recess, this can be turned to your advantage. With the help of a hook, you will be able to additionally strengthen the bar:

  • wind a strong steel wire to the hook so that a pair of risers extends to the sides;
  • prepare the plank, mark the ceiling;
    thread the ends into the grooves for mounting on the rails;
  • press the bar against the ceiling and tighten the wire in this position;
  • fix the structure to the ceiling with dowels and self-tapping screws.

Advice. In this case, use self-tapping screws with a cap that is smaller than the diameter of the hole. Place washers on them.

It is not always possible to hang a chandelier with a bar in this way. The hook can interfere with or disrupt the decorative effect of the structure. There are two ways out of this situation:

  • bend it to the ceiling with a hammer;
  • dismantle the hook completely.

Safety precautions during the installation of the chandelier

All work under the ceiling must be performed on a stepladder or a well-fixed ladder. FAQ occur when hanging a chandelier on a plasterboard ceiling. But the material is strong enough to hold a standard size structure. In addition, it is convenient to screw fasteners into it, even without a drill. A suitable hole can be made by hand conventional drill... The subsequent installation technique is the same as with concrete ceiling.

Chandelier installation

Before starting the installation of the chandelier, turn off the voltage on the distribution board. It is desirable to have a portable indicator device. Before connecting the wire, check if there is voltage in it. It has a phase and zero. The first of them will be shown by the measuring device.

It is important to check the connection carefully. Incorrect switching is possible: the switch on the wall opens zero, and the phase is supplied to the chandelier in a constant mode. Such a lamp is dangerous as it can shock you. The new wiring has 3-4 colored veins inside. Zero flows in blue, phase flows in brown and white.

Advice. If possible, also connect ground. The corresponding core in the wire is yellow or green.

You can hang the chandelier securely with or without a hook. For this, the technology of work should be strictly observed.

How to mount a chandelier to the ceiling: video

The choice of lighting fixtures plays important role to create comfort and beauty at home. Having bought a lamp home, another important question arises before the user - how to hang a purchased chandelier yourself so as not to damage the ceiling and to place the product correctly.
Today there are two main types of fasteners that are suitable for various designs devices. The choice of mounting method also depends on the type of ceiling slab.

Attaching the chandelier to the hook

Hook- old and reliable way fixing lamps to the ceiling. Practically in all Soviet apartments, in every room there is such a mount. If the room where you plan to hang the lamp already has fasteners, then it will not be difficult to place the product on it.

In order to check the reliability of the hook, it is necessary to hang a load on it by knocking, which corresponds in weight to the selected chandelier. If within 24 hours, the hook does not fall out and is not deformed, then it is suitable for attaching a product to it.

In the event that there is no hook, but there is still drilled hole, you can screw in new fasteners. Its choice must be approached with special care - it must be tightly screwed into the ceiling, there should be no gaps. The choice of the size and type of hook depends on the design and weight of the chandelier. If the user decides to choose a new place to place the chandelier, then the hook can be screwed in independently. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that there is an electrical wiring nearby.

If the fixture of the luminaire does not reach the hook, then an additional chain can be suspended.

In hardware stores you can find a self-tapping hook, which is suitable exclusively for attaching it to wooden ceilings... For other types of floors, you will first need to drill a hole and then screw a hook into it.

Mount on the bar

Plank- universal mounting method. It allows heavy structures with many elements to be placed on the ceiling. You can also hang a dimensional chandelier using the bar.
The strip is an aluminum profile that is attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

The bar can be of different lengths and widths depending on the weight and dimensions of the selected lamp.

If the luminaire is oversized, the bracket can be formed in the shape of a square or rectangle. This method of fastening evenly distributes the load from the weight of the product, and is more reliable in use.
Also, the bar can be mounted in the form of a cross or "snowflake".

How to hang a chandelier on a bar:

  1. Initially, you need to choose a place where the lamp will be placed. The choice of place must be taken with special attention so as not to damage the wiring running along the ceiling.
  2. The selected places should be marked. At the marked places, using a drill, holes are drilled into which dowels are inserted and screws are screwed in.
  3. A chandelier is attached to the attached strip, and the wires are connected.

The bar allows you to mount any type of luminaire, even those with a high mass. This method is considered the most reliable, since it is convenient at the time of changing the bulbs - the chandelier does not scroll. At the same time, fastening with a hook causes certain difficulties in the future.
Thus, there are several ways of fixing the chandelier, which differ in the way they work. The choice of installation method depends on the type of luminaire, on design solutions in the interior, as well as the personal preferences of the owners of the premises.

Features of ceiling slabs

In order for the purchased chandelier to please its owners long years and did not collapse due to the unreliability of the fastening method, you need to pay attention to the fact that each ceiling ceiling can withstand different weight loads. In addition, certain ceiling slabs will require special working methods and building materials.

Fixing the chandelier to drywall

Plasterboard is often used when installing ceiling slabs. Due to the lightness of the material, drywall allows you to create bizarre ceilings. However, drywall is an extremely thin material and cannot support high weight.

A chandelier weighing no more than 2 kilograms can be attached to drywall. V otherwise the chandelier and ceiling may collapse.

If the weight of the lamp does not exceed 2 kilograms, you will need a special type of dowel - a butterfly - to fix the chandelier. Butterfly dowel is a fastener that looks like an ordinary metal dowel, but when it is introduced into the ceiling space, it opens and is securely fastened. Such fasteners are sometimes initially equipped with a hook, so hanging the chandelier will not be difficult.

When working with drywall, it is taken into account that the dowel must enter the ceiling by at least 15 cm. In addition, the ceiling is equipped with a special non-conductive bushing for safe cable outlet.

It is allowed to mount an aluminum strip on gypsum cardboard, if the chandelier is oversized. The method of fastening the bar does not differ from those described above.
In the event that the weight of the luminaire exceeds the norm, you will need to create a special mount. So, in the ceiling is drilled round hole... After that, a strip is mounted directly to the concrete or tiled base, on which the chandelier is attached.
At the end of the work, the hole in the ceiling is masked with decorative elements(these can be chandelier elements).

How to hang a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling, despite all its positive traits, is extremely inconvenient in the installation of lamps to it. The fact is that the lamp is mounted directly on tension cloth will immediately lead to sagging of the latter and a possible breakthrough at the mounting location of the mounts.

To fix the chandelier to the stretch ceiling, all work should be carried out until the film is stretched.

So, a hook or bar is attached to the base of the ceiling. The mounting method is no different from the above-described work procedure. After this, the tension of the ceiling film occurs. A mark is made in the place where the chandelier is supposed to be placed. Next, you need to cut a hole that will be sufficient in diameter for mounting the luminaire.
In order for the edges of the hole on the film not to disperse, it is necessary to mount a special plastic circle that will hold the edges of the canvas and prevent it from sagging. In this circle, the film is also stretched and the pins for fixing the chandelier are removed through it.

Working with electricity

In addition to mounting fasteners to the ceiling, it is also necessary to correctly connect the luminaire to electricity. To do this, you should unswervingly follow the instructions written in the chandelier's passport. If you connect the lamp incorrectly, this will cause malfunctions not only in its operation, but also create a great danger to the residents of the house.

When choosing a chandelier, in addition to external qualities, pay attention to the power and the amount of electricity consumed. Otherwise, the electrical wiring of the apartment may not withstand such a load.

Before connecting the lighting device, you should deal with the variety of wires through which the lamp will be powered. There is an alternating current in the network, with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz. The current flows through 2 cables - phase and zero. Some rooms also have a third cable - grounding. Determined with the purpose of each of the wires easy enough:

  • phase wire has a golden color;
  • "Zero" is colored blue;
  • the earth cable is bright yellow.

Please note that this color scheme was adopted relatively recently, the old buildings retained the same color scheme, so you will have to figure it out on your own.

In the event that a lamp with several keys is connected in the room, there will be several phase wires.
Before starting work, you must turn off the electricity in the house and you can start.
For work you will need the following tools:

  • pliers (for cable preparation);
  • insulating tape;
  • blowtorch;
  • junction box or terminal block;
  • multitester (to determine the type of wires).

It is not difficult to connect lamps that are equipped with one row of horns and are connected to a one-button switch. To do this, we find phase and zero cables and combine with the electrical wiring on the ceiling. On modern chandeliers these cables are painted in special colors or otherwise marked.

It is more difficult to connect chandeliers that have two or more groups of arms (rows). In this case, wire groups are connected. So, initially you need to find all the phase wires and connect them through terminal block or junction box, and then connect to the main wire on the ceiling. The same operation should be performed with neutral wires.
Terminal block- a product that is designed to connect wires of the same type.
Thus, it is not so difficult to hang a chandelier on your own; for this it will be enough to follow the proposed instructions, the rules for the operation of electrical appliances.
If you encounter any difficulties during the installation or connection of the chandelier, it is better to turn to the services of masters to avoid possible problems.

It is difficult to imagine a ceiling with a bare lamp without an elegant shade, glass flowers, metal spirals and other decorative elements. The chandelier has long become an integral part of interior design, and despite its external complexity and figurativeness, it is easy to install it in place on the shoulder of every person.

To demonstrate the entire installation process and help you save a lot of money on the services of an electrician, below are detailed instructions tips, tricks and step-by-step photos on how to connect a chandelier yourself.

The main stages of work

Decorate the ceiling with a new one lighting fixture can be done in half an hour, if you strictly follow the main stages of installation and connection:

  • Familiarity with the rules and regulations;
  • Preparation necessary tools and materials;
  • Fixing the chandelier;
  • Connection;
  • Functionality check.

Stage 4 - Connecting to the network

The methods of connecting the chandeliers depend on the chosen mounting method, but the basic principle is this - after installing a hook, anchor or bracket on the ceiling, connect the wires, isolate and then hang the lamp.

In more detail, the connection process is as follows:

  • Lead the power supply wires outside.
  • Connect the conductors of the case with the leads using WAGO blocks or terminals, while strictly observing the purpose of the wires: green or yellow colors are “ground”, blue or blue is “zero”, white, brown, pink is “phase”.
  • Check the color ratio of the conductors, the reliability of the terminals or blocks.
  • If only two wires come out of the chandelier body, then, therefore, there is no grounding, if four, then two lamps must be connected.
  • If necessary, install the light switch, focusing on a suitable connection diagram for the situation.