How to beat the vinyl wallpaper. The most convenient way of sticking vinyl wallpapers is properly glued vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl is not from the latest new products, so there is a mass of tips and recommendations on the question: how to glue vinyl wallpapers, as well as what glue to use. At the beginning of its existence, they had the name "washable wallpaper", since the base of vinyl is durable and resistant to water. Vinyl wallpapers have several advantages over paper wallpaperFor example, later you can boldly repaint them.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper? Vinyl wallpaper is absolutely different from wallpaper that have a paper base. There are many nuances in their shook, they should be considered. Since the vinyl wallpapers have two layers ( upper layer It is made from polyvinyl chloride, and the bottom layer of fliesline or paper), they glue on special glue, it is designed for heavy wallpaper. By the way, these wallpapers are good because they are well passed air, as well as from many different structures, you can pick up the one that is perfect for your room.

See also:

What is pesting themselves.

What features.

About, how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, you can find out.

Required tools

So how to glue vinyl wallpaper and where to start? Prepare everything in advance required toolsThis will significantly speed up the pace of your work.

You will need:

  • roller in order to ride them seams;
  • special brush for primer and applying glue;
  • brush for small areas on the wallpaper;
  • spatula for smoothing wallpaper cloths;
  • sponge (soft) or cotton fabric, in order to remove excess glue;
  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • a small blade can be useful, it will be convenient to press wallpaper in the corners, as well as to be placed in narrow uncomfortable places;
  • stationery knife;
  • line;
  • level and paper tape.

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Preparation of the base for sticking vinyl wallpaper

First of all, you need to carefully prepare the walls: get rid of the old coating, be it plaster, paint or wallpaper; Clear the base OT fat stainsif there are cracks, they need to sharpen them (the putty must dry well before you go to the next action); Walls should be even and durable. The strength of the walls you can check as follows: Cut a small piece of scotch, stir it on the wall, if after you turn it out sharply, the paint or other wall coverage will remain on the wrong way, then the base requires careful preparation.

Next you will have a primer. To do this is divert cold water (Following the instructions) dry glue, which is designed for vinyl wallpaper, then apply on the walls. Wait for the full drying of the soil, it will take about 3-4 hours. Then treat the walls of the fungicidal composition, which will prevent the appearance of mold under the canvas. Being when the composition is dry, prepare a thread with a ship tied to it, draw a vertical line along the wall with the help of it.

So it will be convenient for you to navigate when you glue the first wallpaper sheet. Before proceeding with the blending of the canvas, the electricity should be turned off, in order to remove all the outlets and switches from the walls.

What else should you know?

  1. What glue glue.
  2. How to glue.

It is important to consider that during the sticking of vinyl wallpaper, it is necessary to close all windows, you should not be included fans and air conditioners (there should be no drafts in the room).

To make it easier for you to get rid of old wallpaper, you need to wet the walls with water. Then, a little waiting, with the help of a spatula, you can easily clean the surface.

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

First prepare the vinyl wallpaper for sticking. Cut them with stripes in the height of the wall, leave there for about 10 cm on the bands. If the selected cloth has a pattern, you need to pick up a segment so that the drawing coincided. Flute to the stack in the stack down.

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Instructions for the preparation of glue

The glue is mixed in a suitable cup with the proportion of water. Fall asleep slowly, while stirring to avoid the formation of lumps. The glue must then flow 5-10 minutes, after re-stirring you can start shook.
What glue glue vinyl wallpaper? What glue glue your chosen wallpaper can advise the store consultant.

A selection of glue is an important part, since the texture of this material is a few species. And from the answer to the question of which glue glue the vinyl canvas depends on the result of your work. The edges will have to be given special attentionThere should be no unpromising plot. Therefore, obscure them with a brush, and for the rest of the area you can use roller. The glue is applied to the desired site on the wall, in some cases on the wallpaper (carefully read the instructions on the packaging with wallpaper). Glue apply uniformly, thin layer, after which fold the wallpaper so that their bases coincide. In this position, leave them for 5 minutes.
Press the canvas with a roller or brush (which should be brushed short), as you should swing all the seams.

Glue vinyl wallpaper is quite easy. They are very dense and they do not rob, do not twist from glue, will not be deformed when drying on the walls.

Even, even one who never glued wallpaper, can do it. You just need to know some of the project nuances and the room update will pass quickly and easily.

Most who came across the sticking of vinyl wallpaper know that they are sufficiently heavy. Severity occurs from the density of the canvas, but it is precisely this and provides a vinyl wallpaper to good moisture resistance. Thanks to this, they can be wiped with a damp cloth - absolutely not afraid of wet cleaning.

Often, many housewives have a feeling that due to their severity, vinyl wallpaper will be bad on the walls, but these all fears are in vain.

Feedback: Vinyl wallpaper I like most. My husband and I have chosen the wallpaper for a long time to shove and stopped only on vinyl wallpaper. The first question was like this: how to punish the vinyl wallpaper, because they say that they are heavy and difficult to glue. However, this is not all true. Booted the room quickly and easily. With vinyl wallpaper, it turned out to work easier than paper, as the paper is very easy to rush. See the main thing to be high-quality glue and do not regret it. Our hall completely transformed!

Probably everyone who makes repairs in an apartment or in the house, wants the walls to look beautiful. Therefore, it should not be bought up on the expensive wallpaper and the choice of glue for vinyl wallpaper should be justified.

Wallpaper It is necessary to glue only with the help of special glue, which you will definitely recommend in the store. Divide and prepare the adhesive mixture according to the instructions that are described on the package. Do not save on the glue, you will not lose much, but if you donate the expensive wallpaper, it will be a shame.

Cooking walls for sticking

First of all, you should clean the walls from old wallpapers, paints and necessarily from whitewash, if any. With the help of a solution or putty, close all cracks, chips and potholes.

Feedback: Yes, I had problems with the hallway uneven wallsSo bleacped the vinyl wallpaper and all irregularities disappeared. Just beauty! Therefore, it is not necessary to steam if the walls are not perfectly smooth - the solution will be the vinyl wallpaper. And it is easy to glue, and the seams are unclear, and the error of the walls disappear. Beauty!

Previously, the wallpaper was glued to the plaster, and the walls were placed with the addition of large-grained sand and the surface of the plaster was in the end turned out to be coarse. In this case, the walls are needed to be primed up and sprinkled so that a smooth smooth surface is released, to which it is much more convenient to glue.

The smoothness of the surface is necessary to ensure that during gluing sheet, you can move it and correct if you went to the cosine, or the sheet unevenly lay on the wall plane. It is not necessary to apply glue for smooth walls. It is enough to apply a good layer on the wallpaper. On the floor, you will definitely spread the newspapers and roll on them and cut the wallpaper so as not to swap facial. If the room is large, then you should not chop up all the wallpapers at once, but also change the newspapers under the wallpaper from time to time.

Cut the vinyl wallpaper for sticking

To begin with, we carefully measure the height of the wall not only in the place where you are going to start work, but also in other places. If the differences are small, then select golden middle And proceed to cutting vinyl wallpaper. If somewhere before the floor, you will miss the length of the wallpaper - it is not scary all the shortcomings will hide under the plinths.

Very often, when cutting, you have to take into account the drawing, which is applied to them. Be sure to consider and cut the wallpaper so that your drawing coincides. Number the cut sheets of wallpaper, so that later the confusion does not go to the drawing and it is in order of numbering that the strips must be glued. I can add to the additives that vinyl is cool pVC panels on the walls.

If there is no need to combine the pattern, then boldly cut the tubes of vinyl wallpaper, observing their height. Claper wallpaper is only in the order, in which you will be unsettled stripes. If you confuse the top and bottom, then the light from the window will be different in different ways, and this emboss will be noticeable.

Vinyl wallpaper label guide

Starting sticking only from the window or angle. Clear must be glued right hand In the circle of the room. Suppose we started glue vinyl wallpaper from the corner of the room. Take away from the corner of a strictly vertical line in width of wallpaper. It is necessary that your first leaf lay smoothly. All other wallpaper sheets will be glued in the first. And if you squeeze the first strip, the rest will also go and cut.

If you do not put the walls, the glue must be applied to the wall. It is worth the careful angle thoroughly, since such places are the most problematic when sticking.

Gently lift the wallpaper sheet with glue and starting with the top to attach it to the wall. Hang it so that the leaf sticks exactly and from the top begin to squeeze the air. When moving, use a roller or a conventional cloth. You can remove all excess glue to the same rag, which I will perform at the edges.

Everything needs to be done together - it is more convenient: one sticks the wallpaper from above, and the second helps to align the vertical sheet. But if you have no one to help not be discouraged - here is a wonderful instruction on sticking wallpaper alone.

Smoothing should be made from the center to the edges to drive the resulting air bubbles. The bubble is complicated and you can not drive it out - drop out of the strip and stick again. If it does not help, you can arm a pin. Press the resulting bubble and pressing the cloth smoothed this place.

The second strip of vinyl wallpaper is glued only into the joint with the previous one. Outlows do not need to do, otherwise it will be ugly. It is not necessary to strongly press the strip to each other, otherwise the joints after drying can take up. All glue that will perform in the place of the joints, immediately remove the rag. Do not be afraid that glue will hit the front side of the vinyl wallpaper, when drying it, it becomes transparent and you are notced to wallpaper.

Constantly control the verticality of the glued bands and only after that, proceed to sticking next strip. I took advantage of the level, a very comfortable thing, in a circle of the room knocks off the level. And so we pass throughout the perimeter of the room. After the end of work in the room there should be no draft. Doors and windows must be closed. IN otherwise Wallpapers will just go away from the walls.

At the end, I want to wish you pleasant works and the magnificent walls that you will do without any problems. Just take into account some points you need to know when sticking vinyl wallpaper and your walls will look irresistible.

At the end of the last century, first invented, which very much like the average man. But unfortunately, experts in this area reacted sufficiently skeptically, arguing that, unlike paper, these wallpapers do not let the air. And this badly affects the walls. Our developers do not stand still, so not so long ago they invented universal view Wallpaper, which have a double layer, and at the same time perfectly breathe. Of course, this is vinyl wallpaper. Many people are afraid to acquire them, because they do not know how vinyl wallpapers, care for them and with which combine. It is a pity that this happens. Because they possess excellent qualities.

The main composition and important characteristic qualities

Before walking with pasting, you need to buy material and in order to figure out which wallpapers to purchase, it is desirable to know their composition. The fact is that vinyl wallpapers exist two types: based on fliseline and paper. The difference between them is small - that the paper is that the fabric is perfectly passed by air, so it is not fundamentally on what basis to take.

More important than other characteristic qualities. As you know, we have considered only one layer, but vinyl products are two-layer. So, the second layer is polyvinyl chloride. Many scares this name, but in fact it means just a decorative outer layer, which has favorable properties: repulsion of fat, salts and moisture, as well as resistance to acids and alkalis.

The polyvinyl chloride layer is the following types:

  • Silkography. This type has a very solid appearanceSince it reminds silk and can display falling light. This is because silk elements are inserted into the top layer. In turn, on the texture, silk-screen printing is divided into the structure of the embossed and smooth texture. Designers note the exceptional similarity of silk screening with textile wallpaper, perfectly combined with many interior designs. In addition, silkography is protected from burnout under the influence of direct sunlight.

  • Foamed. They are made by applying printing (stencil) and thermal processing, due to which the vinyl base is foaming and acquires a special texture. Despite the unusualness of the texture, the specialists note the excessive fragility of such a coating, especially increasingly glue such wallpaper in children's rooms, where kids are hardly neat in circulation of walls. No wear resistance foamed samples, if the apartment lives a pet, loving sweeping sharp claws not only about the bratechka, but also about solid surfaces - just one scratch may entail the removal of the entire coating reservoir.
    It does not mean that the foamed material is completely not suitable for sticking on the wall, it just requires a careful relationship and care.

  • Stamping hot way. With the help of heating, the pattern is pressed.

All vinyl products belong to the washing high class. They can be glued in any room, even in the bathroom and kitchen, because the vinyl is perfectly withstanding the increased humidity of the air and high temperature. This type of wallpaper can hide all the flaws, irregularities and other, which has a wall plane. Among frequent defects - walls of walls, cracks formed on plaster.

Glue vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis is advantageous in rooms where it is necessary to achieve the leveling wall effect. But remember that under the phlizelin it is still necessary to properly prepare a wall structure, reach the maximum homogeneity of the surface, and only after that begin to stick.

It is easy to care for the phlizelin finish - a slightly moisten a soft cloth in the water and do not pass on the wallpaper. In the process of cleaning, a conventional wet napkin can be useful, preferably devastated aggressive components, to which, for example, the alcohol belongs. Small spraying and web easily remove the vacuum cleaner without nozzle.

Vinyl coating especially love designers and creative nature With good artistic taste, preferring repairs with your own hands. The process of pasting vinyl wallpaper often turns into real art, allowing you to decorate the room at your own request.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper?

Please note - today there are separate copies of vinyl wallpapers for subsequent painting. The manufacturer assures that it is possible to paint such samples up to 15-20 times, and they will not lose their high-quality surface. We would not advise to carry out so bold experiments, however 2-3 staining vinyl coating It will endure in any case.

In order not to get to write, check the seller-consultant type of vinyl wallpaper, each of which, as a rule, has a number of features for use and sticking.

The main principles of gluing

Preparation of the wall of the wall

Vinyl wallpaper to succeed quite well, beautifully and right, you will learn from the description below. First of all, you need to prepare the wall. If there are large cracks on it, potholes and other defects, you need to remove them. You also need to remove old wallpapers and remove the extra layer of putty, then dry well.

How to choose a crack for sealing cracks? Here everything is simple - select the composition that does not contain PVA, for example, well established a spatle mixture "Old". Apply the material gradually, laying out thin layers, as if forming a pie, leave each time the time for drying the previous layer.

In order to check the percentage of the wall readiness, you can stick to it a piece of simple scotch, withstand a couple of minutes and disrupt. In the event that traces of plaster remained on the surface of Scotch, it means that the wall is still not ready. There is another option: paste a small segment for the night food filmIf the outflow is formed next to it - the wall has moisture.

After complete drying wall design Come on the surface of the skin and leave the room for venting out with open windows and a balcony for 1 week. Next, the wall requires to be processed either by the primer or looping glue (Use quality glue "Moment" or "Kelid"). Desirable, process working surface Anti-GRIBER. From how the work is ready for the wall, the quality of pasting will depend.

If your goal is to achieve neutral tone, use exclusively pigmented neutral shape compositions.

Preparation of wallpaper and tools

Before glue wallpaper on vinyl-based, you need to thoroughly prepare the necessary building inventory. To work, you will need:

  • Good massive wide spatula.
  • Bucket.
  • Not too hard walled brush or cut of an unnecessary vet.
  • Tassel in order to apply the adhesive substance.
  • A well sharpened knife.
  • Roller and brush (to apply glue).
  • Scissors, comfortable for accommodation in hand.
  • Rubber roller (smooth wallpaper).
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette or meter.
  • Glue.

A large smooth surface on which you can position everything required tools and wallpaper. It can be a table or clean floor.

Initially, it may seem that the walls of the walls of vinyl wallpaper - the occupation for you. However, experts assure that Flizelin is a malicious material, which cannot be said about the subtle wallpaper made of paper. Sticking vinyl wallpapers on paper based Requires skills and patience, do without attracting an assistant will not succeed.

When buying glue in the store, emphasize the high-quality adhesive composition, on the label of which is indicated, including this species Wallpaper. The desire to save extra money and blew the vinyl material by the glue, which is already there at home, can disappoint the final result. It also happens that such a negligence leads to a quick dumping of the bands and the need for the next decoration of the walls.
After training inventory and materials, you can move directly to the process of sticking.

How to stick wallpaper on the wall right?

Glue intelligence in the ratio as indicated in the instructions, but after prepare the wallpaper.

In each roll of vinyl wallpaper there is a specific instruction that needs to be followed unconditionally. Wallpaper is required to cut through the length of the wall, but with the addition of ten centimeters. It is necessary for overhearst. For example, the height of the surface of the surface is 2.4 m, it means that you cut 2.5 m.

In the event that you have a picture or something like that, you need to pick up, you will have to apply each sliced \u200b\u200bpiece to the next one. You need to first connect images and only then cut off. Thus, go further. To create a single drawing it is easier to work immediately with 2-3 rolls. It is recommended to cut wallpaper in such a quantity so that there are no more than ten canvas, they must be carefully folded on each other in the order in which the conformity of the pattern was selected. You need to fold face down.

By the way, before cutting the wallpaper on the strips, it is advisable to quit, how much they correspond to each other. It happens that when purchasing in the confusion, it is not enough among all rolls of the same figure 1-2, which do not correspond to the selected pattern. If the stripes are already cut, it will be impossible to pass the rolls back to the store, and you will have to further spend money on the purchase of missing wallpaper.

Working with glue, be careful: the glue in no case should not fall on the front side. Note that glue for vinyl wallpaper before applied to it, should ravel over ten minutes. As a rule, glue is applied to wallpaper, and on the wall. But, as for vinyl, here there are varieties in which glue lubricates only a wall surface. You will find this information in each package.

The masters mark the best coating attachment, if it is good to miss the strip of material at the edges. Also, the finish will last longer, if glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis, covered with adhesive composition and stripes, and wall. Punching of vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis requires glue only on a wall surface.

Secrets of high quality vinyl coating

Since glue vinyl, you need to join, try not to stretch them. Wait for the primer gets dry and start glue. In order for the vertical to be located correctly, read the line in terms of which you will be oriented. You need to start a sizing with an angle located near the window, but at the same time the angle itself does not affect or stick with it.

So, smear the glue wallpaper connecting them with a lubricated side, and only then, if necessary, smear the wall.

It is necessary so that the glue has time to swell, directly, on the wallpaper, as well as to speed up the work process. Note that the wall should be missed immediately before contact with the material.

The canvas pressed against the surface and, starting on top, neatly rolled down. Try to remove all formed bubbles and emptiness. But do it carefully, as it is important that the glue for vinyl wallpaper does not fall on them, otherwise labor-based stains can remain.

It is advisable to fix the first lane directly near the window pass, this sunny reception Skown joints and seams. The beginners who first have encountered sticking vinyl wallpaper, it is more convenient to first draw a vertical line on the wall with a pencil wall, and already focusing on it, begin to stick.

Calculation of corners and hard places

Of course, it is clear that in corner zones The glue wallpaper can not be glued, so there are several ways to correct this disadvantage. Clear them in the corner may be a mustache. To do this, you need to push one centimeter to the other side, which closes another web. But this option is appropriate only for monophonic and small pattern of wallpaper. This is the easiest method, although special glue is needed for it.

More laborious but worth itThe following method is considered: they apply wallpapers for each opposite side with a nasky in three centimeters. After they are thoroughly dried, you need to cut forward two sheets strictly vertically simultaneously. Those parts you cut off should be removed, and the edges of the canvase bent and cry. Seam is perfect.

How to glue the vinyl wallpaper behind the radiator, know a few, because it is a very complex process. Some do not cast your head and just paint the paint to the wallpaper. Of course, it is not too aesthetic, therefore, especially for those who prefer the wallpaper, our recommendations. For this, they are cut into small strips by about 10 - 20 cm in width and with the help of a small roller are sampled.

To trim the edges of the wallpaper from above and below, as a rule, use a special triangular line, which has cut properties. If there is no, then with an ordinary triangle and the stationery knife make even cuts.

The most frequently asked question is: how to glue wallpaper on a vinyl-based basis in the zone of sockets and switches. Everything is much easier than it seems.

Before starting work in this area, you need to turn off the power supplies, remove plastic platbands. It should not cut in advance wallpaper. Cland them, as it is, and before riding a roller, make an incision and cut the wallpaper on the hole, align the surface. After a little bit drying, fasten the platbands.

Another important problem arising during repairs - doorways and windows. When you reached the opening, you can cut a cloth from the bottom to the top of the door (window) crossbar, then gripe tightly and roll. All unnecessary trim and further glue based on the previous one.

Heavy vinyl glue is much more difficult, but maybe. Firstly, the glue is needed special, secondly, they have a significant drawback: during glue spreading, they are strongly stretched, and in the process of drying, on the contrary, they narrow. Therefore, if you chose this type of vinyl wallpaper, contact your experts.

Video on how to glue vinyl wallpaper


If you prefer to repair vinyl wallpaper - you did right choice. Contrary to all contradictions, they possess weight gain: waterproof, fireproof, non-toxic and easily washable. Caring for them is really simple. It is enough to rub a damp cloth or, in case of severe pollution, wash the detergent.

In addition, a wide range of textures and color palette make it possible to create a design of unimaginable beauty. Among this manifold, you can suitable, completely, under any style.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper, preparation, sticking, working with corners.

In the previous article, we considered the types of vinyl wallpaper in detail:

Someone will say that sticking vinyl wallpaper is not much different from sticking wallpaper on a paper basis. But when you read this article, you will understand that there are a lot of differences. And if they are not fully taken into account, then wallpapers can disappear the next day, and you will have to do everything again, considering those nuances that you did not want to remember.


So, you will need to stock pretty serious list of tools. First, you need a special brush designed to primer the wall and subsequent application of glue on vinyl wallpaper. Further, instead of a sponge, it is better to take a roller to which the seams will ride. You will also need a special spatula that you will smooth out the wallpaper canvases, a soft sponge or cotton rack, which is removed by the glue of glue, the tassel that you will be sinking small wallpapers. In trivia, you need to have scissors, a knife for trimming, level, roulette, paper tape, a ruler, as well as a wooden spatula, which you will presser and separate the narrow parts of the wallpaper, for example, on the corners. Perhaps all.

Preparation of walls

Before walking the vinyl wallpaper, do the traditional preparation of the walls. You need a special dry glue mix For vinyl wallpaper, which needs to be divided by water according to the instructions. Drink the walls with these glue over the entire surface. If you do not find the glue, you can stock ingestion of deep penetration, commonly widespread. Next, since the wallpaper is heavy and not too well passed air, the walls need to be treated with a fungicidal composition, protecting them from the appearance of mold fungus under the canvas. After drying the glue and composition, take the thread with the weight and sculpt the vertical line on the wall. It will be your guide for sticking the first wall cloth. At the end of the procedure, turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets.

Additional Information

If you do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and have never been involved in this before, it is desirable to have a number of man who, as they say, "know".

Wallpapers are glued only on a dry aligned surface, which is especially important for wide relief vinyl wallpaper. From the walls you need to remove an old coating. Cracks need to scream, align the surface.

You can check the dryness of the walls with a small piece of cellophane and painting scotch, which this cellophane will be glued to the wall. Leave the material at night. If water drops were formed on the inside of cellophane on the inside of cellophane, it means that the walls are not enough to glue vinyl wallpaper on them. We have to dry further.

The strength of the wall coating is checked using conventional tape. Stick a piece on the wall and drop sharply. Take a look at the inside of the scotch. If there are particles of plaster or old paint.So the wall needs to be prepared: remove old layers, engage in primer and alignment.

Anyone who knows how to properly glue vinyl wallpapers will tell you that in the room in no case there should be drafts. Air conditioners, fans, open windows, all this is a terrible taboo! Drafts are welcome only after the glued wallpapers are completely dry.

Never glue new bulk coating on old. The latter must be completely removed from the wall. Water them with water, wait a bit, and then they will be filmed with a spatula without any problems.

Preparation of wallpaper

Cut wallpapers on the walls in the height of the wall, but with a 10-centimeter allowance about the supply. If you cut vinyl wallpaper with a silk screen or a common pattern, then you first need to choose the drawing of the adjacent canvases with the maximum coincidence. Wallpaper stripes fold down the drawing down. Each stack should consist of 10 wallpapers, no more. And each strip must be moved towards the neighboring at least 1.5 centimeters. Best to take meter wallpaperwhich allow you to minimize the problems with the selection of pattern and the correct cut.

How is glue apply?

Vinyl wallpaper glue only jack. This means that the panels should not find one thing. After drying the primer on the wall, you can proceed to the process of sticking. Initially, apply glue to that section of the wall, where the first cloth will be located. Stick the canvas on the wall, mark the following and glue it. The sequence of actions is repeated until the end of the work.

Additional Information

With glue you need to work very carefully, because the careless attitude will lead to adhesive composition On the front side of the wallpaper.

Give the mixed glue to sweep carefully, defending it for 5-10 minutes after kneading. This rule is necessarily prescribed in the instructions.

Read the information on the roll of vinyl wallpaper. It is possible that the glue needs to be applied not only on the wall, but also on the wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Technology of correct gluing. Alone shook wallpaper will not work. Only double. And even faster - threesome. One worker stands on a stepladder or on a chair and applies the top edge of the canvas to the wall. Another employee holds the bottom end of the floor strip on the floor, combining the edge of the wallpaper with the designated vertical line. Next, an easy pressure of the wallpaper strip is carried out to the base, after which the air bubbles are supplanted with the help of the brush. The brush is working from top to bottom and from the axis towards the edges. If you have noticed a glue from the edge of the canvas, quickly wipe it with a clean cloth, not a brush!

Cut the edge

Printing wallpapers under the ceiling and in the field of plinths, you need to remain extra material, clipped by the line of the knife. At the same time, the lower edge of the band should go to the plinth about 5 millimeters. Trimming wallpaper is made only with a sharp knife. If the blade is blunt, it will bloom or stop the wallpaper, not yet dried by glue. In the process of trimming, you regularly change the rapid blade.

Plintus canvas

If you did not remove the plinth before starting work, insert the bottom edge of the wallpaper between the wall and the plinth. The remaining part is cut and sticks the strip from above, which will allow to close the seam and the upper part of the plinth. I strongly recommend removing the plinth before sticking wallpaper so that it does not interfere with you. At the end of the sticking, it is naked or put back.

Gluing top

The ceiling edge of the wallpaper canvas must be subjected to 5 centimeters to protect the ceiling from glue. After that, the wallpaper is pressed on top to the wall and smoothed down the book with a brush. Other canvases are linked. If you glue the wallpaper not up to the ceiling (for example, you have paint or plaster on the top of the wall), then you need to note the top border of the blending area on the wall. This should be done throughout the perimeter of the room. The band will help you navigate in the course of work.

Work with corners

In the corners you need to leave extra vinyl wallpapers to the depth of the existing niche, taking into account the allowance. After that, cuts are made from above and below, and the cloth is bended behind the angle by the method of climbing. Next, the wallpaper is neatly cut off, and in the corners of the place of overlapping the panels and joints strongly pressed against the wall, providing a dense gluing. I note that at the corners of the room, the wobbly canvas should enter the other side of the maximum of 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, on the other wall, the first canvas is glued from the corner itself, closing the previous 3-4 centimeters.

Sockets, Switches, Batteries

Behind the batteries, the walls should be covered by about 10-20 centimeters, no more. Climbing wallpapers to the wall is carried out using a narrow roller equipped with a long handle. They can work both beyond the battery (from above, bottom, side) and through radiator ribs. Near switches and sockets Wallpapers are not cut in advance. They are glued directly on the holes. Only after drying the adhesion can be cut.

General information on wallpaper sticker:

  • Metal or metallized wallpapers for walls, advantages.

When it comes to repair, it is becoming the question of how and what makes the walls of the apartment premises. Most. the optimal choice Will shove wallpaper. Best choose vinyl, because they have a large number of Advantages, and besides very attractive outwardly. They have a long service life, mostly all types of wallpaper data is easy to wash. Some can only be wiped with a wet cloth from the resulting dust, and some can wet and even brushing with a sponge. In order to choose exactly the detergents best consult from the competent seller of a specialized store. Or independently inspect the packaging and find identification signs that indicate the degree of endurance in front of moisture.

Immediately before the adhesive of vinyl wallpapers, there are difficulties, and what you need to have tools to easily shove the wallpaper canvases, which stages include the blending process, how to properly prepare walls and many more similar nuances. Answers to these questions will reveal this article.

Required tools

Before proceeding to the process of sticking, you need to make sure that all tools are in stock and prepare them so that they are all the time at hand.

The following tools will be needed:

  • a special brush with the help of which the walls are primed;
  • brush and roller for coating the wall-haired glue mixture;
  • special roller without a pile is necessary to rolling the seams;
  • special soft spatula for uniform smoothing of the canvas;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • cotton napkins or rags in order to eliminate excess glue mapping;
  • the bruster of a small size will be needed to boost the wallpaper canvase;
  • stationery knife for smooth cutting, scissors will not fit;
  • the blade or spatula of a tree for presses and disappear of irregularities in small areas.

With these tools, glue the wallpaper will be easier and more convenient. The main thing is to have them at hand.

Preparation of walls

No need to ignore this item, since the preparation of the walls is an important stage. Thanks to the competent and thorough preparation of the walls, the wallpaper coating will hold a long time, and delight with its beautiful view.

Initially, it is necessary to remove the layer of old wallpaper, if any. After which it is necessary to cubs the walls, best, if you do with a special primer, which is focused on deep penetration. If suddenly it did not turn out, the divorced glue mass can cope with this task. After the walls are primed them to cover special toolwhich prevents the occurrence of fungi and the development of microbes.

Upon time, when all the layers were dried, professionals are advised to read the line in the entire height of the wall and already take a benchmark for sticking the first strip. You should not focus on the angle of the room, as it may be uneven due to which problems can occur with the pattern. To be 100% confident that the conducted line perfectly need to use a special building level.

As soon as everyone preparatory stages The walls are completed. It is necessary to isolate the rooms from the current and remove all existing sockets and switches. This will allow the canvas perfectly to go on the wall surface. You do not need to neglect this and do as before, simply cut the hole for one or another item. It serve as an uneven pattern and all the beauty of the canvas will disappear.

Important! Vinyl wallpaper should always be glued only on well-dried walls. For authenticity, it is possible to attach polyethylene to the prepared wall for a day with the help of painting tape and if there is a moisture on it after it, this means that the wall requires more time to dry.

The room where finishing work It is necessary to isolate from the stream of air, namely to close all windows and doors tightly, turn off the heaters and air conditioners. It is possible to ventilate the room only after the vinyl wallpaper is carefully dried.

Step-by-step instruction of sticking vinyl wallpaper

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis?
Vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin-based basis have a number of features that should be known:

  • glue is applied only on the wall;
  • no need to allow lumen when applied adhesive solution, with this layer it must be thick;
  • punching should be performed from an even angle;
  • wallpapers are glued only to jack and either otherwise;
  • smoothing the attached strip to the wall you need strictly from the center to the edges.

The phlizelin base has a large amount of cellulose in its composition due to which the canvas is more dense and severe. To better glue such canvases, it is better to use glue for vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis. On store shelves, it is referred to as vinyl glue. It is made on the basis of methylcellulose, there is no PVC in its composition. As a rule, it is considered universal and is suitable for any type of vinyl wallpaper.

If the wallpaper of this species is planned to be glued in the room with high humidity, it is better to purchase polyvinyl acetate glue. It will ensure reliable gluing and long service life.

Required time for drying vinyl wallpaper wallpapers

Wallpaper with a phlizelin substrate have different times Drying. First of all, it depends on the manufacturing method. For example, wallpaper made with hot pasta is required for complete drying so that the temperature is on average about 25 degrees, and humidity is no more than 60%. Then, until complete drying, you should wait 48 hours.

If the cloth has decorative finish, they may need a longer period in some cases a week.

Practice Wallpaper Bolds Rules

The key to success in sticking vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis lies in the correct selected glue. It is important that its composition be qualitative, it will avoid the formation of bubbles and irregularities. And also this will serve them long service. It is best to choose glue from foreign manufacturers. Of course, they have a higher price category, but costs will definitely take up high quality. It is important that the adhesive mass of had a property to quickly capture with the surface, but not instantly.

The glue must necessarily present compounds that are aimed at preventing the formation of mold and fungi.

High-quality glue has the following characteristics:

  • when glue mass is divorced, there should not appear lumps and incomprehensible origin of the clots, if it arose, it is better not to use it, as this can lead to irregularities;
  • after the day does not dry out;
  • in not open the package can be kept for years;
  • should not have in the composition of harmful substances;
  • simple preparation of the mixture.

Preampling of vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis, you need to thoroughly align the wall surface.

It is divided into types:

  • putty;
  • stucco;
  • plasterboard.

Stages of sticking wallpaper having a paper substrate for nothing differ from other types of vinyl wallpaper.

Drying Wallpaper with Paper Substrate

How quickly the wallpaper of this species is dry, depends on many factors. First of all, the weighty moment is a well-dried prepared surface of the walls. If it was not dry, then the time of drying wallpaper will be increased at times.

Optimum option If the room temperature is approximately 20 degrees, and humidity is not more than 70%. If the temperature is less, and the humidity will be high, then wait until the walls are dry, it will have to go long. In addition, it can entail the detachment and deformation of the canvas.

Important! To air and carry out further finishing work the premises is possible only after complete coating.