Belyashi with meat recipes. How to cook Belyashi: simple dough cooking recipes and stuffing with photos

Talk about what Belyashi is who invented them from what nation they came to world culture And how cannonically cooked, you can endlessly. You can argue, prove your rightness and reinforce its arguments of our own experience, but the truth is still everyone in all: the Tatar cuisine will consider them their own, Bashkirs and Kazakhs necessarily challenge the historical ownership of the idea, and all the others who are somehow involved in Belyasham will smile, the cherished of their truth.

Let's not go into historical debris today. I will not argue and find out, whose contribution to the formation of white-old history whites is more and more consistent. Let's just cook and enjoy, releasing and enjoy, because in fact it is the main task of home cooking.

Belyashi, recipe with photo step by step in a frying pan

Perfect, very tasty home Recipe Whites with meat. It is considered basic, although it differs from the requirements of a scrupulous GOST. The dough is smelted on dry yeast and milk. Meat - pork, can be replaced with any other or finished mince.


Ingredients for dough

  • 4 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oil or margarine;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tsp. Dry soluble yeast.

Ingredients for minced

  • 400-500 g of pork;
  • 200 g of the Spot Luke.

How to cook Belyashi

Yeasts dissolve in half a warm milk, add sugar. Cut the towel, we leave for 10 minutes. After yeast are activated (yeast foam will go on the surface of the milk), we snatch salt, we introduce melted butter (margarine), the second half of milk and flour.

We mix soft, pliable dough. Rounded and, covering with a food film or a towel, we leave for 10-60 minutes before the increase in half the place.

Preparing stuffing: scroll through meat through a meat grinder, finely rub onions. Minced stirred with salt, pepper and garlic, pour some water. While the dough is suitable, let me stand.

Forms of Belyashi in the form of a flower, with folds, slightly faster.

Praying in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil on a weak heat from two sides to a golden crust.

Excess oils eliminate by plating ready-made products on paper towels.

Advice delicious Belyesha

What is the secret of juicy meat minced meat for whites?

Contrary to popular belief, the fat is not particularly enhanced by the humidity of the filling. Your best assistant - ordinary water: To interfere well in meat minced meat, try to repel it. The second option is a petty ice crumb, however, in this case, it will have to work quickly and very quickly. Another couple of your assistants in this matter is onions and greens.

How to fry whitish so that they do?

In the process of frying it is necessary to find the optimal temperature corridor: if the fire is too strong, the dough inside and the filling will remain raw. If you do too small fire, pies for the time of frying absorb so much oil that there is them then definitely not want.

When frying Belyesha should not arrange a hostel: there should be enough space to everyone, let the products are located freely and freely - so they get better and evenly please. Ideally, the oil should surround Belyash completely from all sides and climb at least the middle of the pies.

Laying patties in a hot oil with a hole down: heat Immediately "seal" meat, not giving juice unauthorized to flow into the pan.

How to sculpt Belyashi?

Test bulb flatten in a cake, lay out into the center of the minced hill. Rejoin in the minced meat big finger One hand, minced stuffing in the dough. With the other hand we sear the edge of the dough with small "assembly" around the minced meat, rotating the cake around the finger, the stuffing stuffing. There should be a hole with a diameter of 1 cm, and the testing of the dough should rise above the minced meat. Molded patties cover with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. Most of the folds of the test during this time will be smoothed.

Try, for example, and so: roll the dough in a circle big diameter, in the center, put the minced stuff with a nonetable cake, then lift the dough from one edge and make a hopping with the "fold"; Further collect all the dough in a circle, forming the same "pleated folds" as Hincali. Then flatten them, leaving the hole in the center.

Do not like folds? Take the flower:

Or form the easiest pistop with a hole. Make a vertical incision and slightly grow out on the side of the dough, as in the photo. Why a hole? With frying meat inside Belyash gives a lot of liquid. This fluid should be spread over white, and not to blow it up in the absence of a hole.

Belyashi with meat in a frying pan

Yes, yes, the very most you could buy in the cave at an angle for 11 kopecks. With a stunning crust, soft dough and juicy stuffing. The very, which now seem to the top of the upostess art - even taking into account the meat of unbearable quality and multiple boiling of sunflower oil.

The output of the test on this recipe - 120 g, the filling - 144 g (here it is, the main secret of delicious guest whites: the filling should be more than the test!), As a result, you will get 3 Belyasha with a total weighing 240 g (80 g each) . Cooking in such quantities is ridiculous, so arrow the calculator and recalculate the recipe on the basis of your needs and expectations.

Ingredients for dough:

80 g flour in / s;
40 g of water or milk;
2 g pressed "alive" yeast;
2 g of sugar;
1 g of salt.

Ingredients for filling:

110 g beef or lamb;
20 g of the reptile onion;
0.5 g of black ground pepper;
2 g of salts;
15 g of water;
17 g of vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook Belyashi:

  1. In warm milk (water), we put yeast and sugar, stirred and wait until yeast start working. When a light foam appears on the surface, suck salt and flour, we knead the dough and, rounded, we remove into a warm place to lift. After about an hour (the dough is doubled) by ignion and leave for the second lift.
  2. Meanwhile, we cook a filling. Minced me, of course, do it yourself. It is added to it a finely chopped onion, salt and pepper. Mix, we enter water.
  3. Forming is the highest pilot. We take the dough, again by ignion, pressing a piece and ... put on the scales. It should be exactly 40 g. Not enough - add, much - we remove. Making balls. First weighing, the rest can be molded by the type of first, if you trust the chapera. Do not trust - continue to weigh. We leave for 5-10 minutes for proofing.
  4. In the meantime, we divide the minced member of the portion to 48. The quantity - of course, equal to the number of test balls.
  5. Roll over every piece of the dough into a round layer (and easier to simply flatten with your fingers), on top lay out the portion of the filling.
  6. Forms of Belyashi, collecting the dough at the top and leaving the hole so that the meat is better painted.
  7. Fry in sufficient oil (on 17 g, we recommend not to pay attention - it all depends on the shape and volume of the pan, so they simply focus on the fact that the whitefish should be closed with a fryer at least half). On both sides, to a golden crust. Oil temperature is 190 degrees (will be able to withstand necessary for the entire process?).
  8. We lay out ready-made whites on paper towels, then we shift into the common bowl, while the rest are soaked. Let's drink hot.

Tatar Belyashi with meat - Pogs

In essence, drums (pyrimachi) are the same whites, just with the Tatar "name". The filling can be classic meat, happens curd or potato. Dough - yeast or fresh, fry in hot oil. Feed drums with ajane, rhat or broth. We will prepare Tatar whlaries with meat on a dough with dry yeast.

Ingredients for dough:

2 h. L. dry yeast;
500 g of flour;
50 g fat (ram, beef)
1 egg;
1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tsp. salts;
320 g of warm milk;
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Ingredients for filling:

300 g of minced meat;
1 bulb;
2 cloves of garlic;
Salt, pepper to taste.

200-250 ml of vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking Belyesha:

  1. Yeasts dissolve in 150 g of warm milk (37-40 degrees), add sugar, we remove the warmth. After they are activated, we snatch salt, we enter melted fat (or butter (margarine), the second half of the warm milk, egg and flour. We mix soft, pliable dough. Rounded and, cover with food or towel, leave in a warm place on 1 hour. We leave and leave again for an hour. And once again - for half an hour. The dough will increase in 2 - 2.5 times.
  2. Minced stirred with salt, pepper and garlic, pour some water.
  3. The finished dough divide on the balls of equal size (weighing 40-50 g each), flatten. In the center lay out 1 tbsp. l. minced meat.
  4. Forms of sticking with pleated folds, slightly flare. We leave alone for half an hour, sticking with a towel.
  5. Praying in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil from two sides to a golden crust. We lower the drums into the oil hole down. I turn over when the edges become brownish, fry on the other side. Remove noise.
  6. Excess meat eliminating, placing ready-made products on paper towels.

Little culinary trick. Experienced hostesses advise to check the temperature of the fryer, lowering the half of the carrot - if that "jumps", the temperature for frying is suitable.

Vak-Belyash (Belyashi in the oven)

For those who love Belyashi, but considers them a harmful and time-consuming dish, the recipe of Vac Belyash was invented. Everything is preparing at times easier, perfectly taste. It is worth trying to do at least once in order to be able to evaluate a dish of dignity.

Yes, and a little more. Vak-Belyash is standard small pies. If it is absolutely too lazy, you can cook Zur-Belyash - all the same, but in the format of one big cake.

Ingredients for dough:

500 g kefir;
800 g of flour;
50 g of butter;
2 eggs;
1 tsp. salts;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for lubrication test.

Ingredients for filling:

500 g of minced meat;
4-5 medium-sized potatoes;
2 bulbs;
Pepper, salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Kefir mix with eggs, add salt and melted butter, after which we introduce the flour and knead the soft, nelite dough. Round and wrap in the package. We leave for 10 minutes to "relax."
  2. Meanwhile, we cook a filling. My potatoes, clean, cut into small cubes and mix with minced meat. Solim, add pepper, finely chopped onions, mix. If the minced is very lean, you can additionally cut 20-30 grams of bass or pour not a large number of water.
  3. Dough roll in a layer with a thickness of about 4 mm, any suitable dishes Cut circles. In the center of each circle, we put the stuffing, cover the dough in a circle, raising the edges up and leaving at the top of the hole.
  4. We put products on a lubricated baking sheet. With a culinary brush, lubricate every vaccine oil with sunflower oil. We bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees about 40 minutes.
  5. Let's drink hot.

Another white whites recipe with meat (juicy minced meat)

The filling in Belyasha, cooked on this recipe in the oven, it turns out particularly juicy. The secret is that half of the bow is introduced into the meat in a fried form, but, perhaps, we will not get ahead - read carefully and prepare with pleasure.

Ingredients for dough:

500 g of flour;
220 g of milk;
2 eggs;
1 tsp. salts;
1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
50 g of butter;
2 h. L. Dry yeast.

Ingredients for filling:

500 g beef;
200 g of pork;
4 bulbs;
vegetable oil;
2 cloves of garlic;
Salt, pepper, greenery to taste.

How to make Belyashi:

  1. We prepare the usual yeast dough: in warm milk with sugar, we dissolve yeast, after 10 minutes add eggs and melted butter, we introduce salt and flour, we mix the soft elastic mass that we send to a warm place.
  2. We are stuffed. The meat is twisted on the meat grinder with a large grid. Onions cut into cubes, we add to the mince, the second half fry on the vegetable oil to light goldenness and also introduce into the mince. We add salt, pepper, finely chopped greens, squeeze garlic and mix.
  3. It approached the dough to the dough, divide on equal balls weighing about 50 g, flatten each into a round layer. In the center, lay out the filling, cover the edges of the dough, lifting them up and leaving the hole in the center. The molded Belyashi lay out onto the stained parchment paper, we leave it in a warm place for 20 minutes for the proofing, after which we lubricate with vegetable oil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees about 25 minutes.

Homemade Belyashi with meat "like on the market"

Lovers of street fast food probably more than once more than whistles, who are preparing and immediately sold in markets - bazaars, railway stations and other crowded places - juicy to breathtomasses, soft, with elastic hole dough. Holding towards reflections on how useful food prepared in repeatedly preheated sunflower oil, and how meat is preparing a mince for such products, let's deal with what the secret of these whites and why they are obtained as delicious (arguments about fresh air, walked appetite and pleasant awareness of what someone has prepared this food for you to omit).


2.5 h. L. dry yeast;
360 ml of water;
2 h. L. Sahara;
1 tsp. salts;

4 glasses of water;
500 g pig-beef minor, salt and pepper for minced meat;
2 large bulbs;
Oil for frying.

  1. We mix the dough: yeast dissolve in warm water, add sugar, we leave for 10 minutes, then add salt and oil and suck the flour. I introduce the flour gradually - smurial to the consistency of the test: manually knead it will be quite difficult, it should be soft and even a slightly liquid. It is better to use the dough or a powerful mixer with the "Hook" nozzles.
  2. The kneading dough is left for lifting in a warm place for half an hour, during which time we prepare mince - mix the meat with grated onions, salt and pepper, add water with small portions, following the liquid completely absorbed into meat. Mince in the end should be soft, but not watery.
  3. Finished dough roll in a large subtle layer. Glass with thin walls cut the dough circle. At half, we put a small amount of meat minced meat - not a ball in the center, but a cake throughout the area, leaving the dough half acestimeter in a circle. Cover the second circle, the edges squeeze the spoon or turn into manually.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, Belyashi cannot form massively and wait until "customers" come: with a long-term proofing, the dough will rush, Belyashi will turn out inaccurate and dry. Forms - fry, fry formulations. In a well-heated frying pan with sufficient oil. If we do not immediately, it is not immediately, you can fold whitebies in the oven with a light bulb - it provides a temperature of 30 degrees, the pies will not be quickly cooling.

Belyashi with meat on a custard dough

Custard dough - incredibly comfortable in work! Due to the fact that it is plastic, soft and nelite, whites are obtained with even, neat, "picture". In general, recipe for perfectionists.


1 cup warm water;
1 glass of boiling water;
50 g of "living" yeast;
1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tsp. salts;
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
4 cups of flour;
500 g of minced meat + salt, pepper;
2 bulbs.

  1. In warm water, we dissolve yeast and sugar, we leave for 10 minutes to activate. After that, we pour the oil, we snatch the salt, mix and pour the resulting mass on the flour sifted to another bowl. Mix on the ambulance hand - there will be crumbs, flakes and just a vague mass. It is evenly pouring boiling water evenly, after which, together with him, we knead a pleasant smooth dough, which is rounded and set aside exactly at that time that you need to prepare a filling and a frying pan.
  2. Onions are finely cut, mix with minced meat, where we add salt, pepper and some water.
  3. There are a sufficient amount of oil on the pan (ideally, with frying, whites should be covered with oil slightly more than half), we put on the slab to heal.
  4. We tear away a small piece from the dough, round it, flatten, lay out the stuffing and collect the dough at the top, smelsh. Zharim immediately - this dough behaves well and without proofing.

Belyashi with meat and potatoes

Whether two in one, or just a concession family budget or common senseWho believes that potatoes with meat is still a little more useful than just a piece of meat, it does not matter, the essence is still simple: Belyashi with meat and potatoes - it is unexpectedly tasty and interesting. The filling is more tender, softer and more pleasant. Well, and separate plus - the dough on the kefir, which is preparing at once or two and does not require proofing. Of course, if you wish, you can prepare the usual yeast dough to this stuffing.


170 g of flour;
100 g kefir;
1/2 h. L. soda;
1/2 h. L. salts;
1 tsp. Sahara;
200 g potatoes;
100 g of minced meat;
1 bulb;

Mix with soda, salt and sugar. We pour kefir, we mix soft but not sticky dough. If necessary, add some flour, but without fanatism: the more flour, the harder will be the dough in ready product. We try to do with a minimum. Finished dough hide in a plastic bag for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, potatoes purify, three on a large grater. We mix with minced meat, salt and add pepper to taste.

The dough is rolling into a layer with a thickness of about 4-5 mm. Glass with thin walls cut the circle. In the center lay out a small amount of filling, wrap as classic Belyashi with a hole in the middle.

Fry immediately - in sufficient amounts of oil, to a golden crust, on both sides. Ready Belyashi lay out on disposable towels or paper napkins.

"Lazy" Belyashi

In essence, of course, this is not whitish at all - so, pancakes with meat filling: downstairs liquid dough, then stuffing, then the dough again. Do not whistles at all. But the set of products is identical, the difference is only in the amount and method of molding, and so - all the same pies with meat.

In general, if suddenly he really wants Belyesha, but categorically I do not want to work and create, take it on service this recipe and boldly go to the kitchen. Disappointed will not.


1 egg;
100 ml of milk;
1/2 h. L. salts;
1 tsp. Sahara;
1/2 h. L. soda;
3 tbsp. l. kefir;
120 g of flour;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for dough + vegetable oil for frying;
300 g of minced meat;
1 bulb;
Salt, minced meter to taste.

First we prepare the dough: mix the egg, sugar, salt, soda, kefir, add vegetable oil. Suck flour. The resulting mass is dissociated by milk - the dough should not be dense, but not liquid. Classic, in general, dough on pancakes.

Minced stuffing with chopped bulbs, salt, add pepper.

Farm. Well breeding frying pan, a small amount of oil. The first thing we pour a spoonful of the test, then on top of it immediately put the stuffing spoon on top of it (we try not to draw a bunch in the middle, but a thin pancake to portray), then bother again with a small amount of dough.

We prepare such pancakes from two sides to a beautiful golden crust. The fire is confidently below the average, otherwise the minced risk to upset you damp and wet.

"Fast" Belyashi on a kefir in a pan

Well, if you are still lazy than it is required to cook Belyashi in the previous recipe, try to persuade yourself on these pancakes with meat. Yeah, completely with meat, in this case it is proposed to mix the dough and mince immediately on up-to-molding and up-hot stages. And yes, of course, this is not Belyashi at all, but the people in their time came up with this thing and called it that this word, and whether we argue with many years of folk traditions? Said - Belyashi, it means, Belyashi.


500 ml kefir;
3 eggs;
1/2 h. L. salts;
1 tsp. soda;
1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
300 g of flour;
300 g of minced meat;
1 major bulb;
salt, pepper to taste;
Vegetable oil for frying.

In a comfortable bowl, we connect kefir and eggs. In another container, mix the salt, sugar, soda and flour. We provide "friendship" of both masses, quickly knead the dough on pancakes. You add finely chopped onions and minced.

Fry pancakes from two sides on a well-warmed frying pan on vegetable oil. We lay out ready-made "lazy" whites on napkins or disposable towels, we will apply hot.

Filling for Belyesha

The dough for Belyesha is preparing for dozens different recipes (Each hostess chooses your favorite and verified), you can fill in the same one that in this time period matches your mood. In addition to standard and expected games with meat species, "Magic food" can offer you to try and something new, for example ...

  1. Traditional filling for whites - meat minced pork, beef, lamb or their mix with bow.
  2. Meat minced + potatoes. Also a classic.
  3. Rice, onions, egg. Yes, yes, completely illogical, but it is also Belyashi. One of the varieties.
  4. Mushrooms. Fried with onions, chopped or twisted into mince. With the addition of meat or without it.
  5. Sausage or sausages. Yeah, on an ambulance hand, if there is no minced me, but I really want something.
  6. A fish! Finely chopped fillet or mince, river or maritime, red or white - it's all very and very tasty.
  7. Cheese and greens. The classic, not "whiten", but the classic, and, very, very tasty. Especially if you add to her a couple of cloves of garlic.
  8. Cabbage, with adding or without carrot, bow and greens.
  9. Chicken fillet. Dietary version of whites with meat.
  10. Carrot Belyashi. Surprised? Meanwhile, adding a grated carrot and bulgarian pepper In meat minced meat traditionally for Tatar cuisine.

Belyash is a Tatar cuisine dish that has become very popular in our edges due to the fact that the pies fried in oil fell to all of us to taste. Many Belyashi are associated with street cuisine, with tents selling hot pies, Chebureca and Belyashai. Acknowledged lunch on the go. But Street Belyashi is also a big surprise, from which they are made, whether the shelf life has expired, whether the dough would not be covered. No guarantees. What to do, if so much I want to eat Belyashi with meat, but not risks. It's simple, you need to learn very tasty home recipes and prepare Belyasha yourself.

In fact, the real Tatar Belyash is a big cake that is stirred, and not fried. And the fact that we used to eat, closer to the pies called Pogs. But we have so long and so much got used to calling them whitesham that it is most likely to change the habit. I do not think that Belyashi will suffer from it, they will still remain as tasty.

Belyashi with meat is difficult to call dietary dishSince it is essentially fried in a frying pan in a large number of vegetable oil. Practically in deep fryer. Therefore, before cooking them, mentally be prepared that the pleasure of Belyesha will cost you many and many eaten calories.

If you are not worried too much, but you want delicious whites as before, let's understand how to prepare delicious homemade whites with meat, and that it will take for this.

There are several recipes slightly different from each other. The thing is how the dough is mixed and how Bellyashi is preparing.

We first consider how to cook whlaries on a yeast dough.

Belyashi with meat on yeast dough, cooking in a pan - Detailed step-by-step recipe with photos

The most common recipe for cooking homemade whites with meat, it is on a yeast dough, followed by roasting them in boiling oil in a frying pan. Such whites with meat are obtained by lush, ruddy and juicy inside. Most of us are such Belyashi and love. Preparing them is not so difficult, but it will take some time. It's all about the test that you need to knead and give it to climb.

Filling for whites can be done almost from any meat, even from a mixture, for example, pork and beef. The proportion of one to one is quite suitable. But you can make Belyashi with meat from one pork or beef, if you like it more. Chief Secret In order to make meat filling juicy, a large amount of onions is used for this, water or broth is added to the mince.

But let's go about everything in order to learn how to do delicious homemade whites with meat.

We need:

  • flour - 800-900 grams (no more than 1 kg),
  • the yeast pressed (not dry) - 15 grams,
  • water - 1 cup (250 ml),
  • milk - 1 cup,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • egg - 1 pcs,
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • minced meat - 1 kg,
  • onions - 3 pcs,
  • fresh kinza (optional) - 50 grams,
  • black pepper ground and salt - to taste.


1. The first thing we start to do when preparing any baking is, of course the dough. Since the dough for whites with meat is yeast, then you first prepare the pole.

Opara is prepared from yeast with the addition of a small number of ingredients that will include the fermentation process. To begin with, we need warm water and sugar.

Felt yeast to pieces in a bowl or ladle, then pour into them a tablespoon of sugar and pour half of the water, approximately 100 ml. Stir yeast in water so that sugar and the yeast themselves are dissolved. This is called "dissolve" yeast.

2. Now add the same 2-3 tablespoons of flour and stirred well until all lumps are dissolved. It should be something like a liquid test. After that, cover the layer with a lid or tighten the bowl of the food film. Leave for 15-20 minutes so that the opara wanders and start climbing into the lush foamy mass.

3. When the opara is suitable, it will increase in the amount of one and a half twice. After that, it can be opened and overflow in a bowl or pan, in which we will continue to knead the dough.

4. Add a second half of water, milk and a slightly whipped egg for the egg (so that the yolks and the protein be mixed). Add a teaspoon of salt and mix well with a tablespoon or spooner.

5. Next, it is necessary to gradually add flour. Literally 150-200 gr. Once and between each addition, mix the resulting dough until it hits the dry flour in the dough. So everything is better mixed with flour.

Flour is desirable to sift in advance with a special sieve or do it right into a bowl with a dough. I usually take for this a special mug-sieve for flour and immediately sifted to the workpiece for the test. The flour is saturated with oxygen and thanks to this the dough will be very lush, and Belyashi with meat will eventually come out by real air.

6. The most difficult thing is to guess how much flour for the dough is pre-needed. The fact is that flour is different in quality and humidity. Even air humidity may affect the amount of flour. Therefore, add flour parts and continue to interfere. The maximum amount is 1 kg, the larger should not be put exactly. But while we did not come closer to this line, I bother further.

At some point, the spoon will not be able to interfere with the dough thickness, then set it aside and continue. Alas dough sticks to fingers, but it is not avoided.

If you have a special combine for kneading test or bread maker, then it will be easier for you, since it is possible to instruct the difficult job. But I trust your hands more, because I can feel the dough, what kind of density and softness it is and is enough flour. With experience, this feeling is postponed very deeply in memory and even the number of ingredients will not need to death, this happens to many owners. Dough we know to the touch.

7. Stop it is enough when it becomes sufficiently thick to start slowing down from the walls and arms and at the same time all the flour from the day of the bowl will appear. After that, add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil straight into the dough. It must be carefully interfered so that it is completely dissolved in the test. It may take about five minutes, it will make the dough plastic and homogeneous. The dough should be good and to be slightly softer than plasticine.

After that, close the bowl with a lid or food film and leave it to approach. The dough should increase in size. Do not put it in a cold place, it is better to leave it when room temperature or a little warmer. Climb it on one and a half or two hours.

8. With a properly prepared Belyashi test with meat, they are very tasty. After all, the dough is one of its main components.

Raising dough should increase by about twice. This means good yeast and was made correctly.

9. Get the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands on the table or a special silicone rug. So that it does not stick to the table and hand use vegetable oil, which lubricate the surface and hand. Do not use flour, it can change the dough consistency.

Thick the dough carefully to squeeze all air bubbles from it. When it flows to the original size, it will become smoother and plastic, return it into a bowl, cover and let it rise again. This stage can only be skipped if you are already very in a hurry, for example, to the arrival of guests. But if you have time, then give the test to climb the second time, it will make it tastier and more.

While the dough is suitable for the second time, you can cook a filling.

10. For the filling, take the finished mince or scroll it yourself. Just once. Onions Clean and also scroll through the meat grinder so that the pieces are very small. For this, the blender is also suitable, you can grind it in it. If you add a cilantro, then put it very finely with a knife. Salts need a teaspoon with a hill, and pepper is half a teaspoon if you do not like farthetern.

11. Mix meat with onions and spices in a separate dish until uniformity. In order for whitenes with meat inside with juicy, you need to do so that the filling is not dry. When stuffing is stirred, please note that it is very soft and did not crumble on meat grains. The mince must turn out much softer than for ordinary boiler. For proper consistency, it can be slightly diluted drinking water or meat broth, if you have it. Here you will also have to look and sue a consistency, water may need 2-3 spoons, and maybe a little more. The main thing, stir good water in the stuffing, so that it completely absorbed into the mince and did not stand at the bottom of the bowl.

12. When the dough is suitable for the second time, you can start sculpting Belyashi with meat. To do this, lubricate the hands and surface of the table (rug or bakery paper) with vegetable oil, lay out the dough and start it to divide it on the balls the size is no more palm. Make the balls of the same size to the eye or divide the dough on halves. That is, the whole piece in half, because every half in half, then every quarter of the floors and until you reach desired size pieces. I got 12 balls.

13. Prepare a place where you will fold ready-made blind whites with meat. It may be a baking sheet, a leaf of bakery paper, a large dish. Belyashi should not come into contact so that they do not stick.

Now we start to sculpt Belyashi. We smear the ball from the dough with your fingers to get a pellet. Not too thin, at the same time try so that the middleness remains thicker. So we balance the thickness of the dough in the place where we will relieve it to glue, with the opposite side.

In the middle of the pellet, put a tablespoon with a hill filling.

14. Now it is necessary to collect the edges of the dough together and make a bag of it. Squeeze them with your fingers so that the dough gluits and there is no holes left, and the future Belyash became round. Then flatten the finished Belyash to a more flat state.

When frying Belyashi pour again and therefore they must be more flat, than the supposed ready-made result. Slept Belyashi lay out on the baking sheet or sheet, until their frying.

15. In a deep frying pan, heat the oil to a boil and reduce the fire for less than the average so that the whites are burned outside and passed into. Place Belyashi two or three into the oil (depending on the diameter of the frying pan and the size of the whites) and fry them on each side until they become well twisted.

Finger them equally on both sides. The first Belyash can be abandoned and check whether inside the filling, if everything turned out, then the temperature of the frying is normal. If the meat is damp, then reduce the fire and roar Belyashi a little longer.

Finished whirlies fold on a large dish or a plate shined with paper towels or napkins to make the glass of glass and absorbed into them. Belyashi with meat and so a fairly fatty dish, why add oil from frying.

Ready Belyashi is a great hot dish and can replace a whole lunch or dinner. Cover on the table and eat until they have not cooled. Bon Appetit!

Belyashi on kefir - recipe for cooking fast whitache with meat with dough on kefir instead of yeast

Yeast dough is very tasty and white with meat from it are just wonderful, but his biggest minutes is the time of cooking, considering how long it is necessary to knead it, wait when it is suitable, and before that it will cook. Not always there is a whole day to cook whlasts in a frying pan. In TV, such moments will suit the recipe fast cooking - Belyashi at kefir. Kefir will serve as a substance that will make the dough for whitish air and lush. Instead of fermentation of yeast in a warm environment, we will wander kefir.

A very tasty homemade cooking recipe on kefir look in this video. You will not believe how quickly Belyashi is preparing with meat with such a dough, and in taste they are neither slightly worse and married exactly in a pan.

Prepare Belyashi with meat for your family and to the arrival of guests. Share your successes. Love delicious cooking and tasty there, because we have all the possibilities for this!

Belyashi - a traditional dish Tatar cuisine, loved worldwide. Of course, this product is unlikely to be called useful, as it represents it with meat-fried in oil. But occasionally, you can still pamper yourself and your loved ones juicy, fragrant, fresh Belyashik.

Today you can eat Belyash anywhere - on the streets of large cities almost every corner there are tents and small fast food cafes. But, as a rule, the quality of products sold there leaves much to be desired. No one knows exactly what the unfair chefs are put in filling and whether they comply with sanitary standards.

Therefore, it is best to make Belyashi handicapped, at home, since in this case you will be exactly sure that it is a high-quality and safe product.

Today we will tell you how to do really delicious and juicy whites at home, sharing interesting recipes And some secrets of their preparation.

Choose products

In order for any dish to succeed in glory, of course, first of all for its preparation, only high-quality and fresh products should be chosen.

For cooking whites use home minced meat. It is not worth buying in the store, since it is very often their meat trimming or of already stupid or, even worse, chuck and extracting in a vinegar of meat.

If possible, buy meat of young animals. As a rule, for these purposes, pork, beef and lamb.

So that mince for Belyesha turned out to be particularly juicy and tasty, process meat very carefully, as the veins and films remaining in them can make fillings with tough. So that mince is gentle, scroll it twice on the meat grinder.

Another secret is in the amount of Luke. To make Belyashi juicy, add as much onions as possible (in reasonable limits, of course). Some hostesses for the same purpose add some more cold water.

If the meat is too dry, add a little sala into the mince.

Use only white for cooking test. wheat flour top grade. Before the kneading necessarily, it should be sifted through the sieve.

Oil for frying Choose light, transparent and deodorized.

Cooking recipes

There are many recipes for cooking these meat pies. Today we share some of them.

Classic Belyashi with meat


  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 250 ml of pure water;
  • 250 ml of low-fat milk;
  • 2 chicken eggs medium-sized;
  • 10 g of fresh yeast;
  • 60 g spread;
  • 8 g salts;
  • 8 g of sugar sand;
  • 45 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 350 g of a splash;
  • 170 g of pork;
  • 140 g beef;
  • 60 ml of kefir;
  • 10 g of salts;
  • 5 g of pepper.


Milk and water pour into a deep wide bowl, add sugar there, salt, some flour, yolks, melted spread, sprinkle even flour and mix with a wooden spoon.

The dough add vegetable oil and interfere before the formation of a tight, but not a tight homogeneous mass. Cover the towel and leave half an hour in a warm place. When it goes, wash again and put in heat again.

Pork, beef crushing in a meat grinder, onions cut very finely. If there is no time to mess with him, you can twist together with meat.

In the minced meal pour into kefir, pepper and mix.

Roll over the dough into a long sausage and cut it on equal parts. Each such a piece is thinly rolling with a rolling pin (you can also use a filled cold water Glass bottle).

In each circle, lay the stuffing spoon. Trying to make Belyashi more delicious and spread a lot of stuffing, as it can break the dough with frying, and all the juice will be in a pan.

Edges gently wrap so that in the middle remains small hole. However, many hostesses prefer to wrap the dough completely.

Let us draw a blank of 10 minutes.

In the pan, we pour vegetable oil, put on a large fire and fry the workpiece first minced down, and then we turn over. On each side, fry approximately 4-5 minutes.

We put the ready-made dish on a plate shined with paper napkins - they absorb all extra fat.

Tatar Zur-Balish

This dish will have to the soul of adherents. proper nutritionBecause it should not be frying, but bake in the oven.

In the original Zur-Balish presents a large cake with potatoes and meat (this is exactly what the name is translated into our language), which is prepared in the oven.

The dough for this dish is prepared at kefir or sour cream, because the yeast Tatars to create whites are not used at all.


  • 500 ml of fresh sour cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 390 g of flour;
  • 500 g of veal;
  • 500 grams of lamb;
  • 1.5 kg of potatoes;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • 200 ml of meat broth;
  • 4 bulbs.


The flour is sifted, we pour out in a bowl, add sour cream, salt and mix the elastic dough. It should not stick to the hands.

We cover the bowl of food film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. While insisters,.

Meat, potatoes and onions cut into small cubes about 1-1.5 cm. We fold meat with vegetables in a bowl, add black pepper, salt and mix.

From the test, separate the fourth part, wrap in food film And put in the refrigerator. Most rolled out in such a way that its edges hang from the baking form by 5 cm.

From a smaller part, pressing a small ball with a diameter of 2 cm, the rest rolled out in the size of the form - it will be a lid.

Baking shape with lean oil, lay a larger layer on it, and on top of a slide filling and put the bay leaf. Next, raise the hanging edges of the dough, and on top we put the "cover". In the center, leave a small hole.

We beat the egg, lubricate them with a pen or brushes, separately lubricate a round ball ("cover"), close the hole and put the shape into the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. After we get, we cover the foil pie and reduce the temperature to 170 ° C.

To make meat in white-white pie, after 40 minutes, it is necessary to pour a little broth into the hole, as the liquid inside evaporates.

After 2.5 hours, turn off the oven and leave the pie for half an hour in it. Then get the dish and serve on the table.

Very fast Belyashi

If you want to make Belyashi as quickly as possible, take advantage of this simple recipe.


  • 1.5 glasses of warm water;
  • 3.4 cups of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • pinching sugar;
  • 11 g dry yeast;
  • black pepper;
  • 200 g chicken;
  • 200 g of pork;
  • 3 bulbs.


Who does not like gentle juicy white whisha with meat with a thin crispy crust from above? I am sure that such people are units. Recipes There are many, but I think the classic version of the preparation of Belyshiki on the yeast dough is the most successful.

Belyesham preparation recipe at home



  • 500 g flour,
  • 300 g of water (serum can, if any),
  • 7 g yeast (2 tsp with a little riding),
  • 15 ml of vegetable oil (1.5 tbsp),
  • 15 g of sugar (0.5 tbsp),
  • 8 g of salts (1 tsp with a little riding)
  • 1 tbsp. Vodka.


  • 500 g meat (beef, lamb or anyone like)
  • 8 g salts,
  • 200 g onion,
  • 50-70 ml of cold water

How to cook yeast dough for whites

Mix the yeast, all sugar, two teaspoons of flour (from the total number) and add 50 ml of heated (~ 30 degrees) of water or serum. All stirred and leave before the foam cap appearance.

I ask the flour with salt and additionally mix so that salt does not get together in one place, as the yeast does not like salt.

Make a depression in flour, pour the remaining water into it, vodka, approached yeast and mix everything. Leave the dough before the kneader for 20 minutes so that the fluid is better distributed.

After time, inscribe with the dough vegetable oil. Make the main kneading on the surface with lubricated vegetable oil. Emboss the dough for 7-10 minutes before elasticity and "clean hands".

Round the dough, put it in the container, lubricate with vegetable oil from above. Cover the film or a napkin on top and leave to stick to hours and a half.

After that, get the dough and put roam further. The second time the dough is usually suited much faster.

How to cook meat filling

  • Meat Turn on the meat grinder.
  • Cut onion with shallow crumb. If you do not want to mess around, you can turn onions together with meat, but the mince will be more juicy if the onions cut the knife.
  • Mix minced meat with onions, add salt, pepper and (optional) seasonings.
  • Later, add to mince cold water. The consistency should be medium viscosity.
  • Remove the mince - take from the bowl and throw back.

Remove in the refrigerator to the desired moment.

How to sculpt Belyashi

  • Ready dough divide into 15 equal parts (55 g). Round all the pieces and leave for 15 minutes to relax.
  • The minced meat is also divided into 15 pieces (46 g), I have a little left.

I make Belyashi open, because the meat is better in them.

Forming Belyashi on a lubricated oil table, because the flour burns in the oil, leaving an unpleasant taste.

  • Turn over the dough slice and stretch it into the cake, making the edges of the middle of the middle.
  • Put for the middle of the minced meat, please and smear a little, leaving the edges clean.
  • Collect the cake to the center, turning the dough and leaving a small hole in the middle.
  • Gently press the wholysh on top of hand. Thus, create all Belyashi.

How to fry Belyashi

Now you can warm up the oil optimal temperature 160-165 degrees (a piece of bread abandoned in oil causes a slight drilling).

Use deep dishes, I have a 26 cm frying pan, gone with 500 ml of oil.

Lay the whirlwind down and roast 3-4 minutes on each side.

When you flip, pour half the teaspoon of boiling oil in the middle of each. For the second time it is impossible.

This delicious traditional Tatar dish can easily fall for the right of better delicacy with such harmful Western fast foods.

If you wish, such cakes can be bought already ready or in the form of a semi-finished product, but still the best domestic Belyashi remains, of course, if you know how to fry them in a frying pan. So that the meat donut turned out to be juicy and air, you just need to follow the rules of the original formulation, and then success in the kitchen will not wait long.

How to fry whitish in a frying pan

Very often on the culinary forums you can meet the desperate appeals of the horses, save them are not roasted or burnt completely Belyashi delical Council By cooking. And it is necessary to start solving the problem from the root, namely from the test and the filling.

  1. The dough on Belyashi knead the classic on the yeast plate, but not dense, like bread, but very soft. After that, the dough should rise within 1 hour. The correct dough is well delighted, and due to elasticity it does not crack when frying and does not produce filling juice.
  2. To prepare the filling you need to take a lot of bow, almost as much as meat. In addition, the bow must be cut into knife with small pieces, and not make it easier for life with kitchen shredders. In the process of heat treatment, the chopped onion produces juice, which, firstly, softens meat, and secondly, serves as a peculiar broth inside Belyasha, in which the meat is steaming and quickly prepared.
  3. Also when kneading the filling do not be afraid to make mince more liquid and dilute it with a small amount of milk.
  4. Roll the dough for whites is not worth more than 6 mm. The dough does not burn such a thickness with the right temperature mode, perfectly spare and miss the heat to meat.
  5. After you blinded Belyashi, give them some time to climb, literally 10 minutes, and then start frying.

How many minutes to fry white

You need to lower Belyashi in a well-heated oil with a seam or hole down, and fry under the cover on fire slightly less than a medium-sized 7-8 minutes, and then turn over and bring to readiness without a lid also 7-8 minutes.

At home, a 15 minute roasting in a pan with a properly exhibited flame Belyasham will be more than enough to become ruddy, well roasted and not to burn.

How to fry whitashi in a frying pan


  • - 0.6 kg + -
  • - 0.6 kg + -
  • - 400 ml + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp. without slide + -
  • - 1.5 kg + -
  • - 1 bag + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
  • - 0.5 L. + -

How to fry whitashi in a frying pan

On the Internet you can find a lot of video recipes, how to make Belyashi, but the most delicious pie cakes that are cooked according to the traditional recipe. And this is the easiest option without excesses, and in fact truly all ingenious - just.

  1. First of all, we need to prepare a layer, for this yeast, together with sugar wept in ½ cup of warm water (no more than 35 ° C) and leave the foam formation to the reaction, about 20 minutes.
  2. Avenience, after a third of the hour, we pour into a bulk bowl, where we also fill 300 ml of slightly warm milk (no more than 35 ° C), we drive the egg, add 1 tsp. Salts, after which we suck a little, literally 1-1.5 art. Out of sifted flour and a wedge we knead the liquid uniform dough, without any lobes.
  3. And after that, you can attain another flour and loess plastic and very soft! dough. Test lump must keep shape and not spread, but it is much softer than the usual grain kneading.
  4. Now the test comes with flour from all sides, cover with a film or cover with a lid and leave it warm to half an hour for lifting. And in the meantime we will deal with stuffing.
  5. The secret of whites whites first lies in the amount of onions and its cutting. By classic recipe You need to take onions in one proportion with meat, what we did.
    In addition, the bow in no case cannot! Skip through a meat grinder or polished in a blender, but extremely crumbling with your hands with soft cubes.
  6. Now small onions connect with minced meat, suck ¾ Art. Salts, squeeze the black pepper and squeeze well. Now in the filling you can pour milk and mix the minced meat. Milk will give the filling of tenderness and juiciness.
  7. The finished composition for whites is left to appeal until the dough is suitable.
  8. When the dough is going to rise well, it still seizure it and separate the portion spherical pieces in size by about 1.5 times less than the tennis ball.
  9. Each piece of dough knead manually in a cake, and then stretch the rolling slightly, but it is slightly thin. To the center of the cakes put 1 tbsp. With a flooded stuffing and climb the edges on top of the tightness, or leave a small hole if you like a holey Belyashi.
  10. Slept Belyash turn the "seam" down and slightly press so that the filling is evenly separated inside. Belyashi with a hole do not turn over! Finished cakes cover with a napkin and leave for 10-15 minutes on a lubricated butter board a little climb.
  11. At this time, we put a volumetric frying pan on fire, we glow it, then we pour oil and warm it up on an average flame almost to boil, after which the temperature is slightly reflecting (for 1-2 divisions) and it is on this heat that we will fry Belyashi.
  12. In hot oil, we put Belyashi seam (hole) down and fry 7 minutes under the lid, then turn the pies with a ruddy side up and cook for another 7 minutes, but no longer covered.

We will not turn over Belyashi more, otherwise the juice can start out of the seam. That is why you independently adjust the temperature of the frying so that in 14-15 minutes of cooking Belyashi did not burn and do not remain pale quite possible with raw inside.

Finished meat buns lay the fork on the dish lurled with napkins, so that the stack is excess fat, and in a couple of minutes they can be shifted to the serving dish for feeding to the table.

If you are step by step to follow our recipe, then you can not only prepare an excellent stuffing, but also learn how to fry whitewash in a frying pan so that they get soft, juicy and in the literal sense. But we warn in advance, get ready for the fact that after such a cooking, your households will demand every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner are these delicious meat pies.