Profile Personal qualities of a teacher for colleagues. Questionnaire for parents "Professional and personal qualities of the teacher

Questionnaire "Motivational readiness of the pedagogical team
for the development of innovations "

Instruction: Dear teacher! If you are interested in innovation, apply the innovations that you encourage you? Choose no more than three answers and place the "tick" opposite them.

1. Awareness of insufficiency the results achieved And the desire to improve them.

2. High level of professional claims, a strong need to achieve high results.

3. Needs in contact with interesting, creative people.

4. The desire to create a good, efficient school for children.

5. The need for novelty, changing the situation, overcoming the routine.

6. The need for leadership.

7. The need for searching, researching, the best understanding of the patterns.

8. The need for self-expression, self-improvement.

9. Feeling your own readiness to participate in innovation processes, self-confidence.

10. The desire to check in practice the knowledge gained in the innovations.

11. Risk need.

12. Material reasons: wage increase, the opportunity to pass certification, etc.

13. The desire to be noticed and appreciated.

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are performed by analyzing answers. The stronger the teachers prevail the motives associated with the possibility of personality self-realization (PP. 2, 6, 8, 13), the higher the level of the innovative potential of the pedagogical collective.

Application form "Barriers that prevent the development of innovation"

Instruction: Dear teacher! If you are not interested in innovation and do not apply innovations - specify the reasons (check the "tick" opposite the selected statements).

1. Weak awareness in the team of possible innovations.

2. The conviction that can be effectively learning and in old.

3. Poor health, other personal causes.


5. Small experience in which the traditional form of training does not work.

6. No material incentives.

7. Feeling of fear before negative results.

8. No help.

9. Disagreements, conflicts in the team.

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are performed by analyzing answers. The less innovative barriers from teachers, the higher the level of innovative potential of the pedagogical team.

Questionnaire "Definition of the level of innovation of teachers
in the school team "

Instruction: Dear teacher! What group of teachers, in your opinion, do you feel? Put the "tick" opposite the selected group.

Group A. You are absorbed by the innovations, you constantly interest them, always perceive them first, boldly implement, go to risk.

Group V. You are interested in innovations, but do not introduce blindly blind, expect the feasibility of innovation. You consider that innovations should be implemented immediately after they were successfully tested in conditions close to yours.

Group S. You perceive innovations moderately. Do not strive to be among the first, but also do not want to be among the latter. As soon as the new one will be perceived mostly of your pedagogical team, take it and you.

Group D. You doubt more than believe in a new one. Give preference to the old one. Perceive new only when most schools and teachers perceives him.

E. Group You are the latter developing innovations. Doubt innovators and innovation initiators.

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are performed by analyzing answers. The small number of the group D and E, the higher the level of the innovative potential of the pedagogical team.

Technique diagnostic
motivational medium.

Appendix 2.

Instruction: Dear teacher! Evaluate the compliance of the statements proposed below the situation in your team on a 10-point scale, where 0 points - completely does not match, 10 points - fully complied with (circle the appropriate score ).





The results of innovation expected from teachers clearly defined

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

These results are known to each teacher

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

There are remuneration for the achievement of high results

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reward dimensions are known to each teacher

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Remuneration are valuable

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attitude towards the teacher depends on its activity in innovation

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The control system and examination provides an objective assessment of the results of work.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

And every teacher is confident in an objective assessment of the results of his work.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Positive results of the work of participants in innovation activities will be necessarily known to the entire professional community

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Received rewards meet the results of labor in the implementation of innovative projects

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers do not doubt the equity distribution of remuneration

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers do not doubt that the results expected from them correspond to their capabilities

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Achievement of expected results does not require constant excessive tension

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers do not doubt that there are necessary to achieve the expected results

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In the course of the teacher, there are positive emotions more often than negative

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are made by simply mathematical counting the amount of points of all filled questionnaires. The closer the amount received to the maximum number of points, the more favorable conditions created in the OU for the high motivation of teachers to participate in innovative projects. The lower the result, the motivational environment is less favorable for work.

Based on the results obtained, the graphical profile of the Motivational environment of the OU, as well as demotivating factors can be determined.

Application form "Definition of motifs
labor activities of teachers "

Appendix 3.

Instruction: Dear teacher! Choose from the list 5 most important personally for you motivating factors and check the "tick" opposite. Then opposite the selected factors in accordance with their significance for you, put the numbers from 5 to 1 in descending order (5 - the most significant factor for you, 1 is the least significant of the five selected).







Income level ( wage)

Proximity to work to the house

Ability to move through the career ladder

Opportunity professional growth

The possibility of obtaining loans

Ability to manage other people

Training at the expense of the company

Large powers

Flexible work schedule

The possibility of self-realization

Comfortable working conditions

Normated working day

Relationship with direct supervisor

Recognition, sense of significance in the company

Work in the specialty, in accordance with education

Work for communication, the opportunity to take free time

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are performed by analyzing responses, may have a graphical or tabular form.

Application form "Determination of the difficulties of teachers
when organizing the educational process "

Instruction: ).

Degree of difficulty




Weak or absent






Thematic planning

Purchasing planning

Self-education planning and increasing pedagogical skills

Mastering the content of new programs and textbooks


The ability to work out the content of the material to the lesson in accordance with the task

Using effective forms in the lesson

Use of elements of modern pedagogical technologies

Ability to hold self-analysis lesson

Holding practical workprovided for by the program

The implementation of the differentiated approach
to learning

Development of learning interest in the subject

Use of interdimensional ties

Description of your work experience

Ability to conduct an analysis lesson colleagues

Providing reasonable discipline in the lesson

Accounting, assessment of knowledge, skills and skills

Identification of typical causes of students' failure

The introduction of the PPO described in the literature

The introduction of PPO colleagues of his school
(another school)

Organization of extracurricular work on the educational subject

Effective use Equipment

Working with unsuccessful students

Work with gifted children

Equipment of the Cabinet with new visual benefits

Diagnostics of student training

Organization of research activities with students

Thank you!

Processing results

Processing results are made by analyzing responses and allocating problem areas.

Questionnaire "Identifying teacher's difficulties
when implementing the educational process "

Appendix 5.

Instruction: Dear teacher! Determine the degree of their difficulties in the following aspects of pedagogical activities (put the "tick" in the appropriate graph ).

Aspect of pedagogical activity

Degree of difficulty

Very strong



Weak or






Planning educational work

The ability to put a goal and task in educational work

Knowledge of modern educational technologies

Introduction of innovative forms of educational work

Using modern educational technologies

Knowledge of children's age psychology

Working with "difficult" students

Work with parents of students

Holding parental meetings

Individual work with students

Holding classroom watches

Knowledge of effective forms of working with children

Knowledge and use of collective techniques creative business (by I.P. Ivanov)

Organization of children to participate in public Life Schools

Educational system class teacher

Questionnaires are developed on the basis of a modified questionnaire to assess the level of innovative potential of the pedagogical collective TS Solovyva. - Note. Auto

Note. Auto

Developed on the basis of "diagnostics of the structure of labor motifs" T. Badoev and "Labor Motivation Structures" K. Perefir. -Note. Auto

Questionnaire №6 "Epipriter through the eyes of colleagues"

Purpose: Evaluation of the professional qualities of the teacher.

Opinion about teacher

Evaluation (in points)

Knows how to see the prospect of work, clearly defining the goals and objectives of your work

Building his work on the principles of humanistic teachers: attentive and friendly to children

Cares about the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, actively participates in the recovery program

Owns modern methods of educational work with children

Is in a constant creative search; Creates and tests and introduces new pedagogical technologies in practice

Knows how to create a rational objective development environment in a group

Has a high discipline of labor

She strives to achieve high quality education and teaching children

Willingly divides with colleagues innovative finds, always ready to assist

Objectively evaluates the work of colleagues; Tacty in statements

Rationally comes to the use of working hours of both its and colleagues

Makes positive emotional setting in the team

Would you choose this educator if you had the opportunity to choose by partners in the group? (Stress one of the answers.)

Rather, choose

Rather, preferring the other

Easy prefer

Issues 1-12 answer the appropriate assessment:

I fully agree with the Menia-4 point;

Rather agree - 3 points;

Equally agree and no- 2 points;

Rather, I do not agree - 1 score;

Absolutely disagree;

The key to the questionnaire:

From 36 to 48 points high level. Perfectly owns the latest pedagogical technologies, he has a need for its activities, relying on modern scientific research, shares the experience of its work;

From 20 to 35 points - the average level. It seeks to achieve high quality upbringing and learning, knows how to determine the prospects for its work, owns modern methods, the prospects for its work, owns modern techniques formed readiness for innovation;

From 12 to 19 points - low. Having difficulties in pedagogical activity, an internally indecisive person, not always correctly evaluating the development of pedagogical processes and preferring his point of view with the position of the head;

From 0 to 11, it is necessary to re-questionnament, as inadequate responses are possible; in some cases, conduct interpersonal relations

1. Each labor activity is aimed at a subject or phenomenon for the purpose of transformation, changes and, with various means, tools, tools, to achieve certain results.

    What converts, changes the teacher in the process of its activities? What does his labor efforts apply? (list)

    What does the teacher seek in the process of their activities? What does he want to achieve? What are the goals of his activity?

    What does the teacher use to achieve the goal? What means does he use? What are the "guns" of pedagogical labor? (list)

1 4. What are the teacher's means to apply to achieve the goal? 1.5 What can be considered the results of pedagogical activities "?

    What are the indicators the teacher can judge the achievement of results in their daily activities?

    What are the main difficulties that teacher have to face, obstacles that he have to overcome in their activities "?

2 Each professional activity proceeds under certain conditions.

    What are the advantages of the conditions of pedagogical activities compared to other professions?

    What, compared to other professions, worse, the working conditions of the teacher?

3. for successful activities It is necessary to be prepared correspondingly. Professional must have certain qualities to have necessary knowledge, be able to perform various operations.

    What qualities must have a teacher? What features of the person contribute to the success of pedagogical activities?

    What knowledge and skills are the most needed teacher?

    What teachers do you like children?

    What are the requirements for teacher administration?

    What qualities of the teacher are most significant when interacting with colleagues?

    What teachers do parents want their children?

    How does pedagogical activity affect the teacher himself?

    Who is contraindicated to be a teacher? What should a teacher should not be?

4. Any work is associated with the implementation of certain responsibilities and transfers certain rights.

    List the main job responsibilities of the teacher.

    What rights does the teacher do?

    How does the work of the teacher pay?

    How can a teacher influence the conditions of his labor?

    What are the ways to increase pedagogical qualifications?

    What are the prospects for professional and social promotion to have a teacher?

    List the objects of the professional pride of the teacher. What can he be proud of?

    What stimulates the teacher well to fulfill their duties?

    Why do people choose a teacher profession?

5. Any professional activity involves the implementation of certain employment operations (employment).

5.1. Please list the main labor operations committed by the teacher. What makes the teacher in the process of their activities?

Finally, for self-assessment of communicative and organizational abilities methods of V. V. Sinyavsky and B. A. Fedorishche, which these authors offered to test high school students when choosing a profession.

Answer 40 questions. Against questions from the left, put the plus sign, if the answer is positive, and minus, if negative.

1. Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

2. Do you often manage to convince most of your friends in the right of your opinion?

    Do you have a feeling of offense with someone from your comrades?

    Do you always find it difficult to navigate the critical situation?

    Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people?

    Do you like to engage in public work?

    Is it true that you are more pleasant and easier to spend time with books or for some occupation than with people?

    If there are some interference in the implementation of your plans, intentions, are you easily retreating from your intentions?

    Do you easily install contacts with people who are much older than you by age?

10. Do you like to invent and organize various games and entertainment with your members?

11. Is it difficult for you to turn on new companies for you?

12. Do you often postpone the other days that you need to fulfill today?

13. Do you easily install contact with unfamiliar people?

14. Do you strive to seek comrades to act in accordance with your opinion?

15. Are you difficult to master in the new team?

    Is it true that you do not have conflicts with comrades because of the non-fulfillment of their promises, obligations, responsibilities?

    Do you strive to meet and talk with a new person at a convenient case?

    Is it often in solving important cases you take the initiative on yourself?

    Are you annoying the surrounding people and would you like to stay alone?

    Is it true that you usually focus badly in an unfamiliar situation?

21. Do you like to stay constantly among people?

    Do you have irritation, if you fail to finish the work started?

    Do you experience a feeling of difficulty, inconvenience or constraint, if you have to show the initiative to get acquainted with a new person?

    Is it true that you are taking place from frequent communication with comrades?

25. Do you like to participate in collective games?

    Do you often show the initiative when solving issues affecting the interests of your comrades?

    Is it true that you feel uncertain among unfamiliar people?

    Is it true that you rarely strive for the proof of your rightness?

    Do you think that you do not imagine much work to make a revival in an unfamiliar company for you?

30. Did you participate in public work at school?

    Do you strive to limit the circle of your friends with a small number of people?

    Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

    Do you feel at ease, hitting an unfamiliar situation, the company?

    Do you care if you start organizing various events?

35. Is it true that you feel confident and calm enough when you have to say anything big group of people?

    Do you often be late for business meetings, dates?

    Is it true that you have a lot of friends?

    Do you often confuse, feel awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?

    Do you often find yourself in the spotlight from your comrades?

    Is it true that you do not really confidently feel surrounded by a large group of your comrades?

So, you answered forty questions.

Communicative abilities estimated by answers to odd questions. Own answers in the form of advantages and minuses Compare with the proposed "perfect" plus stands next to questions 1,

5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37; Minus - against questions 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39. Calculate the number of answers that match the "ideal", divide the amount received by 20 (the number of odd questions). The resulting digit - coeffinity of communicative abilities.

0.10-0.45 - Low level of abilities; 0.46-0.55 - below average; 0.56-0.65 - medium; 0,66-0.75 - high; 0,76-1.00 - very high.

Organizational abilities estimated when comparing responses to even questions with "ideal": Plus is worth 2,

6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, and minus - against 4, 8, 12, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40. Next, do a familiar operation: the number of answers Coinciding with "ideal", divide by 20 (number of even answers). You received the coefficient of organizing abilities.

0.20-0.55 is a low level of manifestation of organizational abilities;

0.56-0.65 - below average; 0,66-0.70 - medium; 0.71-0.80 - high; 0.81-1.00 - very high.

Make conclusions. Think up a personality and professional development program. We wish you success.

Leontiev T. V.Introduction to Pedagogy: Basic Pedagogical Education. Materials for the curriculum (guidelines for teachers and students) - SPb., 1996.

Leontiev T. V.and others. Introduction to the teacher's profession: Methodical recommendations for the conduct of pedagogical practice on the CGF (1 course). - L., 1990.

Prostrovskaya E. N.Choose a profession: Tutorial for high school students high School. - M., 1991.

Kruttsky V. A.Psychology. - M., 1986. - Chapter "Some questions of the psychology of the teacher."

Kodjaspirov G. M., Kodjaspirov A.Yu.Pedagogical dictionary - M, 2000.

Dear colleague!

We ask you to take part in the study of the organizational culture of our kindergarten. Your answers will allow you to identify the features of our relationship, reveal our strong and weak sides and determine the development paths of the team. Thank in advance!

Please rate what manifestations, the relationship is characteristic, in your opinion, for our team. Choose those options for answers that coincide with your opinion and try to add, expand them, reflecting your opinion.

1) For our team, the most valuable:

· Health

· Education

2) for our team significant the following conditions Works and things of the material world:

· Convenient work schedule

· comfortable conditions Work

3) Our team adopted the following statements and expressions:

· Children are our everything!

· Replacing.

· ________________

4) Our actions in relation to each other:

· Mortgage

· Rivalry

· Development

· Interruption

· Mentorship

· _________________

5) Our feelings can be described as:

· Everyone worried about each other

· Everyone takes care of the general business

· ______________________________________________________

Determine your attitude towards each of the proposed statements using the following ratings:

a - this statement fully complies with the nature of the relations established in our team;

b - this statement is generally characteristic of our team;

b - this statement is only slightly applicable to our team;

m - this statement is not typical for the system of relations established in our team.

Statement but B. in G.
1. The spirit of unconscious and mutual assistance is distinguished by our team.
2. Each of us is quite initiative, in order to take responsibility for some reason if necessary.
3. Most of us can always come true for the sake of a common cause.
4. Our team usually does not wait for instructions and initiative does not occupy.
5. In our team, everyone feels responsible for her success.
6. As a rule, when solving important issues, we are always unanimous.
7. Our team is quite well enough and organized.
8. When we do not have a manager, we are not lost and working on less efficiently than in its presence.
9. Our team is capable of risk and ready for innovations.
10. The administration is available and open to contacts with all employees.
11. Discussion and adoption of important issues (problems) is carried out by the whole team.
12. In our team of teachers, many binds a lot, and someone's care to another educational institution is unlikely.
13. Opportunities for professional growth in our DW in teachers are no less than in the other.
14. All members of the team - Patriots Dow.
15. Working in our team, teachers can realize their abilities better than elsewhere.
16. In our team there are conflicts between teachers.
17. We try to celebrate the holidays together.
18. All members of the team are experiencing failures and experience proud to succeed to Dow.
19. After work, we often spend your free time together.
20. We are accepted to share their family joys and worries.
21. We also have "Diabands" and "Triads", but it does not prevent us from feeling friendly one family.
22. Our cohesion is most likely not afforded if several new members arrive at the group.
23. When comparing the team of our institution with another, each of the teachers will find many advantages in it.
24. Remuneration and recognition is directly proportional to the efficiency of the team.
25. Members of our team follow their obligations and promises.
26. Each member of our team receives recognition for its personal contribution to the overall work.
27. In our team, conflicts are resolved effectively.

Ø Which of those existing in dow rites, rituals, symbols, etc. Help a new employee will meet with the history of our institution developed by the team of values \u200b\u200badopted by the norms of behavior:

Ø Which of the techniques for maintaining the organizational culture used by the Dow administration, in your opinion, are more efficient:

· Organizational symbols;

rites, traditions;

· Dismissal of "disagreeable" employees;

· Personal example of a senior caregiver or head;

· Presented requirements for promoting an employee in DOU;

· Presented requirement when taking work;

· Casual assistance in work;

· Control over the execution of teachers adopted in the establishment of rules and norms of conduct;

· Indicate your option ...

Ø Indicate that from the presented characteristics is inherent in the presence of examples:

· Estimates relating to teachers' behavior (specify that it will be sharply convicted by a team in the behavior of the teacher ...; and what will cause approval ...)

· Installed norms regulating informal relationships between teachers (be sure to gain in the morning with colleagues, interested in their well-being; in the evening, to inform colleague as children behaved in the second half of the day, to make recommendations for the preparation of the following day): Give an example ...;

· What is the purpose of our kindergarten ...;

· Are the criteria, methods, the frequency of measurement of the results achieved by educators in professional activity: Give an example ...;

· Are sanctions to educators who did not fulfill work at the proper level, give an example ...;

Ø What values \u200b\u200borientations (norms and rules of conduct) are proclaimed in Dow:

A) it is necessary to take care of the health of all subjects of the pedagogical process;

B) do not resort to violence (physical and psychological) when raising children;

C) actively interact with the family of pupils;

D) your option ...;

Ø How you were familiar with them:

A) found out from the head or senior caregiver;

B) read in Dow documentation;

C) colleagues told;

D) your option ...;

Ø Which of the events held in our children's gardenAre you most filled and liked? Why? (Activities can be analyzed as: a ritual of adoption of a new employee to work; the tradition of honoring a retirement officer; tradition of celebrating the name of the employees; the tradition of celebrating the birthday of DOU; joint celebration of significant calendar dates ( New Year, Teacher's Day, March 8 and D.T.); joint visit of theaters, concerts, museums; Organization of joint visits to the pool, aerobics, etc.)

Ø Who is the initiator of joint activities aimed at developing a pedagogical team? Do you often make the initiator of such events?

Ø Who decides which of the proposed events will be held, and which are not? ...

Ø What events would you like to be held in our kindergarten and in the future, perhaps would be traditional?

Ø Early the factors that determine the work relationship (work) according to the degree of importance for you (1st significant factor; 2-less significant factor, etc.).

Ø Rate, please, the nature of relationships in our team. Before you 2 columns with opposing judgments in meaning. Between them 5-point scale. The closer to the left or right judgment in each pair you make a mark, the more pronounced this sign in the team (Methods "Assessment of the psychological climate in the collective" V.V.Shpalinsky. Proposed standards: from 13 to 39 - a favorable psychological climate in the team, from 40 to 65 - a negative psychological climate in the collective).

Signs of the team Scale Signs of the team
1. I rarely see at the beginning of the working day, gloomy and lean individuals of your colleagues. 1-2-3-4-5 1. Most members of the team come to work with everyday mood, not feeling lifting and raising.
2. Most of us are rejoicing when it appears to communicate with each other. 1-2-3-4-5 2. Members of our team show indifference to emotional communication.
3. Friendly and trustful intonations prevail in our business communication. 1-2-3-4-5 3. nervousness, explicit or hidden irritability paint our business relationship.
4. The successes of each of us sincerely please all the others and almost no one cause envy. 1-2-3-4-5 4. The success of almost any of us can cause a painful response of others.
5. In our team, the newcomer will most likely meet goodwill and glad. 1-2-3-4-5 5. In our team, the novice will still feel like a "stranger".
6. In case of trouble, we are not in a hurry to accuse each other, and we are trying to calmly understand their reasons. 1-2-3-4-5 6. In case of trouble, we will try to blame the blame on each other or find "guilty."
7. When our head is next to us, we feel natural and relaxed. 1-2-3-4-5 7. In the presence of the head, many of them, we feel cowardly and tense.
8. We are usually customary to share your family joys and worries. 1-2-3-4-5 8. Many of us prefer "their" to wear in "ourselves."
9. An unexpected challenge to the head of most of us will not cause negative emotions. 1-2-3-4-5 9. An unexpected challenge to the head for many of us is accompanied by negative emotions.
10. The violator of labor discipline will have to keep the answer not only before the leader, but also to the whole team. 1-2-3-4-5 10. Violator of labor discipline We will keep the answer before the head.
11. Most critical comments we express each other tactfully, based on the best motives. 1-2-3-4-5 11. We have more often critical comments are the character of obvious or hidden attacks.
12. The emergence of the head, we have a pleasant revival. 1-2-3-4-5 12. The emergence of the head of most of us does not cause special delights.
13. In our team, publicity is the norm of life. 1-2-3-4-5 13. To this publicity in our team is still far away.
  • Pedagog portfolio. Professional and significant qualities of the teacher. Teacher's self-analysis (document)
  • Answers to Questions to the Exam (Cheat Sheet)
  • Shchurkova N.E. Collected Penter Affairs - Methodical Material for School Pedagogue (Document)
  • Sorochinska V.є. Organizatsiya Roboti Social Pedagogue (Document)
  • Diary on Social Pedagogical Practice (Document)
  • Course work - technology of work of the social teacher with family (term course)
  • Practice Report - Introductional Practice of the Social Teacher (thesis)
  • Methodological culture of the teacher-musician (document)
  • Shakurova M.V. Methods and technology of work of the social teacher: Laboratory Workshop (Document)
  • Course work - the activities of the social teacher on the prevention of adolescents in the context of a general education institution (term)
  • n1.DOC.


    Profession Pedagogue

    1.1 whatconvertschangespedagogueinprocesshisactivity?TOwhatappliestheirlaborefforts?(list)

    The teacher changes the conditions for harmonious personality development, prepares the younger generation to work and other forms of participation in society. And also self-improvement itself.

    It is necessary inside the group and intergroup communication, relying on the possibility of a student to reveal to develop and reveal everything valuable in man. The ability to self-development, self-education is necessary.

    1.2. TOwhatseekpedagogueinprocesshisactivity?Whatis hewishesachieve?What aregoalhisactivity?

    The teacher seeks primarily correctly and intelligibly present his subject with various ways. Integrate a student with your subject, your knowledge and yourself. Develop the ability to exist in society in a person.

    Aspirations and desires often coincide. Each teacher seeks to embody all its goals, but not always the result is justified.

    1.3 whatusespedagogueforachievementsgoals?Whatmeansis hedoes it use?What are"Guns" Pedagogical labor? (list)

    New Technologies, Multimedia Installation, TV

    1.4. What kindfundspedagogueshoulduseforachievementsgoals?

    To implement certain learning purposes, the teacher must have a curriculum. The teacher must constantly turn on in new activities for itself, work in new conditions, use new funds, change the circle of communication.

    The teacher must have a wide and diverse circle of communication. The teacher must be sure that it is able to learn new methods of work and adapt to changes.

    The teacher must be confident in the possibility of obtaining quality information necessary to meet its professional development needs. The status of the teacher in the team should depend on the level of its competence and education.

    1.5 whatcanconsiderresultspedagogicalactivity?

    Manifestation of independence elevated level knowledge, interest extracurricular work, participation in school Life, visiting sections, participation in the Olympics, the choice of the worsmost profession.

    1.6 . Bywhatindicatorspedagoguecanjudgeaboutachievementresultsinhiseverydayactivity?

    On section, independent, control workTests. By percentage of assimilated material. By independent work Made at home for not disassembled theme. Participation in the Olympiad.

    1.7 . Namemaintenancedifficultiesfromwhichhave tofacepedagogue,barrierswhichhave tohisovercomeinhisactivity?

    Unwillingness of children learn, decline in learning, discipline, complexity with a team, conflicts with a teacher.

    2.1. TO akovadvantagesconditionspedagogicalactivitiesbycomparefromotherprofessions?

    The official working day lasts 5-6 hours, the ability to work at home, a variety of work, vacation lasts 56 days, in vacation time there are methodical days, communication with the younger generation.

    2.2. Than,bycomparefromotherprofessionsworseconditionslaborteacher?

    The possibility of stressful situations, permanent responsibility for students (about 25 children), for their health and safety, increased noise background, heavy loads, non-corned working day. High Responsibility for Material Materials, Low Salary, Low Career Growth. Work with complex children and families.

    3.1 . Whatqualitiesshouldhavepedagogue?What kindfeaturespersonalitypromotesuccesspedagogicalactivity?

    Requirements to modern teacher:

    • The need and ability to actively and versatile professional and socio-cultural activities.

    • Tacticity, feeling of empathy, patience and tolerance in relations with children and adults, willingness to take and support them.

    • Understanding the originality and relative autonomy of self-development.

    • The ability to provide intragroup and intergroup communication, prevent conflicts in children and adult communities.

    • Knowledge of the peculiarities of mental development, especially children with problems, and the desire along with them purposefully create the conditions necessary for their self-development.

    • Ability to own self-development and self-education.
    Features of the personality: kindness, patience, sociability, creativity, sociability, justice, politeness.

    3.2 . TOash knowledge and skills most needless pedagogue?

    Of course, the knowledge of its subject is necessary, but knowledge should not be limited to them, the teacher must be comprehensively developed. The ability to present knowledge so that everyone understands. The ability to find a common language with each of the disciples is also necessary. Also necessary for the skill of analysis and generalization of pedagogical activities and the skill of ownership of information and computer technology. Psychological and pedagogical and socio-pelagogic skills.

    3.3 . What kindteacherlikechildren?

    Demanding and fair, able to be interested in their subject., Holding interesting events after class. Honest, not arrogant, interesting interested in the problems of children who know how to understand them.

    3.4 . TOashrequirementspresentstopedagogueadministration?

    Performance of work discipline, execution of job descriptions.

    3.5 . What kindqualitypedagoguemostmeaningfulforinteractionfromcolleagues?

    The most significant for the teacher when interacting with colleagues, such qualities such as responsiveness, openness, patience, mutual understanding, sociability, tolerance.

    3.6 . Whatpedagogueswishingparentsownchildren?

    3.7 . howinfluencespedagogicalactivityon theselfteacher?

    Teacher communicates with the younger generation. He becomes milderly. The teacher receives additional knowledge, has the opportunity to think about solving many life situations.

    3.8. KOMcontraindicatedbepedagogue?Whatnotshouldbepedagogue?

    Not balanced, lowerpiem, coarse, convicted, irresponsible, biased, having alcohol and narcotic dependence, which has mental illness.

    4.1 . Listmaintenanceofficialresponsibilitiesteacher.

    1) Implementation of training and education of students, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics and the specifics of the subject matter, develops their diverse creative activities.

    2) contributes to socialization, the formation of the overall culture of the personality, socialization, conscious choice and the subsequent development of educational programs.

    3) reasonably selects programs and teaching and methodological support, including digital educational resources.

    4) Provides achieving and confirmation of educational levels of education.

    5) complies with the rights and freedoms of students, supports educational discipline, the mode of visiting classes, respecting human dignity, honor and reputation of students.

    6) communicates with parents of students (persons replacing them).

    7) ensures the protection of the life and health of students during educational process.

    8) performs the rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

    9) Compliance with ethical behaviors in school, everyday life and public places corresponding to the public situation of the teacher.

    4.2. What kindrightsit haspedagogue?

    1) Participate in the management of an educational institution, protect their professional honor and dignity.

    2) to make proposals for projects and plans to improve the educational system of the school, to submit to the Director of the proposal on their activities.

    3) make sentences to improve methodical work at school.

    4) receive information from the director and its substituents necessary to carry out their activities.

    5) require the administration of the school to assist in the performance of their official duties.

    6) on workplacecorresponding to the requirements of labor protection, to obtain from the director of the school of reliable information about the conditions and protection of labor in the workplace.

    7) raise its qualifications at least once every 5 years.

    8) certified on a voluntary basis on the qualifying category.

    9) exercise their work in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation In the conditions that meet the requirements of the norms and rules of labor protection.

    4.3. howpaidworkteacher?

    The work of the teacher is paid by two "currencies". The first is material, that is, the monetary (it must be said that this is not the highest paid job, although more laborious, compared with others). And the second "currency" is spiritual. Children who have learned in the future are grateful to their teachers for their teachings (in most cases).

    4.4 . howcanpedagogueinfluenceon theconditionshislabor?

    Organize time to make a workplace more convenient.

    4.5. What kindexistpathenhancepedagogicalqualifications?

    Surrender certification on a voluntary basis to increase pedagogical qualifications.

    4.6 . What kindperspectivesprofessionalandsocialpromotionsit haspedagogue?

    It is possible to become a temptation, director, an employee of the Committee of Education. Rain the categories (first, higher), protection of the thesis, writing textbooks, books on pedagogy, developing your own learning techniques.

    4.7 . Listitemsprofessionalprideteacher.Thanis hecanproud?

    The teacher can be proud of his students who have taken any places in the Olympics or just participating in them. May be proud of some projects of students. May be proud of its skills, skills.

    4.8. whatstimulatespedagogueoKperformtheirresponsibilities?

    For each teacher there are its incentives to do their job well. For some, this awards, for others, is the gratitude of students, for third hundreds it is just a love for the subject.

    4.9. Whypeoplechooseprofessionteacher?

    Everyone has their own choice. Some just like, some wanted to become such as their parents or as the first teacher. Someone just like to train children. Someone wanted to raise the future generation.

    5.1 . List,you are welcome,maintenancelaboroperationsperformedpedagogue.whatdoespedagogueinprocesshisactivity?

    The teacher teaches the younger generation necessary skills and gives them the necessary knowledge. It helps to self-realize students as creative personalities. Develops a team spirit class.