What foam rubber is needed for the mattress? The density of foam rubber. Types and destination of the foam rubber which foam rubber use for furniture

For the production of furniture, high-quality, soft and elastic filling is required. The material must support a sofa or bed, help when designing comfortable seats of seats and ensure filling the backs and armrests. Professional furniture makers have such an abbreviation as PPU. Many have heard such a name as polyurethane foam, and ordinary ordinary people are familiar to the word "foam". In essence, these are different names of one material. It is the density of the foam rubber affects its scope and the quality of the product obtained.

Qualitative characteristics of polyurethane foam

The main mechanical properties of the PPU include the following characteristics:

  • rigidity;
  • elasticity;
  • air permeability;
  • gap strength;
  • cell size;
  • the possibility of elongation;
  • preliminary coefficient.

The size of the cells and the support coefficient is considered on highly elastic samples.

Not only the quality of the material depends on the above characteristics, but also how much the furniture will be durable and convenient, as well as the air permeability of the product.

The quality parameters of the foam rubber. Density

Fourbone furniture is assessed primarily on its density. The service life depends on this parameter. The higher the density, the longer it can be used without disorders in high-quality characteristics.

This fact is explained by the fact that the foam rubber is subjected to large loads, and the brand with the greatest density is better withstanding dynamic and static weighting. To understand the mechanism of action, it is necessary to present the number of PPU per unit volume. It is clear in the place where it is more, dents and scuffs will appear so soon.

Do not confuse the density of the foam rubber with the indicator of its rigidity. These concepts are interrelated, but are not identical. There are brands of the PPU with low density and high rigidity.

Scope of application

Polyurethane foam is quite common and used in various areas of production:

  • furniture;
  • construction (sound and thermal insulation);
  • sports (mats, boxing pears);
  • medical (orthopedic goods);
  • sewing soft toys and clothes.

Porolon differs depending on the appointment of quality and price category. Durability, density, rigidity and elasticity depend on the composition.

Polyurethane Polyurethane

The material is very popular in various areas of production due to its weighty advantages. So, it has a high wear resistance. In addition, completely hypoallergen, therefore absolutely safe for the production of not only furniture, but also of children's goods, orthopedic products.

Foolon moisture-resistant, therefore it is not subject to harmful microorganisms in it. At the same time, it fully retains high-quality characteristics with a rather extensive temperature range (from -40 to 100 degrees).

Due to good acoustic insulation, the foam rubber is successfully used as insulating material. And elasticity allows you to use it in creating products of any size and shape.

With its advantages of PPU withstands a fairly high period of active operation. Depending on its density and destination - from 5 to 15 years.

Stamps of foam rubber

IN furniture manufacturing Use a different PPU, which is divided into certain stamps.

Brand ST. It is considered standard material, on the characteristics of which other species are counted. It is used mainly for packing armrests or seats chairs.

Mark of high rigidity EL. This is a modified standard material with greater rigidity. This density of foam rubber for the sofa is most suitable, because it withstands static and dynamic loads. In addition, this brand is used in the production of rigid mattresses.

High Elastic Brand (HR). Most comfortable materialwhich combines elastic properties and rather low initial rigidity. Due to this property, the material is used in the manufacture high-quality furniture And for filling the seats. So, it was the brand HR - the ideal density of the foam rubber for chairs and orthopedic mattresses.

Selection options

In the production of foam rubber, the main emphasis is on the thickness and density. From these indicators depends on what needs it can go.

So, the foam rubber is used in the manufacture of sofa seats, because softness is good, but at the same time a person will just fall. Also dense material is important in the production of mattresses, because a solid and smooth sleep surface for many is preferable.

At the same time, the sofa does not consist of one seat for seating. It is necessary to equip armrests, frame, side walls I.T.D. They also need to be soft arranged, depending on the destination, they choose the brand of foam rubber.

For seats choose an elastic and hard foam. In this case, the thickness of the foam rubber is not important, because comfort and convenience are not provided with one layer. To achieve the best effect, several sheets of material are used. At the same time, various foam rubber brands use for the production of anyone.

Porolast special purpose

If the foam rubber (density 40) is often used in the manufacture of furniture, then less dense is used in many other spheres. So, for sanitary and hygienic needs (kitchen and bath sponges), a material that will not crumble, will well foam and withstand frequent contact with water. For this, special additives are applied, which improve quality characteristics and at the same time do not cause allergies.

There are viscoelastic brands that have found their use in the production of medical goods. Widely used in the manufacture of linings used in burns. The material takes the contours of the body and less injures the affected area.

Contour products, such as rollers, cylinders, kings, are obtained from block foamed polyurethane. It is completely homogeneous and pretty elastic.

The main points of the care of the foam

  • remove dust with a vacuum cleaner without using mechanical means;
  • do not apply cleaning products that contain alcohol, destroying the fiber material;
  • do not expose too much high temperaturesIn particular, it is impossible to stroke the iron.

These simple rules Support the density of the foam rubber in proper quality, respectively, the deformation of the product will not come.

Porolon for mattress

In the production of bed beds, foam rubber furniture is used. What density is needed for the mattress depends on the intended rigidity of the product.

Standard Mark PPU is used for the manufacture of children's mattresses. Its density is 25 kg / m 3.

For luxury beds and a longer operation, a latex puzzle is used, which has a Marking HR and VE.

The grade of increased hardness EL is withstanding the load up to 100 kg. View EL2240 is budget optionwhich is suitable for infrequent use or for service life up to 5 years.

A more durable and elastic is the EL2842 brand, which will serve for more than 10 years, without deteriorating quality characteristics.

Possible harm of foam mattresses

Recently, the opinion has spread that the foam rubber is harmful because the material allocates harmful pairs. Despite the use of PPU for several decades, disputes about the feasibility of its use do not subside.

It is known that the foam rubber produces from fully synthetic components. As a result, substances with a characteristic odor are distinguished. But they will quickly disperse and do not harm the body.

However, brands released with violation of technology and the most budgetary, often so continue to exhibit the smell throughout the service life. The pairs are compared with the substance allocated during burning. But their concentration is so small that it is not necessary to talk about the dangers for a person.


Folon is widely used in furniture production. In a free sale, medium density brands are usually found, which are suitable for the manufacture of children's furniture or spines. The foam density for the sofa should be higher than 30 kg / m 3, but these types are released directly for industrial purposes.

Often the PPU is used in the manufacture of mattresses. Now this material It is the most common. This contributes to the positive characteristics that polyurethane foam possesses:

  • affordable price;
  • independently does not fade (burns only with the support of another source);
  • countertileness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of transportation.

However, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a block of springs. Nevertheless, despite even an increased density, the material is soft enough. Therefore, in the manufacture of furniture, additional devices apply to ensure sufficient stiffness. It may be coconut coir, independent springs and other inventions that improve the properties of the foam rubber.

Despite the disputes on the dangers and benefits of the foam rubber, its properties are invaluable and allow you to produce well enough and at the same time elastic.

For many consumers, the discovery will be the fact that foam rubber and polyurethane foam is the same thing! Correct name Material - soft polyurethane foam (PPU). A few decades ago in Soviet Union It was supplied by the Norwegian enterprise Porolon, so the name became nominative.

Common filler requirements:

  1. Elasticity and elasticity.
  2. Restore form after loads.

From here and often skeptical attitude towards foam rubber products: they are short-lived, quickly "sank", the old foam rubble. The main disadvantage is considered to be flammable, a poisonous gas is distinguished when burning.

The qualitative characteristics of the material changed at the end of the 20th century, when various additives were added to the composition, which influenced the density, elasticity, flammability, etc. Now the PPU is used in the manufacture of the vast majority of mattresses.

What is used

Use the material in the most different areasFor different needs are selected by certain characteristics. For mattresses, the density of the foam rubber is important, the life of the product depends on it. Use the PPU with a density of 25 to 40 kg / m 3. The density of two digits is indicated after two letters in the title, the following two digits indicate the stiffness index.

Mattresses are made from such stamps of Porolaton:

Mattresses from foam

Is there harm harm to health from polyurethane foam mattresses? Mattresses from the foam rubber are made for decades already, and disputes about their harm will not subscribe. And for these disputes there are reasons: synthetic "origin" and low orthopedic properties. Reviews of polyurethane foam mattresses can be viewed.

Material made from synthetic components. They are distinguished from volatile substances with an unpleasant "chemical" smell. And some cheap models made with violation of technologies retain it for a long time, and even the smell does not destroy. The stuffing substances are dangerous to health, as well as those that proceed with the burning of the mattress. But it is not proved how harmful substances are harmful in minimal quantities.

On the video - the foam density for the mattress:

Harm is not proven, so polyurethane is the most common material for the production of mattresses.

This is facilitated by his dignity:

  1. Independently does not burn. The combustion supports with a different source of fire.
  2. Quickly restores the form.
  3. For many affordable.
  4. Low thermal conductivity.
  5. Playproof.
  6. Moistureproof.
  7. Easy in transportation.
  8. Easy to care.

The damage of foam foam mattresses is also in low orthopedic properties. Doctors insist that sleeping place It should be strong enough. Therefore, mattresses are supplied with an independent springs block, a layer of coconut coyra and other "devices". And the usual foam option is often soft, greatly beaten, which leads to the clearing of the spine. The body is not always well resting on the soft, in the morning there may be numbness of the limbs, stiffness of the muscles, tingling in them. As a result, at a minimum - unimportant well-being and bad mood. And maximum - problems with the spine.


The mattress size must correspond to the size of the bed.

In product sizes different manufacturers There may be a significant difference. For example, in the United States, the dimensions of mattresses are taken in inches. To the beds made on European standards, the American mattress is not suitable. Hence the recommendation: Choose a mattress and a bed of one producer country, and ideally one manufacturer.

Mattresses are produced for children and adults. But what size should the standard mattress be? Standard for adults in length are two types: 190 and 200 cm. In width - 70 or 90 cm. Dimensions of 1.5 bedroom beds - 120 cm. Depending on the size, the mattress 140 x 200 or 200 x 200 is suitable for the "two-bedroom" . The size of the one-and-and-alone bed linen for the bed can be viewed.

Children's mattresses are produced standard sizes: 120 x 60, 140 x 60, 140 x 70.

Non-standard mattresses are made to order for the necessary dimensions.

Example non-standard mattress from foam rubber.

If the perimeter of the bed has a side, measure its height, the mattress should be higher at least a couple of centimeters!


Porophone mattresses are divided into species depending on the degree of rigidity of products:

  1. Soft. Remind a cozy down punch. Comfortable, but harmful to the spine.
  2. Average stiffness. Pretty quickly restore the form, provide normal support to the spine.
  3. Hard. These are orthopedic mattresses, the stiffness in them provide additional components (coconut coir or independent springs).

For the mattress, high-elastic elastic foam rubber is used. It is also called artificial latex or latex foam.

How to make yourself?

The need for a new mattress occurs periodically from everyone. And many may turn out to make it yourself. This may be an option for the country. And it happens that the fabric on the mattress is still good, and the porolon already "asked."

You will need:

  1. Porolon.
  2. Mattress mastery.
  3. Felt.
  4. Adhesive for foam rubber.

If spring blocks are preserved in good condition, it is enough to replace only pieces of foam rubber on new parts.

Work algorithm:

  1. On the floor decompose the foam rubber, cover it with felt.
  2. On the sides to glue the segments of the foam rubber to hide the springs.
  3. From above, when the glue is dry, put felt, and then foam.
  4. Final action - insert the foam in the case.

If you need a new mattress without springs, you first need to decide on its size. Purchase foam necessary parameters. Then sew the mattress staff. With strut, consider the allowances on the seams. It will only be left to place the PPU into the case.

On the video foam mattress do it yourself:

Producers, cost of products

  • ASKONA. (Ascona). This company is the largest and famous manufacturer Mattresses in Russia. The plant is in the Vladimir region. Releases several lines. Many models use artificial latex. Mattresses and enough expensive, because brand fame and advertising are laid in the price. Taking advantage of the work proposal, buy a mattress from PPU to a single-panel size of 90 x 190 is possible for 4000 rubles. But there are offers of products of the same parameters using PPU, worth up to 13,000 rubles. and higher.
  • Consul. Production is located in Moscow. Produce products of different price categories. Cheap uneven models - from 10 000 rubles. It is very profitable to acquire a mattress on the action, with a good discount!
  • Toris. The plant is located in the Murom region. The price of products is much lower than that of competitors: the mattress of 90 x 190, 8 cm high is about 3000 rubles, depending on the thickness increases and the price increases.

Attention! Choosing a mattress, carefully examine reviews on the forums!

  • Ormatek. Enterprise in Ivanovo region. Ormaytek - a decent competitor famous brand. The cost of the mattress on the "single-layer" - 7000 rubles. Again, on the stock to buy cheaper.

Favorite, still strong sofa became uncomfortable? Have any pits and lumps on the seat? The reason may be a low-quality filler soft furniture or violation of the rules of operation, but should not be thrown away yet good thing, Pavorone for the sofa will help renovating it, some time and some tools. The main thing is to know how to choose the right filler.

Choosing a foam

In order to repair the furniture after repairing for a long time, it should be determined which better foam-foam is suitable for this purpose. To do this, consider the following requirements:

  • The quality of the material should be the same or higher than that of the filler who came into disrete.
  • Thickness should be at least 4 cm, especially if the sofa is used as a bed.
  • The density is better to choose 30 kg / m 3, such a foamline will retain its elasticity for a long time. The quality of the filler for the upholstery of the backrest and armrests (and they are better to immediately change together with the seat, even if they have not yet lost their properties) may be slightly lower, and it will be cheaper.

The density plays an important role, for the seat it is better not to use less than 30 kg / m 3, but you can choose soft or rigidity to your taste. Distinguish the following varieties:

  • High rigidity.
  • Hard.
  • Soft.
  • High elastic with orthopedic properties.
  • Highly elastic with high comfort.
If the furniture is used to sleep, it is better to purchase the last two views, they cost a little more expensive, but will provide a full night rest.

If you want to change the filler

Porolon is the most inexpensive and safe filler for, has many advantages:

  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Long retains elasticity during operation.
  • It does not mold when the moisture gets will dry quickly.
  • Not afraid of temperature drops.

But if for some reason he does not suit, then the question arises, how to replace it:

  • Best inexpensive option The polyurethane foam (PPU) becomes the same foam, only significantly improved.
  • If the restored model consists of separate sofa pillowsYou can use a type - syntheluch, which is rather durable, does not cause allergies.

Frequently possible combined options Fillers for sofas:

  • Felt + coconut fiber + foam + sintepon.
  • Felt +.
  • Vata-bag-wool alternate layers.
  • Polyspan + foam + sintepon.

But if you want a renovated product for a long time, it is better to choose a high-quality foam for the sofa.

Basics of restoration

Restoring the sofa at home, it is necessary in necessary quantity stock

  • Foam, its number is calculated after the samples of sidewalls, backs and seats.
  • Caper, just follow the area of \u200b\u200bold upholstery.
  • Depending on the drawing, it must be taken by 15-20% more. This will help to fit the drawing and compensate for the error in the calculation of the pattern.

Repair consists of several stages:

  • Furniture disassembled into components. The sidewalls are cleaned, if you can disconnect the back, then you need to remove it too.
  • Need to be carefully removed old trimIt is still useful for this purpose, as a rule, a flat screwdriver is used, it is convenient to remove the furniture brackets.
  • Now you can get rid of the old filler. It is not necessary to ceremony with him, it is necessary to hide to the bottom to provide a complete replacement of soft pieces.
  • Now the most responsible moment: making patterns. To do this, it is worth a carefully sapper and rebuild the old trim to avoid irregularities and distortions, because it will be savage and upholstery fabric. If in the case of a sail error, you can "cover up" the desired piece, then in decorative finish This is impossible, it will spoil appearance Sofa. Before opening the tissues, you need to decide: it is necessary to leave your sofa for the same or change, giving it an additional volume and softness. If the choice is in favor of volume, then it is worth making an additional battery when striking.
  • Porolat is laid by wooden base with a little allowance, slightly wraps to the ends and fixes with furniture stapler. It is necessary to put a dense tissue on the spring block before laying a foam rubber and fix around the edges.

If an additional volume is needed, then you need to put a second layer necessary thickness And consolidate.

  • Corrected sail to cover the foam rubber and, gently pulling, fasten on the basis. The sail helps to increase the comfort of furniture and a more even fit of the filler to the base of the sofa.
  • The seat is almost ready, you can go back and sidewalls. Working with the back is also needed as with the seat. If it does not serve as a sleeping place during laying (for example, a sofa book), then it can use a smaller density material, as well as for sidewalls. On the sidewalls can generally save, giving them volume with the help of Wattin and.
  • The base of the sofa is ready, now with the help of a furniture stapler, you can attach decorative trim, assemble the product and enjoy comfort.

Properly selected foamon for the sofa is able not to just give the "second life" of furniture, and significantly improve its quality. Add it softness, allow purchasing orthopedic properties necessary for a comfortable night's sleep and day rest.

IN last years Popular foam mattresses are gaining popularity. They are lightweight, durable, affordable, differ in wear resistance, long retain the form. When choosing a foam rubber for a mattress, it is necessary to take into account two main indicators - its density and rigidity. Specialists of the company "Santaks" will be told about the features of the selection and suitable brands.

Choose density

It is this parameter that affects the durability of the product. The larger the load on it, the longer it is used, the more dense you need to choose the material. For example, for children's option It is better to buy a foam in a density of 20-22 kg / m3. For adults weighing 70-90 kg, which sleep for 8-9 hours and can be additionally carried out on the bed 3-4 hours a day, we recommend that 25-30 kg / m3 indicator will stop. For a person weighing about 100 kg, which spends in bed 15-20 hours a day, it is necessary to produce from an increased density material - 35 kg / m3.

Determine with rigidity

In the manufacture of mattresses, it is mostly standard, highly elastic and foam-rigid rigidity, as these products are designed for daily long-term use. Depending on the recommended load, we advise you to choose the following stamps:

  • for mattresses designed for load up to 60 kg - S 3025, S 3035, ST 2535, EL 2240, EL 2345, EL 2540, HR 3025;
  • up to 80 kg - S 4040, ST 3040, ST 2735, HR 3530;
  • up to 100 kg - S 3530, ST 3545, HR 3535, HR 4040;
  • up to 120-130 kg - ST 5050, EL 4060.

If the sleeping problem with the spine is recommended to stay on a more hard version.

Where to buy?

Santax manufactures high-quality fillers for furniture production, including polyurethane foam different marks. To decide which one is suitable for making mattresses, contact our managers. They will consult in detail about the features of products, costs, help place an order will provide delivery. Call!

In our rapid time, new technologies and materials appear so quickly that even experts do not always have time to trace them. Scientific and technical progress has entered all spheres of human activity, including in the production of furniture. This suggests that furniture manufacturers are interested in introducing modern materialsWith improved characteristics and consumer qualities.

However, furniture makers are also interested in ensuring that their final product is maximally consistent with the price-quality ratio. Based on this, when choosing a filler, they most often prefer the foam rubber for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Modern brands of furniture foam rubber can be divided into two categories: standard (ST) and highly elastic (HL, HR).

Standard foam rubber stamps for furniture upholstery

Standard stamps of furniture foam rubber are made using one base component - polyol and have general quality indicators, in which include density, compression resistance, strength, elasticity, residual deformation, comfort.

The most important characteristics of the furniture foam rubber from the listed density and resistance to compression are considered. These are these values \u200b\u200band are reflected in the marking of the material.

So, in the designation of foam rubber stamps, letters and numbers are used. Letters mean the material class, the first two digits - its density (the higher this number, the material is tougher and more durable), the second two is the resistance of compression.

For standard grades, there is the following alphabetic gradation:

ST - Standard

EL - elastic

The designation ST includes the PPU with a density of up to 25 kg / m3 and rigidity to 3.4-3.5 kPa. Foam rubber St 2030, 2236, 2536 is suitable only for decorative pads. The stamps of ST 2236, 2536 are offended by the backs of sofas and chairs, as well as armrests. They withstand loads up to 50 kg.

EL letters suggest that the density of the material exceeds 25 kg / m3 and comes to 60 kg / m2. Such a foam rubber is used for the manufacture of seats of sofas and chairs, for the production of mattresses.

As an example, consider the brand EL 3040. The designation is decrypted as follows: EL - a grade of increased rigidity, 30 is a density of 30 kg / m3, 40 - resistance to compression of 3.5 kPa.

To find out, the porolon of which density is necessary for the manufacture of a particular detail of the furniture, you need to represent what permissible load It will be designed. It is clearly seen from the table below.

Table of the required density of foam rubber

High Elastic Furniture Furniture Stamps

High-elastic foam rubber brands of high rigidity are obtained by applying special types of polyols. These include the following stamps of the foam rubber:

HL (Hard ELASTIC) - dense elastic

RDB (Double Bubble) - Secondary Foaming

HR (Hard Rubber) - increased elasticity (artificial latex).

HL (HARD ELASTIC) is a dense elastic foam, the density of which exceeds 60 kg / m3. Suitable for the production of high-quality furniture and orthopedic mattresses.

RDB (Double Bubble) - foam rubber foaming, has a density of 100 kg / m3. It is a very hard material that is only suitable for sports mats or simulators. Well, or for "yogis" - Extreme lovers. Folon of secondary foaming is also used in the automotive industry, construction, like noise insulator.

HR (Hard Rubber) is a porolon of high elasticity, it is also called artificial latex. The material is relatively new for the Russian furniture market, has a density of 30 kg / m3, increased elasticity, high levels Comfort and a long service life, which comes up to 15 years.