Flat roofs of private houses technology. Construction of a flat roof - a budget version of the reliable roof with their own hands

Roof design options for a private house there is a lot. Today, along with tent structures, modern technologies and materials allow you to create flat options. It is worth considering what is a house with a flat roof, features of its design, pros and cons.


Traditionally, in moderate and northern latitudes were erected tent roof With inclined slopes, which prevented accumulation on the surface of the snow cover and allowed abundant precipitation down on the rain plums. The houses with a flat roof were common in the southern regions where there were no heavy rains, and the snow was not falling in winter at all. But the development of construction technologies and the appearance modern materialsEspecially waterproofing, made it possible to easily create a horizontal roof in any regions, even in the conditions of the Far North.

Flat roof is such a flood, which is located horizontally directly above the residential floors of the private house. Several layers of insulating materials protecting moisture, cold and steam, as well as the drainage system make it possible to create reliable upper protection in a single, two-or three-story private house.

Don't be afraid that on the ceiling last floor There will appear leaks, since with a competent approach and quality materials They are completely excluded. The main thing is to properly exploit such a roof and change the coating in a timely manation period.

The buildings with a straight roof increases functionality, since the surface of the roof can be used. In many respects, the installation of such buildings is simplified compared to tent options, where it is necessary to build a rafter system. They have a lot of other advantages.

Principle and types of design

To begin with, it is worth noting that the flat roof in a private house is not strictly horizontal, in order not to accumulate the water and its stock was carried out, the slope of the surface is provided approximately 5-7 °. The principle here is the same as in the catchment of a pitched roof - they are located under a slight inclination, which is impaired from the ground, but allows all the accumulated moisture to drain into the drainage pipe. Also on a flat roof: water is collected in a certain place due to the irregularities of the surface, but the playground looks horizontal, it can be safely broken the lawn or equip the area for recreation.

The drainage system on a similar roof contains special funnels.which flows under the influence of gravity of rainwater and then with the help of the hose system goes into the sewer or underground. These devices are made of plastic, which has been impetused by the action of moisture and rotting, are mounted in the insulation layers on the roof, on top are equipped with a protective mesh so that the neck and drainage are not clogged. One such waterfront is designed for about 100-150 square meters. m Roof Square, you can count the total number of them. Usually 1-2 pieces are enough for a small country house.

Flat roof can be exploited and non-exploitable. If it is practically not used, that is, it rises several times a year to check the integrity and current repairs, the coating contains the following layers from the bottom up: thermal insulation, vaporizolation and waterproofing. The technology of flooring here is practically the same as in residential apartment and industrial buildings.

There are the following common types of non-exploitable flat roofs: from corrugated flooring and monolith.

  • The first option is a frame. First, an insulating case or wooden bars is mounted on the concrete base, insulating materials are placed in it. Then the profile metal sheets are fixed to the frame. This is a relatively cheap option, easy to install, the design has a small weight. But it is almost impossible to walk on such a roof, because profiles will be fed and deformed.

  • Monolithic coating for flat roof Contains several layers. Directly on the concrete slab, a vapor barrier film made of hot bitumen is laid, then mineral wool and waterproofing is underway, and the screed on the cement basis is filled with a reinforced grid. Such an uncutable roof will have a lot of weight, but it reliably protects the house from precipitation and cold.

Another option, if the roof is constantly involved, people walk on it, there are some objects. Then the insulating layer changes order: first there is waterproofing, on top of which heat insulation is installed. Therefore, such a roof is called inversion.

The order of the flooring is the following:at first, a bitumen-polymer membrane is placed on the ceiling plate, then the layer of thermal insulation from foam, foam or expanded polystyrene is placed. If there is a desire to create a green lawn on the roof of your home, then the separation and filtering layer of geotextiles are laid on top of these insulators, and then the fertile layer on which the natural grass will grow.

A similar roof with a fertile layer can be freely operated by the entire warm period, with a competently installed drainage system, it is not terrible. On the roof you can place a children's or sports field, put the beds or benches, break the flower beds and even arrange a picnic. Operated roofs with green coating today are distributed not only in the country, but also in city houses.

The arrangement of a flat roof does not end with flooring and pouring insulating layers and strip of drainage. For properly operation You need to create ventilation. Moisture and its pairs can accumulate between layers of isolation, in the future during freezing the insulating pie can crack, bubbles appear on it, there is a detachment. In order to avoid this, the aerators are used - plastic or metal tubes with caps in the form of an umbrella, which are mounted inside the roofing coating. The air flowing through them due to the pressure difference is weathering water vapors from the insulation layers, they remain completely dry.

Another important point after a flat roof flooring is a factor of lightning protection. It should not be neglected, since, despite the low probability of appearance, the thunderstorm can lead to the most disastrous consequences in the country house. The lightning grid is installed inside the insulation layers, if they are not combustible, or if they are combustible, on top of them on special holders at an altitude of 10-12 cm from the surface. All nodes of this mesh are connected in one grinding of the thick conductive wire, which goes on the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages

Low-rise buildings with a flat roof, built on various projects, are operated in our country for no first year. Owners' reviews for several years living in such houses will help to allocate all the advantages and disadvantages of such structures.

The benefits of them are as follows:

  • saving materials - do not erect a complex rafter system, and the roofing works are simplified;
  • the speed of construction compared to double and all the more walm roofs;

  • ease of repair and shift of roofing coatings;
  • a flat roof device allows you to make a platform for different needs: lawn, recreation area with a gazebo, gym, children's corner, etc.;

  • in the ceiling there is an opportunity to mount the windows, this is a very original interior project plus an additional source of natural light on the ceiling;
  • roofing will be much safer than in the case of a tent roof;
  • with strong wind gusts, there is no risk of a breakdown of massive rafting structures and trim.

According to the reviews of the owners of such houses, you can specify for cons of flat roof:

  • unlike tent structures, on such roofs in winter, snow will accumulate in large volumes, which should be regularly removed manually;
  • installation of the drainage system is required;

  • it will be necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the roof, the absence of leaks;
  • despite the visible simplicity of installation, flooring flooring has many nuances, the layers of the insulator and the drainage must be made as correct as possible, otherwise the leaks cannot be avoided.

Many projects of private houses with a horizontal roof came from Europe, where the climate is softer. Therefore, such decisions must be adjusted in accordance with our more severe weather conditions.

What to do?

Flat roof can be made of various materials, their choice depends on the construction of the building itself.

  • If the house is brick, from gas-silicate or concrete blocks, then a plate of reinforced concrete can be used as roofing. In this case, the roof will be as strong as possible, it can be placed bulky and heavy objects. This overlap material does not have protection against moisture, therefore, in any case, it will have to make a layer of waterproofing from a roll bitumen or screed with a lower bitumen-polymer membrane.

  • Wooden roofing overlaps of such a design will cost cheaper than concrete, they can be made on country plot himself. The walls are installed on the walls with beams, as they can take the lane bars of 10x4 cm or others, the main thing is that they can withstand the weight of future insulation and other items located on the roof. Wood is processed by an antiseptic and refractory solution. Roofing from a bar can be covered wood slabs, board or metal professional flooring.

  • A bitumen is traditionally used as waterproofing for houses with a flat roof. This organic material on a hydrocarbon base, which is produced during oil distillation. It has excellent waterproof properties, is not subject to moisture, rotting, not afraid of frosts. The main disadvantage of the bitumen is its non-environmental friendliness - it contains harmful components, when heated heats up a sharp smell. Nevertheless, bitumen isolation is still in demand, including in the construction of houses with a flat roof.

Bitumen may be rolled and liquid.Usually, the combination of these two species is used for maximum efficiency. First, the hot solution is poured into a prepared purified surface, then rolls of solid bitumen roll up. Such a combination allows you to close any microscopic gaps and cracks and securely protects the roof from moisture.

  • There are other modern waterproofing materials, cleaner and harmless than bitumen. These include, for example, EuroBeroid. It is also made on a bitumen basis, but, due to synthetic tissues and polymers in the composition, it allocates less harmful substances and smells. EuroRuberoid is produced in rolls, for strength, it is grapped with a special mineral crumb.

  • There is sprayed waterproofing for the roof in the form of powders and aerosols. It is applied to the surface with special equipment. Similar mixtures are produced from plasticizers, cement, synthetic resins and hardeners. Their advantages are that they are not only protecting from moisture, but also reflect the sun's rays, they do not miss steam.

  • To protect against precipitation is widely used incessant waterproofing. It, like the liquid rubberoid, is applied to the surface of the roof with a roller or brush. Among such materials, emulsion, rubber, polymer mastic and primer are especially common.

  • There are options for bulk waterproofing in the form of granules that absorb moisture well and do not give it to leak into the residential premises. Examples can be clay and crushed stone. Their dignity is that it does not require complex installation - the granules simply rise to the level of the roof, scattered and evenly smoothed over the surface.

  • A polyethylene film of 0.1-0.5 mm thick is usually used as a pair-protective layer, which is littered into the entire width of the roof under the heat insulation layer. Many effective materials are used to protect against cold: mineral wool, foam, penplex, expanded polystyrene and others.

  • Very spectacular and impressive are solid glass roofs. The transparent ceiling in the house visually increases the space, creates a unique air atmosphere, in the rooms it is always maximally light. Mounting such overlaps is not very difficult, it is enough to create a frame from metal profiles Or wooden frames and glazing it. But the operation of the glass roof is complicated, in winter it is necessary to constantly clean it from the snow cover. Therefore, it is best to make a solid overlap with small ceiling windows.

Design options

Flat roof can be installed both in a two-storey house with a small area and in a spacious cottage. In a large building, you can combine the scope tent roof with a horizontal, for example, using it for a flueger or veranda. The roof form can also be different: square, rectangular and more complex. The main thing about the non-standard project is to correctly calculate the slopes and the water supply system so that the moisture is not accumulated on the surface.

Air conditioners, ventilation systems, television antennas, bonds and other equipment can be located on the inversion flat roof. If the roof is used as a platform for recreation or other active pastime, then the fencing is installed in its edges.

Also, when installing such a roof, it is necessary to take care of a convenient rise upstream with railings.There are many projects used by the inversion roof with drawings that can be guided during the construction of your home.

Installation instructions

Before construction and arrangement of a flat roof is worth a step by step plan of all works.

  • It begins with the choice of shape, type and material for overlapping. It should be borne in mind that the load on such a design is always more intense than on tent options. Based on this, you need to make a drawing frame system With beams and overlaps. The sketch indicates geometric shapes, sizes, color, materials, necessary communications. It is best to immediately have a visual idea of \u200b\u200bhow the future roof will look like for your home.

For many people, the name "Flat Roof" is associated, first of all, with multi-storey buildings. Flat roof - The pros and cons of which we will consider in this article - from a dozen years ago almost not used in low-rise construction. However, today, the creation of such a roof in a country house is not a problem: modern materials and technologies allow you to create a flat roof with proper consumer characteristics and at an affordable price.

  • The flat roof is much smaller in the area, rather than a scope roof, which saves on materials and construction work.
  • Thanks to a relatively lower plane roof area, it is possible to optimize costs.
  • The construction of a flat roof is carried out easier and in more compressed deadlines, in comparison with the scope roof, since the necessary materials For mounting are located right at the feet of workers on a flat surface. The same can be said about the repair and maintenance of a flat roof - work on an almost horizontal roof is incomparably more comfortable than on inclined.
  • On a flat roof more convenient installation and subsequent service work with all sorts of equipment (air conditioning systems, solar panels, antennas, etc.).
  • The use of flat roof is an opportunity to get an additional useful territory that can be used as a place where you can relax on fresh air, play sports, create a garden, flower garden, etc. To date, there are technologies that allow the roof of even paving tiles or a paving. Roof paved with beautiful tiles, combined with green lawn, sadovaya furniture, gazebo and fireplace, can be a place for a comfortable family holiday.

Houses with flat roof are now very popular

Flat roof, besides advantages, has a number of shortcomings:

  • As a result of heavy snowfalls on flat roofs, a lot of snow accumulates, which, when melting, often becomes the cause of leaks.
  • Sometimes the use of inner drains is required.
  • There is a risk of clogging or freezing inland drainage.
  • There is a need for mechanical cleaning of the roof from too large snow clusters.
  • Regular control of the humidity state of the insulation and the tightness of the roof is required.

Varieties of flat roofs

There are four types of flat roofs:

Foundation for flat roofing

In accordance with the construction norms, the flat roof, the pros and cons of which we looked higher should have a base in the form of reinforced concrete slabs or sheets of professional flooring.

Subtleties of waterproofing

The durability of the roofing structure and its resistance to a variety of negative effects depends on the use of special mixtures and technological processes of the production of materials for the roof. Depending on the roof materials, it is customary to divide into three categories:

  1. Bituminous roofs, as well as polymer-bituminous Based on rubberoid. These materials are available by virtue of their low cost. The flooded bitumen-polymeric formulations are rolled waterproofing and roofing fabrics based on synthetics, on both sides of which a special bitumen is used, preserving elasticity even at extremely low temperatures (up to -50 degrees Celsius). During the installation of waterproofing conducted using gas burners, rolls are melted with each other. Roof waterproofing can also be carried out by self-adhesive materials based on polymers and bitumen. In this case, the mastic is applied along the lower surface of the roll and in the process of processing the solvent acquires the properties of glue. The lack of a bitumen roof is a briefness.
  2. Membrane roofs With the basis of foil, rubber or polymers. This material has solid strength, stealing fires and other negative impacts of the medium. The membranes are glued to the screed or simply lie on the basis, being loaded ballast, or they are mounted mechanically either with the help of glue. Special membranes are used to connect the membranes weldersfastening the material with hot air.
  3. Roofs based on liquid polymers, which after cooling do not form seams. Such materials are particularly often used for structures with complex geometry.

It is very important to make the proper waterproofing of a flat roof.

Whatever material is chosen, joints between rolls and places of adjoining to a variety of roof elements should be waterproof. One of the main components of a successful waterproofing device is a high-quality sealant. During the period of operation of the roof is subject to negative effects of the external environment (moisture, hail, stones, strong temperature differences, etc.). Therefore, high-quality sealant must have resistant to mechanical and temperature effects.

As a sealant, the mastic is usually used - the mask, which is based on elastic polyurethane resins. Following the application on the roof, the mastic is polymerized, resulting in a solid rubber-like membrane with waterproof properties and protecting roofing from mechanical damage.

The mastic is ideal for a flat roof, is safe, it has a high adhesion to the construction surfaces, has a high resistance to ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and all sorts of microorganisms. It is applied with a brush, roller or airless spraying method - two multi-colored layers, which allows you to keep quality control, layer thickness and uniformity of the distribution of sealant.

How to arrange a flow of water

Regardless of the materials used, the plane roof should have a certain bias for water flow (usually within 3-5%) appearing on the roof as a result of atmospheric precipitation. The drainage system should be thought out at the design stage of the building. The drains determine how effectively the moisture from the roof surface will be given. To prevent the freezing of drainage drains in winter, they are equipped with special thermal cables.

The drains are organized when it is created both outdoor and internal water supply, and inorganized. When creating an internal water supply, the roof surface is divided into approximately equal participants in 150-200 square meters each. In places with the presence of a slope, the drainage funnels are arranged, equipped with baskets for garbage chip. Typically, the funnels are located in the center of the roof, and the pipes are inside the building.

Terms of insulation and vapor barrier

Flat roofing needs insulation. In the absence of a layer of thermal insulation on the roof surface, condensate is formed as a result of contact with warm air masses and a cold surface of the roof. Condensate appears on the ceilings at home by water stains, and the roof design gradually collapses.

The design of the roof involves the base on which the layer of the vaporizolizing material is stacked. The function of the vaporizolator is the protection of the insulation from the diffuse moisture coming from the premises of the building. The steam differed layer includes a fiberglass reinforced membrane (based on bitumen and polymers) or a parobaric film. The layer is placed on top of the screed, and along the edges of the roofing construction, it will be started vertically to the height, exceeding the height of the insulation. Seams are sealed.

Above the steam insulating layer is the insulation, and on top of it - the carpet of waterproofing based on bitumen. If the insulation acts as a clamzite, then it is necessary to make a screed from cement by putting a couple of waterproofing layers. If the roof is planned for easy (in the case when there is no significant loads on it), the waterproofing is simply glued throughout the perimeter of the roof.

For roofing without the presence of attics, both the outer and the inner method of insulation is used. Outdoor way It is used more often, so its execution is easier. There are two versions of thermal insulation: two-layer and single-layer. The decision on which option to apply in practice depends on the calculations on heat engineering and the requirements for the strength of the roof. The heat insulation plates are put on the roof design on the basis of the principle of "seams in the dispersion". With a two-layer coating with thermal insulation "in the dispersion", the joints of the lower and upper plates also go. In the area of \u200b\u200badjoining plates to parapet, lanterns and walls are created heat-insulating sides. The thermal insulation materials are attached to the base of the mechanical method (screws, dowels), ballast (pebble, paving slabs) or glue.

Features of the ventilation roofing

The roof design should be equipped with a ventilation system. As a result of the tightness impairment, moisture falls into the insulated layer. The thick layer of waterproofing does not allow evaporation, and the moisture accumulates in the insulation. As a result, the material loses its insulation characteristics, and moisture appears on the ceilings of the building in the form of spots. In addition, water causes waterproofing, and at low temperatures, freezing water takes off the waterproofing material from the base. Temperature differences, mechanical damage contribute to the formation of cracks in the roof, the result of which is its flow.

In order to avoid listed problems, the roof must "breathe". For this, aerators are used - special devices in the form of plastic or metal pipes. They are covered with umbrella caps and are evenly distributed throughout the roof area, to the highest points. The aeration mechanism works on the basis of the principle of different pressure, which is created by air flows, withdrawing unnecessary pairs of moisture from under the roof and not allowing to form water bubbles.

The roofing device is responsible technological operation. Any, even a minor error in the design or construction of the roof may in the future be the cause of its flow. Therefore, when creating a roof, it is necessary to pay special attention to the proper selection of hydro and thermal insulation materials, accurately calculate the upcoming loads on the roofing design, as well as select the command of competent builders.

Flat Roof - Common architectural solution in civil, industrial and private construction. The device of a flat roof has its own characteristics, but chief Principle It is that the waterproofing layer must be solid carpet with certain technical characteristics. Designing roofing structures should be performed in accordance with the SNiP.

Structure of roofing cake

If you look at the design in the context, this species The roof is a multi-layered structure, which includes:

The base of the flat roof may be iron concrete plate Overlap, or a construction of metal products. Depending on the type of base, the material is selected for the rest of the components of the roofing pie and the methods of its installation.

The vapor insulation layer is performed from rolled or bitumen materials. It prevents the penetration of moisture from the premises in the thermal insulation layer of the roofing structure.

As a heater for a flat roof, a wide range of materials is used, including:

  • mineral wool;
  • clay gravel;
  • polystyrene foam plates;
  • cement-sand screed.

The waterproofing layer is traditionally performed from roll Materials on a bitumen basis. Special mastic or PVC membrane can also be used.

The waterproofing carpet should have a certain elasticity to carry mechanical deformations of the base and temperature differences.

The structure of the cake depends on functional features Roofs. The following types of roof differ:

Flat roof flasher

According to SNiP, when installing a flat roofing structure, it is necessary to provide its slope of 1-4 °. Such a design of flat roofs allows you to avoid water accumulation on the surface of the coating. For waterproofing, not only long-term stagnation of water in certain sections is dangerous. The strong deformation and destruction of the outer coating of the roof is a consequence of a multiple repetition of the freezing process and thawing the accumulated moisture. For lowering roofs can be applied various materials. The choice depends on their technical characteristics and installation features.

Light concrete with bulk polymer filler (in particular, extruded polystyrene) refers to the number of popular materials. It is quite simple in laying, the resulting design has high strength. But the use of this material for the rally should be foreseen at the stage of design of the building, since the considerable weight of the concrete used increases the load on the overlap, the walls and the foundation of the structure.

Similar characteristics have a lightweight concrete with filler from perlite or clay. This material is cheaper, but its weight is even more, while the resulting roofing pie less durable.

A flat roof device can be carried out using monolithic insulation that allows you to perform a flap. In this case, the prepared surface is mounted sheet Material (Mineral wool, clamzite sheets, etc.). The mount can be performed on a durable, chain glue that eliminates the offset of sheets with time. Dowels with a plastic spacer can also be used - the metal contact with the base of the roof is preferably eliminated that the roofing pie did not have a cold bridges.

The most time consuming the roof device applies bulk materials For lower flashes. It's hard to pour the concrete layer floor insulation (clay or perlite), observing the necessary angle of inclination of the roof plane, as the granules can shift.

Effective, but expensive rally option - laying foam concrete, followed by applying a layer of fibrobeton. Pie with such heat insulating layer Designed for long-term operation. This technology requires attracting experienced professionals.

In accordance with SNiP, the bias of the roof is carried out towards the water-driven funnels (in the presence of inner drain), or towards the water intake of the waterboat's water intake, which should be attached under roofing carpet or on outdoor wall building.

Roofing nodes

In order for roofing pie to be reliably protected from external influences, special attention should be paid to the places of its adjoining to building structures - parapets, walls, pipes, external parts of the ventilation systems, etc. There are various nodes of a flat roof, first of all, it is a node:

  • adjoining;
  • svea;
  • pass through the roof.

The nodes are mounted on the reinforced concrete base in places where the roofing pie is adjacent to the vertical design. Manufacturers of roofing materials are often developing their own systems that may have certain design features.

The node should ensure the tightness of the joint and its heat shield, so the assembly of nodes should be considered extremely carefully.

Device non-exploited flat roof

The most common design is the traditional soft roof. In the context, it consists of a bearing base plate, a vapor insulating layer, thermal insulation from sheet mineral wool and a waterproofing carpet made of a roll bito-containing material. The benefits of this design include low cost and simple installation.

More practical non-exploitable roofs are performed using modern materials. High-popularity uses waterproofing from PVC membrane. Its installation can be performed in any season, since the membrane is resistant to low and high temperatures. In addition, if the layer of thermal insulation managed to accumulate moisture in the process of laying, the membrane allows it to evaporate. In this case, the material has high water repellent properties. In the process of mounting the canvas in a single whole, special welding equipment without an open flame is used.

The coating of the non-exploited flat roof can be performed using mastic. it liquid materialwhich is applied on top of a rigid smooth thermal insulation layer. Mastic is made on the basis of elastic, hydrophobic polyurethane resins. On the open air, after a certain time after applying to a smooth layer, it is polymerized, forming a solid rubber-like membrane. The device of such waterproofing allows you to securely protect the roofing pie from moisture penetration.

Popular technology is the use of waterproofing. This is an accessible option in terms of price and quality ratio - the durability of such a roof is from 25 years. Bitumen-polymeric material based on the web, which has been incorrect rotting, creates a super-durable waterproofing layer. Using this material You can perform a device of operated roofs.

The device of the operated roof

Such a flat roof design is significantly more expensive in the installation, but it allows you to benefitly use additional areas. Today, this type of roof is widely in demand for equipment of sports fields, green zones, cafes, parking lots, etc. Installation of reinforced roof is also necessary if the roof is assumed to install heavy items, including equipment. In accordance with SNiP, the roofing design must withstand uneven high load, that is, not to be deformed on limited areas of the area. The incision of a flat-operated roof is different from the usual presence in a rigid base or a special screed over the waterproofing layer. Such a coating eliminates the placement of the waterproofing carpet with its subsequent destruction.

Features of the inversion coating

The structure of the inversion roof is fundamentally different from other types of roofs. When it is arranged, the waterproofing layer is first mounted on the base. In section, the roofing pie looks like this: the base plate, waterproofing, insulation, drainage layer, geotextile. This design allows you to protect the waterproofing material from the destructive effects of ultraviolet and temperature differences, mechanical damage. Geotextile, in turn, ensures the protection of the insulation. The sidewalk tile is used as the outer layer. Such a roof is able to withstand high loads, including used as parking.

It is required to close as much as possible to the installation of the waterproofing layer, since the ballast layers will have to correct the errors.

Installation of traditional roofing design can be performed independently, but for the arrangement of flat roofs using modern materials and technologies, it is recommended to involve specialists who have the necessary equipment.

Flat roofing device: Design and nodes

Flat roof device and its design. The main nodes and the composition of the roofing pie in the context. Snip on the structure and slope of flat roofs

Flat roof device

Many people have a flat roof necessarily associate with urban high-rise buildings. And very few paint in their imagination vacation home With a flat roof, which combines saving the precious area and the possibility of a device on the roof of luxury places to relax.

Flat roof pie.

In the century of modern building materials And new technologies are possible to successfully build private houses with a flat roof, without fear of surprises of our unpredictable climate. But you can only feel the full amount of pleasure from a flat roof in the case when the builders and the Customer itself will carefully listen to the consultations of a specialist in the installation technology and choosing the necessary components of the roof design. Only under such conditions, the flat roof will serve a long time to serve as one generation of the inhabitants of the house, without needing additional costs.

What advantages have a flat roof design

Until recently, various designs and parts for a flat roofing device were either very expensive, or not sufficiently reliable and functional, which did not play at all the benefit of the popularization of the roofs of this type, especially for private developers.

However, life experience proves that, while under the influence of stereotypes, we are too biased to many problems, as a result of which it is not always judged about things objectively. The main thing is from a variety of existing options to choose the most adequate and correct to avoid errors.

According to architects, now they become fashionable buildings in the spirit of constructivism, which carries the minimum of details and simplicity of designs. As a result, the ratio of customers to a flat roof is changing for the better. In Europe, the design of a flat coating of houses is called a fashionable architectural feature of the project. The house with a roof without a row looks modern.

Flat roof mounting scheme.

Until recently, most consumers have a flat roof full of taboos. According to some, it was just tasteless, others feared abundant precipitation in the form of snow, the third believed that the flat roof was an event that demands exorbitantly large financial costs. Nevertheless, experts call a mass obvious advantages In buildings with such a design:

  1. Flat roof in most cases are equipped as a green recreation area.
  2. Saving material, because the plane coating area is smaller than the span area at the same architectural basis.
  3. Laying a flat roof is much more convenient than the scope, it is easier to mount the coating under your feet than in unsafe position at high altitude.
  4. Service of flat roofs is not an extreme climbing occupation, but an ordinary procedure.
  5. Plus, the design of flat roofs makes it possible to obtain an additional area without increasing the contour of the structure.

By the way, in developed countries the possibility of exploiting a flat roof is most relevant in megalopolis. Here, more and more often, the problem of ecology began to perform, and therefore raising elements of gardens, parks, gardens and lawns from the ground to the clouds became a very popular thing. And the most important thing is that if you want your flat roof to be reliable protection, it must be properly mounted using durable modern building materials.

Composite parts of a flat roof

Typically, the basis of a flat roof is carrying a bearing basis (it can be reinforced concrete plate Or a profiled metal sheet), which is stacked by the heat-insulating material in a layer of the parobacker, which protects against precipitation with a waterproofing layer.

Scheme inversion flat roof.

It is characteristic that all the composite roofing "pie" have the same importance and in the case of an unsuitability of at least one of them will be corrupted by the whole design. The basis of the installation of a flat roof work is a comprehensive approach, which is to determine the type of coverage and the implementation of the best constructive solution when considering all operational and technological properties, such as fire resistance, waterproofability, simplicity of maintenance, labor costs during arrangement, aesthetic qualities, etc.

Specialists are special attention to close the seams, the choice of methods and elements of fasteners, the device of technological nodes of the coating (adjoining to parapets and pipes, plots, corners, add-ons, etc.) and execution through holes. And it goes without saying that the exploitation of the roof will not depend on any damaging factors, if various components are made of impact-resistant and meteorestable materials, resistant to corrosion processes and exposure to UV rays. Exception of at least one detail from common system fraught with the most undesirable consequences.

Depending on the type of waterproofing, it can be glued, to mechanically fix it or freely laid. Much attention should be paid to the quality of fasteners and the method of their installation, especially for the materials that are stacked to the base of the roof with mechanical fastening.

In case of neglecting the roofing rules, the following undesirable consequences may occur:

  1. Waterproofing waterproofing strong wind gusts.
  2. A loss carrier ability Fundamentals due to electrochemical corrosion in the system "Wrong selflessness + professionalist".
  3. A clogged or frozen funnel, which caused the roof of moisture and leakage filling.

Roofing "Pie" consists of such layers (bottom-up):

Flat roof insulation

Types of insulation of flat roof: in one, two and three layers.

The base of the flat roof is the bearing plate made of monolith, reinforced concrete or metal proflist. From above, it is covered by a steam-insulating material that protects the insulation from the water vapor, thus preventing his bloating from wetting and ensuring the preservation of all properties. After that, heat insulation is installed on the roof, which, in turn, is covered with waterproofing carpet to protect against atmospheric precipitation.

For a flat roof, a single and two-layer thermal insulation system are distinguished. Now in construction is more often used by a two-layer system. It works like this: the bottom layer, a thickness of 70-200 mm, the main function of thermal insulation is assigned, while the upper one, which is 30-50 mm, is responsible for the redistribution of mechanical loads. Despite the smaller thickness, the second layer is more durable and has a higher density. Such a distribution of plane roofing layers makes it possible to significantly reduce its weight and, thus, the load on the overlap. The insulation must comply with such requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity and water absorption.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. High vapor permeability.
  4. Compressive strength and injecting layers.

Dressing device

Diagram of the device of the drain on a flat roof.

In the arrangement of roofs it is very important to ensure the free yield of wet steams from roofing. The necessary elements of the modern roof are ventilation accessories. As a result of the vital activity of people of water vapor, it is continuously formed inside the building. Due to the convective process and diffusion, it rises up and when cooled is condensed in the space under the roof. Especially intense this process proceeds into winter time. It negatively affects the roof elements - both wooden and metal. If the condensate accumulates too much, the wet spots are formed on the ceiling and the mold develops. In addition, the moisture accumulating in the thermal insulation material reduces its properties, which leads to an increase in the cost of heating the premises. To avoid such situations, you need to take care of the correct elimination of moisture to the outside of the structure.

With this task, the special components of the roof are performed in the best way - roofing fan, otherwise it is called aurator. Aerator is a pipe of different diameter of plastic or metal, which are covered with caps in the form of umbrellas.

The work of the aerator is based on the pressure difference caused by the flow of air masses. Its design allows you to bring moisture pairs from under roofing without damage to the latter.

On flat roofs, the aerators are placed evenly over the entire surface in the highest points of the roofing plane in places of connecting heat insulating plates with each other. It is advisable to install aerators at the same time as the roof itself. IN otherwise The cost of installing ventilation increases significantly.

Components for a flat roof device a large amount. The need for their use is due to the roof design. For example, in Western countries, much attention is paid to equipping the roofs with devices of natural removal of smoke, which make it possible to people safely leave the building during a fire.

The reliability of the roof depends on its slope. The completely flat roof does not happen, because for the removal of water you need to be completely small, but a bias. For a flat roof, it is measured as a percentage.

It is undesirable to equip the roof with a slope of less than 2 percent. The most optimal option is 2.5 percent. In this case, the design is exempted in a short time from water, providing more comfortable conditions for the functioning of the roofing material. With a good slope, even a small defect in roofing will be insignificant.

Another one an important element The roofs are waterproofs that "carry out" moisture and snow along the specified route. On a flat roof most often make a system of inner drainage. Special drainage funnels or fittings located on the roof surfaces effectively dismissed water into strong shower, excluding flooding flooding. Their location and quantity should be determined taking into account the rules for designing these structures and the requirements of construction for the design of drainage and sewage building. The required number of root funnel depends on its operating conditions, architecture and precipitation. Included with the funnel there is a special filter, which protects the drain from foreign objects from entering it. So that the water in the drain does not freeze, the mouths of the funnels are equipped with special thermocabels, which guarantees the rapid water removal at any time of the year.

As a flat roof drainage in private houses, the outer drain is used, because the inner is more suitable for the device of flat roofs of large industrial buildings. The outer drainage is usually performed using overflow windows that are installed in parapet along with roofing livneamics. Ideally, you need to use self-regulating thermocabels in this case, since the livneryman and the overflow window, by virtue of its design, are subject to icing in the winter period.

Choosing a drainage system, due attention should be paid to the selection of material of the structures. For example, PVC products (polyvinyl chloride) are less prone to icing than metallic.

Design of flat roof

The design of a flat roof is a simple and very advantageous option for arranging the housing. It is easy to maintain and opens a lot of new features.

Device and installation of a typical flat roof: a thorough overview of technological subtleties

The outer simplicity of the flat roof is often misleading novice home builders. Elementary configuration pursues on the promptness and cheapness of construction. The minimum number of structural elements is able to fit the vigilance of independent performers who are incentive in the subtleties of roofing. In reality, the installation of a flat roof requires a scrupulous compliance with the rules characteristic only by it that guarantee the impeccability of the construction and long-term operation.

Specificity of flat roofs

Flat roofs - a separate category of roofing structures that do not need the construction of a rafter frame. It is clean visually it is a overlap that relies directly on the walls of the construction. Due to the lack of skates, the plane roof does not upset the sailboat arising from the influence of the impaired winds. However, its configuration does not contribute to the rapid one of the snow deposits from the surface.

The load from snow is not transmitted to the rafters, as in standard pitches, and presses directly on the walls of the structure. Therefore, flat roofs are strongly recommended to equip at home in the regions with a minor volume of winter precipitation and high wind load.

In the areas and areas of the Fatherland located in middle lane And north, flat roofs are used primarily in industrial construction. Private owners waters them over one-story extensions, garages, household facilities. For an independent wizard, a flat roof over a barn or household - excellent option Exercise on the field of the roofer.

Briefly about the design of a flat roof

It is customary to call the roof, the only conditioned slope of which is located to the horizon at an angle from 0º to 1.5º, or otherwise up to 2.5%. However, a number of technical sources call flat systems with inclination to 5º, the value in percent to 8.7%. An insignificant bias is even in roofing structures that create a clearly horizontal impression. It is formed to remove the effluent to the waterboat points or to the sink.

Regardless of the steepness, the layers of flat roof are located in a strictly defined order:

  • Parosolation covering base. It is necessary to protect the insulation from the penetration of household evaporation.
  • Insulation, stacked in one or two tiers. It is required to prevent leakage of heat waves through the upper overlap, is used exclusively in insulated systems.
  • Screed, created with insufficient stiffness of thermal insulation or in the absence of slopes for drainage.
  • Waterproofing, protecting the insulation and overlapping from the destructive work of atmospheric water. It is filling with a solid waterproof carpet.
  • Finish coating that gives the construction aesthetic appearance.

Applied to the market of waterproofing materials currently, the functions of the finishing roof are successfully performed. These include numerous rolled and mastic bituminous, bitumen-polymer, polymer varieties. The laying of most of them is made in one layer.

Due to a minor slope of flat roofs, the use of piece materials in the arrangement is contraindicated, because Multiple joints between elements create a threat of leaks. It is undesirable to use a large-headed metal due to a malicious effect on the material of water, causing on a flat surface during the period of abundant rains and snowdown.

When using old, well-known rubberoid types of rolled coatings, the finishing roof is arranged in 4 or more layers, the lower of which play the role of waterproofing. Similarly, a mastic or emulsion bulk roof is constructed: an emulsion or mastic is applied with five or more layers, alternating a pasty or sour creamy material with fiberglass or polyester layers.

For laying and fixing listed above elements of roofing pie for flat roof is not needed stropil design. Stell them right on the base, which can be overlapped, created on top of it the screed or upper plane of the attic design. For fastening systems with PVC coated, a glue, mechanical or ballast method is used. The bulk roofs are applied according to their name, the descendants of the rubberoid are prescribed or glued.

Unlike scanty fellows in flat systems there are no crates creating ventilation channels To wash the insulation with air flows. Therefore, to the selection of a constructive solution, materials and their hermetic laying should be approached with due respectful and focused attention. The ventilated flat roof is only when using sawn timber in the construction of overlapping and attic. The last option is most often applied in private construction.

Applied types of overlaps

The construction of flat roofs is made in overlaps from reinforced concrete, wood and profiled sheet. The choice of material for the ceiling device depends on the purpose of the roofing structure, the magnitude of the overlapping span, possible operation and convenience of service.

One of the weighty pluses of a flat roof is the likelihood of an organization on it: places for recreation, solarium, landscaped plot, terraces, etc. Of course, the overlap for such objects should be quite powerful. In addition, in a flat family there are roofs that do not assume associated use, therefore do not require thorough overlap.

Depending on the operational criteria for flat roofs, it is arranged:

  • Reinforced concrete floors, if the organization of useful space is planned over a large-year brick or concrete box.
  • Steel profiled flooring metal beamsIf the non-exploitable roof is constructed, overlapping the spans of any size between the walls of the brick or other artificial stone.
  • The woodcrew, created from the board with a thickness of 40-50mm, width to 180mm. It is used to overlap medium and large spans of wooden buildings in the case of planned operation.
  • Wood and fibreboard on wooden beams, used for overlapping small spans of wooden and stone buildings. They are used if the roof is uncomplicated.

Lumber are leading in the construction of residential low-rise objects, because Ahead of concrete and steel rivals on environmental criteria. Note that wood loses fire resistance. True, fire hazard in low-rise housing construction is not recognized as a decisive factor. In addition, to combat it exist effective means - Antipirens.

Rolled coatings in flat systems with a wooden base serve then only as waterproofing, on top of which board or parquet flooring is satisfied. If the flat roof is erected over a brick or concrete box, it is more wise to lay the w / w overlap for the object operated or a professionalist for non-exploitable.

It is not always the overlap of a flat roof serves as the basis for its device. In some cases, an attic design is erected over the overlapping, which can be both a canopy above the base with roofing pie and the most base. The structure of the roofing pie of the attic roof is similar, but layers can be located at different levels.

With an attic or without it?

The unconditional enrollment of flat roofs in the category of underacted structures is incorrectly incorrectly, although it has good technical justifications. They may well be or not to be, although they are formed not due to the installation of rafter feet.

Depending on the presence of the attic, flat roofing systems are divided into:

  • Celebrate, the elements of which are constructively combined with overlapping. They are completely devoid of an attic superstructure, thanks to which the budget highlighted on their construction is experiencing.
  • Attic, possessing an attic superstructure over the overlap. The minimum height of the add-in 80cm. Construction increaking structures Flat roofs are more expensive, but thanks to the separation of overlapping from the roof, the service life of the system increases at a minimum.

In addition to the budget value, among the advantages of underacted systems, it appears to eliminate mechanical cleaning. The snow will melt due to heat outgoing from the room. Due to the spontaneous sediment, flat roofs without a attic is inappropriately equipped with parapets. It is enough to install the rail, which further reduces costs. The minus of the absence of the attic will affect the identification of the causes of leakage, because the condition of thermal insulation and other layers of the cake is not controlled.

The attic is an air chamber between the overlap and the roof. This is a kind of buffer compensating for the temperature difference outside and indoors. The presence of a attic reduces the likelihood of condensate formation, as a result, prolongs the life cycle of structural elements. The elements of the attic system are always available for observation: the simplicity of inspections is difficult to overestimate.

The indisputable advantage consists in the possibility of mounting the insulation after construction, which eliminates its wetting. Minus flat roofs with attic lies in the high cost and the need to regularly clean snow.

Despite the mythical cheapness of underacted systems, this is a very difficult structure that requires experience from the builder, a thorough selection of materials and compliance with the technologies of their hermetic compound. An independent master is better to give preference to the roofs with a attic if their construction is not excluded by the project decision.

Subtleties of water removal

Flat roofs are required to equip with drainage systems that all over the year are required to remove water in an operational pace. Systems are outdoor and internal type.

The optimal type of drainage system is determined by the climatic conditions of the construction area:

  • The outer drainage builds are built in the device of flat roofs in the southern regions, where the icing of wastewater in the outer pipes is excluded. According to the outer type, the water is discharged to the pipes located outside around the perimeter of the building or to the groove attached along the lowest sweep. In the middle lane, only flat roofs of non-residential buildings are equipped with external systems.
  • Internal water supply systems of atmospheric water with a flat roof device are built in the middle strip and north. In accordance with the internal water scheme for slopes or obliquely installed pipes Transported to the watercraft points in the center of the roofs. The drains pipes that transport water into the sewage are laid inside the structure, but insulated from the premises.

Despite the impressive cost, the construction of the inner drainage is required for moderate and northern latitudes, and in the south its device is irrational.


If the slope of the flat roof was not provided during the construction old roof And the construction of a new one, it must be created. The roof is obliged to be inclined to the water-driven funnel at least 1-2%, approximately 1º. Those who wish to know how to competently make a bias on a flat roof and what material it is better to use for the formation of flashes, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The slope of the railway plates are made mainly using a screed, or combine the screed with a pretty filling of the clay and styling of the slab thermal insulation. On the non-exploited roof, it is enough to lay wedge-shaped minvati plates, manufactured specifically for the formation of flashes.
  • The biases of overlapping from the professional flooring are formed with the help of metal structures or wedge-shaped insulation.
  • Sades by wooden bases Defined constructively, but in the absence of them in the project it is possible to use wedge-shaped minvati.

Screeds due to serious weight are poured only for the operated roofs erected over concrete overlapping. According to concrete slope, the recommended screed thickness is 10-15mm, along the rigid panels of the insulation 15-25mm. On beating heat insulation, the screed is poured with a layer of 25-40 mm and use metal grid For reinforcement.

Nuances of the organization of ventilation

Normal ventilation products can be made by the only method - by installing crates on overlapping beams, similar ways to us dictate the schemes of the fabrication of scanty structures. It is clear that the specified method is valid only for wooden options, And for the roofs on a concrete base or a proflket, it is unacceptable.

The system ventilation of roofing pies on concrete and professional flooring depends on the type and characteristics of the finish coating. PVC roofing is capable of spontaneously passing excess moisture from the insulation outward, therefore there is no need to organize ventilation channels between it and the insulation.

When using bitumen and bitumen, polymeric materials are mandatory, installation of flugars is made throughout the plane roof area. The step of the location of these devices depends on the thickness of the insulation. Fluagarks-aerators ensure the derivation of moisture from the underpants space outside.

Algorithm Flat Roof Construction

Consider a common construction case of a non-exploitable flat roof over an extension on the country site. It is equipped with an outer drain. The insulation of the design is not assumed, because Climatic conditions and appointments located below the room do not require thermal insulation.

Cold flat roof construction sequence on wooden beams:

  • We place the setting step of the ceiling beams, as we use the board with a thickness of 40-50mm. Installation step from 50 to 70 cm: Select it, based on the actual length of the walls. There should be equal gaps between the beams.
  • Board Install on the edge, secure nails or corners. The required slope to the lowest sink is created spontaneously due to the difference in the height of the wall of the box.
  • On the beams, we laid solid flooring from OSP plates, moisture-resistant plywood or other similar material. There should be a gap of 3-5mm to compensate for thermal expansion between the plates. They are attached galvanized self-drawing or grouse nails.
  • On the perimeter of the roof, we set the wind board, the edge of which is towers above the plane of the future roof on 5-7cm so that a small side is formed.
  • To the sorts of nail wooden rail with a triangular cross section or ordinary plinth. These are the cartel required to remove the water from the roof edges.
  • All wooden elements are processed by antiseptics, antipirens. After their drying, we apply a primer.
  • On the perimeter over the floor of the strip, we put an additional waterproofing carpet. In the case of adjoining and passing pipes through the roof, additional waterproofing is started on the vertical planes adjacent to it similarly, i.e. over cartoons.
  • We will apply the finishing roofing material selected for the arrangement, warming it back side Gas burner.

In the case of the use of thermal insulation based on the base, the vapor insulation layer is first folded, the edges of which are becoming vertical onboard. In formed by vapor barrier, a certain similarity of the pallet is stacked by the insulation slabs, the thickness of which is calculated according to the prescriptions of SNiP 23-02-2003. The thermal insulation is attached to the base with self-drawing with telescopic devices.

Then the waterproofing with an approach to flights and adjoins is laid. If one of the last stamps of the rolled waterproofing material is chosen for the arrangement, it will also be charged with the duty of the finish coating.

An impressive range of new polymer-bitumen and polymer coatings It is placed in one layer, which contributes to saving the forces of the stacker and the means of construction. Among them are extremely preferred materials for home masters that do not require the use of the gas burner. They are glued on mastic or with the help of the back of the adhesive side, they are fixed by mechanical way, they are placed freely and drive a ballast.

Video for independent builders

Secure information about the difficult matter of flat roofing structures will help the video selection:

We hope that the information submitted by us will help future roofers, which decided to personally practice in the device of not such a simple design.

Conditions for the competent facility of a flat roof a lot, but it is necessary to follow them for perfect work and a long service. Information about the subtleties and the specifics of the construction of a flat roof will help not only decisive craftsmen, but also to the owners of suburban estates, resorting to the services of third-party construction organizations.

Part of the materials for writing the article was taken from here:

And for me, the flat roof is the best option, it is preferable to use the roof plate from the brand 100 ceramzite concrete, also not forget about heat and waterproofing. Still, the flat roof is aesthetic for me. And the fact that in winter it will need to constantly clean the snow, I think that and from any other roof it must be done too. But if we consider that the material is concrete and plus protection, then when performing this necessary measure, there is no risk of damage to the structure.

Flat, but still with a non-essential inclination in a couple of degrees, so rather. Flat roof to some extent makes it possible to minimize costs. Flat roofing utilitarian. Temperature insulation and protection against water is also at the height. The use of rolled materials creates the ability to save, ease and installation speed, good degree of protection against weather conditions.

Flat Roof Installation: Design, Device, Installation, Layers, Elements

The device of a flat roof requires accurate compliance with the rules for installing the elements and a clear arrangement of the layers stacked when mounting the cutting structures

Still unusual decoration country cottages - Flat roof. It is believed that flat roofs are intended only for urban development or for industrial buildings. But it is not. Roofs of houses in historical neighborhoods are often scanty. And in a private house you can make a flat roof.

Now we will look at what it is, what is the advantages / minuses and how to perform a flat roof with your own hands.

Types of flat roof

Structurally flat roofs are divided into two main types: on beams and those in which the concrete slab is at the base.

Flat roofs are never absolutely flat, a small angle (within a few degrees) is still there. This is necessary for water drain. Otherwise, she will be forced on the roof.

Most often on flat roofing, the inner drains are arranged: the funnels are mounted in the roof, the risers from them pass through the interior. Funnels are placed on a reduced part of the roof, at the rate of one riser at 150-200 squares.

Waterproofing around the funnels are reinforced, the cable heating is also recommended (so that the water in the riser does not freeze). If the flat roof without parapet, and the angle is decent (from 6 degrees) the drain system can be the standard outer, as for scanty roofs: chute and pipes.

The roofs are divided into functionality, a roofing cake device and the type of coating. Here are some major varieties:

  • Non-exploited roofing is flat. It is erected solely for the sake of originality and saving material. In strengthening design does not need.

  • Operated flat roofing. It can be used for all purposes, starting with the placement of the outdoor pool and ending with the car parking.

The type of overlapping depends on the target: it is obvious that at high expected loads, the base should be a concrete slab. But this does not mean that the whole building should be brick or concrete. For example, a flat roof in wooden house Also can be operated. Of course, it is impossible to use it as a helicopter platform, but to arrange a solarium, break the garden or put a gazebo for tea drinking - quite. Of course, it is impossible to do a rarefied crate, only solid.

  • Traditional roof. The classical execution of the roofing cake: a waterproofing layer on top of the insulation, the base is concrete, for the outflow of water - a ceramzite concrete (inclined screed).

  • Inversion roof. Here, the insulation lies on top of the waterproofing and protects it from damage. The floor can be separated by sidewalk or ceramic tiles, can also be planted here. Mandatory requirement for inversion design - an angle of 3-5 degrees.

The roofs are attractive and unbelievable. Both species have their own advantages: the presence of a attic allows you to place all the necessary communications on it (ventilation pipes, an expansion tank of heating, etc.), an aircraft roof can be made operated.

One of the options for non-Cellular design is a flat combined roof: attic overlap Combined with the roof, the bottom side is the ceiling in a residential room.


On the device, these roofs differ from simple unbalanced, it is impossible to make them exploited.

With the height of the house ten meters and above, as well as on the operated roofs, parapet is installed in obligatory. For exploited - no less than 1.2 meters.

If the roof is not operated, and the cottage is low, you can perform a flat roof without a parapet or install enhancement lattices instead or even do without them.

Total Flat Roof Device

Obviously, the operated roofs of different destination will differ in the device:

  • When the basin device is increased waterproofing;
  • "Green" roof - also solid waterproofing plus soil saturation, etc.
  • The most common coverage is a flat roof. This is low cost, simplicity and high laying speed, excellent waterproofing. Most cheap Materialwhich can be covered with a flat roof - ruberoid.

    Disadvantages of rolled materials (and rubberoids in particular) - small durability, low mechanical strength. For the operated roofs "with high patency" preferably tile.

    The flat roof of the and flat roof of the corrugated floor can only be performed in the non-exploit version and in the presence of the necessary slope. When choosing a material, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for the model: some types of professional knots and metal tiles allow laying on the roofs with a slope less than 11 degrees.

    Some brands of the professional leaf can also be used as a base for non-exploitable roof, instead of plywood or concrete slabs.

    There are other coatings for non-exploitable roofs:

    • Polycarbonate;

    Pros and cons of flat roofs


    • Original view. Flat roofs in cottages are rarely found.
    • Ability to operate.
    • Flat roof - simple installation and saving on materials. But it depends on how you plan to operate the roof. And then the construction will cost even more than expensive scope roofing From ceramic tile.
    • Stacking coverage, maintenance, repairs on a flat roof. Perform easier than on the scath.
    • Flat roofs windy, the scant has sailboat.


    • The plane roof flows more often than scope. Permanent monitoring of the state of the waterproofing layer is required.
    • The need to clean the roof from snow.
    • Roof Roll flat requires more frequent repair and change of coating than metal products, tiled and other scope.

    So what is the roof better, flat or scope? Exceptionally the case of taste.

    Build a flat roof

    Consider the option when the professional list is used as the roof base:

    1. The sheets are stacked on the beams (rafters). The step between the rafters depends on the profile. For example, for carrier profiles with a corrugation height of 6-7.5 centimeters (H60, H75) step between beams 3-4 meters.

    2. Laying a vaporizolizing film. The film is placed with the allen, the joints need to be sealed with the assembly tape.

    3. Thermal insulation. For this purpose, minvati plates are usually used. Note that the lowering of the corrugations should also be filled with insulation.

    4. Waterproofing. Polymer film is suitable for this purpose. If the insulation is Minvat, you can also use the waterproofing, because Vata - non-flammable material.

    5. Finish coating. You can also use the weaving. The roof slowly rolls the roll, heated by its burner along the entire length. The weld coating is pressed to the roof and smoothed.

    6. On flat roofs, it is possible to put the floor roof in several layers.

    In other cases, the flat roof on wooden beams is arranged more traditionally: the beams are nourished with a solid crate of plywood or OSB, the roofing pie (vapor barrier + basalt wool) is guided by a waterproofing layer and rolled roof.

    If you are interested in a flat roof with a more complex device, please contact us: we will perform the roof of any complexity quickly and at an affordable price.


    A flat roof with your own hands is most often located on private low-rise buildings, as well as on garage buildings. This kind of roofing device is ahead of its competitors. In our article we will tell why.

    Before talking about how to make a flat roof, we note that the term "roof" and the term "roof" is not the same thing. The term "roof" denotes those elements that are located above the residential premises of the house. And the roof is the roof component, her upper layer. It is he who protects the entire building from the effects of atmospheric influence. Under these conditions, it is very important to create a reliable roof of a country house.

    Having read the difference between the terms, it can be stated that the flat roof - perfect option For home with a small square. With an impressive roofing area, it is recommended to work a whole brigade.

    Flat roof and its features

    When working on a small-sized house with a small square, you can safely do without helpers.

    At the beginning of work, on the carriers, fasten wooden beams or steel beams. With the help of them, you can reduce most of the mass of the roof by sending it to the main walls and the foundation.

    So, we found out that the main load on the beams is the weight of the roof. But in addition to this there are other loads, such as:

    • Complete weight of the roof and elements of communications. As a rule, they are located in the attic or attach to the roof.
    • The weight of a man who is engaged in the repair of a roof or roof. It can also install additional equipment.
    • The volume and weight of the snow + pressure of cold winter wind.

    Read the advice of specialists in the forums, watch the photo on the Internet - then you can implement right choice Carrier beams and avoid critical errors. Surely you will be interested in an article flat roof - pros and cons.

    If you want to get a reliable and safe flat roof, then choose only a suitable roofing coating (more details: "). It is also important and the choice of related materials, which can withstand a large physical activity, as well as the impact of natural cataclysms.

    Do not forget to verify all the technical characteristics of the materials. To prevent negative consequences - draw thorough hydro and vaporizolation.

    1. Place the "Pie" plates from several materials (they must have different properties).
    2. The first layer is steamed vaporizolation. Its function includes protecting the insulating layer from moisture from entering it. As a material for vapor insulation, a polymer-bitumen film is used. At the same time, it is often amplified by fiberglass, and then the installation of a flat roof is made. Position the edges of the film on the verticals of overlaps. It is very important to carefully and gently close the seams, as well as understand.
    3. On top of vaporizolation, put insulation. If clay is used - fill it with a mass of concrete. When building a lightweight roof, the insulation of the polymer should be fixed immediately to vaporizolation.
    4. Moisture insulation is the main layer for the roof without a row. For the device of this element, you will need membrane or polymer-bitumen materials.

    Flat roofing with their own hands for cold rooms

    There are buildings that do not have heating. These include sheds and gazebos. They are supposed to create a slope for water drain from the roof. To do this, you only need to equip the roof under the smallest angle.

    When constructing an inclined flat roof, its support beams should be located at a low angle. Boards will be fixed on the beams. It will be a kind of base for a rolled regteroid (more detailed: "").

    For the installation of rolled rone carpet, you will need a frame from the boards. To do this, it is best to use thin wooden planks or steel stripes. Secure them along the slope. At the same time, the step should be 70 cm. But it should not block the path flowing from the roof water. The percentage of such a roof is not more than 3%. In other words, it is 3 cm for one raman meter Length.

    Construction of flat roofs for warm rooms

    Consider the nuances when equipped with a flat roof for heated houses:

    1. First of all, put a layer of boards on carrier beams, after completing. After that, it is necessary to install a tool or runner. Their canvas should be located on the allen method. In this case, the length should be 15 cm.
    2. Ceramzite is stacked on top of the runneroid (you can use slag or other material). Before filling the insulation, check the slope to be directed towards the flow of precipitation.
    3. The third stage is the fill with the cement of the insulating layer. After preparing a screed - process it with a primer from bitumen.
    4. Only a fully ready screed will be ready to take a rolled backrueroid.

    Studying the construction of a flat roof, you yourself make sure that the roofs with a big step between the supporting beams require the participation of several people. It is advisable to invite professional masters who are in as soon as possible Perform all the necessary work.

    When fastening the support beams, the distance between them should be observed. It should be no more than 1 m.

    Flat roof device from monolithic concrete

    First of all, the span of the roof is calculated. If it is 5 m, then the beams are used at 15 cm. Speaking in a professional building language is the "Fifteenth Loader".

    To create a monolithic roof, it is recommended to use concrete brand 250. When creating a concrete solution in place construction work, it is advisable to use concrete mixer. Otherwise, you are unlikely to achieve proper consistency of the solution. To obtain concrete for a flat roof, it is necessary to mix rubbank with particles of 20 mm and cement, PC-400 brands.

    When calculating the components, follow the following rules: on eight buckets of rubble - three buckets of cement, 4 sand buckets, as well as two buckets of water. If water is not enough - you can also add, it is not critical.

    Warming with a flat roof foam concrete, look at the video:

    Next, the boards on the lower beam shelves are fixed. Ruberoid is laid on the dry surface of the boards. Then, on top of the reinforced grid of the periodic profile. The diameter of this element should not be less than 1 cm. The magnitude of the cells at the same time - 20x20 cm.

    In order not to repair a flat roof, the places of the rod of the rods are fixed with a knitting wire. A variant using glue is possible. Ultimately, the grid should not slip when pouring a screed.

    For a complete coating with concrete solution, the small parts of the rubble are usually unfolded at the bottom of the mesh. Due to this, the gap is 4 cm. It is necessary for the distinction of the grid and the rubberoid layer. Pouring is made in the openings between the beams. Recall their thickness should be at least 15 cm.

    After all actions, concrete is covered with polyethylene film. This is particularly relevant if the work is carried out at high temperatures. Cut the surface, you will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the concrete solution. This in turn will save the top layer from the appearance of cracks.

    Under the film, concrete should be at least three days. Fully drying the concrete mass, pour the insulation layer. Do not forget about the slopes. Next action - Creating a screed and mounting a roll carpet.

    Warm flat roof

    Today, the common phenomenon is the replacement of a flat roof onto the scope. However, in favor of a flat roof, he says that it can be insulated both outside and from the inside. And after it is completed.

    Previously, solid insulation plates were used for insulation. However, with this variant, the roofing weight increased significantly. Having studied past experience, modern construction moved away from such a method of insulation. Today, most often flat roofs are insulated with basalt mineral wool. This is a rather lightweight material. In addition, it can boast good thermal conductivity and moisture resistance.

    Note that basalt mineral wool is not subjected to burning processes. In addition, it completely transfers even the most negative effects of nature.