The most fashionable boy names of the year. Briefly about the main thing or how to choose a name

Each parent has their own motivation when choosing a name for their child. Some like its sound, others are guided by fashion trends. V pre-revolutionary Russia their children were named in strict accordance with the church calendar. Today, priests are asked less and less for help, but beautiful ones come into fashion. Old Church Slavonic names- Svetozar, Yaroslav, Lubomir, Mstislav. When in doubt what to call a girl in 2017 , knowledge of astrologers and numerologists will help. They will advise you on the best options according to your zodiac sign. Arguing among themselves what to name the boy in 2017 , mothers and fathers can consult with older relatives. The main rule for choosing a name for a person is its euphony, compatibility with a patronymic and even a surname.

How to name a girl by her patronymic - Beautiful names in 2017

Which names are trending today and which are almost forgotten? What's new parents come up with for newborns in order to highlight from " total mass»Your child? This information is best owned by the staff of the registry office. Every year they pass on information to sociologists about all the names given to children over the past period. When naming a girl born in 2017, parents should consider whether the name pronounced along with the middle name sounds beautiful. If the middle name is too long, you should not give the child a name of 4-5 syllables. For example, "Anastasia Veniaminovna" is an unacceptable option, despite the fact that the name itself is beautiful.

Examples of beautiful names with middle names in 2017 - How to name a girl

When naming a girl born in 2017, you can refer to the list of the most popular names. However, it is worth remembering that an adult is almost always addressed by name and patronymic. It will be difficult for others to pronounce names that are too long, where sibilant sounds are "stuck together" or there are many "r", "z", "x", "c". All this makes names difficult to pronounce. For example, "Susanna Stanislavovna" does not sound very nice, while "Elena Stanislavovna" is pronounced softer. Try to choose such names to "dilute" the sounds present in the middle name. For example, if the girl's dad is called Gregory (two voiced, pronounced "g" and two "r"), the names Alla, Alina, Polina, Svetlana, Alisa, Elena will be successful. This year, the daughter can be called Arina, Ekaterina, Maria, Anastasia, Sofia.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar - Names according to the signs of the zodiac in 2017

Unlike astrologers, who advise parents of girls who were born in 2017 to name children according to the signs of the zodiac, the church recommends referring to the calendar - lists of the names of saints. You can choose a name for your daughter by month and day of birth. Babies born in July can be called Angelina, Maria, Julia, Tatiana, Agrippina, Jeanne. Newborns born in September - Fekla, Varvara, Natalia, Anna, Elena, Ksenia. Full list names according to the calendar can always be found on the Internet and special literature.

How to name a girl according to the signs of the Zodiac and according to the calendar of the church calendar - Examples of names in 2017

The name for the girl can be chosen by church calendar... Such information is regularly published on the World Wide Web and in special literature. If the parents do not find a name they like there, there is always another approach to solving this important problem - to consult an astrologer and name the child in accordance with zodiac sign his birth. 2017 is the year of the Red Rooster. Names should be filled with energy and confidence.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful names

Since 2017 is patronized by the Red Rooster - a very energetic, cheerful, active, always cheerful and eager for activity, the year will endow all the girls who were born at this time with the same qualities. Babies 2017 will grow up to be a little restless, but smart children. Growing up, such girls will strive to attract maximum attention to themselves, but they will be distinguished by great kindness and loyalty, enterprise and independence. Of course, such a girl will always be glad that her parents gave her a beautiful name at birth, emphasizing her individuality and uniqueness. Dads and mothers can already think in advance about such variants of names as Ruslana, Elizabeth, Angelina, Alevtina, Vasilisa, Pelageya.

Examples of beautiful names for girls in 2017

At the time when a child is given a name, he becomes a part of the Universe, since the name is a kind of "bridge" between the material and spiritual world. The tiny man already has his own mission, life path. Each name carries energy. For example, Alexandra, one of the most beautiful and popular names of all times, is favorable for girls born in 2017, means “protector”. Such a daughter will always respect her mother and father, honor them, support and help throughout their lives. There is no need to call the baby by a name that repeats her middle name. For example, the combinations "Stanislav Stanislavovna", "Evgenia Evgenievna", "Alexandra Alexandrovna" do not sound too euphonious. Beautiful options female names for this year will be Alla, Victoria, Alisa, Anastasia, Melania, Svetlana.

How to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

Unfortunately, many parents, when choosing a name for a born baby, do not take into account the fact that any fashion passes too quickly, and with the given name a person will live his whole life. Someone from already adults, dissatisfied with what his name is, changes his name, choosing his favorite option. This can be done by any citizen who has provided the registry office and the passport office Required documents(passport, birth certificate). Of course, a person with a euphonious name will never change it. The most beautiful names for boys that appeared in 2017 are Alexander, Platon, Daniel, Andrey, August, Cyril, Arseny.

Examples of beautiful names for boys for 2017

Many moms and dads choose names for boys after relatives or celebrities. In the USSR, there was a custom to call children by names-abbreviations associated with communism, socialism. This is how the Kims (Communist International of Youth), Leninids (Lenin), Vladlens (Vladimir Lenin) were born. In 2017, the son can be called Alexander, Anatoly, Roman, Orest. The year of their birth will give the boys deep intelligence, activity, observation, excellent reaction, purposefulness. Properly chosen names will only emphasize these qualities.

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar

The Christian Church claims that the name does not affect the future, does not bring happiness or failure. In the Bible, the word "name" denotes the essence of a person, his purpose, character. Thinking about how to name a boy born in 2017, you can open the church calendar and find the calendar there - a list of the names of saints.

Examples of names of boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

When giving a name to a boy, pay attention to the month of his birth, season, day. If the child saw the light on a holiday associated with the saints, name the child by the name of this saint. You should not give names in honor of deceased relatives - this is a bad omen. For babies born in 2017, the names Andrei, Matvey, Peter, Julian, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Gennady, Valentin, Yuri, Vladimir are suitable.

How to name a child - video funny

The name is not just a combination of sounds. Each of us, receiving his name at birth, opens his "chronicle". If you don't know what to call a girl in 2017 , refer to the church calendar and saints. Arguing over what to name a boy in 2017 , you can look into the horoscope and find a beautiful name for your son by his zodiac sign. Say aloud the child's future name along with his middle name and listen to his sound. You like?

These are proactive and active boys and from the very childhood there will be no rest for their parents. Your son will definitely not be able to sit still and it will be extremely difficult to keep up with him. When you become a little older, you will not leave you with questions about the creation of the world, how it was born, why everyone is different, and so on. Everything that he sees and does not understand, he will learn from you. And since such boys are also distinguished by perseverance, then be sure that until he receives a detailed answer, he will not calm down.

The most important authority in the life of such a boy is his father, boys born at this time will imitate them and copy their behavior. Any words and deeds will be taken very seriously, and therefore it is the dads who need to try to pay as much attention as possible - to give advice, teach, teach various skills and guide in difficult life situations.

As soon as such a boy gets older and approaches adolescence, he becomes more and more interested in the house, the household, some practical skills that will help in the arrangement of the house. In relationships with the opposite sex, and in his family, he will strive for leadership, domination. And you can not be afraid of this, because such boys will be excellent family men, even in spite of their emotionality and sometimes irascibility.

In the year of the Rooster, talented and purposeful individuals are often born, which allows them to achieve success in any field. Moreover, the guys who were born in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will have more than one talent, they will be able to find themselves in creativity, and in music, and in sports, and in technology, and even in science. The main thing from childhood is to teach them to discipline, which can be extremely difficult.

Rules for choosing a name for a boy:

  • the first criterion that must be followed is the sound of the full name, surname and patronymic. It should not be too long and the same (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich);
  • as we already mentioned, a name can endow a person with certain characteristics, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to figure out how your son should grow up;
  • if you cannot decide on a name, then involve relatives or close friends in this process, in general, those whom you trust;
  • try to take into account the popularity of the name as well, because if it is too old or unusual, then your child cannot avoid jokes about this;
  • nationality also plays a huge role, for example, the name John in our country will sound rather strange.

Trendy names for boys in 2017

Matvey- translated from Hebrew as "Given by the Lord." And by the nature of such a child, you can really call a real gift. He is not capricious for any reason, he is very clean and in a dirty puddle with all the courtyard boys, you certainly will not find him. Matvey is always obedient and will never be rude to his parents. TO positive qualities can also include honesty and truthfulness. He will never deceive and will only do what is right.

Artem- this name is translated from Greek as “Unharmed”. WITH early years shows discretion and seems smart beyond his years. He is calm, he carefully thinks over any action and decision. If you need an adequate assessment from the side of any situation, then you can definitely turn to him. They always read a lot and try to learn as much as possible about the world and those around them. He is sociable and friendly, he often has many friends and can rightfully be called the soul of the company.

Maksim- in Latin this name means “Great”. He is a versatile person - he constantly reads books, learns new skills, collects stamps, coins and so on, enjoys sports and much more. At school, Maxims are usually active and energetic, trying to learn as much as possible. He is also friendly and always has many friends and acquaintances. At any moment he is ready to help a person in need, no matter how much he knows him and how warm his relationship with him is.

Alexander- in ancient Greek it is "Protector". He has leadership qualities, is courageous and courageous, ready to help at any time. He also has good intellectual ability and usually does well in school. In relations with others, he is honest and has good intuition.

Timofey- translated from Greek as “Honoring God”. They are vulnerable and emotional, unsuccessful jokes or words are acutely perceived and worried for a long time. Timofey is growing up as a good psychologist and is able to understand many, therefore he finds a common language with many. At school and in the family, he is docile and obedient, he carries out all assignments without bickering. He loves to help others and can be relied on. He is also very curious and inquisitive, tries to learn and understand everything, reads a lot, especially reaches out to the exact sciences.

Male names 2017

Winter months

In winter, rather calm and balanced boys are born, but at the same time they are very stubborn and have an unbending character. That is why they always achieve their goal, and if they get caught in some kind of failure, they will calmly survive it and will continue to move towards the goal. They keep all their emotions and experiences in themselves, which is why they may seem gloomy and too strict. Such guys need to emphasize their inner strength and will with the help of a name.


Roman, Plato, Anatoly, Mikhail, Alexey, Alexander, Makar, Grigory, Peter, Yuri, Innokenty, Yakov, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Stepan, Fedor, Andrey, Ivan, Savva, Nikolay, Anton, Pavel, Kirill, Daniel, Arseny, Arkady, Eugene, Trifon, Orest, Modest.


Timothy, Gregory, Ignatius, Ivan, Daniel, Peter, Adam, Nikolay, Stepan, Efim, Fedor, Nikanor, Mark, Makar, Joseph, Vasily, Yakov, Gordey, Athanasius, Georgy, Philip, Emelyan, Pavel, Savva, Mikhail, Prokhor, Maxim, Anton, Cyril.


Fedor, Savva, Efim, Maxim, Timofey, Makar, Gennady, Ivan, Gerasim, Gregory, Moses, Arkady, Isaac, Ephraim, Roman, Lawrence, Ignatius, Vasily, Ippolit, Nikita, Peter, Nikolai, Semyon, Yuri, Kirill, Dmitry, Vsevolod, Vlas, Gabriel, Anton, Alexey, Eugene.

Spring months

Despite the fact that spring boys are born purposeful and stubborn, they also have indecision, which can sometimes spoil a lot. Before doing something, buying, saying, such a guy will think a hundred times and only then will he implement it. Spring boys are emotional and sensitive, which makes them quite touchy and vulnerable. To mitigate this, you need to give them names that will cool down your emotions a little and allow you to be more calm about problems.


Daniel, Pavel, Ilya, Kuzma, Lev, Timofey, Georgy, Athanasius, Ivan, Alexander, Taras, Sevastian, Vasily, Nikolay, Bogdan, Arseny, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, David, Arkady, Eugene, Valery, Efrem, Gregory, Leonid, Efim, Semyon, Venedikt, Rostislav, Denis, Cyril, Trofim.


Ivan, Victor, Innokenty, Sergey, Kirill, Vasily, Stepan, Peter, Tikhon, Gabriel, Efim, Nikita, Joseph, Egor, Lazar, Georgy, Daniil, Vadim, Rodion, Alexander, Fedor, Maxim, Terenty, Yakov, Antip, Anton, Martyn, Trofim, Leonid, Semyon.


Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, Yuri, Trifon, Nikifor, Alexander, Fedor, Gabriel, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Egor, Alexey, Savva, Vasily, Mark, Stepan, Semyon, Joseph, Vitaly, Maxim, Kirill, Nikita, Makar, Yakov, Boris, David, Gleb, Roman, Peter, Timofey, Arseny, Nikolay, Denis, German, Alexander, Efim, Dmitry, Bogdan.

Summer months

Summer is the time when the most ardent optimists are born. Energy boils in them, and power is in full swing, they never sit around, and in childhood it is difficult to keep track of such guys. The thirst for knowledge manifests itself especially and they are ready to learn and learn at any time of the day. They also love sports and outdoor activities. They are very cheerful and emotional, with others they are friendly and always ready to help.


Ivan, Dmitry, Ignatius, Sergei, Alexander, Timofey, Alexey, Konstantin, Fedor, Mikhail, Nikita, Semyon, Georgy, Makar, Denis, Nikifor, Igor, Konstantin, Leonid, Fedot, Vasily, Efrem, Arseny, Stepan, Yuri, Elisha, Mstislav, Tikhon, Modest.


Gleb, Leonty, Gury, Julian, Terenty, Arseny, Vasily, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Ivan, Anton, David, Peter, Denis, Georgy, Samson, Sergei, Kuzma, Anatoly, Konstantin, Philip, Efim, Andrey, Fedor, Kirill, Mikhail, Stefan, Vladimir, Pavel, Emelyan.


Seraphim, Roman, Ilya, Athanasius, Ivan, Semyon, Trofim, Gleb, Boris, David, Makar, Polycarp, Moses, German, Nikolai, Constantine, Valentin, Mikhail, Elizar, Evdokim, Vasily, Stepan, Anton, Maximilian, Grigri, Leonid, Emelyan, Julian, Fedor, Alexander, Ippolit, Kapiton, Maxim, Tikhon, Arkady, Demid, Pavel, Miron, Denis, Laurus.

Autumn months

In the fall, wise, smart and quick-witted boys are born. Often their view of the world is either realistic or close to pessimism. Recklessness and spontaneity are definitely not about them. Autumn boys are always judicious and, before going on something, will weigh the pros and cons. They have such a quality as empathy, which allows him to quickly converge with people and establish contacts. Autumn boys inspire confidence in those around them and for good reason, because if he promised, he will definitely fulfill it.


Timofey, Vassa, Andrey, Samuel, Athanasius, Peter, Arseny, Adrian, Moses, Savva, Ivan, Alexander, Daniel, Peter, Anton, Theodosius, Bogdan, Fedot, Gleb, David, Zakhar, Arkhip, Kirill, Mikhail, Makar, Dmitry, Pavel, Sergey, Julian, Semyon, Leonty, Korniliy, Nikita, Stepan, Victor.


Igor, David, Konstantin, Trofim, Fedor, Oleg, Mikhail, Dmitry, Makar, Peter, Ivan, Vladislav, Innokenty, Galaktion, Tikhon, German, Ephrem, Mark, Ignatius, Aristarkh, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Khariton, Andrey, Denis, Vladimir, Matvey, Philip, Sergey, Julian, Tryphon, Abraham, Yakov, Benjamin, Nazar, Nikita, Lukyan, Efim, Anton, Kuzma, Demyan, Lazar, Joseph.


Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Ignatius, Irakli, Maximilian, Dmitry, Nestor, Mark, Arseny, Stepan, Nikodim, Demyan, Spiridon, Kuzma, Egor, Joseph, Gregory, Galaktion, German, Pavel, Kirill, Valery, Fedot, Bogdan, Mikhail, Gabriel, Rodion, Maxim, Vikenty, Nil, Nikifor, Philip, Guriy, Matvey.

The choice of a name is a very responsible decision, because it can give a person certain character traits and, accordingly, determine his fate. Each name carries a certain energy and meaning, and therefore it is so difficult to choose it among such a variety of modern names.

The character of a boy born in the year of the Red Fire Rooster

Zodiac sign like east sign, have unique individual properties and qualities that are manifested in the character of each person and in his relationship with the world around him.
The Fiery Red Rooster will begin to rule 2017 only from January 28 and will resign on February 15, 2018. The rooster generously endows those born this year with perseverance. Children from childhood will be hardworking, willing to finish what they started to the end. They are diligent students. Many go in for sports, as they are physically enduring and persistently going towards their goal, towards victory.

A child born under this sign loves to plan. He mentally thinks over what needs to be done today and what can be implemented tomorrow. If you tell him the popular wisdom that you need to live to the maximum every day, then he will achieve a lot in life. This year, initiative and active boys are born and from the very childhood there will be no rest for parents. Your son will definitely not sit still and it is extremely difficult to keep up with him. When he becomes a little older, he will not leave you with questions about the creation of the world, how it was born, and why everyone around is different, and so on. Everything that he sees and does not understand, he will learn from you. The most important authority in the life of such a boy is his father, boys born at this time will imitate them and copy their behavior. Any words and deeds will be taken very seriously, and therefore it is the dads who need to try to pay as much attention as possible - to give advice, teach, teach various skills and guide them in difficult life situations. By looking at the relationship between mother and father, the boy learns to interact with the opposite sex. It is important to show your child that love is not so much what you think, feel and say, but it is most clearly manifested in your actions. When you need to give up something in order to get what you want. Family is a school of sincere friendship and mutual love.

In the year of the Rooster, most often talented and purposeful individuals are born, which allows them to achieve success in any field. Moreover, the guys who were born in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will have more than one talent, they will be able to find themselves in creativity, and in music, and in sports, and in technology, and even in science. The main thing from childhood is to teach them to discipline, which can be extremely difficult.

Popular boy names in 2017

In the coming year, traditional male names will remain popular. In particular, the first five lines of the rating are occupied by the following names:

  1. Maksim. This name has Latin roots and means "the greatest." Maxim's character strongly depends on what his parents focused on during their upbringing. So, both pride and ambition are inherent in Maxim, but these features should not cover the rest. It is very important that the parents do not try to develop them in the boy. Maxim, not guided by ambition or pride, is a benevolent person who can achieve much. He is a versatile person - he constantly reads books, learns new skills, collects stamps, coins and so on, enjoys sports and much more.
  2. Alexander. This name has Greek roots and means "man" and "protector". He has leadership qualities, is courageous and courageous, ready to help at any time. He also has good intellectual ability and usually does well in school. In relations with others, he is honest and has good intuition. The greatest glory to this name was brought by its most famous bearer - the commander and conqueror Alexander the Great. Boys Sash emphasizes perseverance, courage and the ability to command - the very character traits that a real man should have.
  3. Artyom. This name is translated from Greek as “Intact”. Artems are distinguished by their increased sociability, independence and perseverance. For those around them, the bearers of this name are an example to follow. Often Artyom becomes the head of a company and deftly manipulates people. He loves to be friends with children older than him, and he always finds something to talk to them about. These boys are honest, even to their detriment.
  4. Daniel. It is a Hebrew name meaning "God is my judge." The main character traits of Danil are honest and fair. Of the others notable features you can highlight a bright view of the world, the ability to think soberly and always remain calm. And here the main problem Danila is a relatively rapid depletion of moral and physical resources.
  5. Michael. This name is of ancient Jewish origin and means "equal to God." Michaels are distinguished by their sociability and external charm, as well as exquisite taste and hard work. Mikhail has broad interests. As a child, he can study in several studios and circles at once. The obedient and good-natured Mikhail does not give his parents much trouble. He has a negative attitude towards criticism and is inclined to defend himself. The name Mikhail is characterized by gambling, enthusiasm for bold ideas.

Other traditional beautiful names for boys in 2017, which you can opt for in 2017: Timofey ("worshiping God"), Matvey ("given by the Lord"), Vladislav ("having glory") and Nikita ("conqueror").

Unusual and rare names for boys in 2017

Exotic or unusual name will help your child to easily stand out from the crowd of peers and surprise with its sound. Parents who want to do original choice, and decide in advance how to name the boy in 2017, you should pay attention to the following names:

  1. Gleb... Old Norse name and means "heir to the gods." Usually this is a calculating and calm young man, from whom an excellent leader and an exemplary family man grows.
  2. Mark... This name is translated from Latin as "born in March". Marks make successful careerists who are passionate about self-development, but it is important for them to overcome excessive selfishness.
  3. Yuri. From ancient Greek it is translated as "farmer", but there was also an ancient Russian meaning of this name "high-spirited, mobile". Silent, restrained, constant in his views. The meaning of the name has a tenacious and flexible mind, ingenuity, ingenuity. Critical, receptive to everything new, easy-going and mobile.
  4. Myron... This name is translated from Persian as "ruler". Myron keeps his promises and is not afraid of work, therefore he achieves his goals. For others, he is often an example to follow.

Choosing a name by season

You can choose a name for a boy based on the date of his birth. Each period of the year leaves its own unique imprint on the character of the boy. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the main character traits that are inherent in different months and decide on a name.

Boys born in winter period have an unbending character. They try to achieve what they want and do not stop at even the largest obstacles. They need to choose a name as strong as themselves. The most suitable will be: Gregory, Valery, Daniel and Sergey.

But boys born in the spring are often indecisive in deeds and actions. Among these there are a lot of gifted and smart people who are able to achieve heights in such areas as mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. If you name your baby by names such as Felix, Yaroslav, Herman or Konstantin, you can activate the best qualities of your springtime boyfriend.

Great optimists are born in the summer. They are restless, energetic and able to bring joy to the most gloomy company. Boys born during this period are very kind, love children and animals. Names such as Nikita, Roman, Dmitry, Ruslan and Bogdan are best suited for them.

Those born in the fall have intelligence, wisdom and ingenuity. They weigh their every move, love to give advice and help people. They are very frugal and use their savings wisely. The following names are suitable for such boys: Yuri, Pavel, Gleb and Rodion.

Giving the correct name to a child is a tricky task! Most parents, as soon as they find out the gender of the future baby, begin to think about how to name it. Surprisingly, each family has its own views on the same names, sometimes heated debates arise between the spouses regarding this issue.

For those who plan to give birth to a boy in the year of the Rooster, you should reconsider a lot of names and choose the perfect one from them. Names for boys in 2017 can be traditional (Artem, Nikolay, Alexander), exotic (Aurora, Valerian, Milad) and church (Thomas, Zakhar, Matvey, Nikifor).

Choosing a name for the child

Before you start looking at all the famous names, you should first of all start from your personal preference. No negative emotions associated with this or that name. Even if the proposed option came from a loved one, try to explain to him why you do not want to dwell on it.

To choose a beautiful, harmonious, and most importantly, memorable name, you must:

  1. Seek advice from close relatives whom you trust. Perhaps they can help you in making such a difficult but responsible decision.
  2. Replenish your stock of church and Old Russian names. What if, among some forgotten name, you see perfect option for your baby.
  3. Try on the first name for the last name and patronymic. This is especially true of foreign names, which in last years are wildly popular. Agree that Jackson Nikolaevich or Michael Ivanov will sound slightly comical. In addition, do not forget that sooner or later your son will become a dad and then he will have to puzzle over a name that was in harmony with a patronymic.
  4. Delete from the list the names of close relatives who have recently died not their own death, were often sick or led an immoral lifestyle.

It is highly undesirable to name a child after his father. Some old-timers assure that in this way we make rivals of these two native people. Psychics claim that children named after their parent take only the worst traits from him.

Although the last statement can be disputed, because history knows many talented and outstanding personalities with the same name and patronymic, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

5 popular boy names and their meanings

Years go by, but the rating of the most popular names in the CIS does not change. Of course new ones appear fashion names, but the familiar to us Vasiliy, Ivana, Alexandra, Roman, etc. do not disappear from the statistics provided by the registry offices. Therefore, we can assume that the list of the most popular names in 2017 will look like this:

  • Ivan"Have mercy on God"... Exactly this Russian name, which we know from the fairy tales that my mother read as a child. Vanya is an active, businesslike and purposeful person. Despite these traits, he can still be slightly apathetic and controversial. Surprisingly, it can contain several aspects of character: openness and cunning, strength and weakness, deceit and decency. Due to his peculiarities, Ivan's life is often full of bumps and problems. At the same time, we can say that Vanya loves to work, loves helping people, loves home and comfort. He strives to create strong relationships, in most cases, relying on intuition.
  • Alexander"Man", "protecting", "man"... Nature awarded Alexandrov with everyone the best qualities that a man needs. He is smart, courageous, assertive, dexterous in managing his emotions and has the makings of a leader. Sasha easily achieves his goals. They make excellent leaders who are able to establish contact with subordinates, although they often define favorites for themselves. These guys have good intuition and a great mind. In most cases, Alexandra are honest with loved ones, but they are ready to go to the trick to make their dreams come true.
  • Artem"Perfect health", "unharmed"... Little Artyom prefers not to impose on anyone, but finds a company according to his interests. Often he becomes the main one of this company and deftly manipulates people. Artyom loves to be friends with children older than him, moreover, he finds something to talk to them about. These boys are honest, even to their detriment. He does not like conflicts, therefore he tries to settle the differences that have arisen in time. With the girls, he is courteous and gallant. Artyom can stubbornly go towards his goal, achieve it with great work, having previously considered the options for "movement".
  • Dmitriy"Farmer"... This boy is extremely kind to others, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. He always knows what he wants and reaches the finish line as a winner. Dmitry's willpower can be compared to an unbreakable rock, although the burden of problems can unsettle him. Dmitriev makes excellent friends, although in family life it can be hard with him. Amorous, impulsive. Stability is not the best strong point Dima. Often in professional matters, they rely on logic, completely forgetting about diplomacy.
  • Ilya"Believer", "power of God"... Possesses artistry and irony. The versatility of Ilya's character allows him to become a leader in different areas life. Despite this, he is a closed person and lets a few into his soul. Easily makes friends, helps them with advice, a parting word, is able to help out of trouble. Quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Ilya's family comes first, although if he feels cold and indifferent on this side, he can part with his beloved. Ilya has good intuition, memory and intelligence. A creative approach to things makes these people indispensable employees.

Choosing a name by season

You can look at the name for a boy born in 2017, starting from the date of his birth. Astrologers assure that the season can leave an imprint on the character of the heir. Get to know the main features that are inherent in different months, and it will be easier for you to decide on the name.

  • The guys of the winter months have an unbending personality. This is a huge plus for a man, because with him you can not be afraid of problems and attacks of fate. Boys born in winter try to achieve what they want, not stopping even in front of the largest obstacles. They need to choose a name that suits them, as strong as they are - Gregory, Valery, Daniel, Efim, Sergey, Timofey.
  • For spring boys, there is a "tough" name, because they often show indecision in their deeds and actions. Vulnerable and selfish individuals can often change for the better if parents find them suitable name... Among such personalities there are many gifted and intelligent people who are able to receive the highest awards in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. Calling the child Tikhon, Felix, Yaroslav, Herman or Konstantin you will be able to activate their best qualities and direct them on the right path.
  • Summer lads are great optimists. Restless and energetic, they are able to bring joy to the most gloomy company. They are willing to take risks, love to work for the good of society. They are kind, love children and animals. A good option the name for such children will be Nikita, Roman, Ruslan, Eduard, Dmitry, Bogdan.
  • Those who are born in the fall have intelligence, ingenuity and wisdom. They never commit rash acts, weigh their every step. "Autumn" guys love to give advice, love to help people and receive gratitude for it. They are thrifty and use their savings wisely. The family will not tolerate conflicts, therefore calm and balanced women are chosen as wives. Boys born in autumn can be called Pavel, Rodion, Yuri, Victor, Gleb.

Boys name calendar by month

To be sure that name will do your child, you can use special books or calendars where each month is scheduled and the names corresponding to it. Below we have provided a small list of male names that we can take on board.

  • January: Cyril, Nikita, Athanasius, Efim, Clement, Nikonor, Savva.
  • February: Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Egor, German, Julian, Ignat.
  • March: Constantine, Roman, Gregory, Anton, Efim, Leonty, Gerasim.
  • April: Tikhon, Martin, David, Polycarp, Ivan, Sergey, Stepan.
  • May: Alexander, Fedor, Denis, Timofey, German, Makar, Vasily.
  • June: Mikhail, Georgy, Semyon, Gennady, Elisey, Vladimir, Fedot.
  • July: Thomas, Mark, Andrey, Alexey, Svyatoslav, Artem, Anton.
  • August: Maxim, Konstantin, Naum, Nikolay, Arkady, Kuzma, Stepan.
  • September: Ivan, Fadey, Clement, Trofim, Igor, Nazar, Nikita.
  • October: Oleg, Aristarkh, Rodion, Osip, Matvey, Khariton, Demyan.
  • November: Konstantin, Maxim, Yuri, Ivan, Eugene, Kirill, Stanislav.
  • December: Leo, Daniel, Pavel, Peter, Zakhar, Vsevolod, Roman.

Boys who appeared in 2017 are initially different strong-willed qualities... The rooster makes them purposeful, ambitious, self-confident, sometimes arrogant. The boys of this period are characterized by analytical thinking, so they make excellent technical specialists, businessmen, and doctors. An equally interesting way of their life is the choice of creative directions. Names for boys in the year of the Rooster should be such that their owners can stop in time and respect family values.

In this article:

Boy Names by Month 2017

People born in winter or summer period, differ in their qualities. This must be taken into account when deciding how to name the son. Better yet, focus on the month of birth. This will compensate for the disadvantages and increase the influence of the strengths that are associated with the location of the stars. It is not necessary to focus on modern or rare names... If there is a desire to increase the boy's inner strength, it is better to dwell on the sonorous versions containing the letters "d" or "r". For convenience, you should be guided by the table.

January Alexander, Victor, Zinovy, Pavel, Emmanuel.
February Anton, Vitaly, Elisey, Oleg, Felix.
March Adam, Vyacheslav, Donat, Plato, Timur.
April Vadim, Gustav, Ilya, Mikhail, Timofey.
May Askold, Vladislav, Kim, Savva, Emil.
June Boris, David, Alexander, Ignat, Stanislav.
July Alan, Gennady, Lev, Leonid, Julian.
August August, Demid, Constantine, Nikolay.
September Alexey, Vladimir, Matvey, Nathan, Edward.
October Anatoly, Gleb, Evdokim, Sergei, Edmund.
November Artem, Vsevolod, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.
December Benedict, Danila, Ivan, Nikita, Philip.

Best names for engineering boys

Fashionable professions related to IT and other technologies require a developed system of logical thinking and good analytical data. This is influenced by the names for the boys in the year of the Rooster. Boys, whom their parents would like to see employed in production, science, engineering, are suitable for such beautiful options:

  • William;
  • Edward;
  • Edmund;
  • Pankrat;
  • Paul;
  • Methodius;
  • Maksim;
  • Vladimir;
  • Alexey.

What should you call the future creators born in the year of the Rooster?

2017 year of the Rooster will be rich in boys who are naturally eccentric and bright. It is impossible not to notice them in the crowd of other children. Therefore, we can say with high probability that among them there will be representatives creative professions... If you want to develop these qualities, you can choose one of the following names for them:

  • Emil;
  • Moses;
  • Leonid;
  • Konstantin;
  • Casimir;
  • Joseph;
  • Efim;
  • Demyan;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • David.

Boys born in the year of the Rooster have their own characteristics. They are able to be successful in different, sometimes opposite areas.

The influence of the name on the aggressiveness of boys 2017

Fearing that the young Cockerel will turn out to be too impulsive and hot, parents may choose a soft name for him. Among suitable options there are very popular ones:

  • Elisha,
  • Alexey,
  • Paul,
  • Svyatoslav.

You should pay attention to the options where there are no rough sounds, and there are many syllables in the full spelling. If the name begins with a vowel, the negative qualities in boys will also be less pronounced.

The flip side of this choice is that the future man will become too emotional, prone to worries.

If you want to make your son a real fighter, you need to do the opposite. Overconfident names will be.