Consumption of lumber to the frame house. Frame house calculator: how to calculate materials and individual stages of work

Frame houses - View construction work A young, but popular, allowing to save a significant part of time and means. When studying the appropriate reference book And, having certain construction skills, you can build a full-fledged house three times in three cheaper than the cost of the same building from the stone. How to calculate the frame house correctly and choose materials? What needs to be taken into account in future construction?

Calculation of materials for construction frame house - Important action. You can define an approximate amount of costs, calculate financial losses and possible risks. Calculation of materials on a frame house may be greater than it was designed to invest in construction. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the area or the flood of building, choose more economy options building materials.

Foundation with your own hands

Calculation of the cost of a frame house must be started with the foundation. There are three main types of foundations for frame houses - tape, columnar and pile-painted.

Types of foundation.

The calculation of the foundation of the frame house should take into account not only the selected material, but also the size of construction work, the future load of the structure, the degree of soil swampiness, level groundwater, windy differences and weather conditions for the locality.

A columnar foundation is recommended to be installed for a few storey construction of a small area, for example. Woodworking - for multi-storey houses and during the construction of a problem area in terms of soil and temperatures. The calculation of the cost of a frame house in this case will take into account the number and length of piles or pillars to increase the strength of the structure.

The cost of the belt will depend on the depth of the occurrence, the selected embodiment of the reinforcement and the formwork material. When installing formwork and fill cement on their own, you can save up to 30% of the foundation cost. On average, depending on the size of the construction, construction work on the installation of the foundation will cost 22,000 rubles.

Scheme calculation of the foundation on piles.

In the calculation of the construction of a skeleton house, it will be necessary to include the cost of sandy extraction to equalize the area, fittings and formwork - independently manufactured or purchased as also in calculations of frame construction include the value of concrete - acquired independently or ordered from construction company Together with concrete mixers and brigade builders.

On a note

The established foundation must be dried during a sufficient period - from several weeks to a whole month. The ribbon or pile-painted foundation is usually covered with film and leave for the winter, but in the hot season of the year there are enough several weeks for drying.

Calculation of walls Building

The main factor in carrying out the calculation of the walls of the frame house will be their area, floors, as well as the overall load on the construction. With multi-storey construction requires the installation of thick walls, overlaps and carrier structures.

On a note

Racks are the base of the skeleton house, for their construction, it will take not only the boards, but the timber.

Boards have several standards, height 50 or 100 mm, width - 100 or 200 mm. The calculation of the frame house will depend on the degree of moisture content of wood, quality and type of wood itself. The number of racks also depends on the selected case and insulation. The average cost of the technical board for 1 m3 - from 7000-8000 rubles.

We consider the cost of frame racks.

The height of the racks depends on the floors of the building and the height of the ceilings, but in general ranges from 2.5 m, in the technical premises - bathrooms and storage rooms - can be about 2 m. Using a calculator for calculating the frame home, we specify a step between racks, which depends on the width selected insulation and mounted wall panels.

When building a skeleton house with osb panels, the calculation of sawn timber will depend on the thickness:

  • OSB-3 stove 6 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 500 rubles.
  • OSB-3 stove 8 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 600 rubles.
  • OSB-3 stove 12 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 800 rubles.

For self-installation of racks and panels, additional devices and inventory will be required to take into account when calculating the materials of the frame house with a Calculator for construction - special self-tapping screws, galvanized corners, drills and hacksaws on wood, nails, hammer. Despite such costs self installation walls will allow one third to reduce online calculations Construction of a skeleton house.

We consider the cost of insulation

Installing the insulation is already required in the process of laying the floor, then - when mounting the walls, ceiling and roof. In the case of multi-storey construction, it is necessary to lay additional insulation inter-storey overlaps.

Table with insulation counts.

Online calculation of the frame house will be different from low prices For foam, to the impressive amounts for Eco. If you are aimed at long-term accommodation, then you should not save on its insulation.

Remove the processing from rodents and pests, and environmental friendliness insulating material. In the middle price category there is a mineral wool or glass gambler, which is more often insulated by frame houses. Bulk insulation Recommended for insulation roofing or flat roofs.

Solar order

  1. Estimation and installation of the selected vapor insulation material to and wet;
  2. Installation of intermediate sheets of plywood internal sheath;
  3. The thickness of the insulation, which will depend on the thickness of the racks, are on average from 100 to 250 mm;
  4. When choosing a heater - stone or mineral wool, lay in the calculation of the skeleton house wind and hydraulic film and its installation;
  5. Take care of the ventilation gap to prevent the accumulation of moisture inside the walls.

Heater in the frame.

After sufficient insulation of the house, produced internal sheathing Walls and decoration.

Calculation of the cost of a skeleton house

The roof is the second element on which it is not necessary to save when calculating the frame house with your own hands. Only so she can reliably prevent the construction of leaks.

On a note

The cost of the roof will depend on its shape - a single, duplex or complicated. It is also worth providing insulation of the roof and residential attic.

Materials for the roof.

Blood Mounting Materials

  • Plank for rafted cross section 150 * 50 mm;
  • Boards for the installation of the crate - purchased on the basis of the parameters of the future roof;
  • Materials for installing fasteners - corners, nails, screws;
  • Polyfoam or stone Vata. for insulation;
  • Materials for paro and waterproofing;
  • Foam for processing joints;
  • Flooring - rubberoid, slate, tile or other material for final finishing.

Windows and doors in building

You can use a program for calculating a frame house where windows and doors are laid. Counting will depend not only on the selected material, but also the number of cameras in the glass packages.

Counting windows and doors.

Window double-glazed plastic windows are on average from 4000-5000 rubles, the cost depends on the number of cameras, sash and size, and the price door windows It will be 15-20% more. Doors - metal or plastic will cost from 5-6 thousand, as well as depending on the thickness of the material, the lock system, the handles.

Preparation of finishes

By calculating the material calculator on the frame house you need to include external and internal finish. From your taste will depend on the desired cost of the frame house. Outside the building can be separated from both cheap siding and wood and stone panels, inside stretch ceilings And expensive plaster, to wooden finishes and work under painting.

If there are difficulty when calculating the project of a frame house - you can seek help from specialists or purchase ready set from the factory.

There is a certain complexity in the calculation of materials when frame house building. It is that the structure of the enclosing structures may be the most diverse, it is possible to build a house with invariance. minimal cost. Therefore, it is very important to have a project in your hands, regardless of whether you decided to purchase a ready-made home set or a future cottage - this is a bouquet of your ideas.

Surely producing simplified economic and cost analysis, you have already encountered those questions, anyway relating to the choice and counting of the material. Of course, find the best balance between price, quality and simple installation is not an easy task.

But, nevertheless, breaking the structure of elementally, you can navigate what option will be suitable for you. The calculation is more convenient to produce according to the construction stages, i.e.

  1. Foundation
  2. Overlap of the first floor
  3. Construction of the carcass
  4. Roof mounting
  5. Testing insulating material

such a sequence is characteristic of home-building on the Scandinavian

technologies when wall insulation is produced only after the construction of the roof.

If for the construction of the foundation, the consumption of materials is more or less known, since it is often used typical types of bases, such as a ribbon small-brewed, pile or column, then with a choice and calculation of sawn timber and insulation, you will have to work hard. Although if you understand the key point of the process, there is nothing difficult in this, you will need only attention and patience.

In order to maximize the task, start with sampling material according to the drawings, for convenience we advise you to draw a block of design, for example power carcass And for each component (overlap, wall, etc.) to make a scan. You can make calculations and detailed drawings.

Immediately, I would like to note that the lumber must be dry and pre-treated with various antiseptic compositions. IN otherwise The mounted design can give shrinkage, which will inevitably lead to a different kind of skewing of the structure and as a result of the formation of cracks and other defects. The impregnation should penetrate the wood in about 10 mm, only in this case a long operational period can be guaranteed. Surface application of antiseptics will protect the elements of the structure, a maximum of two to three years, after which the returing of the wooden parts of the house will be required.

Undoubtedly, the tree dried and processed in production conditions is much more expensive that you can buy on construction ducts. If you still decided to save and purchase lumber natural humidity, after its delivery, it will be necessary to fold it into the stack. Each row stacked on the rail to eliminate the contact of the boards with each other and provide natural ventilation. Although this method of removal of moisture does not guarantee from the correction, the main lack of wood.

Calculation of materials for the construction of a skeleton house

For the construction of the power frame, the sawnage of coniferous breeds is often used. For the strapping of the lower belt, the usual ram 150x150 mm is used, such a section is suitable for angular racks if the structure will have two levels. The required amount is calculated based on the perimeter of the structure, i.e. We need a width (a), length (b), according to the simplest formulas of mathematics we learn the required volume of timber, (a + b) x 2 \u003d n is the total value of the material in straight meters. To translate into cubic meters V \u003d n * 0.15 * 0.15 \u003d 0.0225 * N (m 3). Similarly, we make calculations for the racks, with the difference only that instead of the length and width of the house, we need other values, the number of supports (N) and the height (H) of the floor or at home, if the project is provided through their through location. According to the project, we determine the desired volume of lumber for other design elements. However, at some points I would like to focus. With regards to intermediate racks, their cross section should be proportionately to the thickness of the heat-insulating material.

When choosing a step (distances) between them are guided by two conditions, it is a calculated load and a standardized material used. Agree not logical to put supports at a distance of 950 mm, if you know that the sheet of drywall, which you plan to sneak interior surface, It has standard width 600, 800 and 1200 mm. Therefore, by choosing, for example, step 800 mm, you can easily calculate the amount of the board (M) to install intermediate racks. For this, the perimeter is taken at home and is divided into installed Step, N / 0.8 \u003d m, from this value, we subtract the number of the main racks of the power frame and we get how many racks are needed per floor. This figure can also be also expressed in cubic meters, knowing the geometric parameters of the board used (usually 100x50mm), we use the same formula as for the bar, V \u003d (m - f) * 0.15 * 0.05 \u003d 0, 0075 * (M - f) m 3, where F is the number of main racks.

A very interesting and functional alternative to the lattice design of a bar and boards in a frame house-building can be called recently appeared on russian market - I-beam, which is made entirely of wood.

It serves as a finished cell for laying thermal insulation material. It is two bars interconnected with a jumper, which is made from OSB plates. The heap of the heap is easily controlled by the base size and is selected under the calculated thickness of thermal insulation. With this constructive elementThe heat engineering homogeneity of the enclosing structures is improved and the risk of shrinking deformations of the frame is reduced.

To count other materials, in most cases the surface area will be required, this applies to waterproofing (tol, rubberoid), rough floor, internal and external finishes. Here everything is simple, we take the size of the space that we need and with the help of non-cunning mathematical actions carry out calculations.

Along with the material for the power frame, the selection of thermal insulation is very important. Disputes about this not only do not subside, but as new representatives appear in this sector, only flared up. First of all, it is worth noting that there are two main types of heat and soundproofing materials: Soft and hard. Soft belongs basalt wool and fiberglass insulation. It is possible to rank with polystyrene and its new modificationextruded polystyrene. Each of them has very low thermal conductivity and has its own minuses and advantages.

The main advantage of mineral wool mats are excellent physico-dimensional properties, due to which heat engineering qualities are saved throughout long time. This material is chemically and biologically racks, not hygroscopic, is absolutely environmentally friendly and resistant to deformations. The time is proved that mineral wool practically does not give a shrinkage, which eliminates the emergence of "cold bridges" during operation.

Water-repellent ability this material prevents the penetration of moisture inside the plate, and its beautiful breathability makes it possible to create a comfortable microclimate in the premises by means natural ventilation. Another incomprehensible plus is the fire resistance of Minvati, according to the classification of fire safety, it belongs to the NG group (non-combustible material). In order for the insulation "worked" to the fully, during the installation it is necessary to provide it proper laying. Mata size should be wider than 10 - 30 mm cells, it will avoid not the necessary gaps and unnecessary slots, which guarantees the minimum heat loss.

What else needs to know about mineral wool slabs? The thermal insulation properties of the material are determined by its thickness, if you have so happened in the installation process that the insulation is 100 mm, you had to be sealing up to 80 mm, then its qualitative characteristics will correspond to its end state, that is 80 mm. That is why it is so important to observe the size of the bar that sets the parameters of the cell to lay the insulation.

A less attractive in many indicator is glass gamble. Even if you discard all the complex moments of working with this material, it still inferior to the previous insulation. The fact is that fiberglass is prone to shrinkage, which over time leads to the appearance of "cold bridges" and heat loss. Not the best way on the heat insulating properties is reflected in a relatively large water absorption indicator, which can reach 13 - 15%.

What can be said about foam plants? Undoubtedly, it has almost the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, a slight volumetric weight and a number of advantages that exceed the parameters of mineral wool. However, along with many positive qualities there are a number of significant drawbacks that force developers to abandon this material in favor of others. The rigid structure does not allow the insulation of the insulation on the technology "in space", which inevitably entails a loose pretty adjacent in cells and as a result, additional heat loss. The absolute airproof material creates the effect of the "thermos", which is also impossible to attribute the pluses. Unfair manufacturers are not rarely used for the manufacture of foam low-quality, cheap raw materials, which is still in more than undermines confidence k this kind insulation. But the most important thing that stops many builders from the use of polystyrene, it is combustible. Moreover, under the influence of high temperatures Toxic substances are distinguished that are harmful and dangerous to human health. And it comes to this not very multiplinary list The fact that the foam is a favorite place to stay rodents, and this is not a very comfortable neighborhood for living.

The amount of thermally insulation material that will be required for the insulation of the house, will largely depend on the calculated thickness and overall dimensions blanks. Experts recommend necessary insulating layer Make a set, for example, the calculated thickness of 150 mm, it is advisable to collect from three mats of 50 mm or two height of 100 and 50 mm. This type of insulation is considered more efficient because it has additional air layers.

After you make a gradual sample of material for the whole design, similar positions are summed up, and in the end you will get a complete layout of the costs in cubic meters, pieces, rolls, liters and kilograms. For clarity, you can reduce all the numbers into one table, by the way, thus, it will be easier to calculate the coming costs in the monetary equivalent. In order not to miss one or another material from the view, sketch the layer-by-layer structure of the floor, walls, ceilings, overlaps.

Approximately you have to get the following list:

    basic and intermediate racks



    parosolation material

    overlapping the bottom and top belt

    hydro, windproof membrane

    finishing material


Also, do not forget that during the construction you will need antiseptic compositions, mounting foam, fastening elements (nails, self-tapping screws, perforated metal corners). Do not forget that when purchasing materials, it is worth adding to 10 - 12% to the settlement volume, since the waste in construction is inevitable. Although some argue that this percentage remains if the door and window openings are not taken into account.

Do not think that frame houses are typical projectAnd all the buildings built on this technique are the same. In fact, the history of the construction of houses on the frame has long story - at least 5 centuries, or even more. Naturally, for such a term of the Master learned to build not only small squat houses, but also full high-rise buildings on the frame. The cost of each of them is defined individually. And is calculated in the process of building a project.

Project of a frame house

As in any other case, work on the frame house begins with the development of the project - it is from the accuracy of its execution will depend on the success of the entire event. In addition, at the time of processing the project, it is also necessary to make a estimate of future work, which in the future if it will change slightly, then not very much.

The preparation of the design project of the future house begins with the definition of residential premises. It is necessary to take into account the number of family members, make a bookmark on the family replenishment and do not forget about all the necessary utility rooms.

Experts are recommended to take away for each separately living family member of the family room - 40-50 squares. Such space, as psychologists assure, is as comfortable as possible.

As for the utility premises, it is also desirable to carefully calculate their area. The scrupulous approach will help you in the preparation of the design project completely and accurately determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole of your home. As soon as you get the numbers, you can understand how many floors should be in your structure for a comfortable stay.

True, it should be borne in mind that there are also other factors, such as the size of the territory on which the building will be built (than it is less, the less chance of obtaining a high-rise structure), layout and landscape of the Earth (not for all sites appearance big house). Well, of course, the age of all those who will live in a special influence on the floods of the house. So, for example, if there are older people in the family, it is better to make a lodge less in height, but stretch in length. With children, the question is quite controversial, as they rapidly grow up and the stairs for them will not be such a terrible obstacle and danger.

It is advisable to take into account the overall architecture of the street. So, for example, if it is for the most part there are low buildings, it is not necessary to stand out strongly on a general background.

Plus the design of a skeleton house is that it is assembled from the panels on a wooden or metal base (the frame itself). This contributes to a more successful planning, as the panel can easily be installed anywhere.

When the design project is drawn up, it is thoroughly studying it and make all the necessary adjustments. Remember that after the start of construction, it will change something problematic or impossible at all.

Next, make the design of the estimate. Here you need to clearly calculate how much the materials you need, and how much they will cost. You can take the price as a basis on average (if you manage to save, it will become a pleasant bonus). In addition, be sure to launch another 25 percent of the total amount of unforeseen expenses. If possible - lay 50%. The cost calculation should be the most complete and detailed as possible so that after it did not have to seek additional funds.

Cost of materials for frame construction

For construction used enough a large number of Materials. This is a construction bar, and insulation, and roofing. In addition, the cost is influenced by decoration Materials - lining, siding, etc. And it is also necessary to lay the price and the price of those that will go to the foundation. True, there is a plus. Frame houses have a rather small weight, so that they are usually installed on a columnar or ribbon foundation. And this is noticeably cheapest construction.

So, if you decide to build buildings, cottage or design on a frame basis, you will need the following materials.

For foundation:
- Gravel, worth about 2,000 per cubic meter;
- planks for formwork - 7000 per cube;
- Various fittings - Pordyaka 1000 per meter cubic;
- Road grid - 2000 per cubic meter;
- Concrete - about 5,000 per meter;
- blocks - 4500;
- Cement - 300 rubles per bag;
- insulation - 4000 p. per meter;
- Geekanny - 50 rubles per square;
- Waterproofing film - 30 p. per square;
- concrete (stove) - 4800 per meter cubic;
- Concrete Gamesosta - 4800 per cubic meter;
- consumables (Nails, selflessness, bolts, etc.) - about 10,000 rubles for everything.

Total cost of one cubic meter is about 36,000 rubles.

Next, it is necessary to calculate the cost of the main construction cube. For him, you will need other materials. It:
- Antiseptic - 200 r. per liter;
- Pipes under the columns - 400 rubles for the temporon meter;
- Hydro / vaporizolation - 20 p. per meter square;
- drainage system - 2000 p. for the pattern meter;
- Dry planned board - 12,000 per cubic meter;
- insulation - 2000 p. per meter cubic;
- Plywood - 18000 per cubic meter;
- windows (stand depending on the company and configuration);
- the door is input (also evaluated by the manufacturer and materials used);
- Softboard - 230 p. per square;
- Consumables are about 50,000 rubles.

Total cost of a square meter at home without taking into account windows and doors will cost an average of 38,000 rubles.

To calculate the final cost of materials, you must multiply the cost of 1 cubic meter or square meter on the total area. So it turns out the full cost of materials for the frame house. If you want to make construction cheaper, try searching for markets where those or other materials are selling. So you can save significantly.

The cost of construction works depends on which rates are at the brigade. But on average, it is worth navigating 1500,000 rubles.

How to calculate the required amount of materials

In each individual case, the cost of materials is calculated specifically. For example, you can take a house in which the walls along the length of the house are equal to 10 meters, the height of the walls is 2.8 m, the walls in the width of the house - 8 m.

To begin with - frame. Calculation for its vertical bearing racks Start with the fact that they calculate the total length of the wall walls (in the specified example it will be 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 \u003d 36 sq.m.). Vertical racks are usually installed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. But it is worth considering that where windows will be, the distance between the racks should be at least 1.2 m. From here, it is possible to calculate the number of timber, which is necessary for the construction of the frame. Approximately for the specified example will need about 4 cubic meters. To base the frame and the final connection, add another 3 cube of the same bar.

The edged board, which is used for the walls of the walls is approximately equal to the number of bruster. True, it all depends on how many walls you will sow. As a rule, the method of double-distance skin is used. So, for the house specified in the example, about 5 cubic meters of the board will be needed.

As for the insulation, in each specific case, it is calculated in its own way, depending on its thickness, overall size and other parameters.

Today frame construction Popular more than ever before. The fact is that the calculation of the cost of the construction of the same shield house shows: the cost of such a structure will be at least 30% less than the cost of a similar home from any other material. Calculate lumber consumption, the cost of cladding for a frame house is not so difficult. This will be reviewed in the article.

The choice of materials and their effect on the calculation

It goes without saying that finished materials Under framework construction in a common estimate will occupy the largest share. Their consumption will be a significant part of the budget designed to build.

First of all, attention should be paid to the consumption of lumber. In particular, the following materials will be needed for the shield house:

  • Bar of various sections;
  • The cutting board with a cross section of at least 5 centimeters;
  • Cutting board with a cross section of 2 centimeters;
  • Screen boards with a cross section of 2.5 centimeters.

    An example of calculating the number of timber for a frame house in project documentation

Calculate the value of the transverse and racking bar is not so simple: here it is necessary to take into account the size of the future structure (its area), as well as the heat-insulating material that will be used during construction.

Calculation of the design of the roof of the shield house, the choice of roofing material will also affect the final cost of construction. However, it is not so difficult to calculate the amount of roofing material.

In addition to the products of the woodworking industry, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials for the following:

When calculating the cost of the rack and transverse timber, you need to consider the size of the future at home, as well as the type of insulation used.

By the way, the calculation of materials for the structures described above should be performed only after the household owner determined with the material of the houses and roofs. From them already "dancing" and everything else.

Of course, if a person is ready to spend money to create a reserve of the stock of the strength of the house, then the calculations can not be made so scrupulously, but after all, the frame houses are erected, most often, precisely because of their cheapness.

Wall insulation diagram of frame house

The ambient temperature and its effect on the calculation

From the climatic features of the terrain, where the construction of the house is made, it will depend warm in the house. This is a well-known fact. The only moment when the climate can not be considered if it is erected country housewhich is planned exclusively summer accommodation.

Here to make a calculation of the quantity, it will be necessary to the table indicating the coefficients of the thermal resistance of various materials, and it is necessary to calculate all the indicators separately and for the walls of the building, and for roofing cakeOtherwise, all the heat will simply leave through the attic floors and there will be no sense.

Based on such calculations, you can get the final needed thickness Walls and roofing pie, which will be sufficient to maintain heat in the house (by thermal resistance ratio, again).

The layout of the racks in the frame wall

Also, it is much easier to make calculation and if you know all the parameters of materials in advance (for example, the weight of all designs), which installed the manufacturer.

Usually, frame houses are supplied as a household complex, so all these values \u200b\u200bwill be easy to find out (usually all this is indicated in documents that are mandatory together with the domocal complex).

Interestingly, if the house is built by canadian technology, from sandwich panels, then materials for its finish will be needed at a minimum. The fact is that in such panels, the insulation is already mounted in advance, that is, they have a thermal insulating layer.

The ventilation gap device will require additional costs.

Most often, manufacturers as thermal insulation material sandwich panels are used precisely mineral Wat. It turns out that outside the house will not need to be insulated at all (it means that the cost of external warming is needed from the estimate and leave only the calculation on the internal).

The calculation of thermal resistance indicators must be carried out separately for the walls of the building, and for the roof.

Calculation of individual building structures

It is clear that before building a frame house with your own hands, first of all, it is necessary to make the costs of material for the construction of the roof and the foundation.

Mounting scheme Frame house

The insulation of a frame house, both inner and external - this is also an extremely important event, except when houses are being built on Canadian technology, using already in advance of warmed sandwich panels.

The insulation of the frame house at a cost to range up to about 20% of the total estimates, provided that the factory insulation was not used in the household complex, and up to 10% if it was used.

If you build a frame house with your own hands, then great importance It will also have a lumber consumption, and even not so much for the walls, but exactly for the roof. The same attic beams At cost can be almost half of the price of the entire box of the shield house.

The calculation of the sawn timber for the walls of the shield house we have already dismantled, so attention should be paid to the roof. Of course, if you buy ready-made household components, then no difficulty will not be: everything calculated the manufacturer in advance.

But how much is the sawn timber for the shield house and its cladding, provided that the frame house is built with their own hands - it is already much more difficult. The insulation of the frame house has already been told above.


When designing the roof of the house, it is necessary to take into account not only the total weight and load attic overlaps and beams, but also the weight, characteristics of the roofing material itself.

Example of estimates for the construction of a frame house

Particular attention should also be paid to the construction of the roof, in the construction of which it is necessary to take into account the wind rose in a certain area (that is, which side will blow the wind more often - from the side and there will be a long load). Materials for construction are also selected taking into account these criteria.

In fact, it is quite important criteria To select materials and calculating their value. If you do not take into account the same wind rose, then the roof on one side can flow, to prove, the roofing material without proper amplification and fastening is simply can carry a strong wind, not to mention the hurricanes and other natural trouble.

Nuances that need to be considered before the start of the roof of the skeleton house:

  • high and acute-angled roof is not recommended to mount the house in the area where the too strong winds are dominated (in the opposite case, it will have to count the roof with a fairly large margin of strength, which will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the entire estimate of construction);
  • the roofing shoulder must be mounted at a more frequent step to increase the stock;
  • for rafter system It is necessary to choose a more durable timber (than the roofing timber is thicker - it is stronger, everything is most simple here);
  • better pick up more hard roofingSince it will be stronger (slate instead of metal tile or professional flooring, for example).

If the terrain is often blowing strong winds, It is better to buy a tough roofing material of the slate type.


For frame panel buildings, facilitated types of the foundations of the type of fine-brewed belt (most often - monolithic), pile or even columnar are usually used. True, it is necessary to take into account the fact that foundations It is suitable only for small frame houses, for giving, for example.

General scheme Framework devices

As for the pile, the easiest of their option is screw foundations. To calculate the number of piles, it will be necessary to take into account the whole mass of the house and the load on one square meter Square from a whole foundation.

It will be necessary to take into account the condition of the soil on the site, which was reserved for the construction of the building. And it is also necessary to take into account the bunch of soils and the depth of the groundwater.

For example, if the piles of the foundation are not buried deeply, then during the cold weather, the foundation simply will raise the house that it will immediately lead to the appearance of cracks of various magnitude and partial destruction of the frame design.

After all, what mistake often do people carrying out construction of houses on their own? They calculate the foundation only by weight of the house - and that's it. And it is impossible to do so, because it is necessary to take into account many other criteria that were indicated above. But it is better that specialists are engaged in this - it will definitely be more reliable.


You can watch a video about how the calculation of materials for the construction of a skeleton house is carried out.

The issue of price and quality in the construction of any housing is always in the first place. Calculation of the cost of a frame house will help to plan the construction of inexpensive housing. Houses created on this technology are able to simultane more than 50 years without major repairs. In a favorable climate, where the average air humidity prevails, the service life of such buildings increases to 70 years and above.

When designing a country frame house, first of all, it is necessary to correctly calculate the structure of the structure in order to determine the amount of materials and the total price of the construction:

  1. Day zone. Its area depends on the number of people living in the house. This value is approximately 40-60 m² per family of 3-5 people.
  2. Sleeping area. The area of \u200b\u200beach bedroom can be from 10 to 20 m² if 3-5 people will stay in the house.
  3. In a frame house, designed for the number of tenants, more than 3 people should schedule 2 bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200b5-10 m².
  4. The terrace or veranda will make rest comfortable. An extension area can be from 7 to 15 m².
  5. On the halls, corridors, stairs, household premises are given about 20 m². Depending on the method of home heating, boiler room must be planned. For gas heating This room must have dimensions of at least 5-6 m².

Calculation of the cost of the foundation of the frame house

The main part of any building is the foundation. It is important to correctly calculate the cost of purchasing materials for its construction.

When erecting carcases, a pile or tape foundation is used.

Building with your own hands has a total cost of building, but work conducted by experts will be produced much faster with guaranteed quality.

The price includes:

  1. Common work: marking of the territory, cleaning of the site, the surface lining by geotextile, laying the pillow under the foundation (27 500 rubles).
  2. For belt Fundament: Holding earthworks - 9 000 rubles, laying of fittings and concrete - from 42,000 to 63,000 rubles, waterproofing (rubberoid), sewer pipe For groundwater, mortgage anchors - no more than 6,000 rubles.
  3. Pile Foundation: Piles - from 36,000 to 54,000 rubles. Depending on the price per 1 pc., the price for the installation is about 28,000 rubles, the Schelller will cost 30,000 to 45,000 rubles, the installation of the base will cost 7,000 rubles.

Foundation frame structure It will cost 60,000 rubles. and contractors will need to pay an average of 100,000 rubles.

Price boxes

The cost of the box in rubles of the skeleton house 6x6 includes:

  • mounting frame - 27,000;
  • the unit of the base, the assembly of the draft floor and the stairs - 36,000;
  • the construction of roofs and frontones - 36,000;
  • plugging boxes - 36,000.

Works at this stage on the assembly of the box will cost approximately 133,000 rubles.

Price window structures Installation is approximately 30,000-60,000 rubles. For 1 m². Interior doors will cost the same. Outdoor door With the installation in the frame house will cost 6,000-18,000 rubles. For 1 m².

If the project of the house 6x6 provides 8 windows and 5 interior doors, then on their acquisition and installation will take about 60,000 rubles.

Household insulation: price and materials

The insulation of the frame home from the inside optimally protects the housing from winter frosts. External insulation Create an additional load on the frame, so it is not always appropriate to do it.

It is necessary to perform waterproofing. It is done both during construction and after the end of the work. It is important to choose the right material for insulation at home.

In order to save money, the installation of insulation can be performed independently.

When mounting, the insulation layer must have the following parameters:

  1. For insulation of the outer walls of the roof - more than 15 cm.
  2. For noise insulation partitions, carriers and floors - 10-15 cm.
  3. Internal partitions can be without insulation, or this layer can be 5 cm.

Budget thermal insulator - glasswater, but specialists advise more expensive and durable - basalt wool at a price of 1800 rubles. per 1 m³.

As a heater, materials are used at prices in rubles:

  • waterproofing (1 roll) - about 2,400;
  • vaporizolation (4 rolls) - within 4 800;
  • minvata (15 cm thick) 21 m³ - 37 400;
  • minvata (thickness 10 cm) 7 m³ - 12,500.

There will take at least 57,000 rubles for insulation. If you work yourself. When hiring a contractor, insulation will cost 72,000 rubles.

Installation of fixed floors is made separately. Assembling floors is performed by a board of 150 mm (25x100). The punch board is taken if the special will not be installed sexual coating. 1 m² of flooring from a tongue board will cost 360, and from edged - 240 rubles. Work on your own will save 50% of the funds. The finishing floor of 2 levels from the tongue board will cost 27,000 rubles.

Communication and heating

On heating, water supply, ventilation, sewage and electrician, it is necessary to think about the design of the house.

The cost of water supply and sewage depends on the location of the water source and drain. Provided that it is all nearby, the cost of the water supply system, which includes pipes (polyrophy) and all planned plumbing, will be at least 30,000, about 18,000 rubles will leave the wizard services.

The installation costs of the heating system depend on the type of fuel and may exceed the value of the whole home. The most expensive version is gas, as it is necessary to install expensive equipment.

Costs on electric heating make up 357 rubles. For 1 m². But the electricity itself is expensive. If you install a gas boiler with a water heating system, the installation of equipment in the house 6x6 will cost 77,000. The brigade of the installation wizards and equipment startup will have to pay 60,000 rubles.

An option, tested by time - furnace heating. The work of a good masterboat will cost 200 thousand rubles.

The cost of the power supply system will be 300-600 rubles. For 1 m². The power grid, installed in the house of 6x6 m, will cost 15,000, the electrician for its services will take about 9,000 rubles.

Internal and external finish

Exterior decoration on the frame must be performed from qualitative materialsTo prevent the impact of atmospheric precipitation to the house. Outer walls buildings erected by frame technology, shed materials that can be selected at a price of 300 rubles. (Siding, Eurovantia, Brusal imitation or block house). On the walls of the building, the aspen lining (class A), which will cost 30 thousand rubles, 24 thousand rubles. You have to pay masters.

For interior decoration It is best to choose lining or plasterboard. For 1 sheet of plasterboard, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 3 m², you need to pay about 189 rubles, the lining will cost 5-6 times more expensive. Premises C. high humidity (Bathroom, kitchen) is often trimmed with waterproof plywood.

Approximate amount of materials for finishing at home 6x6 m:

  • plasterboard - 63 m² (about 5,400 rubles);
  • lining for attic - 80 m² (24 000 rubles);
  • decorative waterproof plywood for finishing office space - 63 m² (12 000 rubles);
  • outdoor I. ceiling plinths - 100 p / m (24 000 rubles).

Finishing works, taking into account the work of the Masters Brigade, will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Sip panels at home

Canada has created housing technology from sip panels. Houses built in such a way are suitable for the Russian climate.

The cost of installing 1 plates is folded from the following values \u200b\u200bin rubles:

  • panel itself - 2 400-4 200;
  • lumber and fasteners - 600;
  • installation work - 1200.

Box of the house 6x6 m from the sip panels will have the following cost in rubles:

  • installation of the roof - 36,000;
  • thermal insulation of the underground - 18,000;
  • overlap - 12,000;
  • walls External bearing and internal with frontons - 196,000;
  • rafters - 72,000.

The total cost of building a house from Sippan will be 449 thousand rubles. This amount includes the work of workers. Independent construction The frame house on Canadian technology will cost 340 thousand rubles.

The funds embedded at the initial stage of construction allow you to save on a system of thermal insulation in the future and installation of the first floor. Manufacturers claim that houses from sip-panels are much stronger than ordinary framework houses, although they are widely different.


Each owner chooses himself, what will be his house. There are various calculators for calculating the cost of construction.

For comparison, it is possible to analyze the cost of a frame building 6x6 for different options Construction:

  1. The house of Canadian technology from sip panels will cost from 700 to 900 thousand rubles.
  2. Panel buildings will cost 950 thousand - 1 million 300 thousand rubles.
  3. On the frame design 540-720 thousand rubles will spend.

The calculation of the cost of construction of a frame house includes the price of design and estimate documentation, materials and hired labor workers performing construction and installation work. Costs can be significantly reduced if we build frame housing yourself, attracting masters only to responsible plots of work (electrical wiring, installation of communications, heating). Building prices depend on the dollar, so they can change.