Solve Radiation Spectrum: Description, Features and Interesting Facts. Specialists advise: Stay away from the sun

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Pregnant women and children under two years to be in the sun more than 10-15 minutes a day contraindicated

In the last "hot years" we are frightened by the Sun all the time: that ultraviolet is dangerous that the skin under the influence of sun rays will grow faster that for this reason even skin cancer is possible ... and we are not scary. For the winter, autumn and spring so bored with a gloomy gray sky and boring gray faces of citizens, that with the onset of summer, many, especially youth, use any opportunity to light up and "be like a chocolate." Although if you listen to doctors, the harm from the sun is, and considerable. But there is also benefit. Choose golden middle Dermatologist Yuri Smirnov will help us.

The tan is a skin darkening resulting from the redundant formation of melanin pigment in its outer layer (epidermis) influenced by ultraviolet rays Sun or artificial light sources (mercury-quartz lamps, etc.), - explains Yuri Viktorovich. - And, by the way, as a rule, this indicates good tolerability and a favorable effect on the body of ultraviolet rays. And under their influence in the body, biologically active substances are formed, stimulating the activity of nervous and endocrine systems, which improve the metabolism, resistance to infectious and other diseases. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet, as is known, vitamin D is formed, which contributes to suction from the intestinal calcium required for the bone system (and Rahit is developing with a lack of vitamin D). This vitamin provides the normal activity of many enzymes.

But ultraviolet rays are harmful to our skin - now everything is argued now, including dermatologists. It is also known that only people with very dark or black leather in the body highlights a sufficient amount of melanin, which allows them to protect against evil southern rays. Is not it?

The harm that can be caused by our skin is directly proportional to the time of staying in the sun. In small doses (up to 10 minutes) the sun is only slightly annoying the skin, causing a slight redness. For large doses, it is inflated, dries. If you continue exposure, the skin can burn, while it is covered by blisters and peel. Excessive stay in the sun causes such harm that it is not able to more fulfill its protective functions. In severe burns, thermoregulation ceases, which, in turn, leads to a solar strike. But 10-15 minutes in the sun on the day of the skin will not hurt. It is important to know the measure.

The danger of a long stay in the sun is also in the fact that under the influence of sunlight, the skin loses its elasticity, smoothness and covered with wrinkles. Unfortunately, nothing can slow down or suspend this process. The most serious reason why avoid tanning is that the sun's rays cause strong changes in the skin, contributing to the formation of skin cancer. But you need to be direct for a very long time (it is in direct, when the sun is in Zenith!) Sunny rays to make such changes.

- Who is the sun at all contraindicated?

People suffering from vitiligo (skin sections on which there is no pigmentation) or chloasm (sections of leather with excess pigmentation) should avoid sunlight. In the first case, the skin is quickly burning, in the second - stains are darker, become even more noticeable. During dermatitis, it should not be in the sun: already dehydrated areas of the skin are even more dried, which worsens its condition.

Solar baths, however, can help those who suffer from acne. One way to clean the mouth of the sowing gland is to cause a slight peeling of the skin. This method is based on the treatment with ultraviolet rays. The impact of natural sun rays gives the same effect. When peeling together with dead cells from the surface of the skin, flakes, clocked the mouth of the sebaceous gland, and its functions are restored. Psoriasis is another skin disease at which sunbathing can be useful.

I heard that pregnant women are generally better not to stick out in the sun. And where then her future baby will take vitamin D, which is so necessary for the formation of bones?

Pregnant women, as well as older people, babies up to two years and persons suffering chronic diseases Lungs (especially tuberculosis), cardiovascular diseases, neurasthenia, red lupus, long to be contraindicated in the sun. In a good mode of staying in the Sun, they should be coordinated with the doctor.

Increased sensitivity to the solar rays can develop in persons with impaired liver function as a result of diseases, alcohol abuse. In general, people with high sensitivity to sunshine on the street should be keen on the street, wearing clothes from light light fabrics with sleeves, open areas Skin lubricate sunscreen, as well as use light umbrella and protective glasses.

Unfortunately, even knowing that the sun is harmful to the skin, many are actively sunbathe, believing that the tan will make them more attractive.

You need to sunbathe gradually.The first day, in direct sunlight, no more than 10-15 minutes should be located, and the residents of the regions with a temperate climate and the more northerners, resting in the south or in the mountainous area, the first days are better not to sunbathe at all, but be under the umbrella. With good tolerability, every day you can increase the sun on the sun for 5-10 minutes. The maximum term for the already tanned person should not exceed 1-2 hours. Beautiful uniform tan is obtained, if you lubricate the skin in front of the solar bathroom with clove, nut, peach or other vegetable oil.

Most favorable time for sunburn in the southern strip - Up to 11-12 hours (morning hours), in the middle and northern - from 11 to 13 hours. Taking the sun bath, the head must be covered with a tire, panama or hat. It is better to wear dark glasses: under the action of direct sunlight in the mucous membrane of an eye that does not have a protective horny layer may occur - conjunctivitis.

It is impossible to sunbathe immediately after eating and an empty stomach.

Extremely bad sleep in the sun. Unlimited irradiation, the desire as quickly as possible to tan, besides common painful phenomena (malaise, irritability, headache, insomnia, chills, temperature rise), can cause skin burns and a sun blow.

Folk remedies for sunburns

Water procedure. If the skin has burned, it helps the frequent cling of tanned places with soft water or as a juice of raw potatoes. With these means, the heat and tanned skin color are easily destroyed and the upper skin is strengthened, which often remains uneven and rough.

Cucumber manipulations:

1. Tincture seeds from freckles.Preparing on vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Insist two weeks, strain. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water also in a ratio of 1:10 and a daily wipe the face until the desired result is obtained. It is used as a means of protecting the skin from the tan and the appearance of freckles. You can also make a mask from this composition for 5-10 minutes.

2. Vodka tincture of the top peel of cucumbers from the tan. Wipe face and hands.

Prostokvash. To some extent, it will protect the skin from the exposure to the sun.

Cologne, vodka.With the redness of the skin, they can be lubricating them with cologne or vodka and refrain from further stay in the sun until redness disappear.

Oxygen milk or lemon juicesuitable to reduce uneven pigmentation caused by the tan, - wipe open areas of the skin.

Folk remedies

1. Take a little raw egg yolk to the palm and abundantly lubricate the face. When the yolk dries, wash off with water with soap. The result will notice immediately.

2. Potato tubers clean from the peel, rub on a shallow grater and squeeze juice through the gauze. Lubricate your face or moisten the gauze napkin in it and impose on the affected skin. Potato juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of solar burns. Juice can be mixed with wheat flour and impose a mask on the face for 15-20 minutes.

3. Several potato tubers boil in the uniform, clean, stretch in mashed potatoes and mix with fresh sour cream or cream to consistency sour cream. The mixture was in warm form to face for 10-15 minutes, then the skin wipe with a cotton swab.

Tea.With solar burns, apply a compress from firmly brewed tea (tea spoon - on 1/4 cup boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, strain). Procedures are conducted 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. Compresses relieve pain and burning sensation. If you pre-lubricate the skin of the face or other parts of the body tightly brewed tea, it warns the occurrence of sunburn.

Pharmaceutical camomile.Chamomile infusion (1 tbsp. L. On a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes) is used for rings and compresses during sunburn. Or add alcoholic chamomile tincture into any fat or vitaminized cream. Cream with such an additive helps with skin irritation and sunburn.

Aloe.The burned areas of the skin can be lubricated by juice from aloe fresh leaves. Applied and diluted with boiled water Aloe juice (1: 1). Impregnated napkins apply to the burned surface 1-2 times a day every 5-10 minutes for an hour.

Watermelon.With burns, lotion prepared from equal parts of watermelon and cucumber juice helps.

Cabbage.Fresh cabbage leaves apply to an exhaled place.

St. John's wortTake 1 tbsp. l. Dry herbs (leaves and flowers) of the Hypericum, pour the glass of boiling water, boil 10-15 minutes and immediately strain. Use for labels and wipes in burns. Effectively and hunting oil: take 3 tbsp. l. dried and crushed herbs or hormour flowers, pour 200 g of vegetable oil, insist for 2-3 weeks in glassware, closed tightly cover, periodically scrubbing. The resulting extract strain through the gauze. Store oil in the refrigerator. It is used in burns, long non-healing wounds, for lubricating very dry skin of the face, with inflammatory processes and skin irritation.

Cunning melanoma

Beautiful tan - a stick about two ends

"Strong sun burns in children double the risk of developing melanoma," said the main specialist of the dermatovenerology and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia Anna Kubanov. - On the sun can only be protected by photo prostics, especially this is important for children. They need such a filter that maximizes the skin from the harmful effects of the Sun.

According to her, Melanoma is the most malignant cancer, and his insidiousness is that sometimes he is striking a small surface, and the patient can be in the ignorance for a long time that he has a malignant neoplasm. Such a neoplasm, even if it looks harmless, can lead to a serious disease.

Beautiful tan - a stick about two ends. As already mentioned, he has its negative effect - this is the development of photoborement, i.e. premature aging of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet, the risk of developing oncological diseases and various skin diseases.

As Anna Kubanova explained, photobore is found not only in people with white skin, but can develop with dark-skinned and even dark-skinned. Often it is also manifested in those who, by the nature of their profession, are forced to be constantly under the influence of ultraviolet, as well as those who abuse the tan in the solariums or on the coasts. Street, in principle, everything. But the Sun abusing signs of aging skin appear for decades earlier. Therefore, any type of skin needs to protect against the sun. For this, sunscreen and other means of protection are created.

Solar rays: We know about favor, but about harm?

Back in ancient times, scientists knew about the benefits of sunlight and sunbathing. IN Ancient Rome And Eldead believed that the invention was strengthened by the Spirit and harden his health. However, then forgot about it for a long time, and they remembered only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

A hundred years ago, sunbathing and long walks began to prescribe physicians to patients and recovering people. And it is not surprising, as people who are especially living in a moderate climate, noted that the mood and well-being improved on sunny days and worsens in a cloudy autumn.

In the middle of the last century, it was even fashionable to sunbathe - then bikini appeared. However, the last decades are only talking about the dangers of sunlight - allegedly they cause skin cancer.

How really? Is it useful or harmful solar radiation for our health?

The effect of sunlight on all living way is difficult to overestimate. And the fact is that the sun radiates a whole spectrum of waves, ranging from color and ending with invisible. Invisible include ultraviolet and infrared rays. We can't see them, but we feel in the form of heat. Invisible rays have a great influence on a living.

It is infrared rays that improve blood circulation in the body. And consequently. and contribute to the revitalization of all life processes, improved mood, cheerfulness and energy appearance. They help get rid of apathy, depression, decline of vitality. In addition, the infrared spectrum has a slight painful effect.

But not all the development rays, and their sun produces several species, useful for the body. The most deadly of them are rays with (UFS), but they are detained by the ozone layer. It is very useful for a person's rays A and B, they are responsible for the production of vitamin D. rays and theoretically can cause burns and skin lesions. The rays in stimulate the production of melanin, which causes tanned skin color, which is designed to protect against overheating of the skin and damage. And also thicken the skin layer, making it less susceptible to burns. That is, the Sun itself protects on itself - this mechanism has developed in humans in the process of evolution for safe life under the rays of the shone.

What is the use of the sun?

The sun strengthens the bone and participates in calcium exchange. Without sunlight, the production of vitamin D (calciferol) is impossible.

The sun extends life: Scientists from the Medical College of Lawnstein (USA) recently discovered another unique property Vitamin D. It prolongs life. It turned out that people with low content of this vitamin have big chances to die ahead of time - 26% higher according to scientists.

The sun improves the mood and increases the tone: The rays of the sun stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphine. Endorphins are called the hormone of joy and happiness - they improve the mood and increase the tone. Studies have shown that residents of the northern countries more often suffer from depressive states than southerners. This is due to the lack of sunlight.

The sun reduces the pressure: Everyone knows the recommendations of hypertensive not to be in the heat in the sun due to what can dramatically jump pressure. But scientists from Edinburgh argue the opposite - in their opinion, the sun, on the contrary, reduces pressure and reduces the risk of blood cloves. And all because under the action of sunlight in the human body begins the release of nitrogen oxide and turning it into nitrogen oxide and nitrate. And these substances and reduce the pressure and prevent thrombosis.

The sun will save from sclerosis: Scientists have proven the beneficial effect of sunlight, and especially ultraviolet and in this area. It is found that if a person in childhood was not deprived of sunbathing baths, then in the mature age he has a risk of developing absently lower than in children who have grown in the conditions of the Sun deficit.

The sun is guarding male health: Frequent in the sun reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. And again, this effect is achieved due to the development under the action of the rays of the luminaries of vitamin D. It blocks the propagation of cancer cells and helps the growth of healthy cells.

The sun helps to lose weight: If you are in the sun in the morning hours, it is easier to deal with overweight and easier to maintain weight in the norm constantly without much effort.

Sun against diabetes: The British found out that sunlight reduces blood sugar levels, thereby protecting against the risk of diabetes.

However, lovers of sunbathing should be known and the other side of the Sunny rays. Yes, yes, in large doses, they can be really harmful. For example, long in the sun, you can get it sunburn . And more seriously, people with light skin can suffer. And they are in the risk zone for the development of skin cancer under the action of sunlight. And all because people with light skin are worse than melanin is produced.

Excess sunlight dryly dries skinAnd this leads to premature wrinkles and disruption of collagen stakes in skin cells. That is why Northerners look younger than southerners in the same age and have less wrinkles, especially small.

The infrared rays of the Sun are caused in a large number of overheating of the body of the IV combination with ultraviolet all the famous sunshine. The manifestations of it are diverse - from the faint, dizziness and increase the temperature to the loss of consciousness. Long overheating can cause death.

The sun - This is a source not only heat and light. Air, earth, water and plants are completely permeated vital energy. This energy is so concentrated and active that it would be extremely careless to be subjected to a long exposure to direct sunlight on the body. Therefore, air and sunbathing must be taken gradually.

Thanks to the sunshine, you can improve health and extend the life - The skin should always be covered with a slight tan. The reason for many diseases often lies precisely that we are too rarely in the sun. And the more the skin will absorb sunny rays, the greater the reserve of bactericidal energy.

Exist certain rules Taking sunbathing. Start with short periods, gradually gradually increasing them. Best time For the adoption of the solar bath - between 7 and 10 o'clock in the morning. Between 11 and 15 hours, the sun's rays are the hottest, they can carry radiation. It is not recommended to be located in the sun for a longer hour without a break. It is best to take a walk on a sunny day than lying motionless. You can not sleep and eat under the right rays of the sun.

Do not forget about your home, let in it more sunlight and air - pledges of health. Use these precious gifts in spring and summer when the sun is most. Then health and joy will be yours best friends And never leave you.

The sun has a huge positive effect on the human body., stabilizing blood circulation. Therefore, in the summer and the number of deaths from heart attack is reduced, heartbeat and pulse are rapidly, blood vessels are expanding and, as a result, blood flow to the skin is increasing, from which it looks much better. The muscles become more elastic, the metabolism is reinforced, food is recycled better, the fats are disintegrated faster, the protein is easier.

Solar energy Exciting acting on the brain. Even short-term stay in the Sun significantly improves brain activity.

Sun rays stimulate immune systemand sunlight is simply necessary for the health of the teeth and bones. With its lack of disadvantage in children, Rahit develops, and osteoporosis in the elderly, people suffer more often, leading a low-wear lifestyle and rarely visiting the sun.

Ultra-violet rays Slow the growth of cancer cells. With the help of sunlight, our body produces interleakers and interferon - substances that are successfully struggling with cancer cells. People rarely come to the sun, more risk Cancer.

Many are known the benefits of sunlight to improve sight. You need to look at the sun at sunrise, without tearing off the eye, starting with a few seconds, gradually increasing the time of the procedure.

The sun rays have a health effect on the entire body.. The blood circulation and the work of the heart muscle is activated, the nervous system is strengthened, rises physical activityThe provision of organs and bones of calcium improves.

But solar procedures in case of overdose have and side effects . The overdose of solar energy is fraught with overheating of the body, the decay and death in the blood of leukocytes. The result is a headache, fast fatigue, excessive excitability, irritability and insomnia. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to know the measure and not be under the right rays of the Sun in the period solar radiation - from 11.00 to 15.00. Remember this.

It is impossible to protect the skin from the Sun and softening to use glycerin, vaseline and other mineral fats. To protect yourself from possible overheating and burn, you can cover the body special means From tan, but remember that they do not guarantee burn protection by 100%.

To protect your hair from drying up in the sun and when bathing, you need to wear a bathing cap, and before going to the beach rub into the skin of the head, a mixture of equal parts of castor and any vegetable oil. In addition, it will be advisable to remind a mandatory headdress to avoid solar strike (this is necessary after 11 am).

Before solar bathroom, you do not need to wash your face and a body with soap, you should not wipe the skin with cologne or other alcohol tinctures and lotions.

That noticed redness on the skin and burning, as soon as possible go to the shadow, rinse the face and body freshwater. With severe sunny burns, lubricate the burnt places of sour cream, butter, sow the body with leaves of cabbage.

Always take a shower after the beach to free the skin clogged water.

Many after swimming in the sea or river remain in a wet bathing suit, giving him to dry on the body. But this can lead to various diseases, sometimes extremely heavy. Warm and wet environments allows bacteria to flourish and multiply, causing fungal infections. So after swimming be sure to change in dry lingerie

Back to Soviet time No one was afraid to sunbathe under the sun, the adoption of sunbathing was considered an event that is beneficial affecting health and promoting immunity to strengthen. People were convinced that the more in the summer they are in the summer, the less sick in the winter, and acne and rashes completely disappear on the skin after intense tan.

Some ezdili South and sunbathe to come home with chocolate skin. BUT B. last years Doctors and cosmetologists increasingly warn that a long stay under the sun without applying sunscreenshes is dangerous to health. What is this - advertising of sunscreen or deterioration of the environmental situation?

As you know from lessons physicsInfrared rays make up the bulk of solar radiation. Only recently, scientists found that these rays reach deep layers of the skin and accelerates her aging. In addition, the infrared spectrum of sun rays contributes to the formation of free radicals that damage DNA cells. But the most terrible for the skin in the sun rays is ultraviolet radiation. It not only contributes to aging of the skin and lowers immunity, but also can lead to the reincarnation of moles in melanoma.

Some experts put Doubt on the harmful effects of the Sun on the health and the effect of malignant neoplasia on the skin. However, as medical statistics shows, people living in the north, skin cancer occurs five times less often than among the population of medium latitudes. In addition, the harmful effect of sunlight on the state of the skin proves the fact that rural residents working for a long time under the sun appear very early on the face of deep wrinkles, despite the fact that they are also like city women, a lot of time to care Behind the skin.

Ultraviolet rays seek skinAs a result, it loses elasticity and early old. From harmful ultraviolet rays, we are protected by the ozone layer of the Earth, but after launching in space Americans of the famous satellite "Concord", this layer began to collapse. Therefore, now from sunlight it is necessary to defend more intense than before.

However, consider the sun and hide and hide days From his rays should not be at home. Moderate portions of the Sun are necessary for the body, because without sunlight there would be no life in the world. Being 15 minutes under the right rays of the Sun, you accelerate the metabolism in the body, improve the muscles tone, the work of immune and nervous system. Without the sun is not synthesized by vitamin D in the body that plays important role To strengthen bones and warnings of Rahita in children. The shortage of the Sun increases the risk to get intestinal cancer, prostate and breast. That is why moderate tan is useful for our body, but it is necessary to sunbathe in compliance with the following simple recommendations:

1. Choose the right time for sunburn. Stay under the sun up to 10 am and after 17 pm - the safest for health.
2. If you have on tele there is a large number of Moles, then it is best to completely refuse the tan. You can also go to the solarium.

3. Tanning gradually, on the first day, stay under the sun at no more than 15 minutes. If you have a dark skin, and you transport the sun well, then you have a 10-minute stay daily. But be under the sun over 30 minutes a day without the use of sunscreens.

4. If after zagara You have flushed the skin, it says about getting a sun burn. Try to avoid excessive stay under the sun, sunburn - the phenomenon is unpleasant and unwanted. It can contribute to the development of oncological skin diseases.
5. After bathing in sea Rinse the body with fresh water. Salted water drops refract the sun's rays and create a lens effect, which can lead to a skin burn.

6. Use sunscreen cosmetics For with SPF filter. Do not buy sunscreen and oil without examining their composition.

As part of sunscreen creams must be microparticles minerals, such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These substances are not absorbed into the skin, creating a protective barrier on the skin and reflecting the sun's rays. But do not forget that the main amount of sunscreen sold by us is not resistant to water. This means, after each bathing in the water, they must be applied again to the body.

Used sunscreen , You can stay under the sun gradually increase. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the maximum allowable time so: if your cream has an SPF 12 index, then you multiplies 12 to 10 and get a number - 120 minutes, during which you can safely bask in the sun.

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The sun plays an important role for us on Earth. It provides a planet and all that is located on it. important factors, such as light and warmth. But what is solar radiation, the spectrum of sunlight, how does all this affect us and on the global climate as a whole?

What is solar radiation?

Bad thoughts usually come to mind when you think about the word "radiation". But solar radiation is actually very a good thing - This is sunlight! Each living creature on Earth depends on it. It is necessary for survival, warms the planet, provides meals for plants.

Solar radiation is all the light and energy that come from the Sun, and there are many different forms. In the electromagnetic spectrum distinguish different types Light waves emitted by the sun. They look like the waves that you see in the ocean: they are moving up and down and from one place to another. Sensory spectrum may have different intensity. Distinguish ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation.

Light - moving energy

The range of solar radiation figuratively resembles a piano keyboard. One of her end has low notes, while the other is high. The same applies to the electromagnetic spectrum. One end has low frequencies, and the other is high. Low-frequency waves are long for a specified period of time. These are things like radar, TV and radio waves. High-frequency radiation is high-energy waves with a short length. This means that the length of the wave itself is very short for this period of time. This, for example, gamma rays, X-ray and ultraviolet rays.

You can think about it like this: low-frequency waves look like lifting on a hill with a gradual raising, while high-frequency waves look like a quick rise on a steep, almost vertical hill. At the same time, the height of each hill is the same. The frequency of the electromagnetic wave determines how much energy it carries. Electromagnetic waves that have a greater length and, therefore, lower frequencies carry much less energy than with shorter lengths and higher frequencies.

That is why X-rays can be dangerous. They carry so much energy that if you fall into your body can damage the cells and cause problems such as cancer and change in DNA. Things like radio and infrared waves, which carry much less energy, do not actually have any influence on us. It's good because you, of course, do not want to expose yourself at risk, simply turning on the stereo.

The visible light, which we and other animals can see our eyes, is located almost in the middle of the spectrum. We do not see any other waves, but this does not mean that they are not there. In fact, insects see ultraviolet light, but not our visible. Flowers look at them quite differently than for us, and it helps them to know which plants to visit and from which of them to stay away.

Source of all energy

We accept sunlight as proper, but it is not necessary to be, because, in fact, all the energy on Earth depends on this big, bright star in the center of our Solar system. And while we are in it, we must also say thanks to our atmosphere, because it absorbs the part of the radiation before it reaches us. This is an important balance: too much sunlight, and it becomes hot on earth, too little - and it begins to freeze.

Passing through the atmosphere, the spectrum of solar radiation at the surface of the Earth gives energy in different forms. To begin with, we consider various methods Her transfer:

  1. Conductivity (conduction) is when energy is transmitted from direct contact. When you burn a hand of a hot frying pan, because they forgot to put on the tap, this is conductivity. The dishes passes the warmth of your hand through direct contact. In addition, when your legs relate to cold tiles in the bathroom in the morning, they carry heat to the floor through direct contact - conductivity in action.
  2. Dispersion is when the energy is transmitted through currents in the liquid. It can also be gas, but the process in any case will be the same. When the heated fluid, molecules are excited, scattered and less dense, so they strive up. When they cooled, fall down again, creating a cellular current path.
  3. - This is when the energy is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. Think about how well sit next to the fire and feel how welcome warmth is radiated from it to you - this is radiation. Radio waves, light and can travel by moving out one place to another without the help of any materials.

The main spectra of solar radiation

The sun has different radiation: from X-rays to radio waves. Solar energy is light and warm. Its composition:

  • 6-7% of ultraviolet light,
  • about 42% of visible light,
  • 51% of the near infrared.

We get solar energy with intensity 1 kilowatt on square meter At sea level for many hours per day. About half of the radiation is in the visible shortwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Another half is in the near infrared, and a bit in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Ultraviolet radiation

It is ultraviolet radiation in a sunny spectrum that has a greater intensity than others: up to 300-400 nm. Part of this radiation, which is not absorbed by the atmosphere, produces a tan or solar burn for people who were in the sunlight over long periods of time. Ultraviolet radiation In the sunlight has both positive and negative health effects. It is the main source of vitamin D.

Visible radiation

Visible radiation in the solar spectrum has an average intensity. Quantitative estimates of the flow and variation of its spectral distribution in the visible and near infrared ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum are represented great interest When studying solar-terrestrial influences. The range from 380 to 780 nm is visible to the unarmed look.

The reason is that the bulk of solar radiation energy is concentrated in this range and it determines the thermal equilibrium of the Earth's atmosphere. Sunlight is a key factor in the process of photosynthesis used by plants and other autotrophic organisms to convert light energy into a chemical, which can be used as fuel for the body.

Infrared radiation

An infrared spectrum that covers from 700 nm to 1,000,000 nm (1mm), contains an important part of electromagnetic radiation that reaches the Earth. Infrared radiation in the solar spectrum has the intensity of three types. Scientists divide this range of 3 types based on wavelength:

  1. A: 700-1400 nm.
  2. B: 1400-3000 nm.
  3. C: 3000-1 mm.


Many animals (including humans) have sensitivity in the range of from about 400-700 nm, and a useful spectrum of color vision in humans, for example, is approximately 450-650 nm. In addition to the effects that occur at sunset and sunrise, the spectral composition changes, first of all, in relation to how direct sunlight falls on the ground.

Every two weeks the sun supplies our planet so much energy that it is enough for all residents for the whole year. In this regard, the solar radiation is increasingly considering how alternative source Energy.