So that the work went to the prayer. Prayer To work well done

Everyone wants his life to be harmonious, beautiful and prosperous. One of the factors happy life - Good luck in all matters and endeavors. However, not everyone is lucky, how to attract good luck? We offer conspiracies, prayers and rituals in order to always accompany you and your loved ones.

Before conducting rites, read prayers, plots - prepare for them. Mouse over to the room, on the tables, and so on. If there is an opportunity, make wet cleaning And then overseate your body with cool water, put on clean loose clothes (you should be comfortable in it).

Independent conspiracy for good luck at work, read on a fountain pen that you always use.

"Handle to me faithfully to serve, with a handle I am friends, live yes not to rush, together letters to write yes challenges to solve. How many ink in the handle, so much and I have forces! Handle write yes to write, and I need to find a job! To pay the money to holly; Appreciated so that it was not boring to be handy. As stated, so be. Forever and ever. Amen".

Taking a conspiracy, tie the handle with a white thread, put it in my pocket and hold it all working day in your pocket, without removing and not showing anyone. During the first month after a conspiracy, you should use only this handle. Soon you will notice positive changes and in your attitude to work, and in good luck related to affairs - it will turn to your face again!

Try this option orthodox prayer For good luck in any work.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us, at now, for centuries, at all times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the Adam Garden there is a tree, under that, the grass grows, once in a thousand years old blooms. Supremely closer, worship down. Leb testing, I didn't give rise to you, I didn't have the name of the name, I didn't leave you, I did not praise you. The earth gave rise to you, rained and dew. I ask you, I beg, I glorify you.
Help me, God's slave (name). Let all around me be lazy, the bad eye will not be smoothed. Lebity-grass, odds evil peopleSo that I will be at my work in great honor. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

For good luck in work.

Sometimes sometimes so further work It depends on the success of a single, concrete case. Agree, it's a shame when, because of some trifling, the whole thing collapses! It's time to read strong plot For good luck at work.

"In the pure field, Mikhailo Archangel. He is forks, he chalves the knives, all my words, all my things are talking, it fastens with a desire to be fulfilled, he blesses him. Hour my talented, the point is sporing from Mikhailo Archangel of my conspiracy.
I have, the slaves of God (name), the holy magician, everything that said will be so. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To find good work, good luck in affairs, career growth.

To date, the issue of work is worthwhile for many. Many people higher educationAnd you can't find a good job. But there are vacancies, and they are waiting until they find them. If you are not lucky in finding work, try using a plot to work. Give the universe information that you need work, and a good vacancy will be touched by you. Also we give conspiracies to increase wages, career growth and other successes.

On a successful career

The same number that a person was born he needs to wear any new clothes and wear 3 days. During dressing it says:

"We wear a new thing
I break a new career myself
There will be me a service and friendship,
In work success
Among people understanding. "

After three days this thing should rinse in cold waterand sprinkle this water where a person works.

To find a job

After the new moon on Friday, go to the forest. On the way, it is impossible to talk to anyone and enter into contact with anyone. Find in the forest such a place where two stumps are located nearby. Sit one of them and whisper:
Here I sit and a good place I am looking for yourself.
I, Slave God (Name), Sad to another stump
(At the same time you need to transfer to another stump)
And get a good place the next day.
Right, right, right!

After that, without looking back and not talking to anyone, head home in full confidence that good work will be found.

To search for work. On seven black candles.

Buy 7 black candles. Exactly at midnight close the room and light the candles so that they formed a closed circle.
See closely inside the circle and imagine yourself on new work, concentrating the entire power of the energy, thereby activating the exit highway. After concentration, read 7 times in a row with a leaf text:

"Karma I clean and the path of the pot,
Spirit bad luck away.
I gave black candles
Evil referring from enemy affairs.
Give me the work of raw land
Black Smol pick me with me.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After seventeent reading, wait until the candles are completely wounded. The remains of the candles wrap in a sheet with a plot and betray the earth in a deserted place.

On a successful business.

Conspiracy for luck 4Rastopying in the bath stove, enter there (until you wash in this bath). After removing all the clothes, with two fingers of the left hand, moisten your head and sit opposite the stove. Carefully looking at the fire. Conspiracy:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the furnace bath fire burns, the palette and the heat piss, so I would have fought and did not go through my business. On the whole day, to this hour, always, now, and dreamily, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Pronounce this plot must be twelve in a row. On this day in the bath it is unnecessary. Wear clothes inside out and wear it for three days.

For success in work, wage growth and career growth Easter plot.

In Easter in the morning, we put a towel in the morning and tell me:

Christ is risen!
And I am the sun is red in the world.
Honey sweet, salt salty,
The most dumbfounder!

Estate the towel on the table, eat easter over it and painted egg. For the next after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your workplace to them.

To find work

Creams are spoken to find a good job on which they will pay a lot: how cream is the best part of milk, so let him come to a person the best way. As in the case of milk, it is necessary to praise not shopping cream, but the most real, which are removed from fresh milk. The fat will be cream, the best work You will be touched and the more money will be in your home.

Cream need to pour into a white cup and over them three times to say a plot:

I will come out, the slave of God (name),
From home - not from home,
Do the door - not do the door, goal - not a gate,
Expensive - not expensive
Driving - not driving,
Carotic - not casual.
And go to seek dat
In the cheese Bor, in a pure puff.
I'm a step step, yes Vikkikh, I will find,
And the other step, and the Chervonchik will find,
And the third step, and I will find it half.
Speed \u200b\u200bhaving
And I swam.
To live to live
Yes, burn not to know.

After that, you need to make three large throat cream. Remains can drink with tea or coffee or offer home. Before bedtime, whipping the pillow, tell me: "Mother's cow, you gave me cream, give and work a new, profitable and kind". Trigger three times and remove the "Father our" nine times. Good work You will find no later than the next month.

Simple conspiracy.

Read before every access to work: "Lord, bless, Father, Robe with Light, Jaco Rizo, Colding the cloud, I pretend to be a belt Most Holy Virgin, merciful intercession. Tie the mouth, and the language, and the larynx by the princes, and the Boyar, and the rulers, and in any authorities and orders. Amen."

To find a job like.

To find a job that you will like, assemble 30 smallest coins. At dawn on a growing moon, put the coins in the mare bag of red, which will be sewed on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Then filled the bag put on right palm, Cover the left palm and tell me 7 times a plot: "30 - coins, 30 - talismans. I find the work, hurry, please contact me. It will be me, God's slave (your name), success in the path-road. Where I will go, I will find a job, I will not get a failure. "

After that, leave 10 coins in the bag and always wear with you, and the rest are 20 in different places. And the more from each other, the better.

So that the head did not fit.

At night, exactly at 24 o'clock, speak a spoonful of sugar, and come to work, spread it near the Cabinet of the head:

Bearing, trouble on my sugar,
How flies lipot to the syrup sweet:
Heart, core, brain, all authorities,
So you, the slave of God (name), turn, lovingly
To me, Slava God (name).
Council hold, in the absence of tillage,
Apply, as the most valuable and expensive value appreciate.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To enhance the service.

On Sunday (preferably up to nine in the morning) during the arriving moon, buy two nasal handker in the market. Pay so that you do not have to take delivery. Returning home, wash your shawls, then dried, sprinkle consecrated water And for 2-3 hours, leave in the eastern corner of the dwelling under the icon.

Then, in one of them, wrap seven coins of the same dignity and the same pinch of millet. At sunset of the Sun of the same day, remove it to the street and jump under anyone (except aspen) with wood as far as possible from your home. At the same time, 7 times say:

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! As in the forests and dumbers, all the livelihood from dawn is working on the dawn, like a peasant-father's fields and fields, no spinning, worries, so I worry, turning, be sick, not knowing the priest, without seeing rest. Mr., Slave (e) yours (her) (her name) from heaven grace, well-deserved award for my efforts, useless aspirations so that I could (La) even more to work for glory. WHAT! My word is true. Amen".

Take the second handkerchief on the same day to the intersection and leave there, saying: "Payment" is paid! " Turn through the left shoulder and return home another expensive. For the next hour, try to not talk to anyone

Each person has its own attitude to work. Someone comes there only to get money for accommodation, for someone it is a favorite activity. Some are very worried and are tormented by because you have to obey the authorities, but they cannot leave, because it is not able to find another place. Believers can always ask for help in working, reading the prayer. To whom is it better to add it?

Prayer for help in work Nikolai Wonderworker

Yes, no matter how cool, and it is necessary to work with everyone, even millionaires have daily responsibilities. In any time, it is hard, sad, everyone overcomes problems. You can cope with them by contacting SVT. Nikolay, who is known for the fact that he always defended ordinary people.

In what cases do I say prayers to Nikolai the Wonderworker about work?

  • When you need to find a good place.
  • If your own business is broken.
  • If you wish to establish a good relationship with colleagues.
  • About promotion in a career.

Pray is permissible both in front of the home icon and in the temple. You can ask not only about personal needs - an appeal to the highest forces works very effectively when a person stands for others. It may be relatives, friends, even unfamiliar people.

"The king of the Heavenly, Comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of the only beefishless of your father, you Bo Relk Esi with your recent Usa, I can't do it without me. My God, Lord, faithfully in my heart and heart to you, I fall, falling your goodness: Pomping, sinful, this is a thing, I started me, about you very much, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the prayers of the Virgin and all your saints . Amen."

Prayer for help in the work of St. Trifonu

Prayer for helping in work is taken also to remove St. Trifon. This martyr is depicted on images in the form young manwho sits riding a horse, or holds a falcon on his hand. Tradition is connected with this. Once the king Ivan Grozny went to hunt, his favorite gardened was lost - flew in an unknown direction. Then the Terrible Ruler said that if the bird was not found in three days, he executed his falcon.

How to catch a drapet, who flew away, is it possible? But the servant sat on the horse and went to search. He was already forgiven with life, in despair began to cry and pray. From exhaustion Sokolniki fell asleep right in the forest. And then he saw the saint who told him where the bird was located. Waking up, the worker immediately headed into this place, and on the branches of the trees saw the royal favorite.

According to the legend, grateful Sokolniki built a chapel in memory of the Holy Martyr of Trifon. Since then, in Russia, it is customary to contact him when there are difficulties in worldly matters.

Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Trifon, the soon assistant to everyone, to you resorting and praying before Holy Intelligence of the perpetual to the shortness!

We hear the fear of us now and in the streets of the prayer of us, unworthy of your slaves, honoring your holy memory. You are a worm, pleased Christ himself, who had before the outcomes of yours from the lives of this Tlennago pray for us to the Lord and asked for this gift from him: Thus, who in anyone's need and sadness will begin to appeal holy name yours, that yes will be delighted from all the prick zlago. And you sometimes, you sometimes take the prince of Tsareva in Rome Gradi from the devil to Muchima healed Esi, Sita and us from the people of our goat, to all the days of our belly, the most on the day is the terrible end of our, the sickness of the present about us ,,DKINS We will start. We are then the assistant and the fast wander of the shovel demons, and to the kingdom of the Heavenly leader, the more you are prestone with the saints of the saints from the throne of God, the moths of the Lord, and it will be encouraged by pleasures and pleasures to visit you And the saint commander of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord before starting any work

Literally any undertaking of a Christian must make a prayer. This is done so that a person does not forget, for what he lives. Not in order to make money. They are needed for beige affairs - support for their family, helping neighbor. Then you can count on assistance over. As the holy fathers say - work without prayer will not bring income and joy, success. Moreover, even doing business, you can pray. This will only benefit.

Therefore, it is very good when a person prays the Lord about helping. So he receives the blessing of the creator. And the process itself will go much easier. Also during the search for a new case, it is necessary for yourself. After all, not every of them pleased with God. For example, Christians are sin to work where the commandments are violated.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, sinner, make a start-old thing, your glory.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of the only beefishless of your father, you Bo Relk Esi with your recent Usa, I can't do it without me. My God, Lord, faithfully in my heart and heart to you, I fall, falling your goodness: Pomping, sinful, this is a thing, I started me, about you very much, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the prayers of the Virgin and all your saints . Amen.

Prayer for help in the affairs of the Mother of God

A reliable assistant is Christians of the Mother of God. It can be kept to resolve any situation. Read the Virgin and prayer about work. You can do it before anyone.

The time of appeal does not play roles, the saints do not have restrictions, like earthly people, they are in their spiritual essence.

Therefore, prayer will be heard anyway.

The main condition for help is a solid hope that the effect will be. We must open your heart, entrust your fate of the Creator.

What to pray you to ask you? You see everything, you know yourself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, all undergoing, all premier, - will understand everything.

You, who hurt the baby in the manger and taking it with her own hands from the cross, you alone you know all the height of joy, the whole burns of grief. You, who entered the adoption of the whole human genus, look at me with maternal concern.

From the Tenet Sin, bring me to my son. I see a tear, irrigated your face. It is necessary for me, you shed her and let her move tracks of my limits. So I came, I'm standing, I'm waiting for your response, about the Mother of God, Oh, Four, Oh, Vladychitsa!

I do not ask anything, just stand before you. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in the longing of the truth, I will turn to your preching legs, Vladychitsa! Give everyone who calls you, to reach the eternal day to you and the face to worship you.

Prayer Seraphim Sarovsky for help at work

Miracles accompanied the future of the Holy Throughout life. As a child, he fell from the bell tower, but remained unharmed. Then the boy saved from severe illness God's Mother. Therefore, from the very childhood, he knew that he would become a monk, devoting his whole life to serve God.

He honored the elder during his earthly life, as he worked miracles, pacified wild animals, was famous for his octuries and spiritual gifts from God. Prayer Seraphim Sarovsky for help in work will definitely be heard. Just need to remember that he does not recognize the shuffle people who are trying to deceive the highest strength or use them for their own mercenary purposes.

"On Rev. Father Seraphim! Ascending about us, Rabe God (names), a bug in your prayer to the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual salvation is useful, and we will protect us from falling sinful and true repentance, let us teach us, in the hedgehog In the perpetual celestial kingdom, the appearance of you are now in the unfair Siageshi, and Tamo to chant with all the saints of the Library Trinity forever. "

Prayer about work Matron of Moscow

Making money by your work is a lesson who is pleasing to God. Therefore, saints willingly in it help everyone who is hard to fulfill their duties. Such a person should not give up. It is necessary to get together and ask for help every day. Situations are different:

  • very low salary;
  • interruptions with income;
  • neverial bosses.

But any position is only a step in spiritual ascent. We can ask for help in the work of Moscow, it will help not fall in spirit.

"On the blissful, Mati Matrono, I hear and we have now, the sinners, who are told by your in all lives, and listen to all the suffering and grieving, with the faith and hope for your intercession and help resorting quickly, and wonderful healing to everyone feeding; Yes, it does not care and now the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in a multi-world world of Sea and NIGHDAGE who acquires consolations and compassion into the sorrow of mental assistance in the diseases of bodily; OUR Diseases heal, save from temptation and tormenting of the devil, passionately, the Pomozon to convey the life of life, to demolish all the lives of life and not lose the image of God, believing Orthodox to the end of our days to prevent, hope and hope for God strong and non-Selitary love to neighbor; Pomo us at the expense of the lives of the kingdom of heaven with all the gods, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen"

During prayer, it is forbidden to blame other people, it is necessary for everyone only good. Only the Lord decides who and how to punish. Perhaps the one who you are offended is designed to teach the lesson of patience, humility. If you try to get away from him, how God himself is rejected. Therefore, ask not punishment for others, but patience, forces for yourself. Then the answer will come quickly.

Each person has trouble in life requiring help from over. In many situations, we molim about the protection of holy wings, because they have a muster to pray for us before Most High. In addition, they, too, were in due time ordinary people And understand our problems.

And after the death of the Lord focused their gift to help people in various situations.

In what cases ask for help prayer

Work is the place where a person spends most of his life. Labor activity gives us the opportunity to secure yourself and seven material benefits.

But sometimes the "black band" comes at work, a series of trouble, which forces to look for a way out of problems. Of course, you can endure colleagues and bosses, every day to be in stressful state Or look for a new job, that during the crisis is quite difficult.

Articles on the topic:

Prayer from trouble at work with holy waters is able to influence the situation and change it for the better.

It is capable of resolving any problem, to enable enemies and calm their hearts. The Mother of God will protect against the enemies, will exclude the inconsideration among his colleagues, the microclimate will put together.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos

Oh Multi-Square Mother of God, who exceeds all the dschers of land for its purity and by many sufferings, to the grounds of the suspended! We will accept our obscurity of our and save us under the shelter of the mercy, Inago Bo Refuge and the Haego Representation, aren't you, not the verm, but, I can be born to you and save you from born, pump and save your prayers, and it is inconsistent with the kingdom of heaven, With all the saints, we will chant the praise in the Trinity of the One God, always, now, and are constantly in the eyelids. Amen.

Saint Nicholas Wonderwork

Nikolai Mirlijsky is one of the favorite and especially revered saints from our people.

No number of his miracles, he helps people almost in all matters and life situations, Including permits working conflicts.


Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Oh, all-in-Nicolae, pleasede for the prey-free Lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief quickly assistant! To me, I am sinful and sad in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thoughts and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Poszing by the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Warders of the Sostlesel, save me the air of aircraft and eternal torment: Yes, I always glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and died and forever. Amen.

Favored by desperate and weak spirit to come out of complex situation.

The future of the Holy Lord awarded the gift of healing in orphanage. The boy could cast out demons, cheering to heal. According to legend, Saint Trifon saved one of the cities from the creeping of the reptiles, for which the emperor Troyan, the opponent of Christianity, subjected to his torment, and then ordered to cut off his head, which is still kept in the Montenegrin Cathedral of St.riton.

The saint does not refuse to anyone, he opens up a believer in his help new ways and gives strength for good achievements.

Prayer Saint Trifonu

About the holy martyr of Christ Trifon, I resort to you in prayer, in front of the way you pray. Sapure of our Lord about helping help, for suffering inconspicuously and hopeless. Moth of the Lord, and I am as soon as he has a help in the affairs of worldly. In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Mitrofan Voronezhsky

Pray for conflict situations at work.

In his youth, he served as a priest on one of the parishes, thanks to which his households lived in prosperity and rest. Having become a widow, the cleric thought about the mobility and was appointed Bishop Voronezh.

Mitrofan became famous for mercy and help in resolving conflicts. He will always stand for asking.

Prayer to St. Mitrofan Voronezh

About the Bishop of God, St. Hristov Mitrofan, hear, sinnyago (name), in the hour of this, in the middle of you, I bring the prayer, and pray for me to the Lord God, and my sins will let go and give (request about work) prayers, holy, yours. Amen.

Spiridon trimifuntsky

Must go from the heart itself, he will not help in deception, and the pure thoughts of the aspecting will bring great benefits.

It can be asked to be as follows, in addition to the permission of trouble, enhancing the service and increase to the salary.

No need to forget about thanks to the saint, which represents before the Lord, for the help.

Prayer Spiridon Trimifuntsky

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical. Purchasing us at the throne of the Savior and the mind of the Lord, and I will give sins of our forgiveness, life is soulless and peaceful. I am releasing the fame and thanks to the Father and the Son and the Spirit of the Holy, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for work will strengthen the spirit and faith, will save from temptations, will help in difficult situations.

About the Pressenger Apostle Peter, the soul for Christ who betrayed and the blood of the Blood to Pass His supported! We hear the chad of their prayers and frustration, the heart of the crushed today brings. Puli is not a good. Oh, do not leave the Spirit from us. We ask about the intercession for all of us. Prayers with their help, the Face of Christ to our requests will be referred to and it will make it prompt with all the holy blessed of the kingdom and marriage of the Lamb of His. Amen.

Prayer Optina Elders

Prayer Optina Elders

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I will receive news during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours. In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is not overwhelming. Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day. I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen.

The word of God opens into psaltyri prayer.

Davidovi songs help to get rid of any everyday mortgage, relieve ill-wishers, creating evil. Reading psalms can be protected from demonic attacks.

Read Psalms:

  • 57 - If the situation has grunted around and there is no possibility to take the "storm", the prayer will protect and call assistance to the LORD;
  • 70 - prompts the way out of conflict, Uymet Chief-Tirana;
  • 7 - helps to resist offended and quarrels, indicates the right steps to solve the problem;
  • 11 - doubts the spirit of an evil man;
  • 59 - Opens the truth before the head in case the employee has become a victim of gossip or conspiracy.

Prayer rules

At the entrance to the Holy Temple, it is necessary to cross three times. It is important to touch your body with fingers, and not cross the air.

Entering the Temple of the Temple and ending the face of the saint, it is necessary to focus and devote their thoughts to the Holy, who will be addressed by prayer.

It is desirable before turning to the saint, read his lives, confess in sins, coming up. And the strong faith and the Orthodox Spirit will give forces in the current situation.

In the prospects do not forget about elementary thanks. Even if the request has not yet been fulfilled, then you need to continue praying, do not reregate the saints and not blame anyone.

It should be remembered that for each action and the event there is your time and place.

Prayer about the work of the Holy Trifon

People have long been published before the start of any business requested support and help to Higher power. This allowed to attract good luck to life, which means faster to achieve their goals. It should also be remembered that after the completion of the case began, it is necessary to thank the Lord. You can take prayers not only in the temple, but also at home. But at the same time it is necessary to pray necessarily before the icon.

Strong prayers for good luck and luck

Strong prayers for good luck and luck allow you to improve your position at work, climb the career ladder, get an increase in the salary or if you strive for it, to find more suitable workwhich will not only improve the material condition, but will be like pleasure.

It is believed that prayer for good luck in work and the luck helps only baptized, for all other people it is just useless. In order for good luck to accompany you, you need to take special prayers every day and do it better in the morning hour.

Prayer for good luck in affairs and work

The strongest I. effective prayer It is considered to appeal to the Savior.

It sounds as follows:

"The Son of God Jesus Christ, the Almighty Savior of the Human Savior, I, the Slave of God (own name) prayer for you. I appeal to you, the meal, with a request from the depths of my heart, attract good luck to my life. Give me the opportunity to establish my work. Yes, let it be so that daily work brings me pleasure and joy, and was good and beneficial to everyone. Make it so that my work brings me a good income and my financial situation has stabilized. Let everything around me well add up, and people in my way are good. Protect me, Savior, from the evil of human and envy enemies. Save me from the unkind views of ill-wishers, so that they did not hurt me. Help me to establish a good relationship with my colleagues and make sure that the leadership treat me benevolently. I ask you, Lord, hear me and do not leave my request without attention. I sincerely believe and glorify the power of our Lord and I will accept everything that will not happen to me. Amen".

The above prayer is read three times in the morning hour every day. It is necessary to learn it by heart. Positive changes in the field of work will be noticeable in as soon as possible. Even if it seems to you that you have achieved the desired, you still need to continue to pray, this will allow you to stabilize the working position and will accelerate advance. It is very important during the period when you use prayer, do not conflict. It is important to tune in to the positive and with such a setting everything must be turned out.

The power of prayer to the Saint Nicholas, the rates are well known. In antiquity to this saint, they approached the good luck of the navigators and travelers. Today, believers bow to the saint Nicholas with a request to create a miracle and help in a wide variety of everyday affairs.

Praying the Holy Assistance in the work of his icon is necessary as follows:

"Oh, the wholeness of God, the real defender of every person in the grief and charts. I ask you about help. I, the Slave of God (own name), the mind of the Lord about the forgiveness of my sins, because they were committed by ignorance and disdain. Help me, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker in the whole of my life and the word, and the case. Get rid of me, pleasedness, from Najdias and sincere torments. Give me strength to work in pleasure and in good by everyone. I pray the Lord about this and glorify his name. Amen".

Prayer for the refund and luck in life

When you are angry or conflict with people from the nearest environment, the negative energy is accumulated around you, which destroys your aura. It is manifested, as a rule, the fact that luck leaves you and on the way to goal there are constant difficulties. In order to return well-being to life, it is necessary to use special prayers.

"True for all the fact that the Lord gave people bread, is true that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Lord, also true and the fact that the Lord is merciful to people. I ask you, Almighty, Speak, Lord, good luck around me from the West to the East, from the north to south. And if good luck has three roads, then let each of them go to my threshold. Let all misfortunes, sorrow and misfortune go on another road going away from my threshold leading directly to the snake womb. There, let them remain from now and forever. And it remains to be sincerely praying in order for gust and silver to ribbon. Yes, it will happen that from this point in misfortunes, I do not know, and the money earned by the righteous way is considered to be not counting. Amen".

After reading the prayer, a piece of bread needs to eat, after which to make a sip of holy water. This prayer should be read every day until life starts to be fulfilled.

It is quite natural that every person has an excitement before the exam and it can interfere. Certain anxiety and attract luck with the help of prayer. Besides, prayer appeal It will help to gain confidence. One of the reliable assistants before the exam is the Guardian Angel.

Prayer sounds like this:

"All Bust and Reliable My Guardian Angel, given to me the Lord on the day of my appearance to the light, I ask you to strengthen me, make it easier for my way of knowledge and give the ability to easily comprehend the exercises, in time to become a true support for the Most High and to serve as worthy of other people And to your Fatherland. I ask you to promote successful exams, make sure that benevolent teachers belong to me, let them treat me on my testing condescendingly and kindly, without noticing my random mistakes. Amen".

After this prayer reads, it should be rewritten on paper and put in pockets of clothing in which you will go to the exam. If suddenly the exam will arise a sense of confusion, you need to try to remember that your guardian angel is always near.

Prayer for luck in money

Prayer for luck in money allows you to attract wealth to your own life.

It is very important before reading the prayer to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Prayer in order to attract the luck to the financial sphere should be read in the morning.
  • Read the prayer appeal should be alone, fully focused on purpose.
  • Preferably the prayer text to learn by heart.

The most simple and effective is considered to be a prayer for the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker about well-being.

It sounds as follows:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas, the assistant of the suffering, the ward of God, the assistant of all of the human clan! Help me, hear my sincere Molub. Help in the fact that I did not know poverty and mental torment. Ask, Saint Nicholas, the welfare of my family. I will glorify B. your nameAnd thank you in prayers. Amen".

Repeat the above prayer text need not less than seven times. Read prayer for a month.

Despite the fact that every person sees good luck in his own way, everyone dreams about her. We are trying to attract it in many areas of your life: in love, in affairs, in health, etc. Attraction can be different: someone asks for their heavenly patrons, and someone buys amulets. Conspiracies for success - a universal solution to many problems. They are harmless and simple, at the same time effective and beautiful.

How do rituals act to attract success?

The action of rituals for success largely depends on faith. To attract good luck, change the depth subconscious structures. A person programmed on failure will not be lucky in overnight. Changing the internal state, through magic and faith in itself, will allow you to let go to your life and positive thinking With respect to any case. In addition to faith, it is helped by the correctly chosen days, whose energy has been copied by centuries :, holiday of red slide ,. An important role is played by attributes, time and venue of rituals.

Magic on the success of conceived

In order to come true to come true, you can use light magic. Conspiracy for good luck is spent on a growing moon, for this you need:

  • Red rope.
  • Candle.

On the rope to tie 33 nodal, with each progressing: "Knot from the evil eye", "nodules from lies", "... from bad people", "... from poverty," "from lack of money", etc. Your desires will help you to achieve full protection, you can make it possible to save yourself from what you want to save yourself. Take the rope around the waist and not shoot for three days. Then remove it into your personal items, wear hard days.

Strong prayer for success in work

Those who work in the organization, on the company or whose career is related to the budget service, sometimes it is difficult to please the boss and increase the level of career growth. Special prayers will help to attract success. They also contribute to those who are looking for work and those who began a unhappy band. To return success or gain, you should contact the Holy Trifon. Christian martyr helps employees and working to cope with problems.

Prayer from the evil chief of St. Trifonu

"Holy Trifon! You suffered for faith our, helped and healing people, hurning demons of them, saved people from hungry death. Help me, the slave of God, a slave honest (name) not to stay hungry in our hard time. Crawling the devil from the head of my (name) is not a worshiping, not this rejoice. Help the boss to believe in good and lifting the subordinates of his, like himself! Yes, it will not be more tormented by us and harm to hurt. Yes, we will find happiness in your place. The point is true, the point is good! Amen!".

Prayer in search of a good work of the Holy Xenia Peterburger.

Conspiracy to success in affairs, business and trade

Conspiracies for success in trade are important in our difficult days of an unstable financial situation.

For words you need:

  • Wooden box.
  • Castle and key from it, all gold color.
  • Money (coin).
  • Candles, green.

Buy a key and castle, then on the night of a growing moon put on the bottom of a wooden box and pronounce a conspiracy for luck in all trade affairs:

"Money goes to money, and my money goes into your pocket. Yes, it will be so (put it). I lock the key to the castle, my wealth, I will bring money, I do not trust anyone (lay out in the box, damaging the castle). "

Put the box in a circle of burning candles and pronounce:

"I'm the shore and hiding, and I will accompany the luck in business! As amulets will always be with me, so my wealth will always be with me, so the success in trading will be with me, so the trust and respect for people will be only with me. My words are strong. "

The box should be hidden in the farthest corner, which is located on the left side of entrance door. This place is responsible for money: the wealth and financial stability of the family.

Other ways to help trade and earn money:

  • Golden fish, which should be in all rooms of your home and office are good money charm. It may be live and non-resident (figurines) fish. Trade, like any other business, will definitely go to the paw with such amules.
  • You can also use prayers. The patron of commerce is considered to be Saint Nikolai, who can read them, put candles and order services.

Rite for money and wealth

Runes are considered equally effective, they are painted or embroidered for daily use in domestic and office conditions to attract success.

Such a sign is a symbol of wealth, you can wear it on the neck, we have clothes as a guard in the office.

This sign brings good luck, because it symbolizes a happy accident. Amulet is good to take on various kinds of transactions related to money.

You will need:

  • Stone from the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Natural paint (for example, henna).

At the bottom of the stream, the sea or river to find a small naked stone, which will enter the wallet with money, rinse and cook for a conspiracy. Before moving to drawing a rune, one should pray, drink a few sips of holy water, ask for forgiveness for what they did. In a good mood and completely concentrating on themselves begin to apply the sign. Only one drawing can be on the stone. At this point, it is necessary to think only about success in their affairs. About how it all gets good for you, that you were born under a happy star.

Conspiracy for the success of a cash:

"Stone, smooth, solid, flowing washed washed, sunny rays Bleached, stars lit, you give strength and hardness to my words! I trust you this symbol of my wealth, keep him to multiplied in my life so that you never had any needs, the money flowed to me the river in which you were washyt. Amen!". Always wear this stone with you. Especially while working with money.

Rite for good luck in sports and school

Conspiracy for luck, good luck in sports or schools can read both the person and the mother and his child. Perhaps many will say that it is all superstitions, the main work and a serious attitude towards what you are doing. But sometimes both in sports and study lacks a drip of luck and good luck. Cow circumstances serves a hindrance or stars in the sky are somehow not like that, but everything goes not on the conceived path. It is possible to achieve that prosperity on your favorite field be the norm with light magic. But first of all you have to believe, then success in sports is secured!

Rite for athletes

In the church shop to buy a belt "Live help". Put a candle to the saint patron of athletes Georgia and ask for protection. Nikolay the Wonderworker to put a candle on the creation of a miracle if you have a road to competitions.

In the night, when the moon scored a full force, decompose the belt so that he gets completely under her light and read:

"The Lord Almighty, the daytime of my charm, I liked it, gave it to the night to do it fully. Help me and give me the power of Altyar-hero, George Victorious and Ilya Muromsz, so that I could be invincible and the power would be nemerene. Waiting for your blessing and your permission to be a winner! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For students and students

The patron of students is considered to be Thomas Akvinsky, and students of Holy Tatiana, it is necessary to contact them. Before committing a rite makes sense in the church Order Prayers in honor of the saints facing the protection of study.

You will need:

  • Lock and key.
  • Red ribbon.
  • Handkerchief
  • Candles 5 pieces.

Then purchase a key with a lock and light in the church. There, in the shop, get a church handkerchief and 4 candles, one to take into hand. On the night of the arriving moon, decompose the handkerchief, to light the candles in the corners, put the lock, key and ribbon in the middle. Read a plot:

"I, the slave of God go in a purely field, where the oak grows that the branches rests in heaven. In that oak, the knowledge of knowledge is hidden under the seven shutters. I hide my shutter next to Hollow, so that my knowledge is always with me and easy for me would be given. The shutter will be a red ribbon, which is illicit from me, and will lead to reasonable. " Ribbon I will catch the seal of wax so that no one could break her. My words are strong, faithful and power are gaining like a moon in the sky. Amen!".

Candles are removed, they can be used when reading daily prayer. The handkerchief needs to be watched in the morning before school, pronouncing such words: "Bless the Lord and Evrisians." Castle should be hooed inside the bag (portfolio), and the key to hide into a personal space. Once every six months washing the castle under flowing water And read the conspiracy. In case of loss, thank for everything and purchase a new one.

Simple conscription with salt for good studies

In the pan in the full moon, it is possible to warm up a very small amount of salt and read over it:

"As Solon's food tasty and knowledge is delicious for me! I can't try without salt without salt, I can't live without knowledge! Salt for food, and knowledge for study. Salt fire is calcined, and the knowledge of me attachment. "

At the other morning, pour salt into the bag and put in your handbag. Wear always with you. Change time in a quarter. Additionally, you can use stronger.