Stresses and stressful states. Causes, stages that occur in the body, positive and negative consequences, methods of struggling and increasing stress resistance

Situation in the country, weather, living conditions, personal experiences and just unpleasant news about anything can cause stress that does not bring our body and anything positive state! As soon as possible to minimize stress or get rid of it at all, the psychologist Vlad Bereziang says.

Learn to relax

As soon as you feel that this is about and the body will enter a stressful state or you understand that it has already entered it, switch yourself and try to relax. The simplest I. fast way Do it - make up! Do very deep five breaths and exhalations. Exhausted, think about the fact that together with the exhalation from you everything is bad, all you are not needed, everything that causes you suffering and stress. You can enter in several ways - with each exhalation, let go from myself one problem, get rid of it. And if the problem that enters you into the stressful state is only one, then do one breath with it and exhale, and in the other four - replaced the problem for something good and imagine how good you be on the seashore, how good when The family is happy as well when you reach your goals and so on.

Physical exercises

Sport is one of the best stress drugs. He takes off the clips and liberates. No matter what kind of sport you will choose - run, dancing, swimming. And also, during sports, you can completely disconnect or, at a minimum, switch to another, positive wave. It is verified that even after a 30 minute jogging, the condition of stress and anxiety leaves, everything becomes in its place.

Beat pillow

One of my favorite stress removal methods is to beat the pillow. Why? Because it is a way not only soothes, but also fully frees you from negative energy. For example, by the fault of your subordinate, you have some kind of problem at work. You are very angry, you are on the platoon, but, of course, you can not beat your colleague! How to get rid of stress and anger? Using a pillow. We take a pillow, remember the stressful situation and with all his strength rod, until you get sick, until you feel that you feel easier!

Pleasant body and imagination procedures

How long have you been going to massage, in the spa or took the bathroom with oils? If you are experiencing a state of stress, then it's time to do it! Choose what you like more or what you can do right now and go to relax and have fun. Here, the main thing is to drive all negative thoughts and experiences from yourself. After all, agree, a massage with thoughts that you still have to do to do today or how to solve the problem, it will not be very pleasant and encouraging.

Here is one way, how to drive unpleasant thoughts that I often use. As soon as a negative thought appears in the head, I immediately ask myself some stupid question. For example, what would happen if people could fly? Is it possible to fly the Atlantic Ocean on his own or still it would be necessary to use airline services? And if independently, did it have to take special clothes with you? And what about the power on the way? Would you have in the air above the ocean some kind of snack? Thus, negative thoughts leave and begins to work your imagination. Who knows, sometimes arguing on such unusual and fantastic topics, people in the head come in the head.

Call close to man

We all have close people who will support in any period of life. True, it is important here to understand who exactly from your loved ones can do it. For example, Moms mainly, hearing from a child about his problem, begin to worry even more. Someone is experiencing silently, at the same time encourage you, and someone on the contrary winds up even more. Call someone from the loved ones that you think balanced and wise man. Tell me about your problem and just hear that everything will be fine! Sometimes this is one sentence from a person who causes your trust, it happens enough to calm down.

IN modern world A person practically has a stress daily, which, in turn, has the property to accumulate and harm both psychological and physical health of his carrier. In our article you will learn what struggle with stress and how to use effective psychological methodsthat will help you release steam.

Do not try to suppress stress

This is one of the most common behavioral errors in the stressful situation. Trying to suppress anger, you only accumulate it in yourself in huge quantities. It is very harmful to your body.

Subsequently, he may uncontrollably break out, causing harm to your family and relatives. Effective struggle With stress enters into one fundamental principle: stress is energy, which means it can be spent. Proper control of anger will help to cope with any situation.

Physical impact

Sometimes, in order to remove the accumulated stress, the method of physical impact is very well helped. This way can serve a sufficiently large list of actions: to brew a pear, break some old furniture From the garage, squeeze and break the paper. And sometimes you just need to make a small jog at a slow pace.

Long, but not too extinguishing physical work will help you quickly and effectively take control of anger into your hands and bring stressful energy from your body. At the end, you can take a contrasting soul, which will finally calm your loose nerves.

Express everything you think

This method is also very effective. To do this, it is enough to make a man all that you think about him, calm, but persistent tone. Well, if it cannot be done calmly, or the anger has accumulated at all about the human fault, you can simply speak out to the situation at the expense of the situation.

The main thing is that this process is isolated from outsiders, and even better if no one will hear you.

Loud statements and scream release great amount Psychological energy, therefore, spent accumulated negative emotions. The struggle with stress passes, bringing calm and peace in return.

Transferring an impact object

Another good way: Anger management is carried out with a 100% guarantee of success, and the struggle with stress in this case practically does not take away from you. To do this, you need to draw an object of irritation on paper, after which it overrun and draw the image, and then break the paper into small pieces.

This method primarily helps to cope not so much with the consequences of stress as with their source. When transferring the object of irritation on a sheet of paper, you can use the previous method, along the way, expressing everything you think about this person or situation.

Respiratory system

If you take the psychological and physiological levels of watering as the basis of factors affecting the stress indicator, they intersect at the level of the respiratory system. No wonder, many highly qualified psychologists advise to control their breathing.

The correct method of using its respiratory system allows you to control the anger both at the emerging level and in the process of its outbreak. At the same time, it is advisable to visually represent how you pick up on every breath positive energyAnd on the exhalation give a negative one. Such a struggle with stress brings very good results.

These psychological methods will help you quickly and effectively cope with stress, getting a robust, reassured reasoning and strong nervous system. We hope you will listen to our advice and stress will no longer cause you inconvenience.

If you want to visually see the methods of dealing with stressful situations, we advise you to see the following video:

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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In order to remove a strong stress after stress, it should be understood as the causes of its occurrence. Attempts to solve problems in all spheres of life simultaneously will be exacerbated by the situation. You must learn to let the problem situation and not take everything close to heart. Planning every day helps to get rid of stress. Assistance, the performance of good actions for other people will also be good prevention emotional burnout.

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    The main signs of stress

    It is important to be able to distinguish a simple overwork or bad mood from signs of aggravation of this stress. These include:

    • Problems with sleep.
    • The presence of obsessive thoughts.
    • Quiliency, irritability for no reason.
    • Violation of attention.
    • Problems with the adoption of an important decision in a responsible moment.
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages, nicotine.
    • Bad appetite.
    • The constant sense of tension, the inability to fully relax.

    Stress can go into a chronic form. Most often it is associated with family problems or at work.

    What should be started with stress?

    Ways to deal with stress exist, but in the first place it is necessary to exclude its sources from their lives, as well as change certain habits:

    • Create a list of sources of excessive overvoltage.
    • Think of what circumstances can be changed to avoid constantly repetitive negative consequences.
    • It is necessary to clean up in all spheres of life: at home, at work, in a relationship with your loved one.
    • It is necessary to learn to be punctual, perform all the important tasks on time and bring it to the end.
    • We must learn to let go of the situation. If it does not work for a long time to succeed in any matter, it is better to leave it at least for a while.
    • Do not try to solve all problems at the same time. It is necessary to focus on the main tasks.
    • Avoid problematic people who love to talk about their problems for a long time.
    • Get rid of habits that interfere with living calmly.
    • Well helps in the fight against stress careful planning of your day.
    • Do good actions not only for relatives, but also help unfamiliar people - This helps to increase self-esteem, removal of voltage.
    • Throughout the day you need to make small breaks for rest. At this time, you can make a small self-massage of hands, legs, neck, drink water, sit in silence, breathe fresh air.
    • Cleaning, sports in the gym, a walk with a friend, a trip to the cottage help to distract from problems.
    • To do your favorite hobby.
    • It is necessary to get rid of all debt obligations.

    Psychological methods

    In psychology there are a number effective ways getting rid of strong stress, each of which will help relieve the alarm and tension in as soon as possible.

    Antistresses coloring

    This type of coloring pictures is one of the most efficient and affordable methods of getting rid of stress. Drawing helps to function the nervous system to normal, distract from problems and relax.


    Even the strongest feeling of anger and irritability will leave if there is a beloved person nearby who will give his tenderness.

    Psychological Exercise "Refuge"

    To do the exercise, you need to sit in a comfortable chair or lie on the floor, close your eyes, relax. Mentally move to any place of the planet, which seems safe, for a while, feel how the whole body is filled with warmth and tranquility, breathing becomes measured and confident.

    Psychological technique "Photo Album"

    If stress is caused by unpleasant memories, you can get rid of them with the help of a special psychological exercise. First, we need all the memories to mentally capture in the form of photos, then folded them into the photo album, which is placed in the most inaccessible place, to imagine how all the images fade in it and gradually disappear.

    Creativity, hobbies

    Help to forget about the troubles and give a feeling of joy to help your favorite hobby. It should be found time for creativity.

    Color therapy

    Get rid of excessive voltage will help color therapy. This method is able to solve many problems with both physical and psychological health of a person. It is enough to surround yourself with objects of the desired color and watch them regularly.


    This method of getting rid of stress has its advantages and disadvantages. One side, new thing It can indeed raise the mood and forget about all troubles, but on the other, the purchase may be unsuccessful, which will further aggravate the situation. Therefore, applying this method Getting rid of stress, you have to try to count your strength and financial opportunities.


    Aromatherapy is called treatment from stress using plants essential oils. Sacks subconsciously affect human emotions, his hidden aggression. This method has been successfully used for many centuries to stabilize the work of not only the human nervous system, but also the whole body as a whole. Pleasant flavors help raise the mood, improve well-being. To do this, it is enough to add a couple of oil drops into a hot bath.

    The fragrance of each plant has a special impact on the work of a particular organ or system:


    Impact on man

    Relieves stress reduces the feeling of anxiety

    Mint, Orange

    Increases the mood, eliminates depression

    Eucalyptus, Lemon

    Revives mental activity, improves performance

    Lavender, Chamomile, Valerian

    Have a soothing effect

    Anis, Basil

    Stabilize the mood, get rid of depression, sadness and alarms

    Removes headache, feeling nausea

    Pink tree, Ylang-Ylang, Juniper, Cypress, Rose, Patchouli, Majora

    Eliminates headaches, insomnia, anxiety, increased fatigue

    Bergamot, Jasmine, Sandal

    Help get rid of longing and despondency

    Tea tree, vetiver, violet

    Remove the feeling of obsessive fears

    Melisa, Petigrein

    Have a soothing property

    Small awards

    Every day you should encourage yourself with small "awards." It may be a trip to the movies, a book that I have long wanted to read, etc.

    Letter without addressee

    In order to get rid of the accumulated negative and voltage, you can write a letter by tolding about the events that led to stress. If you repeat this technique for 3 days, then the emotional state of the person is significantly improved.

    His pictures

    Psychologists argue that the effective method of getting rid of stress is the placement throughout the house of own photos. For this purpose, 15 pieces are enough. The man in these pictures should look happy and joyful. This method contributes to relaxation, improved mood and self-esteem, gives self-confidence and its own forces.

    Music therapy

    Music has a beneficial effect on the psyche of a person, can get rid of excessive aggression, nervousness, hot tempering. This is especially true of classic compositions. Each is musical instruments In its own way acts on the emotional state:

    Healthy nutrition

    To reduce the manifestations of nervousness, hot tempering, irritability and anxiety, in the diet, it is necessary to include products that contain the substance necessary for the removal of stress:


    The impact on the human body

    Improves memory helps concentrate attention

    Removes fatigue and tension

    Strengthen the nervous system, contribute to the development of endurance

    Eliminates nervousness and hot spirits

    Blueberry, Sea Fish

    Improves the blood circulation of brain cells

    Dried fruits, seeds, cereals, bitter chocolate

    Enhance performance

    It has a soothing effect

    Black tea

    Reduces stress hormones

    Whole grain products

    Protect serotonin production


    Strengthen the immune system, increase the level of serotonin

    Improve mood

    Removes headache and fatigue

    Fat fish (salmon, mackerel)

    Improve the mood, facilitate the premenstrual syndrome, struggles with depression

    Reduces blood pressure and general level of tension

    Reduces anxiety level

    Causes of stresses at work

    Scientists as a result of studies came to the conclusion that the main causes of the development of stress in most people are money and work. There are certain categories of the population whose professional activity Especially provokes the development of stress. The causes of a detrimental effect on health are the following factors:

    • Prolonged communication with people.
    • High level of responsibility (managers of organizations).
    • Caring for people, especially children (doctors, teachers, educators).
    • Monotonous activity (work on the conveyor, production).
    • Lack of time.
    • Harmful working conditions.
    • No stability.

    Chronic stress can cause cardiovascular ailments, set excess weight, violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, depression, increased anxiety, problems with sleep, frequent cold illness, weakening immunity.

    The sense of tension, quick-tempered, increased anxiety, memory violations and attention can be the consequences of the following factors:

    • Excessive loads.
    • Heavy work schedule.
    • No break.
    • Frequent performance of overtime.
    • Bad relationships with bosses.
    • Conflicts with colleagues.
    • Bad physical working conditions.
    • Much free time.

    If a person gets too many instructions at work and does not have time to cope with them, then the schedule or plan should be drawn up and first fulfill the most important tasks, and then minor. It is important to learn to correctly deny colleagues who are trying to shift their duties.

    Change of activity

    The right and left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for opposing areas of activity. This can be used to relax and remove the voltage during the working day. If a person worked on creative projectThe counterweight can be done by financial estimates or guidance of orders. If the work was associated with mathematical calculations, then during rest you can listen to music, to draw, etc.

    Examples of activities that can be replaced by the main work for the left hemisphere:

    • Drawing up lists.
    • Planning a day, important events.
    • Drawing a card file.
    • The teachings of the poem.
    • Guidance order in the wardrobe, on the desktop.
    • Word game.
    • Solution of puzzles and crosswords.
    • Performing mathematical counts.

    For the right hemisphere:

    • Singing.
    • Lajk from plasticine, clay.
    • Playing musical instruments.
    • Stories stories.
    • Painting.
    • Dancing.

    An important condition for rapid removal of stress in the workplace is a change of activity.

    To get rid of stress, you can also:

    1. 1. Drink Orange Juice. It not only contributes to the strengthening of immunity, but also activates the brain activity, improves the memory, the rate of reaction.
    2. 2. Inflating balloons. The whole secret is that deep breathing helps to fight stress, as he slows down the heartbeat and lowers blood pressure.
    3. 3. Eat the serving of oatmeal. This products occupy an upper position among food containing serotonin, which contributes to the production of hormone happiness. In addition, oatmeal contains a large amount of magnesium that loses the body during stress.
    4. 4. View large number Beautiful pictures. To date, on the Internet there are a huge number of various images of sea waves, clouds, ice crystals, lightning, original patterns. Scientists have proven that the impact of such paintings soothes the nervous system.
    5. 5. Make yourself acupuncture massage. If it is necessary to calm down before an important performance, a meeting, a presentation, then you need to grope the side of the middle finger. It follows several times very much to put on this area. This will help reduce blood pressure.

    How to avoid the negative impact of stress after work?

    Often, a person brings home negative emotions, which have accumulated over the whole day, after which mutual resentment and claims accumulate in the life of the family. To avoid this, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

    The most important are the first 10 minutes after arrival home. At this time, you need to hold back to keep the negative on loved ones, so it is important to immediately switch to a certain action. It may be a cup of coffee or tea, taking a bath with essential oils, etc.

    These relaxation techniques will help to spend a clear line between the house and work. After a small rest, you can start looking for household goods.

    As a head to manage stress in the organization

    Stress management implies direct influence Head for the growth of the stress resistance of employees of his organization.

    The stress management at the campaign level is carried out in the following directions:

    1. 1. The setting of tasks that must be understandable and are actually fulfilled. This will contribute to the high motivation of subordinates.
    2. 2. Proper selection and placement of frames.
    3. 3. Planning work with the individual approach to each employee.
    4. 4. Interaction of employees, joint adoption of important decisions.
    5. 5. Drawing up the rehabilitation programs of employees. They may include events for the placement of the room of psychological unloading, carrying out joint leisure of workers, sports, nutrition, excursions and trips to interesting places, trainings aimed at increasing the stress resistance, unification of the collective, the prevention of emotional burnout and conflict in the organization.

    What will help the boss to cope with the voltage?

    Before trying to solve the problem of the stress resistance of his staff, the boss must first take care of his mental state. To do this, follow simple, but effective recommendations:

    1. 1. The presence of a diary will help the head of becoming more organized.

The modern accelerating world, captures and requires each of us more and more quickly (especially before the New Year holidays). Not everyone is coping with this, therefore almost everyone is subject to stress in one form or another. modern man. The roelogen translated the text about the effective methods of combating it.

1. Make a work plan

Planning will allow you to calmly think about and not worn on the last day for purchases. Professor Cal Newport, the author of the Deep Work book claims that the work plan helps reduce stress and be more focused. Unfortunate affairs exacerbate stress - this statement professor bases on the effect of Zeigarnik (Zeigarnik effect - the psychological effect consisting in the fact that a person knows the interrupted actions better than the completed).

2. Reduce the list of cases

Do not plan too much affairs, thoughtfully pass through your sheet, add time to the stock and for unforeseen things, throw everything unimportant. In a number of scientific research, it is said that the overestimated requirements for themselves are the reason for increasing stress.

3. Make deep breaths / exhalations

Alcohol use (which is accepted just a stress to shoot) - it is considered, according to the recommendations of CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION, an additional factor enhancing stress levels.

7. Do not forget to laugh (as well as read and do yoga)

In Seton Hall University investigated and found out that the most effective methods Reducing stress levels: laughter, yoga and reading.

8. Talk about stress with a friend

9. Listen to music

In general, a number scientific research The positive effect of the sounds of nature and calm music (for example, Beethoven, Mozart, Verdi) to normalize pressure. But not every music is suitable. According to the study of British Cardiovascular Society , Music with an increased, frequent bit in pop-style does not affect the decrease in blood pressure and even on the contrary - can increase it.

10. Walk and run

Any physical activity Stimulates the generation of endorphine - hormone joy and happiness. Jogging after (or before) a difficult day, walk after a dense lunch or before bedtime - all this helps you to improve your psychological state.

11. Wash out

In 2012, scientists conducted a study on the effects of sleep at stress levels: 53 experimental cognitive stress tests passed. A group that slept much less than the control showed an elevated stress level, irritability.

In another study, they found out that daytime sleep reduces the hormone level cortisol, which is associated with stress.

12. Do not delay the solution of the stressful situation for later

If you do not cope with the situations causing stress in you (postpone, avoid, copy those who are unrelated), it only aggravates the situation and can grow into chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Psychologists recommend finding the strength to cope with stressful situations here and now.

"Stress" - the word, slapped to the limit, but do you know exactly what it means? In order to function normally, our body constantly strives to maintain all physiological processes in dynamic equilibrium. Stress is any impact that this balance is violated. The body falls with great difficulty to defend themselves from physical and emotional stress, which he is also exposed.

Stress is the inevitable evil manifested in a variety of species. It is difficult to imagine life without stress; Each of us at this or that time is subjected to stressful effects. There are two types of stress - external and internal. External (exogenous) stress factors, the most familiar, affect the body from the outside. Internal (endogenous) factors act from the depths of our body. Descriptions of both types of stress are shown in the table on the right.

Stress is modern, and the reaction of the dough

To understand what exactly the harmful effect of stress on the body is, it is necessary to look into the past. The survival of primitive man depended in the first place of his good luck on the hunt and from the ability to avoid claws and fangs of predators. In the threat of an attack, our body instantly throws stress hormones into the bloodstream, which contribute to the flow of energy to those organs on which our defense and salvation depends. This is the so-called "Baibi or Run" reaction. Although in our time we are rarely attacked by predatory animals, however, the physiological response to the threatening organism is dangerous since Adam. It is worth making the ejection of stress hormones, and the brain immediately comes to a state of combat readiness, and the organs of all five feelings begin to function at an exacerbate level. At the same time, glucose is released from the liver, which goes to the muscles.

Determine your stress factors

External stress factors

  • Pollution ambient
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Excessive stay in the sun
  • Emotional problems
  • Pain after severe loss
  • Divorce / Relief
  • Internal stress factors
  • Food allergies and intolerance
  • An autoimmune disease
  • Increased metabolism
  • High cholesterol
  • Violation of blood sugar levels (and diabetes)
  • Non-food failure
  • Depression caused by a lack of minerals

When the body responds to stressful impact, it occurs significant changes, each of which is the continuation of the "Baji or Raji" syndrome. They can be divided into seven main types.

  1. The pulse is readier and the heart pumped more blood to enhance the transfer of nutrients necessary to generate additional energy.
  2. Happier and breathing to enrich blood oxygen and increase the separation of carbon dioxide.
  3. Blood vessels supplying the blood and muscles with blood and muscle are expanding, which contributes to an enhanced influx of oxygen, glucose and nutrients.
  4. The blood supplying function of the spleen increases, the influx of lymphocytes increases. The blood coagulation increases, in case of injury.
  5. To increase the energy, the liver and skeletal muscles are thrown into the blood additional amount of glucose.
  6. Pupils are expanding, and more light goes into the eye, which contributes to improved vision.
  7. The process of digestion slows down, the development of digestive enzymes is suspended, as a result of which more energy is released for muscles and brain.

Thus, the complex of reactions "Baisya or Run" prepares the body to targeted active actions for a short time. Too long stay of the organism in a state of combat readiness has a harmful effect on health and psyche. For comparison, try, sitting in the car, put the speeding lever to the "neutral", simultaneously pressing the accelerator and brake pedals!

In such cases, the body is trying to return to the familiar state of harmonic equilibrium, for which it changes its settings, adapting to stress. For example, the body can arbitrarily increase blood pressure or dramatically reduce blood glucose concentration. Both also pay a potential threat.

Permanent stressful impacts lead to the fact that we live "on the nerves" - and spend the precious reserves of energy.

However, back to our ancestors. After long-term stressful influences, they gave the body a breather, allowing it to restore the balance. The symptoms of the "Beya or Run" complex were faded, the normal level of hormones, blood sugar was restored, digestion normalized. Modern rhythm of life often does not leave us such luxury as the restoration time.

How to deal with stress

There are so many stresses in our lives - and often they are so long, - that the body is almost without a breather resides in a state of "beat or run." And, as a result, we constantly live "on the nerves", wasteful consumption of precious glucose and energy reserves. The body is once restored, which may ultimately lead to physiological changes. Downstairs lists the most typical physiological effects of stress. In addition to this, some types of food can have additional stressing effect on the already overloaded organism, contributing to the depletion of energy resources.

Stress symptoms - physiological consequences of stress:

  • Suppression immune systemleading to the participation of colds and infectious diseases
  • Tracting to a certain type of food
  • Constant fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sharp change mood
  • Depressed state
  • Excitement
  • Sweeping on the skin

How to regard emotional stress

It is curious that emotional stress everyone is felt in different ways. On what is unconditional stress for you, someone else can not pay attention. The stress impact in any situation can be loosen if you make yourself evaluate him from a different point of view. Take, for example, public speeches that many frighten. For the first time, they may well cause a stressful reaction: palm sweats, emission of adrenaline. But in the second or third public speech, these reactions are usually dulled, and the speaker copes with its task with much greater calm. Accordingly, stress is reduced. But the situation remained the same - only her perception has changed. If you teach yourself to relate to stress as inevitability, then it becomes easier to cope with it.

Food as a stress factor

Reduce the harmful effects of stress helps and optimistic attitude to life. For example, you are stuck in a traffic jam, so what of that? You are not guilty, so you can relax, listen to music, or talk with your companion. Do all that depends on you - Call cell phone To the service and explain why delay. If not in your power to change the situation, then take it as proper.

Stress, food and nutrients

So what should we do? If we cannot affect most of the external stress factors, we are fully able to help our body to cope with their manifestations.

Some nutrientsFor example, not only help cope with stress, but also support the functions of organs involved in stress reactions. So, let's say, "the magnificent five" - \u200b\u200bvitamins A, C, E, as well as the microelements of zinc and selenium - successfully neutralize the free radicals, which are formed in the body under the influence of stress. Foods containing these vital antioxidants include plums, tomatoes, kiwi fruits, dark green vegetables, sea products, seeds of sesame and pumpkin.

Stress and immune system

It is well known that people experiencing stress are most susceptible to disease. This is due to the fact that stress weakens the immune system.

When stressing exposure increases, we are more often suffering from colds and infectious diseases, and in the most difficult cases, our immune system does not cope with the prejudice state, as it would do during rest and carelessness. The state of combat readiness lowers the body's resistance to infections, since it relates to them as smaller evil Compared to threatening in this case the danger. As a result, the activity of killers cells is oppressed, the T-system of immunity is disturbed, and infectious agents feel free. Obviously, therefore, that during stress you need to stimulate the immune system.

Hormones of the immune system

During the stress period to maintain the immune system, the equilibrium of two hormones is vital. This is dehydroepiyandosterone (DHEA) and cortisone. Scientists have shown that many people suffering from chronic diseases, The level of DHEA is reduced, and vice versa - the level of cortisone is significantly increased (the number of these hormones is easy to measure using a simple saliva analysis). The reasons for which the DHEA content drops is somewhat. Under the action of stress, the adrenal glands stop secretizing DGEA and switch to cortisone. The resulting imbalance has an equally negative effect on the body, as well as suppressing the immune system. The level of DHEA decreases with age, and in 70-80 years in our body it is produced five times less than in adolescent and youthful age. The reduction in the level of this hormone depends on fat deposits (especially around the waist), constant hunger, insomnia, the absence of sexual attraction, the tendency to allergies and infectious diseases.

If any of the listed is typical of you, ask your nutritional consultant or therapist to make an analysis for the maintenance of DHEA and Cortisone.

Testing stress, try to avoid coffee and tea, replacing them with diluted fruit or vegetable juices. They will supply your body with vitamin C and magnesium health, the number of which falls during stress.

If it turns out that their level is lowered, the restoration of the normal content of DHEA will allow you not only to reduce the level of cholesterol, but also strengthen the skeleton and improve the ratio of muscle tissue to fat. But the second hormone, cortisone, is potentially dangerous. The increase in its content may entail the disorder of the function of the thyroid gland and joints, lead to a decrease in energy. Moreover, when high level Cortisone disrupts the structure of muscle and bone tissue, which can lead to osteoporosis.

Some foods have a stress impact on the body. Stress is the lack of any nutrients, since the lack of them negatively affects the dependent enzymatic processes.

How to raise the level of DHEA and downgrade the content of cortisone

Equilibrium DHEA and Cortisone can be restored if supporting adrenal glands using recommended anti-storage products (see - 61), as well as, relaxing through meditation or yoga exercises.

In the most acute cases caused by prolonged stress, adrenal glands reduce the secretion of both DHEA and cortisone. Such a condition is called the lack of adrenal cortex or crisis. In such cases, it is desirable to fill in the lack of both hormones by means of dosage supplements of the rowing of licorice and Siberian ginseng. However, this can be done only under the supervision of a professional nutritionist.

In the US, additives containing in its composition DGEA can be purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in some stores selling healthy food. However, in some countries to register DHEA or its predecessor - pregenolone, providing similar impact, can only doctor.

Fighting with stress using proper nutrition

So how do you still cope with stress? Although not in our power to counteract some external stress factors, nevertheless, we are able to radically change both the diet of your food, and the own lifestyle.

Some foods have a stress impact on the body. Stress is the lack of any nutrients, since the lack of them negatively affects the dependent enzymatic processes. To support adrenal function, the body requires vitamin B5, vitamin C and magnesium. To combat the consequences of everyday stress, it is necessary to include a sufficient number of products containing these vitamins and minerals. For the normal functioning of vitamin C adrenal glands, it is necessary, and this is the only vitamin that does not accumulate in our body about the reserve - we must receive it daily with food. Most of all vitamin C is contained in all red and black berries, kiwi and citrus fruits, as well as in potatoes and peppers. All this can be purchased in any supermarket.

In the period of increased stress load, the need for these vitamins increases many times. One of the most typical signs of a lack of vitamin C - stomatitis, or the ulceration of mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Normalizing the reception of vitamin C, you can get rid of unpleasant ulcers in just 24 hours.

Fighters with stress

With a tense working day, only a few can afford the luxury to make a small respite to, not hurry, taste healthy food. Those busy people we recommend cooking in the morning and capture with you the nutritious mini snacks with you, which during the day you can intercept literally "on the run".

  • Pate of smoked salmon on whole grain crackers
  • Rye toast with almond oil
  • Salad from spinach with sunflower seeds

Magnesium is needed for the normal functioning of adrenal, therefore, there must be products with a high content of magnesium daily. These are grains of cereals, greens, soybeans, whims of wheat, almonds, cod and mackerel. In whole grains of cereals, in greenery, as well as in meat and dairy products, contains a lot of vitamin B5.

Of course, the presence of products opposing stress implies the existence of such products that, on the contrary, contribute to it. Thus, the abuse of sugar and refined carbohydrates leads to the depletion of the reserves of many necessary trace elements, in particular, magnesium, and also affects the pancreas, forcing it to increased secretion of insulin (see maintenance normal level blood sugar,). For some time, due to the increased load, the functioning of the pancreas is violated that in some cases leads to early manifestation of adult diabetes.

A decrease or a complete exclusion of sugar from the diet has an extremely beneficial effect on the liver, increases its function to neutralize toxic substances. The liver is the main organ-cleaner in the body. Its role is to constant blood filtering and removing all potentially hazardous toxic substances, as well as slags resulting from a normal digestion. Therefore, any decrease in the stress load on the liver affects its main function with the most beneficial way. Keep in mind that such stimulants like tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages reserves the reserves of some microelements and stimulate the production of adrenaline; Therefore, a decrease in the consumption of these drinks will also allow you to more effectively deal with stress.

How to deal with stress

Obviously, it should also be limited, or even exclude from their diet refined and long stored "ready-to-use" products that contain many artificial preservatives, salt, sugar and possess extremely low nutritional value.

Stress plan for weekend

In order to feel the tide of energy, as well as in order to at least unload your misconceived the body, choose a couple of output days when you can afford not to bother too much. Purge more fresh fruits, vegetables and mineral water. Put yourself throughout the weekend to eat only raw food: from it you are abundant with the nutrients necessary to combat stress.

Each morning start with 3 cups of warm boiled water. You can add lemon slice or 2-3 pieces of fresh raw ginger for aroma, but drink water strictly on an empty stomach. This tonic drink will be beneficial to your liver and stimulates bile outflow. This is especially useful if you allowed yourself an excessiveness in food or abused alcohol.

Almost all of vegetables and fruits can squeeze juice. Try daily drink fresh juice from greenery 3-4 times. For the preparation of vegetable juices, it is best suited: Cress Salad, Parsley, Spinach, Zucchini, Green Pepper and Sheet Salad. Since the fruits are very rich in fructose, it is desirable before using half dilute fruit juices with water.

Try to relax better, go for a walk, disappear. It is possible that on Sunday you will feel a light headache, or you will whine muscles, but it is good sign, indicating that your body is cleared. Remember that at the beginning of next week you will feel such freshness, as if visited! And do not forget to drink more water throughout the weekend. You can also go to the acupressure or aromatherapy session - combine pleasant with useful in the process of cleaning the body.

  • Soy milkshake With fresh berries
  • Potato Salad with Rolling Rolling
  • Salad of strawberries and kiwi with soy cream
  • Cream sauce from mango with soy milk and sunflower seeds