Programs for additional education of children in Dow. Programs

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Aircraft"


Introduce children S. different species air transport.
Expand the active and passive children's dictionary on this topic.
To acquaint children with a number "3" as a sign denoting a certain amount.
Teach children correlate the number and quantity.
To form a sustainable view of color, quantity, magnitude.
Secure knowledge O. geometric figuresoh.
Continue to teach children to determine the position of the subject in space regarding yourself.
Improve the skills of modeling plasticine, drawing a pencil of straight vertical lines, painting with paints, sticking the image details, creating a holistic composition.
Develop thinking small motor, the ability to coordinate words and movements.


Cut from color cardboard Silhouettes numbers "3", asterisks (Flexik).
Picture with the image of three balloons different sizesuitable three baskets cut from dense paper, handouts minor match figures.
Balloons with beans inside (in one balls on one bean, in others - a lot).
Cardboard silhouettes of aircraft with blended circles different color and size suitable for color and buttons.
The road pasted on the cardboard, winding, turning into straight, small toys-aircraft.
Silhouette image of a helicopter carved from dense cardboard, clothespins.
Plasticine, pencils, paints.
A sheet of paper with topped with parachutists and ground at the bottom.
Circles cut from napkins.
The picture depicting a helicopter from geometric shapes, the same shapes cut from cardboard.
Paper airplanes for breathing exercise.
Cardboard wings of an airplane for modeling.
A sheet of paper with painted parachutes, carved from parshetists, parachute dome, sun, wool, glue.
Floor-background with the image of three aircraft with numbers "1", "2", "3" on board, colored silhouette figures of parachutists.
Audio recording: "Airplane will build yourself", background music for a mobile game.

Acquaintance with the number "3"

Here is a number three in front of you. Let's get three stars on it.


Reading poem "Balloon"

FROM warm air ball.
And under it basket,
Under legs Earth -
As if in the picture.

Didactic game "Balloons"

You need to attach baskets to these balloons.

How many balloons do we have? Three. Can we say that they are the same? No, they are different. Show the biggest ball, the middle, the smallest.

Srate to the basket with a number "1" one matryoshka, in the basket with a number "2" put two matryoshki. And how many matryoshki put in the basket with a number "3"? Three dolls.

Didactic exercise "How many beahs in the ball?"

Put your fingers and show me a ball in which only one bean. And now show the ball in which the beans have a lot.


Plane Buttons game

Put buttons on the circles windows of the aircraft. Pick suitable in color and magnitude.

Reading the poem "Airplane"

Silver plane.
Only the sun will go up,
Departs in flights -
Take up landing, flights.
And until the evening with dawn
He helped a man.

Respiratory exercise and sound resistance "Airplane"

Put a paper plane on the palm and jump on it - send to the flight. (To ensure that children do not blow the cheeks).

"And now let's go to the pussy, like aircraft:" U-U-U-U-Uuu. "

Drawing with paints "Fuel for aircraft"

To fly by airplanes you need fuel. Fuel for aircraft is kept in special containers - Canister. Look, we completely ended fuel for aircraft. Let's fill the canisters with fuel.

Children paint yellow paint image canister.

Didactic exercise "Runway"

On the cardboard sheet, winding, turning into a straight track. Children spend on it toy airplane.

Maspeake "Airplane"

A piece of plasticine is divided in half, from one half a straight rolling, a sausage, which is bent one edge and is replaced - the tail. Cardboard wings are applied on top, perpendicular to the aircraft housing.

Foaming crafts

The plane was blinded.
Hide take off above the clouds.
(Lift plane up)

We swell over the mountains
(Mahi raised with hand with a plane to the right and left)

And then return to mom.
(Put the plane on the table)

Music and rhythmic exercise "Plane Build yourself"

Children listen to the song and play tambourines.

Movable game "Airplanes"

To go to the flight you need to first fill the tanks with combustible.

We will start the motors.
(Rotation with hands in front of the breast)

Hands to the sides - in the flight
We ship the aircraft.
Right wing - forward.
Left wing - forward.
One two three four -
Our aircraft flew.


Game with clothespins "helicopter"

Make a helicopter blade from clothespins.

Didactic game "Speak helicopter from geometric shapes"

And now let's lay a helicopter from geometric shapes.


Drawing with pencils "Help parachutists go down to the ground"

Take pencils and spend straight lines from parachutists to the ground.

Exercise "fold parachute"

Children fold a circle (from a dense napkin) in half, then once again in half.

Applique "Parachutist"

Children stick paper dome of parachute, parachute, sun and cloud from cotton.

Didactic game "How many parachutists?"

You see that the digit is drawn on board the aircraft. What is this number? Number one. It means that only one parachutist will jump out of this aircraft - take the parachute figurine and attach it to the picture below the plane.

(The same to do with the numbers "2" and "3").

Dynamic pause "Training of pilots"

"All in the cabins" - run to the chairs and sit on it.
"Jumping with a parachute" - jumping from the bench on the mat.
"Complex flight" - crawl under the arc.

Children perform a drawing on the topic. The educator during work controls the techniques of work, assists children who have difficulty, encourages children drawing additional details.

5. Reflection.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. See how light has become in our group from your sun. What are surprisingly beautiful and funny drawings!

Here's how the sun laughs!

And under this sunshine we have fun!

Lesson 5 Airplanes fly. Complex of Exercise "Airplane"

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creativity" (drawing), "Health", "Physical Culture", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Types of childhood activities: Game, communicative, educational, research, productive, reading.

Objectives of the teacher's activities: Learning to distinguish white color, draw a brush straight lines; Develop the ability to draw paints (pick up paint on a brush, remove excess paint, etc.); improve running skills; Continue to learn to navigate when building a column and in a circle; Exercise in the performance of general array exercises.

The planned results of the development of the integrative qualities of the preschooler: It shows interest in the implementation of the complex of gaming exercise, is active when creating an individual composition in the picture "Airplanes fly", participates in the observation of the window, in the exhibition of children's work, listens to the poem of R. Medvedev "I am today an aircraft" during the fulfillment of exercise.

Materials and equipment: Toy plane, paint white color, brushes, napkins, glasses with water, sheet of paper blue color, handkerchief, gymnastic board.

Preliminary preparation: Observation on a walk for fluttering aircraft and remaining inversion after them, considering pictures with the image of aircraft.

Content of organized children's activities

1. Creating a gaming motivation.

Educator. Look, I have a toy under the handkerchief. Guess what?

Iron bird

In the sky is spinning,

By pilot signal

It sits on Earth.


If children can not immediately guess, the tutor slightly open the handkerchief and shows the plane.

- Of course, this is a plane. Remember, we watched the flight of the aircraft? The plane flew highly highly, and a trail remained from him - two straight lines of white. Let's fly today.

2. Performing a set of exercises.

I am today a plane,

I invite you to fly.

I type height

We will take away all.

Building to a column. Children, putting hands to the sides, first go slowly, then faster and faster and start running around.

Slear clouds

In the windows of our bedroom.

We fly now

Northern Alps.

Children run on an inclined board, putting hands on the sides.

Flea fleets

Forward hands steps.

And then the opposite -

A plane rushed back.

Children perform rotation with their hands back and forth.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Flying our plane.

Source position - standing, legs apart, hands on the sides; Turns of the body left-right.

But he was suddenly a signal,

The "Center" "Air" caused.

Announces a pilot:

"Our ended the flight."

Land go to us -

Mom dinner called!

R. Medvede

Children run in a circle, gradually moving to walking.

Topic: "As the plane flies"
Purpose: Create conditions for the development of cognitive research interests by familiarizing with the structure of the aircraft.
To form primary presentations of children about the structure of the aircraft, learning to compare it with the structure of the bird; give children an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich form is better suited for an aircraft;
Develop imagination, perception, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, allocate characteristic, essential signs of objects, to make the simplest generalizations and conclusions.
Develop social and communicative skills.
Equipment: small multicolored box, toy airplane, paper aircraft.
Distribution material: sheets of double-sided colored paper by the number of children.
Preliminary work: conversation about birds, viewing illustrations.
Move. Organizing time.
Greeting "How do you live?".
Motivational - estimated stage.
The educator offers children to see around. Children notice on the table box, suitable, view.
- What is it? (box)
- Consider the box carefully, what is she? (Multicolored, smooth, small, light).
D / and: "Guess what?"
- What can be in the box? (Children's assumptions). Guess the riddle and find out what lies in the box:
Not bee, but buzzing,
Not a bird, but flies,
Nests do not live
People and cargo are lucky.
Children open the box and get a toy airplane. Consider the airplane: salon (fuselage), two wings, tail.
- Who does the plane look like? (Bird).
D / and: "Find similarities"
The educator invites children to a laptop, on a monitor image of an airplane and birds flying in the sky. Children find similarities between the plane and the bird: the airplane has two wings and the bird has two wings, the airplane has a salon, and the bird has a body, the aircraft and the bird's tail, the bird has a head - the aircraft of the cabin, the bird is the beak and the aircraft .
Creating a problem situation
"Why is the plane so similar to the bird? (Bird can fly and the plane flies). What is the beak in the bird? (acute). Why does the aircraft and a bird such a sharp nose? Want to know about it? "
Research. Advance hypotheses.
Educator: "Guys, do you like to run paper airplanes? We have colored paper sheets on the table, choose yourself one that most likes is your airplane, run it. " Children launch a deployed sheet of paper and monitor its flight. "Is your plane flying?" (not). What needs to be done to flew? (folded, make an aircraft). " The educator shows a ready-made paper airplane: "What does he have? (nose, wings). What is it forms? (triangular). Let's check whether such a plane will fly? " The educator launches the airplane, children are watching his flight.
- How did flat planes fly? How did a triangular plane fly?
Result: The deployed sheet of paper flies through the air randomly and quickly falls to the floor. Paper plane, on the contrary, flies for a long time and by the correct trajectory (exactly).
- Why is this happening? (The educator gives children the opportunity to conclude independently).
This is because the shape of a paper aircraft is suitable for flight. When sliding forward the sharp nose of the aircraft cuts the air, and the wings hold it on the fly. And the simple sheet has too wide, therefore the flight is strongly resisted.
P / and "Airplanes"
"Guys, imagine that you are airplanes. Watch the motors, straighten the wings, and flew over the group. " Children return to the place and talk about their feelings: during the flight, the air blows the face.
Independent activities of children.
Children make paper airplanes in Origami technique according to the instructions of the teacher. A child who coped with the work before everyone goes to experience his plane (checks the result of his work). Then the educator invites them to visit the head of the teacher and help children who experience difficulties in folding the aircraft (work in pairs).
Joint generalization of the results, summing up.
Children beat their planes, then "drive them into the hangar" (on the windowsill). "Guys, what beautiful aircraft you got, and how do they fly?" Children inform the educator about the resulting result.
Reflective-estimated stage.
- What was the most interesting for you? Difficult?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Additional education of children

Home Children's Creativity of Municipal Education

Caucasian District

Abstract of open classes

on the topic: "Plane will build yourself."

according to the program "Primary technical modeling and design."

in the union "We go, we fly, fly."

2 group, 1st year of study, 7-10 years

Topic: "Plane will build yourself."

pupils of the union "We are going, we fly, fly",

2 group, 1st year of study, 7-10 years
Purpose:formation of practical skills and skills to design the simplest paper models.

educational: to form interest in the technique and technical species activities;

introduce children with elementary information about the history of aviation, the names of the main parts of the aircraft;

improve the skills cutting out of paper, working with template, scissors, glue;

developing: create conditions for the development of fantasy, imagination, mental and speech activities, visual attention and perception;

promote the development of shallow motility hands;

educational: to bring up independence, activity, curiosity;

bring up a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in the team;

to form such qualities as hard work, accuracy, perfection, patience, the ability to bring the work started to the end.


Laptop, multimedia presentation "History of the development of an airplane". Sample aircraft model.

Materials and tools: Glue, scissors, aircraft details templates, colored paper, color cardboard.
Plan lesson

1. Organizational moment (2 min).

2. The main part. (10 min).

1) Pedagogue's introductory conversation.

2) Didactic game "Some plane"

3. Practical part (25 min).

1) Production of crafts "Airplane".

2) Moving game "Airplanes"

4. Outcome classes (3 min).

1. The organizational moment.

Pedagogue: Hello, guys! Today I came to you not with empty hands. Guys, see, lies in this box nEW SELECT For you. Guess what lies in this box. And to help, I will make a riddle.

  • In pure sky silver
    Amazing bird.
    In countries, far flew,
    This metal bird.
    Makes the Flight
    Wonderful bird ... Plane

  • Does not wave wing, but flies.
    Not a bird, but birds overtake. Plane

Do you want each of you so aircraft? Today we will learn to make a model of the aircraft. And after the class you can play with him.
2. Main part.

Actualization of knowledge.

Guys, did any of you fly by plane?

And what do you think, why do you need airplanes? (Carry goods and people)

And who looks like a plane? (bird)

And what are similar birds and aircraft? (There are wings flying)

A long time ago, the ancient people looked at the birds and dreamed of flying like they. But a lot of time passed before it happened.

First, people learned to rise into the air on hot-air balloon (Slide 3). Do you know what it is? People learned to rise into the air in the balloon. The ball was filled with smoke from the fire, gas, which is easier to surround.

But the ball flies there, where the wind blows. And the man wanted to choose himself. Where to fly. Then the person created a controlled balloon - airship, which then called the aircraft. At the beginning of the last century, the airship became metallic, with the engine like automotive. On the airships transported passengers and goods across the ocean, flew to North Pole. Airsholes often used for military purposes - to protect the sky over important objects. (Slide 4).

Time passed and, finally, the aircraft was invented, which manages the pilot. In the middle of the 19th century, the Russian inventor Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky The world has created a natural magnitude aircraft capable of raising a person in the air. The people of many generations worked on this to him, both in Russia and in other countries, but no one managed to bring the case to the end. (Slide 5-6). The plane flies there, where he directs his pilot. But in order to break away from the ground and climb into the air, the plane must first rush at high speed on the ground. To do this, you need a lot of space and a specially constructed road - a runway. And sometimes you need to fly to where there is no place and such a runway.

That's how people had to come up with a helicopter. (Slide 7) helicopter also controls the pilot. But for the takeoff and landing, the helicopter does not need a lot of space nor the takeoff strip. The pilot includes a motor, starting to rotate these blades, and the helicopter takes off straight from the scene.

Currently it is impossible to submit a country where there are no aircraft. Airplanes deliver cargoes, mail, stew fires, deliver seriously ills in the capital hospitals. Military planes guard our country. Designers continue to improve aircraft. (Slide 8)

Guys, the construction of the aircraft is very long and painstaking work. It is performed by specially trained people - aircraft designers. Today we will also visit the aircraft designers.

But for this you need to check. After all, the aircraft designer can only be the most attentive.

Didactic games.

"Some plane"

Guys, and you know before making a plane, designers draw drawings on paper. We will try to make a diagram from cubes. We will work in pairs. Well done guys everything turned out interesting aircraft.

Dynamic pause "Airplane"

Hands put everything spin: Hands on the sides, hold,

A plane appeared. Look at each other

Mach wing there - here, once and two! Once and two!

Do "Once" and do "two". Lowered hands down

Once and two! Once and two! And in place everyone sit down!
Practical work.

Guys, each of you on the table is templates.

These are parts from which our aircraft consists. Each part of the aircraft has its name. This is the fuselage. (show template). The fuselage is the main part of the aircraft, its body. What form does this template have? (rectangle). Find the fuselage. Take any sheet of colored paper and pencil you like. Put the template on a sheet of paper. Try to spend economically spend the paper. Now circle a rectangle. So, now take the scissors. Note how to properly cut with scissors? We turn no scissors, but paper. Like this. (show) The ends of the scissors should never watch us in the chest.

Everybody did it? Raise everything up the workpiece. Set this part to the edge of the table.

Now find the nasal part of the aircraft. (Show details) The head of the pilot is located in the nose. Here she is. (show sample)

Circle on another color sheet your nasal part of our aircraft. Cut care neatly. Show everything you got. Set aside on the edge of the table.

The next important part of the aircraft is wings. Find this form template (show). What form is this detail? Right square. And how many wings do you have? Therefore, we need to circle this part twice. Take another sheet of color paper, carefully circle and cut out. (Does the children go and cut out) everyone did? Well done. Postcaded to cut items.

Now we take the square smaller. This is a keel. Look at the aircraft that I brought. Here is a keel. (show) Kiel is the tail of the aircraft. Kiel needs a plane so that the aircraft flew strictly in a straight line and not swinging from side to side. Let's call and cut a keel for our aircraft. All coped with this task?

We find such a detail. This is a stabilizer. Stabilizers are located on a kille of aircraft. Here they are. (Show airplane) Stabilizers are also a very important part of the aircraft. It is thanks to them that the plane does not pick up that up, then down, and exactly flies under the angle. Under which he sent his pilot. What form has a stabilizer? That's right, it is a polygon. And how many stabilizers on our plane? Therefore, you need to cut two identical details. Take the following color sheet and two stabilizers. Well done.

What we lack? That's right, wheels. Only they are called the chassis. The chassis consists of two parts - wheels and racks. Guys, why why the plane of the wheel, he does not go on the ground? (Children speak) right. The chassis is needed by the aircraft only during takeoff and landing. In order for the aircraft to take off, he must be accelerated, gain speed. And when he landed, he first sit on the chassis, and then rolls along the landing strip until he stops. So let's see how much we will need to make the chassis? That's right.

In order for the wheels to stand tight, we cut them out of colored cardboard. Take the chassis rack (show) and get three times. Cut. Now take the remaining detail- wheels and also cut out.

Guys we finished preparatory work. Now you need to remove extra cutting paper. (Slide 9)

Now proceed to the assembly of our aircraft. (the teacher performs along with children, showing each movement)

Take the fuselage first. Glue slightly smear the long edge of the rectangle. We turn into a dull and glue.

Then take the hand. We smear one edge, we are folded like this and glue. We got a "skirt". We wear the nasal part on the fuselage. I cut out of the same sheet two thin strips and glue the nose to the fuselage.

Now proceed to the tail. We take a little square. What is this detail called? (Kiel) put on the table, smoothly bends, connecting corners. And now wrap the edges in different directions and spread them with glue. We glue to the fuselage.

Now take stabilizers. All found? Well done. Short edge bend a little bit and glued to the keel. And also we do with the second stabilizer.

-Terry take large squares that will be the wings of the aircraft. And we turn them in the same way as Kiel. It turned out two triangles. Watch these "tails" in different directions, smear glue and glued to the fuselage. Here, look.

We proceed to gluing the chassis. We take the rack and stick the wheels to them. And then finished chassis glit to the fuselage.

Here are ready our aircraft. (Slide 11) Let's put in order jobs, and then play a little.

Movable game "Airplanes"

Guys, stand near the tables. I will give commands, and you, like real pilots, will perform them.

- "Airplanes, take off",

- "Airplanes, dial height",

- "Airplanes, drop",

- "Airplanes, landing."

Guys, did you like being designers?

Let's remember which parts are the aircraft? (fuselage, keel, stabilizer, wings, chassis)

And what part, in your opinion, is the most important? (all of the part is needed so that the plane can fly)

Guys, and let's put up all our aircraft on the table and see what they are all beautiful.

Reflection. Guys, look, I have a sky on the board. And next to - lie airplanes of different colors. The color of the aircraft is your mood now. Choose the aircraft you like and attach it to the sky.


To introduce children with elementary information about the emergence and development of aviation.
Enter children's words into the active dictionary: balloon, airplane, helicopter, pilot.
Exercise in the pronunciation of an isolated sound "l".
Exercise children in creating an object image using a constructive method of modeling.
Fasten the skills of neat sticking, the skill to divide plasticine to the part (cutting the stack), the techniques of the modeling (direct rolling, flattening) and the connections of the parts.
Forming the ability to establish similarity with the object.
Develop a small motorcycle hand brushes.
Educating perseverance, interest in visual activity.


Pictures depicting a balloon, helicopter, various aircraft.
Paper aircraft blue and pink colour By the number of boys and girls.
Fox paper (demonstration) with various aircraft, among which are somewhat identical.
Workbooks of children.
Equipment for collective appliqués, sheet of paper ("Sky"), pictures for sticking.
Toy plane, plasticine, plank for modeling, stacks, brushes or pencils.

Preliminary work

Viewing pictures with an image of airplanes.

Travel course:

Guys, in this box lies a new toy for you. But before opening the box and show you what is in it, try to guess the riddle. If you are guessing, learn what toy lies in the box.

Not bee, but buzzing,
Not a bird, but flies,
Nests do not live
People and cargo are lucky.

What words of the riddles helped you solve it?
How can you play with a toy plane?
Today we will learn a lot about the aircraft, learn to sculpt them. And after the class you can play a new toy.

Long ago, ancient people looked at the birds and dreamed of flying like them. But a lot of time passed before it happened.
At first, people learned to rise into the air on ... (show pictures). Do you know what it is? People learned to rise into the air in the balloon. The ball was filled with smoke from the fire, gas, which is easier to surround.
But the ball flies there, where the wind blows. And the man wanted to choose where to fly.
Time passed and, finally, the plane was invented, which he managed the pilot. (Show pictures). The plane flies there, where he guides his pilot. But in order to break away from the ground and climb into the air, the plane must first rush at high speed on the ground. To do this, you need a lot of space and a specially constructed road - a runway. And sometimes you need to fly there, where there is no place and such a runway.
That's how people had to come up with a helicopter. (Show pictures).
The helicopter also controls the pilot. But for take-off and landing the helicopter does not need a lot of space nor the take-off strip. The pilot includes the motor, they begin to rotate these blades (showing in the picture), and the helicopter takes off right away.

Didactic game "Find the same aircraft"

Listen to how the aircraft engines are buzzing. (Audio recording)

Didactic exercise "The plane flies and buzzing"

The plane flies and buzzing: "Ll". To achieve proper articulation and clear pronunciation of sound.

Listen to an interesting fairy tale about a small airplane, which Dmitry Pentagov written for children.

"Tale of a small airplane"

There was a small plane in one village. The motor also had little, so he flew low - almost over the earthly. He took mail from the city, spread to the fertilizer fields, and happened, urgently delivered a physician to a seriously ill man.
And at the top, much higher than he could fly, the big white planes swept and shouted to him from the height:
- Hi baby!
And the little aircraft very, very much envied them.
But one day, far in the north, where the sea is cold even in the summer, faced with a ice floe and sank a big steamer. He sank so quickly that people who floated on it were barely able to jump on the ice, but none of them had time to take either food nor warm blanketsnor durable tents. They stayed quite alone on small ice floes in the middle of the cold ocean.
Long flew over the sea. Large strong aircraft, trying to find people who endure the disaster, and when, finally, found, they realized that they could not help them: Ltod was so small that no plane in the world could land.
And then someone remembered:
"You know, a small-small, very tiny airplane lives in one village. Maybe he will be able to sit on this iceclock?
And they called him by phone and asked to help.

Long flew over the northern ocean a small aircraft, - after all, he could not fly quickly, - and large airplanes showed him the road. Finally, he saw a white ice floe at thenime. People stood on it and happily waved his hands.
The airplane made a circle in the sky, shook people wings so that they would move away a little to the side, and neatly landed. He could not take all people immediately. I had to fly to the sea and back several times.
And now only one person remained on the ice.
But when the airfranch took off, then anxiously noticed that a thin crack appeared on the ice, because in the north at this time there was summer, and Ice began to melt. The airplane did not say anything to anyone, and with all his might hurried to take people and return.
When he flew back, he saw that ice was even smaller than it was, and the crack, on the contrary, increased greatly. It meant that Irdie could fall apart at any second.
- Do not, airplane, do not sit down! - shouted the remaining man below. - Ice burst, and you will touch!
But the aircraft did not obey and sat on the melting ice. The man jumped to him in the cabin, the airfranch turned and began to scatter himself. And he barely drove away from the ice cream, as she burst with a stunning crackle and collapsed into small pieces.
And when they flew to the shore, all - both people, and big airplanes - thanked the baby for a long time and admired his courage.
Since then, a small aircraft has never envied anyone.


1. What did a little airplane deal?
2. Why did he envy big aircraft?
3. What once happened far in the north?
4. Why big airplanes Did you not have been able to help?
5. How does a small airplane saved people?
6. Why is a small airplane anyone else and never envied?

Dynamic Pause "Airplane"

Flew, flew,
(Feet Rack Apart)

Forward hands steps.
(Rotation with hands in front of the breast)

Hands to the side - in the flight
Send an aircraft
(Dilute horizontally hands to the sides)

Right wing forward
(Turning the body to the right with the institution right hand forward)

Left wing forward.
(Turning the body to the left with the head of the left hand forward)

One two three four -
Flying our plane.
Wonderful pilot
The plane sent the plane.
(Arbitrary running with hands apart)

Work in notebooks:

Didactic exercise "Intension plane plane", didactic exercise "Labyrinth" What a plane is holding a boy for a rope. "

Collective applique "Shooting in the right place"

Children are offered pictures (aircraft, helicopters, balloons, sun, clouds, birds) that need to be pasted on a common blue paper sheet (depicting the sky) with white places corresponding to the contour pictures for sticking. The educator monitors the correctness and accuracy of the sticking. And also to ensure that children do not interfere with each other.

Movable game "Airplanes"

Children are invited to take on one paper airplane (girls - pink, boys - blue) and go on a kneel on the carpet.


I am a small plane,
I also do not fly.
And on asphalt in the yard
Denis plays with me.

He dreams of becoming a pilot,
And I - fly like a bird.
And, it means you need to grow
And we need to learn.

When Deniska is growing
And I will become big,
Dreams all our will come true
And we take off in the sky.
(Alexander Borozdin)

Children arbitrarily run with airplanes in their hands. The teacher gives the team: "Airplanes, landing", "Airplanes, take off", "Airplanes, dial the height", "Airplanes, drop."

Implace bas-relief "Airplanes in the clouds"

Children are invited to take plasticine. Split it into two parts using the stack. From one part direct rolls to make a sausage. Bare one end up (aircraft tail). Attach to the "cloud" flattening. From another piece also make a sausage and bend it in the middle in the form of the letter "L". Attach to the middle of the "Airplane Corps" and attach pressure and flattening. Dumb end of a brush or pencil make a print on the "Airplane case" - "windows-portholes".

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song) came out in American rental about the abduction of the girl in the Caucasus Mountains. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played in this film of local zhulikov. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Materials section

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.