Dates of landing crocuses in autumn in the Urals. When to plant crocuses: early in autumn or to frosts? Advantages of special capacity

Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground is the most common way to cultivate these wonderful colors on the household plot. In nature, representatives of the Iris family appear on the edges of the forests, open glades and the hills are the first.

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    Prophobes crocuses

    Early in spring when the snow is just starting to melt from bright Sun., You can see the magnificent heads of gentle pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses, the landing of which is possible at home.

    A plant that is often called saffron does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and endlessly. Therefore, everyone can grow crocuses in the country. They are well leaving in a new place. The primroses are most often used in the design of the alpine slides. But they look perfectly on a separate flower bed or in a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when crocuses plant.

    Garden decoration is not the only purpose of plants. Extracts and powder prepared from dried culture parts are seasoning. Saffron is widely used in cooking as spices. It is also known as high-quality food dye.

    The primroses have long become a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Them healing properties Help create whole line drugs that have a plant basis. Wide application Flower found in alternative medicine.

    Sprinkling the plant can be in a pot or in open ground. Decorative culture Flowers in any conditions, if you seriously treat the soil preparation and choose the right time. When to plant crocuses, depends on the variety of plants. In nature, there are about a hundred species, landing each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those specimens that bloom in early spring. They are planted in autumn. Plants that are able to please the eye with their buds up to the onset of winter, it is necessary to transfer to open ground in early August.

    Priorices can grow in one place for 5 years. Then the crocuses are required. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bulbs for lush flowering and further development on another site. Each planted copy is very quickly growing and gives a lot of child tubers that can serve as material for the cultivation of this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn landing?

    Planning to grow in its plot, the primrose, the gardener must respond to the selection of landing material. Crocuses are perennial tuberukovic plants. Heads are recommended to buy only from proven sellers to get a guarantee that the selected variety must be planted in autumn for early flowering.

    These species include:

    1. 1 Crocus Spring, which grows in nature in the Alps and Pyrenees. Medium-sized buds have a lilac color with purple streaks.
    2. 2 Crocus Two-color usually happens white. On the petals you can see characteristic lilac or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crocus Crimean has unsuccessful outside petals of pale blue or white color with longitudinal gray stripes. Inner side Buton is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Crocus Adam can be found on the rocky slopes of the Transcaucasus, in the foothill areas of Dagestan, as well as Iran. Flowers of this variety change their painting from lilac to a saturated purple shade.
    5. 5 Crocus Golden, found in Asia Minor and in the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes brown splashes are blocked on buds.
    6. 6 Crocus yellow is distinguished by bright orange coloring buds. This species has characteristic feature - The bulbous nest coated with a special film slightly protrudes over the surface of the Earth, giving the plant a look of a small bouquet, neatly assembled by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be raised on its site. Crocuses, the landing of which is completed correctly, will bloom early in the spring.

    Treatment of tubers

    Choosing planting materialIt must be remembered that the bulb should be a whole, solid, without sprouts and damage to the skin. Its size can range from 9 to 12 cm. It is such a head that can accumulate a sufficient amount of substances in winter to delight the eyes of amazing flowers. The size of the tubers depend on the number of buds, which are formed in the plant.

    Tubers are taken to disinfect before landing. There are various drugs intended for this procedure. Most often used antiseptics, specially created for the treatment of bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazol;
    • Carbofos;
    • Maxim;
    • Soon
    • Vitaros.

    These fulgicides of a wide range of action reliably protect the bulbs from diseases and rot, they make them resistant to temperature and humidity drops. Preparations are very easy to use. They are sold, as a rule, in packaging 2 ml. You need to dissolve 1 ampoule of the disinfectant in 1 liter of water and soak in the resulting solution the landing material for 20 minutes.

    If not at hand special toolsYou can use the old and proven recipe. In 1 liter of water, 5 g of potassium permanganate should be dissolved. A weak solution of manganese - good antiseptic. If placing crocuses in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after known fungicides.

    After disinfection, the blouses do not need to rinse. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for landing.

    Selection and preparation of the site

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare a plot in advance. Flowerbed, intended for primroses, should be on an open area, which in the spring will be well warmed by sunlight. If you leave the flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not be happy with abundance of buds.

    Crocusball clubnells grow well on the soils. The soil must pass the air. We can not allow stagnation of moisture from the roots, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to his death.

    Heavy problem clay soil Solving very simple. The plot should be well overcooked with the addition of large river sand. This material will provide good drainage in the flower bed and prevent stagnation of water. Sand or fine river pebbles are brought to a depth of 20 cm.

    Clay soil is preferably filing with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost is suitable for this type of soil from natural substances. Well structures and enriches heavy earth useful substances Ground peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid a strong crying of the site. All substances are taken in the dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Inorganic feeding should be represented by superphosphate. 40 g of the active substance per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe site will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and contributes to the development of the root system. But it is possible to use its connections only 30 days after putting the lime into the soil.

    If the land in the future flower garden refers to a light sandy type, then it is necessary to enrich it with a humoring or compost from last year's foliage. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to make at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per 1 m².

    Suglinist and sampling lands are perfect soil for crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flowerbed is in such a plot, it is enough to overheat it by 20-25 cm.

    The flower garden should be ready for 2-3 weeks before landing. During this time, the soil will fall, and mineral and organic fertilizers Partially recycled, providing the flower tubers with the necessary nutrients.

    Optimal time for landing

    Perennial tuberukovic plants to which crocuses blooming early spring are well tolerated by frost. That is why they are accepted in autumn. However, this does not mean at all that for you can choose any time.

    Despite resistance to low temperatures, flowers may die if they do not have time to adapt in a new place. Therefore, there is a checked rule that requires planting club crocuses to open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of strong cold weather.

    In the northern regions of Russia, the main works in the garden are conducted until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country transplanted flowers to the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This graph is quite conditional and depends on weather conditions that may vary.

    Too slow, too, it is also impossible, because on the bulbs of perennials can very quickly appear roots. They are very fragile and easily break during the planting of flowers in the open ground. The choice of optimal time to transfer clubs of crocuses to the flowerbed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in the fall in open soil?

    Answer to the question of how to plant crocuses, every owner pricework searched independently, depending on which flower composition He wants to get in spring. If we are talking about decoration alpine Gorkithen the flowers must match general schemeTo fit into the landscape design. Usually they are planted with small groups that are at some distance from each other.

    If the goal of the gardener is a blooming glade, fully covered with thin green leaves and gentle lilac and white bootons of saffron, then crocus bulbs are distributed in the soil very tight. The landing scheme is usually selected 3x3.

    The flowering time of these decorative plants lasts, as a rule, not more than 10 days. To preserve the beauty of the flower beds as long as possible, many fans of crocuses resort to small tricks. During the landing, they put the bulbs on a different depth, adjusting such simple way flowering period.

    The optimal selection of the distance from the surface of the Earth - important condition cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, then they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For large onions, this value can reach 12 cm. The well-known landing rule of this type of plant says that the sealing depth should be 2 times the size of tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, having a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, if necessary, dropping or, on the contrary, stretching closer to the upper layer of the soil.

    However, the flowers are not worth too deeply. In the spring it will be difficult for them to break through the thickness of the marzular land and snow. A small distance from the surface of the flower beds can be threatened by tuber freezing. Especially if we are talking about the region with harsh climatic conditions. Danger increases during a honest winter.

    Advantages of special capacity

    The primroses are placed in specially prepared wells and fall asleep the earth. The soil must be wet. At the bottom of the landing pit, you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb neatly put in the well and pour the earth. The region is then recommended to cover to protect the flowers from the effects of winter low temperatures.

    Do not use for these purposes cellofan film. This material does not let the air needed by clubs of crocuses for normal development. It is better to mulch the flower garden sawdust, wood chips or leaves that fell from trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use another way to plant perennials. Plant tubers are placed first in a special container or basket filled with a cooked nutrient substrate. Then the box with bulbs bury on the flowerbed.

    This method is almost no different from landing crocuses in the fall in open ground. But the use of a separate box allows the spring to quickly remove tubers from the land for storage and protects them from rodents.

    When on a string of bright fallen leaves, like small spring foresters, touching crocus flowers flashes, it seems that time flowed reversed. It is difficult to find a more delicate oxnywriter plant. The crocuses revealing their flowers at the end of the garden season are the closest relatives of universal spring lovers. They grow almost according to the same rules as ordinary crocuses, that's just the flowering of these plants occurs not after a long winter, but before it began.

    Saffron, or crocus beautiful (Crocus Speciosus). © Meneerke Bloem.

    Getting closer with autumn crocuses

    Crocuses, or saffron - Favorite from primroses. They are easy to grow and even easier to care for them. But from 15 groups, including almost 40 types of crocuses actively used in gardening, not all - plants spring blossom.

    Large group of crocuses blooms in autumn, under the curtain of the season. Autumn crocuses bloom after the start of the leaf fall, and this is a spectacle - the contrast of a typically spring miniature flower and fading the garden for winter - can not leave indifferent. Such species bloom as short as the spring species, but much more effectively.

    Like spring species, autumn crocuses are suitable for cultivation and as a garden plant, and in a potted and even indoor culture. True, in the last rank they shift the periods of flowering and depend on when the bulb falls down, and not from the natural cycle. It is better to use them:

    • "Wild" stains under shrubs and trees;
    • as touching accents in small groups scattered in the garden;
    • in curbs and foreground, on the edge of the ragot;
    • in reservoirs and other water bodies;
    • for jewelry of lawn;
    • in the role of seasonal accent on alpine rols or rockers.

    The best types of autumn crocuses

    1. The only yellow color crocus Sharojanwhose color is dazzling-shafran. He has wide leaves and a large, elegant flower that seems to be a little sun. This crocus blooms in September and October.

    2. Crocus Hill (or Valley) The height will not exceed 12 cm, but long, up to 6 cm petals with dairy main color and purple stroke strips are decorated with charming orange divorces in Zeva.

    3. Crocus Banatsky With beautiful linear autumn leaves up to 15 cm long and blossom stretched for a month, during which each bulb releases 1-2 flower to the height of the leaves. It has very large flowers, spectacular, little similar to irises, with long almost five-per-meter shares of the perianth, yellow-lilac anthers and a cold lilac color.

    Saffron, or Crocus Banatsky. © Jim Murrain.

    4. Pretty crocus With almost round shares of the perianth, a surprisingly magnificent bunch of stamens and a beautiful game of color - dark purple on large streaks and brighter, watercolor on the petals themselves. The leaves are dissolved only after flowering, tightened, exciting and September, and October.

    5. Crocus Pallas.whose flowers seem wonderful stars. This is a plant with narrow, dissolving only in spring leaves, the flowers of which appear in the second half of September and even reach a height of only 5 cm, but very spectacular. By reaching almost 5 cm in diameter, they are highlighted by a lyilyevoid form and a very light, shining white-lilac color with a beautiful beam of the stamens.

    6. Crocus beautiful - One of the largest Ossennetswate crocuses. Its leaves develop in spring and reach a length of 30 cm. But the present "show" begins in September, when tuberukovitsa produce flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, white or lilac, with amazingly touching longitudinal veins, watercolor divorces, perfect form Wide, pointed on the edge of petals and a symmetric structure. In this crocus, everything is fine - and bright orange columns with yellow dusting in the center, and translucent textures of pearl petals. The Speciosus Crocus has a huge number of intensive and dark blue, blue, damp varieties. Among them are most popular:

    • sort "Oxynan" with dark purple, with ultramarine tump color of wide perisheries and elegantly pointed ends of petals;
    • albus variety with original cream tube and snow-white petals;
    • sassiope variety with amazing contrasting veins on gentle blue flowers;
    • aITCHISONU variety with large, more than 7 cm in diameter with lilac flowers;
    • sort "Conqueror" with azure-blue huge flowers;
    • aRTABIR grade with sky-blue color, underlined dark streaks.

    Conditions, comfortable for autumn crocuses

    Autumn crocuses differ much more plasticity in their requirements for illumination. Crocus Schroyan and Valley loves shadow or half, but the rest of the species are better to provide scattered lighting, sun and bright places or at least a half-walled location. For autumn crocuses, it is suitable for growing strategy with a sun-location in spring and autumn and privided - in summer.

    Shafran Sharojan, or Crocus Scharojanii (Crocus Scharojanii). © desvil.

    Crocuses do not like winds and drafts, so protected areas are chosen for them. The thing is that these plants have flowers are sensitive to cold autumn winds, and the greater defense they will provide "neighbors" - the better.

    The place of landing crocuses of autumn needs to be selected with the calculation so that during the rest period they did not suffer from wetting, they grew into dryness and warmth. That is why you need to choose either raised, well-drained places (for example, on alpine rolled rockers). Another option is to lay drainage when disembarking.

    Pay attention and soil. For crocuses, choose the lungs, loamy soils that are well passed water. The only exception is - -golland varieties and hybrids that endure even heavy soil. Be sure to make sure that the soil is not acidic and not alkaline: crocuses love neutral soils. But they are not so demanding towards fertility: for crocuses, the richest soils and rather meager soil are suitable.

    Features of landing autumn crocuses

    Before boarding crocuses, the platform for them needs to be prepared. To mix the sand or small gravel to improve the drainage, and make a mature manure, leaf soil. With gratitude, autumn crocuses will respond and on the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers (instead of nitroposki, it is better to use superphosphate and potash salter). Peat is better not to use or extinguish its lime. On those sites on which high risk of wetting, make raised ridges or laid drainage at a depth of 30-40 cm.

    Saffron, or Crocus Valley (CROCUS VALLICOLA). © oldtulips.

    Autumn-driving crocuses require a slightly different approach to landing: if the spring is planted in August-September, then the oxnynets need to be bought before flowering, traditionally starting in September. Top dates For them - from June and to the end of the first decade of August. Do not buy blooming bulbs - they will be weakened, will require several years to restore.

    In front of the landing again, inspect the bulbs: they should be heavy, with dense shells, not wild and soft, with clearly distinguished renewal kidney (small tuberculk). Autumnal blossom crocuses must soon "wake up", and if the kidneys are imperceptible on them, it is better not to land them at all or put in a pot and watch the signs of growth.

    Autumn crocuses are planted only by bands from 5 pcs, placing plants at a distance of 5-6 cm between plants. Crocus bulbs are planted on a traditional depth equal to the twofold height of the bulbs themselves (from 5 to 15 cm). On heavy soil from the top of a bulWhi to the edge of the soil, leave the distance equal to the height of the bulbs.

    It is not necessary to strictly follow the centimeters: crocuses, unlike many bully, form retractive roots and young bulbs themselves will be in the soil at a comfortable depth. After landing, mulch the soil with sand to protect the slug. Place of landing Be sure to mark with chopsticks or other markers.

    Caring for crocuses blooming in autumn

    These small plants offering enjoy the spring blossom in an atypical season, just grow. Watering crocuses are not needed, with the exception of coincidence of minor winters and extreme droughts in spring, when during the active growth of autumn crocuses, the need for bulbs in moisture should be filled and at least several times to pour crocuses. Watering in autumn plants are not needed.

    Saffron Pallas, or Pallas Crocus (Crocus Pallasii). © Dimìtar Nàydenov.

    Through the entire phase of active development at the beginning of the season, crocuses need potassium and phosphorus. They can be filtered once in early spring. Caution make nitrogen for autumn crocuses: the rapid growth of greenery can accommodate flowering at the end of the season. Autumn fertilizers for crocuses do not contribute.

    Fravel and transplanting autumn crocuses

    You can transfer and transfer crocuses to a new place on the same time when they are landing - from June to August for OssennetsNews. Autumn crocuses (if you do not plan to increase the number of plants and multiply crocuses, give their friends-neighbors or sell), do not transplancent 3-5 years. Wait for signs of the "nests" overflow and only then dissolve bulbies. So blooming will be more beautiful, and bulWhi is stronger.

    After the flashes, the bulbs need to be adding with room temperature In a well-ventilated place for 2-3 months. After drying, they remove the old roots and detached, bad scales, sprinkling all damage wood ash. The bulbs with the traces of rotes are better to immediately take.

    Saffron, or crocus pretty, as beautiful, grade 'Zephyr' (Crocus Pulchellus). © Meneerke Bloem.

    Preparation for wintering

    Crocuses are frost-resistant bulbs and in no preparation for wintering do not need.

    Diseases and pests

    Autumn crocuses are considered to be plants more "reliable" than spring-working species. They most often suffer from rotors caused by excessive humidity of the soil, but less often amazed by other diseases. The new varieties have a dry rot, manifested at the beginning in small spots, then merging into whole foci. The bulbs affected by rotting must be immediately thrown and destroyed. They love rodent climbs, so when proximity to nests and high activity on the site it is better to plant bulwing on special grids.

    Reproduction of autumn crocuses

    Autumn species of crocuses are easier to propagate than spring: they form up to 7 subsidiary tuberukovichki annually. Autumn crocuses form "nests" - a group of related bulbs, which, after moving the old bulwing and the formation of the new, becomes independent plants. It is their best to use to increase the collection of crocuses, because only this method retains the varietal characteristics of plants. When digging and transplanting, subsidiaries are simply separated and used as independent. Since they bloom for 3-4 years, usually next year most of the separated lukovki will delight blossom.

    Saffron Banatsky, or Crocus Banaticus (Crocus Banaticus). © Jim Murrain.

    Seeds crocuses can also be multiplied, but this method does not allow to preserve the features of varietal crocuses, and the fruction of autumn species is an irregular and dependent weather-dependent weather. Collect the seeds of autumn crocuses in the spring, after natural stratification, living in the same year in summer or in the fall. It is best to cross in boxes or pots, covering the nonwoven material or a black foam. The plants from the first year are cultivated cyclically, but they bloom only 4-5 years after sowing.

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    • Lukeria
    • But it's not worth a hurry with the landing, because the plants planted in the fall needed only to have to root, but in growth they should only go in the spring. Therefore, in the southern regions of the country in the warm autumn, the disembarkation of bulbs can be lined until the end of October, but in the middle lane usually comes in September.

    Saffron - light and drought-resistant culture. With long-lasting raw weather, tuberukovitsa can be understood, so good drainage is one of the main conditions successful cultivation of this culture.


    • Plant type
    • Also, this plant is widely used in alternative medicine. Based on the crocus, special eye drops and the lining tinctures are made, since saffron has antimutagenic and anticancinogenic properties.
    • Located crocuses in the fall can be safely planted into open ground.

    These plants breed themselves with their "kids" - this is a subsidiary of tuberukovukov. They are formed from the kidneys that are sitting in the sinus of scales. When the old clubnewucker dies, new kids begin to grow independently, forming a certain "nest". It turns out a group of related bulbs. The above method is the most effective method In reproduction of such plants as flowers crocuses. Landing and care in this case are done very carefully, so as not to damage the bulky material.

    Crocuses: landing in the fall. Dates of landing

    The leaves of the plant are withering and yellowing;

    • Early flower, which with the first spring sun ray pleases the eye, wears the proud name crocus. This flower is widely known as saffron. The landing of crocuses in the fall is carried out. In the soil, it is predefined to make the required number of fertilizers, since this flower Prefers loose, fertile soil.
    • It is necessary to plant to the middle of summer and bloom they will begin in September or October, depending on the variety.

    01/30/2011 at 21:09.

    In this article, we will try briefly, but Emko describe the features of landing the most famous and beloved spring bulbous plantsWell, to exotic beauties will be a special, individual approach.

    Care is the content of soil in loose state, weeding weeds, feeding and the fight against pests and diseases. Plants are all summer at rest, and the leaves and buds are also appearing at the same time.

    • Vegetable garden, flower garden
    • Herbate
    • Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground provides the ability to enjoy the flowering of this plant already in early spring. But that these flowers do not disappoint you and grew really beautiful and spectacular, it is important to comply with some simple recommendations for landing them.

    Spectacular flowering and growth of gardener flowers are celebrated near the following plants:

    Location and soil for flowers

    Clubneelukovitsa grows every year and becomes larger. As a result, many so-called kids are formed. When it becomes closely, and they are already beginning to interfere with each other, they must be seeded.

    They die over time;

    This plant belongs to the Iris family. About 80 of his species and more than 300 varieties are known. Crocuses are divided into two huge groups:

    When planting autumn crocuses, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to plant them without flowers. Very often, autumn species are sold in nurseries or flower shops already blooming. I can say that they must come from, very little chance. So it is better to buy them early and plant still without buds. Then in September they will bloom in the flower bed. If you still bought crocuses in bloom, planted them, and they got off - do not beware. Cut the dry leaves and flower itself and leave the plant alone. The following year, your crocus will bloom. True, the strength of the plant will take only after 2 years. Therefore, it is better not to plant already blooming instances.

    We did not have time to plant tulips in the fall, the bulbs are stored in the refrigerator, how can I fix the situation, can we plant a tulip in the spring?

    Landing crocuses in the fall in the ground

    Mouse hyacinths belong to the Lily family, it is low plants (no more than 30 cm) most often their inflorescences are white, blue or purple color. They are often planted in borders with tulips or daffodiums in the front edge, where they are perfectly contrasted both in color and size. Nicely muscari look at the Alpine slides, planted with groups and perfectly filling out emptiness on it.

    In the middle lane landing crocuses for the winter it is better to cover peat and foliage. You can put on the bulbs in the container (this, by the way, will protect them and from mice), and after flowering, without removing from the containers, stored in a dark cool room.

    Landing time


    Crocuses - flowers that are very early to bloom and make it very short time. The flowering period continues from seven to ten days, after which crocuses are fast enough. And in mid-June, the period of rest comes when even the leaves of the plant are faded. In one place, flowers can be up to five years, but many gardeners often transfer them, updating the design of their garden.


    If the conditions allow, it is important for the children of one bulb of a particular type to plant groups. This planting material blooms approximately 4 years after landing.

    Crocuses reproduction by seeds

    The bulb remains weak, but alive.

    Those that bloom in spring;

    Soot bulbs to a depth of about 10 cm. Between the bulbs, the distance is 3-5 cm.

    For landing mouse hyacinths Suitable well drained, loose soils located on a well-lit place. They plant them at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other to a depth of about 8 cm. Muskari can be multiplied by the division of the nests of bulbs every 3 years, make it only in the fall. Machiry Muscari varieties are well-deserved for a long period of flowering, unlike ordinary varieties.

    Caring for crocuses

    In addition to crocus sowing as spices and dye, you can use Ossennets

    • Spring
    • Iris (Iridaceae)
    • Landing crocuses in autumn


    • The second method of breeding crocuses is carried out by seeds. But this method is suitable only for spring-driving plants. Crocuses that bloom in autumn, fruit irregularly, as early strong frosts prevent them to tie seeds.
    • The first spring after the above landing crocuses may not bloom at all.

    Those that bloom in summer.

    Crowing crocuses

    Crocuses grow perfectly on any soils, but prefer light loam. If the soil is completely "poor", it is desirable to focus before landing. You can put compost or manure to the landing puddle (only overwhelmed - fresh it is impossible). In general, crocuses are responsive to fertilizer and in debt to you will not remain. Flowers will delight. The only thing is that they do not fit - acidic soil.

    01/30/2011 at 23:06.

    Crocuses are representatives of the Iris family, they are divided by spring-working (including early spring), Ossennpelving and large-flowered Dutch. -This graceful low plants (8-10 cm) with large single flowers of the glassworm form of a variety of colors.

    Crocus Pallas

    Best partners for crocuses


    • Decorative and household qualities
    • When installing plants, some features should be taken into account.
    • Tees;
    • Sing this seating is needed in small pots or boxes. This will allow small shoots not to be lost among large, as well as they will be better protected from weeds. The pot needs to close the black film and watch them not dry. If the leaves of the seedlings are rejected completely, they can be a little sprayed with "Roundap". But here caution is important not to make the soil too moid, as it can provoke rotting rot. Seedlings bloom about 5 years.
    • This plant needs well-prepared soil. It fertilizes with a compost and manure, besides, well tear. Not good for the flower excessive amount of moisture and stagnation of water. Therefore, if crocuses landing in the fall, in the ground, especially clay, it is necessary to add some sand.
    • They have a very short flowering period - not more than 10 days.
    • Just need drainage. It is completely sued, if there is no sand, then you can pour a little small rubble to the bottom. By the way, if you have a wetland, try to plant crocuses at the highest place.
    • Lukeria
    • Pwinned warm soils - the most suitable place to plant crocuses, there must be good lightingAlthough, easy shading and does not prevent them in flowering. Spring-flowering types of crocuses are planted at a permanent place in the period from September to November, and crocuses blooming in the fall needed in July. The optimal landing depth is 8 cm, and the distance between the clubnelluca with a group landing is 10 cm. The increasing nests of the clubnellukovitz are searched in the fall every 2-3 years.

    The use of crocuses


    • Crocus
    • DecorativeLight
    • Soil
    • Thua;

    Of particular difficult observations do not require such plants as flowers crocuses. Landing and care has only a few rules:

    The best soil for this plant is, of course, the sampling light soil. The plot should be well drained, since the stagnation of water leads to the decoration of the plant.

    The main features of the above flower:

    It is important! Wet soil crocuses do not like. Plant may die.

    , It is perhaps optimal optionBecause keeping the bulbs until autumn risky. The main thing is that they were healthy did not fail, did not go away, etc. If the bulbs of tulips were stored in appropriate conditions, then perhaps they even ripen flower kidney, in this case they can give flowers this season, in otherwise only for next year. And do not dig them this year.

    The flower with such a bird name refers to the family of Lily. It is a bulk plant with wide linear leaves and beautiful flowers of unusual colors, including speckle and even in a chess cell (chess ripchik), hence its name. The height of the mouths is different, depends on their type, on one stem there are 1-3 lower flower of the bell shape.

    C. Pallasii.

    Two names, the one happened from the Greek word "Kroke" - "thread, fiber", the second - "Shafran" - echoes the Arabic "Zefran" - "yellow".


    The flower loves the fertile loose soil, which is well flocked by manure and compost. However, it should be remembered that crocuses, landing for the fall of which will bring bright flowers In the spring, they do not even endure the very slightest moisture. That is why the soil should add sand to improve drainage.


    Once a few years, they need to be preferred for several years, because in favorable conditions, every clubnelaukovka creates up to 10 children annually and is becoming more larger;

    Resistance to unexpected atmospheric phenomena;

    The best crocuses grow in sunny places. Then the flowers will appear as soon as snow comes. And buds will be larger than the colors planted in the shade. I want to say that in the shade, flowers can not fully disclose. These plants love well-lit sections.


    Sprinkle on a well-drained land on the outdoor places are planted. The depth of planting depends on the size of the bulb, usually it is the distance equal to the double height of the bulbs, and the landing scheme also depends on the type of rippers, i.e. From their Gabitus. Typically practice the group landing of fritially (another name of the risers). By the way, Ryabchiki are loved by many dacms and gardeners for being scared with moles and mice with their specific smell.

    ) With pink-violet flowers and

    Why yellow and why thread? Because the bright red-orange crocus strokes in the dried state resemble the threads, fibers that were used as a strong dye.

    Fertile, medium fertility, drained, neutral



    The process of digging in spring-driving plants is carried out in the summer after the yellowing of their leaves;

    So that the flowers are not small, it is important for them to choose the place that is well covered. It is important that the plants do not shaded the trees. Although this plant grows well in half.

    Inclination to rapid reproduction;

    Crocus care is quite simple. Fertilize them twice - early in spring as soon as the snow came down and during flowering. After 10 days of blooming in spring crocuses, resting period occurs. Even without flowers, crocuses look beautifully at the expense of original leaves.

    11/13/2011 at 9:45.

    Narcissus - all known spring bulbous flowers of the Amarillix family. The breeding of daffodils, as well as tulips, is at almost a long time Dutch flower flows, therefore there are many of their species and groups with the most diverse shape and painting flowers. Although, the color range is predominantly white and yellow gamma.

    Crocus beautiful

    Another scarf was used as a medicine, and as incense during religious rituals. Well, finally, as a thin seasoning that not only enriched the taste and color of food, but also served as a good preservative.

    Humidity of soil

    To obtain the maximum size flowers, crocus should be planted on a well-lit territory. You can do it in half, but then the inflorescences will be much smaller. If the crocus is planted next to other bully, such as daffodil, tulip or a ripper, then you can get bright spring plot, pleasing permanent flowering.


    Sounds are dried and stored in the shade.

    The soil fertilizer also needs to come seriously. It is important to remember: for crocuses is a greater danger of nitrogen. Therefore, the best option for it is fertilizers rich in the content of phosphorus and potassium. After all, the first trace element is necessary for the formation of crocus buds and the extension of the flowering period. The second trace element is important to the bulbs of the plant.

    Unpretentious care.

    At the end of June, early July, the leaves dry out, and the bulbs need to dig (spring varieties). They dry out a couple of months and in September again can be planted. Many flower crocuses do not dig. But this must be done if not every year, then at least once in 3-4 years. So they will bloom better and multiply faster. But they only need to dig up in the middle of summer, during the rest. Hello! I was given on the bulbs of tulips, but I was late to plant in the fall. Do you put it when you planted them in the spring. Stripping at home or immediately to the ground. Thank youAs with all bulbous plants, daffodils are suitable for landing loose, water-permeable soils in the sun or in a light half. They are usually planted from August to October, although if you need to propagate the daffodils from your own planting material, then in the summer - in July, after drying the leaves, the bulbs need to dig up and, separating the kids, immediately put them on a permanent place.

    Despite the fact that this spice produce many countries - Spain, France, India, Iran, its cost is still very high. The fact is that over the past millennia nothing has changed in the collection technology. Mature crocuse flowers, as in antiquity, are collected by hand. Of these, it is plucking or divided by three bright orange funnel-shaped stigs with part of the column and dried for half an hour at a shaded place at room temperature or in the dryer at + 45-50 ° C for 12-15 minutes. The finished saffron has a strong, slightly bluffing aroma and bitter-spicy taste.

    Moderately humor

    Watering Erythronum; In addition, it should be noted that there are many diseases and pests in plants such as crocuses. Landing and care in the fall is carried out with the following recommendations: It is necessary to plant or transplant these plants without flowers. If still put the blooming specimens, they will only raise force in about two years.In one place, these flowers can grow and 5 years.

    Shelters for the winter plants do not require. They are well tolerated and autumn and spring frosts.

    Crocuses, and this plant is called saffron, there are about 300 varieties. They refer to the family of "Casatics" family, and there are about 80 species. In nature, they are found in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, Mediterranean. Some species are listed in

    What kind of spring garden without tulips! Tulips belong to the family of Lily and their variety of imagination. Old, proven varietary times, very unpretentious and do not require special conditions for normal growth and flowering.

    C. Speciosus.

    Is it possible to collect this spice from crocuses blossoming in May on the plot? Unfortunately no. Not all types of crocuses are suitable for the manufacture of valuable spices. For this purpose, they grown exclusively Life expectancy Crocuses, whose landing requires some knowledge, need good watering. Before the procedure you need to get a little to the ground near the plant. This is done for good air penetration and moisture to the roots of the flower. Erantis.Before planing to open ground, the bulbs of the plant is desirable to hold in a solution of manganese. This will prevent the development of fungal diseases in the landing material. Planting crocuses under the winter is carried out by the following method: the bulb is lowered to a depth of up to 10 cm. The distance between these plants must be respected and amount to at least 4 cm.Landing these plants depends on their type. Terms of landing crocuses are as follows: Crocuses are reproduced by children (subsidiaries). Each such little bulb will bloom for 3 or 4 years. Depending on the variety. Every year the kids are formed more and more and then it becomes closely. Because of this, crocus flowers are becoming less and less. Here is another reason for digging the bulbs in the summer.Red Book.

    The usual time for planting tulips - at the end of autumn, so that there is no germination of the bulbs and the frozen sprouts in winter. The landing depth depends on the type of soil and on the size of the bulbs, the distance between the individual flowers is 10-20 cm. Just like the daffodils, tulips for obtaining our own material after drying the leaves (in summer) dig and separate subsidiaries that dried and used for autumn landing.

    ) With lilac-violet flowers. But they to a lesser extent possess these properties.

    About spring think in the fall

    Crocus sowing



    These plants are widely used for purposes:

    Landing Muscari (mouse hyacinth)

    Store crocus bulbs needed in the house, that is, away from rodents. These are the main enemies of the plant.

    The thickness of the soil layer over the planting material is at least double the diameter of the bulbs. It's when the ground is loose. But in the case of severe soil this indicator It is only a single diameter of the planting material.

    Planting crocuses (saffron)

    Late spring or early summer (Ossennetsnets);

    And more spring crocuses can be multiplied by seeds. But from seeds of colors will have to wait from 4 to 5 years. Seeds of autumn crocuses in our latitudes do not have time to ripe.

    Landing Ryabchikov

    This flower is not large, high a maximum of 10 cm. He has a ball-like bulb with a spherical and flat shape. Crocuses are different colors: yellow, white, blue and even purple. In our territories, yellow crocuses are most often found in the country areas. In this article, I want to tell you about growing crocuses.

    Lily - the name speaks for itself, belongs to the Lily Player family, has a variety of flowers color, the exception is a blue-blue gamma. Many lilies bloom in early June and perfectly revive the picture of the summer garden with their bright colors and strong spicy flavors.

    Planting Narcissov

    Lightweight and drought-resistant.

    Planting tulips


    If when the soil landed, the soil was well fertilized, then in the first year it is possible to abandon the introduction of additional nutrients. However, if the flowers grow in the same place for more than two years, you need to be sure to feed them. Crocuses, landing in the fall of which is best way Get bright I. beautiful flowersWe need fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphate. The first is needed for the emergence of healthy and large bulbs, and the second is to extend flowering and formation of buds. The first feeding should be carried out at the appearance of the first sprout, the second - when tied buds, the third - after their wilting. The very first fertilizer must contain two times less phosphorus than potassium, all other times their quantity must be proportional to each other.

    Link landing

    To create beautiful landscape design plot;

    Also in order to get good nests of tuberukovits, gardeners recommend to disseminate them every year. It will allow children to get more space For growth.

    October-November (springwenty).

    4 comments to record About spring think in the fall

    1. Self worst enemy Crocuses - mice. By the way, during drying the bulbs of the mouse, too, do not dreamed. So, do not leave the bulbs to dry in the sheds or on the street under the canopy. I take them home, in the apartment. And I keep in packages from the eggs on the balcony. Very convenient. For growing B. open soil Crocuses plant in September-October. Of course, if it is not autumn crocuses, but there are also there. In general, all types of crocuses are divided into springwenty and oxnynets.

      The best place for landing lilies is an open sunny place, but their stems at the base would be good to pronounce with low-spirited satellite plants. Lilies prefer drained, good fertilous soils. August-September - the optimal time to plant the bulbs, the distance between plants and the landing depth is completely dependent on the type of soil and a particular variety. Lilies can be planted and in the spring, so buying bulbs for autumn landing, pay attention to the fact that they are not loose and did not have sprouts. Otherwise it turns out that you have acquired the remaining material from the spring distortion. If you are "lucky", then just cut the seedlings and put the bulb a little deeper than usual.

    2. Regular loosening, removal of weeds, feeding. Crocus sativus

      Straight sun rays, scattered sun raysCrocuses: landing in the fall. Features

    3. As gift flowers in pots for holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8); It is the surveillance that helps to achieve ultra-pollorn flowering in crocuses. For this purpose, only the most healthy bulbs will be suitable. Somewhere in September, gardeners recommend landing them into pots. The land in the tank should be slightly humid. The pots should be covered with a film, there are several holes for ventilation in it.

      Planting crocuses at home has another one important recommendation. If these plants are not frost-resistant, they must be meditated.

    Crocuses: landing, growing, care and reproduction

    Just need to remember the main rule: this process is carried out only when plants are in the period of absolute rest. Planting crocuses under the winter to the ground. Gardening crocus bulbs are recommended in August or September. At this time, the plant is alone. If autumn weather pleases with warmth, then the timing of the crocus landing can be slightly shifted to mid-November. Also crocuses may be affected by fungal diseases. But here will always save a pale solution of manganese. (To hold a few minutes in the solution before landing). Strongly damaged bulbs are better to throw away. Of course, if every year the bulbs do not dig up, then these problems can not be seen.

    Too deep landing slows down the crocus development, but contributes to the formation of large bulbs. Sometimes young plants form retractive roots and plunge themselves.

    The landing depth is regulated by the growth of crocuses nests: When bulging the clubnellukovitsa by 5 cm can be obtained up to 10 children, with a deeper embelling kids will be less, but the crocus bloom will last longer and share the nest will need less often - once every 4-5 years.

    In the photo: Yellow crocuses - Beautiful variety

    How to plant crocuses in autumn

    Make the holes you need at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, but if you want to create a more thick rug, the distance between the bulbs can be 3-5 cm. However, it should be noted that the clubnellukovitsy quickly become kids and with such a tight location of the bulbs In the ground you will soon have to disseminate crocuses. After planting crocuses watered, But only if you put them in dry soil.

    Caring for crocuses after landing

    Caring for crocuses in the fall in open ground

    For the warm days remaining warm days, tuberukovitsa must have time to acquire roots. In fertilizers, crocuses do not need crocuses, They will need them only in spring. Watering crocuses are carried out when the soil on the site becomes dry, and after irrigation, the soil is gently loosen. If weeds appear, remove them, and if the torrential rains begin on the background of the cooling, try to protect the landing of crocuses from excess moisture, covering it with a film.

    Caring for crocuses in winter

    Many species and varieties of plants are distinguished by cold resistance, but some crocuses in winter without shelter freeze. So that this does not happen, after the first frosts, break the soil on the site and inspire it with a layer of peat, dry foliage or cover with a sweetheart.

    In the photo: Blossom of spring crocuses

    Crocus transplant in autumn to another place

    In one place crocuses can grow 5-6 years, but it is better to disperse them once every 3-4 years. Each colorful bulb will give the next season 2, and sometimes 4 bulbs and 5-10 children, and if they do not reset at least once every 3-4 years, the site will soon tarnish, and crocuses will turn into a weed. When transplanting, crocuses are reproduced. When to transplant crocuses - in spring or autumn? Crocus transplant fall, as well as landing crocuses in the fall, is carried out in the same time - from September to November.

    The clubnelaukovitsa dig in the middle of the summer when crocuses are at rest. The signal to the fact that it is time to extract them from the ground, serves the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. The clubnellukovitsa purify, move, removing damaged or patients, dried in air in the shade during the week. Then you need to divide the sockets: only those kids who themselves are separated from the tubnelukovitz. The entire seating material is soaked for half an hour in a dark pink solution of manganese, After that, heinee and put in a cool dry place for storage.

    When September comes, crocusball clubs are planted in advance prepared soil in the order that was described in our article.

    In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

    How to store crocuses before landing in the fall

    How and where to keep crocuses clubnevukov to landing in the ground? After all, from the moment of extracting them from the soil before the autumn planting should pass three months. Disinflected by manganese and dried clubnelaukovitsa are laid out into one layer in a wooden box and stored indoors with a temperature not lower than 22 ºC until August. From the beginning of August, the content temperature is desirable to lower up to 20 ºC, and closer to September - up to 15 ºC.

    It is precisely in such conditions that the clubnellukovitsa crocuses are kept Dutch professionals, but since lovers to organize such conditions to organize such conditions, the planting material is stored until autumn at room temperature.

    Ossennetsnets-driving clubs are planted in the garden in August, and spring-working crocuses - from September.

    Spring came, snow melted. Gardeners are waiting for the first greenery. Perhaps none of the passing can remain indifferent, noticing small colored snowdrop in the form of crocuses on the flower bed. How to plant crocuses in the fall into the soil for spring flowering and in the summer for autumn paints, we will now tell. And we will also discuss the dates of landing in different regions of Russia and the level of blocking of seeds on different soils.

    What a flowerflower does not dream of constantly blooming Garden From early spring until late autumn? What only cultures he plants his garden for aesthetic diversity. Therefore, he prefers to plant crocuses not only as harbing heat in spring, but also as the last paints of autumn on the eve of winter.

    This flower from the Iris family has about 300 varieties. In another way, this plant is referred to as Saffron. But this is not the saffron, from which expensive seasoning is made. Although some use yellow stamens as seasoning on their desk. Having a small, approximately 10-day flowering time and a short flowering, this culture is divided into two main types:

    1. spring crocuses;
    2. autumn crocuses.

    The distinctive characteristic of colors are:

    • frost resistance, occurrence to temperature drops and climatic changes;
    • figayful growth of bulbies;
    • unpretentious plants.

    Varietal differences

    As you guessed before starting to plant crocuses, you need to find out to which group your variety is. First, we will tell about spring-breathing species suitable for the middle strip of Russia: spring crocuses are planted in autumn so that the lows are sprouted and saturated with the useful substances. Here is a list of Ossennets-driving babes that are most suitable for cultivation in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region: the list is small, because in our area at the gardeners in summer there are quite different hassle. And the Ossennetsnets culture requires an early summer landing.

    Determine the landing time

    Landing crocuses in the fall into the ground has its own characteristics in terms of time. After all, autumn in different regions of Russia is in different ways, and is also divided into early and late, rainy and dry. For the foundation, take the fact that culture withstands freezing to -5 degrees. Thanks to the essential oils and wax sheets protected from the cold, this plant loves coolness, so the early autumn is not suitable for the sowing of tuberukukov. In the suburbs most suitable month for landing is October. If October was a warm, then plant at the end of the month. Sometimes climate change is pushing to the landings in November, because in the warmth of the clubnellukovitsa is at rest and does not develop. For us, it is also important to develop the muscles in the ground for the observing and rustling of roots.

    In the Leningrad region, the period of autumn planting can be shifted at the end of September, the beginning of October. The climate is slightly colder there and a lot of humidity. When to plant crocuses in the fall in the Urals you will tell you the temperature of the soil. If it cooled up to +10 degrees, then the landing time has come. It usually happens no later than September. Siberia is characterized by the severity of the winters, so in August you can begin to plant crocuses. We will focus on the end of August, beginning of September and measuring the temperature of the Earth. This climate requires a mulching with a thick layer of landing places, as well as in the Urals.

    Choose bulbs and landing space

    After you have decided on the choice of varieties and approximate landing time, pay attention to the state of the planting material. What distinguishes high-quality bulbs:

    1. should not be thorough roots;
    2. mechanical damage should not be observed;
    3. clubneelukovitsa must have a dense texture without soft intervals;
    4. surface scales are not wet, holistic, cover the entire tuber;
    5. with the slightest hint of the posting or refuses to buy, or the damaged non-damaged nodules in order to avoid dissemination of infection;

    Pay attention to the fact that lows should be stored in paper bags (not polyethylene). After the purchase, do not place them in the refrigerator before boarding, otherwise, having torture heat, they will begin to actively heat up. Cold mode Storage signals about the approximation of spring and activation. It is necessary to plant crocuses on sunny lawns or at the edges of the flower, where there is always enough light and there is no shading from other crops. Some succeeded to grown them on the windowsill.

    However, home thermal heat does not contribute to the development of buds, because they laid blossoms in the cool climate. Planting the bulbs is best in the sandy lung soils containing the organic organics in the form of compost or reworked manure. Someone prefers to cut the top layer of the jam on the lawn, and on the opening area to plant the bulbs. But this method is not suitable for everyone, but newcomers can apply it as a trial. Do not land the plant on the site of the accumulation of snow or under the snowdrifts.

    Note! "The planting material does not make elevated humidity or leaving of the liquid."

    If the place for crocuses is oversaturated with water, then it should be dried. You can apply drainage, and you can deal with a plants on the slope of flower beds, lawn or alpine slide, where moisture is quickly seeping and leaves.

    The composition of the soil plays important role In the life of crocuses. For example, nitrogen them are contraindicated, and phosphorus and potassium will create a good basis for growth and flowering. If the soil is heavy and clay, then it needs to be alleviated by sand. To do this, for 10/12 days before landing, dripping the boarding area by 1 bayonet of the usual shovel, gradually adding sand. To plant crocuses, heavy earth drainage. In this case, mineral supplements do not contribute.

    The landing process is step by step

    Those who first began to practice the breeding of snowdrops are faced with such difficulty that long they cannot wait for flowering. One of the reasons can be untimely transplanting the bulbs during flowering. Such an approach knocks out a rut plant. We describe the landing stages:

    1. after loosening with the introduction of potash and phosphate additives, we divide the lumps and loose soil;
    2. we make a pozorochka rylch with an intermediate distance of 6 cm. Or place the planting material in a checker order, who like it. Since the bulbs quickly convert children and form a thickening, optimal distance 6 cm will allow not to disseminate the nest from three to five years;
    3. we visit the clubnellukovitsa to the soil with root Donets down, sharply up;
    4. the depth of location depends on the composition of the Earth and the diameter of the bulbs. The larger the lows, the deeper the landing. In the light of the ground they are deepened by 10 cm, in heavily 8 cm. When planing children, the distance decreases to 4 cm in the letters and 3 cm in loam. So that it was more convenient to dig out the opening of the sockets apply plastic grids in the form of containers and deepen them into the ground;
    5. we fall asleep nutrient mixture or a fertilized land in the passage with overwhelming dung;
    6. pour water if the autumn was arid;
    7. capricious, sensitive to the return freezers of the grade, can be protected by climbing them with a snack or peat.

    Specialist advice! "Since the flowering period of snowdrops is short, then you can extend a little landscape bloom, applying two tricks. You can land different types of crocuses in a checker order. Then they will bloom in different time. Another way is to locate at different depths. Those deeper than planted, bloom later. "

    Reproduction of planting material and trampling

    When the flowering season ends, crocuses begin to grow. How does this happen? Between upper layers The husks are born so-called kidneys, which later become subsidiaries. When the main bulb is dying, the kids begin to grow and form a bulbous nest. This process lasts 4-5 years.

    Therefore, for 4-5 years, the places of growth of crocuses are carried out for further reproduction. If the snowdrops put in containers, they are easily removed from the ground. Nockets are separated by hand and sorted in size. Large planted for flowering on a flowerbed. Small in a separate place are recruited.

    What is needed for

    Someone wants to accelerate the appearance of buds on an approaching event and for this purpose makes a distillation. How does this happen?

    1. Only large and healthy lows are selected.
    2. In mid-September they are placed in a slightly moistened soil of the container or pot. Place close to each other.
    3. Pot is covered with polyethylene with small holes or spunbond for airproof.
    4. Pot or container carry into an underground or cellar.
    5. After the appearance of sprouts (December, January), put the landing where the temperature varies within +15 degrees. We put in a semolot or cover the newspaper, while watering the straws with water.
    6. With the advent of buds, we bring our surveillance to the house and observe beautiful blossom without saving snow.

    Additional care and disease prevention

    As previously it was said, landing and leaving for bulbies is directly related to loyalty once every 4-5 years. After all, every clubneelukovitsa gives life for another 10 kids. Next, it is reborn and dies. Although crocuses are unpretentious and resistant to diseases, but sometimes cases occur with them. During storage they can hit rot or other fungal disease. Therefore, the tubers before planting in June or October disinfected. A weak solution of manganese or drug "Maxim - Dachnik", "Maxim - M", and is soaked in it by landing material about 30 minutes. Then the drying and landing in the ground.

    Note! "The planting of spring crocuses is accompanied by feeders at different stages of the plant development."

    The first feeding goes in the phase of the appearance of the first sprouts. It contains potassium and phosphorus in the doses specified in the instructions. The second feeding of potashlyophosphorous fertilizer is done during the bootonization. The third feeding of the same composition is carried out after flowering.