Than Ruff parquet varnish. How to remove the lacquer from the tree - we update the furniture in the house! Chemicals for washing varnish

Undoubtedly, parquet is one of the most reliable and durable coating species, especially if it is covered with a particularly durable and resistant varnish. However, the floor is designed to go according to him, and no matter how hard you tried, no matter how you shook it - sooner or later the moment comes when it is still wearing.

Any strict time when you need to remove the varnish from the parquet and its replacement to the new one - no. This is an absolutely individual moment, depending on the set of factors:

  • in which room (by appointment) is parquet coating;
  • whether all the rules of laying parquet were observed and lacquered on it;
  • right to care products are used, etc.

Most often, in a conventional residential room, where on the floor walks in their home slippers or barefoot, the replacement of the lacquer coating is required with periodicity of 10-15 years. If there are clear damage left on the floor or by domestic animals, this procedure may need much more often. IN office spacewhere P. parquet floor A day, hundreds of people in street shoes pass, remove the varnishing, remove the paint and cover the floors again it follows annually.

In order to completely remove the old lacquer coating from the parquet, you will need a vacuum cleaner, putty and tape-grinding machine.

How to remove lacquer from parquet?

The process of removal of varnish (cleaning of paint) from the parquet consists of several stages:

  • Floor preparation: Shocking of all available slots and removal of contamination.
  • If there are deep traces (for example, from falling heavy items), a thin layer of wood should be removed. The thickness of this layer depends on the depth of damage, but usually not more than 5 mm.
  • With the help of a belt grinding machine, you must consistently remove the entire old varnish. Note that this procedure is sufficiently dusty, so it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory organs (applying glasses and respirator). It does not hurt to open the window and leave the working vacuum cleaner in the room - so part of the dust will be immediately removed.

Do not count on the rapid end of work. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and your skills, the work may take several days. Do not try to rush and reduce the time of removal of varnish from the parquet - everything should be very carefully.

If in your room there is a lot of cumbersome furniture, it is not necessary to rearrange it, especially if it stands in one place from the moment of laying a parquet board. Just cover it protective film From dust and clean from the protective layer only those places that can be released for work.

Inexpensive Lacquer with a parquet board quickly and efficiently produce masters Yud. On the site you can order any restoration services or replacement of parquet boards with the departure of specialists in all addresses of Moscow. Prices for removing the wear lacquer from professionals Yudu is below market, as they work without intermediaries and in conditions of strong competition. Each specialist has passed a strict checkup during registration and is a reliable performer.

Specificity of the procedure

Removal of varnish from parquet and its subsequent polishing can be done both manually and with special equipment. Specialists Yudu use mainly a machine method, since it allows you to achieve a better result for a shorter time. In addition professional technique avoids education large number Dust and dirt in the house after removing the varnish from the parquet, which is especially important when working in furnished rooms.

Removing the old lacquer with a parquet board occurs in several stages:

  • alignment of outdoor coating
  • removing various pollution from parquet board
  • removal of parquet varnishing with special equipment
  • removal of small parquet defects with a grinding machine
  • finish polishing

After all these procedures, purified parquet boards are ready for coating fresh layer of varnish. However, this repair is suitable only if the state of the parquet is satisfactory, and your gender does not require more serious recovery procedures. Professionals Yuda will help you determine whether the full replacement of the carpet boards is needed or you can only hold a varnish update. Such diagnostics are often possible and remotely - you simply send a photo of your sex.

On Yudu, you can view the profiles of each artist to understand which technique and what scheme the wizard works. The profile also contains reviews of previous customers Services "Withdrawn from parquet", which will help you evaluate not only the professionalism of a particular performer, but also its prices for work.

What depends on the cost and timing of work

Replacing or updating old parquet boards is rated by each site specialist individually. Repair price may be higher or below average rates depending on the following factors:

  • urgency of order
  • total floor area that is subject to restoration
  • degree and complexity of its pollution
  • necessity additional services (furniture removal and other)

The removal of the wear lacquer and the application of the new Specialists of Yudu will produce in one day if the floor area is small, and more serious works on its recovery are required. In any case, professionals whose help offers, always strictly follow the work schedule, originally stipulated with the customer. Lacquer with a parquet board will not give you any difficulties in collaboration with Yud.

Many people now began to separate their sex parquet board and it is not at all surprising. After all, besides a beautiful and presentable external view A parquet floor can last even one decades in a row. But if the parquet is wrong to care, then such a coating will not be able to serve even 5 years. The weakest place for this finishing material This is its surface, and if more precisely, varnish. Luck, which covers the parquet board, wears 4-7 years old and that the floor is always as new, the laid coating must be removed and apply new. Such procedures are not very complicated, then has its own frequency of action. This article will be written detailed instructions On how to correctly remove the varnish from the surface of the parquet.


The most important thing is in a timely manner to get a complete replacement of the lacquer coating and waiting for the fact that the varnish to the end will erase from the parquet. Also, it is not necessary to allow if in certain places there will be protusive tracks, where there will be no lacquer coating. In any case, with the slightest erasing of the varnish it must be replaced with a new one.

In order to get rid of the old layer of varnish the surface of the parquet must be seized. During grinding, it will be possible to completely get rid of the old layer of varnish. Also, in addition, there are often heels from heels or shoes. And in order to eliminate them, even about 0.5 mm of tree will be eliminated. If you do everything carefully, you will ultimately get a completely perfectly clean and smooth surface without any defects and damage.

If the area is very large, then it is best for grinding to use a special machine. But for home use You can take the tool a little simpler. For example, this can be like a flat-grinding machine, and the grinding machine. Using similar machines, you can remove the entire unnecessary layer of varnish without damage. It is very important during the process of shooting the lacquer coating to ensure indoors good ventilation. For example, you can open windows or doors. In addition, it will also be necessary to take care of its safety, that is, it is necessary to put on a protective mask.

Before the grinding process itself, the surface must be washed and cleaned from dirt. As soon as the surface is prepared, then you can start grinding. It is necessary to do this as slower and more careful, trying to remove each millimeter of the lacquer coating. The process of grinding the floor can take from one day to several.

Parquet surface can be protected different ways, Preference is often given to Parquet lacquer. But no matter how durable and qualitative was not lacquered for parquet - over time, he still erases, so you have to carry out work on the restoration of the lacquer coating on the parquet.

Cleaning and grinding parquet

The essence of the renewal of the parquet is to carry out several stages. First you need to remove the old lacquer coating from the floor surface. Parquet must be cleaned and span. The optimal instrument for cleaning the old parquet coating can be called a grinding machine. Parquets are of different types, that's why grinding machines will be different.

Before carrying out grinding, check the level of parquet humidity. On the eve of the evening it is necessary to attach a piece of cellophane package to the surface of the parquet with the help of a scotch. In the morning you need to look at inner side Celofan - if it is wet, with condensate droplets, then the humidity of the parquet is high. Therefore, the parquet must be dried before grinding. In the case when the cellophane does not contain condensate - parquet can be grinding immediately, without additional drying.

Grinding parquet requires a certain attention. If the lacquer is damaged slightly, it is possible to clean damaged areas with large sandpaper, and then cover these areas with varnish. With this method of updating, the lacquer parquet coating will be inhomogeneous, the stains of the new coating will ugly stand out. Therefore, it will be better to update the entire lacquer coating on the parquet.

You can remove the old lacquer coating using milling plants that are successfully replaced by grinding machines. A distinctive feature Milling plants for cleaning parquet from varnish is considered to be sharp knives. The lacquer is considered together with the top layer of the tree. After using the milling installation, the floor must still be grinding before applying the lacquer coating. Before grinding, it is necessary to remove all the plinths around the perimeter of the room. This will allow cleaning parquet from varnish completely.


After grinding, it is necessary to carry out a putty procedure - all the chips and scratches are sealed with putty compositions, then sweeping with the help of emery skins. The putty must match the surface of the parquet wood as possible, for its drying, five to six hours are given. After that, the floor can be rebuilt with varnish.

The putty is selected specifically for wood, it is usually done on an acrylic basis, sometimes for the production of spacing on a tree is made using nitro-solvents. Putty must be applied in a very thin layer. If there is a need, you can apply another second layer, but it takes a complete drying of the first spike layer. Water spacing can not be used to process some valuable wood breeds - Oak, cedar, chestnut. When processing water putty, such wood corresponds to whitens with blue spots.

Instead of putty, you can use alternative option - Restoration wax for parquet. According to the cost of such wax is much more expensive than putty, but it does not give a shrinkage completely, it is distinguished by translucent color. When using wax for floor alignment, polyurethane varnish can not be used - with this combination, the lacquer coating is very often disclined after a short time.

Polishing and applying lacquer

After polishing, we proceed to apply a new varnish coating. Varnish for parquet is selected depending on the type of parquet base, it is desirable to consult about this with specialists.

Parnquet varnish must be wear-resistant, it is usually varnishes on aquatic or acrylic basis. You can use both artificial production varnishes for parquet - alkyd or polyurethane products.

Classic views parquet floors Usually have lacquer protective covering. It attaches wooden floors More attractiveness. Parquet varnish acts as an additional protection of wood from the influence of physical and mechanical loads during operation. Varnish for parquet has special compositionwhich causes its stability and operational duration. Over time, the coating will sweep, cracks, wipes. To return the polls former lookYou will need to remove the old varnish from the parquet.

Remove the old varnish from parquet can be manually or using special equipment

Hire professional parquetrs to resolve the issue of restoration wooden floors? Not everyone has such an opportunity. Often everything rests on the price. Local restoration can be carried out independently, it is enough to purchase the necessary equipment and fresh parquet chemistry.

The large-scale recovery of the lacquer will require a pre-cycular or grinding. First you need to determine how many cycles correspond to a parquet article. The more decorative parquet, the less the number of cycles. With a thickness of the lamella 15 mm, the floor will withstand up to 5 cycles, 8 and less mm - no more than 2-3 times.

The cycle is produced by a special electrical machine that you can buy, which is very burdensome, because the use of it at home is rare. It is better to rent it at a company that provides parking and repair services.

Cyclovka typewriter can be hire

Manual cycle method

You can remove the old varnish method to remove the old varnish. Again, the choice of the tool depends on the thickness of the wooden floor profile. The financial side of the question is also important as the volume of the planned work.

Remove the lacquer will help the usual sandpaper with a large abrasive. The event is a bit dusty, but quite efficient. Sandpaper Allows you to simultaneously remove the old protective layer and align the surface of the floors.

It is convenient to use the sandpaper with the local reconstruction of the varnishing: spots, cracks, chips, abrasion. The purified surface is treated with acetone, which will remove small particles of the scooped varnish. After that, the glue BF-6 is applied. Final stage - Repeated solvent.

BF-6 glue is an alcohol solution of a phenol-formaldehyde resin with polyvinylbutiral, softeners and plasticizers. It is not subject to rotting and corrosion, racks to the influence of the atmosphere, oils, gasoline, kerosene, mold, water and acids, less resistant to alkalis, alcohols, solvents.

Manual cycle is sold almost in any construction store. The tool is presented in the range of scraper width, handle lengths. Note that the work of manual cycles with a short handle is more tiring, but clean the parquet from the old varnish will be better.

Remove varnish can be a hand tool with sandpaper

This time-consuming process. Work requires accuracy and attentiveness, since when removing the varnish is cut upper layer Woods along wood fibers. Be sure to pay attention to the nature of the cut in the manufactured profile:

  • radial (annual rings are perpendicular to the surface of the plank);
  • tangential (the sectional plane passes on a tangent of the annual layer of the trunk);
  • mixed.

Cleaning wooden floors from the old varnish with their own hands is only half of the restoration work. After you need to apply primer (provide the best adhesion of the lacquer layer) and pass the surface of the wood. At the end, re-lacquered floors.

Unusual cycloyania tools

Clear parquet from the old varnish can be completely with your own hands, more precisely, with your feet. To do this, find a pair among our shoes on a flat sole and stick to the bottom of the sandpaper. The first "passage" must be made with Abrasive No. 40 (primary grinding), the second - with Abrasive No. 80 (Castovik).

Shake legs much easier than standing on the knees, manually controlled. Yes, and the procedure itself will pass carefully.

In some folk craftsmen Among other tools, you can meet a sample of a manual cycle made with your own handicrafts. Actually, there are other tools in the course, specially fitted for the task. For example, the iron rod has a cooled root edge.

The sharp end must be given the required form:

  • metal is heated to red;
  • slightly cool in natural conditions;
  • clamping into vice with a pipe;
  • the end is bend on the pipe with light, uniform blows of the hammer;
  • correct angle;
  • glowing;
  • craw is made outside bend.

It is easier to pass a manual cycle of parquet, if you apply the shkarakka adapted to this. The tool is prepared similarly to the converted edge of the plane.

Shkrakka - hand tool For non-mechanical cleaning used by ship repair and shipbuilders. They can be removed from the scale, break and remove rust, clean old paint, delete various contaminants, including deep.

Instead of pre-school

Any attempts to clean the parquet floor of the varnish manually require maximum effort, care and accuracy. The complacence is that it is necessary to control the carpet cutting force all the time, follow the sharpness tool. Dust and dirt can not be avoided. Therefore, it will not hurt to use personal protective equipment: respiratory mask, gloves, glasses. However, the independent restoration of the outdoor wood coating It is possible and much cheaper than the services of parquetrs.