Drawings of military boats. We cut models of ships with our own hands from wood

For lovers of modeling, sheets of pressed and glued wood veneer have always been one of the most sought-after materials. They are easy to cut, perfectly processed, drawings of ships made of plywood are easy to find on the net, and therefore many craftsmen begin their acquaintance with the modeling of various ships with plywood patterns.

Making models with your own hands is a very difficult task, requiring a significant amount of knowledge and a certain skill. In the article we will talk only about the most basic techniques, and you will hone your further skills yourself.

Work materials

If you want to make a small ship model, you will need the following materials:

  • Wood - cedar, linden, walnut or other wood, preferably soft and not fibrous. Wood blanks should be smooth, without knots and damage. Wood can be used both as a material for the main elements of the model (hull, deck), and for fine detailing.
  • Plywood is perhaps the most sought after material.. For ship modeling, either balsa or birch is used, since it is these types of wood that provide the minimum number of chips when sawing. Model ship plywood, as a rule, has a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm.

Note! Sheets of beech veneer of small thickness are sometimes used as an alternative to birch veneer: although they are inferior in strength, they bend much more easily.

  • Veneer - thin plates natural wood expensive breeds. As a rule, it is used for veneering, i.e. pasting the surface of inexpensive material.
  • Fasteners - thin chains, laces, threads, brass and copper studs.

In addition, we will definitely need wood glue, cardboard and tracing paper for transferring templates, etc. Fine detailing is made of metal casting. As an alternative to metal, colored polymer clay can be used.

Making a souvenir boat

Preparation for work

Any work begins with preparation, and modeling will by no means be an exception.

  • First we need to decide what we will build. If you have not dealt with ship modeling art before, then we recommend downloading plywood ship drawings on the net: as a rule, they contain all the necessary information and are understandable even to a beginner.

Note! Kits are available for sale that allow you to assemble a vessel from finished parts. For beginners, such kits will be interesting (although the price of most of them is very significant), but it’s better to master the technology from the basics.

  • After analyzing the drawing, we check whether everything you need is available. In principle, if something is missing, then it will be possible to buy it a little later, because building a ship (albeit a miniature one) is not a quick job!

  • After printing the drawing, we make templates for the main parts.
  • Transferring templates to .

Cutting and assembling parts

You can cut blanks both with the help of a manual and with the help of an electric model jigsaw.

The latter is more expensive, but with it you are less tormented when cutting small parts:

  • We make a starting hole in the plywood sheet, into which we insert a file or a jigsaw blade.
  • We cut out the part, trying to move exactly along the marked contour.
  • We process the sawn workpiece with a file, removing small chamfers along the edges and removing the inevitable chips and burrs.

Advice! Working on one element (deck, sides, keel, etc.), we immediately cut out all the parts necessary for assembly. So we will spend much less time, and the work will move faster.

When everything is ready, we start assembling our ship.

  • First, on the longitudinal beam - the keel - we put on the transverse frames. In the lower part of each frame, a groove is usually provided for fastening to a plywood keel.
  • For connection, you can use standard glue, or you can use special adhesive mixtures designed for ship modeling.
  • We attach the upper parts of the frames to the deck. At simple models the deck is a single sheet of plywood, and for complex ones it can be multi-level.
  • After the glue on the frames dries, we begin to sheathe the sides with thin strips of plywood. The thickness of the material should be no more than 1.5 mm, because only in this case we will be able to bend the skin without the risk of damaging it.
  • For bending can be heated and humidified. After that, the material will bend without difficulty, and over time it will acquire a stable shape.

Note! The case for painting can be pasted over with a solid sheet. But to imitate plank sheathing, it is better to use strips up to 10 mm wide (depending on the scale).

  • We fix the glued plywood with clamps and clamps and leave to dry.


By and large, this is where carpentry ends and art begins.

When the case is assembled and dried, we need:

  • Make from thin plywood and fix deck superstructures.

  • Increase the sides so that they protrude above the deck plane.
  • Paste the deck surface with wood veneer or draw it with an awl, imitating plank sheathing.
  • Make and install all the small parts like the steering wheel and steering blade.
  • Fasten the masts with all additional devices(the so-called spars), set the sails and stretch this entire structure with the help of rigging threads.

In conclusion, all plywood parts must be stained and varnished. This will provide our souvenir with at least a couple of decades of preservation.


Almost everyone can make a simple boat out of plywood with their own hands - enough patience and minimal skills in working with a jigsaw (read also the article). But if you want to implement a complex drawing with many small details, then you will have to work hard. That's why we advise you to start with the simplest models, gradually increasing your skills!

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

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Some people have a strange, but very remarkable and colorful hobby. It is called assembling ship models from wood. What does it take to make one like this? beautiful thing. It is not so easy to create a model from a tree. From this article you will learn how to create from wood with your own hands. And also we will small digression into history.

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Golden Doe

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It is such wonderful ships that make many people assemble ship models from wood with their own hands. Drawings of many such structures can often be found on the Internet. So, inspired ancient history seafaring we will learn from this article information on how to do something similar.

Do-it-yourself wooden ship model: from the beginning to rainbow horizons

In fact, the history of modeling consists of several stages. Moreover, each of these stages is associated with several features. A lover of miniature shipbuilding needs to be able to change available materials. It is also important to expand the choice of modeling objects. After it develops enough, then it can have mass production of models. The next step will be the development of poster exhibition modeling from those sets that he already has. Subsequently, you can develop to the formation of individual segments. It can be anything - from ship models and in the flesh to copies of individual motorcycles, trucks, as well as all sorts of other cars.

Do-it-yourself wooden ship models: drawings, instructions, tools

So, well, let's start creating such a ship. Carving prefabricated ship models from wood is not an easy task. You will need many tools for this. Among them are: a knife, a chisel, a hammer, a bar (and, if necessary, a saw), a thin cloth, superglue, a long wooden spire, a rope, a drill. In addition, you will need two more very important parameters. Firstly, it is time, and secondly, an important quality of those people who are engaged in creating prefabricated models of ships from wood is patience.

carving of a ship from wood

First you have to work with a chisel. You have to file everything and remove the old bolts that have a flat head. It won't take you much time - just two minutes. In these two minutes, the pre-finished block will later become a boat. Now you need to clear the bar. You should carefully scrape off the bark. Hold the bar itself directly towards the instrument. Let's take standard design as an example for our small ship models, which we will build according to the principle below. Take a pencil and sketch a preliminary sketch on the bar. Following this, process the bar with a sharp knife. The tilt of the blade itself should be at an angle of approximately 10 degrees. When you plan, keep in mind that this is not the most easy job and so be patient. You should not forget that if for any reason you make a mistake, then it will be quite difficult to correct everything. Remove the chips layer by layer, while you should try and process the original bar as smoothly as possible. It is important that the top and bottom should be parallel.

Please note that you do not have to throw out the chips at all. The fact is that, in principle, it can be used as additional material as mulch.

Carving of the front and sides of the ship

Well, now we need to draw the front, bottom, as well as the back. We will cut them out in exactly the same way as above. It is necessary to make these parts even. In order for you to get the bow of the ship, you will have to saw off a piece from the front. Following this, you must round the saw cut with a knife. When you make the nose, try to tilt the knife blade itself back. It should be directed towards the stern.

Drilling holes and subsequent installation of equipment

You should have several spiers. Therefore, drill a number of holes, they should be slightly larger than the beams themselves. It is important that there are not too many holes. Otherwise, you may develop a crack. And because of the crack, as you know, a severe disaster can occur - go to the leak. Do not use glue! If you do this, then further work pass with much more difficulty.

Setting the sails on the model

Decide, for starters, exactly how many panels you want to get on your final vessel. Let us take as a condition that we will have four panels for the first mast and the second, and three for the last. Following this, take a few wooden spiers and cut them. Cut the fabric into a trapezoid shape. Then start gluing them. Make notches on the branches of the sails, fasten each branch with a corresponding notch. Then glue the middle of the edges to the sails. Repeat the same for all masts. It is best if you build the rear mast first, then the middle one, and then the bow one.

Now let's install the upper flying sail. Cut out the fabric shape kite. Take the thread and attach it to the opposite corner of the cloth. Leave ends on either side for all corners. Glue a small piece of thread exactly on the top of the boat. It should be slightly higher than the bow of the boat itself. From the opposite corner, measure up to the middle of the lower branch of the sail on the forward mast. Then cut off the very thread that you measured and glue the tip to the appropriate place.

On each side, you should leave a few threads. Pull them back and glue them straight inside the boat. Then you can cut off the excess rope. Create and attach the back panel in the same way. It must be attached to the back of the rear sail. Measure, cut, and make sure it fits over the two lugs. Then glue them on the corners.

Well, now you have learned how to make the simplest ship models out of wood. And although everything in this article is described only in general terms, we hope that it will help you in your future career as a "shipbuilder". Unless, of course, you are interested in it. Trust me, it's worth it!