Fortune-telling of the real witches. Real ancient witch spells

There are ways to determine whether a person is a magician or a witch. To do this, you need to do some calculations with the date of birth and the number of the Devil - 666. Thanks simple method you can not only determine some, but also find out to what extent a person has magical powers.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

To make it easier to understand the calculation, consider an example. Take full date 07/31/1963 and add 6 to each digit, the result is 97.73.8629. After that, you need to analyze the result. If 3, 6 and two 9s are present (the sequence does not matter), then the calculation of the witch by date of birth should continue. V otherwise the person does not have any magical abilities and this can be finished. It is important to replace that the numbers 3996 were chosen for a reason, the whole point is that this number, when divided by 6, gives 666 - the number.

The next step in calculating how to determine a witch by date of birth is to add up all the birth numbers one by one: 3 + 1 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 30. It is important that the final number is divisible by 6. If the result does not match this condition, then the calculation ends, and you can be sure that a person with such a date of birth does not have magical abilities. After that, you need to sum up the numbers that we got when adding the date of birth with 6: 9+7+7+3+8+6+2+9 = 51. This number must also be divisible by 6. In our example, this condition is not met and calculation stops. You can understand that you are a witch by your date of birth if all three conditions coincide, since this is an indication of a connection with the number of the Devil. Most often, people with magical abilities are born on days close to the new moon in the following months: April, May, December, January and February. One more important condition- A witch is born only between midnight and dawn.

For your immediate future. Her short but concise recommendations will most likely be useful to you.

The peculiarity of this fortune-telling is that some questions may seem insignificant to the Witch, she will immediately inform you about it.

Enter your question in the field located at the bottom of the picture and press "Enter"

Book of witches: divination online for free

You have been tormented by a serious problem for a long time and you need to find ways to solve it? Free fortune telling according to the Book of the Witches will help you find a way out even from very difficult situations. Treat strict witches with due respect, any impasse will soon be resolved.
Do not be surprised if you do not get an answer to some question - it means that the problem is really and complicated, and even mystical forces cannot cope with it.
Even if you are guessing from the Book of Witches for free, do not expect that you will get rosy answers anyway. Witches always tell the truth, and give answers so accurate that they will amaze and remain in memory for a long time.
You have been tormented by a serious problem for a long time and you need to find ways to solve it? Free fortune-telling according to the book of witches will help you find a way out of even very difficult situations. Treat strict witches with due respect, any impasse will soon be resolved.

Divination is a way to look beyond the veil of the future, get advice or confirm the correctness of your actions, find out the answers to your questions.

At all times, a person has sought to improve his life and get questions about upcoming events. Remember V. A. Zhukovsky in the poem "Svetlana" Once a Epiphany evening. The girls were guessing: a slipper was thrown out of the gate, Taking it off their feet, they threw it ... A poem written in the 18th century shows that fortune-telling has existed for more than one thousand years, there was no negative attitude towards them, they have always been, among all peoples in all times.

Nowadays, when civilization has stepped far forward, fortune-telling is no less relevant. Remember how often there is a desire to find out how, what to do, what to fear, what to look for, who to ask for advice so as not to make another mistake. There is almost no time in a crazy world modern life, look for a fortune-teller grandmother or fall into the hands of newly minted charlatans. Not! Everything is much easier!

Fortune-telling online for free - have proven themselves no worse than fortune-telling conducted by real people. The attitude towards them is different, someone looks at it as a game and entertainment, someone listens and gets the desired result. Definitely fortune-telling online for free, or face-to-face, with the help of programs - this is the opportunity to interact with energies and spirits, depending on your mood and relationship, they will certainly work.

We should not forget that with online fortune-telling, you cannot be manipulated or, having tuned in to your wave, say only what you want to hear. You can ask the most intimate questions, no one will know about them, they will not think badly of you, they will not condemn you, there is no prejudice. You can guess at any time convenient for you as questions arise and absolutely no cash costs.

You learn to interact with invisible and often incomprehensible energies, look into yourself, into your inner world, learn to use the clues of fate to good use. The main thing to remember is that there is nothing accidental in life, if something led you to us, then this is for you, for some reason it can be useful.

Learn to recognize clues, because forewarned is forearmed!

It seems we don't know each other yet? It's not a problem! In this village, I am known as Eileen, a witch and fortune teller. No wonder you've never heard of me before - I'm not that famous! However, it's not about that. At one time, I discovered in myself certain abilities that helped me choose the path. And I went the way of a witch, a fortune teller, a fortune teller!
I levitated myself a cup of tea thoughtfully looked out the window. By my count, today was a full moon. Judging by the book that I bought in a magic shop two weeks ago when I visited Ioren, a city next to my home village, it is tonight that you can summon a demon.
Why do I need a demon? I do not know! It's just that all magicians (again, judging by this book) have several demon servants at their disposal. To be honest, the idea of ​​summoning a demon didn't appeal to me too much! The magical book says that communication with demons can be dangerous to health. Although, maybe I won’t be able to call anyone at all - I won’t have enough strength! Or the existence of demons will be fiction...
There was a knock on the door. I don't often get guests, so I was very surprised when a man with long hair showed up behind the door, thrown open at the behest of my hand.
- I'm looking for Eileen, a fortune teller and a witch. I was told she lives here, - judging by his confusion, he did not expect that a girl with bright blue eyes, a wasp waist and pleasant roundness could be a witch.
- It's me. What's the matter? Smiling, I said.
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seems my guess was correct.
- My name is Robert. I want to know the future, - however, he continued.
- I haven't seen you before. Are you a visitor? - I tried to be polite.
He frowned, but answered anyway.
Yes, I've been here recently. And not for long.
Then I noticed that he was still standing at the door. I stood up and made an inviting gesture:
- Come on, sit down.
While Robert settled in, I levitated the cards to myself and asked:
- Do you need a certain period of time, or the future in general?
- I want to know how a certain enterprise will end, - my guest answered me.
- Which?
He frowned again. Robert didn't want to answer.
- Hey, I can't know the future if I don't know exactly what you want to know!
He was silent.
- You don't trust me? - I suddenly realized.
The man remained silent, carefully examining my figure. It was only then that I realized that there was nothing else on me besides the robe. However, why do all men see me only beautiful girl? Only "rounded shapes" and "pleasant bulges"? This always annoyed me, however, smiling, I said:
“Of course, how can you trust a person of such immodest appearance. It's not my fault that under this beautiful wrapping lies the talent of a magician. It's a pity that men prefer to see ugly witches and pretty fools. However, this is not your fault. If you don't trust me, then I can't help you.
I stood up and pushed the door open with a slight movement of thought. Robert also got up, but now he looked a little embarrassed.
- I'm sorry, but your appearance is really not conducive to magical rites. Perhaps I'll come by later. When you're ready to receive me, - smiling slightly, he left.
Looking after Robert, I realized that he was not as young as he seemed. Then she donned a silver overall and a white robe embroidered with gold stars and opened the book. Losing a client didn't bother me at all. Fortunately, my healing potions and amulets are in great demand in this village, and I always have money!
It's been about an hour. I thoughtfully read the magic book, trying to absorb all the little things related to summoning a demon. There was another knock at the door. With a smooth movement of thought, I opened the door and was incredibly surprised to see that same Robert on the threshold.
- As I see it, you are quite ready. So? He busily walked into the room.
Now Robert no longer looked like some confused finger, he behaved like a real, confident knight in everything. I smiled and invited the client to sit down. Then she asked:
- So what enterprise are you guessing at?
“How will my journey end?” he replied.
I smiled again and laid out the cards. The white card with the image of a warrior fell out first.
"It's you," I commented.
Then a black card depicting a dragon. Another black card precious stones. Fairy white card.
- An enemy is waiting for you, from whom you must take away some jewelry obtained dishonestly. The fairy girl will help you with this.
The last card to be drawn was a gray card with the image of the Void.
How it will all end, I don't know. The Void card indicates the Mystery.
Robert frowned.
- That's all. With you 25 silver coins, - with these words, I collected the cards in a deck.
The man silently threw coins on the table and left. I smiled as I stacked the coins. This man was very strange. He left without even saying goodbye. Oh well, we won't meet again anyway!
The day passed very quickly. When the sun went down, I packed some things and went to the forest. Finding a clearing in the forest, I drew a pentagram and a protective circle. According to the rays of the five-pointed star, I placed black and gold candles, lit them, and myself stood in the center of the circle. In a word, I did everything that was written in that strange magical book. Then she began to chant the spell.
... Smoke swirled in the center of the pentagram. Candles dispersed the darkness, illuminating the forest with their ghostly light. Branches rustled anxiously. In general, everything around was disturbing. I continued to cast the spell, but my confidence waned. To be honest, I was afraid.
…Soon, the smoke dissipated, and a silhouette appeared in the center of the magic star. He was a tall man in black robes that fell loosely to the ground and a wide-brimmed black hat that covered his face. His arms were crossed over his chest. He slowly raised his head, and his eyes, black as night, looked at me.
- So, what do you need, baby? His voice was slightly hoarse.
- I ... - For a second, my voice disappeared, but I quickly pulled myself together, and confidently said:
- I called you to serve me! With the forces given to me, I conjure you ...
- Ha, ha, ha! - Demon interrupted me. "Do you really think, baby, that you can make me serve you?"
I trembled, but confidently continued:
- ... I conjure you to serve me faithfully, until I no longer need your services! And in general, you're not going anywhere. I bound you with a spell of the pentagram, and until I myself let you, you will not go anywhere!
- Naive! Look! The demon chuckled.
He spread his arms out to the sides, and the candles blazed into a bright flame, instantly burning to ashes, and then extinguished. I watched in amazement as the demon crossed the pentagram and stood within arm's length of the circle.
- What are you going to do now, baby? He chuckled again.
- Get out, demon! I screamed.
He just grinned. Then a sudden wind scattered his clothes, and they turned into wings. I recoiled. Fear gripped me. But suddenly the same man who had recently come to me to find out his fate jumped out of the forest.
- Robert! I exclaimed.
- I was passing by here, I see you here! Did you think you could help? Robert glanced at my clothes. Or, on my figure?
With a warlike cry, he drew his sword and rushed at the demon. He looked at the sudden interference in surprise and flapped his wings. A barrier arose before Robert, a glittering net, a magical screen.
- What are you?! I was joking! - Offended exclaimed the demon.
- Joking?! Damn Demon!!! - Robert tried to get around the barrier, but the demon skillfully defended himself from the warrior.
I looked at all this without understanding anything. But then the demon turned its black eyes on me.
- Witch, I don't want to harm you. Take out your knight!
- You don't want evil? Yes, you ... but how ... - I just suffocated from such impudence.
The demon roared. Lightning flashed around its wings.
- Girl! Come out, finally! I don't need your soul or life! You are a strong mage! And I'm here to help you fulfill your destiny!!!
These words surprised me. I took a timid step out of the circle, every minute expecting a terrible death. But nothing happened. The demon stood with his arms folded, Robert stubbornly tried to get around the barrier.
- My name is Arazot! I don’t know how you managed to call me, how you know me, but nevertheless, I am here, here to serve you, protect you, help you, instruct you, - the demon folded its fearsome wings and grinned.
- I didn't know your name! I actually summoned a demon at random! - I parried.
The demon raised his eyebrows in surprise.
- Hey, what's going on here? - We completely forgot about Robert! And he stood at the barrier and stared in amazement at the scene unfolding before him.
The demon and I simultaneously turned towards the warrior.
- I think now you can remove the protection! - Arazoth said thoughtfully and waved his hand.
The network is gone. Robert cautiously stepped closer.
“So what were you talking about serving me?” You said at first that you weren't going to wait on some girl! I asked the demon.
- You have a purpose. Everyone has a purpose. I was sent here by the Lord to help you. Actually, you yourself were supposed to summon me, and now you came into the forest and randomly summoned a demon. You know, up there, and down there, intelligent creatures are sitting. They made it clear that you will never know my name, and that it is possible best case won't show up. And here I am, - Arazot bowed.
“By the way,” he added. - You, too, must help Eileen fulfill her destiny.
Robert looked at the demon in surprise.
- I AM?!
- You! - Arazot answered him in tone.
... Soon the three of us returned to my house. It turned out that Robert was just going to spend the night in the forest, since no one from the village allowed him to spend the night. The demon and the warrior discussed weapons, poisons, torture all the way. It seems that the demons are not so scary after all! And do not try to eat you at the first opportunity! In any case, Arazot clearly found a common language with Robert!
- If you think that curare is the most terrible poison, I hasten to assure you that this is not so! Demon Slayers prefer the poison of the Dragon Tear! - said Arazot.
- Tears of the Dragon? - Surprised to make her repeat it Robert.
- Strong magical and poisonous plant, growing in dragon caves. There is no antidote. Paralyzes muscles, causes burns, brain hemorrhage. Works within two minutes. Previously, a small amount of this poison was tortured, but then the Lord canceled such torture. Nothing to waste expensive poison!
- Speaking of torture! The most fashionable torture today is the Iron Lady! Well, you know, such an iron box with spikes, - said Robert.
“Simmering,” the demon replied. - The rest of the torture is a thing of the distant past.
- Hey you! May be enough? - I could not stand it. Their conversations frightened me, I was nervous, and everything in me was trembling.
Demon and Robert fell silent. cold light the moon lit the way. Grasshoppers chirped. The grass rustled. The stars were shining in the sky. Then the silhouettes of horsemen appeared in the distance.
- I wonder who it is that drives here at night? - As if by the way I asked.
The riders were getting closer. Soon one could hear the clatter of hooves and the wheezing of horses.
- God! Robert whispered.
Arazoth spread his wings.
- Riders of Death! - exclaimed the warrior. - I never believed in them!
- We're dead! - I said.
Death Riders are creatures that appear from time to time and kill everyone they meet on their way. Their black horses are winged and capable of moving hundreds of kilometers in a second. You can't hide, you can't run away, you can't kill them! If the Riders have already noticed you, then you can consider yourself a corpse! No one knows where they come from, but everyone is afraid of them. The riders approached. Cold fear gripped me. Robert, too, froze in horror. Nobody wants to die! The front rider stopped. The black horse was snoring, spreading its wings, picking the ground with its hoof.
- YOUR DEATH HAS COME! the Horseman croaked in a thunderous voice.
I closed my eyes. The phrase about death, according to legend, was a classic phrase of the Riders. She was usually followed by a terrible, brutal reprisal ...
- Oh, no, my friend Moore! Araz chuckled.
- DID YOU SAY MY NAME?! YOU DARE TO SAY MY NAME! FOR THIS YOU WILL DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH! The rider swung his sword, his eyes flashing. The rest of the riders screamed. Their screams made their blood run cold.
- Hey, Moor, didn't you recognize your old friend? It's me, Arazot!
The demon, summoned by me for no clear reason, stood in front of the Horseman, arms folded across his chest. His face was calm.
- Oh, no, buddy! The demon smiled again. - This is the witch that is called! And this is the warrior that helps her! And I'm the demon that instructs her!
It seems that Moore was surprised by the demon's words. Only later did I learn that the Riders also want to live, and they can only live in this world...
- And the same for you!
The riders took off into the sky and disappeared.
Robert and I watched in surprise as the riders disappeared into the darkness of the night. Arazoth calmly followed them with his eyes and, turning to us, said:
- So! Forward! I can't wait to see how the Chosen One lives!
“Ah… So you are familiar with the Riders of Death?” Robert asked.
The demon grinned.
- Imagine this!
Well, what can I say?! So I had to keep quiet.
We soon reached my home. The house is small, dilapidated, stands on the outskirts of the village - in general, a typical hut of a witch-healer! Seeing her, the demon raised his eyebrows skeptically.
- This is the house of the Chosen One?
I threw up my hands. Arazoth was clearly not happy.
- Nu not all same to live in palaces! Robert came to my defense.
... The moon was already sinking below the horizon, the sky brightened. I yawned and said:
- Nu, who as, and I sleep.
Arazot and Robert chatted about something for a long time, and I fell asleep ...
- Rise! The road does not like sleep! Getting up! - The hoarse voice of the demon pulled me out of a sweet dream.
- What, to hell, road! Fuck off, I muttered sleepily.
The demon, without ceremony, grabbed me and dragged me out into the yard. I protested, but he threw me right on the grass, wet and cold with dew. Of course, I immediately woke up. Standing up unhappily, I frowned at Arazot.
"And why the hell did you wake me up?" - I asked.
- Do not remember the devils under the devils! Arazot chuckled.
The sun flooded the world with a bright golden light. The dew shone, scattered like pearls on the grass, the trees burned with an emerald sheen. The sky was clear, soft blue, like crystal. Somewhere in the field, a lark sang with a ringing song, grasshoppers chirped incessantly.
- So what's up? - I repeated.
- It's time, beauty, wake up! The demon answered me. - The road is waiting.
- So. I'm not going anywhere until you explain some details to me," I said coldly.
The demon frowned, but realizing that I would not move without explanation, he asked:
"So, what do you want to know, lady?" - He especially emphasized the last word. Like he was mocking me! Although, that's probably what happened...
Smoothing my hair with my hand, I entered the house, where I found a cheerful and fresh Robert. With a friendly nod to me, he continued to study the map of our world.
"First of all, demon, who are you?" - I asked in the forehead.
- Part of that power that does good without number, wishing evil to everything! - Answered Arazot.
- Get to the point! There's no point here! - I frowned.
The demon sighed.
- I was sent here to help you, instruct you, if necessary, save you!
- Sent by whom?
- Higher powers. Satan.
- So what am I, a black witch, it turns out? - I was amazed.
The demon raised his eyes to the sky, as if questioning him about something.
“Your destiny is to find one thing that, falling into the hands of forces hostile to us, can shake the order that has been established since ancient times.
- So. Great. And who are these "hostile forces"? Almighty? - I didn't understand anything. After all, I was only a village healer and sorceress, and not a certified magician who knows a lot in theory and practice!
- Eh, no! He, too, is not profitable to shake the balance! The demon settled on my bed.
- Then who? All of this was starting to annoy me.
Of course, because I always assumed the existence of only two Forces: good and evil. And then some other force hostile to both of them! But it seems that there should be at least three opposites! I don't remember who said it though.
- I'm surprised that you haven't been visited by the messengers of God yet! - Arazoth nodded towards the heavens.
- Get to the point! - I was angry.
- Closer to the body! - Arazoth said quietly. - There are forces hostile to both Darkness and Light, - he added already louder. “These are the forces of the Chaotic Triad.
- Who is this? - I was surprised.
The demon got up and walked across the room. Robert looked at Arazoth with displeasure and switched back to his map. His long hair was tied in a ponytail, and his armor - chain mail and helmet - shone with a bright light.
- The Triad of Chaos are three magicians of uncertain forces who set out to disrupt the order that developed thousands of years ago. Simply put, destroy both Light and Darkness, both good and evil, and God and the Devil, and take their place!
I was shocked.
- But if there is no darkness, no light, then what will happen?
- Nothing. Emptiness. Chaos! Everything will disappear! And that's it.
Robert listened attentively to the demon. Finally he asked:
- And what is Eileen's role in all this? And mine?
- Eileen was chosen from hundreds of witches and sorcerers as the most independent and talented witch. And since she's just a girl, she was given a companion - you! And me as an educator.
- Darkness, quick! - Suddenly there was a sonorous and melodious voice.
We all three turned around. There was something shining and iridescent in the room. White clothes, white wings, blue eyes, golden wavy hair. Angel! He took a step towards us.
- If I could choose, I would never have allowed you, Arazot, to hang around the chosen one!
- They didn't ask you! I wouldn't let you, Max, take this baby away from life and pleasure! I knew that He would guide you, handsome! And so the hoarse voice of the demon now became coughing and barking.
- As I understand it, you are the angel that will instruct me, teach, help out and others? I asked.
- Exactly! And I'm terribly upset that this vile lecher and liar will be next to you, Chosen of Heaven!
The demon's eyes flashed. Turning sharply to the angel, he menacingly advanced on him.
- WHAT?! - growled Arazoth.
I thought that the words "libertine and liar" so pissed him off, but the demon dispelled my illusions:
- Chosen of Heaven?! Hell's Chosen One!!! - Arazoth moved closer to the angel.
The angel, whose name was Max, stood quietly with his arms folded across his chest. His whole appearance, his whole posture expressed greatness and calmness. The white wings behind him shone, his eyes laughed.
- I'm not afraid of you, creature of Hell! Vile liar and seducer! - Loudly and majestically he proclaimed.
“Where have you seen virtue demons, truthful demons, cute, soft and fluffy demons!” - Arazoth screamed.
- So. Either you both pull yourself together and stop yelling, or I'll split you into atoms! In the end, I couldn't take it.
The demon and the angel fell silent. Although Arazoth sparkled with his eyes, and the angel proudly looked at the "creation of hell", they nevertheless heeded my request. I stood at the table with my arms folded across my chest, my silver jumpsuit reflecting the bright sunlight, eyebrows were menacingly shifted.
- So, now who are you, angel?
- It would be foolish to say that I am your guardian angel, witch! - Proudly he answered me. - My name is Maximilian, I am one of the highest angels. As you quite rightly pointed out, I am sent here to help you fulfill your destiny!
The demon snorted.
"Stop snorting, you filthy monster!" Maximilian turned to him menacingly.
Arazoth gritted his teeth. He only opened his mouth to answer the offender, but, encountering my warning glance, closed it, prudently deciding to remain silent.
- And now tell me, dear helpers, what kind of object do I need to find? - I asked again.
The demon cleared his throat.
- This is an amulet that combines Darkness and Light! - He said.
"He was created by the Gray Order to help them keep their balance," Max added.
I nodded. I knew a lot about the Gray Order. Once upon a time there were several crazy sorcerers in the world who came up with the idea of ​​preserving the shaky balance of dark and light forces. After all, the world is driven by oppositely directed forces, and there is no good without evil, and evil without good. There is no night without a day, and no day without a night. Success always follows failure. White stripe - dark. And although Evil and Good are constantly fighting among themselves, neither Evil nor Good can win the final victory. But sometimes one of the forces wins a small victory over the other, and then the world hangs in the balance. And so, in the time of the Great Darkness, when Evil reigned in the world, several magicians devoted themselves to restoring the balance. They formed the Gray Order, whose adherents were supposed to do both evil and good. When necessary, they did more good, when necessary - more evil. The most interesting thing is that they, these volunteers, really managed to restore the balance, but Gray magic did not receive distribution among magicians, and the Order eventually fell apart. Now it was clear to me that they had won only thanks to the mysterious amulet.
- This amulet brought them good luck in their work, but they did not know what kind of power was hidden in it. These forces can either restore the balance of the forces of Darkness and Light, or break it! - As if reading my thoughts, continued Arazot.
- Or even destroy Light and Darkness! - Finished by Max.
Robert got up from the table.
- So, where do we look for this trinket? he asked.
The demon and angel looked at each other. When they turned back to us, ignorance was written on their faces.
- You don't know? Robert exclaimed.
They shrugged guiltily. Arazoth scratched the top of his head thoughtfully. The angel carefully avoided meeting my eyes.
- Guys, what about? - I asked upset.
- Mmm. You know, baby, - Arazot looked at me. - That's a good question.
I started getting angry again. Those cretins sent to help me knew nothing! Damn, what the hell are they to me at all?
- You can ask the Oracle of the Green Desert! Max said.
The Oracle of the Green Desert is a nomad deity who predicts the future and gives answers through an old hermit who lives near the Temple of the Oracle located in the Green Desert. It is believed that he (the Oracle) knows everything. What kind of "Green Desert" is this, you ask? I'll explain now.
The Green Desert is a large desert in the north of our world, covering most of northern mainland. It is nicknamed green for the incredibly light green color of the sands. Indeed, the sand of this desert resembles young grass in color! There is a legend that such sand near this desert has remained since the same time of the Great Darkness, due to the fact that one strong magician decided to try his hand. For fun, he painted this desert green.
- So, should we sail to the North now? Where will I get money? - I asked.
Arazoth smiled slyly.
- Well, after all, I'm a demon, nevertheless, and I can do something! I wasn't banned from using my powers, so...
Max frowned at the demon.
Are you going to take us there? - He said.
- Exactly! - proudly answered Arazot.
Robert and I looked at each other. He shrugged. The demon waved his hand.
Sparks danced around us. Sparks rose from the ground, higher and higher. Soon we were surrounded by a sparkling fiery cocoon. There was a quiet "boom!" In the eyes slightly darkened, and in the meantime the sparks descended, revealing a beautiful sight to our eyes. We were no longer in my hut, but on the green sand of the Green Desert. For miles around, nothing could be seen but light green sand dunes.
- Oh! - That's all I could say.
Looks like I missed a bit! - Frustrated muttered the demon.
The angel looked discontentedly at Arazoth and chuckled.
- Stop whining! The demon got angry.
- HM! - Repeatedly, and already louder grunted Max. "What else can you expect from a demon!"
Growling, Arazoth moved towards the angel, but I prudently stood in his way.
- What do you mean missed? - I exclaimed, trying not to let him go around me and reach Max.
Arazoth poked himself back and forth a couple of times, then gave up.
- Each time during the movement, the demon must accurately imagine the place where he wants to go. Or the person he wants to see. But I have never been to the Oracle, and now... - Arazoth spread his hands.
- We had to get there in a different way! Max answered.
- What is it?! On foot??? The demon growled again.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the tiny spellbook I always carried with me and read the Silence Charm. The demon and angel instantly shut up and looked at me. I read anger in Arazoth's eyes, while Max looked offended.
- That's better! Now shut up a little! - I added, closing the book.
- Eileen, I suggest we find the Oracle as soon as possible! Robert said.
- Oh, you're right! Where shall we go?
After conferring, we moved north. Robert, who traveled a lot, and once crossed the Green Desert, suggested that we were closer to the southern edge of it, and since the Oracle is in the center, that is where we should go.
- Robert, I hope I'm not distracting you from your journey? - I asked the knight.
He walked alongside, enjoying the unimaginably magical landscape of the Desert.
- From what trip? - Surprised he asked.
- How from what! Remember, you came to me to guess, and told me about your journey!
- O! You about it! No, I still didn't have a particular goal. I just decided to see the world again.
Then we walked in silence. Arazot and Max were puffing behind their backs: one angry, the other offended. The green sand soon began to irritate me, and the sun, rising to its zenith, mercilessly baked my head. Nothing but emerald sand was visible.
- That's it, I can't do it anymore! I'm thirsty, - I muttered, sinking into the sand.
Max silently approached me and held out a flask of water. Looking at him in surprise, I uncorked it and took a sip. The water was ice cold, slightly brackish, fresh and very tasty. Having drunk enough, I returned the flask to the angel and said:
- Thank you! But where...?!
Max looked at me irritably. I remembered that he couldn't speak and cast a counter spell.
- In the end, not only this demon can conjure! - He answered.
The demon, having heard these words, angrily jumped up from the sand and, with sparkling eyes, moved towards us. I quickly removed the spell from Arazoth, and he burst into an angry tirade in a language I did not know. Max blushed, and answered him in the same language. Arazoth threw a handful of new words into his face, and he fell silent, looking guiltily at the demon and me.
- All right, everything, - said the angel and turned away.
The demon helped me up and said:
- Looks like we've arrived. Nearly.
I followed his gaze, and a magical sight opened up to me. Hidden by the dunes, among the green sands, stood a temple, golden and silver in color. A garden sprawled around him, blooming on the emerald sands for some unknown reason. We slowly walked towards it, stumbling and bogged down in the sand that suddenly became so viscous.
As we approached the temple, shining gold in the sun and silver reflecting the green of the sand, its gates flung open. A girl in a leather riding suit ran out to meet us, with black flowing hair and streaks of tears on her cheeks. Casting a look at us from her eyes reddened with tears, she ran up to the black stallion, jumped into the saddle and raced away.
- What's wrong with her? - Surprised asked Robert.
Angel shrugged.
- Her husband will be the Prince of the Green Desert. And she hates castles, she loves freedom. The oracle revealed her future to her, and she was upset.
- How do you know? Robert exclaimed.
- I'm an angel. We can predict the future. We only rarely use our gift, - answered Max.
- Why did you use it now? - I asked.
"Well," he shrugged. “This demon isn’t banned from using its long-distance movement abilities!”
Arazoth gritted his teeth and looked menacingly at Max. I coughed warningly.
We entered the shining temple. An old monk in a gray mantle came out to meet us.
- Welcome to Green Desert Oracle Temple! - He said.
- Hi Hi! Robert answered.
- You need advice! So, follow me, but remember: each of you can ask the Oracle only one question.
We followed the old man deep into the temple. Inside, it was not as sparkling as outside, quite the contrary: the walls were covered with soot, candles barely dispersed the gloom, and it smelled of mold. But then we got closer to the altar. It was the Altar of the Oracle, and it shone and sparkled, reflecting, refracting, and absorbing the light of the few candles. The altar was made as if from crystal, and the walls of the temple were visible through it.
“So,” said the old man, sitting down on the altars and crossing his legs. - The Oracle is listening to you!
I stepped towards the altar.
- Tell me, Oracle, where should we look for the Amulet of the Gray Order? - I asked.
The Oracle doesn't know! Go to the Rainbow Dragon! - The Oracle answered me in a dull voice.
I walked away from the altar at a decent distance in frustration, allowing the rest of my companions to ask the Oracle their questions. Glancing at Max and Arazoth, I read disappointment with the Oracle in their eyes.
Where to go now? Where to look for this mysterious Rainbow Dragon? How to be now?!
"Come on, Eileen, let's go," Robert called to me.
I dutifully followed the exit. Stepping out into the sun, I noticed a smile on the knight's stern face.
- Why are you so happy? Because the Oracle, that crazy old man, doesn't know where that filthy amulet is?! I asked Robert angrily.
"No," he shook his head. - I, like you, are upset by this news, but I rejoice because the Oracle told me that I will become the king of the elves! That the most beautiful elf - the Elven queen - will love me, and become my wife!
- And you believe this cretin?! I exclaimed.
Arazoth put his hand on my shoulder.
- However, the Oracle told me the truth! The demon objected hoarsely.
- Yes?! And what did he say to you?! I yelled as I shook off his hand.
- I... I can't tell you... - The demon hesitated.
- Shut up!!! - I yelled.
Arazoth pursed his lips. Max smiled at the demon.
- It's time to go! - The angel shook green grains of sand from his snow-white clothes.
The demon waved his hand, and sparks danced around us, just like the first time. And when the fog cleared before my eyes, and the sparks rained down at our feet like a luminous rain, I saw a forest. Not even just a forest, but a Forest! This Forest embodied the very concept of a forest, it was the way any of us imagines a forest, barely hearing the word "forest". Tall and thick trees with a dense crown and gnarled roots surrounded our company from all sides. Sparse and short grass covered the ground, birds sang, sunlight barely penetrated the foliage. We stood on a path that ran into the very depths of the forest.
I straightened my robe, brushed off the green sand from my overalls, and said:
- And where are we?
- In the Eternal Forest! - hoarsely proclaimed the demon.
- In the Elven forest! Max added in a clear voice.
Robert was visibly agitated. Ha, this fool believes the Oracle who doesn't even know where to look for the Amulet! Ha!
Arazoth moved along the path, his black clothes fluttering in the sudden wind, and he stopped.
- Etto what the...? he exclaimed.
- The magic of the elves does not miss the Forces of Evil! - Answered the angel, freely passing by the frozen demon.
- You should at least be silent, angel! - Roared Arazoth.
Max just shrugged. He made a gesture of invitation to Robert and me, and we slowly followed him up the path. But, not having gone even two steps, we froze in bewilderment and fear: because of the trees, ten arrowheads were looking at us! Arazoth looked around haunted, Robert put his hand on the sword, Max raised his hands soothingly:
- Hello, elf brothers! Don't you recognize your old friend Maelin?
- Greetings to you, Maelin, an angel from the kind of Heavenly Elves! - There was an iridescent, similar to the singing of a lark, a voice. - We will accept you with joy, but the demon is a creature of Evil, and people do not have the right to enter the Enchanted Eternal Forest!
A tall, dark-haired elf stepped out onto the path. He was wearing lilac clothes, and in his hands he held a bow with a stretched bowstring. His slightly slanting eyes looked suspiciously (if not contemptuously!) at us.
- O! Hellene! What a meeting! - Max smiling moved to the elf, and they embraced.
Then the angel whispered something in Ellin's ear, and he looked at me with a frown.
“So you are looking for a path to the Rainbow Dragon?” - Asked the elf.
I just nodded in response. Not that his beauty left me speechless, but his behavior towards people amazed me.
- Bright Iorviin will decide your fate! he proclaimed.
The elf made a gesture to us, and we moved along the path after him. Invisible to us, hiding behind the trees to the left and right of the path, the elves followed us. The demon muttered something angrily under his breath, looking first at the elf, then at the angel, Robert looked around enthusiastically, quite like a child. I went closer to Max and quietly asked him:
- Why do they call you Maelin?
- In their language, it means "Sky Elf". So they call all the angels, looking through the connection between us and themselves. The elves have their own faith, they do not belong to the Almighty, but He does not claim them. He has enough people, and He gave the elves to Nature!
- And how long have you known this Ellin? - I asked.
- For a long time. Since then, when he was still an ordinary, and not the highest angel.
While we were talking, the path led us to a clearing in the center of which stood an old oak tree. A small house could easily fit inside its trunk. At the level of my head in the trunk of a tree there was a hollow the size of a door, a ladder led to it. On the "threshold" of the hollow sat a slender young girl in a green dress, with long silvery hair and a wreath of leaves on her head. She leafed through the pages of the book in her lap with interest. As we approached, the girl raised her eyes and looked around at our company. Her gaze caught Robert and she shuddered and stood up, dropping the book in her lap. Robert stepped forward, bent down and picked up the book. At the same time, the girl grabbed her. She froze and blushed. Her silver hair shone in the sun. Robert straightened up and handed the book to the elf girl.
- Thank you! - As if a silver bell rang in the forest.
Robert bowed respectfully. He did not take his eyes off the elf, she turned even more pink. Her blue eyes looked like deep lakes. Robert smiled slightly, the elf smiled back timidly. With one last look at the man, the girl returned to her original position.
"So, what brings you to the Eternal Forest, Bright Jorveen's realm?" she asked.
The angel approached the elf queen - and it was she! and whispered in her ear. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. When Max finished whispering, the girl stood up and said:
- Truly, a strange company, and a strange request! Never before had an angel, demon and man traveled together! What are your names, travelers?
- You know my name, Light Iorviin. Here they call me Sky Elf, Maelin! My companions know me as the angel Maximilian! - Answered the angel.
"My name is Arazoth, and I am a demon," Arazoth said reluctantly.
- He, ruling Darkness for thousands of years, he is a demon, a deceiver and a liar! - Proclaimed the elf Ellin, who brought us here.
Arazoth snorted.
- I'm Eileen! Witch, I said timidly. Although this girl - the elf queen - looked younger than me, but I felt the weight of hundreds of years she lived.
“Robert,” my companion simply introduced himself. He looked slightly embarrassed.
Iorvin smiled.
"So, you're looking for the Rainbow Dragon?" Well, I can help you, but will he want to talk to you?
- It's our business! - Arazoth answered slightly rudely.
Iorveen frowned.
- I can show you the place where the Dragon lives.
Thank you, Light One! Max answered her.
“The dragon lives in the Misty Mountains,” Iorviin said in a clear voice.
We bowed out. But, before we had time to take a step towards the exit from the clearing, the elf jumped up and ran up to us. Standing on tiptoe, she lightly touched Robert's cheek with her lips and said:
- When your path is over, and the goal is reached, come to my forest. I will gladly welcome you again!
Robert, blushing visibly, merely nodded. Jorviin turned to us, also slightly surprised, and said:
- You will probably need help. My faithful assistant, Mitriin, archer of the Forest, will go with you.
At these words, from behind a tree, as if by magic, a slender (as, indeed, all elves) girl appeared. She wore green flared trousers, a brown short-sleeved blouse, and a green hooded cloak. Her short brown hair was adorned with a diadem of silver inlaid with emeralds. A quiver full of arrows hung over her shoulder, and she held a bow in her hands. Removing the diadem, she held it out with a slight bow to her queen.
- Mitriin, at your service! Her voice was like the rustling of leaves on a sunny afternoon.
I accidentally looked at the angel. His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open. In general, he was clearly struck by the beauty of the elven archer.
Mitriin, Arazot, Max, Robert and I set off along the path. Moving far enough away from the clearing, the demon again waved his hand, and again sparks danced around us, and spots swam before our eyes. I closed my eyes so as not to spoil my vision with this flickering. When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing on the edge of the deepest abyss. I staggered and turned pale: I'm afraid of heights!!! Almost falling to the bottom of that terrible chasm, I stepped back, bumping my back against Arazoth. He held me up and grinned.
- Listen, demon! I hissed through my teeth. - Next time you decide to move me to the edge of the abyss, then warn me!!!
He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
- Sorry, little witch, I didn't know you were afraid of heights! - He chuckled.
- I'm not afraid of heights! Blushing slightly, I replied. “It’s just, you know, it’s not very pleasant to be on the edge of an abyss!”
Arazoth chuckled wickedly. Then I noticed a frightened Mitriin. The elf stood by the rock and touched it in amazement, as if not believing that she was really there. Max was standing next to her, and was extremely pleased that the girl now and then turns to him with questions in a singsong language unfamiliar to me.
Robert pointed to the rock opposite the ledge we were standing on, across the gap from us. It showed a cave, or rather, a black hole in solid stone. A barely visible narrow path led to it.
- And we're lucky! You know the geography of this world quite well, demon! We seem to be almost there!
- Yes! - There was a voice of Mitriin. - This is the cave of the Rainbow Dragon! But how to get there?
I turned to Arazoth:
- Can you take us there?
- Alas! The demon spread his hands. - After moving, I need to accumulate strength!
"Then how are we going to get there?" - I asked either the sky, or my companions.
- Legs, dear, legs! On foot! - Answered Arazoth, pointing to the ledge path leading from the place of our arrival down to the very depths of the abyss.
Taking a deep breath, I moved downstairs. Robert followed me, smiling dreamily. Arazoth, who was following him, asked gloomily:
- And you, buddy, apparently fell in love with this handsome elf!
- Wouldn't you be mad? - The man answered.
- Oh no! Alas, the heart of a demon is not capable of love! - Arazot spread his hands.
Max, contrary to his custom, did not fake the demon. He did not pay attention to us at all: all his attention was occupied by Mitriin. They walked side by side, talking quietly in the same melodious language, and the angel was completely happy.
... The sun had already touched the edge of the horizon, and the tops of the rocks were flooded with orange light. Darkness reigned in the gorge. Night was creeping up on the world. In the sky, half soft blue, half pinkish, white feathers of clouds floated, which, as they approached the sun, turned red. The rocks hung over us in formidable gray masses, the shadow grew ever blacker. I leaned tiredly against the rock. The trail widened, and now it was quite possible to walk on it five of us in one row. To be honest, I'm pretty tired of this whole enterprise. Some kind of amulet, some kind of Triad, elves, demons, angels and oracles, and all in one day! Eh, it was better for me to sit at home, guess and slowly engage in levitation!
- Hey, Arazot! Why don't you take us upstairs, huh?
- Learn to walk! - Arazot muttered.
I sighed. No, he's incorrigible.
- Listen, you hornless devil! I am on my feet all day, and in general, I did not ask myself to look for this trinket, proudly called the Amulet! I yelled at the demon.
He stepped back and said:
- Fine, fine! Only without nerves! We'll spend the night here, and in the morning I'll take us to the cave. Although this is not the case - to move half a kilometer just because our chosen one is tired of stomping on foot!
I blushed a little. He's right, damn it! Nevertheless, we spent the night on the ledge, and when the golden sun rose above the rocks, and the sky became transparent blue, Arazoth waved the five of us to the entrance to the cave of the Rainbow Dragon.
The entrance was high and wide, which indicated that the one who lived here was also of considerable size. The passage led into the depths of the cliff and was soon lost in the darkness. We slowly entered the cave and moved into the darkness...
... I can't see well in the dark, and therefore, in general, I have nothing to say about our road in the dark, except, perhaps, for my feelings. It seemed like we walked for an eternity. It was cold and damp, but as we moved deeper into the mountains, the air became warmer. The echo resonantly carried our steps through the cave. Flocks flew overhead bats. The floor of the tunnel gradually lowered.
Soon we came out into a huge cave, and we were presented with a spectacle the like of which none of us had ever seen. The vaults of the cavern slid upward into darkness, and about half of it was illuminated by iridescent iridescent light emanating from a strange building in the center of the hall. It was something like a gate. The arch, made of silver and adorned with precious stones, rose up about fifty meters, and was covered with a shroud of iridescent color, which radiated radiance. It wasn't light, it was radiance! The veil shimmered and seemed to move.
- The famous Gates of the Worlds! Mitriin sighed in admiration.
- Gates of the Worlds? - I asked again, because I had never heard of anything like that.
- Gates that open the way to any other world. Portal, - explained Robert.
We looked at the Gate. It seemed that just take a step, and the spaces of Other Worlds, mysterious dimensions will open to you! We could have looked at the play of the magical veil for a long time, but suddenly, in the depths of the cave, hidden from us by darkness, some strange sounds were heard. With difficulty taking my eyes off the Gate, I narrowed my eyes and stared in the direction of these sounds. At first it was only an incomprehensible echo, but soon we clearly distinguished scratchings that could only be emitted by huge (and very sharp!) claws of a predatory reptile. The sounds were getting closer, and in order to avoid trouble, I hid behind the wide back of the demon. From the outside, this gesture was imperceptible, and no one could reproach me for cowardice. Soon, a gigantic shadow moved in the darkness. It was impossible to make out the outlines, but in addition to the rattle, other sounds appeared. Sounds like wheezing and heavy breathing.
In the darkness, a flame flashed, illuminating the figure of the Dragon. We gasped. It was a Dragon with a capital D, the embodiment of all dragons, gigantic, graceful, luxurious and incredibly dangerous. His eyes had narrow golden pupils, his teeth were sharper than daggers and whiter than pearls, his scales shimmered with iridescent color, his wings, like mirrors, reflected the radiance of the Gate and let out patches of bright light into our eyes. An unquenchable flame burned in his mouth. The beast lowered its head and looked at us. We, as if spellbound, looked him straight in the eye. It was impossible to hide from these golden lakes, it was impossible not to look into them. I suddenly realized that you can’t hide anything from this creature, that he sees through us, knows all our thoughts, dreams, dreams. He knows more about us than we do! But then we heard a voice:
- Oh, the Great Rainbow Dragon, the Guardian of the Worlds and the Guardian of Time! - exclaimed Mitriin. We've come to ask you for help!
- YOU KNOW, DAUGHTER OF NATURE, THAT I HAVE NO RIGHT TO HELP YOU LIVING IN THE WORLD! - The voice of the Dragon was everywhere. It seemed to penetrate every cell of our bodies. It didn't look like thunder, but it was thunderous. It didn't look like the rustle of leaves, but it rustled. It didn't sound like a bell, but it rang nonetheless!
- I know it, Great! But you can give us the answer to one question, the answer to which no one else knows but you!
The dragon closed his eyes and sighed. A cloud of smoke escaped from the mouth. Then the magical beast opened its eyes, and wearily said:
The demon kicked me in the back. I took a hesitant step forward and said in a voice hoarse with excitement:
My name is Eileen...
- I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR NAME, MAG! - Dragon interrupted me.
I sighed and continued:
- Tell me, where is the Amulet of the Gray Order?
The dragon looked at me carefully. His golden pupils blazed with fire.
Then the beast, without waiting for further questions (and I had a lot of them! For example, who is the Starry Unicorn, and what does the "Keeper of Radiance" mean) passed through the Gate. The veil wavered, its radiance became brighter than the sun, we screwed up. And when we ventured to open our eyes, we found ourselves in a completely unfamiliar place, somewhere in the Misty Mountains ...
Arazoth frowned at the high standing golden sun. Mitriin and Max held hands and looked around with the same surprised eyes.
- The Rainbow Dragon condescended to the point that with the help of his Power he transferred us from his cave! The elf exclaimed.
- All this is of course great, but who is this Starry Unicorn? - Asked the demon.
- Star Unicorn, Keeper of Radiance, magical creature! This is the Unicorn that was created by the gods even before other forms of life and living beings were created! Initially, He is the Keeper of Light. As long as this Unicorn lives, there is light in the world, whether it be lunar, starry or solar! Be it fire or magical radiance! Mitriin explained.
- And where does this funny horse live? - Asked Arazot.
The elf smiled. Adjusting her quiver, she answered:
- There are many forests in our world. Many of them were enchanted. Many are given to the elves. But there is one single forest, the entrance to which is forbidden to both people and elves. Only magicians and magical creatures are allowed to enter there. This is the Forest of the Unicorn, the southern forest!
- So we're on our way! The demon chuckled.
Waving his hand, Arazoth carried us to the south. As soon as the sparks dissipated, I found that we were standing near the forest. It was, in general, an unremarkable forest. Not a forest with a capital letter, like the Eternal Forest of the elves, but a forest in which the presence of magic was felt. Ordinary trees with green foliage, grass silvery with dew. But the sun seemed to penetrate this forest through and through, and it seemed that the rather dense foliage did not interfere with the golden light. I went to the forest. "Only magicians and magical creatures are allowed to enter there!" I am a magician, that's what the Rainbow Dragon called me, which means I can freely enter this forest!
I bent down and passed under the birch branches. Having already gone far enough into the forest, I suddenly remembered my companions. Yes, a demon and an angel can be called magical creatures, but Mitriin said that neither humans nor elves are allowed to enter here. I looked back. Arazoth and Max silently stood behind.
- Where is Robert? - I asked.
"Neither humans nor elves are allowed to enter here!" - As if an angel quoted my thoughts.
"They'll both wait for us outside," the demon added.
I nodded. Somehow I knew that this was how it should be. That now my adventure awaits me. An adventure that I have to go through on my own, without the help of my companions (and hopefully friends!), even without the help of an angel and a demon. And I went to where the Unicorn was waiting for me, where the goal of this whole enterprise was waiting for me.
... The trees parted before me, and I saw something beautiful. A white horse stood on the golden grass. His white body was silvery, shining. The horse lifted its head from the grass and looked at me with huge gray eyes, eyes without pupils, as if cast from silver. A golden twisted horn shone in the forehead of the creature. The white silky body trembled, and the Unicorn opened its wings, strewn with stars. The sun played on them, blinding me. The Starry Unicorn took a few steps towards me, as if he was hovering above the ground, barely touching it with his golden hooves. And then I saw his tail! At the end of it shone a star, shimmering like a rainbow. I imagined unicorns a little differently!
The creature looked into my eyes. Like the Dragon, it was able to read minds.
"Life is full of surprises, right?" - The music of the Unicorn's voice played in my head.
I nodded.
"Do you need it?" - Asked the Unicorn, moving his head aside and showing me the pendant hanging around his neck.
It was the Amulet of the Gray Order. On a silver chain hung a silver drop adorned with small diamonds. The diamonds reflected the light, but I realized that even in the dark the pendant would shine no less brightly, because these stones have an inner light.
I nodded again.
"I know everything about you, Eileen! I know that you will save it better than me! But beware, because the power of this Amulet is great, and beyond your control, sorceress!" - The Unicorn proclaimed, and the Amulet suddenly flew off his neck and floated towards me.
I reached out my hand and the drop pendant fell into my palm. She was unexpectedly light and cold. I hung the Amulet around my neck. The unicorn turned away from me. The Keeper of the Radiance was not interested in the problems of humans or elves. He had no interest in people at all, even wearing the All-Powerful Gray Amulet!
Let's go Eileen! - Arazoth told me quietly.
Nodding, I turned my back on the Unicorn and moved towards the exit of the forest. But before I even took a step, the air around me darkened and wavered. I stopped, staring blankly as three people appeared around me. They were dressed in robes with hoods covering their faces.
- Give me the Amulet! - Said one of them, holding out his hand in my direction. - Give it back and go!
- Well, I do not! I have endured so much to get this thing that you, whoever you are, will not get it! I exclaimed, backing away from him.
- TRIAD! - Arazoth cried out in a thunderous voice.
I turned in his direction, and saw how the demon spread its wings. Next to him, already transformed, stood Max, and his snow-white wings sparkled like snow in the sun. In the hands of Arazoth appeared a staff made of ebony and decorated with carvings. The demon flapped its wings and shouted:
- Get out, bastards! Get away from my Eileen! Away with your dirty hands, raking from the Amulet!
The magicians laughed. The angel flew up and swung the sword that came out of nowhere. The demon launched a flock of fireballs towards the three magicians, but they bounced off the shield set by the Triad. The pendant got heavier. I backed away even further from the mages.
- Run, girl! Save the Amulet! He shouldn't get them! - Exclaimed Max, letting a sheaf of lightning into the magicians.
I ran. Fear seized me, urging and urging, forcing me to run faster and faster. The branches lashed me on the head, the mantle got tangled in them, the roots, as if on purpose, crawled right under my feet, forcing me to stumble. A fiery lightning flashed above my head, fired by one of the Triad. I screamed and ran even faster. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest, but I was too afraid to stop, or at least slow down. Like a meteorite, I flew out of the woods, running into Robert and knocking him to the ground.
- Hey, be quiet! You're rushing like a mob of ghouls is chasing you! he exclaimed, rubbing his bruised knee.
- Maybe not ghouls, but someone no less scary! - Mitriin answered, putting an arrow on the bowstring.
Robert drew his sword from its scabbard. The elf took a position next to him. I collapsed onto the grass, exhausted, trying to catch my breath. The air ahead wavered and out of it, one by one, the mages of the Triad emerged. I jumped up, breathing heavily, and Robert and Mitriin covered me with their bodies. The elf fired an arrow, but it caught fire in the air before it even got close to the target. Arazoth appeared in front of me, scattering sparks. Max flew out of the forest like a white arrow, and rushed to the magician, who was standing with his back to him. He raised his sword, but the magician turned to him, and the angel flew off to the side, fell to the ground and fell silent. I stepped back.
- Get out of my way! - Shouted the magician, throwing aside Robert, who boldly rushed at him.
The warrior fell to the ground. The magician stepped towards me, and I couldn't even move. The demon jumped forward, but the magician unleashed a fiery lightning bolt at him, and he fell, wheezing in pain.
- NO!!! - I shouted, rushing to Arazoth.
The magician laughed, and from his laughter the blood froze in the veins. I fell to my knees next to the demon and sobbed. His face was contorted in pain, his eyes were closed. He opened his eyes for a moment, pain shone in them, and said in a hoarse, trembling voice:
- I was wrong. A demon can love too. I love you Eileen.
I wanted to answer him, but tears left me speechless. The demon closed his eyes. The magician walked towards me, and I realized that this was the end. Everyone who went with me was taken out of the game, and now I could only rely on myself. Anger filled me and I raised my head. My cheeks were wet with tears, but my eyes burned with rage.
- You bastard. You will pay for the death of my friends! - Quiet, but evil, I said.
- Give me the Amulet, baby. You can't compete with us! The mage chuckled.
I silently took a step forward. Then she pushed off the ground and took off. The amulet hanging around my neck gave me unprecedented strength. I remembered how the brave Mitriin pulled the string, and made the same gesture, putting all the strength, all the hatred, all the pain into it. A ghostly bow appeared in my hands, I let go of the string, and the silver arrow broke and flew, cutting through time and space, towards the goal. I knew that this arrow would find its target, even if I fired it in a completely different direction. And the mage knew it too! He retreated, he was afraid, I felt this fear, and joy filled my heart. A silver arrow pierced the magician, and he screamed. Behind them, two more screams were heard, weaker: the mages of the Triad were screaming. The magician fell, his body caught fire with silver fire.
At that moment, I lost my balance and fell to the ground. The bow disappeared, and a kind of emptiness suddenly formed in me. The amulet became light again. My head was spinning, and I realized that I was dying ...
... The fire parted, and someone dressed in black stepped out of it. In his hands was a staff. On the head is an impressive horn. He stopped and looked thoughtfully at the sky. A bright light illuminated him, and an old man in white robes sank to the ground.
- I DON'T KNOW, RIGHT, I DON'T KNOW, - someone in black sighed.
The old man looked around the battlefield.
- YOUR BUSINESS, GOD! - A black silhouette leaned over Arazoth.
- THIS. DEMON? - God stood next to him.
- LOVE - NO LONGER A DEMON! - Someone answered.
- THE DEVIL, THE DEMON CAN LOVE TOO! God shook his gray head.
- I DID NOT TEACH HIM THIS! - The devil grunted, kicking the body of Arazoth with his foot.
The devil moved away from the demon and approached Robert.
God nodded sadly.
- YES!
The devil approached Arazoth and squatted down.
“YOU KNOW,” he said with unexpected sadness. - I WILL MISS HIM.
- IT IS TIME! God waved his hand.
- WHAT TO DO WITH THE AMULET? WE CAN'T LET HIM STAY IN THIS WORLD, the Devil took a drop from my hands.
God approached his antipode.
- WHY NOT DESTROY IT? - The Black Devil gave the pendant to God.
God swung and threw the Amulet into the distance. It whistled through the air, leaving a glowing trail behind it. Then God waved his hand over the battlefield, and he himself soared to the clouds, quickly disappearing into the blue sky. The devil chuckled and stepped into the red flames that suddenly burst out of the ground…
…Rainbow Dragon followed with his golden eyes the Amulet disappearing in the Gate. Then he turned to the black figure frozen against the cave wall.
- NOTHING! - There was an answer. - THEY ARE ALL ALIVE.
- AYLIN AND ARAZOT? The dragon looked at the figure.
- ARAZOT NO LONGER A DEMON. I CAN'T GET HIM TO SERVE ME WHEN HIS HEART IS FULL OF THIS STUPID FEELING! - The figure came into the light, and it became clear that it was the Devil.
- LOVE IS NOT A STUPID FEELING! The Dragon snorted with fire.
The devil raised his hands.
- OK, - the Dragon wearily closed his eyes.
The devil smiled...
…I opened my eyes. Above me was a yellow moon. The sky was strewn with shining stars, which reminded me of the Starry Unicorn. Slowly turning my head, I saw Arazoth lying next to me and looking at the same stars.
"It's strange that I'm alive," he said, noticing that I was looking at him.
- It is strange that we are all alive and well! Max's voice was sad.
I got up. All of us, all my friends, were alive. Max stood next to Mitriin, and he no longer had snow-white wings. He smiled sadly.
- I can't fly anymore. It seems that the Almighty gave me Mitriin. Now I am an elf. Strange, right?
- There is nothing strange. I am no longer a demon either. Apparently, the Devil decided to get rid of the devil in love! Arazoth shook his head and chuckled.
Then a griffin landed on the ground. Astride the feathered creature sat Jorveen. The queen was wearing breeches and a marsh-colored top, and her silvery hair was gathered in a bun. She jumped to the ground and ran towards us. Rather, she ran up to the joyful Robert.
- I found out ... I was afraid that you ... that you were dead! And flew in ... How are you? - She asked confusedly.
- Honey, we are all alive and well, but how are we going to get home now? Robert hugged the fragile elf.
- O! This is not difficult!
The girl waved her hand, and several more griffins landed on the ground.
- Your Holiness! - Max approached the queen. She looked at him and Mitriin carefully. We love each other and...
- ... And Max will live with us! The elf turned pink.
- Among the elves there is always a place for an angel. Welcome Maelin! Jorveen nodded to the former angel.
He nodded gratefully in response. Robert looked at the queen.
- Iorvin! I love you! he exclaimed.
Me too, Robert! You know, the Oracle, he predicted to me that a warrior would become my husband, but I did not think that a man would be a warrior! Iorvien smiled.
Arazoth put his hand on my shoulder. I looked into the black eyes of the former demon. He turned slightly pink, although in the dark it was not noticeable.
- Eileen. Will you be my wife?
- Yes ... - My voice broke from excitement.
Arazoth smiled.
... We flew over the world in the sky, illuminated by the light of the moon. Mitriin, Max, Iorviin, and Robert landed in the Eternal Enchanted Forest, while Arazoth and I flew on to the village where I once lived. Our griffins made smooth flapping of their wings. Yes, who could have known that buying one magical book and summoning a demon on a full moon night would lead to such consequences? Who could have known that the search for some mysterious Amulet would end in three weddings?
Amulet? Amulet! Where is the Amulet!!!
- Arazoth! Where is the Amulet?! I exclaimed in horror.
- Somewhere in the labyrinths of the worlds! If I understood correctly…
I smiled. Yes, this adventure is over! Did you expect such an end? Personally, I don't...

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches are female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in dense, impenetrable forests, where they could create their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, outlandish plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

Witches, as a rule, become by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in the pedigree of three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If such a representative is taught witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, not understanding what they are doing, can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word thrown in anger very soon comes true. It is the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when dying, a witch must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her demise a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when this is not possible, the witch realizes that devilry will not let her go, but will begin to torment her with terrible torment. In a moment of agony, she is ready to throw off her power on anyone, it is enough for a witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual agreement has several other forms. This phenomenon is called the confession of a witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can last more than one day. Starting her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first cocks, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she has to remember everything that is said. To simplify this, the elder witch denounced knowledge in a story, which is why they say “Confessions of a Witch”. An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. It was necessary to choose a worthy and stronger successor. Confession on her deathbed is not devoid of logic, because, having full knowledge, the newly minted witch could use them against the Teacher.

See also a documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last kind of witches are conscientious disciples. These people, being aware, have chosen the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the wordsto become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only cleanliness of the body, a strict fast for three days is required, but clean clothes must also be worn.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by "for courage" alcohol or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication, which really no one will enter and interfere. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires reverent awe, respect and faith in the importance of what is happening. You need to be aware that when you initiate, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will not be possible to scatter threats to the right and left. After reading the text of the initiation, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from a witch to be performed. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After the completion of the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch"

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch" in the minds of modern man have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word "witch" comes, first of all, from the word "know", that is, to know.

Witches are different.

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But blacks can not be seen right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any, even the most dirty work. These are black witches.

It must be understood that black magic is not a priori "evil", it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to call on the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not need sacrifices, tormenting black cats and drinking blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be taken as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. According to the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Calling demons and spirits, healing or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive adherents of magic are limited to divination, predictions, reading amulets, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a large energy expenditure of the witch.

Real spells for beginner witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly release new books about magic, and there are many sites on the Internet with this theme. The question of the authenticity of such abundant information, everyone decides for himself.

Outside the 21st century. The age in which most supernatural phenomena received scientific justification or was refuted. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in everyday life was and remains such as to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know, to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Human interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of a powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! It is difficult for a simple layman to call magic a science, but it is as old as the world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It's not even about book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of mind and soul, but it is very important to understand it.

In ancient times, it was easier to come to terms with magic, you could either know a lot or know nothing. The witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore, with the advent of grains of knowledge in ordinary people, it took a division into right and left, good and bad. So it was easier for a person to understand what was happening around, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

In the course of development, the initial symbols and knowledge changed their meaning, a person replaced concepts in order to learn how to control the world. He continues to do so even today. For example, the ancient Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Modern man asserts: the meaning of the sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese put a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

Where is good and where is bad? Mountain alone! Witches, perhaps, are those people who retain the original meaning of being and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches, began. Perhaps with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, ministry higher powers, God, and therefore, the function of the priest, the bearer of goodness, began to be tied to the masculine principle ( white magic), while anxiety about the material world (the chores of daily affairs) is associated with evil, the feminine principle. And so it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the hardships of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. Very original way found by Serbian researchers of the occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient scriptures with instructions for identifying witchcraft spells in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings a good income in the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time by the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was more when weighed again, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, this is direct evidence that you have a witch in front of you.

Witches often visit church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing the rite are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How do they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs, or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. It should also alert you if a parishioner is baptized with her left hand and in reverse order (stomach, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called a neighborhood. Witches can be baptized and right hand, but then after they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if dropping the cross to the floor. best solution will not approach such people and will not take anything from them.
  4. While in the church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch's back extremely strongly.. She, even leaving, will be baptized, backing away to the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: performing rituals, they spend their vital energy. It takes a long time to replenish it in a natural way, much faster to feed on an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will go around you counterclockwise, then, as if by accident, pushes her hand, and that's all: she just has to stand behind her back and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not be shy and hit that person with your left hand, this will allow you to return the effect of damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from induced. Very often, people die quickly from induced damage, and from an incurable disease. And very many at the reception of the master exclaim, why do I need this, to whom I crossed the road.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just like that, for fun. We know from history that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from the possession of sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, not all witches are evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area, called witches. It is worth recalling: the word "witch" comes from the word "know". Magic is like a mirror, whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.