How to remove the door handle with a mechanical latch. Instructions for disassembling door handle interroom doors

Carefully remove and disassemble the door handle it is quite possible, without damaging the door of the doorMany people faced the handle fault interior door. If she stopped working, or there are problems that prevent the comfortable and unimpeded opening of the door, it is worth it to disassemble and check what cause. In the future, set the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. If the handle is not subject to repair, it should be replaced with a new one. In this case, you need to know how to disassemble the design, assemble or replace, so as not to call for the aid of the wizard.

We are determined with the view: how to disassemble the door handle

Pens are subjected frequent influence People who live in an apartment or house. Therefore, the breakdown of the handle is no exception and can occur at any time. In order to find out why a handle broke, it is worth it to disassemble and make sure that the reason is. Then make it repair, or replace the new one.

In order to disassemble the aluminum door handle, you need to know what type it refers, since the mechanism depends on the model. After that carefully remove from the door.

Before disassembling door knob, it is necessary to decide on its type

There are the following types of handles:

  • Push;
  • Stationary;
  • Swivel.

Purpose handle has the appearance of the letter "g". Its mechanism includes a faleval language with which the opening process takes place.

Stationary handle is attached using screws / screws on door leaf. May have an axial element and have two sides of the door.

Rotary handle has the same mechanism as pressure. When opening it, you need to turn it. The model may have a round shape and be like a ball. To disassemble the handle, you need to remove it. To do this, it is necessary to gently separate it from the door web using a screwdriver.

Causes of parsing: how to remove the door handle of the interior door

Almost all the handles have a similar parsing process. If you know how to correctly disassemble the handle, you can do it for half an hour. To do this, you need to understand how it is arranged to unscrew it.

Causes of the pavement handle:

  • Failure - breakdown;
  • Repair work;
  • Replacing the old model;
  • Loss of initial aesthetic properties (scratches, scratching).

If a cheap handle is installed, it is worth expecting that its breakdown can occur soon after installation. Door handles of Chinese production have a minor service life, and their cost is small. Therefore, many owners install such handles. But, in order to make repair or replacement every time, it is worth choosing better fitness for interior door.

As a rule, door handles in interior doors change in case of breakdown or loss of their initial properties

During the repair of the apartment, its interior can change dramatically. Old handle may not approach the updated room / apartment option. Therefore, you have to disassemble the handle previously installed earlier and change it to a new one.

New models of the handles appear on the market. They can benefit from old models: an updated and simplified mechanism, shape, color. Some people change old handles to new, as they saw the goods in the sale better or better than they were already installed earlier. This is also the reason for the parsing of the handle.

If the handle lost its initial properties - appearanceThis is another reason to install new fittings. All door handles are exposed to frequent. Over time, scratches appear on them, and the decorative coating is erased. All these flaws spoil the appearance of a metal handle.

Re-covering the paint handle is unprofitable, long and not always possible. It is easier to replace it with a new one.

Step-by-step instructions: how to disassemble a round knob of interior door

There is a specific scheme for which round knobs (knob or LOKU) are disassembled. To repair or change it, it costs carefully and gently make a handle design analysis. Disassembly does not take long if you follow the instructions.

You can disassemble a round handle yourself if you competently familiarize yourself with the training instruction

Round handle analysis instructions:

  • Prepare required tools for work (screwdriver, key with focus);
  • Remove the lining around the handle;
  • Press the open focus with a special key;
  • Twist one handle (second keep in a fixed state);
  • Pull the handle on one side and remove;
  • Unscrew screws;
  • Remove the handle on the other side;
  • Unscrew screws (they hold the latch);

Disassembly is performed quickly according to this instruction. The main thing is to carefully produce all actions so as not to break the mechanism completely, because sometimes you can replace only one element, and it will work.

How to replace the door handle with lock: disassemble the pressure model

Pressure handle model is popular. It is installed not only on interior doors, but it is suitable for the entrance, if it has a lock in its structure. In order to remove this handle, with a built-in latch or lock, it will take some time and screwdriver.

Before proceeding with the replacement of the door handle with the lock, it is better to prepare the necessary tools in advance.

Pressure handle removal steps with doors:

  • Unscrew the handle (the pressure part of it);
  • Remove the lining;
  • Unscrew the screws (which are hidden under the overlay);
  • Remove the first part of the handle (each other to hold in a fixed position);
  • Remove the second part of the handle together with the axial part.

If you need to disassemble the lock itself, then you need to unscrew the plate (from the door of the door). Then the mechanism itself is then removed.

In the case when the handle moves away from the door, it is not necessary to remove it completely. It is enough to pull the bolts, with which it is attached to the door.

To set the handle, you must first put the mechanism itself, then the handle and fasten the lining.

Sometimes the reason for the bad work of the handle is that it is necessary to disassemble it, clean from dust or lubricate. Either flipping the elements of the fittings if they occupied an incorrect position over time.

How to disassemble the castle on the interior door (video)

Door handle is an integral part in the door design. Therefore, it should work properly. Do not necessarily call the wizard so that it change or fixed the door handle. It is enough to know a little about the mechanism of the handle that you need to remove and take into account the instructions for its discern. In order for the door handle uninterrupted: it did not publish sounds, turned well or pressed, did not hide the latch - it is necessary to periodically lubricate its components of the mechanism and clean them from accumulated dust.

In all the premises without exception, it will be a house, an apartment or office is always doors. And this means when they are arranged, it will not be possible to pass the side by the moment of the selection for them such fittings as the handles for the door. It is necessary to stop in detail on their types and parameters of the selection, but before starting to the selection, it makes sense to learn how to remove the handle with doors: internal or input.

Learning to remove the handle


The main criterion for selecting the handles for doors is its quality. It is in operation regularly, since when it is assisted, the discovery of any doors. In addition, she plays an important artistic role in the interior of each room. In any construction store you can meet a rich selection of fittings for doors, among which everyone will find what it is necessary for him. Pens on internal and input doors Distinctive not only cost and design, but also material manufacturing material.

If there are stomensions in the room, we recommend purchasing a row with a latch lock. This will help doors Stay closed, and you will not be forced to close it regularly. When selecting a similar device, it is worth exploring the mechanism for goodness and softness in operation.

Types of device

  1. Pressure. The mechanism forces the latch of the lock when the influence on it. The tongue moves in interior And the discovery occurs. Open the lock of this type simply, thanks to this, if safety is important for you, the excellent option is to look at another option;
  2. Fixed. Conventional device without moving parts. The role of such pens is decorative and they are well suited for interior doorsAs can be seen in the photo;
  3. Swivel. It is a push-button model that is very often used for the bathroom.

Important steps

Before you begin to dismantle the handle, install its design. It happens the most ordinary or with a latch mechanism. The first for their part are also divided into several options:

  • fixed on two sides of screws;
  • having a rod going through all the cloth.
  1. If a a pen Fastened on ordinary self-drawing, you can use a screwdriver. After removing it, you can easily understand why the breakdown and maybe everyone can fix it;
  2. With a handle with a rod, it will be necessary to tinker. Try to scroll through the part, while holding the second part of the part in order not to allow its scrolling. Removing the item with one of the sides, you can easily remove the second and get the rod;
  3. To remove the handle with a latch, you need to be free from the screws holding the accessories, after that it will be visible how it is fixed. Very often, the design of this species has a rod and the design of the movement of the tongue. Remove not very large staring with a hat and it will easily remove.

Round construction

Start the process of removing the handle from the other side where the closing key is not present:

  • At first, get rid of the decorative lining, for which they press the screwdriver to the stopper and it is easily removed, as shown in the video;
  • Unscrew the two screws on which parts of the handle and remove them;
  • Now you can unscrew the screws that hold the latch, and get it.


If the problem is serious, then you do not need to save and buy a new one. We will proceed to the replacement process:

  • Remove the fittings, taking into account its design and rules, above described;
  • Removed a row to clean with the masculine and can go to her in a supermarket where you will help choose a similar model;
  • Very often, handles with latches and lock are purchased for replacement.

Front door

Very important - to determine the breakdown, and then change the rod on input doors. To do this, listen to our recommendations:

  1. Applying a screwdriver, get the design. To do this, unscrew the screws holding the lever on two sides of the door of the door, while not the touch of the inner castle;
  2. You need to take an adjustable horn key that will help unscrew the device or lever. Continue to twist until you remove the rotary type mechanism as shown in the photo;
  3. Taking the handle, you can easily remove the spring and the turning mechanism.
  4. With great attention, look through all the details, the tight work depends on them. If for example a pen Disturbed, then these all the details you can easily notice, not even disassembled it;
  5. You need to unscrew the locking ring, which keeps the twist and washer together;
  6. If you all fulfilled correctly, you can easily get the top washer under the locking ring;
  7. The cause of the problem can be in the twist spring. To check it, get it up and look at it with great attention. If the reason is actually in it, then purchase a new and replace;
  8. It is necessary to check the twist spring. To do this, unscrew it with a screwdriver. If she is unscrewed with great difficulty, then this is great and says that she is quite tight and change it is not needed.

Let's summarize

The replacement of the handle is needed in both options: problems and installations of the new doors. If you listen to our recommendations, then not in one of the cases you will not have any problems. The main thing is attentive and not to hurry, and you will accurately come out.

Long and thick eyelashes are a dream of each. But, unfortunately, not all women have such wealth. That is why all sorts of carcasses, false eyelashes are in such great demand. After all, for a holiday or just to an important life event I want to look flawlessly. But events end and comes from the princess to turn into an ordinary one. How to remove false eyelashes at home so as not to harm your eyes your eyes and save the eyelashes yourself?

Types of artificial overhead eyelashes

Indeed, overhead artificial eyelashes are the fastest and easy way to decorate your eyes, give them a rich framing. Moreover, the necessary volume of natural eyelashes can be done with even the most voluminous and expensive, but ordinary carcass. And such eyelashes in this case are very helpful - they are inexpensive, quickly glued, can have a different color and shape.

Attention! Artificial eyelashes cannot be used to those who often suffer from conjunctivitis or blufaritis. It is also important to get acquainted with the composition of glue to make sure that it contains a substance to which an allergic reaction may appear.

The fixation of artificial eyelashes is performed using a special glue, which, by the way, can be different, and from its quality will be directly dependent on how the eyelashes will be kept during the entire event, and how they will then be removed. In the composition of the adhesive there is cyanoacrylate and a special adhesive substance resembling superchalters, because it will not be easy to remove the decoration.

Table. Types of eyelashes.

A typeDescription

The easiest way to use the option, is glued on top of the eyelashes in the upper eyelid. Even newcomer can cope with the task. Eyelashes are a ribbon equipped with several fluffy beams of individual eyelashes. Glued with one ribbon. The main disadvantage - such eyelashes can make a puppet.

This type of eyelashes is small beams of single eyelashes that are connected at the base among themselves. A look with them is more natural than when using tapes. But glued them more difficult.

These eyelashes will achieve maximum naturalness. But to attach them independently will be not easy without proper skill. There are few people at home on their own.

When choosing eyelashes, you need to look at the brand, choose a manufacturer correctly, evaluate the quality, the possibility reusable. And if they can be applied again, then you need to know how to shoot them.

Is it possible to delete yourself?

Delete such eyelashes glued in the cabin can be unambiguously. But doing everything is required delicately and very carefully. Only funds are required or intended for this, or those that will not harm the eyes. In the cabin, remove eyelashes will be easier, but for it will have to give some amount of money, because many girls take their homes at home.

Ways to remove eyelashes

Remove such eyelashes can different ways, Often the choice of the method depends on which types of linings were used. For example, to remove the bundles, you can use cotton discs moistened in water. In order to remove ribbon eyelashes, fat cream or cosmetic oil is often used. Single is also usually removed using oil, only castor.

What you can not do

Before you start shooting Eyelashes yourself, you need to know what you can and what can not be done during this procedure. So, for example, it is impossible to force the eyelashes from the age - you can damage your native eyelashes, and eyes. Farm to handle overhead eyelashes is also not worthless - there will be no sense from it, and the hot couple can harm the eyes.

Attention! It is forbidden to use any sharp objects to remove eyelashes. The hand is likely to flour, and before the eye injury is not far away. Although, of course, the eyelashes themselves will not suffer from this.

In no case, for dissolving the ciliated glue, it is impossible to use substances of the type of acetone and the solvents containing it. This is fraught with eye burns. There are special needs for decaying eyelashes, but they need to use only in accordance with the instructions.

How to shoot?

Consider in detail several removal methods that can be used at home. Among them can be distinguished oils, means for removing makeup and special preparations.

Using a special tool

Step 1. To begin with, you need to buy a suitable agent. It rarely enters the set with the eyelashes itself and glue. However, you can buy such a drug in any store engaged in the implementation of cosmetics. The main thing is to choose what is suitable for both skin type, and to the type of eyelashes. It is important to get acquainted with the composition and make sure that the components will not be allergies.

Step 2. Next, you need to remove all the means of decorative cosmetics from the region. This will make the process of removing eyelashes easier. Demakijage can be carried out by any means using a cotton disk for this. You do not need to wash the mascara, it is enough to remove the shadows. Otherwise you can spoil overhead artificial eyelashes.

Attention! Some means can smell acetone, but do not contain it. Such drugs can be used without fears of damaging the eyes.

Step 4. After that, a cotton wand or a tampone needs to be held throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe glued eyelashes, from exterior corner Eyes to the inner. The procedure is repeated several times so that the glue is completely removed. Next you need to wait about 20-30 seconds until the glue is dissolved. The procedure is repeated for the second eye.

Step 5. Next you need to carefully remove the eyelashes yourself. If they are not used for the second time, you can remove them just with your fingers. If the eyelashes are reusable, it is recommended to use plastic tweezers with which they are attached as close as possible to the century. Removal is made from an inner corner of the eye to external. If the eyelashes are removed with difficulty, it is better to wait a little more time - perhaps the glue has not yet been dissolved.

Removal using the Demacia

Step 1. In this case, the usual means for demacating the eyes is used. If the eyelashes are reusable, it is better to take a liquid drug if disposable - then an absolutely any means is suitable. It is important to take the composition that does not cause allergies.

Step 3. Watt tampon or wand will need to moisten in the Demakius facility. Set up best at the mirror.

Step 4. Delete glue. To do this, the tampon needs to wipe the field of fastening of eyelashes by movements directed from the outer angle of the eye to the inner.

Step 6. At the end of the procedure you need to wash warm waterusing a means for cleansing and washing.

Remove eyelashes using oil

Step 1. Some to remove eyelashes apply oil. It dissolves the glue well, but it is important to remember that the eyelashes will not use the second time - they will be spoiled. It is best to buy coconut, almond or baby oil.

Step 2. You need to pour a little oil on your hands and then tear the eyelids gently. Makeup is not required to pre-delete, as oils are well coped with this task. Thus, it will get immediately and remove eyelashes, and remove makeup. Next you need to wash and apply oil directly to the eyelashes themselves.

Step 3. Pinzeta or fingers of the eyelashes need to carefully pick up and remove. The procedure is carried out, as in the previous cases, in the direction of the eye to the outer corner.

Step 4. You need to remove the remnants of the adhesive. It is also possible to remove them with butter that is moistened with a cotton swab.

Step 5. The procedure is completed with warm water with warm-ups.

Video - how to wear and remove eyelashes

Storage and cleaning of eyelashes

Some types of eyelashes can be used several times. The main thing is to correctly remove and store them. After removing they need to be cleaned from glue, and then rinse clean water And dry, laying out on a paper napkin. It is best to use for storage box in which they purchased.

On a note! If the eyelashes are conducted correct careYou can use them at least 10-15 times. True, we are talking about tape eyelashes. Packed, as well as single, usually used only once.

To remove glue from eyelashes you can use different means and formulations.

  1. Remumber or cream paste. It is good because it is not dumping. The tool is applied to the eyelashes, it is withstanding for a while, and then a cotton disk is removed.
  2. - Also a good tool that will help remove glue. However, it smells a lot and is not suitable for those who have problems with vision, as it is very annoying the skin.
  3. Gel-based. It has a thick consistency, at the expense of which is convenient to use. But it smells also quite strongly.
  4. From home tools can be used fat cream, any oils.

You can also use a liquid makeup to remove makeup. It must be pouring into the container, and then lower the eyelashes there. In the solution, they remain for 5-10 minutes, after which they are washed and dried.

Overhead Eyelashes are a real find for those who need to add effects to makeup in a short time. However, it is important to remember that gluing them must be carefully so that glue composition did not hit the eyeball. Otherwise you can harm your eyes.

How to disassemble the interroom door handle or kitchen door? Each of us can be encountered with this question. The breakage of this mechanism is due to its regular use. However, as any other mechanism, the door handle handle is designed for a certain number of works, after that, the mechanism needs a bulkhead or replacement.

Various options for interroom door handles

In this text we will look at how to disassemble interroom door design Handles, and clearly demonstrate all the simplicity of this procedure, after which it will wash each other on my own at home, having a small set of tools at your hand and two hours of free time to disassemble such an element as a handle mechanism. It is worth noting that there are currently there are many different mechanisms for opening the door, so consider examples of disassembly of the most popular and demanded models today.

Device diagram and door handle mechanism

In this case, let's start the analysis of the examples with the rules of disassembling an ordinary stationary handle that do not have a pressure headset and a mortise lock under the retaliatory larch. Here we need a flat or crucible screwdriver or a screwdriver with a bat. Consider an example of the analysis of the usual stationary handle:

Read also

Installation of double-sided handles on the balcony door

In the case of a stationary handle, all the disassembly is to remove the decorative lining and unscrew the mounts. Next, a new mechanism is set to its place or an old element with new fasteners.

The process of disassembling the handle

It is worth noting that the replacement of a stationary handle to a new mechanism requires additional manufacture in the doorway of the corresponding fittings.

Disassembling round handle with socket

Under the outlet, as a rule, it is understood as a mechanism that allows you to lock the lock using a special small key on one side and an affordable lamb with reverse. In this case, the disassembly of such a mechanism is the following actions:

If the handle requires the repair or replacement of a certain mechanism, then further to fully disassemble individual parts and find the cause of the fault.

Important. When disassembling a round handle with a socket, all fastening elements should remain not lost, otherwise you will not be able to assemble the mechanism together and set to the previous place after the bulkhead and replace one of the parts.

Look in the video: repair door handle.

Disassembling round knob-nob

How to disassemble a round door knob? This question interests many owners at the entrance to new apartmentwhere the door canvases are installed with an unintended handle mechanism. In this case, to remove this element from the door web, as a rule, the following actions are performed:

Such an element as an unintended round handle is attached using conventional fastening bolts. The mechanism is made with such accounting that will not be held later. repair workAnd immediately bought a new pad and will take the place of the same handle.

It is worth noting that this process is associated with the purchase and replacement of the mechanism, otherwise the meaning in the removal and attempt to disassemble such an element is not.

Since the plant manufacturer did not provide for the repair options and install the handle after repairing to the previous place.

Each owner can not know how to disassemble the door handle on the interior door. This element is being exposed daily by the residents of the house, and not always with the handle costs carefully, and therefore sooner or later it can break or you just want to change it on new model. In this case, so as not to call the wizard, you can do everything with your own hands. In addition, to independently disassemble and assemble the door handle is not so difficult.

Different types of door handles are disassembled in different ways.

Types of handles

Before you begin work, you need to decide on the type of fittings. All door handles can be divided into several groups. This classification is perhaps the determining factor when disassembling the design. So, let's look at:

  • Stationary.Not related in any way with the lock and latch. It serves solely to move the door leaf. Fastened to simple screws or screws. It may be one-sided and double-sided, connected axial element.
  • Pressure.It usually has the form of a M-shaped design with a fastening on both sides of the canvas. When the load is submitted to the handle, it leads to the movement of the faleva and allows pressure to open the door.
  • Swivel.The principle of operation is the same as the pressure model, but it is necessary to turn the handle, most often such models have a view of a ball or buttons.

The main types of handles for interroom doors

Because of its shape, the pressure model has a certain disadvantage: it is easy to hit it easily. The minus of the swivel samples is that the person's hand can slip over its surface, which makes it difficult to open the door.

Also distinguish models with a decorative flange and on the outlet. What are their main differences? When using a socket, you do not need to drill a huge hole in the door. In addition, such a handle is full and heavy. But the decorative linings are usually large in diameter and are installed on the light hollow nobody with a lock or latch. Both options deserve attention.

Why disassemble the handle

Since the specified models of door handles are presented quite simply and according to a similar principle, each person can do without any problems to do it. But the disassembly and assembly of the handles is not a routine process, the need for this does not always occur. What can lead to such a need?

  • Breaking.This is one of the most frequent reasonsThis is especially true of cheap Chinese products. Over time or due to rough circulation and ignoring prevention measures, the mechanism is wearing and some of its parts fail, so it is necessary to carry out timely repair of accessories.
  • Replacing an outdated model.Every year, new models of products and old samples come to the market. It makes sense to replace more than perfect in the technical and aesthetic plan.
  • Repairs.When repairing in the house, the interior is most often changed dramatically in the style of the door, so the old door for the door may be inappropriate and then it needs to be disassembled and replaced.
  • Waste.The lower the quality decorative coatingMoreover, such a pen will come to unsuitability due to the appearance on its surface of scuffs, cutting paints or chips. Such accessories is better replaced if you do not want to spoil the overall impression of the room.

In the course long operation handle mechanism often fails


The most popular model of the handle for interior door is push. In order to disassemble this type of product, it is necessary to take one only screwdriver. To start, unscrew the handle itself, that is, the pressure element. From the side or from the bottom of such models there is a slight recess with the hidden screw, it needs to be unscrewed with a screwdriver and then remove the element from the axis. In some cases, instead of a screwdriver, you may need a hex key.

After that, remove the decorative lining that masks the main mount, in most models it has a thread, so it is necessary to turn it out several times. Twisted screws. Carefully unscrew them and pull the design on yourself, holding the handle on the other hand, you can now remove it with the rotary axial element.

If you need to disassemble a latch or lock, the actions are carried out in the same manner, but in addition you need to unscrew the plate from the end of the canvas and extract the mechanism installed in it.

Purpose door handle

Round with socket

Now let's look at how to disassemble a round door handle. The principle of work is very similar, but the main difference lies in the method of removing the decorative rotary part. If the side of the handle does not turn a turnkey hole or a screwdriver, then you need to manually disconnect the items. To do this, keep the handle on one side of the door, and turn it out the second part and remove it from the thread, you may need to just pull it on yourself.

After that, remove the socket in the same way and unscrew the screws. Remove the axis and proceed to other elements: lock or latch, if there is a need. When removing decorative parts, it is important not to overdo it so that some elements of the mechanism do not burst.

Round door handle with socket


In order to disassemble a round knob of the Nob, you will need an additionally special key to hold the spring mechanism.

The key included in the kit may not approach in length, in this case it can be replaced with a nail or other thin object.

First, remove the decorative top of the top. Using the key or nail, slide the spring-loaded pin, leaking the tool into the process hole on the side, simultaneously pull the handle and remove it along with the cap. After that, you need to push the latch of the decorative flange and also remove it. Then unscrew the mounting screws on the plate. Now you can fully disassemble the handle and remove both of it with the axis.

As you can see, nothing is complicated. In order to assemble the handle, it is necessary to produce all manipulations in the reverse order: the lock is first installed and the plate is fixed, then the axis is inserted and the fastening elements are put on and only then decorative parts are collected. Do not forget that at first it is necessary to turn a decorative flange, and after it is already putting on the pressure itself or the turning part.