Decoration of premises with artificial stone. Wall decoration with decorative stone (55 photos): types and coating options

Decorative stone for interior decoration It is considered one of the most sought-after materials at present.

Varieties of artificial stone

That stone for decoration of walls in an apartment that is used today is divided into several types:

  • on the basis of concrete;
  • acrylic version;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • quartz;
  • gypsum material.

There are significant differences between technical specifications, but they are all used for the interior decoration of the walls.

The photo presents finishing optionwhich is ideal for decorating interior premises In a country house or in an urban apartment.

Tip! In order for the facing material to give the decorated surface to the aesthetic appearance, you need to hold certain preparatory work. IN otherwise You can make a mistake with the number of material, as well as with color characteristics.

Selection of materials for interior decoration

Currently on construction market A huge number of diverse finishing and decorative materials is presented. If desired, you can buy inexpensive plastic panels for making transformations to the appearance of your apartment or at home.

Decided to pick up natural material for the walls? Please note that its cost will be quite impressive, and therefore, such a luxury is not available to everyone.

Plastic products are attracted by their affordable price and simplicity of installation, they are even able to mimic a natural stone.

For registration of outer walls of the house fits porcelain stonewares. It not only gives the house similarity with the medieval castle, but also has excellent performance.

Tile tile often buy apartments for such premises as a bathroom and a kitchen. This material has long confirmed its technical characteristics, excellent aesthetic parameters. Among the disadvantages of application in the design of ceramic tiles, we highlight the complexity of the installation of this finishing material.

Attention! If you do not have skills to work with ceramic tiles, trust these works by a professional finish.

Ceramic tile manufacturers offer customers options to mimic natural stone, parquet.

Even the most fastidious buyers will be able to find in the existing manifold in our days, that option that will be optimal for the interior created.

Those times when only a tree or concrete used for exterior and internal works, long ago passed. IN modern design You can choose a combination of several decorative materials to get aesthetic and practical facade Outside, durable beautiful design inside a house or apartment.

Natural stone - expensive pleasure, so not all Russian residents can afford such a finish. useful adviceconcerning the use of stone as a facing material, presented in a video clip:

Decorative or natural stone Select for finishing

Those who have never come across such material as a stone, it is necessary to decide which requirements they impose to the material for finishing. Let's analyze the main advantages and disadvantages of decorative and natural stoneused for the inner design of residential premises.

If you chose a natural stone, then its main advantage is a wonderful appearance. The disadvantage is that the marble floor or ceiling "will be in a penny". In addition, not to all under the power to put a natural stone. Tiles can have significant differences in color, it will be pretty to work hard to achieve an ideal visual effect.

Tip! When laying a natural marble, use the services of professional masters.

In order to make a high-quality interior with natural stone, you will have to spend a lot of time, forces, money. As a decent alternative, natural stone can be considered a decorative stone created specifically for the interior decoration of the premises.

In appearance, it does not differ from the natural material, but has a much smaller cost. In addition, you can easily pick up his color under the overall style of the apartment. The stone has a huge number of forms, the material is easy to install. Without special problems this material Even an apartment owner who does not have special construction skills will be able to apply.

Tip! If your plans include a fast and economical version of the walls, acquire artificial stone.

Currently, many manufacturers of finishing materials offer to buyers are different in color, sizes, shape of tiles from artificial stone at quite deocratic prices.

Surprised Materials

In this manifold there are three categories of artificial stone, recognized by professionals with the most demanded samples: agglomerates, ceramic granite, concrete tiles. Concrete-based material is designed to carry out the interior decoration of residential premises. It has increased strength, because metal oxides are in the form of dyes. In addition, the composition of these materials is river sand, cement, clay. Such a composition gives this type of artificial stone attractive environmental characteristics.

Agglomerates choose people who attract luxurious interior. Application in the production of agglomerates innovative technologies Allows you to achieve the perfect similarity of material with natural stone. As part of the material there is a resin, marble crumb, which gives manufacturers the opportunity to create a variety of structure and drawing. The resulting marble to the touch is warm, so there is quite comfortable on this floor. Among the advantages of this material, we highlight its increased resistance to abrasion, the long-term operational period.

Bulk marble Professional finishes are considered excellent material, which is suitable for designing the inner walls of the dwelling.

Do you want your wall reminded untreated brickwork? In this case, you can pick up the "under the brick" tiles that can imitate the injustified brick wall.

Bulk marble allows you to create a luxurious atmosphere in the apartment, emphasize the great taste of the apartment owner. Choosing a decorative brick, you have chances to stay in trend.

Terminal rules stone

Having decided to use in the interior of the decorative stone, you must observe certain rules. Think over the option of additional lighting of the surface you plan to issue artificial stone. For example, you can fix small lamps on the wall, carefully selecting them to general interior premises.

It is from the quality of lighting depends on the perception of the structure of the stone, overflow, the game of light.

Tip! Invite a designer to use the additional backlight of the decorated wall (floor), you were able to get a unique effect.

If the light falls on the surface of the stone, then visually will be better to see the structure of the artificial material.

There is also one more rule that needs to know the owners of housing, which decided to use artificial material for the design of walls in their dwellings. Do not forget that this finishing material is perfectly combined with green plants. Put near the wall, trimmed, beautiful room flowers. Amazing look has decoration with decorative stone, made in a floral greenhouse.

When lining walls of the hallway, consider the lighting so that it is immediately on both sides. In this case, you will be able to highlight the wall. When installing in the living room of the fireplace, it can also be bored with artificial tiles so that it harmoniously fit into the image created in the room.


In order to perform high-quality interior decoration, it is not necessary to spend huge money resources, buying natural material. It is quite possible to choose a budget option - an artificial facing stone, which, according to the aesthetic characteristics, will not yield to a natural analogue.

Do not forget that any repair involves serious temporary and material costs. If you stop your choice on plastic panels, then after a slight time interval, they will lose their original aesthetic appearance, and therefore the interior update will be required, additional material resources will be required.

By giving your preference to artificial or natural stone, you get a coating that will not change its initial aesthetic characteristics throughout the long time interval.

Do not forget that stone castles built in the Middle Ages still attract admiring views. Taking the advice of professionals, you can create a real fairytale castle from your home or urban apartment, which will be reliable protection For its inhabitants from any vital problems and misfortunes.

Natural or artificial material, properly chosen in color, shape, size, harmoniously complementing that interior style, which is selected for the whole room, will help make the placement of its owner's pride. Special attention It is necessary to give the environmental safety of this material, because in the manufacture of artificial stone use natural natural materials.

Home improvement is a projection of mentality, internal worldview. This desire to reflect your idea of \u200b\u200baesthetics and comfort. Many are used ready ideasBut you can find suitable materials for the embodiment of your own designer concept. Experts have developed the rules of decorative decorative stone in the interior. It is important about them to know those who intend for the first time to use a stone in the interior of the apartment. Natural materials fit perfectly into most stylistics, but with illiterate use of coarse texture it is difficult to create an atmosphere of heat and coziness.

The correct solution will be trimmed by the walls of the living room decorative stone

Decorative stone in the interior of the living room

White decorative stone perfectly complements the bedroom interior

Decoration by natural and artificial stone in the interior of the apartment - the claimed reception. It is perfectly combined with similar textures:

  • brickwork;
  • marble tile;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • texture plaster.

Recently, the rough texture in the living room and the hallway was in the wonder, today it is quite in demand for residential rooms. Depending on the design tasks, one or another type of invoice is selected to perform a spectacular finish. different surfaces:

  • floors and walls;
  • decorative inserts;
  • arches and niches;
  • partitions for zoning;
  • columns and backups;
  • fireplaces and shielded surfaces.

The decoration of walls and the fireplace is made of decorative stone

The natural material is very different, some of its varieties are valued by the nobles and kings of ancient civilizations. Archaeologists during excavations often find interiors from stone, which is popular today:

  • granite and marble;
  • slate and sandstone;
  • onyx and Chalacedon;
  • malachite and Yashma;
  • coral tuff;
  • shell and limestone;
  • quartz and agate.

An ordinary shell or boot with due process becomes not only good material For laying the foundation and walls, it can be used for cladding. Rough "brutal" wall decor Stone - Last fashion trend In the interior of the bedroom, as in the photo.

The secret of the popularity of cladding with decorative stone in the interior of the apartment is a subconscious sensation of the rootality, reliability and security.

Decorative stone will serve you for a very long time

The walls of the hallway walls are made of decorative stone

Major species of artificial or finishing stone:

  • porcelain stonework (tile material);
  • agglomerate;
  • "Wild" stone based concrete.

The porcelain stoneware was invented by chance, violating the technology of ceramic tiles. As a result, we have a large selection of a luxurious stone decor imitating various types of marble, colored sand and diverse stones.

Artificial imitation natural material Release B. different shades, they are even done with their own hands. All kinds are used in the decoration, but the most affordable is based on concrete. When producing, pigment, mineral and binder inclusions are added to the working mixture, then pressed (dying) and are thermal processing. Due to color and textural variability, different finishes are obtained.

Conduct wall decoration with decorative stone can be partially

Properly selected stone, light in the bedroom will create a special atmosphere

Operational characteristics:

Facing stone for interior decoration is practically no alternative. It remains only to choose an invoice that meets the aesthetic tasks and personal preferences.

Decorative stone is durable, it can be used to finish the walls of the kitchen

Decorative stone cream color perfectly complements the living room decor

Properly selected decorative stone in the interior will look very beautiful

What textures are used in facing

Artificial or decorative stone in the interior of the apartment is:

  • fashionable;
  • sophisticated;
  • aristocratic;
  • extravagantly;
  • luxuriously;
  • creative.

The most gorgeous looks white stone in the interior or enamel covered. It does not destroy the special atmosphere of the bedroom, the other finishing materials and textiles are perfectly shaken. He fits perfectly into most stylistics, regardless of texture. The best decision for modern bedroom - with imitation of white marble over the "warm floor" system. Facing a wall behind the headboard bed can be any texture and not necessarily white color.

For designer tasks, it is sometimes necessary a rough texture or contrasting finish. It is used in urban and technological styles - Loft, High tech or techno. Upholstered furniture of an unusual shape requires an appropriate wall or panel. The spectacular backscale behind the sofa or armchairs lined with the stone decor in the living room or great recreation looks very stylish.

Usually, the decorative stone is used in the hallways and corridors

Fireplace on background stone Wall It looks sophisticated

Some like that when decoking the living room stone carries a special "wild" atmosphere. The room more resembles a deserted beach near the rock, a stone grotto in the mountains or cave, caught up with modern citizens. In this case, material is used with the texture approximate to the natural surface.

A special impression of a "wildlife" corner will give a photo wallpaper with a 3D effect, roughly treated wood and vertical landscaping - wall with alive plants. Artificial stone in such an interior must might simulate natural analogues, the laying must be uneven and a little chaotic. This should look like a room in ecostel - photo.

The design of the apartment often implies the use of smooth grinding pebbles (river or marine) or colored sea pebbles. An excellent way of use is the layout of the mosaic pattern, some fragments are then painted. Excellent solution - lay out pebbles Kitchen apron or decorative panel residential room.

Conduct the decoration of walls with decorative stone will be the right decision

Wall decoration in the living room is made of decorative stone gray

Decorative stone in the living room will look gorgeous

The use of rough textures has no restrictions for people with a fantasy and creative approach to business. But sometimes it goes beyond reasonable, and luxury finish May look gloomily and irresistible for various reasons:

  • too small room, narrow walls;
  • the proportional limit of the stone texture of the floor and walls is exceeded;
  • an illiterately arranged different types of cladding;
  • facing does not match the stylistics.

Designers prefer such a decoration of rooms for a special atmosphere of stone. Such a magical aura does not possess other materials. But it is not necessary to use as the main material, only as a spectacular decor.

Decorative stone is very durable and perfectly complements the design of the room

The right decision will make the decoration of the walls in the kitchen decorative stone

Criteria for choosing finishing

The decor of the residential room must be correctly selected, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

  1. Successful combination of stone texture with other materials.
    The surface of natural or synthetic cladding should be harmonized, first of all, with the texture of other walls, gender and ceiling. But the texture of the joinery (windows, doors, slopes, plinth), furniture and accessories also need to carefully select an interior with a stone.
  2. Tint of decorative stone.
    In thoughtful design, no color should fall out of general solution. Classic - 3 main colors, 2 auxiliary (contrasts or variations of shades) and 1 emotional accent. If there is a masonry in the interior of the residential room, this principle cannot be ignored. The shade of the stone must coincide with the choice of the main background or make a competent contrast with respect to another finish.
  3. Size and shape.
    All finishing parameters must be subordinate to the general idea. If something is creating a disharmony, the overall impression will be spoiled. This is the reason for the luxurious designer apartments and not very successful solutions. For some cases, rectangular components of decorative finishes are suitable for others - Square facing tile under the stone "without seams." The modern market is replete with suggestions, so you should not hurry with experiments. Try to revise several catalogs with an artificial stone, then turn on the imagination by presenting the elected option in your room.
  4. Competently arranged accents.
    Specialists do not recommend using artificial stone in the interior of the apartment as the main background of the walls, with the exception of the hallway or toilet. In other rooms, it is better to make a decorative panel, an arch for zoning, columns, or fade a fireplace. If there is no more in the interior bright elementsThe focus will be focused on the stone decor. It looks good 2-3 elements with the same facing material of a calm shade.
  5. Masonry quality.
    Whatever attractive stone on the wall in the interior, the quality of the facing is important. If this requires a design concept, the laying may be careless, but in most cases it is supposed to work under the level and plumb.
  6. Quality of artificial stone.

Wall decoration in the living room can be made of decorative stone

Wall decoration in the corridor can be made with decorative stone

Decorative chocolate color stone will look great in the living room interior

Many manufacturers care about their reputation by offering high-quality decorative stone for decoration of residential premises. If the technology was not broken, then ready Material Will have excellent aesthetic qualities. Toxic substances should not be used as binders and coloring components. It is worth asking who produces goods how safe components are. Cheap facing materials Over time, losing color and crumbling.

If the production was observed during production, the wall of the synthetic analogue should have less weight than from natural, but perfectly imitate texture. Besides smooth backside Decorative agglomerate is easier in installation and more durable in operation. This is not only an excellent decor, but also the best way Close the wall or angle with defects - damage to fungus, rusty divorces, cracks and yamins.

White decorative stone will perfectly complement the interior of the room

Wall decoration in the bedroom can be made with decorative stone

Decorative facing in the interior

  1. Decor with artificial stone in the hallway becomes a kind of classic, he gives the interior special charm, status and luxury. It is not afraid of temperature drops, so even the freezing walls entrance door do not spoil the impression of the interior design, remaining the most practical option. In the corridors and at the corners are used "torn" or solid facing.
  2. Artificial stone in the living room is most often used on one wall, which is assigned under original decor. You can emphasize the beauty soft furniture Due to the cladding behind the back of the sofa.
  3. A stone wall in the kitchen looks no less interesting than in other places of the apartment. Facing apron at the slab in small pebbles or a porcelain stoneware with simulation of tiled marble - it is beautiful and practical.
  4. The laying in the bathroom or bathroom looks luxurious, regardless of the texture. But for classic interior Usually choose to imitate marble.
  5. The imitation of the natural texture in the bedroom is used less often, the advantage is given to light shades. Better when it is one decorative Wall, finishing a fireplace, niche or partition for zoning.
  6. In the children's room, design with decorative stone is appropriate as a masonry imitation high Tower From a fairy tale or medieval princess castle.

Stone can be used for lining of different surfaces, but any decision must be justified by the design style. More interesting ideas See the gallery of photo examples.

Video: Selection and laying of decorative stone in the interior

For the finishing of indoor premises, people from a long time use a stone. This material is great for the embodiment of any designer idea, since he harmoniously fits into the interior of the apartment. But with incorrect use, the decorative stone in the interior will look rude and uncomfortable. Therefore, as properly and stylishly use the material as a decor, this publication will tell.

Stone is the strongest, durable and durable material. Use it since the first people on Earth. The strength of the stone proves builds such as Egyptian pyramids, a great Chinese wall, antique temples and medieval castles. In addition, natural stone looks extremely beautiful. Therefore, this material is very popular in the design of the premises.

Loft, minimalism, modern classic and other interior design styles do not cost without the participation of decorative and natural stone. The material harmoniously fits into the design of each room, including the bathroom and the balcony. Door and window openings look original. The main thing is not to rearrange and harmoniously add stone by other materials.

Natural breeds are used in the decor: granite and marble, sandstone and slate, malachite and sewer, quartz and agate. These materials after processing are perfectly looking, and the stone decor is the most fashionable trend. Modern designers choose similar textures for spectacular design of different surfaces:

  • walls;

  • arches;
  • niche;
  • partitions;
  • columns;
  • fireplaces.

But minus natural stones In the fact that they are heavy and expensive. Therefore, architects are increasingly used, which external characteristics Not inferior to natural. In addition, it is easier to process and in some cases it takes better temperature differences and conditions of high humidity.

Helpful advice! For external work, frost-resistant plates are used with minimal strength and coarse appearance. For internal work, light stones will be suitable.

Decorative stone in the interior: types of materials

Artificial stone in appearance is very similar to natural, but it is not mined from earthly mine. Production decorative material carried out by manual and industrial method. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a solution and pour into metallic, plastic or silicone form. The mixture add dyes, mineral and acrylic substances, and then sent under the press high temperatures. After drying the resulting stone, if necessary, burn, and then coated with various special coating.

Mineral components in such stones are up to 70%. Thanks to the variations of colors and textures, get different variants Finishing material. This artificial stone, due to its decorative characteristics, can replace any natural stone.

Depending on the components, the finishing stone is divided into such types:

  • ceramic granite;

  • a concrete basis;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic;
  • polyester.

Also in the decor uses a liquid stone - the material in the form of an unrestal mixture. Popular in the interior flexible stone. The photo of the decor can see this material in the gallery. The material is a sheet in a roll. By technical characteristics Reminds linoleum, only consists of marble crumbs and has a stone rough surface.

Thanks to these, they will give stone, architects have wide selection Material for decor, which perfectly imitates different types of marble, colored sand. The inhomogeneous texture makes an internal finish under the cloth unusual, and the decor of the room looks aesthetically, naturally and beautiful.

Article on the topic:

Varieties of artificial stone. Making shape. Production of different types of stones. Stacking features.

Advantages of decorative stone, photo decor

Used artificial stone in the interior of the hallway, kitchen, living room, bedroom, cabinet. He will superbly complement the design of any room. In addition, decorative stones have several advantages:

  • strength. Artificial stone is not terrible mechanical damage, it is much plastic than natural;
  • durability. Lifetime of facing by artificial stone more;
  • reliability. Decor made of artificial stone is not afraid of cleaning and washing;

  • ecology. The composition of decorative stones does not include toxic substances, and therefore it does not harm the health;
  • refractory. Artificial stone does not burn and does not melt;
  • aesthetics. The stone is combined with almost any textures. The use of artificial stone forms a special atmosphere, creates the effect of naturalness with minimal financial costs.

Helpful advice! The use of artificial stone is not only a wonderful decor, but also the way to hide the defect. For example, rusty divorces, crack or fungus.

The gallery of works can be found in the photo of the decorative stone in the interior. There are the most popular design options. It remains only to choose the texture of your personal taste.

Stone for wall cladding in the apartment: selection criteria

The living room should be cozy and comfortable. In order for the desired effect to be achieved, the materials should be correctly selected and connounced. For this, it is necessary to take into account such factors:

  • successful combination of stone with other materials. Stone cladding should be combined with texture of walls, ceiling and floor. Also to the stone, doors, windows, plinth, furniture and accessories should be harmoniously.

  • decorative stone color. In design, all shades should be harmonized with each other. Classic decor implies 3 main colors, 2 additional and 1 sensitive accent. If a stone laying is used, this principle cannot be ignored;
  • form and size. All objects in the finish must be harmonized, otherwise the overall effect is spoiled;
  • competently arranged accents. IN residential rooms It is better to make one or two bright details, for example, an arch, column or decorative panel;
  • masonry quality. The better the facing is made, the prettier it looks like a stone;

  • quality of decorative stone. Use the best materials in the interior famous brands. In such stones, toxins are not used, which means they are safe and high-quality. A cheap facing stone with time loses color and begins to crumble.

Important advice! Decorative stone as the main background should not be used in all rooms, except for the toilet and hallway. It looks great, 2-3 elements with the same decorative facing.

Artificial stone in the interior: use options

The use of decorative stone in the facing of interior premises is stylish, exquisitely, luxurious and creatively. The most gorgeous stone of white or enamel looks like. It is harmony with most styles and decor directions, regardless of the texture. The use of decorative stones has no restrictions for creative people. But there are some rules that should be adhere to not to turn the room into a gloomy cave.

When the facing stone for interior decorations in the interior is better not to use:

  • too small room;
  • narrow walls;
  • non-harmonically connoissed textures of sex and walls;
  • incorrectly selected cladding;
  • decorative stone does not fit the style of the room.

Artificial stone is great for the decor of the room, but it cannot be used as the main material.

The role of decorative stone in the interior, photo finishes

Thanks to the use of artificial stone, the interior of the room becomes exquisite, chic and aristocratic. For this tile placed with straight lines in the form of classical geometric shapes. Freshness and originality in the design brings chaotic laying of stone. You can add such an interior with the help of green vases on stands.

Most often, the decorative stone in the interior of the house is used for:

  • edging doors and angles, as well as window openings;
  • layouts of niches for shelves;
  • framing a fireplace and walls near him;
  • design walls for the TV.

Artificial stone can be used to decorate any room in the house. It is especially beautifully a decorative stone in the interior of the hallways, spacious kitchens, in the corridors, in apartments studios. He will perfectly emphasize the advantages of each room and will help you successfully arrange accents. Artificial stone creates a design of any complexity, below we suggest to consider details of the use of decorative bricks in the interior with photos.

Stock Foto Stone in the interior of sleeping and children's rooms

For the design of the modern bedroom, the use of a stone with a white marble imitation is perfectly suitable over the warm floor system. And for the walls near the head of the bed material is suitable Any texture and colors. But it is better to use materials of light colors. Some design solutions require contrast finish. Most often this technique is used in loft style, techno or high-tech.

It is necessary to use the stone in the bedroom carefully, because this room should remain light, spacious and air. Bright accents The room will give the facing of certain sections of the walls with a stone of dark shades. Natural colors and embossed texture will give the interior of Mediterranean, rustic and ethnic notes.

The light finish and furniture of saturated tones look harmoniously. It is also not bad with a stone decor look at the ceiling, wooden furniture, linen textiles and soft carpets on the floor. Effectively add decor can be lamps as vintage metal lamps, torches or kerosene lamps.

Great gray brick masonry looks great. The brown-violet bedroom interior is ideal for it. Mirror inserts will help make the room lighter and cozy. Bedroom is not a place for glossy stones in the interior. Because they look cold. Also, part of the wall with a stone facing should be highlighted, otherwise the bedroom will turn into a sullen cave or crypt.

Artificial stone is a find for designer ideas in the design of a children's room. Thanks to them ordinary walls Turn into fabulous castles and towers, dungeons or underwater kingdoms. Beautifully looks like a mosaic and a panel of stone. You can also decorate the pictures and frames of the mirrors. The stones themselves can be calculated in bright bugs and snails.

Decoration of living room and hallway decorative stone, interior photo

The decorative stone in the hallway has long become a classic. Thanks to him, the interior of the room becomes a status, luxurious and at the same time charming. The energy of the stone brings the feeling of confidence, reliability and peace. And the freezing walls of the hallway at the entrance door will not spoil the type of stone.

Recently, it is fashionable to make part of the "wildlife" style. In this case, the artificial stone should be as much as possible to the natural surface. A special atmosphere will give the wallpaper with 3D pattern, elements from wood or wall with alive plants in the interior. Especially beautiful looks curly vases. The masonry in such design should be uneven and even chaotic.

The design of the room in eco-style provides for the use of polished pebbles or colored marine pebbles. Speecually looks decorative stone on the wall in the living room behind the chair or around the fireplace. Such cladding is best transmitted the heat of the acting fireplace into the surrounding space. Replace the living flame can be an electric fireplace or niche for candles. You can post a stone as part of the wall, and all the opening.

You can arrange accents in the interior using an arches, protrusion or columns. You can add such a decor with wood, natural tissues or fur. Artificial stone like granite or sandstone is suitable for living room decoration in country style or chalet. Gypsum or bright marble will help create a classic atmosphere, and the tile under the brick is suitable for minimalism or loft style.

Helpful advice!Natural stone perfectly passes air and moisture, so only it is ideal for the design of the fireplace. But the artificial stone with the content of acrylic resins is safe only at low temperatures.

Photo of decorative stone in the hallway can be viewed in the gallery. There you will find many interesting ideas for making your home.

Decorative stone in the kitchen interior photo

The kitchen is exactly the place where artificial stone will help create original design. The decorative stone in the kitchen looks very beautiful, in addition, the competent use of materials will help favorably emphasize the advantages of the room. Horizontal masonry Expands a small room, and the vertical narrows. You can arrange both the wall and separate parts of the kitchen.

Warm surfaces of surfaces create additional comfort and help to increase appetite. And the smooth surface of the stone countertop will not leave anyone indifferent. The unique drawing of the polished stone creates the effect of luxury. In addition, such a surface is very practical. It does not have marks from the knife and hot cups.

Mosaic will look beautiful in any room. In the kitchen, decorative stone can be postponed. This looks like a decorative stone in the photo of the kitchen.

Selecting the artificial stone for the design of the kitchen, it is better to give preference to the materials of a large density covered with special means. Such products will be easy to wash, and will not melt when exposed to high temperatures.

Stock Foto Finishing decorative stone corridor and other rooms

It is most practical to use a decorative stone in the corridor, the desktop, as well as on loggias and balconies. Especially good in these places apply decorative brick. Such material will add the interior of the coziness and warm. In addition, it is very practical.

Best use in the interior of the corridor ripped stone. The corridor, stacked by a stone, tolerates the cozy streets of old European cities. The masonry can decorate the entire wall or its separate fragments. Also emphasize the elegant beauty of masonry in the corridor will help mirrors in forged frames, lanterns resembling street, and benches. Special decoration will become big clock With Roman numbers, as in urban town halls.

A decorative stone-decorated glazed balcony or insulated loggia will turn into a cozy place for tea drinking or reading books. Also here you can make a green corner or work area.

Bathroom is not an exception for the use of decorative stone. The only limitation is not to use the material of the porous structure. Such stones will not absorb pairs and moisture. It is better to choose the material durable and not slippery. For the bathroom, the stone tile is best suited, covered with icing, porcelain stoneware, acrylic and polyester stone. The floor in the bathroom can be made from marble, which quickly evaporates moisture or tile with a pattern of wooden boards. For the walls the slate will fit. Do not choose sandstone. Under the influence of moisture, he quickly loses color. In small bathrooms, it is not necessary to arrange all the walls. This will lead to the fact that without this, a small room will seem tiny.

The use of decorative stone in the interior of housing allows you to create your fortress or a cozy corner. It all depends on the selected style and material for the design of the rooms. The stone in the interior is perfectly combined with wood, wallpaper and all kinds of artistic plaster. The finished result is always obtained by stylish, original, individual and eloquently testifies to the impeccable taste of the owner.

Just make sure of the wonderful interior design in the photo in the gallery. There you will see many interesting ideas for the design of stairs, niche and arches.

Decorative decorative stone today is considered almost the most successful and stylish decoration walls of an apartment or a private house. All sorts of techniques and subtleties of the technology make it possible to arrange the surface of the base of architectural structure, walls in the kitchen, living room or hallway. Artificial stone in the interior is no less inferior to its natural analogue. But it has a smaller cost, easy to maintain and install.

Artificial stone as an element of the interior

Modern industry produces many types of decorative stone

Why builders so often use artificial stone in the interior? The thing is that the facing stone is remarkably combined with other decorative coatings: plaster, wallpaper of pastel shades, paint. It can also be distinguished with separate areas of premises. Stone in the interior is used everywhere for making fireplaces, fountains.

Specialists do not recommend installing the described material on the walls in small or narrow rooms. Very carefully, the laying of artificial material in the hallway should be performed. This design method can further narrow the space. The best option will be partial decoration of some halls of the hallway.

Artificial stone is bad because it can significantly narrow the space of the already small premises.

Types of artificial stones

Finishing with artificial stone involves the use of high-quality raw materials and building material. Stone in the interior for decorating, which today is sold in construction stores, is distinguished by the manufacturer.

Example of calculating material for wall decoration with approximate prices

For registration of the hallway, the basement or other inner surface of the apartment it is advisable to use the following types of material imitating the natural breed:

  • Ceramic granite. Such an artificial coating is obtained by pressing the concrete component at maximum pressures. Next follows the procedure for high temperature firing. This mode contributes to the creation of a material, more similar to glass or ceramics. Ceramic granite is matte, polished, semiam, glazed or embossed, but the main thing is not even a wide range of colors, but the ease of material. Facing the walls made by such material will look stylish and beautiful;
  • Artificial decorative stone made of concrete component. Its production is very similar to the production of traditional concrete. A similar facing stone is created from the calculated proportions of cement, water and filler. The filler component is a crumb of natural stones and all sorts of painting pigments. Facing the walls of the building material will help the owners of the apartment to create a unique and modern design;
  • Artificial facing stone, imitating natural marble, is created from natural crumb, polyester and stenched pigment resins. The material cooked from these components is distinguished by a wide color range, and the hardness and reliability of the wall protection does not differ from the similar characteristics of the natural breed.

    An example of an artificial stone styling scheme for a wall with a solution

Preparation of the surface of the wall

Types and volume of preparatory procedures depends on the quality of the walls that you will subsequently put or glue a facing stone. Be sure to make sure that the vertical surfaces can withstand the high weight of the coating. Otherwise, reinforcement will have to apply.

Options for finishing edges on the surface of decorative stone

If the remnants of previous coatings (wallpaper, tiles) are preserved on the surface of the socle, walls of the hallway or living room, then they should be removed. Further, experts are recommended to perform priming internal vertical surfaces. The primer mixtures will make the adhesion of the finishing material with the surface more durable.

We will optionally cover the wall with concrete contact. This tool will create a special film, which also increases the adhesion of materials. Subsequent laying will be durable and reliable.

Ceramic granite has one important advantage: It is several times easier than natural, which allows you to re-reduce the load on the walls.

The advantages of mounting the artificial layer is that it is equally well located on all sorts of materials: brick, wood, cement, metal or foam blocks. But everyone private view Surfaces require a certain degree of preparation.

Simplified decorative stone production scheme

Concrete or brick surface should be completely aligned. The irregularities and levels of level are eliminated using the plastering of walls. If you put a facing stone on a wooden draft base, then it is necessary to create a moisture insulation substrate.

Then the wall design will consist of more sublayers. Metal walls Before the trim, it is recommended to thoroughly clean up from rust and plastering using a special plaster grid.

Device of a special perforator for cutting stone

Preparation for laying: Important moments

Finishing with decorative stone of the ground area, walls of the living room or hallway implies the fulfillment of all preliminary operations. If the leveling of the working surfaces has already been executed, then you can move to the next step - the design of the sketch and the order of placement of the elements on the inner surface.

Even before buying a building material, you must clearly represent where the artificial stone in the interior will be located. To this end, it is better to create a preliminary sketch of the basement or hallway with the final design option. Facing stone has certain dimensionsAnd it is difficult to perform its incision.

With this operation, an unattractive chip can form, which will worsen the aesthetic characteristics of the created coating. Therefore, the laying should be reduced to the use of solid material elements.

The performed sketch must be transferred to the wall as a clear picture. It will later be labeled. If an individual finishing line should be issued on an individual idea, then for this you need to stock special profiles or corners (as in the case of trim the base with ceramic tiles). They are fixed on the draft surface of the hallway or another room.

Material use options - a huge amount

Technology laying

When the wall under the stone is fully ready for installation, the following tools and materials should also be prepared:

  • tickle concrete solutionon which decorative elements will be glued;
  • several spatulas of various widths;
  • device-level;
  • facing stone;
  • loll of decorative composition (if this requires the design of the base, hallway or other room).

Facing the walls of the inner part of the apartment can be performed in two ways: jack or with compliance with seams. Depending on the selected method mounting process on the inland surfaces will be somewhat different.

Apply a prepared solution to the surface of the base or walls of the hallway is best for the construction of a culme or a special spatula with a toothed edge. With special care there should be facing of walls by the initial number of decorative material. The entire subsequent installation will depend on its quality.

Facing with decorative stone you need to start not from below as ceramic tiles, and on top of the wall.

If you preferring an application option, you should glue each element of the internal finish and slightly scroll through the axis in different directions.

In the implementation of technology, with compliance with the seam, several design options are used:

Ceramic granite is much easier than natural, although it is impossible to distinguish them.
  • Application and installation of plastic crosses around which need to lay decorative elements;
  • Inner lining of hallways with cardboard bands of the required thickness. Glue tile elements in this way simple and fast. You can also adjust the width of the seam obtained by varying the thickness of the cardboard strips;
  • Facing the walls or base with the use of bands cut from drywall. If you decide to glue tile elements in this way, then you will get a fairly wide seam. Such a decorative coating looks great on any walls.

If a trimming or addition of a series of smaller elements is needed during the workflow, it is advisable to use the grinder with a circle along concrete. The cutting is also performed on professional machines for cutting other types of tiles. It is only necessary to glue such parts in accordance with the planned sketch. When the installation came to an end, and the auxiliary elements are removed from the seams, you can begin the finishing applying of decorative smelting. Should choose such a shade building compositionwhich will match the color decorative coating. The mask will easily hide all disadvantages and discovers that arose during the workflow.


You can watch a video about how the walls of the hallway and corridors are finishing with the use of decorative stone.

Designers continue to bet on the naturalness of texture and raw materials. In view of this, the decorative stone is their favorite, nonetime "weapons." It, mostly, is completely natural and has an expressive, self-sufficient aesthetics.

What, in this case, the decorative stone differs from wild, natural?
What makes his man using special mixes and forms. In this case, the product pattern repeats in detail the incision of natural analogues. That is, an artificial stone is a decent replacement of travertine, slate, granite and many other rocks and minerals.

Types of decorative stone and production technology

Making an artificial stone learned for a long time. The Masters of the Middle Ages was added to a concrete solution with a crumb of tuff, dolomite, marble, receiving a durable, noble building material.

Today, artificial stone is a pretty lightweight tile, which is pressed from the most different compositions. Depending on the main components, the decorative stone can be:

  • gypsum
  • ceramic
  • concrete
  • acrylic
  • polyester.

In addition, the market offers a "liquid" stone in the form of spraying, which cover countertops and bar racks. As well as flexible stone veneer: they decorate not only the walls, but also furniture facades, countertops.

Specific additives are reported to facing the following properties. Let's say, volcanic perlite increases anti-corrosion, and the crumbs or pempose facilitate the product. When the composition of the mass is injected into the mass and iron oxide, the fashion aged stone is obtained.

Despite the abundance of textures, decorative stone tile They are almost the same: the chosen solution is poured into the matrix, tinted, sometimes burn, covered with impregnation or glaze. The process is simple, it can be established at home, bossing a special shape of silicone.

For external work, most often, concrete-based plates are used. And inside, the artificial stone made of plaster, an ecologically neutral mineral substance is used mainly.

Benefits of decorative stone

All types of artificial stone unite these qualities:

  1. availability, relatively inexpensive finishing material;
  2. simplicity laying;
  3. non-duty in care;
  4. resistance to mold, fire;
  5. durability (manufacturers provide a guarantee of at least 10 years);
  6. an impressive assortment of shades and textures.

If the stone is made of plaster, clay, sand, then add ecology, hypoallergenicity to this list.

Features of the use of artificial stone

Due to the variety of patterns and colors, a decorative stone is a real "Must Have" of the modern interior.

If you use a stone, it becomes less fresh, - more diverse, and - convincing, and is much more comfortable.

Many are hard to imagine without facing stone. For example, in the Mediterranean house it is stylization under pebbles or boulders polished by the sea. In Alpine - under the mountainous debris. In the interior of Provence - under the sandstone, burned in the sun. In English - under a strict brick of cherry blossom.
Artificial, glossy stone laid his way even in, this "leader" of metal and glass.

The stone is definitely a unique tool for creating an outstanding setting, but it is not worth it for all grave. If we separate the wall tile of the wall on top of the bottom, it turns out a crypt, a wine cellar, a dungeon ... but not a residential space.

Facing with decorative stone solves several tasks. First, it is picturesque, elegant and prestigious. Secondly, with the help of stone you can, make it more voluminous, expressive.

In the hallway, usually apply a tile, stylized under limestone, sandstone, brickwork.

The decorative stone looks spectacular if it combines it with other types of finishes - plaster, wooden panelsEmbedded by wallpaper.

In the hallway, the stone tile is used, mostly, for fragmentary facing. Decorative clinker, sandstone, quartzite emphasize the corners, doorways, sections of the wall around the dial, mirrors, paintings, hangers.
By the way, if the wall covered with a brushed stone, add large retro clocks, "street" bench and a lamp a lantern, "will be a soulful town" lane "leading in the depths of the apartment.

Stone is associated with reliability and safety. If he is present in the living room - households feel confident, "like a stone wall."

And the stone is associated with fire, with the warmth of the hearth. The memory of the campfire tandem and the stone man carried from cave times, no wonder the fireplaces and today are covered with boot and cuts.
However, tiles for granite, brick or shell make not only the fireplace portals.

The decorative stone is placing niches with backlit, shelves, glass windows, a fragment of the wall with a TV panel or a sofa.

The decorative stone by virtue of the structure absorbs a lot of light. Therefore, designers advise alternate it with light plaster or wallpaper. Remember also that finishing with artificial stone will require additional lamps and a thought-out illumination scenario.

Especially good decorative stone in the studio apartment. Perhaps this is the easiest, budget, actual way to divide the home on the location.

Decorative stone in the bedroom

Here the stone will be a guard: will calm down, relaxed, to attack the memories of something native, truly natural.

The massive, the cool bed is perfectly combined with walls covered with decorative bricks, as well as wooden beams, caissons, sconce in the form of a candelabra.

In the bedroom it is better not to use a stone tile with a glossy surface to avoid "cold", anxious flicker. A fragment lined with a stone, do not forget to emphasize the lamps, which will make the texture softer and warmer.

Typically, the stone decorate the wall behind the headboard or an angle with a toilet table and a mirror. Unlike the hallway, where the transitions from stone to the plaster are carried out with the help of torn edges, flowing, in the bedroom use other, less noticeable techniques. For example, referred to a stone masonry with moldings.

Decorative stone in the children's room

Ecology, the safety of artificial stone tile provided her pass and here.

It is important that with the help of a stone, you can embody the plot of your beloved fairy tale. We put, create a "Princess Castle", "Cave Ali-Baba", "Dungeon of Gnomes", "Underwater Grotto".

Artificial pebbles easy to lay out a mosaic, panel, paint pebbles under the snails and god's cows, arrange a frame of stones landscape on the wall, niche with toys.

If we are talking about a teenager, then brick artificial masonry at the desktop will discipline, call it to order. And cross up with more adult toys - by self-similarity, globe, stygun style.

Decorative stone in the kitchen / dining room

Methods successfully integrate a lot of stone into the kitchen space. For example, imitation of rustic masonry over hob Turns this working segment into a colorful Russian stove or an ancient fireplace.
And the kitchen niches covered with decorative stone will make out the kitchen like an old cafe, especially if brutal countertops and cast iron utensils will perform with them in the ensemble.

For the kitchen, choose a stone tile impregnated protective compositions. Porous, loose products absorb water, and it is more difficult to clean them.

Do not use decorative finish And in the context of ultra-modern interior styles. Relief stone reddish-brown, greenish tint is perfectly combined with glass and metal, shaves shine kitchen appliancesMakes Loft and High-tech more hearty, chamber.

Decorative stone in the bathroom

The natural pool, cutting down in the rocks, can look like a bathroom, trimmed with stone tiles.