Orchid is a tropical guest from Vietnam: how to plant and grow it from an onion correctly? How to bring orchids from Vietnam.

The most common souvenir brought from Vietnam is the orchid. You can buy such a miracle at the flower markets of Dalat and Ho Chi Minh City.

The Vietnamese orchid will be a wonderful decoration for your home and, moreover, will delight you with a pleasant aroma. Among the representatives of the local flora, it occupies an honorable place. The plant looks like an egg, because it is the bulbs or orchid bulbs that are sold.

Before planting an orchid bulb from Vietnam, you need to prepare a substrate and a transparent pot. The substrate is different from the usual one and includes a bark conifers, sphagnum moss and coconut chips. Also, a special rockwool fiber is used as a substrate. To simplify your work, you can buy it in the store. The substrate must be moistened before planting.

How to properly plant an orchid bulb from Vietnam

You need to plant the bulb in such a way that only the lower part is attached to the ground, and the main part is on the surface. Since the bulb itself is massive, you can use a stick to keep it from hanging out in the pot. If you find dry roots, then do not touch them, because they are the ones that will fix the plant after planting.

After planting, orchids from Vietnam need to be watered only if the dormant sprout has roots that have grown to the substrate. In order to see them, our transparent pot will come in handy. Fears that the plant will dry out are in vain, because the bulb contains a supply of moisture and nutrients, which, at least, will last for a month.

An exotic orchid will grow faster if placed on a sunny side to allow the sun's rays to hit its bulb. Correct fit orchids from Vietnam will allow you to enjoy all the delights of its bloom.

Tourists very often bring orchids from Vietnam - this is an inexpensive wonderful gift, thanks to which wonderful tropical flowers settle in our apartments. Having visited the Vietnamese flower market, it is simply impossible not to buy seedlings or orchid bulbs to grow at home. But for everything to work out, you need to know how to plant an orchid bulb from the country of Vietnam.


Orchids are brought from Vietnam on the ground, they grow in their homeland where a sufficient amount of garbage and humus has accumulated on the ground. And there are also airy tree trunks that prefer garbage, into which their roots grow, and the stems, leaves and flowers just hang in the air. Tourists usually bring a bulbous tuber (or bulb) of terrestrial species, it can be planted in a pot, created comfortable conditions then after a few years exotic plant will delight you with its amazingly beautiful, already loved by us flowering.

We get different varieties terrestrial orchids, they differ from each other in size, shape and color of flowers. Care is required almost the same for all plants. The most varied is the color of Vietnamese papiopedilum. The lower petal of its flower is a kind of pocket, strongly resembling the slipper of a fairy elf. Appleton's paphiopedilum forms a large (at least 10 cm in diameter) flower, made in a brown-purple scale. It has a very pleasant aroma. The peduncle of the Siamese papiopedilum holds only one lilac-green flower, and the lower petal is brown.

The orange-green flowers of the beautiful papiopedilum are large enough, their diameter reaches 8 cm. Green veins and black specks are clearly distinguished on their petals. Earlier than other varieties, single-flowered papiopedilum blooms, on its short peduncle there are usually no more than two fragrant flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. ... Quite unusual light green leaves have dark spots- no need to think about diseases, they just have such a color. The waxy yellow single flowers of papiopedilum Elena delight with color for at least three months a year.

Bright flowers with an amazing lower petal, exquisite exotic aroma, large dark green leaves, strong massive stem, the orchid cannot leave you indifferent.

Video "Description"

From the video you will learn what this flower looks like and why it is remarkable.


Increasingly, questions arise about how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, how to grow a full-fledged plant from a bulb in an apartment.

If seedlings come to you, then you need to hold them for some time in the vessel in which they arrived, and plant them only when they obviously do not have enough space. Most often they are grown, which means they are brought in bottles. But if you brought or gave you an onion, then you need to plant it as soon as possible.

The name "orchid" means "egg", the bulb (bulb) that needs to be planted looks like a big strange egg. It is advisable to take a transparent plastic dishes so that you can see everything that happens there, observe the growth of roots. A container or small food bucket is ideal. Some growers prefer to take dishes with small holes along all the walls; they can be cut out by yourself to increase air access to the substrate.

Several large stones are placed on the bottom (it must have one or more holes) to increase the weight and stability of the pot. Then a drainage layer is poured, for which you can take expanded clay, clay shards or just small pebbles. And the substrate is placed on top. For those who have never dealt with the cultivation of orchids, it is best to buy a ready-made mixture in the store, it is very difficult to choose all the components of this "cocktail" correctly, which contains many different components, but there is no earth among them. The substrate for orchids consists of the bark of conifers, sphagnum moss, coconut chips, and some other substances, such as a special rockwool fiber, are included.

The prepared substrate is poured into a pot, watered. Then an onion is placed on it, slightly deepening only its lower part, by no more than one centimeter. For stability, you need to substitute a strong stick. The plant planted in this way is placed in a lighted place and wait until new roots sprout from the tuber.

As soon as they touch the substrate, you can water for the first time. No need to worry if this happens no earlier than a month after planting - the fleshy bulb contains all the necessary substances for its existence and the formation of roots. Watering earlier can cause the plant to rot.


Orchids need to be repotted often, because the substrate quickly deteriorates, it becomes too dense, and its acidity changes. So the flowers growing on sphagnum are transplanted every two years, on the bark every three years. Sometimes you have to do this more often if pests start, if the substrate clearly begins to deteriorate (which can be suggested by bad smell), if improper watering led to decay of the roots. The best time for this is spring, when the flower grows most actively.

For transplant, they take a new transparent dish several bigger size, a new substrate. In the same way, stones are laid on the bottom, a drainage layer, then the substrate itself is placed. The flower is watered abundantly so that it can be removed without causing the slightest harm. Sometimes you have to sacrifice an old pot, it is broken or cut if the substrate has become so dense that it is not possible to remove the plant even after watering. The roots of the plant are placed in warm water to free it from the old substrate completely. If there are damaged or rotten roots, leaves, then they must be carefully cut off, sprinkle with crushed coal.

The plant is placed in a new pot, the substrate is poured, lightly tapping on the pot so that it is better distributed. After planting, the plant is watered, if moisture gets on the growth point, then it is better to get wet. The root collar should be above the substrate, one centimeter below the edge of the pot.


Vietnamese orchids, like everyone else, love warm humid air, sunlight... Usually they are placed on the windows, but if you choose a south window, you will have to shade the delicate plant slightly from direct sunlight in summer, it is best to put the flower on a table near the window. From the north side of the world there will be little, in winter you will have to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.

The air temperature should not drop below +18 degrees, but at night it is desirable that it should not be higher than +20 degrees. This visitor from the tropics will not like dry air, the humidity should be at least 50%, even better if it is 70%. The plant needs to be fed monthly special composition, which is bought in specialized flower shops. But you need to water only when the substrate is completely dry - transparent dishes help to determine this time accurately. More frequent watering leads to root rot and death of the plant.

Orchids are watered differently from ordinary indoor flowers. She loves sprinkling, which can be done in the bathroom with the help of a shower. The pot with the plant is placed in a bath, slightly warm water is brought in, the plant is watered with a gentle stream from the shower until the substrate is saturated with water. Then the pot is left for a while, until excess water flows out, and the flower is returned to its place. Or you can put the pot in a container (basin, large pot) with water, through the holes the substrate will pick up as much water as it needs, then let the excess water drain and return the pot to the windowsill. It is better to water it in the morning or in the afternoon, so that by the evening the aerial part of the plant dries up and is not already wet.

Caring for an orchid cannot be called difficult, just this flower has unusual requests for us, but like any plant, the Vietnamese beauty prefers to be watered, fed, just loved.

Video "Growing"

In the video experienced florist will tell you how to grow an orchid at home.

2018-01-28T11: 48: 08 + 00: 00 adminOrchid care

How to properly grow orchids from Vietnam Tourists very often bring orchids from Vietnam - this is an inexpensive wonderful gift, thanks to which wonderful tropical flowers settle in our apartments. Having visited the Vietnamese flower market, it is simply impossible not to buy seedlings or orchid bulbs to grow at home. But for everything to work out, you need to know how to plant ...

[email protected] Administrator Seven-flowered flower

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The splendor and grace of the representatives of the orchid family has been pleasing flower growers all over the world for many years with elegant flowering and minimalism of the dormant period. Orchid flowers are bought in flower shops, transplanted from gardens and sometimes given as gifts.

Among the gift species, orchids from Vietnam occupy a special place. They are very often brought from this exotic country, where they are purchased in the markets. Most often, onions are presented, which are shaped like an egg. Orchis is translated from Greek as testicle. In this article, we will talk about how to plant an orchid from Vietnam and how to grow an orchid from a bulb.

Orchid bulbs are bulbs, from which, with proper care, a completely healthy and beautiful plant will develop.

Important! If an onion was brought as a gift, then you need to plant it as soon as possible, since it can die without giving a single root. If the gift is a sprout in a small container, then they grow it without transplanting, without arranging shocks for young plant.

Characteristics and variety

Vietnamese orchids are represented by several very graceful and various types... They all belong to. Their differences relate to the size, shape and color of flowers.

  1. Vietnamese paphiopedilum differs from the rest in the unusual shape of the lower petal, which resembles a slipper.
  2. Violet-brown wide flower with a delicate aroma - feature Paphiopedilum Appleton.
  3. On the peduncle of the Siamese Pafiopedilum, only one flower blooms, painted in lilac-green with brown.
  4. Up to 10 centimeters in diameter, with green veins and black specks, are beautiful papiopedilum flowers.
  5. One to two pleasantly scented flowers on a short peduncle - this is Paphiopedilum one-flowered.
  6. Burgundy flowers with light edging with a peculiar color of the leaves, light green with dark spots - distinctive feature Paphiopedilum bearded.
  7. Pafiopedilum Elena blooms for three months a year and blooms in pale yellow shades.


Any Vietnamese orchid brought in the form of a bulb needs urgent strengthening on the ground, otherwise it will die. Planting a bulb is closely related to the choice of substrate. It is better for novice flower growers to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store, while experienced gardeners will be pleased to independently prepare the environment for a new pet with their own hands.

Typically, the following components are selected:

  • Pine bark
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Fern leaves
  • Pumice
  • Expanded clay

The ratio should be approximately the same. The soil must be mixed well in order to ensure a sufficient level of aeration. For the bulb in the first month after planting, the supply of air to the soil is very important.

Creation suitable soil at home is the first step. The container in which the tubers will be placed is also selected appropriately. Before planting an orchid bulb, you need to find out the type of flower brought in in order to choose the right pot size. If it was not possible to find out, choose a medium-sized container. Best transparent. This will help to visually determine the degree of development of the young plant and the level of soil moisture.

Important! Pumice and expanded clay are also used to create drainage at the bottom of the pot. This will ensure uniform moisture in the substrate.

When the soil is ready and placed in the container, it is necessary to properly plant the bulb. This must be done so that only a small part of the vertically placed onion is immersed in the substrate. After planting, orchids from Vietnam will not immediately give their first roots. It may take a month before this happens.

If after 30 days the roots still have not appeared, do not sound the alarm. Fluid reserves and nutrients in the bulb is sufficient for a long period preceding the active phase.

After about a month, the first roots appear. As soon as they reach a length of a few centimeters, you can start watering.

Important! The entire period, while the bulb is inactive, while on the ground, watering is not carried out.

Care and watering

Orchids from Vietnam require care for themselves, like other members of the orchid family. For creating suitable conditions, come from their natural area a habitat. The lighting and arrangement of these colors is best organized as follows:

Direct sunlight is harmful to the leaves, so you should not place the flower where the sun is shining brightly. Diffused light or shading is best. The lighting mode is selected taking into account the phase in which the orchid is. For the growth phase, choose a long daylight hours and short night... If the phase of active growth and development falls on winter period, arrange additional lighting.

Important! Morning sun rays and the light of the setting sun do not harm orchids.

The temperature regime for orchid bulbs from Vietnam is maintained at 18-25 degrees. A constant low or high temperature will be very harmful to a young flower.

After the onset of the growth phase of a young orchid bulb from Vietnam, it is worthwhile to water more often. For start will do surface watering.

Important! Pay close attention to the moisture level and prevent the flower from rotting.


Important! You need to transplant the orchid during the active period.

In this article, we talked about how to plant an orchid bulb brought from Vietnam, and how to grow a full flower from it.

Tourists very often bring orchids from Vietnam - this is an inexpensive wonderful gift, thanks to which wonderful tropical flowers settle in our apartments. Having visited the Vietnamese flower market, it is simply impossible not to buy seedlings or orchid bulbs to grow at home. But for everything to work out, you need to know how to plant an orchid bulb from the country of Vietnam.

Orchids are brought from Vietnam on the ground, they grow in their homeland where a sufficient amount of garbage and humus has accumulated on the ground. And there are also airy tree trunks that prefer garbage, into which their roots grow, and the stems, leaves and flowers just hang in the air. Tourists usually bring a bulbous tuber (or bulb) of terrestrial species, it can be planted in a pot, create comfortable conditions, then in a few years an exotic plant will delight with its amazingly beautiful flowering that we already love.

We come across different varieties of terrestrial orchids, they differ from each other in size, shape and color of flowers. Care is required almost the same for all plants. The most varied is the color of Vietnamese papiopedilum. The lower petal of its flower is a kind of pocket, strongly resembling the slipper of a fairy elf. Appleton's paphiopedilum forms a large (at least 10 cm in diameter) flower, made in a brown-purple scale. It has a very pleasant aroma. The peduncle of the Siamese papiopedilum holds only one lilac-green flower, and the lower petal is brown.

The orange-green flowers of the beautiful papiopedilum are large enough, their diameter reaches 8 cm. Green veins and black specks are clearly distinguished on their petals. Earlier than other varieties, single-flowered papiopedilum blooms, on its short peduncle there are usually no more than two fragrant flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. ... Quite unusual light green leaves have dark spots - no need to think about diseases, they just have such a color. The waxy yellow single flowers of papiopedilum Elena delight with color for at least three months a year.

Bright flowers with an amazing lower petal, exquisite exotic aroma, large dark green leaves, strong massive stem, the orchid cannot leave you indifferent.

Video "Description"

From the video you will learn what this flower looks like and why it is remarkable.


Increasingly, questions arise about how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, how to grow a full-fledged plant from a bulb in an apartment.

If seedlings come to you, then you need to hold them for some time in the vessel in which they arrived, and plant them only when they obviously do not have enough space. Most often they are grown, which means they are brought in bottles. But if you brought or gave you an onion, then you need to plant it as soon as possible.

The name "orchid" means "egg", the bulb (bulb) that needs to be planted looks like a big strange egg. It is advisable to take transparent plastic dishes so that you can see everything that happens there, observe the growth of roots. A container or small food bucket is ideal. Some growers prefer to take dishes with small holes along all the walls; they can be cut out by yourself to increase air access to the substrate.

Several large stones are placed on the bottom (it must have one or more holes) to increase the weight and stability of the pot. Then a drainage layer is poured, for which you can take expanded clay, clay shards or just small pebbles. And the substrate is placed on top. For those who have never dealt with the cultivation of orchids, it is best to buy a ready-made mixture in the store, it is very difficult to choose all the components of this "cocktail" correctly, which contains many different components, but there is no earth among them. The substrate for orchids consists of the bark of conifers, sphagnum moss, coconut chips, and some other substances, such as a special rockwool fiber, are included.

The prepared substrate is poured into a pot, watered. Then an onion is placed on it, slightly deepening only its lower part, by no more than one centimeter. For stability, you need to substitute a strong stick. The plant planted in this way is placed in a lighted place and wait until new roots sprout from the tuber.
As soon as they touch the substrate, you can water for the first time. No need to worry if this happens no earlier than a month after planting - the fleshy bulb contains all the necessary substances for its existence and the formation of roots. Watering earlier can cause the plant to rot.


Orchids need to be repotted often, because the substrate quickly deteriorates, it becomes too dense, and its acidity changes. So the flowers growing on sphagnum are transplanted every two years, on the bark every three years. Sometimes you have to do this more often if pests start, if the substrate clearly begins to deteriorate (which can be suggested by an unpleasant smell), if improper watering has led to decay of the roots. The best time for this is spring, when the flower grows most actively.

For transplantation, take a new transparent dish of a slightly larger size, a new substrate. In the same way, stones are laid on the bottom, a drainage layer, then the substrate itself is placed. The flower is watered abundantly so that it can be removed without causing the slightest harm. Sometimes you have to sacrifice an old pot, it is broken or cut if the substrate has become so dense that it is not possible to remove the plant even after watering. The roots of the plant are placed in warm water to completely free it from the old substrate. If there are damaged or rotten roots, leaves, then they must be carefully cut off, sprinkle with crushed coal.

The plant is placed in a new pot, the substrate is poured, lightly tapping on the pot so that it is better distributed. After planting, the plant is watered, if moisture gets on the growth point, then it is better to get wet. The root collar should be above the substrate, one centimeter below the edge of the pot.


Vietnamese orchids, like everyone else, love warm humid air, sunlight. Usually they are placed on the windows, but if you choose a south window, you will have to shade the delicate plant slightly from direct sunlight in summer, it is best to put the flower on a table near the window. From the north side of the world there will be little, in winter you will have to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.

The air temperature should not drop below +18 degrees, but at night it is desirable that it should not be higher than +20 degrees. This visitor from the tropics will not like dry air, the humidity should be at least 50%, even better if it is 70%. Every month, the plant needs to be fed with a special compound, which is bought in specialized flower shops. But you need to water only when the substrate is completely dry - transparent dishes help to determine this time accurately. More frequent watering leads to root rot and death of the plant.

Orchids are watered differently from ordinary indoor flowers. She loves sprinkling, which can be done in the bathroom with the help of a shower. The pot with the plant is placed in a bath, slightly warm water is brought in, the plant is watered with a gentle stream from the shower until the substrate is saturated with water. Then the pot is left for a while, until excess water flows out, and the flower is returned to its place. Or you can put the pot in a container (basin, large pot) with water, through the holes the substrate will pick up as much water as it needs, then let the excess water drain and return the pot to the windowsill. It is better to water it in the morning or in the afternoon, so that by the evening the aerial part of the plant dries up and is not already wet.

Caring for an orchid cannot be called difficult, just this flower has unusual requests for us, but like any plant, the Vietnamese beauty prefers to be watered, fed, just loved.

The orchid from Vietnam is a beautiful plant belonging to the bulbous family that grows naturally on the trunks of giant trees. The most suitable terrain for its growth and flowering is regions with a humid continental climate and good lighting.

There are 2 types of orchids in Vietnam:

  • terrestrial- grow from the ground in places where there is debris and humus, have large bright colors and dense leaves;
  • air- grow roots into tree trunks, their buds hang down and have a mild aroma.

Important! It is impossible to remove an orchid in a flowerpot from Vietnam, problems at customs control will not arise only with a bulb.

Types with names

Most often, terrestrial orchid species are brought from Vietnam, such as:

  • Beautiful- during flowering, its buds reach 6-8 cm in diameter, green-orange petals are decorated with dark dots and lines.
  • Siamese- on one of its peduncles there is only one greenish-pink flower.
  • Vietnamese- has unusual lower flowers of various colors, the lower petal of which resembles a shoe.
  • Single-flowered- the earliest type of orchid with a short peduncle, on which 1-2 relatively small (with a maximum diameter of 7 cm) buds are formed.
  • Appleton- characterized by a large (about 10 cm in diameter) bud, which combines brown and purple colors.
  • Bearded- differs in buds burgundy with a light border around the edges.
  • Helena- This species blooms for 3 months, and its single yellow flowers seem to be covered with a waxy coating.

Despite the differences in the number of flowers, their color and flowering period, all these species need the same care.


And this is how the views of this flower look in the photo.

Where, how and how much can you buy?

Online store orchidee.su offers to purchase different kinds orchids at a price of 900 rubles, the shipping cost depends on the region. While in Vietnam, in Vung Tao, for the bulbs vietnamese orchid you can safely go to any flower shop, of which there are a lot.

You can also buy them at flower markets (for example, in Dalat or Ho Chi Minh City), where you can find the largest number types of orchids. The lowest prices for plants are found in the Cho Dam market in Nha Trang.

How to plant tubers correctly?

Why do you need to be placed in a substrate?

If an orchid bulb was brought from Vietnam, then it must be planted in the substrate as soon as possible, otherwise it may die without having time to give a single root. If an orchid sprout is purchased in a small container, then a transplant is needed to avoid rotting during the growth process.

Also, over time, the earth loses acidity and in case of untimely transplanting, the soil will become too dense, and then its decomposition will begin, due to which the growth of roots will slow down.

Important! When the soil is waterlogged, the roots of the orchid will begin to rot, and it dies.

The transplant is carried out in the spring and its regularity depends on the soil: if the orchid grows in a substrate from the bark, a transplant is necessary every 3 years, and if from sphagnum, every two. You can not wait for spring if:

  • the substrate is decomposed;
  • pests were found in the pot;
  • roots rot due to frequent watering.

What kind of inventory will come in handy?

To plant an orchid bulb from Vietnam, you will need:

  • substrate;
  • necessarily a transparent flowerpot;
  • orchid bulb.

Soil preparation

Vietnamese orchid substrate is very important and is most often purchased off-the-shelf. It must necessarily include:

This mixture is supplemented with artificial rockwool fiber.

You can also prepare the substrate yourself, this will require:

  • pine or spruce bark cleared of resin;
  • crushed charcoal;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • peat;
  • dolomite flour;
  • perlite or expanded clay.

Fern roots, coconut chips, limestone or chalk can be added to the mixture to hang the calcium content to increase the calcium content. For the necessary (especially in the 1st month after planting) aeration, the substrate must be mixed well.

Important! If the substrate retains moisture well, peat can be eliminated.

The process itself

Before planting the bulb, you need to know that this is not a part of the plant and only after a month the shoots will appear from it - the stems of the future orchid. Procedure for planting a Vietnamese orchid bulb:

  1. Moisten the substrate thoroughly.
  2. At the bottom of a previously prepared container with holes, it is necessary to put large stones to increase its durability.
  3. Then fill in the expanded clay drainage layer.
  4. Lay the substrate in a third layer.
  5. Place the onion vertically with a maximum depth of 1 cm.
  6. The bulb itself should be left on the surface and not sprinkled with substrate.
  7. Support the onion with a stick so that it does not fall.
  8. Place the container with the planted onion in a well-lit place.

You do not need to water the orchid before the horses appear, otherwise it will die. After planting, it will take a month for the first roots to appear.

The lower part of the bulb must be fixed to the ground. otherwise no roots will appear.

Problems and difficulties

Pests such as thrips, ticks and roundworms can appear in a flowerpot with a Vietnamese orchid bulb. Most likely they will start when the bulb grows roots, and stems appear from the adventitious bud. If the plant is affected by thrips, it must be isolated, rinsed in the shower and treated with insecticides. In case of damage by nematodes, the plant cannot be saved, since no drug will help get rid of them forever.

Important! If the orchid is in the absence of pests, you need to lower the flowerpot with it in the soda.

Further care

In order for the bulb of the Vietnamese orchid to germinate, it is necessary to create the following conditions for it:

  • the air temperature should be at least +18 degrees;
  • air humidity level - 70%, the minimum allowable indicator is 50%;
  • fertilizers must be applied monthly;
  • watering is done daily in summer, several times a month in winter, when the substrate is dry;
  • it is better to place a flowerpot with an orchid on the windowsill on the south side, while protecting the plant from direct sunlight;
  • in winter, additional lighting is likely to be required.

Orchid from Vietnam - beautiful flower who will delight the owner with his flowers however, growing it from a bulb is not easy. Be patient, take into account all the nuances and follow the instructions, then success is guaranteed.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video on how to plant orchids from Vietnam: