Lilies. Rules for landing, cultivation and care

Detailed description The most common methods of breeding garden lilies.

Reproduction of lilies scales makes it possible to get a large number of New young bulbs in a short time. Each scaway increases on average 2 - 4 bulbs, and multiply plants in this way can be at any time of year.

The reproduction of lilies by seeds takes more time and strength from gardeners, but each of these methods is quite effective and deserves separate attention.

How to dilute, multiply lily from scales?

Breeding of flakes is a degree of breeding. Almost each of them can be prompted by this simple way:

  1. Free the bulb from the ground. Carefully cutting it off, try not to damage and not disturb the roots.
  2. With peeled bulbs, several flakes are separated (no more than 5).
  3. Fault sites and separated scales treat a weak solution of manganese and sprinkle wood coal.
  4. Pour the ground with a bully and moderately.
  5. Disted scales treat with chopped coal.
  6. Spare scales for rearing.

Important: scales selected for breeding should not have spots and damage.

How to breed and grow lily from scales in August, in the fall?

A feature of the skeuries separated at the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall of the autumn lilies is that they will be ready for landing in a greenhouse or boxes by February. Prior to that, selected scales should be processed correctly and save:

  1. Immediately after the separation thoroughly, rinse the scales with water.
  2. Place in a weak mortar for 30 minutes.
  3. 12 hours to withstand them either in solution amber Acidor in epin solution.
  4. Drink on dry cotton fabric.
  5. Personal scales with dry sand or substrate.
  6. Place in polyethylene packages, store in this form up to 8 weeks at a temperature not exceeding 22 ° C.
  7. Subsequent 3 - 4 weeks Keep packages at 16 - 18 ° C.
  8. In the period when the foundation will begin to appear small bulbs, most favorable for landing.

Important: If it is not possible to plant scales on time, their subsequent storage should occur at 4 ° C.

How to grow lilies from scales in one year?

To get the first colors of lilies grown from scales, after a year, landing work start at the end of April - early May:

  1. Expand the scales in advance prepared and disinfected sawdust placed in plastic bags, at a temperature of about 22-23 ° C.
  2. During the germination, carry out moderate watering. Excessive moisture in sawdust can help reducing scales.
  3. After 12 - 16 days, transplant the scales with the bulbs that appeared on them in the ground.
  4. The soil regularly loose and moderately water, not allowing the baffles of the flakes.
  5. Later in the fall, cover lilies with dry hay, sawdust or humus. So you will provide plants comfortable wintering.
  6. In the spring, free lilies from the insulation and appreciate the status and color of the leaves. If plants successfully overwhelmed, the leaves will have a browned hue.

In June - July, young plants will bloom for the first time. Thus, the first colors of the lilies you will receive a year after the scales falling down.

Important: the reproduction of lilies by separating the scales is most suitable for varieties that do not form a sufficient number of subsidiaries.

How to store lilies that have grown from scales in winter?

One of the reliable ways winter storage Scheps and bulbs that appeared on them looks like this:

  1. Mix selected and treated lily flakes with moistened crushed moss-sphagnum, charcoal or sawdust trees coniferous rocks In a 1: 4 ratio.
  2. Distribute the resulting mixture on polyethylene packages.
  3. Until that time, the bulbs appear, store packages at 22 - 23 ° C.
  4. After 1 - 1.5 months, when the diameter of the bulb will reach 0.5 - 0.7 cm, move the packages to the refrigerator for 4 weeks, providing a temperature of 3-4 ° C.
  5. Separate bulwing from scales and plan them.

Growing scales in spring

Spring separation of adult livi bulbs allows you to quickly get a large number of new young plants. The branch of the scales and the placement of them for the extension should be produced in early March. To the landing season on each scaway the bulbs are formed.

For the rearing of small bulbies, a separate bed is built. All summer, young lilies will grow, gain strength, and rather large bulbs are formed by the autumn of the polusantimeter kids.

IMPORTANT: Comfortable wintering with young lilies can be provided with reliable warming of beds.

Lilies from seeds: landing and care

Reproduction of lilies seeds - long painstaking process. Young plants that appeared from seeds will be able to please the garden plant with first blooming no earlier than after 3 to 4 years. However, this method of reproduction is quite popular, as it makes it possible to obtain a large number of new plants at the same time.

IMPORTANT: A responsible approach to reproduction of lilies seeds implies clarification and detailed study of the selected variety. To ensure the maximum germination of seeds, the lilies of some species preferably create special temperature and light conditions.

Exists easy way Growing from seeds suitable for any kind of these plants:

  1. Soak selected seeds by 12 - 16 hours in zinc sulfate solution (0.04%).
  2. Prepare the soil. To do this, mix the ground leaf and sand.
  3. At the end of February - early March, the seeds in the prepared soil at a depth of 0.5 - 0.6 cm.
  4. Ensure air temperature in the room 22- 24 ° C.
  5. For watering, use the sprayer.
  6. After shooting, it is possible to lower the temperature to 12 - 15 ° C and ensure regular access to scattered light plants.
  7. The first transplant of young plants in separate containers immediately after the appearance of the leaves.
  8. Provide covers lighting, watering and soil looser.
  9. In the end of the spring, transplant seedlings into well-drained fertile soil, at a distance of about 35 cm from each other.
  10. Provide regular watering plants, feed them with fertilizers.

Important: The seeds of lilies lose the ability to germinate very quickly, so they are sulking them no later than 2 years after collecting.

Suppose the seed sowing option in open sad At the end of autumn. At the same time, it is important to carefully inspire a bed garden with sowing. Spring from seeds will appear young shoots.

Flowers who want to decorate the flower beds as soon as possible with new varieties of lilies, can order the delivery of bulbs by mail. Sale of lilies lilies by mail is quite common. By selecting the varieties of interest on the flower sites engaged in the sale of plants, it is enough to place an order, and you can wait for a quick replenishment of your own flower collection.

Typically, lily service providers provide photographs and detailed information about each plant of plants, designate conditions for care and breeding.

Breeding lilies from a fascinating hobby can turn into profitable business. Due to its unpretentiousness, the ability to quickly grow up and the extraordinary beauty of flowers, these plants can be for the flower of the present "golden residential".

Lilia can be decorate any celebration, give them to your beloved girl, to the strict chief or please the elderly bouquet. These flowers are appropriate in any situation. Therefore, competently organizing a business, the breeder of lilies will certainly achieve success.

Video: Lilia breeding scales

Flowering plants - real decoration of any home. One of these jewelry is Lily, numbering more than 300 species. She has a bright juicy greens, large flowers and unique fragrance. The breeders are derived from the most suitable for home conditions. Such varieties include Eastern and Asian hybrids. These are perennial flowers that can be kept in one pot for several years.

For proper choice Landing time, you can adjust the flowering period. What makes it possible to grow blooming lily to a certain solemn date. Landing and care room Lilia It will not submit special difficulties even novice gardener.

How to plant lilies in a pot, at home?

Before choosing a pot for planting and growing lily, you need to choose a flower grade. Some of them grow up to 1.5 m. You can choose a variety growing with a small bush. Depending on the size of the flower and you need to choose a pot.

For lily, the height of which about 1.5 m is selected by a pot of diameter of 18-20 cm and up to 40 cm high. In such a container you can land 2-3 bulbs. If one bully is planted in a pot, it does not bloom for a long time. This is due to the free space. While this space will not be filled with children, the plant will not bloom.

Before landing the pot is disinfecting. It is worth pouring boiling water with the addition of manganese.

For good growth and development, it is necessary to correctly choose the ground for landing lily. The easiest choice is the finished earthy mixture purchased in the store. With independent manufacture of soil, take the turf, coarse sand and humus in equal parts. This mixture is mandatory mineral fertilizers. For 1 kg of prepared land mixture to make 25 g of nitrogen-potash and magnesium-phosphoric fertilizers.

Landing Lukovitz

When buying bulbs, first of all, it is worth paying attention to their appearance. You need to choose firm bulbs, dense, without visible damage with alive roots. The roots can not be turned off. Do not choose small bulbs. Their diameter should be at least 4 cm.

If the bulb dried up, you should not throw it out.

For 2 hours you need to soak in a growth stimulator or simple clean water.

Bulbs before landing place in a special compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator. After 1-2 months, sprouts will be thrown.

At the bottom of the selected pot, the layer of approximately 5 cm, the drainage is stacked. For this used clamzit, Sea or river pebbles, broken brick. Then the layer of the land mixture is poured, about 8-10 cm. The bulbs are neatly put in the proof sprouts up, without damaging, while root system. From above, pour about 20 cm of soil. After landing soil pour warm water until complete moisture.

From the soil to the Borchik, the pot must remain about 7-8 cm. It is necessary for further plugging the Earth after the appearance of germs.

It is planted at any time, regardless of the time of year. When falling into a pot in March, bloom will occur at the end of May. For blooming lily under new YearThe bulbs are planted in a pot at the end of September. After the appearance of the first sprouts, provide additional lighting.

After landing, the bulbs need to ensure sufficient moisture and heat.

Water as the upper soil layer drying, 1 time in 3-4 days.

It is also desirable to spray the processed sprouts in the growth stimulant every 3-4 days.

When the sprout grows about 8-10 cm, shove the Earth to the pot, leaving about 1 cm to the top edge. To ensure air flow to the bulb, regular soil explosion is required by about 4 cm.

Lilies love the sun. So after 1 month young plant Can be taken on fresh air, pre-hardening. Hardened by gradually increase the time of finding open airStarting from 20 min and bringing up to 10 hours in the summer months. For the night, the flower must be put into the room.

How to grow lilies from seeds?

Seeds can be bought in the store or assemble yourself. Collect seeds should only healthy Plant. Seed box Must be brown and should not even reveal.

From one seed box you can get 150-200 seeds.

Is it possible to grow lilies at home? The cultivation of lilies from seeds at home is also considered the safest, as they are not subjected to diseases.

Ripe brownish seeds, oval, slightly elongated. In length about 5 mm, a thickness of about 1 mm.

The seeds of lily immediately after the collection are suitable for sowing. But it is best to put them in the refrigerator, observing the temperature of 2-4 degrees.
When is the best to plant lily? Plant seeds are best at the end of March. Seed seeds in February can be sown, but then additional lighting will need to be processed spons.

The plant is blooming only 1.5-2 years after the germination of Rostkov.

Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare a land mixture. You can use the finished excavation mixture purchased in the store. For independent manufacture The mixture is mixed by the turf, leafy land and coarse sand in the same proportions. In this mixture is added charcoal.

How to plant lilies seeds? Sowing seeds need to be produced in seedlings. Drainage is placed on the bottom, then the cooked land is falling asleep. Seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 1-1.5 cm, sprinkle with sand top. After that, you need to gently pour and cover with a film or glass. The ramper is placed in a dark and warm place. Temperature for seed germination there must be 20-25 degrees. It is important not to dismissed the soil to avoid picking seeds.

What do lily seeds look like?

Below are seeds of lily, photo:

Sprouts will appear in 20-25 days. After the appearance of sprouts, the seedl of the box is exposed. With an insufficient number of light, additional lighting must be ensured. Light day for sprouts should be at least 10-12 hours. If the ramper stands on the windowsill, then young sprouts need to protect from the sun.

From the planted seeds of lily by the fall, small bulbs will grow. When two leaves are on it, you should transplanted into small hills in permanent place.

It is possible to other boxes at least 4 cm from each other.

When diving in a new sidebank It is necessary to ensure that the roots and sprouts are not broken.

Lily easily multiplies, easy to leaving and practically not exposed to diseases. It is tolerant to temperature drops. For lily is important nutrient soil, moderate watering and sunlight. it decorative plant Elegant flowers will be decorated with any home.

Lilies Perennial bulbous culture, which belongs to the Lily Family. More than 110 species are also known, from which at home are actively growing thirty species.

Lilia likes many flowers, so breeders have brought more than 10 thousand varieties for them for them and continue to create new ones.

Lilies of varieties with photos and names

- This species includes more than thirty varieties. They have white flowers that are pleasantly smelling. The diameter of the flowers is 10 cm, and the length is 12 cm. The stems can grow up to two meters. Lilies with white flowers are very capricious, easily ill and do not tolerate frost.

- This species has the lengthened flowers that are directed towards or down. They are distinguished by a strong fragrant smell. Flower length varies from 13 cm to 18 cm. The height of the stem reaches more than meters, but meet dwarf varietieswhich grows up to 40 cm. This group of lilies are not winter-hardy and is grown in greenhouse conditions.

- View with bright orange flowers with long petals that are flex back. Their surface is littered with dark purple dots, and the center is published with red anthers. Stem durable, dark purple and grows up to two meters.

- A group that includes more than 200 varieties. Inflorescences resemble a lamp with three omnounced horns. At the ends, small flowers with a diameter of 5 cm with petals bent back were growing. The stem grows up to 1.5 meters. The plants of this group are unpretentious and winter-hardy. They are grown in shaded places.

east variety perennial Plant.. Stalk hard, ribbed grows up to 120 cm. This variety has orange flowers A cupid form and with a pleasant smell. They are small, collected in the brushes directed upwards.

Such a plant reaches a height from 50 cm to 2.5 meters. Has elongated, tubular flowers of a white and pink shade with a yellow center. Express a strong and pleasant smell. The diameter of the discontinued bud is 15 cm. Flower 2-3 weeks, starting from the second half of July.

- It grows in the east of North America. The plant grows up to 60 cm. He has inflorescences of five orange-red star-shaped colors. Closer to the base of the petal becomes yellow with brown splashes. The extended buds are reached in diameter 6 cm.

American hybrid that reaches 1.5 meters in height. Has inflorescences from twelve yellow flowers with brown spots. They have the shape of lowered bells. The diameter of the flowers is 10 cm. Loves drainaged loamy soils. Well tolerate frost medium stripes.

- The plant reaches two meters in height. He has inflorescences with three yellow-orange colors with a diameter of 6 cm. Fit grades with orange and red buton. They are Chamidoid and lowered. Interior Petals are littered with violet stains.

- Many years of grade growing up to one meter. It has umbrella inflorescences of 5-10 colors. They are directed up or aside. Flower shape tubular. At the beginning of flowering buds have white color, and after ripening, a dark purple color is acquired. It looks beautiful and pleasant smell.

This plant is grown in the west of North America. The stem reaches 1.5 meters in height. It has umbrella inflorescences of seven flowers with a diameter of 4 cm. They are a funnel shape and omitted. Dark red petals with brown dots at the base. It grows well in the floor of the shaded garden sites in a sublitter soil.

- American variety that grows up to 120 cm. He has inflorescences with 12 flowers of tubular shape with a diameter of 8 cm. Petals are painted white with brownish spots at the base. After ripening, the flower becomes purple. It is grown in a half-mounted soils.

- Very beautiful and popular variety in North America. Plant stalks grow to 1.5 meters. Has inflorescences with three omnounced chull-shaped colors with a diameter of 15 cm. Petals are painted in pink color, and the base in yellow with brown spots. Loves solar places and drifting soils with peat.

- American hybrid growing in swampy and meadow places in the south-west of North America. The plant reaches 50 cm in height. It has inflorescences of five bell-shaped flowers and a diameter of 5 cm. Petals are painted in red-orange color with brown spots at the base. This variety is difficult to grow at home the middle strip.

Rare in the garden variety from Nepal and India, reaching 60 cm in height. The plant has inflorescences of two colors of the Chalmid shape with a diameter of 10 cm. The tips of the petals are painted in yellow-green, and a purple shade appears closer to the base. This variety does not tolerate cold winters, therefore grown in greenhouses or at home.

- American hybridgrowing in the western part of North America. It reaches a height of 60 cm. It has inflorescences of four chull shape colors and a diameter of 5 cm. Petals are painted in light pink color with brown spots. Large red-orange anthers grow from the center.

- American hybrid growing on the meadows of North America. It reaches a height of up to 80 cm. It has several inflorescences consisting of four lowered chull-shaped flowers and a diameter of 4 cm. They are painted in orange-red, and the surface of the petals is darkened with dark spots. It is grown on solar sections in thin soils.

- Popular variety in North America. The plant grows up to a meter. It has ten vertical colors of the bell shape and a diameter of 18 cm. They are painted white. Along the petals passes the yellow line. Surprise a pleasant gentle smell. Grow grade in fertile soils in the sunny section.

- The grade belongs to the group of snow-white varieties. But the flowers in the plant are not white, but yellow red. Petals are darkened with dark spots. The inflorescence consists of six flooded chullmid form buds with a diameter of 6 cm. The plant reaches a height of 60 cm. It is grown on solar sections in stony soils with moderate acidity.

A variety belonging to American hybrids. It reaches a height of up to 70 cm. It has inflorescences from fifteen lowered chull-shaped flowers and a diameter of 7 cm. The main color of the petals is yellow, but the surface is littered with large stains of purple color. The variety loves to grow in thin soils in which lime is added.

- Perennial culture that came from Bulgaria. The plant reaches 80 cm in height. He has inflorescences of three lowered bell-shaped flowers and diameter 12 cm. Painted in light yellow color without spots. Flowers in early July. The smell is pleasant and strong.

- A variety of American hybrid, growing on the slopes of mountains and floodplains of rivers in North America. Stems of the plant grow up to 80 cm. He has inflorescences of three horizontal and drooping bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 10 cm. Painted in light yellow color. The bases of the petals are grazed with small brown spots. It grows in wet soils in the sunny section.

Lilies landing and care in open soil

The appropriate month for landing lily is September. At this time, the bulbs are at rest. Choose planting material Healthy and tight. A landing place can be open or half-directed.

Before landing the bulbs in the ground, clean them from dry scales and shorterate the roots of up to 5 cm. Then omit into a weak solution of manganese - 0.2% for 20 minutes. This will help protect tubers from various diseases.

After preparation, make a linear fossa. The depth of the wells must be three times the size of the bulbs - approximately 15-20 cm. At the bottom of the holes, pour sand and lower the bulbs, placing the root to the sides. Sprinkle the earth from above and lose weight.

Tulips are also representatives of the Lily family. It is grown when landing and care in open ground without much trouble, subject to agrotechnology rules. You can find all necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering Lilies

After landing, Lily is needed to pour well. Moisture is needed by a plant all the growing season. But try not to dismissed the soil, because the roots are rained from dampness. In hot time, let the plant in moisture regularly. The appropriate time for watering is the morning or noon.

Ripened varieties leut water under root. After moisturizing, breakdown upper layer Soil over the root system. During flowering, reduce watering up to once a week.

Soil for lily

The flower loves loose and nutritious soil. The soil acidity should be weak or neutral.

To make the acidic soil suitable, add lime to it. In heavy clay soil, it is necessary to wash the humus and sand.

Fertilizers for lily

After planting the bulbs you need to feed. For this, the asola is suitable, peat or granular fertilizers. Put the hole and pour. Spend next feeding in early spring Before the germination of shoots, when it did not have any snow. Use any complex fertilizers by stirring in water 30 grams per square meter.

During the year you must feed the lily twice: in spring and autumn. Additional soil fertilizer is required when the plant starts to let flowers. During the formation of buds, adapt the nitroposk solution, and after the end of flowering, paint the superphosphate solution.

Flowering lilies

IN middle lane Lilies bloom in early July, and in the southern regions a month earlier. Finish flowering in October. After planting the bulbs, the first colors will see in a year, but better to remove them to give the bulb to gain strength.

In the second year, large flowers will appear. Lilies grown from scales are beginning to bloom abundantly three years after landing in open ground.

How to collect lily seeds

The flower forms seed boxes, which are dropped after ripening and emit seeds. It is necessary to prevent this and disrupt the boxes before revelation.

Wait for it when they dry and run. Collected seeds, place in the refrigerator. In this state, they can be stored for up to three years.

Transplant Lilies

Pereparing bulbs can be every four years. Do it at the end of August or in September after the appeal of inflorescences.

Gently cut the stem to the neck of the root. Distop the bulb, trying not to hook the roots. If it consists of several bulbs, disconnect them. Each place for the place you need.

Trimming Lilies

To get next year to get abundant blossom, It is necessary to trim the plant correctly. It is done after flowering when seed boxes are formed.

Immediately you can not cut stems or foliage. The leaves themselves will disappear, and the stalks continue to participate in photosynthesis, helping the bulbs to gain strength and useful substances. Remove only seed boxes. Skes are removed after final withering.

You also need to plunder early buds that are trying to form a few months after landing. This is done so that the bulbs do not spend the substance on their cultivation, and strengthened by next year.

Lilies in winter

Many varieties of frost-resistant and are well tolerated winter medium latitudes. But they still need to be stolen to provide more comfortable conditions wintering.

For this you will need dry foliage and any rag materials. Cover the bulbs by foliage layer at ten centimeters. Cover the cloth on top and give up the boards so as not to flew away from behind the wind.

Remove the shelter early in the spring when the snow is still lying on the ground. It will not hurt bulbs, but will speed up germination of shoots. If you remove the insulation late, then Lilia will give weak sprouts.

How to save lilies in winter

But if you have very cold winters or varieties that do not like cold (candidum, royal lily), they need to dig and keep in place with fresh air, moderately wet, but also to measure dry, the storage temperature should be cool, But not lower than zero.

Before storing, the substrate is removed and dried. Peat falls into the storage capacity, and on top of it the bulbs, then they are again covered with peat. So balls are filled with 2/3.

Even as an option, the bulbs are put in a package with a raw peat. The package is tied up so that the air remains, and put in a dark warm place. After a couple of months, kids should appear. After their formation, the bulbs are planted in peat pots, so that the top of the scales was above the peat.

Lilies Growing from seeds

Reproduction of lilies seeds is a long way, but with the help of it it will turn out to grow a large number of colors. Seedlings are collected in autumn after drying boxes. Place them to obtain seedlings in February or in March.

Sowing material is soaked for 15 hours in zinc sulfate solution. Then planted into containers with cooked ground. The composition of the soil mixture includes garden land, humus, sand and peat.

Seeds are planted at a depth of 0.5 cm. Then covered with a film and carry the box in a dark place with a temperature of +20 ° C to + 25 ° C. When the seeds are sprouting, the shelter is removed and put seedlings in the sun. During this period, you need to follow the moderate humidity of the soil.

After the appearance of the leaves, each seedling transplanted into separate pots. At the end of May or in early June, seedlings will be ready for a transplant in open ground.

Reproduction of lilies scales

This method is suitable for any varieties. From one maternal bulb will get to a hundred new lilies. Current and own tubers can be used as a donor. It is recommended to take scales for breeding at the end of August.

The dug bulb is rinsed well. Healthy scales are separated from it. Then they are soaked for thirty minutes in the solution of manganese-0.3 grams per liter of water. Dry and placed in a package with sawdust.

Store the scales in warm room temperature. After a month and a half on the base of the scales will appear on bulbs. After that, place the package in the refrigerator for two months to pass stratification.

When the allotted time end, the bulbs are separated and transplanted into the nutritious and loose soil. After the appearance of shoots, the boxes exhibit in the sun. The graceful seedlings are transferred to an open ground in May or June.

Lilies reproduction Bulboches

The method of reproduction by bullbags is also quite good, but there is a minus, which is that not all kinds of lilies form them. Most often, the Bullbars appear in Asian hybrids.

At the end of flowering, the bulbo can be collected, since at this time they are easier separated. The material wrap up in the Lenka and put in the refrigerator. After 15 days, roots will begin to appear. As soon as it happens, immediately disembark the bullbars in open soil. The depth of planting two or three centimeters.

Reproduction of lilies stallow

The reproduction of cuttings is used mainly for important varieties. It is best to take cuttings before the start of the formation of buds. Escape divide on parts noticeably 8 cm of height and just planted in the open soil.

Deepen the stem is needed to upper leavesPlace a tilt. Cuttings need to constantly water. Sheet stalk is a sheet with a part of the stem, which is cut before the start of flowering.

It is sled into the container with a light soil and covered with a film. Sometimes moderate watering is carried out. After 20-30 days, rooting and plant will be passed to the street.

Diseases and pests of lilies

Gray Gnil (botritis ) - manifests itself in the form of brown spots that become grayish. At first, the disease covers stalks and leaves, and then flower. The reason for the occurrence of Botritis is the dampness of the soil and sharp drops Temperatures. To defeat this fungus, treat plants with fungicidal solution.

Fusariosis - Flexible, affecting the bulb. Externally recognize the presence of the disease is difficult. The development and flowering of the fungus does not interfere, but in winter the affected bulb dies. The reason for the occurrence of fusariosis is dampness and feeding, infected with disputes. To cope with the fungus, dug the bulb, soak it in the Fundazola solution and treat the soil with copper vitrios.

  • If in your area too rainy autumn, The eastern type of lilies will be poorly transferred to wintering. In the rain, they need to be covered with glued and remove it only when it becomes dry.
  • Fast fading of colors there are a couple of reasons - The first is a low plot, because of what Lilies will experience an excess of moisture. The second is the overheating of the soil. To avoid this area you need to mulch.
  • It is impossible to fertilize the lilies by manure and organica as a whole . Such feeders do not affect plants and they become prone to disease.
  • Also sometimes it happens that the flowers of lilies are fine - This can serve several reasons. Perhaps they need to be seeded if they live in one place for more than 4-5 years. There is also a lack of feeding.
  • If lilies are planted too close one to the other, then their flowers will also be small . In addition, pay attention to the bulbs, because between them and the colors direct communication: a small bulb means a small flower.

Liliev Zhuk. - Red pest, which refers to rubbish beetles. It is easy to see on a green plant. The beetle eats the leaves, leaving only the stem. Protect the colors from the pest will be able to regularly inspect the foliage and remove the beetle.

Therapeutic properties of lilies

White lily has useful substances, such as flavonoids, saponins, proteins, alkaloids, vitamin C, iron, boron, sugar, mucous and tanning substances. For the preparation of drugs, flowers, leaves, roots, bulbs, stems, shoots and pollen are used.

The plant successfully helps to cope with burns, wounds, colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, weakened vision. Lily-based drugs facilitate the course of cancer and tuberculosis.

Tincture White Lily

Cancer tincture: Grind four bulbs on a grater, fill them with two alcohol glasses with a fortress of 96% and put the tincture into the refrigerator for 14 days. Take a medicine in the morning and at lunch two tablespoons.

Arthritis tincture: Take any bottle, fill it up to half the flower petals and fill with alcohol or vodka 5 cm above. Insist the medicine in the refrigerator six weeks. The tincture is needed to rub in a sore place several times a day.

Before choosing a pot for planting and growing lily, you need to choose a flower grade. Some of them grow up to 1.5 m. You can choose a variety growing with a small bush. Depending on the size of the flower and you need to choose a pot.

For lily, the height of which about 1.5 m is selected by a pot of diameter of 18-20 cm and up to 40 cm high. In such a container you can land 2-3 bulbs. If one bully is planted in a pot, it does not bloom for a long time. This is due to the free space. While this space will not be filled with children, the plant will not bloom.

Before landing the pot is disinfecting. It is worth pouring boiling water with the addition of manganese.

For good growth and development, it is necessary to correctly choose the ground for landing lily. The easiest choice is the finished earthy mixture purchased in the store. With independent manufacture of soil, take the turf, coarse sand and humus in equal parts. Mineral fertilizers are mandatory at this mixture. For 1 kg of prepared land mixture to make 25 g of nitrogen-potash and magnesium-phosphoric fertilizers.

Landing Lukovitz

When buying bulbs, first of all, it is worth paying attention to their appearance. You need to choose firm bulbs, dense, without visible damage with alive roots. The roots can not be turned off. Do not choose small bulbs. Their diameter should be at least 4 cm.

If the bulb dried up, you should not throw it out.

For 2 hours you need to soak in a growth stimulator or simple clean water.

Bulbs before landing place in a special compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator. After 1-2 months, sprouts will be thrown.

At the bottom of the selected pot, the layer of approximately 5 cm, the drainage is stacked. For this used clamzit, Sea or river pebbles, broken brick. Then the layer of the land mixture is then poured, about 8-10 cm. The bulbs are neatly put by the processed sprouts up, without damaging, while the root system. From above, pour about 20 cm of soil. After planting the ground to pour warm water to complete moisture.

From the soil to the Borchik, the pot must remain about 7-8 cm. It is necessary for further plugging the Earth after the appearance of germs.

It is planted at any time, regardless of the time of year. When falling into a pot in March, bloom will occur at the end of May. For the blooming of Lily under the New Year, the bulbs are planted in a pot at the end of September. After the appearance of the first sprouts, provide additional lighting.

After landing, the bulbs need to ensure sufficient moisture and heat.

Water as the upper soil layer drying, 1 time in 3-4 days.

It is also desirable to spray the processed sprouts in the growth stimulant every 3-4 days.

When the sprout grows about 8-10 cm, shove the Earth to the pot, leaving about 1 cm to the top edge. To ensure air flow to the bulb, regular soil explosion is required by about 4 cm.

Lilies love the sun. Therefore, after 1 month, the young plant can be taken out on fresh air, pre-hardening. Hardening occurs by a gradual increase in the time of stay outdoors, ranging from 20 minutes and bringing up to 10 hours in the summer months. For the night, the flower must be put into the room.

How to grow lilies from seeds?

Seeds can be bought in the store or assemble yourself. Collect seeds should only have a healthy plant. The seed box should become brown and should not even reveal.

From one seed box you can get 150-200 seeds.

Is it possible to grow lilies at home? The cultivation of lilies from seeds at home is also considered the safest, as they are not subjected to diseases.

Ripe brownish seeds, oval, slightly elongated. In length about 5 mm, a thickness of about 1 mm.

The seeds of lily immediately after the collection are suitable for sowing. But it is best to put them in the refrigerator, observing the temperature of 2-4 degrees.
When is the best to plant lily? Plant seeds are best at the end of March. Seed seeds in February can be sown, but then additional lighting will need to be processed spons.

The plant is blooming only 1.5-2 years after the germination of Rostkov.

Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare a land mixture. You can use the finished excavation mixture purchased in the store. For self-making, the mixture is mixed to be mixed, leafy land and coarse sand in the same proportions. In this mixture is added charcoal.

How to plant lilies seeds? Sowing seeds need to be produced in seedlings. Drainage is placed on the bottom, then the cooked land is falling asleep. Seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 1-1.5 cm, sprinkle with sand top. After that, you need to gently pour and cover with a film or glass. The ramper is placed in a dark and warm place. Temperature for seed germination there must be 20-25 degrees. It is important not to dismissed the soil to avoid picking seeds.

What do lily seeds look like?

Below are seeds of lily, photo:

Sprouts will appear in 20-25 days. After the appearance of sprouts, the seedl of the box is exposed. With an insufficient number of light, additional lighting must be ensured. Light day for sprouts should be at least 10-12 hours. If the ramper stands on the windowsill, then young sprouts need to protect from the sun.

From the planted seeds of lily by the fall, small bulbs will grow. When two leaves are on it, you should transplanted into small hills in permanent place.

It is possible to other boxes at least 4 cm from each other.

When diving in a new planting capacity, you need to ensure that the roots and sprouts are not broken.

Lily easily multiplies, easy to leaving and practically not exposed to diseases. It is tolerant to temperature drops. For lily, nutrient soil, moderate watering and sunlight. This decorative plant with gorgeous flowers will be decorated with any home.

Lily is a long-term and fairly popular, sophisticated and beautiful culture, which meets in the gardens. He has a big story and a lot of legends. Belongs to the Lily Family. Grow lily from seeds and bulbs. In nature, you can count about 80 species that still have their own hybrids and varieties. Lilies are growing not only in Europe, but even in Asia and North America. Lily is called in the Christian faith - the symbol of Our Lady.

Buying bulbs Lilies

Before buying the bulbs you need to know what kind of type or the variety belongs. If you know what kind of variety you will know how to grow and care for Lily. Always a bulb should beat high-quality. The length of the roots ideally is 5 cm. Solid bulbs, and scales without rot or moldy. If you bought lungs and thin scales, then they need to care for them differently.

Landing of lilies in the garden

Soil preparation for lilies

The soil must be switched to a depth of 40 cm to start, and do not forget about drainage. Also make special fertilizers. If the soil is sandy need to be diluted with peat, and if clay is sand. For lilies destructive is the acidic soil. Good land on which other plants have not yet grown. The soil must be moisturized during the entire season.

How and when to plant lilies in open ground

It is impossible to transplant lilies in the garden too often at least every four years. It is better to plant in groups of one variety, it is not recommended to plant one bulb of each type together. It is best to plant lilies in autumn in September. During this period, roots grow actively. Sunny place is suitable, but the base of the flower is best dialed. If the sun falls on the plant, they can acquire different shades. The landing process itself has such steps:

  • the depth of lilies landing is about as the height of two bulbs;
  • distance about 20 cm between them;
  • before boarding the bulbs, lilies in the hole should be filled with gravel, a little soil from above;
  • falls into a hole on a bulb and puts it with the earth, carefully fall asleep the earth, and slightly tamper;
  • make small recesses and fall asleep fertilizer.

There are varieties of lilies that do not need to warm. If you need to warm up for the winter, you can use hay, leaves or old raspberry branches, layer to 30 cm. As soon as the snow comes down, the shelter can be removed. It is dangerous to plant bulbs in the spring, such lilies will bloom only on next year. There is a need for good watering. It is better to plant separately from the autumn. Summer landing In general, it should be excluded - these lilies are strongly subjected to diseases, they are badly leaving.

Growing seed lilies

This method is safer. Seeds are not transmitted diseases. If you need to grow quite a lot of lilies, the seeds will have savings. Seeds of lilies can be obtained by collecting them themselves or bought in the store. Plants should be healthy and a box with seeds to have a brown color, not yet disclosed.

Where to plant seeds of lilies

The landing of lilies into the ground is carried out at the place where there were no plants. The soil is pricked from weeds, rows of 1 meter. Saw across, between the beds 15 cm. Saws on the day when there is no wind. Coat with a layer of soil. For the winter lily insulation. In the summer to feed, it is watering and pouring in time.

Sowing lily to seedlings

The seed containers are sown in February or in March. From above on seeds pour a layer of sand. The temperature is 18-25 degrees. After three weeks, lilies germinate. In the fall of the bulWhis, sit at a permanent place. Flower for 2-3 year.

Undercalinking Lilies

Fertilizer lilies is the first to be held before the appearance of escapes, mineral or organic fertilizers. Feature you need twice the season.

Diseases of lilies and their treatment

Gray mold on lily - The biggest illness of lily. Looks like brown spots. And the reasons for the appearance are: not proper growing, Too much moistened soil, also segment a temperature change. The fight against mold believes in loosening, and make a canopy over the bed. Spray with drugs before the rainy. Not forgetting to remove already patients of plants.

Also lily may hurt bacterial rot. Yellow spots appear on the leaves, and later moves to the flowers. The leaves begins to rot and fall. The reason is too much fertilizer and large soil moisture. To fight, stop fertilize and water less.