How to treat roses from black spot. Black spottedness roses

Drafting a pink bush - the pride of any flower. But how much effort is necessary, so that the beauty of the rose bloom and pleased its owner. Although the blossom is not a sign of a healthy plant. A well-growing rose with smooth leaves of dark color, with a large number of shoots, with a lot of buds - this is what is an indicator of a healthy plant. Daily and off-season care for this plant is required. Watering, watering, soil loosening and it is only a minimum of what needs to be done.

Growing conditions

Roses are very picky plants and there are some features of their cultivation. First of all, you need to choose a place for planting plants. It should be enough sunny place, but at the same time in the daytime sun rays Do not burn it. Roses do not like to oveurgery soil, but also do not tolerate drought, therefore, as a result, the earth must be easy and not to disperse into hot summer days. It is best to plant plants on the southeastern side of the site with closed parties from wind and draft.


The following varieties of roses are distinguished, and each requires a special approach:

  • Tea-hybrid. The most popular variety is distinguished by reprehensive shoots and large flowers. When landing, it is necessary to allocate enough space for each bush, since with close landings lead to thickening and, as a result, the weakening of plants;
  • Pleet roses that grow high up, their shoots can be up to 7 meters in height. When landing requires the construction of supports;
  • Multi-detective. Plants with a large number of shoots and buds, it is required to plant in single compositions;
  • Stambling. Roses on the trunk, artificially created by floweries. We need constant trimming and formation of the bush.

Diseases and causes of their appearance

What kind of roses variety was not planted on the site, with improper care, the plant may get sick. This can be both viral infection and fungal disease, and insects, bring not a low harm to plants. Most often flowerflowers face dark spots on roses leaves. What could it be? It can be assumed that these are visible signs of fungal disease. The classification of roses fungal diseases is up to 10 species, here are some of them:

  • Rust. Appears on inner side Sheet in the form of bright orange spots;

  • Puffy dew. Gray raid on the leaves and trunk of the plant;

  • Black spotty. Spots on black leaves. At a started case, the stains appear on the kidneys, shoots;

  • Antrace. A large cluster of small stains of red, purple and brown color.

The reasons for the appearance of these diseases can be different. Like all mushrooms spores black rot, rust, muced dew It is easily transferred to the wind. However, the rainy summer with cold night temperatures can cause the appearance of spots on the leaves of plants.

When landing roses close to each other arises shading, lack of sunlight, lack fresh air. Under such conditions, fungal and viral diseases are struck by all plants at the same time.


If all the roses fell ill and spots appeared on their leaves. What should be done how to treat pink bushes? Preparations:

  • A solution of copper sulfate with the addition of soap;
  • Bordeaux fluid solution;
  • Soda solution;
  • Wood ash and sulfur powder.

When any stains appear on the leaves of plants, it is necessary to conduct a number of medical events to prevent distribution. First of all, all damaged leaves and shoots are removed. Then hold a spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.

With severe damage to pink bushes, it is necessary to remove the most illencing plants and the place where they grew thoroughly fall asleep wood ash.

Prevention of diseases

However, all diseases can be prevented in advance. For this rose you need to trim in spring period Before starting active growth. It is not necessary to pruning in the autumn months, this is the infection of bare shoots with viral diseases. and throughout the summer plants should be fed organic fertilizers. For prevention every 15 days, spraying plants with soda or soapy solution. Well also helps from viral infections and insects infusion wormwood, which can spray the plant every three days.

Preparations for the treatment of plants from fungal and viral diseases that are sold in stores:

  • Oxycho;
  • Topaz;
  • Fundazim;
  • Abiga peak.

When using chemicals, it should be remembered that the processing must be carried out in protective clothing and in rubber gloves. It is also worth strictly observed all precautions. Do not often use chemicals on your household plot.

According to those who do not first know the diseases of roses, black spot is considered one of the most malicious. The name perfectly characterizes external signs. On the leaves of plants, brown and black spots appear, the bushes are losing the foliage and go to the winter weakened. What is the black spot of roses, how to recognize it, how to deal with, and is it possible to prevent the disease?

Diseases of roses. Marsonina or Black Spottedness

Among those who do not interfere with the familiar diseases of roses, black spot is considered one of the most malicious. The name perfectly characterizes external signs. On the leaves of plants, brown and black spots appear, the bushes are losing the foliage and go to the winter weakened. What is the black spot of roses, how to recognize it, how to deal with, and is it possible to prevent the disease?

External signs of the disease and its pathogen

The mushroom infects the rose at the beginning of the growing season, but the signs of the disease are not manifested immediately, but most often in the summer. The disease on the bush progresses from the bottom of the plant up. The top side of the leaf is amazed by purple-white round spots with perforated edge, which gradually black. In diameter, they can reach 14 mm. Over time, on these stains, blacknage shorts are formed, the leaves are yellowing, twisted and fall.

Often the rose bush remains almost without foliage, flowering stops. Sleeping kidneys are rolled into the growth. Young shoots to the onset of cold weather do not have time to grow, the plant leaves in winter unprepared and suffers from frosts.

Most often, the causative agent of all sorts of spot different kinds Mushrooms. And in this case, black spottedness on roses - the result of the fungal disease.

Black spotty causes the mushroom of Marssonina Rosae, so it is also called "Marsonina". On the upper part of the leaves of Marsonin develops a conidency sporing. With water drops, with morning and evening dew, with insects, infection is distributed. Even in the frost, the mushroom does not die. It winter on the affected shoots, patients with leaves in the form of small fruit bodies (the so-called sample stage of development).

The causative agent can develop with a wide range of temperatures, but is most active at a temperature of about 25 °. Signs of the disease are manifested in summer when the onset of sustainable heat, in different regions at different times. So, according to scientists, in the southern regions, the first appearance of spots is found in June, in conditions middle strip - in July.

Roses of old selection less resistant to Marsonin. At the same time, a variety of roses appeared, which are almost not affected by black spotty and rust. Their leaves do not have the omission, the thickness of the cuticle is much larger than those that are susceptible to the disease.

It is recommended to purchase steady varieties of roses. In the garden center Plantland.there is an opportunity to choose and buy both new varieties of roses and classic, which traditionally enjoy the love of residents of Moscow.

  • Even strong healthy plant May be sick, if you do not carry out appropriate care. Immunity reduction serves as a prerequisite for all kinds of infections.
  • Great importance It has right landing Bushes in Rosary. It is impossible to make a thickeship. Closely planted plants are poorly ventilated and easily infected. The presence of weeds also causes black spot. Nearness groundwaterA small amount of sunlight has a negative impact.
  • When growing in the monoculture, the protective properties of roses weaken, so it is better to dilute the rosary with such plants as a lavender, sage, velvets, a kittnik to protect against tli and diseases.
  • To black spot, often leads excessive use Nitrogen fertilizers and lack of potash.
  • The optimal medium for germination of conidia on the leaves is weakly alkaline, so it is necessary to increase the soil acidity.
  • Temperature differences high level Humidity in warm weather contribute to the spread of infection. In certain periods, even the morning and evening grew. Sprinkling water on the leaves during watering exacerbates infection.
  • The resistance of plants for diseases, in particular, to emergency, environmental factors are influenced. Summer drought for a long period can weaken roses and lead to spottedness.

Preventive measures

It is known that it is easier to prevent the disease, which then long and stubbornly fight it. Like a person, Rosa is very important to have a good immunity. Therefore, when buying, you should choose strong, healthy seedlings and further raise well-kept bushes. To do this, one must comply with a number of conditions.

  1. Before planting, it is desirable to handle the plants of pasta Phytosporin-M. and biofungicide. In the pit when landing, make a sufficient number of fertilizers so that the plant does not have a shortage of them.
  2. From agrotechnical techniques, you can use soil mulch under the bushes of frying grass, compost, humus. This technique avoids loosening, which activates the formation of new roots in the surface layer of the soil, enhancing its biological activity, moisture preservation. As a result, it is formed large quantity Escapes and leaves having increased resistance to diseases.
  3. Must be competent system feeding and watering. Nitrogen fertilizers to feed until the middle of the summer, after which it is completely excluded. From August to use various forms of phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Late fellow feeders increase the winter hardiness of plants and disease resistance. Watering the bushes is needed under the root, trying to make the water less on the leaves.
  4. In the spring, a sanitary and forming trimming should be carried out in time and correctly. Patients and weak shoots must be removed, the bush is proper.
  5. It is advisable to spray roses with iron or copper vitrios (1%) to dissolve the kidneys.
  6. Opponents of chemistry can limit the use of antifungal biological preparations for spraying, but they need to be used repeatedly, withsting interval 1-2 weeks. It may be Phytosporin-M., Gumistar, Baikal-M., Zircon, Vermicofe, Tr.ikhodimmin, Ekoberin. If the biopreparations add fertilizers containing silicon, this will increase the strength of the cells and the resistance to the penetration of the fungus.
  7. Sick leaves be sure to delete and burn.
  8. Dutch, which weakens the plant and makes it less resistant to fungal diseases.
  9. Before shelter in the winter bushes spray copper or iron Municipality.

Folk remedies for prevention

Long husk

Many flower products believe that if the infusions and decoctions of the husks of the onions are helping with the treatment of nail fungus, then for the prevention of fungal disease, plants are quite suitable. The leukuch contains a lot of trace elements: manganese, iodine, zinc, magnesium. It is quite capable of increasing the resistance of roses to infections and additionally serve as fertilizer.

Large handful of husks to put in a pan, pour 3 l of water, bring to a boil, remove from the fire, to insist for 6 hours. This composition is watering a bush to the dissolution of the kidneys. In summer, a saturated composition of pouring under a bush or in the evening to leaves in a divided form. The husk can be used as a mulch.

Infusion of ash

Take 1 l ashes, pour out in a bucket, pour water heated to 60-70 ° water. Askoy to insist one day, liquid to merge. Add water to get 20 liters. Water from watering roses on dry bushes.


If the rose fell ill, then emergency measures should be taken to its cure, so that the infection does not spread to neighboring bushes. First of all, you should collect all the fallen leaves, patients to cut off the bush, fold into the package and attribute to a certain place for further incineration.

Treat the diseased plant once with one of the drugs containing copper-bordeel mixture, copper Kuner, Oxychik, xom, duplex or systemic fungicides. Processing roses from black spotting system and system-contact fungicides, such as Topaz, Profit Gold, Avitsil, Ordan, Preview, Tilt, Ridomil Gold, Sorrow, Staters, Fundazole et al., recommended no more than three times, with an interval per week.

Systemic fungicides are capable of penetrating the plant through the tissue and heal as if from the inside. It should be known that the pathogenic microorganisms produce immunity to chemical fungicides, Therefore, drugs should be changed periodically.

In the fall before shelter from sick bushes, remove all the leaves and burn. Process roses 3% copper vigor.

Similar symptoms have septoriasis (photo below), which is called mushroom Septoria Rosae.. Treatment of septoriosa, like false torment, similar to that described in this article.

Supporting therapy

Treatment measures should be accompanied by "supporting therapy". For roses it is a fertilizer and extra-green subcords. Three main substances - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus plus a set of trace elements in an optimal ratio are in a special fertilizer for roses, they recommend using. It is necessary to maximize the access of air to the roots, and for highly valuable varieties - to extend the growing season, closing the rose with an agricultural or other nonwoven material.

Spotted leaves is not characteristic of decorative plantsthat make up health. If you notice on roses of black, yellow, red or rusty shade on roses, most likely, they are contained in adverse conditions Or are in a state of stress. Violation of the color of the leaves can also be a sign of the disease. How to find out why stains appeared on your favorites and what measures to take to reanimate the plant?

The occurrence of brown spots can be a sign of drone spot (church-position). With such a disease, they also have a black border. The causes of fungal disease are associated with high temperatures and humidity. The presence of dark brown spots may also indicate such fungal infections such as septoriasis, peartalcin, studios.

Signs of all these diseases are similar to each other, so it will be difficult to put the final diagnosis. In this case, you should not puzzle yourself, it is enough to carry out processing chemicals To combat fungal diseases.

Black spots on roses

If June was cool and rainy, on roses can be formed dark spotswhich will soon merge and black. Where they arise can be observed in bloxing (rounded or oblong). The disease of such a plan is called black spot. The causative agent in this case is the Marssonina Rosae mushroom. Soon the leaves fall out, the plant weakens and refuses to bloom. Black spotty can be confused with false torment. However, the latter is characterized by stains. different color (They can be black, red-brown, purple).

Black spare roses - a cunning fungal disease appearing on the leaves and resulting in their fallout. The plants affected by this disease completely lose their appeal. If you do not conduct the treatment of black spottedness on roses, bushes can throw off buds, and when the sickness is launched and perhaps at all. To prevent this, you need to take urgent measures.

For the prevention of black spottedness on roses in autumn, before covering for the winter, spray with a 3% solution of copper or iron vitriol. Then under the shelter even in conditions are higher than on the street, humidity and ambient temperature, fungal infections will not be treated. If you do not know how to treat black spotting on roses, read the following material.

Marssonina Rosae Marssonina Rosae fungus, covering the leaves and stalks by brown and black spots, which can be one or more, while often they are combined.

Look in the photo: With black spotty, the leaves of the rose begin to yellow and fall. If you leave the plant without treatment, then after 2-3 seasons it may die.

Here are some preventive advice:

  • buy seedlings only in proven suppliers;
  • during autumn cleaning, it is important to collect and burn all the fallen leaves, as well as cut off and destroy the affected shoots;
  • it is necessary to regularly make fertilizers, but in reasonable quantities, otherwise the rose stems can become thick, and the flowers will not form;
  • under the winter it is recommended to carry soil loosening near rose bushes to raise black spot spores to the surface, which will die from frosts.

Such measures to combat black spare roses as correct care, timely subcord, trimming, shelter for the winter will help protect roses not only from black spottedness, but also from many other diseases.

Measures to combat black spotlights on roses

The beginning of the illness of roses. Black spotty falls at the end of spring. After the melting of snow and heating the soil, black spidelines are starting to hit the plant. If the rose is not treated, then in the fall she will throw in contaminated leaves, and in the spring infection will be reused.

If the plant is affected by black spotlight, in the end of the spring it is necessary to spray with fungicides - preparations containing zinc and mankotheb. Re-spraying is carried out after 14 days. The best drugs With black spa roses, it is "topaz" and "Ridomil Gold".

Sometimes spraying is carried out, even if the plant is not infected with the disease to prevent possible defeat of seedlings. To this end, they are sprayed in the end of spring when heat has already been established. Re-spraying should be carried out if the plants began to show signs of infection.

To measures to combat black spotlights also include correct roses care - selection of space, watering, trimming, and more. It helps to cope with the disease of the feeder with potash, not containing chlorine fertilizers. They are brought under the bush or used for spraying. In the period of protracted rains and in greenhouses, roses are recommended to spray with a copper-soapy preparation, "Fundazole", "Sistan", "Saprole", sulfur drugs. In the spring to the dissolution of the kidneys, a 3% solution of iron vapora is used. With extensive lesions of the bushes, spraying with sulfur-containing means spend every 10 days before the cessation of the spread of black spot. Bordeaux liquid spray not only bushes, but also the soil around them. Processing repeat every 7-10 days. This tool is better to use if there is no effect from others, as it negatively affects this processing on environment in the garden.

In the period from May to June, when buds appear on roses bushes, spray them with decoction of nettle or horsetail. These funds are available and are effective for the prevention of many roses diseases. It is better to protect the plants at the beginning of the period of mass appearance of pests.

Churchosporosis, Sfaoletoma and Pereronosorosis of Roses

In addition to black spots, roses are subject to other types of spot. You can recognize them by the following features:

With a churchesposition of stains on the leaves brown, rounded, diameter of 1-5 mm, there can be a reddish rim or a greenish flare.

With septorize stains of two types - dark brown and whitish, with points of clusters of fungi.

In the spiked on the leaves, small spots appear - black or purple, with a light red border, rounded shape and gradually brightening.

With perico (false mildew), the stains are large, indefinite, red-brown, fast dried, and on the back of the leaves there is a grayish low-width.

Measures to combat these diseases are the same as in black spot. Observation of the rosary and timely spraying from some disease will help protect the plants and from many others.

It is preferable to plant rose-resistant diseases. There are many species having increased resistance to black spot. These include roses Floribunda, as well as tea-hybrid roses of varieties: Grand Amore, La Pearl, Memori, Nostalgia, Sebastian Books. Other varieties of resistance immediately to several diseases - quadra, resonance, Leonardo da Vinci are displayed at the breeders.

The appearance of black spots on roses leaves is an alarm. If not to treat the plant, it can completely lose decorativeness, and in difficult cases - to die.

Causes of black spots on roses

Rose is very good. In case of errors in the care of its leaves, and sometimes the shoots are affected by the Marssonina Rosae - the causative agent of black spot (PE). After the torment, the dew is the most common problem of roses. Determine the states easily: first on the lower leaves, brown round spots with yellow border are formed, then they acquire the black color, their shape is spread like a blotch blossom.

Black spottedness - a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment

The disease is most often evolving at the end of the first flowering wave on the background:

  • humid windless weather;
  • unsuccessful landing roses in the shade;
  • presence on the soil of last year's foliage;
  • thickening of the bush itself and landing around it;
  • excess watering;
  • puborma nitrogen fertilizers.

Over time, the disease captures the top tier, the amazed leaves are yellow and fall. Patient ChP Rose is so weakened, which can freeze in winter.

With abundant precipitation and reducing the night temperatures, roses are amazed by a variety of fungal diseases

Treatment of black spotty

Urgent measures will help save the plant. First, sick leaves are removed from roses, green leaves are needed, they are necessary for photosynthesis. Futing foliage is removed, the land under the bush is sprinkled with ashes. Herbal residues are burned, it is impossible to put them into the compost, the fungus remained on them.

With a strong defeat, when PE touched half a bush, apply chemicalscontaining copper: burglar liquid, Xome or oxych. Treatments are held in the evening every 14 days in the absence of precipitation and once every 7 days in rainy weather before plant rehabilitation. Spray the upper and lower face of the sheet.

Many experienced roseworks use the drug to treat and prevent any roses diseases

In the early stages of emergencies, drugs having a triazole complimentary:

  • Bayleton;
  • Soon
  • Topaz;
  • Tilt.

Fungicides are introduced into fungi and violate their growth, but they are powerless against growing spores. Therefore, the listed drugs alternate with chemicals containing mancoccyb, which will slow down the ripening dispute:

  • Ridomil Gold;
  • Metaxil;
  • Ordan;
  • Profit.

Spray plants above the products alternately once a week. Usually grabs 3-4 treatments to suppress PE.

Fungicide Ridomil Gold is often used in diseases of roses, grapes, fruit trees And Tomatov

With a light form of emergency, when only 2-4 sheets are amazed, it is possible to limit the phytoosporin: 4 processing every 5 days.

If at least one rose on the flowerbed fell ill, it is necessary to clean up all the other bushes too.

How to treat PE specialists - video

Prevention of fungal diseases

Victory over PE is a temporary phenomenon. Spores fungus spread the wind and again try to settle on roses. It is realistic only to reduce the likelihood of the disease, lifting the immunity of plants with the help of proper care.

  • sprinkle unresponsible to PE varieties of roses, for example, modern hybrids of the company "Cordes";
  • treat new seedlings before planting useful bacteria, for example, biological preparation of phytoosporin-M;
  • put in the soil a three year old humor or compost for the improvement of microflora around the bush;
  • if necessary, lime, too acidic soil contribute to the development of fungal diseases;
  • observe a sufficient distance between bushes for good ventilation;
  • timely cutting off the weak and thickening bush shoots;
  • spring spray with copper or iron vigor to the dissolution of the kidneys, and in the fall - before the shelter of roses for the winter;
  • for the prevention, handle roses with biological preparations or fungicides from spotting during the summer;
  • adopt the Busta bushes in early June and potash-phosphoric fertilizers in August;
  • fully cut and burn the foliage of roses in front of the winter shelter.

Gradually, rose rose from monoposodok roses and planted in the neighborhood of plants resistant to fungal diseases: lavender, sage, velvets.

For the second year after booking a rosary, many bushes got sick with black spot. As it turned out, you do not need to feed roses with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, if they were introduced into the landing point when autumn landing. The mushrooms will always be at the crowned roses.

Highly nice results This year I received, having enhanced the old rose compost for the winter. This procedure has noticeably increased their immunity. In May and June, he conducted prevention: sprayed roses by Fungicide Hom, in July - Sight. There are almost no diseases, despite the rains. And under the sick, and under healthy roses, we remove all the leaves in the fall.

Black Spotty Sustainable Roses - Photo Gallery

Sympathie variety - winter-hardy rose, often grown as a vacant variety Augusta Louise - abundant flowering tea and hybrid rose Westerland variety - the best bush rose Sort Yankee Doodle - tea-hybrid rose with flowers changing shade