Preparation of the overgrown area. Clearing the site from trees and shrubs how to quickly clear the plot from small trees

This task can be solved relatively simply - to invite specialists. For 8 hours of their work (and techniques) in the sprawling and leveling of the territory will have to pay from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. And if you do not spend money and clear the overgrown area yourself? Like, as well as, what to take into account - with all this we will understand the proposed reader article.

It is from this that the whole thing begins.

  • Drawing up the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Moreover, the most detailed, taking into account all curvatures, recesses and so on. If this is a waste, then immediately should be specified with the borders of its one, so as not to work "in good", processing someone else's territory.
  • Examination of the area and determining the circle of solved tasks. Much depends on how much the plot is overgrown and for what purposes it is planned to clearing.

For example, it is needed all, for breaking the beds and shrubs. In some cases, the owner of the newly acquired one is primarily interested in only part of the territory - to start building a house. At this stage of preparation, it is advisable to explore the soil to determine its characteristics. If it is planned to arrange a well, then for drilling a pair of trial shurps and the analysis of the soil, experts will ask about 19,000 rubles.

  • Drawing up list necessary work Taking into account their order and complexity. In essence, this is a schedule of events. There are different situations, therefore, the clearing can be complete, throughout the area or on a separate segment. And the rest of the territory can be left the next time, or lead work in parallel with construction. For example, if the bucket will be involved in the arrangement of the pit, then at the same time, and a couple of panties will be able to eliminate.

Approximate procedure for clearing the site

  • Deleting grass.
  • Cutting shrubs.
  • Spilization of trees.
  • Overlooking the stumps, burning the remnants of the root system.
  • Swimming and smoking soil.
  • Transportation and styling of the soil (chernozem).
  • Making fertilizers.

Often the calculation of the necessary inventory and the number of assistants (if required) is necessary. It makes no sense to explain that all the same tool perform all technological operations will not work. Yes, and the assistants are constantly also hardly needed. Perhaps they will have to attract only at individual stages.

There is always something in the farm, but for some types of work on clearing the site, equipment will be required, which is extremely rare in everyday life. It is worth thinking that you should buy, and what, for example, rent in a specialized organization or at the time of familiar. Most likely, it will also be necessary for transportation for waste disposal - which, where to take it, how much will it be about it - these moments should also be thought out in advance.

What may take

In addition to domestic equipment - ax, saws, shovels, secateurs.

  • Motokos.
  • Costortion (if the trimmer is low-power, and this will not cope with this task). It may be
  • scissors (with long handles, for trimming branches).
  • Cultivator.
  • Chainsaw.

Order and features of work

"Cosmetic" cleaning. At this stage, it should be removed from the territory all that does not require the use of the tool - broken branches, construction (household) trash. Such work will not require a heap of assistants. In fact, it is preparation for the implementation of the planned plan. Everything that is collected is stored on the segment of the territory, from where it will be easier to remove with transport (or more conveniently burned).

By the way, ash (ash) is still useful as organic fertilizer, so you need to think about how to save it, so as not to swallow the wind or did not wash it with rainwater (if the area is on the slope).

Removal of shrubs and high grass. What to work depends on how much the plot thrust. But limited only by the trimmer or cultivator is undesirable. "It is necessary to go with a shovel. This work will take time and strength, but it is worth it. Why? Means of mechanization will not get rid of the ground from the roots and dispute. The trimmer will only cut the stems, and the cultivator will break the soil. As a result, after a while, a young piglet will appear again, and it will have to do everything "in a circle" again.

On a note! In some cases, chemicals can be used, although it should not be abused. Before use, you need to explore the manufacturer's instructions and ask the weather forecast (especially wind speed and its direction).

What to take into account when using "chemistry"

First, the result will be no earlier than a couple of weeks. Will have to wait.

Secondly, if the site is preparing under the planting of cultures, then after treating the Earth, herbicides can be processed only after about 2.5 months (depending on the type of preparation).

Cutting trees

Is it worth removing absolutely everything? This needs to decide on the stage of marking areas for arrangement. In places where it is planned to organize, a gazebo or something else, the trees can be left - to shaded the territory segment. By the way, some horticultural crops Also do not like direct sunlight.

  • Pour alone tall trees It should not, all the more, if there are adjacent, already affected areas are located.
  • All wood can be rationally used, even sawdust (for mulching). Therefore, export trunks and branches from the territory is hardly advisable. It is Firewood, and Rem / Accessories (for example, for hedge), and ash for the fertilizer of the territory.
  • Overlooking the stumps. The easiest way is using an excavator, but it will not always be acceptable. It is often possible to drive into the territory of the technique (especially if it is equipped), and it is quite difficult to bring a plot after it. But it is not worried - there are several effective ways Getting rid of stumps with their own hands.

How to irrigate stumps without equipment?

Method 1.

Turn around the circumference, after which you wrap (trim by chainsaw) roots. It will only be left to dig a stump and remove.

Method 2.

A slightly deep holes are drilled on a slice, in which the saltter solution is poured. The next summer, the stump can be buried. For the year, "Chemistry" hesitates the whole structure of the wood so much that the material will easily ignite. If you can wait - the optimal option.

Method 3.

He, rather, for lovers of exotic. You can land on the cut mushrooms - my way - and collect harvest. Their colony gradually, in a few years, will deplete wood, and the stump will turn into a duchus, which will be easy to remove.

After anteriorizing, the hemp should be treated well, otherwise it is not a fact that the roots remaining in the soil will not give new shoots.

  • People's methods are quite a lot - pour gasoline and smear, pour lime and a number of others. Choosing this or that technology, you need to foresee how this "Piglet" will be used.
  • If the stump is decided to leave for the decoration of the territory, as a garden "stool", then it must be processed - to remove the pipe from the core and impregnate (to deceive) with special safety, and then cover, for example, varnish. Otherwise, it will turn into the insect habitat, in it (and nearby) moss will appear, mold, mushrooms and so on.

Everything else - loosening, making fertilizers, laying a fertile layer - at the discretion of the owner, therefore it is not worth stopping in detail. Moreover, the main task is completed - the site is cleared.

Any construction begins with clearing and land. This allows without deceleration to proceed to organized construction. In order to clean the construction site, it is recommended to choose dry and weak weather.

This process is quite time consuming and can take from 2 and up to 5 days of work. It all depends on the starting of the site and its size. The clearing of the site is carried out within the framework of the common private house, mostly on its own.

All work starts with competent planning:

  1. Make up detailed schema Plot taking into account its irregularities, hills, pits.
  2. Decide with the boundaries of the site so as not to handle someone else's territory.
  3. Carefully inspect the area and decide on the volume of upcoming work.

Make detail list of all upcoming works. Decide who and what will do. This will help competently organize the workflow and save time for cleaning it.

Before proceeding to the layout of the site, draw on paper what you see it. Do not forget to consult with your relatives. After you thought out home location landscape design, place for the construction of the house and other buildings, You can proceed directly to clearing.

Preparatory work on clearing area for building house includes:

  • collection of garbage and various waste;
  • clearing the territory from stones and large boulders;
  • removal of small shrubs and shelter of grass;
  • cutting dry places;
  • clearing the territory from stumps;
  • demolition of old buildings;
  • marking and planning of a plot for a new building;
  • transient chernozem.

Competently planned clearance of the site and compliance with the stages of work will help bring the site to the required appearance In operational timelines.

Attention: Do not hurry to get rid of all the trees at all on the plot, they can come in handy in the construction of the house. Spire them, clean from small branches and fold into one place.

Also do not take out all the cut branches. They can be burned on the plot, and ash then can be used as fertilizer In the garden plot.

What might take when clearing

With your own hands, completely free the territory from the stumps, bushes, herbs and garbage you will not work. To do this, it is necessary to prepare at least the minimum number of tools:

  • ax for cutting trees and shrubs;
  • shovel;
  • winch;
  • motocos;
  • cultivator;
  • chainsaw;
  • rope.

It is unlikely that you will succeed and without special equipment. Especially if there are old buildings on the site, from which you need to get rid of.

In some individual cases for clearing areas cranes, excavators, loaders, tractors and bulldozers are involved.

Using special machinery pace of all works significantly acceleratei.

Order and features of work

Start work on the site is necessary with its cosmetic cleaning. First remove stones, branches, construction or household garbage.

After clearing the territory you can build. At this stage, it will be necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail, and where you will place the entrance to the site, and how in the future the technique will travel.

What to take into account when using "chemistry"

Cleaning weeds on the site you can cope with chemicals . Grass spraying with herbicides is considered the most popular and effective method Fighting weeds. Apply need to apply using a spray gun on leaves and stems. After a short time, 2-3 weeks, poisonous substances in the composition of chemicals completely destroy vegetation.


Modern weed combat chemicals are safe. 2-3 months after the processing of grass, cultural plants can be planted on the site.

Cutting the trees by law

More initial stage Marking of the acquired site The owner must decide whether it will fully get rid of trees. After all, for the competent organization of the playground or in the recreation area, a couple of trees can be left for shading. By the way, you should not throw high and large trees on your own, it is better to contact the specialists.

Please note: on cutting down trees on own plot May require permission, do not violate the law.

To avoid accusations in illegal cutting of trees, in advance contact your local administration In the Improvement Department for advice on this issue.

Foresting on its own site is under the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation and regulated local regulatory acts , everywhere differently.

This applies to the land of IZhS, and if the trees are on household cottage and garden sites, then you can cut them down without permission - by law (Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 05.11.1998 №14) will not be an environmental crime.

You can target stumps on a plot in various ways.

Method 1.

Moisten the soil around the hemp. Steen stump across the entire circumference to a depth of at least 30 cm, and then cut roots with chainsaws. After that, rally the stump and remove it.

Roots fruit trees Arrange at a large distance from the tree.

Method 2.

Drill a few deep cuts on the cut and fill in them. selitera solution. After a year, the stump can be easily and quickly burning. Since the Seliver completely impresses the tree and make it flammable. But this option is suitable only to those who do not hurry with construction.

Method 3.

Although this method is applied extremely rare, but it is still worth mentioning it. Square on the slide and collect a crop. A few years, the mushrooms are so extracting wood that the stump turn into a duchus and remove it from a plot of special work will not be.

By purchasing an untouched area, overgrown with high rigid grass and young trees, the owners face a big headache - how to properly prepare it under landing, where to start, how to get rid of weeds, align and process, while not spending extra money. Full time to order the preparation of the site in a specialized office. However, it will cost that there will be a lot of money. Plot preparation is not easy. But the more carefully you will handle this task now, the easier it will be to handle the land in the future.In this article, let's try to figure out how to bring the plot in order on your own.


First of all, it is necessary to clean the territory of the site from the construction and domestic garbage, stones, chips and branches. The land also needs to be released from unnecessary trees and shrubs, young swords and major weeds with fruits.

All garbage is carefully chosen and stored in the trash can. It is not recommended to instill even small garbage in the ground. In the future, he will interfere with the development of the root system of cultivated plants and can damage garden technique in progress.

The destruction of weeds

The next stage is the most time consuming and long - it is necessary to clean the site from weeds. He will pay special attention.

Most often, the newly new owners use a motor-cultivator for this purpose, cutting the turf and weeds and close it in the soil. After that, immediately proceed to landings. At the same time, without thinking that the cultivator in itself provokes the growth of new weeds, cutting the roots of old grass for hundreds of small pieces, of which new weeds will grow in the near future. In addition, a lot of pests remain in the unavailable land, in the fight against which the motor-cultivator is simply useless.

If the plot allotted under the garden or lawn is covered perennial grass, a bayonet shovel is removed from it a layer of turf thick 4-5 cm. In this case, most of the roots are removed. weighing plants. Derne can be laid with layers in a separate heap roots up and cover with a dark film. On the next year It will turn into a fertile soil, quite suitable for use.

The use of herbicides

When cleaning highly overgrown areas, do not do without the help of herbicides. For this purpose, universal, rapidly decomposing drugs without toxic residues, such as a round or regolon, are chosen. When using herbicides, it is necessary to clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Processing produced in quiet weatherless weather, preferably during the period of active growth of weeds (the end of spring is the beginning of summer).

Weeds begin to die about 1-2 weeks after processing, after which they need to be removed into a bunch and burn.

If necessary, re-processing with herbicides, but not earlier than in a month and a half so that the weeds to rise by several centimeters from the ground.

After the use of herbicides, it is started to plant cultivated plants only after 6-8 weeks, thoroughly smelting the weeds germinating during this time.

Dropping soil

The next stage is the loosening and resistance of the Earth.

Soil loose for a pitchflower, at the same time removing the remaining stones, large roots and other garbage noticed.

The land is hammered by a shovel, turning over and breaking the cloves of the earth, and they make as much overwhelming organics as possible (approximately a bucket of compost or manure per 1 sq m of the soil).

Good soil (after a vegetable garden or flower bed), it is enough to overheat on the depth of one bayonet shovel. If the site is very long or not at all processed, it will take two-tier peroxide:

When clay soils or poor drainageDuring the two-tiered poppill of the Earth on the lower level, a layer of rubble or gravel is poured.

Stone leveling

At the reinstalled area, picking up the old roots, litter and stones. The site is inspected from all sides, trying to make it so that the level of the earth is about the same everywhere.

The soil from the elevations is transferred to the lowlands, remembering that after the settlement of the Earth, all irregularities can again manifest itself.

It is also closely monitoring that the upper fertile layer of the Earth is not mixed with the bottom.

And in the case of a lack of fertile soil (the layer should be at least 20 cm), it is acquired in the store and mix for already available.


The lented area is covered with small chambers or tamper by a special roller for lawns. Then pass on the surface by rake, evenly entering and embelling granules universal fertilizer And removing the remains of weeds and roots.

Properly prepared land before landing should look like a pie, sprinkled with sandy crumb, remaining inside quite dense.


Earth prepared in this way is best to leave for one or two months "under the ferry". During this time, birds, frogs and other useful animals will destroy all the main pests of the future plot. In order to facilitate the problem of them, you can periodically turn the soil to the soil, thus raising garden pests To the surface. At the same time, with the help of a chipset or in manual, sprouted weeds are removed. During the period of finding land under the ferry, if necessary, the acidity of the soil is adjusted.

The soil preparation is completed.

After the last time it remains to break the plot with robbles and proceed to the planned landings.