Barny heating stove baby. How to make a brick oven baby with your own hands detailed scheme

The temperature in this compartment can be maintained for a long time at the same level. To track fluctuations in temperature, you can place a special thermometer with heat-resistant glass on the door. Sash drying chamber Fastened on a metal frame. If desired, the door on the loop can be replaced by the L-shaped flap.

The upper chamber for drying is presented without a sash, although if necessary, you can install this part. It should be thought out in advance and put a metal plate for fastening the damper between the side bricks. It is not recommended to cover the walls of the chambers for drying by plaster: it is enough just to smell the seams. You can make a stove of Potapov above, if you pave two additional bricks after 18 and 19 levels.

The design of the device "Baby" is satisfied simple. It can be folded independently at home. For this, you will need minimal construction skills, but usually even at beginner masters, this compact furnace is obtained from the first time without flaws. "Baby" is adapted for any solid fuelBut if you intend to use coal, peat or kizyak, be prepared for the annual cleaning of gas ducts, clogged with soot. You can drip such a furnace only in winter.

It is quite simple to repair the design, because there are no horizontal channels in it, and in the vertical there is a clearer door.


For this small oven We will need a base of 5-10 cm. Wider than the sizes of future side elements and double waterproofing. The design should be communicated with a wall chimney by means of a native or nasadny tube.

So, for the construction of the foundation, it will be necessary to dug a hammering depth to solid soil. Then it is filled with brick fighting and butte stone, and on top of the M-400 brand cement in the 1: 5 ratio. Complete the base follows 1-2 rows to the floor level.

Functional features

The cooking chamber in the "Baby" furnace is laid over the cast-iron stove. To ensure air circulation, the design provides a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm. Over the cooking chamber is the oven. Under it passes the channel for removal of hot air from under the cast iron plate, which is further connected with chimney.

Draft oven "Baby" with a friend

More detailed information You can take from the project. It contains a description of each row, photos and recommendations. You can download PDF.

Without competent organized heating about comfortable accommodation In a private house, you can not be speech. However, it is often necessary to arise the arrangement of heating and in other secondary premises. In such situations, an excellent solution will be compact heating and cooking stoves like "Baby".

A similar unit will be able to heat a small country house, workshop and other premises of up to 25-35 m2. Baby furnace is erected into as soon as possible of available materials. After reading the further recommendations, you will be able to lay out a furnace aggregate without any problems with your own hands.

Preparation for the fill of the foundation

Baby furnace has compact dimensions and relatively modest weight. Due to this requirement for the foundation for the furnace, they are somewhat softened, but it will still have to make some efforts to improve its arrangement.

First stage. Prepare a bitten for a foundation 80 cm wide, 90 cm long and a depth of 45 cm. These are standard values. If you build a stove for individual projectDo not forget to change and dimensional dimensions accordingly.

Thoroughly align the bottom and the walls of the deepening.

It is forbidden to bind the main foundation of the structure with the foundation of the stove. The slightest shirt movements will cause cracks in such a kind of design, which ultimately can even lead to the complete destruction of the building.

Second phase. Cover the bottom of a 10-centimeter sandy pillow. Sand needs to be maximally compacted. For a better seal, we swallow waterfill. Give sand to dry during the day.

Third stage. Make a formwork. In principle, you can do without formwork, but the presence of this item is very desirable. Use ordinary durable to build formwork wooden boards. The top edge of the formwork should coincide with the floor level.

Foundation under the oven.

Take into account the fact that after drying the solution you will need to remove the formwork, while in such a way that neither the foundation nor the floor is damaged.

Reinforcement of the base

The upper limit of the finished foundation will be approximately 70 mm below the floor plane. In view of this height foundation Plate, minus mentioned 7-centimeter gap and 10-centimeter sandy frustration, will be 28 cm. Rely on this value in the process of assembling the reinforcing frame.

If you wish, you can make a single-layer crate of thick rods, however professional builders Recommended to take rods a little smaller diameter and do 2 reinforcing grids.

First step. Place the reinforcing framework. First, in parallel, lay out longitudinal rods at a distance of about 100 mm. As a result, you use 7 80 cm long rods. On top of the longitudinal rods, put perpendicular to them rods with a similar step. It will take 8 70 cm long rods.

The second step. Take the junctions of the rods flexible steel wire. On top of the first crate, put the same second. Shakes of the crates are dragging the wire.

Third step. Take 9 reinforcing rods with a length of 25 cm each. Four such a rods of such a rod at the corners of the grids, the four same rods put along the ribs, and the remaining one rods are located at the central point of the reinforcing layer.

In places of contact of reinforcement with sand, put some stones or other elements to prevent metal contact with the ground.

Fourth step. Drink reinforcing elements in sand pillow. It is impossible to make fittings sticking over concrete fill.

Start the fill. Concrete is poured by a uniformly solid horizontal layer in one right.

After the fill, process the material by the vibroinstrument or at least pour the concrete to the reinforcement rod to eliminate the excess air. Such processing will contribute to an increase in the total strength of the foundation.

Leave the bold concrete for a month to dry out and a durability. Throughout the first week, we regularly water the fill with water, otherwise the foundation will give a crack. It is better to put on concrete a dense baggy cloth and pour water directly to it.

A frozen concrete Cover the aluminum foil (reflective side up) and proceed to laying the stove type "Baby".

Furnace order "Baby"

1-2 row. Put two starting solid rows. Check the evenness of the rows and corners. Starting rows finally lined the base and will perform the function of the support for the further part of the design. Masonry perform with the use of a standard clay solution standard for such works.

3 row. Install the door pissed and lay out the base of the chimney channel.

4 row. Masonry does not differ from the third row.

5 row. Discharge the chimney channel in the center so that two strokes remain on the sides. Cover the door pissed.

6 row. Set the grate over the cavity, the door closed has pissed.

7 row. Put the founding of the flue office. Install the door for the same camera.

8-9 row. The laying is carried out as on the 7th row.

10 row. Cover the coating door. On the same number you need to open a window from the chamber of the furnace to the rear furnace channel.

11 row. Perform mounting hobs. The order does not differ from the previous one.

12 row. Close the channel in which you made a removal in the process of displaying the 10th row. Start laying the walls of the cooking department.

13 row. The masonry repeats the 12th row.

14 row. Open the second horizontal furnace channel. Out in his back of a clear hatch.

15 row. The masonry repeats the 14th row.

16 row. Early the horizontal channel from the 14th row, leaving, while the removal in the opposite side of the place where the output was organized during the 12th row laying. Install the metal tape above the cooking department.

17 row. Cover the horizontal channel by another overlap layer. So you will create a compartment for drying. By the same next, you will block the cooking compartment over previously fixed metal tape.

18 row. Highlight the 3rd horizontal furnace channel. It will be held in the back of the furnace unit. After him, smoke will be directed straight into the discharge pipe. The end of the channel is equipped with a clear hatch.

19 row. The masonry repeats the 18th row.

20 row. Discharge the last horizontal furnace channel with an output to the smoke tube.

21 row. Put the transition to the chimney and proceed to the formation of the chimney design. Laying directly stoves on this row ends.

22 row and higher. Lay out the chimney.

At the end, you will stay to the end with a smoke-free design and, if you wish to perform finish finish homemade stove. You can leave it and without finishing - brick and so has a quite aesthetic appearance.

The stove of the "Baby" belongs to the category of typical channel stoves. In the presence of such desire, it can be modified and turning into a cap, slightly increasing the coefficient useful action aggregate.

In some situations, "Baby" are used for heating a separate house room, performing the function of a kind of fireplace. For example, such an aggregate will look good in a large living room. Otherwise, focus on your own preferences.

Good job!

Video - Baby furnace with your own hands

Comfortable, beautiful and functional oven - the dream of each dachnik. For all lovers of beds or rest at the cottage, the babber stove was invented. Advantages of focus-baby:

  • compact size;
  • oliver heat transfer ( 1700 kcal / hour);
  • low fuel consumption, can be used sliding and Firewood Low QualityWhat is ideal for cottages;
  • cooking;
  • fast erection with your own hands: the first extract can be done in a couple of hours after laying (but not long, paper or sins);
  • a light weight, the focus does not require the foundation, But if the oven is more minimum sizes, it is better to make it a foundation yet.

The coach of the furnace is quite simple and can be easily accomplished with their own hands. Optimal dimensions for giving - height 1.9 m., Width 0.75 m., Depth - 0.63 m.

To expand the possibilities, the baby can be improved. Add a cast-iron slab, hood, oven. She will become an indispensable assistant in the country, the more the babber stove is very beneficial and financially.


  1. With a long simple focus in the cooking process, it is not necessary to warm up the oven. To begin cooking food Better immediately during the cross, heat will warm the plate and go through the pipe. The furnace should not be warm.
  2. So that couples from dishes did not enter the room, when ordering follows think out a hood.
  3. When using the oven, you can envisage two modes - hot air goes through the channels to the oven, or the air goes through a damker. In the second case, the temperature is higher, and it is possible to remove the self-equipment.

Formation of heating equipment

First of all, it is necessary to determine the place where the baby burns will be installed, as well as prepare an accurate diagram with dimensions and spokes. General principles The furnaces are suitable and the heartbeat. Installation is made at a safe distance from the walls ( approximately 25 cm.), the furnace should not stand on the draft, and the chimney should not touch ceiling beams. Principles of security must be fully respected - walls, ceiling and floor are isolated with fire-resistant materials.

For the construction you will need:

  • (full);
  • chamotte brick (for firebox);
  • or cement M300;
  • rod reinforcing;
  • door puffed;
  • grate;
  • the door of the furnace (if you choose a glass door, then the baby can perform a fireplace function);
  • cast iron burner plate;
  • latch.

See also: Corner furnace-fireplace do it yourself

From the tools you need:

  • kelma (alignment of the solution, cutting seams);
  • hammer and Kirk (for bricks);
  • level;
  • master OK;
  • plumb (load with cord) to check the corners;
  • rule (wooden line with a cross section of 1.5 x 6 cm. and a length of 1-1.5 m., having parallel planes) for climbing masonry;
  • roulette.


For a solid multifunctional furnace, a foundation will be required, boot concrete will be released. Drive should be no less 80x65 cm.The formwork from the boards is installed in it, covered with plywood or rubberoid and poured concrete. Next, the brick battle and the brickstone is laid, everything is poured with cement (1 to 3 ratio). The last step is to be insulated in several layers of rubberoid.

For the strength of the foundation, it is better to install the reinforcement grille. Share six rods 50 cm. Length and six width. The step should be approximately 10 cm, the compounds are brewed with electric arc welding. Such lattices will need two.

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To equip a house quality heating construction You do not have to have specialized skills and knowledge. A simple and accessible option to each owner is a furnace-baby, requires a minimum of time and attachments. In the article, we will look at all the stages of the construction of such a furnace with their own hands.

Brick babber furnace is a compact mini-fireplace that can be placed on a small area of \u200b\u200b0.4 square meters. meter. She has the maximum simple designwhere the fuel cap replaces the whole system standard for heating stoves. She does not need an additional foundation, and the total heating area can reach up to 35 square meters. meters.

Brick Baby Oven

Baby brick stove does not need large quantities high quality fuel. For its work, the most ordinary firewood, anthracite, coal or other materials is fairly common. It can easily replace the bourgear for the cottage and at the same time be at times functional. If you add a cast-iron slab to the main design, it turns out not just a heating furnace, but also cooking.

But the main advantage of such a design can be considered a high masonry rate. One day is enough for detailed projects. This time is enough to build and start to make the oven paper and sins. True, it will be possible to throw the lamps no earlier than it will dry masonry solutionOtherwise there is a risk of cracking.

What materials are needed

To build a brick oven with your own hands for heating a country or other room, you need to stock materials such as a set of materials and tools.

  • Chimney red brick - it is durable and easily cuts the grinder will be used as a base, but not suitable as a facial material. It will take 60 pcs.
  • Chamotte brick - is a refractory and only view of the brick, it will be necessary for masonry in the furnace part, as it will be subject to direct influence Fire. Number -37 pcs.
  • Clay solution - will be used to fasten the masonry. 20 liters
  • Standing door.
  • The door for the furnace can be both metal and glass.
  • The grate grille - will support a layer of solid fuel.
  • Cast iron stove hard.
  • One metal gate.



  • Trowel. For applying a solution. It will also be possible to remove excess.
  • Hammer - Kirk. For cutting bricks.
  • Level. To control the horizontal masonry.
  • Rule. There is a level.
  • Plumb. With the help of it is monitored by verticals.
  • Roulette. Can be replaced with an iron meter for measurements.

How to build yourself

Baby furnace with their own hands is built in stages. First you need to decide on the location of the furnace and proceed to the formation of the foundation. To do this, the litter is spinning at the selected place, a polyethylene or other adhesive base can perform as it. It is necessary to pour a centimeter layer of ordinary sand to it. Next you can start the laying.


1 row. 12 pieces of brick lay out on the prepared sand, bonding is not required. Bricks are covered with a layer of solution, right there to fastened the doors for ponds in Asbest.

2 row. It is laid out on top of the first layer.

3 row. Smooth brick is used. The grille is put on top, it must subsequently be located above the confusion.

4 row. Masonry is made by an edge, and in the chimney there is a partition. When laying the back wall, it is not required to use a solution, bricks should slightly perform on the outdoor side. You can start the installation of the door for the furnace, pre-wrapped in several layers of asbestos. It is necessary to wrap up with the way that the door should be unimpeded.

5 row. This series must be placed on the contour of the previous one.

6 row. Mason edge. Chimney need to wipe with a wet rag.

7 row. Like 5 row, the plastle is stacked, you need to start with a three-wayway.

8 row. Top is placed two bricks, which closes the door. For this series, it will take a brick in a beveled form, it will serve as a kind of canopy.

9 row. Must be with a displacement with the calculation to support the open state of the door. Previously, moisturized asbestos must be laid.

10 row. From it begins the formation chimney. It builds up expanding back. Taking into account the design of the crumb furnace, it is necessary to remember that the installation of a brick support pipe is impossible due to the displaced center of gravity of the entire furnace.

11 row. Go to the installation of the valve, compacted asbestos, lubricated clay.

The next step will be the extraction of groissing bricks and cleaning the nose of chimney from garbage.

Baby furnace with their own hands is practically ready to produce bliss. To subsequently, the oven is not yellowed into the mixture it is necessary to add blue and milk.

If you want to know how to put a brick babbit baby with your own hands, detailed scheme will help in work. In the cold season, comfortable when the house is warm, especially in the country, where there is no central heating. Therefore, it is so important to build a good oven.

The design of the furnace "Baby".

Preparation for work

Do for country house Good and good coolant (stove) is an expensive thing. For housing, which is not permanent for stay, the babble stove is best suited. It can heat the main housing, having an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 50 m². Its manufacture can mastered a person, even not having special skills. It is constructed from red bricks. Baby is a new modification of the Swedt stove. In the baby you can pick up specifications In width and depth, but keeping the constant height.

To build it, you need to purchase refractory brick: Shamot and red ceramic. They relate to environmentally pure MaterialsWhat is also important for your home. Beautiful colour The burned shamot will be perfectly fit into the overall design. Baby can serve not only heating object, but also as a cooking stove.

To work, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • ceramic brick - 210 pieces;
  • chamoten - 76 pieces;
  • sand;
  • refractory (chamoite) clay or simple;
  • for firebox metal sheet;
  • fire doors and pissed;
  • 2 valves;
  • 2 sheet rubberOd;
  • m300 grade cement for solution;
  • grille grate;
  • reinforcing bar;
  • cast iron plate with burners.

Of required tools Do not do without:

  • level;
  • workman;
  • kelma;
  • kirk and hammer;
  • plumb for control of smooth corners;
  • smooth masonry not to do without a rule - a ruler of a tree having a section of 15 x 60 mm to 1.5 m in length with parallel planes;
  • roulette.

Preliminary work

Choose a suitable place for baby. To prevent the heat loss, the walls of the rude should not come into contact with the outer walls of the house. It is not worth it to be located in the center of the room, it will not contribute to a uniform heat flow.

For babes, you do not need powerful as for a large stove, foundation. It is possible to build a brick furnace without a foundation. Under it with a grinder cut rectangular hole. If the floor from the inside is equipped with water or electric heatingthen you need to remove the screed. The hole should be deepened by 350 mm and ensure that the pit has the most even edges. Then proceed to creating a pillow. To do this, the failure is falling asleep by sand to the height, not reaching 70 mm to the boundary of the floors, poured with water and leave. Wait a few days before the final drying. Then the pit is closed with roofing rubberoid or sheets.

Next you need to make a crate. You can take the rods of a large cross section and put them in one layer. But experts recommend to make it two-layer, taking the reinforcement more subtle. Explore 7 rods with a length of 800 mm at a distance of 100 mm from each other. From above, it is strictly perpendicular to the same way 8 rods with a length of 700 mm. They can be fixed with wire or welding. Next, in a similar way, place the second such crate. At the end takes 9 rods in length of 250 mm. 4 pieces are placed in the corners of the frame, 4 on each edge and 1 - in the center. The grid is hiding in the sand pillow.

For the foundation is preparing cement mortar. They poured a pit, not reaching the location of the floor 50 mm. This condition later eliminates the fall of cold air masses into the lower part of the stove. When concrete is completely filled, it needs to be pierced by reinforcement or a special tool to get rid of the air. This procedure helps to increase the strength qualities of the foundation.

Next, the concrete must completely dry for at least 30 days. In 1 week you need to water the solution with water so that it does not crack. Cover the layer of burlap and leut water on it. After drying the burlap, remove and put it instead aluminum Foil. So that its reflection is above. On this preparatory work ended. Next comes the layout of the furnace.

Laying a small rude hand

Masonry masonry furnace "Baby".

Start with creating 2 rows of starting. It is necessary to follow, so that the rows and angles were smooth, the edge of each brick should coincide with the neighboring, as all the construction will be held on the starting masonry. A clay solution is used.

In 3 row, installed the door for pondered and form the foundation of the chimney.

4 - placed similarly to the third.

On 5 - separated the chimney in the center of 2 channels and closed pondered the door.

At 6 - put a grace over the door pissed.

By 7 - the base of the furnace is laid out and its door is installed.

From 8 to 9 - the laying is made similar to the previous one.

10 - the furnace door is covered and the window is placed from the coating branch inside the stove channel.

On 11 - the panel for cooking is mounted.

12 - Close the hole laid on 10 row, and form the wall of the cooking plate.

13 - similar to the latter.

14 - To create a second channel horizontal, shutters output from the rear side.

15 row repeats 14.

16 layer - closed the hole formed in 14 row, in the opposite direction from the channel, which is in 12 row, leave the removal.

17 puts on the same, forming the overlap for the cooking device and separation for drying.

18 Row - Education 3 Horizontal Channel, from it smoke will go into the chimney. At the end of the channel, you need to provide a hatch for cleaning.

19 layer repeats 18.

20 - the end channel horizontal remove to the chimney tube.

21 - Summing up to the chimney pipe and building structures for removal of smoke.

With 22 rows and above - smoking rock.

Next is the finish. But you can neglect it or just paint the furnace. Baby from the refractory brick will look very aesthetic.

Thus, the babber furnace is configured quickly, real work can be performed in one day.


But do not hurry, it is better to take longer and carefully refer to the goal. Clay for a solution should not be fat. It is better to take an average by fatty, its solution will ensure the reliability of the design for many years.