Pond with your own hands. Artificial pond with your own hands How to make a pond in the country with your own

We decided to do it on our own personal plot an artificial reservoir with your own hands? Then you need to learn a few secrets that allow you to create not just a reservoir, but a real work of landscape art.

To create a beautiful artificial reservoir, first of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to see on your site:

  • a buried pond of arbitrary shape made of PVC film,
  • a reservoir made of a rigid container made of fiberglass or plastic,
  • artificial reservoir of large volume with a reinforced concrete bowl.

Having chosen the option of the reservoir, you should outline a place for it on your personal plot. The area under the trees will create some difficulties when caring for the reservoir - you will have to remove the foliage that has got into it more often. Fully exposed sun areas can cause water to bloom too quickly. If you plan to install a small fountain or, for example, an oxygen compressor in a reservoir, worry in advance about supplying an electric cable to the future reservoir.

  • If you plan to arrange a buried reservoir, you need to dig a pit of a suitable shape on the selected plot of land. The initially curved shape of the pond can be outlined using metal studs and rope.
  • Do not make sharp descents. It is better when there are several terrace steps in the reservoir, located 25-30 below each other. Optimal width such a terrace is 30-35 cm. The recommended depth of an artificial reservoir is at least 60 centimeters.
  • The slopes between the terraces are made at an angle of 45 degrees. When digging a pit, remove all plant roots and stones in the area of ​​the future reservoir.

  • If you decide to make a reservoir with a raised outer edge above ground level, then after you completely dig the foundation pit, lay out the stones on cement-sand mortar along the perimeter of the reservoir, a side of the required height. Be sure to wait until the solution has completely hardened before proceeding with the next step to create an artificial reservoir.
  • Now we take clean sand and lay it in an even layer throughout inner surface reservoir with a layer of 3-4 centimeters. The sand must be carefully leveled and tamped.
  • The next step is to lay out the bowl of the reservoir from the film. For temporary reservoirs designed for 2-3 years, polyethylene (in two layers) is suitable. If you need a reservoir with a service life of at least 10 years - use PVC film, for "long-lived" reservoirs (20-25 years), butyl rubber film is suitable. Spread the film loosely along the bottom of the reservoir so that its edges protrude beyond the boundaries of the pit by at least 50 centimeters. If necessary, glue the two sheets of film together using special glue and tape.

With a hard container

  1. Purchase a plastic or fiberglass container of the desired shape.
  2. Place it on the ground in the place where you are going to make an artificial reservoir.
  3. Use a shovel to mark the outline of the bowl.
  4. Remove the container and dig a pit of the required shape and depth. Do not forget to make the pit about 3-4 centimeters deeper than the bowl.
  5. Pour sand along the bottom of the pit 3-4 centimeters thick, level and tamp it.
  6. Replace the bowl, press down gently and make sure there are no voids under the bowl.
  7. Fill the container with water until it sinks completely. Make sure the top edges of the bowl are level.
  8. Place a blind area around a bowl of stones or tiles in a cement-sand mortar.

With a reinforced concrete bowl

It is better to make a large artificial reservoir of reinforced concrete:

In the future, the bowl of such a reservoir must be treated with a waterproofing compound and laid out with tiles.


Video instruction for arranging a pond made of PVC film:


Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

To improve your site, you can build a beautiful pond on the territory in the country with your own hands, using modern landscape ideas with examples of photos and design techniques... An artificial reservoir will bring harmony to the surrounding space and add originality to the landscape design.

Natural green pond on the territory of your own summer cottage

Pond in the country

Sometimes an artificial reservoir on suburban area is more a necessity than a decoration. If a long stream flows through the territory or there is swampy soil, disadvantages can be turned into advantages. A do-it-yourself pond in the country will create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.

What type of reservoir can be created in the country:

The first garden ponds appeared in the countries of the Ancient East, and only then this fashion reached Europe and Russia. Fountains and mini-waterfalls with massive stone edging began to be built near the palaces.

The pond can be:

The pond can be performed in different styles:

Improvement of a picturesque pond in the country, made by hand using landscape design ideas, shown in the video below with photo examples and detailed instructions.

Competent planning

When arranging an artificial reservoir in the garden, it is necessary to draw up a detailed project plan and observe some conditions.

Actions should be planned step by step:

  • Location selection.
  • Determination of size and shape.
  • Selection of the necessary materials.
  • Stylistic solution.
  • Plants and flowers.
  • Decorative items.

To begin with, you should walk through the territory of your dacha, carefully examining every corner and sketching on paper the shape of the future reservoir.

Place for a pond

This is important stage planning, in which several criteria should be taken into account:

  • Features of the soil.
  • The relief of the landscape.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Illumination.
  • Green vegetation.
  • The presence of a natural reservoir on the territory.

In such a pond, it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep large fish or swim in hot weather, but there should be enough space for the location of the structure itself and the drainage of water. The home eco-system should resemble a mirror pond, not a swamp.

How to choose a place:

Reservoir zoning:

  1. Coastal part. It takes about 12-30 cm, it is used for vegetation of shallow water and arrangement of the entrance zone.
  2. Shallow part. The area for plants and flowers is from 30 to 90 cm.
  3. Deep water part. The size can be from 1 meter, it must be below the freezing level of the soil. Fish can live here for decoration or breeding.

A great idea would be to add beautiful backlight musical accompaniment. This design looks impressive and impressive.


Building materials must be strong, reliable and durable. The most commonly used concrete, however, today there are lighter materials and structures, for example, polyethylene or butyl rubber.

The most popular options:

To protect the film when laying the bottom, a small layer of geotextile should be placed under its surface. So gravel and sharp stones will not be able to damage the film structure.

Step-by-step instructions for arranging a "flexible" pond

It is easier to build a pond on a film basis than from concrete and more reliable than from plastic mold... The recommended length of the film should be equal to the length and double the depth of the reservoir itself + an additional 40-50 centimeters just in case. The desired film width is width, double the pond depth and 40-50 centimeters for the remainder.

The main stages of the arrangement:

  1. Soil preparation and marking.
  2. Excavation work to create a foundation pit.
  3. Installation of a bowl or flooring film.
  4. Filling voids with river sand.

What you may need to work:

  • Construction shovel.
  • Irrigation hose.
  • Pump for determining the pressure of the filling of water.
  • Compressor (for a fish pond to oxygenate the water).
  • Purifying filter (for fish farming).
  • Cord, rope, pegs or light sand to mark the territory.
  • Sterilizer for water purification.
  • Construction wheelbarrow for the land.
  • Butyl rubber film.
  • Film adhesive ("Tangit", adhesive tape, etc.).

Reservoir making:

  1. Sketch creation. Drawing on paper of the form, all details, decor and location auxiliary equipment taking into account the size and depth of the bottom.
  2. Transfer the mini-diagram to the ground using a garden hose or river sand... The contours should be marked with sand that is different in color to the ground. A groove should be dug up to a depth of 25 centimeters along the drawn outlines.
  3. Removing the fertile layer and digging a hole. This will require a shovel (a construction excavator for a pool or a large pond with a fountain) and a cart for removing earth from the territory. The pit is dug in accordance with the depths of the coastal, shallow and deep water zones, calculated in advance. The deepest part should be in the center and dug last. Each time, the penetration line should be fixed using markings.
  4. Measuring the size of the pit. The walls of the pit are well compacted, and an additional 40-50 centimeters must be added to the edges to determine the future size of the filling material. The parameters are measured with a cord or rope, and then transferred to the film.
  5. Waterproofing with foil. The bottom of the pit is covered with a small layer of sand and geotextile to ensure reliable protection film surface. When the substrate is ready, the film is neatly laid, tightly fixed to the base with glue and well pressed to all surfaces.
  6. Filling with water. Water is poured neatly and gradually using a hose, while a sharp pressure should be excluded.
  7. Anchoring. The edges of the waterproofing are fixed in a pre-dug trench along a contour with a depth of 25 cm and covered with earth and gravel, after which they are well compacted.
    The edge of the reservoir is fixed with rods, stones or large boulders. This stage is suitable for placing and planting plants and flowers. It is imperative to leave a small fold at the bottom so that the film does not break when filled with water.
  8. Standing water. The finished reservoir should be left for 1-2 days so that the water settles well, after which the excess ends of the film are cut off. During this period, you can form beautiful bumpers, arrange the remaining decor and complete the landscaping work.

To strengthen the gently sloping bank, you can use a geogrid or geomat in combination with clay and black earth so that the pond looks neat and well-groomed.

The size and shape of an artificial reservoir depends not only on the dimensions of the site, but also on the imagination of the owners themselves. The aesthetic and decorative component undoubtedly play here important role... If you follow all the recommendations and strictly follow the instructions, you can create a pond of your dreams in the country. How to make a pond in the garden with your own hands, using landscape ideas with photos and diagrams, is shown step by step in the video below.

Contemplation is the way to restore your inner strength and move away from the hustle and bustle. Admiring nature in any of its manifestations - whether it is a leaf, a blade of grass or even a small pebble, we fall into a kind of trance, delving into our "I" without being tied to the events taking place. This is probably why there is a massive "flight" of townspeople away from noisy habitats, closer to Mother Nature, where on your own, even a very tiny piece of land, you can relax and rest your soul. How to create a relaxing atmosphere in your garden? It couldn't be easier! Instead of a couple of beds with potatoes and tomatoes, break a small pond in your country house - now you will have more time to rest and contemplate the water surface - and this, as you know, is the best cure for stress and loss of energy. Do you think that such a complex hydraulic engineering structure is beyond your power? With our recommendations, you will be "knee-deep", not to mention small pond, the bookmark of which you can easily master yourself.

So, you realized that your life is more inconceivable without a lovely lake, designed to please your eyes and calm your nerves. How to create a pond in the country with your own hands, so that it harmoniously complements the garden landscape and lasts long enough, and does not become a problem area that requires tireless care?

An unusual path made of flat stones can become an original feature of a small pond decorated with boulders.

Let's start by choosing the style of the pond and choosing a place to set it up. Then, we will tell you how to make a technologically correct pond and equip it. Chosen in the right style and laid out in compliance with all the subtleties, the artificial pond will become a real pearl of your garden and a wonderful place for peace.

A small excursion into history

A feature of arranging a pond in a Chinese garden is the obligatory presence of a stone lantern

This style demanded its continuation in reservoirs that had irregular bends, were quite extensive in area and were necessarily supplied with a bridge and a stone lantern in the coastal zone. Interestingly, in the middle of the Chinese pond there was always a tiny island that was in no way connected to the land, the so-called dream island. The "salt" of such an island was an expressive stone or a lonely tree.

A pond in a Japanese garden is usually restrained in shape and has a thoughtful composition of stones without any bright plant forms.

Japan, due to its limited territory, has always tended to minimize the area of ​​the garden, where a vast reservoir did not always have a place. However, due to the traditional concept of the Japanese garden, which presupposes the presence of all elements, the reservoir existed in the form of a tsukubai - a small vessel with water. An obligatory attribute of such a mini pond was a stylized stream flowing from hollow bamboo pipes, and dwarf trees along the banks. Sometimes the pond took the shape of a square or rectangle, which further emphasized a certain asceticism of the Japanese garden style.

A pond in a landscape garden looks very natural, as if it was created by nature itself

Later, the grain sown by the oriental culture gave lush shoots in Europe, more precisely, in England and France, where park art went on completely opposite paths. The English garden was exactly like a Chinese one and was a natural corner of nature with lush vegetation and landscaped ponds.

A pond in a regular garden has regular geometric shapes and is not framed by lush vegetation

The French garden was designed in the so-called regular style, the crown of which is the garden and park ensemble of Versailles. The regular design of the garden in the French style is characterized by a clear breakdown, regular geometric shapes and reservoirs that rise above the surface of the earth.

Ponds in avant-garde gardens are laid out similarly to formal ponds in regular gardens - with linear outlines and a minimum of vegetation.

In our era, the reservoir of a regular garden acquired a formal name and was further developed in avant-garde garden landscapes, where the verified forms of a pond coexist with plastic, metal, glass in the form of unusual structures or even imitations of vegetation.

Choosing a pond style

How to make a pond in the country in such a way that it does not get out of the canvas of the existing landscape and is correctly adjusted in style? Choosing a style solution for a pond on your land, push off from the architectural concept country house and the existing garden layout. Complement the pond bowl with a decorative stream or waterfall, decorate the coastline and make a blind area of ​​paths in one key with the concept of the landscape of everything garden plot.

A special charm to the landscape pond is given by its smooth outlines and ornamental vegetation that adorn the water surface.

A landscape pond with natural outlines will always be appropriate in the depths of the garden next to the gazebo or not far from the terrace of the house - after all, you should be able to sit comfortably in order to observe the water surface.

The design of the reservoir can be more restrained according to the Japanese principle - boulders different sizes, conifers, lack of multicolored herbs. Or in chinese style- more lush and vibrant, with an obligatory accent in the form of a tree with variegated foliage and a curved bridge. A landscape pond can also be created in the “nature garden” style, which implies the planting of only local plants characteristic of the region, and the absence of any plant exoticism.

The most laconic in form is the formal pond with rectangular outlines.

Formal pond geometric shape- square or rectangular configuration looks good next to the house, emphasizing its vertical and horizontal lines. It's a good idea to combine such a pond with a patio or patio, especially if there are straight flower beds or linear paths nearby.

An unusual color of the pond can be given by a path passing above its surface - either in the form of a bridge, or with separate stones or slabs

An interesting technique that is widely used in modern landscape design- laying of tracks laid out terrace board and thrown in the form of a bridge over a reservoir of broken geometric shape. A similar path through the pond can also take the form of a concrete path or separate square slabs, as if floating above the water. The cascades of small ponds of different sizes look original, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

The system of cascading ponds in the country house will not only make its landscape unusual, but also fill the garden with pleasant murmur

Formal round-shaped ponds will decorate the patio or front group of your summer cottage

Round ponds, along with rectangular shapes, also belong to formal ponds and can decorate a lawn or open lawn, stylistically complement a garden area with a pergola, or be located near a picturesque group of trees. Round mini ponds in the garden can be made with your own hands much easier than any other configuration by using ready-made concrete rings, wooden tubs, plastic containers and even car tires.

Choosing a location, size, material

A correctly chosen place for a reservoir will guarantee its long-term functioning without seasonal "blooming" in spring and summer, when green algae are activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For a certain period of daylight hours, the pond must be in the shade so that the algae do not multiply so intensively. On the other hand, placing a reservoir in a completely shady zone will delay development. ornamental plants... It is important to keep the golden mean here.

Having located a recreation area with barbecue in close proximity to the pond, you can always admire the beauty of the water surface

It is important to know that the pond should be illuminated by the sun for about 5 hours a day and be open from the southwest. It is undesirable to place the reservoir under shady trees - falling autumn foliage will pollute it.

As for the size of the pond, ideally, the reservoir should occupy 3% of the area of ​​the site. When the garden is small - with a standard area of ​​6 acres, not every summer resident is ready to allocate 18 m2 for a pond. Of course, the smaller the dimensions, the easier it is to make a pond with your own hands - and not so much materials are required, and labor costs will be minimal. Therefore, when deciding on the width and length of an artificial reservoir, take into account your physical capabilities and the harmony of the perception of the pond as a compositional spot on your site - that is, how much its dimensions are combined with other elements of the summer cottage landscape.

The ascetic solution in the design of the reservoir using only stones is a specific feature of the Celtic-style pond.

The design of the pond with a waterfall flowing down from a small wall of beige sandstone will perfectly fit into the landscape style of the garden

In terms of depth, it is recommended to divide the pond into three stages: a zone for coastal plants, a shallow zone for the queen of the pond Nymphea - winter-hardy water lilies and a deepening for wintering fish - if you intend to breed them.

Do not make the pond too deep, it is enough just to dig a winter hole for fish with a depth of about 150-180 cm (below the freezing mark), so that it occupies about 1/5 of the pond area.

A cute rectangular pond can be arranged on a small summer cottage, and the edging from the terrace board will give the pond an uniqueness

The highlight of an avant-garde pond can be an extravagant installation made of wood, reminiscent of an exotic animal or plant.

Continuous water supply to the pond can be equipped with an old column or a group glass bottles bright color

When you have decided on the location and approximate dimensions of the reservoir, it's time to think about what materials to use to make the pond as simple and fast as possible. The most capital and expensive option arrangement of a pond - concrete base requiring the construction of formwork and reinforcement. A less costly way to bookmark a reservoir is to use a ready-made plastic container.

The pit for the pond is formed by characteristic ledges - clumps for planting

To ensure the circulation of water in the pond, a pump is installed at its bottom, from which water flows to the purification filter and returns back to the reservoir

And finally, the most convenient and budget way in order to make an artificial pond with your own hands - the use of a special moisture-resistant film, with which the pond bowl is laid out. This method we took the pond bookmarks as a basis for a detailed description.

Step-by-step technology for creating a pond using film

1. Initially, it is necessary to sketch a plan of the future artificial pond on a scale indicating the depth and width of the curtains (shelves for planting plants), and it is also desirable to draw an approximate sketch of decorating the reservoir. This approach will help to avoid various alterations during the construction of the pond and at the stage of planting. At this stage, think about what will serve as an accent in the composition of your lake - it can be an original stone, wood or sculpture.

Before you start laying a pond at your summer cottage, draw a plan of the reservoir indicating the depths and placing the main elements of the arrangement

2. Using a regular water hose or sprinkling sand around the perimeter of the pond in a line, outline the intended contour of the pond. Be sure to check that the shores of your future lake are on the same level.

Having marked out the outlines of the pond with a hose, dig a pit according to the drawn plan

Measure the level of the banks of the pond periodically during the formation of the pit. If you do not have a water level of the desired length, you can adapt a regular long board and install a small 50 cm level on it.

3. We proceed to earthworks - we dig out a foundation pit to the depth of the coastal tier and mark a line from which the pond deepens to the next level. Having received the second tier, we lay a line for digging the deepest part of the pond and take out the last portion of the earth.

The process of digging a pond is quite difficult, so it is better to resort to the services of earthmoving professionals accompanied by a mini-excavator. However, if you nevertheless decide to complete this laborious part yourself, prepare for the fact that water can accumulate at the bottom of the pit and you will have to mess around in a dirty slurry. A pump specially adapted for pumping water with impurities and solids will help you remove water from the bottom of the pit. An auxiliary pit can be dug nearby and water can be dumped into it.

4. After the pit is completely dug, using a cord, we measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth, adding allowances of about 50 cm on the sides of the bowl - this is necessary to acquire the film of the required size.

The problem that you will inevitably face in the process earthworks- this is where to put the earth taken out of the pit under the pond? A good option for solving such a problem is to raise the level of the site, evenly distributing the soil over the garden. You can also use the excavation ground as an embankment for a stream or as a base for an alpine slide.

5. The pond bowl is lined with a durable moisture-resistant film. As a rule, in order to protect the main film from damage by stones and plant roots, an additional layer of geotextile is laid under it. For this purpose also old will do linoleum or roofing material, or you can simply fill the hole with sand and tamp it.

When the pit is formed, lay a layer of geotextile, and then the film, tucking the edges of the panels into a specially dug trench along the perimeter of the reservoir

To make the film for the pond more elastic, it is better to choose a sunny day for laying it - then it will heat up a little and will stretch better, easily bending around all the ledges of the pit.

6. To arrange the edge of the pond, an auxiliary trench is pulled out along its perimeter - to tuck and fix the film. After laying the edges of the film in the trench, sprinkle it with rubble - this will ensure it is securely fixed.

7. Reinforce the edge of the pond with stone blocks or plastic pipes nailed to the pegs to prevent land from the nearshore zone from falling into the pond bowl. Lay out the edge with natural stone and decorate with a beautiful lonely block or group of boulders.

8. Place the prepared plants in special plastic containers and arrange them on the curtains, line the bottom of the pond with stones and rubble.

9. Now you can fill the reservoir with water. To make it easier to pick up pumping equipment and the amount of hydrochemistry for the care of the pond in the future, do not be too lazy to take the readings of the water meter before and after filling the reservoir.

10. So that the water in the pond does not stagnate, it is better to equip the reservoir with a stream - it will provide constant water circulation. To do this, the source of the stream is raised above the level of the pond, and water will be supplied to it from the pond bowl using a submersible pump. Be sure to think about how to decorate the mouth of the stream - use stones, plant planting, clay or glass containers.

Fill the pond with water, equip a stream, install and connect a pump with a filter, plant water plants

11. Set at the bottom of the pond submersible pump, extend the pipes to the source of the stream and connect them to the water filter. It is better to take a cleaning filter with a pressure filter (with a reverse cleaning system) - it is more efficient than a flow filter.

The material on the device of an artificial stream in the country will also be useful:

Your pond is ready, now you just need to diligently look after it - clean it from pollution, sometimes use prophylactic means to revitalize the water and prevent the spread of algae, and take the plants to the basement of the house for the winter.

The main mistakes when arranging ponds

When creating something with your own hands, it is not easy to avoid some mistakes, especially such as compositional ones, so to make your pond right, consider some of the standard mistakes inherent in our gardeners:

  1. The pond shores are decorated with pellets of the same diameter, which makes the pond look a little boring. It is better to combine large stones with smaller ones, but do not overwhelm the entire coastal zone of the reservoir with them.
  2. The ponds are dug out very deep, have sheer walls and resemble a kind of stone bag. A small investigation showed that digging deep ponds is profitable for earth-moving companies, since they are paid for the number of cubic meters of excavated land. Pay attention to the depth of your pond - don't make it too deep, especially if you are not planning to fish.
  3. Craving for container gardening, which interferes with the normal development of plants, and a fear of backfilling the pond with soil for planting. On the one hand, container planting allows you to quickly change the plant design of the pond by rearranging and rearranging the plants. Probably gardeners are also afraid of the prospect of a dirty pond after backfilling, but there is nothing to be afraid of - the soil for aquatic plants is a heavy mixture with a high content of clay, which is not washed out with water, but will eventually become hardened by the root system of plants.

Having conceived of creating a pond with your own hands, do not forget that it is not easy - practice first by forming a miniature pond at home.

If the dimensions of your site do not allow you to equip a pond in the country, create a miniature pond in the most ordinary cup

If it works out, feel free to embark on a large-scale project to lay a full-fledged pond in your summer cottage. We are sure you can handle it!

As mentioned at the beginning of our express course, a landscape pond - a reservoir organized according to a natural model - is the most popular of all possible water devices. This is quite understandable: stylistically it fits into any garden, the work is done easily and quickly, the pond looks absolutely natural and exists autonomously, self-cleaning, that is, without requiring burdensome complex care. You can find the previous articles in the series at the links:

I want to warn you that my author's way of creating such a pond is not the only one. Some specialists working in this direction offer their own technologies - for example, the cultivation of aquatic plants in containers, the maintenance exotic breeds fish that require warm conditions wintering, and to maintain the purity of the water - the use of a large number of filtering equipment - multistage and, accordingly, expensive. I propose to build garden pond as in nature, in order to minimize, firstly, the energy and time costs for complex care and, secondly, which is important for many, to minimize costs. I am sure these are quite serious arguments.

A place under the sun

So let's get started. It is advisable to begin work on the construction of the reservoir in the spring or early summer, when the melt water will descend to the required depth. Depending on the characteristics of the site and weather conditions, as a rule, this time is from mid-May to mid-June.

Having agreed that we will build a garden pond "as in nature", first of all we will choose the most suitable place. The pond should naturally blend into the surrounding landscape and be positioned so that it is convenient for you to observe it. For this, an open area is usually set up next to it, where you can, if you wish, install garden furniture, sun loungers or a wide stylish umbrella, under the canopy of which the whole family will fit at Sunday lunch.

You should not place the pond in a low area, as streams of melt and rainwater will clog it. In addition, cold air always collects in a low place, and malicious midges swarm in heaps. It is not at all necessary to arrange a pond on open place, it can also fit into the structure of a shady garden, adding a special refined note to the collection of ferns and rhododendrons. But if you want to admire the flowering of water lilies, you will have to find a place for it, illuminated by the sun for at least 6-7 hours a day.

Therefore, the place of your pond under the sun depends on what kind of decorative effect you ultimately want to get.

Size and shape

Having chosen a place, of course, you need to decide on the size and configuration. The sizes can be very different, but the larger the pond, the faster the biological balance will be established in it, which means that the water will be clean and healthy without additional efforts on your part.

The question of depth worries many. It is solved in the same way as everything else: by the method of logical reasoning. If the pond is needed exclusively for decorative purposes, a depth of 1 m is sufficient.When water lilies are planted on the bottom, their rhizomes will be located at a depth of 60-80 cm, which, under conditions middle lane Russia is optimal. If the pond is intended for keeping fish: mirror carp, silver carp, sterlet, Japanese koi carp, the depth of such a reservoir should be 1.5-2 m with the corresponding dimensions of the water mirror. I cannot call the addiction of some (including me) to float fishing a luxury. Therefore, if the scale of your garden allows, why not pamper yourself with your own pond for this purpose?

From experience I can say that all owners garden ponds over time, they dream of expanding their pond, so if the size of the area allocated for it and your financial capabilities allow, it is better to take this into account right away.

Marking on the ground

The easiest way to "draw" the line of the future pond is with a flexible water hose. But it so happens that in parallel with the work on the creation of a pond on the site, general soil and planning work is carried out, the laying of lighting equipment and irrigation systems - that is, the final level of the soil horizon has not been determined. In this case, for marking, you have to use wooden pegs or metal pins, on which the rope is fixed.

When the configuration of the future pond is drawn, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​plants that may have fallen into this zone, remove the sod, if any, and check the general slope of the earth. If there is a noticeable skew around the periphery, at this stage you need to align the entire site. Subsequently, you can slightly adjust this indicator, but it is more difficult to correct serious imbalances when all work is almost completed.

Pit - depth and shape

It is more convenient to dig from the edges to the center, gradually deepening, and form a shallow water zone, referring to the project. Don't forget to leave the terraces planned. On them you will plant plants that need an immersion depth of 5 to 30 cm.The terraces should be horizontal and wide - at least 30-40 cm.For normal life of the reservoir, it is enough to arrange two or three levels of terraces: at a depth of 10, 20 and 40 cm , if there are three, or 20 and 40 cm, if two. In any case, it is better to make the shores gentle, stepped, with smooth transitions - this makes it easier to decorate the coastal zone.

When working with soil, it is advisable to use a wheelbarrow, and not to put the excavated soil here in a huge pile, which will also have to be disassembled. With a wheelbarrow, you are not constrained in time, since a huge pile of earth will not spoil the lawn or flower garden nearby, and the soil taken out is most likely heterogeneous at different depths and can be mobile and logically used here on the site. Part of the dense clay soil can be folded in the immediate vicinity of the pit in order to use it later for decorating and planting aquatic plants.

When working with soil, construction debris, sharp fragments of natural stone, chopped off tree roots and even whole foundations of former buildings are often encountered. All hard and especially sharp objects must be carefully selected so that in the future they do not cause damage to the film.

Film - size and stacking rules

After the pit is ready, the bottom and walls should be tamped, checked by level and, if necessary, corrected the banks. They should be on the same plane so that when finished, no part of the shore is higher than the water mirror. With subsequent decoration, it is necessary to ensure that the film is completely hidden by sand, soil, gravel, plantings. This condition is important not only from an aesthetic point of view: if the film sticks out openly on the surface and is exposed to destructive influences ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, its strength in this place decreases.

Then you need to measure the length and width of the prepared pit in the longest places with a flexible tape or a strong cord and add 20-30 cm on each side, depending on the method of decorating the coastline you choose. It is better to bring the resulting value to an even measure, knowing the possible parameters of the length and width of rolls of PVC film and BK membrane, so that there are no problems when buying. For example, 4x4 m, 5x6 m, 12x8 m and so on. It is possible to adjust the parameters by pulling up to an even measure, if you slightly increase or decrease the depth, length or width of the pit.

The finished pit should be covered with fine sand, if necessary sifted, with a layer of 3-7 cm, which depends on the thickness of the insulating coating (the thinner the film, the thicker the buffer layer of sand). In order for the sand to adhere well to sloping surfaces, it must be slightly moistened. If the soil is heavily clogged with small stones or there is a possibility of damage to the film by the roots of closely spaced trees - additionally cover the bed with a soft underlying protective material (fleece). It can be replaced by means at hand - thick lutrasil, spunbond or any other soft material.

Before use, you must first spread the film on a flat surface, preferably on a sunny warm day, let it lie down for a couple of hours and straighten out - it will become soft and plastic. After that, if the size of the film is relatively small, it should be rolled up in the shape of a pie evenly from all sides to the center - this will make it easier to distribute it in the pit. If the pond has big sizes, and you use heavier BK rubber, it is more expedient to roll the rolled film into a long roll on the smaller side and, placing this roll in one of the ends, gently roll it out gradually.

Trying not to stretch, spread the film in the pit. To prevent it from moving during work, especially if the wind has risen, press it down in some places with a brick or stone. Carefully straighten the creases, form folds, trying to distribute them evenly around the entire perimeter. Sometimes it is advisable to lay a few deep folds, sometimes it is worth leaving many small assemblies - it all depends on specific situation.

The smaller the pond and the more complex the bed configuration, the more difficult it will be to lay the film. Imagine, for comparison, which is easier: lining the bottom of a cup or soup plate with a sheet of paper? Main condition: the film should lie freely be sure not to pull it tight. At this stage, it is advisable to have one or two assistants (depending on the size of the pond), since insulating materials for reservoirs are very heavy, and they must be laid as carefully as possible. When the pond is filled with water, the film will sag, smoothly going around all the bends of the pit.

Finishing touches and - water!

After the film is laid, another layer of sand should be poured on top of it on the bottom and on the terrace. Dense garden soil- lay out the loam in those zones where deep-water and shallow-water plants are supposed to be planted. Peat and composts should not be used: peat only clogs the water, and composts contain excess organic matter, which will provoke water bloom.

We plant the plants in stages, as the pond is filled with water. First, nymphs are on the bottom, then other deep-water plants and oxygenators are on the lower terrace, and, ultimately, shallow-water plants are on the upper terraces, taking into account the individual planting depth of each. The soil layer varies from 10 to 40 cm, taking into account the growth capacity of the plant and its root system. A lump of earth with a seedling removed from the container is installed in the deepening of the filled soil, the earth around it is compacted, and the soil can be sprinkled on top with gravel so that young unrooted plants do not float up, and so that the fish cannot dig up the soil in the area of ​​the base of the bush.

Pour water with a hose. So that the powerful jet does not wash away the landings and does not raise excess dregs, the end of the hose can be inserted into a plastic bag with a cut bottom fixed with electrical tape. All plantings, especially in the coastal zone, should be covered from above with a layer of pebbles or gravel. This will avoid cloudiness of the water during heavy rains and winds.

To complicate and decorate the bottom relief, several large, better light boulders can be laid out at different levels. Place heaps of medium to coarse gravel in places. This is useful for the life of some fish that you will later settle in your pond.

To decorate the coastline, it is advisable to use stones that are similar in shape, structure and color and varied in size. It is advisable to avoid their arrangement, which is contrary to nature, that is, string them like beads. Try to place them in separate groups that are not equivalent in mass. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the stones not only decorate the shore of the pond and make it easier for us to decorate the film, but they are also reference points where you can step in order to reach objects remote from the shore during the process of leaving. Therefore, regardless of where such support stones are installed: on the shore or in shallow water, they must be securely fixed.

It is advisable to avoid using submerged limestone and dolomite. They alkalize the environment, the ph value increases, and this is undesirable for the health of the flora and fauna of the reservoir. However, these materials can be used onshore to decorate the coastal area.

Water - but what kind?

Many people are interested in the question of what water to put into the pond. Of course, the most suitable water for these purposes is rainwater, but where can we get so much of it? Therefore, we use the one that is available. In some areas, tap water or well water contains too much iron and other salts. It is advisable to pre-defend it in open containers, but when it comes to very large reservoirs, this is practically unrealistic.

In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase special biochemical agents that improve the quality of the "new" water. In order to choose the right packaging (that is, the amount of the required drug) - and there are many of them, they are different and very effective - you need to know the volume of the pond. To do this, try to calculate this value even at the construction stage. We'll have to remember school geometry lessons or get advice from a seventh-grader son, because in pits of a complex configuration, this is not easy to do. I will make it easier by saying that you need approximate precision. That is, you all just need to know that the volume of the pond is, for example, 3 cubes, 10 or 25.

As the pond fills with water, do not forget to touch up the film from time to time, because when it is full, it will be much more difficult to do this. It is recommended to add one or two buckets of “live” pond water from a natural reservoir to the “new” water, so the adaptation process will go faster.

It should be borne in mind that at first the water from disturbed particles of sand and soil will be cloudy, this lasts only a few days. But if the weather is hot, the water will certainly bloom, while it will turn brown or green. You can avoid the annoying trouble if you immediately add a portion of the appropriate drug. And if you do not want to spend extra money, then the first natural flowering just needs to be patiently endured, like childhood illnesses. I assure you, this is not difficult at all. This is an absolutely normal process that lasts no more than two to three weeks. During this time, a biological balance is formed in the pond, and subsequently the water in it will be almost always transparent and clean.

Shore decoration

Finally, in accordance with the chosen style, the coastal zone is formed: soil, gravel are poured, plants are planted, boulders, flagstone are laid, flooring is installed. Excess film can be cut or wrapped tightly by digging into the ground.

If you decide to equip an observation deck or a place for family recreation at the edge of the pond, then when using limestone, it must be fixed to cement mortar. And when designing wooden flooring, accurately calculate the possible load and think over the technical side of the structure.

In conclusion, I would like to add: the proposed technology has been tested at many facilities in the Moscow region and is fully justified. Having learned how to work with film when constructing a landscape pond, and regardless of its size, I'm sure you will want to try your hand at creating other water devices. We will try to help you with this in our subsequent publications.

Such a luxurious garden decoration can be made with your own hands in various stylistic directions. Also, the pond can be decorated with decorative streams, paths, a neat coastline, etc.

Place for a pond

In order for the pond to have natural light, it is better to place it near the house, on the south or east side, away from areas densely planted with shrubs and fruit trees.

It is advisable to place the pond next to a water source so that it is easier to fill after cleaning.

How to make a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands, as well as which model to choose, read.

Shrub to create a hedge -.

Shape and size

When choosing the size of the reservoir, you need to focus on the area of ​​the garden area. For example, on 6 acres, it is better to build a structure of 3x3 m with a depth of 80 cm or 2x2 m with a depth of 50 cm.

If it is planned to put fish and other aquatic inhabitants into the pond, the water expanses will have to be expanded, otherwise the inhabitants in a tight space will not survive.

Choosing a shape, you need to be based on personal preference and stylistic features of the site. Drop-shaped or bean-shaped designs look natural. For garden plots with height differences, designers are advised to consider options for small creeks with streams.

Choosing a pond base

When the place and size of the pond is selected, you need to decide on its basis. You can build a pond in the country from:

Step-by-step instructions for creating

To create an artificial pond with your own hands, you need to perform several stages of work with high quality. Before that, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • PVC covering;
  • fine gravel;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • round stones;
  • sand;
  • bricks.

To create an artificial reservoir, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

You can also see how to make a film pond with your own hands in this video:

A small artificial pond can be made from old bath... It is installed in the pit, after having closed drainer... The inner sides are treated with ceramic tile adhesive with the addition of paint. A chain-link mesh is laid along the perimeter of the container, a cement-sand mixture is applied to it, and various decorative elements- stones, tiles, gravel, etc.


When the main part of the work is completed, you can proceed to the decorative stage.

Stones and water

If there are cobblestones, they can be used to line the perimeter and bottom.

It is important to remember that only stones can be placed on the bottom without sharp corners, especially if the base is made of foil.

Water is poured from the hose with a weak stream. Within 2-3 weeks, the liquid can be cloudy - this is a biological process, then the water will become clear and clean.

To maintain these qualities, you can get tadpoles that feed on algae and filter the water.

Find out how to plant and care for a delphinium in the garden at.

Additional decorations

The pond can be equipped with underwater lighting, which will look spectacular in the dark.

You can also install mini spotlights. For this, LED and halogen lamps are used. To make fountains, you need special surface and underwater pumps.

The use of lighting in a pond is a modern design solution

Animals in the pond

If you want to populate the pond with fish, create the necessary living conditions for them.

A pond without vegetation and living creatures will soon lose its aesthetic appearance.

That is why landscape designers are advised to think in advance who will live in the reservoir. For example, at the bottom you can plant tall species of plants, lotuses, water lilies, duckweed.

Before buying fish, you need to clarify the conditions of their habitat. It is important to remember that some species are at war with each other and will not be able to survive in the same territory.

Pond care in summer and winter

Summer is a period of active vegetative growth, so you need to monitor the plants planted in the pond and nearby.

It is necessary to remove overgrown algae, they can be used in the summer cottage as fertilizers and mulch. Plants blooming in the reservoir in the summer months are fertilized with prolonged-release agents. Weeds growing on the shore are regularly removed.

From June to August, you can plant exotic plants: calla, lotus, lazichiton, water salad, cinquefoil.

It is important not to forget about constant monitoring of water quality.

The pond, which is not inhabited by amphibians and fish, can be drained and covered with garden film before winter.

If there are inhabitants in it, then before the first frost, the de-icer is turned on.