Looking pit corner. Earthworks in the manufacture of observation pit with their own hands

The fact that the full garage should be equipped with the observation pit used for a periodic inspection and repair of the car, does not cause any doubts. The pit for inspection of the bottom of the car makes sense to do even if his owner does not own the skills of independently serving the equipment belonging to him. As for drivers with experience, the latter without any doubt on the presence of the pit only won. And indeed, in the case of self-maintenance of the car, they receive fairly significant advantages that are as follows:

  • the production costs associated with the repair of the machine are noticeably reduced;
  • the performer, as a rule, receives moral satisfaction from the work done by its own hands.

Besides, in capital garage The observation pit is very convenient because it will be possible to organize access to the cellar.

Arguments "For" and "against" observation pit

And, nevertheless, before making a viewing pit in the garage, you should familiarize yourself with the arguments in favor of its arrangement and with arguments against it. The following weighty arguments speak for its arrangement:

  • the possibility of periodic preventive inspections of the chassis of the car and identifying possible technical faults;
  • noticeable savings of funds spent on maintenance cars at the expense of its own forces;
  • exception from the process of possible costs associated with service disadvantages in the car service.

Note! To the arguments against looking Jama The probability of heating the garage, as well as the risk of condensate on its walls and by car should be attributed.

In case of insufficient study of the project of the observation pit that does not take into account the peculiarities of the soil at its location (in particular, the alleged level of soil water) problems with its operation are guaranteed. The only way out of this situation is the use of special drainage systemcapable of removing groundwater from the bottom of the niche.

As for the condensate, which formed on the bottom of the car constantly located in the garage, then this disadvantage is eliminated by overlapping the viewing niche of a multidimensional lid.

Of all the above, it follows that when arranging the observation pit with their own hands, special attention It is necessary to devote in force construction standards, regulating the procedure for the construction of this element of the garage architecture, taking into account its main characteristics.

Dimensions observation niches

For effective use The areas highlighted under the garage construction is desirable at the design stage to work out the question of zoning the site, involving its optimal breakdown within the perimeter of the structure.

It is quite logical that, when conducting these works, close attention should be paid work zone With the observation pit located within it. In addition, (provided that the building area is large enough), it is necessary to lay in the project and the parking zone located away from the observation niche. This will allow you to protect your car from the accumulation of condensate capable of providing the destructive impact on its bottom.

When choosing a linear dimensions of the future observation niche, it should be proceeded primarily from the size of the car itself, as well as for reasons convenience of work in it, i.e. Take into the physical data of people working in the pit).

Note! When preparing a pit for the observation pit, its length is chosen with a small margin, necessary for the arrangement of several trigger stages. In garage premises big size Steps can be stationary, whereas in small garages are used more economical option - the so-called Power Staircase. For a safe descent to a hole, the length of the projection of the ladder to the bottom of the pit should not be less than 1 meter.

To determine the width of the pit, should proceed from the parameters of the car's wheelbase, taking into account possible modifications. In the event that you have not yet decided on the machine model - choose the average value of this dimension (about 75-80 cm).

The depth of the pit is chosen taking into account individual features owner that allows you to create enough comfortable conditions Works in it. In this case, the optimal value of this parameter is established by the formula: human growth + 12-15 cm.

Additional dimensions for dimensions

When conducting repair work In the viewing pit, a set of tools will certainly need, when accessing which there should be no difficulty. That is why special niches should be provided in the viewing pit, in which it will be possible to store the most popular tool, as well as part of the utility inventory used when servicing the car (tanks with fuel, vehicle, etc.)

In addition, it is desirable to provide a multi-section "lid" for a pit, which would close it as needed. As such a cover, it is allowed to use the typening boards, made in size of the pits with a small naughty.

Arrangement of the bottom and walls of the pit

The final dimensions of the prepared pitchelate are determined by taking into account the wall thickness and the improvised floor of the future pit consisting of alternating layers of well-tumped sand and gravel.

If the ground in the location of the pit has high humidity - On top of the sand layer, a thick layer of clay is stacked, which then falls asleep by gravel. At the same time, the layer of clay plays the role of waterproofing that protects a niche from wet evaporation. In this regard, it should be noted that clay, mixed with waste recycling oil oil, has good waterproofing. The polyethylene film is covered over the clay, and only after that a concrete solution is poured.

The pits walls before the fill of concrete are also separated by clay with the subsequent fastening on it the polyethylene film. Then a formwork is built along the entire perimeter of the pit. team type, dialing from finished shields or narrowing from edged board. To increase the reliability of the design in the manufacture of formwork, additional struts and handlers are necessarily used. In order to increase the strength of concrete commonens, with their fill, special reinforcing elements are often used (chain grid, for example).

After the formwork is ready, all free space behind it is filled with the previously cooked concrete solution With aggregate. In the process of filling, the finished solution is thoroughly compacted using a special "tamping".

Note! Most in a convenient way The wall arrangement is considered to use when they are installed in advance metal carcass or frame. Such a frame base can be made of metal corners or chambers independently; And the fixation of it in the formwork is made using special elements of fastening (anchors).

The upper cutting skeleton must be somewhat tied up above the floor level, which ensures reliable protection against accidentally enter the wheels of the machine in the target of the observation pit. It should be removed not earlier than in a couple of weeks, after which the walls should "stand out" at least a month, which will allow the concrete to gain the necessary strength.

Another way to finish the observation pit, consisting in laying out its walls from ordinary bricks is possible. But if for some reason all the listed ways of finishing walls are not suitable for you - you can choose the cheapest option consisting in the bottom of the bottom and the walls of the pocket of the rod rubberoid and followed by the over the entire surface of the oiled boards (as an option - by conventional flat slate sheets).


Before building a viewing pit, you will need to decide on the waterproofing material whose choice is on modern market great enough. At the same time, among the endless series of insulating materials, the following positions are highlighted:

  • waterproofing of penetrating type;
  • waterproofing protection made on the basis of polymer membranes;
  • bituminous waterproofing.

Penetrating waterproofing is sold in the form of a liquid lubricant, which is allowed to be applied even to a moistened surface. Its protective function is to deep penetration In the material of concrete (brick) finishes and blocking the moisture formation process.

The membrane method of waterproofing surfaces and fences is applied only when conducting internal finishing work And it is considered the most optimal. True, the decision to apply this method should be taken only after you evaluate the cost-related costs.

The fact is that the application of the protective layer of the membrane type is possible only in the presence of special spray devices, the cost of which is usually large enough. In addition, even before working with these devices, you will need to master the spike techniques of individual sections of the membrane coating. In the event that all these conditions are performed for you - you will get the perfect waterproofing, which is practically no restrictions.

Waterproofing of observation pits based on bitumen rolled materials (rupture, rubberoid, etc.) is the cheapest way to protect the surfaces of structures from penetrating moisture. In the process of mounting the materials of the roll type on the protected surface, individual billets need to be laid with a small overlap of about 15 cm.

At the same time, the joints of adjacent roll sheets must be made through special heating devices or glue with ready-to-use compositions.

Warming pit

It is clear that prerequisite The effectiveness of the work produced in the observation pit is maintaining a comfortable temperature in it. That is why before making an observation pit in the garage, you should thoroughly work out the question of its insulation. Among other things, reliable thermal insulation will allow you to save on electricity consumed for heating the entire garage as a whole.

Most specialists believe that the most suitable material with a good ratio of price and quality is a well-known polystyrene foam. Especially since it has a number of advantages inherent in the majority of polymers used in the construction of polymers:

  • high resistance to rotten;
  • good waterproof;
  • the possibility of reliable clutch with brick or concrete bases.

For the insulation of the walls suitable synthetic material Type PSB-C-25, and the floor is usually used polystyrene of the PSB-C-35 brand with a thickness of 50 mm. Over the insulation of the wall and the floor can be separated ceramic tiles, the material of which is distinguished by resistance to the effects of reagents and moisture.

Lighting and ventilation

In the manufacture of the observation pit, you must necessarily worry about the electric lighting, without which the repair work under the bottom of the car is simply impossible.

The required illumination at the venue should be provided by special portable lamps that feed on the transformer with an output voltage of no more than 36 V. In this case, building standards do not assume the installation of any outlets within the observation zone, which is a gross violation of TB requirements.

Increase the comfort of staying conditions in the observation pit it will be possible at the expense of the simplest ventilation systemconsisting of a flexible hose feeding in the area of \u200b\u200bwork of fresh air.


In the garage room, the observation pit becomes simply indispensable. It is possible to regularly conduct a practically professional technical inspection, to make a planned replacement of parts, as well as repair, as needed. Of course, if the motorist pays enough time to his car, he himself is engaged in its repair and inspection, he simply needs to be equipped accordingly. Today we learn how to be built of bricks. We define all the most important stages, useful advice, find out what an algorithm to build a pit. In addition, we consider a specific algorithm for the construction of a brick observation pit.

First of all, you will need to carry out complex preparatory work. Now we will highlight all the most important points.


Of great importance is one risk factor - the level of groundwater lifting. From this largely depends on the final success of the construction of the observation pit. In some cases, it is necessary to abandon the device of such a pit or cellar. You need to be prepared in advance to the fact that the level of water will be critical.

Unfortunately, there are no geological specialized services in some settlements, where they produce relevant research. But you can independently determine the level of groundwater lifting with sufficiently high accuracy. This is done as follows. You need to dig a shurt in a depth of 2.5 meters. Watch, to what level the water will rise. When the worst predictions are confirmed, that is, the water is locked too close to the level of land, it is better to abandon the construction of the observation pit. Of course, it is purely theoretically, it is possible to ensure waterproofing even in such a situation, but then the pit will resemble more bunker, great efforts will be required and investigations into construction, and the danger of flooding will still be preserved.

Another option that will help cope with natural factor Risk is to arrange drainage. It happens that the car enthusiast is engaged in his car professionally, the observation pit is needed, and there is no possibility to choose another plot. In this case, you should make high-quality drainage of rod water. Special drainage well digs outside the garage room, where water is given. But such a work time-consuming, requires significant investments.

Competently determine the size of the observation pit

It is very important to immediately determine the optimal parameters of the observation pit. It should not be too big, but it is also uncomfortable in cramped. Everything should be competently selected, of course, in accordance with the dimensions of the car.

Let us dwell on the methods for determining key parameters.

  • Length of the pit. Consider the parameters of the car. Usually the standard length of the observation pit for the passenger car is approximately 4-5 meters. To equip a convenient descent with the Power or monolithic staircase, you need to add another meter. it good parametersthat are focused on comfortable, rational use of observation pit. You no longer need to regularly move the car during the repair work, as it happens if the pit is too small, short.
  • Width. Here, the distance between the wheels of the car plays a key role. Standard parameter for modern passenger cars - pit with a width of 75-80 cm. Such a width will be quite enough, while it is not too big.
  • Depth. Here everything is strictly individually. Of course, in the observation pit work standing. Some dig out shallow pits so as not to provoke pressure and groundwater leakage, but it is uncomfortable to work on a stool. It is better to make a good deep observation pit. About 15 cm is added to the growth of motorist. When some doubts arise regarding the depths (for example, when several people are planned to work with different growth in the pit), of course, it is better to make it more. After all, if necessary, under your feet, you can simply make a small lip.

When the parameters are defined, you need to make a drawing, and on it to register everything exact dimensions. Then this scheme is transferred to the construction site, digging the pit.

Construction methods

The construction process will largely depend on the method of arrangement of the observation pit. The optimal option is to lay the foundation at once, even at the construction stage. belt Fundament and garage base. In this case, the boiler also digs the excavator. In parallel, work on waterproofing, ventilation and insulation of the pit with a garage room as a whole.

But it is often necessary to deal with construction after the construction of the garage box. Of course, then digging the pit is manually.

Pay attention to one substantive moment. You will need a soil from the development, then fall asleep sinuses, as well as raise the floor level in the room. The fact is that the gear of the garage is made at the mark higher than the road to which the car leaves.

Build a weighing pit

It's time to consider in detail how to build a brick-looking pit with my own hands. Let's start with the clarification of some moments.

We specify the size of Kotlovana

We have already talked about the parameters of the observation pit. But it is important to remember: the pit should be more pit! Consider the following parameters.

You have to lay out the leveling layer, which will consist of gravel, crushed stone and sand. The standard thickness of such a layer is 50-100 mm. This must be added to the depth.

From concrete with a brand 150-200, the bottom is performed, the thickness of which is approximately 100 mm. This is also reflected at the depth of the pit.

Width and length also increases because the thickness brick walls It is 250 mm when construction is underway in one brick. In addition, there should be a gap between the masonry and wall of the kittle's wall in about 30-40 mm in order to make waterproofing outside and sealing the soil.

Work algorithm

You will need rubbank, concrete of brand 200, cement, gravel and sand, as well as waterproofing sheetworks (Clean), plaster, brushes with shovels, level, downtown stepladder, metal corner, boards, polystyrene foam for insulation, metal pipes and lattices for ventilation device.

Go to step by step instructions.

  1. First of all, all the markup from the drawing is transferred to the floor of the garage in the place where you and decided to make a look.
  2. Then you need to dug the pit. The bottom is carefully cleaned, after which there is a flooring in the pit. In the process of work in the pit it is better to descend along the panel stairs.
  3. After alignment of the floor, the device is performed horizontal waterproofing the bottom. Use rolled materials, for example, known isolon. The material is popular, proven. You can take ruberoid, as a last resort, a thick polyethylene film.
  4. Be sure to withdraw the edges of the waterproofing material by 50 cm per border of the bottom of the pit. Then they are wrapped, attached to the outer surface of the brickwork.
  5. Important stage - concreting bottom. Here you need to immediately take into account the size concrete basis. If the pit is planned with a width of 75 cm, add a brickwork thickness (50 cm around the perimeter), and also make a stock of 5-10 cm. As a result, the width is 140 cm. According to the same scheme, the concrete base width is calculated.
  6. Reinforcement is optional, although for greater reliability and durability it is better to put the reinforcing metal grid. If you took concrete mix M-200, and the thickness of the concrete bottom is more than 80 cm, it is quite acceptable to do without reinforcement.
  7. Then the time comes when it is necessary to enable concrete to frozen. It will take at least 3 days.
  8. Now it's time to start laying brick walls of the observation pit. Carefully make apartments, use the level so that the masonry is adjusted horizontally. There are enough walls in one brick. Do not forget that you need to leave the gap between the walls of the pit and masonry.
  9. Perform thorough shockting of walls from two sides. Good decision - Plastering the laying in parallel with the construction of the walls. So, laying out 4 rows, it is necessary to cover their layer of plaster outside and inside.
  10. Pay more attention outdoor finish walls. Qualitative coating waterproofing is necessary. Use bitumen mastic, hot bitumen. This waterproofing is performed in two layers. Without it, it is not necessary, since this is precisely such a measure will prevent the appearance of dampness in the observation pit. IN otherwise Walls will pull moisture from the ground.
  11. When the masonry is fully completed, made outer waterproofing, comes the backfill queue of the sizes. Here you will come in handy the dodge of the dumping soil. It is falling asleep at 15 cm, thoroughly tram, then make the next layer. Such a layer Tambrovka is also very important. The best decision - Add to ground clay. The compacted clay layer will be a reliable additional obstacle to penetrate moisture, as well as a monolithic support for masonry.

If you want to spend lighting in the observation hole, immediately, refer to the masonry niche for lighting devices. It is also worth making an additional big niche for storing the most popular tool, wrench.

We draw a viewing pit

It is important to spend enough volumetric additional workTo fully equip the observation pit in the garage.


They will be useful for lighting and tools. It is necessary to provide them in the process of masonry of brick walls. Optimal dimensions For a standard niche, the following: depth of 12 cm, height of 25-30 cm, and the length is approximately 50-75 cm.

Water collection

Copy - very useful thing In the observation pit. After all, even with impeccable waterproofing, you will need to somehow get rid of moisture, which can be entered on wheels, drip from the car. The optimal option is to make a collection of fluid at the bottom of the observation pit. To do this, one corner is done minimal. There is a small deepening. It also cementing so that the edges do not collapse. Since it is possible to accidentally step there, the pit is covered with a solid grid.


It is advisable to make forced or natural ventilation In the observation pit. Use metal pipes, a small fan. Venting will help quickly eliminate all harmful evaporation from the pit, as well as prevent the formation of condensate. And it is in such a space much more comfortable, safer.

Strengthening the edges of Jama

The edges of the pit should be well fortified. Be sure to do this so that the pit does not appear, kept the pressure of the car's wheels. You will need a metal corner No. 45-50. The framing frame is welded from it around the perimeter of the observation pit. For the frame to be reliably fixed, the anchor releases with a diameter of 6-10 mm should be used to external side sides. They should be located every 25 cm. When the floor of the garage is additionally concreted, they are included in the concrete basis.

Close pit

To protect the pit from all external influencesIt is desirable to close it on those periods when not used. It is necessary to take into account this moment already at the stage of welding the corners for the frame. Cook them so that the boards are conveniently inserted into it along the narrow side.

Limiters for wheels

Consider the car's check-in in the zone above the observation pit. So that the wheels do not even accidentally fall into it, it is necessary to specifically install limiters for them. To do this, take a metal profile: Corner, Channel or Pipes. The metal framing should rise above the floor, fencing the pit from the car seat.


A good solution is to insulate the observation pit. For this, sheets of polystyrene foam, which can be simply pasted on the walls of the brick.


Take care of the lighting of the space of the pit. In advance prepared niches, install the lamps, spend cables in plastic channels. Lighting will provide comfortable work at any time.

Step-by-step instructions from the photo from the grocery

Instructions with photos in steps makes it possible to get a visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe process of building a brick observation pit with your own hands.

  1. At first it was easy to work: Sand Coppe.
  2. Then the clay went, so it became harder to dig.
  3. Made a box of waterproofing from isoplastic. Temporarily laid boards for fixation.
  4. Put the reinforcing grid.
  5. Started putting brick walls.
  6. Made a niche on the sides.
  7. Groove different sizes: For tools, for lamps.
  8. Niche also designed with metal frames.
  9. Niche for a lamp is small.
  10. He took part of the concrete, two parts of cement and rubble. Made concrete fill.
  11. The concrete flooded carefully: inside the floor, outside, around the pit to strengthen additionally.
  12. Carefully plastered the walls.
  13. Made in pocket a rosette for a portable lamp.
  14. Conducted a cable.
  15. In a niche put the lamp.
  16. This is what the finished pit looks like with lighting.

Video: Learning to make a look

You will be able to better figure out all the intricacies of the construction of the observation pit in the garage if you look at the following material on the video. You can make a pit with your own hands. Main, remember everything important advice, work algorithm. Full view will be received after viewing the next video: it is described in detail and is shown on specific exampleHow to make the construction of the observation pit in the garage.

Be careful, act neatly.

The observation pit in the brick garage is pretty simple and serves as an indispensable assistant for vehicle owners when inspection and repairing the car.

For those who can and like to repair, eliminate small malfunctions in the car independently, the observation pit is simply necessary.

Today, a network of auto repair shops and car maintenance and repair centers are well developed. Nevertheless, many drivers even receive pleasure from what they themselves find and eliminate malfunctions in their cars, this is a kind of discharge from the main work.

In addition, it is also morally satisfaction that they themselves have prepared their car to the technical inspection plus saved a certain amount of their budget. Often, such craftsmen help in repair and their friends.

Wearing pits are also arranged in garages for servicing large automotive equipment - trucks, buses and other vehicles. I propose to consider how the observation pit is built in the brick garage for your car.

Preparatory work

Initially, it is necessary to find out what kind of groundwater is possible on which mark. Not in all settlements there is a geological service where the geological surveys of soils are produced (and the level of groundwater) is determined).

Here high level Groundwater

It is possible to determine and yourself. To do this, make a shurt to a depth of 2-2.5 m and follow the level of water lifting. If the forecast is unfavorable and water lies close to the surface of the earth's surface, then the observation pit is better not to do.

If there is no choice and the site has already been isolated, then drainage of rod water (drainage) is performed, but the event is a cost and complex associated with the construction of a drainage well outside the garage. We will proceed from the fact that the forecast is favorable.

Determine the size of the pit

Length Calculate on the basis of the dimensions of your car. This is an average of 4-5 meters and for descent to add another meter. With such a length you will not need to be able to constantly move the car.
Width - The main limiting size here is the distance between the automotive wheels. The most acceptable size is 75 - 80 cm, which is suitable for all types of passenger cars.

Depth It is chosen individually under its growth. Your height plus 15 cm is quite enough for you, and if the helper will be your friend, above you for growth, then it is better to immediately perform a pit plus 30cm to its growth. You can make it easily wooden stand Under your feet.

A pit can be built by two methods:

  • In parallel with the construction of a ribbon foundation and the base. In this case, the drive can dig an excavator.
  • After the construction of the box. In this case, the digging will have to manually.

The primer from the development will be used on the backflow of the sinuses and the submission under the floors, since the floor of the garage should be higher than the mark of the road where the car leaves.

Brick Weight Locking Pit Technology

We decided on the size of the observation pit clean. But when the device, the device should be taken into account:

  • the thickness of the future walls of the brick (250mm - in one brick);
  • layer of leveling preparation from sand, rubble, gravel thickness 50-100mm;
  • the thickness of the bottom of the concrete brand 150 - 200 is 100mm.
Descent to the observation pit

We carry out the excerpt of the pit, we clean the bottom and proceed to the bottom of the bottom. You can go down to the pit on the Power Step.

We make leveling preparation and proceed to the device of horizontal waterproofing the bottoms of rolled materials - isola, rubberoid and other film materials.

It should be noted that the edges of the insulating material should be derived 50cm beyond the boundaries of the bottom, to then wrap them and stick to the outer surface of future brick walls of the pit.

It came up the time of the bottom of the bottom. We produce it with a width of equal width of the pit 75 - 80 cm plus the thickness of two brick walls (50cm) plus the reserve on "there - here" (5-10 cm). Total plate width is 1.4 m. Similarly, calculate the bottom plate length.

Does the bottom reinforce? If you use a M-150, 200 concrete mix, withstanding the thickness of 80 - 100mm, then you can do without fittings. Concrete must be captured before the initial strength - in our case we take a period of 3-4 days.

Begin brick masonrywhich we rest on concrete slab. Masonry put under the launch of the seams or plaster. From the outside of the walls of the pits should be placed so that it is possible to perform vertical waterproofing.

We carry out the plaster in parallel with the masonry, that is, laying out 4 - 5 rows at the height of the wall, right there weching it outside.

We perform outdoor scoop waterproofing - hot bitumen, bituminous mastic, similar materials in two layers. Waterproofing is needed so that the walls of the pits do not "pull" moisture from the ground and did not create dampness inside it.

After performing the walls of the pit and their waterproofing, it is necessary to make an inverse filling of the sinuses with a layer-by-layer grinding of the soil after 15-200cm. Ideally, if it is clay, since the clay clay creates a "clay castle" that prevents the penetration of water through it.


Very convenient if the observation pit in the brick garage is equipped along the long side of the niches - to accommodate the electric lamp, switch, sockets.

To this niche, a cable with a voltage of 36 volt should be tested, used in basement and raw rooms dressed in the rubber hose or in the corrugated (better than the steel) version.

Other niche - to place instruments required when working. Place niches at an altitude of 0.9 - 1.2 m on the floor level of the pit.

Nish dimensions can be kept in mm:

  • in depth 120.
  • length within 500 - 750
  • height 250-300.

After laying the last upper row of bricks, a metal frame of a corner No. 45-50 is installed on them.

For reliable fixation of the frame to the outer side side of it, the anchor editions of the reinforcement with a diameter of 6-10mm in 25-30 cm are welded, which, after concreting, the floor of the garage is included in the body of concrete.

The corners are welded in such a way as to the frame over the short side it was possible to install boards with a thickness of 40-50mm, which overlap the pit in cases where it does not use it.

Boards can be knocked down into shields, but not too heavy. They need to be antiseptrate and paint to extend the life. Metal parts (frames, stairs and so on) also need to be painted.

My observation pit, made in the basement of the garage

In order for the observation pit in the garage of the brick was safe for arrival, install, so-called wheels, which do not allow us to accidentally move the wheels of the car in the pit.

This is a metal framing around the pit from metal profile (Pipes, channel, Corner), which is somewhat towers above the floor mark and is a barrier that covers the opening of the observation pit.

The viewing pit is recommended to keep closed (except for its use), as condensate is formed in it, which can contribute to the corrosion of the bottom and metal nodes of the machine. Descend the pit in hot weather when you leave the garage.

This is perhaps the highlights that should be taken into account during the construction of the observation pit. Think again and weigh the feasibility of the well device during the construction of your garage.

An important element of any car garage is an observation pit of a brick. It allows you to see the main components and aggregates located below the vehicle. Such a simple building can be postponed with your own hands, after preparing a structure plan and buying the necessary building materials and tools. The functionality of the observation pit in the garage is often increased due to the built-in niches, which are used for storing automotive oils and liquids, set of tools and fuel reserve.

Preparation for the construction of pit in a brick garage

Usually, the pit for observation pit is made before the start of the walls. It will save from restrictions and will allow you to remove the withdrawn soil along with the soil from the dug trench for the foundation of the garage. Kotlovan can be made after the end of the construction of the garage and its overlap, but necessarily until the floor concreting. When choosing a location of the pit, it is necessary:

  • Have data on groundwater location so that the structure does not flood and not useless.
  • Retreat from the entrance gate of 1-1.5 m for the passage at the car delivered.
  • Calculate the distance to side walls or stationary workbenches and racks with the possibility of free opening of the door of the machine.

Dimensions and calculation of the material

Properly prepared working drawings will avoid miscalculations in the manufacture of metal structures, calculate the number of building materials and ensure the convenience of the location of the niche for storage. Works start with the establishment of the parameters of the observation pit, on which the following factors affect:

  • general garage dimensions;
  • width of the wheel of the car;
  • machine length;
  • the height of the growth of the owner who will use it.

Properly selected dimensions will provide security, convenience when repairing and parking machine in the garage.

The dimensions of the future building depend on several important factors.

Dimensions of length, widths and depths are contributed to the future project. These data is required to calculate the volume excess soil, armature sizes, corner, quantity of bricks and other building materials. Optimal width 800-860 mm. The size of the pits length can be any, but no less than the length of the car plus 1 m. As a rule, this indicator is ranging from 4 to 6 m. The depth is chosen by the growth of the customer plus 10-20 cm. Usually it is within 1.8 -2 m. You can go to a comfortable depth by raising the floor after masonry.

Stages of work

Preparation of catlovana

The dimensions of the pit for 20-25 cm more sizes Pits. To bookmark the drainage make a trench around the perimeter below the tie level of the floor. If niches provide, remove the ground at their location. The trench for the ventilation pipe must be laid under the foundation of the garage and removed outward. It is preferable to dig a manually, but if you are cooking before the construction of walls, you can - the tractor. It needs to be placed and knock the pegs so that the soil is not required for filling.

Floor and wall

On the bottom of the pit, one of the layers is laid crushed stone.

After the pit is ready, cleaned and align the floor, walls and niches from excess soil. Then, at the bottom additionally make a substrate for a screed, laying asleep clay, crushed stone of the middle fraction, sand and small gravel. The first 2 layers lay a thickness of 10 cm, and the subsequent - 5 cm. The layers are thoroughly aligned and tamper.

Waterproofing and water flow

This stage is necessary and mandatory if groundwater Located at a distance of less than 2 m. For this purpose, the runner or isolon is used, which covers the bottom and walls with a reserve of 30 cm on each side. Ends are bending and fixed. The waterproofing material is stacked with an adhesive of 8-10 cm. When laying the runneroid, it is important to miss the seams with bitumen mastic to create tightness. In the same way, the places of future niches waterproof. Before laying waterproofing outside Walls laid asbestos pipes with a diameter of 5-8 cm, which will perform the role of drainage.

Pole concreting

For concreting, it is welded or binding to the steel wire with an armature with a thickness of 5-8 mm with a cell of 10 × 10 cm. The prepared construction is installed above the floor at a height of 6-8 cm. Before filling with concrete, the level of laying is checked. For the preparation of the solution, cement M500, sand and fine gravel fraction of 1.5-2 cm in proportions are 1: 4: 2. The finished mixture is poured the reinforced bottom and make a screed with a thickness of 10 to 15 cm. Running the concrete mixture under the horizontal level.

The floor in the basement of the garage is one of the most important stages Arrangement of this room. If the floor is wrong, moisture can penetrate into the basement. The presence of moisture leads to the appearance of condensate, which can sow on the walls, spare parts or car, as a result, provoking the appearance of mold and rust.

Selection of type type in the observation pit and basement

The basement in the garage can be used both as an observation pit and for various things, items and tools. If the basement in the garage is equipped with observation pit, it will be an additional benefits for car owners.

Professionals recommend equipping the floor of the garage basement, taking into account the level of groundwater. Since this directly depends the amount of moisture in the pit. In fact, there are many ways to equip the floor of the observation pit and the cellar.

Consider the most famous and available methodsMake which can each owner independently. The following types of sex in the basement are distinguished:

  • soil;
  • concrete (most common);
  • clay;
  • wood.

What features differ each of them? The fact is that depending on the method of coverage, the procedure for conducting work can be significantly different.

Ground floor

This type of flooring the floor of the observation pit and the basement has been applied for many years. Make the soil floor is the easiest way, and the cost of materials will be minimal. The device of such a surface in the cellar and the observation pit involves alignment of the base, further produce a construction sand-gravel pillows (about 10-12 cm), over which soil falls asleep and tamper.

The disadvantages of this type of coating include:

  • Insecurity of the design, in the presence of racks in the basement, they can see under the action of stored items;
  • A similar floor is suitable only in cases where the groundwater level is quite low. Otherwise in spring period In the basement and the observation pit can accumulate water.


The clay coating is one of the best options, especially when it comes to the storage cellar. It is only necessary to receive the right amount Good quality clays.

It is impossible to resort to the use of low quality material, as this will directly affect the safety reliability. Due to the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the quality of clay on its own, it is best to use the help of specialists.

The order of work is as follows:

  • Aligns the base surface;
  • The cushion is built with a thickness of 10-13 cm. Make it best of all materials like crushed stone and clay. To arrange the base, you can use bitumen, they should be covered with crushed stone;
  • Mounted vaporizolation. For this, the rubberoid or other material is suitable. Laying vaporizolation is necessary with the wall at the wall;
  • The clay from 5 cm thick is again stacked again. The same as when laying the first clay layer, it is possible to add rubble;
  • After drying, cracks may appear, they are embarrassed by a mixed clay solution with lime.

This type of coating refers to the type of the most environmentally friendly.

Wooden floor

This type of flooring for the floor of the observation pit and the cellar is suitable in cases where the basement is dry, and there is also no groundwater leakage in the spring. Such a floor device is quite simple and environmentally friendly. The tree is well suited when it comes to a cellar designed to store products.

Consider the sequence of work:

  • Alignment of the surface;
  • The construction of the cushion cushion with the addition of clay or bitumen. This will ensure protection against excessive moisture and groundwater flows;
  • Flooring waterproofing. For these purposes will suit rolled materialor thick construction film;
  • Laying lags. It is best to use lags 100x100 mm. Here you should pay attention to the leveling of the level of the future;
  • The final stage will be the flooring of a wooden floor. Bashed boards should be screwed.

In the basement you can also make the floor and walls from the boards. In this case the room will suit Not only for storing products, but also for other purposes.

Brick floor

Such a full-length red brick floor is also a common option for arranging the floor of the observation pit or a cellar in the garage. It should be noted that silicate brick Do not choose. Thanks to the brick, you can make a stable and durable surface. In this case, you can implement one of two options.

The first method is characterized by its breathability. It is as follows:

  • The base surface is aligned;
  • A pillow is formed, the thickness of which is approximately 10-15 cm. For it, materials like gravel or crushed stone will be suitable. The pillow needs to be carefully tumped;
  • Need to cook cleanium With test consistency. The solution is stacked by a thickness of about 20 cm;
  • The next step in the device floor of the observation pit will be laying bricks. It should be shouted slightly. Bricks are laid as densely different as possible. Influes and bulges on bricks are unacceptable, when they are detected, they must be shot down.

This equipment arrangement is sufficiently simple. After drying, the basement is ready for operation.

If the groundwater is nearby flow, then another way of furnaceing the floor in the basement of the garage is suitable. The order of work is as follows:

  • The pillow is stacked and the cushion is 10-15 cm thick. For its formation, sand and gravel will fit;
  • Then the clay layer is stacked. The clay layer can be replaced by the coating by bitumen and bloweroid bonkeroid;
  • Laying bricks with cement mortar. Brick, as in the previous case, it is necessary to draw;
  • A few days later you need to wet the surface. After that, using a broom or brush, fill with a joint solution.

Concrete floor

Best of all the floor of the observation pit and the cellar in the garage to pour concrete. This material will be operated for many years, and its repair is quite simple.

That is why pour the surface concrete will be best option For floor arrangement in the observation pit or garage cellar.

If the basement is planned to be used for storage of products and doubts arise about the feasibility of concreting, it should be noted that in most cases the floor in the agricultural industries is concrete. In this case, all products are perfectly preserved.

Preparatory work

Before pouring the concrete floor of the observation pit and basement, the surface should be prepared. Concretion is best done on the soil. In this case, the process of work is simplified, can cope with it without special skills.

Preparation of the foundation is divided into several main stages:

  • Measurement of the basis using a level;
  • Soil should be tamped. To pour the floor, which in the course of operation does not crack, you need to prepare a solid surface. To this end, you can use a rubble or other small stone;
  • It is necessary to put a special pillow on the ground. It can be formed from sand. Initially, the thickness of the pillow can be from 50 to 100 cm. Over time, it will be lost on a quarter.
  • The preparatory stage is completed by the murmur of sand.

How to pour a new concrete on top of the old one?

In some cases, it is possible to fill the new concrete to the surface of the old. To do this, carefully clean the surface and, if necessary, repair it. When the chipping and cracks are detected, they should be expanded, after which they are closed either cement mortaror a polymer mixture. It is advisable to get rid of the difference of drops old surface. If it is impossible to make a smooth old coating, you can use a special coating under concrete.

Step-by-step gender concreting instructions

The concrete procedure is carried out in several stages. If you pour concrete correctly, he can serve much longer, without requiring repair.

  • Waterproofing. After preparing the ground, it is necessary to make waterproofing. It will protect the moisture into the room, and will also protect against the fungus. For these purposes, you can use rolled or polymeric materials. It is allowed to use a thick polyethylene film. The process of waterproofing implies the laying of the material of the Vangest. For the bonding of individual parts it will take construction tape. Waterproofing material is started at the walls of about 20-25. This will protect the gestures and walls from moisture. Excess waterproofing material You should delete when the floor device is completed.
  • Insulation. On top of the waterproofing, it is necessary to insulate the floor. Optimal option There will be a polystyrene foam with a thickness of 10 mm and a density of 35 kg / m3. Heat insulation material Located on waterproofing. Since expanded polystyrene is sold in sheets, the process can delay a little. To insulate the surface faster, you can use rolled insulation, eg, mineral Vata.. Suitable for insulation of the observation pit and the basement of glass gamble. From above, the insulation must be closed with a layer of waterproofing, for example, film. This will avoid the accumulation of moisture.

  • Reinforcement. Next, you can proceed to the reinforcement stage. It is necessary to strengthen the concrete floor of the observation pit and basement. In the cellar, where storage of products is expected, it is quite advisable to make reinforcement. To do this, you will need a special grid with rods with a diameter of about 5 mm.
  • Pouring concrete. After that, you can start concreting. The prepared solution is leveled by the rule or vibration site for lighthouses. They should be exhibited at a distance of no more than 2 m. After the concrete is flooded, it is necessary to wait for it drying. This process takes about 3 weeks, only then can be pulled out the surface.
  • Grout. Grout begins with more frozen sites, these are areas near the walls. After that, the process moves throughout the rest of the floor surface.