Bright pistachio color. Creation of design using pistachio color in the interior

Colors by Johannes Itten's color wheel:

One of the nicest shades ...

The color you want to wrap yourself in, like a warm blanket ..
A tone that matches many other chic colors ...
You just can't walk by pistachio color!
Therefore, read soon, what color is it combined with.

Did you know that pistachios have healing properties and a sea of ​​beneficial elements for your skin, hair and nails?
Moreover, pistachios can even make an excellent cosmetic cream ... or delicious casserole... At your discretion.
And what a delicious pistachio ice cream ... mmm ...
What can we say about the fact that pistachio color refreshes and visually rejuvenates any color type.

And most importantly, pistachio is a very unbroken color. You rarely find pistachio-colored clothes in mass markets, but you will definitely see them in boutiques. What did you think? Designers know a lot about noble colors.
Pistachio color in clothes will look gorgeous on tanned skin and snow white. Brown-haired women and brunettes, thanks to pistachio, will emphasize their eyes and.
Do not torment yourself with the question of which color is combined with pistachio - just start trying on.

Pistachios in white chocolate: a combination of pistachio and white or beige

Where do pistachios look best? That's right, in your gentle hands. And the duet of pistachio and white is beyond doubt.
Try a cute light green dress with a fishnet bag. Sandals can be either in the color of the dress or in the tone of the bag.
If you are the boss at work, amaze everyone with a pistachio jacket with ¾ sleeves, white trousers and a blouse. A beige bag will help set off this summer quartet.
How can pistachio-colored shoes become the "soloist" of your outfit? Yes Easy! Graceful pistachio stilettos and a handbag to match - the very thing under a white suit.

Pistachios with fruit: a combination of pistachio with pink, yellow and blue

Do you want to cheer up the whole world? Feel free to combine pistachio color in clothes with soft shades, yellow and.
Do you want a mix of all colors? Get the dress in bright colors blots, the main of which is pistachio.
Marine mood? Light green mini, pale blue top, white moccasins - and you are ready for exciting sea adventures.

Pistachio tree: a combination of pistachio with other shades of green

What else is pistachio color combined with?
Of course, with other shades of color. Better, with dark and noble ones.
Pistachio jacket and - for an evening out. A pistachio dress with a bag and beige sandals - for a walk with friends.

Pistachios with strawberries: a combination with shades of red

Healthy nuts with a beautiful red berry - harmonious combination... Pistachio goes especially well with scarlet and coral.

With the arrival of summer, you no longer want to see gloomy dark shades either around you or in your wardrobe. More and more often, the choice of customers falls on pistachio color in clothes. This is a very bright and juicy color that not only pleases the eye, but also refreshes any bow. Pistachio color is combined with many shades, such as blue, pink, delicate pastel colors.

Fresh and vibrant look with pistachio hues

If you decide to purchase clothes of this color, you have done a very right choice, because it gives joy, energy and freshness to any image. You don't have to think about what color the pistachio is combined with. There are not many shades of this color and it really does blend in with most other colors. Best of all, a pistachio-colored dress will look best on blonde girls. This look will become incredibly feminine and gentle. Don't forget to accentuate with beautiful makeup, best of all a calm daytime.

What colors does pistachio best harmonize with?

The combination of pistachio and pink or peach colors is most often chosen by younger girls. Especially such combinations are fashionable in dresses and.

Most of the most famous brands and designers use this shade as the basis in any collection. How can this choice be explained? First of all, this color suits almost any type, hair color and figure. Most often it is present in summer collections, as it is a rather bright color. It combines very nicely with olive and mustard flowers.

Don't forget about shoes. Pistachio shoes will be a wonderful accent and highlight of any look. These shoes are in perfect harmony with clothes of cream, pastel and cream shades. Combine pistachio and orange for bolder looks. You will not only look original, but also stand out against the background of the gray mass.

The soft, eye-pleasing pistachio color or pistachio has become an absolute trend. It got its name in honor of slightly unripe fresh nuts. A warm spring shade is obtained by mixing yellow and blue-green paint. If ocher predominates or terracotta color, the shade is denser.

Interesting! Pistachio's closest neighbors color palette- it is light green (yellow prevails in it) and mint (rich green prevails).

Pistachios have many shades, ranging from light green to greenish brown. These tones are loved by designers, they do not lend themselves to discoloration and are great companions, because they are combined with most tones.

Benefits of pistachio color:

  • Stable even when changing lighting, does not discolor and does not affect neighboring shades.
  • It's dynamic warm color pleasing to the human eye. According to the skill of Feng Shui, it symbolizes growth and progress. There is no aggressiveness or excessive obsession in him.
  • Versatile. Suitable for decoration of various premises. Fistachio will be appropriate both in the living room or nursery, and in the interior of a cafe or dance club.
  • Has a mild sedative effect on nervous system... It is believed that in a room decorated in pistachio colors, efficiency and a positive attitude are maintained longer.
  • The pistachio blossom is a peaceful neighbor. There will never be too much of it, it does not "eat" other tones.

Advice! For rooms with insufficient illumination choose light and bright shades of pistachio. For well-lit rooms, you can also choose brown-green tones.

Interior styles

  • Minimalism. Pistachio gives the interior lightness, it will be an excellent backdrop for minimalistic furnishings. Try to avoid very dark surfaces - they don't work well with pistachio.

  • Mediterranean. This style is in favor bright colors... Yellow, orange, blue form a wonderful tandem with pistachio. The use of various prints is allowed, and good lighting will help to emphasize the advantages of the room.

  • Eco-style. Pistachio is a soft natural shade that goes well with the same natural tones - yellow, brown, green and others. The main thing is not to overdo it with details. By the way, you can also experiment with textures: wicker things made of vines, straw, wood products will find their rightful place.

  • Classic. Here the pistachio is destined for the role of an additional shade. In combination with light shades, he can visually expand the space, and with dark shades, he can correct imperfections. Most often this color is used in textiles or accent wall.

  • Provence. Pistachio will perfectly combine with pale pink, lilac, blue, gray. Complement the interior with floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture - and a piece of France will settle in your home.

  • High tech. Pistachio can go well with plastic and chrome elements... Most often it is used to decorate the kitchen - cabinet facades are made with pistachio. However, in the living room or bedroom, it is quite appropriate.

Advice! The accentual use of pistachio color is acceptable for pop art, eclecticism, contemporary styles. This shade should account for no more than 20% of the total space.

3 types of interior decoration

  1. Classical. It complements the basic colors - black and white or brown and beige. The accentual use of pistachio must be duplicated in other things - textiles, decor or furnishings. It is also allowed to use it simply for painting an accent wall - with its help, you can smooth out the defects in the room and visually expand the boundaries.

  1. Bright colors. Pistachio will become an advantageous backdrop for bright and catchy colors - orange, red, pink. True, for such an interior there is an unshakable rule: do not use more than 3 bright colors, otherwise the eyes will get tired. Choose accentual tones carefully, they should be in harmony with each other.

  1. Soft contrast. Pistachio with gray, brown, pale blue and other neutral shades will contrast, but not be conspicuous. You can use several shades: for example, light green and brownish green - they look completely different. If you want to enhance the contrast - play with textures, convex textures and intricate shapes cannot fail to attract attention.

Interesting! Only in pistachio tones, the interior is rarely performed. It is difficult to maintain contrasts in these tones, and as a result, the surfaces simply merge.

  • Wall surfaces. Use pistachio color for decoration only if the headset is made in a contrasting color. Green shades have a bad tendency to blend together, so try to play in contrasts.

  • Floor and ceiling. It is better to make them calm and neutral - white, beige, gray, ivory is fine. Pistachio can be used accentually: for example, if you are planning multilevel ceilings, small elements can be kept in greenish tones. It is common to use warm colors and natural materials - bamboo, parquet, laminate, boards will look great! Ceramic tile used less often.

  • Furniture. Pistachio furniture will set the tone for the entire interior. In the meantime, stick to the general concept. Try to select materials according to the style: for high-tech, glass and plastic are relevant, for classics - wood and forged elements... The background can be plain pastel or bright.

  • Accessories. If pistachio is used accentually, stylization is indispensable. Appliances fits into any style, but beautiful textiles or interior elements need to be duplicated. For example, choose curtains and sofa cushions a similar shade or with a similar print.

Combining pistachio color with others

Popular colors

Interior style

A person's mood and well-being are very closely related to their color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated in, for example, burgundy or bright red. Pistachio color in the interior of the room is considered universal. It is easily combined with many shades, does not tire, gives any room a special energy and freshness. It is equally loved by both novice designers and masters of their craft.

Light green attracts the eye and creates a feeling of endless freshness in combination with white

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty is one of the main features of light green. He will become ideal option for rooms that are not sufficiently lit with natural light. This tone will not lose brightness even with an artificial light source.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail emotional stress. This color has few complementary shades, so it is very predictable. Having pasted, for example, wallpaper of light green color, you will not wonder whether they will strongly "hit" your eyes on a white background and whether they will acquire a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This stunning light green tone is appropriate for any room, be it a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls is successfully combined with both dark and light furniture... Moreover, it is not at all necessary to make it dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories such as rugs or throw pillows.

Neutral light green can be fun and flirty when combined, for example, with indoor asymmetry.

Advice! Smooth pistachio color does not need such additions as stencils, drawings, stickers. But curtains of this shade with a pattern applied to them will be excellent additional element premises.

Combining pistachio with other flowers

Even taking into account all the above advantages of this shade, a successful combination of colors with light green is painstaking creative work that requires certain knowledge. With what shades does the color of pistachios successfully harmonize?

  • White. This combination is considered a very successful classic option. The combination of warm green with white is especially important for small rooms.

Few accents in Scandinavian interior: roller shutters on the windows and a pistachio-colored rug

  • Yellow... A positive and cheerful color, coupled with light green, increases the properties of the latter several times. Saturated yellow will require accents. The pale yellow shade can be safely used as the dominant tone in the interior.

  • Beige... It is considered the most unsurpassed companion color of light green. This natural, relaxed, natural combination is able to satisfy the most exaggerated aesthetic needs.

The combination of "beige and pistachio" is self-sufficient, but it can also be a background for a riot of colors of various accessories

  • Blue turquoise or blue associated with green nautical theme... The blue color will look good on a pistachio shade as accessories, and large ones.
  • Orange... Intense orange, peach and apricot shades look very lively and spectacular against a light green background.

A cheerful combination of green as the dominant and orange as the color of textiles and other accessories

  • Pink... This color will be an excellent complement to pistachio. Both shades look so noble that it is impossible not to fall in love with such a combination.

Feminine and cozy combination of green and pink

  • Brown... With such a combination, conflicts will never arise. Delicate green walls plus wooden furniture- what could be more natural than this combination.

Depending on the room where it is used, the pistachio color changes its general mood: in classic design living room it becomes the color of luxury

  • Black... An excellent combination for modern interiors... The combination of black and light green is an option only for stylish and courageous people.

Black, white, pistachio: a combination for young and energetic people

Combinations of pale green with dark green and blue will not be very successful. Pistachio will appear dirty and muddy when muted blue tint... But with a competent combination of textures, patterns and materials, you can arrange a completely decent interior with such unfortunate combinations. It is important that these color blotches are few.

Light green can be combined with several shades of green in one room at once. This luxurious combination can be favorably emphasized by gilding.

Advice! When decorating the interior, feel free to use natural materials. Pistachio color is surprisingly combined with wood, straw, stone, bamboo.

A unique and very successful combination in the design of a colored kitchen: pistachio and emerald green tiles, the texture of which is emphasized by transparent furniture

The use of pistachio shades in various interior styles

This color is quite common in the design. modern styles interior: hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary. This is due to his a good combination with chrome elements, plastic and gloss.

The naturalness of green flowers fits perfectly into the eco-style popular today. If you put an accent on a pistachio shade, it will become a good option for pop art or eclecticism.

Tuscan style the interior has Italian roots. Here, in a large number apply natural wood, all kinds of forged products and green shades.

The French direction of the Provence style is distinguished by romanticism and lightness. The abundance of textiles and all kinds of wicker baskets, vases, even pieces of furniture will be an excellent complement to the pistachio color.

Creating Warm Greens in the Kitchen

To begin with, we decide how to use green in the interior of the kitchen - dominant or secondary. The light green tone of the walls in the kitchen will be a good combination with both dark and light furniture. Thatch, stone, bamboo or wood framing of furniture will not conflict with pistachio-colored walls at all.

Pistachio furniture in the dining room, decorated with large plant motifs on the walls

TO kitchen furniture lettuce shade, you can safely choose wall coverings of marine, wine, emerald or purple. A pistachio-colored kitchen in this case will refresh the rich tone of the walls.

The versatility of pistachio shades allows you to create wonderful interiors in small and large kitchens. And it doesn't matter at all, tall or low ceilings in the room and what is its geometry.

Advice! To avoid the effect of general draining, do not decorate the entire kitchen area (furniture, facades, floors, walls) in one color. Moderation and the obligatory dilution of a light green shade with harmonious colors are needed here.

Pistachio color in the interior living room design

The tone of pale greenery can be used to decorate the interior as accents, or you can make it the main one. Both options will work well. In any case, the pistachio color will bring a sense of joy and freshness to the room.

The combination of pistachio and black creates a strict but at the same time welcoming atmosphere, therefore it is very suitable for decoration, for example, office space... The white ceiling adds depth to the composition.

Light green color visually expands the room. Therefore, its use is especially important in small living rooms. But even for spacious rooms, this shade is an ideal option. Pistachio walls in a large and well-lit living room can be successfully combined with purple colors, for example, upholstered furniture... Ceiling white will emphasize the brightness of two shades.

Advice! There are a lot of options for using pistachio color in the interior of the living room. It's important not to be afraid to try and experiment.

Children's room

The child should feel cozy and comfortable in the children's room. Therefore, a soft green, but not flashy shade will not be able to negatively affect the condition of the child. There is always a place for pistachio color in the nursery. It can be wallpaper, ottomans, a small rug, panels, lampshade, decorative pillows.

The shocking interior, created with the dominance of pistachio color, will really please, for example, collectors contemporary art and creative people

An adult child can, of course, independently choose the combination of shades they like. In this case, your task is to suggest that for a girl the combination of pistachio color with pink, crimson and burgundy shades will be the most successful, for a boy - with blue and brown.

Light-flooded living room with stucco molding against pistachio walls

The discreet luxury of a classically furnished modern home: as they say in English-speaking countries, "classy"