Black magic and conspiracy on love guy: how to return your beloved? Spell on girl love. White Spells on Love - Candle Power and Witchcraft

Love saves the world. Love gives wings. Thanks to love, people commit feats. However, it happens that love is not mutual, and then she will imperts you in the abyss despair, you try to conquer our love, fit her, but it does not always succeed. The reasons preventing happy, completely different, this is the incompatibility of characters, and a different circle of interest, the external discrepancy between the invented ideal of the beloved. But, is this problem solved? There is nothing impossible in the world, I adhere to this point of view. Magic will help to get out of this situation.

Black magic for love and attention men will help you to gain long-awaited happiness.

Over the centuries of different nations There were many strong ways of black magic on the love of men. Under the influence of conspiracy, the attitude of your chosen to you will gradually change. He will begin to experience a desire to see you, talking to you, soon these innocent desires will change passion, he will not even think about other girls. Alone Black Magic for love with a man is great for those who seek to build family relations with a selected person in the future. The impact of this conspiracy of black magic on a beloved person can be determined as quite strong. Remember that you can not play with feelings of other people.

If soon it will seem to you that this is not your person, and you will interrupt relationships with him, the man who was rendered to the witch influence will invariably suffer and try to achieve your love. So be careful and attentive, treat the feelings of other people carefully. Free black magic to the faithful love of her husband to his wife read on a growing moon, pronounce the magic formula follows three times. "As a person does not live without water and food, and God's slave (name) does not live and not be a day or night, without God's slaves (name), its half."

Here is another independent method of black magic for eternal love men

After sunset (it is not necessary to wait until midnight) will go out in the field. Spread on earth in the circle of the beloved photography. The number of photos can be both even and odd. From these pictures, choose one and wrap in a red fabric, put the coin and tie the bundle with a red ribbon. Read a plot for a bundle. "Grandfather Crackers searched for my nodule. I was looking for, but I could not find. The one who I gave my heart to live without a second could not live. The one who will find a carriage knot, all the words will take himself. In the meantime, the nodule is securely hid, my happiness flies to me. Amen".

Having made the house of a strong ritual of black magic on the faithful love of men in the photo, collect the remaining photos and burn in the same place. Having done it, go, not looking around. Returning home, drink cold water, read the prayer "Our Father" and go to bed. This rite will show its strength during the week. Conspirational Crackers need to be reliably hidden in his home. No one should see him, what you did, keep secret from everyone.

Many people do not quite understand where the face between Black and White Magic. She, in principle, is so thin and imperceptible that it is unlikely that someone can really describe it. Although, there are such nuances that make it clear that black magic applies. No exception spells are. If you are offered to use in ritual monthly blood or alcohol, then be sure there is nothing light in it.

But the black magic spell on love offers so strong that people go to risk without thinking about the consequences. And not always what is written about the ruin, Verne. It is quite possible to shock a person without any terrible consequences. Only it is necessary to follow some rules, but do not expect a lot. Let's discuss it.

In this article

Black Magic: What are the restrictions for a spell on love

Restrictions act on the identity of the magician. If, for example, a married lady will be burned, then it will be punished. It is impossible to try to take possession of another soul. First you need to abandon previous relationships. And in this order. And not how now you can argue. People think, I will first fall into myself another person, and this will let go "just in case." So it will not work. Rather, it will come out, of course, but. Most often, such a greedy lady loses the first and second, and it will be at the broken trough.

The second condition is a serious attitude towards the rite. Do not indulge black magic. That certainly dark forces will not be formed. They do not like disrespect. Be sure to find the opportunity to punish Hama. If you decide that your way is black magic, read spells with full faith and respect forces. Then everything will pass normally. Get the desired without problems.

The third condition is to limit the sacrifice of the rite. It is impossible to try to be awesome a person who about fate is a different marriage. Understand this easy. If he does not look into your strand, completely indifferent to other girls (guys), to know, feels fate. Such even black magic will not take. Only break. Get a classic result with scandals, alcohol, treason, and so on.

Black magic and spell on love at home

It is proposed to use black altar in rites. Make it from a regular box or an item. It should be covered with a black tablecloth. Do not save on magic attributes. You are trying to contact quite powerful, cunning, inspiring, insidious forces. Get ready for rituals very seriously. Get fabric good quality. Preferably black pass. You will also need candles, bowls, dishes of the same color.

Buy in the temple icons of his angel - the keeper. It is recommended to cross the black cross. She will help you in witchcraft. You still need to write the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary. This text is used in almost all rituals. Do not tell anyone what are going to do. Otherwise, nothing will come. And the last mandatory attribute is a mirror in a black frame.

Guy Love Spells

Girls are recommended to assign time. We will use blood. It would be nice to have a photo of the victim or his thing. And even better, any treat that he will eat tomorrow or drink. Most often in the ritual applies red wine or ground coffee.

All rituals of black magic are carried out in deep at night. The most suitable time from midnight to three in the morning. Collect the altar. Put candles on it, near the mirror, the icon turn up the legs. Place the altar, for example, a bottle of wine. Undress Donag.

Read the cooked, inverted "Our Father". Speak in the voice, clearly pronouncing sounds. After you repeat six times: "I worship you, Satan!". Now the spell time has come. He is pronounced, at the same time dripping in wine into wine (other disorder, on the subject - spell carrier). Say these words:

"The darkness of the night, the forces of stycles and the gate of the admin spell: from underground, climb, the owner of the Earth, Satan! In the world, I am correcting to me with a gaze! Vedi in (the name of the victim) blood to me frantic love! It will be empty that under the hot sun grass, let him hurt him, blood and head! Blood spell. To Satan I call! Wishes to fulfill VMY! About my current cry! "

Spell pronounce exactly six times. Then you should get on your knees and wait until the candles go out. All this time, repeat the inverted prayer with which the ritual began. The carrier of the love program transmit the victim is very popular. Pick up the right case so that the person does not suspect anything. It is not necessary to do it right in the morning. You can wait a bit.

Black Magic and Spells on Love Girls

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are easier to agree with the devil. Somehow they understand each other better. However, they should also be treated seriously. It is advisable to read a spell for a gift. He must have, for example. Do not use chains only. It is impossible for the circle to open. You understood, probably.

Men should be called to the Devil in a semi-naked form. Therefore, it should be removed from the upper half of the body. Altar Create the same as described above. But nearby be sure to place the knife. The ring should be put in the black bowl read the inverted prayer (described above).

Now say such words:

"I will pay blood, I will get the beauty! Devil causing, hang out! Enter my world from another! We are both bonded! Love Women (Name) Give! As a reward, the life takes! There is no collapse by my plans. Together we defeat courage and deception! "

With the final words it is necessary to pierce or cut a finger and release blood into the bowl. She should fall out for a gift.

Spell also pronounce six times. Blood is released only once. Bowl with a ring in place to the first rays of the sun. Then, a soft cloth erase with a gift residual blood. You can present his victim your spell. Do not worry, the rite does not give failures. It will surely fall in love with you if you take into account all the exceptions that are described above.

Feeling of love

Only a person may experience such a feeling like love. However, it should not be thought that it allows only to enjoy them. As a rule, with retaliatory love, two people fall in love with each other and begin to build relationships. Subsequently, it is possible to create a family. But there are less successful scenarios for the development of love and maybe everyone experienced them in his life. They are connected with the fact that the object to which the feelings are directed does not want to meet reciprocity. It is ignored, which can lead to negative consequences.

Since love feeling can be warm for a long time, it has to suffer a lot. Most often suffer from female representatives. By virtue of their nature, they are extremely strongly worried about the lack of attention from who their feelings are directed. In this case, there are no ways that would help establish relations in the traditional way.

However, you can pay attention to the help of white magic. Many will refuse, as they consider it a non-serious way, or they will not want to communicate with the fact that it is impossible to explain in a simple language. In any case, the guy's love spell will help solve the problem, and the unsuccessful unrequited situation will instantly change to the opposite.

Conspiracy on the thing

Use the thing

Anyone has its own field. It is reflected in all things that the guy wears. If he even ceases to wear it, then there is a connection between them for a long time. In addition to things you can apply and hair, it contains all biological information about the object. A minus in this conspiracy should be noted what will be required in any way to take a thing from the guy.

So that it does not cause any suspicions to pay attention to the items whose disappearance he was not strongly noticed, or would not be disappointed. As soon as the thing is mined, you can move to the main process. It is necessary to spend the whole conspiracy on the third day of the month, on the other day its strength will be low and ineffective. Next things:

  • your hair or several;
  • red fabric;
  • wax. It can be taken from the candle;
  • warm water;
  • plate or saucer;
  • threads.

It will be necessary to become towards the moon. Put in front of a saucer. Eliminate all the necessary items. After that, light the candle. Through its flames to skip red tissue. And skip so that it does not ignite, but it was noticeable to dry fire.

Tilt the candle and pour on the bottom of the saucer. The wax must pour the bottom. If it fails, the surface area should allow you to place a guy and your own. After that, take two main things and tie them with threads. The relationship between them should be very strong. Pump on top of wax and roll everything into a small ball. After tie with a red cloth and put in warm water. Do not forget to say the following words:

Let's wake up to me feelings at (guy's name), if I experience them to him;
- Things together and we are together and not separated while they will be so.

Putted ball B. warm water Will be saturated with energy and improve conspiracy strength. The next morning to hide him and not give anyone in hand. The guy to which he was facing will feel attractive and, despite everything, will soon experience interest no less than a girl who is in love with him. There are other guy's love spells and no less effective will be a water spell.

Spell on love guy on water

Magic power of water

Water is a powerful energy transmitter that has not yet been studied. A lot of texts are written about the strength of water, and this force can be applied in white magic, when I want love to be replied. The whole point is that the guy drank water, which was previously conspired. Naturally, this method is suitable for those who are constantly next to the person.

After all, those who are just familiar with the object of their love will not be able to pour it water, or give him. So be attentive, choosing such a way and understand that its application causes some difficulties. This spell is held at home. From the most difficult substances that will need - it will be water only from the spring. In no case do not apply flow or under the tap. It has a low degree of cleansing and will not allow to convey the necessary information to man. Pour fluids into a glass and put it on the palm of the left hand, right to put over the glass. Thus, it will be charged with positive energy. Sign the following words:

Love you (guy's name) and you love me;

The more words will be told, the higher they will remember the water. From these same time, the liquid must be isolated. It will be possible to pour it into a bottle, or put a place that is removed from the locations of communication. Non-information will cause interference in the established links. At any convenient case, add a conspiracted water guy. It should be noted a big plus that in this case white magic will be used and negative consequences will be absent.

Strong spell on love guy

Very strong magic

It happens that all used spells have no strength. The guy does not pay any attention. Immediately the question arises - what is the reason? After all, everything was produced exactly as it was necessary. There is only one way out here is an appeal to white magic professionals. Only he can say what cause. As a rule, it is caused by the protection against the spell, or the conversion of the rival. To change everything, and this circumstance did not become a barrier. It will be necessary to find another subject - this is a photo of a guy.

Her age should be no more than one month. A specialist in white magic will produce the ceremony of purification and after installing the castle. Unfortunately, in this case there is no possibility to produce all this. Some experience and skills are required. When cleansing is made, you can immediately ask for a spell, or spend it yourself.

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into their future and change fate using magical rituals and words. In all the epochs, there were their magicians, sorcerers and shamans that communicated with dead soulsThose who read spells for love and good luck in affairs and propheted wars and cataclysms. And in our time, interest in practical magic does not subside. Special curiosity in humans cause rituals using special love conspiracy.

What is white magic?

It should be understood that not all conspiracies and spells are equivalent. Some of them are committed with the help of dark forces, and some call in support are bright. And people in humans may also be different. Therefore, magic is conditionally divided into black and white. Bright forces helping the person to gain joy and peace, build relationships with other people and keep everything good that he has creed. They use white magic. It is laid in us from nature. You only need to be able to awaken it. Most often, white magic practiced healers, predictors of the Fate.

Love spells in white magic

Is healers only use this science? No, there are so-called white magicians who make their mysterious rituals, read plots, spells for love. White magic always pursues good goals. It is unlikely that there is such a sorcerer here, which will help the mistress to carry her husband from the family. But if you refer to the White Magu with a request to assume to wean your chosen one from betraying, return it to the house for children, he will be happy to support you.

The concept of black magic

Higher dark forces destroying the will of a man have long been attracted as assistants to the magicians and sorcerers. They carry evil and negative, pursue the unkind goals. Use their black magic. Love spells in it are often pronounced with sacrifices. Aims to suppress the will of a person, impose some unusual action to him, subordinate to the will of the Black Magician. In some rituals, the so-called sacrifice depicting is used to apply evil.

Love spells and rituals in black magic

This science has appeared for a long time. People have long been afraid of black magicians and sorcerers, they were awaited and hated. Not in vain in the Middle Ages, there was a custom to burn people seen in the commission of magical rituals, on a fire. Religion to this day does not approve this science. Spells for love in black magic are very strong. But they have more devastating strength than creating. "The victim" after the ritual becomes as if herself is not his own. The man forgets the mother, father, and all friends. For him, there is now only his "Lord" or "Lady". He is ready to follow the object of his lust anywhere. He goes to commit any actions, only to be close to his love.

The main conditions for the successful ritual

There are many different spells and conspiracies that can return her husband to the house, repel it from the rival, "inherent" the young man and so on. But those magicians are made at all that are not the words located in a certain sequence, but our faith in what conspiracy will work. That is, essentially, it's like you to talk, the main thing is that you clearly understand what you want, and have been tuned to achieve your goal. Even psychologists agree that thoughts are sooner or later materialized. Several aspects of the successful magic love ritual can be distinguished:

  1. Clear formulation of your goal.
  2. Vera in their strength and action of the ritual.
  3. A mental representation of what is said in the spell.
  4. The logicality and clarity of the text of the conspiracy.
  5. Will to achieve the goal.

Classification of spells

Conspiracies can be different. Some of them are very long. And there are also short, so-called whispers. They can be classified as follows:

Acting short time. Such conspiracies need to be "faked", that is, repeat the ritual after a certain period of time. Some spells operate 1 year, some - 5 years. And there are among them and those that act only until the moment will be achieved.

Continuous action. There are spells that do not require "fakes". They act, they are usually all life. Typically, such rituals with conspiracies spend on the cemetery at midnight.

The object of exposure is divided into: managed by elements (land, air, water, fire), crucial on drinking and food, and spells that are making things or personal sacrifices.

Spells, depending on which forces are used in magic and what purpose is prosecuted, can be divided into the following types:

Please (prayer). Often used by religious people who do not speak the art of magic. They raise praise to the Lord, Angels, Holy and ask for their help.

Listing. Used when creating amulets and other magic items. As a rule, ingredients or means used in the conduct of ritual are listed.

Meszanin. This is a set of incomprehensible for the nonstarting person of the words (the names of the gods, Spells on forgotten languages).

Order. Spell came from the Middle Ages. The sorcerers of those times communicated with the demons, giving them instructions on a particular situation. Read by an order tone. Nowadays are found in Kabbalistic teaching.

Association. These are Spella in Orthodox traditions. In them, as a rule, pictures are created, personifying the processes of our earthly life. A fragile matches, such as, for example, spells for husband's love, often has this form.

Spells using photo

The strongest conspiracies are usually those in which the image of a person is used. For this, take a photo of the object of the lust, on which he is one where there are no other people. As well as its similar photo. The venue of this rite is a cemetery, time is midnight. Of course, it is terrible to go at night on the graveyard one. But what can you just do in order to attract your soul mate. You need to find two graves with your name and the name of your loved one. No need to be afraid. But also joke, laugh to remove nervous tension Forbidden. You need to purchase 6 candles in advance: 3 red and 3 black. You still need to buy in the esoteric store the lampadny (sacred) oil and grass chilibuhi, which will need to be understood in the powder. Photographs are decorated on the graves: their burial with their name, the other - with the name of the being involved. Set the candles: on the left are red, on the right black. We light them, read the spell on memory. After that, I sprinkle the photos of chilibuhi grass and water with lamp oil. We read the spell the second time, take into the right red and set on the picture. Candles put back and wait when images will run full. We read the spell for the third time and go from the cemetery, the last action is very important. At this point, some noise or okhriches may be heard. But you do not need to pay attention to this and turn around. Strong spell For love:

I will come to big city, Current city. There are bones here.

I go around the rows, I look at home, house-graves. Crosses stand, the dead are sleeping.

Brother, raise, sisters, wake up,

Help me, God's slave (name).

Take the heart of the slave of God (name), take, schoronite from all people baptized and unresolved,

From the women and girls, from the dark, from the bright, from Sineglas and Chernezok.

Everything would have risen and rushed to me, I would look for my sight.

I would be a mile Sun of red, sweeter MEDA MEDA. Amen.

The spell is valid all my life. It is not necessary to fake.

The simplest rite and spell on love men

What girl does not dream of winning a young man who liked her? And what only the funds it does not use it. Everything goes to move: seductive clothes, beautiful words, magic ... There are a lot of different conspiracies for women who want to be wary of their man. Here is the easiest rite to achieve the desired: take a ripe apple, cut it in half, cut out the middle and put a note with the name of your loved one. Then they say the spell on love: "As in the sun, this apple dries, so let the slave of God (name) will dry." With the last word, both halves are associated with threads and leave in a sunny place so that the fruit is faster than drying. But the place it should be a secret, with spinning eyes. As soon as the apple is covered, love will wake up in the heart of the Uhager. There are other spells for love. For this, the ritual will require an ordinary rod, torn from the tree to the twig under the threshold of his beloved with the words: "How does this rod dries, so let the servant of God (name) dries. May it be so! Amen!" As soon as the object of the rehabilitation crosses the threshold, the twig can be removed and put it where people do not go. As soon as he wures off, a response feeling in the heart of the young man will wake up.

Rite and spell on love girls

Most often, love magicians are interested in fair sex. But sometimes there are both men who wish to shock one or another woman are resorted to it. There are special conspiracies and spells for love for strong sex. In the old days, our ancestors often fed and pierced their second halves. In many cases, they simply spoke food or drink and treatedly derelated. This is the easiest way to "inherent" to your maiden: read the conspiracy over drink and treat them your favorite. The plot should be the following:

I, the slave of God (name), the mother is not searched, the church is shorted,

I urge to myself love slaves (name).

In the pure field, where the fire wall, fiery windows, hot oven.

There are all sorts of firewood: pine, spruce, aspen.

They are burned and split.

So that the slaves of God (name) dyed and split the heart,

So as she could not live without me, nor to be, nor, nor drink

Neither one comes, not a minute.

Age on the century, from now on and dr. Amen.

Drinking a conspiracy drink from your hands, the girl soon worst to you with love.

How to strengthen love spells?

The sorcerers and shamans have such a thing as "to remember" so that "the case comes out." In other words, you need to eat something so that the effect of the ritual is maximum. You can drink a cup of tea or milk with a bun or something else in this way. At the same time, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Perform such an "completion" of the rite is needed every time. This is a guarantee that it will be efficient and successful. There are several other ways to enhance the effect of conspiracies and spells. Among the set of rites on love, you need to choose those in which the personal thing is used to be attached. It is believed that the energetics of man stones and wooden craftsas well as photos. You can explain the use in some rituals of nails, hair and clothing with then being trapped, and sometimes its blood. However, the sorcerers warn people who are weakly owned by such magic that these rites are very strong, and any mistake can cost a person life. And there is also an opinion that the strongest effect of love spells and conspiracy happens when they are pronounced unmarried young people and unmarried girls.

If you do not notice a young man who likes, or a husband has gone, with which a lot of things experienced, do not need to despair. Magic will help. Spells for love are very strong. They give good result. You just need to believe that everything desired will come true.

To attract the second half in your life, you can use the spell on love. It is very important to comply with the sequence of the ritual, an important point is considered to have the high energy of love and faith in their forces. You must definitely be confident in everything you do.

Guy Love Spell

This conspiracy is pronounced in cloud weather. Going out on the street and choosing the most beautiful cloud, say the following words "Gentlemen, I ask miraculously to give feelings and thoughts to touch with the cloud of heaven to make my aspirations, and my heart will tell him the way to meet him with those who suffer. I feel feelings and words the power of the Lord call shed rain from the cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gave him a desire and the road, the desire to meet me and the road to me. Let the cloud of the heavenly way acquire, the power of the Lord led, where (name) now, and the drops of moisture of the Heavenly heart will be revived, and his soul will take his soul of my. I know that the Lord heard me, and thank him for the help. Amen".

Magic Spell on Love

This ritual is carried out alone. When spell pronunciation, you need to iron yourself on your head:

"Lord! How people are waiting for spring waiting,

How Red Sun is dying,

So it would be me, God's slave (name),

Muddy, young and old men rejoiced.

Looked, admired, I saw me

Old old mans, mature peasants,

Young wellms and cacific ends.

Honored with honor, respected with honor,

On the legs, everyone got up with me,

In the conversations, the word was given,

Would climb me to be migrating

The dream was kept kissed.

All words are keys.

All cases - castles.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Spell on attracting love

To attract warm feelings, you can use special words that will help in a difficult situation. They will attract a man to help feel harmony and joy in relationships. Conduct a ritual, you need to completely release the previous situation and opening your heart to new relationships. The main attribute will be a rose, the most beautiful you can find. Better if it is cut in person personally. The color of the bud should be red or pink. It reads in front of the mirror in full silence and loneliness. To begin with, sit in front of the mirror and, inhaling the aroma of roses, think about the beautiful. Start led by a flower through the hair, smoothly moving to the face. Splash the following words "I feel love, I see love, I inhale love"At the same time try to feel how energy penetrates you. Fill out, love say the following words three times: "Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She goes to me. I am loved". After the ritual, the flower must be with you for 3 days. Thereafter hide it to a remote place.

The strongest spell on love

The ritual is held in the evening to the new moon. You must be alone and without objects that are "sour". In the center of the table should be a white candle in a candlestick on a red napkin. After burning the candle, feel the flame energy and say a strong spell on: "How in the field of birch to birch stretches, as in the water, fish feels like in the sky the bird bird wing smears, so let my narrowed come to me, go to me with a cold with water, touches me with a hand, I will touch my hand. Now and donated, and before the century ". Conspiracy is read slowly, and better learn him by heart. Sit down a little, looking at the candle to fill it with energy. The candle needs to be hung only with your fingers, we always wear a napkin.

Many believe that the fate of a person before his birth is recorded in the book of destinies, and nothing can be changed in it. These people believe that it is just necessary to accept and live life as prepared by over. Is it worth saying that such people are very unhappy for mostly? Especially often their misfortunes come from unrequited love. It seems to them that if the favorite does not look at them, it means that it is not destiny to be with him and need to retrece. But there is another philosophy of life in which the man himself is the owner of his fate and independently makes decisions regarding his life and happiness. Spells on love guy or a girl in order to and exist so that we love those whom we love. Do not treat magic negatively, because it is aimed at good. Love magic and created so that people were happy.

Want to build a harmonious relationship with a man you love with all your heart?

Want to make it happy and all your life go to them hand in hand? Dream to revive relationships and again become a cute husband? Or maybe you had trouble, and your loved one left you, sobbing? Do not despair! If the thoughts are your clean and benefit from magic, you not only dream of getting you to get, then magic will help you. Perhaps, let's start with the aid to the youngest readers: it is very important when the first strong feeling is born, because the first love people remember all their lives.

But before you give advice and spells, I want to warn (as youthful maximalism - the thing is common and more often dangerous): resorting to magic, reading magic spells on attachment and love guy or girls, remember that if you do it out of your whim, then There will be trouble, because with magic jokes are bad, and you need to seriously think how dear to you, can you live with him all my life, do not unlose it yourself at the very first opportunity. Try to wisely and responsibly approach the solution of this issue, think about your attitude towards the object of love and decide whether you are ready to bring it to yourself with the help of magic for a long time. To commit the ritual of love magic on his own and at home, get a photo of your loved one (now there are social networks, otherwise people have suffered, getting a photo), print it and read the following words on it:

The main condition for such rituals - focus on the object of love and think only about him. These conspiracies will also help you if the crack formed in your relationship with your favorite.

Stronger spells and rituals

But if you feel that the husband does not like you more or she holds to you, and even more so that someone has a one who has his thoughts from you leads, then it is time to use the following means. You need to buy white threads, and not once, but on Wednesday to the arriving moon. The next day go to the same store and buy a needle. On Friday, ingesting a thread in a needle and make a lot of stitches in one of the corners, in the process, in the process, imagine your husband's face as clearly and try so that no one disturbs you at this time, otherwise in a month everyone will have to repeat. If all the conditions do, everything will be just great. When sew, read the following spell:

Naturally, he must sleep together with you on this soot. Often, black magic is engaged in love questions. For example, you can bind a person through the photo, but this method of magical impact has its own conditions: first of all, the object of the spell should know you well, besides, you should have the opportunity to contact him when you need.

Spells using photos

Of course, you can try to bind to my photos of an unfamiliar person, but it's hardly to do it. Remember that in magical intervention, especially with the help of black magic, in the fate of a person, you are impact on his behavior. He can always be alarmed and annoyed - perhaps he will not have feelings for you, he will not be able to get away from you, but it will be all forces to try to get away from you. That is, magic magic, and if you feel feelings to him and do not deserve his natural good attitude, then the magic will only torment you. Think about it and only with complete confidence that he will not be with you only on binding, start spending"Black wedding."

We take two photos of the same size and in full growth. There should be no foreign people in the photo, only the objects of the ritual. Cracked and referring to the photo should not be, not to mention the tears and other things. The venue of the ritual is a cemetery, time is midnight in full moon or a growing moon. The graves need to choose with the names of those who are crowned. During the ritual, it is impossible to say (only words), it is forbidden to laugh and look around. You need to buy six fianitic candles in advance, three black and red. On the grave we put the photos, to the left of them we put the red candles, on the right - black. From the match we will first red, then black candles and read by heart a wedding spell. It will be necessary to buy in advance the leaves of chilibuhi (30-40 pieces) and chop them into powder, as well as half-liter lamp oil (consecrated) - candles, grass and oil can be bought in an esoteric store. After reading the spell, we sprinkle the photo of the grass, then generously pour them with the lamp oil. After drunk the vessel with oil, read the "black wedding" spell again, take in left Black candle with graves, in the right - red and adjust a photo on both sides. Candles return to the place and wait until the photos are burned down. Then read the spell for the last time and go. Do not turn around, do not pay attention to the strange noise.

Text Spell "Black Wedding"

You can only by heart! Are you afraid to go to the cemetery at night? You can spend a black wedding and at home, but the result will not be as fast and strong.

Home version of black wedding

We take the same consecrated and crushed chilibuch, there is a lamp oil into it, you also need to add hair, nails, saliva of ritual objects, if you tie to yourself a guy - it would be nice to get it sperm. They put six wedding candles on the sides of photographs and pour the prepared mixture in the photo, then the photos are put face to face and wrapped in black paper, then the bundle tied up with a beautiful ribbon, preferably red, a black wedding spell is read on a bundle. Candles, bundle and vessel from under the mass Put in the box and hide so that no one except you to find and did not know what you did. If thus return a husband, then two candles on the opposite sides are put on it and their wedding rings. After the ritual ritual, the rings should return to the owners. And they need to wear without removing.

Love is a magic bright feeling, but it is precisely it often gives the greatest pain and suffering. Each person wants to feel the proximity of the second half, be desirable and beloved, is safe. But this is not so simple, because sometimes the feelings arise to the person, which simply does not notice, thereby hurt the wound.

The guy does not even look at you or meets at all? Just forget it is not so simple, because the heart can not be ordained, who love, and who is not. What to do to make fate not to unwind loneliness?

Here they come to the rescue love spells and conspiracies, which will give the desired effect with a serious relationship and proper preparation. We will give the most popular and efficient rites that will be saved with any personal complexity.

In this article

When and how to make a conspiracy to love

Magic, along with faith, are good tools To achieve goals in love. Supernatural forces change our existence and contribute to self-realization, because we are symbiosis of spiritual and mystical start.

Conspiracy to attract love - magic ritualwho will express the passion in the heart of the beloved. Call as easy sympathy for you and severely comprehensive love. It depends on how correctly you will follow the rules when conducting a love conspiracy.

Attract a man to his life and create relationships with him - it means to create a mental connection, which is several times stronger than physical intimacy. It is very hard to destroy. Even after parting with a person, you will remember him and constantly think about him. It will prevent the creation of new prolonged relationships - it's incredibly hard to leave Love in the past. Do you feel something similar? Then you will be useful to pass the ritual of cleansing, and only completely destroying the connection with former beloved, start a new relationship and apply a conspiracy to attract men.

Need to know

Love is a great strength, so do not forget about the dangers. Love conspiracy require knowledge and experience to work out correctly, otherwise such manipulations will turn into worse for you. You should strive to awaken the feelings of your goal, and not to get to love. It is immoral in the root - to force a person to worship you.

Perhaps you will be able to fully fall in love with a man of magic - a rich good handsome, to hold a strong conspiracy to the love of men, but it will not turn into spiritual and sincere relationships. Leave him freedom of choice and will be happy about it. Probably, he will be able to overcome the spells and fall in love with another girl, because real feelings are always stronger than fake. White magic is prohibited to apply in harm of man.

Starting a ritual, once again think about the consequences. Do you just want to see this man next to you all your life? After all, if your feelings are faded after a while or you fall in love with another, this person can spoil the whole life of an unrequited pursuit of you. Under the action of a strong conspiracy for love, the guy may have aggression, he will not be able to understand and cope with his feelings.

In this video, Leia Nadel will teach you yourself to write a love plot:

Give the opportunity to leave

Manipulating the happiness of another is one of the most unpleasant consequences of the wrong use of white magic. Perhaps it is better to let go of a person who absolutely does not love you and does not want to live together? This in particular concerns the situation when your beloved has already found his happiness and dries in love and an embrace of another woman. Be careful, otherwise it will look like the denying of real causes of separation.

Switch your attention to another man and use spell in relation to it. New life With a new person - the right choice.

It happens that parting came on your offensive mistake, and ex-boyfriend I can not forgive you. Then boldly contact white charm and apply a conspiracy to love.

Effective and easy conspiracy

The easiest of rites aimed at the fact that the guy fell in love, has such specifics:

  • read at home during sunrise;
  • before starting, you need to read our prayer "Our Father";
  • have any new beautiful thing (decoration, wallet or handkerchief);
  • holding in her hands new thing, Pronounce magic words.

Lord! How people are waiting for spring waiting,
How Red Sun is dying,
So it would be me, God's slave (name),
Muddy, young and old men rejoiced.
Looked, admired, I saw me
Old old mans, mature peasants,
Young wellms and cacific ends.
Honored with honor, respected with honor,
On the legs, everyone got up with me,
In the conversations, the word was given,
We would have climbed to merge.
The dream was kept kissed.
All words are keys.
All cases - castles.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Within a month, you will meet a wonderful representative of a strong sex. He will want to spend the rest of his life with you and will be a support in all endeavors.

Very strong plot

From the simplest and harmless rituals gradually move to more complex. This strong conspiracy, which is almost impossible to remove, is based on the vice of the energy forces of love. And to answer or not on your requests, they solve themselves, and you cannot influence it. This rite also protects a woman without giving her to be with a guy who will bring her misfortune in the future. If the highest forces predetermine their happy family life, then meeting to be.

No matter how to live on earth without light,
how not to wander in emptiness without legs,
So that the slave of God (the name of the goal)
Without slave of God (own name) could not.
Be a half,
Gorge eyes with tear,
burn soul and televisions,
And we will argue over heaven together!

Safe white plot at home

White magic is comparable to the impetus, which is aimed at thoughts and feelings of an interesting person to you. After the magical action, the object will think about you and wants to meet, and this is a good chance that the guy confesses to love.

During daily morning procedures, look at the water, smile to reflect in the mirror, read the following words:

True owner
Slave (name of your beloved)
live without your shadow can not
longing for me
Your servant (your name) will not overcome.
Go, stuff,
From longing suffocate.
Like the sun in the sky
So you are with me,
slave owner (the name of your beloved).

If you want to return the former passion in relationships with your husband, take his shirt or T-shirt. It is important that it can already be used old or unnecessary. Cut the collar from her and burn him down, while repeating these words three times:

What was the shirt on the body,
Such and husband was his wife.

After reading the spell and getting rid of the collar, you will seek all the troubles and negative moments of living together. Calm and love will reign in your house. The remnants of the apparel used must be thrown away.

White conspiracy on love of a beloved man

This text also serves to restore relationships with lover. Perhaps you are killing life or is he interested in another? Then do the following:

  • stand early in the morning, before dawn;
  • remove all your decorations, including rubber bands and hairpins;
  • open the window;
  • right hand take a completely new needle;
  • read the text.

I will stand on a dawn
Yes, I will go out in the Pure field
and looked in the sky clear -
And an acute arrow flies acreed.
So fly you are an acute arrow
In the heart of the rob, in blood hot,
In the eyes of the clear slave of God (name).
To me for me the servant of God (name)
Cow Yes, always yes everywhere.
Will my firm,
My word will be.

After that, hide the needle to where it will not find a stranger.

Conspiracy on the photo

This rite is performed by three tasks:

  • piques interest;
  • then sexual attraction;
  • and finally, the longing and desire to be with you.

The photo should be fresh, not older than two years. The spell must be read three times a day - in the morning, at lunch, before bedtime. Holding the right hand photo, you need to fill with positive emotions and read:

Like the slave of God (name)
can't live and be without a shade of yours
so the servant of God (name) can not
And without longing for me, God's slave (name).
Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate.
How the sun goes across the sky
So you go on any way to me,
God's slave (name).
The word is firmly and peply.

In this video, the magician Astart will tell about all the details of the conspiracy in the photo:

Gypsy plot on the bay leaf

The supernatural power of the laurel sheet will help to hold a conspiracy to mutual love:

  1. Write a wish on a sheet of paper.
  2. Loop the candle.
  3. Imagine conceived - you together, walk for the handle, kissing, etc.
  4. Light bay leaf, delivering text.

The authorities of the gods and the authorities of heaven,
The power of the universe and the authorities of miracles.
My desire came true.
As I ordered, so it came out!

Love conspiracy

A potent plot to find love is based on the magical power of saliva. Prepare a drink for your purpose, spit there, and he will definitely love you. Say the following words:

My saliva is strong.
Sweet my saliva.
(name) you are sip
Although a sip.
She will fall into the stomach,
Your belly.
And you love me forever!
Forever and ever!
(Name) You can't live without me for me!
You're not a day!

Conspiracy on the thing

Conspiracies on clothes are effective, since you see it and can energy it. She acts as a conductor between the performer and the object of desire. Conspiracy on a beloved thing can be three varieties:

  • the thing will return to him after the end of the ritual;
  • thing will be destroyed;
  • new clothes will be a gift.

Choose that clothes that will be worn regularly and is a favorite part of the wardrobe. Before you give a new clothes, put a thing on the table, burn around three candles around, and say:

Thing from me pick me up
I give my peace.
Night night light and darkness
Will not be for me without me (name)
Happiness and urine. Amen.

Ancient conspiracy for eternal love

Conspiracy to eternal love is one of the old love conspiractions created for people confident in their feelings. Usually applied to love for her husband / wife. For its implementation, it is necessary to kneel into the water and read nine times the text:

On white light there is an entrance,
who will pass into it
That my water will delete.
I will put in my palm
Slave of God (the name of his beloved) right hand
I look at him eternal love for me
and longing, he does not wash off him,
won't dissuade, not spill me,
Do not forget (bow). Amen.

Then extinate one of the things of the beloved in this water, thoroughly dry in the sun and let it disappear.

Rite to find love from Stepanova

The love conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova to gain a reliable man is made at Easter. We must decorate nine eggs, kiss everything in turn, and pronounce cherished words:

People love Easter holy,
remember and appreciate the maternal affection,
Let me like me very much,
appreciate, go for me,
For the slave of God (name).
Christ is risen,
And the groom comes to me,
I will get married.
May it be so.

Conspiracy to strong love without treason in the future

To avoid a betrayal men and ensure a measured life without scandals and experiences, you can use a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova.

Pour in pelvis cold water, talk legs and stand up in it. Read the text of the conspiracy and rinse in the water thing her husband, preferably a T-shirt or shirt. Dry and give him for socks for one week.

There is an entrance to Earth,
He who will enter him
I will find my water there.
I'll take a slave of God (name)
by hand right
Eternal love to me
on him and boredom.
Does not wash off
Do not dissuade him
Do not break me out
And never forget (bow).
How would he not eat
don't drink
in the separation will be bored
rest not to know, suffer.
I will become him like bread and water,
Clear sky and earth
I will be miley freedom
and red blood.
(Name), give me your heart,
And my heart is in return.
Mother earth, close,
Sister-water, help (bow).
You will walk, (name), after me.
Power of water at the bottom under the foot (bow),
Four stars upstairs (bow).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy on love husband

Feeling the relationship with her husband was cooled, and he no longer looks at you as before? Love slowly, but surely fading? Are you afraid of betraying? Then return your relationship and add a light to them with a conspiracy that can be easily spent at home.

If you had a wedding ceremony in the church, the effect will be incredibly powerful. If there is no, nothing terrible, you will still get ready for the result. At midnight, swinging off the window in your room and, looking at the moon, read three times with a semide:

I will stand on the threshold of the church
Yes, there is a creative family of my own.
Dear my husband (name),
Give me your peace.
I stand in front of you
And behind my icon is holy protective.
I worship her and stand to the altar.
I gave a slave (name)
Your heart, your soul.
So now he was jealous of me,
From myself did not let anywhere.
I would love me, shore and caressed.
As a mother on children suffers,
so you will suffer for me
I love and wait
And never change.
My word is strong, faithful.

Conspiracy for the love of a married man

Before holding such a conspiracy, it is better to think about five times, whether you want to take a sin and make someone's family. If you are sure that the chosen is unhappy and the relationship with you will only benefit him, then feel free to start.

Conspire text need to learn by heart, light black candle, and late at night to read:

Sokol clear, (name),
The world flies,
Skelet nest,
Yes, happiness did not find!
Fly, Sokolik,
Sick a table
I will become a faithful girlfriend,
Let's joy for each other!
Vedenya slave (name)
Slave (name) is not for the day,
And in the age of!
Black - to black,
Light - to me!
Get a slave (name) to me
And not my wife! Amen!

Attract one sole

The goal of the ritual is to return the one who left you with a broken heart. The strength of the conspiracy will increase even more when conducting early in the morning without prying eyes. Stand before dawn, pick a place in advance with a large number of colors, such as the garden at home. Ideally, if there is no urban bustle around around. Stand up towards the sun so that it covers you from the face. Spend your right hand on the grass and read the text.

As the dew from the sun,
ascending evaporates
yes destroyed
How dew from the first rays of the sun
Keep starts
So the slave of God (the name of the man) for me,
Slave of God (name) to dry will begin.
Let him not know more rest
No night, never
Let him not be in his life joy,
Neither in work, nor in the walking, nor in vacation.
Let the servant of God (the name of the man)
About me always thinks
Let me remember every minute.
I spell you (Men's name)
Lord God,
Yes, all the Holy Orthodox.
I spell you (Men's name)
Happy Creation Day.
Happy my birth
I spell you (the name of the man).
In the afternoon, when I finish my way my earth
Runs of joy and suffering earth
I spell you (the name of the man).
All the forces of the sky and land
You (the name of the man) I spell
With all spirits of light and darkness.
To be mine.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this video, Marina Sugobova will share the exercise "Energy of Love", which will help to attract a loved one:


A simple conspiracy for love is as follows:

  1. Take a piece of scarlet fabric and a ring with a ruby \u200b\u200bstone (it does not need to be yours).
  2. Buy three church candles.
  3. In the middle of the night, with the young month, set the candles by the window and burn.
  4. Read the text of the conspiracy, holding a ruby \u200b\u200bring.

Let them come
kind of well done to the holiday of light,
By the holiday of Christ
Let from all sides
They will be drawn to my house.
How to look in the celebration of the Great
on the crosses sacred
Yes, the stuffs are beautiful,
yes on the face of the Virgin,
And on the slave of God (own name) will be glanced
Yes, it will not be able to tear off.
I will be my beautiful Sunny red seems to
cleaner silver white.
May it be so. Amen.

At the end of the ritual, wrap the rings into the fabric and hide in a secret place.

On the love of a beautiful guy

If you are in love with a young man, communicate with him, but afraid to confess your own feelings because it is incredibly beautiful, then contact white magic. Early in the morning, read the spell and repeat the ritual for three days in a row:

I spell, all the good strength,
To the slave of God (the name of the beloved)
Forever connected
With the slave of God (own name)
How the natural elements are connected
Fire, air and water with a matte earth.
Let the thoughts of my beloved
To me will always be directed,
As always, the rays of the sun towards the Earth are striving.
Let in his imagination
Always present scene
Our life together.
Let every memories of me
Fills him soul with joy and tranquility.

Strong conspiracy - so that the guy in love confesses

Your efforts to attract a guy pass in vain? He does not meet reciprocity? The decision will serve the fulfillment of two actions - care for yourself and reading the conspiracy. First of all, try to pay the time to yourself and dedicate the day with cosmetic procedures. Make a hairstyle and makeup, or at all update your image. If the change of image does not impress him, then you have to turn to the love ritual.

The main task is to imperceptibly get several hairs from the head of the narrowed. Then you need to do the following: Spindle the fire (for example, in an old unnecessary plate), throw a few of your own and its hair, and read the words three times:

Fire of the Holy Spirit
Light our hearts.

Wait for the fire of the Dogery. Wear ash on the street and soon you will see the result.

Love conspiracy

Probably every young girl thought about who she would fall in love with. If you do not fail to know his name, you can spend simple and effective plot On the narrowed. To do this, write text on a sheet of paper. Then take two church candles, tie them and light them. The sheet set fire to them with fire and wait for the formation of ashes. To lose it in hand and read out loud:

I will stand up to sunrise,
Get out of the house
and go to the dark forests
yes to rotten swamps.
And in those swamps there is a black bath,
Yes live in her grandmother-pynovnia.
And she has a stove stone,
And in the stove of that bowl of copper,
and in the bowl all boils yes burning,
Lit yes dares.
So would the slave of God (name)
About me with a heart
The soul and body was boiling,
burned, yes quiet.
My word is strong
Yes solid. Amen.

Soon you will bring to know how his name is or found personally.

In this video, the healer and psychic Vitaly Rozhkov will teach you a beautiful rite for the love of "Two Candles":

Conspiracy "The Disturbed Heart"

This love plot involves the presence of a red candle, which is a symbol of feelings and love.

Estate the white handkerchief and burning the candle on it the shape of the heart. Fill the middle of the wax form. When it snacks, write the name of the beloved marker and stick the needle in the middle. Leave it there and hide the handkerchief from other people's eyes. Throughout the process, read the text:

I do not break the flame,
And I urge your soul,
Not wax I pour out,
And the body will ask
I'm not the heart I pierce,
And I urge love to your life.
Let the soul and the body connect
And in a slave (-th) of God (s) (name) appeal.
His heart (her) is fulfilled by love
To me, the slave (-th) of God (s) appeals.

On attachment and loyal love

Conspiracy guarantees love and freshness of relationships for those who have lost his lover and want to return it. Attaching the former to themselves with the help of magic so that he fell in love with you without memory, consider several rules:

  1. Faith due to magic.
  2. The object must remember you.
  3. Confidence in the final result.
  4. Reading prayer with early in the morning.

Your soul will drive your bird
When you stand.
She will fly to me
And sit down on my pillow.
She will peck bread from my palms,
And drink water from my lips.
Your soul, (name),
He knows me and is not afraid of me.
She is manual for me.
So become the same and you, (name),
when you wake up,
manual and not frightened.
Put your head on my shoulder
and smile happiness
which came.
Everything will be so.
Everything will be fulfilled by my word.

Conspiracy to love even stronger

When you have strong and sensual relationships with a man, there are always different obsessive thoughts: what if he fell in love with another, who is this girl from work, why his former wrote him?

Go to church and purchase six candles. Put three of them right there for health, the remaining take home. And also buy a new needle. Holding her in her hands, read the text of the conspiracy. After each reading, carve one candle.

About the Almighty Lord
I pray you about the deep request.
Scoat a high wall,
Scoat deep pit
and barbed fence,
Thank youth
Mortal coat.
Close there by the Lord Rab (name),
so he did not go from me
And the women did not find another.
On the key it close
Yes, the key is that sort of take.
Help me Lord
God's faithful slave (name).
And while that lock does not open,
Slave (name) do not believe me.


You can use the presented loving conspiracies, and you can well-known Orthodox prayers. The Bible says that if you ask for something, you will definitely get.

In this case, your chosen one should be extremely idle and not to think about another woman, otherwise the prayer will be meaningless. Rites need to be carried out during rain, snowfall or strong thunderstorm. You must be alone in the room and read the spell with a whisper:

Walking to the church pop.
Wheel rolls, spin,
Under the feet, the ass is rumored,
For the floors of his clothes clings.
Let him throw so
Slave of God (name),
rushed to me
Around me circles spinning,
like pop on the icon
Let me pray for me.
All saints help,
The servant of God will conquer me.

This video magician Anastasia will complement the theme of love rituals for bad weather:

Ritual at Zare.

One of the conspiracies on a loved one who will help to easily conquer its goal, requires compliance with the following conditions:

  • stay outdoors or stand at the open window;
  • the time of the younger month;
  • early morning, dawn;
  • repeat daily at twelve times.

I spend
To (the name of the beloved)
He became one with (his own name) as well
how are the four elements of the earth,
To thoughts (the name of the beloved)
There were only about (own name),
like the rays of the sun rule
The light of the world and his virtues.
Do so that (the name of the beloved) could not
eat drink, enjoy life
Without (own name).

The object of your magic ritual will feel the desire to be near you after the twelfth day of reading.

Ritual on love

To carry out a rite to assist in attracting love, you will need to do:

  • take one big pink candle and three small;
  • write an affectionate nickname for the future guy;
  • relax and burn out from experiences and problems;
  • write the name of the GEBO rune at the highest candle;
  • focus on the imagination of your ideal partner;
  • light one of the smaller candles and wait for her to cargo;
  • repeat as two times;
  • after the ritual, put a large candle on the windowsill.

From this video you will learn how to spend a ritual of love using Tarot cards:

Amulet on a dream

The love rituals you spend more efficiently if you manufacture an amulet. It will be designed to attract a concrete young man, but the ideal option for you. For proper manufacture Amulet need:

  • red, white and green ribbons;
  • small branch of apple or pear;
  • candle (red or pink shades);
  • red paper sheet, pen.

Come up with your future partner a name or affectionate appeal. Write it to the marker on the candle and burn it. Write your own name on the leaflet. Imagine the desired image of the beloved and braid all ribbons into one braid. Tie the sheet with the wax with the wax. Hang the finished amulet in the visible place is best over the bed, and expect good luck in the relationship.

Lovely white magic is very in demand among women in modern world. Attract the love of men seek not only young girls, but also women of older. And the most popular are simple riteswhich can be held at home. But, nevertheless, when using magic for the love spell, it is important to exercise caution, because if something goes wrong, then the magic influence can be harvested as another person and for yourself.

Love spell for men, you can read yourself. It is noteworthy that no attributes will be required for it and it can act even at a distance. The main condition for its success is strong sincere feelings. It is very important to catch the moment when the wave of despair is already rising, which is connected with the inability to attract the attention of his beloved.

Variants of guidance rituals for men love

It should be understood that love magic Very diverse. Therefore, it is important to choose the right rite in accordance with the existing situation and its own energy capabilities. Very strong attractions are rites without the use of any attributes. Their effectiveness is entirely depends on how much you can perform a powerful directional energy promise. Therefore, such rituals are suitable only to people with severe natural energy.

More simple and very effective rituals that provide for food, drinking or gift for a beloved. They require consumption of a smaller amount of energy, and their complexity lies in what is required in the rites of a loved one. It needs to either treat conspired food, or come up with a reason to give him a gift.

Very strong plot

To carry out the love spell, it will be necessary to leave and in full silence with a deep feeling, focusing on the form of a loved one, read the stitches of the next conspiracy:

"As in the dark impenetrable night, the Moon and the Demon together live, so through them my beloved, the Slave of God (the name of his beloved) magical and sincere, with my soul, the words come to you. My love is strong and you won't pass by her. You will never stay on the other, with anyone, besides me, you will not see peaceful peace. You will not just come, you will delight me. Slave of God (own name), after it is coming from sadness - boredom about me. I am the power of the words of my mental soulful on you unbearable ads of flour. Under the power of words, the male prow will run out, and you will not show yourself in bed on the other, since you will think about me. Neither eat or drink you can not. Only with me you again happiness are male experience. Amen!"

This is a very strong conspiracy and, if you manage to perform a powerful promise of imaging energy, then the impact is almost impossible to remove.

Love spell for a gift

If you are familiar with a man for a very long time, but you can't awaken in him love feelings and at the same time the heart remains free, then you can use a love spell on a guy for a gift. It is necessary to purchase anything that does not oblige a bauble and present it in the form of a gift to any event.

Previous item turns on the following magical words:

"My favorite is my favorite (the name of the beloved) I give, with this subject I am magical, words conspired, love his big and sincerely. The thing enchanted by the strength of mine, take and in love with my love the worm in the ground will get on and happy with me forever you will be. Amen".

It should be remembered that a gift must be presented in see no time After holding a rite. It is optimal to do it the next day after the ritual.

To meet with your loved one

The plot of the spell sounds like this:

"I look to the east, where you are my favorite, God keep you. Come to me, waiting for you, we will live in consent, warm and good. You don't need another, in your life faithful fateful, I will only alone. Amen!"

This rite can be repeated every time in the period of the growing moon until the beloved appears in your life.

To return for old love

Highly strong love For love, men can be useful when there is a need to return former love. In this case, during the week it is necessary in evening time Alone read a plot.

The words of the strongest probation such:

"As a slave of God (the name of his beloved) in the morning will wake up early, so longing for me in his soul will wake up. It will not subside, it will not weaken, but only the stronger will flare up. My beloved will come back soon to the familiar threshold, as I remember the road. And to get away from me anymore, and in the arms of my happiness will gain. Amen!"

Before talking alcoholic beverageYou must appreciate how to really invite your beloved to visit. It is necessary to schedule a visit for the period of the growing moon. At the same time, it is important not to look obsessive, no need to bring to your chosen one who makes you a favor, taking an invitation to visit.

Immediately an hour before the coming of your beloved, you need to hold a love spell on the guy, in which to speak wine. It is also necessary to find out what kind of drink is your guest's favorite. You should take a wooden mortar and the pin. Next, it is necessary to rub one s corgeon grains.

For each seed, such a love spell should be accepted:

"First night - you won't have peace
the second night - you won't find a seat
Third night - remember me,
the fourth night - you will see me
Fifth night - you will find me
Sixth night - in my bed will be found
Seventh at night - you decide with me forever stay. Amen".

On the last phrase you need to quit a pinch of red pepper into the rearranged coriander. After this, the mixture should be mixed clockwise by a nameless finger of the right hand, which is usually worn wedding ring. Very a bit of such a mixture you need to add to the wine to treat your chosen one. It is important that the conspiracy drink drank only with you. The remnants of wine are better immediately pouring to no one try it anymore.

It should be remembered that men can independently use conspiracy on love only if you are sure that you can awaken the love of a person you were awakened.