How to become a witch to learn to fly. Witch spells: real ancient rituals

You can during the initiation ritual, accompanied by reading the spell and the use of related attributes, such as candles, herbs and amulets. This happens, as a rule, in places filled with energy: in the cemetery or on the banks of the river.


Who are such witches and is it possible to become a witch with an ordinary person?

The witch is called a woman who possesses the following abilities:

  • developed extrasensoric;
  • the ability to interpret dreams;
  • knowledge of spells;
  • herbalism and experts;
  • work with tarot cards.

What forces are the witches

Good and evil witches have different abilities, since they draw strength from different sources. In the first case, the source of witchcraft lies in natural and space forces, in the second - energy is taken from places filled with negative energy.

How to distinguish a witch from an ordinary person

There are a number of signs for which the witch is distinguished from ordinary person:

  1. Attractive or prickly look, mysterious smile, smooth, soft gestures.
  2. Attentive attitude towards your own and someone else's words: the witch will not waste or gossip, because he knows the magical power of words and can contact her.
  3. Interaction with nature and animals: Glad to use them as a source of magic and does not defile the plant and does not harm the beast.
  4. Unusual accessories: Used as protective amulets or witchcraft items.
  5. The desire for solitude: the sorceress will not avoid loneliness, because alone restores strength with him and perceives the world deeper.
  6. Ability to predict events and prophetic dreams.

Features of white magic

True white sorcerers resort only to light magic.

Their patrons are bright entities:

  • angels;
  • archangels;
  • the Saints.

The actions of the bright witches are aimed at helping people. They are forbidden to use forces for mercenary purposes or cause harm to others. A similar inciserate act is able to deprive the witchcraft spell or translate into the dark side.

Good witches do not take the energy of light, but asking for their help, avoiding violations of the energy balance. This eliminates the action of karma per person.

How to become a white witch in real life

To become a real white witch, you need to learn how to tune in light energy and feel it. This will help regular meditations: They improve the concentration of attention, which will subsequently fill rituals and spells.

It is necessary to develop the ability to visualize, be able to calm down and focus during the sacraments, regularly receive new information. Developed intuition is unnecessary.


At the beginning of the way, three traditional spells are applied, although intuitively selected spells or people invented by the person themselves are stronger.

Spell 1:

"I am a slave-performer, the deity of the faithful minister. I spell the name of the power, the star morning, the force created. Will you worship, I will find my knowledge book! Hallelujah".

Spell 2:

"I (name), I appeal to the Great Mother, to the Ladyman of all the existing, to the goddess-donatenice, I ask you, bless it is a dedication, they donated to me grace and give the magical power to create good deeds and actions."

Spell 3:

"O Great Mother, the Lord of the whole, the goddess-donel, I ask you, strengthen me on the witch's path, helping to know the natural wisdom, to know myself and secrets of magic and teach them to use this all in good by all living things."

As a rule, they read a plot during the fulfillment of the ritual in a certain place. With reading, it is impossible to change or confuse words, eager all fears and uncertainty and tune in to a prosperous outcome.


For initiation, a ritual facing the elements is often used. Conduct it at home or on the banks of the river, at midnight. In the first case - in the removed room, in the second - on an air outdoor place with an earthen shore. Conducted a rite, after receiving a bath and preferably nude.


  1. With the help of salt, draw a circle and install four candles along the edges, according to each side of the light.
  2. Log in to the center, take a deep breath, focus on the desired result.
  3. Read the spell turns.

Light the candle of the East, uttering:

"I (name), I ask the spirit of the East to open the gates of the Earth's energy and let it in my circle so that she changed me to filled magic power Earth every cell of my body. May it be so!"

Light the light standing opposite the south:

"I (Name), I ask the Spirit of the South to open the gate of the fire and let him in my circle so that he change me to filled the magic power of the fire my heart. May it be so!"

Lighting the Western candle, pronounce:

"I (name), I ask the Spirit of the West to open the gates of water and let her in my circle so that she change me to filled the magic power of water my life. May it be so!"

Loop the candle of the North:

"I (name), I ask the Spirit of the North to open the gates of the air and let it in my circle so that he change me to filled the magic power of my soul. May it be so!"

Raise hands over head palms up and say:

"About the Great Goddess that controls everyone that is under the moon, bless me (name) and give me a dedication to the witches, teachi to understand everything that is hidden behind the lunar shadow, and give the wisdom to use this for the benefit of the people born at night! "

When the power flows will go through the body, fold their hands in front of the breast and repeat three times:

"May it be so!"

Then the burglar returns to the house, without looking around and not talking to anyone. A similar ritual will start becoming the formation of a witch in the field of witchcraft.

Features of black magic

The following features of black magic can be distinguished:

  1. From the dark sources, the witch also get infinite power.
  2. The basis of black magic includes suppression of someone else's will. It must be remembered that any action directed against a person is returned by the sorcerer of the storm, so it is important to own protective spells.
  3. For dedication to black magic, a ceremony is carried out corresponding to the traditions of the dark world.

How to become a black witch

To initiate a black witch, rituals are held on the cemetery in full moon. The place of resting the deceased is a powerful source of negative energy.


  1. Passing through the gate, be sure to greet and thank the dead and the hostess of the cemetery for the possibility of holding a rite in this place. It is not recommended to enter the territory of the grave.
  2. Find the crossing of the trail or roads.
  3. Put a lit candle in front of you, dug your hands to the sides and clearly say:

"With those who sleep in this place, it does not open the eye, causing a witness to himself. I came, I'm not afraid, I will leave without looking around. Deaders - Savan, and me - doctrine. As steel strong, so I will be strong in my teaching. Amen".

It is done to attract the spirit of help and protection. It is treated in dreams and during meditation. So that the assistant has not exhausted power, it is necessary to periodically bring it offering.


To become a black witch, you need to spend the following ritual:

  1. Choose suitable room, clean and empty.
  2. Light there the lamp is exactly forty days.
  3. Within the last three days do not eat and do not use alcohol.
  4. Welcome on the last day, go to the room at midnight and say the following words:

"I am a slave executor. I am a faithful minister of the Divine. I spell your name to God, a star of the morning, to you created. Wheel worship 40 spirits evil and all the forces of existing good. There are among them the prince and the king from the Dark Valley. He sits on a high throne of eternity, on the fingers of 7 gold rings, on the head of a golden crown. On the chest of the prince hanging Solomon's keys of darkness, they burn fire flames. Under the legs of the prince lies the book is strong, Satan himself will fit it. It is sealed with 7 locks and closed by the wizards of the whole week of the Lord.

I'll go close to the prince, I bow low and I take a book from under his feet. He takes the keys to your name with him. Slowly bypassed all the monastery of the spirits, the doors are strong unpain, you devote yourself to your teurgy. I (my name) The devilish trinity is holy, and I read them in the book.

God almighty, creating a world from nothing, give me to learn through the selected keys of Solomon's wisdom. You, who gave everyone eternal life through our death, give your blessing to healing. Give me (your name) Learn the secret, hidden from the human mind, the birth of a miracle and death of oblivion. It was you forth for the purposes of good. I want to apply the gift Your valuable. About the perfume and half-thought, angels and Andragins, Tetragrammaton, Turner. I will come now. I am painted with a carbon, but a pentagram - fire. Javi Teurgy, Tetragrammaton Start, Act. The kingdoms power powerful become under my left left, the sacrament of the power of the slaughterhouse under my right hand. I will pass unshakable, between the high columns, the temple of those holding. Do not disappear wisdom shine. Yes, my spell is fully accomplished. Light of the star of the night fear of legion. And I will fill in secret force I like a container. Hallelujah".

After graduating from the spell, go to sleep without looking around and keeping full silence.

Dedication to witches

Only another witch can be dedicated to the witch. It is important not to stumble upon charlatans. The rite carried out according to the rules will turn down the newly made sorcerer of the force and will open access to the initial energies. Regular joint classes and the annual circles of force will help the rapid becoming a ferment.

How to become a witch without rituals

To initiate a witch, it is not necessary to carry out complex rituals and read long spells. It is enough to find a mentor who will teach rites and actually working spells will give knowledge and teach the accompanying attributes.

What you need to remember and the consequences of magical rituals

Conducting magic rituals, you need to remember about a few points:

  1. Selected direction: if the newly new witch is light, the use of forces for mercenary purposes will lead it on the dark side.
  2. Responsibility: a careless word or an evil look may cause someone harmful for which you will have to pay.
  3. The seriousness of intentions: the witch who joined the path of witchcraft will not be able to collapse from him. Knowledge and skills require constant development and applications for the benefit of people.
  4. Caution: It is not recommended to independently carry out unfamiliar rituals, especially related to the appeal to black magic.

How to transfer the gift of the witch to another person

The gift to another person is transmitted in two ways:

  1. Direct inheritance. The descendant, in whose genus two women in a row were witches, will receive a gift at birth. The offacarious sorceress is many times stronger than the self-taught.
  2. From mentor. It is necessary to find an old witch, ready to convey the virtue of the student. It happens for three nights, from a sunset before dawn, the sorceress reveals the succession of the mystery of skill. Records are prohibited, the student remembers everything for hearing. To simplify this task, the witches taught knowledge in history and parables. A few hours before the death, the eldest google takes the youngest hand, carrying out the transfer of forces.

The question of the existence of witches people asked for the time immemorial. Now we can accurate to say that witches really exist.

Many girls themselves want to become witch, but not everything is as simple as it seems: such a desire can turn into a real curse. The imagination of most people draws certain images associated with witch. For someone, it is old women with a broom, for others these are red-haired green-eyed girls, and for the third - dark-haired tempts. Witch themselves say that appearance irrelevant. The important thing is inside.

Who are such witches

These are not the old women flying on a broomstick, and not even the girls who are attracted by men and strive for power. The true power of the witch is hidden under the most ordinary appearance. You can feel only their energy, which makes you experience certain emotions.

If the witch is kind, then, next to her, anyone will feel calm and peace. They smile such witches, laugh, sympathize and love from a pure heart. They have almost no secrets and secrets. If the witch is dark, evil, then it is perceived as an ordinary person, but only until it manifests her essence. This usually occurs under the influence of negative emotions. When the witch falls into anger, you can feel a special strength, which, as if wave, covers you. It is impossible to confuse anything. She will not shout or cry. Her silence will be afraid of you. Of course, this is also a kind of stereotypical look at things, but in most cases it happens about everything.

Witch not only impose or remove the curses, as they show us in various films. Yes, this is one of them professional Qualities and skills. But they also predict the future, clean the karma, using Taro, chiromantia card for this card, and bioenergy waves. There are particularly gifted witches who simply feel your problems looking into your eyes.

Witches are ordinary people who know a little more about the world of invisible. In ancient times, they were burned on fires. Yes, what to say there, even those who suspected in witchcraft executed forelimm. The kings and other managers had court witches, alchemists and healers, which everyone knew, for they worked for the glory to the kings and rulers.

Usually witches are women because they feel the world more acute. It is worth distinguishing mediums and magicians from the witches, because the sorcerers have other abilities.

A great interest is the question of how witches become witches. For this you need some kind of ritual, or is it going on with a wave of a magic stick? Maybe you need to drink a magic potion? Do not forget that the witches are real. These people are absolutely the same as we. They have a need for love, in money, in entertainment. They can even work with you in the same office. It may be your girlfriend, familiar or even a relative.

Self real Wits are those who were born with their gift. Someone considers this gift to curse, someone is a source of light. You can get the gift by inheritanceand can be purchased by another way. It is said that witch becomes illegitimate girls. Ovenful children Female in the second, sixth or thirteenth generation adopt the talents of their ancestors, if they were in the family. Some argue that you need to be born out of marriage in 3, 9 or 12 generation. Disputes still go about it. The gift is manifested almost immediately after birth. As a rule, it is originally neutral. Decide how to use it - the owner itself should be in harm.

Witches are also born those who were conceived at a special time or under unusual circumstances. It can be unwanted childrenas well as children conceived during the post Or on the eve of important holidays like Christmas Christ or Easter.

There is one more important moment. Girls may never know about their gift, and they may not develop it, because they are afraid of it. As a result of this screening, even fewer girls become witch. This suggests that you can meet a lot of witches for your life, but even they will not know about their abilities. Remember that if the girl confessed to you, it has a special strength, then this speaks of her high devotion and trust you.

Usually the witch itself takes the first step towards a person who needs help. Perhaps someone launched a curse or smoothed, and maybe some dark essence closed to him. With bad witches, you familiarize yourself. They have their own glory among a certain circle of people who pay money or provide services in exchange for curses, conspiracies, love times and so on. In this case, the witch has only thirst for profit.

The second type of witches is those who acquired his abilities after birth. It happens that the woman, wanting to become a witch, purposefully looking for a mentor. But there are also cases when witches became unwittingly: the sorcerers looked after their student and dedicated them to the dark matter. Such witches were not allowed to even go to church and take the sacrament of confession.

Learn about your witch talents by chance. They can see ghosts, prophetic dreams, predict the future. It's not so easy to live with such possibilities. Even harder - to hide your true face from people, especially if you want to help someone to get rid of problems.

This world is difficult to understand, so far from always we are ready to spend time to put yourself in place of another person. Remember that witches are people who will always live among us. It should not feel bad or good. It is necessary to respect them and appreciate the good deeds. Now witches and other gifted are often called psychics. Many of them believe that you do not need to torture

Paranormal abilities have always been interesting to mankind. And women concern most. Previously, they were constantly accused of witchcraft. But few knows what to do to get this gift and become a witch.

What is witchcraft

This is a very surround concept. Witches are often considered healers. They consider themselves with sequences of Western neo-language cults. From the point of view of Christianity, the Witch / Witcher is a person who is related to the occultism without church san. If you look from the point of view of an ordinary person, the witch is a woman endowed with a black gift. This gift allows his will cause not only diseases, but also the death of others.

How to become a good witch

Many torments the question, are there any good witches and how to become? The word witch is associated with the image of a terrible and evil sorcerer, practicing black magic. It is not so dark magic do not do all witches. Yes, to become a witch of goodness of good, you will need patience of a lot of strength.

  • It is necessary to pronounce the correct spell, directed not to the dark forces, but on the contrary - to light. Please note, find a present spell is not so simple, on the Internet 90% of spells - not workers.
  • You will need a lot of time in search and study of special magic literature. Everyone is interested, what literature to search? There are books in practical magic And what will be possible (or fail) to find you - a mystery. In any case, you will have to learn the magical propensions of the plants, learn hypnosis and meditation, develop in yourself extrasensory abilities.

How to become a witch right now

Get rid of doubts and fear. Witch do not know these feelings, because they themselves instill horror around. If you fail to get rid of doubts, the instructions below will not help you.

Attraction of energy

On the left wrist, make a red bandage, which previously lay in the dark for at least a week. It can only be worn after sunset and shoot until dawn. This is your personal trap for energy.

We produce power

To accumulate sufficient energy, you should not give in to emotions. Try to get as much knowledge as possible: Engage in sports, see scientific channels and read encyclopedias. The inner fire and the willpower will begin to generate forces and postpone them into your trap.

Energy will be enough after 2 weeks. To understand this, attach to the Ear bandage - you must hear clear and at the same time a quiet noise. It is impossible to associate it with anything, it can be both rustling grass and the noise of the sea.

Cheating universe

Nature does not see a threat in man until it starts to break through to the dark side. You have only 1 chance! If a we will not be able to fulfill the following parting or something Make mistaken - you can die or turn into an ugly old woman.

Without removing the red dressing, with your left hand touch the tree, the age of which is more than 66 years old. Touch right hand Before the earth and lift it into the sky. Say the Spell "Vito Queliz Mantio". After that, the wind should climb. After a minute, see "ITO NO". The wind should appease.

Note! You destroyed the natural barrier and crossed the line on the way to dark energy. Up to this point, not all comes, only units. Who is destined to feel her power and understand how to use it.

How to become a witch - Last spell

In order to complete the transformation and make the binding of forces, it remains only to pronounce ancient spellcreated by the first dark sorcerers and sorcerers.

How to become a witch - the transfer of the gift by inheritance

Everyone knows that this gift is transmitted by a related line. It happens through one generation (granddaughter from grandmother). The gift can never be transferred from his daughter from Mom.

How is the transfer of gift? All his life, the witch prepares a successor to himself. This is important, because a young witch can be confused from the unexpectedly filled dar.

You are very lucky if your mentor will be an experienced witch or a witcher. As mentioned above, the witch passes the gift before his death. There are cases when it is simply no one to pass the ability, and you can use it. Just think well, do you need it?

The question of how to become a witch is interested in those who want to master the supernatural opportunities and make incredible things. In this article, we will look at the main ways and practices, thanks to which it will be possible to call themselves a real sorcerer. Who is it and what will be needed for transformation - let's start exploring.

Witch by birth

Despite the fact that the witches were always contradictory, many treat them for help in various life situations. In most cases, these are healers and clairvoyant.

Believers do not recognize such acts out of Sana, people at all times treated them as to the devil's decisions.

Most often witches are those who are born, that is, they can pass on special magical abilities on the blood, so that a woman in certain moment Begins to detect rare talents and skills.

Hereditary witches possess the greatest power. They received this unique gift through their parents, and such magic abilities are transferred from mothers or grandmothers, that is, on the line of women. At the same time, a new witch will improve and develop those skills that were able to learn its ancestors. If this is a family of real professional magicians, then since early age The girl will explain all the basic skills of managing their abilities, so that it can quickly develop.

The witch is born in the family, where one of the parents was cursed.

At the same time, they can be developed independently, if you make some efforts. In this case, you can use special rituals that are available for self-study.

Of course, training under the supervision of this magic will prove more efficient, but not everyone can afford it. First of all, it should be understood that the formation of a witch can take a lot of time and will require painstaking work on the study of special ancient knowledge.

Such girls, as proper, strongly stand out on a general background, and often the case here is not only in appearance, but also in special energy, which comes from such a person. If you specifically consider external aspects, then it is right here to note that many witches have eyes different colorsMoreover, it may be a natural feature, or the use of special lenses with karim and green colors.

Many of these women have interesting roda spots On the body, or it can be a big mole. They are usually called "seal of Satan". One of the main external features The witches are a very long preservation of his youth, that is, over the years, they look good and practically not aging.

Such a girl can also be determined by a specific look, which can be very strong and weathered, and many of those who want to know how to become a witch at home, try to work with their eyes. Their type of personality is absolutely introverted, because of which such a girl may seem a little unlike. Despite the greater energy strength, the witch often pushes ordinary people from himself.

It should be understood that there are in the world a large number of Absolutely different witches that specialize in various skills. Of course, with age, they get extensive experience and expand their range of their capabilities. Self strong witches may, according to beliefs, reincarnate in various animals of the appearance, and also know how to configure the weather, create and send quite powerful curses, or heal other people from their negative impact. The witch has practically direct access to other measurements, from where and draws all its magic power and skills.

Excluding the offacarious talents, we learn how to become a witch to an ordinary girl.

Sometimes some witch give their skills to other women, passing their strength by inheritance, if they have no offspring. For mutual consent to the transfer of these forces, it is necessary to conduct a ritual of the so-called "confession".

At the same time, sometimes the witch does not have anything else, except to give his forces to a random girl before death, because of which it will eventually begin to feel their manifestations. There is also a special range of rules for a rite with a dedication in the witches. Will study and understand how to become a witch in real life You can independently, but it will take much more forces and time.

To get all the necessary skills advise to find a knowledgeable mentor who will not mind talking about his knowledge. Special books and recipes of various magic herbal drinks will also help here.

One of the most important qualities you need to develop those girls that you are interested in how to become a witch is to develop your own emotions and thoughts, because the witch's path may be very dangerous and thorny. Here it is impossible to lose self-control to not be a victim of black magic, that is, to act in moderation carefully. Also, a beginner witch should be able to turn to its intuitive knowledge and other hidden energy resources.

In addition, in the main basic set of skills and talents of the witches include such skills as interpretation of dreams, fortune-telling different methods And necessarily the perfect knowledge of Tarot. The witch should be in nature as often as possible and, in particular, in the forest where she can take their strength to further make white, or black magic. To find a faithful and intelligent assistant, the witch can tame one of the special pets.

A person who craves to learn magic should be aware that classes of affairs bringing harm to the world around them are condemned by all religions. But really the witch really, if you really want. It is feasible to both black and good sorcerer engaged in white magic.

It is possible to get a special extrasensory energy by applying one of the many special rites, and they must be performed sincerely, being ready for any tests.

For girls who want to learn how to become a white witch, you can advise one very powerful ritual that fill her body needs energy and develop skills. To do this, first take special bathwhich will help reborn in a new look.

First you need to take four ordinary wax candles, as well as salt and incense. It is absolutely naked to carry out this rite, because only so new forces will be able to fill the finished body. To create protection for yourself, which will not allow the evil forces to spoil the energy, on the floor you need to draw a circle with salt, getting straight in the middle of it. On the four sides of the circle, the candles should be placed and burn them. Standing in the center, you need to keep your hands on the chest, asking the goddess that she allowed to start a ritual. Only after that you can, stretching your hands up, start pronouncement, which sounds like this:

"I (the name of a woman), I speak with you, about the great mother, my goddess, and I ask you about the blessing and about your strength. Enter my energy into me and let it be impossible for me to do good for all people! "

Prophoving these words by heart, you need to present an energy ball in your breast moving throughout the body and in all limbs. Next follows the second text of the conspiracy:

"My great mother, make me strong and put me on the witch way so that I start to know all the wisdom of nature and magical knowledge hidden in me. Give me the will to carry good people! "

After this conspiracy, it is necessary to bow to all parties four times, and the third conspiracy must be read in a whisper:

"From now on, being dedicated, I become a real witch and I will be sacred to keep a common secret. I carry these forces through all my life and give them only worthy, that same as I, choose the path of good! May it be so!"

Some choose black magic for themselves, because they see in it a great power. In ancient times, as soon as the girl became a black witch, she was put in assistants, who performed instructions was her lover. After the dedication, she studied black affairs: he brought infertility, she got rid of the neighbors, revenge on the cattle and distributed the disease.

In any case, dark magic is dangerous not only for the victim, but also the sorceress itself, so rituals how to become a black witch is better to know for interest and no more.

Moon dedication rite

Before becoming a dark witch, you need to wait for the full moon, which will feed the girls with their energy. The ritual of initiation needs to be held on the cemetery, if a woman wants to eventually get really very powerful power.

It is necessary to spend everything under the light of the moon, lighting the candle and keeping it right in front of yourself, spreading your hands in different directions. When a girl feel that it is filled with energy, she must pronounce a conspiracy text that looks like this:

"With all the dead and sleeping, I call you, my witness! I'm not afraid to get up on the witch way and ready to take these forces. I came for the teachings and hidden dark knowledge. I recognize everything and truly true! May it be so!"

After these words, one of the spirits will witness a reincarnation into a black witch, and he will be able to help in various situations.

Ritual Dedication to washing

The initiation rite is best carried out in the bath during the full moon. Requires a pelvis cold water, take the old broom to the steam room. At midnight, holding it in the hands, pronounce the words of the conspiracy, then throw a broom to the furnace, we take cold water. Not talking to anyone, go to bed. Spell, how to become a witch:

"I urge the essence, testifying to my teaching. Having wrapped yourself with a key water, break all seven seals of this week. In exchange I will get wisdom of the universe, the trick of the fox, the speed of the lightning strike and the knowledge of the magical forces. The weapons in my hands amazes all enemies and I will hinder my defense on my way. Did you have a witness? I give the floor that I will be more agile and stronger than my rivals. Falling Satan from heaven in the form of lightning and will be my teaching. Amen".

Ancient spell on the formation of a witch

Another interesting waywhich will help learn how to become a witch - a spell that works for attracting special strength and talents. Before it is applied, it is necessary to keep a fairly strict post for three days. To do it, it is not necessary to undress and leave your house, you just need to stay alone in the room where no one goes. Here the woman should light the lamp, which will burn the next forty days. After this period, you can come to the room and pronounce a spell in it, which sounds like this:

"My Almighty Lord, give me wisdom, which was selected from Solomon. You died, but I gave all of us eternal life, so giving me a secret of magic so that I could use it correctly. I appeal to all divine and magical creatures, come! Javi Teurgy, Tetragrammaton, bend to the action and send me to the witch way! I will be strong and nothing will break my calm and power, so I found the Great Wisdom! My spell starts to act and disappears any fear of my way. My whole body is full of new forces. Amen!"

To figure out how to become good Witch Or evil and dark, you need, first of all, to find real and strong intention to do it. None even the most powerful ritual will help if the future sorceress is not sure what is doing. That is why before becoming a witch, video and additional materials From the literature may be very useful for configuring the correct state. It should be understood that the witch has its own lifestyle, which is associated to a certain extent with the doom. All this needs to be understood and take in advance that the perfume governing magical forces, they are convinced that they are divided by their talents with the right person.

Witch - Woman unusual. Being a witch in real life - it means to give up your former nature and take a new entity. This essence comes a desire that most people do not have. Knowledge that will open access to new world - Invisible, majestic, which is always near, but it is impossible to enter it without a password. Password - magic. This is more than a lifestyle, more than the thirst for love and power. Magic is one of the laws of the universe. If you have enough spirit, you are free to choose it yourself. How to become a real witch? - There are ways there, and we will talk about it now.

How to become a witch in real life - how to gain the ability

Mages exist in our real daily reality. This is not a myth, not the fiction of writers who are on the status should be rich, exalted fantasy. Witches and sorcerers live next to ordinary people, walk on the same streets, dress stylishly and modernly, or on the contrary, they are trying not to stand out from the crowd. Looking at unfamiliar manYou can assume what he is doing, and what way of life leads.

But, by what parameters do you determine its belonging to the clan of the Magic Witch?

Many people theoretically would like to have developed magical abilities, Having power, enlightened intuition, feel people. But in practice, a few ready to seek this. Abilities can. On the female line, the effect is stronger on the daughter than on male generic channels. In addition, the impact will be stronger if there is communication with the genus. These are options for methods, how to become a real witch.

If you communicate with the birth, from which the gift was taken over, then perceive it naturally and calmly, as an objective reality: "There are all such" here, "" I Am among my ". If there is no contact with the relatives, then the manifestations of the witchcraft may be alarming, disturb and even scare. For those who have the abilities of the witch, but does not develop them, it is important to have a relative soul soul on the sensation, "the same". Support is very important, especially at first, when you feel your gift and want to become a witch in real life.

How to become a real witch in modern life - a ritual of initiation

The abilities for magic can be transmitted by the genus, but witchcraft can be learned. If you are lucky, next to you will be a magician who wants to become your teacher. With such support to comprehend the basics of witchcraft and begin its practice much easier. After approved in the thoughts to become a real witch, you must study different aspects of witchcraft, the day will come, and you follow the ritual of initiation. You will link ourselves obligations, will be inside the system, to get out of which, i.e. Throw witchcraft, it is impossible.

Most people live a simple human life, but few people have a worthy life. A real witch is distinguished by the awareness of their desires. She knows exactly what he wants, and how to get it. Ritual initiation, i.e. His ritual part does not answer the question of how to become a real witch in real life.

A ritual dedication to the witches is the beginning of the way, this is an open road on which magicians go.

If you do not have a congenital gift to magic, obtained by generic channels, know that many people have supercondual abilities in the underdevelopment. And, if you work hard, you can achieve the gift of a real witche manifested itself in one form or another. There are different practices for development.