What spell read to become a good witch. Real Ancient Witch Spells

As Alexander Shepp told, most people are deprived of the gift to communicate with the otherworldly peace and magical way to influence the circumstances of the lives of others. However, each at least for a minute thought about how life would have developed, he had secret knowledge and supernatural power. If you have noticed any unnatural actions or unusual situations, it may be evidence that you still have a gift. That's just if you have magic powerIt will take a lot of time and effort to develop it in yourself.

For those women who do not have any supernatural talents, Alexander Sheps says that another woman who is endowed with a strong gift can be helped by a witch. For example, if you turn to the same grandmother, then they often have no family and they have to transmit their gift unfamiliar people Before death. In most cases, it is thanks to this, girls who are not endowed with any unusual abilities are at their disposal. magic power.

Become a witch B. real life You can also in another way, the Medium Alexander Sheps notes. According to him, any woman can try to independently develop the Witchcraft Dar in itself, asking for help among otherworldly. In order to become a witch, first you need to learn how to guess Tarot and constantly practicing in this knowledge. As its first deck, Tarot Alexander Sheps recommends choosing Taro White or Lenorman. At the beginning of his magical practices, it should be guess only for ourselves, since an inexperienced woman can bring their predictions to the other person.

The second stage will be mastering different species Salka I. magic rituals. To become a witch in real life, you can help your own grimoire. Get yourself a notebook where you will record all the conspiracies used, divination and rituals. It is recommended not to devote those around your plans and expectations. During the class of magic, try to remain in complete loneliness and be extremely concentrated. Good luck will definitely smile if you show proper patience.

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14.03.2014 11:37

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The witch from Siberia Elena Golunov has long earned a reputation as black sorcerer. She admits that she communicates ...

How to become a witch

How to become a witch in real life? This is the question that those women who really and really want to master the genuine artist of witchcraft are asked, and are ready to go practically to any victims to become a witch in life.

According to the established tradition and old legends, the word WITCH Associated with the old moral recovery of Kargoy, however, a modern witch is no longer the old woman who is departing at night on the broom, is a very attractive and beautiful person who applies to the spell can be seen of the fate of people.

Most women wishing to become a real witch represent a charming image of the main character of any dreams, and think that being a witch is like fun and completely easily. Unfortunately it is not quite so.

Does every woman live in every woman? Undoubtedly. To born real Witch, the woman must fully master the intruder at first glance, she must learn the power of the spells, thanks to which the witch will be able to: charm, deceive, screen or even destroy life.

How to become a good witch? It is necessary to fully and until the end to show off her will, believe in their strength, to accept the ritual of initiation and start gradual training, the improvement of the qualities of the witches and the abilities that are the basis of the witch witchcraft.

Be a witch- This is definitely risky art - it delays, and there is no way back from the kingdom of witchhood, so if you really decided become a witchThis step should be realized and not associated with temporary hobbies or simple banal impulse.

Who can become a witch

Witch can be Any capable person who is intensively interested in all mysterious and unknown. We are usually witch from nature, when human abilities are in a more developed position, and it is only worth paying attention to them. Also a good witch or sorcerer can be a person if only girls or boys are born in three generations in his family in a row, in this case, the training of witchcraft occurs at times faster and such people usually become strong witches or sorcerers.

Witch are at all (free) or (not free), the only difference is that free witches are trained themselves, and not free witches receive witchcraft in the "legacy" from the dying, often knowing about it - sometimes forcibly. The involuntary witch to become - it means to get magical power in the gift - however there is a very important moment. Receiving must be trained with his mentor before that - in otherwise If the witch strength was passed (by random) touch before the death of the witches,
* without skill- Man is doomed to flour.

How to become a witch spell

Massage in the witch It can take place anywhere, depending on which path will choose a future witch. But better spell is pronounced in the bath. Dedication occurs at 12 o'clock in the morning solely on Monday.

With you, an old annifle broom is taken as an attribute. At the appointed time, a conspiracy is pronounced on the challenge of the Spirit. After pronunciation, water is poured, the broom is required to shove into a burning oven and burn, - then you can go to sleep and nice this night not to talk.

Spell Challenge Spirit

Calling here a witness of my teaching. We wake yourself with water out of three different sources, break seven seals of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Subotes and the Seventh Day Sunday. I'll take the wisdom of the snake, the ease of the fox, the speed of the boom from lightning, dew with the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David. The sword in my hand will hit the enemy. I shook the shields are unsuitable. I will apply the invisible canopy. I climb into armor in my way. Witness Are you? !!! I swear to be stronger than my enemies and more agile! I burn the Golik (broom) this and with him a retreat from the exercise. I will open a book and break seven of her seals and I will win the lion of Judine Korni Davidov. I see Satan, falling from the sky with a zipper. Lightning is my teaching. AMEN..

How to become a witch cemetery

The witch who took dedication to the cemetery is considered very strong witch. The ritual is reproduced in the same night of Monday. Come to the gate of the cemetery independently or with the teacher, and there are a dedication ritual. After returning home without talking home.

With those who sleep in this place, it does not open the eye I caught a witness to myself I did not fear, I will leave without looking around to the deceased of Saban and I do the doctrine as steel strong, so I will be strong in my teaching. AMEN..

How to become a witch intersection

Another way dedications to sorcerers or how to become a witch - This is the pronunciation of the word Call of mind at the crossroads of roads. Time midnight 12 hours, Monday.

Call a witness on four roads - Hiking and dries -Wyd dust from the legs worth it, where they wore the dead - and the children fled, where old men went to the damage and trouble, where the Yateman standing on you to confirm your decision-everyone to know everything. And not retreat until I know everything. And if I deceive, you witness the dust you will make here. AMEN..

Remember that many witches and sorcerers usually do not have a happy personal life, but this figure primarily depends on the dark cases that they were engaged, and before death they are obliged to transfer their acquired witch forces to someone because they are not They will be able to calmly go into another world of existence, and will be long to suffer and disturb the living people here, while there is a certain ritual in their honor.

Magic for beginners- Power of natural elements

The physical world consists of four elements: Water, land, fire and air. Their combination gives all the diversity of things and items that surrounding us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and the strength necessary to change the physical and astral space.

Magic interaction Alfa State

How does a witch work? One of the initial practices for beginner witches is the practice of entry into the aned state of the consciousness of Alpha. If you want to become a real witch, then before you go to conspiracies, rituals or other exercises, you must greatly master this technique.

The name of the thoughtform comes from two words, thought, that is, a specific thought, a visible image that effectively uses magic.

Thinking about something either, or passionately, you want something and take actions to this, - you somehow give birth to a tolerant - use the ability of matter to move from a solid state into a thin essential, astral and mental.

Interesting news

How to become a witch is the ownership of secret knowledge, the management of the sorce forces of the elements, it is white Magic Angels and black magic witches and demons, witchcraft of success, power and money, power protection and attack, witness phenomena and charm. This is a completely new world for a beginner witch, the future in which it starts right here and now, which means that you yourself are able to manage witchcraft forces, it is worth only learning magic and know the witch secrets. Thank you so much for the fact that when searching for free magicians, you all have not paid attention to our road magic for free. We will always be happy to present you magic secrets and offer magic for free, and the process of ritual itself is clearly clearing.
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Every year the number of people who are interested in magic increases. Therefore, the topic, how to become a witch at home, remains relevant for more than one year. In general, most of the magicians and psychics receive their ability to "inheritance", that is, the skills are transferred to the female or male line. If you wish, you can learn, but only it is necessary to specify that the process will be long enough.

How to become a witch in real life at home?

Of great importance is the right psychological attitude. You need to be able to quickly relax and feel your own emotions. There are several tips that will make sure and find the right energy flow:

  1. Of great importance is the intuition that must be constantly developed. Try to listen to any action and solving to listen to the inner voice, pushing the mind to the side.
  2. You need to learn to understand nature and get energy and knowledge from it. It is recommended to walk frequently in parks and forests, conduct meditations to fresh air, add live plants and products from natural materials. We will not make a pet and best if it is a cat. Start learning properties various plantsthat will be used in the future.
  3. Get the Literature on Magic and Learn various directions, including the magic of Taro. Start interpreting the dreams and be sure to make sure that the future managed to predict correctly. If there is an opportunity, then find a teacher for yourself, in this case the process will accelerate significantly.

Before becoming a truly witch at home, you need to think carefully about my decision, because after rituals, it is impossible to refuse and return everything back. In general, the solution should not be an emotional impulse or new passion.

Effective ritual how to become a witch home

An ideal place for holding a rite of dedication is a bath, but if it is impossible, an ordinary bathroom is suitable. You need to start the ritual on Monday exactly at midnight. Mandatory attribute - old broom. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, tell the spell on the call of the Spirit to become a witch at home, as it will become an assistant. The conspiracy sounds like this:

"Calling here a witness of my teaching.

Wait like a water of three different sources,

i break seven seals of the week:

monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Seventh Sunday Day.

I'll take the wisdom of the snake, the ease of the fox, the speed of the boom from lightning, dew with the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David.

The sword in my hand will hit the enemy. I shields impenetrable.

I will apply the invisible canopy. I climb into armor in my way.

Witness - Are you? !!!

I swear to be stronger than my enemies and more agile!

I burn the Golik (broom) this and with him a retreat from the exercise.

I will open a book and break the seven of her seals and I will run the lion of Judine Root Davidov.

I see Satan, falling from the sky with a zipper.

Lightning is the teaching mine. Amen".

Then should be pouring yourself with water, and the broom to burn into the furnace or in a fire on the street. Important after the ritual is not talking to anyone and immediately go to bed.

How to become a white witch at home?

It is necessary to carry out the rite alone so that nothing bothered. Take the usual salt and create a magic circle with it. From four sides of the world. church candles. Before you go to a circle, you need to damage the entire body and best use herbal infusion. It is recommended to conduct a ritual completely naked.

Hands fold at the chest level in a prayer gesture, contact the great goddess and ask for a blessing. Try to drive all thoughts from yourself and continue to think only about the ritual. After all preparatory stages Will be completed, you need to light the candles, starting from the east, moving clockwise. The next step is to set fire to incense. Then lift your hands up so that the palms are pointing up, and tell me these words:

"I (name), I appeal to the Great Mother, to the Ladyman of all the existing, to the goddess-donatenice, I ask you, bless it is a dedication, they donated to me grace and give the magical power to create good deeds and actions."

During this, it is necessary to represent how the stream of energy passes through the body. A sense of heat or tingling may appear. Then lower the hands on the chest level in a prayer gesture and say such the words:

"O Great Mother, the Lord of the whole, the goddess-donel, I ask you, strengthen me on the witch's path, helping to know the natural wisdom, to know myself and secrets of magic and teach them to use this all in good by all living things."

The next step is bowing to four sides clockwise, while saying such words:

"I swear to be a witch and keep all the witch secrets from nowing the initiation and to your very death and transfer them only to those who will be worthy to go through love and goodness."

After that, tell me five times: "May it be so!". It remains only to thank the spirits and you can extinguish the candles, but just do it counterclockwise, starting from the north.

The question of the existence of witches people asked for the time immemorial. Now we can accurate to say that witches really exist.

Many girls themselves want to become witch, but not everything is as simple as it seems: such a desire can turn into a real curse. The imagination of most people draws certain images associated with witch. For someone, it is old women with a broom, for others these are red-haired green-eyed girls, and for the third - dark-haired tempts. Witch themselves say that appearance irrelevant. The important thing is inside.

Who are such witches

These are not the old women flying on a broomstick, and not even the girls who are attracted by men and strive for power. The true power of the witch is hidden under the most ordinary appearance. You can feel only their energy, which makes you experience certain emotions.

If the witch is kind, then, next to her, anyone will feel calm and peace. They smile such witches, laugh, sympathize and love from a pure heart. They have almost no secrets and secrets. If the witch is dark, evil, then it is perceived as an ordinary person, but only until it manifests her essence. This usually occurs under the influence of negative emotions. When the witch falls into anger, you can feel a special strength, which, as if wave, covers you. It is impossible to confuse anything. She will not shout or cry. Her silence will be afraid of you. Of course, this is also a kind of stereotypical look at things, but in most cases it happens about everything.

Witch not only impose or remove the curses, as they show us in various films. Yes, this is one of them professional Qualities and skills. But they also predict the future, clean the karma, using Taro, chiromantia card for this card, and bioenergy waves. There are particularly gifted witches who simply feel your problems looking into your eyes.

Witches are ordinary peoplewho know a little more about the world invisible. In ancient times, they were burned on fires. Yes, what to say there, even those who suspected in witchcraft executed forelimm. The kings and other managers had court witches, alchemists and healers, which everyone knew, for they worked for the glory to the kings and rulers.

Usually witches are women because they feel the world more acute. It is worth distinguishing mediums and magicians from the witches, because the sorcerers have other abilities.

A great interest is the question of how witches become witches. For this you need some kind of ritual, or is it going on with a wave of a magic stick? Maybe you need to drink a magic potion? Do not forget that the witches are real. These people are absolutely the same as we. They have a need for love, in money, in entertainment. They can even work with you in the same office. It may be your girlfriend, familiar or even a relative.

Self real Wits are those who were born with their gift. Someone considers this gift to curse, someone is a source of light. You can get the gift by inheritanceand can be purchased by another way. It is said that witch becomes illegitimate girls. Ovenful children Female in the second, sixth or thirteenth generation adopt the talents of their ancestors, if they were in the family. Some argue that you need to be born out of marriage in 3, 9 or 12 generation. Disputes still go about it. The gift is manifested almost immediately after birth. As a rule, it is originally neutral. Decide how to use it - the owner itself should be in harm.

Witches are also born those who were conceived at a special time or under unusual circumstances. It can be unwanted childrenas well as children conceived during the post Or on the eve of important holidays like Christmas Christ or Easter.

There is another important point. Girls may never know about their gift, and they may not develop it, because they are afraid of it. As a result of this screening, even fewer girls become witch. This suggests that you can meet a lot of witches for your life, but even they will not know about their abilities. Remember that if the girl confessed to you, it has a special strength, then this speaks of her high devotion and trust you.

Usually the witch itself takes the first step towards a person who needs help. Perhaps someone launched a curse or smoothed, and maybe some dark essence closed to him. With bad witches, you familiarize yourself. They have their own glory among a certain circle of people who pay money or provide services in exchange for curses, conspiracies, love times and so on. In this case, the witch has only thirst for profit.

The second type of witches is those who acquired his abilities after birth. It happens that the woman, wanting to become a witch, purposefully looking for a mentor. But there are also cases when witches became unwittingly: the sorcerers looked after their student and dedicated them to the dark matter. Such witches were not allowed to even go to church and take the sacrament of confession.

Learn about your witch talents by chance. They can see ghosts, prophetic dreams, predict the future. It's not so easy to live with such possibilities. Even harder - to hide your true face from people, especially if you want to help someone to get rid of problems.

This world is difficult to understand, so far from always we are ready to spend time to put yourself in place of another person. Remember that witches are people who will always live among us. It should not feel bad or good. It is necessary to respect them and appreciate the good deeds. Now witches and other gifted are often called psychics. Many of them believe that you do not need to torture

These strange women, according to legend, existed at all times in all peoples of the world and still exist. The witches can be found among the northern snow, and in the sandy sands of the Sahara, and in the tropics of Amazonia, and in the impassable Siberian taiga, and even in blooming Italy. If earlier these women lived in forest huts and huts, currently their refuge - modern well-maintained apartments.

According to all the same legends, at all times the witch fought not for life, but to death. They were cailed and burned on the bons of the Inquisition, they were exterminated and exposed as a deception. Witch for all the time of the existence of humanity was experienced by almost all the importance and deprivation of their fate - and still exist and now live.

Who can become a witch?

A witch can be any woman, and the witch is any man. It all depends on what character of the origin will have a potential witch - hereditary or voluntary (acquired). Famous specialist in unclean power Sergei Maksimov argues that hereditary witches are obtained if people will be born out of marriage for several generations of people.

There are some advantages for those women who have witches in the family. Such women are inherited from their moms and grandmothers. It is curious that they are already born with this force - the ability to conjure already laid in them, the parents will only remain to teach their daughters to use these abilities. Sergey Maximov argues that this "science" is transmitted only through the generation, i.e. from grandmother to his granddaughter.

How to become a witch?

If there were no witches and sorcerers in the family, the Witchcraft Dar, of course, does not pass by inheritance. In this case, a woman can become a witch alone. To do this, she needs to get a witch force from other sorcerer. This is done before the death of the witches. You need to try to find a real sorceress, and it will definitely give your strength! The fact is that witches are usually lonely people - relatives from them refuse, they have no friends.

Before death, the real Witch suffers greatly: if she has a family, nobody wants to take a terrible gift, but no one wants to die without passing his witchcraft, Witch can not. As a result, she has to transmit his abilities to some completely strangers. This "first counter" and may be the one who wishes to become a real sorcerer! To transmit your gift witch enough to touch the person and read the corresponding spell.

However, get the witness to the power - this does not mean to become a full sorcerer! You need to learn to kang. To do this, you need to know the ritual spells. This can help experienced sorcerers that are engaged in the student of the young generation of witches. It is worth noting that it will not be so easy to find a real sorcerer, because any of them takes some amount of money for their services, but who is Charlatan, and who is a real Witcher?

Future witches must be aware of the goals of their actions and possible consequences, caused by the Society by those or other spells. The future witch must remember: the road to the church will be closed forever for her, and from the house it will be necessary to remove incense, icons, crosses. Light tones in clothing are replaced with dark, windows in the house are stored with black curtains. And further! Before becoming a witch, it is necessary to weigh everything "for" and "against", because communication with dark forces is a great sin!