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Lesson presentation

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  • to acquaint parents with the age characteristics of children 3-4 years old;
  • increased contact between teachers and parents

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 3-4 years old; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

Form of conducting : round table discussion

Participants: educators, parents, narrow specialists.

Preparatory stage

Preparation thank you letters families who took an active part in the life of the group and kindergarten

Preliminary survey of parents (Appendix 1-2).

Development of a draft parent meeting solution.

4. Registration of invitations.

  1. Carrying out plan:
  2. Introductory part.
  3. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year.
  4. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.
  5. Psychological features 3-4 years old.
  6. Rewarding parents.

Event progress

I. Organizational stage

Exercise "How do you want your child to be?"

Before you lie the "petals" of our future "chamomile". Write down how you want your child to look on the “chamomile petal”.

(After a joint discussion of the parents, the "petals" are attached to the board in the form of a "chamomile")

The music plays, encouraging teamwork. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. On the central wall is a poster with the theme of the meeting.

Parents study the content of the parent-teacher training program.

1. Introductory part

Educator : Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you! Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our wonderful children turned three - four years old, they moved to the second junior group of the kindergarten! Let's convey our wishes to them.

Exercise "Wish"

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher, to the music, starts up a “magic microphone” in a circle. Whoever has the microphone in his hands says the wish.

Educator: Children have changed a lot, have become more mature, more independent. What are they, our three-year-olds? A psychologist will tell you about the psychological characteristics of children 3-4 years old. (Appendix 3)(Presentation 1)

Educator: Sometimes parents hear from a child “I don’t want to Kindergarten”. What to do, how to proceed? Counseling for parents: “My child does not want to go to kindergarten”. (Appendix 4)

Educator: What are the children doing in kindergarten? (We tell parents about the daily routine, educational programs, according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of upbringing and education, about the main classes and types of children's activities (schedule of classes), about additional education (free and paid circles) Parents ask questions of interest to them, making suggestions for improving the quality educational process... They are given a memo "Rules for Parents" (Appendix 6)... Parents fill out a family questionnaire, where they make all the changes that have occurred during the current period (changes in surnames, telephone addresses, places of work, etc.). Parents receive a printed list of educators (full name, contact numbers, time of consultation)

Educator: We suggest choosing a parenting committee of the group, which will deal with the organization of all our joint projects together with the educators.

Election of the new composition of the parent committee. (Parents are handed out leaflets "Election of the parent committee") (Appendix 5) The parent committee is approved by direct voting.

Educator: Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important for any team. The condition for harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to yield to each other. Dear Parents! A year ago, we crossed the threshold of the kindergarten together with you and your children. During this year we have experienced a lot - there were tears and laughter, and the first victories. Thank you for being with us, for your support.

(Handing letters of thanks to parents who are active participants in group and kindergarten events.)

Parents meeting decision:

  1. Establish a schedule for group parenting meetings - once a quarter. The parent meeting starts at 17.30.
  2. To elect the chairman of the parent group of the group, (FULL NAME.).
  3. To approve the parent committee as follows:
    (Full name of members of the parent committee, their phones).
  4. Accept the parenting rules.
  5. Fill out the parent and family questionnaire.
  6. Teachers and parents to interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - to create favorable conditions for the education of children in an established team.

Educator: Thank you, dear parents, for coming to the parent meeting. We invite you to a tea party.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the parent meeting in the form of KVN "Nature and moral education of older preschool children" Purpose: to create conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and mental rapprochement; to increase the interest of parents in the environment.

Synopsis of the parent meeting in the group of younger preschool age "We play with our fingers - we develop speech" Hello dear parents! 1. Today we will start our meeting with a warm-up! Parents are encouraged to repeat their beloved after the teacher.

Synopsis of the parent meeting in the younger group "Sand therapy in the development of preschool children" Synopsis of the parent meeting in younger group"Sand therapy in the development of preschool children" Purpose and objectives: - to give a definition.

Round table for parents "Education of independence of preschool children in work" Purpose: to form in parents a clear idea of ​​the possibilities, ways and methods of fostering independence in children in the process.

Purpose: to increase the competence of preschool educational institutions on the issue of development fine motor skills and introduce them to unconventional finger games.

Round table "Organizational and pedagogical approaches in the formation of the foundations of fire safety in preschool children" Objectives: 1. Systematic study of the most probable causes of fires; 2. Formation of dangerous ideas among preschoolers.

Round table "Features of sex education in preschool children" Preliminary work: 1. Individual conversations-invitations of parents. 2. Parents reading excerpts from the book of John Gray “Children from Heaven.

Round table Topic: "The role of play in the development of preschool children" Purpose: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of play activity in children of younger preschool age. Tasks: 1. Form.

Round table for parents "You and I are equal!" on the education of tolerance in preschool children Presentation on tolerance education in preschool children on the topic: "You and I are equal!" (To round table for parents) Prepared by :.

Dear Parents!

The kindergarten is open 5 days a week from 7.00 to 19.00. The days off are Saturday, Sunday and national holidays.

Reception of children from 7.00 to 8.3 0.

Remember: the timely arrival and departure of the child is a prerequisite correct implementation educational - educational process.

About the impossibility of a child coming to kindergarten due to illness or other good reason it is imperative to inform the preschool educational institution by phone.
A child who does not attend kindergarten for more than five days must have a certificate from a doctor; when returning after a long absence, a certificate of the child's health and contacts for the last 21 days is provided;
It is necessary to inform in advance about the day of the child's exit to the preschool educational institution after a long absence.

The procedure for collecting payment for the maintenance of the child.

The child support fee is paid to the bank to the child's personal account one month in advance, no later than the 25th day of each month. The recalculation of the paid receipt for the days on which the child did not attend the preschool educational institution is made the next month.
Parents are required to report the payment to the teacher within three days, providing a paid receipt, in case of illness or absence of the child in Preschool parents are obliged to pay within the specified time frame and report it.

Requirements to outward appearance and children's clothing.

What indicates that the child is well-groomed:

neat look, buttoned-up clothes and shoes;

washed face;

clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;

trimmed and carefully combed hair;

lack of plaque on the teeth;

clean underwear;

the presence of handkerchiefs.

For creating comfortable conditions a child's stay in a preschool educational institution is necessary:

sets of removable underwear, pajamas;

two bags for storing clean and used linen;

to mark underwear, clothes and other things.


Before taking your child to kindergarten, check if his suit is suitable for the season and air temperature. Make sure that the child's clothes are not too large and do not hinder his movements. In the right clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can take care of himself. Shoes should be lightweight, warm, exactly fit the child's foot, easy to take off and put on. Wearing overalls is undesirable. A handkerchief is essential for a child, both indoors and out. Create convenient pockets on your clothing to store it. To avoid injuries, parents should check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothes for dangerous items.

It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting, glass objects to the preschool educational institution (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles), as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets. give chewing gum to a child in kindergarten.

If you brought your child after the start of morning exercises, please undress him and wait with him in the waiting room until the next break. Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8. 00. and in the evening after 16. 30. At other times, the teacher works with children, and you should not be distracted.

Educators of groups are not entitled to fulfill the requests of parents for the treatment of children, to take pills, drops, potions from the parents. All procedures according to the written prescription of the doctor can only be performed by the nurse of the institution.

The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed with respect, "YOU", by name and patronymic.

Controversial and conflict situations allow in the absence of children.

If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the administration of the preschool educational institution.

In a group, children are not allowed to hit and hurt each other; take personal belongings without permission, including toys of other children brought from home.

The kindergarten is not responsible for toys, books brought from home, jewelry (chains, crosses, earrings). It is forbidden to bring into the group toys and books that are dirty and dangerous for the life and health of children. Toys should be parted in the dressing room. th room and store them in an individual locker.

When visiting a family, you must observe following conditions:

Not to come to the family without warning

Do not schedule your visit for more than 15-20 minutes (so as not to be burdensome)

· Do not conduct a conversation while standing, at the entrance, in outer clothing. If your parents are confused, come to their aid: “Let me undress. Where can you sit down and talk? "

· You can not conduct a conversation in an aggressive tone

Do not teach parents, but advise them

· It is advisable to conduct a conversation with the child, choosing a form and content that are sparing for him.

Whims and stubbornness

Before proceeding to the consideration of the topic "Whims, stubbornness and ways to overcome them", it is necessary to determine the area of ​​this topic, i.e. put it in a certain framework. Whims and stubbornness are seen as constituents of deviant behavior, along with:

1. Disobedience, expressed in disobedience and mischief

2. Childish negativism, i.e. rejection of something for no particular reason.

3. Willfulness

4. Indiscipline

All of the above forms of deviant behavior differ only in the degree of social danger, and also depend on age and individual characteristics the personality of the child.

The concepts of "whims and stubbornness" are very related and no clear boundaries can be drawn between them. And the ways to overcome whims and stubbornness are the same, but more on that later.

DEADLINE -this is a psychological state very close to negativism. This is a negative feature of human behavior, expressed in unreasonable and irrational opposition to requests, advice, and demands of other people. A kind of stubborn disobedience for which there is no apparent motive.

Manifestations of stubbornness:

  • acts as a psychological defense and has a selective character, i.e. the child realized that he made a mistake, but does not want to admit it, and therefore "stands his ground".

Stubbornness can become a character trait if you don't take steps to overcome it. Over time, it creates childish deceit, can lead to upset nervous system, neuroses, irritability. If such manifestations, even in preschool age, from reactive states go to chronic, then there is initial stage pedagogical neglect.

We won't talk a lot about whims, because all information largely overlaps with the above.

CAPRICES -these are actions that are devoid of a reasonable basis, i.e. "I so want and that's it !!!". They are caused by the child's weakness and, to a certain extent, also act as a form of self-defense.

Manifestations of whims:

  • in the desire to continue the action begun, even in those cases when it is clear that it is meaningless, does not bring benefit.
  • in discontent, irritability, crying.
  • in motor overexcitation.

The development of whims is facilitated by a fragile nervous system.

What parents need to know about childish stubbornness and capriciousness:

1. The period of stubbornness and moodiness begins at about 18 months.

2. As a rule, this phase ends by 3.5-4 years. Random seizures

3. stubbornness at an older age is also quite normal.

4. The peak of stubbornness occurs at 2.5-3 years of age.

5. Boys are more stubborn than girls.

6. Girls are more capricious than boys.

7. During the crisis period, attacks of stubbornness and moodiness occur in children 5 times a day. Some children have up to 19 times!

8. If children, upon reaching 4 years of age, still continue to often be stubborn and capricious, then most likely we are talking about "fixed stubbornness", hysteria, as convenient ways manipulating the child by their parents. Most often this is the result of the conciliatory behavior of the parents, who succumbed to pressure from the child, often for the sake of their peace of mind.

What parents can do to overcome stubbornness and moodiness in children:

1. Do not betray of great importance stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the seizure, but don't worry too much about the child.

2. During the attack, stay close to him, let him feel that you understand him.

3. Do not try to instill something in your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing does not make sense, the spanking excites him even more.

4. Be persistent in your behavior with the child, if you said no, stay with this opinion.

5. Do not give up even when a child's seizure occurs in a public place. Most often, only one thing helps - to take him by the hand and lead him away.

6. Hysteria and capriciousness require spectators, do not resort to the help of outsiders: "Look what a bad girl, ay-ay-ay!" This is all the child needs.

7. Try to cheat: "Oh, what an interesting toy I have (a book, a thing)!" Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious and he will calm down.

8. Eliminate from the arsenal a rude tone, harshness, the desire to "break with the power of authority."

9. Calm communication tone, without irritability.

10. Concessions take place if they are pedagogically expedient, justified by the logic of the educational process.

The following points are very important in prevention and in dealing with stubbornness and whims. It will focus on the humanization of the relationship between parents and children, namely, in which cases the child cannot be punished and scolded, when it is possible and necessary to praise:


  • not achieved by their own labor.
  • not to be praised (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence).
  • out of pity or a desire to please.

2. SHOULD BE Praised:

  • for an act, for an accomplished action.
  • always start cooperating with a child with praise, approval.
  • It is very important to praise your child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too.
  • be able to praise without praising ( example: ask for help, advice, like an adult). It is necessary to dwell on punishments in more detail.


1. the child is sick, unwell, or has recovered from the illness. at this time, the child's psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable.

2. when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before sleep.

3. in all cases when something does not work out ( example: when you are in a hurry and the child cannot tie their shoelaces).

4. after physical or mental injury ( example: the child fell, you scold for this, believing that he is to blame).

5. when the child did not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard.

6. when the internal motives of his action are not clear to you.

7. when you are not yourself.


1. punishment must not harm health.

2. if there are doubts, then it is better not to punish (example: you are not sure that it was your child who committed the offense, or you doubt that the committed action is generally worthy of punishment, that is, it is impossible to punish "just in case".

3. for 1 offense - one punishment (you cannot recall old sins).

4. it is better not to punish than to punish late.

5. must be punished and soon forgiven.

6. if the child thinks that you are unfair, then there will be no effect, therefore it is important to explain to the child why and for what he is being punished.

7. the child should not be afraid of punishment.

Of course, use all the rules and the necessary conditions in his family upbringing is very difficult, but probably each parent will choose from all of the above the missing part, thereby complementing the already developed strategy of upbringing in your family.

Attendance memo for students' parents.

Dear Parents!

Before leaving your child at home for any reason, remember that there are documents that make it a good excuse to skip school.

1. A certificate from a doctor. Provided after showing class teacher in the event that the child was sick or did not feel well (in this case, applications are not accepted, the cause of the poor health should be established only by a medical worker). Also, a certificate is provided if the child asks the administrator on duty during the day in order to visit the outpatient clinic (in this case, a statement from the parents with a request to leave the lesson is mandatory). There must be 2 seals on the document (doctor and medical institution), there should be no fixes. Ask for a certificate at the outpatient clinic, even if there was a one-day visit to the doctor for the purpose of taking tests, examinations, consultations, etc.

2. Application. The application is written to the name of the director (example below) in the event that the child needs to be absent from school due to family reasons (indicating a specific reason). The application is signed in advance by the director. If the child is planned to be absent from school for a long time, then the application must make a note that the fulfillment curriculum parents take over. In this case, a special order is issued for the school giving your child the right to long-term absence from school.

3. Certificate (application) from the village club, village library, etc. In the case of providing a certificate from the above institutions, a statement from the parents with a request to release the child from school must be present. If the child is planned to be absent from school for a long time, then the statement must be made to the effect that the parents undertake the implementation of the curriculum.

Sample application


MCOU Tarutinskaya secondary school

O.A. Voychel


I ask you to release my son Ivanov N.I., student of grade 11 A, from studies on October 14, 2007 for family reasons (departure to Achinsk). We undertake to complete the training program for this period.

Number Signature.

In case of emergency situations that cannot be foreseen in advance (for example, an emergency travel outside the village), but for which the child cannot go to school, the parents are obliged to:

1. Inform the school about the absence of the student in the classroom.

2. Provide an explanatory note explaining why the student was absent.

This document is provided in the event of an unplanned absence of a child for extraordinary reasons: death of loved ones, funeral, emergency and other unexpected circumstances.

In this case, the lessons are considered to have been missed for a good reason.