Work curriculum in the section Fine activity. Program of additional education on drawing in unconventional techniques

Ekaterina Skorohodova
Additional educational program for pictorial activities for children 5-7 years old "Magic world of drawing"

Explanatory note

Preschool age - the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human gestures. It is at this age that the foundations of the comprehensive, harmonic development of the child are laid.

Fine creativity - specific children's activity aimed at the aesthetic development of the world through visual arts, The most accessible view of the knowledge of the world is a child. The most characteristic feature of the aesthetic attitude of a small child is the immediacy of the stakeholder assessment "I" from any objective situation; the insecurity of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking and imagination. We can argue that artistic creativity has the most direct impact on the development of aesthetic relation children to reality.

Creativity to creativity - distinctive trait A person, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create, not harming, multiply, not destroying. Psychologists and teachers came to the conclusion that the early development of the ability to creativity was already in preschool childhood - a guarantee of future success.

The desire to create is the inner need of a child, it arises from him independently and is extremely sincerity. We, adults, should help the child to discover the artist, develop the abilities that will help him become a person. Creative personality is the domain of all society.

Painting is one of the most important means of knowledge of the world and the development of knowledge of aesthetic education, as it is connected with independent practical and creative child activity. In the process drawing The child is improved by observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creative skills. Drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: visual form assessment, orientation in space, feeling of color. Also develop special skills and skills: Coordination of eyes and hands, possession of brush hands.

Systematic mastering all necessary means and methods activities Provides children the joy of creativity and their comprehensive development (aesthetic, intellectual, moral and labor, physical). And also allows fruitful to solve the tasks of training children to school.

Works of domestic and foreign specialists indicatethat artistically creative activity performs therapeutic function, distracting children from sad, sad events, offend, taking off nervous tension, fears. Causes a joyful, raised mood, ensures the positive emotional state of each child.

The development of the creative abilities of the preschooler is given sufficient attention in such complex programs, as: "Childhood", "Rainbow", "Development" and others. Authors program The new generation is offered, through the section of artistic - aesthetic education, acquaint children with traditional ways drawing. Developing, Thus way, creative child abilities.

The non-recognition of graphic skills and skills prevents the child to express in the figures conceived, adequately picture The objects of the objective world and make it difficult to develop knowledge and aesthetic perception. So complicated for children Preschoolers are a technique images Thin lines. The line carries quite a specific artistic burden and should be drawn It is quite professional that it is not possible to children due to their age features. Items are not recognizable, distant from reality.

Fine The same art has manifold materials and technician. Often the child is not enough familiar, traditional ways and means to express their fantasies.

After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as best practices with children accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign educators, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional techniques amuses In working with preschoolers for development imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Non-traditional techniques drawing demonstrate unusual combination Materials and tools. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such technicians is the versatility of their use. The technology of their implementation is interesting and accessible to both an adult and a child.

That is why non-traditional techniques are very attractive for childrenSince they reveal the great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

Methods used:

- allow to develop special skills and skills that prepare the child's hand to the letter;

- make it possible to feel multicolored image of objectsthat affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

- form emotionally - positive attitude to the process itself drawing;

- contribute to more efficient development imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.


This provision determines the goals, tasks of creating and implementing activities From the MDOU MDOU by the overall view "Kindergarten No. 22".

This provision is developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the Law of the Russian Federation "About education» , Typical position and regulating system documents education.

Classes are held with children of high and preparatory school groups in the form of classes amuses As part of the schedule of the annual curriculum and circle work.

One of the basic principles of preschool educationput forward by federal state educational Photographic pre-school education(GEF before, approved by the Order of the Ministry education And the science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 is the principle of enrichment of children's development. The main directions of development of the preschooler according to GEF are: Socio-communicative, educational, speech, artistic and aesthetic and physical development.

Working program by section« Fine activity» Compiled on the basis of a mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the State Standard - Development older children"Temporary requirements" to the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institution " with considering « Programs Education and training in kindergarten " Edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarovaya and the priority intellectual direction of the MDOU.

Novelty. For a long time, the main task in the work of the mug was training children are pictorial drawing. But the practice of working with children pushed me to think that for the harmonious development of the person, it is necessary to have a right speech. Therefore, the main task in the work of the circle is not only fine skillsbut speech and intellectual development children, through learning fine skills using traditional and non-traditional techniques drawing. The main content of species activities As part of this technique, the process "Opening of the World" Using the setting of speaking in Russian.

Mastering technology is understood not only as the basis of appearance imageBut also a means of generalizing the child of his idea about a different aesthetic object and ways to transfer the impression of it in a particular product.

Relevance. Classes in the circle allow you to develop children not only artistic abilities, but also communicative skills in the process drawing.

Working the program has a goal: develop communication, linguistic, intellectual and artistic abilities in the process of commented drawing, the formation of all mental processes, the development of artistic - creative abilities and positively - emotional perception of the surrounding world.

Present program Promotes the solution of the following tasks:

Teaching: learn children master communication, linguistic, intellectual and artistic abilities in the process drawing.

Developing: Develop creative activity, muscles of hands, support the need for self-affirmation.

Educational: To form positively - the emotional perception of the surrounding world, to educate the artistic taste, interest in fine art.

Tasks mug of the first year learning:

1. Cause interest in various fine Materials and desire to act with them.

2. Cross children depict Available to them means of expressiveness what is interesting for them or emotionally significantly.

3. Create conditions for mastering the color palette.

4. Creating conditions for communicative activities of children.

5. Development of connected speech.

Tasks Mug of the second year learning:

1. Help children in creating expressive images, keeping the immediacy and liveliness of children's perception. Delicately and tactfully contribute to the development of content, shapes, compositions, enrichment of the color scheme of the drawings.

2. Gradually, taking into account individual featuresraise the requirements for fine and communicative skills and skills childrenwithout making them the subject of special learning knowledge.

3. Contribute to the face of the feeling that the product is his activities - Figure is interesting to others. (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten employees).

4. Development of a descriptive commenting function of speech. Teach to summarize and oppose, arguing.

Program compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary connections on sections:

1. "Speech Development". The classes use the commented commented drawing. In the process of playing the plot and drawing Continuous conversation with children, children with each other drawing Discuss their work. Use in artistic classroom the words: Plees, mysteries. Performing practical actions, kids are able to learn many new words and expressions of active and passive dictionary children, the development of communicative speech function, the development of connected speech.

2. "Introduction to the surrounding". For classes in amuses The plots close to the child's experience are selected, allow you to clarify the knowledge already learned by him, expand them, apply the first options for generalization. In class, children will learn about the various phenomena of nature, about the life of people, about the life of animals.

3. "Sensory Education". Classes for amuses They contribute to the learning of knowledge about color, magnitude, form, number of objects and their spatial location.

4. "Music upbringing". Painting On the transfer of perception of musical works. Using drawings in registration for holidays, musical design to create a mood and better understanding image, expressing your own feelings.

5. "PHYSICAL EDUCATION". The use of fisminuts, finger gymnastics, work on the protection of the vision and prevention of the posture disturbance.

Methodical support.

Non-traditional techniques:

Printing with vegetables;

Stitch hard brush;

Printing with lackers;

Foam pelavon;

Wax chalk and watercolor;

Candle and watercolor;

Print leaves;

Drawings of palms;

magic ropes;



Stamp in stencil.

Each of these methods is a small game. Their use allows children to feel greedy, bolder, immediately, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. In addition, this work contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention, memory, imagination, fantasy. Children are unlimited in the ability to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, mood in the drawings. The use of various techniques contribute to the development of skills to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and make them up to recognizable images. Classes Mug do not wear "Studying and learning". Children master artistic techniques and interesting means of knowledge of the surrounding world through unobtrusive processing drawing. The occupation turns into the creative creative process of the teacher and children with a variety of fine materialwhich runs the same stages as the creative process of the artist. These classes assigned the role of the source of fantasy, creativity, independence.

Children choose themselves fine materials, the material on which will be located picture. A variety of drawing methods gives birth to children original ideasdevelops speech, fantasy and imagination, it raises a desire to invent new compositions, the skill develops children act with different materials: stones, sand, ropes, wax shallow, candles, etc. in the process drawing, Children come into communication by asking each other questions, make assumptions, exercise in all types of communicative statements.

Organization of classroom circle.

The circle is visited by the children of the senior and preparatory to school of the group. Classes are held 2 times a week. The duration of the occupation is 30 - 35 minutes.


Watercolor paints, gouache;

Wax and oil chalk, candle;

Cotton swabs;

Foam foam seats;

Cocktail tubes;

Chopsticks or old rods for scratching;

Merchant napkins;

Glasses for water;

Stands under the brushes; Brushes.

Takes and methods used in class cup:

Emotional set - use of musical works,

Practical - Exercises, Games Methods,

Value methods - stories, conversations, artistic Word, pedagogical dramatization, verbal techniques - explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Visual Methods and Takes - Observations, Consider, Show sample, Showing methods of execution, etc.

All methods are used in the complex.

When conducting classes, I adhere to the main rules:

1. Use of receiving information translation,

2. Selection of thematic content,

3. Main hero drawing - baby,

4. Adult does not seek to immediately correct the speech of the child,

5. The teacher creates schematic images,

6. Not only tells that drawnbut also to show fine action,

7. In quality "Fizkultminutki" - elements of dramatization, imitation movements, accompanied by a commented speech.

All classes are built on communicative principle:

1. Creating optimal conditions for the motivation of children's speech,

2. Ensuring the main conditions of communication,

3. Stimulation and maintenance of speech initiative,

4. Use of various communicative means.

Circle classes have differences in their structure:

1. Creating a positive attitude to the topic and the method of its implementation,

2. Communicative painting using imitation movements and discussing the creation and plot of the drawing (no more than 10 minutes,

3. Dynamic pause with elements of logo and psychogymannastics,

4. Telling on the picture with modeling the communicative situation,

5. Wonderful games, games - dramatization.

Forms of carrying out the results of the work of the working programs:

Organization of monthly children's exhibitions for parents.

Thematic exhibitions in Dow.

Participation in urban and exhibitions and contests during the year.

Creative report of the teacher - head of the mug.

Registration of aesthetic educational environment in the group. Etc.

Indicators of the passage of workers programs:

Learn a lot about the world around the world, since the lessons are held in a specific topic.

Learn to use different work fine materials.

Learn paint various materials.

Use different work additional materials(sand, stones).

Develop the skills to drafting plots.

Children learn to the flowermanium.


A coherent speech is developing.

Learn a respectful attitude to the work of comrades at the same time objectively assess their work.


Form skills and skills

Develop personal qualities.

Expected results: Mastering children with certain knowledge, skills in the process drawing, identification and awareness of your abilities, formation of self-control methods.

Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities can not be the same for everyone children program, vary on the principle of gradual complication of material. Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities can not be the same for everyone children, so in class I give the opportunity to every child actively, to independently express myself, experience the joy of creative creation. All themes included in program, vary on the principle of gradual complication of material.

Evaluation: Performance programs held twice a year (December, May) The formation of the level of artistic - aesthetic development children.

Non-traditional techniques drawing.

Stitching hard semi-dry brush

Means of expressiveness: Texture coloring, color.

Materials: Hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format or cut silhouette of a fluffy or barbed animal.

Method of receipt images: The child lowers the brush into the gouache and hits it on paper, holding vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus way Filled all sheet, contour or pattern. It turns out imitation of the texture of the fluffy or barbed surface.

Drawing fingers

Means of expressiveness: stain, point, short line, color.

Materials: Bowls with gouache, tight paper of any color, small sheets, napkins.

Method of receipt images: The child lowers his finger into the gouache and puts points, specks on paper. Each finger is gaining paint different colors. After working, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Drawing palm

Means of expressiveness: Spot, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: Wide saucers with gouache, brush, tight paper of any color, loss of large format, napkins.

Method of receipt images: The child lowers his palm in the gouache (all brush) Or staining it with a brush (from 5 years old) And makes a print on paper. Drawn and right and left hands painted with different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Screwing paper

Means of expressiveness: texture, volume.

Materials: Napkins or color double-sided paper, PVA glue, poured in a saucer, dense paper or color cardboard for the base.

Method of receipt images: The child does in the hands of the paper until it becomes soft. Then rolls the ball from it. Its dimensions can be various: From Little (berry) to big (Cloud, com for a snowman). After that, the paper lover is lowered into glue and glued to the base.

Prince Porolone

Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color.

Materials: Bowl or plastic box, into which a stamped pillow of a thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.

Method of receipt images: The child presses the foam rubber to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. Other bowl and foam rubber are taken to change the color.

Penoflastic prints

Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color.

Materials: bowl or plastic box, into which the stamped pillow made of thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, foam pieces.

Method of receipt images: The child presses foam plastic to the stamped pillow with paint and puts out paper. To get another color, both a bowl and foam.

Crushing with confused paper

Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color.

Materials: Saucer or plastic box, into which the stamped pillow of a thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.

Method of receipt images: The child presses a crumpled paper to a stamped pillow with paint and puts off on paper. To get another color, change and saucer, and crumpled paper.

Wax crayons + watercolor

Means of expressiveness

Materials: wax crayons, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Method of receipt images: The child draws wax shames on white paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Figure shames remains impaired.

Candle + watercolor

Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture.

Materials: candle, dense paper, watercolor, brushes.

Method of receipt images: The child draws a candle on paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The pattern of the candle remains white.

Monotype subject

Means of expressiveness: stain, color, symmetry.

Materials: Dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

Method of receipt images: The child folds the sheet of paper twice and on one half its half draws half depicted Item(items are selected symmetrical). After drawing Each part of the subject until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then image can be decoratedAlso folding a sheet after drawing several decorations.

Black and white boutout

(Protsed List)

Means of expressiveness: line, barcode, contrast.

Materials: half Carton or thick paper white, candle, wide brush, black mascara, liquid soap (Approximately one drop on the tablespoon of carcasses) or tooth powder, mascaras for carcass, wand with sharpened ends.

Method of receipt images: The child rubs the candle sheet so that it is all covered with a layer of wax. Then the mascara is applied to it with liquid soap or dental powder, in this case it is poured in a bath without additives. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a wand.

Cleaxography with tube

Means of expressiveness: Stain.

Materials: paper, mascara either liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon, tube (drink straw) .

Method of receipt images: The child scoffs with a plastic paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making a small spot (droplet). Then the stain blows from the tube so that its end does not touch the spots or paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Missing details dorove.

Means of expressiveness: point, texture.

Materials: paper, gouache, rigid brush, slice of dense cardboard or plastic (55 cm) .

Method of receipt images: The child picks up paint on the brush and hits the brush about the cardboard, which holds over the paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Paint splashes on paper.

Prints of leaves

Means of expressiveness: texture, color.

Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen, brushes.

Method of receipt images: The child covers wood with paints different colors, then applies it painted side to paper to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. Packers in leaves can dorisite brush.


Means of expressiveness: texture, color.

Materials: Thin paper, color pencils, objects with a corrugated surface (corrugated cardboard, plastic, coins, etc., simple pencil.

Method of receipt images: The child draws a simple pencil what he wants. If you need to create a lot of identical elements (for example, leaves, expedient Use a cardboard pattern. Then under the drawing is led by an object with a corrugated surface, the drawing is painted with pencils. In the next lesson, the drawings can be cut and pasted on the overall sheet.

Colorful grastout

Means of expressiveness: line, barcode, color.

Materials: Color cardboard or dense paper, pre-painted watercolor or flomasters, candle, wide brush, bowls for gouache, wand with sharpened ends.

Method of receipt images: The child rubs the candle sheet so that it is all covered with a layer of wax. Then the sheet is painted with a gouache mixed with liquid soap. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a wand. Further possible testing missing details of gouache.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution -

kindergarten "Alenushka"

Approved at the meeting

pedagogical Council

(date, protocol number)

I argue:

Head: Tymko E.V.

Additional working program of circle work


Developer: Demin I.A.



1. Sale section.

1.1 Explanatory note.

1.2 Relevance

1.3 Pedagogical feasibility.

1.4 Goals and Program Tasks.

2. Planned results.

4. Educational and thematic plan

4.1 Educational and thematic plan for the first year of study

4.2 Educational and thematic plan of the second year of study

6. Appendix ( perspective planning: 1 year)

(Perspective planning: 2 years of learning)

7.Cartet of games and exercises

8. Organization of work with parents

9. Literature list.

1. Sale section

1.1 Explanatory note

The Working Program "Magic Droplet" is developed by the educator of the Madou-kindergarten "Alenushka" Deminina I.A.based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (GEF to), considered and approved on the Council of Pedagogues

The program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation and developed on the basis of the program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old "Colored palms" I.A. Lykova, benefits "Drawing with children of preschool age: non-traditional techniques, planning, abstracts of classes" Edited by R.G. Kazakova: TC Sphere, 2009.

The duration of the program is 2 years. The content of the program of the circle is compiled taking into account age characteristics and in accordance withSanPine

(Requirements for the organization of the day and training sessions), intended for children of 4-6 years, it is implemented through a circle work and exhibition.

Classes are carried out once a week, the duration is 20 minutes for children of 4 -5 years, and 5-6 years - 25 minutes.

This program is designed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

Concept of pre-school education;

- SanPine

The formation of the creative personality of the child is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical science at the present stage. The most effective means for this is fine activities. Fine activity contributes to the active knowledge of the surrounding world, to raise the ability to creatively reflect their impressions in graphics and plastic form. In addition, fine art is a source of special joy, contributes to the upbringing of a child of pride and satisfaction with the results of labor.

Novelty and distinctive feature of the program"Magic Droplet" on non-traditional drawing techniques is that it is innovative, Since the system of work uses non-traditional methods and methods for the development of children's creativity: kleaxography, routing, spray, monotype, drawing hands, fingers, drawing using various materials, batik, tampony, etc.Homemade tools, natural and cast materials for non-traditional drawing are used. Non-traditional drawing delivers many positive emotions to children, reveals the possibility of using well-known household items as original art materials, surprises its unpredictability.

Drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions, show fantasy, creativity

Drawing using non-traditional techniques Images does not tire children, but on the contrary causes the desire to engage in such an interesting business. They are interested in the work process itself.

1.2 Actuality.

Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creative active person who has the ability to effectively and non-standard solve new life problems. School learning requires a fairly formed level of imagination. To the first class, the child should be able to navigate in situations in which various transformations of objects, images, signs occur, and be prepared for anticipating possible changes.

The imagination protrudes the prerequisite for the effective assimilation of children of new knowledge, no type of creative activity can do without imagination.Circle classes make it possible to develop in children not only artistic abilities, but also communicative skills in the process of drawing.

The relevance of the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts capable of solving the modern tasks of the creative perception and development of the person as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to visual arts.

The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the upbringing of the culture of the feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, brings up the dedication, perfection, feeling of mutual aid, makes it possible to creative personality self-realization. The program is aimed at bringing children to creativity through the art.

1.3.Pedagogical feasibility.

Classes based on the use of diverse unconventional, hood techniques in drawing classes contribute to the development of children's artistic gifts, creative imagination, artistic thinking and development of creative potential.

Unconventional techniques, allow a small artist, departing from the objective image, to express their feelings and emotions in the figure, give freedom of fantasy and instill confidence in their strength. Owning a different skills and ways of image objects or reality of the world, the child gets the opportunity to choose what, in turn, provides a creative character.

The use of non-traditional techniques and techniques in drawing contributes to the development of cognitive activity and creative activity. By purchasing the appropriate drawing experience in non-traditional techniques, the child thereby overcomes further creativity that in the future it will only deliver pleasure to him.

Experience shows: drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions, as you know, is the process, and the result of artistic creativity.

IN various studies The development of artistic and creative abilities was considered in drawing in connection with the assimilation of children of some patterns of drawing, fine-expressive features of drawing in various techniques. Consequently, mastering the pattern of drawing, the graphic side of the drawing is an important condition that provides a creative solution to the visual task, the development of artistic and creative abilities.

The use of non-traditional techniques and their gradual development of children (according to the principle of simple to complex) will help in solving a number of issues: mastering graphic, technical skills and skills, the development of color perception, presentation, composite skills and emotional-artistic perception, creative imagination, increase Intellectual activity. The child is developing by combining in one drawing of several non-traditional and traditional techniques of fine activities, and it can only assimilate this experience with an adult: a teacher, parent. Subject to the relationship of unconventional techniques, the logic of development of each of them is not disturbed. Their combination, on the contrary, significantly expands the possibilities of visual activities. Search situations put in the conditions for choosing a particular technique of non-traditional drawing.

The foregoing about the use of unconventional techniques in the pedagogical process allows us to make sure that it is necessary to create and apply pedagogical technology in which non-traditional drawing techniques can act optimal condition Development of the artistic and creative abilities of children of preschool age.

1.4 Goals and Program Tasks.

The purpose of the program:

Development in children of artistic and creative abilities, through non-traditional drawing techniques and the formation of an emotional sensual inner world.In a fascinating form, introduce children with various means and image methods, the development of their creative abilities, fantasies, imagination

Program tasks:

    Cause interest in various visual materials and the desire to act with them.

    Consider children to depict them the means of expressiveness that is interesting for them or emotionally significantly.

    Training techniques for non-traditional drawing techniques and image methods using various materials.

    Create conditions for free experimentation with non-traditional art materials and tools.

    Promoting the face of the feeling that the product of its activities is interesting to others (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten employees), give to feel the joy of creativity and aesthetic pleasure.

    Develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their fantasy, courage in the presentation of their own designs.

    Improve and intensify those knowledge, skills and skills that are mastered by children in visual classes.

    Teach technical techniques and methods of non-traditional drawing using various isautic materials.

    Raise artistic taste in the ability to select beautiful combination flowers.

    Develop creative imagination, fantasy, thinking of preschoolers through classes on the development of non-traditional drawing techniques;

    Develop self-analysis skills in children necessary to assess their own work.

    Attract parents to cooperate in the development of children's creativity.

1.5 Principles, methods and techniques.


    systems - classes are carried out in the system during the entire educational process;

    sequences - knowledge gradually, without overload, with a growing amount of information;

    the principle of creativity - the program contains inexhaustible opportunities for the upbringing and development of the creative abilities of children;

    the principle of scientific relations - children communicate knowledge of shape, color, compositions, etc.;

    the principle of availability is the accounting of age and individual characteristics;

    the principle of comparisons and choice - a variety of variants of a given topic, methods

and image methods, a variety of material.

Methods and techniques:

1. Various: observation, examination of pedagogical sketches, illustrations, work with visual material, games, practical exercises to work out the necessary skills.

2. Children: reading, story, conversation, explanation, explanation, verbal instruction.

In the process of work ensures the integration of all educational areas:

Knowledge : Develop perception, the ability to allocate a variety of properties and relationships of objects (color, shape, quantity, location in space, etc.), including different senses: vision, rumor, touch, smell, taste. Continue to develop the ability to compare items, establish their similarities and the difference to continue to acquaint with the colors of the spectrum. Continue forming the ability to distinguish colors in lightness and saturation, correctly call them. Improve the eye meter. Create conditions for the sale of three types of projects: research, creative and regulatory. Usegames on artistic work, games - experimentation.

Reading fiction: Continue to develop the interest of children to artistic and cognitive literature. Improve telling about your perception of a specific act of a literary character. Help the children to understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the heroes of the work. Impact sensitivity to artistic words; Explore excerpts with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, to the epitheats to continue to acquaint with books. To draw the attention of children to the design of the book, on the illustration. Compare illustrations of different artists to the same work.

Socialization: solution of problem situations, upbringing friendly relationshipsContinue to form the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of partners.Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to realize his intent. Encourage improvisation, form the ability to freely feel in the use of objects during drawing.

Communication: development of the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express your point of view.Encourage attempts to share with a teacher and other children with a variety of impressions.

Health: Fizkultminthki, games of small mobility.To acquaint with the basics of safety equipment when working with glue, scissors and behavior rules in organized activities.

Music: Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness for her. To form musical culture on the basis of acquaintance with the classic, folk and modern music.

Work : rise up a desire to participate in collaborative work, careful attitude towards materials and tools.Develop the ability to bring the work started to the end. Develop creativity and initiative when performing various types of labor. To acquaint with the most economical techniques of work.To acquaint children with difficulty people of creative professions: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk decorative arts. Show results of their labor: paintings, books, notes, decorative art objects.

2. Planned results.

By the end of the year of the first year of study, the child may:

distinguish ways of non-traditional drawing;

independently create individual artistic images using various methods of drawing and means of expressive known to it (line, color, composition, color, etc.);

independently transfer the plot composition;

give a motivated assessment by the results of their activities;

By the end of the second year, the child may:

distinguish and call methods of non-traditional drawing;

know different techniques of work with a pencil, carcass, watercolor, gouache.

not only the mood in operation, but also your own attitudes to the displayed object

be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice;

know the basis of flower science;

the ability to work in the team is developed, the ability to give self-esteem.

Intermediate results of program development

Middle preschool


Traditional materials that can be draw

Unconventional methods and materials: fingers, palms, cork and potato seats, cotton wands, sponge;

Colors and shades (red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, brown, orange, blue, gray).

Watercolor properties and its differences from gouashe colors;

Characteristic I. features Objects of life and animals.

Properly work with a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush; change the position of the hand depending on the methods of drawing;

Own non-traditional fine technicians: drawing with fingers, palm, printing with various seats, battle with a semi-dry rustic brush, drawing with cotton wands, tampony with sponge reserve from a candle in combination with watercolor, writing with various seats and crumpled paper, subject monotype, raw watercolor;

Focus in concepts: shape, color, quantity, value of objects;

Use a variety of colors, mix paint on the palette to obtain the desired shade;

Combine different ways of image and isomaterials;

Portray individual objects, as well as simple plots;

To own paper cutting and paper plastic technique (climbing napkins, rolling them into balls);

Create the simplest patterns of the elements alternating in the color of the same form;

Create in mattics with the educator and children.

5-7 years old

Types of fine art (still life, landscape, graphics);

Warm and cold shades of the spectrum;

Features external view Plants, animals, buildings buildings.

Distinguish between isoism;

Held skills in non-traditional image techniques (Estamp, batik, klexography, engraving, routine, watercolor in raw, drawing using a stencil and template, spray, drawing with strokes, "mosaic" drawing, plasticine graphics);

Mix paint to get new shades;

Transmit features of the appearance of plants, animals, buildings structure;

Combine various types of visual activities and isomaterials;

Draw independently;

Create collective collages in collaboration with peers and the educator.

Expected Result:

    Significant increase in the level of development of creative abilities.

    Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

    Formation of educational prerequisites.

    Mastering the simplest operations.

    The skills of labor activity are formed.

    Development of shallow motility hands.

3. Forms of summing up the implementation of the program

Organization of monthly children's exhibitions for parents.

Thematic exhibitions in Dow.

Participation in exhibitions and contests during the year.

Registration of aesthetic educational environment in a group, etc.

4. Educational and thematic planning

4.1 Educational and thematic plan of the first year of study.

p / P.

Topic Title

Number of hours

Game: "Acquaintance with Miracle - Assistants"

"Draw your fingers"

"Draw palms"

"Draw cotton chopsticks"

"Paint the seals"


"Unusual paper", draw paper.




Acquaintance with landscape - Drawing on wet.


Stacking with a semi-dry rigid brush.


Experiment with objects.


4.2 Educational and thematic plan of the second year of study.

p / P.

Topic Title

Number of hours

Acquaintance with still life. Drawing using a stencil and template

"Acquaintance with Cleaxography"


"Draw Plasticine"


Landscape in Engineering Engineering

Soap bubbles

"Magic drawings"

Wax crayons + watercolor

"Magic drawings"

Candle + watercolor




The effect of crystals, drawing salt.


Drawing sand.


Magic ropes.


Games - Experimentation with various drawing materials.


5. Material and technical support.

Prices for classes: group room.

Corner of artistic creativity in the group;

Technical means: multimedia presentations.CD and audio material

Tools and fixtures: watercolor paints, gouache; wax crayons, candle;

cotton swabs; foam foam seats; toothpicks, sticks or old rods for scratching; Cocktail tubes; napkins; natural and cast material; glasses for water; Stands under the brushes; Brushes.

Visual material: Presentations andillustrations for an interactive board; Didactic games, pedagogical sketches.

6. Appendix.

Perspective planning:

1 benefit


    Chat game "Magic Droplet"

Purpose: introduce children with water capabilities, paints, paper.

    Game: "Acquaintance with Miracle - Assistants."

Technique: Experimentation with drawing materials.

Purpose: Improve the skills and skills in free experimentation with the materials necessary for work in non-traditional visual techniques.

    Game - Experimentation "Create without brushes".

Technique: draw palms, draw with my fingers (games - drawings)

Purpose: Exercise in drawing with fingers, palms. Relieve accuracy.

    Intemeric work with various illustrative materials "Different Paints"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the possibilities of various drawing materials and water.

    Ways to toning paper. Drawing with tampons.

Purpose: Make a paper toning technique for creating a background.


    Topic: "Sunflowers"

Technique: drawing with fingers.

Purpose: Exercise in drawing with fingers. Secure gouache drawing skills. Learn to draw stem and leaves in sunflower. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Decoration of handles."

Technique: writing plugs, drawing with fingers.

Purpose: Learning to decorate handkerchiefs with a simple pattern using printing, drawing with fingers. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

    Topic: "Autumn tree".

Technique: Printing with lacms.

Objective: To acquaint with printing printers.

    Topic: "Cockerel"

Technique: printing with autumn leaves.

Purpose: Teach children work with fragile material - leaves. Develop a persistent interest in drawing, imagination. Relieve accuracy.


    Topic: "Fish".

Technique: drawing with cotton chopsticks.

Purpose: Exercise in drawing with cotton chopsticks.

    Subject: "My toys"

Technique: print plugs, seals, drawing with fingers.

Purpose: Exercise in drawing items of the rounded form (NEVAL, BALL). Secure the ability to decorate objects using printing and drawing with your finger.

    Topic: "In the sky clouds fled, birds were sent to the far path"

Technique: Drawing with crumpled paper.

Purpose: to learn a new drawing method, to educate interest in artistic experimentation, develop a small motorcy. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Fish in aquarium."

Technique: wax crayons and watercolor.

Purpose: Exercise in drawing objects of oval form. To acquaint with the technique of combining wax chalk and watercolor. Learn to tint sheet with different colors watercolor. Develop a color perception.


    Subject: "First Snow".

Technique: Printing with napkins

Purpose: Fasten the ability to draw trees big and small, depict the snowball with help. Printing or drawing with fingers. Develop a sense of composition.

    Subject: ""Fluffy, elegant Christmas tree."

Technics:Stick with a rigid semi-dry brush, drawing with fingers

Purpose:Exercising in the technique of drawing a tych, a semi-dry rigid brush. Continue learning to use such a means of expressive as a texture. Secure the ability to decorate the drawing using the drawing with fingers. Rise in children the ability to work individually.

    Topic: "Two Cockerel quarreled"

Technique: drawing palm.

Purpose: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Decok the Christmas Tree Boxes"

Technique: Plasticography.

Purpose: plasticine mosaic. Little pieces from a large piece of plasticine, cut small pieces from them between your fingers, lay out the balls finished shape drawn on a light cardboard.


    Subject: "Christmas toys".

Technique: wax chalk and watercolor, writing cork.

Purpose: I exercise in drawing with wax shallow Christmas trees. Secure the ability to tint the drawing with watercolor, printing the plug.

    Topic: "Snowman"

Technique: Package paper (roll).

Purpose: Fasten the skills of drawing a gouache, the ability to combine rolling, pouring paper and drawing. Learning to teach a picture with a snowman (Christmas tree, broom, fence) to develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Multicolored butterflies".

Technique: Monotype, palm and fist circles.

Objective: To acquaint with monotype technique, consolidate the ability to use the technique of monotype "old form new content" (palm with closer fingers - a big wing, a fist - small). To acquaint children with symmetry, on the example of a butterfly.

    Subject: "Spree ate. "

Technique: drawing frequent comb.

Objective: to acquaint with technician drawing by gear materials. Continue to work on the concept of symmetry.


    Topic: "Winter Landscape".

Technique: printing on stencil

Purpose: develop fantasy and creativity in drawing a winter landscape; Continue to take print using a stencil.

    Subject: "Decok the scarf."

Technique: printing on a stencil.

Objective: to acquaint with the technique of "printing on stencil". Learning to decorate a striped with a simple pattern. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.

    Subject: "Kotten"

Techniques: Stick with a rigid semi-dry brush.

Objective: to acquaint with the technique of drawing a chip semi-drying brush - to imitate the animal wool, i.e. Using the texture created by the tile as a means of expressiveness. Learn to apply drawing throughout the surface of the paper.

    Subject: "What does it look like?"

Techniques: Monotype technique

Purpose: To acquaint children with symmetry. Develop imagination. Continue to develop interest in drawing.


    Topic: "Flower Vase".

Techniques: "Familiar form is a new image"; Printing prints.

Objective: Improve the ability of children to use familiar image techniques. Develop imagination, sense of composition, rhythm.

    Subject: "Mimosa for Mom."

Techniques: Drawing with paper napkins.

Purpose: Exercise in drawing with fingers, rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Secure sticking skills.

    Topic: "Merry Sun"

Purpose: Secure the ability to draw in the printing technique with palms, skills of collective activity. Learning to mix paint brush right on the palm.

    Topic: "Spring Bouquet" (collective work)

Techniques: Drawing with palms.

Purpose: Transfer the image of a tulip bud. Continue to improve the technique


    Subject: what color is spring.

Technique: Monotype.

Objective: Enrich and expand artistic experience of children in working with watercolor, drawing on wet paper, mixing paints

    Topic: "Rockets in Space".

Techniques: printing on a stencil.

Purpose: continue to learn to mix various paints (blue, purple, black) right on a sheet of paper. Fasten the ability to print on a stencil. Learning to draw a rocket, flying plates.

    Topic: "Chickens".

Techniques: wax crayons, paper kidding or breaking.

Purpose: Secure the ability to create an image from a crumpled napkin or turn them and make chickens, drawing parts (grass, flowers) and part of the image (beak, eyes, legs). Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Riverside"

Techniques: Drawing on wet.

Purpose: Secure the skill to draw on raw background, mix paint straight on

sheet, develop creativity, fantasy.


    Topic: "Dandelions".

Techniques: Stick with a rigid semi-dry brush

Purpose: Secure the ability of children to draw in these technicians. Learn to create an expressive image of colors. Develop a desire to create collective work (collage)

    Topic: "Sovka - Owl".

Techniques: Plasticography.

Purpose: Learn to apply a thin layer of plasticine based on the basis, printing the contour of owls, teach to draw owls using strokes, exercise in the transmission of expressiveness of the bird's image, through the application of the strokes (eyes look to the side, upwards.

    Subject: "Salute".

Techniques: Watercolor, wax crayons

Purpose: fixing the skill of drawing watercolor or gouache, learn to draw salute with a wax chalk.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Perspective planning: 2 years of learning.


    Topic: "Summer meadow"

Technique: wax crayons + watercolor, printing on stencil

Purpose: Secure skills on previously learned techniques. Develop

imagination, promote the most expressive reflection

impressions about summer.

    Topic: "Decorate a colors vase."

Technique: Plasticography

Purpose: Secure the skills to make simple patterns using the technique

plasticography. Acquaintance with the method of twisting by the flagellation,

production of colors from plasticine. Ride the feeling of composition.

3. Topic:"Trees in autumn»

Technics:Print leaves, cotton chopsticks.

Purpose:Learn to draw trees using the leaf print; Sky, fallen

foliage with cotton chopsticks. Develop a sense of composition, colors.

4. Topic: Nevashka »

Technique: Printing buttons by stencil

Purpose:Learn to draw in printers (buttons) of various shapes.


    Topic: "Hedgehogs".

Technique: Stick of a rigid semi-dry brush, writhing with a dirty paper.

Purpose: Secure the ability to use the techniques of "Stitching a hard semi-dry brush" techniques, "Printing with crumpled paper". Typing the drawing of the body of the hedgehog (oval) of the tunes without preliminary drawing with a pencil. Learning to complement the image with suitable details, including dry leaves.

    Subject: "Web"

Technics:Drawing with a painted ball.

Purpose:Maxue with drawing with a ball. Develop imagination, creativity.

    Topic: "Autumn leaves".

Technique: embossing.

Objective: to acquaint with embossing technique. Learning to circle leaves a simple form, make embossing on them.

    Topic: "Paints of Autumn"

Technique: Tampony, stencil, wax pencils.

Purpose: Promote the most expressive reflection of impressions about autumn colors.

    Topic: "Alien animals".

Technics: Cleaxography.

Objective: to acquaint with unconventional mixing technique. Learn to work in this technique. Develop imagination, creativity, in the defining items.

    Subject: "I walk on the carpet from the autumn leaves."

Technique: printing with leaves, printing or spray on a stencil.

Objective: to acquaint with printing technique with leaves. Secure the ability to work with printing technique in stencil. Develop a color perception. Learning to mix paint directly on leaves or swab when printing.

    Topic: "Riddle"


Purpose:Develop imagination, associative thinking, fine motoric, coordination of the movement of hands.

    Topic: "Blue Evening."

Technics: Linocut

Purpose: Develop art perception, imagination, coordination

hand movements.

    Subject: "First Snow".

Technics:Candle + watercolor

Purpose: Learn to draw candle in the technique + Watercolor. Secure the ability to portray snow using a candle. Develop a sense of composition.

    Subject: "Mouse".

Technique: drawing threads.

Objective: to acquaint children with the technique of performing drawings from threads. Teach uniformly small sites Images and sprinkle their finely chopped pedagogy threads corresponding to the image of the image color. Secure the ability to work in the technique of "familiar form is a new image."

    Topic: "Christmas tree".

Technique: Drawing with a finger, watercolor + wax chalk.

Objective: Learning to manufacture plane Christmas tree toys (in watercolor technique + wax crayons) for decorating Christmas tree (collective work performed by breaking). Fasten the ability to decorate various geometric shapes with patterns like on a Christmas tree toy. Exercise in the ability to decorate the Christmas tree beads (drawing with fingers).

    Subject:« Stained-glass windows for windows in the winter hut-winter

Technics: Technique performing stained glass windows.

Purpose:To acquaint children with the word "stitched" and its implementation technique.

    Topic: "Winter night".

Technique: black - white barty.

Objective: to acquaint with non-traditional fine technique black - white barty. Learn to transfer the mood of the quiet winter night with the help of graphics. Exercise to use such means of expressiveness as line, barcode.

    Topic: "Safari Park".

Technique: wax crayons, watercolor, stencil.

Objective: Improve the skill in the technique of working with stencil, wax pencils and watercolor. Develop color perception, feeling of rhythm.

    Subject: "Patterns on the glass".

Technique: Crystal Effect, Salt Drawing

Objective: Learning to create an expressive image using salt drawing technique. Develop the ability to use graphics expressive means.

    Subject: Snowflake - Ballerinka.

Technique: stencils on stencil, spray.

Purpose:Develop a sponge sponge in children in children, familiarity with spray technique. Develop sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of winter phenomena.

    Topic: "Mistel".

Technique: "Sprinkle"

Objective: to acquaint with spray technique. Develop imagination, feeling composition.

    Subject: "Snowflakes"

Technique: Printing, spray.

Purpose: Continue to learn to transmit the image of the subject using printing. Learn to independently draw up collective work.

    Topic: "Underwater Kingdom".

Technics:soap bubbles.

Objective: to acquaint with new drawing technique with soap bubbles,

continue to learn to analyze nature, determine and transmit form and magnitude in the figure. Develop a sense of composition.

    Subject:Magic paper (mirror)

Technique: "engraving" or "chasing".

Purpose:Acquaintance with foil and with drawing technique on it by extrusion drawing ("engraving", or "chasing"). Decoration of a mirror frame pattern. Development of a feeling of rhythm, aesthetic taste.

    Topic: "Flowers in a vase"

Technique: Drawing on a stencil, wax pencils, plastic forks.

Objective: Learn to draw flowers with unusual materials. Secure the ability to use familiar techniques to create an image. Learning to have pictures on a sheet.

    Topic: "Fruits on a dish" (from nature).

Technique: wax shallow \u003d watercolor.

Purpose: learn to make a fruit still life, determine the shape, size, color and location different partsDisplay these signs in the figure. Exercise in the ability to carefully paint the fruit with wax crayons, create a consonant tone with watercolor.

    Topic: "Poppies".

Technique: Printing with the help of Bulgarian pepper.

Purpose: Learning to create a general composition, based on printing technology.

    Topic: "Early Spring"

Technique: Monotype landscape

Purpose: Teach to fold the sheet in half, on one side to draw a landscape, on the other to get its reflection in the lake. Half the sheet wipe the sponge.

    Topic: "Starry Sky".

Technique: spray, print foam rubber in stencil.

Purpose: Learning to create an image of a starry sky using the mixture of paints, spray and printing on a stencil. Develop a color perception.

    Topic: "We are wizards."

Technics:Landscape in Engineering Engineering.

Objective: to acquaint with the technique of blowing a picture, develop imagination, desire to draw the resulting image. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Apples on a dish."

Technique: Scratching.

Objective: To acquaint with the technique of gouache-based scratching, learn to make collective work.

    Subject: "Spring dress."

Technics:Drawing glass.

Objective: to introduce appliancesdrawing paint erosion by

glass and glass print on a sheet of paper.

    Subject:"Georgina for Mom"

Technics:Cabbish print

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with new drawing technique. Develop a sense of composition.

    Topic: "Evening"

Technics: Black and white boutout

Purpose: Encourage with non-traditional fine black-border technique. Learning to transfer the mood of a quiet evening with the help of graphics. Exercise to use such means of expressiveness as line, barcode

    Topic: "Teddy bear".

Technique: Drawing sand

Objective: Improve the ability of children in this technique. Learning to display the image most expressive, use unusual materials to create an image.

    Topic: "Birch Grove".

Technique: drawing with candle and watercolor.

Objective: to acquaint children with the creation of the image of a new technique. Learning to create an expressive image of a birch grove. Develop a sense of composition.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Purpose: learn to consider drawings. Encourage emotional manifestations and statements, exercise in the choice of attached drawings.

7.Artotee games and exercises.

Games of preschool children differ in content, characteristic features, by what place they occupy in the life of the child, in its upbringing and training

And if you consider that the game and drawing are the most favorite activities of children, we can conclude that gaming activities contribute to the development of a holistic personality. It becomes clear that there are no contradictions between the game and drawing.

The game is a type of activity, the motive of which is not as a result, but in the process itself, and in the drawing of the child learns to put and determine the goal and achieve specific results.

Delimitation game I. child drawing, especially in unconventional techniques, do not, they complement each other. Zhigorsky L.S. I wrote: "In the game, the child is always above his age, above his usual everyday behavior, he in the game, as it were, the head above himself. The game in condensed form contains in itself ... All development trends, the child in the game is trying to make a jump over the level of its usual behavior "

GRITAZH - The essence of this technique, which has long been used in Russia and was called drawing on the wax laying, - in scratching.

Technique Description:

We begin this technique only from older.

- First we apply a color watercolor background and dried paper.

- Next, the whole background completely we will be waxed.

- Hall into the black gouach socket and add a little shampoo, mix thoroughly.

- Then cover this mixture paraffin sheet.

- And now we take a pointed wand and start scratching the drawing.

Than not engraving!

It should be borne in mind that this technique can be developed only when the child is well developed by the eye and coordination of movements.


"In the Christmas night" bright stars and a thin month scratch carefully.

"What the stars are such ..." Shoot the snowflakes. No snowflake is similar to another.

"Night Moth" A bright lamp seemed to the night moth sun.

"Mom napkin" it can be of various shapes and with any pattern.

"Magic Polyana" someone is evil painted all the clearing of black paint. Nothing wrong. Here the butterfly appeared, but the flower.

"Snow Maiden Palace" Night. And suddenly the fabulous terme in which the Snow Maiden lives.

"Flight into space" of astronauts meet cold stars, unfamiliar planets.

"Evening city" as beautiful when lights are lit in the windows of houses and street lights!

"The wind on the sea walks" the boat flies on all sails along the water stroit.

Monotypia - This technique developing imagination, fantasy, a feeling of color, form.

Technique Description:

We offer these techniques to engage in children from the middle group.

To work, you will need a gouache of different colors and a sheet of paper bent in half.

- Draw half the circle on the right of the fold side of the sheet, then the left half of the leaf we press to the right and declide the sheet folded in this way. We will reveal and see what happened. Ball? Or maybe the sun? Then Dorisuham rays.

- We will apply bright stains on one half of the paper sheet, press the other. What happened?


"There is an unusual country in the country's country, there is nothing one by one.

Children are invited to draw on one half of the sheet everything that they want, and then ...

"Which I have seen butterflies" various colored spots are applied on paper. And then the paper can be folded in different directions.

"Autumn Park" Road and Sky Draw in the technique of monotype, folding a sheet according to the "horizon line". And then clouds will fly through the sky, and on the road we will see the puddles and fallen leaves.

"I and my portrait" draw yourself and laugh.

"City on the river" draw the city, we will warm the paper on the "horizon line". I wonder the second half of the paper and press up to the first - the city is reflected in the water.

"White steamer" will be brought by a sheet of paper on the "horizon line". Draw a drawing in the top of the sheet, and then, wet down the bottom, lay down. Steamer to reflect in the waves of the sea.

"Dwarfs - Gemini" draw one gnomic. Moving the sheet in half, formulate. Here is a brother.

Signet Technique that allows multiple times to portray the same item, making up different compositions from its prints.

Technique Description:

First you need to make a "sector". The seizures are easy to make themselves: you need to take an eraser, draw a drawing on the end and cut everything unnecessary. "Squeak" is ready!

Click it to the pad with the paint, and then to the sheet of paper. It turns out a smooth and clear imprint. Make up any composition!


For children of the younger group, you can offer to draw: Flowers for the bee; butterflies fluttering over the meadow; Mushrooms on the clearing; Vegetables in a basket; Fruits in a vase, etc.

IN medium group Children can use "searches" with a geometric pattern and change them in the process: postcards; Invitation Tickets; scarves; Slippet.

In the senior groups, we use the testing of the missing items of items to the finished "seizures", the compilation of compositions from different "searches" of a bouquet of flowers; bookmarks; Bouquet of rowan branches.

Drawing for crude paper - peculiar drawing technique.

Description of technology :

You can start to master this technique already in junior groups. To draw in this technology, we need a wet napkin and water tank. I wonder and place it on a wet cloth (so that the paper does not dry).

Take a watercolor chalk or brush with watercolor paint and start drawing.


Medium group.

"Cloud float over the sky" "Let's carry out a smooth line and it is magically to turn into ... And what are our clouds like?

"Aquarium fish" met two arcs ... And the fish turned out. Draw her eyes, mouth, scales. And now they will draw vertical lines - swollen in water algae.

"Hares in the meadow" conducted a short line, and saw a gray, fluffy fur coat fidget.

Senior group.

"Summer Rain" Wet tracks, shining from droplets of trees, flashes whose umbrella.

"Glasses in the winter" is cold in Ptahm, they were shuffled, they dismissed the pynes. Nothing Spring!

"When they offended me," what then does the world seem to us? Everything breaks down from the tears, becomes sad and gray. Draw, so that we sink together.

"My fluffy little friend" I love it. He understands everything and rejoices when I play with him. And how nice nice to his fluffy face!

Preparatory group.

"At the bottom of the sea" we will show how the sea is changing depending on the weather.

"Last leaf" Late autumn. Piercing wind drives down the fiery leaves, clone the trunks of trees. And only one sheet is still trembling on the branch. But again, the wind blew. And flies down the last sheet ...

"In the blizzard" of a gust of wind, one more, more ... Snow colitis face. He is going to snake, then takes off fan, then rushes in a frantic dance, turning you into invisible.

"In the submarine" What do you see through the thickness of the water? Algae. Solar rays, small fish, large fish ...

"Rainbow - arc" colors are located in a certain sequence, see do not follow. Wet paper allows you to achieve the result of a smooth transition of the same color to another.

Cleaxography - Games with blots help to develop the eyes of the eye, coordination and strength of movements, fantasy and imagination.

Description of technology :

Cleaxography We use as games and entertainment.

- Put a big, bright klyaksu. Take a cocktail tube and carefully drink a drop ..., she ran up by leaving behind the trail. Turn the sheet and take again.

- And you can make another klyaks, but another color. Let us meet.

And what are their traces like?


"Magic Polyana" put on a sheet of multicolored drops and we swallow them in different directions. Dorisus the stem leaves.

"Bouquet of flowers" draw a vase, stems, leaves. And we will make flowers from Kleks. That asters turned out.

"Magic lamp" draw a fabulous lamp. Cleaksu - light on the lamp light. And in order to burn brightly and shone all the kind people, we swell the drop.

Spray - Non-easy technique.

Description of technology :

Its essence in splashing droplets with the help of a toothbrush adapted for this and wooden blades (stacks). Holding a toothbrush in the left hand to score a little paint, and we will spend the stack on the surface of the brush - fast movements towards yourself. Splashes fly on paper. That's all. It is better to master this technique in summer on a walk so as first paint drops fly not only on paper.


"Napkins" will spoke with different colors and admire the effect.

"Snowfall" on a color tone do a spray white paint.

Twisted in a white snowflake dance.

"Skilled golden autumn" colored paint (golden) spray foliage. Tassel draw trees trunks, branches of bushes. It turns out a beautiful autumn forest.

Hand print - Very interesting technique.

Technique Description:

Find out the whole palm or part of it in the paint and leave a fingerprint on paper.

You can "paint" palm in different colors and leave a print on paper. In this case, we not only see paint, but also feel.

You can add prints of one or more fingers in different combinations to palm prints.


Offer children to imagine:

"Lost gloves on the way of kittens ..." Collect my left hand and put it on a sheet of paper - one glove was found! And now coloring right hand (We will draw on the left) and put a fingerprint nearby. Both gloves were found!

"Whose face?" The imprint of one palm without fingers is similar to whose face. Maybe a housekeeper Kuzya came to visit us? Or Dwarf? It remains to take a brush and add the necessary details.

"Our Birds" handprint can turn into a duck, and in the swan, and in any magic bird, and in an important turkey, deputized rooster, nasty duck.

"Flowers" imprints of the palm attached to the drawn flower pot can be a cactus or some more flower.

"Animals" using this technology can be depicted and frightened animals, in which the wool stood on end.

Hedgehogs are a beautiful hedgehog family can go for a walk if you put the prints of different sizes of the palmus.

8. Organization of working with parents.

For collaboration with the family, the following forms of work are selected:

    Review of visual agitation for parents



    Parental Meetings, with the aim of assimilating parents of certain knowledge, skills, help them in resolving problematic issues

    Joint events

    Joint creativity of parents and children

Purpose: To acquaint parents with an interesting and useful type of creativity. The work carried out not only gives parents knowledge about children's artistic activities, on methods and techniques of work in non-traditional techniques, but also strengthens the relationship between parents and children.Forms of work with parents for development

constructive-model activities of children



and polls

Planning work with parents

Identifying the degree of families involvement in the educational process: Questionnaire for parents, defining their attitude to patriotic education of children



« Round Table.»

Exchange of opinions on the development of the child, the discussion of the character, degree and possible causes of problems

"Patriot is brought up from childhood"

"Walking with children in the city"


Days of open doors

Familiarization of parents with content, organizational forms and methods of development of constructive-model activities of children

Participation of parents in group classes "Family Relics"


Thematic consultations

Creating conditions that contribute to overcoming difficulties in the interaction of teachers and parents

"Education of a young patriot in the family"

"How to teach children to guard nature"

"Together with the child, watch TV shows about your hometown"


Parental meetings

Mutual communication of teachers and parents on topical problems of the artistic and aesthetic development of children, expanding the pedagogical outlook of parents

"Education of patriotic feelings from preschoolers"


Parental readings

Familiarization of parents with the peculiarities of the age and psychological development of children, effective methods and receptions of the artistic and aesthetic development of children

"What is children's gifts?"



parents to participate in the group's activities

A special form of working with parents in order to draw attention to topical problems of children's development.


"The history of the native city"

"Memorial places in the city of Lyubertsy"

"Our army is native"

Meetings with interesting people:


- Milk, soldier;

-The winners of war.

Participation in the organization of exhibitions "Heroes - Glory!",

"A gift to the veteran"


Project activities

Even a big relevant is the form joint activityas projects. They change the role of raising adults in the management of a kindergarten, in the development of partnerships, help them learn to work in the "team", master the methods of collective mental activity; master the project creation algorithm, pushing away from the needs of the child; achieve a positive openness in relation to colleagues, pupils and parents, to their identity; Combine the efforts of teachers, parents and children in order to implement the project

"Design projects" City of the Future "

"The city in which I live"



Pedagogical enlightenment, exchange of experience of family education of preschoolers. Attracting parents to actively think about the development of interests in children in the family and accounting of individual needs

« Development of the creative potential of the child, creating conditions for its self-realization. "



pedagogical information

Pedagogical education of parents

Memo for parents

"Famous people about the upbringing of love for the Motherland"

"Education of love for the native city in the family and kindergarten"

"How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War"


Family Assembly

The Family Assembly is a form of leisure, uniting families of students and teachers of educational institutions, culture and art in order to dating each other, immersing in a variety of joint activities, attractive for both children and adults.

Participation in node, joint activities with children, in joint holidays, competitions

9. Literature list.

General education program of pre-school education "from birth to school" N.E. Veracses, T. S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
R.G. Kazakova "Drawing with preschool children." Nontraditional techniques.
K. K. Wastobin, G.F. Mobrobin "Fascinating drawing by a tych with children" 3-7 years.
Lykova I.A. "The program of art education, training and development of children 2 - 7 years" Color palms
Lykova I.A. "Methodical recommendations in matters and answers to the art education program in kindergarten" Colored palms ".
I.A. Lykova, V. A. Shipunova "Riddles of God's Cow" Integration of cognitive and artistic development
Doronova T.N., Jacobson S.G. "Child learning 2 - 4 years old drawing in the game", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1992

T. S. Komarov "Classes in Fine Activity" Average group.

A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten".

T.A.Cvitaria "Non-traditional drawing techniques" Integrated classes in Dow.

3.7. Monitoring achievements

children planned program development results

This monitoring is used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:

1) individualization of education (including the support of the child, building its educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of its development);

2) optimization of working with a group of children.

If necessary, the psychological diagnosis of children's development (identification and study of individual-psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (psychologists, psychologists).

The participation of a child in psychological diagnosis is allowed only with the consent of its parents (legal representatives).

Basic methods for collecting information about the child

    Systematic observation;

    Preservation of children's products;

    Drawing up an observation card, which lists the skills and skills (key competence);

    Conversations with parents, questionnaires, questionnaires;

    Communication with specialists (psychologist, doctor, speech therapist);

    Conversations and interviews with a child using open questions, receiving answers from children;

    Children's stories;


    Audio recordings and video recordings

    Portfolio, or "Folders of Achievements"

    Description of cases and registration of episodes - short descriptions of specific cases;

    Diary notes. These are brief descriptions of specific cases, statements, the behavior of children who drew attention to the teacher, watching children. These notes give actual information about what happened when and where, under what circumstances, and testify to the successes, achievements and problems of children, subgroups or groups as a whole. Diary entries of teachers can do in special notepads, in blanks and cards.

The educator begins with the collection of information on the development of a child, his interests, inclinations, hobbies, style of communication and thinking, etc. To get a complete and objective assessment of the development and actual state of the child, it is necessary to use

    different methods for collecting information;

    various sources of information;

    various situations for repeating the procedure for collecting information.

Teachers use different methods and techniques for collecting information about the child.

Intermediate results of program development


Family and the near future






History of the city of Rela






Nature of the Tula region






Tula fishery






Tula toys






Sights of the city






Famous people






Symbols of the country and city





History of suit



Note: Development mark ("+" / "\u003d" / "-")

High level ("+")

Knows his name, surname, city name, country, their address; Calls and finds out (as illustrating) Attractions, green areas of the city, streets, squares; knows and recognizes the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia; coat of arms of the city; Calls folk holidays, toys, household items; Natural riches of Russia calls, the climatic zones, landscapes, knows; Cares about the surrounding nature, loved ones, assisted, exhibits friendliness, it is considered to be the interests of comrades, knows how to agree with peers, analyzes the actions. It has an idea of \u200b\u200bfamily members and the closest relatives.

Middle level ("\u003d")

Knows his name, surname, country name, cities, their address; Flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia, coat of arms of the city; it makes it difficult to call sights, green areas, streets, town squares (doing this after an adult explanation); it makes it difficult to call folk holidays, toys; With the help of an adult, the natural wealth of Russia, the natural climatic zones, calls; cares about loved ones, manifests friendliness, but not considered the interests of comrades, does not know how to agree with them, does not assist; Analyzes actions with an adult.
Low level ("-")

Does not know the name of the country, city. Your address, but recognizes the flag, coat of arms, anthem; There are no knowledge of the attractions of the hometown; Do not know the names of the streets. Prospectuses; can't call folk holidays, toys; Natural wealth of Russia, climatic zones; Does not care about others, does not show friendliness, it is not considered the interests of comrades, it does not know how to agree with them, does not assist, cannot analyze the actions.

Diagnostic methods: observations, conversations with a child

Individual card data are grounds for planning individual work with a specific child.

3.2. Monitoring software mastering

children of preschool age on visual activity

(author I.A. Lykov).


Review the ability to create images of various items using paper of different textures and cutting and cutting methods.


Children are invited to make a craft from paper of different textures independently. For the sample, ready-made applications depicting different items are offered.

Estimated scale

High level:

the child independently executes the application, uses additional details, enriches the background.

Average level:

the child works independently, occasionally refers to an adult for help. Additional parts does not use, mistaken on the scale of constructing the composition.

Low level: A child refuses to make a craft independently, requires an adult help. Does work not carefully, rushing.

3.3. Requirements for the training level of pupils:

By the end of the school year, children will be:

1.Rears of the presentation of children about the creative activity of a person in various types of art, the meaning of the creative activity of a person in life;

2. Required knowledge of sensory standards, the development of artistic perception, thinking, memory, enrichment of the dictionary continues.

4. Control over the implementation of the program.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten number 33 "Scarlet Flower" Surgut

Additional overall program

On visual activity

"City of masters"

for children of senior pre-school groups from 5 to 7 years

(Socio-pedagogical direction

educational activities)

Term of implementation: 2 years,

training period (September-May)

Rytova Natalia Vladimirovna,

surgut, 2015.

Explanatory note

Preschool age is characterized by increasing cognitive activity, interest in the world around the world, desire for observation, comparison, the ability of children to be aware of the goals set before them.

The formation of the creative personality of the child is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical science at the present stage. The most effective means for this is fine activities. Fine activity contributes to the active knowledge of the surrounding world, to raise the ability to creatively reflect their impressions in graphics and plastic form. In addition, fine art is a source of special joy, contributes to the upbringing of a child of pride and satisfaction with the results of labor.

Fine activities using non-traditional, artistic art equipment makes it possible for the development of motility in children of preschool age allows you to form coordination of the movements of your fingertips, develop speech and mental activity and prepare a child for school. The readiness of the child to school learning is largely determined by its sensory development. Studies conducted by psychologists have shown that most of the difficulties arising from children during primary learning (especially in the first class) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception. As a result, distortions arise in writing letters, building a drawing, inaccuracies in the manufacture of crafts.

Famous explorer of children's speech M.M. Koltsova writes: "The movement of the fingers of hands is historically, during the development of mankind, turned out to be closely related to the speech function."

Encourage fingers to work - one of the most important tasks of occupying on unconventional drawing, plasticography, pouring and napkin appliqué, appliqués from non-traditional materials. So develops small motility. This technique is good because it is accessible to children of preschool age, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and makes a certain novelty to the activities of children, makes it more exciting and interesting.

A comprehensive understanding of the surrounding world of the child cannot work out without tactful motor perception, as it is at the heart of sensual knowledge. It is with the help of tactive-moving perception that the first impressions of the form, the magnitude of the objects, their location in space are folded. Unconventional drawing makes it possible to use well-known objects as artistic materials, such drawing surprises its unpredictability. Drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions, show fantasy, creativity.

The relevance of the program is determined by the fact that the development of small motility is associated with the development of cognitive, volitional and emotional spheres psyche. Preschoolers have the level of development of small motility causes the possibility of cognitive activity and significantly affects the effectiveness of training. The development of fine motility, as the main condition for the implementation of cognitive activity, ensures the possibilities of successful training carried out by not only traditional methods, but also with the use of new information technologies. Solving the problem of preschoolers is most successfully carried out in different activities, among which artistic creativity occupies a special place.


    Weakly developed small and thin motility of fingers.

    Insufficient level of children's speech activity.

    Inability to perform a designal task, a weakly developed ability to navigate on the plane.

Purpose: Development of shallow motility of fingers through organized activity: non-traditional drawing, applique, plasticography.


Inform parents about the importance of the development of shallow motility fingers.

    Develop and improve the shallow motility of fingers, develop visual attention and the ability to focus on the plane.

    Develop the ability to perform a sample task, understand and execute instructions.

    Develop interest in various artistic creativity techniques.

    To acquaint with the features of the visual material, create simple stories and images.

    Develop the ability to produce accurate movements with scissors, brush, unconventional materials.
    Make a program of work on the development of shallow motors of fingers through organized activity: unconventional drawing, applique.

Means of education: visual, verbal and practical methods:

    observations with children;
    - examination of objects, toys, ready-made samples, viewing pictures and illustrations that carry information about objects and phenomena;
    - explanation, talence story, the use of an art word;
    - showing ways of action;
    - Exercises;
    - game techniques;
    - Joint analysis of work performed.

    All funds are aimed at mastering technical skills and skills, mastering images of objects, the development of skills to draw up patterns, decorate objects, transfer the plot, creating an expressive image, which contributes to the development of shallow motors of the fingers.

Organization of occupations Mug:

Classes on this program are held 2 times a week in the evening segment of time for 30 minutes. At the end of each lesson, weekly exhibitions of children's work for parents are organized.

Contents of the program:

The program is designed for 2 years of study (for children from 5 to 7 years old), contains promising planning that monthly includes classes on visual activities using non-traditional drawing techniques, includes a substantive, plot, decorative drawing, drawing on the plan, includes the necessary equipment .

The methodology for organizing the work of children of preschool age on visual activity is based on the principles of didactics: systematics, sequence, accessibility, accounting of age and individual characteristics of children.

Quality of children's work depends on:

competent methodological guidelines from adults;

the level of mental development of the child, the development of ideas, memory, imagination (ability to analyze the sample, plan the stages of work, adequately assess the result of their labor, etc.)

the degree of forcedness in children of specific practical skills and skills of work with the material;

the development of the child of such qualities as perseverance, purposefulness and attentiveness, curiosity, mutual assistance, etc.

Contents of work Mug:

Non-traditional drawing techniques. Stick of hard semi-dry brush. Means of expressive: Texture coloring, color.
Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format or cut out silhouette of a fluffy or barley animal.
The way to obtain an image: The child lowers the brush in the gouache and hits it on paper, holding vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out imitation of the texture of the fluffy or barbed surface.

Drawing with fingers. Means of expressive: stain, point, short line, color. Materials: Bowls with gouache, tight paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. A way to obtain an image: The child lowers his finger into the gouache and puts points, specks on paper. Each finger is gaining paint different colors. After working, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Drawing palm.
Means of expressive: stain, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: Wide saucers with gouache, brush, dense paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. The method of obtaining an image: The child lowers the palm in the gouache (the whole brush) or paints it with a brush (from 5 years old) and makes a print on paper. Drawn and right and left hands painted with different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Screw paper. Means of expressiveness: texture, volume.
Materials: Napkins or color double-sided paper, PVA glue, poured in a saucer, dense paper or color cardboard for the base.
The way to obtain an image: the child does in the hands of the paper until it becomes soft. Then rolls the ball from it. Its dimensions can be different: from a small (berry) to a large (cloud, com for a snowman). After that, the paper lover is lowered into glue and glued to the base.

Prince Porolone . Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color.
Materials: Bowl or plastic box, into which a stamped pillow of a thin foam invested, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.
A method of obtaining an image: The child presses the foam rubber to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. Other bowl and foam rubber are taken to change the color.

Penoflastic prints . Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: Bowl or plastic box, into which a stamped pillow made of thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, foam pieces.
A method of obtaining an image: The child presses the foam to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. To get another color, both a bowl and foam.

Crushing with confused paper . Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box, into which a stamp pillow of a thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.
Method for obtaining an image: The child presses a crumpled paper to a stamped pillow with paint and puts out paper. To get another color, change and saucer, and crumpled paper.

Wax crayons + watercolor . Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture. Materials: wax shallow, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: The child draws wax shames on white paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The drawing of crayons remains not painted.

Candle + watercolor . Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture. Materials: candle, dense paper, watercolor, brushes.
The image of the image: The child draws a candle on paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The pattern of the candle remains white.

Monotype subject . Means of expressiveness: stain, color, symmetry. Materials: Dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. The image of the image: The child folds the sheet of paper twice and on one half of it draws half the item depicted (items are selected symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then the image can be decorated, also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations.

Black and white barty (primed leaf). Means of expressiveness: line, barcode, contrast. Materials: semi-darkete or thick paper, candle, wide brush, black mascara, liquid soap (approximately one drop on a tablespoon of carcasses) or tooth powder, mascaras for carcass, wand with sharpened ends.
The image of the image: The child rubs the candle sheet so that it is all covered with a layer of wax. Then the mascara is applied to it with liquid soap or dental powder, in this case it is poured in a bath without additives. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a wand.

Cleaxography with tube . Means of expressiveness: stain.
Materials: paper, mascara either liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon, tube (beverage straw).
Method of obtaining an image: The child scoffs with a plastic paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making a small stain (droplet). Then the stain blows from the tube so that its end does not touch the spots or paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The missing details are described.

Spray. Means of expressiveness: point, texture. Materials: paper, gouache, rigid brush, slice of dense cardboard or plastic (55 cm). Method of obtaining an image: The child picks up the paint on the brush and hits the brush about the cardboard, which holds over the paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Paint splashes on paper.

Print leaves. Means of expressiveness: texture, color.
Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), brushes. A way to obtain an image: The child covers the wood sheet with paints of different colors, then applies it with a painted side to paper to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. Packers in leaves can be drawn with a brush.

Embossing. Means of expressiveness: texture, color. Materials: Thin paper, color pencils, objects with a corrugated surface (corrugated cardboard, plastic, coins, etc.), simple pencil. The image of the image: a child draws a simple pencil what he wants. If you need to create a lot of identical elements (for example, leaves), it is advisable to use a cardboard pattern. Then under the drawing is led by an object with a corrugated surface, the drawing is painted with pencils. In the next lesson, the drawings can be cut and pasted on the overall sheet.

Colorful grastout . Means of expressiveness: line, barcode, color.
Materials: Color cardboard or dense paper, pre-painted watercolor or felt-powder, candle, wide brush, bowls for gouache, wand with sharpened ends.
The image of the image: The child rubs the candle sheet so that it is all covered with a layer of wax. Then the sheet is painted with a gouache mixed with liquid soap. After drying, the drawing is scratched with a wand. Next, it is possible to test the missing details of gouache.

Monotype landscape . Means of expressiveness: stain, tone, vertical symmetry, image of space in the composition.
Materials: paper, brushes, gouache either watercolor, wet sponge, tile. The image of the image: The child folds the sheet in half. On one half of the leaf, the landscape is drawn, its reflection in the lake, the river (imprint) is obtained. The landscape is performed quickly so that the paints do not have time to dry. Half of the sheet, intended for the imprint, is wiping with a wet sponge. The initial pattern, after the impression is made from it, is animated with paints so that it is more distinguished from the imprint. For monotype, you can also use a sheet of paper and tile tile. The latter is applied with paint pattern, then it is covered with a wet sheet of paper. Landscape It turns out blurry

Form of study: specially organized activities; gaming exercises; Subgroup exercises in mastering techniques of non-traditional drawing, appliqués, plasticography.

The result of children's activity will be the exhibitions of children's work, joint with parents of work, participation in the competitions of urban and regional levels.

Material used:

watercolor paints, gouache;
wax and oil chalk, candle;
cotton swabs;
Cocktail tubes;
chopsticks or old rods for scratching;
Merchant napkins;
glasses for water;
Stands under the brushes;

Painting: various items for drawing with different techniques (cotton wands, foam sponges, traffic jams, etc.), bowls with gouache, bowl with water, napkins, paper of different textures and size.

Applique: glue, adhesive brushes, cloth napkins, oilcloths, scissors, paper of different texture and size, patterns for cutting, stencils for drawing object contours, natural and leaving material, various pasta, matches, buttons, beads, candy, fabric.

Plasticography: different types of plasticine, stacks, cardboard.

Estimated result:

    Children will unlighten the safety rules during operation.

    Children will be able to create stories and images and combine them into collective compositions.

    Assigns drawing techniques with unconventional methods, various techniques of appliqués, appliqués and plasticography.

    In children will reveal improvements in the indicators of the shallow motility of the fingers of the hands, the ability to navigate on the plane.

Terms of implementation of the program: 2 of the year.

Educational and thematic plan


"Paints of the Autumn Forest"

Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings. Fasten the ability to distinguish the landscape from paintings of another content. Fasten the ability to create a composition, select the color gamut according to the mood.

"Autumn Still Life"


Develop an aesthetic perception in children, the desire to convey the beauty of the shape and color of vegetables. Learning to see and understand the content of still life.

"Juicy ruddy"

Acquaintance with still life. Learn to see and reproduce the color of the subject, its characteristic features, shape, magnitude.

"Mushroom Polyanka"

Teach children choose the content of their drawing, think over the composition, color solutions. Fasten the technical skills drawing with paints.


"Autumn forest"

Learning to locate on a sheet of paper Different types of trees (one above each other), the structure of branches, color; develop color perception in children

Three Bears.

Learn to transfer the characteristic features of the bear in the picture (shape, body parts, color, wool). Fasten the ability to work all the brush and its end.

"DOALTE" (Gorodetskaya painting)

Encourage children with decorative folk creativity. Learning to paint products based on Gorodetsky painting.

"Decorative drawing in a square (Khokhloma)

Secure the ability to make a decorative composition on a square using the elements of Khokhloma painting (grass, berries, curls).


"Drawing decorative dishes (Gzhel)"

Acquisition of children to folk art.

Learn to paint the dishes based on popular painting. Perform a pattern by applying paint. Transmit colors (white and blue). Develop the ability to draw large and small pattern elements. Reliable and interest in the work of people's masters.


"My faithful friend"

Learning to transmit images of animals, the proportions of the head, torso, see their characteristic features, transmit a spatial environment. Allocate in the composition of the main thing - the size, color, placement on the sheet.



Learn to draw chicken from simple geometric shapes, transfer the features of the sucping by receiving the "dry brush" reception.


"According to the plan"

Develop creative activity, fantasy, imagination.




"Dorming a forest under the fairy tale of sleep"

Development of skills to transfer the image of the winter forest.

Learning to create a picture of the winter forest. Improve drawing technique. He teaches to draw with different techniques (the end of the brush, all the pile, smears). Develop composite skills, creative abilities. Relieve aesthetic taste, accuracy.


"In the animal world"

Exercise in the image of animals.

Systematize the knowledge of children about how animals suffer the winter.

Teach correlate parts largest and proportions.

Develop creativity.

Educating love for animals.


Who do you want to be?

The ability to transmit in the figure the image of a man of labor portraying the figure of people in characteristic professional clothes. Fasten the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint the drawing.



"What would I like to go?"

Teach children to portray various types of transport, their shape, structure. Develop the ability to complement the drawing with plot items. Develop imagination.


"Miracle - Ladoshka"

Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques. Learning to see from the palm (fingers) of animals, birds. Develop the ability to fantasize.

Develop coordination of the movement of hands. Raise a desire to work.


"My father"

Formation of skill draw portrait.

Continue to acquaint with the genre of fine arts (portrait). Learning to reflect the peculiarities of the appearance, character, mood.

Develop the ability to perform the work started to the end.

Educate exposure, patience.


"I'm flying on the rocket"

Fasten the ability to transfer their idea, having an image on a sheet, pick up the range of paints drawing space, stars flying rocket.



"Early spring"

Develop observation, pay attention to the color combinations in the pictures of early spring, display them in the picture, to learn the plot on the whole sheet of paper.


"My mum"

Development of portrait painting skills. Continue learning to draw a portrait, reflecting the peculiarities of the appearance, character, mood. Continue to acquaint with the genre of fine arts (portrait). Develop protection. Relieve pride in your mom.


"The Rooks Have Arrived"

Development of abilities understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and be able to reflect their impressions in the picture. Learning to see the visual funds that the artist uses to transfer its feelings. Develop aesthetic taste. Educating love for nature.


"First leaflets

(drawing from nature) "

Improving the ability to draw from nature. Learning to draw from nature, passing the structure, form, proportion in the figure. Develop aesthetic skills. Rail interest in nature.



"The Higher Animal"

To acquaint children with animal hot countries. Learn to transmit characteristic features of the animal in the figure, correctly transmit color, proportions, complement the plot.


Indoor plant

(from nature)

Learn to transmit the magnitude of the pot and plants, its structure, the location of the processes. Rail a aesthetic attitude towards nature.


On fairy tale



Learning to depict one of the episodes of a fairy tale of choice, to portray fabulous heroes in relationships, through their location relative to each other. Fasten the ability to work with watercolor paints. Develop imagination. Call an emotional response to content.


"My favorite fabulous hero"

Continue to learn to transmit fairy tales and characteristic character features in the figure. Develop imagination.



Butterflies in the meadow

Continue to teach children to draw objects consisting of symmetric parts. Learning to decorate the object with bright details (circles, lines), complement the drawing to create a plot composition. Develop imagination, aesthetic attitude when evaluating work. Emotional attitude towards nature.


"We go to school"

Learning to draw school, displaying the building and yourself on a sheet of paper.


Training modeling in a constructive way.

Teach children sculpt the basket in a constructive way (bottom from the ball, the walls of the baskets from the harnesses, the handle of the gossip from the long flagellate). Develop the work of children, aesthetic taste, accuracy. To achieve an expressive form. Bring up demands to yourself

"Daras of Autumn" (Vegetables)

"Apples on a plate"

Fasten the ability to sculpt the objects round, oval shape. Learn to transmit some characteristic features - deepening, complement with small details.

"Walked on Penchka"

Teach children to independently determine the content of their work. Fix a variety of techniques of modeling. Learn to make small compositions.


Last autumn leaf (bar relief from plate)

Continue to acquaint with the technique of "Plasticino-Chay". Develop the color perception, the ability to transmit the shape of the leaves, their color.

"Sly Fox"

Teach children to create an animal figure, transmit body shape, head, tail, their location, magnitude.


Development of skills to transmit characteristic features of animals. Learning to transmit characteristic features (shape, movement). Learning to sculpt from a whole piece of plasticine, pulling out parts.

Develop interest in modeling. Educating love for animals.

"Miracle Flower"

Development of skills to create decorative flowers with embossed technology. Learning to create decorative flowers with plastic products based on folk art. Learning to continue to master relief equipment. Develop a sense of rhythm. Rail an artistic taste.


Cup with saucer

Learn to transfer the form of dishes in the instruments of indulgence and pulling edges, equalizing them with your fingers. Fasten the receptions of rolling, the ability to separate lumps, corresponding to the size of the subject. Develop creativity and fantasy in image decoration.



Learn children to sculpt pets in a constructive way, transferring characteristic proportions, complement the parts.



Improving technology modeling. Learning to apply familiar modeling techniques (pulling, pitch). Develop imagination. Rail and form technical skills in children.


We walk with mom (dad, brother ...)

Learning to create a simple plot in the modeling. Sculpt the figures of people of different growth in motion, pass the shape and proportion, details to decorate the clothes of people, steadily positioning crafts on the stand. Educating love for loved ones.



Snow Maiden in a long fur coat

Learn children to transfer the shape of the head, body, hands and feet in the modeling, the proportional ratio of parts, sculpt small details of the clothing (collar, cap, boots), tightly fasten the parts, create a stable shape. Training a combined model of modeling, expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Year holiday.


"What do we like

in winter

Teach children to pass the impression of winter walks, games. Learning to sculpt the figure of a person in motion to develop memory, imagination.


"Santa Claus is in a hurry on the tree"

Development of skills to use the knowledge gained when pushing a fabulous hero.

Call in children interest in fabulous images, learn to transfer them to the modeling, using the resulting skills (sculpt from a whole piece, decorate the details of the clothes).

Develop the creative ability in children.

Relieve interest in the modeling.


According to the plan.

Development of skills Use in their work different elements of the modeling. Learning to invent the content of your work.

Use in your work different elements of the modeling (from a whole piece, the ability to share a piece, on the part observing the proportion). Develop imagination, observation. Relieve interest in the modeling.



Snow, lumbering raking, Baba snow is

Learning to sculpt the Baba of several parts of the same form, but different in size, tightly pressing parts to each other. Develop a fine motor skill when decorating a snowman with small details (buttons, carrots, eyes).

Clarify the presentation of children about the size of parts, their form. To form the ability to divide the plasticine on the part, rolling between the palms into the ball, circular movements, achieving the right shape.



Fastening technology modeling. Fasten the ability to sculpt from a whole piece, correctly transfer the proportions of the body, to give the lines smoothness, divide the integer on the part, connect the elements among themselves. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination. Rail interest in modeling, love for animals.


"Based on the


toys »

Development of skills to determine

the content of your work.

Exercise in the modeling toys by plan

according to folk clay toys from a whole piece of clay. Develop creative abilities

children. Rail on folk traditions.


We are cosmonauts.

Fasten the ability to sculpt people. I exercise in the use of various technical techniques of modeling, to bring up respect for cosmonauts, to their not a light profession. Develop fantasy and imagination.



"We are fun dancing at the festival" (I.A. Lykova, p.74)

Development of skills to transmit figures in motion.

Learning to transmit characteristic features of movement. Fasten the ability to sculpt familiar ways to model. Create an emotional attitude to the image. To bring up the prigidity, the desire to bring the case to the end.


Border guards with a dog.

To acquaint children with one more native border troops; Cause a desire to blind border guard warrior. Fasten the ability to sculpt people and animals. Exercise in the application of various technical techniques of modeling, bring up respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.


Flew birds about the spring to explore

Fasten the ability to sculpt the bird, choosing the method of modeling it yourself, transmit the shape and relative size of the body, head; Help remember the differences in birds of different breeds in color and plumage, magnitude, characteristic details. Exercise in the method of smoothing the details of water. Encourage a creative approach to modeling.


"What we know and love to sculpt"

Studying the interests and capabilities of children in the modeling.

Fasten the ability to recognize objects in color, shape, magnitude. Relieve a sense of respect for peers.



"Twig with leaves"

To acquaint children with a concept - tiles. Learning to create a decorative pattern with a nappet, placing it on a square plate.


"Flowers on a tray"

Continue to acquaint children with people's products. Continue to learn the modeling method. Apply smoothing receptions, pinching.


I have a bake, bake, a bake (from a salt dough).

Continue to acquaint children with a dough, like a material. Learning to sculpt bakery products. Secure the technical techniques of rolling, flattening, stretching, smoothing. Develop independence, creativity.


"At the bottom of the sea"

Development of skills to plan a sequence of work. Call interest in the pushing of the image of the underwater world. Learn to plan your work. Develop imagination, feeling composition. Use different techniques of modeling.

Educating love for the underwater world.



School supplies

Learning to sculpt school supplies. Exercise in the ability to use different techniques of modeling: flattening, pulling, smoothing. Fasten the knowledge of children about school supplies.


Listic ladybug.

Fasten the ability to transfer the form and characteristic signs of familiar items.


"Pattern of autumn leaves"

Teach children to make a pattern on a square, fill the angles and the middle. Develop a sense of symmetry, composition.


Delicious vitamins.

Fasten the ability to transfer the shape of various vegetables (carrots, swarm, turnip, cucumber, tomato). Learn to compare their shape with a geometric (ball, oval). Find similarities and differences. Learn to transmit characteristic features.


"What do you like from fruit"

Fasten the skill cut out the round shape. Learning to make a composition, complement items with small parts.


In the forest for mushrooms

Fasten the ability to cut objects and their parts round, oval shape. Exercise in the roundabout of corners from a rectangle, a triangle. Learning to cut large and small mushrooms in parts. Composition.



"Autumn Forest" (cluster)

Learn the skills of collective activities. Develop a spatial representation. Learning tender technique.


"Two bunny"

Teach children to depict animals by the way of breaking, correctly passing their relative value. Gently stick and placed on a sheet of paper.


Houses on our street

Learn to participate in common work, performing its share of labor. Transmit the structure and parts of the houses of modern architecture, fix the skills of symmetric cutting of buildings "accordion", windows, working with scissors and glue. Develop creative activity in the transfer of the peculiarities of the appearance of the house. To form the ability to negotiate when drawing up a general composition.


Quietly snowing is (tearing)

Learn to transmit the application by applique features of the winter landscape. Learning to make a trunk, tree branches, drifts, snow using tearing technique. Place snowflakes throughout the surface of the sheet. Expand and consolidate the knowledge of seasonal changes in nature related to the arrival of winter.




Repeat and consolidate with children execution of applique by the way of breaking, select cold and warm tones for the composition.


Dogs play.

Teach children to create an image of animals by the way of breaking, correctly passing their relative value. Gently stick and placed on a sheet of paper.


I got out!



Learning to depict chickens using handling technique.

Perform a task in a certain sequence and, remembering verbal instructions. Relieve accuracy.


New Year card.

Teach chosen content new Year's postcard. Fasten familiar ways of cutting out paper. Prepare all the necessary appliqué details. Develop aesthetic taste, the ability to beautifully position the elements of the postcard, create a joyful pre-New Year's mood in children.



"The bird-pan and friend is Snegire."

Teach children to transfer the image of winter birds. Features of the shape of the head, torso, transmit the color of the plumage, position on the sheet of paper.


"Pattern on a mitch.

Decoration with a hacatis pattern "

Development of skills make a pattern with elements of the Khakass ornament. Learning to create a pattern on the strip, combine the strips into the overall composition. Reveal the symbolic value of ornamental motifs in the Khakass embroidery. Develop the ability to perform a pattern based on the Khakass motive. Rail interest in folk art.


"I will give a toy"

Develop the ability to conceive the content of its work in accordance with the skills and skills that the child owns. Develop imagination, aesthetic perception.


"Floral snowflakes"

Development of skills to combine object design elements, attractive it, brightness, i.e. Decorativeness.

Teach children cut six best snowflakes from candy and colored foil.

Develop coordination in the eye-hand system.

Rail interest in folk art.



Urban transport.

Learning to depict transport, transmit characteristic features (rounding corners of the car). Fasten the skill cut the angles, cut the wheels from squares, complement the image with details.


"Rouh and boat"

Acquaintance with the techniques of volumetric appliqués by modeling. Learning to freely use a variety of techniques for creating objects of objects. Develop creativity. Rail a desire to create a new, interesting.


Greeting card by February 23

Learn it yourself, invent the content and make greeting cards, fasten the ability to work with templates, draw contour, cut out exactly on the planned line, improve the ability to correlate the items in size, beautifully position them on the sheet. Develop creativity. To bring up the desire to delight loved ones, take care of them.


Hello, Planet Earth! (rocket)

Fasten the ability to work with templates, draw the contour, cut out exactly the planned line, improve the ability to relate objects in size, beautifully position them on the sheet. Develop creativity.



"Mom dress"

Develop an aesthetic perception in children, learning to use a contrast combination of color, position the pattern throughout the product, complement the parts.


"Spring Twig" (Verba, Mimosa)

Develop aesthetic perception in children, teach children to see the beauty of flowers, pass them by appliqués. Relieve a sense of composition.



Learn to design a nesting paper. Clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bin. Fasten the ability to cut various shapes, pick up the color, make up the composition. Develop memory, the ability to reproduce the action according to the instructions, work carefully


"Baby-baby (gift for kids)"

Development of creative fantasy. Teach children to decorate a book by any drawing: flowers, animals, birds, other objects. Develop interest.

Educating the ability to perform the started job to the end.



"Fluffy pictures"

Development of small motility of the hands of children. Learn to make appliques from woolen threads.

Develop a shallow motorcy, eye meter, feeling of shape and composition. Brief interest in fine art.


According to the plan

Improving skills to determine the content of the work. Learn to independently choose the topic, evaluate the work, bring it to the end, pay attention to the expressiveness of the product. Fasten the techniques of modeling. Develop creativity. Educate initiative.


Ripen rye over (collective).

Learn children to cut "grains" from paper folded by harmonica; placing ready forms Symmetric, forming a spacing. Develop visual control over the movement of hands when cutting. Educating the desire to take part in the general work, achieving high-quality image.


Collective work "At grandmother in the village"

Development of skills to perform a collective plot applique. Learn to perform a plot application using stencils. Develop a sense of composition. Relieve respect for each other.




Learning Cut Forms of Paper, threefold. Work skills, working with paper and glue. Develop an aesthetic perception in children, love for nature.



Continue to learn to make a pattern of geometric shapes on a strip, combining the composition in color, form, magnitude. Fasten cutting techniques.

Building and conducting classes is based on the following principles:

- systematic, clarity of material feed and availability;

- developing and educational nature of educational material;

- the complexity of building classes;

- the activity of participants;

- the presence of feedback in classes;

- Communicative effectiveness;

- enrichment of the life experience of children;

- Social and personal development.

To achieve the planned result, it is more expedient to adhere to a certain structures of classes , eg:


    The main content of the lesson is familiarizing with the new material.

    Fizminutka, finger gymnastics / movable exercises.

    Fastening a new material.

List of sources used:

    Arnautova E. P. Pedagogue and family. - M.: Ed. House "Karapuz", 2001. -264c

    Brykin E.K. Creativity of children in working with various materials: KN. For teachers dosyk. Institutions, teachers beginning. cl., parents / under scientific Ed. Komarova TS - M. [Text]: Ped. Society of Russia, 2002. - 147c

    Galanov A.S., Kornilova S.N., Kulikova S.L. Classes with preschoolers in visual arts. - M: TC "Sphere", 2000. - 80c.

    Mribovskaya A.A. Collective creativity of preschoolers: abstracts of classes / [Text] - M: TC "Sphere", 2005. - 192c.

    Davydova G.N. "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten" - M., 2012

    Doronova T.N. Fine activities and aesthetic development of preschoolers: toolkit For educators of pre-school educational institutions. - M. Education, 2006. - 192c.

    Dubrovskaya N.V. Invitation to creativity. - S.-PB.: "Childhood Press", 2004. - 128C.

    Ilyina A. Drawing with unconventional ways. / A. Ilina // Pre-school education. - № 2. - 2004. - p. 48-50.

    Kazakova R.G. Drawing with children of preschool age: non-traditional techniques, planning, abstracts of classes. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.-120s.

    Kazanova R.G., Saigan T.I., Sedova E.M. Drawing with children of preschool age: non-traditional techniques, planning, abstracts of classes. - M: TC "Sphere", 2004 - 128C.

    Kihetva E.Yu. "Draw kids" - Mr. 2008

    Kozokhina S.K. Journey to the world of art-program development of preschool children M.: TC Sphere, 2002.-192c ..

    Komarova TS Fine activity: Child learning to technical skills and skills. // Pre-school education, 1991, №2.

    Krivonogova LD Wreath of fantasies: the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers in the process of visual activities and familiarization with art: allowance for teachers / Sost. - 2nd ed. - Mozyr: White Wind, 2006 - 46 p.

    Lykova I. A. Colored palms - Author's program M.: Karapuz-Didactics, 2007. - 144С., 16l

    Lykova I.A. Fine activity in kindergarten: planning, abstract classes, guidelines. - M.: Karapuz-didactics, 2007.

    Melik-Pashaev A. The child loves to draw: how to contribute to the artistic development of children. - M.: Clean ponds, 2007.-32C. : IL.

    Morozova E.A. The problem of the development of cognitive interests of students in pedagogical theories of Capteva P.F. And Vakhterova V.P. Smolensk, 2004.

    Solomennikova O.A. The joy of creativity. Development of artistic creativity of children 5-7 years. - Moscow, 2001.

    Mobrobin K.K., Wastobin G.F. Fascinating drawing by the tick method with children 3-7 years old: we draw and know the world around. - M: Publisher "Gnome and D", 2001. - 64С.

Municipal State Uniform Institution

"Novokrayshkinskaya basic comprehensive school»

Discussed at the meeting approved by the school principal

Ped. Sign No. ___ From Order No. ___

«____" __________ 20 ____ "_____" __________ 20 ____ g.


Art (iso

Grade 2.

Term of implementation 1 year

Compiled: based


« art»,

B.M. Nemensky,

Pauli V.P., Teacher

primary classes

I. Qualification category

2015 -2016 uch.g.


Explanatory note

The work program is drawn up on the basis of the "Fine Art" program,

the author B. M. Nemensky, on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a citizen of Russia, planned results of primary general education.

The program assumes a holistic integrated course, including art types: painting, graphics, sculpture, folk and decorative and applied art - and built on the basis of domestic traditions of humane pedagogy.The objectives of the artistic education are in the development of the emotional-moral potential of the child, in the development of his soul with the means of admission to artistic culture as a form of spiritual and moral search for humanity.

The program is based on the ideas and provisions of the federal state educational standard of primary general education and the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the basic principles of the UMC "School of Russia":

General characteristics of the educational subject

the main goal the training course "Fine art" - the formation of artistic culture of students as an integral part of the culture of spiritual, i.e., cultures of world-growing generations. These values \u200b\u200bas the highest values \u200b\u200bof human civilization should be a means of aligning, the formation of moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in life and art, i.e., the dorms of the child's soul.

Course objectives:

Education of aesthetic feelings, interest in the visual arts, enrichment of moral experience, willingness to express and defend their position in art and through art;

Development of imagination, creativity, skills and skills of cooperation in artistic activities;

Mastering the initial knowledge of plastic arts, their role in human life;

Mastering elementary artistic literacy, acquisition of experience in various types of artistic activity and various materials.

The tasks of the implementation of the subject area are the development of abilities to the artistic, emotional and value perception of works of visual art and the surrounding world, expression in the creative works of their attitude towards the world around.

    The principle of education of a citizen ensures the implementation of the ideological basis of GEF - the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, in which the modern formulatednational Educational Ideal . This is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of its country, fortified in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

    Principle of value orientation provides for the selection of educational content and activities junior schoolchildrenaimed at forming in the process of training and education of the harmonious identity value system. The basis of the formed value system isbasic national values presented in the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a citizen of Russia.

    Principle of training in activity It assumes that the achievement of the "School of Russia" implemented in the UMC "School of Russia" is provided, above all, the formationuniversal Training Actions (UUD): Personal , regulatory , cognitive , communicative which act as the basis of the educational and educational process.

    The principle of work on the result means targeted and consistent activity of training and students to achievepersonal , metaPered andsubject The results of the development of the main educational program of primary general education. To do this, the structure and content of the textbooks laidtask system aimed at the inclusion of younger schoolchildren in the activities of the educational material in order to master the Wood and the formation of the ability to independently use new knowledge, skills and competencies, including leading educational competence -the ability to learn.

    Principle of synthesis of traditions and innovation means support on the besttraditions of domestic school in combination withinnovative approaches ensuring the development of education at the modern stage of the life of the country.
    In the training courses of the educational system "School of Russia", such innovations as the formation of universal educational actions, the organization of project activities, work with various information carriers, the creation of student portfolio, final complex work and other, both general and subject matter are also used.
    N.and the basis of the development of the traditions of Russian art education and on the basis of a modern understanding of the requirements for learning outcomes In the UMC "School of Russia" is builtavrashny subject line of textbooks " art» (The principle of support on the personal experience of the child and the expansion, enriching it by the development of the culture is expressed in the structure of building materials of textbooks):

In accordance with the requirements for the results of the development of the basic educational program of primary general education, textbooks for 1-4 classes on visual arts are aimed at achieving students of personal, meta-delicate and subject results.

The course is designed asholistic system of introduction to artistic culture and includes on a single basis, the study of all the main species of spatial (plastic) arts: visual - painting, graphics, sculpture; constructive - architecture, design; various types of decorative and applied arts, folk art - traditional peasant and folk crafts, as well as comprehending the role of the artist in synthetic (screen) arts - art of the book, theater, cinema, etc. They are studied in the context of interaction with other arts, as well as in the context of specific connections with the life of society and man.

Systematizing method isallocation of the three main types of artistic activities for visual spatial arts:

- fine artistic activities;

- decorative artistic activities;

- constructive artistic activity .

Three ways of artistic development reality - the pictorial, decorative and constructive - in primary school Speakers for children as well as well-minded, interesting and affordable art activities: image, decoration, building. The constant practical participation of schoolchildren in these three activities allows you to systematically attach them to the world of art.

These three types of artistic activities are the basis for dividing visual-spatial arts on the species: visual arts, constructive arts, decorative and applied arts. At the same time, each of the three types of activity is present when creating any work of art and therefore is the basis for the integration of the entire variety of art species into a single system, concisely not on the principle of transfer of art types, but according to the principle of allocating the other type of artistic activities. The allocation of the principle of artistic activities emphasizes not only on the work of art, but also onhuman activity, on identifying his links with art in the process of daily life.

It should be borne in mind that in elementary school, three types of artistic activities are presented in a game form as brothers-masters of images, decorations and buildings. They help at first structurally sharing, and therefore understand the activities of the arts in the surrounding life, more deeply aware of art.

Thematic integrity and sequence of the course development help ensure transparent emotional contacts with art at each stage of training. The child rises a year after year, lesson at the lesson on the steps of the knowledge of personal connections with the whole world of artistic and emotional culture.

The subject "Fine Art" involves the creation of the teacher and the student; dialogue; the clarity of the tasks and the variability of their solution; The development of the traditions of artistic culture and improvisational search of personal meaningful meanings.

Maintenancetypes of training activities - Practical artistic and creative activity of the student and the perception of the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art.

Practical artistic and creative activity (the child acts as an artist) andactivities for the perception of art (The child acts as a viewer, mastering the experience of artistic culture) is creative. Students master various art materials (gouache and watercolor, pencils, crayons, coal, pastel, plasticine, clay, various types of paper, fabric, natural materials), tools (brushes, stacks, scissors, etc.), as well as art technicians (Applique, collage, monotype, modeling, paper plastic, etc.).

One of the tasks -constant change of artistic materials, mastering their expressive opportunities.Mature of activities Stimulates the interest of students to the subject, study of art and is a prerequisite for the formation of the personality of each.

Perception of works of art Ensures the development of special skills, the development of feelings, as well as mastering the figurative language of art. Only in the unity of the perception of works of art and its own creative practical work there is a formation of a figurative artistic thinking of children.

A special type of students' activity is the fulfillment of creative projects and presentations. This requires work with dictionaries, the search for a variety of feature information on the Internet.

The program is built in such a way as to give schoolchildren with clear ideas about the system of interaction of art with life. It is envisaged to widely attract the life experience of children, examples from the surrounding reality. Workbased on the observation and aesthetic experience of the surrounding reality it is an important condition for the development of the children's material. The desire to express his attitude to reality should be a source of development of figurative thinking.

Development of artistic thinking Pupils are built on the unity of his two bases: Observation development . skills peer in the phenomenon of life anddevelopment of fantasy , i.e., the abilities on the basis of developed observation to build an artistic image, expressing their attitude towards reality.

Observation and experience of the surrounding reality, as well as the ability to aware of their own experiences, its inner world are important conditions for mastering the children's material by children. Finitetarget - Formation of a child's ability to independently vision of the world, reflections on him, expressing their relationship based on the development of artistic culture experience.

Thematic integrity and sequence the development of the course helps to provide transparent emotional contacts with art at every stage of training. The child rises a year after year, lesson at the lesson on the steps of knowledge of personal connections with the whole world of artistic and emotional culture. The principle of support on the personal experience of the child and the expansion, enriching it by the development of the culture is expressed in the structure of the program itself.

Perception of works of art and practical creative tasksSubordinate to the common task create conditions for deep awareness and experiences of each proposed topic. This is also facilitated by relevant music and poetry, helping children in the lesson to perceive and create a given image.

The program "Fine Art" provides foralternating lessonsindividual practical creativity students andlessons Collective creative activity.

Collective forms of work can be different: work in groups; Individually collective work, when each performs its part for a common panel or building. Joint creative activity teaches children to negotiate, put and solve common tasks, understand each other, respecting the work of comrade, and the general positive result gives an incentive for further creativity and confidenceinhis power. Most often, this work is to summarize some kind of big theme and the possibility of a more complete and multifaceted disclosure, when the efforts of each, folded together, give a bright and holistic picture.

The artistic activities of schoolchildren in the lessons find a variety of forms of expression: an image on the plane and in the amount (from nature, by memory, by representation); decorative and constructive work; perception of phenomena of reality and works of art; discussion of the work of comrades, the results of collective creativity and individual work in the lessons; study of artistic heritage; Selection of illustrative material to the topics studied; Listening to musical and literary works (folk, classic, modern).

Artistic knowledge, skills and skills are the main means of attachment to artistic culture. Tools of artistic expressiveness - form, proportions, space, light dialing, color, line, volume, texture of material, rhythm, composition - are mastered by students throughout the training.

The lessons introduced the game dramaturgy on the topic under study, there are connections with music, literature, history, difficulty.

The systematic development of the artistic heritage helps to be aware of the art as a spiritual chronicle of mankind, as an expression of human relations to nature, society, the search for truth. Throughout the course of training, schoolchildren get acquainted with outstanding works of architecture, sculptures, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts, study the classic and folk art of different countries and eras. Great value It has the knowledge of the artistic culture of his people.

Discussion of children's work From the point of view of their content, expressiveness, originality activates the attention of children, forms the experience of creative communication.

Periodicorganization of exhibitions gives children the opportunity to re-see and evaluate their work, feel the joy of success. Pupils performed in class lessons can be used as gifts for relatives and friends, can be applied in school design.

The place of the subject "Fine art" in the curriculum

For the study of visual art in elementary school, 1 hour per week is given. The course is designed for 135 hours: 33 h - in grade 1 (33 school weeks), 34 hours in 2, 3 and 4 classes (34 school weeks in each class).

Value Detention Landmarks

The priority goal of art education in school -spiritual and moral development child, i.e., the formation of the emotional-value, aesthetic perception of the world, the qualities that meet the ideas about true humanity, about the kindness and cultural utility in the perception of the world.

The cultural role of the program is also in educationcitizenship and patriotism . First of all, the child comprehends the art of his homeland, and then get acquainted with the art of other peoples.

The program is based on the principle "from the native threshold to the world of universal culture." Russia is a part of a diverse and holistic world. Child opens a step stepvariety of cultures of different nations and value connections that combine all people of the planet. Nature and life are the basis of the formulated world relations.

Communication of art with human life , role of art in everyday life, in society, the importance of art in the development of each child -chief Solution Course Rod.

The program is built in such a way as to give schoolchildren with clear ideas about the system of interaction of art with life. It is envisaged to widely attract the life experience of children, examples from the surrounding reality. Work on the basis of observation and aesthetic experience of the surrounding reality is an important condition for the development of the children's material. The desire to express his attitude to reality should serve as a source of development of figurative thinking.

One of the main tasks of the course - the development of the childinterest in the inner world of man , ability to deepen yourself, awareness of their internal experiences. It is a deposit of development.empathy ability.

Any art theme should not be simply studied, but lived, i.e. missed through the senses of the student, and this is possible only in activity form,in the form of personal creative experience. Only then, the knowledge and skills in art are becoming personally significant, associated with real life and emotionally painted, the child's personality development occurs, its value attitude towards the world is formed.

The special character of the artistic information cannot be adequately conveyed by words. Emotional-value, sensual experience, expressed in art, can be comprehended only through your own experience -accommodation for artistic image In the form of artistic actions. For this it is necessary to master the artistic and figurative language, the means of artistic expressiveness. The developed ability to emotional likelihood is the basis of aesthetic responsiveness. This is a special force and originality of art: its content should be assigned to a child asown sensual experience. On this basis, the development of feelings, the development of the artistic experience of generations and emotional and value criteria of life occurs.

Personal, MetaPered and Subsection

mastering the educational subject

As a result of the study of the "Fine Art" course in elementary school, certain results should be achieved.

Personal results Reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the educational subject under the program "Fine art":

    a sense of pride for the culture and art of the Motherland, their people;

    respectful attitude to the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;

    understanding the special role of culture and art in the life of society and every individual person;

    formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking, observation and fantasy;

    the formation of aesthetic needs (communication needs with art, nature, creative needs for the world, needs in independent practical creative activities) of values \u200b\u200band feelings;

    the development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional-moral responsiveness, understanding and empathizing the feelings of other people;

    mastering the skills of collective activitiesin the process of joint creative workin the team of classmates under the guidance of the teacher;

    skill collaboratewith comrades in the process of joint activity, relate their part of the work with a general plan;

    the ability to discuss and analyze its own artistic activity and work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of this topic, from the point of view of the content and means of its expression.

MetaPered results characterize the formation level of universal abilities of students, manifested in cognitive and practical creative activities:

    development of ways to solve problems of creative and search nature;

    mastering the ability of a creative vision from the position of the artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, allocate the main thing, to generalize;

    the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to constructively act even in the situation of failure;

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    mastering logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalizations, classifications for Rhododovoid features;

    mastering the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;

    use of information technology tool for solving various educational and creative tasks in the process of finding additional visual material, performing creative projects of individual exercises on painting, graphics, modeling, etc.;

    the ability to plan and competently carry out academic activities in accordance with the task, find options for solving various artistic and creative tasks;

    the ability to rationally build an independent creative activity, the ability to organize the place of classes;

    an informed desire for the development of new knowledge and skills, to achieving higher and original creative results.

Subject results characterize the experience of students in artistic and creative activities, which is acquired and enshrines in the process of mastering the learning subject:

    the formation of the initial ideas about the role of fine art in the life of a person, his role in the spiritual and moral development of man;

    the formation of the foundations of artistic culture, including on the material of the artistic culture of the native land, aesthetic attitude to the world; Understanding beauty as values, artistic creativity needs and in dealing with art;

    mastering practical skills and skills in perception, analysis and evaluation of works of art;

    mastering elementary practical skills and skills in various types of artistic activities (drawing, painting, sculpture, artistic design), as well as in specific forms of artistic activities based on ICT (digital photography, video, animation elements, etc.);

    knowledge of art activities: visual (painting, graphics, sculpture), constructive (design and architecture), decorative (folk and applied arts);

    knowledge of the main species and genres of spatio-visual arts;

    understanding the figurative nature of art;

    aesthetic assessment of the phenomena of nature, events of the surrounding world;

    the use of artistic skills, knowledge and ideas in the process of performing artistic and creative works;

    the ability to learn, perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate several great works of Russian and world art;

    the ability to discuss and analyze works art, expressing judgments about the content, plots and expressive means;

    assimplement of the names of the leading artistic museums of Russia and Humanmuseums of their region;

    the ability to see the manifestations of visual-spatial arts in the surrounding life: in the house, on the street, in the theater, on the festival;

    the ability to use various artistic materials and art technicians in artistic and creative activity;

    ability to transfer in artistic and creative activity emotional states and their attitude to nature, man, society;

    the ability to compose on the sheet plane and in the amount of conceived artistic image;

    mastering the skills to apply in the artistic and creative activities of the framework of the flowering science, the foundations of graphical certificates;

    mastering paper modeling skills, layers from plasticine, image skills with appliqués and collage;

    the ability to characterize and aesthetically evaluate the diversity and beauty of nature of different regions of our country;

    ability to reasonon the diversity of ideas about the beauty of the peoples of the world, the ability of a person in a variety of natural conditions to create their own original artistic culture;

    the image in the creative works of the features of the artistic culture of various (acquaintances in the lessons) of peoples, the transfer of the peculiarities of the understanding of the beauty of nature, a person, folk traditions;

    the ability to aesthetically, emotionally perceive the beauty of cities that preserved the historical appearance - witnesses of our history;

    ability to explainthe value of monuments and architectural medium of ancient architecture for modern society;

    ability to give examplesthe works of art expressing the beauty of wisdom and the rich spiritual life, the beauty of the inner world of man.

Thematic planning

34 hours

p / P.

Theme lesson


Characteristics of students

the date of the

"What and how the artist works" 8 hours

Three main colors-yellow, red, blue. "Flower Polyana".


Watch color combinations in nature.

To mix paints immediately on a sheet of paper, by means of "Live paint".

Miscean primary picturesque skills.

Picture based on the mixing of three main colors, a variety of memory flowers and an impression.

White and black paint. "Rainbow on the thunderstorm sky."


Learn to distinguish andcompare

dark and light shades of color and tone.

To mix colored paints with white and black to obtain a rich color.

Develop gouache work skills.

Create the picturesque materials are various in the mood of landscapes dedicated to the image of natural elements.

Pastel and colored crayons: their expressive opportunities. "Autumn forest".


Expand knowledge of artistic materials.

Understand the beauty and expressiveness of pastels, chalk, watercolor.

Develop pastel's skills, shallow, watercolor.

Miscean primary knowledge of perspective (sunbathing, closer - further).

Picture autumn forest using the expressive features of materials.

Expressive applications. "Autumn leavefall" - appliqués mat.


Miscean technique and appliqués.

Understand anduse features of the image on the plane using a stain.

Create rug on the theme of autumn earth, fallen leaves.

Expressive graphic materials. "Graphics of the Winter Forest".


Understand expressive lines, points, dark and white spots (graph language) to create an artistic image.

Learn work techniques with graphic materials (mascara, wand, brush).

Watch behind plastic trees, branches, dry grass on snow background.

Depict using graphic materials, winter forest.

Expressive materials for work in volume. "Fabulous animals."


Compare, comparable

Develop work skills with whole piece of plasticine.

Mastering workshops with plasticine (indulgerage, roaming, pulling, relief)

Create the volumetric image of the animal with the transmission of character.

Expressive paper opportunities. The construction of the game site from volumetric forms.


Develop skills for creating geometric shapes (cone, cylinder, rectangle) from paper, flat sheet translation skills in a variety of volumetric forms.

Miscean taking works with paper, flat sheet translation skills in a variety of volumetric forms.

Design from paper objects playground.

Unexpected materials (summarizing the theme) " The image of the night city. "


To repeat andfasten knowledge of artistic materials and their expressive opportunities obtained in previous lessons.

Create the image of the night city with a variety of unexpected materials.

Generalize passed materialdiscuss evaluate own artistic activities and activities of their classmates

"Reality and Fantasy" 7 hours

Image and reality. Drawing bird. " Our friends are cats. "


Consider, learn andanalyze the structure of real animals.

Picture animals, highlighting the proportions of body parts.

Transmit in the image of the character of the selected animal.

Fasten work skills from common to particular.

Image and fantasy. "Fabulous bird."


Reflege on the possibilities of the image of both the real and fantastic world.

To consider slides and images of real and fantastic animals (Russian wooden and stone carving, etc.).

Invent expressive fantastic images of animals.

Picture fabulous creatures by connecting together elements of different animals and even plants.

Develop gouache work skills.

Decoration and reality . "Trees twigs with dew and cobweb."


Watch andlearn to see decorations in nature.

Emotionalto respond on the beauty of nature.

Create with the help of graphic materials, image lines of various jewelry in nature (cobs, snowflakes, etc.).

Develop skills of work in mascara, feather, coal, chalk.

Decoration and reality. "Lace".


Compare, compare natural shapes with decorative motifs in lace, tissues, jewelry, on the dishes.

Learn receptions for creating an ornament: repetition of the module, rhythmic alternation of the element.

Create jewelry (collar for dresses, pylon, bookmark for books, etc.), using patterns.

Work graphic materials (rollers, mascara, markers) with lines of different thickness.

Building and reality.

"The inhabitants of the underwater world."


To consider natural structures,analyze their forms, proportions.

Emotionalto respond on the beauty of various buildings in nature.

Learn paper skills (twist, clipping, folding, gluing).

Design from paper forms of the underwater world.



Building and fantasy. "Layout of the fantastic city."


Compare, comparable natural forms with architectural buildings.

Learn receptions of work with paper.

Invent diverse designs.

Create layouts of fantastic buildings, fantastic city.

Participate in the creation of collective work.


Brothers-masters images, decorations and buildings always work together.

"New Year's toys."


To repeat andfasten

Understand the role, interaction in the work of three brothers-masters (their unity)

Construct (simulate) anddecorate christmas decorations (depicting people, animals, plants) for the New Year tree.

Discuss creative work at the final exhibition,evaluate own artistic activities and activities of their classmates.

What does art say (11 h)


An image of nature in various states.

"Affectionate and Stormy Sea"


Watch nature in various states.

Picture picturesque materials contrasting nature of nature.



Animal character image.

"Funny animals."


Watch and view animals in different states.

Giving oral sketch-characteristic beasts.

Enter the animal depicted.

Picture animal with a pronounced character and mood.

Develop gouache work skills.


Image of human character: female image. " Cinderella"


Create opposite fabulous women's images in the nature (Cinderella and evil stepmother, Babarich Babarich and Tsarevna-Swan, kind and evil sorceress), using picturesque and graphics


Image of human character: male image.

"The epic heroes."


Characterize good and evil fabulous heroes.

Compare andanalyze the possibility of using fine means to create good and evil images.

To studypicture emotional state of man.

Create picturesque materials of expressive contrasting images of a good or evil hero (fabulous and epic characters).


The image of a person in sculpture.



Compare, comparable expressive possibilities of various artistic materials that are used in sculpture (wood, stone, metal, etc.).

Develop skills of creating images from a whole piece of plasticine.

Miscean techniques of work with plasticine (indulgerage, roaming, pulling, effusion).Create in the volume of fabulous images with a pronounced character.


The image of a person in sculpture.

"Baba Yaga"



Man and his decorations.

"Drawing Kokoshnikov"



Compare and analyze




Man and his decorations.

"Bogatyer Armor"



What do the decorations say.

"Flots: Festive and Pirate"


Understand the role of decoration in a person's life.

Compare andanalyze decorations having different character.

Create decorative compositions of a given form (cut out of paper Bogatyr armor, kokoshniki, collars).

Decorate kokoshnikov, weapons for good and evil fabulous heroes, etc.


The image of the building.

"Snow Queen Palace"


Learn to see artistic image in architecture.

Take skills the perception of the architectural image in the surrounding life and fabulous buildings.

Gain experience creative work.


Generalization of the topic "What does art say"


To repeat andfasten received in previous knowledge lessons.

Discuss creative work at the final exhibition,evaluate own artistic activity and activities of classmates.

As art says (8 h)


Warm and cold colors. Wrestling warm and cold. " Feather Fire-Birds».



To be able to draw up warm and cold colors.

Understand emotional expressiveness of warm and cold colors.

Be able to see in nature, struggle and color interference.

Learn various work techniques with brush (brick smear, "wave", "spot").

Develop coloristic skills to work gouache.

Picture simple plots with colorful contrast (fantastic bonfire in the evening, fabulous heat-bird, etc.).


Quiet and ringing colors.

"Sunny city"


To be able to draw up on paper quiet (deaf) and ringtone.

Have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe emotional expressiveness of color is deaf and ringing.

To be observed mature and beauty of color states in spring nature.

Picture fighting quiet (deaf) and sonorous colors, depicting spring earth


What is the rhythm lines? "Spring streams."


Expand knowledge of artistic expressiveness.

Be able to see

Gain on emotional expressiveness line.

Fantasize, depict spring streams, appearing snakes, thoughtful, quiet and rapid (as a submarine - the image of the Spring Earth).

Develop skills work pastel, wax crayons.


The nature of the lines. "Spring bark of birch"


Be able to see lines in the surrounding reality.

Watch, consider, admire spring branches of various trees.

Realize as a certain material, you can create an artistic image.

Use in work combination various tools and materials.

Picture trees branches with a certain character and mood.


Rhythm spots. "Birds".


Expand knowledge of artistic expressiveness.

Understand, what is rhythm.

Be able to transmit the location (rhythm) flying birds on the sheet plane.

Develop skills of creative work in the technique of punching appliqué.


The proportions are expressed. Origami "Birds".


Expand knowledge of artistic expressiveness.

Understand, what is proportions.

Create expressive images of animals or birds by changing the proportions.


Rhythm lines and spots, color, proportions - as a means of expressiveness. " Spring. Bird noise


Repeat and secure received knowledge and skills.

Understand the role of the interaction of various means of artistic expressiveness to create one or another image.

Create collective creative work (panel) "Spring. Bird noise

Cooperate with comrades in the process of creative work,be able to negotiate explaining fiction,be able to perform work within the boundaries of a given role.


Summarizing the lesson of the year.

Exhibition of children's work.


Analyze children's work at the exhibition,narrate about your impressions from the works of comrades and works of artists.

Understand andbe able to call tasks that were solved in every quarter.

Fantasize andnarrate about

his creative plans for the summer.

Norms of valuation of knowledge

Rating "5"

the student fully copes with the goal of the lesson;

properly sets out the material studied and knows how to apply the knowledge gained in practice;

right solves the composition of the drawing, i.e. Harmoniously coordinates all the components of the image;

able to notice and transfer the most characteristic in the image.

Evaluation "4"

the student fully mastered the software material, but in the presentation it allows inaccuracies of a secondary nature;

harmoniously coordinates all the components of the image;

knows how to notice, but not quite exactly in the image

Rating "3"

the student weakly copes with the goal of the lesson;

allows inaccuracy in the presentation of the studied material.

Rating "2"

the student allows gross mistakes in response;

does not cope with the goal of the lesson;

Educational and Methodical Provision

    L. A. Nemenskaya. Art. Art and you. Grade 2.

    Art. Your workshop. Workbook. Grade 2.

    Art. Pounding developments according to visual arts, Moscow, "Vako" -2014g. Grade 2.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined species of Novo Squares of Belgorod region"

Working program for the implementation of the main educational program of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined species of the Novo Square district of the Belgorod region"

for 2015-2016 academic year

educational region "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Educator: Belchenko I.N.

Program passport

I. Target section

1.1. Description

1.1.2. Objectives and objectives of the section of the program introduced to the visual arts

1.1.3. Principles and approaches to the organization of joint gaming activities in groups of general developing

(Compensating) orientations.

1.1.4. . Characteristics of the features of the development of children in groups of general collaborating (compensatory) orientations

1. 2. Planned program development results


2.1. Joint gaming activity in accordance with the directions of the development of the child in the general collaboration groups

(compensating) orientation, "artistic and aesthetic development".

III. Organizational section

3.2. syllabus

3.3.Chemem distribution of educational activities

Perspective planning


Passport of the educational program

Name Program

Educational work program DW for groups of early, younger, medium, senior compensating and preparatory for school age.

Base for



Order Min.B.Onuki RF of 08/30/13 No. 01014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational

activities for basic educational programs before "

Charter MBDOU D / S№8

Educational program MBDOU D / S№8 for 2014-2015 academic year



Pedagogical Council, parents.



educator of the Fine Activity 1 of the Qualification category Belchenko Irina Nikolaevna

Terms of implementation

5 years


Provide the artistic and aesthetic development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works

art, nature of nature; The formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world around; Formation elementary representations about

art types; Implementation of independent creative activities of children.


Educate emotional and aesthetic feelings, the ability to respond to the manifestation of the beautiful, notice the beauty

Maintain creative interest in visual activity.

Form the experience of perception of various aesthetic objects and works of art; Develop aesthetic

interests, aesthetic preferences, the desire to know art and master the visual activity.

To form skills and skills of their own visual, decorative, constructive activities.

Improve the visual activities of children: stimulate and maintain an independent definition

idea, desire to create an expressive image, the ability to independently select the impressions, choose the most

suitable images of fine techniques and materials, plan activities, achieve the result and

evaluate it.

Improve technical and fine-expressive skills.



The child shows a steady interest in the manifestations of beauty in the surrounding world and art; Demonstrates

Aesthetic attitude towards visual activity is formed.

She mastered the skills and skills of visual, decorative creativity and constructive activities.

Formed shaped ideas about the subjects of the surrounding world and the phenomena of nature in pupils

and the ability to portray them in your own activity.

Supports creative interest in visual activities.

I. Target section

1.1. Description

The educational program of the artistic director was developed on the basis of: an approximate main educational program of preschool education "Childhood" / T.I. Babaeva, A.Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova et al. For children from 3 to 7 years; Art Education »

  • Federal Law of 29.12.2012 №273-ФЗ "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  • Order Min.bob.Nauki of the Russian Federation of 10/17/2013 №1155 "On approval of GEF to"
  • Order min. arr. Science of the Russian Federation of 08/30/13 No. 01014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for the main educational programs to"
  • Sanpin of 05/15/2013 №26
  • Charter of MBDOU d / s №8
  • Typical position on preschool educational institution, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №2562
  • MBDOU D / S№8 Development Program for 2014-2015.
  • Educational program MDBOU D / s №8 for 2014-2015 academic year

The educational work program determines the content of the educational process to introduce to the visual arts

preschool children taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

The educational program includes three main sections: target, meaningful and organizational, in each of

which reflects the mandatory part and part formed by the participants of the educational relations are compiled in accordance with

GEF to.

According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky and its followers, the processes of education and training are not directly developing

baby, and only when they have activity forms and have the appropriate content.

features of children raising in the Dow, curriculum.

The section "Attachment to the Fine Arts" of children of preschool age includes:

1. Drawing

2. Applique

3. Laper

4. Artistic work

1.1.2. Goals and objectives

Purpose: Provide the artistic and aesthetic development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art,

world of nature; The formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world around; formation of elementary ideas about art types; Implementation

independent creative activity of children.


Educate emotional and aesthetic feelings, the ability to respond to the manifestation of the beautiful, notice the beauty of others

objects, objects of nature.

Maintain creative interest in visual activity.

Form the experience of perception of various aesthetic objects and works of art; develop aesthetic interests

aesthetic preferences, the desire to know art and master the visual activity.

To form skills and skills of their own visual, decorative, constructive activities.

Improve the visual activities of children: stimulate and maintain an independent definition of plan,

the desire to create an expressive image, the ability to independently select the impressions, choose the most appropriate image

fine technicians and materials, plan activities, achieve results and evaluate it.

Improve technical and fine-expressive skills.

1.1.3. Principles and approaches to the organization of joint gaming activities in groups of general collaboration (compensating)


The construction of the educational process of the Dow is carried out taking into account the following principles:

Principle of individualization - Building an educational process in which individual features are taken into account

every child.

Principle of activity - Building such an educational process in which the child is placed in the active position of knowledge

of the world, independent search for ways to establish interaction with surrounding people on the basis of generally accepted

norms and rules, compliance with universal values.

Principle of integration - solving the tasks of the program in the system of the entire educational process and all activities,

ensuring the penetration of some elements to others, creating mobility, flexibility to the educational space.

PRINCIPLE OF HUMANIZATION - approving the irreversive values \u200b\u200bof general cultural human dignity, providing

each child is the right to freedom, happiness and development of abilities.

Principle of continuity - involving the enrichment of funds, forms and methods of education, predetermines the nature of communication

between the elements of the pedagogical process in the DOU and the style of education in the family.

Principle of dialogue - assuming that only in the conditions of subject-subject relationship is possible

humane personality, aims to optimize the interaction of the subjects of the educational process.

Principle of culturality - involving the orientation on the needs of society and the identity of the child, adapting children to

modern conditions of society, the admission of children to traditional culture traditions, augmented by the regional component.

Principle of variability The content of education involves the possibility of existence of various approaches to the selection

Balance principle Joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children in direct-forming activities and in conducting regime.

Principle of adequacy pre-school age forms of interaction with pupils.

The implementation of the program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, cognitive and

research activities, in the form of creative activity, ensuring the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

Full residence of the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment

(amplification) of child development;

The admission of children to sociocultural standards, traditions of family, society and state;

The formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

Age-related adequacy of pre-school education (compliance of conditions --- requirements, agents and development peculiarities);

Accounting for the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

The above principles

provide for the solution of software educational tasks in the joint activities of adult and children and independent

activities of children within directly educational activities and during regime moments;

it is assumed to build an educational process at adequate age forms of working with children. The main form of working with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is the game.

building additional educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child in which

the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of its formation, becomes subject to the subject of reference (hereinafter - individualization

preschool education);

assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of a child with a full-fledged participant (subject) educational


support for children's initiative in various activities;

Cooperation Dow with family.

1.1.3. Characteristics of the features of the development of children in groups of general collaborating (compensatory) orientations

A group of general middle-aged children's orientation.

In the fifth year of life, high-quality changes occur in all kinds of children's visual activities, artistic and aesthetic perception is significantly improved. In 4 - 5 years, children - a kind of "practice", they gladly pose, draw,

construct, create applications. Along with the subject matter more often, decorative and plot images are manifested,

mutually engraving each other. Children create interesting images seen in reality, show creativity, inventing

unusual objects, animals using a non-standard combination of details, colors. Favorite images are appear, preferred colors,

forms, visual materials. The various interests of boys and girls are beginning to appear in the visual activities that

it is reflected in different types of work, the use of means of expressiveness. The treasures of modern cartoons begin to influence children's work. At this age, the active development of expressively-present and technical skills is carried out.

Preschoolers are actively mastering various visual techniques, strive to use them to create an interesting image.

Improving small motorbers allows children to more confidently transmit the form, control the movements during lines,

naja on a pencil. There is a further development of artistic - aesthetic perception: preschoolers emotionally

respond to the expressive image, can allocate some simple tools expressiveness (first of all color) in

illustrations, picturesque works, can make the choice of paintings you like, folk toys, explain your choice.

The group of the general developmental orientation of children of older

Preschoolers 5 - 6 years are actively involved in collective creativity and communication on art. The development of verbally-alaughty thinking, as well as the accumulation of Hood of permeal - aesthetic experience allow children to master the initial ideas about the types and genres of art, to establish a connection between the artistic and means of expressiveness used by artists, sculptors, formulate aesthetic estimates and judgments, justify personal views.

Creative manifestations of senior preschoolers become more directed and conscious. To the older age

the arbitrariness, compositeness, awareness of activity, is significantly increased, which allows children to independently schedule

the idea, to select interesting impressions to reflect in the work, strive to express our own feelings, experiences.

Preschoolers are able to first tell about the plot of future work, select the necessary mats and tools.

note the means of expressiveness that allows you to fully reveal an artistic image. Along with constructive

the method of drawing and modeling a significant part of the senior preschoolers is mixed, as well as plastic methods. For

children of this age are characterized by a desire to accurately transmit color, shapes of depicted objects, more complex compositional

solution of pattern, appliqués, improving the quality of stuccoing processing, cutting parts, detailiness.

A group of compensating orientation of older children (2 periods)

Preschoolers 6-7 years old begin to show initiative, independence and individuality in the process of mastering the art,

perceptions of aesthetically attractive objects, their own creative aesthetic activity. Fine activity

children are characterized by greater independence in determining the work plan, conscious choice of means of expressiveness,

sufficiently developed fine-expressive and technical skills, an increase in the demandingness of preschoolers to the result. The quality of children's work increases, which is manifested in creating a plastic image, building enough complex

compositions, mapping characteristic and individual features and features of the items depicted. Acquired artistic and aesthetic experience allows preschoolers deeply understand the artistic image presented in the artistic work,

aesthetically evaluated the image, preschoolers begin to show interest in visiting museums by art and creativity. Understand

value for works of fine art.

1. 2. Planned results of the development of the educational program

1.2.1. Requirements of the standard for target landmarks to pupils of general collaboration groups (compensating)


The requirements of the standard to the results of the program are presented in the form of landmarks for preschool education, which

represent the socio-normative age characteristics of the possible achievements of the child at the stage of completion of the level

preschool education.

Specificity of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, high scatter of its development options, its

immediacy and involuntary), as well as systemic features of preschool education (optional level of pre-school

education in the Russian Federation, the lack of opportunity to impart a child of any responsibility for the result) make

unlawful requirements from a child of preschool age specific educational achievements and determine the need

definitions of the development results of the educational program in the form of targets.

The targets of pre-school education are determined independently of the forms of program implementation, as well as on its nature,

the features of the development of children and the Dow that implements the program.

Targets are not directly evaluating, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not

the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not the basis of an objective assessment of conformity.

established requirements for educational activities and the preparation of children (taking into account the provisions of Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of

These requirements are guidelines for:

a) building educational policies at appropriate levels, taking into account the goals of pre-school education common to

educational space of the Russian Federation;

b) Task solutions:

program formation;

analysis of professional activities;

interactions with families;

c) studying the characteristics of the education of children aged 2 to 7 years;

d) informing parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of pre-school education common to

educational space of the Russian Federation.

The following social and regulatory age-related characteristics include targeted orientation of pre-school education.

achievements of a child:


general education



Achievements of the child

middle aged

The child is of interest and the desire to communicate with the wonderful, with interest is included in the educational situations of aesthetic orientation, likes to engage in visual activities.

Emotionally responds, compets the state and mood of the artistic work.

Distinguishes some objects of folk crafts based on materials, content, highlights and explains them


Owns individual technical and fine skills, mastered some ways to create an image in different activities (modeling, appliqués, drawing) and applies them in joint compassion and independent activities.


The child shows interest in the manifestations of beauty in the surrounding world and art; Demonstrates

careful attitude to works of art and cultural monuments.

In the process of art perception independently and consistently analyzes the work, understands the artistic image, draws attention to the most vivid means of expressiveness, some features of the construction of the composition in the works of painting and graphics, decorative and applied


Loves to draw, sculpt, create appliques; On its own initiative, it draws, sculpts objects necessary for games, decoration items.

Mastered various visual techniques, ways to use visual materials and tools; Demonstrates accuracy in creating an image.

Can organize workplace, manifests accuracy and organization in the process of execution, careful attitude to materials, tools.

older age (2

period of study)

The child shows a steady interest in the works of beauty in the surrounding world and art; Demonstrates careful attitude to works of art and cultural monuments.

Calls, learns, describes some well-known works, objects of folk crafts.

Experiments in creating an image; In the course of its own activity, the initiative is initiative

independence in the process of selecting the theme, thinking of an artistic image, a choice of techniques and ways to create an image; Independently combines the visual techniques and materials.

Demonstrates high technical literacy.

Plans to operate, skillfully organizes the workplace, manifests accuracy in the process of execution, careful attitude towards materials.

2.1. Joint gaming activities in accordance with the direction of the child's development in groups of general and aesthetic development), "artistic and aesthetic development".



group Middle


(from 4 to 5 years)

a senior group

(from 5 to 6 years)

a senior group

(from 6 to 7 years)




Achieving the objectives of the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art; world of nature; formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world around; formation of elementary ideas about art types; fiction; stimulation of empathy of artistic works characteristics; Implementation of independent creative activities of children.

1. Emothetic Emothetic

feelings form the ability to respond on

manifestation of beautiful in the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world, notice the beauty

surrounding objects, objects of nature.

2. To form figurative ideas about the available subjects and phenomena, develop the ability to depict them in their own


3. Develop art perception

works of art, the ability to consistently consider the image,

emotionally respond to the image

correct what has seen with his own experience.

4. Form the skills and skills of your own

fine, decorative,

constructive activities (development

finely expressive skills

development of fine techniques

formation of technical skills).

1. To form and intensify in children the manifestation of aesthetic attitude to

to the world in a variety of

situations (everyday and

activities, during the visit to museums, parks, excursions in the city) and to different

objects of art, nature, subjects

life, toys, social phenomena.

2. Develop aesthetic perception,

aesthetic emotions and feelings

emotional response to manifestations

beauty in the outside world, its images in artwork and

own creative work.

3. To form experience perception

diverse aesthetic objects and

works of art; develop

aesthetic interests, aesthetic

preferences, the desire to know art and master the visual activities.

1. Form emotional and

aesthetic orientations, bring

children to understand value

art, artistic

activities, museum, promote

mastering and use

a variety of aesthetic estimates

relative to the manifestations of beauty in

images, our own creative


2. Stimulate independent

manifestation of aesthetic relationship

to the world around the world in a variety

situations (everyday and

educational situations leisure

activities, during a visit to museums, parks, excursions in the city).

3. Promote the formation and

manifestation of children of interests

aesthetic preferences.

4. Test children to understand value

art, artistic activity,

museum; promote the development of I.

the use of a variety of aesthetic

estimates on the manifestations of beauty in

around the world, artistic

images, your own creative work.

5. Cross and maintain personal

manifestations of senior preschoolers in the process of familiarization with art and

own creative activity

(independence, initiative,


6. Improve the pictorial

children's activities: stimulate and

maintain an independent definition

idea, desire to create expressive

image, ability to select yourself

impressions, experiences to determine

plot, choose the most

the corresponding image of depiction

techniques and materials planning

activity achieve results and

evaluate it.

know the art and master

fine activity

by enriching experience

visits to museums, exhibitions,

collectible stimulation

creative leisure, needlework,

project activities.

2.2. The content of the correctional work in the group of compensation of children from 5 to 7 years

In addition, there is a group of compensating orientation of children from 5-7 years who need speech and linguistic correction

development, development of mental processes.

Training and education of children with development deviations requires specially organized for this conditions. Right

the organization of pre-school education and teaching children with the general underdevelopment of speech, with a delay in psychomotor development has

the most important for the child's future life, because Early defect correction prevents the emergence of secondary and

subsequent development defects, overcoming which in school age It happens extremely difficult.

Correctional work to overcome the general underdevelopment of the speech is implemented in a specialized group of preschool institution.

The whole process of corrective learning has a clear communicative orientation. Digestible elements of the language system

turn on to direct communication. Children teach apply spent speech operations in similar or new situations,

creatively use the resulting skills in the visual form of activity.

All correctional work is compiled, taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary connections: with the work of educators of speech therapy groups

sections: Cognitive development, familiarization with the surrounding, visual activities. Integration into the general structure

correctional work of health-saving technologies (finger gymnastics, charging for the eyes, self-massage of the face and hands,

exercises for the development of breathing and physical attacks) allows you to successfully solve problems on the correction classes as such as

warning overwork, ensuring switching from one type of activity to another, stimulation of arbitrary attention I and

improving overall performance.

In classes on the visual activities according to the advice of the speech therapist and guided by software requirements,

the sequence of studying lexical topics are carried out: finger gymnastics, exercises for speech coordination and movement,

oral exercises on the development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech, which contribute to the formation of the skills of connected speech. Same

non-traditional forms of artistic - graphic techniques are used: and drawing with fingers, printing on stencils,

cleaxography tubes, modeling from salt dough, folding origami, etc.

Description of work techniques using these technicians, planning activities for artistic creativity for the whole

the school year is underway in accordance with the lexical themes studied during the speech therapy educational activity. For

ensuring the interests of interest in classes are used poems, riddles, speech coordination exercises with movement. For

creating an individual correctional work with children We take into account the features of their attention, memory and other mental

processes successfully complement each other. This allows you to reduce time on the formation and consolidation of knowledge and skills,

to achieve successful transfer of their other types of educational and practical and gaming activities of preschoolers. Methods of interaction

specialists provide a comprehensive solution to correctional, educational, educational tasks and significantly increase

the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

The interaction of a teacher-speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist and an educator is carried out in two directions:

1. Correctional development;

2. Information and advisory.

By carrying out their work to the Dow specialists should consider:

  • the structure of the speech violation, cognitive processes;
  • carry out an individual approach against the background of collective activities;
  • consolidate knowledge, skills and skills acquired on speech therapy classes;
  • comprehensively develop the identity of the preschooler.

Narrow specialists make uniform requirements for joint classes with children.

Principles of building joint nodes:

1. Are built on the basis of the general provisions of correctional and pedagogical work with preschoolers who have deviations in the development

2. Conducted systematically. Only on this condition for preschoolers are formed and fixed proper motor

dynamic stereotypes.

3. The principle of comprehensive impact

4. The principle of affordability and individual approach. Content and didactic techniques for joint classes

they are selected and introduced differentially, according to the age of children, the structure and composition of speech and mental disorders.

5. Principle of clarity.

6. The principle of gradual complication of motor, speech and creative tasks.

It is possible to allocate the main tasks facing correctional and educational work. This is wellness,

educational and educational and corrective tasks.


Educational and educational




Develop breathing.

Develop coordination

movements and motor functions.

Forming correct


Educate emotional and aesthetic feelings, the ability to respond

on the manifestation of the beautiful, notice the beauty of the surrounding items,

nature objects.

Form the skills and skills of their own visual,

decorative, constructive activities.

Improve personal qualities, a sense of collectivism.

Develop speech breathing.

Develop articulate


Form promotional

speech components.

Develop meature


Develop grammatical

stroy and coherent speech.

The volume of weekly educational burden (organized educational activity) in speech therapy group senior

age (from 5 to 6 years)

The volume of weekly educational burden (organized educational activity) in the School of School of Story (from 5 to 6 years

Correctional - developing the work of the educator in everyday life in groups of compensating

the orientation of children with phonetic-phonumatic violations of speech, with a delay in mental development.

Forms of correctional work

Children compensating groups

Finger games

Development of small motility

Exercises for speech and movement coordination, oral exercises for the development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech

Contribute to the formation of the skills of the connected


The unconventional forms of artistic - graphic techniques are used: drawing with fingers, printing on stencils, sloshki tubes, modeling from salt dough, folding origami, etc.

Development of shallow motility hands

Poems, riddles, speech coordination exercises with movement are used. Voice Development, Mimics

A commented drawing is used. In the process of playing the plot and

the drawing itself is a continuous conversation with children, children with each other

discuss their job


Independent statements, retells, stories, descriptions of children.

Development of grammatical system

Replenishing the dictionary of the terminology. Enrichment of the dictionary in the process of classes.

Drug development

Scene-thematic organization of activities in the game form of revitalization of speech, the development of cognitive


Development of dialogic speech

Learning poems, retelling, description

Development of monologic speech

Cleaners are used, fizminutki, rhymes

Development of communicative skills

2.3. Methods and directions for supporting children's initiative (work with gifted children)

Additional education in the Dow is aimed at developing individuality and identifying children's gifting.

A gifted child is a child who is distinguished by bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal

prerequisites for such achievements) in one form of activity.

At the level of kindergarten, a prerequisite is a prerequisite for the recognition of pupils, the creation of optimal

terms of development and relationships with adults and peers. Conceptual basis for organizing work with gifted

children is L.A. Program Hungarian "Gifted child". Objective of the program: Creating conditions for identifying, supporting and developing

gifted children. All work is aimed at developing three main blocks of the structure of the rod: cognitive activity,

mental abilities, child activities.

The pre-school institution creates and constantly improved the system additional education Children.

Functions a circle "Watercolor"

Functions for working with gifted children:

1. Detection of gifted children;

2. Maintaining individual development routes;

3. Adjusting programs and thematic plans for working with gifted children, the inclusion of the tasks of elevated complexity,

creative, research levels;

4. Organization of individual work with gifted children;

5. Preparation of children to contests, quiz, festivals;

6. Selection and registration during the year of the achievements of gifted children;

7. Creating an object and development environment;

8. Consulting parents of gifted children on the development of the abilities of their children.

2.4. Features of the interaction of the pedagogical team with families of pupils

The main task of a preschool institution is to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils, their creative and intellectual development, providing conditions for personal growth. The successful solution of this work is impossible in the separation from the family of pupils, because parents are the first and main teachers of their child from the moment of his appearance on light and for life. At the present stage, when the pre-school education moves to a new model of children's education, it is often possible to meet a negative reaction from parents in relation to modern conditions for the maintenance of children in kindergarten, in order to prevent the dissemination and strengthening of negative reactions, teachers of preschool institutions need to build effective interaction with parents of pupils.

Attracting parents' pupils to joint interaction, the following forms of interaction with students of pupils are facilitated:

  • study of requests and capabilities of parents of pupils (survey, surveys, conversations), generalization and analysis


  • presentation to parents of achievements of pupils DOU;
  • accommodation on information stands of invitations for parents of pupils to various events of the Dow; Presentation of individual invitations to pupils at the exhibitions of drawings, crafts, etc.;
  • holding parental meetings with the inclusion of open views;
  • informing parents of pupils on the course of the educational process and attracting them to joint participation in exhibitions, competitions, festivals of the Dow, city; project activities; to visiting libraries;
  • consultations for parents of pupils;
  • placing printed consultations for parents of pupils at information stands;
  • attracting parents of pupils to participate in contests;
  • participation of parents of pupils in the presentation of projects of pupils DOU;
  • registration of photographic materials on the activities carried out and place them on the stands in the Dow Hall;
  • awarding participants in joint events by diplomas, diplomas, thankful letters, prizes;
  • creating a bank presentation of the best works.

Exemplary plan of the educator with families of pupils


Dates of carrying


"Criticism or approval? how

rate drawings of a child "


Consultation "On Drawing"

An early age group


"History of art at home"

Middle-aged group


Consultation "What does your child draw?"

Group of younger


Consultation "A complex of measures contributing to

development of the movement of hands and manual skill "

Commander Groups (compensating)

directivity of older children (5-7 years)


Consultation "Training Psychology

drawing "

Senior midstake


Consultation "Lessons of Politeness and Beauty"

Group of older multi-year-old age


Consultation "Features of drawing children of 4-5 years"

Commander Groups (compensating)

the orientation of middle-aged children (4-5 years)


"Artists in diapers" consultation

An early age group


2.5. Priority Dow on Program Implementation

The priority activity of the DOU is - conducting sanitary and hygienic, preventive and wellness

events and procedures, as well as the emotional and personal development of children.

"A healthy baby took the first place in the All-Russian competition of health-saving programs.

The main directions of organizing the health work of the program "Healthy Kid":

1) Socio-psychological: directed to the formation of the need for the development of the values \u200b\u200bof physical culture and a healthy image

life and receipt of a complex of theoretical knowledge.

2) Motor - Development of physical qualities, motor skills and skills, as well as the use of physical potential.

3) Wellness - the development of compensatory functions, an increase in the body's resistance to adverse factors

external and internal medium.

III. Organizational section

3.1. Methodological support for the implementation of the educational program

p / P.

Development Lines


Technology and techniques

Artistically aesthetic



Partial programs: "Develop the creativity from preschoolers" TG Kazakova;

"Fine classes

activities in childhood

garden "TS.Komarova;

The variable program "I am I".

Children on landscape painting N.A. Korrkkin.

"Methods for educational activities and

designing "TSKomarova

Komarova TS .. Folk art In the raising of children.

M.: Enlightenment, 1997.

Holidays in kindergarten. Belkin S.I. Moscow.

Education. 1990.

Classes with preschoolers in visual arts.

Galanova A.S.- M.: Enlightenment, 1984.

Middle-aged literature

1. Bondarenko T.M.

Complex classes in the middle group of kindergarten /

TM Bondarenko.-Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2003

2. Doronova T.N. Education of children 2-4 years old drawing, modeling appliqués in the game / T.N. Doronov, S.G. Jacobson - M: Education, 1992

Kazakova-M: Enlightenment, 1985

techniques, scripts of classes, planning / R.G. Kazakova (et al.) - M: TC "Sphere", 2005

5. Petrova I.M. Object applique: study. - Method, allowance / I.M. Petrova -spb: Childhood press, 2004

6. Schweiko G.S. Fine activities in kindergarten.

Literature for older

1. Malysheva A.N. Applique in kindergarten / A.M. Malysheva, N.V.

Yermolaeva-Yaroslavl, 2004

2. Komarova TS Fine activities in kindergarten /

M.: Enlightenment. 1991.

3. Kazakova T.G. Develop medicine from preschoolers. Creativity / T.G.

Cossack-Marshway, 1985

4. Kazakova R.G. Drawing with children of preschool age: non-traditional

techniques, scripts of classes, planning / R.G. Kakova (et al.) -M: TC "Sphere", 2005

5. Petrova I.M. Object applique: study. - Method, allowance / I.M. Petrov-St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2004

6 Schweiko G.S. Fine activities in kindergarten.

Medium group / G.S. Schweiko-Vlados, 2000

7 Volchkova V.N. Abstract classes in the senior group of kindergarten.Is

/ V.N.Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova-Voronezh: shopping center