Heating technology in the educational process in kindergarten. Message to the pedsovet on the topic: "Heating technologies in the educational process of the DW and Family" material on the topic


Introduction .................................................................................... 3.

Cognitive processes in to school age

1.1. Cognitive personal processes like
Psychological category ...................................................... ..6

1.2. Features of the development of cognitive processes
children of preschool age ................................................... ... 20

1.3. Methods for diagnosing cognitive processes
preschoolers ........................................................................ 34

Conclusion ......................................................... ....................................41

List of references .................................................................................. ... 44



Nature gave each person with the ability to know the world in which he was born; ability to feel and perceive the world - people, nature, culture, different items and phenomena; ability to understand and think; Ability to speak and understand the speech of other people. All these abilities are developing and improved by themselves, and in active cognitive activity man. Mental processes, with the help of which a person knows the world around, itself and other people, are called cognitive processes.
They are the basic basis of the human psyche. Cognitive mental processes supply and make up the material of the inner world of a person, without disclosing their nature, it is impossible to any complete, reliable and reliable separation of objective and subjective components in the knowledge of the outside world. Cognitive processes are a feeling, perception, thinking, imagination, memory - form an information base, the estimated basis of the psyche. All knowledge of the highest order is the result of integrations of knowledge obtained by cognitive mental processes of different levels of complexity. Each of these processes has its own characteristics and its own organization and makes its special contribution to the formation of internally connected, dynamic, but at the same time a holistic picture of the world. Packed at the same time, these processes interact with each other. They are developing in operations, and they themselves are special activities.
One of the urgent tasks in practical work with children of preschool age is not only knowledge of the age and psychological characteristics of children, but also the ability to explore them with the help of modern psychodiagnostic techniques.
This problem was lit in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonina, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.I. Bozhovich and others were developed by various techniques and theory of formation of cognitive processes, but this problem remains relevant and at the moment.
The study of cognitive processes in preschool age is necessary for the formation of a developed and independent personality. This contributes to the conditions of the systematic psychological study of cognitive processes of preschoolers. To do this, it is necessary to use modern means and diagnostic methods, suitable to this problem, is consciously creatively.
The purpose of the study: the study of the features of the development of cognitive processes in preschool children in the theoretical aspect.
Object of study: Cognitive processes as a psychological category.
Research Subject: Cognitive processes in preschool children.
1. To explore and analyze the psychological - pedagogical literature on the topic of research.
2. Consider the features of the development of cognitive processes in preschool children.
3. Examine the methods of researching cognitive processes from preschoolers.
To solve the tasks, a method for analyzing literature was used.
The practical significance of the course work is that the results of the theoretical study of cognitive processes in children of preschool age are the basis for the implementation of diagnostic research of the dynamics of the child's mental development, and to build a pedagogical process and creating favorable conditions For the development of the cognitive sector of the preschooler.
Course work consists of introduction, three paragraphs, conclusions, a list of literature and applications. The total work is 45 pages.

1.1. Recognitive personal processes as psychological

Cognitive processes: feeling, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, speech - act as the most important components of any human activity. In order to satisfy your needs, communicate, play, learn and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to those or other moments or components of activity, to represent what he needs to be remembered, to think about, express judgments. Therefore, without the participation of cognitive processes, human activity is impossible, they act as its integral internal moments, develop in activities, and are special activities themselves.
With the help of cognitive processes, a person receives and comprehends the information, displays an objective world, transforming it into his subjective image. Sensual visual knowledge of the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is the original. However, feeling, perceiving, clearly imagining any item, any phenomenon, a person must somehow analyze, summarize, specify, in other words, think about what is reflected in sensations and perceptions.
The knowledge of the world begins with sensations. Through sensations, a person learns the color of the objects, the illumination of things, the volume and height of the sounds, the roughness and smoothness of the surface, heat and cold, distinguishes the tastes and smells.
According to A. A. Lublin, the feeling is reflected in the qualities of the objects and phenomena of reality, directly acting on the human senses. Through sensations, a person learns the color of the objects, the volume and height of sounds, the roughness and smoothness of the surface, heat and cold, distinguishes tastes and smells.
V.A. Kruttsky in his research indicates that the feeling is reflected in the cortex of the brain of individual properties of objects and the phenomena of the surrounding world acting on the human brain.
B.G. Meshcheryakov notes that the feeling is a process of sensual reflection of individual properties of phenomena and objective items with the direct impact of incentives to the senses.
Initially, the doctrine of sensations arose and developed in philosophy as part of the theory of knowledge, the term "sensation" was interpreted widely, covering all the phenomena of sensual reflection, including perception and memory presentation. The feeling was an important topic of discussions of representatives of empirical psychology and philosophy. Mechanical understanding of sensations as elementary "bricks" psychological, received special distribution in the association. In the works of domestic psychologists, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe active effective nature of the processes of sensation consisting in the active "likelihood" of the movements of the senses of the properties of perceived objects was approved. Of great importance in the study of sensations was the work of representatives of Gestalt - psychology, which established that the same stimulus can be felt differently depending on the whole, in which he acts.
English physiologist I. Sherrington allocated three main classes of sensations:
1) exterructive, arising from the effects of external incentives for receptors located on the body surface;
2) WITERORETSETIVE (organic), signaling about what is happening in the body (sensations of hunger, thirst and, pain, etc.);
H) proproporeceptive, located in the muscles and tendons; With their help, the brain receives information about the movement and position of various parts of the body.
Total weight Exterructive sensations Shergangton scheme allows to divide into distant (visual, auditory) and contact (tactable, flavoring). The olfactory sensations occupy an intermediate position in this case.
According to the modality of the stimulus of the sensation, they divide on visual, hearing, olfactory, taste, tactile, static and kintesthesic, temperature, pain, thirst, hunger.
Thus, human activity is based on continuous reception and analysis of characteristics information. external environment and internal conditions of the body. This process is carried out by the functioning of analyzers - neurophysiological mechanisms that ensure the reception and analysis of sensory, sensual impacts. The information received by the analyzers is called the sensory, and the process of its reception and primary processing - sensory activity.
Knowing the surrounding reality, interacting with her, we meet with the substantive world. Objects are recognized by us by the aggregate of their characteristic features.
Perception is a reflection in the cortex of the brain of objects and phenomena acting on human analyzers.
LD Stolyarenko notes that the perception is the mental process of reflecting objects and phenomena of reality in the aggregate of their various properties and parts with the immediate effects of them on the senses. This is a reflection of an integrated stimulus.
The perception is not passive reflection, but a complex activity, in the course of which a person is deeply learned by the world around, examines perceived objects. An important component of the activity of perception - movement: movement of the eye, considering the subject, the movement of the hand, feeling the subject or manipulating with it with him, etc. Of great importance in the process of perception has speech, calling, i.e. verbal designation of the subject.
M.I. YNIKEEV classifies perception depending on the focus, the participation of the will perception is divided into two forms: involuntary (unintended, not associated with a volitional voltage and a predetermined goal) and arbitrary, deliberate (purposeful). According to the modality of receptors, perception is divided into visual, auditory and tactile.
Different types of perception are also distinguished: perception of space and time.
Depending on the complexity, exploration, perceptual activity, perception is a simultaneous (one-act) and sucsessive (phased, consistent).
There are four levels of perception:
1) sensory - sensual coverage of the object, hitting it in the field of consciousness;
2) perceptual - understanding of the object, assigning it to a certain
categories, class of objects;
3) operational - coverage of any function, object side;
4) activity interaction with object as a purpose of activity (classification of the author).
Types of perception can be classified and in accordance with the specifics of the reflection object (perception of artistic works, speech, etc.). Perception is usually included in any activity, but can also act as an independent activity.
A systematic perception, specially organized to permit any question, is called observation.
Perception is the result of the system of analyzers. It implies the allocation from the complex of influential signs of the basic and most significant with simultaneous distraction from insignificant. It requires an association of major essential signs and comparison of perceived experience. Any perception includes an active motor component (feeling of objects with hand, eye movement during viewing, etc.) and complex analytical and synthetic activity of the brain on the synthesis of a holistic image.
Nature and essence of attention cause serious disagreements in psychological science. Some specialists even doubt the existence of attention as a special independent function, consider it only by a party or the moment of other mental processes. But the opening of the neurons of attention, novelty detectors cells, the study of the features of the functioning of the reticular formation and especially the formation of the dominant, which are a physiological correlation of attention, suggests that it is a mental education, whose structures are anatomically and physiologically relatively independent of sensory processes. The difficulties of explanation of the phenomenon of attention are caused by the fact that it is not detected in the "pure" form, it is always "attention to anything". Therefore, attention should be considered as a psychophysiological process, a state characterizing the dynamic features of cognitive processes. Attention and causes selectivity, conscious or half-consistent selection of information coming through the senses.
Attention is the focus of the psyche (consciousness) on certain objects that have sustainable or situational significance for the individual, the concentration of the psyche (consciousness) involving elevated level sensory, intellectual or motor activity.
V.P. Zinchenko and B.G. Meshcheryakov determines how the process and state of configuring the subject to the perception of priority information and the execution of the tasks set.
The properties of attention are the volume, concentration (concentration), distributionability, stability, oscillation, switching.
Also distinguish three types of attention: involuntary, arbitrary and afterplay.
Incorrect attention represents the emerging attention caused by the action of a strong, contrast or new, unexpected irritant or significant and causing the emotional response of the stimulus is the concentration of consciousness at the facility due to some of its features.
It is known that any stimulus, changing the power of its action, attracts attention. The novelty of the stimulus also causes involuntary attention.
Arbitrary attention arises when a person poses the purpose of the activity, the execution of which requires concentration.
Arbitrary attention requires a volitional effort that is experienced as a voltage, mobilizing forces to solve the task. The volitional effort is necessary to focus on the object of activity, do not distract, not mistaken in action.
After projection - caused by entry into activities and arising in connection with this interest, as a result, the focus is maintained for a long time, the voltage is removed, and the person does not get tired, although the post-proof attention can last for hours.
Our brain has a very important property. It not only receives information about the world around, but also stores it accumulates it. Every day we will find out a lot of new things, our knowledge is enriched every day. Everything that the person recognizes may be for a long time saved in the human brain.
Images of objects and phenomena that occur in the brain as a result of their impact on analyzers, do not disappear without a trace after the termination of this impact. Images are preserved in the absence of these items and phenomena in the form of so-called memory views. Memory presentations are images of those objects or phenomena that are perceived by a person before, and then mentally. Performances may be visual and auditory, olfactory, taste, tactile. Memory presentation Unlike images of perception is significantly paler, less stable and not so rich in details, but they constitute important element Fastened past man's experience.
Memory is an integrated mental reflection of the past interaction of a person with reality, information fund of its livelihoods.
Memory value in a person's life is very large. According to A.A. Lublin, a reflection of a person previously perceived by saving and subsequent playback is a memory function, i.e. Thanks to the memory, a person reflects before the perceived phenomena, which at the moment do not affect it.
The material basis of memory is the formation in the cortex of the brain of nervous temporary connections. They always arise when the influence of any irritant (external or internal) on the human nervous system.
LD Stolyarenko notes that the memory is a form of mental reflection, which consists in consolidating, preserving and subsequent reproduction of past experience, which makes it possible to reuse in activities or return to the scope of consciousness.
It connects the past of the subject with its present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying the development and training.
Memory activities begin with memorization, i.e. With the consolidation of those images and impressions that occur in the consciousness under the influence of objects and phenomena of reality in the process of sensation and perception. From the point of view of physiology, memorization is the process of formation and fixing in the brain of traces of excitation and corresponding nervous connections.
Preservation is the process of active processing, systematization, generalization of the material, mastering them.
Reproduction and recognition - the processes of restoration of first perceived. The difference between them is that recognition takes place when re-encountered with the object, with its re-perception. Playback occurs in the absence of an object.
It should be noted that the forms of memory manifestation are very diverse. This is explained by the fact that the memory serves all types of diverse human activity.
V.Krutetsky claims that the form of a species classification of memory forms is based on three main features: 1) the memorization object, i.e. What is remembered (subjects and phenomena, thoughts, movements, feelings). Accordingly, this is distinguished by such types of memory as figurative, verbally - logical, motor (motor) and emotional; 2) The degree of volitional memory regulation. From this point of view, there are arbitrary and involuntary memory; 3) the duration of preservation in memory (short-term, long-term and operational), i.e. The types of memory are distinguished depending on what is remembered how memorable and how long to remember. Consider these types of memory:
The involuntary memory is strongly developed in childhood, in adults it weakens. It is characterized by the fact that the information is remembered by itself without a special exhaustion, and during the performance of activities, during work on information.
For arbitrary memory, the information is remembered purposefully using special techniques.
Mechanical memory is the memory based on the repetition of the material without comprehending it;
Semantic memory is a type of memory based on the establishment of semantic ties in the material material:
The efficiency of logical memory is significantly higher and better than mechanical memory. The verbal-logical memory is expressed in memorization, preservation and reproduction of thoughts, concepts, verbal wording.
The image memory is memorizing, saving and reproducing the images of previously perceived objects and phenomena of reality. It happens: visual, hearing, motor-motor, flavored, tactile, olfactory, emotional.
Motor (motor) memory is manifested in memorizing and reproducing movements and their systems. It underlies the development and formation of motor skills (walking, letters, labor and sports skills, etc.). All people have a motor memory. However, it manifests each person in different ways. These individual differences depend on two factors: from congenital physical characteristics of the body and on the degree of proper sweating, exercises and training in the development of motor skills. Emotional memory - memory for experienced feelings. Positive or negative feelings experienced by a person do not disappear without a trace, and they are remembered and reproduced by it under certain conditions - a person rejoices again, remembering the joyful event, bluses when memories of an awkward act, pale, remembering the fear experienced earlier. Emotional memory is of great importance in the formation of a person's personality. It allows him to regulate behavior depending on previously experienced feelings, is the most important condition. spiritual development man.
Short-term memory is a process relative to not much duration (a few seconds or minutes), but sufficient to accurately reproduce events that have just occurred, just perceived objects and phenomena. After a short time, the impressions disappear, and the person usually turns out to be unable to remember something from perceived. Any information at first falls into short-term memory, which provides memorization of one-time information for a short time, after which the information may be forgotten completely, or go into long-term memory, but provided that repetition. This type of memory is limited by volume. It should be noted that if all the old information remained in memory, attention could not switch to the perception and retention of new information.
Long term memory is characterized by relative durability and strength of preserving perceived material. The accumulation of knowledge, which is usually stored in the transformed form in a more generalized and systematized. This is the knowledge that a person needs in general, and not at the moment. Therefore, a person every moment is not aware of everything that is stored in his long-term memory of his knowledge of his knowledge. With short-term memory, the reproduction of the material occurs in the "photographic" form and the sequence in which it is perceived, there is simply no time on the processing of the material. With long-term memory, the perceived material, as already noted, is reconstructed. As for memory mechanisms, the unified process of consolidation of impressions has two stages. As scientists believe, in the first stage (immediately after the exposure of the stimulus) in the nervous system, an initial, short-term electrochemical reaction occurs, which does not cause persistent biochemical changes in the neurons of the brain and quickly passes. This is a short-term mechanism. If the perception is emotionally impressive, very bright and strongly or if they have a repetition, the second stage occurs, arising on the basis of the first, is a biochemical reaction. This is a mechanism of long-term memory. If the first stage is over earlier than the second will come, memorizing for a long time will not happen.
In addition to these two species, the third type of memory is also allocated - RAM. Return memory is called memorization of some information for the time required to perform an operation, a separate act of activity serving this activity through the preservation of information coming from both short-term and long-term memory necessary to fulfill current activities. Intermediate memory ensures the preservation of information within a few hours, accumulates information during the day, and the night sleep time is allocated to the body to clean the intermediate memory and categorizing the information accumulated over the past day, transfer it to long-term memory. At the end of sleep, the intermediate memory is again ready for receiving new information.
Thus, the ability to constantly accumulate information, which is an essential feature of the psyche, is universal in nature, covers all spheres and periods of mental activity and in many cases is automatically implemented, almost unconsciously. The productivity of memory largely depends on volitional qualities man. A person deliberately regulates its memory processes and manages them, based on the goals and objectives that put in their activities.
Cognition of the surrounding reality, the person begins with sensations and perception and moves to thinking. The function of thinking is to expand the boundaries of cognition by way out of sensory perception. Thinking allows with the help of conclusion to disclose what is not given directly in perception.
The task of thinking is the disclosure of relations between objects, identifying the relationships and the separation of them from random coincidences.
LDStolyarenko determines the thinking as the most generalized form of mental reflection, establishing communication and relationship between knowledgeable objects.
Thinking, as a feeling and perception, is a mental process, but unlike the processes of sensual knowledge, in the process of thinking there is a reflection of objects and phenomena of reality in their essential signs, connections and relationships.
The thought process begins with awareness of the problem situation, from the formulation of the issue. The means of solving the problem are such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization. Analysis is a mental decomposition of the whole on a part or allocation from the whole parties, actions, relationships. Under the synthesis is understood as a mental union of parts, properties, actions into a single whole. Comparison is the establishment of similarities and differences between objects, phenomena or any signs. The generalization is a mental association of objects and phenomena for any significant properties. The abstraction consists in exhausting any sides of the object when diverting from the rest. Thinking can be carried out with the help of practical actions, at the level of operating with ideas or words, that is, in the internal plan.
A person may think with varying degrees of generalization, more or less relying in the process of thinking to perception, presentation or concept. Depending on this, three main types of thinking are distinguished: it is an effective, clearly shaped and abstract.
Effective thinking is a type of thinking related to practical actions above the objects. It is characteristic of children early ageFor which thinking about items means acting, manipulating with them. In a developed form, it is characteristic of people a certain profession, which is associated with practical analysis, design.
Vividly - figurative thinking is a type of thinking that needs to be relied on perception or presentation. This type of thinking is characteristic of preschoolers and partly children of younger school age, and in various shapesah is peculiar to people of those professions that are associated with a bright and living presentation of certain objects or phenomena (writers, artists, musicians, actors).
Abstract thinking, in the advantage of characterizing senior schoolchildren and adults, is a thinking of concepts deprived of direct clarity inherent in perception and ideas.
As noted, the process of thinking and speech is complex unity. In psychology distinguish two main types of speech: external
and inner. External speech includes oral (dialogic
and monologic) and written.
Dialogical speech is the speech supported; The interlocutor puts in the course of her clarifying questions, feeding a replica, can help complete the thought (or reorient it).
Monologic speech is a long, consistent, connected presentation of the system of thoughts, knowledge by one person.
Written speech is a kind of monologue speech. It is more deployed than oral monologue. This is due to the fact that the written speech involves the absence of feedback with the interlocutor.
Inner speech is a special kind of speech activity. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activity. Along with perception, memory and thinking important role In human activity plays imagination. In the process of reflection of the world around the world, a person along with the perception of what acts at him at the moment, or a visual representation of the fact that he did not affect it before, creates new images.
Imagination is the mental process of creating a new image, representation or ideas.
The process of imagination is peculiar only to a person and is a prerequisite for his work.
In psychology there are arbitrary - deliberate, purposeful use of the relevant elements of experience and reconstruction of them in new images; Or an involuntary imagination - in addition to the will of a person, it is unintentionally.
Active imagination includes artistic, creative, critical, recreable, i.e. It is aimed at solving a creative or personal task. Active imagination awakens the task and it is sent, it is determined by the volitional effort and is amenable to volitional control.
Resting imagination is one of the types of active imagination, in which the design of new images, representations in humans in accordance with the stimulation received from outside, in the form of verbal messages, schemes, conditional images, signs, etc.
Despite the fact that the products of the recreation imagination are completely new, previously not perceived images, this type of imagination is based on former experience.
An anticypant imagination underlies the very important and necessary human ability - anticipate future events, foresee the results of their actions, etc.
Creative imagination is such a kind of imagination, during which a person independently creates new images and ideas representing the value for other people or societies in general and which are embodied in specific original activities. Creative imagination is a necessary component and the basis of all types of creative human activities.
Passive imagination is subordinate to internal, subjective factors, it is trendy. It is subordinate to desires that think in the process of fantasy implemented. In the images of passive imagination, "satisfied" unsatisfied, mostly unconscious personal needs. Images and submissions of passive imagination are aimed at strengthening and preserving positively colored emotions and for displacement, reduction of negative emotions and affects.
Thanks to the imagination, a person foresees the future and regulates his behavior, creatively converts reality. This is a manifestation of mental activity that formed in activities, it provides a leading reflection of reality, in which the past is projected into the future.
Thus, mental processes are the basic basis of the human psyche. Mental processes with which environmental images are formed, as well as images of the organism itself and its internal medium, are called cognitive mental processes. Cognitive processes are a feeling, perception, thinking, imagination, memory, speech - form an information base, the estimated foundation of the psyche, provide a person to know the knowledge of the world around them and oneself.

1.2. Features of the development of cognitive processes in preschool children

Preschool age contributes great contribution to the mental development of the child. Over the years, the child acquires a lot of what remains with him for a long time, determining it as a person and subsequent intellectual development.
At this age, cognitive mental processes continue their development: feeling, perception, thinking, imagination, memory and speech. They act as the most important components of any human activity and are special activities themselves.
As already noted, the knowledge of the world around the world begins with the "living contemplation" - sensations, perception, imagination. A particularly important role in this is the assimilation of sensory standards (sounds of gamma, spectrum colors, etc.). Mastering sensory standards as a system of verbally indicated samples, qualitatively changes the perception of the child.
A.V. Zaporozhets determines sensory standards as ideas about sensually perceived properties of objects. These ideas are characterized by a generalization, because They are enshrined in them the most significant, main qualities. The meaningfulness of standards is expressed in the appropriate title - Word. Standards do not exist separately from each other, and form certain systems [CIET. Specific: 25, C.151].
The assimilation of the preschooler of sensory standards begins with the fact that children continue to get acquainted with geometric shapes and flowers. Such familiarization occurs in the process of mastering various types of productive activities. For example, in the process of speech communication, children absorb samples corresponding to the system of sounds of the native language, in the process of musical activity - samples of sound and rhythmic relations, etc. .
One of the components of the assimilation of sensory standards is to improve the actions of perception.
In preschool age, perception turns into special cognitive activities, having its goals, objectives, means and methods of implementation. Perfection of perception, completeness and accuracy of images depend on how the full system of the methods necessary for the examination owns a preschooler. Therefore, the main lines of development of the perception of the preschooler are the development of new ones for the content, structure and nature of the survey actions and the development of sensory standards.
At the younger preschooler, the survey of objects obeys mainly game goals. The study Z.M. Boguslavskaya showed that during preschool age, the game manipulation is replaced by the survey actions with the subject and turns into targeted testing for clarifying the appointment of its parts, their mobility and communications with each other. To the elder preschool age, the examination acquires the character of experimentation, survey actions, the sequence of which is determined by non-external impressions of the child, but the cognitive task set before him. From external practical manipulations with objects, children go to familiarization with the subject on the basis of vision and touch. At this age, the dissolution of the visual and tactile survey of properties is overcome and the coherence of transportation and visual orientations increases.
The most important distinctive feature of the perception of children of 3-6 years is the fact that, combining the experience of other types of indicative activities, the visual perception becomes one of the leading. It allows you to cover all the details, to catch their relationship and quality, is formed a certification act.
Also, in preschool age, orientation is the development of space and time.
The initial ideas about the directions of space, which absorbs a three-year-old child associated with his own body. It is a center for him, a point of reference, with respect to which the child only can direction. Under the leadership of adults, children begin to allocate and correctly call the right hand. Further development of orientation in space is that children begin to allocate relations between objects (one item, after another, in front of others, on the left, right), the assimilation of verbal designations, which help the child to allocate and fix each type of relationships ("Over - under "," For - before ", etc.).
Only by the end of the preschool age (sometimes not everyone) appears orientation in space, independent of its own position, the ability to change the point of reference.
The imagination of children of preschool age for the most part involuntarily. The subject of imagination becomes what a greatly excited child. Under the influence of feelings, children compose their
fairy tales and poems. Very often the child does not know in advance what his poem will be. "I'll tell you, then hear, but I don't know yet," he calmly states.
Intentional imagination, sent a predetermined goal, the preschoolers of junior and middle age is still missing. It is formed to the older preschool age in the process of developing productive activities, when children master the ability to build and embody a certain intention in the design.
The development of arbitrary, deliberate imagination, as well as the development of arbitrary forms of attention and memory, is one of the parties to the general process of forming the speech regulation of the child's behavior. The purpose of the purpose and management of the construction of the plan in productive activities is carried out using speech.
Speech development goes in several directions: its practical use of communicating with other people is being improved, together at the same time, it becomes the basis of the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.
By the end of the preschool age under certain conditions of education, the child begins not only to use the speech, but also to realize its structure, which is important, for subsequent mastering of diploma.
The child's vocabulary continues to grow. Compared with early childhood, the dictionary of the child preschooler increases, as a rule, three times. At the same time, the growth of the vocabulary reserve directly depends on the living conditions and education; individual characteristics Here are more noticeable than in any other field of mental development.
In independent word formation (wordiness), according to D.B. Elkonina, manifests by the child the work on mastering the tongue as a real, subjective reality. This is a real practice, during which speech is developing. The wordness acts as a symptom of mastering the tongue.
In preschool age, the main function of speech is the communicative, or communication function. Already in early childhood, the child enjoys a speech as a means of communication. However, he communicates only with close and familiar people. Communication This is carried out using a situational speech, which is quite understandable to interlocutors, but usually not understandable to an unauthorized person who does not know the situation. Over time, under the influence of others, the child begins to rebuild his speech, introduces nouns instead of constantly repetitive pronouns, which, introducing certain clarity.
As a result, as the circle of communication is expanded and, as cognitive interests grow, the child seizes the contextual speech, while he continues to use a situational speech.
Contextual speech, children seize under the influence of systematic learning, in the process of which they have the need for new speech tools and forms. In this direction, the preschooler makes only the first steps, the further development of contextual speech occurs at school age.
V.S. Mukhina allocates a special type of child of a preschooler - explanatory speech. Explanatory speech is the most complex form of speech at this age. It relies on the development of thinking and requires the ability to establish and reflect the actual relationship in speech.
The explanatory speech requires a certain sequence of presentation, the allocation and instructions of the main relations and relations in the situation that the source must understand. This type of connected speech is only beginning to develop and is essential, both for the formation of collective relationships of children and for mental development.
Very often, children explanatory connected speech, which is necessary when inclusive by one child of another in a situation new gamePreschoolers will very often change the situational speech. It is difficult for them to establish the speech in such a way as to explain why it should be done so, and not otherwise. They focus their explanation only on the performance of the one who he strives to include in the game. In the case when adults create conditions requiring a senior preschooler to disclose the meaning of the explanation, the child appears the ability to ensure that the other understand the content of the explanation.
In preschool age, a self-regulatory function occurs. The child's speech is increasingly included in his activities, performing the planning function, which leads to the allocation of two moments in the activities of the senior preschooler: decision making and planning its practical implementation. The speech moves from the result of its start, not only fixing this result, but also to predict it.
Planning activities in speech significantly increases its effectiveness, makes a stable idea, and its achievement is faster, accurate, correct. Based on planning, practical and mental activity becomes arbitrary and targeted.
V.A. Kruttsky notes that an important feature The speeches of children of this age is the so-called egocentric speech. This is a speech aimed at itself, faithful to himself, not serving the goals of communication. Playing, studying, painting, design, the child often seems to talk to himself, who does not address anyone, tells himself about his actions, as if comments on them. It was originally believed that this is a useless speech appendage to action, which gradually dies. Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky showed that egocentric speech is not a useless speech reaction, but a kind of means of thinking. The fact is that the child often does not know how to think about herself, but thinks out loud. A child's egocentric is a means of awareness of their actions, tool through loud progress to manage, regulate, plan their activities. And the egocentric speech does not die, but gradually converted into inner speech. Egocentric it is necessary for a child.
It is important for the child to convey the content in speech to understand it accurately.
interlocutor. Special speech activities are distinguished in the form of conversations, hearings, reasoning, making stories and fairy tales. It has its own motives and goals and develops only in the process of specially organized learning, when an adult presents certain requirements for the child's speech (independently, expressively convey the content, emphasize the relaxed conversation, to answer questions, etc.) and teaches it as they should be performed. Speech turns into mental intellectual activity.
The basis of the development of thinking is the formation and improvement of mental actions. From what kind of mental actions the child owns depends on what knowledge he can learn and how he can use them.
Unlike early childhood period, in preschool age, thinking relies on ideas. A child may think that at the moment he does not perceive, but what he knows in his past experience. Operations of images and ideas makes thinking of a preschooler with incoming, leaving the limits of the perceived situation, and significantly expands the boundaries of knowledge.
Changes in thinking of the preschooler are primarily related to the fact that increasingly close relationships of thinking with speech are established. Such interrelations lead to the emergence of a deployed mental process, to restruct the relationship between practical and mental activityWhen it comes to performing a planning function, to the rapid development of mental operations.
The child argues out loud by comparing and summarizing possible options, argumenting, justifying conclusions. It uses analogies, trying to explain the unknown with the help of the famous. These explanations are based on sensual perception, everyday situations, read books. Thinking baby is inherent specific imagery. In objects, it highlights the most vivid and not always essential signs, which leads to an unusual, in an adult look, conclusions.
By six years in children, thinking is already visual-shaped. It is this kind of thinking that fully corresponds to the peculiarities of the life and activities of children of five - six-year-olds, the tasks that arise in front of them in the game of the game, elementary forms of creative activity (drawing, modeling, designing). However, in difficult cases, they return to a genetically earlier level of thinking visual-effective ("thinking in action"), since sometimes they cannot solve the task out of practical actions with objects, the practical transformation of them. On the other hand, visual-shaped thinking creates prerequisites for the transition further to abstract thinking and its higher level - conceptual thinking (thinking in concepts). It should be borne in mind that the six-year-old child has insufficiently formed mental processes (comparison, generalization, abstraction), although all prerequisites have already been created for this, (for example, they are already beginning to think about things directly perceived).
Also in children of this age sometimes there are some other weaknesses of thinking that adults must take into account. For example, there is disorder, scatterness, fragmentary, unbound knowledge available in six-year children, the lack of ability to justify, argument, to prove (many do not understand what it means to "prove"). Attention is drawn to another feature of thinking of these children. It is difficult for them to keep in the mind at the same time several signs that need to be compared, correlate when solving a thoughtful task, in this case they are focused on the incomplete symptoms, "snatch" individual signs (sometimes only one sign) and are trying to solve the problem on the basis of such Incomplete analysis of its content. For example, in front of a child carved figures from cardboard, characterized by three signs - shape (triangles, squares and mugs), magnitude (large and small) and color (red and green). The child easily copes with the task of classifying them on one basis ("Remain only red", "Remain only mugs", ("Remain only big figures"), but he hardly, constantly mistaken, performs a task type: "Rebuild green small squares" . It is also characteristic of the so-called "centers of thinking", when a child perceives the surrounding position only with his own, really occupied position (he "in the center", and this position is the only possible position). For example, he knows where he has the right and left hand, but can not determine the right and left In a person sitting on the contrary. It cannot solve the task correctly: "Suppose you have one brother and one sister. How many brothers and sisters have each of you? " Insufficient development of the thinking of a six-year-old child affects the absent of the analysis of different properties and signs of objects. The essence of this phenomenon is that the child combines different properties and signs in the sense that the change in one property should, in his opinion, be sure to entail a change and other .. The specified features of thinking are characteristic of the child of six years, but with special training they overcome without much difficulty.
Preschool age is characterized by intensive development of ability to memorize and playback.
The memory of the preschooler is mainly involuntary. This means that the child most often does not set themselves to remember anything percentage. Memorization and remembrance occurs regardless of his will and consciousness. They are carried out in activities and depend on its nature. The child remembers what attention has been drawn to activities, which impressed him what was interesting. Involuntary memorization is indirect, additional result is performed


General characteristics.


on involuntary arbitrary afterpair

concentration sustainability distributions and switching

Preschool age.

Attention becomes more sustainable

Development arbitrary attention


General characteristics.

word subject attribution and value

Preschool age.


General characteristics.

Preschool age.


General characteristics.

- Depending on the memory method - logical and mechanical. Memory can be . Depending on the -

Preschool age.



General characteristics.

Preschool age.


General characteristics.


Under synthesis

Comparison -



Preschool age.

Stage 1. Analysis of figures.

Dismix all the figures in front of a child in disarray.

Instruction:"Let's look at what. What are these figures? What color are they? And what are they valid? So: there are circles and squares, they are red and blue, big and small. "

Stage 2. Training.

The psychologist chooses one figure and puts it in front of a child.

Instruction:"Now we will play with you. I take such a figure, and you find the most unlike her; It is only one. " The child chooses. The psychologist records the adequacy of this choice and asks him the question: "Why exactly?" To find out the rationale for choice. In the event of an adequate choice of the figure for three signs, the training session ends. With an inadequate choice (1-2 selection), the selection of the desired figure continues.

Step 3. Control.

The psychologist chooses another figure and puts it in front of a child (2 times).

Instruction:"I take such a figure, and you find the most unlike her." The child chooses, a psychologist fixes his rationale.

Result analysis:

Low level -random choice on the basis of one attribution with a justification of choice or without it.

Average level -the choice on the basis of 2 signs, unstable - 3 with a justification of 2 signs.

High level -adequate choice on the basis of 3 signs and with their rationale (color, shape, quantity).


The technique consists of two stages: analysis of circuits and constructing according to the schemes.

Stage 1. Schedule analysis.

Instruction:"Please look at the picture and say that it is shown (drawn)." Questions for analysis: "What figures are made up of fish? What do these figures differ? ". When using the circuit 2, the color differences of the figures are analyzed.

Features of the development of cognitive processes and psychodiagnostics of children of preschool age

Cognitive processes of preschooler (brief description).


General characteristics.

Attention - the focus and focusing of mental activity on a specific object when distracting from others. This mental process is a condition for the successful implementation of any activity of both external and internal, and its product is its high-quality execution. In its elementary form, attention acts as an indicative reflex "What is?", Performing a biological protective function. So, a person allocates an irritant and determines its positive or negative meaning.

Traditional covers share on involuntary (caused by the peculiarities of the stimulus, with the object with the object, is associated with the interests, the needs, the inclinations of a person), arbitrary(suggests a deliberately set target to "be attentive" and the use of volitional efforts to maintain it, for example, a child is opposed to distractions, continuing to prepare homework) and afterpair (When the purpose of the activity moves from the result to the execution process, and the need for volitional effort to preserve attention disappears).

On the level of development of attention says the formation of its properties: concentration (as far as the person is in-depth to work), sustainability(time of concentration on the object and the number of distracts from it), distributions (when a person performs several actions at the same time) and switching (transition from one object or activity to another).

Preschool age.

Attention becomes more sustainable. Stability of attention depends on the nature of the current stimulus. At the age of 4-7 years, long distraction causes noise of the game, and the longest - the call. Throughout preschool childhood, the duration of distracts caused by different stimuli is reduced, that is, the stability of attention increases. The most sharp decrease in the duration of the duration is observed in children from 5.5 to 6.5 years.

Development arbitrary attention(Requirements of an adult: "be attentive", "listen carefully", "see carefully", understanding the values \u200b\u200bof the upcoming activities, awareness of its goal, the development of norms and rules of behavior, the formation of a volitional action).


General characteristics.

Speech is the process of communication mediated by the language.

The main unit of the language is considered word. It has two characteristics - subject attribution and value. The word indicates the subject, causing the image of this item in humans. In addition, the word allocates in the subjects the most significant, main signs, abstracting from the secondary one. Therefore, he possessing a word, a person assimilates a complex system of connections and relations into which one or another item is included.

Using speech, a person establishes relationships with people, transfers information. Speech is the main means of communication.

Preschool age.

Speech is included in all types of activity, including the cognitive.

Intensive development, all sides of speech (vocabulary, sound culture, grammatical system), its forms (contextual and explanatory) and functions (generalizing, communicative, planning, regulating and sign).

In the development of the sound side of the speech, the formation of phonderatic hearing and correctness of pronunciations. The main thing is to distinguish between the sound of the sound of the sound, they are pronounced. In preschool age, the process is completed phondeMectic Development. The child hears the sounds correctly and says. He no longer recognizes the wrong words. The preschooler folds thin and differentiated sound images of words and individual sounds.

In the development of the vocabulary of the preschooler, significant qualitative and quantitative changes are observed. The child's speech becomes not only more words, but, which is very important, their values \u200b\u200bare developed. The kid early memorizes words, but the value contained in them is absorbed gradually. With age, the nature of the generalizations contained in the Word is changing.

There is a new stage and in the development of the grammatical system of speech. This is the period of assimilation of the morphological system of the language, decline and sudium. The development of decoration forms from preschoolers occurs at the main role of the child orientation on the form of the word, that is, its ending in the nominative case. For preschool children, the greatest sensitivity to language phenomena is characteristic. The assimilation of the suffixes of the native language manifests itself in independent word formation.

The emergence of new forms of speech - contextual and explanatory. Explanatory speech is intensively developing in a joint activity with peers, when you need to agree on the overall game, work, choose the subject of drawing and explain to the comrade methods of action.

Conscious attitude towards speech. In 5-7 years, it becomes an arbitrary independent process.


General characteristics.

Perception is the reflection of objects, phenomena, processes and the totality of their properties in their integrity with the direct impact of these items and phenomena to the relevant authorities of the senses.

The main properties of perception are subjectivity (theity of all information about the external world obtained with the help of the senses, to the items themselves, and not to receptors or sections of the brain, carrying out sensory information), integrity (the object is perceived as a stable, systemic integer), constancy ( The relative constancy of some perceived properties of objects when changing the conditions of perception, for example, the constancy of the color, forms, values) and categoricality (which refers to a certain category, a group of objects based on any essential signs).

Preschool age.

The focus and handling of the process of perception by the child itself increases. And therefore, it grows the duration of familiarization with objects, its planned.

The curiosity of the child increases. The number of objects, aspects of reality, attracting its attention is increasing. The preschooler begins to open a new one in familiar objects.

It is increasingly included in the processes of perception. The wording of the purpose of observation in speech allows you to realize it and plan the subsequent process. The recording of a perceived sign of an object in the Word helps the child abstragging it from the subject and to realize as a specific characteristic of reality. Children are more correctly transmitted in the speech what is perceived. It helps to comprehend the most important quality of items as a whole. With the perception of a new subject, the children give him the name in accordance with its past experience, refer to a certain category of similar objects, in other words, categorize.

Perception, becoming controlled, meaningful, intellectual process, based on the use of fixed in the culture of methods and means, allows you to deeper to penetrate the surrounding and know more difficult parties to reality. The perception of time and space is complicated, the artistic and aesthetic perception of literary works, painting, theater, music is developing. The speech contributes to the development of such complex types of perception as space, time.


General characteristics.

The memory is the form of a mental reflection of past experience in all its diversity. It is at the heart of training and education, acquisition of knowledge, personal experience, the formation of skills.

Memory is a set of memorization processes (fixation) of information, preservation or forgetting it, as well as subsequent recovery. Types of memory is made to allocate on different bases. By the content of the stored material - fashionable, emotional, motor, verbal. Depending on the memory method - logical and mechanical. On the duration of material conservation Memory can be long term and short-term. Depending on the the presence of a conscious goal to remember - involuntary and arbitrary.

Preschool age.

The involuntary shape memory prevails.

Memory, more and more uniting with speech and thinking, acquires intellectual character.

The verbal-sense memory provides indirect knowledge and expands the scope of the cognitive activity of the child.

Elements of arbitrary memory are folded as the ability to regulate this process first from the side of the adult, and then the child himself.

Prerequisites are formed to transform the memorization process into special mental activity, for mastering logical memorization.

5. As you accumulate and summarize the experience of behavior, the experience of communication of the child with adults and peers, the development of memory is included in the development of the personality.


General characteristics.

Imagination is a mental cognitive process for creating new images by processing the materials of perception and the presentation obtained in the past experience. Imagination is inherent only by a person.

Imagination processes have an analytic synthetic character. Images are created by combining, combinations of various elements, sides of objects and phenomena, and not random features are combined, and the corresponding plans, substantial and generalized.

Depending on the degree of activity, the passive and active imagination distinguish when the first products are not implemented. Given the independence and originality of images, talking about creative and recreation imaging. The recreation is directed to the creation of images corresponding to the description. Depending on the presence of a consciously set goal, create an image is distinguished by deliberate and unintentional imagination.

Preschool age.

The imagination acquires an arbitrary nature, assuming the creation of the plan, its planning and implementation.

It becomes special activities, turning into fantasy.

The child masters the receptions and means of creating images.

The imagination goes into the inner plan, disappears the need for a visual support to create images.


General characteristics.

Thinking reflects objects and phenomena of reality in their essential signs, connections and relationships. It relies on the data of sensual knowledge, but goes beyond its limits, penetrating the essence of phenomena, comprehending those properties and relationships that are not given directly in perception.

Thinking is inextricably linked with speech. The word helps to call a sign or property of the object. The speech is drawn up the process of reasoning.

Thinking is focused. The thought process begins with awareness of the problem situation, from the formulation of the issue. The means of solving the problem are such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization.

Analysis- This is a mental decomposition of a whole part or allocation from the whole Parties, actions, relationships.

Under synthesis It is understood to the mental union of parts, properties, actions into a single whole.

Comparison - Establishing similarities and differences between objects, phenomena or any signs.

Generalization - This is a mental association of items and phenomena for any significant properties.

Abstraction It consists in exhausting any parties of the object when diverting from the rest. Thinking can be carried out with the help of practical actions, at the level of operating with ideas or words, that is, in the internal plan.

Preschool age.

The child solves the thinking tasks in the presentation - thinking becomes incoming.

Speech development leads to the development of reasoning as a way to solve mental problems, an understanding of the causality of phenomena occurs.

Children's questions act as an indicator of the development of curiosity and talk about the problem of the child's thinking.

There is a different ratio of mental and practical activity, when practical actions arise on the basis of preliminary reasoning, the planning of thinking increases.

The child moves from the use of ready-made connections and relationships to the "opening" more complex.

Attempts arise to explain the phenomena and processes.

Experimentation occurs as a way to help understand hidden connections and relationships, apply existing knowledge, try their strength.

The prerequisites of such clefs of mind, as independence, flexibility, toastiness.

Preschool age - the heyday of children's cognitive activity. By 3-4 years, the child seems to be released from the pressure of the perceived situation and begins to think about what he is not in front of his eyes. The preschooler is trying to somehow streamline and explain for himself around the world, establish some connections in it and patterns.

The mental development of the preschooler is a complex interaction and the relationship of various forms of thinking: a clear-effective, visual-shaped and logical.

Thinking in preschool age is characterized by the transition from visual-effective to visual-shaped and at the end of the period - to verbal thinking. The main type of thinking nevertheless is visual-shaped, which corresponds to a representative intelligence (thinking in ideas) on the terminology of Jean Piage Repin TA. Psychology of the preschooler. Reader. - M.: Academy, 1995 ..

One of the earliest forms of thinking is clearly effective - arises in close connection with the practical actions of children. The main sign of visual-effective thinking is the inseparable connection of mental processes with practical actions transforming a cognitive subject. Vite-effective thinking is deployed only as the situation caused by practical actions. In the process of multiple actions with objects, the child highlights hidden, internal characteristics Object and its internal connections. Practical transformations are thus becoming a means of knowledge of reality.

Another form characteristic of preschoolers is a form of mental activity is visual-shaped thinking when the child operates not by specific objects, but their images and ideas. An important condition for the formation of this type of thinking is the ability to distinguish between the plan of real objects and the model of models reflecting these objects. Actions performed on models belong to the child to the original, which creates the prerequisites of "separation" of the action from the model and the original and leads to their implementation in terms of representations. One of the most important prerequisites for the emergence of figurative thinking is to imitate an adult. A number of psychologists (J. Piaget, A. Vallon, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.) considered imitation as the main source of formation of the Smirnov-shaped plan E.O. Child psychology. - M.: Vlados, 2003. Reproducing the actions of an adult, the child simulates them and, therefore, builds their image. The game can also be considered as a form of imitation: in this activity, children arise the ability to present one thing through another.

Finally, the third form of intellectual activity of the child is a logical thinking, which is only consumed by the end of the preschool age. Logical thinking is characterized by the fact that the child operates with enough abstract categories and establishes various relationships that are not presented in a visual or model form.

There are quite complex and controversial relations between these forms of thinking. On the one hand, external practical actions, the interiorizing, turn into internal, and, therefore, practical actions are the original form of all kinds of thinking. But the very practical action requires accounting and fixing the object changes in the subject action. And this means that the child must represent the preceding states of the object (which have already disappeared) and compare them with cash. In addition, the external substantive action includes its goal, the future result, which also cannot be submitted in cash and exists only in terms of representations or concepts. The success of external action depends on the child's understanding of the general semantic context and from its past experience. So, the implementation of practical actions is even a small child involves the presence of a figurative plan and relies on it.

N.N. The subttakes explored a special type of child's thinking, which is the unity of visual effective and visual-shaped thinking and is aimed at identifying the properties hidden from observing the properties and bonds of Bozovic L.I. Psychological questions of the readiness of a child for school learning. Questions of psychologists of the child of preschool age / Ed. A.N. Lyontieva, A.V. Zaporozhets. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995 .. This type of thinking was named child experimentation.

The preschooler figuratively thinks, but has not yet acquired an adult logic of reasoning. Solves mental tasks in the presentation, thinking becomes incoming. The prerequisites of such clarity of mind, as independence, flexibility and inquisitiveness. Attempts arise to explain the phenomena and processes. Children's questions are indicators of curious development.

The mental development of the child of preschool age is constant influence game Situation and actions. The experience of the gaming and real relationship between the child in the plot-role-playing game is the basis of the special property of thinking, allowing to be on the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and, depending on this, to build their own behavior. All this forms the readiness of the child to school.

To seven years, the language becomes a means of communication and thinking of the child, as well as the subject of conscious study, because when preparing for school, learning to read and writing begins. According to psychologists, the language for the child becomes truly native.

The sound side of speech is developing. Junior preschoolers begin to realize the features of their pronunciation. By the end of the preschool age, the process of phonderatic development is completed.

The child's vocabulary is growing intensively.

The grammatical system of speech is developing. Children are absorbed by the subtle patterns of morphological order (the structure of the word) and the syntactic (construction of the phrase).

The child absorbs the grammatical forms of the language and actively increases the vocabulary, which allows him to move to contextual speech at the end of the preschool age. It can retell a read story or a fairy tale, describe the picture, convey your impressions about what he saw.

Egocentric is developing. Piaget drew attention to the fact that children of 4-6 years often accompany their actions to anyone with no statements. Egocentric speech is distinguished by the fact that the child himself speaks for himself, who does not address his statements, without expecting an answer and not interested, listen to him or not. In the end, according to L. S. Vygotsky, egocentric speech passes into the inner speech of Lisin M.I. Communication, personality and psyche of the child. - m.; Voronezh, 1997 ..

Features of the development of speech in preschool age:

  • * Speech broke away from a specific situation, loses situability, turning into a universal means of communication; * Social forms of speech appear, its expressiveness increases;
  • * The child comprehends the laws of the native language in the course of action with the word;
  • * The child learns to state his thoughts are connected, logical, reasoning turn into a way of solving intellectual tasks, and it becomes a weapon of thinking and means of knowledge, intellectualization of cognitive processes;
  • * It turns into special activities that have its own forms: hearing, conversation, reasoning and stories;
  • * The speech becomes a special type of arbitrary activity, a conscious attitude towards it is formed.


Children up to a certain age do not know how to distinguish their subjective and external world. The child identifies his ideas and perceptions with the properties of the outside world. The main cause of the mixing of natural and mental waters see that the child still does not allocate himself from the surrounding world. The peculiarity of children's thinking, which lies in the not far from his position, called the Piaget by egocentrism. He characterized egocentrism as a condition when a child considers the whole world from his point of view, which he does not realize, and therefore it acts as absolute. The child still does not realize that things may look different than it seems to him.

Perception in preschool age loses its originally affective nature: perceptual and emotional processes are differentiated. Perception becomes meaningful, targeted, analyzing. It is distinguished arbitrary actions - observation, viewing, search. A significant impact on the development of perception has a speech - a child begins to actively use the names of qualities, signs, the state of various objects and relations between them.

In preschool age for perception, the following is characteristic:

  • * Perception turns into special cognitive activities;
  • * Spectacular perception becomes one of the leading;
  • * perceiving objects and actions with them, the child more accurately estimates the color, shape, value (mastering sensory standards);
  • * Improved ability to determine the direction in space, the mutual location of the items, the sequence of events.


In preschool age, there is a universal means of attention - speech. The child organizes his attention to the upcoming activities, formulating verbally.

In this age:

  • * Significantly increasing concentration, volume and stability of attention;
  • * There are elements of arbitrariness in managing attention on the basis of speech development, cognitive interests;
  • * attention becomes indirect;
  • * Attention is due to the interests of the child to activities; There are elements of post-proof attention.

Preschool childhood is the age most favorable for memory development. As LS believed. Vygotsky, memory becomes the dominant function and goes through a big way in the process of its formation. The child remembers the easiest of the most diverse material Gazeso M.V. and others. Senior preschooler and junior schoolchild: Psychodiagnostics and Development Correction / Gamezo M.V., Gerasimov B.C., Orlova L.M. - M., 1998 ..

W. junior preschool children Unprompected memory. The child does not set the goals to remember or remember or remember and does not own special ways to memorize. The child quickly remembers poems, fairy tales, stories, dialogues from films, compets their heroes, which expands the scope of cognitive activity of the child. The child is gradually learning to repeat, comprehend, associate material for memorization purposes, use links when memories.

In the middle preschool age (between 4 and 5 years), arbitrary memory begins to form.

Memory, more and more merging with speech and thinking, acquires intellectual character, form elements of verbal and logical memory.

The memory of the preschooler, despite its visible external imperfection, actually becomes a leading function.


The imagination is formed in the game, civil and constructive activities and, being special activities, proceeds to fantasy. The child masters the techniques and means of creating images, while there is no need for a visual support for their creation features of the mental development of children of 6-7-year-old age / ed. D.B. Elkonina, L.A. Hanger. - M.: Pedagogy, 1988 ..

By the end of the preschool age, the child's imagination becomes manageable.

The action of imagination is formed:

  • * Confusion in the form of a visual model;
  • * image of an imaginary object;
  • * Image of action with an object.

Cognitive processes in children of preschoolers of age

Cognitive processes of preschool children include: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, as well as speech (oral and written).

The component of the information includes: in fact information, sources of information. In fact, information consists of separate information, facts, events of the world. We refer to sources of information: direct perception of the person, other person, books, television, radio, computers, etc. Depending on the purposes and features, information is used information of a source.

The component of "attitudes to information" presents the work of the teacher of the greatest difficulty, because it takes a paramountplace in the formation of the knowledge of children of preschool age. If adult information is primary in adults, and the "attitude" is secondary to it, then the kids have an opposite picture. For them, as a rule, "attitude to information" is primary, and the "Information" itself is secondary. Adults can express, determine their attitude to anything only in the presence of knowledge, ideas, experience. Children are always ready to learn what they treat. And they do not even want to hear about what they treat badly, negatively. The ratio of the components of the cognitive sphere - "information" and "attitudes to information" - is determined by the level of development of cognitive processes of a child of one or another age, that is, the first component of the cognitive sphere. The smaller the child, the more obvious the imperfection, the underdevelopment of its mental processes. Participating in knowledge. However, we note: the process of cognition from preschoolers is intensively due to the emotional and sensual development of the world. And it is formed only by the efforts of the surrounding adults. Therefore, the one who raises children - parents, teachers, - should always remember: the process of forming a child's relationship to the world in which he lives, is constantly. And ultimately, it is this attitude that will determine what in the future he will send his knowledge and development of the ability.

The continuity and interconnectedness of the "Information" components and the relationship to information is obvious. So, anyone reads if he reads a book, whether the TV is watching, whether the report listens or just walks down the street, all the time receives information in one form or another, which, in addition to his will, forms a certain attitude to information, the facts that he compartment. In other words, reaching a person, becoming his property, the information leaves a certain sensual, emotional trace, which we call the "attitude" in his soul.

In research N.N. Two contradictory trends have discovered in the process of creating knowledge in preschool children. The first trend: the expansion and deepening of clear, clear knowledge of the environment occurs. These stable knowledge constitute the core of the cognitive sphere of the child. The second trend: In the process of mental activity, there is a circle of uncertain, not entirely clear knowledge speaking in the form of guesses, assumptions, issues. These educational knowledge is a powerful stimulator of the mental activity of children. In the interaction of these trends, the uncertainty of knowledge decreases - they are specified, clarify and transfer to certain knowledge.

Working with children of preschool age, teacher, forming a base of clear knowledge, at the same time ensures continuous growth and uncertain unclear knowledge. However, noted: information (information, facts, events of life) is considered not as an end in itself, but as a means with the help of which it is necessary to develop in the child cognitive needs and interests.

A positive attitude is created in two ways.

The first way to create a positive attitude to activities is achieved by the formation of positive emotions (and then feelings) in relation to the object of activity, to the process of activity, to persons with whom the child is dealing; This attitude is formed on the basis of the teacher's expression of a positive attitude towards a child and to activities, acquaintance with excellent samples of activities, the expression of faith in the strength and possibilities of a child, approval, help and express a positive attitude towards the results of its activities. From this point of view, success is of great importance (with a saturated, overcaluable task difficulty) and its public assessment. Create emotional relationship is easier if the new activity is at least partially related to the previous interests.

The second way to create a positive conscious attitude to activities lies through the formation of an understanding of the meaning of activity, its personal and social significance. Understanding this is achieved by means of a figurative story about the meaning of activity, an accessible explanation and show of a significant result, etc.

If the upbringing of interest is limited to the creation of a positive relationship, then the occupation of this or that activity will be an expression of love or debt. This kind of activity does not contain the most significant for the interest of a cognitive nature. With the slightest change in the relationship, with the disappearance of attractive objects, the child leaves the desire to engage in this activity. Interest arises only in the course of properly organized activities.

I. Preparing the soil for interest:

a) the preparation of external soil for education of interest: the organization of life and the creation of favorable conditions that contribute to the emergence of the need for this facility or in this personality;

b) the preparation of the inner soil involves the assimilation of well-known knowledge, skills, cash overall identification.

II. Creating a positive attitude towards the subject and to activities and the translation of the sense-forming, remote motifs in closer, realistic. This attitude is not even interest in the true sense of the word, but is a psychological prerequisite of interest; It prepares the transition from the externally due to the need for activities (needed) to the need taken by the child.

III. The organization of systematic search activities, in the depths of which is formed an authentic interest characterized by the emergence of cognitive relations and internal motivation related to the implementation of this activity.

IV. Construction of activities with such a calculation so that in the process of work there have been all new issues and all new tasks would be made, which would become inexhaustible in this lesson.

The first two points in the formation of persistent interests are especially important and occupy an independent place; Work on education Relationship takes a long time.

Systematic active independent "search" activities and an accompanying experience of joy and knowledge and achievements form a persistent dynamic stereotype of cognitive interest, which gradually turns the quality characterizing the identity.

An authentic interest formed in the process of specially organized active independent "search engines" is characterized not only by emotionally positive attitude towards it and understanding the meaning and meaning of this activity. The main thing is that it is characterized by an emotional and cognitive attitude to the process of this activity, which is internally motivated. This means that, in addition to personal and public motifs, out of the on-incorrect activities, there are motives coming from the activity (the activity itself begins to encourage the child). At the same time, the child not only understands and takes the purpose of this activity, he not only wants to achieve the goal, but I want to seek to find out, decide, achieve.

With the right pedagogical approach of the surrounding people (especially teachers, educators, parents), the interests of the child have an unlimited development trend. The farther and deeper the research search activities, the more unsaturated interest becomes, the greater the joy and the "thirst" of knowledge. The wider the connection of interest with the "core" of the person and with the previous interests, motives, the main needs of the individual, the wider the connection coming from activities with broad social motives, the stronger the immediate motive coming from the activity, the deeper interest becomes more resistant.

The connection of the activities of interest with the main attachments, with close people, its compliance with the main abilities and promising possibilities of a person, as well as deep satisfaction in connection with its implementation - the most important prerequisites of persistent interest. The inexhaustibility of issues arising in the process of activity leads to the constant "unsaturacy of interest" of interest, i.e. Creates an all growing desire to deepen, expand the scope of knowledge and mastering this activity. The increasing desire to expand the scope of knowledge and the effectiveness of this activity creates a tendency to strengthen interest in this activity and turning it into a "lifestyle". This trend and these desires, subordinating all additional motives and interests, are included in the personality characteristics. But this wide system of relations reflected in the emotional and cognitive focus is developing in the course of organized search activities, without which there is no authentic interest.

Preschool childhood is one of the most important stages of the child's life.

Children of preschool age are actively learning the world around. This knowledge is possible due to their mental cognitive abilities (attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech).

Perception - The process of reflection in the consciousness of a person of holistic items and phenomena in their immediate impact on the senses.

Perception is the leading cognitive process of preschool age. Its formation ensures the successful accumulation of new knowledge, the rapid development of new activities, adaptation to the new environment, full-fledged physical and mental development.

In the younger preschool age, perception is subject to a subject matter, i.e. The properties of the subject (color, taste, quantity) are not separated by a child from the item itself, and merge into a single integer with it. At the same time, the child sees not all properties, but only the most bright, for example: the grass is green, lemon - sour and yellow.

Perception in the middle preschool will take care of a more meaningful, targeted, analyzing. It is distinguished arbitrary actions - observation, viewing, search. The child 4-5 years old receives ideas about the main geometric figures; about the main colors of the spectrum; on the parameters of the magnitude; about space; about the time.

In the older preschool age (5-7 years) - the child's perception loses its original global character. Under the influence of gaming and objective activities, the ability of a preschooler to separate properties from the subject of the subject, notice similar properties in various objects and different in one subject.

Knowledge of objects and properties are expanding and are organized into the system, which allows them to be used in different types Activities. At this age, complex types of visual analysis and synthesis are formed, including the ability to mentally dismember the perceived object on the part, exploring each of these parts individually and then combining them into one.

Thus, the child begins to see the world in a categorical vein, the process of perception is intellectualized.

Attention - This is a mental process, consisting in the focus and concentration of consciousness on a specific object while simultaneously distracted from others.

The first signs of attention - for 2-3 weeks of life in the form of auditory and visual concentration.

The attention of the child early preschool age is involuntary.

At the beginning of the pre-school childhood, the child reflects his interest in the surrounding subjects and the actions performed with them. The child focuses until interest fecks for interest. The appearance of a new subject causes a switching to it.

Inclusive attention is the predominant throughout the preschool childhood.

Therefore, children are rarely engaged in the same case. Throughout preschool age, in connection with the complication of children's activities, attention acquires greater concentration and stability.

Younger pre-school make to play the same game - 25-30 minutes. Senior preschoolers - up to 1-1.5 hours.

Children 4-6 years old to master arbitrary attention.

For the first time at this age, they begin to manage their attention, consciously guide it to certain items, phenomena, hold on them, using some means for this.

Starting from the senior preschool-headed, children become able to keep attention on actions that are acquired for them intellectually meaningful interest (puzzle games, riddles, tasks educational type). Stability of attention in intellectual activity increases markedly for seven years.

Maintain attention at a sufficiently high level allows the use of elements of the game, a change in the shape of the forms of activity, productive activities.

Memory - This is a complex mental process, defined as captured, saving, recognition and reproduction by the individual of its experience.

Learning is the first memory process that appears in the child.

After 8 months, playback is formed - recovery in the image memory.

Memory of the junior preschoolpiece. The child does not set a goal for something to remember and does not make any effort to memorize. In its memory, interesting, emotional, colorful events and images are captured.

The third and fourth year is life for the years of the first children's memories.

In 4-5 years, arbitrary memory is formed, but purposeful memorization and the remember appears only episodically and depends on the type of activity.

In the fifth year, it starts to play a leading role in organizing mental processes becomes a dominant function.

By the end of preschool age, arbitrary visual and auditory memory occurs.

6-7 years old thanks various types Activity, and, above all, the game, the memory of the child in the older preschool age becomes arbitrary and targeted. He himself puts the task of remembering something for future action.

It is at this age that a high level of motor memory is observed.

Children increases the need for motor activity. They master complex movements, perform them quickly, for sure. There is consistency, the fusion of movements; All motor activity becomes more conscious, purposeful and independent; Increased physical and mental performance. Therefore, many children in the older preschool age begin to engage in gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, dancing.

Thinking - Hassed cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality.

The first signs of thinking children discover by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest communication and relationship between objects and use them to achieve a certain connection. These relationships are found out by children through practical samples and errors, i.e. With the help of visual effective thinking.

The child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to designate others, serve their replacement - the ability to substitution is formed - the ability to use when solving mental problems, conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena.

In 3-4 years, let it be imperfect, trying to analyze what sees around himself a vivid efficient plan. But the part of children is already beginning to manifest the ability to solve the tasks of the presentation. Children can compare items in color and shape, allocate differences from other features. It can generalize the objects in color (this is all red), in shape (it's all round), the value (it's all small).

As the experience gained, the thinking of the child of the middle preschool new-headed is increasingly relied on the images - the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich there may be a result of a particular action.

The main type of thinking inherent in the child of preschool age becomes visual-shaped thinking. Thanks to this, the preschooler can "do" real Actions in mind. At the same time, he operates only with single judgments, because He is not ready for conclusions.

In the senior preschool age, verbally logical thinking is formed.

Imagination- This is the ability of consciousness to create images, ideas, and manipulate them. The emergence and development of imagination is closely related to the formation of other cognitive processes, first of all thinking.

In early childhood, the imagination has recreation and occurs involuntarily, in the form of images of the impressions gained: listening to stories, fairy tales, poems, movies.

In the imagination, only what has had a strong emotional impression on the child, it became especially interesting for him. Imagination is inseparable from the perception of objects and performing gaming actions with them.

Senior pre-school age is sensitive - sensitive - for the development of imagination. It is during this period that the imagination of the child becomes manageable.

In 5-6, the summer of children there is a gradual transition from involuntary memorization and playback, to arbitrary memorization. This creates the basis for the development of creative imagination, providing the ability to create a new image.

The creative imagination of children is manifested primarily in plotting games that create space for improvisation, as well as in drawing, design, etc.

34. Features of the development of emotional-volitional processes in preschool age.Emotions - special class mental processes and stateswhich is restricted relations man to subjects and phenomena. Emotions and feelings - specific form of reflection of reality. The feelings are reflected significance of objects and phenomena For a person in a concrete situation. I.e feelings Personal character. They are associated with the needs and act as an indicator of how their satisfaction occurs. For pre-school childhood is characteristic in general calm emotionality , lack of strong affective outbreaks and conflicts on minor reasons. Emotional processes are becoming more balanced . But from this quite saturation should not be reduced The emotional life of the child. In the preschool age of desire, the child's motivation is connected with his ideas, and thanks to this, the motives are rebuilt. Occurs transition from desires (motifs) aimed at itemsperceived situation to the desires associated with the representatives represented. Emotions associated with the view allow anticipate results child action, satisfaction of his desires.

Emotional development of preschool children associated primarily with the appearance of new interests, motives and needs. The most important change in the motivational sphere is the emergence of public motifs. Therefore, intensively begin to develop social emotions and moral feelings.

Gradually preschooler begins to foresee not only intellectual, but also emotional results of their activities. Child mastering the highest forms of expression - expression of feelings with intonation, facial expressions, pantomimics. Changes in the emotional sphereassociated with the development of not only motivational, but also cognitive sector of personality, self-consciousness. Under the will is understood conscious regulation by man of his behavior and activity, expressed in the ability to overcome difficulties when achieving the goal.

Significant components of a volitional action Speakers the emergence of motives, awareness and wrestling of motives, decision making and execution. Volga action characterized purposefulness As a conscious orientation of a person for a certain result. First stage volitional action is associated with initiativeexpressed in the formulation of one's own goals independence, manifested in the ability to resist the effects of others. Determination characterizes stage of the fight of motives and decision making. Overcoming obstacles in achieving goals on the stage execution It is reflected in the conscious volition of an effort, which assumes the mobilization of its forces. The most important acquisition of preschool age Consisting of turning the behavior of a child from"Field" in "Volveva". In preschool age occurs formation of a volitional action. Child picks up goaling, planning, control. Will action begins with setting goals. The preschooler is mastering goaling - The ability to set the goal of activities. Elementary focus is already observed in the infant . At preschooler Goaling develops through the line independent, initiative setting goals, Which with age change and content. Most. characteristic of a volitional actionis an free choice of goal, behavior, defined by no external circumstances, and motivated by the child.

In preschool age based on self-esteem and self-control, occur self-regulation of own activities. In the development of self-control, two lines are distinguished from the preschooler. These include development of need to check and adjust His work I. development of self-test methods. In 5-7 years self Control Begins to act as special activityaimed at improving the work and elimination of its disadvantages. Features of the development of will in preschool age:

Children are forming Celloplagan, the struggle and coented motives, planning, self-control in activities and behavior;

The ability to volition will develop;

There is arbitrariness in the field of movements, actions, cognitive processes and communication with adults