Ceiling insulation in the apartment on the top floor. Ceiling insulation: Methods and recommendations

Traditionally, the time of year for repair workAs for the construction in general, and for individual directions in it, and the ceiling insulation, including the summer is considered. This is also connected with great ease of work, and with certain restrictions on the use of materials at a part of temperatures, with the need to dry surfaces and with many other factors. However, there are deviation options from existing rules, Moreover, it is necessary if it comes to the need for ceiling insulation.

Thus, answering the question when you need to warm the ceiling, you can, in particular, designate the summer, and in general - any time when "not quite cold", when opportunities will appear and, accordingly, the need for this. IN winter time The volumes of heat loss at least are 15% through the ceiling, in connection with which its insulation is simply necessary measure.

Ceiling insulation: basic principles and materials

Especially important is the insulation of the ceiling of the apartment on the last floor, although, given the noteworthy feature, it is not worth excluding such a need for other types of housing. For ceiling insulation today apply the most different kinds Materials, not to mention the methods of insulation. To begin with, we will stop on materials, more precisely - on the most common varieties used for the purpose of interest, in particular this:

  • styrofoam;
  • foam ceilings;
  • polyplex;
  • polyeneethylene fooled;
  • equata;
  • polystyrene foam, etc.

The choice of a specific version of the ceiling insulation affects the premises of the room features, the preferences of the consumer, as well as the budget planned to implement this activity under consideration. For insulation, how can I understand, a design is needed, which includes a layer of insulation (including a frame under it, if it is provided for insulation technology), as well as the finished facing coating - that is, what you, simply speaking, will see daily after completion All work on the insulation of the ceiling.

Due to the insulation of the ceiling, you can not only provide comfortable mode Temperatures at one time or another year, but also significantly reduce heating costs. The insulation of the ceiling in an apartment, a house or in a cottage, determines the need to lead a number of the following basic principles:

  • preservation optimal regime steam-cycling during the implementation of measures to minimize heat loss;
  • elimination of the possibility of hitting the condensate insulation;
  • the use of exclusively environmentally friendly and fire-resistant materials.

If briefly dwells on choosing the most suitable method of ceiling insulation, then as one of the main defining factors is, for example, such as the possibility of some underestimation of the ceiling due to the materials used (i.e., it is in principle). The use of the same mineral wool justifies such a restriction, because it requires preliminarily fastening on the ceiling of the frame profile, after which, as the final part, the mounting to the ceiling of the lining or drywall is possible.

Space savings are allowed as an option if the insulation is performed without a subsequent suspension ceiling device. This option involves applying an insulation attached to the ceiling, a layer of plaster, after which the reinforced grid is installed along its surface (it is literally pressed into the base, that is, in the insulation). In the future, the ceiling is aligned, its shit, primer, and finally painting.

If it is necessary to solve the issue of warming the ceiling as soon as possible, then in this case the best solution It will be the use of foam ceiling.

Ceiling insulation: basic ways

In total, two ways are the insulation of the ceiling outside and insulation the ceiling indoor.

Ceiling insulation on the inside of the room (from the inside)

This method of insulation of the ceiling is most often used in apartments. multi-storey housesIn particular, if we consider such an option as the ceiling insulation in the apartment on the last floor, which in this case is generally possible. Availability of technical floor or attic in multi-storey house Often, it does not allow to ensure the possibility of insulation for the simple reason that they are located in them of different types Communications (as an example, you can designate a wiring heating system etc.). Unhindered access to employees of utilities and repairmen is important to such communications, which is why the ceiling insulation in the apartment is usually excluded.

  • Styrofoam

As already noted, can be used various methods And the materials for this purpose will stop, for starters, on the foam. Its characteristic feature is low vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, in addition, it is resistant to the effects of mechanical loads and various aggressive media, non-toxic and easy to install.

So, for insulation using foam plastic you will need a foil isol, dowel, mounting foam, glue, tools ( electric logsik or ordinary hacksaw, hammer and drill), and, in fact, foam plates. Conducting work on the insulation of the ceiling in the apartment can be carried out under temperature in the range from +5 to +30 degrees.

For a start, it is necessary to put on the ceiling of the insole layer (brand NPE or PPE), the foil side should be when placed inside. Isolon is a magnificent material to eliminate the impact provided low temperatures. Next follows the stage of laying sheets of the insulation used - foam. You can start with any of the corners in the room, the main goal is the gradual coating of the polyfoam of the entire surface of the ceiling. Fastening foam is carried out using dowels, or it is attached to glue. Each sheet it is necessary to provide at least 5 point points (be it glue or dowels), as a rule, the corners of the sheet and its middle are selected as the foundations for such points. Frames formed as a result of laying, the sections of the joints are filled in further by mounting foam.

Next, after laying foam plastic, proceed to the ceiling finish. Often used for her decorative panels, they are fixed to metallic or to wooden reikas. PVC-plunths are used for the edges, which provides flat and neat finish.

  • Basalt wool or mineral wool

No less common method of ceiling insulation, followed by mounting drywall. This type of insulation is available for use in the form of plates or rolls. Its advantages are available cost, excellent performance features, chemical resistance, it is also not susceptible to rotting and burning, is easily installed.

The insulation of the ceiling using wool and drywall is made with the previous installation of the frame or the specific type of fastening, because the position of the insulation is taken into account, it is also clear, it will be practically on weight. According to this scheme, it is necessary to make a wooden or metal carcassUsing a dowel and perforator. Further, the insulation is glued into the interpophilic space, for which it is better to use glue to laying a tile - it will be possible to almost instantly bring gluing mineral wool to the ceiling.

It will not be superfluous to read the instruction attached to the insulation - often it is that for its specific type it is required to pre-provide vapor barrier or other types of specific conditions. The fixation of minvati can also be carried out at the expense of plastic dowels with rounded wide hats. After that is held electrical cables And another type of communication, this is done along the surface of the insulation. And finally, the final stage, within which the ceiling is made by plasterboard ceiling. The ideal solution For this, the use of census-based screws is the use of census steel, such a recommendation is explained by their considerable strength and increased resistance to loads.

For ceiling insulation, there is another way, it can be defined as the most time consuming. It uses a rigid type of plane Minvati (for example, PPH-200, etc.), installed on the ceiling, after which they are fixed, and then on their surface it is laid plaster grid. As a final action, putsten here. The grid at the same time should be triggered with a layer of putty, after which the entire surface is spacing with a spatula. Next, this layer should be given to dry, after which you can already apply the final layer. After the final drying of the surface, the ceiling is subjected to grinding, then it is covered with primer, after which you can already begin painting.

Supplement with some recommendations simple, at first glance, technology. For example, it is important to take into account that the insulation is unacceptable to expose to pressing. The fact is that mineral insulation It is based on a plurality of air bubbles, due to which the effect of heat conservation is ensured.

Another problematic question can be the installation of lamps in the ceiling, in particular - point lamps. Surely you know that the lamps of the energy-saving type are subject to a certain heating. Due to the fact that the insulation acts as an obstacle to the heat dissipation of the lamps, the possibility of ventilation of the space between it and the lamp is also excluded, and this, in turn, becomes the cause of their rapid dismissal (literally within one or two hours Conditions of permanent lighting). In this regard, it is possible to make small gap between insulation and lamps, which will ensure sufficient air circulation. Alternatively, you can also stop your choice on a conventional chandelier or on wall scaves to illuminate the room.

Ceiling insulation from the outside of the room (outside)

The easiest thing is this scheme. In such types of housing, it is possible to choose, while just the possibility of insulation outside is the most attractive option to achieve the desired result. Meanwhile, as an option of possible insulation, it can also be considered, and the proposed options in this regard will suit not only for a private house, but also for the apartment on the top floor. In particular, they can be considered in case the possibility of approval with the relevant instances will appear and, in general, the implementation of the appropriate insulation measures will be possible.

Almost any type of insulation can be used as a material, because the main advantage of the method of insulation is that the materials do not require much securing, as if they were used from the inside. The main thing here is dense material to lay so that no gaps and cracks remain.

As a major goal in choosing a material for insulation of the ceiling outside, it is possible to designate the greatest acceptability of its value with a sufficient level of heat insulation. It is possible that it will turn out to be purchased inexpensive, but the material is high-quality according to the desired criteria. Mainly for this type Insulation is applied, again, foam, crumples or mineral wool (Minvata).

  • Styrofoam

The advantages of this material we marked above, therefore, we proceed directly to the actions that are performed when the ceiling insulation is outside.

So, first, it is necessary to free the attic from superfluous, because, as it is clear, it will take free from anything concrete slab. Next, the space is measured for the subsequent acquisition of polyfoam with a thickness of 40 mm. If you wish, you can use the polystyrene, however, here should be prepared for the fact that its cost is twice as much as the cost of foam.

Now - to business. The site of the attic on the floor is covered with foam, the mounting foam is used for seams. The final stage, such as the fill of the screed, is not required if the attic visit is not planned. IN otherwise, given that the material in its essence is rather fragile, after a month and another walk on him, he simply starts to be broken. Before filling the screed onto sheets you need to put reinforced grid, the width of the layer should be at least 50 mm.

  • Ceramzit

Keramzite is a material based on the fusion clay grades. Also its feature is the porosity of the structure and ease. Surely you had to see this material of brownish color in the form of oval granules. As a rule, it is used precisely as material for insulation the attic in the house in which it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, that is, for the purpose that interests us. Besides, this material It is also good to use for a regular screed, also in some cases produced in the attic.

So, we turn to the insulation of the ceiling outside. The process should be started with the provision of hydraulic and vaporizolation, for which the corresponding material is applied to the ceiling, which, by the way, plays a considerable role in the process of insulation. The modern materials market has huge opportunities in choise suitable option. Meanwhile, if your plans are accompanied by certain financial constraints, you can use more for the specified purpose. affordable materialssuch as foil, rubberoid or polyethylene film.

In the width, the laid bands of such materials should be on average 10 centimeters more than the distance existing between the overlap beams. With a significant size of the ceiling area on the walls, it is reduced to the walls within about 12 centimeters. The seams formed between slices are treated with a special tape, which provides a dense adjacent to the edges and excluding their bending. It is possible to glue the runneroid in this case using a revincible mastic. If the foil is used, then the aluminum foil is used for gluing. If you need to glue the film, then the usual tape is used.

Additionally, the chimney pipe and rafters are also performed. Parosolation material Mounted above, which is located a layer of stacked clay. Fastening all the canvases is provided by construction stapler or ordinary scotch.

In some cases, clay is stacked over vaporizolation, the use of such an additional layer allows additional insulation The design under consideration. After that, the ceramzite is stacked.

Often, in the process of insulation, a question arises regarding the optimal volume for the clamping layer, and in this case there is a relevant recommendation of specialists, in particular they advise to lay a layer of 14-16 centimeters. In addition, it is additionally recommended to use non-similar clayzit, but two types of its fraction - that is, both large and small. Due to such a solution, the laying density increases, and the sediment of the material, respectively, decreases. This measure is particularly relevant if the need to implement measures aimed at insulation wooden ceiling In the bath using the material under consideration by us. As it is easy to guess, in the latter case, the effect of the steam is required to reduce as much as possible, besides other loads, with which this material and will help to cope.

Returning to the ceiling insulation under consideration of the ceiling ceiling scheme, we turn to laying the screed based on sand and cement - this will eliminate any damage to the insulation. You can prenate clamzite using liquid cement - so the upper layer will be grabbing, although in general this measure is more appropriate for use in the conditions of industrial premises.

To top item, it is possible to lay the flooring after insulation. In principle, this measure is not obligatory if the attic is not particularly visited, although it will not be superfluous. Basically, the boards are used for this purpose, they must be installed perpendicular to the location of the beams. As other options, you can designate other varieties of floor coverings - Phaneur, chipboard or laminate, etc.

  • Mineral wool

To insulate the ceiling, such material it is necessary to build a frame for the planned gender, which will simultaneously become the insulation for the ceiling. For the assembly, lags are installed - this will be a frame. Next is applied by a layer of vapor barrier, the best solution for this will be parchment. The specified material is cut and better if this is done with a small margin - the excess part subsequently can be attached to the lags. Next is the laying of Minvati, it is not too tight, without gaps. Remember that this material is not very compressed. And finally, flooring is a purely individual decision, which takes into account how much functional room The house is the attic, that is, you can make a simple flooringAnd you can literally "get roaring" in choosing an attractive solution for creating a beautiful floor.

To top it all I would like to add several recommendations. So, if you use a double layer of Minvati, then the ceiling will be even warmer. This method of laying is similar to laying bricks, that is top layer The joints are covered formed by lower layers. In addition, for easy pressed thermal insulation layers well apply wooden boardsDue to which the integrity and monolithic nature of the insulation design is ensured.

Preface. If you are concerned about the creation of heat and comfort in the apartment on the last floor of the house, then it is worth thinking about how to insulate the ceiling. The question is especially relevant for apartments on the last floors of residential buildings. In the article we will analyze several ways, including the easiest and most inexpensive, and also show the master class - video, how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands on the top floor.

Should I warm the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor?

The ceiling of apartments on the last floors is the zone of the greatest heat losses in the room. It is through this surface that will eat up to 50% of heat in the room. Therefore, the question is how inexpensive to insulate the ceiling in apartments on the last floors, and what material to choose, it becomes for the owners of housing in an apartment building especially relevant and as sharp as the insulation of the floor in the apartment on the first floor.

How to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from within

For example, if not to do high-quality insulationThe heat from the room will go out through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to do it cheap and efficiently. Today there is a wide variety of materials for insulation with your own hands and ways to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively and with a guarantee.

Consider in the article it is those methods that today often apply for these purposes by experts. Conduct the insulation of the ceiling in the apartment yourself quite simple. It does not matter from which the ceiling is made - from drywall, wooden lining or plastic. Thermal insulation is fixed with guides or glue.

What to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside?

For insulation, foam plastic, penplex, mineral Wat And the most budget option is thermal insulating foil. Despite the fact that the foam is the most inexpensive and convenient option, do not forget that Polystripolol is distinguished harmful substances And easily flammable. Of platular insulation It is better to use Pleeping - Material Plates are more dense, do not burn and do not emit harmful substances.

Warming by slab material

The plates of foam and foam plates are first glued to the ceiling and for reliability they are additionally fixed with plastic dowels. Thermal mesh is glued on the insulation, and the entire surface is sweeping and painted. A thermal insulation base is glued to the surface of the ceiling with a putty, and the mesh is glued on top of it so that the grid is completely drowned in the spacion layer, after which everything is spatula. After drying, the finish putty is applied.

As soon as the finishing layer is driving, the entire surface is primer and painting. Now you already understand a little in this matter how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor with your own hands without extra cost. If the ceiling height in the apartment is sufficient and allows it to lower it a little, then you can use the mineral wool to insulate the apartment on the last floor with your own hands.

Warming basalt material

Ceiling insulation in the Minvata apartment

In case you have chosen basalt or mineral wool plates, do not forget that the material absorbs moisture and it must be protected vaporizolation film on both sides. By the same principle, the insulation of all surfaces is carried out - ranging from the ceiling insulation in the bath and ending with the walls and ceiling in the basement of the house. On top of the insulation, lining or plasterboard is put on top of the insulation, on a pre-designed framework.

Detailed sequence of actions:

1 . We prepare the surface (close up possible cracks and cracks on the ceiling) and apply primer or concrete contact.
2 . Fresh vaporizoation that prevents the wetting of the insulation and absorb moisture from the air.
3 . Mount the crate with a step of 60 cm (the height of the guides should be no less than the thickness of the insulation).
4 . We lake the insulation between the guides of the crates and close the material with waterproofing.
5 . We are cutting the ceiling with plasterboard, clapboard, pVC panels Or order stretch ceiling.

How to inspire the ceiling in the apartment

If you burn the desire to install an additional framework or this does not allow low ceilingThe process can be carried out in the following way.

For our needs Ideally can approach and decorative plates from foamflast. They are very simple to glue, the plates are not so well kept warm, but anyone can cope with this material, and they do not grind space.

And now we will show the video, how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor with your own hands.

The insulation of the ceiling in the apartment is more necessary for extreme floors at home. Over the ceilings of the upper floors are or unheard technical attics, or flat roofs. It is necessary to warm the ceiling warm and soundly insulated, pick up such a material to meet these requirements.

Insulation ceiling basement or basement, relevant for lower Floors. Here the cold penetrates through the ceilings of basements and bases of buildings. This also applies to private houses.

It is not always possible to heat the apartment from the basement, the attic or roof. More often you have to warm the apartment from the floor of the lower floors and from the ceiling of extreme top apartments.

The insulation of the ceiling apartment from the inside for residential premises has a number of requirements SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", but SanPine Determines the san epidemic requirements for residential buildings and premises. With the rise in prices for the heating of premises, the demand for the warming of the ceiling of the apartment in particular from the residents of the extreme floors. The bulk of the heat loss is just falling on the ceilings and basement overlap. The insulation of the ceiling on the side of the attic and on the side of the floor is similar.

Old housing fund - Apartments built in the middle or late last century, have cearsal overlaps, insulated bulk materials: Keramzit, slags that are durable, but in comparison with light thermal insulation materials losing through heat insulating indicators and have an increased load on the attic overlap.

Overhaul and reconstruction of such overlaps provide for the diagnosis of supporting structures, replacement, thermal insulation. The same reconstruction is carried out in private houses, when they rewind the roof and attic room under the attic.

Attics have floors in the form concrete slabs, or overlap lags, to which the draft floor is mounted, and there is a loop between lags or laid heat insulation material . A budget option - it increase the thickness of the layer of the subfolder bulk materials At the previously laid insulation. Fall asleep with a smooth layer of ceramzit, slag, cellulose. The second option is the laying of the insulation between lags. This is a classic option that is suitable for both concrete and wooden floors.

(2) - the insulation may be anyone if the attic is non-residential, if it is a attic, then the insulation is chosen from environmentally friendly materials: basalt Vata., cellulose, eco Vata., ceramzit. Lags (5) are performed from edged board 40 x 150 mm, impregnated with substances from rotting.

Parosolation material (6) lays down from below the insulation. Typically, the logo that is available on the films is applied on the side that does not pass any couples nor moisture, but if it is not known which side to drain the film - refer to the seller. Instructions are attached to film materials. Instead of membrane film (it is expensive) on the plate the stealth is ordinary polyethylene film or pergamine. From above the insulation film is needed in case this is a residential premises.

How to insulate the ceiling in the apartment

For mansard premises Larger attention is paid to the ceiling under the roof, there is a leakage of heat in winter and overheating at the summer. Insulation mansard overlap It rather plays the role of sound insulation, and therefore the counterbuilding (3) serves to depreciate and create a gap between vapor barrier and floor. This gap is necessary for ventilation and evaporation of moisture from the insulation. If this cold attic, then on top to lags put ladders for walking.

The insulation is chosen in three indicators: density, the thermal conductivity of L -Lambd and price.

Effective in degree thermal conductivity are materials. In which L - 0, 03 - 0.06. The density of these materials is expressed in kg / m3.

At a price and thermal conductivity best insulation are: Mineral wool (glass gamble, stone and slag), cellulose, foam. Dear insulation: Wood fiber, polyurethane foam, traffic jam. The insulation on the ceiling is chosen from two functions: heat and sound insulation ceiling. These criteria correspond to the medium and high density slabs. Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the apartment is performed ecologically pure Materialsnot supporting combustion.

The insulation of the ceiling of the apartment on the top floor is sometimes performed not only because of the heat leakage in winter, but also because because of heat The temperature in the day in the room reaches +30 +40 degrees and air conditioning costs empty the housing owner's wallet.

Step-by-step instruction of the ceiling insulation in the apartment from within

Ceiling concrete overlap Before gluing Parok panels or other medium density plates are prepared as follows.

A metal scraper or brush is removed by sucking plaster, paint from the ceiling. Then shit the slots and cracks, they apply primer. After the container is prepared from a dry mixture of adhesive solution. Buy rapid plugging "Typhoon" or other, read the instructions. A manual building mixer or a drill with a nozzle to divert such a quantity of glue so that it can be spent within 2 hours. Do not recommend adding water into the drying mixture. Recycling remnants.

We are preparing panels for gluing. On the rough side of the panel we apply glue solution. Then the comb's spatula align the layer thickness. We glue the panel, starting from the long corner of the room.

So that the panels fit tightly to each other, it is necessary to glue in a checkerboard. Between two parallel panels, there are 2-3 mm clearance of the panel. Then the next panel comes closely between them without seams.

This is how the ceiling looks like at the end of thermal insulation.

Further there are two options if the ceilings are high, then it is recommended to make a stretch ceiling, then you do not need to stick the painting grid, putty, priming, painting. According to the cost of these works are commensurate, but at speed - no: the stretch ceiling is performed in a few hours.

The insulation of the ceiling in the apartment is also soundproofing. The best way comply with these conditions - installation of the suspension system On damper suspensions with installation on the ceiling of heat-insulating plates laminated on both sides by aluminum foil.

Plates are easily attached to the ceiling of the dowel umbrellas. Then they decorated with a tension or suspended ceiling. It is just for the upper floors where you have to protect against the radiant heat penetrating through flat roof. Aluminium foil Reflects radiant energy by 90%. These panels are delivered to order, because in their free sale it is difficult to find them.

Useful video

Let's look at specific example How to make ceiling insulation in the apartment:

From the author: Hello, dear reader. Tired of freezing? Today we will tell you how to solve this problem in an effective way. We all know from the course of physics that warm air Always strive up. Therefore, the ceiling is quite a lot of precious heat. This is especially true for those living on the top floor and in private houses. Today we will analyze how the ceiling insulation is carried out in the apartment.

Before you begin to work, say a few words about choosing a material that you can insulate the ceiling from the inside or outside.

Selection of material

The modern building materials market offers a great many insulation. What you can find in building stores will be more convenient to submit in the form of a list:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • polyplex;
  • minvata;
  • equata;
  • foamizole;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyeneetylene;
  • ceramzit.

And this, by the way, not yet full list. The choice of material depends on the budget, personal preferences of the homeowner and other factors that need to briefly tell. The fact is that insulation from the inside implies the understatement of the ceiling. In apartments, where the ceilings are high, for example, in "Stalin's", the understatement will not be felt. At least, not as much as in Khrushchev or the standard nine-ten-storey.

In such houses, the ceilings and so much high, but the insulation will take some more centimeters from this height. It is critical for you or not - to solve only you.

In general, the option in which it will be relevant to the height savings is an option in which it will not be used. suspended ceiling. It is logical that in this case you apply a layer of plaster on the ceiling, then mount the grid, which will, in the literal sense of the word, is embedded in the insulation. Further, all according to the standard, "classic" scheme: alignment, primer, painting.

If the timing, which is called, is "burning", it is necessary to insulate the foam. When working with this material, the case will go as it is impossible quickly. But in comparison with alternative optionsThe insulation with the help of foam - quite expensive pleasure. Now let's talk about different insulation, their properties, and also find out how to work with them.

Methods of installation

Only you must first say a few words about methods of insulation on the last floor. There are only two of them. You can warm:

  • from the inside;
  • outside.

IN apartment houses Most often the first method is used from the inside. Sure, perfect option - lay insulation on the technical floor above the apartment, but often this decision is not possible. The fact is that communications are laid on the technical floors, to which it is necessary to have access to the employee of the housing and operational offices. Therefore, communications can not be touched - there are rules fire safety and so on.

And in what cases can I install from the outside? - The inhabitants will ask apartment houses. But homeowners living in the private sector already, probably, they guessed that the attic of their home was the most suitable place for this. In his house, the owner is only you, on that he and his own. By the way, one of the cases of insulation the attic in his house is sawdust. It sounds, maybe not solid, but do not underestimate this method.

We were safely understood with this question. Moving Next.

Selection of material. Warming from the inside

The problem of choice in front of the people of the XXI century is rather sharp. And the choice of building materials is also concerned. So we got closed to one of the main questions Today's article. Now we briefly get acquainted with the materials that offers modern market And, most likely, it will help you decide on the choice. So let's go:


This is what is called "Classic Genre". As we have noted, there are several ways to use this popular material. The main features is low thermal conductivity (which for insulation is quite by the way), as well as low vapor permeability.

The material is not toxic (if, of course, it does not fit it) and easy to install. To work with this material, you will need: isolon foil, mounting foam, gun, cardboard cutting knife, electrolovka / hacksaw, drill, hammer, dowel, glue, screwdriver. Well, in fact, the foam. The temperature in the room when installing the insulation should be 5-30 ° C - no specific conditions required.

Fix the isolon (NPE / PPE). In this case, the foil, "mirror" side should be directed inside. Now mount the foam. There is no recommendation, about how to start installation from the room. This is not a laminate and not parquet, so start where you like. The main thing is to cover the whole area.

The mount is made due to glue and subsequent fixation of the dowels at five points of the sheet: four - in the corners, the fifth - in the middle. You can, of course, rely exclusively on glue, but, for more reliable fixation, it is worth using a dowel.

Demonstration clearances are not needed here. Again, the foam is not an outdoor coating. Gaps that remain between sheets must be filled with mounting foam. Now we are waiting for the foam drying, after which we cut off the cutting knife with a knife for cutting cardboard - and you can begin to finish the ceiling.

When finishing, as a rule, use decorative panels that are attached to the raids. Where the ceiling comes with the wall - the PVC-plinth is mounted. Yes, this is a fairly common finish method, but I personally know the way better.

The ceiling plinth is, of course, the great invention of humanity, but he has one significant disadvantage: sooner or later it will be necessary to wipe it. But he has such a structure that the more you wipe it, the dirtier it will become. In addition, it is fairly easy to damage.

There is a worthy alternative to the ceiling plinth - it outdoor plinth white color. Just mount it at the top just as if you were installed in the appointment - down. Besides that it will serve you significantly longer than ceiling plinth, It has cable channels, where, if necessary, you can hide the wire that does not have to be in mind.

Basalt / Mineral Wat

No less popular insulation. Sold in the form of plates, or swept into rolls. The cost will cost somewhat cheaper than the previous option, but be prepared for the fact that when installing cotton wool will not be so comfortable. Although, I think it is obvious.

When buying a material, check with the seller-consultant, whether the WATT requires special conditions when working with it. For example, whether the provision of vapor barrier is required (usually it is necessary) or something else. If you chose mineral / basalt cotton wool for insulation of your housing, the following is to do:

Making wooden frame, In the "interprofile" space to glue the wool itself. To do this, it is better to use glue for tile tile. Electrocabylizes along the material of the material. On the final stage Cleaning is performed using drywall. To fix the sheets, I recommend choosing the screws made on the basis of calena steel. Such fasteners have increased strength, so they are more reliable than ordinary self-tapping screws.

There is another way to install, which is applicable to hard varieties of mineral wool. For example, it belongs to the VAT type of PPH-200. After fixing, the mesh is mounted, then the shtlocking / alignment is performed.

After the "draft" layer of putty dries, you can apply the final layer of putty. After it is necessary to perform grinding and primer, and then proceed to painting. As we see, theoretically, nothing complicated, but this process itself is quite time-consuming.

It will be appropriate to say a few words about what problems and misunderstandings, dear residents of the last floors, you may encounter when working with mineral wool.

Minvatu can in no case be pressed or wet (even by chance / even a little bit / even if I really want it, etc.) - because of this, the material loses its heat insulating properties And it becomes unsuitable for use.

If you are planning to mount "Spot" lamps in the ceiling, then, naturally, use energy-saving lamps and leave the gap between them and the mineral wool itself.

Warming Outside

Now information is useful for homeowners living in the private sector. Well, for avid dacnons too. The insulation option outside is good because you can use literally any insulation - it does not require fixation to the ceiling. In the first half of the article, we casually mentioned sawdust as insulation. So, it is from this series.

But those who have not heard about sawdust, usually use all the same, "classic" materials: mineral / basalt wool, foam, well, and clamzit. Now we will look at how the installation process itself occurs.


  • we produce measurements;
  • clean the surface of the garbage;
  • we are placing polystyrene. Be prepared for what it will hit the pocket. In principle, they are without it;
  • we raise the sheets on the floor of the attic followed by fixation;
  • fill foam slots.

Ready. Now you can begin to install an attic floor, because it is not designed to go on it. Squeeze the boards or OSB - then you can fully use the attic as warehouse. Or even arrange a rest room or billiard room there. Recently, many homeowners turn their homes in residential space.

Mineral / basalt wool

Here is all similar to the method of insulation of the room inside. Only even easier. It is not necessary to fix the ceiling to cotton. Therefore, we build a frame, we put a vapor insulation layer. As a rule, pergamine acts in his role. Then put the Minvatu itself, after which we mount the sex of the attic and implement your bold design solutions.

I would like to say a few words about preventive measures. Whatever you use material for insulation, be sure to (!) Check all bearing structures For the presence of rotten areas. The check should be performed very carefully - with a sewn with a long edge, since the board can be outside the whole, and inside - rotten. Sanct every lag over the entire length. If you reveal the rotten area, it must be replaced. Be sure to check the roof. If it proceeds - eliminate leak. We remember that mineral wool can not wet under any circumstances.

And further: wooden designs need to handle antiseptic. Fungal colonies (mold) are not only harmful to health, but also gradually destroy your home. So that .


Also a good option. The grainsite is based on low-melting clay types. It has a porous structure and relatively low weight. Although, if compared with previous options, is not so small. This is universal I. reliable insulationwhich is used in construction for a very long time.

So, proceed to work:

  • . For this, the usual film and / or rubberoid will fit. If it is necessary to hide a large area - more than 15 m², the material is stacked by the brass - ± 15 cm;
  • we glue the joints of the rubberoid reversible mastic. The film can be glued to ordinary scotch;
  • layer 15-20 cm;
  • fill the screed / mount a wooden attic floor. You can, of course, without it, but for the sake of the full use of the attic room it is worth trying.

Today it's all, dear reader. Good luck, to new meetings!

If your housing is on the top floor, then regardless of the presence or absence of the attic to insulate the ceiling of the apartment will not be superfluous, because no one wants to lose precious gigakloria warmth. IN modern houses This is most often careful about the builders, but in the old development this work is shifted on the shoulders of tenants and the maternity owners understand, once utility payments are growing better to spend once for long-term savings.

Heat ceiling Outside

The easiest and most suitable room for preserving the size of residential space option is the insulation of the ceiling outside, that is, on the side of the attic, if, of course, the attic room is not used in utility needs and the HEK allows you to do this. In this case, the floor in the attic is cleaned, the heat-insulating Rockwool plates are placed on it (you can additionally fix them with glue, but optionally) and the layer of clay (Figure 1) is added on them. Insulation must be carried out by grabbing part of the territory outside the apartment, and at the edges of the site, limiters (boards) are put in order for the ceramzite to crumble from the edge.

In some cases, the insulation on the side of the attic closes the waterproofing layer and the device is made from above. This is a more time-consuming and expensive process, it is economically justified only in the case of insulation throughout the attic, because it will have to not only buy a clay and insulation, but also to order (knead) a screed solution and lay it in terms of level.

You can use not only Rokvul. But the usual foam. With thermal insulation of the floor of the attic (cold attic), the insulation is not necessarily edged with butterflies - you can do the usual adhesive composition For fastening thermal insulation plates.

Ceiling insulation from the inside

For ceiling insulation from within There are several ways, but any of them "Eat" part of the volume of residential premises, so before working it is necessary to calculate their effectiveness. Optimal option This is the combination of the ceiling insulation and the firmware with its plasterboard in decorative purposes, because in this case it is possible, having lost the volume to win the room at the design of the room due to the new backlight system. Thermal insulation in this case is carried out between the ribs profile carcass Fastening plates or foam plane close to profile self-adhesive ribbon.

If you are interested in classic insulation without plasterboard, you can go in two ways -

  1. - Mount the frame for plates of thermal insulation,
  2. - Fasten the Rockwool insulation or analogue to the base of the ceiling with the help of special "butterflies" and glue.

In the first case, the distance of the ceiling is retreated from the base of the ceiling, or a slightly exceeding the thickness of the heat insulation and the guide profile is attached around the perimeter. Next on it on the sides, marks are made after 40-50 cm, which are connected by the ceiling profile element. It remains only to break the interdictive niches on the cells, using a self-taking care of the profile, fill them with insulation and consolidate it to the robram frame. From above, such a cake is closed by a reinforcing mesh on glue and exposed to standard painting finish.

If the insulation is attached to the ceiling directly (Figure 2), first, the insulation slabs are fixed on the glue, after which they are additionally pressed "butterflies" after drilling holes by a perforator in ceiling plate (Several on m2) and thermal insulation.

We recommend using for insulation Light Batts Scandik 800x600x50 mm. In one package of 12 plates of thermal insulation with a thickness of 5 cm. The package is enough for 5.76 m2, and its price for the fall of 2017 in Moscow is 470 rubles.