Plants that live in the steppe. Plants steppe zone

  • Mountain, steppes with violent alpine vegetation and alpine, distinguished scanty and nondescript vegetation, mainly consisting of a groom and babble.
  • Meadow. Steppes, characterized by the presence of small forest arrays forming glads and edges.
  • Real. Steppes with growing on them in a large predominance of the pavement and the tanta. This is the most typical plants Steppe.
  • Sasian - steppes consisting of plants adapting to dry climates, shrubs.
  • Desert steppes on which deserted herbs grow rolling-box, wormwood, prucunion
  • Also, it is also necessary to say a few words about the forest-steppes, for which the alternation of deciduous forests and coniferous boards with the plots of steppes is characterized, since the stepping plants and forest-steppe differ only in the subspecies.

The steppe has its embodiment on any continent, besides Antarctica, and on different continents, it has its name: in North America, it is Prairie, in South America - Pampa (Pampas), in South America, Africa and Australia is Savannah. In New Zealand, the steppe is called Tussai.

Consider in more detail what plants grow in the steppe.

Types of plants Steppe

  • Roman. This is an annual plant of the family of cruciferous, growing on the risk-rich and in the tundra. There are about 100 varieties of the groom characteristic of our steppes. It is characterized by a branchy stem with oblong leaves, crowned with tassels of yellow flowers. The period of flowering April - July. In folk phytotherapy, the farm is used as a hemostatic, expectorant and diuretic.
  • Barrier It is also an annual plant, about 25 cm and oblong leaves, a plurality of flower arrows, each of which ends with a compliance consisting of tiny white flowers. The babble is used as anti-inflammatory, painful, diuretic and hemostatic, as well as an anticipant agent for epilepsy
  • Poppy. Depending on the type, this annual or multi-year grass With flower buds on long bloomrs. It grows on stony slopes, mountain streams and rivers, on the fields, along the roads. And although pans are poisonous, they are widely used in phytotherapy as a soothing and sleeping remedy for insomnia, as well as in some intestinal diseases and bladder.
  • Tulips are perennial grassy plastic flortile plants with large and bright flowers. Basically they grow in semi-desert, deserted and mountainous areas.
  • Astragalus. This plant has more than 950 species of all sorts of colors and shades, growing and in desert and dry steppes, in the forest area and on the Alpine meadows. It is widely used at eats, water, gastroenteritis, diseases of the spleen, as a tonic, as well as with headaches and hypertensive disease.
  • Feather grass. It is also a variety of grass in your species. They are already more than 60, and the most common one is a camp peristically. it perennial Family of cereals. Kovyl grows up to 1 meter high with smooth stems and ostic leaves. Kovyl applies like a decoction on milk at Zob and paralymp.
  • Mullein. This is a large (up to 2 m) plant with hairy leaves and large yellow flowers. Studies of the Plants showed the presence of many beneficial substances in its flowers, such as flavonoids, saponins, coumarin, gum, essential oil, Glycoside Aucin, ascorbic acid content and carotene. Therefore, the plant is actively used as a food additive in salads and hot dishes, drink drinks, and also eaten fresh.
  • Melissa Drug. This is a long-term high grass with a pronounced lemon smell. Stems of the plant are crowned with bluish-lilac flowers that are collected in false rings. In the leaves, Melissa contains essential oil, ascorbic acid, some organic acids.
  • Camel Spiky is a semi-staple, up to 1 meter in height, with a powerful root system, bare stems with long spines and red (pink) flowers. The spindle camel is common in the criteria, grows along the aryks and canals, on wasteland and irrigated lands. The plant contains many vitamins, some organic acids, rubber, resins, tanning substances, essential oil, as well as carotene and wax. The plants decoction are used with colitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Sagebrush. This is a herbaceous or semi-student plant occurring almost everywhere. The whole plant has a straight stem with thin half-twin leaves and yellowish flowers collected in inflorescences. Wormwood is used as a spicy plant, and the essential oil is used in perfumery and cosmetics. Also wormwood matters like a feed plant for livestock.
  • So, we have considered only some types of stepepe plants. And, of course, the differences in the landscape impose their mark on appearance Herbs growing on it, but, nevertheless, you can select some common properties. So for plants steppe characteristic:
    • Branched root system
    • Root-Lukovitsa
    • Fleshy stems and thin, narrow leaves

Steppe zone

The steppe is the territory, the zonal vegetation of which make up the community of grassy xerophytes. The steppes are pulled out by a wide band through the European and Asian parts of Russia from the west to the east to p. Obi. In Eastern Siberia, the steppes are found separate stains. Steppe plants adapted to life in arid conditions. The natural steppes remained only in reserves and reserves, the rest of the steppe land of Pereakhan under agricultural crops. Soil steppes - black soils of various types.

In the steppes, the continental climate type with hot dry summer and cold winter with a steady snow cover. The amount of precipitation (300 - 500 mm) is less than the magnitude of evaporation, so in the steppes of the plant are in conditions of lack of moisture.

Maximum precipitation in the form of a rainfall falls on the middle of the summer, during the heat. Plants do not have time to absorb moisture, and she quickly evaporates. Accelerate the evaporation of water and summer wearing winds, almost constant in the steppes. Sometimes Sukhovy is blowing - dried, hot winds.

Steppe plants are grassy xerophytes, they all have enough drought-resistant and well tolerate the lack of moisture. Basically, these are densitocustal cereals, first of all types of childbirth Kovyl (Stipa), Tychak (Festuca), Tonkonog (Koeleria). Some legumes grow in the steppes, such as type clover (Trifoliuni), Esparcet (Onobrychis), Astragala (Astragalus), roll-field, or kermek Statice., Fig. 252), wormwood Artemisia.See fig. 226) and others.

For steppes are characterized by steppe ephemeroids that bloom in early spring and covering steppe multicolored carpet; By the summer, the above-ground part is dying, and the underground live part is preparing for flowering in the next year. Efemeroid plants include bulky mint (Poa Bulbosa)Tyulipov species (Tulipa), Luke Allium) and etc.

In addition to perennial ephemeroids in the steppes are common and ephemers - annual plants, all life cycle which takes place within a few weeks. These types of krucks (DRABA),

klopovnika (Lepidium), Rograwn Sherpoid (Ceratocephalafalcata) and etc.

In the steppes, as a rule, on the border with the forest area you can see shrubs: Tern, or wild plum Prunus Spinosa), wild almonds, or bobulk (Amygdalus dad), types of spirea (Spiraea), Karagani (Caragana).

When moving from the north to south, the following patterns are observed in the steppes of the European part: 1) the grass is increasingly dissolving; 2) the colorfulness of the steppes is based on the waller, the number of two-colon in the floristic list decreases; 3) in the north, perennials prevail, the role of annuals and the number of narrow-collar cereals increases to the south; 4) Replaced whole line Picky: OT Stipa Joannis In the north of S. Ucrainica. on South; 5) the species composition is shifted (from 30 species in the north to 12 - in the south).

All these features of the steppes made it possible to divide them into three subzones.

North, or meadow, steppe Characterized by alternating a puff and steppe vegetation, and forest areas There are only on beams and slides, in conditions high humidity. Some geobotans highlight this subzone into the forest-steppe zone. The humidity of the meadow steppes is higher than in other subzones, herbal cover is higher (up to 1 m) with a predominance of the dispensing of the Toll (Filipendula), Sage (Salvia) et al. Gliding cereals grow here: Owned oats (Helictotrichon Pubescens), Porry Middle (Agropyron intermedium) And others. narrow-walled cereals - Picky and Tichard quite a little. Meadow steppes are characterized species diversity. Thus, in the Central Black Earth Reserve there are up to 90 species of plants per 1 m 2. During the growing season, there is a change of aspects (yellow, white, blue, blue, etc.).

The subzone of the varnoper-ticker-nude steppes It is characterized by an increase in the role of narrow-walled turf cereals and greater drought-resistance of plants. Among the difference here, you can meet a zopnik spiny (Phlomispungens), sage docking (Salvia Nutans) and etc.

Ticker-nailed steppes - The most southern and distinguished by very rare and low hormone (up to 40 cm). Needed narrow-told unnecessary cereals are dominated here - Tychak, Kick Lessing (Stipa Lessingiana) ", annual ephemers; Some ephemeroids; from life forms prevail "rolling-field" (KachiMuye - Gypsophila Paniculata). The species composition of the herp is poor (on 1 m 2 - no more than 15 types).

Siberian steps Have a lot of similar features with European. Behind the Urals because of a significantly less dissected Relief of the steppe in the Asian part of the country, a solid strip is drawn to the river. Obi. On the extensive lowering of Siberia a large role among the steppes

play "prohibit" - herbal swamps in solonitsa and salt soils, where steppe species are combined with plants of more wet habitats. In floral relations, the Siberian steppes are poorer European, and at the extreme east of the steppe zone can be found species of Mongolian origin.

In the Siberian steppes, the subzones of the varnoped-turf and cereal and turne-cereal steppes are distinguished.

How many poems and stories are written about the steppe, about its pristine beauty. I live in East Kazakhstan, and we have a lot of steppes. The most beautiful time of the year here is spring. Everything begins to revive and blossom. So, I will tell you what plants grow in this natural zone, go!

What grows in the steppe

Herbate plants grow here, few shrubs and trees. There are Tulip, Iris, Kovyl, Kermek, and others.

For example, Iris flourishes at the beginning of spring. It can immediately find out on the elongated stalk and flower of the twisted form. They are the following colors:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • white.

True, the duration of flowering is only 2 weeks. But another plant is Kickl. It can be found in inflorescences - belt. Seeing the Kovyl field, you might think that this is one giant blanket. While the plant is young, the hairless hair, and his cattle eats. But, how beautifully did not look at the Kovyl, it harms agriculture. When the seeds are matured, together with these hair, they are scattered throughout the steppe, picked up by the wind.

And the steppe cherry grows in the steppe. In height, it reaches approximately the belt belt. It matures in June. The fruits do not differ from ordinary cherries, and the steppe inhabitants are happy to eat her berries.

What kind of healing plants are in the steppe

In the steppe grow and medicinal plants:

  • cornflower;
  • shinker;
  • immortelle;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • pharmacy heel.

Vasilek and heel is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, can be used and as an anesthetic. The wormwood is used as a disinfectant and toning agent. Well, such a flower, like a chamomile, and at all has several properties. Although at first glance it seems that this is the most common plant. So, the chamomile is used as an antiseptic and hemostatic remedy. Does not distribute inflammation. Improves liver operation and removes convulsions.

Steppe plants are beautiful. Here you rarely see a tree or bush, but the whole land under your feet and a few kilometers ahead is removed by the most varied herbs and flowers.

The steppe is the belong belt in moderate and subtropical, coated predominantly low herbal vegetation. The Eurasian Steppe stretched out 8,000 km from Hungary in the West through Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia to Manchuria in the East. The mountain ranges are interrupted, dividing it into separate fragments.

The soil of the steppe is rich in minerals, but contain little organic substances Due to a small amount of rains. Annual precipitation is approximately 960 mm (of which 460 mm - rain and 500 mm - snow) in northern regions Steppes and about 360 mm (of which 260 mm - rain and 100 mm - snow) in the southern. Summer lasts from four to six months, with average temperatures about 21-23 ° C. Winter continues for three to five months with a temperature range from -13 ° to 0 ° C. There are also few trees in the steppes, so the part there are strong and Cold winds or dust storms.

Plant world Steppe

Flora steppes usually consists of plants, such as small shrubs and herbs that can withstand drought and a shortage of nutrients in the soil. There are also trees, but only along the banks of the rivers. High herbs growing up to one and a half meters in height, occur near trees near water sources. Lower herbs - up to one meter in height, can be found in areas located closer to the deserts. Due to dryness of vegetation, sometimes in summer time The grass lights up and fires apply very quickly, covering large areas.

Among the vegetation, the steppe prevailed cereals growing with small bunches, between which bare soil covers are blocked. Widespread different types Kovyl, such as Kovyl John ( Stipa Pennata.). He often occupies huge territories. In the thickness of the stupnis, the types of the patch, characterized by much large size. On arid lowland steppes, small species of the pall are dominated. Also there are a variety of types of Tonkonog ( Koeleria.). They grow everywhere in the steppes, but especially common east of the Ural Mountains, and separate species serve as a wonderful feed for grazing.

Since the steppe is very diverse, the flora growing in the steppes is also greatly vary depending on the region. Regarding the majority of plants there is no common opinion, which of them relate to exclusively steppe species.

The floral world of the steppe differs, for example, from forest, its stability in front of heat and drought. The color of the plants are usually grayish or sizo-green, the leaf plates are small, and the cuticles are thickened. In most cereal plants, the steppe leaves have developed adaptation, allowing to turn into arid weather, which provides them with protection from a strong moisture loss.

Among the steppe flora are distinguished by plants that have an important economic significance. Mostly it is a feed vegetation that grows in the steppe and forms pasture. Other valuable for a person steppe plants are considered honey and medicinal herbs. Also special attention Celands and legumes deserve, but also among other plants united by the concept of dissemination, valuable species are also found.

Below is a list of some plants of the steppes zone with brief description and photo:

Korovyan ordinary

This twilight reaches one and a half meters in height, its leaves have felt omitting. Copovoid inflorescences of a cowper are littered with yellow flowers. The flowering period lasts from July to September. All parts of the plant are widely used in medicine. Decorations and climbs of leaves are used as expectorant, painful, anticonvulsants.

Adonis Spring

Adonis Spring - Rhizome Perennial from the Family Family. Well tolerates the strength differences of temperatures, and reaches 20 cm in height. Strengthening stalks are covered with small green leaves. On their background, bright yellow flowers are distinguished. They are revealed early in the morning and closed after lunch, and they are not disclosed at cloudy days at all. The flowering period accounted for April - May. The life expectancy of the plant in one place is about 50 years. Preparations from adonis are used in folk medicine for more than a century in diseases of the heart and diseases of the nervous system.

Breeding tonon

The representative of the family of cereals prefers dry fields. The height of the comb's height is 65 cm. The bottom leaves are pubescent, the stems have a dense base. The inflorescence is an elongated blizzard, the shade of which varies from green to silver. The plant is plentifully fruit. Infusions made of leaves have a wound-healing effect.

Showping multi-cut

It is a good honeymoon, grows on the slopes of hills and meadows. The plant has a rustic root and a simple stem, the height of which can exceed 60 cm. Peristo-disseated leaves have 3-5 fractions. Flowers shypapety, or anise grass, from June to August. Purple flowers Collected in the ear. The plant has high nectariodation. Shisusepanet is used in folk medicine many centuries: the decoction is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory drug. The plant is part of hypoallergenic cosmetics. In cooking, it is used as seasoning, especially for fish dishes.

Fearless kaatatarian

Herbaceous perennial is considered rare species, so . The tavern, or Iris, is found in the thickets of steppe shrubs and on river valleys. Rhizome plants short and creeping. The height of the flower is about 50 cm. The leaves covered with a nuclear bearing, appear later and grow above the floweros. Flowers are large, purple shade. The middle of the painted B. yellow. You can admire the irises in late May - early June. The fruit is a box that opens with sash. Some forms are peculiar to the repair, i.e. the ability to flourisure again.

Vasilek blue

The plant enters the family of comprehensible. The period of his life can be one or two years. During this time, the vasilet is stretched by 60 cm. The green mass is thin and pointed, covered with felt flare, the lower leaves are trees-blade. Flower baskets are located singly. At the edges, they are painted in blue. Flowers in the middle of the plant have purple color. The flowering period falls on June - July. This species is considered weed plantHis favorite habitat is sowing rye. The fruits of cornflowers are smooth seeds with a red-cholester. Edge flowers painted in blue tintoften harvested and dried. They are the basis for different medicinal fees. Seed powder process skin inflammation.

Matlik meadow

A perennial plant from the family of cereals very quickly increases dense turf. Withstand overvaluing, very coldy and drought. Mattik reaches full development for the fourth year of life. The rhizome of the plant does not penetrate the deeper than 100 cm, so the turbulent forms loose turns. Bright green leaves narrow and rough. Spikelets form a pyramid tank. Mattik meadow is a valuable grazing plant. He is a high-yielding, rich in proteins and vitamins.

Dock white

A two-seat from the legume family reaches a height of 2 m. Root rod, a depth of up to two meters. Excellent honey. The plant is light-chapter and very cold-resistant. The leaf trees, small white flowers are collected in the brush. The plant does not tolerate the convergence and acidic soils, arid, stony and solonchard steppes are an ideal place of growth for the donon. The flowering period falls on June - August, even in the arid summer the plant allocates many nectar. The donon white is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic, anticonvulsant, painful and hypotensive agent.

Sage steppe

Perennial plant prefers meadows and herbaceous slopes of steppe and. The height of the pubescent stalks is 80 cm. Blooms for the second year after landing. Purple flowers Collected in high inflorescence. These bright brushes are noticeably stand out against the background of green grass. Flowers sage from May to July. The above-ground part of the plant is used in medicine and cosmetology. The plant leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and antimicrobial properties. In traditional medicine, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.

Feather grass

A perennial herbaceous plant refers to the family of cereals. The height of the adult plant is 80 cm. A feature is the inflorescences of silver-color. Kovyl forms a dense turne. The plant is juicy stems, so it is actively used on the feed sheep and horses. The fruit, the grain, is equipped with awarded up with hairs and a special rust. She spreads seeds for hundreds of meters from the mother plant.

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Steppe plants are extremely diverse, but many of them can be allocated and general signs. Among them are small, narrow leaves. Some species have the ability to turn around during drought to protect against excessive evaporation of moisture. The color of the leaves is more often grayish or sizo green: the usual eye bright green foliage here can be found rarely. The steepe plants are well tolerated by heat and lack of rain.

According to various directories, in the steppes you can see about 220 a variety of species Plants. Many steppe plants have branched root systemallowing them to extract moisture from the Earth. In the floodplains of flowing rivers, you can be found, and in those places where groundwater Suitable to the surface of the Earth - and other trees and shrubs: hawthorn, Maple Tatar, Tern, etc. In places having saline soil, grow special steppe plants: Solonchard wormwood, kermek, choke, salteros.

Envoy in most of the year, early spring steppe is transformed. At this time, prior to the start of the dry season, it is covered with a multi-water-drying plant. Tulips, irises, hyacinths, crocuses, poppies. From cultural varieties, these stepe plant plants differ primarily by smaller sizes. At the same time, their form may be more bizarre - like, for example, a tulip of a shrenca, one of the springchalters of cultural varieties of this flower. Due to the spread of the steppe, as well as the ruthless collection of colors, this species is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Steppe, as well as may have flowers of different shades, from yellow to violet. This species is also ranked with disappearing.

Before the heat comes, bright steppe flowers have already managed to give seeds. In their clubs are stored nutrientsthat will allow them to flourish in next year. There is a turn of plants who are familiar to drought: Tipper, nick, wormwood. Ticaccus (Valisaya oatmeal) is a reprehensive grain height up to half a meter. This plant serves as feed for horses and small livestock and is one of the main pasture plants in (for the harvesting of the UPRO type is unsuitable). Kovyl, a typical representative of the steppe flora - a long-term grass having short rhizome and narrow, long leaves resembling a wire. In total, there are about 400 species in this, some of them are protected. The main enemy of the Kovyl is an uncontrolled grazing of cattle, during which this plant is simply pulled out. As for the wormwood, in the steppe, along with other plants, there are almost all its species (all of them more than 180). The solid hollow thickets form usually low varieties - for example, the wander down, seaside and others.

Separate plants Steppes (for example, Kermek), after drying, form the so-called rolling-field. At the end of the summer, the dried skell of Kermek, the wind rushing from the roots and rolls on the ground, dissipating the seed path. Other stems and twigs can be attached to it: as a result, it turns out a rather impressive dry com. Kermek ordinary flowers pink, purple or yellow small flowers. On its basis, many cultural varieties are currently derived, which are widely used in landscape design. Types of slanders common in solonchard soils - mellite and fluttering - are, respectively, small shrubs and with red stems. They willingly eaten camels. Like them, Soleeros also serves as feed for livestock in the autumn-winter season. From his ash earlier mined soda.

All plants of the steppe have their own characteristics that allow them to survive in conditions of heat and lack of moisture. These include powerful roots, early bloom separate species, narrow leaves, etc.