How to calculate sawn timber on a frame house. Materials for the construction of a frame house: the choice, the effect on the calculations of the average air temperature, the features of the calculations of the roof and the foundation

Frame houses are the most economical in modern low-rise construction. Therefore, they are very popular lately. Calculation of value frame house Allows you to draw up a preliminary estimate. Make it is easy, especially since you can use a special calculator of the frame online, which will quickly produce all the calculations. However, you must first determine what exactly needs to be calculated.

Frame and frame-board house

The main part of the construction costs of the frame house will fall on the purchase of sawn timber. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether the house will be built on frame or frame-shield technology. In the first version it will be erected from the frame, insulation, trim, etc. directly on the construction site. In the second case, the building is collected from the home complex, which is harvested in production conditions.

Calculate the value of the household complex is easier, since you just need to add the cost of the foundation to the prescribed price. But the shield houses are built strictly typical schemes And do not allow to apply their architectural solutions. In addition, they are not intended for year-round residence. Therefore, private developers usually prefer classic framework (Canadian) houses that are built on an improved technique today.


The following materials are needed to build a frame house:

    OSP panel;

  • foundation materials;



Only after the final decision on the choice of all major materials can be calculated by the frame home, the online calculator will help cope with this quickly, but will show an approximate value. The foundation is calculated last.

Materials for the box of the house, its foundation and roof are selected on the basis of the selected architectural solutionswhich are determined taking into account a number of factors. For example, a set of materials for the roof depends on which the roof design will be applied. In turn, the roofing design is developed taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which the house will be built. Mainly takes into account the power of the pressure of the air masses and the prevailing rose of winds.

Calculator online

Will help make the calculation of the material on frame house Calculator, but accurate lists of materials, their number, and the price of the entire construction will be able to calculate only the construction company that will erect the cottage. However, many private developers prefer to make preliminary calculations first. This makes it possible to understand how expensive will be the house. To make a preliminary calculation of the material for the skeleton house, the calculator is simply necessary.

As a result of calculating with the help of a calculator, it may be that the house that is decided to build will be too expensive. In this case, you can postpone the construction for a while or try to change the requirements for the planned building. For example, the future homeowner may first build an inexpensive one-storey cottage, in the project of which the opportunity is laid with the opportunity to build a attic and thus expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling.

Programs for calculating materials are designed for professional builders. They are needed to compile estimates. However, there are such options for calculators that any person can take advantage of, regardless of the presence of construction skills. A good skeleton house calculator takes into account all the main and auxiliary materials. Therefore, the data obtained with it is much more accurate than independent calculations.

It is important to understand that the construction calculator of the online frame house helps to determine the number of materials, but does not take into account the remuneration of the builders. To understand how much the house will cost together with the delivery of materials, the services of workers, preparatory processRental construction machinery and other nuances, followed by online calculator The amount is multiplied by 2.

Calculation of certain stages of construction of a skeleton house

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

In order for the calculator to calculate the cost of materials, it is necessary to make certain parameters of the future at its form. It is necessary to approximately represent what the box of the building, its roof, which is the foundation.

Racks and walls

Racks in a single design make up the framework of the building. They are constructed from a bar, bars and boards. Bar and bars are produced in several basic sizes. The height of the rack is determined by the height of the building. The distance between the racks (step) depends on the selected type of panels for the plating and insulation.

For the construction of the walls, a whole set of tools will be required, as well as self-tapping screws, hardware and other tools. All this is taken into account in online calculators, allowing to approximately calculate the material on the frame house.


Insulation is an important element Designs of a frame house. Therefore, many calculators have a separate account for accounting for a thickness or type of insulation. As a heater, you can use the most economical foam or, for example, very expensive, but effective EcoWhat. But usually private developers use an intermediate version in the form of glass gambles or mineral wool. In a two-story skeleton house, sometimes insulate inter-storey overlap With the help of bulk insulation.

So that the insulation served for a long time, it is necessary to provide a layer of waterproofing and good ventilation. The more difficult insulating and ventilation system At home, the more comfortable and the dwelling is the dwelling, and the more you need to take into account the consumables.


The cost of the roof depends on its configuration. It can be a duplex, single, flat, holm, tent, multi-cycle. At the same time, it can be simple or attic, with built-in windows or without them. For the construction of the roof, such materials are needed:

  • insulation;



    mounting foam;


Calculate the materials for the roof can be together with the box of the frame house. But if you need to build a non-standard roof, it is better to use a special online calculator, which provides for a set of parameters.

Windows and doors

For accurate calculation, you need to know which windows and doors will be installed. Windows can have a different number of cameras. Doors come out different materials and S. various options Accessories. This expense article is better to calculate individually. However, the openings are an important component of the box of the frame house, and it is necessary to take into account when calculating the main materials.


Frame houses are lightweight, therefore, with their construction, tape or pile foundations are used. The calculation of the foundation is based on the data of the already projected and calculated skeleton - the mass of the house, the load per 1 square meter. meter base, etc.

To properly design the foundation, the features of the soil on the plot should be taken into account. In particular great value Having depth of climbing groundwater And the bunch of soil.

Video Description

For the foundations for a frame house, see the video

The foundation, as well as the box and the roof of the cottage, can be calculated using the calculator. To do this, find online program, specifically designed specifically for calculating foundations. However, if this program does not use a specialist, it can enter inaccurate data and get erroneous result of calculations. Therefore, it is better about the foundation to additionally consult with a qualified builder.

Video Description

In the following video, an example of calculating the columnar belt Fundament:

Effect of steaks on the cost of the house

The smaller the distance between the racks, the more consumption of materials for the construction of the house. In addition, with a small step, the design is obtained sufficiently time-consuming in the construction. On the other hand, too much step makes the building unreliable, and the use of some insulating and insulating materials - Impossible.

It is very important to competently choose the width of the step of the racks. Experts recommend choosing step parameters ranging from 50 to 70 cm. In any case, the rack cannot be placed more than 1 meter from each other. With this step, the house will be stable and durable, and when it is trimmed, it will be safely used comfortable and inexpensive typical materials.

There are online calculators, with which you can separately calculate the racks for the skeleton house. They need to indicate the material of the rack and the view of its cross section. For preliminary calculations The use of such a program may be too complicated, but very informative.


To pre-calculate the cost of the frame home, you can use the convenient online calculators. They make it possible to think good enough of the future of the cottage and prepare for communicating with designers and builders. But in no case should you perceive the data obtained by the help of online readers as truth in the last instance. The exact calculation of the frame house can only be made by specialists, as it will take to consider to create a complete estimate a large number of Variables on which no calculator is simply designed.

The design of the frame-paired building includes the calculation of the number of all materials. However, such information may be required long before the project to determine the characteristics of the structure. To make a decision, it is better to make the calculation of the frame-shield house in several options, changing the number of rooms, their location, total area, floors. In this way, you can choose the best project optimal and not exceed the cost planned for the construction.

What makes the frame-board house?

The frame-panel house is going on the following technology:

  • the foundation is erected: slab, columnar or ribbon finely breed;
  • a frame of a certain thickness of a certain thickness and length is assembled (the timing step depends on these parameters);
  • captured shields with thermal insulation are delivered to the construction site, of which the walls are collected (that is, the frame is fixed by shields);
  • the beams of the inter-storey overlap are laid;
  • a roof with a residential or non-residential attic is constructed;
  • the draft floor is laid (on the 1st floor, on the upper floors and on the attic, if they are provided);
  • at the request of the customer of the building, the walls are additionally insulated outside;
  • facing the external walls using the hinged facade technology;
  • from inner Walls are separated suitable material (for example, plaster and painting or trim tree).

Based on this technology, a list of building materials is drawn up, of which the shield houses in private construction are built. Then the amount of and cost is calculated. It is important to make roundings to the biggest way to avoid the shortage of the necessary building material in the process of erection of the object.

The following building materials will be needed for the construction of the facade:

  • bar for the framework of the frame 140x45 mm or 150x50 mm;
  • oSB plates, chipboard, CSP, collected in shields in factory conditions;
  • basalt wool plates for additional insulation facade on the thickness of the timber;
  • waterproofing fabric (type isogen) to protect the frame from precipitation;
  • 40 mm thick beam for the device of the crate under the finishing material;
  • facing facade, for example, PVC Siding, block house.

Shield frame house

The consumption of materials for outer walls is calculated based on the facade area, taking into account the size of each wall. To do this, know the size of the shields that manufactures the plant. Also assembling panels can be made directly on the construction site. In this case, the consumption of materials on 1 shield is taken into account, then the resulting number is multiplied by the number of necessary panels.

One shield is assembled from the following layers (from the inside out):

  • inner covering from OSB plate (chipboard, CSP) with a thickness of 10 mm;
  • side frame (board 145x45 mm, the distance between racks up to 60 cm);
  • insulation (basalt wool thickness of 150 mm);
  • horizontal controlled bar 45x45 mm;
  • insulation (basalt wool 50 mm thick);
  • windproof film;
  • outdoor shap (board 20x90 mm);
  • osb OSB (chipboard, CSP) with a thickness of 10 mm.

How not to make a mistake in the calculations?

Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the facade, you can calculate the amount of each building material necessary for its construction. However, the errors are difficult to avoid if there is no experience of such calculations. That is why it is better to contact the specialists. For example, on the site you can find out all about the construction of frame houses and order development individual project. The calculation is made for the entire object, including the facade, foundation, partitions, overlaps, roofing materials, engineering communications.

In low-rise construction, the frame houses are becoming an increasing niche. The demand for these types of buildings is constantly growing. There are a number of objective reasons why we have repeatedly mentioned in our other articles.

Recall only that in addition to high construction rates, the frame houses at 22-30% are cheaper than buildings from other materials. The justification of this can be a simple calculation, and it is that it is important to take into account, doing the cost of paying on, our today's conversation will go.

It is worth mentioning that there are quite a lot of framework construction today, each of them has its own negative and positive sides And you can choose the construction option for an already ready-made project.

If you decide to build a carcass house on your own, be sure to pay attention to the features and nuances that should be taken into account in the calculations. It was on them that we decided to pay your attention today, instead of teaching you to elementary things that you probably know how to do it yourself (to calculate the area, for example).

Build a frame house. Choosing materials and their effect on calculations.

Materials for the construction of a skeleton house are the most significant component of its construction costs. The main part of the construction budget depends on their choice.

First of all, timber will be needed:

  • Bar of various sections
  • Edged board H \u003d 50 mm
  • Edged board H \u003d 20 mm
  • Planclosure H \u003d 25 mm

The selection of the rack and transverse timber for the power construction is performed depending on the size of our house and materials to create wall covering, from the selection of the insulation and the roof design, in which it is necessary to take into account the weight of all roofing materials. For calculation required section Brous We need to know the total load (weight) of the entire design.

In order to go directly to the execution of the calculation of materials for a frame house, you must initially have a design project of the future at home. It is based on all the rest technical documentation To the house and the need for specific quantities and one or another material for each of its species is calculated.

In addition to timber, it is necessary to accurately consider the need for materials as accurately as possible.

  • Foundation
  • Roofing
  • Insulation, hydraulic protection
  • Wind and vaporotchists
  • Outdoor decoration
  • Interior decoration
  • Engineering networks and communications (water supply, sewage, materials for power supply device)

It should be remembered that until we finally decide on the choice of basic materials for the house and roof box, with outdoor and interior decoration, the calculation of the force structure will not make senseif we are just not ready to overpay for the reserve of the strength of the strength laid in the calculation of the cost of the frame house.

Generally worth counting last (although inexperienced builders start with it) and only after it is defined total weight whole building and composed internal planning Taking into account the placement of furniture in the house. IN otherwiseAlso, as with the power construction, we will give a foundation too large a margin of safety, which will lead to a change in the choice of its design and again - to the overruns of materials on its device.

Depending on the characteristics of the construction of frame houses, there are certain differences in design solutions And, accordingly, in choosing materials. diverse. It is they who make up the greatest amount of costs.

The most detailed information on the materials and the basic rules of their choice for the construction of frame houses are provided.

Important in the calculations of the skeleton house. Consider the ambient temperature

From what temperatures are dominated by the locality, where construction is planned, it depends, whether in a new house heat (if, of course you do not build a lightweight house for giving only with summer accommodation).

To calculate, you will need a table indicating the coefficient of heat transfer resistance selected for the construction of basic materials. The calculation must be performed both for the design of the walls and for the design roofing cakeSo that the heat does not go through the attic overlap "on the wind".

Based on such calculations you get minimal thick Roofing cake and walls sufficient on the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer to ensure that the house is warm.

It is much easier to perform calculations if construction is provided for the so-called canadian technology, where for the walls of the walls and covering the roofs is used as the main material of the sip-panel (Sandwich assembly from plate OSB. and insulation between them).

Knowing the parameters given by the manufacturer of the material (including the mass of panels), to calculate the need for timber products much easier. This technology, by the way, today is fully considered the most advantageous of all the options for frame construction, and at the same time the simplest to fulfill the calculations when solving to build a house on their own.

Nuances when calculating the roof

Performing the calculation of the roof, it is necessary to take into account not only bearing abilities Bay overlap, lag, but also the choice of roofing material, its volumes and weight.

Special attention should be paid to the design of the roof, taking into account the wind roses prevailing in your area and the power of the air masses.

It is not recommended to build high acute-angled roofs if in your area prevail strong windsotherwise it will be necessary to take into account this factor and when calculating add a certain margin of safety - more often place the roof crate, choose a thicker timber for the device rafter systemmay even pick up a tougher roofing coating.

Features of the calculation of foundation

In standard structures of frame houses, lightweight types of foundations are usually used: monolithic ribbon small-brewed or pile.

Most. simple option pile Fundament It is considered screw. It is rapidly built and requires smaller costs.

To calculate the required amount of piles, besides the mass of the entire house and the load of it on the square square meter, it is necessary to take into account the quality and condition of the soils on the site allocated for construction.

Additional criteria that should always be remembered - ground bunch and depth of groundwater. If you are guided in the calculations only by the parameters of the house itself, and not to take into account these factors, then the insufficient blocking of piles or the belt foundation can lead to the fact that when freezing the expanding soil simply "will" raise "your home, which will definitely lead to deformations in its strength design.

The framework of construction technology is a comfortable, simple and relatively low-cost way of erection of residential and non-residential buildings. It is on this technology that can be built by residential. Such a house is characterized by comfort and high energy efficiency due to excellent thermal insulation. In addition, such a house has a slight weight, which means it can be built on screw piles. Building technology is described.

There are no ideal construction technology today, there are some disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages of frame houses are considered.

In conclusion, it remains to add a banal council: so that the house is reliable, durable, warm and served you for a long time - instruct the calculations to the design specialists.

Video on the calculation of the material for the construction of a skeleton house using the program

Filimonov Evgeny

Reading time: 5 minutes


Calculation of a frame house

How to calculate the frame house. Selection of material. Determination of all components of a frame structure.

To build a reliable house, it is necessary to correctly perform the calculation of the frame house, for visual understanding in which a penny will cost construction. This article will tell, as the correctness of the choice of materials occurs their effect on the calculation. How does the environment affect the calculated indicators.

How the calculation occurs separate designs Buildings, roofs and foundations. The correctness of determining the cost of racks and walls of a frame house, insulation, as well as roofs. What are you need necessary materials To calculate windows, doors and finishing structures.

What needs to be taken into account when building a house. The cost of heating and communications.

Today frame construction Popular more than ever before. The fact is that the calculation of the value of the construction of the same shield house shows: the cost of such a structure will be at least 30% less than the cost of a similar home from any other material. Calculate lumber consumption, the cost of cladding for a frame house is not so difficult. This will be reviewed in the article.

It goes without saying that finished materials Under framework construction in a common estimate will occupy the largest share. Their consumption will be a significant part of the budget designed to build.

First of all, attention should be paid to the consumption of lumber.

In particular, the following materials will be needed for the shield house:

  • Bar of various sections;
  • The cutting board with a cross section of at least 5 centimeters;
  • Cutting board with a cross section of 2 centimeters;
  • Screen boards with a cross section of 2.5 centimeters.

Calculate the value of the transverse and racking bar is not so simple: here it is necessary to take into account the size of the future structure (its area), as well as the heat-insulating material that will be used during construction.

Calculation of the design of the roof of the shield house, the choice of roofing material will also affect the final cost of construction. However, calculate the number roofing material is not so difficult.

In addition to the products of the woodworking industry, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials for the following:

  • foundation;
  • windproof and vaporizolation;
  • waterproofing and thermal insulation;
  • roof;
  • external and interior decoration;

Various engineering communications type of water supply, electric wiring, drain, snowstore, sewage and other things.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

Ask a question expert

When calculating the cost of the rack and crossbar, you need to consider the size of the future at home, as well as the type of insulation used.

By the way, the calculation of materials for the structures described above should be performed only after the household owner determined with the material of the houses and roofs. From them already "dancing" and everything else.

Of course, if a person is ready to spend money to create a reserve of the stock of the strength of the house, then the calculations can not be made so scrupulously, but after all, the frame houses are erected, most often, precisely because of their cheapness.

The ambient temperature and its effect on the calculation

From the climatic features of the terrain, where the construction of the house is made, it will depend warm in the house. This is a well-known fact. The only moment when the climate can not be considered if it is erected country houseiKwhich is planned exclusively summer accommodation.

Here to make a calculation of the amount, the table will necessarily need a table indicating the coefficients of thermal resistance different materials, moreover, it is necessary to calculate all the indicators separately and for the walls of the building, and for roofing cake, otherwise it will be simply a simple to go through cearsal overlaps And there will be no sense.

Based on such calculations, you can get the final needed thickness Walls and roofing pie, which will be sufficient to maintain heat in the house (by thermal resistance ratio, again).

It is also much easier to make calculation and if you know all the parameters of materials in advance (for example, the weight of all designs), which installed the manufacturer.

Usually, frame houses are supplied as a household complex, so all these values \u200b\u200bwill be easy to find out (usually all this is indicated in documents that are mandatory together with the domocal complex).

Interestingly, if the house is built on Canadian technology, from sandwich panels, then materials for its finish will be required at a minimum. The fact is that in such panels, the insulation is already mounted in advance, that is, they have a thermal insulating layer.

Most often manufacturers as heat insulating material Sandwich panels use precisely mineral Wat. It turns out that outside the house will not need to be insulated at all (it means that the costs of the cost of the cost of the cost of external insulation, and leave only the calculation on the internal).

The calculation of thermal resistance indicators must be carried out separately for the walls of the building, and for the roof.

Sample as visualizing the selection of materials.

Step 2.

Step 3.

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How much is it worth building a frame house: Calculate on the online calculator

To know exactly how much it costs to build a house in 2016, calculate the price of an online calculator. This is a convenient aggregator designed to introduce the necessary information and the operational result.

What data should be entered into a frame house calculator

Calculation on the calculator of the frame house is carried out without the cost of value mounting work. The result is not accurate, but as close as possible to the ultimate cost. Prepare to enter the following data in special forms:

  • Type of construction: residential or country house, hangar, warehouse, other object (choose from the proposed menu);
  • The number of floors (there is a "one and attic" et al.);
  • Design width;
  • Design length;
  • Height of the floor;
  • Material for the construction of bearing (non-carrier) walls, partitions (in our case it is LSTK);
  • Roof shape (one, bartal, complex or hip).

Cost includes the right amount Frame elements, hardware for fastening and instructions for self-assembly.

How to save on the construction of a skeleton house in Moscow?

There are several inevitable evidence that the construction of a skeleton house turnkey is the most inexpensive type of construction. What do you manage to save:

  • On the project: first, typical projects with sections of architectural and constructive decisions We have cheaper. Secondly, you order a household complex and the project will cost you for free. Minus 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • On the foundation: The weight of the frame is distributed evenly on the entire base area and is about 37 kg per sq.m. The use of a heavy foundation will be extended - here you can do lungs. screw pile. Minus 2/3 of the cost concrete foundation ;
  • At the build assembly: to attract professionals for the construction is more profitable, because it eliminates non-compliance with technological subtleties and reduces the period to a minimum. The cost of installation is calculated at a rate of 2 thousand rubles. per square meter the buildings. However, light profiles of the frame can be collected with their own hands, because the weight is even the most large detail does not exceed 100 kg. So you can save on the assembly. Minus 200 thousand rubles. (at a house of 100 sq.m).

The amount will vary depending on the selected materials for finishing (inside and outside), from the complexity of the project, the presence (absence) of the attic or the second floor, type of roof. Decide with the details, enter them into the calculator and get the final amount. You can also consult our specialists in price by sending a request in the feedback form in the section