Diseases of violets and their treatment. Why violets have soft leaves: the main factors and treatment of plants Violets wither leaves what to do

Among the many most beautiful and original home flowers, a special place is traditionally given to violets. Saintpaulias are cute and bright plants, which originally decorate the window sills. However, these are quite whimsical flowers. Improper care and lack of attention from the grower leads to diseases and other problems, one of which is wilting of the leaves.

Common causes of wilting violets

Despite the unpretentiousness of this flower, problems sometimes arise when growing it. Elastic, dense, slightly velvety violet leaves begin to wither. What could be causing this problem? There may be several reasons why the flower gradually withers. The most common ones are listed below.

1. Often, violet leaves wither due to the presence fungal disease... The bacteria that cause Saintpaulia can infect the soil through the tools used to open the soil.

3. Excess moisture- Another reason why violet leaves begin to fade. Do not water the plant daily. It will only harm him. V winter time just one (in extreme cases, two) watering per week is enough. It is very important to avoid stagnation of water in the pan of the pot. After irrigating the flower, the excess liquid must be drained after 30 minutes of time. Watering is recommended only after upper layer the substrate dries up.

Untimely watering also leads to a loss of turgor in the leaves. Here the solution is one - to water the plant as soon as possible. However, after long drying, it is impossible to water the plant abundantly - this will lead to its death. Moderate watering should be carried out, or even a mini-greenhouse should be built for the flower in order to increase the humidity of the air.

4. Often the wilting of the plant occurs due to root injuries or other factors that negatively affect it. So, the problem is often caused by a strong overgrowth of roots. Small planter in this case, it leads to serious diseases of the violet.

However, oversized pot will not give good results- the diameter of the pot should be three times less than the diameter of the rosette. V otherwise air exchange is disrupted. Root system with a large volume of land, it is not able to absorb all the moisture - as a result of which the soil sour and the roots begin to rot.

5. Poor quality soil Is another common cause of violet wilting at home. These indoor flowers react extremely negatively to the content in the soil: mold, aggressive chemicals, pathogenic microorganisms, large debris, plaque. Sometimes violets wither due to the content of impurities in the substrate. In rare cases, the soil is not suitable for the plant in terms of acidity or in its general composition.

6. Withering of Saintpaulia in some cases is a consequence root system burn... If you overdo it with fertilizers, the plant can get very sick. It is very important not to overuse feedings. For a flower, it will be sufficient to apply fertilizers only once a month. In late autumn and winter, the violet does not need nutritious "cocktails" at all.

7. Lack of light- Another factor leading to the wilting of the flower. During the day, the violet should be well lit for 10 - 12 hours. V winter period when the days get short and cloudy, this time is shortened. In this case, it comes to the rescue.

Overabundance of light also negatively affects the well-being of the plant. It is undesirable to place Saintpaulias on the southern windowsills - they do not tolerate scorching sun rays... This leads to wilting of the leaves. If you have no other choice and have to grow plants in a south window, you should use shading.

8. The cause of wilting may be low temperature air, to which the disconnection leads central heating, excessive airing of the room in winter. And if, at the same time, the plant has a moist earthen lump, then with a high probability hypothermia of Saintpaulia will occur. It should be understood that in a plastic pot the flower will survive this cooling better than in a clay or ceramic pot, because the less moisture evaporates, the less cooling.

How to stop wilting?

Noticing the wilting of the leaves of a flower, do not despair. This phenomenon is completely preventable. If the cause of the disease is a poor substrate, the plant should be transplanted. It is necessary to thoroughly shake off the root, rinse in a solution of potassium permanganate and use healthy, high-quality soil for planting. When the cause of wilting is an excess of moisture, you only need to reduce watering. In any case, sagging, weak, too soft leaves are recommended to be cut to a healthy area. In many cases, the violet can be saved by digging a small hole near the stem. Providing oxygen will allow you to quickly revive Saintpaulia.

If you are unlucky and the roots of your violet have completely rotted, you need to clean the stem to healthy tissue and root the plant in water, after adding crushed activated carbon to the water. You can also try rooting healthy-looking leaves in the water so that there is a better chance of the plant recovering.

Any houseplants require attention, care, proper care, and violets need it more than others, since they are very susceptible to external conditions.

If the violet withers, its leaves wilted, it means that something is not to her liking, but it is extremely difficult to find the reason for this state of the flower, because there can be many factors.

Still, let's try to figure out what could be the matter, if suddenly Saintpaulia shows signs of wilting or illness, and how to restore health to your beloved flower.

Violets are very beautiful ornamental plants, but at the same time they are very capricious. Any violation of their habitat can affect the appearance of the flower. They are also susceptible to pests, especially fungi. Consider the most common reasons why saintpaulias can wither.

Lack of light or too much light

Violets per day need to receive at least 12 hours daylight... In winter, when the days are short and cloudy, they may lack light. In this case, they must be illuminated with artificial lamps.

An excess of light radiation also negatively affects their well-being. In addition, they absolutely do not tolerate the flattening rays of the sun. It is worth the plant to stand in the summer on the windowsill, on the south side, as in a few days you will notice that the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither.

Light should be moderate. Its deficiency or overabundance causes the flower to wither.

Improper watering

The root system of Saintpaulias is located close to the soil surface. If you water the plant with a strong pressure, the soil will be washed out and the roots will begin to bare. You may not immediately notice this under the leaves, but the plant will definitely respond to discomfort.

Violet, in general, is very sensitive to watering: you need to moisten it 2-3 times a week in summer and 1 time in winter. Excessive moisture, or, conversely, drying out, will also cause a sluggish state in the violet.

The quality of the water is also important: it is better to purify it through a filter or settle well. Water temperature during watering should be at least +18 degrees.

Lack of fertilizers or satiety with them

Often the leaves of the violet wither because the plant does not have enough nutrients... This happens especially often in spring when the flower begins to grow intensively and especially needs feeding.

But if you overdo it with vitamins, you can seriously harm Saintpaulia. Therefore, it is very important to follow all the recommendations indicated on the preparation that you use for feeding.

Bad soil

A store-bought flower may look healthy. Plants are usually flavored with nutrients to keep them marketable condition... But the quality of the substrate is not always good.

In any case, it is recommended to transplant violets purchased in stores, since no one will tell you exactly what kind of soil they have, and how long they have been in it.

For transplanting, it is best to use a ready-made substrate intended for special Saintpaulias, it can be found in any florist's shops.


If a disease is detected, action must be taken quickly:

  • separate the plant from the healthy ones,
  • treat with a medicinal product (in flower shops you can find remedies for any pests),
  • and then transplant the saintpaulia into fresh soil.

Temperature and humidity

Violets love warmth. They need a stable temperature in the region of + 18-25 degrees. At lower rates, they freeze, when hung, they fade. They do not tolerate well and sharp drops temperature. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in rooms where there is always an even, stable atmosphere.

The plant is also sensitive to air humidity. The optimal indicator is 60-70%. But Saintpaulia will take it easier high humidity than dry air.

Don't keep flowers over heating devices, and if the air in the house is dry, place containers with water near the pots.

Violets also do not like drafts, so placing them near open windows, under an air conditioner or fan is not the best option.

What to do if the violet withers

To find the cause of the wilting of a plant, it will be necessary to exclude all factors one by one. We'll have to reconsider everything: watering, and conditions of detention, and fertilization, and check the flower for pests.

Sometimes, after adjusting the rules of care, the violet returns to normal. If, in your opinion, you are doing everything right, and the Saintpaulia continues to wither, transplant it into fresh soil and a new pot.

Also, don't forget that Saintpaulia needs to be transplanted annually. If this is not done, it may stop blooming and wither over time.

If the violet withers and no action can return it to its previous healthy appearance, do not be discouraged. Remove all drying leaves and cut the rosette at the root. Put it in water and wait for it to start new roots, then transplant it into a pot. Perhaps this is how you will be able to save the plant.

Home violet - delicate flower, acutely reacting to any sins in growing conditions. Most often, correction of care allows you to save the plant. If the leaves have just begun to wither, an urgent need to establish the cause and eliminate it.

Why violets wither leaves and how to help a flower

Among the reasons for the wilting of violet leaves there are practically no fatal ones: most of them can be dealt with if you start to fight in time. Only diseases and pests will cause trouble; the rest of the reasons are related to the conditions of detention.

Incorrect lighting

Violets should be exposed to natural light for at least 12 hours a day. And if in the summer there is enough light on the windowsill, then in winter the violets necessarily require additional lighting with artificial lamps. The spectrum should be selected so that it is as close as possible to the natural, solar one. Fitolamps are suitable, as well as conventional fluorescent lamps with white light.

If lighting is to blame for the wilting of violets, it's easy to fix.

Violets can also begin to wither from an excess of lighting, more precisely, from its intensity: the point is the scorching sun, which often happens in summer in the case of southern windows. If it hasn't gone too far, moving the pot to a moderately lit area can help the plant heal itself. Perhaps, the burnt areas of the leaves will have to be carefully trimmed.

Watering flaws

The roots of the violets are shallow, so you need to water them carefully. Even watering with a stream can cause exposure of the roots, which will affect the health of the plant. A excessive moisture will lead to their decay and, possibly, to death. But even in overdried soil, violets do not grow. They are watered through a pallet, little by little, but often: 2-3 times a week in summer and 1 time in winter, clean water room temperature.

It's even better if the violets take water from the sump through a wick.

If the roots have begun to rot from the overflow, the violet must be transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil, cutting off the spoiled fragments. Well, if the leaves wither from drought - it's not at all difficult: add water!

Improper feeding

Both lack and excess nutrition can harm violets. The plant is especially demanding for nutrition in spring, when the intensive growth of the green mass begins and preparation for flowering. Violets are not fed for a month after transplanting and in the case of too dry soil. The rest of the time, podkomki is given 2 times a month, using complex fertilizers, preferably specially designed for violets. But after the appearance of the buds, nitrogen is excluded. Overfeeding, especially nitrogen fertilizers, can play a bad role: in this case, the leaves grow unnaturally, become, as it were, loose, and the corresponding increase in the root mass is not observed. As a result, the slightest change in the whiskers can cause the leaves to wilt.

If the owner knows that he missed top dressing, it is enough to add it (in the spring with an emphasis on nitrogen, in the summer on potassium). With excess nutrition, only transplanting into fresh, slightly acidic soil will help, consisting of a nutritious part (sod land with humus or compost), fillers (rotted pine needles, peat) and disintegrants (permit, verticulite). There are many recipes for preparing soil, but it is much easier to buy a ready-made mixture in the store.

The optimal composition of microelements is selected in special fertilizers

Air characteristics

Violets love a stable temperature in the range of 18-25 о С and air humidity 60-70%. And if they tolerate a slight increase in humidity, then dry air is harmful. Therefore, if the pot is near the battery, you should purchase a humidifier. It is easier to adjust the temperature; as a rule, changes caused by the state of the air are completely reversible.

Diseases and pests

This is the worst option: it is difficult to recognize the disease, but it can be cured, although not quickly. Immediately, the plant must be isolated from others, try to establish a diagnosis and apply a suitable drug. A transplant will also be required. Most often, violets overtake late blight and fusarium: fungal diseases, which are treated, for example, Fitosporin.

Fusarium initially appears as brownish spots

Many pests can be detected by examining the leaves through a magnifying glass. These can be thrips, nematodes, ticks. A number of pests settle in the ground, so a transplant is required.

Photo gallery: pests on violets

The result of the action of almost invisible nematodes - swelling and unnatural growths on the roots Thrips settle on the leaves and look like the smallest white streaks Among ticks, the most noticeable and harmful is cyclamen

But treatment without modern insecticides or acaricides is unlikely to be possible. Many drugs are suitable, but it is advisable to choose those that are approved for use at home. A number of drugs have systemic action, destroying both insects and ticks. These are, for example, Agravertin, Fitoverm and Vermitic: when using them strictly according to the instructions, you can reliably destroy pests without harming the owner.

Video: what to do if the plant cannot be saved

There are many reasons for the wilting of violet leaves, but we must not forget about the most elementary: perhaps the plant has been sitting in a permanent place for a long time. And it needs to be replanted annually.

Houseplants are living organisms that require proper care and worries. Violets are no exception. Their life is overshadowed by pests that have entered the house through the window, outerwear, shoes. Diseases brought into the house from a flower shop or a spontaneous market are affected. Consider what to do and why the leaves can be lethargic and curl inward.

Among houseplants, the most common viral diseases... The presented table will help determine what exactly struck the plant and choose a treatment.

By the shape of the lesion, you can determine what exactly the flower is worried about.

Powdery mildew: how to save at home

Problem How does it manifest What to do

Powdery mildew

The leaves become whitish in appearance, as if they were sprinkled with flour.

When trying to wash away - the result is zero.

It first appears on the stems, then it is transferred to leaves and rosettes.

Black dots join.

Remove affected areas (cut off leaves, flowers, stems, shoots).

Treat all plants in the house sparing means:

dissolve 2.5 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water;

50 g soda ash 40 g laundry soap, 10 liters of water;

15 g of chopped garlic, pour 1 liter of water, stand for 24 hours in a dark place;

spray sulfur powder directly on the plant, wrap it with a pot in a plastic bag for 12 o'clock;

1 tsp baking soda, 2 - 3 drops liquid soap, 1 liter of water (first try this mixture gently on small area each plant, since it is perceived differently by indoor "inhabitants");

In advanced cases, you should take advantage of fungicides(sold in flower shops). They are diluted with water, sprayed according to the instructions.

Create an accurate watering schedule.

Do daily airing of the home.

Reduce nitrogen fertilization.

Increase phosphorus and potassium in the soil (fertilizers are available in specialized stores).

Powdery mildew attacked the violet

Fusarium: what kind of care is needed

No less dangerous for violets. The manifestations of the disease include the following points:

  • The petioles turn brown, fall off quickly.
  • Dark roots easily detached from the ground.
  • The ground is wet and heavy.

For treatment, you need to remove the plant from the pot and examine the roots. If healthy ones are partially visible, separate with a flower. Tear off everything unhealthy, leave the sockets intact.

Transplant into dry fresh soil... It is better to discard a heavily affected violet altogether (for the safety of other flowers).

The last stage - pour the diluted "Fundazol" (dissolve 1 g in 1 liter of water) all vegetable world in the House.

Fusarium disease of a plant

Late blight and gray rot: when to disinfect the pot

Late blight

Too wet soil.

Wilted leaves.

Brown small drying out stains.

Cut the healthy top of the outlet at an angle, treat it with an anti-fungus preparation (buy in the garden center), leave it in a separate bowl with water for rooting.

Everything the rest is thrown away.

Neighboring flowers, a pot - must be treated in the same way as an outlet.

Gray rot

The fabrics are soft, watery to the touch.

Visible gray bloom.

The violet seems to be fluffing.

Different parts die off quickly.

Throw away everything bad in appearance and touch.

Transplant into dry soil (first freeze the ground at minus 18 in the freezer, thaw, dry).

Reduce watering.

Monitor the air temperature ( optimal for violets- 16 - 23 degrees).


The next disease on the list is rust. When it is hit, the violet leaves are covered yellowish spots, from below - with rusty pads (when pressed, spores fly away). Subsequently, they disappear with the stem.

Late blight Gray rot Rust

Vascular bacteriosis

Manifestations of the disease: almost transparent spots are visible in different places, sometimes the plant licks.

Appears at an elevated air temperature, respectively, it must be reduced to a maximum of 25.

  • Discard old plants(for the continuation of the genus of a favorite species, a couple of young healthy leaves are enough to root).
  • Provide good ventilation air in the summer.
  • Treat with special preparations intended for such a disease.

Bronze viruses: how to treat at home

With such viruses, the leaf plates of violets change in color, the leaves take on an ugly shape, the plant does not bloom, and is sluggish.

Treating at home is simple: it is necessary remove weak areas flower and start pest control (they are carriers of the virus).

When transplanting, make sure there is a hole in the bottom of the pot for a drain. excess moisture... Expanded clay should always be the bottom layer, water will not accumulate there.

Vascular bacteriosis Mosaic virus Necrotic spot virus

The main pests of violets

Aphids, ticks and scale insects

Name How to find out What to do
Aphid Green midges is in the buds, drinks all the juice from them.

With numerous colonies, sticky discharge is observed everywhere.

On initial stage- collect by hand;

Can be washed off with soapy water.

At a large number - apply the drug "Actellik" (add 1 ml to 1 liter of water, process twice).

Mites The old lower leaves turn brown, as if depressed.

They multiply rapidly and move to the growth point, destroying it.

Violet stops blooming.

The species resembles a plant punctured by a needle.

Spill with plenty of water.

2 options are possible here:

- throw away

- process chemicals 2 hazard classes ( harmful to humans, therefore, when spraying, wear a protective mask and gloves, work only in the fresh air).

Shields and false shields

Small sticky ones stand out.

Soak a cotton swab in soapy water, carefully treat all places, periodically changing the tool

(can be simplified: dip the plant upside down in a bowl of warm soapy water, hold, rinse, change the pot and soil).

Aphids Tick-infected Leaves

Thrips: how to deal with plaque

These are small dark insects with an elongated body that enter the house with particles of poplar fluff. They live and breed in anthers.

Thrips move quickly, fly over, changing their location. They lay eggs in delicate rosettes, anthers. From them larvae quickly hatch, devouring young shoots.

Manifestation of infection: the flower looks eaten, pollen is visible on the peduncles.

You need to get rid of thrips as soon as possible.

For this:

  • Cut off all flowers with buds immediately.
  • Process chemicals with a low hazard class (number 3 is indicated on the package).
  • Safer for people apply a decoction of ash(300 g of dry product per 10 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, add a little laundry soap for better adhesion).
  • To enhance the effect, apply a small amount of dry ash directly to the soil.

Legs: treatment

These insects crawl on the ground, processing it. They get to the plant with soil, they do not harm the plant itself.

Nevertheless, if there are a lot of them and it is clear that the roots are eating up - a violet transplant, having drained the earthen room beforehand.

Nematodes: why the plant withers

Nematodes are earth-dwelling worms that devour roots, releasing toxins. Affected plant is weak, may wither, poorly developed, no flowers.

You can see the pest by examining the roots (they will be thickened, like unevenly strung round beads).

The solution is one - discard the affected plant, the pot is disinfected. It is not possible to save.

Woodlice, mosquitoes and midges, whitefly

Woodlice Oblong crustaceans, settle only when there is moisture and uncleaned dead remains. We'll have to clean up and dry the house. To do this, wipe window sills, shelves with flowers, floor chlorinated water(in low concentration).

Inspect wet rooms- kitchen, bathroom, pantries (this is their habitat when it is wet and there is something to profit from).

Ventilate the room, dry the air... In dry, warm, clean house woodlice do not live.

Mosquitoes, midges We saw flying pests - examine the violets carefully.

Adults do not harm, and their black-headed larvae are dangerous.

Walk along the edge of the pot with a pencil from the cockroaches.

Hang up Velcro to catch flying insects.

Change the earth.

When leaving, do not overmoisten.

Whitefly Infected with mushrooms leaving a whitish discharge. Then these places darken and dry. Catch adults with duct tape.

Fight the larvae with a soapy 1% solution (wash the leaves from below several times a day).

Spray infusion of garlic(Pour 1 glass of peeled teeth completely with vegetable oil, stand for a day, take 2 tsp of liquid in 0.5 ml of warm water).

Always keep an eye on the temperature of the water you use for maintenance or treatment. It should be warm, the same as body temperature.

Thickening on the roots - a manifestation of the nematode Invasion of woodlice Midges Whitefly

We have repeatedly considered ways to help plants with ailments and insect damage. For example, .

Symptoms: white bloom, leaf is flaccid, may curl inward

When there is a great desire to have healthy Saintpaulias in the house, you should study the technology of cultivation and care, so as not to harm by their actions.

Many are interested in the question: why leaves can curl? In addition to insects, viruses and fungi, other symptoms are present.

  • Spots on the leaves... They say there is a lot of moisture. Drain the soil. When watering, do not pour onto outlets. Protect from direct sunlight.
  • White bloom... Indicates drafts. Check, when you ventilate the room, how much the air temperature changes. Sharp fluctuations do not work well.
  • Withering violets... Cut off the shoot - the brown ring will tell you about the fungus, try to look for healthy shoots, root them. If there is no darkening, she is very sick. Throw it away so that others do not get infected.
  • Leaves curl downward, inward... The diagnosis is an overflow. Try to reanimate: remove the roots from the wet coma, rinse in warm water, place in a small pot.

Do not bring to a painful state, do prevention:

  • Bring certified products into your home.
  • Inspect when buying... Doubted about the health of the purchased product - do not take it.
  • Bought - quarantine(takes three weeks). Let it get used to it, and you, examining, make sure of your health.

Taking care of bright violets is not difficult. The species created by breeders are resistant to lesions. It is not for nothing that they occupy a leading position among indoor species... Following the rules - be sure to make friends with them.

Any indoor plants require attention, care, proper care, and violets need it more than others, since they are very susceptible to external conditions.

If the violet withers, its leaves wilted, it means that something is not to her liking, but it is extremely difficult to find the reason for this state of the flower, because there can be many factors.

Still, let's try to figure out what could be the matter, if suddenly Saintpaulia shows signs of wilting or illness, and how to restore health to your beloved flower.

Violets are very beautiful ornamental plants, but at the same time they are very moody. Any violation of their habitat can affect the appearance of the flower. They are also susceptible to pests, especially fungi. Consider the most common reasons why Saintpaulia can wither.

Lack of light or too much light

Violets need to receive daylight for at least 12 hours per day. In winter, when the days are short and cloudy, they may lack light. In this case, they must be illuminated with artificial lamps.

An excess of light radiation also negatively affects their well-being. In addition, they absolutely do not tolerate the flattening rays of the sun. It is worth the plant to stand in the summer on the windowsill, on the south side, as in a few days you will notice that the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither.

Light should be moderate. Its deficiency or overabundance causes the flower to wither.

Improper watering

The root system of Saintpaulias is located close to the soil surface. If you water the plant with a strong pressure, the soil will be washed out and the roots will begin to bare. You may not immediately notice this under the leaves, but the plant will definitely respond to discomfort.

Violet, in general, is very sensitive to watering: you need to moisten it 2-3 times a week in summer and 1 time in winter. Excessive moisture, or, conversely, drying out, will also cause a sluggish state in the violet.

The quality of the water is also important: it is better to purify it through a filter or settle well. Water temperature during watering should be at least +18 degrees.

Lack of fertilizers or satiety with them

Often, violet leaves wither because the plant lacks nutrients. This happens especially often in the spring, when the flower begins to grow intensively and especially needs feeding.

But if you overdo it with vitamins, you can seriously harm Saintpaulia. Therefore, it is very important to follow all the recommendations indicated on the preparation that you use for feeding.

Bad soil

A store-bought flower may look healthy. Usually, plants are flavored with nutrients to keep them in a marketable condition. But the quality of the substrate is not always good.

In any case, it is recommended to transplant violets purchased in stores, since no one will tell you exactly what kind of soil they have, and how long they have been in it.

For transplanting, it is best to use a ready-made substrate intended for special Saintpaulias, it can be found in any florist's shops.


If a disease is detected, action must be taken quickly:

  • separate the plant from the healthy ones,
  • treat with a medicinal product (in flower shops you can find remedies for any pests),
  • and then transplant the saintpaulia into fresh soil.

Temperature and humidity

Violets love warmth. They need a stable temperature in the region of + 18-25 degrees. At lower rates, they freeze, when hung, they fade. They also do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in rooms where there is always an even, stable atmosphere.

The plant is also sensitive to air humidity. The optimal indicator is 60-70%. But Saintpaulia can handle high humidity more easily than dry air.

Do not hold flowers over heating devices, and if the air in the house is dry, place containers with water near the pots.

Violets also do not like drafts, so placing them near open windows, under an air conditioner or fan is not the best option.

What to do if the violet withers

Also, don't forget that Saintpaulia needs to be transplanted annually. If this is not done, it may stop blooming and wither over time.

If the violet withers and no action can return it to its previous healthy appearance, do not be discouraged. Remove all drying leaves and cut the rosette at the root. Put it in water and wait for it to start new roots, then transplant it into a pot. Perhaps this is how you will be able to save the plant.