Cherry - Growing and care. Why saves a sweet cherry: improper care, weather, pests and diseases

Cherry is a thermo-loving plant.

Despite the fact that cold-resistant varieties are now displayed, the largest harvest will still have southern trees.

Unlike his relative of Cherry, this berry has more large size and less susceptibility to disease.

Pests on cherry also appear less often.

Nevertheless, she is still exposed to a terrible attack - drying.

Why dry a sweet cherry and what to do?

At that moment, when cherries begin to dry out the branches, the gardener should be triggered. If you leave this fact without due attention, the tree will soon fit completely. It is necessary to determine as soon as possible the cause of drying and immediately eliminate it.

Here it is immediately worth a reservation on the issue of mistakes when planting cherries. She loves a lot of light and well-ventilated terrain, preferably on the hills, even if artificial. Like any thermo-loving plant, even frost-resistant varieties should be protected from northern winds. The most favorable soil is a sandy or medium divine. Failure to comply with these rules can strongly affect the development and growth of cherry.

Why does it dry even planted for all the rules of the sweet cherry?

Probable reasons:

- adverse weather conditions;

- diseases;

- pests.

Adverse weather conditions

The lack of breeding types of cherry is that frost-resistant varieties are extremely poorly tolerated drought, and vice versa, the varieties, perfectly feeling in conditions high temperatures, do not bring frost.

Drinking a sweetheart from the heat - what to do?

In the hottest years, the scorching sun literally burns the soil and all the vegetation on it. The main reason for drying the cherry during this period is the lack of moisture. Regular and abundant irrigation will help to correct the situation. In order for moisture to penetrate as much as possible, you can dig a small deepening around the trunk.

Some gardeners after watering are covered with the soil around the cherry trunk with large leaves or artificial materials.

What to do, so that the cherry does not dry by frost?

As unprepared by winter, a sweet cherry can freeze in a strong cold. The most harmless of what it can turn into - dried kidneys and young shoots in spring. The worst option is a cracking trunk, which becomes defenseless before disease.

How to avoid freezing:

abundant fertilizer the roar zone in the fall;

- trimming of the affected branches;

- russing the dead crust;

- Tempets trunk lime solid or coating water-emulsion paint;

- Young seedlings protect, completely covering them with insulating material, having previously driven by a pegs around the trunk and compactly folded the crown.

Cherry dries away from diseases

What to do with verticilestrosis

Increasingly, many gardeners complain about drying cherries without visible reasons already in early spring. First, small branches begin to dry, then large branches dry out and after 2-3 years the tree dies. Probable cause is a verticillosis disease.

First of all, young trees suffer from this misfortune to 7 years. A bright symptom of the disease is a rusty rusty-colored gum from cracks on the crust. With the worst coincidence of the circumstances, the cherry dies in one season.

More adult trees are better coping with this fungal disease, so it flows slower. Gradually, peeling the cortex strips, abundant leaks are observed. Before complete drying, the cherry can pass 8 years.

Powerful antifungal agents will help cure a plant, which are in large quantities offered in specialized stores. The gum must be considered, and all sections are treated with Garden Warr. In front of the winter, the affected tree is deprived by a solution of lime and copper mood.

In order to eliminate the likelihood of the disease, it is necessary to select the landing site with a special thoroughness. If a groundwater Take a close to the surface, the drainage is required. Next to the cherry can not be squeezed with strawberries, muggy, grated cultures and sunflower, as they are also susceptible to the verticillosis.

Cherry roots should be protected from damage, because the fungus penetrates the tree through the soil. It also does not hurt in preventive measures to spray the plant before flowering and before leaf falling burgue liquid.

What to do with moniliosis

Many types of bone cultures are subject to moliniosis. Cherry no exception. During the flowering period, the spore fungus fall into a tree through a flower pestle. After that, the flowers are falling, and then drying the shoots and branches. It looks like the consequence of a fire, so the disease is also called a molinial burn.

Measures for treatment:

- cut off sick branches, capturing a small healthy area to get rid of the fungus, after which they burn them;

- make a sanitary crown of crowns for better ventilation, after which cuts to treat garden borants;

- to smear the garden Vary all cracks in the cherry core;

- After the leaf fall, it is deeply overhauling the soil around the trunk to destroy the spores of the spore fungus;

- Immediately after flowering and a month after it, treat the tree by bordrian liquid or copper vitrios.

Cherry dries off due to pests

What to do with the defeat of the California Shield

The first time after the damage to the cherry, it is completely unnoticed, since insects have a small size (adults are about 2 mm). In addition, they have a protective color. Only after several life cycles On the cortex appear anti-dead flaps.

The shield is powered by a cherry juice, so in the places of its accumulation of the bark cracks and peeling, which is also visible sign of defeat. To get rid of pests, you should cut the affected areas and burn them. After that, it is necessary to treat the tree by pesticides. Otherwise, the cherry is waiting for death.

What to do with the defeat of the cores

Immediately it is worth noting that there are several varieties of coroes. Western unpaired coroede strikes absolutely healthy trees than and is danger.

The fruit savory chooses predominantly old and weakened trees. Young and severe plants are well opposed to these pests.

The first sign of damage to cherry cherries is the presence of moves in dried branches.

Methods of struggle:

- obligatory good care, comprising regular watering, trimming, spraying and feeding;

- the affected tree should be treated with the drug from the crusty of early spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys;

- dried branches are subject to trimming and burning.

What to do if the reasons for drying cherries are not defined

If the cherry dries out, and the signs described above and the causes are not found, first of all, attention should be paid to the root system. It is likely that the May Khrushch fed roots on the site. Or maybe it's a mole or a whole anthill in the roots? Remember what fertilizers you made under the tree, because two times the overall normal of the urea or azophoski can destroy the village. Try using spraying with stimulants: epin, zircon and others. This will help the tree recover from stress.

If the roots are all right, the pests are not found, and the cherry fades in front of the eyes, it is necessary to contact an agronomist specialist in fruit trees. Eyes even experienced gardener May not see what they see the eyes of a professional.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when complying with the rules of landing and faithful care, the cherry will please the gardener with a great harvest over the years. Proceedings of the gardener will not be left without award, because these large and delicious berries besides everything else and are also very useful for health.

Cherry - not particularly prompted culture, but very tender. Therefore, it is very often ill or stops fruit, even dies from the attacks of pests. Of course, there are varieties that are considered resistant to various kinds of insects, fungal infections, but most of the cherries and cherries still need to be processed with the aim of prevention, and during the formation of stocks and ripening fruit to provide competent care to trees.

Only in this case can you count on good harvest. Than to handle the sneaker in spring from diseases and pests - we will tell in detail in this article.

The question of a more suitable processing time here is more than appropriate, because a more thorough approach is required to care for fruit trees. Otherwise, all measures taken may be further unsafe for health due to the saturation of berries by chemicals.

Experienced gardeners offer a special scheme when spraying a sneaker from pests, and that's what it looks like:

  1. The second half of March. These frames are sufficiently conditional, as it is more necessary to focus on specific climatic conditions. Here, the moment of stable temperature will be fundamental - from 5-6 s, and the absence of snow. Special attention During this period, the cracks in the trunk of trees are given, since it is there that can winter and wake up insect hooks. All cracks and chips should be carefully cleaned, embedded with special paste, and the damaged bark of the barrel is removed. Only after that spend spraying.
  2. April.Cherry processing in the spring at this stage is aimed at protecting the appearing flowers of flowers, as well as from fungal infections.
  3. May. Cherry spraying in the end of spring is prevention and insects, and from diseases. Be sure to wait for the completion of the flowering process.

Important! The processing of fruit trees is repeated in autumn during the preparation of plants for the winter.

What to process?

Spring care for sweet cherries should be thought out. Excessive measures are not welcome only to prevention, as they may eventually affect quality and environmental safety.

Therefore, all folk remedies and professional drugs are used mainly as needed, based on the specific situation. As prophylactic measures, a spraying of cherry in spring only with light solutions is permissible.

Professional preparations from pests and diseases

The greater efficiency of protection and treatment of fruit trees was noticed by gardeners when using such funds:

  • "Carbofos";
  • "Inta-Vir";
  • "Rovyikurt";
  • "Benzophosphate";
  • "Antiline";
  • "Lepodocide";
  • "Nitrafen";
  • "Oleokuprit".

Which of them are better to use when attacking certain pests, consider below.

Folk remedies for sweet pests

Here are the most popular of them:

  1. Copper vitrios - bred for spraying in a proportion of 100 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Iron vitrios - used by 10 liters of water 300 g of powder.
  3. Bordeaux mixture - used for spraying a cherry 3% solution, diluted with 10 liters of water.
  4. Urea - 700 g of the mixture is bred 10 liters of water.

Important! Urea is used and during the autumn care of cherries and other bone trees.

Pests of cherry

Bone fruit trees are striving to attack a variety of insects, worms, so when growing it is necessary to carefully refer to the state of the plant and know than and when to spray a sneaker from pests.


The hawker is a large butterfly, to distinguish which can be on white wings with dark streaks. In itself, the insect for plants is not dangerous, but her offspring - caterpillars, very quickly eat sweets and other trees, shrubs.

Given the special fertility of this insect, the harm and damage for the garden will be obvious and noticeable very quickly. Under the winter caterpillars weave on the leaves of cocoon cherries and stay in them.

Measures to combat this type of sherry pest:

  1. Spraying - urea at the end of March. If they got up to April, it is better to carry out all the procedures at the very beginning of the month, so as not to burn the kidneys and maritime.
  2. Mechanical cleaning of plants from cocoons.

Cherry Dumplings

This pest often not only brings significant damage to the garden, but also causes the death of cherry. He devours foliage, kidneys, buds, and in the fruit makes the masonry of your eggs.

Mechanical measures of struggle:

  1. Trunks and branches thoroughly work out from the crust.
  2. Turn these sections with limestone.
  3. Removed bark and damaged leaves burn.
  4. If they found insects during the swelling of the kidneys, shake them from the branches, pre-squanding under the tree sheets, and smell.

Important! Redoad the soil near the tree, as it is here most often these insects.

Spraying cherries from pests in this case will be effective if applied:

  1. Preparations "Roviikurt", "Carbofos", "Inta-Vir". On 1. adult tree It will require about 4 liters of the solution prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Camomile tea. For its preparation 100 g of flowers, pour 7-8 liters of water and leave one day. Then add 60 g crushed economic Soap And spray on the plant.


Other names of this pest are a gold, golden silkworm. In the appearance of finding it easy - this is a white butterfly, the abdomen from which fluffy, has a golden shade.

The butterfly harm itself does not bring, but her caterpillars eat very quickly all the foliage on the fruit tree. If it does not make a spraying of cherry from this pest in time, the branches will remain completely naked, with cocoons attached to them.

Important! Note that the caterpillars of the golden silkworm are very toxic. In humans, they can cause allergies with such symptoms:

  • Rash on the skin, the formation of scars.
  • Suffocation.

The mechanical method of struggle includes:

  • The use of light and pheromone traps.
  • Removing nests with caterpillars manually.

Important! When manually deleted, be sure to protect yourself with gloves and respirator.

Spraying cherries is better to perform in spring, before the start of flowering tree.

Best of all, such solutions were shown in practice:

  • "Carbofos" and "benzophosphate" 10 percent concentration;
  • "Lepodocide" - on 5 liters of water is divorced 20-30 g;
  • "Antiline" - the proportion of the mixture: 5 liters of water, 25 g of the drug.

Important! If the kidneys have not yet blocked, you can also spray the sneakers from pests with the drugs "oleokuprit", "nitrafen".

Winter Pyadenitsa

Winter Pyadenitsa is one of the most dangerous sherry at night butterflies. It makes significant damage to trees at the beginning of autumn, when the branches and the foliage of the web, which lays his eggs. With the onset of spring, hungry caterpillars will get over, which devour the foliage, kidneys, flower buds.

The fight against this pest is carried out in the fall. To do this, carefully pumps the soil in the rolling circles. After that, it is necessary to spray sweet cherry.

The most suitable in this case are such solutions for processing:

  • "Benzophosphate" - 60 g is divorced by 10 liters of water;
  • "Carbofos" - will be required for the same amount of water 80-90 g;
  • "Chlorofos" - diluted 20-30 g in 10 liters of water;

Important! Also suitable "COLOR" and "NEP" in the concentrations offered by the manufacturer.

Ring silkworm

This is a kind of night butterfly, which has a beige colors, dark strips are still observed on the front. Damage to the garden, usually cause the caterpillars of this insect, which eat the leaves of cherry and others fruit plants. The danger consists in the fact that they are easily moved from one plant to another at the bottom of the wind.

Mechanical removal measures are similar to the fight against other pests of this type. As for the spraying of cherries, it is necessary to do this in the spring and best for processing such drugs will be suitable:

  • "Carbofos";
  • "Zolon";
  • "Metation";
  • "Nonkey";
  • "Chlorofos";
  • "Phosphamide";
  • "Nitrafen";
  • "Oleokuprit".

Fruit pincers

Crescents are more often striking red and brown varieties that spring suck juice not only from leaves, but also from the kidneys. As a result, the yield of the tree can sharply decrease, and next year the tree may not survive the winter.

How to make a sneaker in spring from pests like ticks:

  1. The preparation "DNO" is used if the kidneys have not yet blocked. We need 1-1.5% solution.
  2. "Metaphos" is quite a concentration of 0.3%. Used after the blooming of the kidneys, but before flowering or after it.
  3. "Phosphamide" - 0.2% solution. Apply, like "metaphos".


Major beetles begin to actively multiply at the end of the spring, and at this time the females lay their eggs into the land of the priority circle of cherry. The next 3-4 years of the larvae grow due to food roots of the tree.

It is possible to manually search and remove the larvae, but it is very laborious and not always efficiently.

Therefore, it is better to use other techniques:

  1. Detention.
  2. Disembarking near white clover cherry.
  3. Cherry processing in spring preparations "Bovterin", "Actorphit", "PhyTenerm".

Important! Also, the trees can be treated with the onion husk, which is prepared in proportion 1 part of the husk on 3 parts of the water. It is better to insist for a week, after which the resulting means is diluted with half water. Watering is performed in the evening.

Cherry sawlik

The mucous sawder is an insect of about 5 mm long, black with transparent wings. Mass aluminum of this pest appear after harvest.

Therefore, it is at this time that a spraying of sweet cherries from pests will be effective.

  • 10% "carbofos";
  • 25% "Rovikirta";
  • 15% "chlorofos".

Important! Also, handle the cherry helps the infusion of ordinary chamomile and black whites.

Escape Mol

It is very dangerous pest Cherries. Externally identify it in the following signs:

  • reddish tint;
  • the presence of white spots and a dark transverse strip on the body.

Crawler of cherry moths gnaw leaves, kidneys, buds. On the branches after their invasion there are lumps that resemble wool and excrement.

To combat the cherry mol, the method of spraying of sweet cherry with the following drugs is suitable:

  • "Trichlormetafos-3". It will be required by 10 liters of water to 100 g.
  • "Carbofos" - 75 g diluted 10 liters of water.
  • "Iskra" - suitable for processing cherry in the middle of spring.
  • "Kinmix" - after flowering, for a solution of 1 tablet is divorced by 1 bucket of water.

Important! You can also apply folk remedies for processing, such as infusion. wood ash - On 2 glasses of powder take 3 liters of water. A day later, a soap chip is added to the finished infusion, they bring to water to the volume of 10 liters and dissolve in the mixture another 40 ml of vinegar.

Cherry Fly

Another very malicious insect, which is able to destroy 90% of the crop of sweet cherries, as the cherry flies are powered by the juice of berries, and their larvae - the flesh. Fruits in the end drawn, rot, the fruits fall out.

Measures of struggle:

  1. Autumn deep plowing.
  2. Spraying 2 weeks after the flip of flies noticed, with re-processing after another 2 weeks (usually the first processing is made at the end of April). "Metaphos", "carbofos", "chlorofos", "spark", "zipper" are used.

Important! Also for good Development Cherries need to be thought of the rejection measures of birds that are giving off berries and reduce the yield of cherry.


There are several diseases that are most susceptible to seedlings and adult cherry trees. But with each of them you can effectively deal with, if you know how to make a sinner in the spring.


It manifests itself with reddish spots on the leaves, which in the absence of appropriate measures in the future yellow, dry and fall.

Treatment of cherries in spring against this disease is carried out in 3 navigation:

  1. The beginning of flowering - the solution is suitable iron Campwhich is prepared from 300 g of powder on the bucket of water.
  2. After flowering - to process the siny with the drug "Horus".


With this disease, not only foliage is damaged, but all the tree as a whole:

  1. In the affected areas of foliage, first form brown spotswhich are then converted into holes.
  2. Berries are covered with spots and dry out.
  3. The bark is cracking, gum flows out of it.

The struggle is carried out in stages:

  1. An early spring processing of cherries is performed by a solution of copper mood or nitrafen preparation. Including the trunk of a tree, soil under it.
  2. After flowering, it is better to use burgue liquid or preparations "Topaz", "Horus".
  3. After another 2 weeks, the sinner can be treated with burgundy liquid.

Buuray spotty

Similar to the previous disease, but the foliage suffers more from him. The plant is treated with burgue liquid and the drug "Hom".


This ailment of cherry manifests itself with fading of leaves, drying of branches, rotting berries.

Processing is performed in 2 stages:

  1. Before the swelling of the kidneys can be treated with "Zinb", "oleokuprit", "downtown" or burgown liquid.
  2. After flowering - preparations "Capanta", "Hom" or copper chlorokis.


In this case, fruits and leaves are affected, which shrore, acquire an olive-brown shade, are covered by cracks. The prevention of the disease is performed by the drug "Nitrafen" in early spring.

If there are signs of the disease, then another 3 stage of spraying cherry burgundy liquid appeared:

  • when the kidneys begins to bloom;
  • when flowering ended;
  • when the entire harvest is assembled.

The garden pests are very much, and it is sweethearts that are most susceptible to their attacks. Therefore, it is very important to ensure timely and competent care for cherries in the spring, so that the crop does not disappoint you, and the trees developed well and fruit each year.

Spring care for sweet cherries consists of several procedures that need to be clearly observed to obtain a full harvest. If they are not observed to count on the full growth and the development of the tree is not worth it.

The basic rules for care for cherries in spring: Tips and recommendations

As a rule, the main part of the care of cherries falls on spring periodSince the tree comes out of the rest period after the winter and enters into active vegetation and flowering. To ensure it optimal conditionsIt is necessary to spend several procedures that will strengthen the tree and reduce the impact of negative factors.

Features of watering, loosening and mulching

The cherry refers to the category of cultures that does not tolerate the presence of weeds at the base of the trunk, so it is recommended to carry out weeping The priority circle I. loose the surface of the soil To open air access to wood roots.

The width of the attractive circle for two years after the planting should be about a meter, in the future, as it grows it, it must be expanded by 50 cm annually. Thanks to this, the sweet cherry begins to wake up and form new shoots and foliage, and subsequently bloom. The disadvantage during this period of moisture will negatively affect the fruit of fruits, so it is necessary to conduct timely watering. To do this, use the following cherry irrigation regulations:

  • 1 and 2 annual seedlings - 3 buckets for each 1 kV. m of the coil circle;
  • 3 and 5 - summer trees - 5 buckets.

Important! When watering cherries, it is necessary to carry out a procedure to a soil flue to a depth of 40 cm.

Video: how to water the sneaker in the spring

To prevent the evaporation of moisture, the rolling circle is recommended to close Mulch. To do this, you can use peat and straw, sawdust in this case should not be applied, since they increase the level of soil acidity, which is unacceptable for this tree.

The mulch layer should not be thicker than 5 cm and should not be tightly adjacent to the barrel, so this can be brought to the root of the roots and the bark, and also be the cause of the development of fungal diseases.

Feeding and making fertilizers

After wintering, the cherry should be filtered by fertilizers so that it can recover after winter and strengthen during the current season. The spring period is favorable, since at this time the roots perceive better and assimilate fertilizers. The cherry is a fast-growing tree, so there needs a full nutrition.

When planting young seedlings, the necessary trace elements are made for the development of the root system, but without nitrogen fertilizers. therefore on the next year After landing It is recommended to feed nitrogen at the end of April. To do this, use 125 g of urea to each tree. The drug is scattered in a rolling circle and close up with a wet soil to a depth of 10 cm.

During May, 2 more feeders are held with periodicity of 2 weeks, in the form of a working solution, pouring it into a rolling circle with further soil looser and its mulching. During this period, cherry dressing can be carried out:

  • urea 30 g per 10 liters of water;
  • calcium Selutyra 35 g per 10 liters of water;
  • cow 1 l per 10 liters of water.

For 4 year After landing root system It grows greatly and goes beyond the limits of the priority circle, so in the spring around the perimeter of the tree crown make recesses by 20-25 cm, falling asleep in them 200 g of urea and with further irrigation. In the middle of the summer, 300 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate should be filled into these depressions.

Important! Ignoring fertilizer rules and overstate their flow rate leads to the fact that too elongated branches are formed and the winter hardiness of the tree is reduced.

For the fifth year In the spring, cherry feeding is carried out using ammophos in the ratio of 30 g per 10 liters of water, and it is recommended that in the fall, organic fertilizers at the rate of 20 kg per tree are recommended for each trunk.

As soon as the cherry begins to fully fruit, it is recommended yearly in the spring period to make 300 g of urea, and mineral fertilizers Use from late August and during September at the rate of superphosphate 400 g and sulfur potassium 200 g.

Video: Cherry Cherry Forming Spring Dolomite Flour

Spring trimming

In the spring it is necessary to carry out the proper trimming of the branches of the cherry, which will allow not only to form a crown, but also remove all damaged branches. This procedure should be used in the period when the kidneys did not begin the growing season, but also taking into account the fact that the air temperature should be confident on the plus not only during the day, but also at night.

Forming Pruning should be carried out every spring for a young seedling for five years in a row, in this period, the branch should be shorted to 50 cm in length, as the cherry has increased branches. Starting from the five-year-old age, it is necessary to shorten the branches of 20 cm long. The main conductor should be cut over the sixth kidney above the side branch.

Important! It is impossible to remove the branches on which the kidneys are formed, as this eventually leads to the drying of the main branch.


Spring vaccination Cherries are best combined with trimming, as it will give the choice of a large number of cuttings. The procedure is carried out at a positive temperature, but before the tree begins the growing season.

Important! We need to vaculate the cherry only before processing treatment from diseases and pests.

There are a number of common methods of vaccinations that will help rejuvenate wood, increase the number of varieties and improve yield: eyepiece, in splitting, side shear and copulating. What exactly to choose the method of grafting cherry every gardener determines, based on their skills and experience.

Video: Methods of grafting cherry for cherry

Measures to combat disease and pests

The first stage of protection of cherry from negative impact diseases and pests are timely conducted whitewash stem. The procedure is recommended to be held early in the spring, before the Craer hurts an active spring sun. In addition, the glasses prevent into cracks in infections and pests.

For whitewash, gardeners are used by a working solution of lime with the addition of copper sulfate in the ratio: Lime 1 kg, water 8 l and copper sipop 200 g. This mixture can be replaced by the finished acrylic paint For trees, which lasts longer on the trunk, but it is worth an orderly.

In the future, in the spring, to strengthen the protection, it is necessary to spray the crown and the trunk with drugs that will help culture to cope with diseases and pests.

Spring processing of sweetness from pests and diseases includes three stages of the holding: until the kidney extension, during the formation of buds, after flowering.

The most common fungal diseases of sweet cherry are:

  • moniliosis or gray rot;
  • scab;
  • holey spotty or swasteporiosis;
  • brown spotty or colaporiosis;
  • reddish brown spotty or kokkkomikosis:
  • rust.

The main pests of cherry are considered:

  • haworing;
  • weevil;
  • ring silkworm;
  • sober
  • cherry fly;

For processing it is necessary to use insecticides: Aktellik, Decis, Karate Zeon, Corsair. The processing of pests from pests can be combined with spraying from diseases, since these groups of drugs are compatible in the tank mixture.

Video: Cherry processing from cherry flies

Important! Preparations for garden protection must be alternating, since over time they are addictive.

Video: Cherry processing early spring from diseases and pests

Features Transplant

If necessary, cherish transplant should be understood that it can survive this procedure saplings are not over 3 years old. Conduct a transplant is an early spring before the start of the sludge. To do this, they dig a sapling with a lounge and transplant to a new place, taking into account the fact that the tree prefers outdoor solar sites that are maximally protected from cold wind gusts.

For the best surrounding sapling It is recommended to pour it to workers. solution "Korninner" and compact upper layer Soil so that the roots make as much as possible with the ground. Branches to shorten on 1/3 of length, since the root system will not be able to provide the entire krona.

Features of spring care for cherries depending on the country's region

When growing and care for sweet cherries in various climatic conditions It must be understood that the zoned varieties that are suitable for each particular region should be selected. This will help to avoid further serious problems and freezing the tree.

In the regions Middle strip (Moscow region) It is recommended to hold the latest feeding of cherries with nitrogen-containing fertilizers no later than the end of May, since later the introduction leads to the active growth of shoots and moves the preparation of the tree to wintering, as a result of which young people freezes in winter.

Care for sores in spring in conditions Volga region It begins with the removal of the shelter of the trunk before it becomes significantly a soldering the sun, as it will lead to a silence of the bark and will significantly weaken the immunity of culture.

To grow a full cherry crop in Siberia and the Urals It is necessary to vaccinate the shoots to the zoned frost-resistant varieties of cherries. During the flowering period, the tree should be covered with nonwoven material so that the frosts do not damage the flowering, but leaving several holes in it so that insects can penetrate there for pollination.

Common Spring Care Spring Errors

Often you can hear that all procedures were carried out correctly, and fruit tree So does not bring a full-fledged harvest or significantly lags in growth. All problems with the tree arise due to the mistakes made, thereby negatively affecting its further development. To prevent this, you should familiarize yourself with your common mistakes and care for sneakers in the spring correctly:

  1. If a in time, the kidneys do not dissolve On the tree, the reason for this is a swallowed root neck when landing. It should be located at the level of the soil surface.
  2. Regularly freezes the young. The reason for this may be improperly carrying out nitrogen, which is made exclusively in the spring, but no later.
  3. Reset of wound and foliage is a sign insufficient irrigation During the growing season and flowering.
  4. For absence of trimming It is almost impossible to achieve regular and high-quality crop.
  5. Wood freezing It is a consequence of the fact that this variety is not suitable for this region of the country.
  6. No fruity It is due to the fact that this is a cross-pollination tree, and therefore it needs to be planted next to another cherry or near Cherry.

The sweet cherry is considered a tree, which without proper care is not able to independently give a harvest, so to fell with delicious fruits, it is necessary to make efforts. Otherwise, she will not be able to please you with delicious berries. Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for cherries in the spring.

The sweet cherry is a fruit tree belonging to the sink and family of pink, is considered the closest relative of the cherry.

This thermo-loving plant is known as the bird cherry.

Height reaches from 10 to 25 meters, has lush cron From dark green leaves, it blooms abundantly and fruits sweet and juicy berries.

This is one of the most ancient varieties of cherry, famous to the world.

Very popular plant due to the unpretentiousness of cultivation, fertility and high organoleptic qualities of fruits.

See how an adult garden cherry tree looks like on images below:

Photo Gallery

Cherry fruit value (with photos)

The berry of any variety of cherry has a special value for the human body, because it has a unique composition of vitamins.

The high level of iron provides a beneficial effect on the blood system and the level of hemoglobin. Fructose contained in its composition not only gives sweet taste, but also allowed to use children, diabetics and nursing mothers. Beneficially affects the state of the intestinal tract, contributing to its cleansing.

For a detailed acquaintance, examine photos of ripe fruits of sweet cherries, which are presented below:

Photo Gallery

Berries of this fruit tree have valuable chemical compositionthat makes them such useful, dietary and in demand in the diet:

  • they practically do not contain fat, but rich in carbohydrates (up to 16%);
  • rich in a berry with organic acids and healthy sugars (fructose and sucrose);
  • contains vitamins: C, E, groups B. The composition contains iodine, iron, sodium, calcium and potassium.

The cherry has a large amount of pectic substance that contribute to the jelly formation process.

What is the fruit tree of a cherry look like: what is his berries and leaves

Description garden Tree Cherries need to start with overall characteristics external view. it wood plant It is an average of 12-14 m high height, with a lush crown in the form of an ellipse, thickly covered with leaves. It has a horizontal root system, which with age can spread and vertically deep into the soil. It grows quickly and unpretentiously.

The bark is thin, brown with a small amount of peeling on the surface. Elegations can be formed both with the presence of one of the interstitial and a single one (such shoots are longer).

Carefully look at the photo of an adult tree of cherry, it will help in its detailed study:

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Fruits are round or a bit elongated shape, with a juicy sweet pulp, thin skin and a spherical bone inside. Juice is almost transparent and fragrant. Berry color can range from yellow to a dark burgundy shade. It depends on the variety of wood and ripeness of fruits.

What leaves from the sweetheart tree, it is easy to present, because this is the closest relative of Cherry. They are oval with one pointed end, thin and wrinkled with bright pronounced streaks, but in color a little lighter than the foliage of Cherry. The edge is a bit "drowned" with a zigzag cut. The length reaches 14-15 cm.

About how healthy sweetheart leaves look like, it is possible to judge, based on the color and the forms of the leaf itself. Normally, the foliage has a homogeneous color, has elasticity and sufficient amount of cell juice.

Signs of pests may be:

  • sharp yellowing of the leaves and their dryness during flowering or fruiting;
  • the appearance of red and brown small spots;
  • the presence of dry holes in sheets;
  • bringing and growing on foliage.

For a more detailed understanding, look at the photo with the image of healthy sweetheart leaves:

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What year is a sweet cherry after landing, and what is the yield from one tree

One of the most beautiful and important periods for fruit trees is flowering time. After all, it is from him that the number of future crop depends. Cherry belongs to self-visual types of trees who need other trees to pollinate. therefore best way To achieve full-fledged color pollination will plant several copies in the garden with a simultaneous flowering period.

Cherry blossom in normal comfortable conditions happens abundantly. The crown of wood is covered with a juicy greens and umbrellas of white colors, in the diameter of reaching up to 2.5-3 cm. Inside each there are yellow stamens 4-5 pieces and 1 pestle. Despite the relatives of cherries and cherries, pollination between them is possible only one-sided. Cherry individuals are not capable of pollination of the sweet cherry, but the pollen of the cherry tree can well be fertilized by the cherry blossom.

The timing of flowering of cherry trees depend on its variety and place of growth. The first flowers appear in southern trees in mid-April, and more northern plants - closer to mid-May. Stable bloom comes with average temperature Air day 18-20 degrees. It lasts this "beautiful period" from 20 to 25 days on average, but there are varieties, whose flowering period is no more than two weeks. The first flowers appear a little earlier than the first young sheets bloom. Its fluffy white color is a plant attracts a lot of attention insects. Compared to other bone fruit cultures, Cherry - in the first place in the number and quality of nectar. Also, the color of cherry is valued among beekeepers due to their abundant and valuable honey.

In order to visually explore the description of the blooming cherry, look at the photos below:

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The amount of crop from the tree depends on a number of factors:

  • landing sites;
  • trees age;
  • degree of care.

In addition to the right place to plant a tree in the garden, you need to choose a grade suitable for weather conditions. If it is the northern and eastern countries of the country, then the selected variety should be frost-resistant in order to survive the cold.

It relates well to moderate feeding fertilizers, but does not tolerate overly fertilized soils. In addition, this variety of fruit tree loves light, so it should not be planted in the shady side of the garden.

The active fruction of the cherry tree begins from the end of June to mid-July and at the age of 7-8 years, but from the age of five, small yields may appear. Unlike many fruit trees, a cherry gives a harvest every year. For proper trimming, fertilizer and watering the activity of fruiting over the years can grow (up to 50 kg). The amount of crop depends on the variety of wood, some fruit with early age, and some on only 11 or 12 years old.

Therefore, to know what year after landing is actively fruitful with a cherry, find out the name and features of the variety. So, for example, from 5 years we have fruits of such varieties like Zepul, Golden Cherry and Franz Josif. In 8-9 years, white bordeaux and black dyber are distinguished by a large yield. Between the ages of 10, in principle, begin to be fronit garden gradesIf this does not happen, pay attention to the state of the tree: it is possible, it is affected by pests.

The yield of a healthy cherry in a mature age from one tree can reach 20 kg per season, but especially high-yielding varieties can give up to 50 kg. This quantity depends on the degree of pollination of flowers during flowering period. That is why it is best to plant several trees different gradesso they will be mutually polluted, and thus bring large quantity Harvest.

Where and how the sweet cherry is growing, the list of popular varieties

About where the cherry is best grows, it can be judged, based on the climate of the region. Since this is a thermo-loving plant, not a loving shadow, it is best for it on the sunny slopes of southern Europe, Crimea, Iran, Turkey and Asia and in general in the strips with a warm dry climate. Less often occurs culture in America, Africa and Australia. It can grow in the woods in a wild form, it differs from garden smaller crown dimensions and smaller berries.

The sweet cherry grows poorly both in sandy and in rotten wet soil. She does not like excessive moisture or dryness. She likes loose fertile soil, with the possibility of spreading roots deep into the layers.

This plant is very common in our edges due to delicious and healthy fruits.

Based on the characteristics of the crop, all fruit varieties are divided into groups:

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Gini includes varieties with a very gentle flesh, which have sweet and soft berries. They have high organoleptic qualities, but losing them during storage. The savings period is very small, which makes such berries unsuitable for transportation. This group mainly includes grades with early ripening of fruits.

Bigarro is a group of cherry varieties with a denser structure of berries that sweet and juicy taste. Such varieties are widely used not only in the latest form, but also for conservation. In terms of heat treatment, the pulp of such berries is not welded and retains the form of the fetus.

The most popular and common fruit varieties of garden cherry trees are:

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This is not the entire list, breeders have more than 4000 varieties of this delicious berry. All of them are good and durable. It grows and fruits such a tree up to 100 years, which makes it possible to enjoy delicious and helpful fruits not one generation.

The competent selection of seedlings, planting cherries and care for it - that's all that you need to enjoy juicy berries from this tree in 5-6 years. Some beginner gardeners think that a cherry is a thermal-loving tree and grow it in the northern regions is problematic. In part, it is so, this fruit tree is very demanding to environmental conditions. However, the warming of climate and the targeted work of breeders allowed the cherry to "move" far into the central and even northern regions of the country. In nurseries, in garden centers, even in online stores there is a huge selection of cherry seedlings, including winter-hardy varieties. Therefore, to plant and grow this tree can almost any gardener.

How to choose a seedling for landing

May live up to 100 years and reach in height up to 12, and some copies and up to 30 meters. Once putting a cherry, you can get the rest of your life from this delicious "dividends". The main thing is to choose a seedling that will come true without any problems.

Buying a young village, you need to pay attention to such details:

  1. Preferred Purchase Place - Fruitwhere the tree was raised. If nurses are not nearby, then you can choose a seedling in the garden center. The most unreliable options that threaten the acquisition of auction is a purchase via the Internet, in the bazaars at the dealers and dachens.
  2. The label is a "face" of a seedling. It should be detailed information about the grade. If the seller has a passport (act of approbation, test protocol) on the plant is the best option.
  3. Seeding age - Not older than three years.
  4. Appearance Sedna - The bark should be smooth, without any damage. Rights on a slice light and elastic (not brown drunk), without growths and cones. The roots should be three, the length of each is about 20 cm.
  5. If the sapling is bought In the spring - necessarily the presence of kidneys, if in the fall - foliage.

Choosing a young cherry, pay attention to the seller and its qualifications. And also on what conditions seedlings are stored.

Local nursery, as already mentioned - this is the most suitable place to buy a sapling, but why? Because the seal grown in these climatic conditions has more chances to take care and give high yieldsthan brought from afar. A zoned grade is also advantages in the phenofliness, the quality of berries, the regularity of fruiting, resistance to diseases and the durability of plantations.

If the seedlock was raised in the south, and plant in the central or northern regions, there will be little sense from it. Distinguish the southern seedling in total mass It is easy enough - the tree itself is a stronger, but the root system is poorly developed. The bottom kidneys in the village are removed.

Also, experts do not advise buy seedlings, whose:

  • there is no trail from vaccinations on the trunk.. Such plants are most likely not varieties and come into fructing late, flavoring quality berries. Middle or low
  • no branches. On such plants, the formation of the crown will take a lot of time
  • poor condition of the conductor. The weak conductor with the beginning of the growth of the tree will appear competitors from strong branches
  • two conductors - It is possible to break in half and the death of the tree with abundant fruiting

How to store a seedling before landing

It is possible to plant a cherry in the spring, and in the fall. Some gardeners buy young trees in autumn, and the following spring is planted. If the village bought, but it is not yet possible to plant, it needs to be stored in "comfortable" conditions.

It is necessary to store a tree in a shaded, cool place, it should be reliably protected from cutting and damage to rodents. To do this, they are first kept in the water - from 2 to 12 hours. And then, wrapped with a wet cloth, placed in a plastic bag or sprinkled with a wet tyrsoy.

If the tree is bought from autumn, it needs to be shipped to spring. For this, there is a shallow (50 cm) of the pit, one side of which is 45º. On this side, the seedling is stacked, after which the roots sprinkle the earth, and on top insulate the fact that there is at hand - straw, fairy foliage, sweet snap, burlap, rubberoid.

Some gardeners use such a storage system:

  • Wood roots are saturated with wet tyrsa. Then with help polyethylene film A dense roller is formed.
  • A tree with a sealed root system in this way can be stored until spring in the cellar or basement. It is also convenient to transport it.

However, the very optimal option - This is a landing of a tree on the day of purchase, in a pre-prepared pit.

Choosing a place for landing and preparing pit

The cherry loves the sun, heat and space. Since it can grow very high, this fact must be considered, choosing a landing place - a tree must defend from other at least 4-5 meters so that there are no shading. If you plan to break a large cherry garden, trees can be placed in a checker order.

Nearby must grow other cherries (2-3 grades) or on the extreme case of the cherry, because a cherry is a cross-pollinated plant. The main thing is that the timing of trees coincides.

The optimal place for landing is the southern side of the garden, a place with a slight elevation (not a hill, but also not a lowland), protected from winds. If the south is not possible in the south, the south-west or southeast is suitable. Also, a good idea to plant a cherry from the south side of buildings or fences is a wonderful protection against the northern winds.

The soil must be fertile, and the clay, peat or sandy is not suitable. Also, the land should be well aerated, moisture and moisture-permeable. Even a small stagnation of moisture is destroyed for cherries, so you need to ensure that there is no close grounding of groundwater at the site.

A pit under the landing of cherries is prepared in advance - in a few weeks, it will allow the worried soil to settle. The size of the landing pit is 50 cm deep and 80 cm in width.

At the bottom there must be a layer of soil mixture - fertile land, compost or other organic fertilizer, as well as ammonium sulfate (2kg / 2 buckets of land), superphosphate (3 kg), ash (1 kg) and potash fertilizer (1 kg).

When to plant?

You can plant a sneaker in spring or autumn, it all depends on the preferences and opportunities of the gardener. If the planting occurs in the spring, it is not necessary to focus on a particular month. Spring can be early or late, and therefore it is important not to miss a good moment.

On the one hand, the snow should already go away, the soil can dry, and the temperature does not fall below 0º (even if planted winter hardy grades). On the other hand, the active movement of woody juice should not begin. If the leaves have already blocked on the trees, they will have to climb the landing until autumn.

Most gardeners prefer to plant a snesh in the fall, since at this time of year the most wide selection varieties. But how much is it right? The young, the faster tree almost immediately falls into adverse conditions, and the chances of surviving him less than when landing in the spring, when the owner can observe its development and condition throughout the season.

  • in areas with a warm climate, young cherries are planting in the fall - in September-October. Or pushing out of the weather - you need to have time to plant trees a few weeks before the soil freezing
  • in areas with a cold, northern climate, the landing procedure can be started in early spring until the swelling swelling

Proper planting of cherries is half of the success. Therefore, the process must be suitable with full responsibility.

Instilled landing no matter

Prepared from the autumn or in 2 weeks the landing pit need to protect the roller of the Earth. In a pit, pour a couple of buckets of water rescued in the sun.

In the middle of the pit, a small holmik from the soil is formed (it can also be formed at a time when the landing pit is prepared) and the planting process begins:

  1. A tree, more precisely, its roots, free from packaging.
  2. Leaves, if any, you need to remove carefully - through the leaves the plant loses excess moisture. If the leaves remove the tree "focuses" on the process of education, growth and strengthening the root system.
  3. Roots need to straighten and cut it easier. Place the roots on the surface of the Holloch.
  4. Supporting a seedling with one hand, and periodically shook him, you need to fall asleep roots of the earth.
  5. When the roots are sprinkled, you need to pour a plant with several buckets of water. When the soil finally falls, shove the soil to such a level so that after thrombus, the root neck of the tree rumped over the surface of the earth for 3-5 cm.
  6. The land in the rolling circle should be dissolved and inspired by straw, peat, humidiation or special materials.

Wheel in the center of the planting pit of the peg - it will be a wonderful support for the young tree, until it takes place.

Care in spring, summer and autumn

Cherry, if you put it right, in the future does not require some special care. All activities are quite standard - watering, prevention of diseases, protection against pests, pruning, fertilizer making, etc.

Early spring trunks of seedlings and adults is cherry needed. Thus, you can avoid sunburn bark when it starts to harvest the spring sun. You need to beat not only the stramb, but also the base of skeletal branches.

An important stage in caring for a sapling is the removal of weeds. The cherry does not tolerate any competition, which means that the rolling circle will need to be regularly cleaned from unwanted neighbors. Simultaneously with the weeds, the soils occurs, which allows the roots of the tree to receive more oxygen.

If there is no desire to remove the weeds, you can resort to one of the numerous options to prevent their growth:

  • Landing lawn grass With a shallow root system. Grass will need to regularly cut.
  • Mulching soil with materials, through which weeds are difficult to break. It is suitable pebbles, sawdust, or special observing materials from weeds.
  • Landing in a rival circle decorative plantswho cover the soil. The main thing is that the plants are not demanding of the soil nutrition, moisture and well tolerated the shadow.

If during the season the cherry is growing the roar piglers - it needs to be cut, not allowing to grow.

Watering seedlings and grown trees

Watering cherries should not be abundant, but regular. It is enough to conduct a procedure for 3-5 times per season. In particularly dry periods, the amount of irrigation can be increased, focusing on the state of the tree.

The first watering can be organized at the beginning of spring, the second in front of flowering or during the formation of the berries, the third-fifth after harvesting and further as needed. Water consumption - 2 buckets of liquid for each year, which has lived a tree.

A day after irrigation and after every rain the soil in the rolling collar (if there is no permanent mulch) you need to loosen. With these goals use hoore or handmade cultivator. After loosening the land, the mulch is again covered.

One of the most important polyvoks - before the onset of cold weather. The soil must be tried to impregnate with water by 60-80 cm in depth. This is a great way to increase the winter hardiness of the tree. And also such impregnation will slow down the freezing of the soil in winter.

Treatment of pests and diseases

Treatment of wood from pathogenic microorganisms and insects is carried out immediately after the air warms up to 18º. It is noteworthy that bacteria and fungi, as well as all sorts of pests can be wintering both in the tree bark and in the ground near him. Therefore, spraying from insects should be carried out when insects are already out of the ground.

For preventive treatment You can prepare a solution of 700 g of urea and 10 liters of water.

To scare the pests of cherries can be treated with drugs:

  • akarin
  • agrherthin
  • phytodeter
  • ikra Bio

First spring processing It is necessary to carry out before the kidneys begin to be revealed. If the solution falls on the tree after the start of the creation, the kidneys can get a chemical burn.

To increase the stability of the young tree to unfavorable conditions and chemical, biological, physical and climatic phenomena, during preventive processing it can additionally spray with zircon or any other bioregulator. Due to this, the root formation, growth, flowering and fruiting of sweet cherry are intensified, disease resistance increases.

Attracting pollinkers

Attraction of bees is carried out in order to increase yield. This is not a mandatory, but desirable stage of care for cherries at that time when it starts blooming. It is easy to perform enough, and the results can be impressive.

To attract bees and organize high-quality singers of cherry inflorescences, you can resort to one of the methods:

  1. To put in the garden or in the garden (if it is in close proximity to the planting of cherries), the froths, for example, mustard.
  2. Take a little honey, enough tablespoon, dilute in a liter of water and sprinkle a tree. Insects from afar will feel the familiar smell and fly to it.

Bees that will fly to pollinate cherries will have the same "service" and other blooming trees in the garden.

Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers such as humus and compost are made under cherries in spring. In the summer, in August, you can also feed the trees with organic fertilizers - a cow, a solution of chicken litter.

The need for each seedling and young cherry tree of cherry in the feeder is purely individual. It all depends on how many fertilizers were included in the landing pit, from the age of the tree, the quality of the soil and even weather conditions.

Upborm Mineral Fertilizers

Cherry needs minimal feeding. If the fertilizer is too much, the tree will "live", there will be many new shoots, which will then have to be cut. The optimal time for making mineral fertilizers is autumn.

Some gardeners do not use mineral fertilizers in the first year or two after planting cherries. This is due to the fact that fertilizer-contributed to the landing pit theoretically must satisfy the needs of a seedling. Especially in the case when the soil in the garden is fertility.

Preparation of trees for winter

After the harvest is assembled, sweets leave alone until autumn, periodically watering and treating from diseases / pests in case of need.

In the fall, when the leaves begin to yellow, you need to spend glads:

  1. Last feeding fertilizers with subsequent soil resistance surgeless circles at a depth of 8-10 cm.
  2. It is plentiful to pour trees to be saturated in front of a long period without irrigation. Especially relevant to carry out the centenary waterproofing irrigation in the case when the harvest was high, and the autumn was dry out.
  3. You need to assemble the foliage, it can be burned or if the leaves are healthy - lay in a compost bunch.
  4. The last time to treat the wood with drugs, can be one complex drug against diseases and insects, which are already arranged for wintering in the crust.
  5. Whitage as spring.

The most important thing to do for a young cherry seedling is insulation. Even if the frost-resistant variety was planted, do not forget that the cherry is still a southern plant. It is better not to risk and wind up the trunks of young trees with any air-permeable protective material - burlap, sweetheart, but used for insulation Lutrasil or any other synthetic material is unacceptable, since the tree is performed under it.

In the fall, it is also necessary to carry out a sanitary trimming of a seedling, and then a grimy tree. At this time, branches are also removed, broken under the weight of fruits, during weather, dry or with signs of diseases. It is easy to distinguish such non-viable branches - there are no leaves and berries on them, they stand out against the background of healthy in color and the structure of the crust.

If in front of the cold it is all weak, broken or incorrectly growing taps late in autumn, It is possible to greatly facilitate the wintering of a tree. And for trimming in the fall, it is preferable to use a secator, but manual sawSince the cut from it is healing easier, faster and painless for wood.