How the DHW temperature is measured in the apartment. DHW temperature: Sanpina requirements and regulations

IN chronological order Their publications.

Headers of inactive (canceled) standards are crossed out.

Scroll list see at the end of the file

Internal water supply and sewage systemSNIP 2.04.01-85 *

see the current SP Rules 30.13330.2012

... 2.2. Temperature hot water In places of water, it should be provided:

a) not lower than 60 ° C - for centralized hot water systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50 ° C - for systems of centralized hot water supply attached to "closed heat supply systems;

c) not higher than 75 ° C - for all systems indicated in subparagraphs "A" and "B".

Vault of Rules SP 30.13330.2012

"Internal water supply and sewage system"

Actualized edition SNIP 2.04.01-85 *

"... 5.1.2. The temperature of hot water in the placement places must comply with SanPiN and SanPine and independently of the heat supply system used should be no less than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C."

SanPine 4723-88
"Sanitary rules for the device and operation of centralized hot water systems"

see acting SanPiN

(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the USSR November 1988)

"... 1.7. The temperature of the hot water in the places of water treatment, regardless of the heat supply system used, should be no less than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C.

Note. For the hot water supply system from galvanized pipes with a closed heat supply system, it is allowed to have a water temperature at least 50 ° C and not higher than 60 ° C. In these conditions after repair work Or eliminating emergency situations in systems it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 75 ° C for 48 hours. "


GOST R 51617-2000.

Housing and communal services. General technical conditions

"... 4.16.3 The temperature of hot water at water-based points in consumers should be from 50 to 75 ° C



Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water systems

"1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations establish hygienic requirements for the quality of water and the organization of centralized hot water systems (hereinafter referred to as SCHEV), as well as the rules for controlling the quality of water supplied by the SCGE, regardless of the departmental accessories and the forms of ownership.

1.2. These sanitary rules are mandatory for all legal entities, individual entrepreneursWhose activity is related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water systems ....

2. General provisions

... 2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot centralized water supply systems are directed to:

Warning of hot water pollution with highly contagheagenic infectious causative agents of viral and bacterial origin, which can multiply at temperatures below 60 gr., Among them Legionella Pneumophila; ...

2.4. The temperature of the hot water in the places of water treatment, regardless of the used heat supply system, should be no less than 60 s and not higher than 75 C.

3. Requirements for the design, construction, operation of centralized hot water systems

3.1.10. When exploiting SGI, the temperature of the water in the places of water treatment should not be lower than + 60 ° C, static pressure of at least 0.05 MPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water ....

"Rules and norms of technical operation of the housing stock"

(approved post. Gosstroy RF of 09/27/2003 No. 170)

"... 5.3. Hot water supply

5.3.1. ... The temperature of the water supplied to the water disposal points (cranes, mixers) should be at least 60 degrees. With B. open Systemsah hot water supply and at least 50 degrees. C - in closed. The water temperature in the hot water supply system should be maintained using an automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water system is required. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system should be chosen from the condition of providing the normalized temperature in water disposal points, but not more than 75 degrees. FROM."

Rules for the provision of utilities to citizens

see acting post. No. 354.

"…Attachment 1

…P. 5 Ensuring the temperature of hot water at the parsing point:

at least 60 ° C - for open centralized heat supply systems;

at least 50 ° C - for closed systems centralized heat supply;

no more than 75 ° C - for any heat supply systems "

Rules for the provision of utilities

Owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings

Attachment 1


to the quality of utilities

5. ... Ensuring the matching temperature of hot water at the water-based point in the requirements of the legislation Russian Federation About technical regulation (SanPine

P.S. There is an interesting document: "The decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2013 n AKPI13-394", which sets:

"Sanpine, as follows from the content of it paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements for the quality of water and the organization of centralized hot water systems (hereinafter referred to as SCS), as well as the rules for controlling the quality of water supplied by SCG, regardless of departmental affiliation and the forms of ownership, and is mandatory for the performance of all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water systems.

According to the hot water, the temperature of hot water in the places of water disposal, regardless of the heat supply system used, should be no less than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C. These sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot centralized water supply systems are aimed at preventing hot water pollution with highly contagious infectious causative agents of viral and bacterial origin, which can multiply at temperatures below 60 degrees, among them Legionella Pneumophila, and also to prevent skin diseases and subcutaneous fiber due to hot water quality (paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4).

In this way, Sanitary and epidemiological rules identified requirements for the quality of hot water supplied to consumers when providing a utility service for hot water supply to such an indicator that ensures its safety as temperature. This indicator characterized by minimal (not lower than 60 ° C) and the maximum limit (not higher than 75 ° C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature mode , subject to which the quality of the communal service is ensured. "

The temperature of the hot water in the places of water treatment, regardless of the used heat supply system, should be no less than 60 s and not higher than 75 C.


clause 5.1.2 SP 30.13330.2012 " Internal water supply and sanitation of buildings»

Actualized edition SNiP 2.04.01-85 *;

p. 2.4 SanPine "Hygienic requirements to ensuring the safety of hot water systems ";

5.3.1 « Rules and norms of technical operation of the Housing Fund " (app. Post. Gosstroy RF dated September 27, 2003 No. 170);

clause 5 of Annex 1 "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartmentmads and residential buildings" (approved. The post. Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Amounted to a specialist housing and utilities

The presence of a hot water system is a prerequisite for any modern well-equipped housing. For this reason, each owner of residential real estate is important to know which hot water temperature in the crane according to the 2016 standard should be in the crane.

It should be noted that the hot water supply plays the most important function for consumers. With it, it is reduced by the likelihood of virus and infections, the development of pandemic and epidemiological diseases. Also hot water is a convenience that allows you to maintain cleanliness in the apartment and do not have discomfort while staying in it.

Measure the temperature of the incoming water. Each person can with the help of an ordinary thermometer. Therefore, it is important to know regulatory indicators Hot water approved by government regulations:

  • closed systems - from 50 degrees;
  • open systems - from 60 degrees;
  • joint systems - from 75 degrees.

Having understood what the temperature of the hot water should be in the apartment under the law, one can safely defend its rights to municipal services. At the same time, it is important that there are no deviations in both directions: insufficient temperature will not kill malicious bacteria, and it is unnecessary heat to cause a burn.

It should be noted that the temperature rate of hot water in an apartment building in some cases may differ from the real situation. Communal services have the right to reduce the temperature of the water supplied in water pipeline on the following bases:

  • emergencies arising from the highway or pumping station;
  • failure of housing communications;
  • conduct planned preventive work.

These reasons can lead to suspension in hot water supply. However, the existing standards also describe the duration of the period of water supply to apartment buildings:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours a month;
  • up to 24 hours at accidents.

In practice, utilities quickly often admit the set time disorders. Housing owners themselves affect this situation are not able, but they may require the recalculation of the used tariff tariff. Economists calculated that when the hot water is disconnected, the price should be reduced by 0.15%.

Instantly attract specialists to measure water temperature in hot crane will not work, since there is a clear algorithm for verification. Only his observance will allow the AC to be recognized by communal services and other instances.

If the hot water temperature in the apartment is not respected in the apartment, then it is possible to prove this fact by performing the following sequence of actions:

  • open Crane S. hot water 2-3 minutes to lower the liquid stagnant in the pipes;
  • place a special glass under the stream to fill up to a certain level;
  • immerse a thermometer to the glass, which provides for measuring the temperature regime to 100 degrees;
  • fix the results obtained.

It should be borne in mind that a certain deviation is allowed in both directions from the regulatory temperature indicators:

  • 00.01-05.00 - up to 5 degrees;
  • 05.00-00.00 - up to 3 degrees.
  • explain the reason for the rejection of any work with water supply;
  • take measures to eliminate the detected deviations.

If practical measures to correct the situation within a week is not accepted, it should be referred to local authorities or to the judicial authorities.

It is considered part of the comfort of a person as electricity, gas, heating. It serves for daily needs.

There are rules for the supply of utility services, sanitary standards, where it is written as the price of hot water temperature in the apartment should be. All this is governed by law. What should be the temperature of the hot water in the apartment?

Main norms

The temperature standards of hot water in the apartment is installed by Sanpin. This indicator may be at 60-75 degrees. There are also other rules:

  • no less than 60 degrees - in open heat supply;
  • no less than 50 - in closed;
  • not more than 75 - for both systems.

It is such a standard of hot water temperature in the apartment must be observed. This is necessary in order to completely eliminate malicious bacteria and viruses. But if the indicator is installed above 55 degrees, that is, the risk of getting a burn. Because of this, hot water is used with cold.

The temperature standards of hot water in the apartment in the winter does not differ from the established indicator. The tenants should be controlled. If this does not comply with the standards, it is important to directly apply to the competent authorities to address the issue.

And the temperature above 75 degrees leads to a breakdown plastic site Water pipes that are in many modern apartments. The deviation includes even a minor increase or decrease in indicators. Minimum must be, even if communications and heating equipment Old. The temperature standards of hot water in the apartment is indicated in the contract concluded between the client and the service provider.

Why is it important to observe the temperature regime?

Temperature control is an important need. Failure to comply with the rules leads to the consequences:

  • bacteria reproduction: with low temperatures Bacteria develop very quickly, which is harmful to humans;
  • burn: Strong hot water causes skin damage, because of which it is important to comply with the norms.

It is for these reasons that should be normal temperature Hot water in the apartment. The standard allows us to ensure the rights of citizens.

Causes of temperature decline

Although there is a temperature standards of hot water in the apartment, there are still reasons why the temperature is possible:

  • emergency situations in water supply or communications;
  • performing the prevention and repair of network communications.

When performing such events, hot water is disconnected, which does not affect the quality of life of people. But there are norms where the maximum shutdown time is indicated:

  • 8 hours a month;
  • no more than 4 hours in a row;
  • no more than 1 day at an accident.

If the deadlines were extended, then the recalculation of payment for services is required. It is necessary to reduce the amount by 0.15%.

Checking norm

Communal services must comply with the temperature standards of hot water in the apartment. The general position of the document includes rules for verifying compliance. Residents need to be able to check the water temperature. If there are deviations, then you need to submit a claim. The water testing procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to open a crane, and let the water stands about 2-3 minutes, during this time the cooled liquid will be eliminated;
  • then you need to pour water into a special glass;
  • in the container, it is necessary to immerse a sensitive thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees;
  • it is necessary to wait for the heating of the thermometer, after which the readings are recorded.

Although the temperature standards is in a large range, there may be some deviations. In the afternoon, the indicators differ at 3 degrees, and at night to 5. For every 3 degrees, a rain rate is required by 0.1%.

Where to contact?

If deviations from the norms were noticed, then applying housing and communal services. When the reason lies in the accident, the dispatcher will notify the duration of the repair work. If there is no reason to reduce the temperature, then the application should be applied.

Consideration of complaints of the population is performed quickly. To be sure to consider the application, you need to write its number, as well as to record the time of the call, the surname of the claim that took the complaint. Upon perseverance, man must take measures to restore water temperature. If it is not more than 40 degrees, then the tariff should be like cold water supply.

What if water is poor quality?

The temperature is installed in Sanmpina. The document shows other norms providing a high-quality human life. Water should go transparent, without the taste and smell. For services charge is charged, so if something is not suitable for the standards, you need to complain. Where should I contact if there is no low-quality water?

Consumers need to do the following:

  • it should be called in taller on the receipt of poor-quality water, after which you need to ask the manager of the registration number of the application;
  • within a few days, an inspector from the company or the FAU should come, which is an act of inconsistency of water with proper quality;
  • if the engineer is absent, then the employee of the house should be called management company Or neighbors, and make a document in which all samples.

Ready document has legal force, Therefore, on its basis a statement is drawn up. The complaint must be written almost the same as on temperature. I need to write an application on the head of the housing inspection, pointing regulations And the time of consideration of the document. Only as a reason should be denoted by "poor-quality water".

After that, the answer from the inspector should be received, and you can wait for the problem of the problem. The collective application significantly accelerates the consideration procedure, so the quality of water will soon be restored.

Drawing up a complaint

With violation of consumer rights, a complaint is drawn up. It is necessary to write it according to the generally accepted image, neat and legible handwriting. It is important to indicate who the statement is intended. Usually the document is drawn up on the head of the management company, which is a water supplier.

Be sure to specify all the facts: calls, appeal to employees with applications, visiting the management company. Written complaints are considered much faster, therefore, the results will be noticeable soon. It is necessary to maintain drawn up acts, documents. All this is useful if there is an inaction from the service provider.

When do you need recalculation?

The temperature standards of hot water in the apartment in the summer does not differ from the generally accepted rules. Due to deviations, the cost must be changed during that period during which the rights of the consumer were violated. There are principles of payment of utilities, which are enshrined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. There you can also find information on the presentation of low-quality services, and the rules of their payment.

Hot water should act uninterrupted, and with proper temperature, quality. The recalculation is performed when the deviation from the norm is 3 degrees. Moreover, this concerns the increase and decrease in temperature. The cost of the service should be reduced by 0.1%. If the indicator is less than 40 degrees, the service is paid as cold water.

Reduce the size of the cost over the days or hours if water has been received, it is necessary:

  • the number of days should be divided by the number of days in the month;
  • the resulting amount should be multiplied by the tariff.

The answer will be the amount that is considered a discount for the supply of poor-quality water. These simple tips will help to deal with all questions. Such problems must be solved boldly, because personal money is paid for them. Applications of consumers are usually satisfied, and the supplier improves the quality of services.

The situation when hot water in the crane can not go to the proper temperature level, not so rare. And in order to understand that the problem exists, it is quite necessary to measure the degree of water, enough, try to take the bath. Such an event will be more like hardened than a hygienic procedure. What should be done if the temperature of hot water is clearly far from the norm, and where in this situation should be coherent.

According to the approved documents, the temperature rate of hot water supplied to residential premises in apartment housesmust be no less than a 60-degree indicator.

The exception is at night, in the interval between 0.00 h. And 5. 00, when a decrease in the set standard is allowed, but not more than 5 degrees. In the daytime, we assume the indicator not lower than 57 ° C.

What temperature regulations of hot water are installed in SanPine

The temperature of hot water in Sainpin, according to the Resolution, must comply with the following standard - the minimum indicator falls on 60 ° C, and the maximum level corresponds to the 75 - degree.

Small deviations are allowed within not exceeding five degrees at night and three days. Before approving such norms, specialists should have taken into account at what temperature are created unfavourable conditions For vital activity of harmful bacteria. Also, hot water should not cause the burns of the skin. Control whether this resolution is performed , commissioner is an institution.

Communal services are not entitled to install their temperature norms of water in residential premises.

If the norms do not correspond, which coefficient of the calculation of hot water is valid

Knowing the answer to the question how many degrees should be hot water, it is necessary to understand which calculation coefficient should act if this norm is violated.

When finding that hot water supply is supplied with a violation of the set temperature standards, it must be recalculated by payment. In case the temperature does not reach a 40-degree mark, payment should be carried out at the cost cold water.

The algorithm for calculating the coefficient, if the indicator of the norm is disturbed by this:

Each three degrees below the norm give a drop in a tariff at 0, 1%.

Hot water does not match the norm where to complain

The main question that worries tenants apartment housesif hot water does not match the norm - where to complain?

According to the established rule, it is originally necessary to call housing and communal services or to the managing service. The dispatcher or employee service should be set out. Also, such an action should be made if there is no hot and cold water - you need to call the dispatch service. At the same time, it is necessary to record the time of appeal, the application number and the surname, who accepted its dispatcher.

If this was emergency situationIt should be eliminated if the reason for reducing the temperature in the crane (at the place of water intake) was not an accident, and the problem was not solved, then it is necessary to apply in full-time the utilities service and set out its situation on paper. The application you need to specify measurements in the night and daytime, your passport details, address.

Further, the communal service, by prior arrangement about the time, should be provided by the free service of the temperature indicator of hot water. After that, the act is drawn up on the basis of the data obtained, and the decision is made on the need for recalculation. One of the copies of the act must be mandatory to be issued on the hands of the owner of the residential premises.

Measures are made according to installed system. Water for this descends within 3-5 minutes.

How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint on a printed form or write from hand. It must specify the following information:

  • The data of the one who submits the complaint is the name. Usually arranged in the corner of the sheet on the right side
  • The name of the organization in which the complaint is served
  • Briefly describe the essence of the problem
  • Make a reference to regulatory documents
  • Indicate the inaction of organizations in which statements were sent, if any
  • List the documents attached to the application
  • Put signature and date

The complaint is supplied to the housing and communal services or the Criminal Code, and in case of receipt of a written refusal on their part, the application is submitted to the court, the prosecutor's office or to Rospotrebnadzor.

How to demand recalculation

In order to recalculate, you should contact a claim in housing and communal services. An application should be attached to a copy of the measurement of the temperature measurement. Such an act can be compiled independently, inviting neighbors as witnesses.

Also, the application includes information about contacting emergency service Or in the dispatching housing and communal services - the date of appeal, the application number and the reason for the appeal. It is possible to draw up collective treatment of residents at home.

If recalculation is not performed, you should contact the district court or the prosecutor's office.

Fighting for his rights, it should be remembered the main thing - not the correspondence of the standards of hot water in the crane not only causes inconvenience, but is a serious offense from the housing and public utilities. Hot water supply and heating should be under constant control.

The poor-quality provision of services from public services leads to the fact that legally competent tenants require recalculation, including for the lack of SanPiN parameters with respect to the DHW, for which it is important to measure the temperature of hot water. Independently completed measurements can not serve as a reason to reduce accrual for utilitiesBut they serve as the beginning to initiate a commission examination of the problem with the preparation of an act of measuring the temperature of hot water.

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Preliminary method of measuring hot water temperature

Initially, to confirm its rightness, you can perform a control measure of fluid parameters. The method of performing actions is not very different from manipulations, which will conduct an authorized commission subsequently. How to measure the temperature of hot water independently should not cause difficulty, since the household thermometer is quite suitable for these purposes. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Having discovered the crane of the GW, it is necessary to give it a track within 3 minutes.
  2. Without reducing the jet, you need to fill the liter container. In this case, the fluid flow does not decrease.
  3. In the center of the tank, we lower the household thermometer.
  4. The last constant thermometer readings is the desired water parameters.

It is important to know that measurements must be carried out at the parsing point, that is, on a mixer or crane. Other random places can distort the indicators. To obtain more accurate data, it is better to perform these actions in three different places of water intake.

Further actions when inconsistent temperatures

If after the control removal of the parameters, it is found that the temperature is reduced, you need to perform actions, in the following order:

  • notify the communal service about the identified disorders. Notice is better to leave written with a mark on the consumer instance about the date of receipt with the signature of the responsible person;
  • if the moment of the complaint does not coincide with the time of repair work on the DHW networks, then according to 354, 2 hours is given for checking the fact of the violation. But also, the time consumer is consistent to visit his commission;
  • any verification ends with drawing up a hot water measurement act in the apartment. The consumer and the employee of the communal company remains on the instance of the actual act. The form of the act is typical and is used for any cases of measurements of the temperature of the DHW;
  • the executor of the service provides a response, indicating the reason for the reduced parameters and the timing of their elimination.

Responsible employees of a communal organization when performing their duties in terms of how to measure the temperature of hot water in the apartment correctly, MUK 4.3.2900-11 is guided. At the same time, according to the methodological instructions, to accurately measure the temperature of the DHW, it is necessary to make a selection of fluid at least 4 points. In the most remote points from the input of the DHW - for this, the water fence is made directly in the apartment and approximate to it - that is, in the home control unit.

This regulatory document also regulates, which should be between 60 ° to 75 o Celsius.

The technique found that the stable result of C is achieved after 4 minutes of draining the liquid and should not exceed a 10 minute period. Of regulatory document The consumer should be aware that the selection of fluids in the home control unit is also performed from the cranes mounted to reset the hot water in the event of an accident, and not from random seats formed by guns of DHW pipes.

In case of challenging the results of the work of the Commission, first of all, attention should be paid to the date of the last calibration measuring device. This moment is important in that the period of calibration is limited and its expired date suggests that the error of the indications of such a thermometer may be higher than the error estimation range. Such indications like reliable can not be taken.

Consumer actions after receiving the act

Exactly performed actions and correctly executed documents will help to encourage the communal organization to perform the following actions:

  1. Perform in the decision of the Russian Federation established by 354 the procedure.
  2. Eliminate the reasons for the poor quality service.
  3. Repeat checks on the resolution.

In the absence of regulatory measured parameters after the expiration of the specified in the answer or in the absence of a repliment of the company at all, the problem can be solved with the assistance of Rospotrebnadzor, for which all documents collected by you when working with a communal service will be important. And checking for a communal company is fraught with a serious fine.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has developed many regulatory acts aimed to protect the interests of citizens. Recent communal services need control by residents. The requirements of their rights by residents in turn help them not make mistakes in further work and avoid penalties from supervisory services.