Saty fortune telling on the narrowed on the maps of the kings. Cat in the maps

Saty fortune telling With maps on fate

Take a deck of 36 cards, drag and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the floor of those who you wonder) any suit and without removing cards from the deck, spread out in 4 rows of 9 cards. Those cards that will be about the conceived king or lady will tell about your fate.

Value of masters

Chervonal Maste: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Bubnova Maste: wealth; Promotional, secured and cheerful life.

TREFITIVE MASTE: trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonest, disease, infidelity.

Peak: Good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

The value of each card


Ace - love letter.

King - Passionate man.

Lady - bride.

Valet - Pleasant guest.

Ten - Love about love.

Nine - Love explanation.

Eight - Pleasure.

Seven - Fun.

Six - Merry road.


Ace - Letter.

King - Young man, groom, unhappy lover.

Lady - Young girl, windy woman.

Valet - Cash troubles.

Ten - present.

Nine - obstacle.

Eight - Hate.

Seven - infidelity.

Six - Merry road.


Ace - false rumor.

King - Married man, loyal friend.

Lady - married woman.

Valet - Good luck in affairs.

Ten - big money.

Nine - Little money.

Eight - Deception.

Seven - Lime from the treasury house.

Six - Useless road.


Ace - Sad letter, news of death.

King - Enemy.

Lady - Evil woman, gossip.

Valet - Gossip, unpleasant trouble.

Ten - disease.

Nine - Loss of a friend.

Eight - Treason, sadness.

Seven - Quarrel.

Six - Unhappy road, late road. From the book Eniology Author Rogozhkin Viktor Yuryevich

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205. Saty fortune telling with the cards for the future to guess, in principle, you can at any time, but the most favorable are "holy days" - from July 7 to January 19. The procurement of fortune telling to the saccasters can be explained by the fact that it is on the fracture of the old and new year of a person Especially acute

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Fortune telling

Rating 5.

It's time for gadas! Each young unmarried girl from 7 to 19 January may try happiness. Psychics about the fortune telling on the shields of the house say that at this time they get the most accurate answers. In fact, psychics about the fortune telling on the shints for a lonely woman say that there is an incredible number of methods to learn their fate, narrowed-dressed and just ask ..

Summary 5.0 Excellent

It's time for gadas! Each young unmarried girl from 7 to 19 January may try happiness. Psychics of fortune telling on the shields at home It is said that at this time the most accurate answers get.

Actually, psychics about the fortune telling on the shirt for a lonely woman It is said that there is an incredible number of methods to learn their fate, narrowed-rich and just ask the spirits about their questions.

One of the most popular options fortune telling on the shirt of the house alone - These are rituals using a card deck. At the moment there are a lot of card layouts at desire. After these, the girl receives answers to all the questions that set the cards.

And it does not matter positive this answer or negative.

This article provides the attention of girls the four main options for card rituals for the shields. It should be noted that all these options will not require those who want to find out the secrets of the future of any special skills, skills and large number time. Ultimately, when the result is obtained, all beginners will remain delighted and will be pleasantly surprised.

Card fortune telling on the shirt. Method number 1.

To carry out this magic ritual, it is necessary to use the standard deck of cards (36 pieces). It will help to identify the likelihood of the execution of the riddled desire.

Before the immediate start of the ritual, it will be necessary to carefully shuffle cards and then make a desire. Psychics about gadania in the shitness of the house It is said that before his desire, it must be formed in his head.

The next step in performing this scenario will be gradual division of the entire card decks on three stacks with an equal number of cards. Then from each generated handchka should be pulled out 3 cards. At the same time, they do this: the first card is drawn from below, the second card is pulled out of the middle itself, and the third gets from the top.

In the hands of a gadget girl will remain nine cards. They will need to be placed on the surface in strict order:

  • The first three is the cards that were filmed from the "heads", that is, on top of the stack.
  • The second triple is the same cards that the woman pulled out from the middle of the card stacks.
  • And the third triple and, accordingly, the lower row are cards from the very bottom of the pile.

After the Square "Three Three" cards is compiled, the time comes to go to the most important stage of this magic Ritual, By interpretation of the formed card scenario. Distribution for a lonely woman, with its correct conduct, can become a turning point.

At this stage, each fortune teller should look at what kind of quantitative relationship is the following card figures - currencies, lady, king and ace, as well as minor cards - dozens, nines, eights, seven and six. After the analysis of all cards is performed, it will be necessary to disassemble their interpretation.

Meaning and interpretation of cards:

It is important to understand that during the New Year holidays, you can guess not only using card deerbut also take advantage using psychicsin mode online for free.

Combination of cards and their meanings:

  • Psychics about shying on the shirt of a lonely woman It is said that when falling out in the scenario of each representative of a large order, combined with digital cards, says that nothing interesting in life happens soon.
  • If only digital cards fell out, then the mandated desire will not come true by 100%.
  • Complications in relationships between lovers will bring folded in one Ace, a small map and a map of major dignity. The desire will not fulfill.
  • As soon as the lady between the two "10" appears in one of the rows, this indicates a fulfillment of love desire.

At the same time, absolutely no matter the suit of the dropped cards. ATTENTION should be paid only to its designation. Divination - This is ritual supernaturalSo you need to treat it seriously.

Card fortune telling on the shirt. Method number 2.

To perform the following fortune telling, you need to use 36 cards and experience an incredible desire to ensure that the desire is fulfilled and implemented.

The deck must be mixed thoroughly. Then remove fifteen top cards. You need to lay out the chosen cards shirt down directly in front of you. If there are several aces in the "system" or at least one, then it must be postponed.

After that, they again collect all the cards and thoroughly thauzu among themselves. The next step is to remove fifteen top cards, and laying them on the table. They do the same manipulation for the third time and consider the amount of fading aces. If there are four, then the desire will come true if less, then no.

Card fortune telling on the shirt. Method number 3.

This is a way fortune telling on the shield from psychics36 cards. So that it passed about all the rules, it will be necessary to pre-make the most cherished desire. After that, you need to decompose the entire card deck on nine heap. It turns out 9 stacks of 4 cards. The layout is formed gradually. Pictures cards lay down. The card line is horizontally located.

The next step in this card gadania at the shints of the house- This is the discovery in each stack of the top card. The same cards are chosen by pairs and set aside. In each stack in which the pair card was removed open the following.

Cards will help you know whether the desired will come true

Ultimately, if you get folded all the couples, then the desire will be executed. If this does not happen, then alas and ah.

Even in order to find out what expects in 2016, you can use various horoscopes. For example, they say that he can tell a lot.

Card fortune telling on the shirt. Method number 4.

To hold the last magic ritual, It is necessary to take a deck with a par value of 32 cards. In the process of shuffling, you need to make a desire and not to lose it from the head.

After that, with the very top, they take thirteen cards and put them directly in front of them. It should be sought among these thirteen Ace. If it is found, then disturb on the shield at home Finished.

If the number of aces is more than one, then you need to choose the first to top Ace. It is this ace that will play a key role in everything.

Sometimes it happens that among the first thirteen cards did not fall any ace. Then you need to again collect all the deck, mix it thoroughly and perform the manipulation of it again. The number of layouts does not matter. It is important to get at least one ace.

Tougy value:

  • Psychic fortification This kind says that if the ace of peak fell, this suggests that the desire will not be destined to come true.
  • When falling out in the scenario, Trephs should be aware that it will be necessary to make a lot of effort to make the thought happened.
  • Ace of Tuben fell - a desire will surely come true, that's just it will be necessary to wait a bit.
  • If the ace of worms -100% of the execution of the conceived.

It is important to understand that in the course of the Sagnaya, Christmas or Epiphany divination, it is necessary to remember three simple truths:

  1. It is necessary to clearly formulate desires.
  2. It is necessary to air the room before carrying out magic rituals.
  3. You should use only a new deck of cards.

Many psychicsgive online consultation absolutely is free,so, if something is incomprehensible, you can learn about the currently established card scenario from an experienced specialist.

Good afternoon, friends, according to popular belief, the most faithful fortune telling, this tradition still lives. That is why in the period - dated January 7, in the evening and before baptism on January 19 - the binding of diviences begin. In this silent period in Russia, our ancestors tried to derive their fate.

How to make the fate uncover your cards? Offers repay different ways, famous since ancient times and prompted by modern professional fortunellers! You can guess in these soda days both alone and in the company of friends. The main thing is that this action is in joy! For popular beliefs, it is necessary to start a vorozhly in a good mood, otherwise dark forces can harm ...

Dates of the soda fortunes

And although you can guess from the very first seconds of the coming year, our great-grandmothers considered the most reliable day for fortunes - the night from January 13-14! To the oldest New Year It is best to start the soda fortune telling! It was believed that "Vasilyev Evening", which came on January 13 - the most suitable for the burning.

According to popular beliefs, all the evil at this moment gained special power and the most commonly shared by it by the famous secrets of the future. Experienced fortune tellers were correctly chosen not only a day, but also an hour! Therefore, the most prophetic fortuneren was held at midnight - just at the junction of the day of yesterday and tomorrow. It is at that moment that the border between the real and otherworldly world is very transparent and thin! From here and chances to get the truthful prediction of fate above!

But on July 7 and 19 - in Christmas and baptism - from attempts to open the veil of the future it is better to refuse. The people believed: gadaying these sacred days, you can guess your happiness ...

What to get dressed during a batch divination

Before burning, you need to dissolve your hair, remove all sorts of decorations, and from clothes - belts and belts. According to popular belief, it was considered - it is necessary to get rid of everything that prevents overcoming the border between the past and the future and penetrate the mystery of the future. During the soda gadas, the girl put on spacious clothes. An ideal outfit for the magic ritual will be a simple nighty or loose dress. Such clothes do not "overlaps" channels of communication with the world of perfume, serving you the mystery of the future. After the end of fortune telling clothes, it is better to wash to remove from her negative energy After "dialogue" with the other world.

Now choose a fortune telling that you like and open the veil of the future! Starts a selection - fortune telling for love and relationship!

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed in two mirrors. This is an old Russian fortune telling, which needs to be performed completely alone in the room, in which there is a large mirror (in ancient one for this, the soda fortune telling, in a single secretly spent it in an empty bath). If there are several rooms in the apartment, then it is better to choose the one with a balcony. When decorate with the room for divination, you need to prepare yourself: to remove the native cross, free your hair if they are tied with a ribbon or hairpin, to dissolve braids and unleash all the nodes on clothes. It is advisable to hold the rite of fortune telling on the narrowed in one shirt, barefoot, none of your loved ones or friends should know about your intentions.

Right at midnight, put two candles on both sides of the mirror on both sides of the mirror in the candlesticks. Opposite the large mirror, install a smaller mirror so that the "corridor" came out to be "Corridor" from the mirrors. During the installation of mirrors, it is important to repeat to yourself:

"Durable-rude, show in the mirror."

Next, you need to carefully, without releasing the glance, look into the mirror "corridor". Then after 10 - 20 minutes you can see the reflection of the future husband. How it will appear, you need to remove immediately fast movement small mirrorotherwise the groom can hit the face. After that you need to shout:

"Chur of this place!" and cross off.

The fortune telling it requires a high excerpt, self-control and strong nerves, because in reflection it may seem anything, right up to the horned frills ... the nervous should not be so experiencing herself, but to contact more simple people's fortune tells, which will be discussed further.

To dreamly dreamed in a dream. For the night, spread the hair of the comb, uttering words:

"Delicious oiled, come to me fit!"

Then put a comb under your pillow. To make a desire, it is impossible to talk with anyone to the dawn. If you want to know the name of the future chosen one. Then in the evening I prepare pieces with male name, Put them in the header and leave next to the bed. As will be wary in the morning, without getting out of bed, lower your hand in the header with pieces and pull one of them.

Fortune telling on maps. This is a fortune telling for those who have not met their halves. Choose from the card deck of all kings and currencies, postpone the rest of the cards (they do not need). Stir the cards and place them under the pillow or mattress. Look to bed, tell me the phrase:

"My bride, dream of me in a dream and tell about yourself."

In the morning, as you wake up, take the first to the first card:

  • valts means your future fiance will be young.
  • king - chosen one will be older than you.

Now look at the card:

Peaks - the groom will be successful and secured.

Captive - a new acquaintance will happen when you expected this less.

Bubnes - with your narrowed you will get acquainted at a party of common acquaintances.

Worms - your chosen one will come from the nearest environment of your friends.

Fortune telling on the maps on your beloved. This fortune telling for those who already have a loved one, it will tell how the relationship with him will be educated in the coming year.

Take a deck of maps into your hand and contact the question: "What is waiting for me with (name the one's name)". Then pull at random four cards.

If prevailing:

  • worms - you are waiting for the Sea of \u200b\u200bLove;
  • trephs - your relationship will be intertwined with money issues;
  • peaks - most likely you will break out;
  • bubnes - possible separation.

Fortune telling at the tree. Choose any tree and grab without looking for any of its branch.

  • If she smooth and smooth - Your narrowed will be a good husband.
  • If the branch shchroty and clinging - The husband will be bad.
  • Dry - marriage will be childless.

Multicolored thread. From the evening prepare threads different color: White, red and black. Put them under the pillow. In the morning, shove your hand there and pull the first thread. If she:

  • red - get married in a year;
  • white - this year your wedding will be held;
  • black - marriage this year do not wait.

Fortune telling on the bulbs. Waiting for hands and heart suggestions, and from several rejoices? Find out who will make a dustless recognition first. To do this, you write the names of the applicants on the bulbs and place the onions in the water - let it be sprout. The one whose name of the bully will give an arrow first, and will make an offer before the rest. Of course, you will have to wait with the results, but it is necessary to plant onions in one of the softy days.

Divination on apples. If you have a few rippers, then you can find out your hand and heart offer you from apples. Take the right amount fruits and on each scratch the initials at the bottom of the apple. Then go out into the dark not lit room with apples and bite off from each piece, rightly defining which of them the sweetest. That apple, which turned out to be sweaty and matches your groom.

Fortune telling with paper snowflakes. Cut from paper snowflake. Stand on the chair in front of the dressing christmas tree and release the snowflake in the flight. See where she landed! On a branch with toys - meet love, or the current feelings "light up" with new powers. On a bare branch - it is possible difficulties in relationships. On the floor - changes in personal life is not foreseen.

"Boats" . In order to learn about the future Groom in the new year, take advantage of the "boat" fortune. You will need a small basin, which fill in half water. On the edges, secure the paper with inscriptions: a trip, a rapid novel, wedding, quarrel, engagement, etc. To half the shell walnut We insert the candle's grinding and set fire to it. Let the boat in the middle of the basin and watch what kind of piece of paper it swell.

Divination with the elevator. Another divination for love is modern.Does your heart overwhelm love dreams? Psychics suggest how to find out if they will come true in the near future. Answer will give us ... Passenger elevator! Mentally, asking my question, log in to the cockpit and stop on one of the middle floors. Staying in the elevator, wait until the doors come back and someone will cause it to another floor. If the cabin goes up - your desire will soon be fulfilled! Down - time for this has not yet come! You can guess in any house where there is an elevator. But only necessarily in a sick time!

What awaits you in the new year?

Fortune telling from the New Year tree.If your house has a green beauty, which is dressed up with multi-colored balls and toys, then you can use them for divination.

Stand in front of the dressed up. Tie your eyes yourself. Do not spy! Turn around your axis several times. Then turn the hand to the Christmas tree and take the first toy. Remove the dressing and see what color toy in your hands.

You can not tie your eyes, but to start the New Year's dance to the music around the forest beauty. When the melody is over, dismissed on the decoration, but do not choose, grab without looking at the hand.

Red, orange, pink and yellow toys. You are waiting for a rapid love adventure. If you are married - then your passion will turn around with a spouse with a new force.

White. You are getting closer and closer to your goal. Do not retreat!
Green. You will achieve success in school or at work. Possible career growth!

Silver or golden- promises unexpected profit.

Blue, Blue or Purple - Speaks about family well-being.

In addition to toys, you can hang on the Christmas tree: drying, apples, nuts and candy. We look at what you have broken and define your future fate in the coming year:

  • Drying - to the full life.
  • Apple - to adding in the family.
  • Nuts - to surprises.
  • Candy - to glory.

Fortune telling at the crossroads. it vintage divinationwhen unmarried girl In the Holy evening went to the intersection of the roads and tried to hear the first phrase, which was the answer higher Forces. It is believed that it is precisely a crossroads of several roads to gain magical power at this time. And even even the advice or phrase will sound nephonally, connect your intuition and it will tell you what to wait soon from destiny.

Fortune telling for six glasses.

To find out what prepares the coming year in the shiki magicians advise to contact the help of a six glass (glasses or glasses). In one, put salt, to another - candy, in the third - coin, in the fourth - the key, in the fifth - grain, in the sixth - ring. Ask someone from the loved ones to put the tank on the table in one row and, tapping your eyes, bring to glasses! Your task is to choose the one to which the soul will sweep. Its content will tell you about your coming.

  • Salt - to misunderstandings and unrest.
  • Candy - to sweet carefree life.
  • Coin - to financial well-being.
  • The key is to buy or rent a real estate, as well as to solving a sore question.
  • Grain - to the appearance of offspring in your family or from Rodney.
  • Ring - to new love relationship For unmarried. And if you are already married - repetition of the honeymoon!

Foreign on wax casting in water. This is one of the most popular fortunes in Russia - drip melted wax into the water or milk and watch the resulting figures. To hold the rite, suture the wax candle on the grater or cut into small pieces. Fill the tablespoon with wax chips. Prepare a bowl with water. Then melt over a candle wax in a spoon and quickly pour it into the water. He will freeze in the form of some kind of figure.

Look at what she looks like what is waiting for you in the future. If she reminds:

  • the dog, which means in the new year you will find faithful friends or a very good friend.
  • small circles - This is to profit.
  • star - New Year will be successful for you and you will receive a long-awaited news or advanced on the service staircase.
  • hacking - promises great happiness.
  • snake - betrayal.
  • cross - Health problems.
  • flower - a new friend will appear or marry.
  • running beast - to long roads.

If the wax formed not like a similar figure, connect the fantasy, - she will tell you something like you. The wax figure with a kind prediction - save as a talisman of the year.

Foreign on wax casting in milk. Need to melt a piece of wax or wax candles In a metal mug or a tablespoon. On the threshold of the apartment, put a saucer with milk with the words:

"The house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax."

And immediately leut the wax in a saucer with milk, consider the frozen figures. See Interpretation - Above.

Fortune telling on the thread. To find out what awaits you in the coming year, prepare 4 small threads of different colors: red, white, blue and black. All of them will symbolize the following:

  • red - responsible for the relationship in the family (if you are married) and new love (for unmarried);
  • white - will show that you will have at work and with a career;
  • blue - tell about your material position;
  • black - reflect your problems and unresolved affairs.

Now fill a deep bowl with water and gently put the threads onto her surface. Wait 5 minutes and then begin to interpret the fortune telling:

  • if the thread drowned - to troubles;
  • if it remains on the water - everything will be fine;
  • if the threads crossed each other - the events will be interconnected.


On the croup. Pour in the plate. And make a desire over it. Then take a handful of grains and scat them on the table. Grains are an even number? Your innermost desire will come true!

Leaf of paper. Before going to bed, write on the same leaflets 15 of your desires, put under the pillow, and right in the morning, as you wake up, get one sheet and wish, written on it, will embody.

On chicken bones. In the evening, for dinner, eat a chicken leg, and do not throw bones. Wrap them in a red napkin or a rag, and remove the yard for the gate. Fight your desire and tell words:

"What was in the egg, then came out of the egg that she was walking in the yard and millet slander. The one who slammed the head with noodles was cooked. What I would love whose bones from the flesh seized, tell me: to be my desire or not? What originated in the egg - tomorrow let's answer. "

Go to this place Early in the morning and see:

  • if the bones do not find - your desire will not fulfill;
  • snow bone sheltered - you can refuse your desire;
  • the bones lie entire and intact - everything will come true.

On salt. You need to guess exactly at midnight. Make a desire and to check it turn out or not shall shock straight straight in your hand right above right palm. Quickly squeeze your hand with salt in a fist. Throw on three times and sharply disconnect your fingers so that salt will be saturated (only it is not necessary to shake it, in otherwise The fortune telling will be incorrect).

  • If your hand remains almost clean - your desire will come true soon!
  • If a lot of salt remains a lot - the desire will not turn.

Modern Option - SMS. This way of divination, appeared with the arrival in our life of cellular communication. Come on the desire. Send an SMS to the invented number. Will follow one of the three events development options

  1. If you do not go to anyone - your plans will not come true.
  2. If it passed, conceived.
  3. If I also got a good answer - the coming year will certainly be happy.

Divination on how to resolve the case

Well who joined the new year without problems, but it happens with accuracy to the opposite. And at this time you can try to resolve it by divination. Take a small block of clean paper and describe my situation briefly. Fold or crumple a piece of paper and throw it on the bottom glass glass. Fill the glass with water and put it on the frost on the balcony or place in the freezer. In the morning, get a glass and look:

  • if the ice is transparent from above - the problems are allowed very quickly and easily;
  • if a muddy layer of ice was formed, but the piece of paper is visible - everything will decide in your favor, but not without some of the fault;
  • if the ice is intent so that the piece of paper is not visible completely - the case will be decided not in your favor and it is worth looking for another way out.

"Order" a prophetic dream

Psychics assure: in a square time you need to carefully treat your dreams. After all, the probability of seeing prophetic dreamVisually telling us about the future. And in order to hurry such a vision, supernatural experts advise to use a simple ritual.

Fit a round mirror before bedtime under the pillow. Lie, relax and say about yourself three times conspiracy:

"Darkness is reflected in this mirror, the light is reflected in it, albeit and will reflect and in a dream I will dream."

By the way, according to the same psychics, it is possible to see the prophetic dream if you go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than midnight! So put on the bed early. Even if nothing fuzzy and see, so, at least, sleep!

Fortune telling to get a response to the question

With a candle.

The table is a clean tablecloth on the table, and install a candlestick with a candle. Light a candle from the match (this is necessary!) And get along the contrary. Word your question, so that it could be answered "yes", "no" or "probably." Look at the burning candle flame and repeat the question again.

  • Flame High Candle: answer "yes."
  • Flame Low: no answer.
  • Flame shimbles: "Maybe" is entirely dependent on you.

Dusting with a cat. If you have a cat or a cat in your house, you can repay the animal behind the room threshold. Make a desire to one of the sinic evenings and then call your pet. Look carefully with what paw it will cross the threshold of the room: if the left paw is, then your desire will come true, and if the right paw is on the way there will be obstacles.

If you do not have a pet, ask your question and call the cat from the street. If he runs to you - the answer to your question is positive. If runs - negative.

Fortune telling

We decided to make acquisition in the coming year, but in doubt whether it is worth spending money in such a difficult time? Walk! Take a piece of paper and write five sums on it: 500, 1000, 5000 rubles., 10 thousand and 20 thousand. Then crush the paper and adjust it on the plate. After the flame goes out itself, see what amount remained not by the flame. Enough on what they wanted? Boldly go to the store! Not? Then leave the idea to better times!

Divination for money and financial well-being

Fortune telling with coins.

Take a coin and three saucers. Exit the room, and your family will hide "wealth" under one of them. Guess where the "treasure" is hidden:

  • From the first time - with money in the new year there will be no problems - you will live on a wide leg!
  • From the second - the difficulties will arise that you can overcome.
  • From the third - the probability is great that "finances will sing romances." Therefore, it is worth "to raise straws" and postpone on a black day.

If you are at home alone and assistants to make the previous fortune telling on wealth, then do otherwise. Take three coins of one dignity. Shake them in the fist and then throw it on the floor under your feet. Look at coins:

if two of them lie with a column up - wait for abundance at the end of the year, and if the pair of coins fell an eagle the top - then at the beginning of the year we will have prospect.

Turn to the coins back and make a couple of steps back. Then go around you clockwise (squeeze your eyes). Open your eyes and look where you turned out:

  • if you are standing face to coins, then you are close to profits;
  • if your back - you will not be able to get rich too much in the coming year;
  • if sideways - everything will depend entirely from you.

Fortune telling with a deck of cards. To make this divination, you will need a new deck of cards, on which no one has played. Remove the cards from the packaging and drag them, mentally pronounced the question: will you have a rich life in your coming year? ". Then pull at random nine cards and see what kind of suit the most of all fell:

  • cherries or tambourines - your financial position will remain at the same level;
  • treft - will be all year for money;
  • peaks - It is worth thinking about how to spend money more economically.

Divination in the circle of friends

When you meet with friends in Christmas days and the New Year holidays with good entertainment, a small company will be codiced fortune telling. They do not require great preparation, they will earn your guests and the time will be fun and exciting.

Fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune". If you are going to a shield with friends and spend a holiday in a noisy company, you can arrange for all the fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune". You will need colored paper and a big hat, a package or wide vase.

Color paper cut off stripes (as for phantas). Each write predictions. For example:

  • waiting for you;
  • what you are looking for, very close;
  • conceived effect with friends;
  • everything will come true, but later, etc.

Then turn each piece of paper and place them in a wide vase. Mix and place a vase on the table. Separate around the guests and let everyone fuss their desire and then get a piece of paper from the vase. A dream will come true or not, the prediction will be answered, written on a piece of paper.

Fortune telling. In the frosty night, let each of the participants pick up into a spoonful of water and makes it on the frost, for example on cold balcony. And the next morning all run to check what happened with water:

If water froze smoothly - All year is waiting for a prosperous and happy life.

If there are irregularities, Bugorka - to be trouble.

Pouch predictions. For cheerful company You can arrange fortune telling on fate, folding small things in the bag: key, pin, coil with threads, coin, earrings, handkerchiefs, ring. Each of the guests will launch his hand into it and pull out what the first hand touches. If pulled out:

  • coin - to wealth and sufficiency;
  • the earring - to the good news;
  • pin - to discord;
  • scarf - to tears;
  • the ring - for marriage (and if giving in the marriage union, then to the refreshment of feelings);
  • the key is to a new home;
  • threads - to the family replenishment.

Fortune telling from the cabinet. This fun divination can be started in the room in which there is a wardrobe or bedside table with clothing. Invite a child 10 years old girl or boy. All guests available among guests are invited to stand back to the closet with clothes. Then the child pulls out any object of clothing, without looking into the closet and asks: "This is someone?". That girl who will answer: "My" turns around and looks at what she got:

tie - to a rich bridegroom;

suspenders - there will be her husband by an incinerator;

panties - will run in the babam;

pants - a cheerful man;

socks - poor groom;

skirt - Fashionable France;

scarf - Impotent;

gloves - not clean on hand;

shirt - weak health;

cap - high mind and intelligence;

the jacket is a good spouse.

Fortune telling on a bun. To this fortune, you will have to prepare in advance, and more precisely bake bunches.Dream to find out what awaits in the new year on a professional field? Mages are offered to one of the sickness days to ask the kolobka about it, but not simple, and with a secret! First prepare the dough. To do this mix:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 1/2 h. L. soda,
  • pinch of salt.

Then blind 7 are the same in size of the bunches.

In each add your "magic" stuffing: raisins, nuts, coffee beans, a pea, a piece of smoking, any acid berry, a piece of chocolate.

Obsolete bunches in flour and fry in vegetable oil from all sides for 7-10 minutes.

Ready! You can begin divination. Let each of the guests choose his bun.

With raisins - awaits success in work and excellent career growth.

Oreke - to obstacles and difficulties.

Coffee bean - to changing the sphere of activity.

Peas - to the appearance at the work of the enemy and the sound breath.

Kuraga - to new interesting opportunities.

Berry - to unjustified expectations.

Chocolate - to passionate and fruitful work!

Turning magic bunks, you will predict the events next year in professional activities.

Strong guard from all bad

What if you focused something bad in the coming year as a result of fortune telling? Use strong guardMade from mint.

In Russia, this aromatic plant is considered a powerful faith from evil spirits, bad people, Hywehie and misfortune! To protect yourself from all unwanted, women laid out mint beams at the door. Fresh or dry - no matter! Want to follow the example of ancestors? Hide the mint sheet (in the pharmacy you can buy - from 50 rubles) in the hallway. By the way! So that the grass will surely protect you the magicians advise at least once every two weeks to change the leaves for new! And old - immediately throw out! Like, so you get rid of everything bad that like a sponge, it has absorbed this plant.

Today you have learned how to "interrogate" the fate of your future on the shield. How to use this favorable time to carry out the sinic fortunes that were in the course of our ancestors. And also learned how to pay modern methodsRecommended psychics and clairvoyant in our time. I hope you wonderfully immerse yourself in the magic of the batch divination and at least one eye look into the future.

Video - Saty Divination

Saty fortune telling last January 7 to the Baptism itself (January 19). The girls were guessing about the narrowed, and family - about the future harvest, prosper. Saty fortune telling was carried out in dark evenings or nights. At twenty, four hours were going to midnight fortune telling, after midnight - for night.

The means for fortune tells were the items in which, according to beliefs, focused magic force. It could be a shoe, skirt, belt, stocking, thimble, needle, ring, comb, mirror (in summer more and wreath). When gadania, the girl had to comply with certain conditions by choosing right place and time. But first of all, the girl was supposed to get out of the protection of his religion and faith (Christians, for example, were filmed, and all without exception, regardless of religion, unleashed all sorts of knots, including the belt, dismissed the hair, sometimes filmed with yourself all clothes, including shoes). To protect against otherworldly, the girl outlined the magic circle (candle or lady, knife, a poker), if you guess the group, the girls got up in a circle, holding each other for the little men.

To the place of divination followed silence, in the dark, trying to stay unnoticed. A place for divination, too, was also chosen - "unclean". It could be either an abandoned house, as well as a hlev or sense, a basement or a attic, sometimes even a cemetery, or "<пограничные» места, о которых мы уже говорили, – те, где два мира образуют границу: порог или угол дома, ворота, перекресток, места у воды (колодцы, проруби). Гадали и в домах, гадали и у церквей.

The crossroads of ancient times was considered an unclean place that belongs to demons, they said that the unclean spirit had the power at the intersection. This place is "border" between the two worlds, here they were accomplished both dangerous and, on the contrary, healing actions. The gate, which also served as a place for divination, is the symbol of the boundary between its world and stranger. Through the gate, the girls of shoes were thrown, standing at the gate, made out who would pass by (the appearance of a man foreshadowed a rapid marriage), they were glared to the gate and "duck", on the heard sounds and voices guess their future.

68. Divination at the intersection

Exactly at midnight come to the intersection to "listen to the district." Cheerful laughter or singing non-coming means a rapid marriage, fun. If there is a crying or in order - this year weddings will not be. It is believed that it is at the crossroads that you can hear the voice of fate, because the border between the two worlds goes here, and, standing at the intersection, you seem to be in two worlds at the same time.

69. Divination on the mirror and month

In one of the sinic nights, when a month is seen on the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and direct the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Watch intently - after a while instead of one month you will see a few. Consider how many months you encouraged: Thus, the girls guess about the future family - the big one will be or not.

70. Foreaging with three mirrors

For this divination, three mirrors will be required about the same size and two high candles. Begin such fortune-ups at midnight, threading yourself with a magical circle - a sign of protection (drawn and chalk, and a burning lady, and a candle).

Two mirrors put one opposite the other on the sides from ourselves, burn the candles in front of them, and install the third. You must see in the side mirrors reflected from the third mirror, from where it should appear from the castorcall behind you.

In no case can not be turned around, as well as too long to consider the figure in the mirror. If the vision is frightening, tell me three times: "Chur me!" - And stop the fortune telling, extinguishing the candle.

71. Kitchen fortune telling

You need to rotate the usual kitchen knife on the usual cutting board. The knife is put in the center of the board. At the edges of the board lay out the papers, on which possible answers are written: ^ Yes; ? S. not;

need to suffer;

fear false friends;

ahead of good news;

long-awaited letter;

success in affairs;

an unexpected guest;

tears will replace joy;

carry out from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

an important letter.

It is necessary to focus on the question, and then turn the knife. This makes three times, getting three answers. Among them (not necessarily first) will be the answer to the question, while others will be additional messages associated or not related to the original issue.

72. Doggy, Piables!

Go to the goal (or to the entrance) and ask: "Flash, Chala, doggy!" Which side is lying on a dog, in the other side and married to live: if Lai is close - you will marry the neighborhood, if far and slightly heard - go far from the home home.

73. Book, well, turn back!

Put the key in a thick book so that its ring remains outside. Close the book tightly, tie to the ring to the hook. Having gathered around with girlfriends, wait when the book hangs motionless, and then call your names in turn. At whose behalf, the book will start turning, the one will soon be married.

74. Divination "Jumping Groom"

Put two mirrors: one - large, the other is smaller, converted one to another facial sides. The smaller mirror must be closer to the gadget. Between the mirrors, put two candles and look at over a smaller mirror in large. There should be a long corridor, little little dark in depth. In this depth, after a while you can see various items for which the future is determined.

It is better to guess in a non-residential room or in the attic, with loose hair.

At the beginning of the divination, they say: "Daughty-rude! Come to me dinner! " Sooner or later, the mirror will appear narrowed. Then you need to say: "Chur me!" The vision will disappear.

75. Dechang

Place a decanter with water, from three sides of it - lit candles, and behind it - a mirror. Look in the mirror through a decanter. What you will see in the mirror, it will come true.

76. Skmak pointer

Throw the shoe through the threshold: in what direction he will fall to the toe - there and find a husband.

77. The burnt match will tell

Light a match or lady from one end, and the other stick to some slot.

Where the match will fall when he burns, - on the side and the groom you need to wait.

78. Divination on matches

On the sides of the matchbox insert two matches and adjust. If the burnt heads turned to each other, it means that the guy and the girl will be together.

79. Divination on the threads

Cut the threads of the same length and burn them. Who has a faster thread, the first one will be married. If less than half of the thread or the thread went immediately, then this year you will not marry.

80. Wealth or poverty

Grilled Lucin quickly immerse in water. If it goes immediately, it means that poor life is expected, and if the fire goes above - rich.

81. Fair Feline Lard

Clean the desire and test the cat.

If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, it means that

the desire will come true. If right - alas! - not.

82. Divination by the name of the first counter

Go out to the street with a spoonful of food, saying: "Daughty-rich, come back Kisle (or something else) is!" Ask the name. By the name of the first oncoming man, you will learn how to call the future husband, and by the name of the woman - how will the mother-in-law be called.

83. Divination for the floor of the future child

Throw the ring into a glass with water. Then sweat it onto the thread and slowly lower the way at whom you are guessing. If the ring will move in a circle, then a girl will be born, if the peaceful is a boy. If the ring does not move, then the children will not. You can do the same fortune telling differently: instead of the ring, take the needle. Before you fortunate, write the needle woolen fabric.

84. Divination on the ring, bread and hook

Put the ring on the floor, the hook, woven from straw or bent out of the wire, and a piece of bread, cover it all with a handkerchief, take place around five times, and then quickly remove the scarf and drag, whom it gets.

The one in the hands will be the ring, - married a shoe, who has bread in the hands, - will be out for rich, and the one that the hook will fall, - to live all his life with the poor man (he will be like a hook, all his life is hung up, earning bread).

85. At the window

Sit down the window and say: "Daughty-rude! Go past the window! " If the window will sweep the car with noise, music, then you have a life in marriage, cheerful and rich. If the car drove quietly, then life promises to be poor, quiet and ugly.

86. Divination by snow

Midnight go out on the street and throw the snow against the wind. If the snow falls right on you, then the husband will be young and frightened. If the snow flies to the side - to marry the old man.

You could still go through fresh snow. If no one will go to the morning trails, does not flood, there will be a long time to live. If on the contrary - swear with my husband all my life.

87. Divination by two hairs

At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add to it one pinch of ash, sugar and salts. Water thoroughly mix, and when she "calm down", throw two hairs into it: one is yours, and the other is a loved one. Leave a bowl until the morning.

If the outflow hair intertwined with each other, then the wedding is not far off. If the hair is at some distance from each other, it means that the hour of separation is close. The drowned hair preders the disease to whom it belongs.

88. Divination on beads from cat, tiger and falcony eyes

This is an ancient Chinese fortune telling. They used priests, predicting the wishing fate, and they did it completely disinterestedly. The fee for such a fortune telling could not be taken in any way, otherwise it would seriously warm the spirits that could send various misfortunes: epidemics, cropping, cattle. Make this fortune telling should be sure to night. Take beads from cat, tiger and falcony eyes. Tie the eyes and move the beads in your hands clockwise, counting to thirty-three. According to the stone you stop the bill, and learned the future. Each bead, according to Chinese belief, has a certain meaning. Feline eye (olive-green color) means a yield year, good luck in love.

A tiger eye (rzavo-red color) is a good health, and for those who are engaged in trade - large revenues in the new year.

Falconary eye (blue-green) may mean that in the new year you will be at the height, and will also safely come out of unpleasant situations.

89. Tsarsky Son.

Put the four kings under the pillow from the card deck and say the spell request: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, that you dream in a dream!" The narrowed-rude must necessarily dream - in the image of the king - with the crown on the head and in the royal mantle.

90. Dinner for the narrowed

Put a piece of pie under the pillow and invite the future groom: "Daughty-rude! Come to me dinner! " The groom will appear in a dream.

91. Saty fortune telling with the cards for the future

In principle, you can guess at any time, but the most favorable are "holy days" - from 7 to 19 January.

The dedication of fortune telling to the shocks can be explained by the fact that it was on the fracture of the old and new year of a person particularly acutely interested in the future. Take a deck of thirty-six cards, thoroughly drag them, remove them with your left hand and spread the card by fan, shirt up.

Then, hunting something, remove on one map.


Ace- Do not doubt that you love.

King- Do not worry, everyone will get.

Lady- hide your feelings, you are watching you.

Valet- You remember and want to see.

Ten- Sign again.

Nine- You are hotly loved.

Eight -a new face will solve your destiny.

Seven- Beware, do not play with fire.

Six- Your intention threatens you with trouble.


Ace -the conceived you will not work.

King -beware, you want to fool.

Lady -you are waiting for an insult.

Valet -you are jealous in vain.

Dozen -sadness will disappear thanks to the work.

Nine- You will soon get rid of the hard state.

Eight -wait joyful news.

Seven -soon everything will change for the better.

Six -your happiness is fragile, you will change.


Ace- You made one erroneous step, and therefore you will not have success.

King- Hurry, otherwise you will lose everything.

Lady- You will receive a decent award.

Valet- A loved one will make you sadness.

Ten- Do not start a new friendship, so that you cannot regret.

Nine- You will get a sad news.

Eight- Soon you will learn about the diseases of the face close to you.

Seven- You are waiting for praise even from nonsense.

Six- What happens what you do not expect.


Ace -believe that you will say.

King -you will get a pleasant news.

Lady -your desire will come soon.

Valet- Do not wait for your troubles in vain.

Ten- You are waiting for great happiness.

Nine- Keep your secret.

Eight- Beware of danger, it is close.

Seven- You are waiting for trouble - paying for the past.

Six- Do not be prudently so that you do not grieve.

92. Saty fortune telling with maps on fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, drag and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the floor of those who you wonder) any suit and without removing cards from the deck, spread in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be about the conceived king or lady will tell about your fate.


Chervonna:loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Bubnova:wealth; Promotional, secured and cheerful life.

Trephal:trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.

Peak suit:good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

The value of each card: Worms

Ace- love letter.

King- Passionate man.

Lady- bride.

Valet- Pleasant guest.

Ten- Love about love.

Nine- Love explanation.

Eight- Pleasure.

Seven- Fun.

Six- Merry road.


Ace- Letter.

King- Young man, groom, unhappy lover.

Lady- Young girl, windy woman.

Valet- Cash troubles.

Ten- present.

Nine- obstacle.

Eight- Hate.

Seven- infidelity.

Six- Merry road.


Ace- false rumor.

King- Married man, loyal friend.

Lady- married woman.

Valet- Good luck in affairs.

Ten- big money.

Nine- Little money.

Eight- Deception.

Seven- Lime from the treasury house.

Six- Useless road.


Ace- Sad letter, news of death.

King- Enemy.

Lady- Evil woman, gossip.

Valet- Gossip, unpleasant trouble.

Ten- disease.

Nine- Loss of a friend.

Eight- Treason, sadness.

Seven- Quarrel.

Six- Unhappy road, late road.

93. Saty fortune telling with maps to desire

Drag the card deck, pull six cards from the pack, open them and make a desire for any card that is not in these six. The remaining thirty cards are drag and lay the stacks of two, three, four, five and six cards. If the migrant card is in any stack, which means:

2 – the desire will not come true;

3 – unlikely;

4– will meet serious obstacles;

5 – maybe it will come true;

6 – surely will come true!

If the cherished card still has not fallen, then these stacks (two, three, four, five and six cards) need to be removed, and at the beginning open six cards to mix with the remaining ten cards and spread on one card, saying: "Wait-Terepi" , "Likui", "Skeil", "Mahni Hand". In which words the migrant card falls out, they will answer whether your desire will come true.

It is not recommended to work at this time, and you must at least once visit the festive service in the church. In all Orthodox churches of Russia on January 14, prayers are held in honor of the New Year.

With the transition to the Gregorian calendar, the Orthodox Church continues to celebrate the New Mountains on the old style - a week after the Nativity of Christ. From the same date, the official church church celebrations begin. And in the people at this time, it was always decided to repay, beat and have fun.

Special saturation of magical rites, fortune-laws, prognostic signs, customs and prohibitions, regulating the behavior of people, highlights the shields from the entire calendar.

This is due, firstly, the fact that the holidays were at the time of the winter solstice and comprehended as edge period between the old and new economic year; And secondly, the complex of ideas about the parish on the first day of the shin on Earth from the light of the souls of the dead and on the rampant of the unclean power from Christmas to baptism.

The invisible presence of spirits among living people allowed, in the opinion of our ancestors, to look into the future.

Saty divisions were transmitted from the genus in the genus. To accurately determine the moment of the appearance of fortune telling on the shield there is no possibility. We believe that they were assimilated and created by our ancestors for many centuries, when interacting with neighboring peoples.

According to statistics in the world, more than half of the people believes in divination and at least once in their lives turned to the fortune tellers for advice. Each person who does not resort to the help of the provincial, he can look into the future and see what he should expect in the future.

Many believe that the custom guess the shints appeared with the arrival of Christianity. But this is not the case - in ancient times, when our ancestors worshiped the pagan gods, day on January 7 was a holiday in honor of God Karachun, who symbolized the cold, darkness and winter. For popular beliefs, Slavs called on a bright, warm sun, which, that day was leaving for a meeting of the summer.

After the baptism of Russia, the pagan traditions gradually moved into the past, but the memories of the pagan festivals were preserved among people. The people believed that it was from 7 to 19 January that the unclean power had fun on Earth. Invisible perfumes were among people and could, if they correctly ask them, give an answer to any question.

So that the fortune telling was true

It is best to guess the shints after sunset. During fortune telling, there should be no cats, dogs and other pets, Poshosu that they can interfere with the spirits to give truthful answers to your questions. If you decide to use a fortune telling, in which you will need candles, it is best to buy them in the temple or church. In this case, you will be reliably protected from the dark otherworldly forces that can no longer harm you nor to hang over you, giving false answers.

In order to be completely confident in the truthfulness of predictions, be sure to read the conspiracy on the truthful fortune telling.

"In the name of the Father and Son

And the Holy Spirit.
In the sky the stars originated,
The Mother of God has declared.
As true truth
Was in their lips
In their prophetic affairs
And how are they Jesus
Birth predicted
The Savior of the World His
They ordered
So that and my fortune telling
It was truthful
And on Divo right.
In the name of the Father and Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and confessed
And forever in the ages.

Fortune telling for Christmas, old new year and baptism, of course, accurate. But if you suddenly get a bad prediction, you should not fall into despair, because the result of divination is not a sentence, but only a warning, receiving which you will be affected by the future.

If, suppose, the soda fortune telling the disease predicted - think about it, maybe you have long had to turn to the doctor for a long time.

If the perfume predicted the money losses, it is not at all the fact that you lose all - just you should take a special caution, it all rechecked and not trust everything in a row. And if you did everything right, then guessing the next time you get completely different, happy predictions.

If, after not very good divination, you feel that you are restless in your shower, You can take trouble with a special plot. Learn it by heart and read 12 times, turning face to east.


Step Holy
I rely on you,
On God's glory.
And how Greala Sia will never grumble,
So with me,
Slave of God (name),
Never happens.
I've got
Three holy sheets.
One sheet -
From true Christ.
Who possesses this sheet,
That is never burning
Does not experience.
In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and dream. And forever in the ages. Amen."

It is believed that it was in the night of January 13-14 Saty fortune telling Will be the most truthful.

Skatful fortune telling on a chain

Divination for the old new year is largely similar to conventional ducts, however, there are those that are considered specifically for this day. For example, one of the most vintage fortunes offers to open the secret of its future with the help of a chain.

It is best to spend it immediately after midnight and necessarily alone. Silver or gold chain need to take right hand, squeeze it, and then throw it on a flat solid surface, for example on the table. After that, they look at what figure was formed.

For example, if the circle lay down in the form of a circle, it symbolizes that the girl next year awaits many difficulties and she will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them.

Oval means almost the same thing, though, in a slightly softer form.

If the chain formed a flat line, it is recommended to start new things - in all of them, luck will be accompanied.

Triangles and rectangles are also signs of speedy success.

A figure that resembles his outlines of a bow, foreshadows success in love - a romantic date or an ambulance wedding, depending on whether the girl has already groom or lover.

If the chain lay on the table in the form of the letter is to a new relationship, and it will be the name of the cavaller to begin on this letter.

The snake warns about cunning and that it is not possible to trust everything, even among loved ones.

And if the chain is confused by the node, then the year will be not easy in all respects.

Fortune telling with a candle

And here is the ancient catalysis with a candle. Take a deep bowl and pour into it up to half of the water, and at the edges fasten the papers at which you first write: "I will marry this year," "I will change the job", "I will be lucky to me", "I will move to a new place of residence," I will acquire the car ", etc.

Then, to a walnut or a small wooden plate, attach a small candle and burn it. (The flame of such a candle should get to the edge of the fixed pieces of paper.) Then lower the candle on the water and see which of the paper it fell - it will be your prediction.

In general, our ancestors won on everything that only came under hand: on bulbs, brooms, apples, rings, rice, beans ...

Here, for example, an old divination on intake boards which is easy to accomplish and in our time. Razing his hands, the girl tries to grab as much boards as possible in the fence, and then he considers them: an even number of promises a quick marriage, odd - loneliness.

Fortune telling on thread

It is guessing with friends: cut off the threads of the same length and at the same time they are ignited. Whose thread burns faster than others - the girl earlier will marry everyone. If the thread will immediately go out or burn only to half, then, alas, married to get out is not destined.

Fortune telling for future life on things.
This fortune telling was very popular among young girls. Take the boot or boots and put different items: a piece of sugar, meaning a happy, haired life, a ring - marriage, a bulb - tears, a rag - a poor man, a handkerchief - a handsome husband, a coin - a pigeon-rich and so on.

Shake the boots, and then, without looking, get the first thing that came across arm, which will predict your destiny.

Prophetic dream

You can get a response to the shints with the help of prophetic dreams. To see in a dream what worries you, in the evening on Thursday, read the following conspiracy:

"Thursday with a medium,

Tuesday with Monday,
Sunday with Saturday.
Friday alone
And I, young, alone.
I'm lying in the Zion mountains,
Three angels in my heads:
One sees
Another will say.
The third fate will indicate.

Or confuse sleepthimble salt and thimblewater and swallow. Lodgesleep, tell me:
"Who is my narrowed,
Who is my oaky,
Appear to me
And drink me. "

Put the comb under the pillow (comb) and tell me before bedtime:

"Delicious-rude,Take me a head. "

For the same purpose, under the pillow, put four card kings (worm, tambourous, trephy and peak) and read this conspiracy:

"Who is my narrowed-rude,That dream of me in a dream. "

Put a small bowl with water under the bed, on which put a wooden wand. And before going to bed it should be said:

"Durable, come me through the bridge to translate."

If you do not trust weathered dreams, go to church and, putting a candle there, tell me: " Lord, remove everyone too much and went to those who need. "

Appeal to the houses on the shield

In the dots per reply, you can contact the house, and if you come to this seriously, the keeper the home hearth will give you a truthful answer to any of your question. To find out about the house about the future in Vasilyev evening (January 13) pour a little fresh milk in a saucer and put it in front of the entrance door. After that, take a candle bought in advance in the church and melt the wax with it. Firmly refer to the houses, pronounced plotting words over milk:

"House, my owner,
Come under the threshold,
Drink milk
Eating wax. "

Taking the last word pour in a saucer with milk wax with candles. Wax figure frozen on the surface of milk will predict your destiny. Horseshoe promise prosperity, a star - receiving long-awaited news and good luck in business, a cross - a heavy illness or funeral, a flower - love or a wedding, a kind of beast - the appearance of an enemy, etc. Wax, frozen on the surface of milk strips, means a long road, moving .

Card fortune telling

Well, how about the shints not to pay on the maps? Drag a deck of thirty-six cards, focusing on the question of interest. Arbitrarily (without choosing) Explodulate a deck on three handhes.

Then remove one card from each hand to the bottom, one card from the middle and remove the top card. (All you have to get nine cards.)

Spread them in the sequence in which they took: at the beginning three lower cards, then cards taken from the middle, and finally the upper cards. Look at them.

What is more: people (kings, ladies, currencies), small cards (with six tens) or aces? If all aces or two aces and two cards with the image of people have fallen out in the scenario, your desire will be fulfilled.

One ace and one card with the image of a person, and all the other cards are small - predicate the strained relationships in the family, various troubles.

If three aces are falling and one card with the image of a person - you will have or have strong enemies.

Four ladies promise serious quarrels with a loved one and generally problems in personal life.

Four kings mean success.

Four valves warn of severe, useless work and empty troubles.

One ace, one king, one lady, one currency and minor cards promote the most ordinary life, without any good joys, but also without sovereign.

Some small cards - failure, your desire will not turn, but you should not be upset: there will be a holiday on your street.

And at the end of the article on the sinic fortune telling, I would like to warn everyone who will predict your destiny in the approaching shields - do not guess for the same thing several times in a row (this applies to everyone without exception to fortunes). Otherwise, the perfume still will tell you what you want to hear, but then for a long time will deceive you.

No one can overcome the highest strength, no matter how hard he tried. Therefore, starting to fortunate, try to focus as best as possible on the process and clearly formulate the question, the answer to which you want to know.

Workshop "Mystical Old New Year"