Rosette at the ends of the lines on the arm. Preparing hands for fortune telling

If you have been interested in the lines on your hand and their meaning for a long time, then you should definitely pay attention to one of the fortune telling systems - palmistry... Thanks to this science, you will not only learn what the lines on your palms can mean, but also be able to predict the future for others. We will analyze the basics of palmistry for beginners, and photo examples will help us with this.

What is palmistry?

As already mentioned, palmistry - a fortune telling system, which takes as a basis the natural lines located on the palms of each person. It is not completely clear why a person needs such drawings on his hands, which gave rise to a large aura of mystery around this phenomenon. Palmistry came from paganism, trying to explain the purpose of the lines, and still successfully helps people predict the future and simply describe a person's character.

To understand the personality of a person, his talents, potential and the likelihood of certain events in the future, you will have to learn correctly recognize and interpret patterns on the palms. It is important to see not only the main clear lines, but to remember the location and meaning of small dashes, which are not even noticeable in every person. It is not very difficult to become a good palmist; it is enough to devote a lot of time to this lesson and use large amounts of high-quality information.

First look at the hands

Before reading the various dashes and stripes, it is worth starting with the hands themselves. In palmistry, it is believed that they are the map of our lives, and all paths are drawn by the very nervous system... That is why it is so important for the palmist to examine the palms completely, attaching importance to every little thing.

  • Take the person's hand and feel their skin. If it is rough and dense, then the person speaks and thinks directly to the point. Refined people will have cold and soft hands.
  • Take a close look at the shape of the palm. Long and graceful hand would rather belong to an impressionable and slightly suspicious person. A square palm is more inherent in people with a practical outlook on life. If the palm is rectangular, then we can talk about a cheerful and emotional person.
  • Do not ignore the length of your fingers. If they are short, then the person is energetic and treats everything rather superficially. Long fingers have purposeful pedants, stubbornly pursuing their goal. If the fingers are of medium length, then the character of their owner is in balance.
  • It only remains look at the skin of the hands: its flexibility, color and density.

Coming back to the lines, be sure to look at their color. If they are all pale, then in the person himself there is very little vital energy, but in his life - an asset. A reddish tint indicates optimism and positive emotions. Yellowish about liver diseases, which indicates that a person is rather closed in himself, and his life cannot be called happy.

Too dark stripes are also not a sign of good, because it characterizes vindictive and vindictive personalities. Most often, such people are not only restrained in the manifestation of feelings, but also arrogant in relation to others.

Learning to read basic lines

First stripes worth talking about - the main... Almost everyone who has ever heard of palmistry knows about them, and it is not at all difficult to find them. It is believed that these lines show different things depending on the hand. The active hand, which is used for writing and eating, can tell the palmist about those qualities of a person that have changed during his life, about deviations. The passive hand will show innate talents, character traits and qualities of a person.

Only by comparing both hands can one understand how much a person has worked on himself, as well as how positively his personality has changed since birth. Only a comparative image can show a complete picture of life, and it is extremely important that the palmist knows exactly which of the hands is active and which is passive. The very method of fortune telling along the main lines consists of the following stages:

Find the four main lines

This type of drawing includes lines that are responsible for heart, head, life and destiny, and the latter is not present on all palms. Finding each is not very difficult, because they are the best drawn and have the greatest length.

The line of the heart is located horizontally on top of the palm, it is very noticeable and begins approximately between the index and middle fingers. The band responsible for the head or mind is the most obvious and is located in the middle of your palm. A line of life is drawn around the base of the thumb, well, and the line of fate lies just vertically, perpendicular to the first two.

Examine your heart line

First of all, this drawing is responsible for your physical and mental condition... This means that the line can show at what interval in your life you will experience severe illness or emotional upheaval.

It can be read in any direction, it doesn't matter if you start with your little finger or index finger. But the interpretation of the picture depends on the direction, and it is explained as follows:

  • If the path of the line begins with the index finger, then this indicates your carefulness in choosing a partner and friends. You are extremely selective and attentive.
  • If the road goes from the middle finger, then you are too selfish in relation to people in your personal life.
  • People whose heart line begins in the middle between the fingers are quite amorous in life.
  • If your trait is not very noticeable, then emotions mean little to you. You often distance yourself from people and don't really open up to them.
  • There is no line at all - it means that in life, logic is in the first place for you, dominating over emotions.
  • The shorter and straighter the strip, the less meaning in life you attach to such a feeling as love.
  • But the great length and many bends speak of freedom in expressing your feelings with the help of emotions.
  • The wavy pattern shows flexibility and frivolity in relationships with partners, of which a person should have quite a lot in his entire life.
  • A line parallel to the head line, like its straightforwardness, speaks of the ability to control emotions and feelings, lowering their importance below rational behavior.
  • The contact of the lines of the heart and life can indicate great vulnerability or even resentment.
  • An abrupt interruption of the drawing, possibly accompanied by small dashes, suggests that the person could or may have suffered great emotional trauma.
  • A closed heart line means depression.

Examine your line of mind

This line is called differently, but it always means your talent and giftedness, the manner of communicating with others, the desire for knowledge and learning, and the way of thinking. Also, this trait can indicate the physical state of consciousness and specifically the brain, including diseases.

It is worth decrypting this strip like this:

  • If she has no beginning at all, then the owner of such a strip of mind should be called slow and lazy.
  • A barely visible head line means poor memory and very poor concentration.
  • On the contrary, a very clear stripe can speak of the ability to quickly memorize and high concentration, as well as the ability to approach everything rationally and with reason.
  • If the head line is short, then its owner is distinguished by a practical outlook on life and a desire to speak to the point.
  • A rather long strip speaks of the ability to quickly concentrate on one's goals and great success in any endeavors, although this often echoes selfishness.
  • A straight line can mean that its owner is a realist, guided by logic and able to competently organize not only his space, but also his schedule and even thoughts in his head. He tries to be attentive to detail.
  • Frequent waves indicate anxiety and absent-mindedness of a person.
  • If the line of the head goes down or is simply rather curved, then its owner is a very extraordinary creative person.
  • Do the lines of life and mind intersect? This speaks of the great and strong will of man.
  • On the other hand, separated from each other traits can mean that you like to travel and change your location, and besides, you are just extremely cheerful.
  • If the drawing is interrupted, then a heap of inconsistent thoughts is swarming in your head. Such small islands indicate that conflict is growing inside you, and you are experiencing emotional difficulties.
  • Intersections with other small dashes can show that it is the important decisions of the person himself that will strongly influence his fate.

Study your life line.

Some people misunderstand what this strip is responsible for: it does not show how many years you will have to live, it is responsible for how will you live, for your life energy... Of course, a very long and bright streak can talk about longevity, but in general, the life line talks about your physical health, vitality, the most important decisions in your life.

The interpretation of the figure is as follows:

  • Do not be afraid if there is no line at all, it just means that you are extremely tense and nervous, always in the wrong place.
  • A barely noticeable drawing may indicate that there is little vital energy in you, so it's difficult to talk about special feats and overcoming yourself.
  • Obviously, a pronounced trait shows that you live in harmony with yourself, it does not matter if it is an adventure or a measured life.
  • The longer and deeper the strip, the more health and vitality there is in a person.
  • If the line is deep, but meek, then you still do not occupy yourself with health, and you can easily overcome any problems associated with your physical condition.
  • Kinks and waves can indicate that the wearer has a very large amount of energy.
  • Directness, especially complemented by the fact that the line fits very close to the edge of the palm, speaks of special caution.
  • The streak next to your thumb means you get tired easily.
  • If you see a drawing of a clear semicircle, then this indicates the great enthusiasm of its owner.
  • Interestingly, a person may have more than one streak of life, which indicates a very large supply of vital energy.
  • If the line is interrupted at least once, then you had or is only waiting for you enough major change lifestyle related to something.
  • It may be such that the line is interrupted on both hands at once, and then this indicates that on the way you will encounter a serious physical injury or a lingering illness.
  • The presence of circles and chains in the figure suggests that diseases and problems with the physical condition can change a person's life in different directions.

Examine your fate line

If you're lucky enough to have a fate line, then you can see what it tells you about how much you will be. successful, is your career going well, and what is your calling. Often, it is this drawing that gives the palmist to understand what awaits a person in the future. In general, the streak of fate speaks of those factors that will influence a person's life, and the impact of which he cannot control.

  • A deep and pronounced line of fate suggests that its owner controls in to a greater extent fate than himself.
  • If the beginning of the streak is a feature of life, then a person tries to achieve everything himself early enough, formulating his life goals and attitudes already at a young age.
  • A strip connecting to the life line in the middle means that you will have to stop in the middle of your journey and abandon your own interests for the sake of other people.
  • If this trait originates at the base of the thumb, we can talk about a very strong bond with family and friends.
  • Changing its direction or intermittent streak speaks of a large number of life twists and turns and changes associated with uncontrollable circumstances.

Learning to read the rest of the important lines

Of course, the lines above are the most popular, almost everyone knows about them, but main lines total eight... This includes the lines of health, fame, marriage, money, and travel, among others. It will be harder to find them because they are not so well spelled out, but it is still possible. However, be prepared for the fact that some of their stripes will simply not be.

The health line should start just below the little finger and extend right across the palm to the base of the thumb. The streak of fame runs perpendicular to the previous one and parallel to the line of fate from the base of the palm to the index finger. The drawing responsible for the marriage should be below the little finger - this is one or many small lines. Money is completely traced in different places of the palm, and you need to find it according to the situation of each person. There remains only a strip of travel, which usually originates from the edge of the palm on the dais, located opposite the thumb, and goes horizontally.

In classical palmistry, 6 lines are main, and 8 more are secondary.

And now we will learn how to decipher these strips.

Explore your health line

This line already shows more clearly what material wealth awaits a person in his life. If the streak of life is not very clear, then it is this line that will tell how good your health will be. If a person does not have traits of fate or success, then this one can add the chances of increasing the material well-being of its owner.

It is worth interpreting the picture of health in this way:

  • If there is no line at all, then most likely you do not suffer from special health problems, which will continue further in life.
  • The line is clear and uninterrupted - you have a clear ability to manage and run a business. A strong will and ability to work hard are motivated in you by the desire to make money.
  • A wavy pattern speaks of great stress, which leads to illness and simply poor health.
  • If the line is interrupted, then its owner is not in good health or often gets in trouble in doing business.
  • It is unfortunate if the strip is crossed by other lines - the owner of such a pattern attracts accidents.
  • If from the strip itself dashes creep in different directions, but towards old age there will be many difficulties and, most importantly, dangers on a person's life path.
  • The picture enclosed in a square speaks of the protection of a person with treatment or of outside help in doing business.
  • A drawn double circle with an interrupted line may indicate a need for hospitalization.
  • If, together with the lines of life and the head, this forms a triangle, then many successful coincidences of circumstances await its owner in life. Moreover, the level of luck depends on the size of the angle.

When decoding this trait, pay attention to the line of the head, comparing them with each other.

Explore your fame line

This trait will tell you what success in society and what awards can you get In my life. She will immediately tell the palmist of a person who has yet to become famous and successful.

It reads like this:

  • A clear and bright stripe will mean good success in an activity that you enjoy very much.
  • The absence of a line suggests that you should not seek fame, but pay attention to other interests. You will be successful at something else that does not attract the attention of the general public in particular.
  • A strip that breaks repeatedly means a large number of projects, and alternately successful and unsuccessful, in the opinion of others.
  • The drawing coming from the index finger suggests that its owner can become famous in the field of art.
  • If the drawing starts from the line of the mind, especially if it goes through the line of the heart, then this speaks of great work man and his significant success in adulthood.
  • The strip bifurcating in different directions at the end means that the final success will be rather ambiguous for you.
  • If the line of fame ends with a drawing of an asterisk or a triangle located just below the ring finger, then here we can talk about recognition by society in acting, singing or dancing.
  • If it is drawn in the same place, but already in the form of a square, then some influential and wealthy person will help you.

Also, this strip in classical palmistry is called the line of the Sun.

Examine your marriage line

Many rulers and dashes located at the base of the little finger are responsible for relationship with a partner and personal life... They can show not only how many marriages there will be in the life of their owner, but also the number of children. In addition, some show even unhappy relationships, as well as unrequited love.

Decrypting them is not at all difficult:

  • The closer the drawing is to the base of the little finger, the later you will enter into a relationship with your partner.
  • Having a lot of weak points means having several romances or even intrigues.
  • If you see very clear and deep stripes, then they will show the number of marriages.
  • A large number of intersecting lines speak of many betrayals, and it is on your part.
  • If instead of them you see non-intersecting lines, then these are most likely your common children.
  • Stripes that extend beyond the hand on back side show you the length of your relationship - it will be long.
  • If at the end the strip branches out, then you will surely be parting, perhaps even a divorce.
  • A pattern ending in a perpendicular strip can mean that your partner will either divorce you under traumatic conditions, or die altogether.
  • If several lines are interrupted, but after they begin to overlap each other, then this clearly shows you that after parting you will get back together with your partner.

It is worth knowing that this drawing is also called the Belt of Venus.

Many have heard and know what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to guess by hand. But no less important is the timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the life line.

What is the life line and where is it located

The life line is an arc that is in the palm of every person. It starts between the thumb and forefinger and runs down to the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as vitality, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person's stamina and energy.

The more clearly delineated the line of life and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the hill of Venus, thus directly connecting with life energy and strength. The closer to thumb the life line is located, the more likely a person can develop such qualities as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the line of life

Often people seeing short line life, they are afraid that a person will not live long. In fact, this is not the case. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, the drawing on the hands can change throughout life. This means that negative events that were read on your hand and associated with some dangerous incident may soften or disappear over time.

There are several ways to tell about a person's age at the time of any event, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This will be an indicator of age 35.

There is another way to roughly determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find a point closer to the base of your thumb, where the life line begins to curve around it. This is an approximate mark of 70 years. You can measure the length of your lifeline (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period from 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Gap on the lifeline: it is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. It can be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to extenuating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the line of life: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It is good if he, as it were, encloses a gap within himself on the life line. In this case, the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with a difficult situation. If he is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It may be a monastery, or it may be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illness and hospitalization.

Drawings often found next to the life line

Sister line: walks next to the life line, sitting a little closer to the thumb. It often starts from the very beginning, but it can take place at any part of your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from evil influences.

Concern lines: most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb in the direction of the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can be located in a certain area. These are the lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will give you a lot of trouble and worries.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even recognize. Still, this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should ...

Having started to study all the "roads", probably everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Each branch and every stroke on it means something and can say a lot to the owner of the hand. For beginners in this business, it is especially difficult to cope with additional features in the palm of your hand. To help a novice palmist gain some knowledge in this area, you need to understand what palmistry is, study the lines on the hand and decipher every detail in the palm of your hand.

Where to start

First of all, you need to know which hand palmists read for women and men. Basically, fortune-telling takes place on the dominant palm: for a left-hander, it will be the left hand, and for right-handers, it will be read on the right. First, you need to focus on the 4 main lines of the palm:

  • Heart or love line.
  • Head or mind line.
  • Line of fate.
  • Life line and road.

Heart and love line

The lines of heart and love can be deciphered as follows:

Mind road in the palm of your hand

The mental strip is considered one of the main positions in the palm. A lot can be said about personality along this line. The path of the mind indicates the intellectual level and character of a person.

The line of the mind can speak of the following:

Life line meaning

This trait indicates general physical condition., including health, as well as various vital human decisions:

  • Physical injury.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Various cataclysms.

You can decipher the life lines on the hand in this way:

Decoding the streak of fate

The streak of fate can tell the following about a person:

Additional branches on the arm

In addition to the main branches in the palm, there are auxiliary branches, they are no less important, they cannot be ignored while reading the palm:

The trait of marriage and family

Decoding of marriage dashes:

It is worth noting that if at the end of the marriage path there are some additional signs that process the main line, then this confirms the break with your partner.

Health bar in palmistry

The health bar can say this:

How to learn about fame and success

But what can also mean a streak of fame and success. For the most part, this indicates a person's life achievements. If we talk about the correct strip, then it should start from the wrist and go through the entire palm to ring finger... A clear, correct and straight line indicates that a person is absolutely happy in his life. A fuzzy line speaks of an empty waste of strength and energy, and also that a person does not know how to concentrate on necessary things. If the trait is absent at all, then this indicates frequent disappointments in life, but the person is very talented.

Money and wealth: the ability to make money

It should be noted right away that the welfare streak does not in any way indicate a financial position. She can only point to a person's ability to make money or suggest how this can be done.

The life line on the hand is considered the most important. It begins to form on the palm of the embryo at the age of eight weeks. This strip cannot predict the date of death, it only determines the supply of vital energy and is not a sign of centenarians. Throughout the years appearance and the marks on the line change. Most often this happens on the right hand, which is responsible for events that we ourselves influence. It is necessary to read signs, marks and the life trait itself in combination with other drawings on the hand.

Appearance and main characteristics

Where is our lifeline? It originates between the index and thumbs, then bends in an arc and goes down to the wrist. The branch divides the palm into two uneven parts. Sometimes, at the start, it can be closely intertwined with the head line, go to the hill of Jupiter. The ideal life line is long, of medium depth, clear, it completely surrounds the mound of Venus, there are no signs or breaks on it, the line is the same on both hands.

Fortune telling by hand begins with an assessment of the main characteristics. Palmistry along the line of life is able to read a lot. Here are their short description and designation:

  • A long lifeline on the hand means a large supply of strength and energy, which can be rationally used for many years. The life of its owner will be harmonious and stable. It is important to remember that the length of your lifeline does not tell you how long you will live. Its duration often changes.
  • Short life line. Its owner has a small energy reserve, his health is weak, but his path can be very simple and easy. A lot of such people are given just like that, they are very lucky, but a little frivolous. Children have a short branch, but then years can lengthen it. If the line is shortened, then hard times await the owner.
  • A wide life line and its interpretation can show that the owner will have a long and happy life... They are realists and have their feet firmly on the ground, although they are not devoid of emotion. Personal and professional life is going well. If the life line looks too wide in the palm of your hand, then the person has a stormy, even slightly aggressive temperament.
  • Average thickness. This life line is on the hand of a successful and energetic person. He does not like to be frank with people, hides his emotions in order to seem to everyone a realist and pragmatist. But his soul is gentle, kind and sensitive.
  • Deepened life line is a trait strong-willed people who know exactly what they want from life. Often they have to face difficulties, but they go to the goal, in spite of any obstacles. If such a trait is also red, then you are facing a domineering personality with pronounced leadership qualities.
  • Shallow, thin and narrow branch. The supply of vital energy is weak, its owner can be advised to rest more, to correctly calculate his strength.

Sometimes there is a thin second line next to the main branch. What is it and how to understand it? Such a line of life in palmistry is called a double, and an additional branch is called a sister line. The owner of the hand has an additional reserve of energy that he can use in critical situations. If the dash-sister appears over the years, then its owner is seriously carried away by religion, spiritual development, has received a new profession.

Beginning and the end

Palmistry draws Special attention where on the hand the life line begins and ends. This characteristic tells a lot about the owner of the hand, his nature and fate.


For most people, the life line begins on the hand in the interval of a large and forefinger... Here it is clearly visible, no matter what type and duration are further. But a branch can start in different ways. It also interacts in different ways with the branch of the mind, which also originates in this place. Here are some examples worth checking out:

  • The life line and the head line begin at one point, but one barely touches the other and quickly diverges. The figure shows sane people with the right approach to life.
  • The two lanes merge in a large area with full overlap. Before you is a dependent person who lives at the behest of his elders, too much attached to his parents. If the life line on the right hand is connected to the line of the mind in a smaller area than on the left, it means that during the life the owner leaves the parental care.
  • The intersection of two branches, when the streak of life begins closer to the index finger, means the presence of great ambition. If the dash begins on the very hillock of Jupiter, you are in front of a power-hungry person who loves praise and flattery.
  • The life line starts in the palm of your hand above the hill of Jupiter. These people are proud, at the same time touchy and quick-tempered. They always want to be bosses, they are able to work hard to achieve a high position.
  • The stripe begins at the thumb, far from the head line. In such people, feelings are little controlled by the mind, they are impulsive and unrestrained, often aggressive and cruel. If the distance between two lines is small, on the contrary, it is a sign of a harmonious personality with a firm position and moral principles.
  • When the stripe does not leave the thumb, it shows an amorous person, inclined to idealize his companion.

Depending on which hand the life line is looking at, its interpretation changes. The right palm is the events of these and future days, the left palm is the past. It is important for us to see the picture on both hands in order to find out more information.


Palmistry pays no less attention to the finish of the life line. In the classic version, the band ends at the wrist. It can be shorter and longer, it can be wrapped in one direction or another. Here are the main varieties with examples:

  • On the hill of the moon. People with such a branch are very restless and fussy. They love to dream, make plans that almost never come true.
  • On the Mount of Venus. The owner of such a palm needs the support of family and friends, regardless of age. He is attached to his parental family, only in the circle of relatives he feels calm and confident.
  • A wide fork at the end. The hand belongs to a sociable person who adores vivid impressions. He loves to travel, often changes friends and lovers, lives like in a movie. Often, in old age, he remains lonely, since he could not find a soul mate.
  • The bifurcation of the line at the beginning and the connection at the end is also typical for change lovers.
  • There is a small fork at the end. Such a forked life line belongs to dreamers with a developed mind and imagination. They constantly come up with new ideas, but they are not always able to make them real. When difficulties arise, they become discouraged, they do not have enough strength to resist.
  • Branching at the end. The owner of the palm is very absent-minded, constantly moves from one case to another, does not invest in the schedule, because of this he is haunted by failures.
  • Another situation arises if the life line is abruptly interrupted by a trident, and not just forks. The triple fork will tell us that the owner has many casual love affairs, they cannot choose their spouses in any way. Though family life, for such a person is of little importance, she also cannot correct him.
  • Small strokes at the end. Before you is a sensitive person who perceives other people's problems and joys to heart. He knows how to sympathize and always comes to the rescue in difficult times.
  • A completely forked and slightly crooked branch portends a rich and prosperous life. True, the fortune is often acquired in a dishonest way. The owner of the hand is a dark person, he is characterized by a complete lack of principles.

If the life line is cut off abruptly, serious trouble can await its owner. It is important to understand which hand is used to look at the life line when fortune-telling. The picture on the right may be completely different than on the left.

Location and breaks

The line of life in palmistry and its meaning is largely determined by its location in the palm of your hand and integrity. Sometimes bends in one direction or another, deviations are visible on the line. It also happens that at some point the branch is interrupted, and then continues again. It is very important to correctly read the gap in the life line, they are not harbingers of imminent death, their decoding is more difficult.

Palm position

Let's see how and where the life line on our hand can come from. Which means if it passes through the palm with an offset, almost straight or vice versa, it bends strongly. All of these options are important characteristic personalities, predict the turns of fate. Check out some examples:

  • Offset of the lifeline on the hand to the middle of the palm. Such a branch bends in a steep arc and can even reach the lunar hillock. By this hand, you can recognize a person whose thoughts are difficult to understand, her ideas are ahead of their time, such people are often persecuted.
  • The life line on the palm bends smoothly, runs almost in the center of the palm. Speaks about the abundance of vitality and energy in women and men.
  • Offset of the branch towards the thumb, almost a straight line of life. Before you people are fearful, like children, insecure, dependent on someone else's opinion.
  • There is a displacement towards the hill of Jupiter. Such a life line denotes ambitious and strong people striving for power, success. They are charismatic, they know how to lead others.
  • Crossed or contiguous branches of fate and life are characteristic of people who constantly miss their opportunities. They are pessimists, but will you rejoice here?

Much depends on which hand the lifeline is on. We cultivate some qualities in ourselves, this is displayed on our right palm... They do not always correspond to natural inclinations; they can change both for the better and for the worse.


The life line and deciphering its meaning is not easy, especially for beginners. Very often, a breakup is viewed as a sign of death, but this is not entirely true. It is better if there is no such sign in the palm of your hand. But its presence is not yet a verdict. It is important to look at what the other part of the line looks like after the break. So, here are some detailed explanations with examples:

  • One break in the life line in the middle of the palm. Before you is a person who is always dissatisfied with his life. Grunt, criticizes others, or complains constantly. Such a sign can also warn of illness, sudden changes in life or serious problems.
  • The interrupted line after the break became clearer. The tests will be beneficial, give strength and self-confidence.
  • The line weakens. Problems or illnesses will seriously undermine the health of the owner of the palm, he will never return to its previous state.
  • If the life line first breaks and then moves to the center of the palm, life will become brighter, richer and more active than before.
  • The shift of the line to the first finger reveals the desire to retire, to live calmly and measuredly.
  • Thin and discontinuous life line. Its owner is in very poor health. When, instead of a line, there are small dashes - this means that you have a nervous and impressionable person, with many psychological problems.

If the transition beyond the gap is very unfavorable, the life line is corrected. To do this, you need to finish the missing area with henna or an ordinary pen. The branch extension is done in the same way in order to postpone the time of death. If there are gaps on the left hand, but there are no gaps on the right, then their owner had problems growing up and conflicts with their parents.

Branches and parallel dashes

During fortune-telling, you can see many small lines on the hand. They all interact with the life line in different ways. Some cross it, others parallel to it. Often, small ones branch off from the main branch and go to the tubercles or the wrist. Let's see what the life line is and how it is interpreted in palmistry, taking into account additional branches.

  • Small strokes with inside as if there are many life lines. You will be looking for contact with the owner of the hand for a long time, even though he looks benevolent. His circle of friends is very narrow and time-tested.
  • The life line resembles a spruce twig, has small shoots going up. The owner is haunted by problems and troubles all his life, but he knows how to resist them and copes well with difficulties.
  • The "spruce branch" directed downward characterizes a gifted person, stubborn and courageous. Such people set high goals for themselves, live by their achievement. Unfortunately, they are interested in everything in a row, they cannot concentrate on one thing, because of this they fail.
  • Branches going up are typical for intellectuals with developed analytical thinking. They are incredulous, a bit snobbish, loners.
  • Branches going down. When the life line takes the form of a zigzag, it means this is a conscientious, affable person, but very weak. When the branches are located opposite each other, then their owner is a freedom-loving and independent person.
  • The line is crossed by numerous perpendicular strokes, as if someone drew them under a ruler. This is a sign of an insecure and indecisive person who often gets upset over little things. His words and actions will give in to analysis and understanding, but without result.
  • Two deep transverse lines cross the branch. The hand of a dreamer, very gentle and condescending. He always makes concessions to others, prefers spiritual communication to physical intimacy. When there are three lines - in front of you is a temperamental person who has difficulty controlling his emotions.
  • Rays like a comet, coming from the mound of Venus through the strip of life. Such people are characterized by frequent mood swings. They are prone to cheating, do not know how to concentrate on important matters.
  • An offshoot towards Jupiter is characteristic of ambitious people with pronounced leadership qualities, confidently going towards their goal.
  • An offshoot to Saturn on the arm. For such people, money is the most important thing in life. They are smart and dexterous, they easily handle risky, but very profitable financial transactions.
  • An offshoot towards Mercury characterizes its owner as welcoming and easy-going. Such people know how to negotiate, make useful contacts, so they earn good money.
  • The slope towards the sunny hill is typical of artistic natures who like to be in the spotlight.
  • A twig towards the mound of Mars. Here is a charismatic leader who knows how to lead people perfectly. He is not friends with money, he is able to squander any fortune, since he does not deny himself anything.

When reading additional lines and strokes, it is important not to confuse them with weak branches. These additional markings may appear or disappear throughout life. This means that a person actively influences his own destiny.

Signs on the hand

Signs on the life line can be from birth or appear over the years. In most cases, they warn of diseases and dangers. Sometimes such marks can speak of sharp turns of fate, problems, or vice versa, luck. Here's how palmistry interprets the signs on the palm and what they mean:

  • The island at the beginning of the life line warns of frequent illnesses, lack of vital energy. Such people really need the support of close and good friends. An oval, a fish or an island in the middle of a line speaks of a sudden illness or loss of strength.
  • Several islets at the beginning of a branch or an eight means possible problems with the justice authorities, about which you can forget, if you do not get involved in dubious enterprises.
  • The chain of islands speaks of a contradictory and difficult character, weakness, the need for approval of their actions. If there is a division between the islands, then there will be prosperous periods in life.
  • The cross speaks of a difficult period of life. If there are several crosses, they are at the very beginning of the branch, then their owner is an esthete, in him the features of a romantic and a pragmatist are combined.
  • The lattice is found on the life line of people who are careless, idle, who have no goal, they live for one day and do not know how to look into the future.
  • The triangle speaks of diplomatic ability. The owner of such a sign easily finds a common language with people, in life he is guided by reason, not intuition.
  • The star warns of trauma, emotional breakdowns. Like a gap in the life line, a star on an arm, right or left, should be evaluated in conjunction with the characteristics of the branch after it. If it has become more pronounced, then after the misfortune, strength will be added. The star on the inside of the line speaks of cowardice, unscrupulousness.
  • Points along the entire life line speak of fragile health, a tendency to bleeding.
  • The square is considered a protective sign on the life line. The quadrangle negates the effect of other marks, all threats are bypassed. Protection is especially strong if an unfavorable sign is surrounded by a rhombus, inscribed in a square.

Sometimes a scar, a black mole or white spots appear on the life line. They must be looked at in conjunction with the entire palm pattern. Signs can appear or disappear on the life line, this is worth paying special attention to. It is also important to calculate the time of an event. How the dating of the life line is carried out will be discussed in the next section.

Time and age on the line of life

Life is not as easy to read in the palm of your hand as it seems. After all, it contains events that happen in different time by date. To accurately determine when to expect happiness or unhappiness, you need to correctly determine the dates. It is conventionally considered that the line corresponds to 75 years. Classic palmistry recommends measuring the branch and dividing it into fifteen sections, each corresponding to five years. Accordingly, we can predict the event with an accuracy of 5 years.

You can learn to read the meaning of the lines on the hand from photos and videos. But it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. After all, palmistry is not an easy science, not everyone can see life at a glance. Many gain experience over the years, and still make mistakes. An incorrect prediction or interpretation of the life line can completely change fate. It is worth starting fortune-telling when you are completely confident in your abilities. One can believe in palmistry or not, one can guess whether it is true, but it helped many to look at themselves and life in a different way.

- a science that makes it possible, thanks to the deciphering of lines in the palm of your hand, to learn a lot interesting information about a human. Today everyone can decipher a drawing on their hand without leaving home.

Lines on the palm - meaning on the left hand

The left hand is considered passive, but this does not apply to left-handers. Palmists believe that the lines on this hand reflect everything that is given to a person from birth.

What do the main lines on the palm of the left hand mean:

  1. Life Line... The most important feature that will tell about a person's attitude to life and to himself. It also contains information about the state of health. It is worth noting that along this line it is impossible to say how many years a person will live.
  2. Mind line... By analyzing its position, one can understand the mental abilities of a person, which are inherent in him by nature. This line on the left palm also indicates willpower and tells how a person sees his life.
  3. Heart Line... On it you can get general characteristics a person and, first of all, about his emotional state... Another line will give information about the state of the heart.
  4. Line of Fate... Not all people have it, because not everyone accepts and understands their purpose in life. The line may appear at a more conscious age.
  5. Line of happiness... Understanding what the lines on the left palm mean, it is impossible to miss this trait, since it is considered the most auspicious. She is able to give a person the present and the ability to correctly perceive the world around him.
  6. Health Line... Allows you to determine the real state of human health. In addition, the line will tell you about the emotional state.
  7. Marriage Line... Helps to understand how many relationships a person will have. Sharp lines represent marriage, while less prominent lines represent romantic relationships. It is impossible to determine the exact time of marriage by it.